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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1907. i a niarsei looay, being especially . tm trie coin, grain plU. Wheat V early, due to selling by longs IorJn and sold considerably yesterday's close. It finned I on- good cssu aituallou and f short. Y MAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Gai.cral ttranr Toot Boot Through th Xntir. List MOST EVIDENT ' IN COARSE CEREALS a Demand far Oat aad Cara la Uaad aad Optloaa Ara Aatlve harts Ara BaytaaT Hay Wacat. OMAHA, Jan. 30, 1904. Oer.eral strength pervaded tha entlr evident in wu aaay on resting lower than up, however. buying by Ko reign markets were' somewhat lower on wheat. Weather la very cold through out the west, with extreme temperatures extending Into the winter . wheat bait, where there la little. If any, snow protec lion. Tha sample demand, as well as option demand, on coarse grains was good, and ceeh prices were belter. Option prices nosed higher alter a gradual advance ail day. Argentina news was bullish, Buenos Ayres reporting that drouth and locusts continue to damage the corn crop. Primary wheat receipts were auo.uuo bush els and shipments 16i.0o0 bushels, against receipts last ear of 474.0UO bushels and shipments of 2U.O00 bushels. Corn receipts were 1,267.000 bushels and shipments (ft.t0 bushels, against receipts last year of 7S9.1A) bushels and shipments of 4O3.0U) bushels. Clearances were 448. 700 bushels wheat, 39, 000 bushels corn, 38. WO bushels oats and Hour aud wheat equal to 12,000 buahels. Liverpool closed Ved lower on wheat and Srty'ad nlgher on corn. Russia la buying American wheat. This was announced late last night in a preee cable from Bt. Petersburg, which says: "On account of the failure of the lotal wheat crop Russia this year will be a purchaser of American wheat and the first shipload will arrive soon at Riga, from London, on lis way to Rybinsk. The price on the Russian market probably will be 11 It a bushel, which Is seven cents under the local price. Other rargoes of wheat have been ordered for delivery at St. Petersburg as soon as navigation opens In tha SDrlns." One of the largest millers In Minneapolis ssys he naa a wire irom Mew lorn in if morning saying flour stocks there ara about tha lowest ever known this time or the year. Pittsburg wlrea the same and says they expect a big flour trade one of these day a Iocal rang ot options: -Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. I Close. Yes'y. firsts, ate; extras, 27c. eoc Cheeae, steady, lfrj Wheat I III May... T14R AHA TUR T1A 714.8 July... 70B 79 B 70 B 70HB 70A Corn May... 41HBI 41SB 1HB 414B 41HB July... 404, B 40HB 40HB 4B 40HH Sept... 41VB 414B tlB 4'HB 41VeB Oats I - May... afifll THA TR S7KA tKB July... tiB S3B ttB 83B 83A KEW YORK CESKRAL MARKET OaetatUa, at Ike Day Varleae Caaaaaadltlea. NEW YORK. Jan. Sh-FLOUR Receipts, 15.9J0 bbls.; exports. 16.277 bbls ; msrket firm but dull; winter patents. S3, rod 3. 86; winter Btrsightn, S3.4t)f.60; Minnesota patents. Ml"; winter extras, US "5(3 00; Minne sota bakers, S3..Vu3 75; winter low grades, $2 7082.90. Rye flour, firm: fslr to good, $3 o9 0; cholre to fsncy. $3,8644 So. Buck wheat flour, quiet; tll'(ii20. BUCKWHEAT Nominal, $1 25 Pr 100 lbs. CORN MEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, Sl.U4ji.20; coarso, $1.06fn.l0; kiln dried, WHEAT-Receipts, eS.COO bu.: exports, 1.027 bu.; spot market flrm; No. red. .IS elevator and 83Vc f. o. b. afloat; NO 1 fiArlharn tluliifh . t O. b. afloatl NO. 1 hard winter, Te, f. o. b. afloat With the help of a stronger corn marxei wheat was more active and firmer to day, closing ,g';4c net higher. Light receipts, fair clearances, damage re ports from Nebraska and covering also had an Influence. Mar. 84 S-lOfraAc; closed lb" riilv K.rri.f;uo - closed. e4Hc. CORN-RecelDts. 96.750 bu.; exports, S6.79S bu.; snot market flrm; No. 3. 56Hc, elevator, and 61Ve. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, mv No. t white, 62c. Options were stronger on bullish Argentine crop news and light farm nfTerlnse. It cosed So net higher. January closed MV4jc; May, 63fc3,c; rloaed Uitr: Julv closed 6260. OATS Receipts, 29,000 bu.; exports, 23.320 bu.; spot market strong; mixed oats, SlVt 32 rounds. 4?: cllDDed whits. 3tH0 pounds. 4346c; natural white, Sty 33 pounds, 439 44W. FEED Quiet; sprint; bran. 123.60, Janu ary shipment; middling, $22.60, January shipment. HAT Dull: shipping, T5S6c! good to choice, ll.06471.lo. MOPft Stead v: stats, common to choice, 1308 crop. InroQSc: 1906 crop, Rtnic; Paclflo coast. 1916 crop. 1316c; let crop, lOtflSo. Hinr.8-Stead v: Oalvestan. 20 to 26 lbs. 10c; California, 21 to 26 lbs.. So; Texas dry. 24 to SO lbs., 19c. atiivfl flteariv: acid. 7Ufi29c. PROVI8ION8 Beef, firm: family, flSOn 15 RO; mess, 19 0St RO; beef hams, ta.bvfr 26.00: packet, Ill.OfuSllOO; city extra India him taoaaoo. Cut meats, flrm; pick led bellies, U0.0f"lX0O; pickled nams, 611.76. Ird. firmer: western prime, $9.75; refined, firm; compound, 845ii?-; con tinent, $10.10; Bouth America, 110.76. Prk. firm; family. r: short clear, 17.5n9 l no; mess, $17718.60. TALLOW Steady; city, 1-lUc; country. "mi1Hc. RICPJ Steady; domestic, fair to extra, siirmv. BtTTTER Firm; street price, extra creamery. Km33c Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra. 22fif33c; held, com mon to extra, lftyCSHc; western fsctory, common to first , ITVfiCln: western Imita tion creamery, extras, Nf3c; firsts, 21 1 rnnvatft. common to extra, ltvil 24o. CHEEiSE Steady: state full cream, small and large September fsncy. HHc; state, October best. 13WS14c; good to prime. 12Hr 13c; wlhter made, average beat, 12c; In ferior. 11(?1 Sc. EOO Firm: state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, S1&.12C; choice, ZMjOOc; mixed extra, 2Sfi2Se: western flnrts, XV4(8XHc; official price firsts, 25 Vic; seconds. 24H1j25c. POULTRY Live, quiet; chickens, lOe; fowls, lpyc: turkeve ISo. Dressed, essy; western broilers, lSgOSc; turkeys, 14nno; fowls, 814Ha . A asked. B bid. Osaaha WHUAT-Na t hard, WuOc; No. spring, cVu.Otoc, Cash Prleea. hard. WViSc; No. 4 hard, Kj'obVko; No. nc; No. 4. l&SWio; riHo; No. I while, tsVi No. I No. I yellow, iTii j39c. OATS No. t mixed. MWnc: white, KVijc; No 4 white, 436c R V E No. 1 6c; No. , 67 He. Carlot ReeelBtB. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago .. Kansas City ... Minneapolis .., Omaha Duluih ..u 8L Louis 1 .. 44 ..150 .. 11 .. I .. 