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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
THE 0MA1IA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1907. 9 CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET floor Tails torn Under httt Inlli Market Steadily Deolininc. HEAVY SELLING ON STOP LOSS ORDERS Decline Cheeked "lent Close fey Re ports of Good Export Baslness Coarse Cereals Easy, hat ladertono la Good. OMAHA. Feb. 1. 1907. The bottom fall from under the wheat buu today ana the market steadily de clined, closing cent lower than yesterday cables came lower and tha northwest uened weaa, followed by tbe other roar kis There waa considerable stop lots, and tha only check was made by tne execution by commission houses by testing orders to buy. Tha northwest Bold beavliy on atop lose orders. It la estimated tnat Prtngle at Chicago lias sold 6,ouo,uuw ifuBiion since frioay. Later In the session New Tork reported ninety-nine loads for export, and Duluih repotted export business, This put a check iu iu, setting. '1 lie amount of wheat on passage to Ku rope Increased last week t.b'iO.oiu bushels, liroomhall thla morning states tha amount of wheat In and afloat tor Europe Increased l,32t),u, which foes to show that European stocks have decreased during- the week 5,000,000 bushels, Bradstreets today made a bullish allowing- as compared witn a year sgo. The market on coarse grains waa easy, though there waa a good undertone. Pri mary receipts of corn and oats were large, but the gTain waa said to be all from coun try elevatora and none from first hands. Tha demand probably will prevent the ac cumulation nf Brooka. Broadstreel wheal Increase was 403.0.0 puahels; corn Increase waa 1.393,000 busneia; oats decrease was loo.CM) bushels. Primary wheat receipts ware 844,000 . bushels and slilmnents 244.010 bushels. against receipts iaat year of 46h,0O0 bushels and shipments of 85.0uO bushels. Corn re ceipts were 1,287,000 bushels and shipments 4U.IAAI bushels, against receipts last year of LwO.uOo bushels and shipments of 479.00O bushels. Clearances Wei a M.uOO bushels wheat, 93,000 bushels com, 2,000 bushels calu, and flour and wheat equal to Ut,0u0 bushels. Liverpool closed 434d lower on wheat and HjiHd lower on corn. Tha car situation ahowa no Improvement, either eaat or west, most of the complaints being from tha east. There wars orders at Chicago for corn for February shipment from seabord that netted 1 to 14 profit, but sellers were prevented from accepting tha bids by their inability to secure cars. Every Inch of room In tha Minneapolis mills Is Oiled up with flour which cannot . ba moved because of tha car situation, said a Minneapolis man. Local range of options: Articles. OpenTiHTh. Low. Close. Saty firsts, 4o; extras, lliW,c. 74c. Cheese, steady. HEW YORK GENERAL- MtRKGT flotations n Yerioos of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK. Feb. 19.-FLOUR Receipts, 27.167 bbls ; exports. 9,142 bbls.; maiket dull and barely steady; Minnesota patents. $4-iri4.; winter straigh. M-eWi.&o; Min nesota bakers, U Soy.t io, winter extras, 1.2-00 t)30; Winter low grades, i.TCf 90. Kya hour, quiet; fair to good, $3 .4i 80; choirs to fanry, HAu4.2u. buckwheat flour, dull, iLWul.M, spot and to srrlve. COK.NM fcA L Firm; fine white and yel low, II Joyl.e; coarse, kiln dried, WHEAT Receipts, 21.000 bn.j exports, 24, 917 bu. Spot market easy: No. I led, 8.140, elevator, and U4c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern I)uluth, l4e, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. fcoSc, f. o. b., afloat. There waa a lc break In wheat today, following weaker cables, blK northwest receipts and favorable weather west. It resulted In a heavy export trade, however, on which prices milled somewhat In the last hour, closing Vtf4a net lower, as follows: May, Mc; July, M4c; September, oS4c. CORN Receipts. 116.oi6 bu.; exports, 75, t'M bu. Bpot market barely steady; No. 1 W, elevator, and 62c, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 white, 544c; No. 2 yellow, 5jic, L o. b., afloat. Option market waa without sup port, closing, July, 63 4c. OATS Receipts. 52,500 bu.; exports, 2,140 bu : mixed oaU, 26 to 32 pounds, 474c; nat ural white, 30 to 33 pounds, HjhStC. Spot market ateady. HAY vjuleti good to choice. $1.001.10. .HOI'S Dull; Pacific coast, 21 to 25 pounds. 1905. 10'13c. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 td 25 pounds, 20c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 19i. l.EATH ER Steady : acid, 27Vo-c- PROVISIONS Heef, firm; family, $15,003 IS do; mess, $'..0fv9 50; beef hams, $24.0i 28.0U; packet, IU.uual2.00; city, extra India mess, $ Cut meats. steady; pickled bellies, 210-75312.50; pickled hams. 12.J6. Lard, firm; western prime, $9.Hfi .!': refined, steady; compound, $8.t2Vu' $.874, continent. Pork, firm; family, $2)uM; short clear, $ 19.25; mess, 18.6o'g 19.26. TALIX)W Dull; city, fc; country. 6VuVc. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, LV'iSc; Japan, nominal. POULTRY Live, steady; western chick ens, S4312c; fowls, 13c; turkeys, lac; dressed, quiet; western chickens, 13ic; turkeys. Hilte; fowls, o'gl34c. BUTTER Steady; street price, extra creamery, $34.'u44c; offlclai prlres creamery, common to extra, 20Sj314c; held, common to extra, 21-ij31c; state, dairy, common to finest. 2tKu31c; renovated, common to extra, 16li24o4 western factory, common to firsts, 17tt21c; western Imitation creamery, extras, aCri-To; firsts, 23&2&c. CHEESE Firm; state full cream, small and large, September fancy. 144c; October best. 11V614WC; good to prime. 1213Hc; winter made, average best,124c; inferiors, U'&liHc; skims, 84rtfll4c fcitjt s strong: state. ' Pennsylvania ana Whs May July Corn- May.. July.. Sept.. Oats May.. July.. 71 4A 714A 42 A 414A 4t4A T1HA 704A 704A 71A 71 VA 70A 70A 71A 42 A 41HA CHA 42HB 1VA 41WA 41WA 41HB 41 WA 41HB 3SA 2914A. 894A SS T MA loWB A asked. B bid. Omaha Casta Prlaea WHEAT No. 2 hard, SSS'ic; No, I hard, 64tJiyic: No. 4 hard, K0"0oo; No. 2, 'ji9c. CORN No. 3, ic; No. 4, ti3.c; no grade, 31 48 Joe; No. t yellow. Sbc; No. I white, OA IS No. I mixed. 27c; No. 2 white, 28c; No. 4 white. 37u37V4ja. RYB-No. 2, Uo; No. I, 56 a. C'mrlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS sBSgaesMgs) Htj Bslline Ds to Virioty of Bnmor Hoio of Ibich Aro Vtrifiai UNION PACIFIC IS SPECIALLY WEAK Its Actios Date ta Prospective Re estsaptloBi f Harrlmaa Iavestlga Itoa Rally Near Ilea Bat Leases Are Net Regalaed. NEW YORK. Feb. 1.