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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1907)
V The Omaha Daily Bee i VOL. XXXVI -NO 193. OMAHA, MONDAY MORXtXG, FEBRUARY 4,. 1907. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. i u a t MYDEN DROPS OUT Srw JrTwrj Benitcr Ajupuao. Tittinwtl fma f ottsrt Jot Ea-alerticn, ACTION TAKE1 OH ADVXE OF DOCTORS Eaaha fuel tlit H Ctsaot Amu J Ctm ftmm at Tmtoa Ttdy. PREPARED ADDRESS TO THE LEGISLATORS Izpectod to CnTinet Cancu Bolton tiat Ttrj An X .stakes. IT VU EE HADE PUBLIC TOO AY tfmtair Soya trywea Hwd Cowe'eded Coattawaaoe ( fJeMleck Woola layere tke Party. WASHINGTON. Feb. X-" Senator John F. Dryden of N "Veto to- Sight authorised tl Aesroial uimiiik that b had withdrawn a a candidate for re-election to tb -e -v States senate. Tkia actios waa takes oa tb advice. 2 - . . -j. the aenator nhyalclaaa. wno warnea nu. - of th. daurer to bJ. health if h perai.ted , la attending tba imblic maetlna rran-ed lenxn. morrow, n waa eeaaur tn-yoas a inaUOT to addreaa th repobUoaa neiabara of the lerialatur and act forth tb reaaona In Lit opinion, why k aboald b ra-alected to the arnata. Following- tba aenator' a doeialon ta with draw hla name, hla Bhyaldaaa. Ira. Bd ward J. in and Char lea U 111, aesl the folia win aelaaTrara ta tha republican lead er in the. Xaw Jorary aanatc and bouae of aaaembly: The eneodltJoa of Senator J. F. rrydon- beaita 1 auok oa aoeoant of tb Irma; and aevera atrala tmder which he ha been that we. hia phyalciana baea adviaad h)m that it to of imperattv lm porta noe that he ehould not attend the proboaed oon fereno at Trontoa on Monday. Senator Erydea amid be bad hoped at thta tneetlna; ta ba abl to convince the e'yht repohlicaiiB who refuaed ta be bound by art kin of th party caucus that their oppoalUoa to fclra la baaed upon mlataken rrounda. Th opearb which tba aenator in tonded ta daTlver before the republican caucua at Tranton will b nah tabUc to orrow. In erplaJntna: th tor's withdrawal j from th senatorial raoe hi private secre tary made the folio wine 8tatnent: senator ivroen tewmaed that a eon- traoance of th deadlock would tend to : Injur tba party and the state. Aeeordtnarly j be. today, formaily announced hla inten- j 1on to withdraw. Senator Drydoa is mt i ai!eerou! IU. His oonditHia is snrh. 1 fcowever. that bis ohyalelasia and family ronstrter It of vrial iaiportanoe that he should b relieved at oaoe of any furth-r train vpaa bla strength and that complete vest from all ourea as absolutely rjeoea- "Hra aa . TRETTT JfTT. "Jf . J.. Fe. X.-Th announce ment Mat rtuted States Senator t. F. Xrydea baa withdraws as a candidate for re-electloa baa ataxtea the polltldaas t work and the tndicationa point to Stae e-oatOT Frank O, Brlggs aa Mr. Tryden- SiirOfrsaor. Mr. Brlgcrs has authoriK-d th statement that fc is a candidate and Is said to have ioobI fed assurances of support from a snajority of the republican leTis tatora. . Senator Hfllery announces tb. repub licans wfQ bold a caucus tomorrow avoning. Mr. Biirr bas 'beam a auppartar of Mr. Pi ydea and hla elertJca te tb seaMit now that Mr. m-ydea is out of th race, would be acceptable ta Mr. Xrydens frieada .nner names scennonoa mrraoe those or I former Governor Griggs. Stats Senator Bradley of Camden. State Assessor Balrd of Camdra and OiTigreaaiiian John G. Gardner of Atlantic City. FINANCIER DIES OF INJURIES ' Fawmla-Mt lew Took loao Broker Jiasj fiaaa WtoaVow Walk Btollrloaa. NSTW TORK. Feb. t. Reward P. FYeth- v Ingham, wba while del Irion from a petrous ' lireakdosrn Jumped frora the second story of his bom tn West Seventy seventh allot! yesterday, died Just before last midnight. The death was not reported to the police until today, wkea th coroner instituted ava taveetigattoa. Nervous strain, do to roorat ru m we ia 'Wall street, is believed t l av caused the despondency which re sulted in the deed. Mr. FroUilngkam was one of the beat keowa me in tb financial district. He waa probably the best known loan broker In the country, tending more "raJI" rxasey annually than any ether man or firm. His patronage was very larg aad his commissions ia the lending business alone arc aaid to have amounted so mora than a rear. For alxteea years be was a member of th New York Slock exchange, but ba found lending more profit hi than brokerage and devoted his tlms almost ntlrelr t It Recently hia physidaa persuaded hia to tak a rest and Mr. Frothlngham wont to Atlantic City, where ha remained a few daya Returning ts bis boms beiy be was ordered ts bed asd nurses stationed a con! ant arteadaaee. Vlbea one of the aurses yesterday opened a wmdow Mr. Protklnghaiu prar.g. from his bed and Jumped from the oiitdow. AUTCWCBILE JUNE IN AFRICA Coaa atlllfrleo kors Foostkllity of tatloaa