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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1907)
if ft 6 ! 5 1 REAL ESTATE CITr PROPKRTT I'UR SAI.F. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 41). WE MOVE FEU. 1st TO OUR NEW OFFICES MAIN FLOOR BOARD OF TRADE BU-ILDINO, 1GTII STREET SIDE. 1,150-1907 Pinkney Bt., rooms, mod. ex. furnace, lot boxl24 ft. 13,2502103 Icust Ft., 7 rooms, all mod.; large turn; nice whiirte. 1 $.700 New 7-room, mod. holme, on 4M. between liodre and Farnam; flr fin ish; Just completed. Make offer. ) 4,000 grS9 Marcv St., 7 rooms, Bll mod., , nearly new; ravins paid for. Very cholre. ) 4,250 7-rooin, mod. house, on EHh Ave., opposite Hanscom park; nearly new, very fine natural wood finish, hot water lieat; large lot; paving all paid. 4,250708 N. "th Bt., rooms, all mod.; lot 60x110 ft.; paving paid. Very choice neighborhood. I 6,500 2iio6 Douglas St.. rooms, all mod., In first-class condition: corner lot. il Mock from Kountze Memorial church. Very fine close-in bargain. Make us an offer. ,000615 N. 4fth Bt.. new 8-room, mod. house, with the finest of oak finish, lot 47x11.0 ft.; paving paid; extra well built. I 4,000 New 8-room residence on one of tho best corners In Ilenils Park; splen did oak flnlHh, tiled vestibule and bath; east-front lot, 60x120 ft. Owner's health only reason for . selling. I 4,200 Four good 5-room cottages at the 8. E. Cor. 25th and Q Sts., South Omaha; now renting for 150 per mo.; good repair and sure to be worth more $l,2fi0 cash required, balance t per cent. 14,000 New 14-room residence In West rarnim district, H block from Far nam car and right among the finest houses In the city: hot water heat, oak finish; large lot; Is exceptionally desirable and cheap. See It. 1 Acre Home 1 full acre cornering on two good streets, Just on grade, neat 4 room cottage, only 2 years old, large barn and chicken house, all kinds of fruit set out two years ago. jThli is only 3 blocks from street car, a little north of Ames avenue. A bargain at $1,800; owner will trade for neat 5 room cottage, must be nearly new and on this aide of Ames avenue. Phone Douglas 585. BEMIS Paxton Block. (19)- 9 Rooms West Farnara Modern except heat, full lot, $1,W. Easy payments. C. G. Carlberg, ttl N. T. Life Bldg. . 'Phone Red-7497. (19)- UOTTAGE ON SPAULDING STREET Northeast corner 2Sth Ave. and Spalding St., paved street, two blocks from car, lot 50x125, south front, $1,650. - R. H. LANDER YOU Telephone DourIujj 2151. (19)-760 27 I REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St. IMPROVED 6- room cottage, 112 N. 37th St 7- room cottage, 114 N. 37th St 7- room cottage, 3019 Jackson St 8- room cottage, 3021 Jackson St New 6-roora cottage, 2704 Maple St. 2,000 New 5-room cottage, 2712 Maple St 1,800 Brooms, two-story, 4012 Farnam.- 3,000 The 40 acres on top of the hill south of the east end of Dundee, on Farnam, Douglas, 1 Dodge, 48th, 49th and 50th has been subdivided into acre and half acre lots. The prices are at about the rate of $400 a lot. REED 1710 Farnam St. YOU CAN IF YOU WILL Tou can own a home of your own, in a high class residence district, whei public improvements are in and pad for. Boulevard Park la altogether tile best to be had; di rect car service from down town, boulevard along entire west front- K. several modern dwellings al ready built and occupied, many under construction and contracted for spring delivery. Wheie Is yoursT Vou need not postpone building an other day lots are very reasonable, terma easy 111 Boulevard Park. Verify this for yourself. DWELLINGS : OTHERWHERE J,S00 EMMET ST. $1,800 7-joom dwelling, city water, gs, (0 foul lot, cement walk, only ono block from $4th car, for quick tuin, $l.O0. $1,500 4 1ST ST. $1,500 4-room, new cottage, city water. bndy to ait her i'arnam or Leaven worth car, $l,h0. SUBURBAN ACREAGE acres, with new house, $2,&X). 10 acres, t or t-room house, $2,000. 14 acres, 8-rootn house, gcod out . buildinga, main traveled road, $l.aio. it acres, good farm house and out buildings, about half In fruit, main ruud to Florence, $7,260. Shimer & Chase Co. . Builders of Modern Houses. 