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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1907)
.1 .ft I i 4 7 1 Vv Jn ) ) 1 J ISIUS PACltiCCOSES BACK Ariwrrt Grain Ixobanc wltk Dealal f tmritnlttMne Agaliit Caula. , STICKNEY ' OFfEM Tftt "UY1CC 'lt r Thl Aetloa OraU Eioktlti Mar Bra rVttUoa rile Aaalaat Harrlaaa Tha Chicago Great Weatarn will, after January 17, haul grain from Council BUTa to Omaha and South Omaha for H. 'Thl la tha rata which the Union Pad fie charged for sometim anty It decided to rale tha rata to 1 rent a- hundred, which la IS or moie a car. When tba Union Partflo an nounced tha rate would ba Inrreaaed a torrn of protect waa raised and tha Omaha Grain eschang filed charge with tba Interatata Commerce commission. Tha Great Western then ' stepped into the breaeh and aaM It would haul, fraa of eharg. grain from Covnc.ll Bluff -to ela vatora on the Great Weatern traeka In Omaha. Thla again raised a . protest from other elevator men not on tha Una of tha Great Weatern, notably tomt of tha South Omaha elevators. Tha Great Weatern haa tnet tha altuatlon by airraetnr to haul stl grata for 12 from Council . Bluffa to Omaha and Booth Omaha. The Great Weatern haa a contract with tha Union Plflc by which It haa tha right to haul car to tha South Omaha terminal. Uoaoral pealal Is Made, The Union Pacific haa filed Ita anawar to tha Omaha Grain exchange with tha' Interatata Commerce - eommlealorh A gen eral denial la made that the Union Pacific wlahea .to dlecrlminate against Omaha. Tha Union Pacific will attempt to ahow that tha business la anrenjunecativ' under the old scale and that It la the bualness of tha Iowa- line to bring tha grain to Omaha and not force tha Union Pacific to take It at Council Bluff where the ter mlnaia are already congeated. All these llnea have an annual contract with the Union Pacific for the use of It bridge and tracka. All tha cars which would come Jn that way are foreign oars on' which a charge of 60 cents per day la made for the time tbey ara In tha puasasalon of tha Union Pacific and as It generally take four daya to bring car aoroa tha river, unload It and eend It back it would take all tha profit. The action against the Union Pacific may ba dropped aa font mm the Great Western hna volunteered to take up tha aama ser vice at the old price which the Union Pa cific charged,'" "Not so much Importance la attached to the action of tha Union Pacific,' ald Sec retary McVann of tha Grain exchange, "since ltlB learned that tha Great Weatern will not only awltch free all grain from Council Bluffs to elevators on'lta own ter m'nals In Omaha, but wilt ' also switch grain to any other elevator at the rata of S a car." C. C. Hasrhea Realara. Announcement I made of the appoint ment of 8. M. Braden to be general super intendent of the Northwestern llnea weat of the 'Missouri river, vice C. C. Hughes, resigned. Some time ago the rumor waa afloat that Mr. Hughe waa to resign, but thla waa denied rit the time Mr. Braden waa appointed assistant aoperintendent and Mr. Hughes wont to. Texas on a vacation. Mr. Hughra haa been with the Northweatern for over forty year. Illlaots Ce-atral to Hear. For th next two month from twenty to thirty car of Illinois coul will come Into Omaha over the Illinois Central. Betwem 700 and MM cars of eeal are to be trans ported aero ns the state. and will be turnec over to the Union Faclflo for use by that road, which hnahexctoforejissdyonjlnf coal. Fo'VcsTernr6ads io use' "Illinois coal la aVnew feature In railroad operation, a they have found an abundance In the tet. Lrg.FiklUmorV-A Ohio coal tanks will be usroi ia' f transportation of. .this big shipment of cool, which will be turned over to the Illinois Central at Springfield, Hi. Celery Trataa flse-e. A dispatch from Iowa Falls saya: "Pulled by one 'of the biggest engines on the Iowa division and , the train given preference over nil others; a celery special hits hern-sent Over the Illinois Central In a race with simitar specials over the Mll- wnnkM and VnrthWMtltrn. Vw eh train bwas composed df .eleven cars of. celery 'yrom southern . California, delivered at L. ft HW,, I-tUm, S il 1 1 h.rn TSulflA mnA thu I'nlon Pacific. Each train left Omaha by the three ntites at the same time and the one th:tt .made tha best time to Chicago was to be 'given the business by the west ern roads in the 'future." 1 Baay Daya for Krlr. J. K. Eyler.'