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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1907)
V f 5r 13 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 27. 1907. i. , . i . . i i OFFERED FOR RENT , lloases mmd Cottasree Coallaeied. TEAM heat, all modern. 7-room hnn.e. 220 N. 23d. (15) MM f TnTTSST'! ,n " Prt of the city. The T11UUOL.00. r, yDavU Co., B(,J Bide. (1S)-U8 houses j? iVrr; or uie city. Co.. Bee Bldr. (16) 8s HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Blk. (lo)-40 DWEUJNQ TO LKT. 8ra Burt et., roomi, modern, nice lawn, shade trees, barn. Tel. Douxlas hi W. Farnam Smith & Co., 134; Farnam Bt. (16) M8 26 KOOM houl all modern, 2727 Cumin St U6 875 a. BOOM modern house, except . . tM a a., w a furnace. (16)-4)o inquire do o. ui ati, SER us whpn shipping household goods to largo cities west : w can nave yotv money. BXPRKSHMEN'S DELI VKRX CO., 214 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 1UJ6. (16) 8 224 N. 2Mh St. 8-room flat, strictly mod ern; tenant pays water; fcfO. 2210 Clark Bt. rooms, bath, toilet, gas, k S20 end water . H2:n Park Wilde Ave. rooms, all modern. f J4 and water. McCague Investment low iUKV ou (.IB ljU -room house, 3904 N. 22d St., near Laird, modern except furnace: good stable. tM. 4-rooni apartment in "Ormond," 663 S. 2bth U-room house, modern, 604 S. 77th. 140. BKMIS, Paxton Block. (15)-M14 FOR RENT 4 room, city water, 162S N. 18th St., $12. C. M. BACHMANN, 437 Pax ton Block. (!)-& -room house, modern. Dundee. 125. 8-room house, city water, 709 N. 32d, $15. 8-room flat, modem, 24th and Vinton, $. Small barn nejir 236 Cumins. J. H. PARROTTE. (15-641 27 FOR RENT l-moin house, all modern em cent furnace. 120. -room house, all modern, new furnace, $25. C M. BACHMANN. 438 Pax ton Block. (15) 491 i-ROOM modern house; electricity; 2025 N, 19th St., Apply 2014 N. 18th St. U6i M41$ 28 WE DO exnert Diano moving at. lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Srhmollor 4k Mueller Piano Co., 1811-1313 Farnam. , ' (li)-j7 FOR RENT. 8-ROOM modem cottage. No. . 8031 Marcy St.. xi. Chas. L. Thomas, Room 412 Bee Building. tla) o -ROOM house, modern, fine furnace. $J Tel. Douglas-5309. (15) M2 26a 8-ROOM house, bnlnar fairlv remodeled, new furnace, bath, papered and painted price $.' per mo. Call payne-uostwica. 6th floor N. T. L. 2KB PACIFIC ST. Elegant l-room modern house, 2 fireplaces, all shades and gas fixtures with house, 8U) Der month. 619 S. 24th St. 6-room modern house, will be vacant February 1 $: per month. r.BlROE A CO.. 1601 Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 756, (15) 692 27 FDR RENT. 123 N. 87th St.. S rooms, city water $10.00 IMft M ?lRt ,Kt..6 rooms 1"0 4024 N. 25th Ave., 7 rooms, all modern.. 22..SO 3407 Jackson St., 7 rooms, all modern.. 25.00 2034 N. 19th St., 10 rooms, modern ex- cept lurnace 82.50 2fil0 lewey Ave., 8 rooms, all modern.. 37.00 Hi08 Pop. Ave., A rooms, partly modem 22.60 THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Phone Doug. 2W 212 So. 14th St. (15) til 27 GOOD HOUSES. SflM Seward, 9 rooms, modern 830 2642 Dodge, 8 rooms, modern 80 41ol Farnam, 7 rooms, modern, barn 80 8217 Pacific, 7 rooms, modern, barn 25 712 So. 22d, 7 rooms, modern 26 33?2 Boyd, 6 rooms, city water 16 VM Charles.R room, city water 15 2U09 Lake, 4 rooms, modern 11 OARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. (16)-684 27 FOR RENT Six-room house. No. 3406 Cen ter St., modern except furnace; interior recently papered ana varnTsnea mrougu out. W. H. THOMAS. 608 First National Bank. (15) M83 29x 5R. 3309 Maple, new, modern but heat, 818. 6-r 4118 Farnam St., modern, .. 7.r.2ftl9 Ames Ave., new. modern, 826. I.t :t& Munle. modern. tM. 7-r Flat near 25th Farnam. ready Feb. 1. For complete list call at office. Otllce open Monday evenliiKS until o clock. HASTINGS & 11EYDEN, 1704 FARNAM. (15) 687 27 FOR RENT A desirable house, momi and bath room; storm windows and doors; rent tiu. 47U6 It Z4UI. Apply i ne J r . Davis Co. (15)-636 27x 4-ROOM cottage for rent. A-l order, 11 blocks from postofflce. Inquire 322 N Wth St. (16)-7l) 15 VOR RENT 210 S. 30th St., 9 rooms, mod ern, with furnace. Inquire next door. (15J-4M0 27 FOR RENT. 1710 N. 34th St.. 6 rms., $16. $4ol Decatur St., rms., $20. 275 Webster St., 7 rms., modern, $26. 2:ia 8. 29th St., 4 rms., 2d floor, $7.50. J I'd Marcy, 7 rms., bath, etc., $-0. tm N. 27th Ave., 8 rms., modern, $26. 2S15 Dewey Ave., mod. ex. fur., $2"i5u, $39 Maple St., new, mod. ex. fur,, 820. 