1 Farnam St. Ground Floor. lJoualda-ivb7. (19)- gXR ALi-fheap, Vt xVI7. on Parker AC, Bear SKA. IiKjuira HH Dorcas t u-iii r. REAL ESTATE flTV PROPERTY FOR 4I.F. VACANT rj0 40x 110 feet, west front on 41st St., north of lavenport; several lots to choos from. $ 1,000 0ixl?T4 feet, southeast corner 27th and Charles Bta. t l,00-6oxl!i2 feet. no:th front on the boul evard, between i-i ana in. $1,1006.1 feet, south front, at the corner 3;th and Wool worth Ave.; boule vard: very choice. $ 1,01106:2 fet, south front on Woolworth Ave. boulevaru, next easi or amivr. $ 1,250 W.xnO feet, north front mi Lincoln boulevard, just west oi mn, ei choice. I 1 350 3"x! feet, south front on Langdon Court, between 22d and 24th; ery choice, close In lot. $ 1,5(10 4oxl20 feet, southeast corner 16th and Vinton; tine business. l,on0-Xxi0n feet, southwest corner 10th and Bancroft; business corner. $ 1,750-rVxlW feet, south front on Cuming St., east of 3th fit.; paving paid; choice of three lots; very fine, j 40 per foot, part or all of 110 fei t, north front on Howard, running cast from 21st St.; very choice for flats. t 1,500 ,13x132. south front on Cuming, 6 feet west of 15th St.; must sell; make offer. WEST FARNAM 94x165 feet, southeast corner 39th and Harney $!0 per foot. Mxltio feet. Joining above, at ISO per foot. 1011x165 feet, southwest corner 38th Ave and Harney 48.500. 60xl'i6 feet, Joining above, at $4,500. The above are the finest unsold residence lota In Omaha. ACHE 700 One acre, 6 blocks. west of 30th Bt. , car -'line, 2-room cottage, nearly new, barn, fruit, etc.; will trade for cottage closer to car line. (19) 734 27 Only $1,000 Each For 3 room house near 26th and Sprague, good barn, ele location. For 5 room house near Wth and Ous. good barn, lot 60x133, well, cellar and fruit trtes, was tuilt by owner for home. Phone Douglas 55. BEMIS Paxton Block. (19)- Sacrifice Sale of a Beautiful Home S rooms modern; best residence district In city: largo barn, shade and fruit; over looking park; close to car line; flue home end Investment; mu-it bo sild at once. Small amount of cash will handle this. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. 53 Douglas Blk.. 16th and Dodge. Douglaa-0691. .... C9-M7u8 a . $1,000 1,100 2,000 2,200 BROS. (20). REAL j ' ESTATE BARGAINS THOMAS BRENNAN. 'Phone Douglas 1264. I have 3 modern houses In Kountze Place owned by nonresident, which can be bought cheap and on easy terms. 16,500 will buy two modern flats In Hanseom Plaoe; rented for C0.00 per month. 12,500 will buy modern house at 2248 N. 19th St., on boulevard. I want an offer for the two modern houses, corner 31st and Cass Sts., two full lots, with room to build another house. $2,200 will buy modern cottage at 2613 Davenport St. Easy terms. Five per cent money to loan. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. (19) 3313Blondo St.,$2,060 8 rooms, good repair, city water, cistern, lot 60x128, fine shade, one block from car. See this Sunday. - HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Furnaru St. Bee Building. BAir Mooei T-room bouse on acre of ground, all in fruit, bearing; on bhx-k iiom r lorenca car tiua. aL JL. Btevena, TTIE OMAHA REAL ESTATE fITT PBOPERTT TOR "41,15 Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. DWELLING HOUSES i,-, r - at r-L a knim alt , MM-?-?" R. 19th Bt. Two 6-room houses, - i .,rna,.a non t.iunihin, rat 1 hot and cold water, cement walks, nice porch, storm windows and aoors, price Lt noil iSll Cass Bt. New 6-room house, strictly modern oullt by owner for a home, gas and electric light combination fixtures, everything right up-to-dat, laundry In cellar, good furnace, price S&ATiO. 2-'12 Mason Bt. Close In, 2-story, 9-room house, gas, bath, hot and cold water, every thing in good shape, easy walking distance, price $3,150. BUILDING LOTS Northwest corner 41st Ave nnd Charles ( St. Ground fr-'xl.'H, only one block from car, j south and east front. This corner will! subdivide Into three nice building lots, giv- ing two east front lot 4iix!. nnd one s.iutn , fiont lot 4t.!C. We offer the entire corner for $l,5oo, or the south front lot at $.W0, east front corner lot for $65o, inside east front ACREAGE 20 seres on west Dodge Bt.. well Improved. I enulrined for a fine chicken ranch. Price 1 $6,&o0. 