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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1907)
iAV- THE OMAIIA DAILY BEEi THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1007. 8 Want - ads Ad rtlinriit) foe 4no want a rulnmia will be lakes !! IS at. fee the ! edition and nntll as. CAPII RATES rOR WANT-AD. One Insertion, 1 !- nver word f wo or snore oonaeeatlTO Insertions, 1 rent er word ark Insertion thaa insertion. If not ran f" sernttvely, will be rnnrged for a Ik rate of 1 1 -3 eeata per word. 91MO per Mae for oae aioatk. No ad taken far leaa tkaa BO eeata, CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. . Deatk aad raaeral Notteee, Cards of Tkoaka aad Lodve Notices, T eeata per llao for oae edltloa. Moral mm or evening! 8 eeata llae for ooek addi tional edltloa. eader, lOeeata a llae. He ad takes for less tkaa BO eeata. RANCH OFFICES. ,Wt ads for Tke Beo snay ko left at any of tke fallowing: dm -oae la "year eoraer dralt" they are all kraaek offleea of The Bee aad roar ad will ke laeerted Jnst aa promptly nd ansao rates as at tko mala oOee la Tke Beo kalldlac. Seventeenth aad Fnrnnna streets. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beranelc, 8. A., 1401 S. lth St. Becht s Pharmacy. 720 8. lth Bt. Benson Fhargiacy, ' Benson. Neb. Bemts Park Pharmacy, 8d and Cumin. Caughlln, C. H., th and Fierce 8ts. Clifton HU1 Pharmacy. 2213 Military Are. Coute, J. B., 31st Ave and Farnam, Crlsaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Kmll, 1264-4 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton. Ehler, P. II., 2n I.avenworth. Foster A Arnold!. 213 N. 26th St. Freytag, John J., 1I4 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 2Mb and Lake Bta. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and acMc. Oreenough, O. A., 1025 8. 10th Bt. Oreenough, O. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C, 2830 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar., 1601 8. 2th Ay. Hlt, John, 64 N. ISth Bt. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. King's Pharmacy, 2239 Farnam St. Kountxe Place pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 16"2 N. 24th Bt. I-athrop. Chas E., 1324 N. 24th Bt. Peyton, I H., 24th and Leavenworth. Haratoaa Druir I n. V4th anil Ames Ave. cnacrer s cut rricc Drug score, in ana UCBgO. Bchaefer. August, 2831 N. 16th Bt. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bta. Walnut lllll Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 2ith and Grace 8ta. Wlrth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Bta. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. The following births and deaths were reported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending Wednesday noon Births Harry A. Nichols. 1910 Elm, girl; Frank Da Casto. 1415 South Sixth, girl: A. W. Cummlngs, 1024 Pacific, boy; Mopea Buts, 1513 Burt,, girl; VTl!lum T. Dodao-i, 2113 Grunt, girl; Frits Kaller, Fourth and Pierce, girl. Deaths John Stout, 2441 Templeton, 64; Kdwln Nlgley. 419 South Twentieth. 81; Montravllle Renard, 25M Marry, 2; IM. H Peterson, Omaha, 48; Nels Peter Petersen, Twentieth and Cuming, 40. MARRIAGE LICENSES. . The following marriage licenses hav been granted: William D. Carney, Omaha 23 Badle Schrottncr, Omaha..... John D. Sandersfeld, Omaha 33 Pauline Tichler. Omaha '. 18 Herbert P. Stearns, Byron, III 3j Jelys J. Prentice, Mount Morris, 111 23 Foster S. Atkena, Omaha 21 Mamie J. Ruane, Omaha 18 Karl Stefan, Omaha IS . Ida Rosenbaum, Omaha 21 Dolos W. Jacobs. Omaha -!1 Blanche Stanwood, Omaha 18 Laurence M. Anderson. Omaha 27 Noma Anderson, Omaha .22 Henry W. Muchow. Hustings . Amelia C. Plamondon, Hastings 26 Russet G. Wilson, Omaha...., 24 Anna L. Wrleth, -Omaha. . 2t Harry Rasmussen, Omaha.. 21 Henrietta A. Graubeck, Omaha 20 Ieroy Tlmberley, Bennington IS Murgaret Voss, Bennington 18 Clinton B. Casler, Deadwood, 8. D 25 Monica Mouscr, Hastings 22 William Stevens, Chicago . 45 Elisabeth Bryant, San Ftanclsco .'..34 John F. Clausen, Rlkhorn w....22 laura Elche, Elkhorn 21 DEATHS A1VD FUNERAL NOTICES. COSGROVE Mary Patricia, Infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cosgrove of Colorado City, January 27, aged lo months. Funeral from residence of Mrs. Cos grove's father, Mr. Luke Shannon, 1615 Cuming street, Thursday afternoon, at t p. in. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Mary Kellliher and family wish to return their heartfelt thanks to tnelr num erous friends and kind neighbors who as sisted tliem during: the illness and death of our beloved hunlxtnd and fond father, John Kelliher; especially to Brewers union No. Bo and to Stors a brewing com pany employes, and to A. O. IT. W. ltdxe No. 159. and to the Degree of Honor No. 18. We also return our sincere thanks to all lor tne oeautltui noral designs. MRS MARY KELLIHER AND FAMILY. We wish to express our thanks to our kind neighbors ami friends, also to the teachers and school children of Windsor school for their kindness In the sickness and death of our beloved daughter, Bertha, UK. AND MRS. PENNiMAN ' AND FAMILY. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE M1DW1NTKU TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE is open, yst it la not too late to enter. Be gin now and gel the mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. For Information address 11. B. BoYLEd President, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' (D-163 ROYAL ACHA1K3 Fraternal Socletv. (D 586 F21 IOWA Sanitary Cleknlng Co.. 1919 Farnanr. (1-M7J9 OMAHA Brie and Iron Works make a spe cialty of nre eecs pes, shutters, doors and a fee U. Anureeu. Prou., 103 8. loth St. t (D-S7I) S1GN PAINTING 8. H. Cola, 1303 Douglas. ' (U-u BUY your envelopes and be sure of sani tary gummlug. Burkley Envelope Co. - (D-M7&8 Fll RUBBER STAMPS-Western Stsmp and StemU Co.. Sli H. llth St, Send for cata togue. ' (1) M4 FI THE CITY GARBAGE CO. office 4th and Leavcnwoitb Sts. '1'tL Douglas 1M, (11-920 MADAMES Be a and Mayo seance Tuesday juid Friday, J3 N. 16th. Red 5os. tl)-Mi7 Feb. t5g HORSES WINTERED. JJth and Center. Phone Harney 1054. tl) 773 Feb. 3 LACE CURTAINS cleaned. Xc per pair Roduotion to hotels. Douglas 4KA '. (1) 770 Feb. n BARTER AND EXCHANGE WRITE Tow asead Realty Co., Fremont. , Neb., who huve farms, wild land, etc., tor clear town property and merrhandi,. v t3 M3uo Flux IF YOU do not find what you want In this commn. pui aa aa in ana you will very vuii ai ... IS- ANTED TO TRADE Some email horeea. eijiluiig mw to l.ouO pounds, fur horsva fikiiiiig i.w i lm pounds. Aiaxnlto Viuuu-y iMiry cantpuy, ti tirnin SL BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) Do You Wish to Make a Change If you' have a farm, home, business or properly that you want to sen or ex chance, write us. GLOBU LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO, Omaha, Neb,, or bioux city, ix- (4) 360 Fl 5,000 WIIJj swing drug stock In koutheast ISrnra-ika, doing Diisiness oi iib.oiu a year. Write F. V. Knleet, umana, rseo. (4) 613 FebT FOR 8ALB By order of my physician I am compelled to sell my jewel y una op tical buslnens; all new stock and fixtures; Invoice 11,600; Nebraska town 1.000. inhab itants. No" competlUun. Address Y 127, care Bee. 4)-M700 F3 FOR BALE 11,700 mortgage, payable In In stallments for 4 years on insiue umann business property worth $4,Wo; per cent, etnl-annually. Addresa L , care Bee. (4) M781 WANTED Six persons with SfiOO each to form a real entate syndicate ior m pur pone of purchasing a tract of very fine Dundee, property. Kxceptlonal opportu nity; chance to double the amount of the Investment within a year. For particu lars, address K.-4S, care Omaha Bee. (4)-M78 F-2x Drug stores for sale. F. V. Knlest, N.T.Ufe MEAT business In fine location, doing good business; reason for selling owner in curably sick; price 1450. worth much more. Address W 609 care Bee. (4) M726 31 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropody. DR. ROT Warts, moles removed by eieo- trlclly. n. , iMo f arnam. uuug. 15) 313 Detective Ageaey. WETMORE Detective Service. 'Phone Red SBK4. Rooms 11 and 1A union nia., miu and Farnam. t6)-848 Fit Dreasmaklac Ladles' tailoring. Dressmaking. 438 S. 24th. (5) 369 F19 DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2642 Chicago, i-none nra (51906 MRS. BRANDON. 202 N. 18th. DouK- 23. to lis eo. Florists. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (5)-4US U HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. (o)-lb Mstlo and Language. CHATELAIN School of Languages. Day and evening classes. rrencn, uerraiu, Spanish. -iVnclng. Davldge Bldg. - (D iw Fll Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 418 N. T. Tel. Douglas 1864. wi s DR. BOWSER Over 1500 Farnam. Tel. (6) 183 F18 Douglas 6370. Plorablng. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 18U St. Tel. Douglas 1477. (6) 603 F27 Printing;. viicTinttlrh-Erada 1907 calendars. 1-1 livjolnu g R corner wth Bt. and &JORVE Capitol Ave. (5)-97 SNELL Printing Co., particular printers, 310 8. 12th Bt. Tel. Doug. 6764.- (6) 971 F14 WATERS PRINTING CO., 1307 Howard St. (51731 F27 JENNINGS Printing Co. TeL Douglas 6380. (o) 3it THE ACORN PRESS, 1610 Howard St.. Does Printing or quality, "jj jjjjjjj?.;.. CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The Leading Palmist of Omaha Revelations of past and future described. Parlors, 113 S. 16th St., Opu Boston Store. , (6)-89S HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office YOUNG lady assistant wanted for office work in wholesale house. Must be neat in work and appearance and write fair hand. Wages to per week. Address In handwriting, C 612, care Bee. (7)-739 31 WANTED An experienced lady book keeper; muBt know shorthand and type writing. Address Box 2, Marion, Neb. . (7; M751 31 WANTED First class stenographer. A. B. Alplin, 801 Farnam. (7J M753 Febl Factory and Trade. G I R 1 .8 wanted; steady work; good wages. Bern is Omaha Bag Co. (7) M71S GIRLS to work on power machine and nnishers. Burgess Shirt Co., 2024 Farnam St. (7J-422 F4 Hoasekeepers aad Domestics. COOK wanted; private family, nam. 2226 Far (7) 897 GOOD girl for housework. Two In family. (7)-644 3ox 2ba St. Mary s Ave. WANTED At once, experienced cook; must have references; no washing. Apply Mrs. J. E. Baum, 3545 Harney St. (7 004 30 CHAMBERMAID, 1718 Dodge Bt. (7) M70 Six DINING room girl wanted. She must have experience and not over 20 years old, and must be good looking. Price paid. t& per week.