-Jlv -stock agent of tha Bur lington, leaves Sunday for a circuit of the meeting of the live stock men In the wast The first meeting will be that of the Wyo ming Wool Growers association at Ruck Doctor's Admit That They Can Io Nothing; More For Your Stomach Than Htaart'a Dyaprpsla Tablet ara Doing Every Dy,' "I COSTS KOTKUTO TO TBT According to tlta expert analysis of gov- tinuient authorities In th United. 8 tats anu Oi't Britain, rituart'a Dyspepsia 'i ablets contain th ' exact elements pro vide,! by naturs for digesting food In ths branny stomach. Btusrt's Dyspepsia Tablets have saved sufferers front stomach disorder million of doUars by glylng theui. In oui amall i.u-cent package, mora relief than countless treatments by physlclana would bring about at tllM per visit. l'erlmps you ara aiftlcted with dyapepsl or soma kindred dlaeaaa arising front a, disordered digestion. It may ba 'haad aubea, heartburn, palpitation, liver trouble, Uiaomnla, nervous debility. They all have their beginning In a stomach which dsa not secrete th Juices or grind the tood which Is taken Into it. If ao, as urge you to tend for a fraa trfcal package of Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets. It will cost you nothing and surely will bring us n gala uaWss you Jl ator. ttalag. H. that ou are benented and eal that you iwuu a luii-aisea pacaage. .... lhr la (absolutely no danger In using Ftuart s JJyspvpsUi, Takleta. Nothing la t iLtal4 In then that, has not been ub 1 jected to th clweeat acratlajr by tha gov- erumeut otnclala. . Stuart' a Dyspasia Tablet wui digest yr food without demanding a careful 4lt.tOu a: sin of thes tablets has power to digest jt w gralna of ordinary food. Tou can be aura, therefor, that a matter what your condition, thes llttl tablet taken after each meal will ' shortly restor your stomach to It normal ' condition and' ran. Ser It capable of oing It work unaaaiated. W withhold th namsa of hundreds who hav written ' u voluntarily aaprasslag tbelr grarilud to this alia pi substitute for nature. Bnd for trial package today. - F. A. tiuart Co, 7 Htuart bonding. Marshall. t Mk-h. 4, ; FUty-cent Was package far aai by drug. i is veryWBr. ' - , - Bprtneo January M M It. H wtN then go to tha mooting of the National Wool Orowers' association at Halt Loss City January 17, J and It. The next meeting .will be at Denver, Januarjr II to it, when the National' IJv 3to - axarvclarioa will meet at tha am time tha Fat Stork how la held. ' MAYOR" CALLS XHfEF OFT LID Pah I at a a Oratera Daaha Nat i'a Palla for Baaday CI a a- - . . - OMAHA, Jan. It Hon. J. J. Donahue, ChW.of Police: Dear BfrAa" chief ex ecutive of the city of Omaha I hereby In struct you to no longer use the-polloe de partment In keeping the saloons closed on Kundaya,- The police department Is Inade quate ta give proper protection to our citl sens. especially When they are bet rig used In watching aaloon keepers when they should be usd in witching out for crime and criminals. I Wish to hsv this order obeyed .on and after this date. JAMES C. DAMLMAN, Mayor. Saturday afienioon Chief of Police Donahue Issued thla order to Captain Mostyn. Dunn and Bavag of the police department: j v " ' ' . The attached order from bis honor, tha Biaor. la, self-explanatory. Yen will sea lo It that all front doors of saloons ara no flisorneny ronnuct or any character Is permitted In such places on Sundays. If sny disorderly conduct Is noticed Instruct your mwn that- they shall promptly arrest viola ter a and close the saloon. . The mayor order will be compiled with. , Chief Donahue. "Will the lid be raised tomorrow? Tea? No?" . . .- That waa the question naked on the atreat eorners Saturday. Upon tha theory that the maytr ia "tha chief executive and conservator of the peace of the municipality," Mayor Dahlman Saturday moralng Issued to Chief of Polios Donahue th above order. Tha saloon heepera have not only tha mayor's sanction to keep open 'their places of business on Sundays, but have the as surance from police Commissioner Broatch that ao far oa be la concerned he will place no obstacle In their way. Broatch gave thla assurance to the aaloon men In an ad dress at their meeting during the week. ' golves Oaestloa of Power. 