9 10 acres near u. P. cut ort, southwest rr estate market and prospects tor ioi. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sixth Floor N. T. $750. Close in Bargain 2 one Btory houses, of 6 and 3 ro-ms, largest house modern except heat, smallest one rents for 17; owner lives In large one but would rent for $:-2, on fiaved street, Vi block to car Inc. near 24th and Parker $:,,sv. Phone Douglas 585. BEMIS Paxton Block. (19) The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Doug. 297. 212 So. 14th St. $1,850 On south front corner lot, 6-room cottage, with bath, closet, gas, city water nnd sewer, near car line; $500 cash, balance monthly. $2,750 3407 Jackson St. This is a 7-room 2-story house, with porcelain bath tub, marble wash bowl, closet, etc., large bed rooms, storm sasn, screens, furnace; only two blocks to car and Just west of boulevard. Immediate pos session. $3,000 S. W. corner 42d and Iafay ette Ave., 7-room 2-story house, with best of plumbing, gas, etc., cellar, fine corner lot with shade trees, permanent walk: room for another house; lot 60x150 feet, 1 block from car. $3,250 On Burt St., comer boule vard, south front, 7 rooms, all modern, new, finely pa pered, near Crclghton, college and St. John's church. $3,750 On South 27th St., between Poppleton and Woolworth, wo have a 7-riom 2-story house with all modern conveniences; finely papered throughout, ce ment walks around house, lot &IX127. $4,250 On 26th and Poppleton, 8-room 2-story house, all mod ern, line corner lot. Room on rear end i for another house; fine shade trees, barn. $5,000 On 3Cth St., near Woolworth Ave., 8-room ull modern house, finished In quarter sawed oak, line combination gas and electric fixtures, ma ple floor in kitchen and bath room, full cellar, coucreted; nice east front lot. $G,000 On 82d Ave., near Porpletoa Ave., 8-room all modern houss, facing east; lot 6oxlW; barn. VACANT (0x135 on Capitol Ave., near 2Kth. south front. $7&0. &ik135 on Capitol Ave. and 8oth, north front, $ 60x135 on Davenport and $uth Kts., north front, $1,000. 60 feet, west front on l!d Ave., near Dodge, $3,000. We have several very fine lots near ICth and Luke Sts. for $0u0 each. (19)- Modern Home IV, atory, & rooms down and 8 up, modern, hot water heat, cemented cellar. 2 blocks to car line, near Hid and Clark, east front, line location, only $-',A ll.feuO cash, phone Douglas 685. BEMIS Paxton Block. (19) SOUTH OMAHA Excellent house, good aa new, full lot, worth $. near 15th and 11 Sts., on easy terms, $750. Southeast Cor. 10th and Dodga Sts. O. C. OLSEN, (19)-691 a DODGE STREET G ROOMS, $2,900 On Podse St., south front, near Sth. we offer a line (i-room house, umdern except bet, lot 06x142 feet, paved street, pernii neiit walks, nice shade and truit, walking distance. . Ottic open Monday evening until I p. m. HASTINOS & llttiut.. 17M F-arr.ain Bi. Bea Bldg U)- WANTFD INVESTORS W!TH CAPITAL TO HANDLE' Al'Kt.s or r 1 . r. TEXAS LAND, AT H -'5 PER ACRE. CliAd. U. WILSON, UONDAMIN, l.V SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY REAL ESTATE fITT PROPKRTT FOR MIK all modern exceut furnnce. renting lor Illt.nO per month, price $3,000. 1115-1117 N. 17th St. Two 8-room houses. wiih hnth. iiu. hot nnd cold water, sewer ennentkn. renting for S22.50 Per month each, and one 4-room house, renting for $11, total rental $" per month; lot 0'xl4O, troot ituvpil norrrmnent walk On Slfeot and around houwes-, all paid for. good title with abstract, all In good snape, oniy 11 hi. ,! from tho nostofflce. near V. P. shops and on South Omaha car Una. Price only JO.