42 V K ioi 147 f In t ' mldc J the 4l 7 CHICAGO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS Features ! the Tradlaaj d CloslaaT Prices em Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. SO. Small receipts In the northwest and the prospect that the weather will delay an increased movement caused a strong tone today In the local wheat market. At the close wheat for May delivery was up Corn was Mrtso higher. Oats gained bc- Provisions were luUV to 4?Ho Higher. T.aolns In the wheat Pit was quiet early the day. but became active about the middle of the session and continued so until close. Throughout the day the prin- cmal demand came from shorts, although commission houses also bought freely. A decline at Liverpool, which depressed prices somewhat early tha day. was completely offset by the small northwestern receipts snd cold and stormy weather throughout Minnesota and the Dakota. In the south west, where the fall sown crop Is said to be unprotected, much lower temperatures were recorded and the official forecast was for still colder weather. Late In tha day tha market was further strengthened by re ports wi.ich asserted that flour stocks in tha east are very low. The market dosed strong, with prices near the highest point of tha day. May wheat opened He lower to a shade higher, at 7 Ho to 7bWi4c, ad vanced to 1a and clqsed at ,KV,'tfe. Clearances Of wheat and flour were equal to (J8.0UO bushels. Primary receipts were 301, Ouo bushels, against 474.000 bushels for the same day last year. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts ot 1& cars, against lxa cars last week and M cara a vear M& News from Argentina was tha controlling factor in tha corn market. It being claimed that the crop of that Country has been damaged by dry, hot weather. These re port caused active covering by shorts and imnarted considerable strength to the mar kct Selling was scattered and mainly by local longs. The market closed strong. May opened unchanged to a shade lower, at 4t3 . ." . . . ... i j & n . .? a f 4tVo and closed at 4H4j4o. LcTi celpts were W6 cars, .with 1 of contract aradi. Oats were strong; all day. with the chief cause of I ha strength being a lively de mand for cash oats by shippers. Offerings war light May oiened He higher, at SMtc, advanced to fcc and closed at the hlsiieat point. Local receipts were 131 cars. Tradlna In oro visions was unusually active and the tons of the market was strong. Despite a 6c decline In the price of live hogs the market openea nrra ana as the trading progressed gained strength. The Durchaaa of l.OuO.000 nounds of lib credited to a local packer, gave a strong lmuetus to the uoward trend of prices. At the close May Dork was UD 42V4C. 117 17U. Ird was ud 10ul2Hc. at li 77U so. Ribs were 17Vw'J0o higher, at t.ui 1 L'U. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, cars; corn, to. cars; oats, 121 cars; hogs. r,0t0 bead. . ilia leading futures ranged as follows St. Loals Geaeral Market. ST. LOHR Jan. JO WHEAT Futures, higher; cash, weak; track. No. t red, cash, VWtttc; No. t hard. 78W76HC; May, 77V4 77Sc; July, nS,1to. CORN Higher; track. No t cash. 43Hc; No. 1 white. 44c; May. 444c; July, 44Hc. OATS Higher: track. No. I cash, 38c; No. 1 white, Hc: May, 8814c; July, S6Vc. FIUR Steady. Red winter patents. P flr3.75; extra fancy and straight, S3.1&9 t.4R: clear, K.8fvS4.85. SEED Timothy, steady at H604.00, CORNMEAL Steady at t2.M. BRAN Sacked, east track. 9rV946c HAY Dull; Umothy, S16.00&1.00; prairla, 111 0OlS.00. IRON COTTON TIES-tl.OL BAOOING-9HC , HEMP TWINE sc. ' PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, rl7.1S. Lard, higher: prime steamed. 9.y74 Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, S9.2H: clear ribs. 19.75: short clear, 19 87V4. Bacon, steady; boxed extra snort, clear ribs, fio.fin; snort clear, llo.Ks. POULTRY Weak ; chickens. springs, lie; turkeys, lS13c; ducks. He; geese. tHo. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 27ar33Mic; dairy, 21P27C. v EK8 Steady at 21 We. Tha receipts and shipments of flour and NEW YORI STOCKS ASDBOSDS Aontt teprsnion DTlpg farly ii th EtmoD. OCCASIONAL RALLIES DURING DAY Deaaaad riatteas Owt with Back Rise aad Deellae Fellews Close Is lasettled aad Disorderly. NEW YORK. Jan. SO. Acuta depression developed In the stork market tonay and the fall In prices took on threatening pro portions In ths late trading. An appearance of support was given the market In the early part of the day and several succes sive rallies were msde from the occasional declines. These rellles carried prices more than once back to the opening high level or above, but at the higher level of prices the demand for stocks flattened out com pletely, giving warning of the lack of any motive power In the market to effect an advance. The high opening seemed to be due largely to the Influence of the favorable quarterly statement of earnings of the United States Steel corporation, which was not published until after the close of yesterday's market. Any expectation of an Increase in the divi dend rate had been abandoned before the meetlns-. The Informal remarks on condi tions In the trads by the chairman of the board of directors of the corporation and his explanation that the orders ahead were not subject to cancellation, as was formerly the custom, tended to emphasise the force 1 of the showing. The opening advance of 44 In the price of the stock immediately at tracted such a pressure of selling orders as effectually demonstrated that eager ad vantage was taken of the stimulating effect of the report to market large holdings. The first price was the highest of the day and, although the stock showed occasional resistance to the pressure on tha general market. Its failure to advance was con clusive In shaping sentiment on the whole market. The Idle condition of the trading st the rallies was apparently allowed to work its impression on sentiment and the bears collected their forces for renewed attack on the market. Successful inroads were made st first on a few prominent stocks, notably Pennsylvsnla. Erie and Reading. The yielding tendency or tne stocks affected the whole market by sym pathy and the weakness spread as the domlnancy of the bear party became obvioua The whole market was under mined untlmately and the crumbling of prices wiped out margins, dislodged stop- loss orders and brought stocks on tne mar ket In a deluge. There was no special news to aocount for the break behind the cumulative Influenos of the forebodlnrs which are felt of coming Industrial and business reaction. The extent of the ac count on the long side of the market was unexpected and assumptions of strength of these holdings were proved unfounded by their vulnerability to the bear attacks. A variety of rumors Inevitably found cur rency by ' reason of the violence of the break and some of these revealed the ac tivity of the bears In aggravating the un easiness of stockholders. Reports were current that some of the recent rairoad note Issues were being sold at sacrifices to realise funds. Then It was alleged that the whole of the 142.000.000 of government funds last deposited with the national banks wss to lie taken up In February In stead of the tl2.000.ap0 defined by the Treas ury department. The trading tactics of the bears left a short Interest to be covered at the last and this was the cause of the feverish rallies. Otherwise the market closed unsettled and In disorder. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value. 11,674. 000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The following was the range of prices on the New York stock exchange: . alas. Hiss. law. Cloea. point. The market finished with an un certain tone Japanese Imperial of XM closed at ItCS- BERLIN, Jan. SO Prices on the Bourse today opened with a general advance, but later became quieter. PARIS, Jan. SO. Prices were strong on the Bourse todsy. Rusalan Imperial 6s closed at 76.76 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 4W.00. Xew York Money Market. NEW TORK, Jan. 0.-MONET-On call, easier, 2Wb3t per cent; ruling rste. 2 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent: offered, 2H per cent. Time leans harder and dull; sixty days, par cent; ninety dsys, 64, ftf'S per cent; six months, 64 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PA PER-6fj6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with sc tual business in bankers' bills st 64 8 48i9 4848S for demand, and at t4.80S0'S4 . for sixty day bllisr posted rates. 64 8a4.82Vi anil 14 8;ji4.tW: commercial bills, M.V SILVER Bar, C7c; Mexican dollars, 62Hc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. Closing quotations on bpnds.were as follows: V. rat. la. rf....1' tJapas . M Mr.... 4a eevpen 0. g. U. rag. 4o eousos . C. t. old 4a. rag... .If .lot 1M .11 ...1l ....!? ...U ..... n ....10114 .... W4 4s. ....let 4m 4a, etfa. a t eerlee 4o 4. nit L. a N. sal. 4a Maahat. a. (nl4 4a. Max. Cant. 4s do let lac Mln. St. U 4a.... M . K. A T. 4,.... do Ida N R. of M. a. 4a. M. T. O. ss. . I. at Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes aw heat May July PepU C t 11 Jan. May July 61. Ona Jan. May July Sept. Poik May July Lard May July 8Ht. it lbs May July I pstSTs-i 77V T71l 43 464J 414! 46 aSWCSl 16 60 17 16 t 66 72,' 47Vd t 67 Wl 78S1 7fS 43 H4j! 3e 3RV 9h ,1 T7V 7H 77S 78 n 43 j ill 44 46H.& 46! 4 W4el s&W.Xfcwwj MS. grain were: Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn. bu.... Oats, bu Receipts. .. S.ono ...4J.0OO ..148.000 ..128,000 Shipments. 16.000 S?.000 14,000 115.000 Kaasas City Grata aad Provlaloaa. KANSAS CIT.Y. Jan. SO. WHEAT May. T2c; July, 724o; September, 72c. Cash: No. rmrd. TlwuVbc; no. I, biiiK; MO.. I red. 7Va"c: No. t 6W674C. CORN May, 4iHc: July, 41T4e: September. 4?Sc. Cash; No. mixed. SaSS-Wo; No. 3, SHc; No, t white, 41641c. OATS No, 2 white, 88c; No. S mixed. 37 ITVkc. k Y e steady, sugajac HAY Steady; choice timothy, n6.5061o.00: choice prairie, Jil.60gii2.Ou. BUTTER Creamery. 31c; packing. 18Mc. EGGS Vsc highar: firsts. 23Hc: seconds. 20c. Tha receipts and shipments of grain were: Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats, bu.... Receipts. Shipments. 44. too 47,000 89.0i 37.iO 17.000 14. QUO Board of Trade Quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Dogan Bryan, 113 Board of Trsde building, waa. Artlclea I Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. Wheat- May July Corn May July May July T?V 7Ii 71 12 41H 41 41 42 408 41 416 419 72VI ;nfirt. 41941 72 41 41 40fi 4041B 4i 41 A 41 41 l B Bid. A Asked. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Jan. SO. CORN Higher ; No. I yellow and No. S, 41c; No. 4, 40c. OATS Higher; No. 2 white. Sac; No. S whits. S7c: No. 4 white. 6e. RYE Firm; No. t, 664jc. WHI8KY-On the basis of U.S for fin ished goods. 17 R 14 80 17 (5 1 17 16 8W4, 66 S 87V t 62 7l S47 I 66 7H 77 77 42 46 43 a s 3i 17 171 1 76 17 t; l w t 80 I S 47 S2! 6 T K tj 1461 sv No. S. Caah quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, U.24 3 60: straights, 63 00x1125; spring patents. tiTooiW; straights, 6X1041.60. bakera U.Axi I HO WHEAT No. spring, 7Sc; No. S, TM ; No. S red. 74ft74,c CORN No l 44u; No. I yellow. 44c, OATS No. t S6c; No. I while, 3ao; No. S white. ri6o. . RTE No. L Z0. IMKLKY Fair to choice malting, 610560. 8KDs-N. 1 flex. $11. No. 1 north aesirrn, 1 23 Timothy pnma, 6460. Clover, contract grades. 31186. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides (loose), fS.37ha:. Mtas pork, per bbl.. llli; Lard, per 10 Iba, ISai. Bhort dear slcWa (btxed). H.nv .a2. KuuowUig were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: ttaretpia shipments. i " flour, bbls m.-oj ,fcO Wheat, bu U.VO f4) A Com, bu a,0i S76.KI0 Oata. bu. E4 4) cs-f Rye. bu..... ' 3i0u 1 Barley, bw.. 1U.6ui 14.JUU ' Oa the Produce exchsnge today the but ter market waa flrm: creameries, titiaiwc: at ma-k. Sua; prime dairies. Ml sac. caaas inrlmlsd. ll. strong; b.4',o; Arsis, Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL, Jan. VH EAT Spot strong; No. 2 red western winter, 6s Id; futures steady; March, 6s 6d; May, 6s 4d; January, 6s. IStd. CORN 43pot flrm; American mixed new, 4a 6d: American mixed old, 4a d; futures steady; January. 4s 2d; March, 4s 2. Mllwaakee Grala tlnskvt. MILWAUKEE Jan, SO. WHEAT No. 1 northern, tlttic; No. 3 northsrn, 76alo; Msy. 7KMj'c bid. 0RN-No. I cash, 42e42Hci May, 46 fj4Sc asked. : I RYE No. 1. 6'oSc BARLEY No. 1 6ao; sample, 47667c, Philadelphia Prwdaea Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. SO BUTTER. Fair, good demand; fair western cream ery. SkJiiSc. EGO 8 Firm, good demand; fresh, 6o at mark. CHEJCSE Unchanged; New Tork' full Sreanitaies, 13VWlc. ' Dalatk Grala Market. DULUTH. Jan. SO. WH EAT On track No. 1 northern. bzo; No. 3 northern, fcvo; May snd July, (lc; September, 7rc. lATU To arrive, 37c. RYE . BARLEY SWja Mlaaeapalls Grata Market. MINNE-.POUS. Jan SO. WHEAT Mav, suvc; July, glelc; September, 74 giic; ro. 1 nara. c; xso. 1 northern, 33 c; No. S northern, al&41c; No. I northern, iieimc. BRAN In bulk. $14 Soei.7B. Adasu Euieaa AatalaasiateS Copper .... American Car and Poundry do pfd Amar. Cotton Oil do pfd Amer. Bipreee Amar. Hlda A leather pfd Amar. Ina Saenrttlaa Amar. Llnaaad OIL. do pfd Amar. Locomotive da pfd Amar. Smalllng 4 Ret.... do pfd Amar. Sugar s,eflntns Amar. Toherco ,p(A (If a... Anaraeoa Mining Co do pfd Atchlaoa 1 Atlantic Coast Una BaUlmora A Ohio do pfd Brooklrn Rapid Tranilt.... Canadian Fadtc Cantrai of N Jaraay.... Chaaapaaka Ohio Chtca Oraat Waatara Chicago A Nnrthweatara.. C . at. A Bt. Paul Chlcaco Tarmlnal A Trans. do pfd C. C. C. A Bt. Loula.... Colorado Pual and Iran... Colorado A Southern da lat pfd do Id pfd Consolidated Oas Corn Product rfg do pfd rff Palawan A Hudaoa Dal., lock. A Waaler. .. Denver A Rio Oranda do pfd Dtetlllrra Securities Erla do lat pfd do Id. pfd Oeaaral Blertrta Hocklof Valler. eflarad.... Illlnola Cenu-al Inur. Paper do pfd Intar. Pump da pfd Iowa Cantrai ae pfd Kanaaa City southern da pfd Louisville A NeahTlUe..., Maxlaan Central Winn. A Bt. Louts laa, St. P. A i. g. M. do pfd Mlasouri Pacific at . K. A Texas P4 National Laad M. R. R. at Mexico pfd.., New Tork Central N. T. Ont. A Waatam..., Norfolk A Westers pfd North Americas Paclne Mall Peanerlvaala People' a Oas Plila, C, 0. A Bt, L... Preaaed Blaal Car do pfd Pallmaa Palace Car Readme do let pfd do Id pfd Republic Blaal do pld Rock laland Oa da pfd k k t I. f. M pfd Bt. Louis Boulheaatars... do p'd outoera Pacise da pfd Southern Railway da pfd Tenncceeo Coal and Ires.. Texas A Pact ha Tel.. Bt. L. A Waatara... do pfd Vnloa PaclBo do pfd V. B. Riaeaas U. B. Raaltr II. 8. Rubber do pld r. A Steel do pld VlrftBta-Carsltae Chemical. so pfd Webeeh da pfd Welle-Parso Cipraaa Wtellnssouae Klactris .. Waeterm t'nlos .. Wheeling a Lake Brta.... Wlacoasla Central do pfd Northers Pactaa Casual Leather do pfd Bloaa-BbaaeM Oraat Nonhera pfd latarhoroush Mauopalltaa. aa pfd tm 4, loft W0 1.100 100 100 104 il 101 H 30, lis" M M IT 110H 41 10114 '. lis" I4S l.KW 71 34.100 no imo l.MO ti.toe tnt 41.40 40 10 II oo ,4l l.40 I K 1 4O0 a. 404 146H 111 11144 T 174 100 lf! in6 1U4 n 74V, 1I1H 117V, n II ! 