la rolooy. DITBUIC, Feb. X ( Special. -Cos &t tlll Criatl ruOma to be tha first snaa who baa ovef drrtraa a motor-car through tha wilds of Oxii'Uiaa somhweat Africa. H drov his vehicle, which earned six k mm - nj-mm army . MU. fruca Windhoek .lunatics of over M miles. His aojeot was ta see tf the country was yssmlila for auotor oehiclea. A regular oervlcs of vehicuao between the German stations af tb oulmy may noon b otahlialwna. WHO IS AKOS ERICKSON? Maa atttk Besona Ttrkot le lias. a a roaaaalis SaietAe at Baa XMetaro. CoJlfoewla. aA.V IlEGa CaL. Feb, t A German, ai-tiarent'r a years old. mnuniited suicide last ti tut in a paik ty shooting himself tc th bead, la ais pocket Was found a rouiid irta awket from Oauaha ts Saa tiiegs bearing the atf Amos XCricksoA Nothing is Aaoan a-w wt tbe oai man. Tn ,nane Asans Ericaaoa la aut ta the fans 'a 4 miner. SUMMARY OF THE BEE 4r Frlmirr A. 1907 February 1907 oa tvt wta Ts i m T 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 II 12 13 14 15 (6 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 3 10 17 24 TTT". .. FORECAiT FY'R il . , , " j wiQur. w.m aiowiy rmir.R temtratrre ! Ih-c. Hog-. Iee 4 1 r. m J i i p. ta J 6 I . m 1 4 f. rn 4 i I p. m 1 6 p. m 1 S 7 p. m 1 S p. rn p. tn 3 x-ocax. a. in. j : ? a. m.. I a. tp.. a. m.. ID a. in.. 11 a. m.. 12 m. j , ' 1 It. Oeorre L. Miner realma aa a iri'm ber of the Pollre Board. Fa-e 1 Ker. L. O. Balrd prearhea aennon advo- .i-.m paaaacre or ctiua labor lk -a. np r . - 'l ' Thlmiin wjth lr 1 ,t ' ; .-i,.,,,,,.,,, atT,.,. ; - -1 Twentieth and Cent pPoniW, action Monday on Bru -aj, New i.laj-a at all theater. 8ohAtor tryde f New Jersey an- hoes hi. withdraw, from contest f or . recoa on adphana. Fa, X j a fiatllA. ! John Hamlin, .layer of M.e. Rachel I Enrl af Grand ylead. guilty to cnaxge of murder. Sentence 1. -de'errcd ! until next term of .urt raga a 1 rnfferen,- r,t ..,. , , ow. J T . ! ttnber, of legHlaUve oommittee over , Wroprlation. asked by .tte inrtltn- j Mose P. Sydenham, pioneer dtlaen of i Kearney, drops dead while on the way to I church. rag 1 WAEXUTOTOV. Review of the federal laws for equip ment and control of the militia Fage ooraczx. uvm m iowa Insuranoe oompanlea begin campaign ' secure repeal of B! an r-hard law pro hibiting combination to raise rates. Fags 3 Daniel A. Farrel, former city clerk xt Council Blaffa and sheriff of Miller county. . . c-m T m- a C,aa AntanW- Te- F RABBIT EXTERMINATOR BUSY Fisxk Scaa-atiat laolatoa om lalasto I attl Ha Coo Prove Trotk .. of Tkraiy, k ' MttBOiaxr. Fob. - X. Opeoial) Etroughxaa laland.. off tha coast of New South 'Wales, baa bean tha scene c some very rxarkail experiment. Tba victim of tbaee experunents baa been tb. Aus- trail rabbit, which baa fallen under the ! lam mavcr"clil - , mlnofJes to six hours. At B o clock Uv severe baa of the sheep farmers and lr lb lh,t Mr lliJOT "y , hight the teanperatur. in Kansas City to throataned with unfaltering extermination. ! Proceeding one in the history of th cotd- , j org-re. above .ere. So serious to th fartnoiws the problem of ! sooording to a statement Issued today , BILLINGS. MonU Feb. t, The severest the ubiquitous rabbit that they subscribed j l'y the burosa of statistics of the te- ; mutrm iu twenty years pre valla In eastern a fdund of some months age aad partraent of Commeroe and Labor. j Montana. Snow sow covers the ground to procured th eervices of a French scientist, j receipts at the seven primary ( thr afTtB of nearly a foot. CondlUons are Dr. Dasysa. a yrrifaai ir of tha Pasteur tn- markets aggregated 40. 7.65 head, exceed- . ajj to be worse than since lg&, when msroto. to carry on a crusade. Danyas ' I1 those of the previous year by more j thousands of sheep died In a storm. Tbou claima to havs discovered a microbe ahich 15u.t. ShipmenU of packing bouse ; aands of aheep are being driven to ranches brings death to the rabbit, but is harmlens .rod-acts irom Chicago, except canned near this city to be fed. Train service is to other croaturwa. aed h m'nt out ml' h i meats and dressed hogs, show gains as . badly demciraliaed. a Iew cj, or these tiacteria among hia luggage, which were promptly Impounded j Mi-t T" . t w . .h. A.L..riM'. etrx .