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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEEi WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1907. Want - ads Advertisements for tha want-n rnlumm will he nken nntlt 19 for the evening edition ! nntll for the mnrntnm and Snndny editions. Cash mnst nrenmnnny nil orders for wmt-iili and no advertisement will Ivt. accepted far less thnn lO cents far tho flrat Insertion, m Rates apply to !(lf The Dally ftnnitar Bee. Alwnys Mt al worn to a line. romblaatlona of laltlala or tiakm ronnt oa word. H RTR FOR WAT-AI. RFGI I.AR CLA1F1CATW9 Ob In serttoa, per line, l rente. Two or more romrrallT Inaertlona, per liar, l eenta. Each Insertion made oa odl days, lo rents per line. flJSO per line per month. SrrcClAI, CLASSIFICATIONS If yonr advertisement la Inserted aader any one of the elnaalneatlona arlven below, It will be charged at the following rateai One laaertlon, 4 eenta per llnei three to alx consecutive Inaer tlona, a eenta per llae each laaertlon seven or more eonseentlve Inaertloaa, a eeata per line each laaertlon SO eenta per line per month. R AHTF.R AND KXCHAJtOE. Bl SltKSS THANCF.S. ' HEI.F1 WA"TRD FEMALE. IIFI.P WAXTEIs M ALR. F.seept Agents, Solleltora nnd Salesmen. OFFERED FOR SAI.El Cows, Birds, Don aad Peta. Horaea and Vehicles. Pooltry and Kara:. Fnrnltnre. IManos, Orarans aad Maaleal In atramenta. Typewriters and Sewing Ma ehlnea. Mlaeellaneoaa. OFFERED FOR RENTl Fnrnlshed Rooms. t'afnrnlshed Rooma. Housekeeping- Rooma. Board In a; and Rooma. WANTED TO Bl Y. WANTED TO RENT. S1TTATIONS WANTED. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death and Fnneral Notices, Cards of Thanks and Lodge Notices, 7 eenta per line for one edition, mornlnar or evenlnat It eenta a line for each addi tional edition. Sunday, lO eenta a llae. No ad taken for leaa than SO -cents. BRANCH OFFICES. W ant-ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following; drug stores one la "yonr corner drnaglst" they are all branch offlcea of The Bee and yonr ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and oa the name ratea aa at the mala office In The Bee Building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Allisch, W. C, 40th and Farnam. ileranelf, S. A., 1402 8. 16th St. Hechte Pharmacy, 720 S. ltlth St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Caughlln, C. R, 6th and Pierce Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. H., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Kmll, 1264-6 S. 13th St. Kastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. iChler, F. H, 2WB Leavenworth. Foster at Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St FreytRg. John J., 1914 N. 24th St Florence I-ug Co., Florence, Neb. Guldmun Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sta. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough. G. A., IMS S. 10th St. Greenougn, G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C, 2930 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar., 1501 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. King, H. 8., 2238 Farnam St Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas. E 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Druir Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug 8tore, 16th and Chicago. Schaefer, August. 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta, Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following births and deaths -were reported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending Tuesday noun; Births A. N. Andrews, 403 Bancroft, boy; K. O. Christiansen. 1112 South Eighth, girl; Ralph W. Moody. 1506 South Twentv-ninth. boy; M. J. Murphy, 403 Bancroft, girl; O. A. McDonald,' 403 Bancroft boy; Frank Bchrag, 104 South Twenty-third, boy: Chrla Ulngerlch. 2S01 Farnam. boy: J. R. Huahes. HoS South Twenty-fourth, girl; Cosimo Te- tinno, iii3 south ninth, boy. Deaths-Clarence Whitney Chaffee, 101 J814 Charles, 43; Charles Kammerer, 1118 Frederick, 38; A. L. Dohse, 2818 Ames ave nue, 3 months; Edward C. Hoopmann, 2221 jjeavenworxn, t months. . DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. Faneral Notice. The funeral of James McRUlgntt will be neia irom tne residence of his brother. P. J. McElllgott. 3023 Oak street, at 8:80 a. m. Wednesday, February 20. to St Peter a church. High mass. Interment iioiy aepuicoer. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their klndneaa and aymoathr shown us during the eickneaa and death of our beloved son and father, also the lodges Ancient Order United Workmen No. 168, -National Union, and Mr. and Mrs. Jamea vviison. nr. ana Mrs. ueorge Bmlth. Signed: MK8. KOHhl Mc BRIDE, MK HAKJ, MoHRIDK. JOHN McBRlDB, FRANCIS McBRIDB. Mr. John Fenton. recently Inlured bv falling on a sidewalk, dealrea to thank his jieneiactora, the employee at the Union Pi cine yards. Including Messrs. Frank Al- vora ana peter Jacobs, who especially In t reeled tbetnaelvea tn his behalf. , L LODGE NOTICE, oetal Duvaoa. The Foresters of Omaha camp No. ISO, Modern Woodmen of America, will give another one of their enjoyable dance Wednesday, February . at Uarlght a hall, Kohrbougb building, Nineteenth and Far nam streets. Admission, ti eenta. Friends are Invited. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPH!. KNU1J81L Students Begin Any Time. Catalogue Free. Aildreu IL B. BOYLES, Pres., Omaha. Neb. ti sua HOLLAND FOX COM PANT BALE. Tlie dreaamaklng Block, furniture aad fix tares of, the above named bankrupt will u aoia on wmraiy, r farmery a, at p. m. at Room tub. Paatoa Elk. (1 M35 a OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a ape f ally of fire escapes, shutters, doors and Mien. u. Anureeu, t-rop,, ua aV lotb St. (l-8ul BOOKd, booklets and fine catalogues p'iiiiHU oy neea rnnung to., umtM. (IKMhI 38 THE CITY GARBAGE CO.-Offlce 4th and Leavenworth bis. Tel. Douglas 1Ss7. tl-41i MADAMK8 I'. an and Mayo seance Tuoa. day ana rruwy. va n. wtn. Red yxs. UJ M57t F28X I.L kinds of hardwood and parquetry floors. Frank Bevies, Ha. loth and Do Msiloa Sta. CLHU8 MUx ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) , BONDS FOR SALE Notice la hereby given that the village of Clay Center, Nebraska, offers for sale their iminlclpttl bonds, name being eighteen (18 ne thouffana aouar td.uuv.w; water worm bonds, dated November 1, 19U6, and due i,ntv vars from date, and bearing In terest at the rata 6 per cent per annum, payable annually on the 1st day of No vember, with option to make prepayment In sums of $M0 00 or multiple thereof at any time after five yeare. There Is now accrued interest on saia bonds from November. 1. 1906. Sealed bid will be received for said bonds up to March 1, 1907, at 12 m. The privilege la reserved to reject any and II bids. Dated February 13. liw. By order of Board of Trustees. R. A. BYRKIT. Village Clerk. ID M231 23x BIGN PAINTING 8, li. Cole, 1308 Douglas. tlj Bid IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co. 1918 Famam. (1-M72 ROYAL ACHATES Fraternal Society. i z BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A stock of general mer chandise In good outn uaxoia town, will Invoice about $4,000; doing good busi ness. Will take residence as part pay ment or small piece of land. Globe I,and and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3)-M38 FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres near Orchard, Antelope county, reo.; price per acre. 220 acres six miles from O'Neill, Holt county. Neb., Improved; price 120 per acre. Will exchange either or both of above sarins for merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income properties In Omaha to exchange tor mercnanaise or hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3) 78S A 12,200 store building In Schuyler, Neb., to trade for Omaha cottage. . handsome residence In Benson to ex change for a. farm. THE BTE WART-LEAVEN WORTH CO., Tel. Douglas 63SU. 619 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3) M290 23 EXCHANGES If you have city property. stocks or goods, rarm land or property oi any kind to exchange, write for our com- filete list. We have properties and lands n all parts of the country to exchange. Our list la free. Send for It at once. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patter son Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (3) 783 HOUSE for sale 81,700; will take' stock. horses, cnttle, etc, in part payment. Ad dress P 743. Bee. (3) 868 20 WITH offlcea in Omaha, Lincoln, St. Jo seph, Kansas city, Des Moines. TopeKa and Denver, doesn't It strike you that we can find you what you want In trade for what you have and don't want? Our ex change list Is a sure enough corker. Write us nbout swaps. CONTINENTAL RE ALTY CO., 21-32-88 U. 8. Natl Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb., and elsewhere. l8)-92 20 WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to trade tor merchandise or property. 110 8. 17th. (3)-M986 M2 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine. Up- to-date stock of drugs in good Iowa town of 10.000 inhabitants; Invoice 816,000. Will give right party a good deal or might consider good land in exchange. Globe Ijnd and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (3) M399 FOR SALE Or trade for house nnd lot, 20 acres of garden land. A. X. Ayrea, 4027 Seward St. (8) 9e 22x FOR TRADE REAL ESTATE. C-room hotel, modern, good business, 817,000. win trade ror improved 300 or 400-acre farm. Address O 708, Bee. (S)-M927 21x FOR EXCHANGE We have several stock of merchandise, groceries and dry goods, tip-to-date and doing a good business, to exchange for good, clear land at right price. Send complete description in first letter. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 8) M814 FOR EXCHANGE)-Good 8 room house. nne location. Chicago, for similar prop erty In Omaha. Address L 756, Bee office. (S) M431 2ix 600 ACRES Canada land, or any part If It, to traae lor vacant 31 improved Omaha property, no incumDrance. Address A 746, Bee. ' (3) 423 21 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish, to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sen or ex change write ua. GLOBE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., umana. Neb. (4 M2S8 MS WANTED To sell or trade, 25-room hotel; steam heat, gas and city water andia five-room cottage; reason for selling, 111 health. Address 806 Ave. B, Council Bluffs, la. (4) M7? FOR SALE Flrst-clasa blacksmith and wagon work boslneaa. with tools, 84 to 88 receivea lor snoeing and 84 to s lor set ting tlresi Address Y-129. Bee. I (4)-M84i MANAGER WANTED Hustling business manager ror world s greatest invention; ready now for market; small capital re quired: reference given and required. Will R. Smith, Council Bluffs. (4)-364 19X SOMETHING GOOD 88,000 stock of general mdse. In a good eastern Nen. town, doing a flrat-class business; offered for quick sals at 85c on the dollar. 