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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1907)
THE . OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1907. . . . i . a . i w a a a ti I a p-1 r m r r rr n nr&iv Want - ads ' AJmtlifmMli for the want-ad aolnmns will te takes nntll 13 m. for lb evening? edition aatll ft . m. far the moraine? aad Banday editions. Cash mast aeeomnany nil orders far wnnt-ads and aa nd vertlaement will Re neepfed for leas thaa IO cents for tbe Mr. 4 Insertion. ' ' Rates apply ta either Tha Dally a Banday Bf. Always ronnt six word ta a line. Camblaatloaa of laltlala ar aambera Mt aa aaa ward. CASH RATBd FOR WAXT-AT)".. RROtLAIt CLAMlFICATlon One ln aartloa. ner liar, IO nts. Two ar nore eooserotlve Insertions, aer line, eenta. Keen laaertlaa made on odd days, IO eeata per llae. "1.BO aer llae par month. gPECIAI, CLAMIFICATIOSS If year advertisement la laaerted aader aay aaa of tba clneelnVatlene srtven below. It will be cbnrn-ed at tbe following; ratea I Oaa laaertlaa, 4 eeata aer llaei tbree ta six eonseentlve Ineer tloaa, S eeata per llae eaeh laaertloal aeyea ar more eoaaeeatlye laaertloaa. eeata per llae each laaertloal SO tents per llae per month. BARTER AI KICHAHOE. mIEg mfE. v nRLP WAJTKD-FKMAIE. HELP WAITEIVMAtB. Kseept Aareata, Bolleltora aad galeamea. OFFERED FOR gALKl Cows, Blrda, Data aad Peta. Horace aad Vehicles. Poaltry aad Eni. Faraltare. pianos, Orarana aad Mnaleal ln at real eat a. Typewriters aad Sewing ' Ma chines. Mlaeellaaeaaa. OFFERED FOR REHTl Faralahed Room. I'afaralabed Rooms. I HoaaekeeplnaT Roeme. Boarding; aad Rooms. WANTED TO BUT. ' DV ANTED TO RENT. ; SITUATIONS WANTED. CASH RATES FOR HOTICES. Death aad Faaeral Kotleea, Cards of Thanks and Lodae Notleea, T eeata per llae for oae edltloa, morula or rvenlngri 8 eeata a llae for eaeh addi tional edltloa. Snaday, IO cents a line. No ad taken for leaa thaa M eenta. BRANCH OFFICES. Waat-ada for The Bee may be left at any of tha following; drag stores one la "roar eoraer dmgarlst" they re all branch offices of The Bee aad yoor ad will be laaerted Jaat aa promptly aad aa tbe aame ratea as at the mala office la The Bee Batldlng, Seventeenth aad Farnam streets. Albach, W. C 40th and Farnam. Beram-k. 8. A., 1402 8. 16th St. Decht's Pharmacy, 720 8. ltith 8U Kenaun Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Uemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Coming. Caughlln, C. R.. th and Pierce 8U. Clifton iilll Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conta, J. B., Ulat Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak. Emil, 1264-4) 8. 13th St. Kant man Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. iChler, F. H., 2802 Leavenworth. . Foster it Arnoldl, 211 N. 25th Bt Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th 8t. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. rVilriman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake St. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and J'acltlc. Greenough, G. A., 1026 B. 10th Bt Greenougn, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C. 2930 Farnam Bt. Hanscom Park Phar., 1601 B. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. ltith Bt. Huff, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth BC King. H. 8., 2i38 Farnam Bt. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, It. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Haratoff. Dm Pn.. 24th and Amea Ave. Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 10th ana) Chicago. Pchaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th Bt. Bchmldt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Bta. Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Bts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bts. Wlrth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bt. IARRIAGB LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been granted: Name and Residence. Age. Watson F. RuBsell. Omaha 3 Mary Oasklll. Omaha 47 Arthur E. Lunberg. Oakland 27 Josephine N. Shellberg. Omaha It John F. Rhodes. Omaha 23 Ida M. Eastham, Ottumwa, la 82 Robert Lawaon, Omaha 22 Anna Kludslkofsky, Oeorgia 20 Jack Harlry, South Omaha 33 Frances Williams. South Omaha 31 Roy Raker. Omaha 23 (Madge burke, Omaha 2n BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following births and deaths were re ported to the Board of Health during the twenty-iour noura enuing xnursaay noon Births Albeit Prat. 1612 Hickory, bov Augustus Radcllffe. 626 South Twentor-slxth avenue, girl: Fayette Crouland. 3608 North Twenty-eighth, girl; Patrick Dempsey, 1123 North Twenty-sixth, ' boy. Deaths Mr.. Ellen C. Boyden, 61$ North JVineteenth, 64k . DEATHS AND Fl'NERAL NOTICES. METERS W. 8., at 6:1S Wednesday evening- at his late residence, 946 North Twenty-fifth street. Funeral services from Dodder's undertak ing parlors. Twenty-third and Cuming etreets, Friday, at 3 p. m. Friends Inylted. WOOD John 8., February 19, 1H07, aged 60 years. Funeral Friday, February 22, 1907, at t p. m., from the Second Presbyterian church. Twenty-fourth and Paul at reels. Interment Forest Lawn. Friends Invited. EOYCB Kittle, daughter of Charles and Anna Boyce, aged 28 years and 4 dayi. Funeral from Macred Heart church Sat urday, February Sl, at 9 o'clock a. n. in terment at Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends invited. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLEa iajiJ.KUE. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY. ' feNGLlSU. Students Begin Any Time. Catalogue Free. Address H. B. BOYLEa), Pre a., Oiuahs, NeU 1D-4US HOLLAND FOX COMPANY BALE. The dressmaking slock, furniture and fix tures ot the above named bankrupt will be sold on Saturday, February U at 1 u. ni. at Kouan 16, Paxiuu Blk. a M926 33 BONDS FOR SALE Notice is hereby given that the village of Clay Center, Nebraska, oilers for sale their municipal bonds, same being eighteen U) one thousand dollar (11.wuu.iaj.) water works bond., dated November L lfcj, and due yeara from date, and bearing In terest at the rate i par cent per aunuin. Vyble annually oa tae lat day of No vember, with option to make prepayment In auma of $ or multiple thereof at aay time after ova ytara. There Is now accrued' Interest oa said bonds from November L 1KA ttealed bids will be received for said bonds VP to March 1. 1907, at 13 m. Tba privilege is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated February 13, 107. hi order of Board of Trueteee. S. A. fcYRKiT. Villa. Clerk. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) OMAHA Bare and Iron Work a make a spe- cialty cr nre escapes, enutters, floors and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., .102 8. ,10th Bt. (D ot BOOKS, booklets and fine catalogues printed by rtees printing Co., umana. r . (lr M77 2$ THE CITT C1ABBAOE CO. Office 4h and Leavenworth bta. lei. uougiaa tl 11 BIQN PAINTINO-8. H. Cole, U02 Douglas. id w IOWA Banltary Cleaning Co., 191 Fsmam. MADAME9 Besn snd Msyo seance Tues day and t naay. u . istn. hm w"o. (D-M579 F25X ALL kinds of hardwood and parquetry floors. Frank sevick, no. mm ana do minion Bta. (D 2 M12x RQYAL ACHATES Fraternal Society. BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A stock of general mer chandise in good Boutn uasota town, will invoice about $4.0"0; doing good busi ness. Will take residence aa part pay ment or amall piece of land. Globe Itnd end Inveatment Co., Patterson Rlrig., Omaha, Neb. 3-Mi8 FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres near Orchard. Antelope county. Neb. ; price ii.oo iper sere. 320 acres six miles from O'Neill, Holt county, Neb., Improved; price 320 per acre. Will exchange either or both of above farms for merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income properties In Omaha to exchange for mercnanaise or hardware. Ulobe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bids'., Omaha, Neb. (8) 783 A $2,200 store building In Schuyler, Neb., to trade for Omaha cottage. A. handsome residence In Benson to ex- chance for a farm. THE STEWART-LEAVEN WORTH CO., Tel. Douglas t3hu. 619 N. T. Life Bltlg., Omaha, Neb. (3J-M290 23 EXCHANGES If you have city property. stocks or goods, farm land or property ot any kind to exchange, write for our com- filete Hat. We have properties and lands n all parts of the country to exchange. Our list is .free. Send for It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patter son Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (3) 782 WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to trade lor merchandise or property. 110 S. 17th. (3)-M966 Ml FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE A finer up- to-date stock of drugs In good Iowa town of 10,000 Inhabitants; Invoice $16,000. Will give right party a good deal or might consider good land in exchange. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ($) M399 FOR SALE Or trade for house and lot, 20 acres or garden land. A. I. Ayres, 4K7 Seward St. (3) 98 22x FOR EXCHANGE We have several stocks of merchandise, groceries and dry goods, tip-to-date and doing a good business, to exchange for good, clear land at right price. Send complete description in first letter. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 3 M814 FOR EXCHANGB-Good 8 room house. fine location, Chicago, for similar prop erty in Omaha. Address L 7B6, Bee office. ($) M431 27X 600 ACRES Canada land, or any part to trade for vacant a improved omana property no Incumbrance. Address A 746. Bee. (S 423 21 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to ecu or ex change write us. GLOBE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (4 M293 MS WANTED To sell or trade, 26-room hotel; steam heat, gas and city water and a five-room cottage; reason for selling, 111 health. Address 906, Ave, B; Council Bluffs, la. (4) M79 FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools, 14 to M received ror shoeing and It to fa ror sel ling tires. Address y-i, Bee. 4)-MS42 HAVE $5,000 to $12,000 to invest In good mercantile or manufacturing establish ment. Details must be given In first let ter, .with rtferenc. Address Y 201, Bee. (4) M6ti0 24x Free Presents French artistic photography, known as the Paris Studio KENNARD BLOCK. . ' 210 South 14th St., Have opened a photograph gallery, with the latest Improvements in the photo- grapnio line, rnotograpns on Silks, Pillows, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Etc. A v Special Inducements for two months only. We will give with each order a free pres- ani ot una jewHiry ana silverware, amounting to the sum equHl to your pur chase In photographs. This Is done In order to gvt our work before the public 1 I anif vlnlt nil nlai, 'DtlJknA Red 4502. (4) 404 M6x WE BUY OR SELL Business chances or exchange a business, rooming house, or exchange for anything. Money loaned on chattels. If you have anything to sell or want to Duy anytning see REAM 4c CO.. Tel. Douglas $903. 