7 ilrica tha recent - hearing before Mr. Mickey, who waa then governor, the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, through Its -attorney, Judge McHugh, maintained that tha commissioners had been branded aa malefactors because they had not uaurped the function of. a mayor, namely, to direct th chief . of police relative to Sunday cloning of saloons. The commis sioners contended the chief of police waa a direct public officer-under the mayor 'and asked representatives of the Civic Federa tion present why they did not proceed against the mayor for alleged violation of the Siocumb law. Chief of Police Donahue said he would obey order received from the mayor. Fur ther than that the chief 'had nothing to aay by way of comment. A general Impression prevail tha( tha thirsty ones will .bw catered to over, the bare tomorrow and that the police depart ment will be free to "watch for crime and criminal." "Will the saloons be open tomorrow?" was asked Henry Keating, aecretary of the local Saloon Men'f league. "Wei), I Imagine aom of them may," re piled Mr. Keating. Speaking for the Civic Federation, Elmer K. Thomas said: "If the officials or saloon keeper get active, aa reported to me, In the way of evading th law, the Civic Federation will take aom action. I, ex pect th federation will: meet' sometime during next week." HOW THEY REACHED A VERDICT Transposition of Damage Flarares t'a- i . --Hott an' stMsgx- Jarymaa. A KanaaClty iaWyeil la tefllng a atory it Is said to be a true on, too W Illus trate In what - peculfmi1 manner a! verdict la aomettme reached by a Jury. Thla la a story about a Jury that eat In a case which wa tried and finished Just before Christ mas. A shrewd city business man was foreman of the Jury, and oh it also waa a gray-haired old farmer from out In the aounty. It waa case In which some man wa suing a railroad company for damages on account of personal Injuries. The deputy sheriff had escorted the Jury t6 1ts"room and locked It. In. On the first ballot there -waa a-wide difference rtf nnln. inn. Two or three members of thla Jury meeting fully the college entranTe requlre roted to give the -plaintiff damages In sums nicnta for school which cannot devote ranging from 16,000 to 120.000. ' The business i mor t,me to tn ubJect Tne matter Is so man who waa foreman voted for $2,000. The farmer waa one who "couldn't see th plaintiff waa entitled to a cent." It looked aa If there . wouldn't be any agreement, land the stubbornness that was manifested by some members of that Jury seemed to Indicate that Christina would be pent In the Jury room. Finally, after fu. tile ballota, the business man took the farmer said Into a comer.- "Most of ua are wllllna to tv. thl. something," urged the foreman. "Now, tak a broad view of thl.. .nri th plaintiff ISOO anywarHust for human- Ity' sake." Though reluctant at first, after pressure th fanner yielded. Then" later, when noth ing had yet been accomplished, the bual ness man again talked to the farmer, "Tou've given VM for humanity sake," he pleaded, "now give $5W for aympithy'a sake." He talked earnestly and finally the farmer yielded. T. . I. ; ' lM ouaines..of boOKt bout Kairie,. 5,, Queen' g,,v,r man sntd to himself; " It begins to look n.ij ,oe, to a "Person." spprentlced to Ike wa might yet reach a verdict." Then , her amanuensis for. life, and Into ber mier m went 10 worn on tne farmer sgain. it wa lata In the arternoon. "It'll soon be Christmas," the foreman told tha fanner. "Give another $500 for Ood's k and let' eat Christmas dinner at home." "No. air." declared the farmer, emphat icallr. "I'll nvr gle tiro" After more pleading he aaid:- . - "Now. I want to be hom Chrlatmaa I'll give $1,490 and not another penny. I've said I won t give $1,600 and I won't." "Oood." exclaimed the foreman. "Hera's a verdict, then." The other members had been gradually coming dowa until they were for about $2 000- Then th wily business man tek a pen and wrote some figures In the blank Wft fm th verdict form: $1.40 is what th farmer thought ha wrote. They all elgnd , It. It wa afterward discovered the fore. e w,m uioyuirim tne tore , matt had written $1,40, transposing th figure. But th Juror did not notice It and went away satisfied and event Christ' maa at home. Kansas City Times. Taaaaatfal Mttle Mlsa. , Out North Woodward lives a thoughtful llttl mis of six sunny summers. he waa law In starting for th Farrand school the other day, and her mother gave her a note ot apology to th teacher. Th teacher read the note and dropped It Into her wast basket. "Tou weren't lat enough to need aa ex. cuae," ah aaid, pleasantly. Later In th day the little mla quietly obtained th note. ( "I thought,'.' ah explained tq her mother. "I ought to save It, 'cause, you know, I might really 'need It aom day !" Detroit N. Be Want Ad pradne