--r.i.rkitf i He soon found himself met by others, for j the froaen rabbit trade has developed on a big scale and brings considerable profit j to a good macy people, who were not par- I tlcularly pleased to see th doctor. ! Tim and tact smoothed ever cme of those msiculttns, however, and oa the scientist's assurances to the aui horituo thai the microl was oerfertlr hmlu " to everything but rahbita hia cases were returned and he was politely banished to Bruuchton Island till tbe innocence of his system ahould be proved. There h. Is still j wheat, l.7a&. bushela; corn. M7X.71 Orieana 4ivA feet, a riM cf 4 of a foot in i s were broken aad his abdomen crushed , residence to pay a visit, and found bar , stock yard bill win be itiuoduoaa to ra cairylng on his -work with the collabora- I bushels; oats. SB.1U0J? bushels: barley. . iwenty-four hours. j before th train was brought to a stop by i sister. Miss Emma Livingston, and one vies the present methods employed at tba tiea of a government expert and haa been ' a MkJSO bushels- rre I rsn JC bushels. MEMPHIS, Tenn, Feb. X. With every 1 fellow switchmen who had witnessed the i child dead in bed. one child dead on the ' 6t,ut Omaha stock yards. A number of given supplies of rabbit and other wild animals tor th purpose of mnoculation. If be is sble to make his contentions good ha will be allowed te transfer his opera tions to mainland. LONDON TELEPHONE SUCCESS Assistant ae-rrrxarr mi Tel Talks of tystess t Oder Brttlek Fwetal Drpartoeat LONDON. Feb. X-Speclal r-Wnh a con stant addition of new sutiwTibers at th rata of lU.due a year and the vospect of a new scale of rates London's postofSoe tele phone system promises to become la a few years the most efnciex.t in the world. So declare Mr. John Ardron. C. B, as sistant secretary of the pcotofBoe in charge of cbVcphonea, foreign telegraphs and wire less te-egraphy. m ha has Just retired from effio after forty-three years continuous service. In aa interview b said: The present annual rate la Id fiw each call withta the London district or M for each call outside., or txi tar unlimited service outsid of trunk cal to not so high in proportion to th. coot of producing tbe service. In the t'nlled States, where they have a service which la a war oorrespoBds ta ours, the charge la not much leas Th snore telephones there are the more calls each aubscriber can make, so that th cost of Increasing the service actually lnureas's as it expand. With C-W squar miles w havs ths largest local area ia the world. ! So scattered ar the subscribers that each i t'",t0 .pulrM ' " saliva average ta only a half a mile. Norway and Swedes, are ahead of us ia proportion te the population. Car many is about equal, while Franc to behind. Tbe Cnlted States, which haa no gavermaont service, ts ahead of alL We I havs ons telepheuo for every fifty people, but Saa Praaeieoa before the earthquake had, .00 for every four COUNT CREIGHTCN RESTS WELL of Sack Bii laaair A re fAlaktly Mere Fasorokle. Eocouraghig reports aa ts the eondr-ioa of Count Creigaton were received Sunday. Th general sj-mptaois ia the case were dressed shgrtly saor favorable, as hia poU .as at, and he waa .hi. to tak. C4osVaerahle nutv-ialumeat. He rexted eaaily Saturday sugbt and Suixtay, a ua iba ap- years r a of gtua aa n BOGUS IRRIGATION PROJECTS Of: tiki nj-B. IsTfrton A nit it Bnjitc Lasci of ctarr Proaotari. PLEKTY OF BO Hi A F0E OPPORTUNITIES lending- evtlers lrr Advteea Ivmi(rr All Propeeltteae la Frrwa on th From a Staff Vormmpnti&m.. ) !; : .:;,. IZvJI .V- k.. ..... f .vm to ttif HhUOTiU wort (1 reciamaxian. t , T-rrt.. f ti-. jk fx ico. i ne ana wm na nn Rrij in the part by rr.-r.r, of the orratii.a of : claa. of promoters, and krltlmate pri- , ivate imterprtBc ha aufferad annereaaary ... , . . , , , hardj-hip axd delay in the prteenjt.on or the ladahie work of aettlement and clo- i "Aa every faae ache me worka to the d rlmetit of booeatt oompanlea. the frtrn- " . r IntereaLed 4a dnrlr.1 ont tin wood OT Kwlrxllpr-a a tin are aeekina to fatten their t v-.i ... .i r in.r, (n- ! veaiora. J "(M1 It. principal y ' ' I1?""" . "irl T, Jl JZ! e.U-. v... no hope of retUnc either. Tet tb. rort-n.- j -t mail are fuU of.cra from the ! fr , ' , , re tK , ' Thf QJ?"' "mnpsay 1 pro-utmg It work 1 7 xnroufn "I " ' .1 . i singular hwot xo ue to swindle, and tb victims seem to ge gen- rronl tbe intJ ,Be TOUth. ..jB Nw M,.,ttw B,Vf.raJ panics are '. v i Na.ri.Mri. rn i.rnri rrwBi I.TV-.."! .Z, -kJ Jl,. i. 3 ' " . . i sufficient for the present needa of old j oanala - "It 1 no piwtnce of the government to warn these people, though It would seem properly the duty of the Postofflce depart ment to exclude their literature from the mail a, when an Investigation would show the fraudulent character of the aebern and the utter Impossibility of their beig carried out- One word of warning to an who are t Jo,.king for lnwttr.ent, to the west: Da j not ouy anyxnin. " vesUgstlng. Do not buy water rights m! you are oonvlncea the water is mere, ana th company financially able to deliver it If yon are gotng to make a bom m the west 3u not buy until you iirreaiigata ta ptwcoa oa thr (rwni - The Sfeot Is f uUa tIportuiulOe for fcome' oeekeri Ji there are plenty of irrtlmate bngaUoa enter prises in which your Investment win be Mevesaeat of laterael Co compared with those of either of the two immediate proceeding yeara Of these r.i rmwtin of beef were tiu.TTlLBOO nounds: ! canned roeata. U7,6.6jCi pounds; cured meats, a-LMZOtt pounda: dressed tef. j LUMCZ.ia-i. pounds: dressed hogs, U47b.kO pound: hides. 