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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1907)
f J The Omaha Daily Bee HEWS SECTIQIL Psnss 1 to 8. In 106, The Omaha Bee pub lished almost a halt million agate line more display biff advertising, than any ..lend other Omaha paper. .mm mm VOL. XXXVI-NO. 179. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1907-SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. 7 ' f i "i y Rol if 1' i 'A u f -h u .XX ME FROM THE POPE Fftstiff Addresiei ai Encyclical to Catholic of Franca. j WORDS 6F COMFORT FOR THE FAITHFUL Minj remontioM Euro te Ee Oroimed with Final Victory. MAKING WAR ON ALL SPIRITUAL IDEAS This U Pontiffs View of Acts ef French Government CHURCH PROPERTY IS NOT ABANDONED Vatican Is Unable Aeoept the Cultural Associations, aa They Can flirt with Basic Organ isation of Church. ROME, Jan. 11. The Osservatore Romano, official organ of the Vatican, today pub lished the text of an enyclical add reused by the papa to "Our Venerable Brothers, the Cardinal, Bishops and Clergy of the French People." In this document the pontiff said bis cl.lef object In addressing the faithful In Franca was to comfort, thorn In their auffer'ngs, which he felt deeply. There was, however, great consolation !n the fact that the Cttthi!lcs of France were united. The French government's declaration of war was not only against the Christian faith, but against all spiritual ideas. The French Catholics must be prepared for all sorts ot trials, but they are certain of final victory. Contrary to statements on the subject, the church did not desire a religious war. In volving Violent persecutions. Being a mis sionary of peace and carrying out Its mis sion loyally, the church did not willingly expose Itself to war 'and sutTering. Property Not Abandoned. Regarding the ecclesiastical properties, the encyllcal said the pope had not abandoned them. The French government had Im posed on French Catholics an organisation svfclch the church was absolutely unable to acVpt without imperiling its existence as a ravine institution. The church could not present the unjust spoliation In progress. As for the proposed cultural associations, thx y -are contrary to the ecclesiastical hier archy given to the church by the divine founder himself, and the pope condemned them in spite of the material injuries In volved at the hands of the government. Besides the law conferred on these associa tions attributes regarding both the exercise Cf worship and possession and administra tion of .church property which appertain alone to' ecclesiastical authority. Finally the associations are not only withdrawn from ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, but are placed under civil authority. Continuing, the pope said: "We have been accused of prejudice and Inconsistency. - It has been said- that ' we refused Ao approve in France what we had already Vpproved in Germany. But this re proach Is i'njust and unfounded, for while the' German law Is condemnable on many points and "was officially accepted m-ordef to avoid greater evils, the situations are very different. The German law explicitly recognised the Cathollo hierarchy, which rfhe French does not. Objection to Declarations. "As to the annual declaration required for public worship it did not offer the legal guaranty that the church had the right to expect. Nevertheless, to obviate worse evils, the church' might have toler ated making declarations, but laying down that the clergy shall be only occupants of the churches without any legal status and without the right to perform any admin istrative act in the exercise of their min istry, placed them in such a vague and humiliating position that 'the making ot declarations could not be accepted. ' "It remains to examine the law recently Voted by the chambers. From the point Of view of church property the law Is a law of spoliation and confiscation and has consummated the pillage of tho church. "Although Its divine founder was born poor In a stable and died poor on the cross, and although it knows poverty from the cradle, the property it was possessed of, nevertheless, belonged to It and no one had the right to take it away. This owner ship, indisputably Its, from every point of view, has been officially sanctioned by the state. "The statement that the government dis posed of the abandoned property of the ehurch is adding derision to spoliation. Hew Hearlme Arbitrary. "From the point ot view of the exercise of religion, the new law