'Phone Doug.- 3000. W. S. FRANK 821 Neville Blk,, Omaha, Neb. (4)-S28 19 Paris Studio 210 So. 14th St. Make your Photograph on silk Handkerchiefs, Pillow Tops, Neckties, etc. And for every dollar you pay for Photographs, you get coupon which can be ex changed for Silverware. In re ality, you get your Photograph FREE. Call and see us. RED 4502. (4) 404 MSx WB BUT OR SELL Bust nesa chances or exchange a business, rooming house, or exchange for anything. Money loaned on chattels. If you hays anything to eell or want to wuj Miyinina; see , REAM St CO., Tel. Douglas Km. 534-i36 Pax ton Blk. (4)-M30 M7 FOR SALE 81,700 mortgage, payable in In. atallmenta for 4 years, on lnnide Omaha business property worth 84,600; 8 per cent, semi-annually. Address L 803, care Bee. (.4-M7l ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW at, CO.. CTOCK BROKERS. 80 New York Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. (0-MZ3T FOR SALE-13,000 8 per cent bonds and H.03S T per cent preferred atork In New Stats iulinuin company or Sioux City, la, for all or Baker City, Ore. ny pan. Address Box Hra M2x WE buy, sell or exchange everything, Nat. Investment Co, 61 Douglas Blk. (O-S30 MS r?f ,.8ALE Furniture and undertaking es tablishment and good will; only one In live town of 2.UU0 In northeast Nebraska; etock will Invoice 84.5u0. all new. salable s-iuua. I u, care Umaba Bee. (4-M348 waist partner in land speculation; have n.ww ana nrea sdoui ',W( more; can double your money; rigid investigation wwito. rM. vara rsee. w;-8M when, you wish to place a want-ad in the Dee. Tho telephone num ber is' Douglas 238. If answers are to be received through the Dee office, you can pay for the advertlsment when you call for the answers. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) LOOSIS LEAF LEI3ER8 and loose leaf devices of .all kinda. Reea Printing Co., Omaha. (4) MT77 F28 READ Neat meat market and amnll gro cery; building 20x 80; large Ice house, half brick; good town, western Iowa. Would consider raw land or hotel if taken soon. This la a snap. Address Y-1K2, care Bee. (4) M306 M2s WANTED Man with 81.000 to 8S.000 to Join corporation In river transportation prop osition; good salary and sure profits; don't waste time unless you have money and know a good thing when you see It. For Interview address A 761, care Bee. (4) M446 27 PARTNER WANTED In an established business. Prefer a good business man, one who can sell goods, to one with cap ital nnd no experience. Address for further particulars to W 760, Bee' office. (4) M43J 211 FOR BALE The only printing office In a town of 800 Inhabitants. Paper non-partisan and a good circulation. Good point for Job printing. Address Y 1M. care Bee Omaha. Neb. . (4) M434 27 FOR SALE $1,000 will buy a strictly up to date bakery doing fine business In city of 16,000 population; brick oven. For par tlculara address Y 196, Omaha Bee. (4) M4iti MUX JEWELRY STOCK, In good brick building in good little town in western lowa. Doing nice profitable business; good jew eler and optician In charge, with nonresi dent owner. Fine Investment at 8500. H. S. Gates, 612 No. 2oth St. 'Phone Taylor 6228. (4)-M922 21 FOR SALE Or trade for good land, drug stock In southern Nebraska ; owner wants to retire, a snap. Address Y 188, care Bee. (4e-M122 27x FOR SALE Good clean stock of general merchandise, located in growing town, center (it good farming and lumber manufacturing, on the railroad 80 miles from Portland, Ore.; town 1,000 inhabi tants; stock will Inventory 818.000 to 820,000; last year's business over $60, 000; stock can be reduced; this is a growing business in a growing com munity and Is an excellent opportunity; terms cash. 100 cents on the dollar; fopd reasons for selling. Address Y 87. Omaha Boo., (.4) M2 21 FIRST-CLASS hair dressing parlor; the best location In the city; splendid busi ness. Address, care Bee. N 741. (4) 348 FOR SALE Money-making restaurant and confectionery; central Nebraska county seat; bad health. Address Y lsl, care Bee. (4) M791 28x FINE new millinery stock for sale; good foundation for one to start In business cheap. Address E 699, Bee. (4) 827 20x FOR SALE. Money making restaurant, confectionery, soda fountain, fixtures; nearly new 8 room house, furnace heat; will take about 87,000 to cloae deal; beat of reaxons for selling. Address Y 190, care Bee. (4)-M845 26x FOR SALE Rooming house of 10 rooms, must, sell, party leaving city 8276, (125 down. Answer K 766, Bee. (4) 411 25x 31,650 WILL buy a first-class drug store In city: postoftlce in connection. Address O 725. care Bee. (4) 978 22 FOR SALE: Bakery Restaurant, toda fountain in connection, good parlor, In county seat town. Address Lock Box 823, Glenwpod, la, (4) MS49 28x FOR SALE A No. 1 stock of groceries, queensware, flour and feed, In Southeast ern Nebraska. A nice, clean stock, en- ioylng a nice trade; will Invoice 8-.000 or 2,500; good reasons for selling. Address x it, care ,ie. nj mw Z8 IF TOU want clothes that wear and fit, have them made by Dresner, Omaha's . leading tailor. 