141 H Cottea Market. NEW YORK. Jan. SO. COTTON 8 pot, steady: iniddlltig uiands. - 11c; middling gulf. 11 c; sales, 600 balea LIVERPOOL, Jan. at COTTON Spot good business oons; prices one pulnt lower; American mldilllng fair. 4.7ud; good mid dling, 614d; middling, 4 91x1; low middling, IM; ordinary, 6.34d; ordinary, 6d. '1. sales of the day were 10.e balea of which l.uuo were for speculation and export and Included t.oft) American. Rocelpla, 47, Out tmloa, Incluoing 31 mv American. BP. LaOl'lS. Mo.. Jan. S COTTON Quiet: middling. 10c; salea 1ST bales; re ceipts, none; shipments, ova bales; stock, a 317 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. SO COTTON Spot msrket close-1 yulet: low ordinary, 4 114c, nmninal; ordinary, Il-lio; low mid dling, -vc, good middling. 11 6-lSc; mid dling fair, Ke-lec. nom'n.l; fair, II 16-lc nominal. Balaa. 1 e) bales; receipts, 14,113 bales; eleck. m,n balea - - oo l.tvO 10 4100 hot I. (we 100 100 n0 I one 44,400 1.40 1.460 1.100 ioi t00 1.100 41 W 44 lit" t 111 KM MH 7M4 71 M "V, 41 U. 1M 1(4 IT 04 70 14JV4 1HH lIVt M 371 1MV4 11444 l si Tl 37 111 4 ill 4IH 47 H 14 I lit" 12 H 494 Vi MV4 TV, av 13 1H4 7 154V4 lio" ii Tl'4 IdO IS . 40 1.400 1,100 0 1.40 10 I "J l.o to 3.0V 1.I0 t 1.100 TO X.J U1.7U . !." too 0 311 lu 40 . Laos too , M.Krt 40 10 , LOO to . 44,70 lu . 14,4V u MH 7 V, ui 144 " MV, TO 44 11716 44 V nv4 MV 1U MH " 60 v M 171 V4 111 11 17 MV II 42 W 14 1 111 M M M M 114 U ioi 141 M M M 14 131 4 St l" M 11 M 71 47 l 1TI 111 " M M SS ' 41 11 64 111 at 4 ft 13 11 400 143, u 11 171 10 cue eu 40 I.M I. lu 7 4 lat 46 1U4 U 10 IT M iio u 6D0 I.4U 1M 4 Ou 4 164 17 10U Tl 1U l Tl Tetal ealee tor tha dar, eharea II 14 Ti 44 10 41 104 11 lut 11 II ii" 4S U M 10O 14 14 71 no 110 41 101 11 110 It el IT U T0 111 141 114 ir M n a loo 10 lii 1 Tl 110 111 4 16 1U 141 ti 17 47 11 44 41 in tt o IM 11 71 H 71 l ltT 11 141 II 71 TI M 41 a 114 II 11 141 M M 1M M 1 M 110 M 47 7 170 110 u H 14 4 H I 4 32 14 117 U 1U 11 IV 80V 141 II 10 71 41 ICS 41 104 MH 104 14 1 474 let M 13 n 44 114 M 10 14 M 11 H II . M IW .100 , H . M . II . M . 17 . MH . "H J. C. sen. la...lMH ... ItH No. PaclBc 4a 101 1.. 17 do la 71 ...110 N. A W. eon. 4, ii ... M Ore. S. L rfg. 4a.... 14 ... TT Pane. a,. IHa MH ... M Reading ran 4a MH ...If "St.L. A l.M. e. to.lllH ... 74 aege. U A 8. P. ft II ,.. PSH St. u B. W. eon. 4a. 77 a.. T4ieKeehoard A. L. 4a. 10 ... II I Bo. PaclBo 4a 11 4all da lat 4a otfa 14 A. TI x Rallwar le 112 ... 71 eTeI. A P. lata.. 117 da coupon V. B. a. 4e, reg. do emipoa Am. Too. 4s.... do e Atchlaoa t 4a.. aeoa adj. 4. Atlantic C. U B. A O. 4a "41 I Brk. R. T. c. 4 Cetitral of Oa. 6a. do let Inc do Id Inc as Id Ine Chea. A O. 4a. .. A A. !a , B. A Q. n. 4 , R. I. A P. 4 do col. ie 'CCC. A Bt. U g. Cnle. Ind. la. ear. Celo. Mid. 4 Colo. A So. 4s M T., St. U A W. 4a. Cuba la 1(4 I'. P. 4a D. A R. O. 4a.... M ti. 8. Bteel Id Diet. Bee, a 11 Wahaah lets .. Erla prior Ilea 4a.... 17 do deb. B. do sen. 4a MH Weetem Md. ( 'Hock. Va. 4Ha....l04H W. A L S. Japan ee M Wla Cantrai 4 Offered. "Bid. l 101 m 7; . li , 7 17 Rostoa ttacks and Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. SO Call loans, 67 cent; time loans, Bh6 per cent, prices on stocks and bonds were Atrhlaon adj. 4a.. II 1 Atlantic M .Bingham M Cat. A Heel H ICentennlal ... M4, 1 Copper Ranss 3M Pair Weet .. lTranklln H do Max Central 4a. Atchhmn de pfd Brieton A A. . . . Boat no A Me .. Ronton RleTatad Pitchburg pfd.. Mex. Central N. T.. N. H. A rnlen Pacific Am. Ante. Cham do pfd Am. Pnes. Tub., Am. Busar de pfd Am. Tel. A Tel.. Am. Woolen do Dfd Dots. Iron A 8 Rdleon Bleo. til Maaa. Electric do pfd Maaa. Oas t'nlted Pratt I' n tied Shoe Macs.. do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd Adrentur Alloue, Amalgamated Asked. a.B(d, ...113 ... 11 lU Oranby Iile Rorale ... Maaa. Mining Michigan .lfMtlMnhawk M ... II ... It ...10 ...1N ...1M ... 30 ... M ... 1 ...BW ... 11 ... 44 ... 1 .1M , 41 . MH . 41 .104 . IX .11 a... Montana C. A Old Dominion.... Oeeeola Parrot Qulncy Shannon Tamarack Trinity I'nlted Copper ... V. B. Mining V. 8. Oil ftah Victoria Winona Wolverine North Bntte Butta Coalition .. Cel. A Arteona... Art,. Commercial Oreen Con eo 1 1 da ted per Closing 1B . n 440 . 17 . . II , 11 .110 . 17 ,. . 10 M I II .! . 10 .111 . Sr. .111 . 17 . 71 . 4i H . 7 . . li .1M .110 . 14 .180 . K . 30 OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fbi Cttt's Etedy to Stroncti Bt Firl ActiTr. HCGS OPEN WEAK, BUT CLOSE STRING Moderate Ran at Sheep aad Laiaaks, with Demand Good aad Trade Artlae at Steady Prices far ETerythlasr Dealrable. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. Receipts were; tattle. Hogs 8heep. Offlclsl Monday 6.363 ttftlclal Tuesday S.Stl Official Wednesday 4.W Three days this weeK..69.6 Same days last wee. .k. .16.143 Same days 3 weeks agu..1.U2 Same days 3 weeks,itii Sams days 4 week agu..lvM46 Same days last year 14,0(4 Tne following table snow ths receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1907. lix. Inc. Dec. CattlB 107.1 77.4M 29,676 Hogs 1,3!3 216.467 19.064 Sheep 14J.0U8 131,376 16.633 CATTLB WL'OTATIONB. Oood toe holes cornfed steers SS.u26 Fair to good cornfed steers 4.;o.4j Common to fair steers 4.64.7 Oood to choice fed cows S 6fo4 Fslr to good cows snd heifers 3 0t"e"' Common to fslr cows and heifers.. 3.t.w3.4v Oood to choice st'kers and feeders. 4.4u0 Fair to good. Blockers snd feeders.. 3.7y4 Common to fair Blockers 3.(too3.75 Bulls, stsgs, etc ,-6tr4.0i Veal calves 4.UD 60 The lollowlng table shows ths .average price of hogs at South Oinsha for tha last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1)7.'1SW.1S06.13C4.1S)S.130.1J01. SO. 1907. B.V7 J. 'II ll.cAo 7,ei 4. 400 2,1 1.1 31 4-J r.43o 19;4 26,6:4 24.UC9 2l.tM 10 (HO la.6.4 33.28 .14.110 M ...... let ... r a PI ... 17, M 141 ... I r 7 H 40 I TIH M ... II7 II ta M I TIH 71 ... I 7 XJ "7 ... I T2H 1 r ... 