171i.170.EJb pounds; lard. ti.H14.C pounds; pork, JC.6cS1.5m pounda. 1 j making a total of X.7ta.UlC(l pounds, being i over lUt.OOd.tC pounds In exoess of the pre- , viou year. tk- t,.,.i ,r.. .r w, i - wo - ! terior primary markets were TiKaZLtB J bushela, an increase of au.0ue bushels ever Th. oti raovement embrad: T1, , ua Krr.K.!. increase of 1 .. bushels. Shipments of -anthracite coal from east ern producing districts aggregated t.SC,- HC r -.r . m rrr I .r.rlt.l. i mi I im mm tona. aa increase of almost i.aou.Wo gona. FRAUDS IN MARKSMANSHIP Reooros Mao ky Compnaae X. aod of Flftk lataotrr Are Role Oat. NEW TORK. Feb. X After long oorre spondeac with the Department of tha East and three months of investigation, tb War department has discovered what is beueved ts be aa illicit deal between ) I Companies L and M of the Fifth infantry In their target practice and has ordered General Grant to wipe out the remarkable record made by these companies last earn- nier at Piattsburg barracks. Moreover, 1 ilrunTOl " oroerea i rnmw in iwrnin 1 mni i ri. i s mi rn. - ... . . . , . . , v...,.4-- m w aar.mjcrcm on i rati Mmrwy i.w - . r 1 . .iiu . iwd of'iuaina muwvui iwi'ir njw l. .. - .... v. . . . . . . ... . . , . i tier oMl- ' water rifht. in an Irrigation acbeme which e Japanea. acool auertion. it " . . " . . . ,,.,,. .U1W. ' undnoood that the r.reelflert win endeavor "on. and asked hint privately what, aa a srr.":Sia! - ,o - j -- r ,u- .-?: sll sdditanai sums paid them since last Tombs, but exception has before been mad summer because of their marksmanship, j ia a capital case. When the counsel, At Colonel Henry O. Heistand, military eec- torneys Delmaa. McPlk and O'Reilly, left retary of tb Department of the East, j tb Tomb they said Thaw was ta better 1 today that ample proof of irregu- laxities Is scoring had been astabtiahed. A pnvni who qualifies a a marksman receives aa increase of pay of C a month, a aharpshooler SI and aa expert rifle man ax CkMter Tkoaapeoa A chained. TACOMA. Weak. Fb. Thompson, m trial tor murder of Judge Geurge Mead Emery ta Bnattie oa July 7, lix-i. waa found not guilty by rnuci of in sanity" by the Jury today. The boy mas remanded to await the court's orders. CiMSMxr Thompson is a member of a oaul aaowa Inoiana family, being a nephew of the late Maurios Thompaoii, the novelist, and a son of Will H. Thompson, authur of the ceiuratod poem, "The High Tide at Gvttyshurg. Hotel Maa kill HiaaeeU. NEW TORK. Feb. 1 Q Sinclair Maul- toa. a well knows houa man. ouninutied : suiaoe by sooouir m th Graxid I n I ' 1 "f,u t-am rt- eturar "llel .K aluvbaxiaa tMiuare hotel. He htd Ijmmm euiirnug erevreiir from fur atm FORECAST FOR THE WEEK Botk Hum f Uifiia Will Taht Ifttftl Daft ta Conataee AtprlWa Bill. WASHINGTON. Teh. X In the senata tb Indian UD I now under consideration, while the house baa ti river and harbor bill under way. Sever. Oar this week will be required te diiswe of these lmrxm-rr. and alien they shall have been finally voted upon the ornate -anil take tip the army bill a i) (J the bouse the nrJ btllx These four rneaure will practically moncKilia th time of the two bodies, aa there are tnaoy points In earn of tbev cn-er which to re It la ex- pected that the annate amendmeata t tha Indtan Terrtlnn-r imuinx oevelon oe- I - - - ' " " . . " , . 1 caremiT.a- the adtnlnitrratkm of bold- 1 . . . '""w, -e- - ' ' . aeJected ara ercuwd, artien the court ra- j T t, trtTtemivK th. rondurt of the cotorf d troopa at Brown- 1 Tille.. Tex whirh reaitlted la tbetr dlumtaaal '. by th prejUdetit, ia fore the eenate eotr exported to berlB be- r.1tee on military I 'f"re the eenate ermtr, . . . fair rn TVaehln-ton oa Monday ar. reatrme Frlaay. . rft S4rriti- Kanriinl ih San an- , '" EducatKn. which M.ycr ; Schrrlta will attend, la txpecled to be bold ; .T1. w,t TxcW.U "mcreaj . 