1615 Farnam St. Spring ' styles now ready. (4) M972 22x BARBER SHOP for sale, good business, reason for seUlng have to move on claim. W. H. Gardinler, Fairfax 8. D. (4) M848 21x FOR SALE General stock of dry goods, hoes, groceries, etc; all new within the last year; good trade and fine country; a bargain. Owner haa other business to take his time. Address Y-189, care of Bes. (4)-M112rx IF YOU want to get In or out of business, no matter what your business is, oi where It Is, we can help you. We make all kinds of trades and guarantee to suit. If you have anything to trade, write us. KELLY INVESTMENT CO, 220 Neville Block. (4) M266 23 FURNITURE In a 14 room flat with 12 regular boarders. Owner gono to Ken tucky. Must be sold at once. For price. etc., see L. L. Johnson Co, Barker block. Phone Red 1246. (4) M29S 28 GROCERY MEN A grocery store, stock and fixtures, in voicing about 82.500: monthly sales. 82.000. Do you want a better opening? See me quick. . H. A. STEAVENSON, 830 Board of Trade. 16tti and Ffarnam. (4) M197 23 SECRETARY and treasurer for Omaha firm; 312a month salary and share profits must Invest 33,000. Rare opportunity for quaiinea man. Address u-vw, Bee. (4)-M4o7 2x DRUG STOCK Half interest or all; good lowa county seat town: no saloons: res ist ration not necessary; have other busi ness. Adaress x juz. care Bee. v - (4)-MlS9 23 FOR SALE-Only hotel, Wlnslde, Neb.; doing good business; object selling, going to Canada, bldney price, frop. (41-M202 28x FOR BALE Stock of groceries, with or without building; also livery barn. Box Ifab, Blair, Neb. (4) M203 23X DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. tiniest, 624 JS. X. Lt. (4) S83 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. O. U BROLINE, 618 Bes Bldg. 16) M840 M6 Attoraeya. W. W. DODGE, attorney. N. Y. Life Bldg. umce Tel. Douglas 4SZ; Res. Douglas ttj-Mta mi T. E. BRADY, Probate Atty. 609 Bee Bldg, (5 M3 M Cairo atoalat. DR. ROT, R-2. UOS Farnam BL Doug. 6497. (5J-MC14 Dress ma kiag. . LADIES' tailoring, dressmaking. 438 8. 24th. ib t rot DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Mias Sturdy. 3U2 Chicago. 'Phone Red 4703. , (6)-615 rMRS. BRANDON. 803 N. 1Mb. Doug. 3434. (5) 771 82.69 SHIRT waist aulta 'Phone Web. Z30. (6)-e3o M18 Florists. HESS at BWOBODA, 141S Farnam. 6)-616 L. HENDERSON. 1618 rarnam. Tat. Doug. 1258. lt)-41J Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE; 413 N. T. L. TsL Douglas 1864. (6)-4ua Dr. Bowser Over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. R370. (5) M6 Ml Prlatlacy WB print everything! Roes Printing Co. (6 M3 8 88 Use your own telephone BUSINESS DIRECTORY Prlatlna C'oatlnaea. I YNHSTAn High grade 1B07 calendars LllHUairtUg E corner j,(th pt. and &JORVE Capitol Ave. (5)-l CALL CENTRAL Doug. 39T.9 Central Printing Co, lowest pricea on priming. 110 S. )7th. Typewritten letters Jl'j" JENNINGS Printing Co., Tei. Douglas 6380. Vol O-TI WATERS PRINTING CO.. 1307 Howard St. lo) (31 it springer Printing Co, 206 N. 17th. Doug. 8071 THE ACORN PRESS, 1610 Howard St., Does Printing of Quality. Tel. uoug. s.iu. , (5)-M46 21 , nianablasT. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. lis N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas my. (5) 808 FZ7 Rlprapptng Eaglsetr. H. F. KELLNER, River and Riprap Engi neer; 20 years' practical experience; wins for Information. 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb, iB) MhM CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leadine Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. parlors, us 19. iHtn at, upp noston more. 16) 621 PSYCHIC palmist and life reader. Mile. Rees, residence 2035 Harney, rei. lougiat 6443. (6) 407 26x HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. 80 CASH girls. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7)-420 WANTED Bookkeeper with several years. must hcure had charge or books; ludy prefered. Give age. bookkeeping ex perience and references. Address G-717, cars of Bee. IT) 934 22 LADY of good appearance and address tn solicit ror charitable organisation. Ap ply between 9. and 10 a. in. Mr. Ellison, 106 city hall. (7) 836 Factory and Tradea, GIRLS wanted to work by the week, steady work and good pay. King-uranam Mtg. Co, Uth and Jackson Sts. - 7 836 Housekeepers and Domeatlca. WANTED A reliable woman who Js a good seamstress and to assist In the care of grown children; must be neat and active; references required Mrs. Earnest E. Hart, 625 3d St, Council Bluffs. Ia. (7) M928 21 WANTED At once, competent girl for general housework. Good wages; no washing. 1024 Park Ave. (7)-MX70 20 GIRL wanted; two In family; no washing. (7) 387 20 320 N. 23d. WANTED Good girl for general house work, lamiiy or two: rererences required. Mrs. W. A. Smith, 112 S. 35th St. Oh-366 20 GIRL for general housework; three In fam ily; no objection to girl Just learning English. 