-bO. lot for $f. Don't fall to see us If you want a bargnln. Fifteen fine building lots In penman Place, one block from Ames Ave. car line. built up wnn goon nomes, ranging in puce f i 'mi $150 to $2.i0 per lot. 67 feet east front on 36th St., Just north of Leavenworth St., for $1,000. Snap. Hanseom Park. Price $4,000. Our office will be open Monday night until p. m. Come In end talk over the real IJfe Building. (19) Vinton St. Bargain 6 room cottage, closets, sum mer kitchen, cellar and burn, on paved slreet, near street car barns, will rent for $15 only $1.G00, $.'0O cash. 1'hono Douglas 585. BEMIS Paxton Rlock. (19) FARNAM HILL In the very best portion of tho West Farnam district, I have a seven room modern residence, east front, paving and permanent side walk paid in full; price for immediate sale, $4,200. This Is your opportunity to obtain the most choice location at a low figure. ERNEST SWEET 13 N. Y. L. TEL. DOUQ.1472. U9) ACRES TWO ACRF;S, 44th and Spring St., for $900; FOUR ACRKB. same location, $1,800. K1VR ACRES with a small house, one block west of 3Mh St., between Omaha and 'lorencc, $2,400. Two acres on 30th, facing Miller Tark; rte fruit trees, a very choice piece of ground to planf, or for a country home. Now 6-room cf ttage; price xo.ouo. This is a nap; INVESTIGATE IT, FIVE ACRES, highly Improved, fifteen blocks west of llanscom Park; good 9-room ouse, considerable fruit, price $6,500. Note the location. ERNEST SWEET 613 N. Y. L. TEL. DOUG. 1472. (19)- BARGAINS Small cnttaae. in first-class condition near 24th and Amea, east front, lot ijxL&l a vrv nnat little home, and nonresident owner has instructed me to close lt out for $850. NEW FOVR-ROOM OOTTAGE full east front lot, 2Cth and Taylor, $1,050. Tillis 13 A REAL SNAP. NEW SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, modern ex- cent furnace, near 24lh and Ames, $l,'ibO. this cottaxe rents tor IjO per in. nun. ana Is a genuine bargain as an investment or home. On Tcmnleton St.. a lartre seven-room house, In good condition, strictly modern. lot a0xlo2, cement walks, shade trees; a home in every respect, $2,500. NlCfO SIX-ROOM home on Ames Ave., west of 24th. strictly modern, corner lot; house built three years ago by the owner lor a borne; price, fz.iW, CIOSE IN, seven-room modern home. cast front, only eleven blocks from post- ortice, paving ull paid. Place is in first- class condition, nnd Is a BARGAIN at the price asked, $3,200. On Manderfon. west of 24th. which Is I one of the most beautiful residence sec tion of the city of Omaha, new two-story modern residence, large lot, 53x128, paving and permanent sidewalks paid in full, fine shade trees. Be sure to investigate this prorvrty. IT CAN BE BOCGIIT FOR esr Zith and Howard, new seven-room. modern, two-story house, oak finish, full sice Dasement, n.t. LOTS The vicinity of Sth and RuKgles Is rap Idly building tip with nice new homes. I have three or four choice lota left. 50xLS each; price, $-75 to $:U). Four lots, 40x70 each, $1,D00 for all. Two of these face Florence boulevard. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Four lota, each fcxluO, near 24th and Ames, sewer, water and permanent side walk paid In full; $Cj0 each. fell!, 20lh and Itlnnev St.. $375. H'Xil. near 24tli and Cuming. Bavin txild. 1 $575. Beautiful residence lot on Temnleton. south front, yulli larsre insole shade trees, cement walks; FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, $U). On Fowler Ave., rlirht amonsr the new residences. DnxlM. south front, permanent Iks. the best bareain In the north end. $750. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. L. Bldg. Doug. 1472' 09) TRACKAGE I HAVE JUST BEEN AUTHORIZED TO OFFER 60 FEET FRONTAGE AT 2 1ST AND NICHOLAS FOR $1,600; JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. SEE ME AT ONCE. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N Y. L. TEL. DOUQ. 1472 U)-Mo22 27 FOR SALE If sold Immediately, 117,500 cash will buy my two prum riles, lot t, block 70. and lot 1. block 74. Pouth Omaha: income about $J0 month. Oerurd Bran denburg, owner, Los Angelea, Cal. Aarenu may list. (ia A BARGAIN 209 acres, nar Richmond Vs.; dwelling, store, poslotnce. depot on premises, well timbered, manufacturing site or dairy, heulthy. L. C. Garrett, owner, oJ Lut ftUM St., Richmond. Vs. 27, 1D07. REAL ESTATE CITY PHOTERTV FOR Htl.R N. P. DODGE & CO. $1,750 S rooms, cellar, cistern, hnrn and chicken house and cow barn. $1,750 l4it 47H15fl. only few feet from Iavenworth Pt. car. fee us Monday about this. It will go soon. $ 260 Cash, balance $10 monthly, buys a 7-room house and h foot front lot. Wo have three In same locality. $1,300 Cash, balance $27.60 month, buys a nc Vroom houxo In Ictils park, on boulevard. House alone cost more to build than asked for all. $0,000 Close to Crelghton college and Hiah school. 11-rooni, all mod ern house; laundry In base ment; lot 44x1;. Cost more to build than is asked for all. $1,000 Seven-room hoj.-e and ono acre of ground ull In fru.t and close to ear. $ 600 I Mfii. oaiai:ce monthly, buys an s-room part mocein house, north part, cl .e to car. VACANT LOTS t 860 North of Cubing St., on 2fith Bt., lot 62xl!. 11 rum North of Cumlnit. on 28th St., 141 feet on Win, room for 4 kiuacs. This is close In and dirt cheap. ACRES NEAR KRUO PARK $2,000 ElKht acres of high, sightly land, north of Krug park and close to new street car exten sion. Small payment down, balance terms. $1,200 Five acres same locality. $2,250 Ten acres same locality. $3,000 Forty acres Omaha. close to South $1,000 Five acres near above. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. (19)- Bargain 2 story frame, double house, 9 rooms, good barn, lot 94x11:', near end of c ir ,n l.eiven worth street, good location tor st( re, mUHt be sold at once 1 hone. Doulns 55. BEMIS Paxton r.lock. (19) MODERN HOUSES IN KOUNTZ PLACE 25 TO 50 PER CENT BELOAV COST OF CONSTRUCTION 12.750 ElKht rooms, good plumb ing, good heating plant, large cellar, lot 60x127, plenty of shrubbery. $3,650 Eight-room house, large re ception hall, hardwood Ilnlsli, lull basement, lot 50x124. $4,000 Seven rooms, new, barn, south front lot. 50x124. $4.500 Eight rooms, new, up-to- date, oak finish and oak floors, full basement all bricked up, laundry, at- tic floored, lot 50x127, paved Street 8n(j aU paid for (only On Bale for One week). $5,000 Eight-room house and a nice barn at 2122 Wirt St.. south front. In one of the best locations. It I not sold soon will rent to desirable tenant for term of years. $4,850 Eight-room brick, with slate roof, hardwood finish, south front, on Wirt. $7,500 Eight-room house, with large barn and ground 75x124, on Wirt St.; hot water heating plant; house alone could not be built for less than $9,000, and is in best of order. Wants to be seen to be appreciated. W. II. GATES Room 617 N. Y. Life Bid. 'Phone Douglas 1294 or Red 5029. (19) A "Cold Snap" Almost new 6 room house, modern except heat, full lot 4lxl27 ' oil finish, good barn, only one block to the car line, near 2Mh and Ohio, former price $.'.."00 now $2,(h). $l,wA) cash. Owner leaving city. Phone Douglas 5K5. BEMIS Paxton Block. (19r- BARGAINS. 4-room cottage, full lot, 30th and Lindsay, small casn payment, :'". 5-room cottage, 3:d and Plnkney, full lot, much fruit, line place f i r chickens, $1,100. 6- room nice cott'ige. two large south fiont lots, 43d and Jacks.m, irt;w barn, much fruit, shade, m wist Furnam district, near car line, high and nightly, $2,:iiw. 7- room house, city water, iilh and Giant, ll.O.iO. s-room nouse, ana ciark, modern, ex cept furnace, large airy rooms, slate roof, barn. t'i.HM. $3i0 cash. 9-room hoiue. Oth and Manderaoti, modem. except furnace, lull last lront lot, on boulevard, J-'.WJ", JHW cash. Silas Robbins, Frenzer Rlock (19)-r 8 27 FOR SALE, with Immediate possession, or tor rent, ?o. joi e osier St., 5 rooms. ail mouern excepi rurnace. Room &1 Paxton Block. (19;-M744 ax You Can't Miss It IN BUYING ONE OF THESE BEAUTI FUL LOTS in Halcyon Heights, west of Country club, two blocks south main part of Benson. They are the most sightly, desirable and conveniently situated lots of any suburban property offered at the 'stuns prices. Some of the choice ones have been old, but there are still plenty from which to select. See us at once for prices and terms. We can arrange easy terms to meet your requirements. Russell & McKitrick Co. BOLE AGENTS. 