raault NEW BOOltS AND MAGAZINES EstUw f Ft-lewi Fraatnta tag IS fa Etarj . afEJwgrd E. Btrriiita. STOKY. Or ELLIS ISLAND AND ITS rtlPlt aaa Kalertalala rtotloa Pat Forth f tin Fahllahers, While His. tory aad -Travel Coaaea la . ( Fair Share. Tha Ufa atory of E. II. Harrlman, tha man . who . reorganised the ' Union Pacific railroad and created the "Hhrrimhn Bye tern" of western roads, la at last -told at length in the January Review of Reviews by Carl fenyder. .Vary little material of an authentic, nature ha heretofore been printed concerning thla modern "Colossus of Kosds," as tha editor of tha Wall Street Journal very aptly style Mr. Harrlman. The article .by Mr. Snyder I botti Illum inating and convincing. . It la. based oa a thorough study of. the western railroad slt tiatiori and Of Mr. Harrlman a relatione thereto.'- ' 1 ' "A clean aa a hound's tooth,". With Robert Watchorn, - Immigrant, laborer, labor-leader, Inspector, to hi work as commissioner- of Immigration at Ellis Island. New Torn: ..'-. "Tou will find It a. very diffoult placa to mannge. i know you are familiar with the conditions. An f ask of you la (hat you grv' tia an admrhlstratlon aa ctcan a a hoand' tooth." . - '. ' What Ellis Island wa not very king ago. and what it la today, atand out very clearly In "On the Trail of the Immigrant-' ' by Edward A: Bteftief ,' Just published by the Fleming H. Revell company. , That the posl Hon of commissioner of Immigration at Ellis Island la no sinecure does not require great proof. In no one department of th government probably la there greater need for wisdom, shrewdness. Inflexible obedi ence to law,' and at the same time mora generous Interpretation and application of the law, than In deciding the fate of those who come to thl country through the steer age of our Atlantic liners. Alnslee'a for January haa very unusual story by Henry C. Rowland, entitled "The Font of Speech." The originality of the conception tnake It chiefly notable, but It la told so Interestingly that no one realises, or even cores, that there may, perchance, be any improbability In It. Around th centrat idea, which ha to do with a musi cal matter, a very charming love-atory Is constructed. This magaslne , also hna a western story that I equal to th best that baa been don by anybody n this fle'd. "The Red Ink Maid," by B. M. Sinclair, Is ;told with a sincerity and love of the subject and tha locality that 1 most un. usual. It Is one which cannot fall to Inter eat knd charm tha general reader as well as the lover of the west. ' "The' Paas.v by Stewart Edward White Is, a story of a remarkable trip across the high Sierra. So vivid Is Mr. White's por trayal that on turning each leaf you are there with him seeing the wonderful pano raros,.of the mountains spread before you, feeling the cool mountain breese fanning carapMre at night. Published by th Outing Publishing company. "Little Mis Rosamond," by Nina Rhoades, author of "Only Dollle. "Chil dren on the Top Floor." "The. Little Olrl Next Door" and several other- children' books, add a oho more to th "Brick House Books," a tha unique and attractive covers given to the books- of Mlsa Nina Rhoade cftuse them to be called. Rosamond, 1 found In Richmond, ' Vs., with her good big brother.' ' The latter, however, cannot give her all 'th cenjfort that 'aha neeHs in yio trylng hot went her, and aha goes to the aeaslde cottage of an "uncle whose home. 1s In New Tork. Here it is her good forturte to find herself a neighbor to Gladys and Joy, so welt known In a previous bookjj' "The Little Girl Next Door." and after .'pom complication are straightened out, bringing Rosamond's honesty and kindness of heart into prominence, all are made very happy by many nice thing that seem to happen at the same time. Illus trated by Bertha G.' Davidson. ' Published by Lo'throp, Lee St Shepard company. "Outllnea of Ancient History," by Wil liam C.' Morey,' Ph. D., D. C. Li, professor r.f history and political science in the Unl veralty of Rochester, gupplies the need of a one-volume course In ancient history, arranged tk to Indicate the historical rela tions of the countries treated, ' and the contributions which each haa made to the progress of mankind. The stages In the growth of ancient civilisation are 'clearly shown. Th Illustrations are' numerous and of a high order of merit 'Tha help ! to ""P11" ,nclude ynopil for review and 1 11,1 of rcferenc, tor reading at the end lof cn chapter, and a aeries of twenty- one "Progressive Maps," which indicate important geographical changes. Published '.W American book company. In "Queen Silver Bell" Mr. Frances Hodgson Burnett haa In an entirely new vein given the' first of a series of fairy talea which are told with much quaint cleverness and fun. Silver Bell, queen of th Falrlea, la distressed because there la a growing disbelief In her people, and even a falling off In fairy skill. She I so disturbed that she loses her nice little tamper. She turna to the Dormouse for ad- wbi. .nil la nl rt I n frtH r. mm ttm moritrnw-m : ... .ht.rr. th. .trvri.. nr h. -.i,h. I " " ' w. " " Mrs. Burnett' books r so well known that they need no Introduction.' The Cen- "Daughter ' of Destiny," by Schoyler Staunton, I the story of th Orient, which has been invaded by some decidedly Inter estlng occidentals. A New Tork million aire promoter, his son, his daughter, a doctor friend and hla daughter, had a : maiden aunt to act aa chaperon, start I through th wilds overland to Induce flie ruler of Baluchistan to grant them a rail- Recipe for Colds KU half ptat of go whisky with two anaoa ef glyosrla aad add oa half oaao ooncsntrat U sf pise. Tata latter comas la eaa-kalf awao vial packed a ac ox sly la ronad a craw top eases walea ar taasae te pro tect It front light as (etala all th rlflaal osoa. Dea't aa balk of ell f pis or Units Uobs of eaa-trat-, which ax often, foaad pat la vaodea boaaa. They ar laaolasl aad work have to ths kldasya. Aay dragglst haa ta oaOBtratd all of pis. It will also fooa a most saoalleat saaasdy fo lombag amd all tunas of ana aold rheiuaatlsm. - For taJla parpos It Is taken raw, a few drop a sugar at Bight aad aaera- Sfoaosatrata oil f pia Is th ra uits of rnaay year aaparlmoatlaa' by oa of ghUa4iiaia' foraaaost goctora wtt after sadlao roaoasoh at last aocmrsd a truly aolaM aal of la, a xaak ear to gt th real talag. Xt also amako aa aaaaliaat aiv to aspUod estoroall oa ta lung. Fo tills parpos it is auiaoA with laid or Ttnllaa, road franchtae. . A. London bred ortentaU who haa a claim to th throne of Baluchis tan, and who haa an amoltlon to press it. acta a guide. Love, Intrigue and battle ntr Into the development of th fory. Th daughter of tha millionaire not long before the opening of the story had parted with her lover, who had become an exile, but In What guise and. under what cir cumstance she later meets him ths reader wttr learn. The atory la full of action and how great narrative skill. . Illustrated In color by Thorns Mitchell Pelrce and Harold Delay. Published by the Rellly Brltton company. ' Dona hoe's Magaslne opens th new year with a very varied and Interesting tyat of feature In th January edition. The situa tion In Franc I dinruaeed thoroughly; the Rev. A. A. Notebaert contribute a second paper on "Condition In th Congo Free State." quoting much testimony of weight to uphold th administration ef the Bel gian king) and Louis D. Brandela consldet th question of "Insurance for Wagf Eamera." "Choosing A Career' gener ously illustrated with nortarlta of success ful men; "Grand Opera For th People," by' the Rer. John Talbot Smith; and The Training of Children" are other feature of note. - In addition, there are numerous ahcrt stories, poem and pictures, with depart ment matter of unusual interest. - "Marching Against the Iroquola," by Everett T. . Tomllnsom, Is a book especially I for boy from 10 to IS years of age, which will be read with Interest and profit. Boy of all ages ilk to read about Indians, and I th adventures which Dr. Tumllnson haa j successfully woven Into his new story of th American revolution-are aa Interesting aa any bit of Action. The eventa narrated occurred In the Mohawk Valley during General Sullivan's expedition against the Iroquola. 'Many of th chnracters ar al ready welt known to readera of Dr. Tomlln son last book, "The Red Chief," which dealt with tha Cherry Valley maaearre. Published by Houghton, Mifflin A Co. 1 "Pursy-Cat Town," by Marlon Ames Tsg gart. Is a most unusual and delightful cat story. Ban-Ban, a pur Maltese who be longed td. Rob; Klkusan, Lois' beautiful snow-white pet, and their neighbors. Be-, dell the tortoise shell, Madame Laura the widow. Wots Buts the- warrior, and wise old Tommy Traddlea,- were really and truly cats, and Miss Taggart tells how they de termined to found a Puasy-Cat Town, whera all unhappy cats who had n comfortable heme or kind friends might eome and prop erly enjoy life. Illustrated by Rebecca Chase. Published by L. C. Pag