634-636 Paxton Blk. (4)-rM3S0 M7 FOR SALE $1,700 mortguge, payable In In stallments for 4 years, on inside Omaha Business property worth $4,600 ; 4 per cent. aemi-annuaiiy. Aaaress L, wi, csre fee. 4-M781 ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW 4V CO STOCK BROKERS, $09 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. . f4)-M2S7 DO YOU want a 16-year established hard. ware business. In good location; clean stock and building; $7,0u0. Addresa S &!, Bee. . (4) M477 28x GOOD MEN in every locality to in Into good busineas; will clear you from $2,000 to s,um every year; no competition; small capital required, call or write U. A. Kull, uaaiang, iNeu. ta 400 tlx LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf devices of all kinds. Rees Printing Co., nru r en t meat market and small gro cery; building 30x60; large ice house, half brick; good town, western Iowa. Would consider raw land or hotel If taken soon. This is a snap. Address Y-1S2. care bee. (4-MM M2x WANTED Man with $1,000 to $3,000 tp- Join corporation in river transportation prop- uamon; gooa salary ana sure pronis don t waste time unless you have money and know a. good thing when you see It, , For Interview address A 761. care Bee. (4) M448 37 FOR 8ALE-$3.0uO 6 per cent bonds and $1,036 T per cent preferred stock in New State -iciepnone company ot Bloux City. la. for all or any part. Address Box llL oaaer tuy. ore. (4 731 Mix WE buy, sell or exchange everything. Nat. lamimtm v.u., m uougiaa Bik. ( 320 MB W A NTE D Man with $1,000 to loin good, reliable nrm; "investigate." Addresa H iw. nee. (4 M478 26x WANTED-To contract with responsible brokerage firm to aid in placing atock Is sue in timber and lumbering enterprise in va- nmci must assure results. x ropuaiuon nign class; substantial aaaets Full particulars and bank reference. Auureae ti. liaiiun, Eugene, Oregon. , (4) M1M 2tx FOR BALK Tha only printing office In a town ui aw innaoiianti. faper non-parti sen and a good circulation. Oood ooin for lob printing. Addreaa Y 1M, rare Bee umana. neo. (4 M434 17 FIRST-CLASS hair dreaaing parlor: the oew loeauun iu me city; splendid bus MiMmnmaBm imtwiij wtMnW mmmu hwh iu munci iu luan urrtnLU run ncmi B HI . -a... -- ' I Pnnllnudrt . Would you hesitate to invest on dollar If you knew it would bring you a, weekly income of from fifteen to twenty-five times that amount. Hundreds of men and wnmnn ir mnlilnd lust such Investments everv week through The a uee want-aa columns. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR BALE $1,000 will buy a strictly up to date bakery doing fine business In city of 15.0H) population; brick oven. For par ticulars address T 196, Omaha Bee. t4 M436 M3X FOR SALE Or trade for good land, drug stork In southern Nebraska; owner wants to retire, a snap. Address T 1R. rare Bee. dr-Mltf 27 x FOR SALE Money-making restaurant and confectionery; central Nebraska county seat; bad health. Address T 11. rare Bee. (4) M791 28x FOR SALE. Money making restaurant, confectionery, soda fountain, fixtures; nearly new 8 room house, furnace heat; will take about $7,000 to cloae deal; best of reasons for selling. Address T 190, care Bee. (4)-M94S 26x FOR SALE Rooming house of 10 rooms, must sell, party leaving 011 $276. 1126 down. Answer K 765, Bee. 4 411 26x r$l,960 WILL buy a first-class drug store In city; poatomce in connection. Address O 726. care Bee. (4) 978 22 FOR BALIS Bakery Restaurant, coda fountain In connection, good parlor. In county seat town. Address Lock Box 32$, Olenwpod, la. (4) MS49 28x FOR BALE A No. 1 stock of groceries. queensware, flour and feed. In Southeast ern Nebraska. A nice, clean stock, en- en I' oylng a nice trade; will Invoice x?,oun or 600; good reasons lor selling. Address 191, care Bee. (4) M940 23 IF YOU want clothes that wear and fit. have them made by Dresner, Omaha s leading tailor. 1516 Farnam St. "Spring styles now ready. (4) M971 22 x FOR SALE Geneml stock of dry goods. shoes, groceries, etc; all new within the last year; good trade and fine country; bargain. Owner has other nusiness to take his time. Address T-1R9. care of Bee. (4-M112 27x IF YOU want to get In or out of business. no matter what your nusiness is, ot where it Is. we can help you. We make all kinds of trades and guarantee to suit. II you have anything to trade, write us. KELLY INVESTMENT CO.. 220 Neville Block. (4)-M266 23 FURNITURE In a 14 room fiat with 12 regular boarders, owner gono to Ken tucky. Must be sold at once. For price, etc., see L. L. Johnson Co., Barker block. Phone Red 124S. (4) M293 S3 - GROCERY MEN . grocery store, stock and fixtures. In voicing about $2,500; monthly sales, $2,000. Do you want a better opening? See me 1U,C II. A. STEAVENSON, 330 Board of Trade. 