1523 Jackson St. 'Phone Doug las 47S1. (7)-M333 21 X WANTED A cook. 432 S. 3fth Ave. (7)-408 22 WANTED Girl for general housework. In quire bit North 40th street. (T) M433 21x ' LADY waitress: first-clans; highest wages. Apply to Manager, Dellone Hotel. (7) M462 22 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 2417 Spauld lng St. (7) M449 ilx GIRL for general housework, and to assist in taking care or child, small family. References rqutred. 2621 Bristol. (7) M453 22x WANTED Chambermaid. Kohler hotel. Grand Island, Neb. Transportation fur nished. (7) M429 21 Miscellaneous. LADIES We are still in need of mors help decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary work taken home; perma nent; good pay. Call mornings, 2311 S. 13Ch St. (7)-15u M2x M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Farn. 17) MV3S M-ll WANTED Old lady to take part care of children ror ner nome. can suos o. 16th St,' Omaha. (7) M866 21x BOOKKEEPER & STENOGRAPHER. 86S to 870. OFFICE CLERK at STENOGRAPHER. 850. STENOGRAPHER, 60. STENOGRAPHER AND GENERAL AS SISTANT, 856. The above positions are open for accept ance Immediately. Call, write or phone without delay. WESTERN REF. & BOND ABS'N. INC., .Suite 840-841-842 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7) M440 20 HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING FANS May delivery, 600 special and attractive designs, nam pies submitted upon application, ronna tfro. & Co, Omaha. (9)-M482 F23 OUR representatives maks 876 per week. Want one or two more. Bond required. Addreas In own handwriting, with stamp and references, A ui. Bee. is) Alius m Boys. WANTED Five boys, good wages; perma nent lob. A. D. 1. Co, 213 s). 13tn at. l9j-o22 WANTED 4 'boys or girls to strip tobacco In Hinderups uigar factory, ma bl Mary's Ave. () M399 Si Clerical and OtUee, WANTED Thoroughly experienced all around real estate and Insurance man. not over 36 ytars old; a hard worker with ambition and push, to take full charge of office. Including bookkeeping An excellent opportunity for the right Dafly on salary and working Interest; must be well acquainted with the city locations; answer in own handwriting, stating age and experience. Address O 742. cars Omaha Bee. l) M358 GOOD, live retail hardware clerk; steady position; good salary to right man. W 728, care Bee. (9) 359 19x WANTED Manager for general store; must be of good habits and come with good referencea. Globe Land and In vestment Co, Patteraon Bldg, Omaha, Neb. (9)-M7 Factory and Trade. WANTED A good, sober blacksmith, with reference. Addreas W. C. Harned, Sho shonl. Wyo. ()-M926 24x POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knleat. 624 N. Y. L. 19)-9Q WANTED Foreman Job printing office. Apply W. N. Huso, Murray .Hotel, Tues day evening. (9 376 19 WANTED Tool makers. lathe hands, Pratt at Whitney machine screw operators and general machinists. Address Robert Aitken, Box P 3, Toledo, O. (9) M380 26X WANTED Three East Omaha. boys. Omaha Box ' Co, (9) 408 21 Miscellaneous. WANTED Man te solicit well known firm on street, ears of fee. and represent Address H-ili, 00404 U HELP WAN (ED MALE Mlscellaneoaa-fcCoatlnaed. WANTED A first class proofreader to read proof on calendar advertisements. Will pay gooa wages, xne inos. i, wiurpny Co, Red Oak. Is. , 9)-M!4 21 WANTED For the U. S. Marine Corps, men 'between ages 21 and 36. An oppor tunity to see the world. For full Informa tion apply In person or by letter to re cruiting officer, U. 8. Nat'l bank building, 12th and Farnam Sts, Omaha, Neb. (I) 910 zxx WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Ten positions tor every graduate. 312 to $20 weekly paid. Wages whils learning. Beautiful 107 catalogue Just out. Cail or writ Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. (9j MS21 Mix WANTED At once, 600 sound young men. aged 18 to 86, for firemen and Dranemen on leading western railroads and for new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen 3100 per month; brakemen, 875; positions now open; call or write at once for particulars. National Ky. Training ass n, ea a, i-axton moca. Omaha, Neb. (9) 228 M8 PERSON of fair education to read law; excellent opportunity for right party; give full particulars. Address Y 126, Bee. (9) M43o 20X WE ARE IN NEED OF: 10 OFFICE CLERKS. R. R. Men pre ferred, at 375. 4 BOOKKEEPERS, at f to 170. 4 STENOGRAPHERS, $66 to $75. And hundreds of other applicants to fill high grade ponitlons. Bee us at once or write for particulars. WESTERN REF. & BOND AS3 N. INC, Suite 840-841-842 N. Y. Lire Bldg. (9) M439 20 WANTED A good man to work In ele vator; wltn some experience; must noi be afraid to work; good wages. Powell A Nllsson. Marion, Neb. () M919 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALES AMERICAN-GERMAN Employment office, 1524 Dodge. Help of all kinds. Tel. ftu7. (10) M7S8 MUX SOLICITOR Man or woman, tea and Address G 64. Bee. (10) 710 20 coffee, family trade. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicles. 1 TTORRF.a. wele-ht 1.200 lbs. each, wagon and harness. $125; one team, weight 8.500 lbs.; one team, weight j.uuu iga.; z larm mares. 