has organised anarchy. It Installs a regime of uncer tainty and arbitrariness. There is uncer tainty as to whether the churches, which are always liable to disaffection, shall or V4"snau not in me meanwnue do at tne ois- posal of the clergy ana fnltnrul. in each "i parish the priest will be In the power of the municipality, with the consequent possibility of conflicts In ail parts of the country. In addition, the clergy are under an obligation to meet the heaviest ex penses, while their sources of revenue are subjected to the strictest limitations. The new law aggravates the .law, separating church and state. We can only condemn it with precision and without ambiguity. Certain articles of the law throw new light on the realm of our enemies. They Wish to destroy the church and de-Chrls-tlsntse France without attracting too closely the attention of the people. If tbeir course was really popular, as they pretend it Is, they would pursue it openly and take all the responsibility. Instead of attempting to stem the rising tide of popu lar reprobation by throwing the responsi bility on the church. Its victim, but the object will not succeed. "Am for us, we have dons our duty ss any other Roman pontiff would hare done It. The high otflce with which, heaven in vested us. as well as our fatcfc in Christ, determined our line of conduct, and we could not have acted otherwise without betraying our conscience or breaking the oath we took when we mounted the throne of St. Peter. pontic Appeals to History. "Therefore we awslt fearlessly the ver dict of history, which must be that with our eyea nxed unceasingly on the tnvn aceiant rights of God. we did not Intend to humiliate the civil power nor combat a form of government, but only to safe guard the spiritual temple of Christ. "What ws demanded and still demand for the church of which Franca la the eld est daughter is respect tor 1U hierarchy, the Inviolability of Its property. If that had been granted the religious peace would not have been disturbed and the day our demand is heeded the longed for peace will be restored. .. .... a in .Hvinca of your generosity. y V wm do not hesltata to tell you that the 1 feeur (or the sacrifice has struck and to ttr . i . v. - ..!, in th. n&ma of the V. Ill ww. ... - tpiUuuaeV an, tteooud PageJ SUMMARY OF THE BEE Satnrday, January IS, 190T. IVIU7 JAnuAKY 1907 SUN MOM TBI WIS TNU B SAT r 6 13 12 3 4 7 8 9 10 II Y II 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 " f m WIATIIl FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA Snow and colder Saturday: Sunday fair and colder In east and south portions. FORECAST FOR IOWA Snow Saturday, possibly rain in southeast portion, collier in west and north portions; Sunday fair and colder in east and south portions. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: a- m 23 1 p. m 30 a. m 24 2 p. m 30 I a- m 24 g p. m J a. m 24 4 p. m 30 a, m 25 6 p. m 30 10 - m J7 6 p. m 30 11 a. m 2S 7 p. m .....30 U e, m ao 8 p. m...,. W p. m- 39 DOMXSTIO. Hair! man lines rushing new cars to the west to care for the coal traffic rage a One of men Indicted with Hargls for murder confesses and tells of being hired to assassinate Dr. Cox. Fags T Kansas republican caucus nominates Congressman Curtis for United States senator. Fags 8 Texas legislature badly divided pn sub ject of Investigating Senator Bailey's al leged connection with corporations, 'age Steamship Ponce, long overdue, towed Into Bermuda's harbor with bnoken shaft. rage 1 Commercial Agencies report business ir regular because of unseasonable weather. . rage 7 WAJfKXtfwTOsT. Delegation of Ute Indians arrives in Washington to see president regarding grievances o fthe tribe. rage 1 Senate passes McCumber bill granting pensions to all soldiers pf civil and Mex ican wars. rage 1 Senator Hopkins defends right of Reed Smoot to retain seat in senate. rage 1 CTBBKASKA. Fusion member finally Induced to father the resolution aimed to embarrass the candidacy of Norrls Brown Ur senator. rage X Northwestern road said to have com menced handing out passes to legislators and rumor has It the Burlington la to fol low suit Monday. rage 3 romxiOH Colonial minister of Germany defends the colonial policy of the empire before the Chamber of Commerce. rage The pope writes a letter 'to French Catholics explaining action of Vatican on separation act. rage X X.OOAX Expert demonstrates the value of news paper advertising. rage 8 How race for congress made a felon of a Minnesota man. rage 8 Two dead and a third dying Is the sui cide record of Omaha for one day. rage IX Judge Sutton decides to push the con tempt Case against Attorney Connell. rage XX Eggs are gradually going down in price and green things for the table becoming more plentiful. 