Co. . "The Birch Tree Fairy Book," Is another collection of .fairy talea which have been edited by Clifton Johnson. In both thla volume and In "The Oak Tree Fairy Book" are found the old favorites In a version especially suited for th home fireside. Th Interest, the chsrm and the sweetness hav been retained, but the savagery, distresalng details and excessive pathos have been dropped. The book Is nicely Illustrated by Wlllard Bonte. Published by Little, Brown A Co. Tarbell' Teachers" Guide fo the Interna tional Sunday ' School Lessons for 1!W7 1 even better than the on for Wo, which established Itself ss one of the best com mentaries ever published for Sunday school teacher and students. In completeness, In readlner of reference and In adapta bility to all grades of classes. It takes first place. Its too pages contain scholarly com ments on word and phrase; suggestive quotation from writers on Bible ' lands and people) a sound metohd of teaching th points of the lesson; a valuable sum mary of th meaning and contents of each lesson; illuminate discussions 'of geography in short, all that the Bible student and teacher want to know. - Published by th Bobba-Merritl company... "Janet; Her Winter In iQuebee;" by Anna Chapln Ray, la the second In the new and popular "Sidney'.' series by the author of the famous Teddy -books. Sidney Stay re and Ronald Leslie and his sister Janet ara among th principal character. Janet and Ronald become warm friends of Day A r gyle, a New York girl, and her brother Rob, an Exeter student who has been In valided in a foot ball match. The fun of this dellghtftrl- book Is furnished by a young Englishman. .Published ,by Little, Brown & Co. Tho' January number of "What' In the Magaslncs" begin a the second year of this, useful little publication, which- haa proven : Itself to be th busy magaslne readera' friend. Starting with an issue of twenty pages covering twelve magmslnea. It closed the year with an isane Of sixty-four page covering seventy niagazjne. Several Im provement are promised for th year 1907. The value of thl little time saver la shown by . this . summary , of . what an Issue contains: Items of Inter---; est suggested by ths 'contents -ot th current magaxlnea, and bits of newa in-the magaslne world; a plassljled descriptive list of th most Important articles of broadest popular Interest; tha complete content of th leading current, magaalnea, classified according to subject and general character, and arranged alphabetically for. ready ref erence: pertinent paragraphs serious and Otherwise, of Interest to tha magaaln reader, called front various sources; giving tha city, and street address of each pub lication, with, th yearly subscription and single copy price. . . 1 1 1 ' 1 "The Old Darnman," a charming novel- 1 ette by Charles U Goodell, la volume ten of th Hour Glass aerie of short Action published by Funk A Wagnalls Co. Thla hook tells In a quaint and appealing style the Ufa of a well known character of New England. It la ahort enough and Inter esting enough to b read at one sitting. Above book at lowest - retail price. Matthews, in South Ftfusonth sir. Book reviewed r . on sal by Th Bennett Company at cut pries. Refleettoaa of a Bachelor. It' mighty reckless of a girl to wear pin when ah la engaged. A woman would rather hav you not lov her and aay you did than really to love her, but not say ft. Y Th devil, with all th business h does. must be a great administrator, never to have needed any partner or superintend ents. Even , when you try to save money by going to live on your relative a while your railroad far costs more then your board. There I hardly anything a woman can forglv In a maa less than hla being able to hav a good time when h ta not at home to Worry for fea th baby should got sick. New Tork Pre. Aa ptlnatatle Xalaar. "Her I manuscript of mine," -said th author, "which ha been going the round ! of the rnagaaine office ao long that If an editor wor to accept It in an unguarded moment I ahould feel that I had lost an aid friend. "Why, it haa even crossed the ocean and returned home without shipwreck. . It rep resents $40 worth of stsmp to me, not to mention nln gallon of utdnlght' oil and $ worth of typewriting. But Its Journey isn't ended yet not yetf I'm taking It to ; a tailor now to hav it cleaned and presat-d and th ragged edges trimmed, and then ' I'll give It another whirl!" Chicago Rec- ' ord-Herukt, i MERGER AND TERMINAL TAX - Both Bills Cffer Hep ef Eeoomlnc tawi