'v. at oca dealt 1th In the curb market la ex- Peeled to be taken ua by the exchange at to be held oa ThnrwS.y. . to Tnlted States, 1. t, b- a dinner by i law Rid. probatilr fro- the bwalth ' W Ili-ra aaviJI V.a ffMw4lM a?f tVaff tTA ambassadors are exported to souad th the friendly relati. existing between their respectr. oountries. COLD WEATHER GENERAL . Eero TeaaBX-raroro a ad Iltajk Wtaas Fre-rall at Maay Fotota la MlBatoalaM Toiler. CHICAGO, Feb. X. Tb cold wave that descended upoa Chioaasi. accomTanied by Ml. if 1tiTv w4nd ant the merrnrr f th. early hours of aay. Although the wind . flw -j- moderated, the temperature did not rise higher tbaa 4 eYegreea above sero during the oay. aad at 14 o'clock tonight was hovering about the sesea mark. KANSAS CXTT. Mv. Feb. . The aa toro .atoriB. , 'Tba ""wtnta- la ' agtng throughout KaDsaa and western Missouri, with torn per tore at or Mar aero, six Inches of snow oa the ground and snow still falling, flrtven by a bitter wind. All trains are marked late from forty-five i JjyjpHJS LEVEES ARt HOLDING ! River la f Ilirr Tkorc. bat la lac StoavaUy at AU Folate Btoloa. WASHINGTON. Feb. X The woathor bu j ma.u a flood bulletin tonight says: Te stage of the Miasissl;rt river at laemphin undMy ntit whm u.S f-w-t bmA w ?TJ,T" "l - Ml Till S a aV.T TilaU-bda ra.lrsV Uawnrihla folios s: HeJena, tlt.a. a rise of Jb of a loot; Greenvilk!, 46 fet, a rise of .4 of a l.,.:.,.:ick"l!urf- i'- Lri,?e " ttot; WW p sa-aa main levee in thia district holding Intact, the crest of the high water in th Missis- ' . ... . . . . . nnt) i t h m i A T . t . v.n. n"f t jot-n-pnia. j ne gauge ; a coal car of tb moving train ta order to stood at a-Z feet at J s clock tonight, a fall read, bin switch engine, which waa stand of J of a foot In twelve bourn. In Mem- mg on th track beyond, aad it is believed phis flood conditions are unchanged Ths corns standing in three feet of water. NEW OP-LEAJ"S. Fun. X. The river con tinues to rise slowly, a gain of 4 of a foot having been recorded In the last twenty four hours. Only a few men wore emgaged In building protection leoees at ths foot of CaasJ and Jackson streets today aad no fears ars entertained that tb. erohaakmest wiU be overtaxed. THAW SEES HIS ATTORNEYS Prisoner la Better Spirits Tmaa at Any Ttsao atae tko Trial NEW TORK. Feb. X. Harry K. Thaw. abuse trial for the murder of Stanford ' Whit will b continued tomorrow, was I allowed to see three of his counsej for a , nail pour s eomereno loeay. nunaay ns- . r.M r. rv.T . . vrii ..miifi r , . r. . J spirits today than at any time befor sine tb trial began. ThaWs keepers say hs at heartily and appeared less nervous than before. He nttended services In th chapel snd later spent some time reading the newspapers. MRS. LONG WORTH HAS GRIP Daackter of tk President Is Con-, aea to Her Been srltk Slight Attack. WASHINGTON, Feb. X Mrs. Alios Rcioae-velt- Irngwonh. wlf. of Representative Longwonh of Ohio, and daughter of Aha president, is ill at ber kom ia this city with what to stated ts be a alight attack of gi-iii. Th president aad Mrs. Rouervelt I spent some time at tb Ungwonk bom , today and wer very mock cooxwrned about their daughter' health a he they were Infcaraued by th anoadlng phyaiciaa that ker temporatur had goo na t C Mrs. Long-worth eontracted a arver ooid while anxoding the Whit Hubs reoepuoa last Tburaoay night and has boas rtinftnail ts her bad fur Ore . DR. MILLER RESIGNS OrHCEicuYER to form corporation Dwddat to Cni fi-TB T La Fee'i Errrt af H YLt;Tr.-t V-t V..! I ONLY CIURSE OF ACTION OPEN TO HIM Kaya Bla Age and Self Bleepect taaa taat Ha Keatara raier tark ClipBaaaaa ava Kilt. Xr. Georte t Mll'ier la the mamher of the . " '" vmro . , TT"1"""-"" banda tf Otrremor KhelAnn taat 1 11 Ha aaid be had not rommnnlrated -alt a other meoibera of th board hi taalna tha artkm. "When I entered that board. rerortanUy aa I did." aaid rr. Miner. "1 made It my duty to tnreetlrate tbororift-nly and im- PrtlaJJy tb pendlnc ceartrea of th Clrlc Federation ajritnrt th chief of poUoe- I Tled carefully tba sooted tjiieatlon of j f tba board to laaae ordera to , uov rtiiri. in oroer to get rut El on tris i j --iwn oougnt sucb legal ac-rire as max j D. McHurn. wboae place on j v . . . . . . . I ' "aa uaen, ana aio or in ''r TlT hlrbaat atandlnc in the tetral profea- court.' "Tb dedal oe of the court and the advice of Judge McHugh and Mr. Wright coin cided; R was one and the same. I followed It. After the charges of misconduct oa the part of Chief Donabo and the board, which touched me personally, wer re peated with Governor Mickey by the CTric federation I still followed the legal and Judicial advice I bad received. And where have I brought up? Vnder the ban of T. J. Mahoaey and his Civic federation associates. stin of the arias. "Wen. If Judicial authority and th best legal advice obtainable cannot be accepted or followed with safety, then Mahoney 1 right; If it eaa, Mahoney Is wrong. I am not moved from my conviction of right. I believed at tb time I took my position la line with the legal counsel I received that I was on safe ground , I believe so yet. and because I believe that and bncaus other honorable gentlemen believe that and because aa honored Judge upon the bench believes that and because two of th beat lawyers m Nebraska believe that aad because all this belief is based trpoa ua biased ground. I decided te resign say posi tion. My age and my self-respect de manded