'age 19 ooTfxrcxXi Bxvvrrn awd low. House caucus selects speaker and all employes In twenty minutes. rage 18 After hanging Are for a year, court finally fixes compensation of receivers of the Officer & Pusey bank. . rage 18 GRAFT CHARGEJN OKLAHOMA Convention Investigating Allegation that Money Haa Been Used in Fixing County Boundaries. GUTHRIE, Okl., Jan. 11. The constitu tional convention today adopted the pre amble and bill of rights for the new con stitution. The committee on state and public school lands will report favoring the sale of all the school lands of the state. Thi committee on rules and procedure, constituting a special court of inquiry to investigate charges of graft in the conven tion in the fixing of the boundaries of counties in the new state, held Its first ses sion today. Ten witnesses were examined, but nothing definite was brought out. Mo man Prultt charges that 110,000 was paid In Moman county. LIQUOR BILL KNOCKED OUT Committee Refuses to Consider Meas ure to Give States Con trol of Traffic. WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. The house com mittee on judiciary decided today by a vote of to T not to consider the Hepburn Dolllver bill making liquor carried In inter state commerce subject to the laws of any state It enters. , The members who voted against consid ering the bill were: Representatives Park (N. J.). Alexander (N. T.), Nevin (O.), Sterling (III.), Blrdsall (la.), Foster (Vt), Bannon (O ), Brentley (Ga.), Jenkins (Wis). Those who supported the bill were: Rep resentatives Llttleflnld (Me), Peare (Md.), Tlrrell (Mass.), De Armond (Mo.), Smith (Ky.). Clayton (Ala.), Henry (Tex ). MORE DEATHSARE EXPECTED Victims of Pittsburg- Fnrnaee Dis aster Pass Bad Klsht Others Recovered. PITTSBURG, Jan. 11. The victims of the Eliza furnace disaster were reported to have passed an unfavorable night and two more deaths are expected during the day. Assistant Fire Chief Peter Snyder, who fell into the molten lead. Is In a serious condition. The search for additional bodies Is still In progress, but none has been found since last evening. ALLEGED INCENDIARIES TAKEN Two Men from Black Hills Accused f Burning Man In Pnr. CHICAGO, Jan. 11. William Purtell and Lawrence ScanUn were arrested here to day on statements by ths police of Rapid City, 8. D., that they are wanted there for setting fire to a box car and burning two men to death. French Submarine Sinks. CHERBOURG, Jan. 11. The submarine boat Algerian sank at its moorings here during ths night. There was no ons in board the vessel when It went down. Divers found the boat lying on its star board aide at the bottom of Ui hjwbar. SEN A1F;SES PENSION BILL Twf 'sfenth to All Soldiers. f . and Mexioan Wan.' SPEAKS ON THE SMOOT CASE nols Man Takes Position that Con atltntloa Limits Right of Senate to Pass on Qualification f Members. WASHINGTON Jan. 11-After two hours' debate the senate today passed Senator McCumber"s service pension bill after amending It at Senator. Carmack's in stance so as to make it apply to survivors of the Mexican war as well as of the civil war and so as to prohibit pension attorneys from receiving fees for securing pensions under the bill. The words In the bill "war of the rebellion" were changed to "civil war" after some discussion as to what the war of 'Kl to 'M really was. Motnrs. Money, Bucon and Patterson con tended that it was a "war between the states," while Mr. Teller said It was either a civil war or a rebellion, and ho saw no opprobrium in the word, "rebel." The bill grants a pension of $12 a. month to survivors of the civt" and Mexican wars who have reached the age of 62; fl5 to thoee who are 70 ycaru of age and 20 to those who are 75 or over. Senator McCumber estimates that if She bill becomes a law It will Increase the pen sion expenditures about 26,000,000 annually. Hopkins Defends Smoot. The first speech In defense of the right of Reed Smoot to a seat In the senate was delivered today by Senator Hopkins of Illi nois. Mr. Hopkins took the position that sen ators were not federal officers to the ex tent that the senate could pass upon their qualifications and eligibility or could Im peach them for high crimes or misdemean ors. If a senator must be punished It must be done by the state or federal courts. Only