2i4 8. 2Xth Aye., 8 rms.. $22.50. 8ul6 Ouk St. 6-room cottage, $12.50. 2M6 N. 31st, 6 rms.. $13 60. 7th and Arbor, 4 rms., $3. SUPS N. lth St., store room, 810. 1208 N. 16th St.. store room, $10 PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANT, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. (16) 765 27 For Rent New modern house, ,6 rooms, to desirable tenants, $25, 282$ Rugglea St. Key at 3804. R. II. LANDERYOU Telephone Douglas 2151. Board of Trade. (16)-7fj 87 FOR RENT 6-room cottage, good condi tion, city water; 808 Hickory Bt. J. H. Kelkenney, Karbach Blk. 06) 751 27 FOR RENT Februsry L 8-room modern house. Kountxe Ilace. 'Phone owner. Doug. 1703. (15)-M746 2x FOR RENT 7-room house, modem except furnace; Ol N. 28th Ave.: newly painted and papered: very convenient; rent reasonable. Apply at 607 N. 19th, or room u n. y. Lire mug. iu jbio. HOCSES TO LET. -IIS naiia'liis St.. 9 rooms, new and mod ern. hardwood floors and finish, gas and slectric lights XOO. 3215 N. 85th Ave.. 6 rooms, partly moderax 11 lu excellent repair, lib. W. KARNAM SMITH A CO.. TeL Douglas lob4. 1820 Farnam St. 05) J53 n FOR RENT HOUSES. 830.008 rooms, all modern, one-half block from Hansoorn Park. $25.008 rooms, modem except furnaoe, 8627 Charles St. $10.008 rooms, southeast corner 27th and St. Mary i Ave. 1714 FARNAM. N. P. DOTX1H CO, 05)-M722 29 SIX ROOMS, modern, new plumbing and furnace, southwest comer 87th and Can! tol Ave.; $18 per month for three months, until lot Is graded, then $-. Tel. Red 7K19. FOUR elegant rooms, all modern exceol heat, fail 2S17 N. 17th Ave., first hoUi south of Corby. (16) 583 tlx U-ROOM house at 24tn and Mason; modsra with Uundrv. r Inoulre at Oerljer'e grocery store, Z4ufj Leavenworth St. 'Phone Ited-iblM. tioj ii t 911 N. Sth St., rooms, city water and gas lii per month. J '4 Vinson Kt.. rooms-817.60 per month. -,.r N. 17th Ave., rooms, partly modern $i7 5t) pr month. 3 1 rli.tol St., 7 rooms, all modern 1 o ir moaith. - l N. 44th pt., 7-room brick bouse, part modern H per month. . : n'. Hih M., 7-room brick house, part modern $ 6 per month. HAH. hi WILLIAMSON CO.. . - iijU-CiOL Lul Farnam St. ' t-)-4Mi 87 OFFERED FOR RENT 8a LOCVST. 7-room, modern except fur nace, $20. Small txora. 1119 N. th, $10. 13U . 28th. new all modern brick flat, $30. J. II. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. 'Phone D. 8M. (IB) 728 27 rOR RRNT-New 8-room all modern house. 130. 24UH Poppleton Ave. (15 M..S ax. COTTAOB-1M2 N. 23d-$9. Henry Copley, (16 ;o6 87 jeweler, 216 8. 16th Bt F.lsht rooms, modern with furnace. 210 Orant. 1:2 in. Seven rooms, modern except furnace, iijfao Farnam. 22.t0. Six rooms, partly modern, barn: kusii Parker. 81S.6a . Five-room cottaae. city water; a ej. 20th Ave., 112.60. Kour-storv bulldlna; In wholesale oistnci. with electric elevator. F. D. WEAX), 1524 Douglas. llo) 766 2 Balldlncs. ' FOR RENT. Fmir-etory brick building with basement. 11OX-10 Harney St. All or part of building. Klrst-closs condition. Present location of R. Snnnlv Co. Desirable location lor wholesale or manufacturing business. First floor and basement, brick building. First-class location for commission firm. 126 Howard St. Two-story frame building, first-class con dition. Suitable for small business and dwelling upstairs. 1NWC1KE'5S4 B. lBin or. (15) 737 27 6-STORY and basement, northwest corner 11th and Harney fits., about ra.uuo square feet of floor space. See us for terms of lease. George tc Co., 1001 Farnam St. (15)-M565 rr 1102-4 HARNET FT.-fifixWI feet, 6 stories and basement, good elevator, steam neat. See us for terms of lease. GEORGE & CO.. 1G01 Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 756. (Lb) 6!M Zl 5-HTORT snd basement, northwest comer 11th and urncv Sts.. shout S.OW square feet of floor stiace. Pee us for terms of lease. George & Co., lflni Farnnm St. (lfi) 662,27 Wholesale Building to Let 1218-1S Harney St.. 4 floors and basement 83x126. Will Install steam heat, sprinkler system and any other Improvements or alterations to suit tenant. W. FARNAM SMITH CO, Tel. Douglas 1061! 