ia tk LariglaUrt " LEE AND CLARKE ARE ENCOURAGED Farsae Talaka.. Lawmakers , Will Favor , Caasolldatlaa Wkm PeBle Keve at at to Vate a Propositi.' Representative Mike Lee, with others of the Douglaa county delegation,-ia up from Lincoln to spend Sunday at home. Friday Mr. Lee Introduced a merger bill contem plating the consolidation ot Omaha and South Omaha and providing for th filing of a petition of 10 per cent of the voter and a subsequent general election In both cities on the merger proposition. In a few days Mr. Lee will offer another bill which haa been prepared by John Paul Breen, and which contemplates consolidation by plain legislative enactment. The plan Is to have th two bills tsken up for consideration by the Douglas county delegation, the commit tee on towns and cities and give a hearing to those who want to be heard on either bill. "The matter will be treated In the fairest manner possible," Mr. Lee said. "There will be no attempt to rush anything through and the delegation and committee will give all an opportunity to present their aides on the proposition. Then It will be decided which bill will be . taken up for further consideration." The bill Introduced Friday waa th same aa the one offered two year ago and which drew a protest In boots from South Omsha. Mr.' Lee thinks sentiment In th legisla ture favors the passage of a merger bill, giving the people a chance to rote. Clarke Is Hopeful. Representative H. T. Clarke, Jr., Is hope ful for the passage of his bill providing for the assessment and taxation of rail road terminals for municipal purposes the same aa other property Is taxed. "Nearly every one of thos who thor oughly understand the proposition Is fa voring it and many are fighting for it." Mr. Clarke said. "It la something of a task to overcome a prevailing opinion that th proposed plan of taxation for municipal purposes will reduce the revenue received by the' state and distributed for state, county, township and school district pur poses. The way, however, really looks en couraging, and I hav every assurance that the bill will pass." WILHELM IS NOW PRESIDENT Electee Chief Exeentlv of Commer cial Clab by the Board at Dlreetara. C. M. Wllhelm was elected president of the Commercial club at a meeting of the board of directors Saturday. The following- executive committee of twenty-five members was elected: II. H. Bsldrlge, C. D. Beaton, E. E. Bruce, H. K. Burket, T. A. Fry. A. P. Karbach, G. H. Kelly, O. D. Klpllnger, Euclid Martin, C. H. Pickens, A. C. Smith. John Steel. H. 8. Waller, Will L. Tetter, J. E. Baum, C. E. Black, J. F. Carpenter, D. B. Fuller, B. R. Hastings. M. C. Peters, H. J. Penfold, F. B. Hochstetler, J. A. .Kuhn, R. E. Sunderland and O. W. Wattles. The last eleven are new men on the committee. The neV committee will meet net Tues day and organise. Will L. Tetter, who re ceived the highest number of votes Satur day, I prominently mentioned for chair man. . BEST BURNS PROGRAM YET Clam Gordoa Will lv Moat ' Am- ' kltloas Celebratloa of Poet's ' : , Birth This Moata. ' Clan Gordon Is out with the announce ment that Its eighteenth celebration of the birth of Robert Burns will be held January 25 in the assembly hall of th Edward Crelghton Institute. 210 North Eighteenth street. This is the anniversary of the birth of the great poet and will, aa usual, be celebrated by lovera of Burna of .all na tionalities alt over the world. The Gordons of Omaha declare this celebration wilt be their most ambitious. They have engaged quit a galaxy of fine talent aod axe par ticularly proud of the orator . whom they hav secured, whose theme will be "Tha Immortal Memory of Ro'bert Burns." .- Mr. Robert Cowell WIU give thl address. Chief William Kennedy .'will ,b chairman. Be Want Ads produce results. Where He Was. The daughter of the house had Just re turned from boarding school. Her finish. ing brancbea had made her a little aensl- tlvs. ... . "Is your father out In the woodshed split ting wood?" the caller asked her. "No," replied the haughty girl, "papa Is at the town meeting splitting Infinitives.' Cleveland Plain Dealer. Do People Shun You ON ACCOUNT OP FOUL- BREATH FROM CATAKHH? THEN RK All llKtOW, Ify, atyt . What a Bros thl Why Boa't TOU aav wauss vara taai Catarrh f If you continually k'hawk and spit up and there Is a constant dripping from the nose into the mouth; if you nave foul, disgusting breath, you hav Catarrh, and I can cur It. All you need do la almply thla: Fill out coupon below. Don't doubt, don't argue. Tou have everything to gain, nothing to lrse, by doing aa I tell you. I want no money Just your nam and atldreaa. rua. This coupon la good for one trial package of Uauas' t'omblnod Catarrh Cure. roe. Her! free, in plain package. Htmply fill In your name and address on Viled lines below and to a . OAUaa, 48 Mala Btreot, Marshall, at lea. Mark the Distinction That Piano Players Are Not Pianolas 1 Apolloette loetto $75 I I Ebony' Pianola. ; ut Simplex. 