tt I could wot bring myself t think that any other course was open to I want tba t. WMrfl wen, ta ' know that I conceal as moUva In resigning the office as a member of tha Board of Fir and Police Commissioners, which I accepted la the first place, with a large degree of reluctance.' Other Cosamlssloaors Bllewx. Commissioner J. W. Thomas was asked if be had anything to say oa the subject and replied that be bad not. Ho said be had not consulted or conferred with any of his eonnagues about th matter. Commissioner Lee Bpratlen waa out of th dty yesterday. Commissioner B match said ba did not care to make any expression oa th matter. SWITCHMAN DIES UNDER TRAIN Elaaor rr Falls to Death Brae tk la I alow Favciato Tars. In attempting to climb ever a moving train of cars Sunday afternoon in the fnlon Pacific freight yards near Seventh ana x.avenport streets tamer u. ttamscy, ; a switchman, allpped and fell beneath the mra, fwelrtnc injuria from which b dle5 1mm irsomeDU ImAfr. Th. cr AiA nnrt ! i P over his body, but be was dragged j more than twenty feet aad crushed between 1 ' the car trucks and the rails and ties. Both j aoeiaent. Ramacv waa attemntins to crawl over ; be lost his footing on the ice with which tbe car was covered. Tc cars were quickly stopped and Ramsey removed from beneath th car truck a. H died after gasping for breath onoe or twice. Tb Union Pacific surgeon. Dr. S. H Smith, was summoned, but Ramsey was dead probably even befor tn summons reached ths doctor. Mr. Ramsey Is survived by a wife and one child, whs live near Twenty-second aad Leavenworth streets, where they moved but a abort time ago from their former residence at 1CI South Eleventh street. Coroner Brail ry took charg. of the body aad win bold an inquest Tuesday afternoon or evening. MOHLER IS ILL AT CHICAGO General kaaaier of Tnloa FaeiBVe roafiaeo to Boom, ka ta BeeaTcrlag, Genera Manager Mohler of the t'nion Pacific who 1 ta Chicago attending the conference of railroad managers with the representatives of the cxnductors aad brakemeo, naa been confined to bis room at ths Auditorium A nnex for nearly a week with a alight touch of pnoumonla. He is reported greatly Improved aad Is expeotsd to b abl to be out la a couple of days. Miss Mohler. who has been in Chicago several days with ber father, returned home tills morning. CAR FAMINE IN SOUTHEAST Many U lMrtM of Fail are to rive KNOXVILLE. Tenn, Feb I Tb coal industry of oast Tt ins am and soaUteast era Kentucky has been paralysed the last week en account of U ooal car f. th avMithera aad which prrvaued on both Ltui .lie A NaakviHe railroada. Only on one day wer any ears furnialied the mine operators, aad as a result they havs bees unable even partially to supply th. larg district depeiMient oa them la the aouth uurg otaua. Loral operators have beea nouaed of the cloaing l of huoQred of small iiadustnea oa aonouat of lack of ouaX Both ruada piusaase a pnrUal sMsy Car Prominent t-eotrartera a A. ci..ed wit. Hiaa 1. Ditti.1 Panama taaaL XBTW TORK. Feb, X William i. Ollrer of Knoxi-lU. Tenn, the Vwt bidder fc tha ootirtrurtion work on tb Panama canai. held a oonferenoe her tonltrM w!U tea other ocintrartor who a-lll. It an tmder atood. be aaaoriated with Mr. OlK-er In th event ha tild ia accepted. The purpoa of tb oonferetioe, it waa aaid. aaa to dia eaaa the formation of a corporation whir would be prepared to undertaka the work oa the tethmva. Thoee prone tit in addition ta Mr. Oliver were: John B. MrTonald and John Petrc f thla dty. Oeorre relrc of Maine, T. T. Walah of th Walrt Ct- T. mm- Ruiwell Itk H. Bayr of the International Contrartma- com pany. New Ttwa; Char lea Ackert. thtrd rloe preeident of tb ' Southern K way company; R. C. Cherter of tb Ka. anal Bank of Comeroe. Waahlnrton. D. C and R- A. C Smtth of thl dty. Mr. Oliver declined to diacuaa the outoom of tonlfht a meeting, but aaid thai aotne thtnr mljrht be made ouhUc in a few daya. A mfmat.tiv Ft Mr. Olfrer OWTlt;r aDlm)ml plan, u auba ry.. VutM . . . jj, Itt. knowB XI r xj.n.l ft W. m. rimi tr. i . . . ' , . , v. ,.. .v.. Tri-f ! t,V 'nl or0o- tk wort Oeorre Prime and John Pel roe, v ho hare tntereats In th largest Quarries ta this country, win have charge of the maaaa work and Mr. Walsh a-ill have eupervlsloa over the work of excavation, Mr. Bren nan will have portion of tlie construction work to do. Robert Russell will be, ft was said, in charge of this work. Vic President Ackert of tb Southern railway will look after and have charge of all tb general transportation, not only of th men employed, but of th material used. B. A Smith of Manchester will have charge of the financial corporation. HEBREW INSTITUTE ORGANIZED a sserlatloa Feraee-d for Work Along Serial, Mental, tplrltoal evad Fkysloal lAnee. A mass