16tn and Farnam. (4) M197 23 SECRETARY and treasurer for Omaha firm: 1126 month salary, and share profits must Invest $3,000. Rare opportunity for qualified man. Address C-7b3, Bee. (4)-M467 22x DRUG STOCK Half Interest or all; good Iowa county seat town; no saloons; reg istration not necessary; have other busi ness. Address Y 192, care Bee. (D-M189 23 FOR SALE Only hotel. Wlnside. Neb doing good business; object selling, going to Canada, eianey I'rice, -rop. (4) M202 23x FOR SALE Stock of groceries, with or without building; also livery Darn, box 165, Blair, Neb. (4 M208 23x DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V; Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. t4)-es SOMETHING GOOD $8,000 stock of general merchandise in rood eastern MeDrasxa town, doing a first-class business; offered for quick sale at 86c on the dollar; would consider west ern land In exchange. 'Phone Douglas 3WJU. W. S. FRANK, 321 Neville Block, Omaha, Neb. (4)-629 23 Poaltry and Eves. . C. BLACK Orpingtons; eggs from the finest' strain in western Iowa; $2.60 per setting of 16. Peter Bchnltzen. Atlantic, Iowa. (41-617 23 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. O. L. BROLINE, CIS Bee Bldg. (E M340 M$ Attorneys. W. W. DODGE, attorney. N. T. Life Bldg. Omce Tel. Douglas 4S2; Res. Douglas 1734, ID MSZS Ml T, E. BRADY, Probata AUy. 609 Bee Bldg. t6 M663 M9 CblroBodlst. DR. ROY. R-X 1605 Farnam 8t Doug. 6497. ttt M814 DreeamakiBgr. LADIES tailoring, dressmaking. 438 8. 24th, F19 DRES6MAK1NG In family or at home. Mis Bturay, xu Chicago, pnone ilea 4703. v (5) 616 MRS. BRANDON, 202 N. 13th. Doug. $431 IdJ 773 ZJ $2.60 SHIRT waist sulta 'Phone Web. 2930. (6-336 Mil) Florists. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. ($) 616 L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1263. (6-U7 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 413 N. Y. L. Tel. jwugias 1664. (o D8 Dr. Bowser Over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6) M3D6 Mi Printing;. WE print everything! Rees Printing Co. (61-M779 Ti . Springer Printing Co., 206 N. 17th. Doug. 3071 to) MA Zb LYNGSTAD '12;? & JORVE Capitol Ave. (6) 619 CALL CENTRAL Doug, 3969 Central Printing Co, lowest prices on printing. 110 8. Jith. Typewritten letters specialty. 5 MW2 M2 JENNINGS Printing Co., Tel. Douglas 6m (6) 6-V WATERS PRINTING CO.. 1907 Howard Bt (6-7$l 37 THE ACORN PRESd. 1610 Howard St.. Does Printing of Quality. Tel. Doug. 8762. (6)-M4o6 22 Plana alngl. LYNCH BROS. Repair work ur specialty. 118 N. 16th BU Tel. Douglas 1477. (6 40$ FIT Hluranplngr Engineer. H. V. KELLNER. River and Riprap Engi neer: years' practical axperiencv: write for Information, tut Be Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. i6 M33 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. . The Leading Palmlat of Omaha. Revelation, of past and future described. Parlors. 11$ S. 1Mb St. Opp Boston B'ore. t.) 21 toYriilP nalitil.t and life reader. Mile. Reea. residence 3036 Harney. Tel. Dnuxlas 4 tJ-tf 36 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and OBee. WANTED Bookkeeper with several years, must have had charge of books; lady prefered. Give age, bookkeeping ex perience and references. Address C1-7U, car of Bee. (7) 934 23 LADY of good appearance and address tn solicit ror charitable organisation. Ap ply between 9 and 10 a. m. Mr. Ellison, 106 city hall. (7 36 26 for mailing catalogues. Nebraska doming to. ti MOM Hoasekeeners and Domestles. WANTED A cook. 432 8. SRth Ave. (7) 40 23 LADY waitress; first-class; highest wages. Apply to Manager, Dellone Hotel. (7)-M46J22 GIRL for general housework, and to assist In taking care of child, small family. References rqulred. 2621 Bristol. (? M4R3 22x GIRL for general housework; good wages. inquire Zozs 'Capitol Ave. reiepnona Douglas 1017. (7)-468 2x WANTED Girl; good wages; small fam ily; no washing. Tel. Harney 2WW, Mrs. A. F. Smith. (7)465 22 WANTED Girl , for general housework. St. Mary's (7)r-62 31 Mrs. Warren I Bwttxler, 2604 Ave. .' WANTED Middle aged or elderly woman to core for baby and do light housework, easy place. Mrs. Davis, 4210 Ames Ave. (7) M487 ax WANTED At once girl for general house work. Leavenworth St. (16 M503 27x WANTED Laundress to work at house Monday and Tuesday of each week. Ap ply 600 So. 3Sth St. (7) M006 23 Factory and Trades. SHIRT makers on power machines at Al bert cabn's. 1322 Farnam St. (i)-M(Ml TWO laundry girls wanted. M, E. Smith's factory, nth and Douglas. t7 M646 Miscellaneous. LADIES We are still In need of more help decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary work taken home; perma nent; good pay. Call mornings, 2311 S. 13th Bt (7)-165 M2x M' DO WELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Farn. (7) M73S M-ll INITIAL embroidery girl and hand button nolo workers on shirts at Air-ert i hn a, 1322 Farnam St. (7)-M4S9 23 SOLICITORS and canvassers for Omaha. Easy work, good money. Room 49. Pax ton hotel, 9 a. m. to & p. m. (7) M514 23x 8 STENOGRAPHERS. $40 to $50. OFFICE CLERK AND STENOGRAPHER, 3MJ. BOOKKEEPER. $66. And many others. Call at once or write. WESTERN REF BOND ASS N. INC., suite sw-Mi-MJ it. x. Late uuig. (7) M656 22 STENOGRAPHER, beginner, $26 to $30. Apply at once. WESTERN REF. &. BOND ASS'N. INC. Suite 840-841-842 N. Y. Lire Bldg. (7)-M554 23 HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats, Solicitors aad Salesmen. ADVERTISING FANS-May delivery, 609 special and attractive designs. Sample submitted upon application. Fonda Bros. & Co., Omaha. (9) M482 F23 Ol'R representatives make $76 per week. Want one or two more. Bond required. Address in own handwriting. With stamp and references, A 627, Bee. (S) M106 M3 SOLICITORS ' and canvassers for Omaha. Easy work, good money. Room 49, Pax ton hotel. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 9 M513 22x SOLICITORS for high-grade mechanical journal; com. basis, good for $5 per day. Address F-766, Bee. (9)-616 22x Bvys. WANTED Five boys, good wages; perma nent job. A. D. T. Co., 213 S. 13th St. C9)-H21 WANTED 4 boys or girls to strip tobacco in Ulnderups cigar factory, inzj est. Mary's Ave. 9 M3S9 3Cx Clerical and Olllee. WANTED Thoroughly experienced all- around real estate and Insurance man. not over 36 years old; a hard worker with ambition and push, to take full charsre of office. Including bookkeeping -An excellent opportunity for the right party on salary and working Interest; must be well acquainted with the city locations: answer in own handwriting, stating age and experience. Address O 742, cars Omaha Bee. (9 M368 WANTED Engineers and engineer supply men to handle as a side line one of tho brM. propositions on the market, an article used in every nouer room, imerai com mission paid. Drop us a line and let our men talk with you and then draw your own conclusions. Correspondence confidential. Address x auo, care B-e. (9) M535 M3 WANTED Manager for aeneral store: must be of good habits and come with good . references. Ulobe Land and In vestment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9)-M3 TWO bright boys, from 16 to 19, years of age, for large financial institution; chance for promotion if applicants can write well ana are gooa at ngures. Aaaress rt 7, Bee. (a) Mom 24 WANTED Young man as clerk In liquor store. Apply for position by personal lei ter; give references. Address C 746. Bee. (9) M46S 2ix Factory and Trad. WANTED A good, sober blacksmith, with reference. Address W. C. Harned, Sho shonl. Wyo. 9) M91s 24x WANTED Tool makers. lathe hands. Pratt & Whitney machine screw operators and general machinists. Addresa Robert Altken, Box P 329. Toledo, O. (9 M380 Mx WANTED Book Carey Printing compositors. Co. Beckwlth (9) M54 WANTED Young man to learn the har neas trade. Stock Yards Saddlery Co., 314 N. 26tn t., outn omana, xvoo. (9 M547 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F, v. Knlest, vt M. i . J 19-S90 WANTED Three East Omaha. boys. Omaha Box Co. (9)-408 21 TAILORS ATTENTION A good coat maker and also a god pants and vest maker wanted at once. Herman Peterson. Fremont, Neb. (9 M4s3 Max Mteeellaaeoaa. WANTED Man to solicit and repreaent well known Arm on street. Addreaa H-UU, care of Boe. (9) Ktt 21 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Ten positions tor every graduate. $U to $4) weekly paid. Wages while learning. Beautiful 1M1 catalogue lust out. Call or write. Muler Itartier College. Ill Farnam 8t. (9 M821 Mix WANTED A first clsss proofreader to read proof on calendar advertisements. Will pay good wages. The Tho D. Murphy Co.. Red Oak. la. 9) M904 A $ HARDWARE CLERKS. $60. 1 CIGAR CLERK, H0. CITY SALESMAN. W6 and commission. REAL ESTATE MAN. $100. BOOKKEEPER AND CORRESPONDENT, $75. OFFICE CLERK, $60. Apply st once. WESTERN REF BOND ASfl'N. INC., buite 64U-W1-6U N. Y. Life Bldg. . , tf-Mo 23 HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous 'eatlaaed. WANTED For the U. 8. Marine Corps, men between ages 21 .and 36. An oppot tunity to see the world. For full Informa tion apply In person or by letter to re cruiting officer, U. B. Nat' I bank building, 12th and Farnam, Bta., Omaha, Neb. iu ax WANTED At onre, 600 sound young men. sged 18 to 35, for nremen ana Dr. semen on leading western rallroeda and for new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary: firemen $100 per month; bra Icemen, $75; positions now open; call or write at once tor particulars, isaiionai Ry. Training Ass n. 620 X, Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. (9) 228 M$ WANTED A good man to work In ele vator; with some experience; must not be afraid to work; good wages. Powell A Nllsson. Marion, Neb. () M919 WANTEDCoachman. good place for good man, references required. Appiy atier p. m. A. G Buchanan, 1330 S. 31th 8t. (9)-M491 a HELP WANTED MALE AD FEMALB AMERICAN-GERMAN Employment office. 1624 Dodge. Help or all kinds. Tel. (. (10) M768 MUX WANTED Sketch tesm, man and wife, double and single specialties, play small parts. Address Leo Blondlns, "Runaway Tramp company, Alnsworth, Neb., 21st; Stewart, 22d; Long Pine, 2,'id. (10)-M479 22x . LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horae and Vehlelea. I HORSES, weight 1.200 lbs. each, wagon and harness, 1Z6; one team, weignt z.duu lbs.; one team, weight 8,000 lgs. ; i farm mares. 2113 Grant. Tel. Douglas 3410. (11) 231 HORSES bought, sold and exchanged; driv ers ana general purpose horses a specialty. Myers, 1716 Jackson. Tel. Red 82. Ul)-M!u9 Ml FINE T-year-old driving horse. 9"6 N 16th bt. til) MKttt 23 E. U. FERRIN, scientlfle horseshoer, 416 8. 18th. Will call and deliver. Doug. 1W9. (11) M4o0 M8 FOR SALE Four good heavy work horses; 1 mare, welkht from 1,300 to 1,500; coal horses. Inquire 1924 Lake St. 