12C I I Oak Pianola '!., la, nsed S month $17 i Walnut Pianola. ...... . J- tly .Used Metrostyle Pianola, only ;' ...... . ., . .!! nr tel 1 Wain 1 Aertol Very easy monthly payment m pooue uougiaa 10 i a. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Aeolian Dapt, 1311 and 1313 Farnam St. QyV mf'lV aa, .ff a mmf kis.ereWyWwsV ia,fWQ Tho Treatment the Treatment And the it f J age. Our word Is dependable. If yoti are suffering from any Chronic Dis ease and have suffered long enough, and received promise from Incom petent doctor who probably did not understand your case, coin to us. It won't cost you anything to talk to ps about your trouble and we may be able to restore your health, WD DON'T CLAIM TO CURB EVERY THING, but we do claim to know more, about our business than the gen eral doctor. Why should we notT Years of constant work at a certain thing, treating many hundred of people, should mak a man competent. The doctor who treats but few cases i a not much of a doctor. He I simply a man wly pays office rent. II does not get the experience. This Is a day of specialty the doing of one thing that makea one man better than another and a doctor's results can be measured by ths ilia of his practice. If he did not give results he would have no patients. . Wa have cured many ease that were suffering from Chronic Troubles, who had tried many doctors with no results. Maybe we can do It for yon. WILL TOU COME TO US AND FIND OUTT .,.'' Northwestern Medical & Surgical Institute, lVorlbnest Cor. lStb snd inn Do you live hear 24th and Lake Sts.? CRISSEY , PHARMACY : 24th and Lake Street '. i will 1ake .your wanted for The llEE -. at the same rates aa . the main office., ft a,i . Branch Want-ad Office OMAHA BEE How to wit room Ad You can't rent, a barp. poorly furnifihed room as easily as a cozj, attractivfjfurniaHed one. People wont answer an adver tisement as readily if yon do not make it inviting if you do not make them feel' that yours is just the room they want, zrr it ia Und noi $ vHtti : OB RENT for two strsoL X7u'f vwUd b rOK RENT-Plaant south front room, for tw gnilmewll furnished bath eh same . floor -( minutes walk from down twa, 1124 Farnam street. . .. Tha first 4 wont cost a much, bat If th loDKr a4 wU feat, th room, booaa It U attratiTt it's a good lavetmat. . Trlephoo tSO. V S0.Q0O Real Circulation. It Is fa common, .rulstake to suppose that all makes of piano flayer 'may be classified Pianola. The very fart of tha Pianola overwhelming, pre eminence, hn led to iuch confu lon. Call at our store and e will explain the different. To morrow we offer a limited num ber of llghtly ned Pianola and other player at the follow ing prices: ay tie arranged. 1 v That Cures Is Jhat Counts, ' '. " 1 . ! physicians to reive such treatment are tho man who bare had experience and , posse hiartorn method for curing Chronic Disease. Tor year we have devoted our time to treating Chronic Diseases, and to day we have th largest practice, which In evidence that we have mastered onr spe cialty and give result. When' a patient consult n. arid ha an examination, we tell them if they are cura ble or not; and what we say may be de pended ubon. If th patient Is Incurable we will not tieat the case. We make no prom ise to a patient that we do not fulfill nor do we resort to untruth to obtain patron Fartam Sis., 1MABA. NEB. a: .is as Weak Men, Frail Men YOUNG' MEN, OLD MEN All know, the wonderful building-up power of DR. WOREW'S treatment. Hid $3 TEARS of experience of treating diseases of men has taught him Just what will cure, and cur quick and permanently at amall cost Diseases of men can and . ahould be cured for a price that Would correspond with th natur Of th disease. DR. McCRHW Treatment by mall. Office hours U day and . to 1:1 p. m. eunqayi .a to i Call1 or write. Box 7l. ' Office ill South Fourteenth street, Omaha. Nab. e a Furnished I lood - f rnlahe gaatlomen, UN rarnara ' mort ppt Ut rtnt (A 10 . 1 .tt ,. m t .1) io !t '" ' ' .1 (ib! " t . ( ' 1 1 -C -1 1 ,. if l. II