1320 Farnam St. (15)-753 27 Offices. BEST SITUATED AND AR RANGED OFFICES IN THE CITY There are only a few offices left In the new Conservative buiming, IBM narney street, which can be rented singly or en suite. These offices are new, entirely mod ern, light and finished In oak throughout, with marble hallway to second floor. They are near court house, city hall, depart ment stores, hotels and all street car lines. Toilet rooms are conveniently located on same floor and are sanitary. Janitor serv ice and heat furnished, lr you are ousy we can show you these offices Monday I rtt Illlipj. HASTINGS St HETDEN, 1704 FARNAM. - (16) 6S6 27 Offices For Rent. The banking room formerly occupied by the United States National bank Is now for lease. The main room alone consists of 3,639 square feet floor space and has be sides the large banking room, a director's room clerks luncn room, private touei room, clerk's toilet room, two large filing and storage rooms and two vaults, one being an immense stone vault in the center of the main room formerly used by the bank, CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON CO., 1201 Farnam St. 05)-696 27 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, oity hall building, 417 N. 2-th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. - tu) in ONE large office room, ground floor Crelgh ton Institute Bldg., opposite city hall. In quire building. (26) M461 27 ONE large steam-heated room, suitable for office. Windsor Hotel. (ID) miss ei TWO nTrTTrrr,T,.fl TV "RFTT; "RTTTT.TITKfl No. 415 Is an Inside court room sub- Ivlded Into a private office and reception. There Is a fire-proof vault In this room. Bents at 818. No. 601 Is close to elevator, has a vault; can be rented at $17.60 beginning the 1st of March. Call for Mr. Baker, Bupt, Bee. Bldg. (16)-76S - Stores. 125 00 Large comer store room. 702 Cum ing et.; gooa location ior a rug store. $30.00 Large store room, r.oe Cuming Bt. woo New store room. rarnam. 1714 FARNAM. N. P. DODGE A CO. (16) Zl STORE ROOMS TO IJ3T. 622-4 S. 13th St.. 44 x66 with basement Will rent singly or together and put In good renahr. Tel. Douglas 1064. 1320 Farnam St tu lot Cl FOR RENT I store rooms, at 16th and Howard, one facing on 16th St. and the other on Howard; they are connected In the rear and can be rented together or separately. See us at once about these. N. P. DODGE CO.. " 1714 Farnam St. (16)-M729 F$ FOR RENT 2 ttora rooms, at 16th and Howard, one facing on 16th St. and the other on Howard; they are connected In the rear and can be rented together or separately. See us at once -about theaa. N.P. Dodse&Ca 1714 Farnam St. (1( M21I 88 FOR RENT Large corner store room, 16th and Vinton bis., tin. i. M.. Bacninano, 436 Paxton Block. tiat Mtzi &29 FARNAM ST. 20x600 feet and basement $& per month. $1JS Farnam St. Small store room, sub- divldea per montn. GiJOKQli; CO.. 1601 Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 756. (!) 27 OFFERED FOR SALE Psselsg, . ANCHOR and Iron Fencing: Wire Fencing. to per look am t. i.ia ou iei. na sit (! F21 (trailer. FOR SALE Furniture for 6-room house. all new; also modern house for rent, bee Oeorae H. Moore. Peoples Store. (l-708 XTX WELL famished Sat, 1760 Leavenworth St. uo) ax FOR HAI.B A handsome bookcase, ma hogany cots h. at a bargain. d Dewey Avi. u ttoux A N1CU3 bed room suite for sale at fia Wirt ueet. uV Jsi4 t OFFERED FOR SALE Fa rm I tm re 'ott a ANTIQUE FURNITURE I am closing out all my antique and old colonial furniture, whlcn t am soiling i at almost anv price, Including chalra, chest of drawers, talnes, sidetxwrds, nur ror frames; Call Monday. Smith, n.0 N. Duth. (lO-tifS 27x ROOMING house, steam heated, new fur niture: snnp If edd at once; 15 cash; t.'O per month. "Puona Red 72om. Inqulra owner (16) M 564 27 DESK FOR SALE Bookkeepers' offloe desk, stands high and In good condition. Apply a. w. eauer, Supt. Bee Bldg. (16) M44.X Furniture and lease of 4-room flat, 16th and Chicago, t&O- Turlington, 802 tfee m,g. US) M-4U. FCRNISHED flat; all modern. 1HS Lear- enworth Bt., Flat I. (W) HCn a 20 FEET of office railing, two typewriter denks, very cheap for cash. Fox Type writer Co., 1S22 Farnam. (16) M677 31 Plaaos, Orgaas, Musical Instrumea ts. FOR SALE A fine piano, new In October. of standard make, excellent ton and action, st a very reasonable figure. Rea son for sale, moving, tilo Paxton Blk. 'Phona Douglas b6. (lt) M3J A GSK)D upright piano; payments or trade. Address U W4. care Bee. (16) 673 87 FINE 8300 upright piano 8126. 