-The selling of stocks today waa of a volume ana in a manner to aeem portentous and waa the occasion of an unsually large number of rumois. Many ot these proved unfounded and none were actually verified during tne session. This situation aftected the al ternatives ot supposing these rumors were set alloat with a simmer purtosti to force prices lower in the Interest of the bear party or that they represented the blind groping after the eal causes of the selling, ise most persistent and etneacious rumor had to do with the affairs of the e,uuilabie 1.1 1 e Assurance society and tney uecame ao specific and so confident in tuelr torin that the president ot tne Kuultable waa led to issue a formal denial ot them. Re covery set In after the issuance of tnis disclaimer. Previous to that the Impression was conveyed that some of the heavy sell ing in tha market waa from the treasury of the Insurance company, with various accompaniments In tha way of comment on the colluteral effects to be assumed. Tne coming resumption of the Interstate Commerce commission's Inquiry into tne Harrlman railway combinations and thj Information alleged to have been pre pared by the head f the system for use in his examination were said to be of lormidable import to the market. The special weakness of Union Pacific wns due to this impression. Coming activity In the held ot Investigation of depart ments ot the state government St Aloany waa another favorite theme much barped uttin In the day's gossip, ana banks and trust companies were aald to be the pros pective held of the medium of the statd banking department. On the Washington side It waa said that the coming change In the administration of the Treasury de partment waa the occasion for misgivings on tha part of powerful financial groups,, for reasons which supplied gnound for numerous variations In the current rumors. The pressure sgalnst Pennsyl vania was directly traceaule to the inti mations of another note Issue, the an nouncement of which was made formally during the day. The Importance of tha operation was modified by the fact fit the total Issue of teo.0u0.00o, all but $10,000 OuO designed for the extension of nptes already outstanding, the 150.000,000 - ao provided maturing November 1. An additional mitigating effect waa the ac list, and the market cloeed weak. Kaffirs were the most ar-tlve section of the mining market. They rloed firm. BERLIN, Feb. 19 Trading on the Bourse toils y was very quiet. PARIS. Feb. 19. Prioea on the Rourse to day were f1rmr. Russian Imperial 4s clrofd at 75.10 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 4M6.U0. Kew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 19. MON EY On call, firm at 446S per cent; ruling rate, 4rt Kr cent; closing bid. 5 per cent; offered at per cent. Time loana. etronger: sixty and ninety days, 64 per cent; slk months. 54 p' cnt. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-61 per cent. STERLING E!X CHANG K Rarely steady with actual business In barkers' Mils at 94 4oOfi4.M.' for demand and st 94 0v, 4.t36 for sixty day bills; posted rates, I4.HH nd 94.fcr4; commercial bills. 54 80V,. SILVER Bar, 68c; Mexican dollars. 63e. RONDS OoTernment, strong; railroad, heavy. Closing quotation on bends were as ...1114 Japan etfs Ki ...USHl do U errlM ...10? 4a 4. etr, 14 ...lm L. A N. anl. 4 w ...114 Mashst e. told ..! "4 2i30c; brown nd mixed 'exts.' ' comp.y,. .gptan.tlon that thl. would firsts to extra firsts, liaTic; western nrata, '- , ....-....-o - 2264c; official price. 26c; aeconds, 2 , company thla year and would obviate the 2--,lL. .1 offering In that line of any of the new atock and bonds which the stockholders will be asked to authorise at the annual meeting. The report of the terms of the issue caused a violent rebound in Penn sylvania and -added to the recovery else where Which followed this statement from President Morton of the Kqultable company. The recovery was held fairly well to the closing, but considerable losses remained at some points of the list. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, United States 2s, regis Chlcsgo Kansas City Minneapolis , Omulia Uuluth Bt. Louis .... 24 ... 7 ...403 ... 2a ...172 ... 2s 454 19 74 124 Oats. 13J 77 24 59 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trmdlagt and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 19. Largely Increased reuulpts In the northwest and excellent weather for the continuation of the move ment caused a sharp decline In the price of wheat on the local exchange today. At tne close May wheat was oft l(yVo. Corn was down &4c oats showed a loss of 40. Provisions .were 240 to 174a higher. Tbe wheat market was weak ail day., Sinail holders and pit traders sold freely at the opening because of the Increased movement in the northwest and clear weather throughout the spring wheat ter ritory. The apparent indifference of the Liverpool maraet to yesterday's advance hers also stimulated the selling movement. The weakness at Liverpool waa attributed to a report that tha Russian government had secured sufficient wheat for all relief requirementa for several weeks to come. About the end of the first hour commission houses began to eell on stop' loss orders and this caused a still further decline. A report from Minneapolis that stocks of wheat there had Increased Uo.OuO bu. this week also depressed the market. A mod erate rally oocurmd late In the day on the report that exporters were buying freely at New York and Duluth. The market, however, closed weak. May opened Vo to 4c lower at 774c to 7Rc, sold off to 704c, and closed at 77 4. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 192.200 bu. The world's visible supply ss shown by Brad streets increased (oo.OOO bu. Primary re celuts were 544.700 bu. for the same time last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts ot eot oars, against a holiday last week and 347 cars one year ago. The decline in Svheat caused a moderate slump in corn. The feature of trading was rree selling or tne July option by local prevision interests. Leading commission houses took most of the offerings. The market closed weak. May opened a shade to ic lower st tric. sold oft to and closed at 444c. Local receipts were 464 cars, with one car of contract grade. Trading In oats was quiet and the market waa depressed by the weakness of wheat and corn. Commission houses and longs were the chief sellers and shorts the beat ,- buyers. May oats opened unchanged to a shade higher at 4"Sc to 4044 404c, declined to 44c, and closed at 404c Local receipts were 132 cars. The feature of trading in the provisions market waa free selling of pork early in tha day by outside longs, resulting In a material decline in the price of that pro duct. Lard and rlbe, however, were well supported by pit traders and the smaller packers. The loss in pork waa later re- talned, ths market closing firm with the lay delivery up I40 at Jl.774c. Lard waa up 1740 at I9.&24- mba were L!4c higher at 99.35- Extimated receipts for tomorrow are: Wheat. U care; corn. 821 cars; oats, 107 cars; hogs, 15,01.4 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: fft. l-oala General Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19 WHEAT Lower; track, No. 2 red, cash, 7tt4U'8c; No. I hard, 74U7Hc; May. 7i4c; July, 16c CORN Lower; track. No. 2 cash, 434c; No. 2 white, 46'44c; May, 424c; July. 4440- OATS Weak ; track. No. 3 cash, 41c; No. 2 white, 42c; May. 84c: July. So. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 93.603.80: extra fancy and straight, l3.2Ofi3.B0; clear, 22.66S2.8C. SEKI) Timothy steady, fl. 60104. 00. CORNMKAL Steady, 1140. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 99o9 $1.00. HAY Steady; timothy, $15.00'919.0); prairie, $10. 008 13.00. IRON COTTON TIES $1.10. BAGGING 104c. HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISIONS Pork stejady; lobbing, $15.70. Lard, higher; prime steam, $9.40. Dry salt meat, lower: boxed emra ahonts.19.1i; clear ribs, $9.75; short clears, $9,874. Bacon, lower; boxed extra' short, $10.50; clear ribs, $10.50; short clear. $10,624- POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 10c; springs, 114c: turkeys. 12c; ducks, 114c: geese, 7o. BUTTER Easy; creamery, 27ft34c; dairy, 2itmc. EGGS Firm at 224c Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9.000 11.000 Wheat, bu 26,000 77,000 Corn, bp 124,000 108.000 Oats, bu 90,000 Kansas City Grain and Pro-vlslone. KANSA8.CJTT. Feb.' 19. WHEAT May. 70c; July. 714c; September. 714c Cash, pi o. x num. nrii'u tancj n. , owuitfv, iu. red. .734744c; No. 3, 66724c. CORN May. 414c; July, 41o; September. 424c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 40c; No. $, t4c; No. i white, 424c; No. 3, 424c. OATS No. 2 white, 41c; No. 2 mixed, 400 404c- RYE Steady, 6062c. KGGS Market lc higher; firsts. 224c. ; HAY Weak; choice timothy, $14.5Oi-u'15.0O; choice prairie, $11.00U'11.50. BUTTER Creamery, 32c; packing, 20c Keceipts. csnipmenis. tered, advsnced 4 per cent, the coupons, 4. and Ss, coupons, 4 per cent on call. The following was the range ot prices on the New York Stock exchange: (ales. Hi(k. unr. Cloaa Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats, bu... ..76.0(10 ..19,000 .11.000 Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board ot Trad building, was: Articles. Open. H!gh. Low. Closs Wheat May .. July ... Corn May .. July .. 714 714 T14;T140 I4nvfri'4141f4,l 704I7044B 7041 71 B 41 41! 414A 4i4,44H44141A Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tea-y. Wheat May July Bept Corn May July Sept. jHt May July Sept Pork May July Ijrd May July Sept. Ribs May July T7tr4 484? 40SW4 174 S -4 324 i n 14 S 9 66 9 T5 7"4 T74 47 4dS 4 El 19 SS 19 974 9 54! 9 95 0I74J 9 974 9 46 T74 774f'4'7S4 -u4 7'l 77' 7$ 44 4 41'Si46Hii 464 4Hi 4V47 t!i iS 404 n4,i641rn $24 I B0 16 ti 9 9 V, T74 9 22M 9 27'! 1 T7H 1 $74 9 924 9 avu 9 24l 9 9 424 47 374 2H 19 7B 1 U 9 R 9 C7', 9 nl 9 r?4 9 Jo No. t Cash nuotatlons were aa follows: FLOUR-Steady ; winter patenta, $3 9041 $ 50; winter atralghta. I3 0iii'.b; spring pat enta, H N W: spring straights, H loiiSSo: bakers. $2 r2.tu. WHEAT No. $ spring TT!r; No. $ sprlnv. 73J w4o; No. $ red. T2TtiT44c. CORN No. 9. 4c; No. 1 yellow, 434c OAT No. 1 4o; No. 2 white, 41c; No. $ white, Ki4j4u4c. RYI--No. 1. ta64c, RARLET-Falr to choice malting. tfcfMlc. 8KEl-No. 1 flsi, ft 17; No. 1 north western. $1 14. Prime timothy, $4 55. Clover, contract grade, 'l . . PROVISIONS Short rlhS. sides (loose) 9.(tei M. Mess pork, per bhl . $14 7514. St7a' lrd. per 1"0 lha., 9 te- Short clear sldea (boxed). $9.a9.. The receipts and shipments of flour and rraln were; flour, bbls Wheat, bu. Corn, bu..,, tats, bu..., Hye, bu...., barley, bu on tne Produce exchange today the but. ter market wa siesd''; rroameries. fit K4c: dairies, ma . a-s. firm: at msrk aaes inc uded. iasJrto; firsts. 24c; pnnw Receipts. Shipments. .... js.5i yo.7 0 .... 2.ii0 -: ....Wl.eO lrt ,...314 S" ltO M 9.7IH Vi.V") 14. . Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Special cable and telegraphic communication received by Bradstreets show the following changes In available supplies as compared with pre vious account: Wheat. I'nited States, east of Rockies, decrease, 1.343.0U0 bushels; Can- Inontiu OiaiMHi hiimhela! tntal TTnltAfl States and Canada, decrease. 997.0O0 buhele; Honh AmVrioso afloat for and in Kurop-j, increase, t.400.01 rcio lull bushels; total American and European sup- PenssjrlTasia ply, lncresse, 4O3.0U0 bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, increase, 1.393.0(0 bush els. Oats, UrU led States and Canada, de crease, 161,000 bushels. Adams Eipraas Amalgamated Coppar .... Amar. Par and FouDdry... do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd Amer. Eipraas Amar. Hide A Leather pfd . Amar. lea Amer. Linasod Oil do pfd Amar. Ixwomotlrs do pfd Amer. Bmaltlng A Raf... do pfd Amar. sugar Rafllnlng... Amar. Tobacco pfd otfa.. Anaeonda Mining Co Atrhtaon do pfd Atlantlo Coast Line Baltimore St Ohio 1,000 j Baltimore A Ohio nrooaiyn napia trenail... Canadian Partita Central of Now Jar-say... Chaaapaako A Ohio Chlngo Oraat Weatern . . . I Chicago A Noithwaatarn . . c, M . a St. Paul Chlrago Terminal A Trans. do pfd C, C, C. St. Loula.... Colorado Fuel and Iran.... Colorado A Southern do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Conaolldated Oas Com Products do pfd Dslewars A Hudaoa tMI., Lack. A Waatarn.... Danrar A Rio Orande. ... do pfd tMatlllars' Bocurltlas Ella da lit pfd do td pfd Oanaral Elactrle Illtnola Contra! Inter. Paper da pfd Inter. Pump 1. - do pfd Iowa Central do pfd Xaaaas City Southern do pfd LoulaTille A Naahrllle ... Maxlcan Central Minn. A St. Loula M., St. P. A Bault Sta. M so pfd Mlaaourl PaolBt . Mtaaourl. Kanaaa A Texas do pfd , National Lead N. R. R. ot Mexico sd.. Now York Central Kaw York, Ont. A Westan Norfolk A Waatarn do pfd 83.000 13.000 10,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Feb. 19. WHEAT May closed at 74'B7o4c; July, 74a Cash market slow. Close: On track. No. 1 hard, c; No. 1 northern, 7!c; to arrive, 7!4c; No. 2 northern, 774c; to arrive, T74o; No. $ wheat, 73-:U75c; No. 2 durum, 65c; to artve. 434c. FLOl' R Unchanged : first ralents. $4,303 4.4t: s'cond patents. $4.15ti4.25; first clears. $3.iTi3 ; second clears, $2.40fc-? 0. I KUAX-rHlr demand, to arrive ciosea st $1.21. Closing prices were at $1.21. A Bt. Car.... Car., Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 19 WHEAT Re No. 1 northern, SrtfiKlc; No. t northern, TSwifllc: May, 774e asked. RYE Lower; No. 1. 674aSc. RARLEY-Steady; No. 2. 614362c; sample, 5MUc. CORN-Easler; No. $ cash, 42'oH24c; May, 46Ho asked. Paopla'a Oaa Pitta.. C, C. Prt aaad Steal do pfd Pullman Palace Reading , do let pfd , do Id pfd , Refisblle Steal do pfd , Rork laland Ce do pfd , 11. u t 1 r u pfd..., St. Loula Southwestern ... do pfd , 1 Southern PaclSa do pfd Southern Railway , , do pfd I Tsnnaoaee Ooal and Iron., 1 Teaaa A Pacific , Tol , St. L. A Weatara.. do pfd '. Colon Paclac da pfd r. S. Bipraaa V. S. Realty U. A Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Peorln Market. PEORIA. Feb. CORN-Dull. lower! No. 3 yellow, 404c; No. 3, 4o4c; No. 4. $c; no grade, S1.j4c. OATS Iwer: No. I white. No 9 white. S9l;e; No. 4 white, $040. RYE Faay: No. 2. SSHjtBie. WHISK Y-On basis of $1.29 for finished goods.. IJverpool Grain and Prnvlnlons. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 19 - WHEAT-Spot. strong: No. $ red western winter, 4s 2d; futures. eaiy; March, 4s 5d: May, 6s 64d; July, s 2-Sd. CORN Spot, firm: Amsrican mixed new, 4e64d; American mixed old, 4s 8d: futures easy; March, 4s 44d; May, 4a 54- I'hltn-lokla Proeeee Mxrkrt. PHILADFLPlflA, Feb. 19 BUTTER Firm. Western rresmerles, 2ti2". E1GS Fresh; western fresh. ISc at mark CHEEE Wulet; New York fulls. UJ leo. Cation Market. NEW VORK. Feb. 19 -COTTON Spot closed steady; mlddllne; uplands. 