17 a, I5i 40 71 ii. ti i? i rn mi ... i 7?h 4 11 in irit l 7 1 U ... ITS 10 Ill ... 4 71 M Il ... I 7 Tl lit ... "IH 47 IM SO 6 7t ST 11 ... TTH 71 4t ... I 7 Tl J4 ... I 71 M Ill ... 7 17 Ill ... TIH II M 1M ... 4 71 M Ml MIT M IH ... 171 Tl lil TV n 1H ... 4 74 M ll ... I TO . M W ... 4 71 71 11T M I le i , l.T ... I Tl M m I to M lit 4 71 II I I 4 I TO 4 171 . I Tl Tl ill ... TV 4 I I II I Tl M 171 ... (to f , Ill ... I 75 74 IH 130 I To TO ISO ... I 7 m fl ... 4 TO II JH ... t Tl TO ttl M IT ti ltd T I ... I 70 U 1 ... I Tl 10 ill ... I T If tl ... I 71 I h' ... 7 M J! ... 4 M 7 B4 ... T 4 1M ... I 0 Tl 1,0 MIT, 14 JT0 ... K Ti. 10 TO n 141 ... M 41 ll 11 I 7 SHEEP Receipt were llgrht tnday and the Kngllah market, with ftundsrd fmin dry )Uitrl at 4a ,M snd Cleveland wnr rsnta st 6;a. l.txallr the mniket was un. rhansed No. 1 foundry northfrti Is ousted st I JS'i J. 3fS; Ntv I foundry northern. ?4 7Mi 7?r No. I foundry southern. 6; No. f foundry southern. $X -tv"1". ST. IX'.'IS, Jan. - .M KTA1 v-J sil, strsdy st 37V,; SH'ltei, steady nt 3 A Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 22.. 33. 24... 26. 27. 38.. 23. SU. S36 .1 4t 6 K 4 43 4S 6 8J 4 661 4 Ml Ml 4 to, bS a i 6 eot 4 tilWI 6 26, 4 ,1 4 So! " 6 6l 6 St 4 73 1 4 HI I 6 4 l 4 61 TKV a i i Ui 4 ;t 4 71 I 6 S8 4 79i 4 64 1 6 W 6 24 I 6 36 4 66 4 ill 72 li 6 24 6 0-' 6 13 6 USi 6 15 t Uti 6 21 6 13 TSj ll when the market opened they were not nearly all In sight. With moderate ofTVr Inrs snd a good demand everything In sight old at good, steady prices. The trade won soon over with for the want of more stuff to sell. Tour cars of choice yearlings, sihl to arrive, were weighed up st 31-36 There was a number of curs of ewes good enough to bring Sfi.oO. The feeling on the market wss very good today and the trade In a aeneriil nay might be described as being in a good. , healthy condition. All that Is necessary i to keep It thst wsy Is for shippers to use . agment In sending In their stun, i nerp : iiw mure viieciive way 01 uirimui n- riaTL-Q L- ,4 m- . HVart r.mV. The consuming demand for good. I well finished sheep and lHmb is lame, mid If shippers will confine their tnflrketina-s to that kind there Is no reason why good, strong prices should not prevail every day. Quntat'nna on l.-llirrs: I.mk1 to cholc Ismbs, 17.0007.60; fair to good lambs. Pi , 5 hi. if); goo I tc choir yesrllns. Iamb weights 36.C09tl.26; fair to good yearlings, lamb weights. lS.7Titiil.C0, pood to choice yesrllngs. heavyweights. :-.76fi6.00; fslr ta good yearlings, heavyweights, to bmu 76; good to choice old wethers. eo.3o.ii6.CU; fait to good old wether. l5wUa3f; good 19 OMAHA V4HOt.KB4.LK MARK PIT. Conditio. et Trade aad 4,aofatlaas aa Btsale aad Faaey Prodaea. mofl ler ilos . 1.1 VK ltll'l.'I KV-llens. 8H1tt; rooaters, 6c; lurkeya. itHul'-; dutka, r"iil'Jc; young rooBte.e iic; nn-, fcuc. BI'TTKH - Packing stock. 19-; choice to fancy dairy, 2i)Hc; creamery, 2M2Sc. HAY-thuice ui l .ntl li-... . o.eol . t" : No. 1 bottom. 38.60; off grades, 6Svtf4ML Rye strsw, 67. 00. No. 1 altalfs. 111.00. BRAN 1'er on. UW OLD VKOsTTARLKS. CAP. ROTH dEtld AND fARSNIP Per bu., 76o SWEET POTATO E8 Illinois, per large bbl.. H . NAVY BEANS-Ter hu.. .; No. S, il.M LIMA BEANS-Per lb.. SHO. CABliAUhl-liolland seed, horn grown, IHc per lb. EOO PLANT- Ter dog., tt45elV RLTABAriAS About 1M lba ta sacs, tl.60. r-uTATOES-Psr bo, 4V86BC, TLRNll'S-Per bu., 60c. ONIONS-Hima grown, per bt., B9c Spanish, per crate, I2.UU; Colorado, per buw C TROa-TCAt, FRUIT. LEMONS Llmontera. m and 36 sis H..n. other btanda, 6oc leas. CI Hsle nedlum-slssd bunch, j'jniaioa, liootfiio. f rit 'IT Sisc m w CI and 80, )3.s Sunday. Load Closing Storks. LONDON. Jan. 30. Closing quotations on stocks were: Ooneola. money.. . M 16-141 at., K. A T 17 do account 17 IN. T. Central .......lSOH Anaeonda 14'S'orfolk A W 17 Atchlaoa P do pfd 17 do pfd int 'Ontario A W 4H B A Ohio tll Pannirlvanla (7 Canadian Pacta ....17 Rand aline, 7 Chea. A Ohio.. 41 Reading 43 Chlcaro O. W 14 Southern Ry 17 .161 i do pfd , . t7lBo. Pad fie 11 . union ratine n Bt P. M .. I .. T4 .. ..1T1 141V do pfd U. B. Steel. do pfd ... Wahaah ... do pfd ... spent ah 4a 44 10 IT 39 M Steady; 31 6-16d per ounoe. c. at. A DaBeerav D. A R. O do Dfd Erie do Ut pfd do 3d pfd Illlnola Central ... 1 A NiihTllla..., SILVER Bar. MOXEY-466 per cent. The rate rf dlactnrrrt In the open market for short bills Is 4 per cent; (or three months bills, 44 per cent. ' Bostea Capper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket. reDorted by Logan. A Bryan. 112 Board of Trade building. Omaha: Adrentur Keeeda Consolidated. II Alloue, Atlaatla Blnfham Blacs Mountain Boatoa Coneoltdated. Butta Coalition .... Calurne A Arl,on..lM Calumet A Heeta. Centennlel Copper Rang .... Daly Weet East Butta Prauklln Greene Copper .... Helvetia lale Roral Kenranee L. B. A PHUbarg. ataaaaehuaetta .... MIcMsaa Mohawk 41 North Butta 14 Old Domlnloa 10 Oeeeola Pnes. 8err1oa 30 Psau. Barrloa, UHUulncf Shannon Tamarack .... II Tann. Copper M Trlnltf 1 Called Fruit It t'nlted Btatea. 14 tolled Btatea. M fie h Conaolldatad t ub Copper n Victoria .... 11 Winona 37 Wolverine .. Cananaa .... 31 Mplaalng ... pfd P'd .111 .. i ..1M ... 1! .. ..111 ... 11 ..144 .. 41 .. r ..107 1.. 41 .. 4T 1 .. T0 ... M ,.. I .. 11 ...lis ... ... 11 New York Mlaiaa Storks NEW TORK, Jan. SO. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Cos M LeedTllle Con. , Alice Bninewlck Cos. .. Comatot-h Tunnel . Con. Cal and Va. Hera Silver Iroa Silver Sierra Narad Ill . M . 10 .. 4 . II .17 Utile Chief Ontart Ofhlr Potoel Savage S terra Nevada Small Hopaa .. Standard ... 6 ... ...a ...MO ... IT ... M ... M ... M ...II RANGE OF PRICE8. Cattl. Hogs. Omaha B.SOfrt.SO $4.6tfc3.76 Chicago 1.6ta.90 6.iaki,..!W Kansas City Z 2a'a W iwon ao St. Louis K.uv."i Bioux City .buni.A B.ouv.v the official number of cars ot sioca brought In todsy by each road was: Cattle, nogs, onceo.ii r a. C, M. gt St. P. Ry.... 4 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacillc Ry.. S Colon faclttc system. 04 C. A N. W. Ry. IE.).. 4 C. N. W. Ry. (W).. 43 C, Bt. P., M. ox O. Ry oti C, M. at S). (lv) 1 C. B. cx U. (W.) 84 C, R. I. A P. Ry. (El) 12 C.,R. I. A f. Ry. (W.) .. Illinois Central 1 Chicago Oreat West.. 1 to choice ewes. 34S6.10: fair to good Representative sales: No. Av. 20 Colorado ewes, culls 81 i4 western ewes I'D ''14 Pnlnnrirt o'oe llli j ( 67i 6 95, 6 a 1 4S7 Colorado ewes ll 216 Colorado ewes 116 2J8 Colorsdo ewes 9 Colorado ewes 13 246 western ewe 91 33 western lambs, culls 71 0 western lambs 69 western ewes. 2M western ewes. 2 X 14 40 T T 14 S 1 4 136 14 20 8iS 967 1,94 Total receipts 211 Th disposition of the day's jecelpta waa aa follows, each buyer purctiaslng me num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 677 1,910 Swift and company l,a. l,tw Cudahy Packing Co l.uiW t.ito Armour & Co ,1 I.006 Vansant A Co 166 .... McCreary A Carey S .... W. I. Stephen , 70 Hill & tton 123 F. P. Lewis 20 Huston dt Co It .... Hamilton A Rothschild... 