'Phone Douglas-lti61. (11) 342 23 WAGONS, for sale. 1314 N. 24th St. (ID 336 M18 GOOD, heavy team work horses, weighing Z.9U0, 200. 2815 N. loth Ave. til) MotiS ONE team of mares, weighing 2,400, $176; one team work horses, weighing Z.UO), $275; one team mares, weighing 2.7ml, $2tV); one sore-fooled mare. 360: one horse, iw; 4-year-old mare, $S6; one horse, $25. Rear 414 N. 16th. (11) M666 Poultry and Elfa. EGG8 from hlKh-scortng. thoroughbred White Wyandotte settings or Incubator lots. Forest uwn Wyandotte lards. Florence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1082. (11) M243 23 HOMER pigeons; best squab breeders. Booking advance orders for mated pairs. Visitors Invited. Walker, 1923 B. 16th. Doug. 6664. (ID M4 M9 BARRED ROCKS; stock and eggs for sale. write Austin Faucett, Blair, ncd. (11) M429 22x WHITE LEGHORNS. Vanatta strain White Rocks; Pekln ducks. Eggs In sea son, uius u. uennett, .ueigraae, ino, - (U) M428 22x BLACK LANGSHANS or Buff Orpington cockerels, u each; pullets, 75c eacn; la ezgs, $1.60. A. W. Atwood, Plattsmouth, iseo. (U) M733 27x BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS, Pure Ringlet strain: a nice lot of breeding cock erela for sale at $2 and $3. 'Phone Red 5470. F. C. Ahlqulst, 2762 Meredith Ave., Omaha. Neb. (ID Mzsu tz WHITE PEKIN DUCKS, thoroughbred; also eggs. 3210 Cass St. (ID M544 Mix ROUEN DUCK8 and White Holland tur keys. Good ones of either sex st sero prices. I have also two male pea fowls. Frank J. ciouss, Clare, la. (11) M270 M3x 1,000 CHOICE Orpingtons, all 8. C. varie ties. Males a specialty. Moomgaarn s Orpington Yards, Humboldt, Neb. (U) M271 M3x RHODE ISLAND Reds for sale; rose or single comb. Prices reasonable. Art Pe terson, Lyons, Neb. (11) M272 M3x FOR SALE Light Brahma and Rhode Island Reds eggs for hatching. Write wants, keep ad. D. S. Brenneman, Coun cil Bluffs. (11) 353 23x TWO breeding pens, 8. 8. Hamberg's, ten hens and rooster each. Regular eftg ma- cninea. Bpauiaing. tnj mwo PURE White Plymouth Rock cockerels for sale, "Klshel Strain." W. A. Hoggs, ia3 8. 31st. So. Omaha. (11) M 182 Z3x Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. FOR BALE Red Irish Better pups. 1C10 Cuming Bt. D. W. counsman. (lD-MM 23x FOR BALE Genuine imported German canary birds, both males and females, at 2014 N. 24th St. . , (1D-M651 24 X FOR SALE English setter puppies, ti.OO apiece, out of hunting stock. C. J. Bucher, Omaha un Club Grounds, east end Douglas Ft. bridge. Council Blurts. (11) M557 M 1 x LOST AND FOUND LOST Bunch of keys. Please notify Dan Whlfney, 4204 Hamilton St. (12) 406 21 x LOST About lth and Leavenworth, e derlv lady's gold-rlmmed spectacles. Re ward and great favor If returned to Bee office. (1) am r.'x MEDICAL MRS. PERRY, drugless healer, treater of circulations and chronla diseases. Neville Blk. R. 816. (13)-M3i4 U6 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creiithton Medical colluue, 14th and Dav enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college profesaora. 'Phone Doug. 117, Calla answered day or night. (131129 ANY nr.or arlrl In need of a friend e or write to the matron of the Salvatloa Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 94tk Bt., Oniuha, Nab. (13) MluO private home durinc confinement: be- blea adopted. Tbe Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 -First Ave.. Council Bluff, i. ToL 174. . U3)-3 BEST nerve bracer tor men, "Gray'a Narva Food puis, l oox. postpaid. Biiermao a MeConueil Drug co., omana. (13)-28 MONEY TO LOAN SALAHl ASU CHATTELS. DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horaes. etc.. in any amount; less than half rates i.arfa, t urlvacv. immediate attention: any ieinia wanted; paymstita suspended whan sick or out ot nor. i avaroaun Ml South loth SU U41-4U3 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; eay U get; no red tape. You g.t money same day asked lor at small cal Opeu evenings tin I. us aj MONEY loaned on planoa, furniture, cowa. horse, etc C. F. ite.J. uu a. istn. (14)-28 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable MAM. modatlng; all buauna cenndential. 1M LKiuiaaV WOULD MONEY HELP YOUT Our new plan enables you to obtain money at rates wnicn nonest people can anora to pay. We will make you a loan on your salury, furniture or piano, and you can pay ua back 1st, r In amounts to suit your convenience. Everything confidential. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOCG. IS Room 20, Frenser Blk., 16th and Dodge Bta. (14 hui Ml FURNITURE, live stock, salary losns. Duff ureen Loan Co., room s. Barker Hik. (14-30 TIE UNION LOAN COMPANY Have Increased their capital and during the month o( February will mane a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without se curity. Terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. 