416 N. 23d. (16) M466 27 FOR BALE An almost new upright ma hogany piano, l need the money. Ad dress A 503, care Bee. (14) 672 27 Pool and Billiard Tables. FOR 8ALB New and S'cond-hand billiard ana pool laoies; we lead the worid in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 S. 10th St. (16)-87 Typewriters and Sewlaa; Maolitnes. WeCan ell you a good Typewriter at a more reasonable price than can De nad elsewhere. You Can find a larger assortment of Typewriters here, than elsewhere. Special Quotations: , Bllnckensderfer, No. 5 812 60 Iensmore, No. 1 , ir,.no Densmore. No. 4 25 00 Manhattan, (good as new).. to.uo Remington, No. 7 6u.00 Remington, . No. 6, (equipped with 10 stop tabulator) 75.00 And extensive line of all makes Eveiy machine warranted. All makes of typewriter rented for 82.50 per month. r- t , .. s. c I., fUA 1 y JJCWI UCI Ot OUJjpiy V(J. 1822 Farnam St., Omaha, Douglas-3S?4. (16)-ti,9 27 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, lu good co.-iaiuon, lor saie cneup. lbii at Lee orllce. (16) 62x Mlscellaaeaas. ONE Eclipse range No. 100, fine condition. M. J. rank. Midland hotel. (16)-M573 27 GASOLINE engine and wood-working ma chinery ior saie cneap. Apply Anchor jjeuce Mig. Co., ait iNorm iith Bt. (16) 429 8150 NATIONAL cash register, $36. 808 N. 16th. (luj Jdioa 29 FIRE SALE on coal. Burr egg. $5.26 ton. for stove or furnace. Tel. Harmon 4k WeetA. (1U 71 F10 L6O0 FEET wire cable. In good condition. for sale cneap. it. w. uaker, Hupr. llee uiag. (Jb) sk.x TWO Troy washing machines. M. J. frank. Midland hotel. (IS) M674 87 FE V bargains In 2d-hand soda fountains; mommy payments. ierigni, iu r amain. (!) 40 SEND us you mall orders for drugs: Drug Cu Omaha. (16) 937 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman et McConnell Drug Co. 116) 938 FOR SALE 81,700 mortgage, payable In In stallments ior years on inside umana business property worth $4,600; 6 per cent. eml-annuaiiy. Aauresa x w, care Hee. (16) M781 FOR SALE Cheap, two large Ice boxes In gooa condition; one ixs, one 8X14. Alamlto banltary Dairy Co., Wli Farnam St. (ltd 772 23 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand, 1818 Farnam. (16)-939 ONE single sleigh. In fine order. M. J. Frank, Midland hotel. (16) M671 27 ONE HOE Irani cylinder press. Burkley i-rinting i o.. umana. iioi km 14 Bargains In unredeemed jewelry. 418 N. 16th. U6) M410 FZ1 HISTORICAL relics for sale; 820 pages of original copies or newspapers published in taigiana during tne revolutionary war, and rare book a James Craig, l.SOQ 3oth bt., Les Moines, la. (16) 701 27x 1906 POPE TOLEDO. 1W Thomas Fiver. two Reo Touring cars, 19o6 Model F Ford, Stevens-Duryea Runabout, 8 I'ope waveny iviecirics. uengni Auto co. 06) 715 27 TWO movable wash tubs for laundry with aiiaciimenia. ai. 4. r rana, aiioiard hotel. tl6)-Mo72 27 NO. 8 cook stove. In good condition, will sell for 84. A bargain. 2604 Haven. portJSt (16 735 7 PATENTS F. J. LARSON 4 CO.. patent lawyers: patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (17)-18 Patents, trade marks, guaranteed or no fee. falional investment Co., Douglas Block. 11 J 668 F8 SHARPS MACHINES SHOPS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, dustings, machine work. 604-611 B. 10th et (171-814 PATENT attorney, machine designer. D. O. Baraell, Paxton Blk. 'Phone Red 7117. '171-734 Fll PERSONAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Shut pressed. not ironed, zu st. utn bl lul. ioug. u4. SEWINO machines rented, any make. 76o per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale, $5.00 and up. no. v.ycie -o., taui ana tiaruey. (18)-17 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMEV Mrs. Dr. King. WDU si. mi Bt Tel. Doug. xa I is iS MASQUE costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Opea evsnlnga (U KM FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. m. Floduian Co.. 1U4 cap. Ave. (la Mill 10 STRINOES. rubber goods, by mall; cut prices; aend for free catalogue. Myers- Dliion Drug Co., Umaha tu) XM IIICALTHY. wholesome, satin skin bestowed by UUu skm crcau) aiid Bmxla powder. PERSONAL (Continued. WTTJ, partle connected a-lth any spiritual istic movement In Omaha please com municate with Lock Box 826. 1 18)-M54 r PIP A-T I N Cl ButmV, lHu?chinf, I L.i-A 1 IMVJ Embrolderlnn. Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink ing, only oc per yard. Send lor pnoa nsi and sample. GOLDMAN FLCATWU III., 40 Douglaa Block. Tel. Iajuglas Iia? ! DR. N. SOMMER, homeopath. Pee RMs;. MOW t M WANTED Information as to the where abouts of Minnie Koaennaus, wno was last known In Omaha and married here. Address Henry Kornsmann, Headword, g. D. 08)-637 31 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoft clothing: In fact, anytmng you ao mi naoH: we collect. rcDalr s nd sell, at 114 N l'th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 nnd wagon will call. (18) 511 Hf A nXTPTTP treatment and bath. Mme. UtauiiAivg-jik iig Ni 15, 2d floor. (18)-690 DR VOQEL'B private home for ladles be fore and during connnemeni; Desi aim In lh citv. 8. 