federal officers, he maintained, were Impeachable, and this Impeachment must be for acta committed as such federal officers. The precedent cited was the unsuccessful effort to Impeach Senator Blount of Ten nessee, charged with treasonable corre spondence with a foreign nation, more than 100 years ago. The conclusion then, Mr. Hopkins said, had never been reversed and that was that the senate hod no right to try the case as Senator Blount was not an officer of the United States. Qualifications of Senators. Mr. Hopkins said it was unnecessary for him to multiply evidence to demonstrate his point that Individual steps have no power to add any qualification to a senator other than those prescribed by the federal constitution. Referring directly to Mr. Smoot, he continued: "It is conceded by the chairman of the committee ou priv ileges and elections that Senator Smoot possesses all of the qualifications spoken of In the constitution itself. It Is also con cedod, not only by the able chairman of this committee, but I think by all who are at all familiar with the case, that Senator Smoot is not a polygamlat, that he has never married a plural wife and has never practiced polygamy, that he Is a man In Ms personal relations as son, as husband, as father and citizen above re proach; that in all the relations of citi zenship he has lived a singularly pure and upright life. ."Why then," he asked, "should he be ex pelled from this body, disgraced land dis honored for life, a stigma placed upon his children, his own life wrecked and the hap piness of his 'wife destroyed? He is a Christian gentleman and his religious be lief has taken him Into the church of Jesus Christ ot Latter Day Saints, com monly called the Mormon church." Mr. Hopkins said he felt sure thoee rep resenting the Protestants would not con tend that there was an apostolic oath which had been taken by Mr. Smoot which would prevent him from discharging his duties as senator. Mr. Hopkins sympathised, he said, with the denunciation of polygamy made by Mr. Burrows In a recent speech. It was, he believed, a relic of a barbarous age and a destroyer of the Ideal American homi and he had no sympathy with the prac tice. Proposition Without Precedent. "Never before in the history of the gov ernment," he declared with great emphasis, " has the previous life or career of a sen ator been called in question to determine whether he should remain In the senate or not." "it members of any Christian church were to be charged with all of the crimes that have been committed in its name, where is the Christian gentleman in this body who would be safe In his seat?" An extended history of the Mormon church was given by Mr. Hopkins, who con cluded that the testimony taken before the senate committee demonstrated that It was undergoing radical change for the better and that Senator Bmoot represented the higher and better Mormonlsm. He denied that the, Protestants had made good in any of the charges against Mr. Smoot After reviewing the charges and the argument to sustain them at length, Mr. Hopkins concluded with the declara tion that he would be false to his oath as a senator if he voted to expel Mr. Smoot from the senate. Smoot Hot a Polyaamlst. Mr. Beveridge supplemented Mr. Hopkln's speech by ths statement that the country should be Informed Mr. Smoot was not nor ever had been a polygamlst. Senator Ful ton asked Mr. Hopkins whether the Mor mon church had recognized the twenty polygamous marriages, which the evidence shows had taken place since the manifesto of 1S90. , Mr, Hopkins said the church had not recognized these marriages, that under Hhe laws of the Mormon church today such marriages were not ptrmltted and that the parties contracting them knew thry were violating the civil law and the church law and for that reason all of these marriages had been consummated In Canada. Mr. Dubois asked If Mr. Smoot had done anything to bring these persons to Justice. Mr. Hopkins held that there was no more obligation on Mr. 8 moot In this respect than on any one else. He maintained that Mr. Smoot had in his position In the church done more to stamp out polygamy than any 1,000 other men "and yet you propose to punish him for this by expelling him from the senate." Question by Dubois, j Mr. Dubois wanted to know when and where Mr, Smoot had ever publicly placed himself on record as condemning polygamy. Mr. Hopkins replied that Senator 'Smoot had twenty or forty times stated hlfi posi tion before the committee and that h's whole life and every fibre of his being was a protest against polygamy. It was not necessary, he maintained, for Mr. Smoot to shake his flJtt In the face of any man and announce his position, nor was it necessary for him to arise in ths tabernacle and de- (Coultuued on sWcottd ?