- Reference wanted. Inquire L. B. 242, Sidney. Neb. (7)-M708 31 GOOD girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 2011 Maple St. (one block south of Locust). (7) 716 WANTED Girl for . Call after o'clock. general housework. 2548 Davenport. (7)-715 Fix WANTED A good girl to do rlaln cook ing at The Creche, 1824 Harney St. (7)-M755 2x Mlarella aeons. M DO WE IX Dressmaking School, 1623 Farn. (71 M608 F MORE LADIES and girls to decorate sofa pillows; experience unnecessary; work taken home; permanent, good pay. Call forenoons. 2311 South 13th. 7 1776 Six WANTED Good skirt makers, talloresses; good wages to right party; also errand girls wanted. 2207 Farnam St. (7)-746 31 HELP WANTED MALE Areata, fto licit or a4 Kalevmen. ADVERTISING FANS; May delivery, 600 special ana attractive assigns, samples submitted upon application. Fonda Bros. & Co.. Omaha. (9) Mifcl Fa WANTED Salesman having an establish ed trade on saddlery in Iowa. Address Meyer, Bannernian A Co., St. Louis. ()-M590 S WANTED Traveling salesman for state of Nebraska for wholesale harness and sad dlery business. Aply to Schulze Bros. Co., Duluth, Minn. Reference required. (9)-M663 Fl AGENTS wanted for light work. 418 N. 16lh. (9)-M14 F17 Boys. WANTED Five boys; good wages; perms Bent lob. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. 13n Ht. (9)-4B2 a'otory and Trades. WANTED Watchmaker and jeweler Hunter Drug Co.. Fairfax. Mo. (7-MC Six WANTED Harness makers. Also saddle makers on hth grade work. Fremont badaUry VO'"Vtl)'. sreinuut, Nebraska. You would have made money real estate two going up plenty of bargains on HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. If your experience embraces BOOK KEEPING, OFFICE or BALES WORK, we can use you. Call or write. WESTERN REK. & BOND APSN. (Inc.), Suite 840-2 N. Y. Life HUlg. (9) M759 31 WANTED For the U. S. Marine Corps, men between ages 21 and 85; an oppor tunity to see the world. For full Informa tion apply In person or by letter to Ke crultlng Offlcei, Cor. 12th and Farnam fits.. Omaha. Nebraska. t) 6U7 F7 Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. L. (9-624 WANTED At Boston Lunch, once. 1612 Farnam St. i men at (91713 30 WANTED At onoe, 500 sound young men. aged 18 to 35, for firemen and brakemen on leading western railroads and tor new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen $100 pr month; brakemen 375; positions now open! call of write at once for particulars. National Ry. Training Ass n. 10 X, Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. t9) M406 F4 25 STENOGRAPHERS WANTED AT ONCE; SALARIES RANG ING FROM H5 TO M PER M iNTH. CALL, WRITE, 'PHONE OR WIRE, WEST! TURN REF. & BOND ASSN. (1 nc), Suite 840-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. 19) M758 31 MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying trade pays 6 to 8 per day. we leac.u you by practical Instructions in three months; position guaranteed; free cata logue. Coyne Trade School, 4975 Easton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. . (9)-4t78 WANTED A watch. You get it for a few hours of your time. Write at once to Malena Company, Warrloramark, Pa. (9 SUM FUX WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; money earned while learning; tools given; great demand for graduaies; top wages paid; beautiful 19o7 catalogue just out. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. (9-184 30x IF YOU are competent to fill a good po sition you should see us at once and se cure our list of vacancies. The National Ref. & Situation Association, 5051 Douglas block, 10th and Dodge. (9 M7b3 31 ANY person willing to distribute our sam ples; 320 weekly. 'Empire," 92 LaSallo St., Cnicago, III. Steady position; no can vassing. t9l M752 31x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Cows, Birds, Dogs, Etc. WANTED TO BUY A fresh Jersey cow Inquire A. D. Brandels at Brandels store. Horses and Vehicles. HORSES-A11 kinds. Myers, 1715 Jackson. (11 M411 Jf' FOR SALE Span of horses, broke single and double, black, hardened for road or dray. Bouriclua. 335 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. (11) MT36 1 Poultry and Eggs. FOR SALE Mammonth Bronxe turkeys; old Toms 40 lbs. til: voung Toma. 24 to 28 lbs., 35; Imperial Pekln ducks, 14 to 18 lbs., per pair, drakes, duens si. w. k, Kllnck, Clarksvllle, la. (11-M717 F9 OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is free to all who will write and ask for It. telling where they saw this ad. A valuahle book for every noultrytuan; 30. Ooo printed. Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay Center, Neb. (lD-M&oo mx BARRED ROCKS. Lot of good cockerels; even, narrow, deep barred and good bone. 100 pullets and hens,' fine ones; also nicely barred and good layers. Address Orvllle O. Jones, R. D. No. 1, York, Meb. (11) M&o9 sx WHITE ROCK cockerels, $1.00 and $2.00 each. Eggs In season. Chas. M. Devall. Herman. Neb. (1D-330 F2x PARTRIDGE Cochins exclusively. Cocker els for sole; none better. Mrs. c. K. Wonderly, Benedict. Neb ail 331 F2x BEFORE buying Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels write for free circular to i Sand, Mitchell, s. D. (U) M.ia its WANTED TO BUY Leghorn pullets; state how many you have and lowest cash price. Address N-605, care Bee. (1D-692 30 H C Brown Leahorn cockerels. $1 each: for 15: eggs In season. H. D. Hall, York. Neb. (16)-M704 31 LOST AND FOUND LOST Diamond, clustered ring, Sunday evening; liberal reward for return to 1014 So. 35th St. (12)-M095 31x I.OST Ladv's gold watch. Sunday after noon, on Capitol Ave. or 16th St. Reward, Please return to iu raxton oiock. fl2 714 30 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, uin and Dav enoort Sts.: special attention paid to con flnement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors, rnone Dong. 111,7, Calls answered day or nignt. (131129 ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24ih St., Omaha, Ken. 113) Mloo PRIVATE home during confinement; ba. hies adopted. The Good Samaritan Ban! tarlum. 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. T74. (13)-322 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray'a Nerve Food Pills," $1 box. postpaid. Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-K6 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY ASD CHATTELS. Cash in Any Amount $10 to $300 LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC., OR ON YOUR SALARY IF 8TEAD1LY EMPLOYED, without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms 307-308 Paxton Blk. (14)-354 THE UNION LOAN COMPANY, PRIVATE BANKERS Have Increased their capital and during tha montn or January win niaae a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without se curity. Terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 29U1, S10 Bee Building. , (14) 9(3 Fl SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy payments; offices In 4U principal citle. Save your self money by gelling my terms first. D. H. TOLMAN, 714 New York Life Bldg. (14 80S DR. PKIBBENOW S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, eta, tn any nmount; less tiiaa half rates; perfect privacy. Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when stck or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 2o9 South 15th St. (14 9o FOR A SyL'ARE DEAL GO TO THE I PHCENIX CREDIT CO.. for chattel or Salary loans., k&l Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 74ft. Oi) 9u6 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, comm. etc. C. F. Reed. 310 S. 18th. (14)-lw Fl'RNITL'RK, live stock, salary loans. Duff. Lireen Loau Co., room 8, Btker pig. tl4V-4)U years ago. Real MONEY TO LOAN L'oatlnned. Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; eaiy to gei; no rea tape, imi sei money same day asked for at small Open evenings tll 7. (14J 1V7 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable accom modating; all business confidential, i.m Douglas. (14 90 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 t annin bi. uij-su OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaa; aad Booms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. IIO; 004 NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences, excellent lame; pri vate family. 24t Harney U6)-8S4 FURNISHED rooms, modern, with board. 2406 Cass St. life) MAW DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. BACHELOR'S QUARTERS 2oth & Dodge. 116) A1JOB III Fnrnlaked Rooms. BACHELORS quarters, new, up to date; prices reasonable, too a. Mia Ave. (15)-M5 MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago. (16) atii n NICELY furnished room for gentleman; NICELY furnished large front room, close In. 1902 Farnam St. (16) M6S3 Six ROOMS, all modern, 1718 Dodge. (15) M708 IX LEASE of six rooms; furniture for four. lUi bo. loth. (lo) MiH a FURNISHED ROOMS; moderate prices. (15)-M733 lx iidiAiNortn itn st. MODERN rooms, close In. 710 8. 17th Bt. do) Midi Apartments and Flats. 8-ROOM fUt, modern, good repair, opposite (16) 892 NEW FLAT 8 rooms, hot water heater, "rat clas In every respect; 2407 Harney; vacant reb- ruary 1; price, 50. ERNEST SWEET, 618 N. Y. L. DOUG. 1472, ( . (15) MibO Houses and Cottages. 9-ROOM modern house, 1123 Park Ave. . (li) M570 1 FOR RENT Modern 9-room brick house; 1126 8. 