13th St. tf A JC5 A ni7 Swedish movement, 410 N. lfi(h room 8. second flcor. (18) 8f F3 COSTUMES, 8318 S. 20th. Sack. Tel. Red 7071 ' lis) oa r JTCFMA ahsolutelv cured br W. A. Pax- ton's salve. B. J. Scannell, agent, txw ware Blk. (IS)-miu r u OMAHA Btammerers Institute, Ramge OS) 01 A KIND-HEARTED, middle-aged gentle man, with a good home and largo real estate, wishes to correspond with nice respectable lady, matrlmonally lncllnpd, with some means: widows not barred. For particulars address O 6'H. Bee. OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures pure flour paste, suv Cuming, -xeiepnone Douglas -45. (!) Bl'PERFLTTOUB HAIR, warts and moles nermanentlv removed by electricity: con sultation free and confidential; all work r in ran teed. MJss Alltuder. 422 . N. Y. Life. (- PAINFTTL bums, any sore or skin hurt quickly healed by Satin skin cream. 25c. TOt'NO man. worth $J0,0OO In real estate. has also a good Income, would like to meet lady with view to matrimony; no objection to poor lady. Address Mr. H., Room 82 Ceylon Bldg., Chicago. (18)-693 27x LADIES and gentlemen who want to marry; some rich; photos and descrip tions snt free. Address O. . Bausiao- tlon Bureau. Canon City. Colo. (1S)-601 27x Incorporated: 11th year; 2,000 members; 111 pages, sealed; send loo. R. K. Love, Box 16W), Denver, Colo. (18)-618 i, i FREE Tour fortune told, future and past revealed, surprising, by America's emi nent ohilonnnher. astrologist. clairvoyant. Bt. John. 12 Sheldon St., Chicago. Send birth date and Btamp. Know thyself. (IB) 041 27x ATTRACTIVE Mexican girl, age 22. educa ted and wealthy, sneaks and writes Eng- llxh, would niurry enterprising Amerlcun. Address Y 12ti, care Bee. (18) 4 zax DETECTIVES Civil, criminal lnvestlga- t ons. confldentiai; reasoname. cnaries Schneider, Lord Court Bldg., 27 William, JM. X. t" IF YOU want a wife or husband, send 10 cents for the National correspondence Pf Rlr heat illustrated matrlmon ai paper published. Register, Box 174, llast- lngs, fieb. u)-hji zix MADAME MAYO, leading astrologlst pf west; accurate delineations or lite; tells your lucky day, the one you should marrv to secure hanDlneKS. Do not fall to consult this sirted woman, t.ire noro- scone. 81.10. 923 N. ISth. Red 50S5. US) 1 Z(X MADAME CARRIE BFAN, most reliable psvchomatlc medium of the sge. ix not fall to consult. Reads by mall. Send lock of hnlr: 6 questions. 60c; full reading. $1. 922 N. 16th. Red W5. ul ni eix CORRESPOND for pastime and results; clime for particulars and nostomce ad dresses of members. Elite Correspond ence Club. Waltham, Mass. (1) I66 27x ANYONE holding scrip Issued y tho Transmlsslsslppl Exposition commission of the state of Washington wtll find It ti their advantage to communicate with C. C. Rosewater, General Manasrer, Omaha Bee. (181 M763 F-r.y REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR 9 AI R SPECIAL On Izard street, near 40th, we are offer ing a fine 10-raom house, all modern thrAi.kil u-tth lr.1 Rk.11- Vita I- a 1, - gain at $3,600; come and see' us about thla. If you are looking for a place either for a Home or investment, see us, as we n ive real estate In every )art of the city and some very special snaps. For reliable fire Insurance see us; we have several old line compauloa; better safe than otherwise. J. KENDIS &-SON 641 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglaa-6477. (19e-4 27 2814 HAMILTON Comfortable 8-room house, within walking distance, lo cated In a desirable neigh' borbood; new furnace, new ft as fixtures and new puree aln bath service Just In stalled; every room newly ( decorated; permanent side walks and nice shade trees; south front lot 60x150; price, $3,260. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 178L (19)- "THE ONLY WAY" To sell or buy property In the south part of town la to coma to us. We have lived In that part of the city for years, and Just about know now to satisfy both parties. We sold two more expensive lota on S. 16th St during last week, and that's going some In this dull season. BERKA & CO., 838 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 7497. (19)- FOR BALE Must be sold Immediately; need the money; Ut 8, block 70; lot 1, block 74, South Ouiaha; ten houses; In come about $200 month. Price $17,600. Oerard Brandenburg, owner, Los An geles. Cal. Agents msy list. (18) M581 Feb.l FINE, new, modern bouse, Wirt St., $6 260 S, Uawjrec, MU Kutiuet fit. sole assnt. matrimony. Address F 674, Bee. investigate mis si one (1H) 893 87X I , REAL ESTATE CITT PROI'FRTY FOR Af.K GEORGE & Farnam Street KOTTNTZE tl .800 20 room 8 story house. In best of condition, orlglnslly cost 17.500. New hot water heater Installed In 1905. Ixit Is 160x112 ft. on Wirt St. . . . 