11c; mid dling wulf. 11.25c; sales, fAi bale LIVERPOOL. Feb. 19 COTTON Soot In fair demand;- prices four points lower; American middling fair, a.ffld; good mid dling. 4 33d; mlJdiliig, I9W; low middling, 6Td; gvHKl ordinary, B1J; ordinary, 4951. The sales ot the day were S.ouu bales, of which u were for speculation snd export and Included 7 IW American. Receipts, 40, OiO bjics. Irx-l'-.dlng 3t.2"' American ST. LOUIS, Mv. Feb. 19 -txyTTON Steady, middling. 104 e Sales fw tales; re reirts, 'X bale, shlr'nents, 0 bales; slock, 23 M4 tales. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 19 COTTON Ptt closed easier, low t-rdir.ary. 4c; good ordlnarv. ri-lv-; low niid'ing, '-l 'c; mid dlin. !0 7-luc. good middling. I15-14-; 'n d clllng fair, llj-li- vwiunal; file. 12 15-16-nominal. Pales. 5,5Ai bales; receipt! . do pfd Wabaah do pfd , Wella-Kargo Kipraea . 1 Weatlnahauaa k-leetnc 9A449C9ft4c; 1 Weetorn loloa W heeling n Lake sna. WlaL-onaln Conlral , do pfd , Northern PaclSo Central Leather I do pfd Slo Great Northern pfd Interborough Metropolitan do pfd IM.'tno l'u" litv, 11:4 , l.ioo 44 434 43 1M . 1,100 134 IS4 4 M m 100 n n 7 100 II N i!4 404 17 14 14 11 . I. TOO 74 ,72 714 .... Ill . 11.300 1444 1434 1444 100 114 114 1144 , 3.104 1M4 134 1144 BOO M 44 164 . Il.3l) r4 191 134 . (0,f04 1034 1024 114 200 M H It 400 ltn4 130 110 ' t70 1114 1114 1124 100 ! 0V( M , 1,100 74 71 734 . 14,100 187 4 1044 4 4jy2 ', i'.W ivi ii 4 f-i too 14 14 154 , 1,400 1464 14 lt4 . 43, tVO 144 1444 147 I to 100 II M N . 4.100 44 444 434 404 944 M 144 47 . 1.100 114 64 (44 fee Hi 13 117 too II It 4 124 100 874 4 10D 111 111 110 400 74 7a . 9.404 714 74 71 . 1I.7&0 144 tf.Se K4 100 70 70 t4 100 404 404 44 100 140 1M l!t4 100 141 141 lit . 3.004 17 114 14 300 404 904 Tttt) M n4 TOO 944 9t4 t4 44 too 14 It tS 100 44 it 44 . 1.000 134 1134 134 IO 344 t" 14 tilO M4 444 . 1.400 1144 1M 111 300 144 1444 144 . 1.000 134 424 H . 31,400 41S4 41 4! 4 704 . 1.100 TI 71 T14 44S ir4 in in 1 104 s 444 444 TOO M4 14 M tt 100 U4 KH It 404 t4Sa 134 4 .101. SO 111 Itt l'S . 1,000 144 M4 i . Tl . l.ftw 114 904 44 M 404 171 170 170 .940,704 194 U14 1224 te 104 to to to . 1.TIW IA4 144 I64 . 1.100 14 t t74 . t 34- M4 . 1,00 U It II tuo 414 424 424 13 lut .41 14 14 . 9T.4M) N 124 114 1174 . 4.0114 17 144 144 lu 14 44 4 lu . t.m4 144 t34 m . 104 14 i4 to tit 6 Ha .134. tui 17i4 171 171 10 tu4 Iv4 tu4 l . 1.1 OS !7t l4 MH luo 114 i 1114 Itrt . 17.300 44 41 4 46 4 . I.0 1044 14 I1M4 I. too la t44 M4 lot 14"4 404 134 31 "St 171 1 140 104 4 414 414 4 23 ' 41 . I, too 1134 1424 1M4 4u0 lH I i luo 1014 11)14 11)1 v to lava 4iv . 1404 14 147 1U 1. 4.400 14 Si t4 14 400 Tl Tv4 T04 1.044. 704 ahara. , follows V. 8. Tt. Is, re do coupon , C. S. la. rg do coupon .... C. S. old 4s, rag do eoupoa tj. S. a. 4a, rag., ,do enapoe Am. Too. 4s do te , Atchison gea. 4a. do ad). 4s Atlantic C. U 4a Bel. A Ohio 4a. do v,a Brk. R. T. cv. e ...1414 ....124 .... 7S ,...110t4 ....101H .... 414 .... 4 ....1014 .... t3H list Central of Cle. ta...,.ll 10 , 7 4 do 1st Inc.. do Id Inc.. do Id Inc. CTiea A Ohio 4U,a....lo Chicago A A. IHa. ... 714 a, B. A Q. a. 4a.... tt C, R. I A P. 4a ... 74 do col. la 1014 Colo. Ind. la, ear. A. 414 Colo. Mid. 4a TI4 Cols. A 89. 4a II Cub aa 1034 ' as n. u. a Diet. Sees. Is Brio prior lion 4a. do gen. 4a Hock Valley 414s, Japan 4a Japan 4a, Id aeries Met. Central do let Inc.. Minn. A St. M.. K. A T. do Ida : 4.. II t4 45 Bid. Offfred. N ft. ft. ot M. e. 4s. M4 N. T. C. gea. 14s. W 4 N. t. C. gen. Ie....mvt Northern Pacific 4a.. 1014 do to 71 Norfolk A V. e. 4s. It Ore. S. B. rtg. 4a.... M Pann. ct. ISa t4 Reading gn. 4a 47V, St. U I I. M. e. 4a.tt34 L. A S. F. tg. 4a. 41 St. L. S. W. con. 4a 77 Seaboard A. L. 4s.... f4 So. Pacific 4 fH do lot 4a. ctfa 144 Southern Rr a 1114 Tex. A Paclftr lata. Ill T , St. U A W. 4e.. 44 Colon Pacific 4s IT f 8. Steel Id Is tt MSe Wahaeh lata 1114 . 7i :Wahaah 6b. B 74 . MVWeetern Md. 4a 41 .1044 W. A L. R. 4a M4 .: Wla Central 4s.... SI 4I OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Sew York Mlalag Stocks. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Closing quotations on mining stocas were: Adasss Cos, Alloa Bnaca i Brunavtck Coa. ., Coaieteck Tunnol . Coa. HI. A V.... Horn silver Iron SlUer - Ledille Cos. .... 14 .471 . It . 44 .11 .4it . 4 Little Chief . Ontario , Ophlr Potual , Bavage Sierra Nerada 4 mail Hopes ,. Suuadard ., I .. 4 ..TIT -.140 .. It .. 41 .. 4 .. 44 . tM Forelga Flaaaelal LONDON, Feb. 19. Rates for money wsre firm snd supplies were In demand. Lls counts wsre steady. It was reported that 94,60,uu0 in gold bad been engaged for shipment to 8outh America at the week end. The Indian secretary purchased In the market ll.uuu.OOO la gold due hire March 4. Trading on ths stock exchange was quiet and uninteresting. Traders wsre dis couraged by ths rates charged for money. Horns sails further weakened on reallsa tlona while foreigners sagged on conti nental selling, Russian and Japanese in creasing the most. Japanese imperial 4s closed at 1024). Amerioana opened lower snd ruled Inactive during the forenoon, tha Impending note Issues checking business, but tha tone became more cheerful at noon with moderate aupport. In tha after noon New York sold Canadian Pacific and Union Faclfiu, which depressed the whole Bostea Storks audi Bonds. BOSTON. Feb. 19 Call loans. VSt per cent; time losns, (HrtH per cent. Official prices on stocks and bonds wsre: Atchleoa ad. 4a.... tl iBingham do 4a 94 Co I. A Hecla. Mri. Central 4a JtSilcenteanlal .. Atrhlaoo Wife ironoer Bangs lair Wast ... do pfd Boatoo A Albanr. Boeton A Mains. Boaton Klevated . Mex. Central N T., N H. A tTnlos PaclSo ... Am. Arg. Cbem. . do pfd Am. Pnee. Tube.... Am. Sugar do pfd -.134 ..10 ....141 .... J34 H 113 ....171 14 44 14 ,134V Franklin Oranbr lale RnTels ...... Maaa. Mining .... Michigan Mohawk MonUna CeA C. Old Dominion ... Oereola Parrot litStiQulacr Am. Tel. A Tal llt Am. Woolen tl Am. wooiaa ino Horn. Iron A Steal.. t Edleon Elec. 111. ..125 Maaa. Elactrle 11 do pfd Maaa. Oaa mu Shannon Tamarack Trlnltr Cnttad Copper . I'. S. Mining.. V. 8. Oil Utah g(.. icroria .. 104 ..84 .. 44 .. 44 .. It .. 4 . .lo"t .. 904 .. a .. 4 .. MSI .. 4 .. US. ..171 .. 10 ,.14f4 .. R4 ..IS .. K.4 .. 714 .. (3 .. 114 -. 714 United Fruit 10.lWlnona 11 United Shoe Mech S1 i WolTerlneV 1174 do pfd ., it North Butte lit V. 8. steel 44Muue Coalition 1(4 do pfd 1J4 Nevada 174 Adrentura !4Cal. A Arlaona 1114 Allouei 71 S4 Ariiooa Commercial.. 14 Amalgamated 11 ioreene Conaolldated.. 314 Atlantic 17 Bid. Asked. Loadnn t'loslag Stocks LONDON, Feb. 19 Closing quotations on stocks were: Conaola, money M4'M., K. A T do arcount 4'N. T. Central Anaconda IS I1 Norfolk A Waatarn Atchlaon IO64 1 do pfd do pfd 103 Ont. A Waatarn B. A 0 117 I Penney Wants Canadian Pacific ...let '4 Rand Mine Chea. A Ohio Chicago O. W C, M.i A Bt. P DeBeera D. A R. O do Ttd Krta do let pfd .... do 14 pfd .... Illinois Central 44 .'Reading . 