2113 Grant. Tel. Douglas 3410. (ID 231 GOOD team i years old, well broke, 3265; tes.m nf flood, heavv mares. 8215: one good:. heavy, well broke, 4-year-old mors with foal, $135; one team ui diucks, weu matched, weighing 2,350, 8150; one good mare, 1,250, $70; one sore-footed mare, 8.15; one cheap horse, $26. Rear 414 N. 16th St (1D-M266 HORSES bought, sold and exchanged; drlv ers and general purpose horses a specialty. Myers, 1716 Jackson. Tel. Red 3t92. (11) M&V Ml FINE 7-year-old driving horse. 806 N. 16th fcjt. IUJ-MHM U E. H FERRIN. scientific horseshoer. 416 S. lSth. Will call and deliver. Doug. 1(U9. (ID M4j0 M8 FOR SALE Four good heavy work horses: 1 mare, weight from 1,300 to 1,600; coal horses. Inquire 1924 Lake St. 'Phone Douglas-lti&l. (11) 342 23 WAGONS for sale. 131? N. 24th St. (1D-335 M18 Ponltrr and Eggs. EGGS from high-scoring, thoroughbred White Wyandotte settings or Incubator lots. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Florence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1082. (11) M243 23 HOMER pigeons; best squab breeders. Booking advance orders for mated pairs. Visitors Invited. Walker, 1923 S. 16th. Doug. 6664. (ID MM4 M ROSE and Single Comb Brown Leghorns, Sliver Srangled Hamburg, White Pekln Ducks. E. Dooley. Selma, Ia. (1D-804 19X BARRED ROCKS; stock and eggs for sale. Write Austin Faucett, Blair, Neb. (ID M429 22x BUFF FOWLS Buff Wyandottes, Buff Rocks, Cochin Bantams, high grade stock. Price reasonable. W. J. Gow, Norfolk. Neb. (11) M 806 20x WHITE LEGHORNS, Vanatta strain; White Rocks; Pekln ducks. Eggs in sea son. Llllle C. Bennett. Belgrade, Neb. (ID M48 tix BLACK LANGSHANS or Buff Orpington cockerels, 81 each; pullets, 75c each; 15 eggs, $1.60. A. W. Atwood, Plattsmouth. Neb. ' (11 M733 27x BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS, Purs Ringlet strain; a nice lot of breeding cock erels for sale at 82 and $3. 'Phone Red 6470. F. C. Ahlqulst, 2762 Meredith Ave, Omaha, Neb. (11) M280 28 ROUEN DUCKS and White Holland tur keys. Good ones of either sex at sero prices. I have also two male pea fowls. Frank J. Clouss, Clare. Ia. (ID M270 M3x 1,000 CHOICE Orpingtons, all 8. C. varie ties. Males a specialty. Boomgaarn's Orpington Yards, Humboldt, Neb. (11) M271 MSx RHODE ISLAND Reds for sale; rose or single comb. Prices reasonable. Art Pe terson, Lyons, Neb. (ID M272 MSx FOR SALE Light Brahma and Rhode Island Reds eggs for hatching. Write wants, keep ad. D. S. Brenneman, Coun cil Bluffs. (1D-353 23x Cows, Birds. Do sts and Pets. FOR SALE Red Irish Setter pups. 1610 Cuming St. D. W. Counsman. (1D-M961 2Sx FOR BALE-Full-blood Scotch Collie dog, male, 6 months old. 3022 Charles 8t, Omaha QD-196 1 ; LOST AND FOUND LOST Small gray purse containing small amount of money, knife, office key and meal ticket, between Fifteenth and Har ney and Fourteenth and Davenport. Please return to No. 9, Granite block. (12)- $6.00 REWARD for return of a mink fur lost Buturday afternoon between- Rlver vlew park and loth and Bancroft SU. Call Harney 820. (12) 872 2ux STRAYED or stolen, gray mare, weight l.luC lbs, hitched to open buggy, on liith St, between Paul and Charles. Anyone knowing the whereabouta of aame cull at 1623 Douglaa St. Reward. L. B. PARSONS. 02)-SS4 lfx LOST Gold ring, on South 24th Ave. Flndor please return to 638 South 24th Ave. and receive reward. (12) 374 19x LOST Bunch of keys, please notify Daa Whitney, 4204 Hatnllton St. (12) 406 Sx MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav. enport Sts.; special attention paid to con. ffnement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls auswered day or night. (18) 129 ANY poor girl In seed of a friend call er write to the matron of the Salvation Army Horns for Women at 8824 N. S4tb. St, Omuha. Neb. (U MluO PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good namarltan SanU tarlum, 728 First Ave, Council Bluffs, la. 1L H4. (13-i22 MRS. PERRY, drugleaa bealer, treater of circulations and chroula diseases. Neville blk. R. 3U. lU-aU4 Mi MEDICAL (Continued) Br.8T nerve bracer for men, "Gray" Narva Food PUIa," 81 boa. postpaid. Sherman 4k MeCnnnell Drug Co., Omaha. (IS)- 63-DAT blood remedy, tbe great blood f'nrlfler: sold only at nisdlsh Pharmacy, 2th and Dodge St., Omaha. !) MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMI I'HAlTaLS, DIl. PRIOBENOW8 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc. In any amount; less than half ratea; perfect privacy, Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when sick or out ut work. 814 Karbacti Blk, South lath St. (14 Uti Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary ; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost Open svenlngs till 5. (14)-4$ WOULD MONEY HELP YOUJ Our new plan enables you to obtain money at ratea which honest people can afford to pay. We will make you a loan on your salary, furniture or piano, and you csn pay us back later In amounts to suit your convenience. Everything confidential. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOUU. 19. Room 20, Frenser Blk, 16th and Dodge Sts. (14) M3D1 M7 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co, room a. Barker Blk. O4)-30 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THW PHOENIX CREDIT CO, for chattel or salary loans. 