14,0007 room ho.!-e on Sherman Ave., near Spencer, newly built, oak finish nrsi floor, large attic and full cemented basement, furnace heat, place In excellent repair. $4,2009 room modern house, on Blnney St.. near 22nd , lot 60x124 ft., fine shade trees and lawn. Paved street and permanent walks. ,i.rfe.d nn o .ii v,,,.. nn iHnkn.v Rt . near 17th St.. new underfeed furnace with bath. Good lawn and fine shade. BEMIS 14.6008 room residence In this beautiful .r and hard pine on second. Only built 4 floor lot 68x $4. 191 ft. Fronts south on Lincoln pouievara. near or ... . "" r tA a., iii . .11 ,,.. tn.t nnmnleted. rnk finish, strictly up-to-aate. located 1 on Lafayette Ave. near 24th. lot 61x147 ft. Very ' t""''' P'"- , . e have a number of other desirable residences In this same vicinity. Call ana let us ten you snout mem ai prices .,inw i 81.600 eauh for two of the choicest south each. i lin.eoolj room all modern home, first 2nd floor hard pine, 5 bedrooms on 2nd only Ave years, lot 60x150. property on si si 't nnn'n ,nnm.Tnn,i.rn house on S2nd furnace heat, large barn on premises and " rrHOi'imiMn. ...... decor, ed. cement sidewalks and asphalt pavement In front. House i in ; excen. nt repair. DUNDEE 85,000 New 7 room house, on full slxed heat, oak finish on flr-t floor. Fronts sou m 14,700 9 room all modern nous urn water hentlng plant, oak finish on first floor, i7 , nil mnriom bouse, new last pine on second, furnace heat, near 60th and Vebster St ,fcv Is In ev- v 14 000 4032 Capitol Ave. Thls house has been repaired throughout and Is In i ex cellent shape New Plumbing and furnace Installed lat year. Entire house newly Secorated Has 9 moms, all finished In hard pine. Only $2,200 cash, balance monthly. Possession May 1st. Large .. See us for choice DUiiaing join in mm imo - NORTH SIDE 14 r,o For 1912 Corby St.. new 7 room fronts south, on asphalt pavement, fine shade trees yu pwxi.o " "V. Mo,isei h'na 84.250 2449 Man. erson .-i., i " - 8 large rooms, all mooern arm r. must DC SOIO Itriui r ..v, $4,500 for quick sale, oee us at nn. INVESTMENTS 3 story and basement brick $25,000 o- March 1st 1974. Oross annual income ii.t.u per i,hst .tore bulling with flat above and small cottage In rear. . .... - . - yearly rental $4'J0, total expense per j Jan. it, ism. Choice Lots Make Offer Southwest corner 28th and Poppleton Ave. they are F1NH lfiO feet east front and 127 feet north front on paved streets, lay high and sightly, only $4,000 for the 8 lots or will sell sep arately. Must be sold this week make us an offer. Phone Douglas 585. BEMIS Paxton Block. (19)- Strictly Modern 7 rooms, oak finish first floor, modern plumbing, furnace, cemented cellar, east rront. on itouievnra near .viapie now rent ing for $30 a month, only built three years. $3,150. Would cost $3,t0 alone to duplicate the house. C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red-7497. ' (19)- $2,800 An 8-room house, modern exeeDt furnace, on Buroette tsi., near Z4tn; in nrst-ciass repair; Is now rented for $21; two-story Darn, coai sneaa, etc.; cemitat wants. $2,800 Stewart-Leavenworth Co. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. x (19)-730 27 R. C. PETERS & GO. i ijo-trour-room house and three lots, with Ames Ave. car line. This Is the i,ouu a (-room nouse in ralr condition of repair, lot 60x130, on Seward St., three blocks west of 33d. We would like an offer. $2,650 This Is a 6-room house, only one year old and one-half block west of 24th St. on Blnney. You will make a mistake If you fall to see this, as we regard It a splendid bargain. ej.uvu j ins uuys a new i-room nouse witn AAA FT!. I 1 ... Situated Ave blocks north of Krug loves a little of the country and plenty of room. Kuw-inu is a Drana new b-room cottage, on Burt street, one block from two car lines. Lot 48x150, south front. 'West Farnam District I $6,000 New -room modern house, hot water large living room and beautiful room witn pay window, one block from Farnam car line. Hanscom Park District $6,600 Thle la a new 8-room house with and very conveniently arranged. beautiful homes. 