14 Southern Ry- .144 I do pfd . W4 So. Pan lie .. . WVk.l'nloo Paclflc .14 do pfd 14 V. 8. Steal .. do pfd Wabeah do pfd Bpaniah 4a . 414 .I'll . 44 . 41 . 44 . I7t4 . 44 . 434 . 114 . II . 144 .1M4 . M . 474 .104 . 174 . 14 . 14 73 ... 41 ...1444 L. A NeahTlll 134S4 SILVER Bar. 31 13-ltid per ounce. MONEY 44415 per cent . The rate tf discount In the open uarket for short bills Is 44 per cent; for three months' bills, 44 per cent. Boston Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, Omaha: AdvTentura I Michigan 104 Allouei T0S4 Mohawk 134 Atlantic IT Nevada Conaolldated. 174 Bingham 104 North Butta Ills Black Mountain 744 Old Dominion 444 Boiton Conaolldated.. 904 Osceola 171 Butte Coalition 14S4 Pnee. Berries 14 Calumet A Arizona. ll Pneu. Barrios, pfd... 144 Calumet A PHUburg. . 1H3 Qulncr .... Calumet A Heels. ...IM Shannon ..144 .. 134 ..140 ... 40 .. II .. 434 .. 4 .. 714 .. It .. 44 II , Ill It "4 Treosnry Statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. Today s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 9150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, fcM7.K3.4fc6; gold coin and bullion, 1109,219,264; gold certificates, 144,321.070. Centennial Copper Range Da 1 1 West , Eaat Butta Franklin Opsone Copper Oranby Helretla lale Royal Junction L. 8. A Pittsburg., Maaaacbaeet . 444 Tamarack , . 14 S4 Tenneaaea Copper . . It Trinity J . ltvj t'nlted States, com . 4 t'nlted Btatei. pfd. . I14 Huh Conaolldated .141 I'lah Copper . 4Sa Victoria . 104 Winona ,. 11 Wolrertas . M4Cananaa . f4Nlpiaalng Liberal Eoeipt9 of Cattle, (low aoi Ws&k. rith Trada ANOTHER LOWER RANGE FOR HOGS keep Rot Overly Active, bat Prices Aboat Steady I.ambs Dall aad Slow Sellers, rrltb aa Easier Tendeaey. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 19, 1907. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheen. Official Monday 7.813 ll.JW 14.7M Official Tuesday 5,fit U.00O 7.9UO Two days this week. ...13.513 3 . 24.V4 Same dnys last week.... 6,0S 17,3.13 17.0M Fame days 3 weeks ago.. 11. "Ml ll.x.S 11.351 Same uaya I weeks ago.. 10.415 17.9.9 14,799 Same days 4 weeks ago. .11.047 1 6.-2 ai.tfll Sams days last year.... 10.21) 19.542 2W.867 Ths following tsbls shows ths receipts ot isttie. hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1907. 19 Inc. Dee. Cattle IRS.oS 123.364 39,471 Hogs 347.419 SJ. 549 12,933 Sheep 231.533 1W.6K3 3K840 CATTLBJ QUOTATIONS. Oord to choice corn fed Meers V 4fVffV0O Fair to good cornfed steers 4.4""ii5.40 Common tr fair steers 4.0i(j4.OO Oood to choice fed cows 3 6tii4.t Fair to sood cows and heifers... 3.0 dS.SO Common to fair cows and heifers.. I(5.1.00 Oood to choice atockera A feeders. 4 3"g 10 ralr to good Blockers and feeders.. 3 75h4.30 Common to fair stockers 3 013 75 mills, stage, etc Z ieAtd. Veal calves 4.f) 50 The following table shows the averaire price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparison: teraiv. As high as 9fi .90 was peld. which was the top. aa-against 94.96 yesterday. Date. I 1307, 1909.l.19Oi.190t.19n3.1901. Bank Clearlags. OMAHA, Feb. 19 -Bank clearings for to day were 1.55ti,930.37 and for the correspond ing date last year 11.341.271.12. Wool Market. BOSTON, Feb. 19 -WOOL-Qulet and firm; no upward tendency is noted. There Is a fair demand for fair grades of terri tory wool. The demsnd for fine wools is gool. For pulled grades there is also a fair request. Foreign wools are firm. Indi ana and Mlaaourl, combing, three-quarter blood, 344iti5c; combing, quarter blood, 34c. Texas, acoured basis, fine, twelve months, 7J&75e; fine, six to eight months, ooaoc; fine, fall cleaned. torw&Zc. Cali fornia, scoured has la, northern, choice, 67fl 8c; northern, good. Mt67c; middle county, S54ii6c; southern. 62r6Sb; fall free, 54i;(5c. Oregon, scoured basis, eastern, No. 1 staple, 73fc73c; eastern, No. 1 clothing, 65570c; valley, No. 1, gfitjoic. Territory staple, scoured basis, fine, 7a275c; line medium, 70c. Territory ordinary, scoured basis, 7vo"75c; fine medium, 7!g70c. Colorado and New Mexico, spring scoured. X, 6atff70c; No. L 63tioc. pulled wools, scoured basis, extra, 7iXa73c; fine A. K'ljtftc; A supers, 67tic: B supers. 475ic. ST. IOri8, Feb. 18.-WOOL-Stesdy; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 84 if 24c; light fine. 2tijac; heavy fine, lofclHc; tub washed, 30038c. N Metal Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 19.-M ETAL8 Tin in London waa unchanged at 191 IBs for spot, with futures h'gher at 1H0 17s ad. Ixclly tin waa easy, without material change, apot being quoted at 341 S"M2 10. Copper was unchanged to Is lower In London, spot showing the lofca and quoted st fll'l lue; futures closed at 1UK 17a 4d. Locally the copper market waa firm, with lake quoted at .0036 36. electrolytic at I.'4.75jf6 On and casting at I34.2fyg24.75. Lead waa unchanged at 19 10a in London and at 98.004 30 In New Tork. Spelter was 2s lower st 24 In I-ondon, and unchanged at 9o.SOti90 in New York. Iron waa lower in the Engliah market, with standard foundry quoted at 54s 4d and Cleveland warrants at 56s 3d Locally ths Iron market whs unchanged, with No 1 northern foundry quoted st I:. 2Sfj2.2S, No. 2 northern foundry st 924.73 i'Jo.75. No. 1 southern foundry at t2&.0u'f 24 50 and No. I southern foundry at IM.OtJ ST. I-OT'IS. Feb. 19 MTrTALS Lead steady, 36.10. Spelter, weak, $4.75. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frnlta. NEW TORK, Feb. 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Market quiet and unchanged; fancy, k4S-'l choice, 84u4c; prime, 74 6ic. CALIFORNIA nRIED FRTrtTB-Pn,... firm, with a fair demand, particularly for Oregon fruit. California grades range from 3c to 9c and Oregon 7 us to bus sre quoted at 64c to 9c. Apricots, quiet, unchanged; choice, le; extra choice, l4!riv; fancy, lfca'a.'c. Peaches, firm; choice, ll134c; ex tra choice, 1 24 134c; fancy, 12414c; extra fancy, lia 15c. Kalslns. quiet, but firm; louse Muscatels. 7V(tW; seeded 74ialoc; London layers, a.3xi1.46. . Oils aad 9tesla. ' OIL CITY. Feb. 19. OII-Crdlt balances, tl 43: runs, 37.917 bbls.; average, 104 464 bbls j shipments. 166 47 bbls.; sverage, lt:.6vt bbls. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Feb. 19.-TI KPEN TINE Firm. tf74c. ROBIN-Flrm; A, B. C and D. '; E and F. 94 'h 10; O. 4 1f"fJ4: H $145; I. 44.66: K 66 5: M. t&fal: K. 14 our W li I $4.2; W. W $4.50, Feb. 6.. Feb. .. Feb. 7.. Teb. 8.. Feb. 9... Feb. 10.. Feb. 11.. Feb. 12.. Feb. 14.. Feb. 16., Feb. 16.. Feb. .17.. Feb. 19.. Feb, 19.. 6 631 t ill ( 67 6 69 I 70! 5 721 6 86 I s u4 814 9H4 914 e f 894 904 I 721 88 6 901 f 9141 6 94 934 6 801 6 91 si 7941 6 98; 4 sal 74 4 44 4 68 4 771 4 771 4 84 4 95 4 S6I 4 73J 4 (Hi I 4 771 4 81 e I Wl 4 891 tool 6 001 a j 4 9"! 5 041 5 03 5 06 5 121 931 12 74 f 14 ( 74l 4 01 1 0 t) 72' 76 e 72: 961 t en 7 02! t 21 t 21 t 'A 5 29 I S 00 02) t U 4 0i' 5 6 98! 6 31 t 801 6 28 6 29 6 Tl 9 971 5 791 6 6 911 671 6 23 'Sunday. Omaha . Chicago Kansas City .. Bt. Louis .... Sioux City RANGE Or PRfCF.S. Cattle. $2.7H60 . 