- ONE - MILLION - DOLLAR FIRE Tobacco Warehouse and Factory la Pennsylvania Burn When Electric Wires Cross. LANCASTER. Pa., Jan. ll.-A Are which started In the tobacco warehouse of S. R. Moss & Co. here today, spread to adjoining property and caused a loss estimated at 11,000,000. A delay In turning In the alarm gave the fire a good start, and when the firemen arrived It was beyond control. The structure was a four-story brick and was well filled with tobacco. The flames com municated to Moss' cigar factory adjoining, a five-story brick building, which was also destroyed. When the south wall of the cigar factory collapsed the only truck of the fire department was burled In the de bris and a number of firemen had narrow escapes from death or Injury. Tha loss on the warehouse Is placed at $300,000 and on the cigar factory at $500,000. The ware house of the American Cigar company to the north caught fire, but was not greatly damaged. It Is feared, however, that the company's loss on the contents will be very heavy from water and smoke. To the east, of the cigar factory five dwellings were ruined. On the opposite side of the street are several large tobacco ware houses and in their rear the Immense freight sheds of the Pennsylvania railroad. The wind swept the flames against these warehouses and, as the fire apparently was beyond the control of the local flre ment, appeals were made to Harrisburg and Columbia for help, the request later being countermanded. The Are department turned almost Its entire attention to the warehouses of Morris Levy, Kramer & Goldberg and John Brimmer, which were being licked by the flames. None of them caught fire, but their contents wore dam aged by the water and smoke. The fire Is ascribed to the falling of an electric arc light, which pulled down a weak electric light wire pole. This In turn caused a crossing of wires. The Pennsylvania railroad officials sent men to the roof of their freight station to play a plug stream on the roof. Among these were two men named Beam and Myers, who fell through a skylight and were badly injured. Beam afterward died. EXPORTS T0CHINA DECLINE Condition of Mnrket Rather Than Boycott Held Responsible for the Decrease. WASHINGTON, Jan. U.-Tlint American Importations of cotton goods Into China sufTered a heavy falling off during the year just closed Is the assertion made In a statement Issued today by the bureau of statistics of the Department of Com merce and Labor. The reduction, how ever. Is general and not aimed exclusively St this country. The reason for this marked decline In China's Importations of cotton products Is due. It Is explained, to the fact that the Flowery Kingdom bought more- of these goods than It could consume one year ago. It Is shown that China purchased about 114.000,000 worth less of cotton goods for the eleven months ending with November last than during a corre sponding period In 1905,' American im portations In China for the eleven months of 1905 aggregated 131.000,030, and in the strme" "period during the last year they amounted to only $17,000,000. The four principal classes of cotton goods which China has been accustomed to draw from the United States In any con siderable quantities are cotton sheetings; shirtings, drills and Jeans. For the hret nine months of the last year American exportatlons of sheetings Into China were 4,750,744 pieces; of drills, 1,680,235 pieces; of Jeans, 212,380 pieces, and of shirtings, 239,145 pieces, making a total of 6,882,384 pieces, as compared with 9,352,087 pieces In J905, show ing a reduction of 26 per 'cent. Kerosene oil, the Becond article in im portance of the American export trade to China, also shows a marked decline. Dur ing the eleven months in 1905 our export trade in that product amounted to 71,700.000 gallons, while in a like period In the last year the exports to China had fallen to only about 44,000,000. GERMAN COMPANIES MUST PAY Hambura- Conrt Rules Against Earth quake Clause in San Francisco Fire Policies. HAMBURG, Jan. 11. The North German Fire Insurance company according ' to a decision by the local court must pay tha losses, which it Incurred as a result of the San Francisco earthquake last year. The court held that the earthquake clause In