84,600-No. 117 Park Ave. This Is an 8-room might submit an offer for some less. R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 SOUTH SEVENTEENTH STREET. NEW HOMES We are building a number of new houses on the north side, like all Hustings & Hey den houtef, they are the very best buiit. These houses tuo modern and complete In every rtKp.jct having gas and electric lights and combination fixtures, cemented cellars, best of plumbing, good-sised rooinv. nice closets, nice arrangement of rooms and would make a nice home for anyone. 23d and Laird, 6 rooms and bath, $2,4U. 2"-'d and Laird. 1-story, all modern house. 20th and Ames Ave., 6 rooms and bath. lot J'.VjxJW feet, $2,0. Browne St, south front, west of 24th, close to car, i rwoms, large floured attic, $2,260. Bemls park, 82d street near Lincoln boul evard. 6 rooms and bath, large floored attic, one block from car, short ride from city, east front lot; a bargain at $2,6uu. Office open Monday evenings until t p. m. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, ' 17u4 Farrant St Bee Bldg. (HI)- DUNDEE 60 ft frontage, 250 ft. from car line Su0. Easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1781. 09)- Vacant Four lots near proposed Ames Ave., car line extension, only $U. Easy payments. ' C. G. Carlberff, U H. Y. Ufa Blag, 'Pfauu Red-7497. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPF.BTY FOR M.F. COMPANY Phone Douglas 7 56 PLACE Also spme grapes and fruit. PARK suburb, has oak finish on 'r years and In excellent condition, largo ."". .,., tnir,n front lots on Lincoln boulevard. 60x150 floor finished In oak and Mrd a eye maple. floor ana two in aiiic, un.r. ..v ot. ik n.t floor St.. near Poppleton. oak finish first floor. cemented driveway, east front. i .8 fl.,lri U rnu b h nil t ni'Wltf I lot 80x128 ft . all modern w th furnace on w . - . . . """" c".,v" full lot 60x 1 35 ft year, dark oak finish, on first floor, narj . M.nnhl, rM. all modem house, hot water hPMng Plant, ."' ,r .V n,.Vn o , rem ses 'This house ":'"- ,.vln ritv. Reduced from - store building near Bennett's store, ground .,i tl Krtrt niaH rnriulrel. . (191 Homes on Easy Terms 5 rooms, 2 years old, lot 50x 133, north of Fort street, $1,100. $."i00 cash and $15 per month. Neat cottage near 24th and Sprague, lot SOxtlO. large barn, , $l.ono. $350 cash and $15 per month. 4 large rooms, partly mod ern. V, block to Hansoorn Park street car, rents for $10. price $xou. $100 cash and $16 per month. Phone Douglas 585. BEMIS Paxton Block. (19) SUBURBAN Brand new, 6-room south front cottage In Benson, four blocks from car; has city water, electric lights and four lerge lots covered with young fruit; one of the cos iest homes In this thriving little suburb. Price $360. Terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 178L 09) LOOK HERE! 2 good located lots In Superior, Neb., for fcxO. It Is a snap. Write or see E. J, Erickson. 035 Main St.. Fremont. Neb. ' (19) MT)5S 27 stable In the rear Situated near end of cheapest home on the market. reception hall. Barn 12x24, and six lots. Park. This Is a fine home for the man who all modern with hot water heat. flit,,ut,i heat, finest hardwood finish down stairs. brick mantel and Are place, large reception hardwood finish down stairs, hot water heat Lot 66xlu9, and surrounded with new and modern house, lb good condition. We (BEE- BUILDING.) (IS) HERE IS SOMETHING money'1' brln you ,00I lnteret on your A six apartment modern frame flat, rent ing for oytr $l.u) a yc-ur: paved stieet In good neighborhood, price W.OuO. Anothr six apartment frame flat on i i- -'- Btreet' re"tm for $uuO a year; t",v, vi waj terius. lw acres of land two miles fiom Elks City, uu acres under cultivation, the bal ance pastuie and timber. 