1.6 Kiiti 90 . t."b 50 . I 50nA75 2.75S.O0 Hogs. $6.6 151. 80 6.11143 7 I :5'n7 0O 9 2-Vrf7.16 of stock The offlclai numbers of cars brought In today by each road was Cattle. ITogs. Sheep. H r's. C, M. A St. P 7 12 1 Wabash 1 $ .. .. Missouri Pacific 1 1 V. P. System 19 12 I C. & N. W-, east 4 13 I C. & N. W., west 64 47 t C, St. P., M. & O.... 27 15 4 C. B. A Q , east 2 2 1.. C, B. A Q . west.... 70 22 9 C, II. I. & P., east.... 6 7 .. 1 C. R. I. A P, west.. 18 1 .. t Illinois Central 9 8 Chicago Qt. West.... 1 6 .. ,. Total receipts ....238 1G4 22 I The disposition of ths day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing tbe num ber ot neaa indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 1,006 1,786 9K7 Swift and Company 94 2.43 1,834 Cudahy Packing Co 964 3.620 1,190 Armour A Co 835 8,!0 326 Van Sant A Co 169 Carey & Benton 266 Lobman A Co 76 Hill A Son 108 F. P. Lewis 89 Huston & Co.: 23 Hamilton A Rothschild.. 90 L. F. Hues 178 J. H. Bulla 23 Bam Werthelmer 19 Mike Haggerty 78 Sol Degan 16 J. B. Hoot & Co 47 T. B. Inghram 10 Sullivan Bros 6 V. A. Brltton t Lehmer Bros 2 Agor Packing Co 10 Other buyera 483 1.311 Totals 6.404 11.761 6.649 CATTLE There 'was another liberal run of cattle this morning, but the waahouts and high water maun trains late, so that it was midday or alter before all the re ceipts were In the yards. As was the case yesterday feeders were the first cattle to seil, but there was not as much life and activity in the trade today, speculators bought quite freeiy yesterday and as the country demand aid not prove overly largo the most of them still had csttle on hand this morning. Hence they staited out ratner cautiously ami the market was not very active at any time. Such stuff as pleased them sold not very dinertnt from yesterday, but the feeling on omer kinds was to say the least weak. Packers were very late In getting started on Deer steers and It was as much a matter of getting a bidder, as it waa prlca on ths opening market. As predicted last week the packing demand Is not overiv large at the present time and anything like liberal receipt very uuicgiy nil buyera uo. While cowa and hellers were in a little better demand than steers, ths trade never theless opened very slow and dull and the morning wae well advanced before anvthmar 01 consequence waa aune. It waa alter miduay before anything like a atart was made on dlapoalna of the kill ing cattle. Wh-n they did sell beef steers were 10c lower, cows snd heifers suffered fully as much decline and In many caaea were 164325c lower than last Friday. At the time of cloaing thla report there were allll a good many cattle unsold, with pros pects tavuiing a weak close. It Is sate to say that last week's advance on steers Is all wiped out. Representative sales: BEUF BTEERS. Ar. Pr. rio. At. Pr. . 43 4 9 4 lis 4 U No. 17.. 11.. 17.. II.. U.. 11.. II.. t I u 13 1 T 10 II 1 to t 11 I 4 14 4..,.. 10 14 It It 10 II 10 11 tl) II II 14 It 10 11 14 14 4V.... 14 II II 14 , 4 II 1 t 14 U til 4 31 , 447 4 14 toft 4 II 1011 4 44 101 4 44 1041 4 40 1014 4 44 e4 4 40 im 4 44 1044 4 U ...IMS) 4 44 ...1141 4 44 ...117 4 44 ...1141 4 4 ...1101 4 40 ... 4 4 44 ...1044 4 40 ... KH I 71 ... Ill 1 74 ... 124 I 44 ... 11 I te ...1011 I 14 ...1001 I to ...1014 I 34 ... rl I 14 ... lei I 10 ... lit I 14 ... til I tt ...1(1 I U ... tao I 40 ... 444 I 44 ... a4 14 ...lOu I 40 44 14.... M.... 1.... I.... u... 11.... 21... u... lu.... II.... 1.... 61 ... 4.... I.... II.... COW8. 3.... 14.. 4.. 23.. 1.. II.. 21.. 11.. 14.. 14.. 10., J::::::: 14. 14 11 I 14...... I 3 11 II 14 I 124 I 71 t HEIFERS. Ill t 40 40 I 40 .104 I W .1044 I 10 .1011 I TO .17 I 10 .464 I 14 .1034 I 10 tal 8 It ..1111 4 i ....1141 4 i ....1171 4 7 ....1146 4 II ....12.77 4 44 ....Hit 4 a ....11SI 10 ....1117 40 ...AM 4 til ....1171 44 .. -IM 4 tt ....13ol I 00 ...1444 114 ...-1I11 I It ,...ili I lit ....1044 144 W0 IN 10JI I 44 I01M I W 1131 I 40 1077 I 16 lull I 41 luo I 44 461 14 44 I te .....lull I te lull I I 144 I 14 1117 4 40 441 4 04 147 4 04 1111 4 414 4 0 4J4 4 04 1240 4 14 lltt 4 II 10 4 II 1104 4 1 Ill 4 II 141 4 20 1114 4 34 124 I 14 Ill I 40 9... 1... 1... 1 .. I .. 1... I .. I... IS... 1... 11... 11... 1.,. 4 .. 4 .. T... I... 14... 44... 41 I 00 44 .... , 424 I 0 17 7l0 I 1 16 , 4X1 I I 40 444 I It 4 , 411 I II : , 41 I 10 I BULLS. not I to 1 , 1140 I 71 1 440 I 71 3 1744 I 40 CALVES. 114 I 0 1 130 I 04 1.... 144 I W 1 114 4 24 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS .. 741 I 10 ..Mo IH .. 764 I 10 .. 731 t 74 .. Ml I 71 .. 44 I 44 ..U00 I I -.141 I 4 ..Hot) I 4 110 I M Ult I 4 IK IH 464 I 10 420 I 4 44 IS ... 164 4 0 ... IM 4 04 ...130 4 1 ... Dll 4 II ... tit 4 11 ... 10 4 14 ... 47 4 15 ... lut 4 M tt 44 4 t 1 .I4 4 M 43 104 4 1 tl M H 14 , 4t 4 10 34 k6 4 64 4 fMt I 40 Id luci 4 44 14 t'il I M 104 Ill) 4 M HOOS Buyers started Out this morning bidding fully 10c lower than yesterday s general market, but sellers hung on and eventually forced buysra to raise their hands. The trade began with prices onl about 6c lower than yesterday and, aa the market livened up prices firmed up still further until they were very nearly ar good aa yesterday. The bulk of trie hogx sold at $4.7&w4.ou. aa against $e.eUfl.e'2 ye- No. Ar. Sa. Pr. No. A. 4h. Pr. 4 11 4 7H 10 Ill 0 I 174 4t Ill ... 4 71 71 144 ... 4 7K4, 74 Ml 40 4 7lt 74 too ... 4 774 47 Ill ... I 71 11 Ill 90 4 M 41 Ill ... lilt 4 144 ... It 47 lit ... I 71 4 IM) ... I SI 74 Ml 44 4 II 141 ... I t 44 tn ... 71 I 141 ... It 7M . . I II II 14 ... It 71 164 It I It 14 Ill ... I t 14 Ill 4 I 71 II Ml ... I 40 70 Ill ... I II 4 Ill 44 4 10 74 ill ... 4 11 n 134 ... I 44 Tl I ... I Tl II 141 ... 4 44 II ill ... I It 41. Ill 44 4 40 47 141 ... I ti it ... te lit lit ... I 71 6 11 ... 4 10 I Ml ... 4 71 II I7 ... II 90 Kl ... Ill 71 211 ... It ISO ... 4 7! 71 13 ... It 71 in ... I 714 74 247 44 40 36 14 I 77i TT 21 ... IM 41 HI ..I 4 T7t 74. 131 ... 10 II 4 9 4 77 V, Tl HO SO I M 61 171 ... I 71V, 47 170 ... I 40 71 11 ... I T7t fl l HIM II 134 ... I 77 II Ill ... 4 I 7 Ill ... I T74j 7 141 ... 140 Tt 10 ... 4 77 M 11 ... to II IH M 117V, tt 147 ... 4 tO 71 Ill 40 1714 14 121 ... 4 ao tl 14 14 4 Tit 74 147 ... I 14 34 Ill ... I 774 44 1 ... I II 47 lit ... I 77 It 1st ... I 134 1 211 ... I 77 44 4W ... I Tl Z 90 4 Tl e 24 ... 4 4 1 Ml ... I T7 17. .......374 ... Ill 17 145 120 4 71 40 121 ... 110 SHEEP Early estimates placed the re ceipts of ahtep for today at thirty-one cara. but later it waa reported that fourteen of this number were behind high water on the I'nlon Parlflc and would not arrive in time for today's market. When the market opened there were only a few cars in sight. The market on sheep while slow, was about steady with yesterday, there being no very noticeable change In the prices paid. On the oth'r hand, lambs were slow, and the feeling. If anything, a little weaker than yesterday. Owing to the late arrival of some of the trains, the market waa prolonged through the greater part of the morning. Quota lions on killers: Good to choice lambs, I7.0j7 40; fair to good lambs. $6.71 7.0u; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights. $4.0TS.40; fslr to good yearlings, lamb welgnts, $6.7Mi4.00; good to choice yearlings, heavyweights, 9S.7f-4i6.00: fair to good yearlings, heavyweights o.6ttf6 76; good to choice old wethers, $6.5V2i6.40; fair to good old wethers, $6.26$660; good to choice ewes, $5.0(ti6.35; fair to good. $4-50 66 00. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 178 western ewes 108 4 90 244 western ewes Ill 4 90 63 western ewes 103 $ 10 206 western ewes 101 t 26 66 western wethers 113 6 60 224 western ewes Ill ( 26 68 western wethers 112 6 80 170 western wethers I'll 6 46 67, western wethers 104 665 3:3 western yearlings 79 I 26 222 western yearlings 84 4 35 5.13 Mexican feeder lambs 66 65 66 western lamba 61 7 00 69 7 00 79 Ppanlah. per crate, 32.00; Colorado, per bu., ' NAVT BEANS Per bu., $1.66; No. t, $1.60. LIMA B FAN 9 Per lb., $Uo. CAHWAOE Holland seed, thorns grown, to per lb. POTATOES Per bu.. eOc RUTABAQ AS About 150 Ids. to sack, $1.60. TLRNlPS-rer bu.. tOc. NEW VEGETABLES. FEETS. TL'RNJI'S AND CARROTS-Per dot , 46cuf0c. TOM ATOFS Florida, M1. crats, Rot) LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per doa. beads. 46c. CI Ct M HERS Case of I dog.. $190. RADISHES Per dos. bunches, tbe. Sneer and Molasses. NEW YORK, Feb. 19 SlOAR4-Raw, quiet; refining, 24c; centrifugal. 98 test. 14c; molasses sugar, 2Si refined, ateady; No. 4, 4 30c: No. 7. 4.20c: No. 8. 4.20r,; No. 9. .Uc; No. in, 4 06c; No. 11. 4.00c: No, IX 3 9fc; No. 13, $9oc; No. 14, 3.86c: confec tlonera' A. 4.6oc; mould A. 5.50c: cut loaf, granulated. 4.70c; rubce, 4 96c. MOI.ASiiiKS-Hteady; New Orleans, good to chi.lce. S7fi48c. NEW ORLEANS. Feb 19 SI'OAR Cen trifugal whites. 4S-16Tu44c: centrifugal yel low. S4fi4 19-i6r; seconds. 24-i3 7-16o. MOLASSES Quiet; syrup, 5w34c. 160 western lambs.. 2W western lambs.. 319 western lamba.. 296 western lambs.. 2 western lambs.'. 14 western lambs.. 1 spring lamb 79 80 99 60 7 00 7 10 7 15 7 26 7 26 09 Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 19-COFFEB-Market futures opened unchanged and in spite of European selling ruled a partial 6 points net higher during the early session as a result of buying by trade Interests. Offer ings Increased during the Inte session, however, owing to some llquldatkin ana furelsn selling snd the close, while steady. was net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sates were 96,5(0 bags, Including March st 6 4fl 6.60c: May. 6 5Mi6.0c; July, 6 6f.1i6.7tV-; Sep tember. S.7MiA8nr! October. 5 fi 88c: Ie- cember, 6 rv6.96c: January. $ 9fv?j.00o. Spot, steady; Santos No. 4, tic; No. 1 rtus ic, mild, quiet; Cordova, 9V12HC. Toledo Ureal Market. TOLEDO, Feb. 19. SEEDS Clover, cash and February, $8. to; March, U 224; April, $6,024: timothy. $2.20; alttlke, $7.75. CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle) aad Sheep Steady Bat glow Hogs Fire Oeats Lower. CHICAGO, Feb. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 4.000 head; market steady, but slow; com mon to prime steers. $4.00ig7.00; cows, I3.2fft 4.75: heifers. $2.60)6.00: bulls, $3. 0OQ4 50; calves, $2.7f&7.50; stockers and feeders, $2.75 4.80. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market 6c lower; prime heavy shipping, $7.tii7.05; choice butchers. $7.0ttT7.024; packing. 96 924 7.00; plgg, $6.866.90; bulk of sales, $6.924'J 6.97U SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16000 head; market steady, but slow; aheep, 93.00 tjo.uo; yearlings, 4.owu.ov; lamrja, Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 19.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 13,000 head. Including 3(0 southerns. Market- steady. Stockers and feeders strong. Choice export and dressed beef, $5.4fVo.60; fair to good. 14.466.36; western fed steers, 14.016.76; stockers and feeders, $3. 50i66 10; southern steers, tt.60fT6.00; south ern cows, $2. 00(63. 70; nstlve cows, $2.2nfu4.50; native heifers. $3.6(j4.80; bulls, $3.10U4,16; calves, $3.007.26. HOGS Receipts, 18,000 head. Market 6 74c lower; top. $8,974; bulk of sales, $6 8541 6.024; heavy, $6.90tr6.974: packers, $6.824 .(; pigs and lights, $6.0t3.86. SHEEP AND LAMBS Kecelr' 13,000 "head. Market 10d lower. Lambs, .0027.40; ewes snd yearlings, $4 9036.76; western fed yearllnga, $6.26'&.fi0; western - fed sheep, $4,764)6.76; stockers and feeders, $J.SO6.00. St. Louis Lire Stock Market. ST. LOriS. Mo., Feb. 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.000 head, Including 1,200 Texans. Market strong. Native shipping and ex port steers, Jo.507t6.76; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4. 8536.26; ' steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.76ci4.66; stockers and feed ers,; cows ana neeiers. u.iii.x; cunnere. $1.9.r2,50; bulls, $2.5i-4.10; calves, $3.O0j8.0O; Texas and Indian steers, $2,609 6.60; cows and heifers, $2.9t&6 .50. HOGS Receipts, 6,500 head. Market steady. Pigs and lights, $6.26i'7.00; pack ers, $6.75tf7.05; butchers and best heavy, $7.0097.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.600 head. Market steady; native muttons, $3.0i2W.50; lambs, $4.eor7.S6; culls and bucks, $3.0UU4.0ti; stockers. $2,6083.50. Wew York Lire Stoek Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 19 BE EVE8 Re ceipts, 665 head; no trading; steady dressed beef slow st 7114c per pound for native sides. Exports tomorow, 2,800 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 642 head; veals, mar ket steady; to 26c lower; common to prime veals. $4.1Mi4.25 per 100 lbs. Country dressed, unchanged at 124c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.307 head. Sheen nominally dull: lamba. alow. steady. Few common sheep sold at $3,609 4.00 per 100 lbs.; lambs st $6.5OtV7.70. HOGS Receipts, 4,401 head. Market steady. it. Joseph Live Block Market. ST JOSEPH. Mo- Feb. 19. CATTLE Re ceipts. 3.396 head. Market slow to wak; natives, I4.2ttrri. :: cows ana neirers, i.a.'(r 4.75: stockers a:d feeders, W.ttO-fH.eo. HOGS Receipts. 13.600 head. Market 6Wf 10c lower. Top, $7.00; bulk of sales, $6,764) 90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,871 head Umbi steady to 10c lower. Lambs. $7.2044.40; yearlings. $6.