132-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney, (19)-Mjj; 27 BUT A HOME, i rooms mod rn, full lot, tiuod barn, on car line. In Hanseom liace good neighborhood, Va cash, balance at 6 per cent $',060 6 rooms modern exrfpt heat. 1 block from cat line, good repair, reins fur - per luuntii, 011 terms $l,Su) 1 rooms lot 6ox00. good barn. 1 block from Zi.h St. car line IOuO T rooms rlty water, eer, full good rejmlr. on terms lot. $1.6u0 To buy or sell lt pays to see SEARS, 6a N. Y. UkK. 'PHONE D-S150. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTT FOR 8AUB TAYO $18,000 INVESTMENTS. Here Is wh.U Investors have been looking for: Three 9-room apartments In each building, leased to best of tenants on written leases and located In West Farnam district. They are new and built of brick, oak finish on first floor, hard pine on sec ond, servants' quarters on third floor; all nunlein and strictly first-class In every way. Must be seen to be fully appreciated. Cross . yenrly rental of each Invest ment $1.9.0 per year. GEORGE 4 CO., 1001 Farnam St. Phone Douglas "jfl. Jan 14-25-3C. 107 (19I-M194 28 ACRE TRACTS THE MOST DESIRABLE J N VESTM EXT BUY A HOME THAT WILL MAKE YOU A LIV1NU. We have several fine acreage tracts adjoining the city which can be had at a bsrgaln, tor example: ai ncres. Just the place for a small truck nnd fruit farm, 1 mile to car line, price, $16) tcr ncre. 10 acres, beautiful view, uplcndld surroundings, near car line. Price, $J00 per acr. 6 acres, a most desirable place for a home, where you can raise chickens and have a good time. Price, $150 per acre. Terms on'any of th above; one-third cash, balance In monthly, quarterly or semi annual, for ten years, nt 9 per cent interest; 5 per cent discount for all cash. Bee us about these quick. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Fl. N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. (19)-MD2il p INVESTMENT $32,500. CASH, BAUNCK TO SIMT. fSKCCIlKS HKIth tll.otli Willi hi NUALi INCOMK OF $3,500. . , I. CONNER 232 NEVILLE BLOCK. , (1)-761 27 ELKGANT new 10-room residence In Omnhas most select suburb. Owner leaving city permanently and will sacri fice for M.750: one-third cash, balance i years at 6 per cent. AuU'ehs lJ-o-. care Bee. ?iVl Mj26 28 FOR SALE Two modern houses nnd large barn, one block north or Hanseom -arK ' paved -.trtet, east front, lot ioxhiO. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, N. y. L. Bldg. 09) 423 REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HAXtll I.AMIS FOR SALE Colorado. COLORADO FARM LANDS In the Oreelev and Rennet t districts, that can be bought from $7 to $10 per acr and farmed scientifically by THE CAMPBELL SYSTEM OF DRY FARMING Have produced as hisli as 35 bushels of wheat, ho bushels of coin, 3 crops of al falfa. Fanners more than pay for the land first vear Folder. deacrlblnK our land and Campbell 'System, free. Interesting to all farmers and Invaluable to those who want buy farms. Edition limited. Write lor It at once. The Colonial Securities & Trust Co., 1715 California BU Denver, Colo. (30)-O5 FBX COLORADO LAND ' 11,000 acres, 10 miles from B. ' & M. Ry., about 11 miles from the U. P.; mostly all Koud smooth land; good soli; at present used for ranch, but the land could be retailed to good advantage. Price $o per acre. A chance to make money. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO! Flnst Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. (20)- Colia. CUBA lands. Robertson, 328 Neville Blk. Indian Territory. EXCHRSION RATES. CHEAP FARMS INDIAN TERRITORY. NDIAN TERRITORY FARM LAN MM ARE JTdT NOW THE REAL BARGAINS. 37 CARLOADS, LAST EXCURSION. $15 30 Ml HKUUKK, 1. 1., Ahll K.ll'ttiN. NEXT EXCURSION, TUESDAY, FEB. b. WE ARE GOING DOWN. WILL YOU JOIN IS? IF YOU BUY, RAILROAD FARE CREDITED ON PURCHASE. SPE CIAL EXCURSION RATES, ALL LEAD ING POINTS. FINE SOIL, 1UCJ CROPS. CHEAP FUEL. EASY TERMS. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. THE PUTNAM CO.. 604-5 N. Y. LIFE BLDG., OMAHA. ta i& -a Iowa. SPECIAL BARGAIN An. Improved 200-arre farm IS miles Cedar Rapids; rich, black, level land a snap at $t0 acre. Come and see this farm. R. Mather, 3d St. and 3d Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. (20) 011 27 FOR SALE A well Improved 3i0-aere farm within 2 miles of Outline center, la.; all seeded to clover and timothy; lands lays rolling; A-l stock and grain farm. Price, 75 per acre; good terms. Address Y-l-2, care Bee. (20) (36 27 Kansas. HOMESEEKERS! Be careful. Lornte right. Investigate our famous artesian vallev. Sure crops, matchless climate. I-t us write you. Miller & James. Meade, Kan. (a-M.l KS FOR SALE Jewel county, Kansas, two well Improved farms one so acres one luo aciv-iun be liought right; easy terms. Apply to C. E. Adams, superior, Neb. tfW-M17tj Fix FOR BALE Farms, stock ranches; Kan sas and Missouri. Ketore you nuy write for free lists giving full description, loca tion and price. F. II. Humphrey. Fort Bcolt, Kan. (30 M&il 27x Missouri. MISSOURI FARMS. Write for state map, booklet and weather reirt, sent free. Bazel J. Meek, Chilli cot he. Mo. (20)-M177 Fix IF you want to buy, sell or trade a farm, send 10 cents for a copy of the Farmers' Want Journal, Dept. 4o. Kansas City, Mo. It gives names of owners and descrip tion of 5uO to l."0 farms for sale and trade and what others want to buy. (20) M 720 F Hoatana. MONTANA ranches pay Immense profits. Send for list special bargains. John Skober, Jr., Helena, Mont. J (a-M5til Fix Sew Mexico. SjO acres choice land in the famous Pecos Valley. Will conclder good Iowa or Ne braska farm or city property In exchange. Valued at $l-.". What have you to offer? J. 11. JOHNSON. N. Y. I.IKE V:))f"tl 27x Nebraska. FARM FOR BILE. I OFFER for sule a 146-acre farm north of Somerset, Nb.; price $, WM on I years lime at S per cent. A snap for a poor man. Go and look at this land your self and th n come to me at Sidney, Neb., to close bargain. The numlters of the land are the north of north ht of sec tion 6. township 10. range 31. Call 00 iiertuaa Bvriuxvr, tilduey, Neb., owner. n REAL ESTATE FARM AD R ASCII l.AD9 FPU 8 Aebraaka 4.tlne. Brown Co. Ranch acres deeded, 4K0 achnol land, 1 mile north of Alnsworth. Neb.; IMo acics now un der cultivation. Two sets of ,l"P"lv':I1n'n ai miles wire fence, piemy i abundance of water; soil black sandy loam. acres In hnv land. Ore of the bost Hw and aram furins In the state, mm.ui In cattle, horses, hvgi ana larm "rv" merits now on the ranch. This ranch win bo sold In the whole or In part at a J""!" on.ible tlKure. Will accept mercantile busl- rwsw or md Income city property. ir recently crippled for life. Tell me what you J. Jl' JOHNSON, N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. tan 4i i , C40 ACRES INT KIMBALL i COUNTY miles from the naln Una of the V. V. Ry. ; (hK) acres smooth land. g,od black soil, underlaid with clay subsoil; the balance of tho section Is ' rolling, but good land. Price, fi.iio an acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 17SL ()- FARMS AND SMALL ACRES $78 per acre for 171 acres of well Improved land 1H miles south of Calhoun, west of main road to Flor ence. Terms reasonable. $75 per acre for 160 acres of level farm land, 84 miles northeast of Herman in Hurt county; t-room house, stories; new boxn for 8 head of horses; granary, lexl4 feet; large double corncrlb, 24x32 foot; 2 good wells and windmills; 2-yee.r old orchard and grove; all well fenced; all buildings newly painted. $f5 per ncre for 80 acres, 514 miles south of Waterloo; ft) acres culti vated; 12 ncres hay; 6 acres pasture; mall log house and stable on prem ises; large cottonwood grove around house; land is all fenced and cross fenced; soil Is black loam. $3,200 cash, balanco nt 5 per cent. s $4,500 for 20 acres In Calhoun, only four blocks from railway station, having 10-room house; well; fine spring of water; three artificial lakes; small barn; fine shade trees: over K0 la-arlng fruit trees of all kinds, abundance of berries. Very desirable for country home. Price reduced for quick salo. $3,000 for 12 acres south of Forest Lawn car line; E-rooin 2-story house and small barn; 7 acres can be culti vated; balance In fruit, trees and berries; good spring of water. Ownor wishes to trade for 5 or 6-room house within one mile of Union depot; must bo good location. $1,100 for 14 acres of good garden land just north of Cut-Off lake; small house and shed. Price Just re duced. $R5 per ncre cash for 20 acre of extra fine, rich bottom land, one mile from Florence; no Improve ments, owner will trade for Omaha, cottage. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Ffcrnam St. 'Phone Douglaa 756. Jan. 27, 1U07. (20) FOR SALE 90-acre farm three and one-half mile south of South Omaha, one-fourth mile from electric car. AH first-class land; 16 sores alfalfa, 15 acres timothy and clover, balance In corn. this year; 8-room house with bath and furnace heat. Barn ft'xtjO. $00 barrels cement water tank and all other necessary Improvements. (ond muila orchard; 40 acres fenced hog tight This la ono 01 me most a obi ra Die prices around South Omaha and la ve.-y cheap. Prloe $1J0 per acre. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel Douglss-49. (20)-TJ3 27x VERY NEAR' OMAHA 8X) acre farm near Omaha and South Omaha. Do you want lt? $.10,000. Phone Douglaa 585. BEMIS Paxton Block. (20)- 1G0 Acre Improved Farm $1,600 Terms. Three and one-half miles from town In Republican river valley; all tillable; 120 acres In present cultivation; a ten ant Is on place and 4 crop goes to buyer. New email house: new stable. A gilt edge investment. Stewart-Leavenworth. Co. 619 N. Y. IJfe Bldg., OMAHA, Neb. (20)-7S4 21 Ernest ltanch "Western Nebraska The well known Adama ranch, one of the best located, best laid out, best equipped ranches in the west, on the main line of IT. P., traversed bv Lodxe Pole creek, several hundred ucjes irrigated or cuu be, acres fenced, thou sands of acres free range, full en moment of well constructed stone buildings, corrals, sheds. Implements, horses, mules, (00 head high-grade Hereford oat tle; Is making money; send for handsome illustrated circular; no trade. G. G. WALIACE, Brown Block, Omaha. Neb. (19) MM Fl HERE'S YOUR BANCII 640 acres from Maywood, In Frontier county, rich land, in nice neighborhood! 240 acres fine level land, cultivated, som alfalia, 400 acres grass, much of It level. 31D acres pasture (a solid half section), well fenced and connected with barn and feed lots; well, windmill, house 22x42 feet, con. talnlng 6 rooms, solid, well painted; frame barn 40xli0 feet; two granaries, orchard and other Improvements. A good proposU tion. The price ror a lew aays Is just $7,XX with $3,7uO cash and balsnce S year at 4) per cent Interest; possession March J, A well Improved property, properly Dro. portioned money-making ranch. We have others. Write us for maps and description of Quarters, half sections and other tracts. COU.c.Lii.B ol u., Hastings. Neb. ()-M334 F2x FRUIT FARM Eitthty acres, Nemaha county, Nebraska, Seventy acres In best varieties of fruit known, all bearing, having been selected and planted out by the late ex-Govemor Furnaa, The revenue to tlie owner from this or chard for lbog was $2,jitt. Owner wiil sell this valuable orchard with good Improve merits and all property at rlitht price, and take half value In good western laud. What have you? J. H. JOHNSON. N. Y. Life. 0O)-74O 27 FOR SALE 40 acres, m miles from Flor. ence, or will divide, lots of fruit, some buildings. One acre and 7-room house, 1 block front car line; lots of fruit. One beautiful acre, all In young fruit, ad' joining above. HL' HERMANN, Room . Continental block, CJOi-ff 27x F R BALK Five. 10 and 20-aere tract near Plattsmouth. Write for particulars. In. come properties to exchange for Omaha property. Two fine ranches at a barxaln. WINDHAM INVESTMENT CO, Plattsmouth, Neb. (J0 627 !7x A BNAP Must be "M at once, 160 scree. 7 miles from Norfolk. I mile from HMdarl 5ood land; poorly Improved; only $0 uua . IX Couley, Norfolk, Neb ' ) f f r s I! M Curtla Ava, tl