8mall Improve- inenis; pi ice 10 per acre; half cah and balanoe easy turiua, Robinson & Wolf 'Phone Douglas 2418. (19J-81 27 To Be Divided If! A large farm near Omaha that Is spe cially adapted for suburban homes, fruit but the owntr will not divide It If you want 10 to 160 acres or "more at a bargain see us at encu. We have customers fr part of the land but want a few more to clean it up. This mu citepuoiiiu opportunity to get sul.uiban land at farm prices. Only one mile fiom street car line. Terms one-third vMn, midwu e or iv years at 6 per cent J. H. Dumont & Son 905-6 N. Y, Life Bldg. (19)- sALK-mnum Ht.. w feet east of i vai oi him. at less than cur rem prices. WIU divide, S. 8. Curtis, REAL ESTATE CITV PHOPKRTY FOR 9A1.B W. FAliNAM SMITH & GO. It you want to get out and raise chickens and fruit here Is your opportunity H-room house, with 5 rooms on first floor and 8 on second, with city water, bricked up, cement floor cellar; all In excellent condition, with good barn and outbuildings; peach. cherry and shade trees and shrub bery, nice lawn: lot Nxl.vr, on corner, south and east frontage. This will only be three blocks from street oar when Ames Ave. line la ex tended. Owner hss left city snd must soli ai once. Price, 6AWt) Hanscom Place, 7 rooms, all modern, 6 rooms on first floor, $ on second, best of plumbing, good furnace and all In ex cellent condition; lot 60x164. Bargain at $3,100. 6-room cottage, vsatlbnla, parlor, dining room, two Isrge bed rooms, kitchen, pantry with sink, good bath room, best of fixtures, gnod base ment. This Is a new house and never been occupied, on lot 47x138. In north part of the city, 8 blocks from good oar line, good neighborhood. Owner left state and will sacrifloe for 81.7110; 8600 cash, balanoe easy terms. 26th Ave., near Spencer, t room cottaga, excellent repair, newly papered and painted, gas, city water, toilet, bricked up, cement-floor cellar. Price for Immediate sale, $l.B50i $300 cash, balance easy term. TRACKAGE 1 feet fronting TTnlon Pa cific Jracks by 192 feet on J. St. This la 2Sth and J Sts. and the best trackage proposi tion on the market today. Price for Immediate sale, $9,000. Pee our new addition at Ave. and Spencer Bt. These lots are all nicely ter raced, water, sewer, perma nent walks. Price. $400 to $560; $r,o caBh, balance monthly pay ments. We have an excellent lot on Fowler Ave., south front. Just west of Florence boulevard $000. Bee us for West Farnam dis trict lots. We have some very good bargains. W. FARNAM SMITTI & CO, Tel. Douglas 1064. 1320 Farnam St. 05) S Acres 9. mile off west Dodge rosd, 1 mile to street car, $300 per acre. Phono Douglas 585. BEMIS Paxton Block. 09) dW. L. SELBY CHEAP LOTS $176 89th and I, South Omaha. $126 4oth and Browne. $2S0 26th and Saratoga. $lo0 17th and Erskine. ri6 48th and Cuming. SooO th and Lake. $oti0 Dundee. $6oo mh and Manderson. $ft60 36th and California. $450 44th and Dodge. $1.360 1st h and Lake. $fc6 17th, near Manderson. $15 51st and Kansas Ave., (11 lots). $166 Acre, northwest. , $1,U00 Acre, north; trackage. $1,3U0 34th and Frances-Martha. $1.500 33d and Franoes-Mariha. $3,0007 acres, northwest. $1,21X14 acres, northwest. $2,6u0 5 acreH, Benson (house). $4,0.1010 acres, Benson (house). , $1.300 3 lots, Beneon (house). $o00 1 acre, Benson. $Ji0 Half acre. Bonsnn. $76 4(rth and Browne (8 lots). The following homes and vacant lota 1 will sell to desirable p:irtles on monthly payments oi irora o 10 u a montn. ana IF YOU DIE before maturity of the note I wtll CANCEL THE MORTGAGE without further payment Lots W. L. Sclhy's 1st add.... $150' Lots Rush & Belhy'a add 2o0 Lot autn and 'i sts lis 8-room cottage 4T6 6-room cottage 764 All In South Omaha. GET A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. These prices- are less than the same prop erty would bring In a mall county seal W. L. SELBY 440 Board of Trade. 'Phone Douglas 1C10T (19) Offers Wanted We have the following properties on tha bargain list. The owners are anxloua to) II and will not refuse any reasonable; ofTer. 8-room modern houte with &xl50 fett east front on Park Ave., $7,600. 13-xL4 feet north and west corner on 36tta St., near Farnam, $.2KU. Fine corner on Ixiavenworth St.. . la Cherry tlarden AddltUn, 95x112, r,90n. S3 acres near Umaha. 13 acres in fruit. 10 acres tlmleied pasture, 10 acres plow land, fair lmprvemetits; good plant for chicken raising, xh.uuo. All these are well located and desirable and are worth the full price asked. It you) want a bargain see us at onus. J. H. Dumont & Son u6- N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- 2412 Franklin, $2,900 Six rooms, all modern, paving paid. permanent walk, sewer, water and gas. Grace open Monday -evening! until 9 p. m. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Dee Building. (19) FOR SALE Vineyard and orchard home cheap; send for free "liomeseeker'a :nlde." Uhepherd-Teague Co., Fresno. Cal. (1U 6fc4 27x $125 SNAP ; N. E. corner 4oth and Brown, 62xlJ6; on grade, 8 blocks from Ames Ave4 car line extension. PAYNE INVESTMENT C0 First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. I