633 Pax ton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 746. !) 31 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Reliahle accom modating; all business confidential. 131 Douglaa (14) 634 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy payments; offices In 63 principal cities. Save your self money by getting my terms first. D. H. TOLMAN, 714 N. Y. L. Bldg. 04)-627 Cash in Any Amount $10 to $300 LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC, OR ON YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPLOYED, without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms 307-308, Paxton Block. (14) 2 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows, horses, etc. C. F. Reed. 310 8. 18th. (14)-628 THE UNION LOAN COMPANY PRIVATE BANKERS Have increased their capital and during the month of February will make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on ' personal property and notes, without se curity. Terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. 310 Bee Bldg. (14) Mi34 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co, 1604 Farnam St. (14)-M913 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 636 FURNISHED rooms, with board. " 171 Dodge. (16) M392 M7x NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences, excellent table; pri vate family. 2469 Harney. U6) S WANTED Two young gentlemen who wish good table, pleasant associations down town, with good service. Call at 1903 Capitol Ave. (16) 841 DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and Farnam. (15) 638 THE 8HELTON, 26th and Dodge. (16) M847 Mix LANGS HOTEL, rooms. Corner 18th and Jackson. (16) 163 March 4 LARGE, well furnished rooms; modern conveniences, good board. The Roae, 2020 Harney St. (15)-827 24x THE PRATT. 210 8. 85th St. (15) 444 Mart FOR RENT Two excellent rooms, modern conveniences, use of telephone; close In; for gontlemen. 2208 Douglas St. (15) M962 13 LARGE southeast front room., steam heated, with first class table board. 2616 Tt n . x 1E UUM 90 DESIRABLE accommodations frtr bache lors; late mayor's residence, 617 So. 18th St.; references exchanged. (15) 932 22x LARGE front parlor on first floor, strictly modern. 708 8. 18th St. (15) 818 19x LARGE alcove room, all modern; break fast privilege. 116 N. 26th St. (16) M663 M LARGE front room with alcove, modern, suitable for four young men. 2232 Farnam St. (15) M866 21 HANDSOMELY furnished rooms and first class boiird for four couples In private home. 824 N. 19th. (15)-4 21 WELL furnished, steam heated rooms, modern; first class table board; refer ences exchanged. 1811 Farnam. "The Qulvet." (16)-347 23 HANDSOME front room, In fine neighbor hood; suitable for two; first-class board. 2427 Dodge St. (16)-333 23x NICELY furnished rooms In desirable locality, with first class board; gentle men preferred. 1916 California street. (II) 340 23 HANDSOME front rooms in fine place. High class board, on Farnam car. 2618 Farnam street. (16) 845 2 Fnrnlshed Rooms. MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago. (16) 861 Fl 8-ROOM apartment; hot and cold water; all modern. 816 8. t2d St. (16) M903 22 X LARGE front room on ground floor, steam heated: suitable for two or four gentlo. men. 214 N. 23d St. (15)-M907 21 MODERN furnished rooms. 2226 Dodgt, , (15)-M844 Ml BRUNSWICK hotel, 1210 Douglas St. (Lb) 162 Mar4 STEAM heated front rooms. 1909 Capitol. (16) 161 Mar4 MODERN rooms. One neighborhood; gen tlemen preferred. 2614 St. Mary's Ave. (16)-M6C6 M9 NICELY furnished room, thoroughly mod ern, 'phone, near depots. 1221 B. lit h St. (16) 216 19x WANTED Reliable young man as room mate; must be sober and of good char acter. Tel. Douglas iSuti. (12) M281 23x FURNISHED ROOMS, 1918 Capitol Ave. (16) M757 MUX PLEASANT south room. 8671 St Msry'a. 06)-814 . LARGE furnished front room. Fine lo cality, near car, private family. 201$ California. (15) 887 23 NICELY furnished front room. Mrs. M. D. Carre. 2018 California street. (1D4W8 18 , FURNISHED ROOMS. Douglas 86S8. 714 N. Uth. Tel. (16)-M669 M9X VERY pleasant room In small private family; new. modern house, clone in. "Phone Red mm. uo sra t FURNISHED room for gentleman: privats family. 316 No. 18th. (15) 427 LARGE pleasant front room elegantly fur liished, modem. 620 North IKih. il5 M428 20x NICE, large, furnished room for light housekeeping at 1920 Dodge. (16) M447 30x Fnrnlshed Hansen nnd Flats. 2106 OHIO St, 6-room house; furnished; J. H. DUMONT SON. 806 N. Y. Ufe. (IS) 360 OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Ilnasekeeplac Rooms. THREE nice furnished rooms for light housekeeping, close In. 116 S. 24th Pt. 061-411 I1X 4-ROOM8, modern except hest. $16 00: . a .in . rft.t inniirm rooms, guv simi'-, i n. Douglas 6310. (16 M443 22X LARGE south front room with alcove. Also one other handsome room; gontle men preferred. 27u2 Farnam St. 1-MS6S 11 Vnfnrnlshcd Rnoms. A SUITE of large unfurnished rooms, first floor, strictly modern references re quired. 240o Cass. (151418 Apartments nnd Flats. 7-ROOM flrt, modern except hest, opposite Stors brewery. Apply 410 8. Uth St. (16) MS65 U 4-ROOM apartment In "THE ORMOND," modern, 53 8. 