3lst St.; sio per montn. Thomas Brennan, room 1, N... x. Life Bldg. (16) 89 WR MOVE nlanos. Mnsrsard Van mnA Storage co. lei. voug. luru. omce, Webster St. t , (lo) 894 STEAM heat. ill modern, 7-room house. . . (15) M538 220 N. 23d. ilUU011i00. F, rjavi, Co B Bldg. ... Ut)-tStS8 J u. rKtri at co., Bee Bldg. . . , (16)-8S HOUSES, Insurance.; Ring wait. Barker Blk, (lo)-80 t-ROOM modern house, except furnace. inquire bS o. intn Ave. A BIG SNAP 2626.Bnrague St.. fine 6-room cottaire. elec tric light, gas, splendid bath room, cistern, large lawn, lots of small fruit, shrubbery and garden, chicken house, hue shade, all tencea, ana oniy iz&so. Must be rented at once. Be quick. Payne-Bostwick & Co., (15)-4M768 X 6-ROOM rnodern cottage, fine condition. bath, hot and cold water, cistern, lawn and shade. Telephone Maple 4345. (16) M769 S SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. 16th Si. Tel. Doug. 1196. (15) 886 224 N. 25th St. 8-room flat, strictly mod ern; tenant pays water; $50. 2210 Clark St. 6 rooms, bath, toilet, gas, $20 and water 1231 Park Wilde Ave. 8 rooms, all modern, $40 and water. McCague Investment, 1506 Dodge St. (lo; 133 -room bouse, 3904 N. 22d St., near Laird, modern except furnace; good stable, $20. 4-foom apartment la "Ormond," 563 8. 2ith St.. $26. 12-room house, modern, 604 8. 27th. $60. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (1S)-M1M FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water, 1521 N. lism st., $12. C. M. BACHMANN, 437 Paxton Block. (15) 960 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except furnace; 211 N. 28th Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient; rent reasonable. Apply at 607 N. 19th, or room 903 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) M764 ONE of my six-room cottages. 2814 De catur St.; moderh except furnace; $16 per month, inquire u. C Campbell, 1610 cm eago St. ' (15) 711 SIX 3513 Sherman Ave., rooms, new, $30. 20ifi MaDle St.. 7 rooms, modern. 330. 1 1117 So. 80th Ave., 8 rooms, modt'rn. $40. 2519 Ames Ave., 7 rooms, modern. $26. 2509 Farnam St., 7 rooms, modern flat, $45. For complete list call at office, Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. (15)-M749 SI WE DO expert piano mbvlng at lowest prices. 7 el. Douglas 16u. Bchmoller A Mueller, piano Co., 1311-131 Farnam. (16)-887 FOR RENT. J-ROOM modern cottage. No. 31 Marcy St.. $J6. Chas. L. Thomas, Room 412 Bee Building. . (15)-& (16I-M722 29 FOl'R elegant rooms, all modern exoeot heut. Call 2017 N. 17th Ave., first house south or corny. (io f83 Six 3023 So. 19th St., five rooms, modern except neat, ijo. Appiy nut in. letn si. (151-M693 SI OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Omce. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1659, (li)-l FOR RENT 8-room house , all modern ex cept furnace, $3). C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block. (16) 740 SMALL store room, 19th and Charles.. $6.00 eMiiall barn, 2206 Cuming 5.00 6-r. house, city water, 7o9 N. 32d 16.00 6-r. house, city water, fc"3 N. 3Jd 18.00 8-r. flat, modern. 24th ami Vinton 20.00 J. H. PARROTTE. (15) M704 F3 Balldlaga. pni'B.STOHY hrl. V hullrilnv with hum. ment, 1414 Harney St.; sixlJO; steam hoat snd freight elevator. Hastings at Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt. U) M748 SI Four-story brick building with basement, 11-10 Harney St. All or part of building. First-class condition. Present location of L'. 8. Supply Co. Desirable location for wholesale or manufacturing business. First floor and basement, brick building. First-class location for commission tlrin. 1-Mb Howard St. Two-story frame building, first-class con dition. Suitable for sinoll business and dwelling upstairs. ' INQUIRE 624 8. lsTH BT. ught I if you bouj estate is still jj this page. OFFERED FOR RENT Ilnlldlnaa Con tinned. 1218 HARNEY St.. 2 floors and bssement each floor can no rented separately, or entire building by one party, each floor 20xW; steam Ivnt, electric light, gas and water; goon llgnt. Hastings A lleyden, 1704 Farnnm St (16)-M747 31 Ofllcea. FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hnll building, 417 N. Suth St.. South Omnna. Apply to manager. (U 1 FOUR offices. 2d floor. 1614 Harney St., each 12x13, oak finish, good light; heat and janitor service furnished. Hastings 6c Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. (161-M746 81 TWO OFFICES IN BEE BUILDINO No. 416 Is an Inside court room sub divided Into a private office and reception. i nere is a nre-proot vault in mis room. Rents at $18. No. 601 Is close to elevator, has a vault; can be rented at $17.60 beginning the 1st of March. Call for Mr. Baker, Supt Bee. Bldg. (15)-7K8 16xR0 FEET In basement of new Conserva tive building, 1614 Harney; more space If desired. Kerr AbBtract Co., 1614 f arnam. 'Phone Doug. 5487. (lb) b S FOR RENT IN BOYD OPERA HOUSE 4th and 5th floors, about 1,600 square feet of floor space, on each floor; seam heal, gooa light, also two large rooms in basement. bee us for terms of lease. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. (16) 720 31 "tores. FOR RENT 2 store rooms, at 16th and Howard, one facing on 16th St. and the other on Howard; they are connected ln the rear and can be rented together, or separately. See us at once about these. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. . (15)-M729 F2 FOR RENT Large corner store room, 16th and Vinton bts., (30. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Block. 1151 M621 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing;. ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing, 6o per foot, 206 N. 17th St, Tel. Red 814. (16) 390 F21 Fnrnltare. FOR BALE A handsome bookcase, ma hogany finish, at a bargain. 39o8 Dewey Ave. (16) 656X 20 FEET of office ratling, two typewriter desks, very cneap lor casn. ox Type writer -o., inzi f arnam. ut aiuij n DESK FOR SALE Bookkeepers' office desk, stands high and in good condition. Apply K. W. Baker, supu iee mag. uo) Mt4x 7-ROOM flat; reasonable terms If sold at once. 1018 Harney. (16) M76 4x Jewelry. SOMETHING new, the Abalone magnifi cent muiticoiorea peari oi i aiauna. nrmly made In sterling sliver setting. We will mall the beautitul pin to you on receipt of 26 cents. Return It in two weeks, we will reiuna your .money, less postage. Large- profit to agents, either sex. Rich ard von Heine. Long Beach. Cal. ) M688 SIX Bargains in unredeemed jewelry. 418 N. 16th. UB) M410 FZl Pianos, Organs, Mnsleal Instruments. 1 i mm, OAT XT' A ni.-A H of standard make, excellent tone and action, at a very reasonable figure. Rea son lor sale, moving. 610 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas tc&e. (lti) M3J6 Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world ln cheap bar nxtures; easy payments. Bruuswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 S. 10th SU (16)-8.9 Typewriters and Sewing; Machines. ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good condition, tor saio cneap. call at Um OUlCtt. (16) 129 Miscellaneous. . GASOLINE engine and wood-working ma chinery tor saie cneap. Apply Anchor Fence Mfg Co.. 20 isortn 17th St. (16)-429 FIRE SALE on coal. . Burr egg, $5.26 ton. for stova or furnace. Tel. Harmon A Weeth. (16) 718 F10 1.500 FEET wire cable, ln good condition. for sale cneap. it. w. Baker, supt. Bea oiag. us) n FE V bargains in 2d-hand soda fountains; mommy payments, uerigni, ibis f arnam. , (lb wo SEND us you mall orders for drugs: freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Oman. (16) (SI BHERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman 4k Mcconnell Drug Co. U61-938 HALL'S safes, new, M-hand, 1818 Farnam. (16) 4B9 ONE HOE drum cylinder press. Burkley rrinnng i.o., umnna. us sm f H FOR SALE Two National cash rerlsters. one total adder; also nice line of store fixtures. Globe Inrt and Investment company, Patterson block. 06) M728 FOR Bale Jupiter pencil sharpener, ln good condition. Call G. R. Wright. Bee office. (16) M754X PATENTS F. J. LARSON ft CO.. patent lawyers; patent dook tree, uee mag., umana. Men. 117) 913 Patents, trade marks, guaranteed or no fee. National Investment Co... Douglas Block. (171 668 FS 6HARPE MACHINE SHOPS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604 61$ S. 10th St. (173-4)14 PATENT attorney, machine designer. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. 'Phone K-d TllT. '17V-734 Fll PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed. not Ironed. 211 8. llth St. Tel. Doug. 254. I (18j-687 SEWING machines rented, any make, 75c per week or i.w per moniu. Mcona- hand machines for sale, b.oo and up. Neb. Cycle Co., win ana i-iarney. ' (18)-4)17 MAHQUK costumes, ucmn. in jiu evenings. (!) 934 vmviTR CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 2018 N. 21st BU Tel. Doug. S6C9. (11-918 FOR anything in the sewing mscblna line go to P. E. Flodman ft Co., 1514 Cap. Ave. go iu r. (1KM717 F10 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices; s-nd for free catalogue. Mysra Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha Us) 923 . . DR VOGEL'S private home for ladles be fore and during confinement; best and Cheapest IB me cuy. " m. '"?,tJ, 118) Si Ml J PERSONAL (Continued. PI FATlNCl Buttons. Ruchln'g. I LLiA I llVJ Embroidering, Dvelng snd Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink ing, only 5c per yard. Bend for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO, 40 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1 DR. N. SOMMER, homeopath. Bee Bldg. i8 Mooo ri THE 8ALVATION ARMY solicits enstoft clothing; In fsct. anything you it need; we collect, repair snd sell, nl I N. llth Bt.. for cost of collecting, lu the worthy poor, call 'Phone Doug. 41W nnd wagon win can. tin on f treatment and bath. Mm JUi.UiNrii.lBmlthi 118 N 15 2d floor. (l) 80 f ARS AflF1 8d:i movement. 