66 .... Wolf 44 J. H. Bulla..., 22 Mike Hagerty 61 J. B. Root A Co 3 T. B. Inghram. 4 .... Sullivan Brothers 14 .... Lehmer Brothers 2 .... Other buyers 297 .... 1.146 Total 4,932 8,799 4,396 C.Kliuti Koceipts wece anerliy Ubenw for a Wednesday, out tha demand waa quite brisk, so that the maraet was In a good healthy condition throughout. The trade opened early and the greater proportion of the receipts changed hands In vsiy fair season. , Buyers seemed to be Inquiring for good beet cattle, but the supply ot that kind was extremely light. Th most of the cattlt coming are only warmed-up and It is the exception to find anything that Is any where near good. The market on the bet ter grades today was strong to lOe higher, with others fully steady. The trade was reasonably active and ths most of the offerings changed hands In fair season. Cows and heifers were also In good de mand and the better grades were anywhere from strong to 10c higher. As was the case with beef steers, ths most of the desirable offerings changed hands In very fair sea son. The common to medium grade were not quite so active, but they wers gen erally steady with yesterday. No great change took place In the market for stockers and feeders. There was a fair showing of pretty decent feeders and they old generally In yesterday's notches. Com mon and light grades continue slow and weak every day. Representative sales: western cull ewes western yearlings western yesrllngs yearlings yearlings yearlings yearlings yearlings lsmb feeders... I 86 western western western western western western 84 34 (v. 34 84 65 62 Tr. 4 W 4 76 4 90 6 04 6 no 6 on 6 Oil 6 00 4 0(i 7 26 4 80 4 ff 4 00. 26 6 26 26 6 16 6 26 6 26 6 26 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Best Cattle StrongHogs Weak to Five Cents Looser. CHICAGO. Jan. SD.-OATTLB-Rerelpts. 22.O0U head. Market for bent strong, others steady; commi n to prime steers, 3l.0Kii.ov; cows, tZ Vo-a&.'Mi; heifers,"ti6 26; bulls. S3.Uft4.&0; calves, 32. 7:'UU0; stockers and feeders, 32.7641 4. 9U. HOOS Receipts. 42,000 head. Mnrket was weak to 5c lower; prime shipping hofjs, 36. 87 Vmi. 9(i ; strong weight butcheis, S H-'a 6.90; packing. S6.8Wid.8.7H; assorted light. 6b O'tit, 86, pigs, to.foa6.lvj; bulk of sales, o.Srv5S7i. SHtEP AND LAMBS Receipt a 22.r heed. Market steady, but slow; sheen, 33.00 &6.00; yearlings, S4.6U&6.6&; lsmbs, S5.7&4V7.76. Sll Ue a New York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 30. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1.876 head. Choice heavy steers were about steady, general market U'Mdo off; bulls, steady; bologna and medium cows, steady to firm; choice fat cows, 10-5 15c lower; steers. S4.9nfl.60; bulla SoMVfid.tO; cows. SLSOijjd.lO; oxen and stags, 33.76 6.45. Liverpool and London cabiea quoted live cattle higher at 11 Wane per lb., dressed weight. CALVES Receipts. t!98 head. Good veals In demand and steady, others slow; western calves, 2&c off; barnyard calves, nominal; veals, S6.O0i9.7S; extra. 310.00; culls, 31000 4.76; western calves, 33.26. Dressed calves, steady, J)8c per lb. for city drenwed veals; extra, 15c; country dressed, TVf&UHc. HOGS Receipts, 9.840 head. Market was weak; cnoiee light pigs, 37 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 8. 679 head. Sheep steady, lambs slow but not quntnhly lower; sheep, S4.00$i6.t; lambs, $.7o7.76. FaretaTa Flaaaelal. LONDON. Jan. SO. Money waa In good demand and fair supply In ths markst to dsy. Discounts were a shade easier. On ths Stock exchange prices were rather firmer owing to the fact that tha settle ment revealed a smaller account open than had been anticipated, especially In Ameri can securities. Business for th new ae oount was modsrats In volume. Consuls and home rails hardened fractionally. Oper ators anticipate an upward movement and broadening business as soon aa tha setile mer.t Is onucluded. Foreigners Improved on bettor Paris buying. Americans were unfavorably affected early In tha day by the rumors of a proposed additional Issue of Erie stocks and th decline In Phila delphia ft Reading In Wall street yester day, but the market strengthened to well over parity about midday on the bears cov ering. Later th New York advices caused a further hirdening of prices after which New York sold aoi stocks declined a Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. SO.-Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclustvs of tha 315O.0O0.Ou0 gold reserve shows: Available cash, 1242,641. 008; gold coin and bulllpn. 399,666,563; gold certincaies, 311.166,490. Baak Clearings. OMAHA, Jan. 30. Bank clearings for to day were tl. 419.661.06 and for the corres ponding data last year 11.701,601.46. Wool Market. BOSTON, Jan. S0.-WOOL Tha market remains dull, though firm. Ths quiet spell Is not commented on unfavorably, however. as an active movement Is not anticipated at this session. Dealers are asking higher prices and ara not dismayed at the small volume of transactiona In pulled wools all stapls stocks move steadily and show no larger accumulation. Foreign grades ar steady. Leading domestic quotations fol low: Indiana and Missouri Combing, three eighths blood, 3Vo35c; combing, quarter blood, 8334HO. Texas (scoured baais) Fine, 13 months, 73777Sc; flne, 4 to S months, Ht'iji 70c; fine, fall clean. SC3:c. California (scoured basis) Northern, choice, 47-c; northern, good, 66ti67c; m.ddle country, 6 46c; southern, (t3c; fall free, 64&66c Ore gon (scoured basis) Eastern, No. 1 staple. 3j?i3c: eastern, xno. 1 Clot rung. 6ova70c; val ley. No. 1, 6C)2c. Territory staple (scoured basis) Fine. 7(f7&o; fine medium, e&u7uo; medium, oVfltjbc. Territory ordinary (scoured basis) Fine. 6ft70c; flne medium. 67&uoc; medium, 4'ac Colorsdo and New Mexico Spring scoured, X. 66t70c; No. L 63j6c. LONDON. Jan. SO. WOOI The first se ries of th 1907 wool auction sale closed todsy. Ths feature was tha active compe tition. In which Amercaa buyers were prominent, sspeclally. when orossbreds and merinos of good style were offered. Final quotations, compared with those of ths De cember sales, were unchanged to 6 per cent higher, with the exception of coarse, heavy crossbreds. which declined td. During th sales 77,0u0 were taken by horns buyers, SO.UuO for the continent. 12.000 for America and 1 1O0 were held over for ths pext st riea Offerings today were 6a bales. They were eagerly absorbed at unchanged rates. Following srs ths sales: Nsw South Wales, 2.6A bales; soonred. Is 2Ud&2s Hd; grsasy, 7 da Is 2d. Queensland, l.BuO bales; scoured. Is 4d62s Hd; greasy, 7ri4fls Id. Victoria, 1.100 bales; greasy, 6dals 2d. Weet Aus tralia, 700 bale; greasy, 6H&10ri. New Zealand. 1.4O0 balea; greasy, Sdflls 11. Cap of Good Hope and Natal. LOW bales; scoured. Ud'Tl lOd: greaay. 