310 Bee Bldg. (14) Ms34 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy payments; offices in 63 principal cities. Save your elf money by getting my terms first. D. H. TOLMAN, 714 N. Y. L. Bldg. T d4)-27 ' FOR A BQUARE DEAL GO TO THB PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. for chattel or salary loans, 633 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 746. (14) S1 Cash in Any Amount $10 to $300 LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, ETC., OR ON YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPLOYED. without security or publicity, at the very lowest ratea; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms 307-308. Paxton Block. (14)-Jk CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Fbley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. ' (14) M9U OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and ' Ream. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. FURNISHED rooms. with board. 17U (16) M392 Mix Dodge. NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences, excellent tame; pri vate family. 2469 Harney. ,(lo 6J WANTED Two young gentlemen who wish good table, pleasant associations down town, with good service. Csil at 1903 Capitol Ave. (16)-341 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. THE 8H ELTON, 26th and Dodge. 110) MMI MIX LA NOB HOTEL, rooms. Corner 13th and Jackson. tlo) 1 Marcn a LARGE, well furnished rooms: modern conveniences, good board, ine itoee, o Harney St. (1W-6VJ 24X THE PRATT. 210 8. 25th Bt. (16) 444 Mart LARGE southeast front room, steam heated, with first class table boara. zeis Farnam Bt. (161-M963 23 DESIRABLE accommodations for bache lors; late mayors residence, 617 So. 18th Bt. ; references exchanged. (16) 932 22x LARGE alcove room, all modern; break' fast privilege. 118 N. 26th St. (18) M66S M9 HANDSOMELY furnished rooms and first- class board for four couples in private home. 324 N. 19tn. (i wt4 zt WELL furnished, steam heated rooms. modern; first class table board; refer ences exchanged. 1811 Farnant. "Thi Qulvet." (16) 347 23 HANDSOME front room, In fine neighbor hood; suitaoie for two; nrat-ciass Doaru 2427 Dodge 8w (16) 333 23x NICELY furnished rooms In desirable locality, with first class board; gentle men preferred. 1916 California street. (16) 340 33 HANDSOME front rooms In line Place. High class board, on Farnam car. ! Farnam street. (16) 345 23 BACHELORS First-class table board, ele gant rooms with hot and cold water, steam heat, building and furniture new and up-to-date; close in. 406 b. Z4tn Ave, (2ttn Ave. ana Harney.) no) ki Mil WANTEI-Club of single men to room . and board in pleasant home. 718 8. 2!uh St. (16) 623 23 Famished Rooms. 3-ROOM apartment; hot and cold water; all modern. Mtt a. zza cu (15)-M903 22x TWO or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; hot ana cola water, uio N. 24th (15)-M649 24x LARGE front room, all modern, within walking distance; suitable for two or three gentlemen; very reasonable price. 816 & 28th. (16) M663 24 x LARGE front room on ground floor, steam heated; suitable for two or four gentle men. 214 N. 23d St. (16)-M907 22 MODERN furnished rooms. 2226 Dodgt. (16)-M844 Ml BRUNSWICK hotel, 1210 Douglas St. ()S)-12 Marl STEAM heated front rooms, 1909 Capitol. (IS) 161 Marl MODERN rooms, fine neighborhood; gen tlemen preferred. 2614 St. Mary's Ave. (16)-MC66 M9 WANTED Reliable young man as room mate; must be sober nd of good char acter. Tel. Douglas 43U8. (12)-M281 23x FURNISHED ROOMS, 1916 Capitol Ave. (16)-M757 MUX PLEASANT south room. 2671 St. Mary's. 061-4114 LARGE furnished front room. Fine lo cality, near car, private family. . 2016 California. (16) $$7 23 NICELY furnished front room. Mrs. M. D. CarroL 2016 California street. (161338 22 NICELY furnished rooms In modern home, all modern conveniences. 'Phone Red 2H36. Close In. (15) MM9 Ml FURNISHED ROOMS. 714 N. 16th. Tel. Douglas 3668. (16) M669 M9x VERY pleasant room In small private family; new, modern house, close In. 'Phone Red 4484. (16)-365 24 FOR RENT Two excellent rooms, modern conveniences, use of telephone; close in; for gentlemen. 2208 Douglas St. - (16)-M962 23 NICELY furnished rooms and boarl, strictly modern, home privileges, car stop at door. 2025 North 9nh. U61-MI92 28 LARGS front room with large closet, mod ern. Gentleman preferred. 191$ bt. Mary's avenue. (16) MtaO FIRST class rooms and boardT all modern, steam heated. 2208 Harney Bt. (16 497 27x WELL furnished steam-heated room with tirst-class table board. 718 So. 29th St. (16) Moot 23 NICELY furnished, south front room, suitable for two. within walking distance; all modern; use of parlor and 'phone. 2614 St. Mary's Ave. (15)-601 27 FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, all modern, furnace hrat, at reasonable prloas. 662 Bo. 26th Avs. (15) 19 23 ROOMS for two gentlemen; hot and cold water; also room, for one, 2719 Jackson. 05) 498 23x TWO splendid, unfurnished rooms and al cove, porcelain bath, heat and I Writ; walking distance; best location. 316 8. tbtb St. (151-622 23x GENT room ma ta wanted; very pleasant room, at 2Wi Harney St. (15) M194 Ux Faralahed Hoaaea and Flata. 2106 OHIO Bt, 6-room house; furnished; J. H. DCMONT A BON, SOS N, T. Life. Ot) 360 - Hoaaekeenlas Rooms. THREE nice furnished rooms for light nouaeneeping. Close in. lie p. in pi. (16)-413 OX 4-ROOMS. modern except heat. $i00; basement rrxuiis. good shape, $lfl. TeL Douglas 6a. (16) M443 22x TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, all modern, at $2.60 per week. 2910 ' 1'arnam. (16) M4H6 23x I MODERN rooms for housekeeping. 1084 Infarnlshed Reme. A SUITE of lsrge unfurnished rooms, first floor, strictly modern; references re quired. 