410 N. fliaOOilUrj, room 2, second floor. (18) S F3 COSTUMES, 3318 8. SOth. 8ack. Tel. Red 7071. (is) i irzx ECZEMA absolutely cured iy W. A. Pax- ton s salve. B. J. Scannell. agent, ware U1K. (18) M411 iu OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, RAmga (18)-921 Bldg. ANYONE holding scrip Issued by tho Transraisstsslppl Exposition commission of the state of Washington will find It to their advantage to communicate wiin C. C. Rosewater, General Manager, Omaha Bee. (18) M783 F-6x WANTED Information ns to the where abouts of Minnie Rodenhaus, who was last known In Omaha and married here. Address Henrv Kornemann. Dead wood. 8. D. (18)-o37 81 PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin hurt quickly healgd by Satin Skin cream. 2bn. v ... KRIMMER coat, site 86, $26; cost 375. (181 M727 F5 'Phone Douglas 6565. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE LOTS The vicinity of 2Rth and Ruggles Is rap Idly building up with nice new homes. ' have three or four choice lots left, 50x126 each; price, $275 to ISoO. Four lots. 40x70 each. $1,500 for all. Two of these face Florence boulevard. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Four lots, each 45x100. near 24th and Ames, sewer, water and permanent aide- waix paid ln run; t&o eacn. 42x112, 26th and Binney St., $375. 80x71. near 24th and Cuming, paving paid. $676. Beautiful residence lot on Templeton. south front, 50x132, large maple shade trees, cement walks; FOR IMMEDIATE sale, taae. On Fowler Ave., right among the new residences, 50x133, south front, permanent waiKs; the best bargain ln the north end. x.bO. ERNEST SWEET 613 N. Y. L. TEL. DOUG. 1472 (19) M680 Fl 8-ROOM NEW COTTAGE at 1818 N. 22d; bath, gas, storm windows, screens, picket fence, nice outbuildings, east front lot, 33x140. Must be sold by February 10. Price, $1,950. Renting at $20. vv. 11 OAira, 617 N. Y. L. Bldg. (19)-72S 1 7 ACRES-35 LOTS AT A BARGAIN With 8-room cottage, good well, cistern, fruit and shade trees; would make " fine suburban farm or could be di vided; Is within two blocks of street car extension to state Institution. Have been holding at $3,000, (less than $86 per lot), but will consider any reasonable! offer. Owners out of town. : H. R. STRINGER, Sole Agent. 1116 Jackson St. 'Phone Doug 7281. (19) 719 81 Harrison & Morton 44x 66 Near Paxton Hotel $6,M0 44x 66 Corner 10th and Douglas $4,400 44x 66 Improved slightly, near First National bank $7,000 22x132 Improved slightly, near old U. P. headquarters $4,200 22x132 Near new TJ. P. headquarters. slightly Improved $4,500 22xl32-Sllghtly Improved, ln Audito rium block $4,000 Harrison & Morton (1) 710 30 $5,800 TERMS $1,800 CASH, BAL ANCE $500 PER YEAR AT 6 PER CENT. 2210. WEBSTER ST. 10 rooms, all modern, large attic, celled In hard pine, un derfeed furnace, laundry with stationary wash tubs. Full sized city lot, 66x132, on asphalt paved street, fine shsde trees. If you mean business, see us; don't bother occupants. GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas 756. (19)-MS97 Fl 8 ROOMS, ALL MODERN, $3,000 Reception hall, oarlor, din ing room and kitchen on first floor, 4 good chambers and bath on sttcoiul floor, full basement, with cement fioer . and laundry; full lot on paved street, located ln north part of city and close to school, stores, etc.; house was bttnt five years ago and could i .riot be duplicated for SS.OuO; ; lot worth $750; price fcl.AuO, $1,000 . cosh, balance easy term W. FARNAM SMITH & CO 1320 Farnam SU- Tel. Doug. 1064. (19) 742 80 25 ACRES FOR RENIT, 51ST AND DODGE STS. Two blocks Dundee ear line; 7-room house, large barn, fruit trees, etc.; eeper dally suitable for dairy. GEORGE CO.. ltiol Farnam Bt. (19) M750 F9 WK need vacant lots and rental property, List with us for quick and satisfactory RANDALL REALTY CO.. iiii Bee Bldg. - (19) M762 F2 WANTED Six persons with fhOO each to form a real estate sy nan-ate ior me pur ivkoe of Durchaslng a tract of very nn fi,,.irfu i.ronertv. ExODtional ODIiortU' ntty; chance to double the amount of the Investment within a year, nr particu Ura, address K-43, care Omaha Bee. (19) MoT? F-2x FOR SALE Must te so need the money; lpt 6. I block 74, South Omaha; FOR SALE Must be sold Immediately uioca iv, lui ten houses; In rome about $200 month. Price $17,600. Gerard Brandenburg, owner, Los An gules. Cal. Agents may lint. U9 M58S Feb.l WILL sell a most desirable lot ln Dundee for S&uu. Slse toxin; paved street; on car line: all paving taxes paid. Address O M, care bee. (lW-M! F-x REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR BALK (Continued.) Janusry 30-31. ' Field Glub Home 1 The -room all-modern home on 35th St.. near Woolworth. Ave., Is certainly A No. 1 Finished In quarter-sawed oak downstairs; pillars between reception hall and living room; double floors up and down stairs; fine combination fix tures. Everything a modern as can he made. Owner has iust advised us he wIM take '.ao for It. A guod buy. See this. The Byron Reei Co.J Phono D. 297. 213 8. 