9iltHd. , ST. LOrili, Jiff. SO. WOOL-ttteady: me dium grades combing and clothing, 24&26.g: light fine. 5sv2ac; heavy fine, 16jl6c; tub wsshed. S6o.Sc. TOLEDO. Jsn. SOv SEED Clover, Jsnu ary and February, 34 W; January, 3d 60; April. Sh. 40. Timothy, 32-6a Alalks, S3 60. Oils aad OIL CITT. Jan. SO. -Credit balances. 31 64, runs. 11 3.1 JO bbls.; average. 1 '16.311 bb!s.: shipments. 156,636 bbla; are rag , 161.6ut bbls. SAVANNAH, Oa, Jan. SO OIL Turpen tine, flrn. TOHjc ROSIN-Flrm; A. B and C. 34 W; D. 34 10; E. 4 1cr4 16; F. 34 To; G. 34 !6; H. 34 '9 4 46; I. 34 60; K. 35 '6- 26. M. Si.Si; N, 34 00; WO, fc.Su; WW. MM. Ia 1 T 44 1 4 Tt , tl IT 11 14 4 Sv 6 II 11 3 4..... 34 4 11 1 4 47 II II 1 I I I I I.".... 13 I I II 14 II I 3 II 1 I I M 4 I I It 11 A. ,...lni .... IM .... M7 ,...11M ....l&l .... Ml ....101 ....IMS ....llu ,...ll ....1101 ....1011 ....1013 ,...Mf0 .... ni ....tool ....1000 ....nil .... Ml III Ml ....loot ....lull . . . . 101 104 ...U4 m 10KI lulT ltu 1114 11M liM lit 104T Iv X 411 Ml Ml 1071 704 40 aa . ii , 4d auO ta . TH . 74 i 1 4 36 4 H 4 64 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 70 4 M 4 40 4 M 4 U 4 N I 00 3 I Ti 3 71 I 36 I 15 I II I I I M I 44 3 4 I 41 I 4 3 14 I U I M I M I II 3 M 3 1 I Ttt I T I 7 3 7 I Ti I Tl I 71 I Tl 3 Tl 3 M No. ...., T.... II M 14 re.... 10 to n.... 11 11.... M II... II... COW 8. I ... 17.... II.... I.... 10.... I ... 17.... 4.... 11... 7.... II ... II ... 1 ... II.... 1.... II 4 ... 4.... 11 ... I ... II ... 1.... I.... I.... 4.'.'.'.' 14.... 1.... 4. HEIFERS. 3 M 3 M 3 1 I II I M I H I 14 3 4 M I 4 T 3 Ti II. II. 33.. A. 1077 1111 1241 1IM 1164 1170 IM 1240 UN 1MI 1271 1411 1180 MIT IS let Ml , 1114 ....... .1010 1111 , Ill loot 104 14 il lotl llkl 147 1470 Ill 1114 1(T 6 , 1167 110 114 l'.M iro 10ft M4 llu Ill ..1163 .. BOB Ill ...... Ill HO la 117 1(00 1U4 1071 17 11U Pt I I M I 1 I 1 i 1 6 1 I I I 11 I II I 16 I II 6 36 I 46 4 Tt I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M 3 K I M 4 ' 4 00 4 04 4 0 4 v 4 M ' 4 0 4 14 4 1 4 1 4 IB 4 II 4 16 4 14 4 10 I 64 4 44 3 71 3 40 I M 4 0 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 1 m 4 44 4 Tl Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 90. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,500 head. Including 300 southerns. Market strong to 10c higher; top, S'i-iO; choice export and dressed beef steers, 35.40 66.50; fair to good. 34.2,6.26: western fed steers. 33.7596.76; stockers and feeders. 33.40 (14.70; southern steers, S3 26M6 28; southern cows, S2.25fi,TT5; nntive cows, S2.264M.fV; na tive heifers. S3.UO4i6.0O; bulla 32.76g4.0); calves. S3.6o37.25. HOGS Receipts. 13.000 head. Market opened weak, closed strong: top, li 92; bulk of sales. 36 7Vfc4.90: heavy, IS &5(& 9.Vr; packers. 3.75S.924; pigs and light, 35.79 6.80. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 4.000 head. Market steady to 10c lower: lamhs. 36.AtVtl7.50; ewes and yearliners. Sl7:fivU6: western fed yearlings. S'i.Ootfjvi.oO; . wvstern fed sheep, 4.75r6.76; stockers and feeders, 33 2&t75. St. Loals Live Block Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. S. CATTLE Receipts. 4.000 head. Including 1,200 Texans. Market strong: native shipping snd export sters, S5.054i 76; dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.eOv76.36; steers under l.OoO lbs., J3 7.Vg4 4o; stockers and feeders, 32 00754.50: cows-and heifers. l.Vstt.'J; Conner. 31 50&136: bulls, 12 30 4 00; calvea S? 6"&8.00; Texas and In dian steers, S2.5036.60; cows and heifers. 32.600400. HOGS Rscelpts, 11,500 head. Market was 6G10c lower: pigs and llghta 3d.0O7J'1.7O; packers. S6.364T6.fw; butchers and beat heavy. So 701 ti 85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1 rX) head. Market steady; nttlve muttons. 33 25 455 7f: lambs, 39 2yii7 76: culls and bucks, 33.0044 00; stockera i:SAH S. BANANA aper GRAPE 4i4 Wl. UKAivuh.s rlorlda -rangea 32.o; California imvela. extra fancy, sixes, a.2u; tuncy. 13. ; choice. 32.7. NKW VEQETABLES, BEETS, TLRNIPS AN1 CAKROTB-Paj du . 4i'uo0c. TOMATOES Florida, SO-lb. crate, 36 .00. WAX BKAXS-IVt bu. Sox. 3X6016.00. LEAK LETTICE-Hothouae. .er doaV CELERT-Callfornln. per doa. TBoCllO C I'C L'M BERd-Hothouxe, per do., 3100, HORSERAI11SI4 l aee 01 oox , 31.90. HA DISHES Per dos. bunchu, 36c. GREEN PEPPERS Pa -baeket srats, 34 ovie.1 00. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dos. bunches. 4"c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per doa, Jl.O't1.26. , SHALLOTS Southern, per bunch, 60c FRUITS. CRANBER RIES Per bbl.. $7.0069.03. APPLES Ben Davis, choice. !2 U0; fancy, per bbl., 3-26; Jonathans, 33.76 4.ou; New York apples, 33.25; loss and Nebraska, tuling snd cooking, S2.26yJ.0v. PEAR6 Winter Neil, per box. 31.00. FIGS California, bulk. 6Hc; 4-crowa Turkiah, 16c; 6-crown, 14c; 3-ciown, 12c. CUOOAM'To-l'er suck ot luo, 34.60. CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 ribs, 16c: No. 2 ribs, 10c; No. ribs, 7c; No. 1 loin. Ihc; No. 2 loin, 2VkO No. 3 loin, 9c; No. 1 chuck, c; No. 2 chuck, 6c; No. 3 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 7Vc; No, 2 round, 6Vc; No. 3 round, 6c; No. 1 plate, 4Hc; No. 2 plate. 4c: No. 3 plats, ,1c. M ISCELLAN KOUS. CHEESE New, lull cream Wisconsin twins, ltc; new full cream brick, ltJ 164c: wheel Swiss cheese, 16c; block Swlis, 16c; llmberger. 14o; Young Americas, )6So, FI811 Ttout, lie; hia.but, loc; catrlsh, loo; buffalo, 3c; bullheads, 12e; black bass, flna stock, 2ic; salmon, 1-c; pike, dressed, 11c; red snapper, 12c; whlteflnh, 12c; perch, dressed and scaled, 6c: pickerel, dressed, SVjc; herring, 6c; crappies, oiulfrc; eels, I601 bluensn, luc: lobsters, green, 36c per lb. mackciel, rjpanlali, iic; native. Sue; frog legs, 46c per dus. saddles; smelts. l'c Cl'RED Flbll-Famlly whitefish. per quarter bbl., 1pD lbs., 34 00- Norway muck- rel. No. 1, 336. Oo; No 8. 23.00; bening iti bbls., t pounds each, Norway, 4k. 3U; Nor way, 3k, 312.60; Holland herring. In kegs, mll8er. SOc; kegs, mixed. 700. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1, 12c; No. 2, He; bull hides, c; gresit hides, No. 1. 10c: No. 2. 9c; horsa, $1.6043 3.75; sheep pelts, 50ci)$1.26. Tallow, No, L 4c; No. 2. Ke. Wool. 16S22o. CIDER New Tork, hilt Dirrel. $2.78; bar tel. 35.04 NUTS French' walnuts, lS'jn; California walnuts. No. 2, soft shell, 13c; No. 1 soft ' I shell, loiic; Brax'.ls, 157116c; pecana, lyiir; , filberts, 13Hc; peanuts, raw, rvcl ..a On. Cltfnrnla u ! m.... k.A shell, Pic; Tiayonla. 17c. HONEY Per 24 frames, $3 SO COFFEE Roasted. No. i!6, 26r per ih.j No. 30, 21o per lb.; No. 25. !Se per Ib.$ No. 20. 16c per In. : No. tl, 13c per lb. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, 36.111 granulated beet, In sacka $6.01. 6YRUP In bbls., 2fc per gal.; In cases, f 10-lb. cans, $170; eases, U 6-1 b. cans. Si. Sot cases. 24 2v,-lb. cans. S1.9S. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west, trn. 65Q60c; Maine, 31.11. Tomstoea S-lb, cans, 41.10; S-lb. cans, 97Hci&ll.OO. Pine apples, grated, 2-lb., 32.06t2.Sij; sliced. 31 9t ?12.20. Gallon apples, fancy. 32.06. Celt ornla ' si rlcots, $3.00. Pear a H.7&4I 2.60. reavers, incy, ,1.1041.1"; tl. .peaches, JJ.l'(i2o0. Alaska salmon, red, ; $1.26; fsncy Chinook, F., 12.10; fancy sock. eye, ., earaines, quarter oil, sz.ft tniee-anartr.r mustard, $3.00. SweeL pota toes, $1.10'ai.26. Pauerkraut. $1.0u. Pump kins, SOctitl.OO. Wnx beans, 2-lb., 66y)C lima bean. 2-lb. 76c9$1.35. Spinach. 3135. Cheap peas, i-lb. Gc; extraa sicQl.lO; j fancy, $lvi.i j Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jsn. SO. COFFEE Market for futures optned steady nt nn advance of 6il0 points on better cables "than ex pected, continued moderate receipts at Bra- tllian ioliits and rumors that negotiations for a further valorization loHn were near 1 rut conclusion. Trade Interests were buy ing the near months here and the market maintained Its early advance In the faca of some scattered realizing. The close was steady, net fifalO point higher. Sales wera repot ted of 51.260 bags, Including January b 6.4KtiS.4.V. March at 6 56c, May at 6.66c, Sep t amber at 5 9t)c, October at 6 one. December Bt 6.0oti6.10r. Snot coffee, steady; No. T RJc, 7c; No. 4 Santoe, 8c. Mild ooffea, steady; Cordova, 9v12V. 1 St. Joseph Live Stnek Mnrket. ST. JO8EPH. Jan. So.-CATTLF-Receipts. 1.796 head. Market steady: natives, $4 6fti4.7B; cows and hHfers. $2 2tg4it); siorsers sno Teeners. I3.zmi4 60. HOGS Receipts. 9.273 head. Market 5c hltrher: top. tt 6; bulk rf aa'es. 6 7Eti S SHEEP AND IAMBS-Reeelnts. 2(977 head. Market steady to lower; lambs, 37.70. NEW steady; 96 test. Refined. lunar and Molav,',. YORK. Jan. 90. SUGAR-Raw. fair refining, 2Sl-32e; centrifugal. t:::: ...tet ...1041 ...1110 ...1174 ...170 BM ti 11 . Ill la . tat . Tl , IS) 11 ...1140 ...llu ...114 ...177 ... IM ...UM ... 11 ... 1M ... 171 161 ... IM ... UI ... 11 ... T! ... 171 ... 4tl I 71 I Tt I Tl I Bt 4 4 I IS 4 I le le 6 I 64 I 44 I e I IS 4 44 BULLS.' 3 M . 1 SM 1 1 I 14 1 Ill 1 3 4 1 CALVES. I M 1 I M 3 I M 1 I M I 40 I 4 0 I 4 M ' I FEEDERS. SM I I M 11 1 m 11 I 40 M WESTERNS. IDAHO. SO feeders. . 7M 1 60 41 feeders.. 901 4 25 HOG a Buyers started out bidding lower prices this morning and possibly a few loads may have sold a lltU easier thsn yesterday. 1jci demand, Tiowever, was Very good and that, together with favorable reports from the provision markst. caused buyers to raise thalr bids until tha market became. If anything, a trine stronger than yesterday, in, trad waa acllv whan once underway and everything In eight sold v.-y readily. A will be noted from th sales below, ths hogs sold largely at $4 7a4.76. whereas, yestcrdsy over half of all the hogs sold largely at 38.71). with only a spnnaung at v. fa ana about ths same number below 34.70. Pie. Av. t. rr. Ne. Av. Bk. fr. II in eo 8 ... IT 41 IM M IM M t-l ... IT M V, IM 47 V, M M 4 M M t'4 ... 4 47 V, 7 n MIT 14 lil ... 4 41 a U. 34 k III Blnas City Live Stork Market. SIOT-X CITY. Jan SO. (Special Telea-ram 1 CATTLE Receipt, 1.0DO head: market tady; stockers, slow; beeves. $4.35r;.26; rows, bulls snd mixed. $25004 25; stockers and feeders, 33. 0i(4. 35; calves and yearlings. 32 75fiS.75. HOOS Recelpta 4.7") head: market 6n lower; selling at 3-i.Wi6.70; bulk of sales, 36.60t) 5. SHEEP AND LAMBS ReceiDta 400 head: msrket steady. tork la Sight. Receipts of live Uck at the six princiral western markets yesterday were aa fol lows: South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas city . St. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago Totala Cat lie. .. 4S-0 ... 100 .. 81 ... 17V .. 4.e1 .. 22.000 Hoks. Shee-. 4.7' 13.00- 9.273 11 42.CU0 4.400 4M) 60 2.'7 1 fcO 1 3 15-32C. Mohisses sugar, I 23-32 r. steady; No. 6, 4.30c; No. 7. 4.36el No. . 4.2fc; No. . 4.16c; No. in. 4.06C; No. 11. 4.00c; No. 12. 3.95c; io. 13. No 14. S.fi6c; confectioners' A. 4 66c; mould A, 6.15c; cut loaf and crushed. 5.6"c: powdered, 4.90c; granulated. 4Soc; cubes, 6.05c, MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans, open kettle. 37"(i48c. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. SO.-SUGAR Strung, centrifugal whites. 4 S-lS'lt'e; cen trifugal, yellows, SN'iv,c; seconds, 24e S 7-lSc. MULA 8S ESS057340. Fatal I'oMdcr Kxnloalnn. MOT 'NT VERNON. 111.. Jan. 30t A pow der explosion has occurred at Johnston City, III. Four person were killed. REAL KMTATB TRASisFERS, Abrahsm L. Reed et al. to Peter Suderherg. av, lot 11, block 3. Camp bell advlitlon $ Margarel DiHiley to Claude R. Combs, part lot 6. bliM-k 3. Ev V. Hrnlth s ... Brower E. McCague and wife to Vac lav Homolu, lot 9.' block lo, Mld-Clty addition South Oraha lnd company to Law ' renc taorotkl. lot 6, block 250, Boutn oniaiia Union Pacillc Itallrosd company to J. B. Watkins and Georite A. Hoag- land. tract block 75. ISouth Omans... Stephen D. Bangs and wife to Cora M. Dennis, lots 1 to 4. block 11. Sum mit sddltlon 42,i9s ta.trs 3.7 eo'1,,1 niit adiiition ZZZ James Whelan et al. to Union Pacific Evaporated Aprles nad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Jan.- SO -EVA PORATED APPLES Market Is steady to flrm. with no present pressure to sell reported. Fancy are quoted at 9c;- choice, &V,Sc; prime, SS;Vic. CAIJFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are In moderate demand on spot with California fruit ranging from 8c to Sc ac cording to grade. Oregon prunes. Co, to st ,V,tro. Apricots unchanged; choice, 18c; extra choice. 18H$!9c: fancy. lriQ. Peaches continue flrm, choice, lltU'v; ex tra choice. 12Ht'73Vyc; fincy, 12f!l4c. Raisins are firm, with opening quotations from the coast on Ti new crop higher than last year. Th spot market is gen erally uncharged. Loose muacatel are quoted at 7y ijc. needed raisins, 7jl0c; London layers. $1 45. Metal Marke. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. M ETA 1 There was an advance o' 17s 3d in the Lond:i tin market, with spot and futures both closing at 188 17 6d. locally the market wss firm and hle-her. with quotation ranging from $41.5 2 .Or. Copper waa nti rhanged at 2 6d hlKher In the lxn:d.,n market, with spot closing st Clod 7s 'VI and futures at 1'7 12s 6d. Locally the market was flrm and onrhan'eo'. wlih lake nuoted at $24. 75: 25 26 ; electrolvtlc. $24 2ip5'24.Cib. and caatlng st t-'4 Zj,ji4 Tj. Lead was unchanged st 34 0ups25 In t- local marvel, but In London declined ?, 4d to 19 12s M Ptel!er was unchang st f ISs In ths English market and at 3o.7vy4.eO locally. Iroa was 3d lowsr In . Railroad company, north 60 feet lot 4, block 315. Omaha Jamed McCletiexhan and wife to Jo aeph McCleneghan, n' ne1 section 27-16-9 350 S.000 67 SU) 2.250 10 4,600 Total. ..$17,11 Railroad Notes Paring SL nz3 Plympton, Gardiner & Co., Bankers, 232 LaSalle St.. Chicago Naw York Boston SXsaxbees Vtm lo. sad Calceev siook Tinliasas r-