the policy was too ambiguous to justify ! the company seeking to escape liability. I The court also ordered the Trans-Atlantic Fire Insurance company to reimburse two 1 English companies which had reinsured San Francisco risks with It for losses already I adjusted. Tho court refused to sustain the Trans-Atlantla company's contention that the English companies exceeded the limit of generosity in settling the losses so rapidly. The case against the North German Fire Insurance company was won by San Fran cisco lawyers, including Mr. Sutro, who came to Germany in the autumn for the purpose of presenting tha claim. FIRST ELECTIONJN OKLAHOMA New Constitution nnd State Officers to Be Voted ok Tuesday! Sep tember 8. GUTHRIE, Okl., Jan. 11. The constitu tional convention today passed an ordi nance, setting the date of the election for the ratification or rejection of the consti tution and the election of an entire corps of state officers aa Tuesday, September S, next. The section of the bill of rights provid ing for non-imprisonment for debt, was passed, as also was an amendment to the I plank relating to damages to lands by railroads, which makes that section read: "Private property shall not be 'aken or damaged for public use without just com pensation, irrespective of any benefit from any Improvement propoeed." WANTS TO BE LET ALONE President Ripley of Santa Fs Says Railroads Will Solve Car Shortage. TOPEKA, Kan.. Jan. It F. P. Ripley, president of the Santa Fe Railway com pany. In a statement Issued today regard ing the shortage situation, said: - "The best remedy I can suggest is to let the railroads alone. If they are not hampered by restrictive legislation and if they can maintain their credit su aa to obtain the necessary funds, they will soon get their heads above water and be able to take care of their business." President Ripley declared that the rail roads have done their utmost to provide adequate facilities and U they have failed It is nut' their fault UTES VISIT THE CAPITAL Delegation Came to Lay Grievances of Tribe Before the President ARE TO ASK fOR A NEW RESERVATION Arthur F. Statter, Former lorra pewspaper Man, to Become Aaslstnnt Secretary of the Treasury, (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. Jan. ll.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Six of the recalcitrant Utes who left their reservation In Utah one day last summer to go on a big hunt through the mountains into Wyoming and who were finally rounded up by the military and taken to Fort Meade, as quasi prisoners of war, arrived in Washington- tonight to hold a conference with the Great White Father. These Indians are: Appa, one of the ruling chiefs; Mahshuskl, Miassa, Pagadon, Spears and Jim. They are ac companied by Charley Sarrlel as Inter preter. These Indians, who are now un der the Jurisdiction of the War depart ment, have also requested the Indian office to bring from the Colorado school a Ute boy by the name of Robert Ouray to act as Interpreter when they present their grievances to President Roosevelt. Com missioner Leupp, who Is acting In an In termediary capacity by reason of the pe culiar position which these Indians occupy toward the government, has arranged for a conference with the president on Mon day morning. It is expected much of the same ground covered by these Indians when brought here about two years ago, when they came on to ascertain If their reser vation in Utah was to be taken away from them and opened to white settlement, will be covered again. They will also probably ask If they must leave the Uintah reserva tion that they be given a reservation In some great forest reserve far away from the white man, where they can hunt and flsh and pursue their native habits free frorn contamination of the avaricious white man. Avery Office to Be Reopened. Congressman Kennedy today, after re peated efTorts to see the first assistant postmaster general relating to the re-establishment o the Avery postoffice, was finally able to meet Mr. Hitchcock, who has prom ised to appoint Julius J. Smith postmaster at that place and re-establleh the office Im mediately. lows Man to Step I'p. Arthur F. Statter, now private secretary to Secretary Shaw, it Is understood, will be named as assistant recretarr of the tre. aur to succeed Assistant Secretary Keep, who will retire on the 20th of this month. Mr. Statter will probably hold the position but a few weeks, as Mr. Cortelyou cornea in as secretary on the 4th of March, at which time the understanding is