(6.40; wethers, $5.25tiS.0; ewes, 64.76S6.20. gloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Feb. 19 (Sprclsl Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, I.OOO head; market 10c lower; stockers. steady: beeves, $4,604,141.00; cowa, bulls and mixed, $?.7tW &4.60; stockers and feeders, $AU0(j4 40, calves and yearlings, $3 084 0U. HOGS Receipts, $.2"0 head; market 10c lower; selling at $6.d685; bulk of sales, $6 7.6 75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 500 head; market steady. took tat Slgkt. RecelDts of live stock at the six princi pal western markets yesterday: fame. nogs, oneen. COUNCIL FIFTY YEARS OLD City Cloveraraeat of Omaha 111 Cele brate' Golden Jubilee Slstk of March. Mayor Dahlman will advise with the city council regarding some plan for observing tha fiftieth anniversary of the first coun cil meeting held In Omaha. March being the. date. The event will be observed by tho city officials in some fitting manner. Tho first city council consisted of J. A Miller. T. Goodwill, George C. Bovey, H. H. Vlsscher. Thomas Davis, W. N. Byer. C. H. Downs, Thomas. O'Connor and W. W. Wyman. The first mayor was Jesse Lowe, Lyinar. Richardson was assessor and H. C. Anderson recorder. Recorder Anderson died after two months' sen-Ice and J. W. Nostrand was appointed. Mr. Nostrand still lives In tha city snd will take part In the observance to be arranged by the mayor and council. "Official duties were riot very onerous In those days," Mr. Nostrand remarked Tues day morning. "We Just performed our duty as any honorable village officers might do, without thinking at the time what a foundation we were laying. Of course, some of the real wise ones peeped into the future and said, 'I'll be blamed if I don't think we are going to have a large city here some day.' And then those that lived tell me 'I told you so,' when they meet ma nowadays." Bryan's Vermont Dates, ST. JOllNSBCRY, Vt., Feb. 19. Tho dates for William J. Bryan's Vermont tour have just been snnounced by Arthur H. Gleason, the Vermont member of ths execu tive committee of the New England Demo, cratlc league. Four speeches will be made by Mr. Bryan In this state. On the sfter noon of April 16 the Nebraskan will speak In Burlington, Vt.. and in the evening at 'Barre. Two more addresses will be made on the following day, one In the afternoon at White River Junction and tha other at B,t. Johnsbury in the evening. WOT Telegrams May Ba Shown. NEW BR:TAN. Conn., Feb. 19.-It wsg announced here today that Judges In New York and Connecticut have been requeated in legal form to order the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies to produce for the use of the New Britain Saving bank's detectives telegrams to and from William F. Walker, the missing treasurer m . 1 . 1 . t .. kla ahuvinH ne It la believed that these telegrams will show with whom Walker dealt and possibly lead to the recovery of some of the bank securities. South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City ., St. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago , Totals 6.611O . t.ttlO .18.0110 . 3.3! . 3,i0 . 4.UXI 7.00 500 13,0"0 7.K71 1.500 15.HJ0 .30.996 71,300 56.671 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition ( Trade and Maolatleas on tapis aadVsncr Prodaee. EGGS Per dos.. tO22e. 5c; (turkeys, 12412c; ducks, IrulOc; young roosters, iuc; geese, sc. BUTT WK Packing stock, 20c; choioe to fancy dairy, iWiiv. creamery, 26flrc. HAY Choice upland, $X60; medium, $9.00; No. 1 bottom, $4 50; off grades, u.uuvtt tiye straw. $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa, $11 Ao. BRAN Per ton, $15.00. JTii L 1X0 CRANBERRIES Per b'bl., $8.004r8.66. APPLES Fancy, pr bul., $i-6; Jona thans. $3.754.60, New York spples, $3.50; Iowa and Nebraska, eating ana cooking, $J.1 Sl 3 i; wlnesaps, $2 per box. PEARS Winter Nells, per bom, $3.00. COCOANUT8 Per sack of 100, 64 4a TROPICAL FRCIT. FIGS California, bulk. 54c; 4-crown Turkish. 14c; 4-cruwn Turkish, 12c; $-crowu Turkish, loc. LtiMONS Limonlera. 900 and 840 else, II SO; other brands. 60c less. DATES Kada way, 64c; aaysrs. 6c; Hal lowls, new stufled walnut dates. 9-1 b. box, $1 10. BANANAS Per medlum-slxed bunch, ..Ait1. A; Jumbos, 6Xi'i t0. OK APE VltLTT-B.xo 34 to 64 and 90, $i 78 8-4 0a. ORANGES Fiorlds, 250 an 800 sixes. IJ.lO, California navelo, extra ftn'r. all sixes. $3-uu; fancy, 33.7n: choice. $2 26wl60. OLD VEGETABLES. CARROTS. BEETS AND PARSMPS Per bu.. 75c. SWEET POTATOES Illinois,, per large bid.. H . ' ONIONS Home grown, per bu., 90o; REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Elisabeth M. Shanan to John Rlch tarlk, lot 11, block 6, Campbell s add. $ The Hyron Reed Co. to Albert Prai, lot lo, block . Campbell's add........ Blanche B. Doherty to Emma Doh erty, 4 Interest In south 4 lot 61, Nelson's sdd S. D. Canlleld to Hattle L. Hume, lot 7, block 9. Cartlume Jacob Merts et al. to Vaclav Kolar, east 4 iX 10- block 3, Rush 4x Seiby's add. South Omaha Fred Armbrusl and wife to John D. C.'Busch, part lot 4, block lov, South Omaha .". Melorla Woolworth Fairfield et al. to . , , mam, lV, E,vergreen ianu at iuiiiw,ciiivii, --" ne 4 sw 4 26-16-12 Leopold A. Goldsmith et al. to lUrry A. Tukey, lot 4, block X Patrick s add . Anton Kodcs and wife to Vlncene Prl- bramaky and Wlte, east i wt , block 15, Brown park John W. Rasp to Frank and Teresa Saltan, lot 17, block 1. Madison squars Isabel and Sherman W. Forney to Swedie Guild, Kt t. block "F," Lowe's add. - Ella F. Oi fiord and husband to John W. Rasp, east 4 It , Patricks S&r&tCrtaY .aee,aeaaoeeeaeeaeeeea4e Susan Crump Holmes et al. to John 8. Bacon, lot I, block 2014. Omaha.. William J. Connell et al. to Jacob 1 J A,. - nrt 1 w, a 1 ttnit 41 111 I M W 1 . Credit Fonder United Slates to John Ii. uanagner, south 4 ,nw4 and north 4 sw4 36-15-13 United States to Stephen Grow, sw 4 ne4: s?4 nw4 s4 25-15-12 , Fred Nelson and wife to Nels Ander son, north 4 sw4. 32-16-10 John T Yates to Ellas Smith, sourjt 22 feet lot X block 12, Bhlnn's add... John T. Yates to Sarah Vangrowloh, lot 2, block t, Slilnn s add Ell B. White and wife to Oeorge Brooks, lots 16 and 17, block 4, C. Et Mayne's first sdd Martha Rogers snd husband to The Rogers Kal Estata Co., part diock 2o6, Omaha Osmond N. Blrkett lo Annie M. Lewis, west i feet, lot X block 1, Pat rick a add Caroline I Poppleton et al. to Albert Kaas, lut 11, block 1 Sulphur Springs sdd George Todd snd wife to H. Bysrs, lot 11, block X C. E. Maynes Elisabeth II. Charlton et al to Ann Koblnaon. lot 4, Steven's sub Iva H Gates to Edwsrd C. Gates, art lots 11 and IX block 14, South niaha Sainantha Gates to Edward C, Gates, lot 3, bl'-ck 34, Kountxe Place A. P. Davis snd wlte to Harrel Byars, lots 11 and IX Mock X C. E. Mayne s first add The Western Realty A Improvement Co.. to O-orge Todd, lot 11. X Mayne's first add Banian tha Gates to Edward C. Gates part lots 11 and IX block 24.. South Omaha II. W. Case, trustee, to Harry D. Reed, lut 21, block 7, Creighton Heights The Northwestern Investment Co., to EllswUth M. Shanan, lot 22, block 7. Creighton Heights Henry Relck to Paul Cattln, lut 118, Fairfax add Henry Relck to Laur Cattln. lot 41, Fairfax add Robert O Fink, county treasurer, to Paul Cattln. Ut 8. block 1, M e n sub William Band and wife to Paul H. Putton, weal 50 feet, lot 5, Oraddy's sub Alex Yablonskl to Alexander Yablnn ski et al.. lot 22. Haas sub. South Omaha Charles XV. Haller snd wife to Vena C. Adams, lot 6, bk k 4, Sixteenth street add t'eder A. J. Ove and wife to Vena (.'. Adams, south 4 t 1 and X blxk 3 Sixteenth Street add L. F. Shlnn to Charles C. M Michael, west 4 lot X blwk 39. Benson L. F. Shlnn to C M. Michael, east 4 lot X block 39, Benson 7$7 767 22ft I 70s LaOt 1764) 1 43 out) Xl'D X20) 1 L00O e 4,000 1,500 2,000 60) 10.000 L300 660 60 1 4,(0) $.000 L5G0 21 1,600 100 1 185 90 1.750 901 476 '700 1 1 ToUl ..fU,4s7