14th. ' T (19) 743 H Small Cash Payment Balance $5 Monthly BUILD HOME TO 8UIT YOURSELF On one of those beautiful , lots In Halcyon Heights, tha finest and most slightly loca tion for a home, only two , blocks southeast of Benson and Military Ave. car line. You can't buy such lota else where .at these prices $250 to $.'.50. Make' your selection to- - , day. Russell & McKitrick Co., FOLEt AGENTS. 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney 81a. (18) 711 1 LANDSCAPE architect. E. C. Foster, phone Doug. 161, 611 Paxton blk. (19) M781 F30 FOR 8 ALE Two modern houses and large barn, one block nortn of Hsnscora Park; paved Rtreet, east front, lot tixloo. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, N. Y. L. Bldg. (19) S48 FINE, new, modem house, Wirt St., $6,260. S. Hawyer, 1614 Emmet St., sole agent. (19) 408 F4 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 64S7 (19) REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LANDS FOR ALU Colorado.. COLORADO FARMLANDS In the Greeley and Bennett districts, that can be bought from $7 to $10 per acre and larmeo scienuncaiiy oy THE CAMPBELL SYSTEM OF DRY FARMING Have produced as high as 36 bushels of wheat. 60 bushels of corn. S crops of al falfa. Farmers more than pay for the land nrst yesr Folder, describing our land and Campbell System, free. Interesting to all farmers and Invaluable to those who want to buy farms. Edition limited. Writ tor It at once. . The Colonial Securities & Trust Co., 1716 California St. Denver, Colo. (20)-606 F6X Cuba. CUBA lands. Robertson. 826 Neville Blk. (20) n FIX Indian Territory. EXCURSION RATES. . CHEAP FARMS INDIAN TERRITORY. INDIAN TERRITORY FARM LANDS ARE JUST NOW THE REAL BARGAINS. 37 CAHlAlADS, LAST EXCURSION. $16.30 MUBKUUEt, 1. I... AMI HlStl'nN, NEXT EXCURSION TUESDAY, FEB. 6,; WE ARE GOING DOWN. WILL YOU JOIN US? IF YOU BUY, RAILROAD FARE CREDITED ON PURCHASE. SPE CIAL EXCURSION RATES, ALL LEAD ING POINTS. FINE BOIL, H1U IKOrB, CHEAP FUEL, EASY TERMS. WRiTH FOR PARTICULARS. THE PUTNAM CO.. 604-S N. Y. LIFE BLDG., OMAHA. (20) M 700 31 Kansas. FOR BALE Jewel county, Kansas, two well Improved farms one 80 acres one 169 acrescun be bought right; easy terms. Apply to C. E. Adams, Superior, Neb. (2u)-M176 FIX FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 208 acres of bottom land ln Atchison Co., Mo. All nice level land, well fenced; good house, 9 rooms; new barn and double corn crib, shingle roof. Joins corporation of small R. R. town. This location Is ln the heart of the corn, cattle and hog country of the world. Timothy, clover and alfalfa does better no where than here. Worth $10 per acre; nrlce $16,500 cash, or will' exchange for city property or stock of merchandise ln good town. This Is a lan up good bargain. John A. Rhoadea. li. F. D. No. 4, Tarklo. Mo. (20) M687 F-2x . . .SEVEN SECTIONS of western Kansas Land $2.S0 per acre. W. S. Shelby (20) 7X1 Mlssonrt. MISSOURI FARMS. Write for state map, booklet and weather let and weather . J. Meek. Chilli- f' (20)-M177 Fix i V report, sent free. Daxei cothe. Mo. Montana. MONTANA ranches pay Immense profits. Bend for list special bargains. Joasl Skober. jr.. Helena. Mtwt Nebraska. Finest Ranch Western Nebraska The well known Adams ranch, one of the best located, best laid out, best equipped ranches ln the west, on the main line of (I. P., traversed by Lodge Pole creek, several - hundred acres Irrigated or can . be, 9,I"1 acres fenced, thou sands of acres free range, full equipment of well constructed stone buildings, corrals, sheds. Implements, horses, mules, tioO head high-grade Hereford cat tle; Is making money; send for' handsome Illustrated circular; no trade. G. G. WALLACE. Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. (19)-M54 Fl HERE'S YOUR RANCTI 640 acres from Maywood, In Frontier county, rich land, ln nice neighborhood! 240 acres tine level land, cultivated, soma alfulfa, 400 acres grass, much of It level, IJt acres pasture (a solid half section), well fenced and connected with horn and feed lots; well, windmill, house 22x 43 feet, con taining i rooms, solid, well painted; frame barn 40x100 feet; two granaries, orchard aud other Improvements. A good proposi tion. The price for a few days Is just $7,2uO, with $3,700 cash and balance t years at I per cent Interest; possesion March L A well Improved property, properly pro portioned money-making ranch. Wa have others. Write us for maps snd description of quarters, naif sections and other tracts. CORNELIUS St CO.. Hastings, Neb. (20J-M234 Fix A SNAP Must be ld at once, 10 acres. T miles from Norfolk. $ miles from Hadar; 5ood land; pocrly Improved; only $500. . If. Coiilcy, Norfolk, Neb. (20)-M5t3 FSg C , , FOR SALE 160 acres, all under plow, fenced. Improved; In Platte valley In But ler county. Neb.; at $36 per acre. Must sell at once. Lock Box 3, Betlwood. Neb. (20) M7&1 ix 760 ACRES Nebraska stock ranch: partly Improved; $6.Mk. g. iiawver. 1614 Eiii .4? In i r y I a ni sasBi