meeting of th Omaha Hebrew population of Omaha, attended by about persona, was held at Patterson hall ounoay xusm ior uw i'"'t" th organisation of the Omaha Hebrew Institute assoclstion. Th movement has been agitated for some time by prominent Jews of the dty and funds ta a oonsroex- able amount have already been pledged. A constitution for the association was aaopxeo at tne meeunav. vw puiyw tbe society being given to be for tb de velopment of tbe members along soda, spiritual, mental and physical lines. Tbe meeting continued on til midnight and a cowmOitee waa a,rTuwijed to nam tweety- fhrc axiraoria from among whom fifteen are to bo selected by election to form tbe board of directors. The names returned were A. J. Miller. N. Bernstein, N. Sugar- man, Morris Le-vt H. Gross. S. Ravits, Istur will ask th finance committee to Jsoob Katleman. H. A. Wolf. A. B. Al- . bustle ap the appropriation bill, so It eaa pirn, H. Friedman. Sol Brodkey. SamneJ I discussed intelligently and not be rushed Katx, Rabbi Cohn, L. Harris. Dr. P. Bcber, i through at tb last minute when all is E., Charles Leg a. M- Golden- j "clteroerrt, thus allowmg boards and eu borg, A. Wolf, J. Gordon, Joseph Levin, i perlntendents and others to drag money out Charles Cgutter and J. Schloseberg. j of -he state treasury with impunity. Th Nathan Bernstein acted as chairman of bidlcatione sre every request win be la the meeting and Rabbi Cohn took an actlva j restlgated thoroughly and If the money 1a part in perfecting the oirstusarion. TUDCC CPCCTCr Tfl DEATH I llllkl. . I llbbbt. W J IWC1 ill aad Two CkUoroa Foaad Tv ... m Graaa Rapids, Xlek, GRAND RAPIDS. Mich, Feb. X. A woman and t children were found freatm to death this afternoon in an up- stairs tenement here, with a third child in aa adjoining room badly frozen, but Tbe dead: EMMA A. LIVINGTON. aged t0. ALFRED T. LIV1NGTON. aged 7. LINCOLN B. LIVINGSTON, aged X. Badly froaen: Helen Livingston, aged It. Miss Jenni Livingston called at th. floor aad Helen In the adjoining room, t-adly froaen. - vi aisr lauuii; usu wt.ii.iM aom was ." Thursday, when tws of th children al- tended school. The children lived with x- .a,., aa. fi v. a- - - Miss Llviiigrt on, who was their aunt. It is supposed that after they retired Thurs day night they bscams partially asphyxi ated by ooal gaa, and. th fir ylag out. wer froaen to death. DEATH RECORD. David Pork Bkoaaea. BRIDGEPORT, CMuv. Feb X Iavid Peck Rhcavdws. ons of the founders of ta New Tork Tribune aad an a aciats of . Horace Greeley, died at hla boms la Strat ford today, aged aA After leaving ths Tribune Mr. Rhonda formed the New Tork News company, which be oonducted for some yeu. which be sold out to th Ajiienoan Km company aad retired. Deaia was th result of a shock caused by a fall suffered by Mr. Rhcades a wsok ago as he left th rooms of tL. Btrstfurd Social club. cr w. urikia. NEW TORX. Feb. X. George W. Den- ham, an old-time actor, died from ap- oplexy on the street today, ahll on bis way to sea a physician. Mr. Denham for many years supported Joseph Jefferson aad has appeared with a number of other star. His last engagement was with Wil ton Lackaya in "Tb Law and The Man. E A. Cob war. SIOUX CTTT. Ia Feb. 1 (Special Tele gram.iv E. A. Conway, a pioneer coal mer chant of Sioux City, died this afternoon of dilitatlon of th heart. He was stricken suddenly In his office Friday. H had lived ber tiilrty-thre year. teaeral mark O. Flower. ST. PALI Minn. Fek X -General Mark D. Flower, postmaster at St. Paul aad president of ta. Union Stock Tarda com pany, died here tonight. Mm Baurnew to Deatk. CLEV ELAND. O. Feb. X.-Joha Burka aged a teara. as bund to dweth. aod I Mjs Mary Maavrot. ii4 XV yr-i wa i aerv-u !r- burned tonight by an rxpiutuoa of ! , (sc,lia Lusip faurfce aaa jti an evr-uiiig raiJ ao,C aaa ttie your.g n-oniAii hli the lams alien It expkodd, en evuuprig them la tiiiwa ft lei Se Far la laoeapolla. UIKKEi K4JI Feb. X George Klrk w.yr and irajit t alatine rvrrrd out a sui- .-. A .. k . 1. 1 aV....,t i.ji. r . . . tun l4ers n. have born j oui of ONS-a fur sooe time- Ttey lad a. id 1 X? r Vf . ix iu-wi mvm ay an saa MOSEY FOR HOME Lacialatira CosntitUa Iarpocto Qnartaia t! Old Ea'.diera at Grasd lalatl DIFFER AS TO APPKOPRiATlO" KEECEO Amu&cst Arai&it Zeqvwt fat ITS, OX fbj i dditipnal Iniidiara. ICE ARK EY K0F.KAL ALSO ASKS BlS $UI Soma Xanbera Cbjart to Fptaiisc tlOV 000 fcr Sav VxjEitmptioa lev. FINANCE CCJCM!Ul URGED TO HUST1X Letrialatara Waat Bltl Rearta la, Tlaaa tar Aaaal raalvravtlaxa af averf Itaaa a Flaw a Kark Waaaa. (From a Staff CoTTaMdant.) UXCOLX. Feb. . (Spacaal Merehera of th ralaxlT oonvmltte which teapeote the Soldjera' bom at Grand la land la at Friday bar returned to Utneotn and tbera j to a decided d.Herence of opinion