2408 Cass. (16) 418 TWO pleasant rooms, unfurnished, for light housekeeping. 629 Bo. 17th Bt. (161-600 17x THREE unfurnished rooms for light house keeping; all modern. 926 N. 24th. (16) MS6I 22X Hoaaea aad Cottavaes. WK MOVE piano Maggard Van snd Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 146. Office, 1713 Webater St. (16) 894 FOR RENT Modern 9-room brick hoUs 1126 a 81st St.; $40 per month. Thorns Brennsn, room 1. N. Y. Lite Bldg. lLo-83 0, Fi Uavts Co., Bee Bldg. (16)-43 4-ROOM apartment, modern except heat. THE ORMAND, 6S B. 28th 8t., $J0. I new first-floor apartment flats, 614 and CIS 8. rth St.. $.16. BEM1S, Paxton Blk. 'Phone Doug. r,xc. (16) M6t7 NEW S-rrgim house, strictly modem, 2sth Ave. and Dodge. Tel. Red 7642. (16) M640 24x ilOUSES SJ "ScTW1- U5)-64 CENTRAL, modern, steam heat, T-roora house: 4-room corner flat; l-room cottage. K. Tlxard. 220 N. 23d. (15) MT06 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 8(0 BEE us when shipping household goods ta large cities west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 114 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 1196. (16) 447 FOR R EN T 7-room house, modem except furnace; 711 N. 2Sth Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient: rent reasonable. Apply at 607 N. 19th. or room 90S N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-Mftl WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller 4k ueller Piano Co., 1311-1318 Farnam. U5)-8S7 OMAHA Van' A Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. ' 19th, Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. 16)-89l FOR RENT 5 room house, city water, 709 N. 32(1, $15.00. Will rent to smsll colored family. J. H. Parotte, Paxton Blk. (16) 396 2$ 2519 BLONDO St.. 6 rooms and bath; city water; no furnace; $22.60. J. H. DUMONT A BON, 906 N. Y. Lire. (16) 81 FOR RENT. 2727 Chicago Bt., fine 7-room, modern house, $10. 1316 8. 32d Bt.. 8-room modern house, finest location In city, $32.60. 1609 Lathrop St., "45-room modern house, $1$. W. R. HOMAN, 1517 Farnam Bt. A. 05) M277 ZS 10-ROOM house, 702 N. 40th Bt., modern. $35. L. D. Holmes, 712 N. Y. Life Fide. (16)- ) 1S1 21 . FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern, ex cept furnace. $20. C. M. BACH MANN, 4S Paxton Block. (15) 740 S-r., partly modern, 1161 N. 18th... $ii 4-r., partly modern, 1403 N. 18th $10 7- r., good repair, 1428 Weaterfleld Ave... $10 12-r., modern, choice, 2418 Sherman Ave.. $30 -r 2 barns, 423 N. 84th $18 8- r., modern, choice, 8204 Maple $19 A!so severs! 'garden- tracts. - . RUSSELL A McKITRICK CO., ' -432-84 Raima Bldg. 16th and Harney Bts. (16)-631 21 8-ROOM house, $26. Tel. Douglas 6309. (15)-M444 22x VERY -FINE COTTAGE. 8925 N. 24th St., 6-room, strictly modern; almost new; prett'ly decorated through out; must be rented at once. A real gem. Don't miss it. only $27. Payne Bostwlck A Co., 601 N. Y. Life. (16)-26 21 Offices. ONE large office room, ground floor, Ed ward Crelghton Institute Bldg., 210 8. 18th Bt., opposite city hall. Inquire building. (161-230 1614 HARNEY St.. new. modern office. Hastings A Heyden, Agents, 1704 Farnam Bt. (15)-M43$ FOR RENT-Desk room in Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 28th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 134 Bee Building OFFICE For Rent. A single room 14x18, haa a vault. on the fifth floor, sis Can be occupied tba first of March, at $18. Janitor service and light furnished free. Bee R. W. Baker, Supt., room 418. (16 M423 DESK room with use of 'phone. Call e 623 Bee Bldg. (16-ta9 23 'm OFFERED FOR SALE Coal. FIRE sale on coal. Burr egg, $6.25 ton.'stov or furnace. Tel. Harmon A Weeth. (18J-712 M10 Fenclngr. ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing. 5o per foot. 206 N. 17th SU Tel. Red 814. (IU) 3K0 F21 ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red Ua (16)-M54t FINE upright piano, parlor suit, bookcase, rugs, hall tree and other furniture. Call at once, 416 N. 23d Bt. (16) 277 M4 FOR BALE A handsome bookcase, ma hogany finish, at a bargain. 39S Dewey Ave. (ltt 668X ' A SNAP $ stock tables, 1 delivery table, 1 brass door chandeliers. Nicoll, the Tailor, 211 S. 11th. ' (16)-624 34 piaaos. Organs, Mnsleal Inatrnments. UPRIOHT 8TEINWAY PIANO. In fine condition. $18 McC'ague Bldg. U6) M34 Ml FOR BALE A fine piano, new In October, of standard make, excellent tone and ac tion, at a very reasonable figure. 432 8. 24th St. 'Phone Douglas 3'JA (16) M916 Pool aad Billiard Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world la cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Bruns-wIck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. loth St. , 06)-M Typewriters aad tew I a- Machines. ONE Renilnrton typewriter. No. t. In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Bee office. (li-29x NO. 2 Bmlth Premier typewriter, good a new, $40; No. 4 Underwood. 146. Call at one. Room 60, Paxton block. (16)-47l 23 Mlaeellaaeoaa. FOR SALE A few first clsss snow eases) snd counters; very cheap; nearly taw, Ksnnard Ulaes A Paint Co., 16tb an Dodge Bt. (H-Mdl FEW bargain In Id-hand soda fountains! monthly payiiseata. Deright, 161$ Farn-un. , Utf-bi. HALL' 8 cafe, new, 2d -hand, 1X18 Faraant, ' U-an 1 4 4 T '' 5 lVa 1 7 f r neas. Aaaress, care ee. IS Iti. ti aa