2Mh St, $.o. 6-rtx.m apartment, steam heat. 18th and Nicholas Sts, $20. BEM19. PAXTON ni.OCK. 'Phone Douglas 5S&. (15-8t allonses and Cottages. T-room furnished house, modern, 1101 Ohls St, $27.60. 6-room cottage. Poppleton Ave, $14. t-room house on 8. 27th St, water and gas, nice lawn and fruit, 8 blocks to car line, $16. Stewart-Leavenworth Co. Tel. Doug. 6360. 618 N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb, (16) M2i9 20 WE MOVE ' pianoa Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 14W. Office. 1718 Webster St. 116) 894 FOR RENT Modern 9-room brick house not d. sist bi. ; iw per montn. Thomas Brennan, room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg, Ubj S91 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Pile (15)-90 TTOTTSlT.S H parts of the city. The (16)-64 HOUSES m PrU of th clt7- UUUOM c Peter, Bce Bldg. US)-t4 FINE new $300 piano for $200. This Is no fake piano ad, but a real bargain If you need a piano. 608 Woodmen of the World Bldg. (16)-M928 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO, 214 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 1196. (l6)-647 4232 BURDETTB, 10-r, steel range, bam, $26. 8716 N. 23d, 8-r., modem ex. heat, $!R. 3513 Sherman Ave, 6-room, new, $30. 8167 Davenport, 8-room, modern, $35. To see complete list call at office. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. 06) M450 20 CENTRAL, modern, steam heat, 7-rootu house; 4-room corner flat; 8-room cottage. R. Tlxard, 220 N. 23d. (16) MT6U FOR RENT 7-room house, modern exoept furnace; 711 N. 2Sth Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient; rent reasonable. Apply at 607 N. 19th, or room 903 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M784 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 162R. Schmoller 48 Mueller Piano Co, 1311-1811 Farnam. (15-887 OMAHA Van A Storage Co, pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1130-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Dong. 1F59. (15)-1 . i 6-r. modern cottage, and barn, 1130 Parker. 6r. modern cottage, 641 B. 26th Ave. 6-r. modern brick flat, 1818 8. 29th St. 8-r. modern brick flat. 1687 8. 29th Ave. 12-r. modern house, 24th and Harsey. F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. (15) 321 1 FOR RENT 6 room house, ctty water, 709 N. S2d. $16.00. Will rent tn small colored family. J. H. Parotte. Paxton Blk. (15) 896 28 2619 BLONDO St, 6 rooms snd bath; cltr WRter; no furnace; $22.60. J. H. DUMONT & SON. 808 N. T. Life. (lfi-a FOR RENT 1727 Chicago St, fins 7-room, modern bouse, 130. 1315 8. S2d St, 8-room modern house, finest location in city, $32.60. 1609 Lathrop St, 6-room modern house, 118. W. R. HOMAN. 1617 Farnam St. flBV M177 23 10-ROOM house, 702 N. 40th St, modern,, 835. L. D. Holmes, 711 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-X81 21 FOR RENT 8-room house, all .modern, ex cept furnace, 820. -C. M. BACH MANN. 436 Paxton Block. (16) 740 2304 N 21 ST, 8-r, mod. ex. fur, $22.00 TURRELL CO., 17th and Farnsm. 1 ' (16)-M402 20 6- r, partly modern, 1161 N. 18th $11 4-r, partly modern, 1408 N. 18th $10 7- r, good repair, 1428 Westerfleld Ave... $10 12-r, modern, choice, 2416 Sherman Ave.. $30 6-r, 2 barns, 423 N. 84th $16 8- r, modern, choice, 2204 Maple $19 Also several garden tracks. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO, 432-84 Ramga Bldg. Uth and Harney Sts. t (15)-423 20 A LITTLE OEM. 2210 8. 29th St, 6 rooms, all modern, fins repair, paved street, for rent or sale; possession March 1. Payne, Bostwlck 4k Co, 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16i 414 19 8-ROOM house, $26. Tel. Douglas 6309. (16)-M444 I2x OHleos. ONE large office room, ground floor, Ed ward Crelghton Institute Bldg, 210 S. 18th St, opposlts city hall. Inquirs building. (18)-230 1614 HARNET St, new, modern offices. Hastings Heyden, Agents, 1704 Farnm St. (15)-M438 FOR RENT-Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St, South Omaha. Apply to manager. (16) 184 Bee Building OFFICE For Rent. A single room on the fifth floor, six 14x18, has a vault. Can be occupied tne first of March, at $18, Janitor service and lights furnished free. See R. W. Baker, Supt, room 418. (16) M42S tores,' ENTIRE floor, 12x182. 1216 Famam St. Very low rental. . (15)-M4&8tlg OFFERED FOR SALE Coal. 1 FIRE sals on coal. Burr egg, 86.26 ton, stove or furnace. TeL Harmon A Weeth. UO-711 Ml Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing. 5c per foot 206 N. 17th 8U Tel. ReLM. (16 890 Fill Fnrnltare. FINE upright piano, parlor suit, bookcase, rugs, hall tree and other furniture, tag at ouce, 416 N. 23d St. (16) 377 M4 PIANO, runabout, harnesses. Ice eh sideboard, hard coal heater. Call Farnam. third floor, after 12. (16)-M86T 11 FURNITURE or six room house, include Ing piano nearly new; will sell alto gether or by the piece. 206 N. 20th St. " (16) MS61 21x FOR SALE A handsome bookcase, ma hogany finish, at a bargain. 8U3 Dewey Ave. G6)-66x I WILL sell my household goods cheap st public suction from dats until sold. 162 Jackson St. (16) 834 19 LEAVING city, for sals rhesp, steel range, sectional book case, rugs, carpets, table, chairs, stc. (28 Georgia Are. U6 846 is