recardlnaT 1 the ajvropriatJon which this InstitutJoa should have. Tb commandant has mended that Tl.o be appropriated for permanent improvements and soma mem- bora of the commit te believ such a largo sum Is unnecessary. Iriaamueh aa the meat man, of the number of old soldiers whs will bseome members of the home ta reached. Jones of Richardson county, who is a member of th committe, and who ia also an old soldier, aaid: "I am In favor of an appropriation for some necessary repairs and to pay far starting- up an elevator fa th horn, bat I am opposed to appropriating fTMnO for permanent Improvements. Th number of old soldiers : tb home now Is larger than It win eve.' be again. By th natural course of events tb number Is bound to decrease each pear from now. While at this tiro tbera ar a great many members of the home, many of them merely came in te spend th winter. When spring comes again they will leave and sum of them will never return. Approjrrta tir.g money for new buildings at th homes for old j .o.flj,.. ( think, is absolutely unnecesaary j and will not do any good Th quarters ara ample now. I think, and all that ia necessary to to keep the present buildings j tpj,- j Tbe OBminitt1, htoB visited the , Kearney Industrial School for Boys also , vjtevj the rii v... ana here again tbe committee Is not av unit over the ajipropriatioa for the school. Ths Normal board has recommended an appropi 'on of . for aa addition to ths bul Ag. Some of the snsaibera. o - il ooromtita ttjnk Jus at this tiaaf this"' addition could be dispensed with. WU1 ralk Appropriation BUI. Incidentally some member of th legi- aciuauy needed it probably win be appro- pr But ir not the tegislators will use the pruning knit. 1 -.1 k. .- . - t hjtj uiey inceaa um .more voting tor any I a tnroDTiation. Tha. la uoh t ,k.. 1 .. . ' in renunendation -lll have to abow Just what the money is to be spent for. bow many employes ar to be paid out of tb ' salary bill and what Improvements ar ts rri-d- The slips furnished by the stale j auditor showing tb estimate of the jo eome and the estimat of expenditure mada by tbe heads of Institutions do not show tbe detail, and consequently oboes ei cham pions the appropriation bin on the floor of the bouse will have to teU about theos de tail or get his bUl turned dowa eeid. Stork Tard BIU ky Fosloolsla. Some time during th week, probably, a i fuloolr.a are behind this proposed aneaa- ure and M win be ia line with tb popuHat mu lDUxWDOin m. niimosr or ii in i -aFri HakW. i so - 1 T,J of th "t01 raisers from tb western ! soction of the stats have express, a thero- selves for such a biU and R Is now in oourse of mu-uctKm. DraflUa Frtsnary BUI. The Joint oommittee appolated ta graft a direct primary bill will meet tomorrow night and come to a showdown oa whether the entire committee or Just a tsw member ars in favor of oarryiag out the party pledge on this auostlon. At the sun time the railroad commit to of the boas win meet ts listen ts railroad ra.s asaulsTlriai discuss demurrage bills which ars now pending. All rietrai Will B atept WhOe th nous haa boss ta aessaoa twerit jr-ts a days and th .amai twenty one da .vs. only on of the pledges mada by 1 the party has been kept, the lectoa , Norns Brown to the eetvati. Tbera to no : worry but what all pledge win be kept, There Ia as everyone knows, a difference j of opimoa over th primary aad tba ran. ' roads are doing all they can te keep th ' members from passing a statewlds primary bill, but there Is no raaaoa to think the members ar going to violate their pi edges la this matter. In the bouse ta work is moving along smoothly and Speaker Jfet tletoa and Chief Clerk Barnard are as man as old cronies, and when tbe bouse takes a notion to take a spurt on the business be fore It then two ar in shape to push mat ter along. In Craig of Gag eounty Bar nard bas sn able assistant, and tbs shief derk exports ts bold bp his reputation rar never having a bill knocked out during bla administration because of a bad reoord ta Its passage. Baras May Aeora-t Ckaliemae, Jo Burn still sits oa his oenatoriaJ dig. nity aad net ono bas bs picked up his pea aad Ink and started a reply to the chaUoage mad to aim by Springer from aoott's Bluff county fur a aehats oa Chris Uaa Sciefcoa. Last night Senator Bums remarked that bs might aooept th chai fenge, laying aaid senatoriaJ dignity, bat tf be aid, be would sxpect th rh a slain of the senate to b master of osrenmatsa, and as Mr. Springer objects to (haplaias la afl matters as aell aa ia thia matter, h believed tbe bouse member would not meet him. Late tonight Burns tmuad a bulletin that be would reply t th cbal leng Tuesday mornlr,g If be got around to it. Gus Haa. phi vy of brol-ea Bvw tajaa tak Qjm lafiarasoa irf tfataa LitUsJ