Frank H. Hitch cock, first assistant postmaster general, will become assistant secretary of the treas ury. Mr. Statter has been private secretary to Shaw for seven or eight months, having succeeded John H. Edwards, who became assistant secretary in place of "Hod" Tu'y lor of Madison, Wis. Mr. Statter came to Washington as private secretary to Senator Ankeny of Washington state, but before he went to the Pacific coast he was connected with the Sioux City Journal and repre sented The Bee there as its correspondent. Mr. Statter has made a splendid record In the position of secretary to one of Iowa's best known citizens, and while he will hold the position but a short time there will be the satisfaction at least of having been an assistant secretary of the treasury. Pensions for Dfehraakuns. Among the pension bills passed by the house today were the following: By Mr. Pollard, John Clark, Sterling, $24:; James M. Em an, Syracuse, $30. By Mr. Hinshaw, R. J. Bullock, York: George M. Fowler, Hebron. By Mr. Kennedy, Thomas H. Leslie, Omaha, $36; Jesse 8. Miller, Omaha, $24; Nicholas A. Bovee, Herman, $24. Move to Hear Tax Cases. At the request of Attorney General Thompson, Congressman Hlrfshaw today called on the clerk of the supreme court and submitted a stipulation fortthe hrarlng In the railroad tax cases on January 21, this being the date originally agreed upon for the hearing of the cases between the attorney general and counsel for the rail road companies. The clerk of the court stated to Mr. Hinshaw that Maxwell Everts, who la one of the counsel for the Union Pacific, did not want to go on at that time, and probably a later date will have to be agreed upon. The stipulation on file, however. Axes January 21 as the time at which the cases shall be heard If agreeable to the court. Minor Matters at Capital. Judge Norrls of the Fifth Nebraska dis trict was the chief speaker at the annual banquet of B. B. French Masonlo lodge last night. Congressman Norrls' subject was "The Moral and Practical Benefit of Fraternal Environment." The other speaker of the evening was Charles H. Treat, treas urer of the United States. J. C. Robinson of Waterloo, a well known seedsman of Nebraska, was the guest of Congressman Kennedy at luncheon today In the house restaurant, after witnessing the lightning-like rapidity In which the house passes private pension bills. Congressman Pollard today presented to the president Frank Cook, formerly of Lin coln and now engaged in business in De troit. Representative Kennedy was today noti fied of the following pension Increases for Omaha citizens: George R. Rathbun, $12; John H. Dunn, $10; Edwin M. Robinson, $10. It is understood the name of George W. Shreck will be sent to the senate by the president for postmaster at York to succeed Tim Sedgwick. ' A numerously signed petition from citi zens of Platte county, Nebraska, was re ceived by Senator Millard today protesting against any Increase in the head tax upon Immigrants and also to the clauses con cerning "low vitality" and "physical weak ness" of Incoming immigrants as a reason for their exclusion. The petitioners are also opposed to the educational test pro vided for In the so-called Dillingham Gardner bill. The final paragraph of the petition reads as follows: "We, each and all, pledge ourselves to vote for such candi dates for congress only who will lend us their assistance in defeating the vicious attempts of the combined forces c f na tlvlsts to restrict immigration." A postoffloe has been established at Ring gold, McPherson county, Nebraska, with Louis Steinbeck as postmaster. Fatal Explosion at Strassburar. STRASS3URG, Jan. U-Twenty per sons periBhed today In a fire which de stroyed the book bindery of Hudert & Co., an English firm, at GelBpolshelm, near this city. A vat of 'tolling celluloid exploded and the flaming liquid caused such In stantaneous ignition of everything with which it came in contact that the exits were cut off In a very short time. Boms of those who escaped from the burning rooms were dreadfully svalded. STEAMSHIP PONCE IS SAFE Vessel Loss Overdue Towed lata Bermuda Harbor with Broken Shaft. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. The steamship Ponce, disabled but safe, Is riding at amho. In St, George's bay. the Bermudas, tonight and Its crew of fifty-two persona and the seven passengers aboard are reported all well. This sssurance was received direct from Captain W. A. Harvey by the owners, the New York and Porto Rico Ptoamslilp company this evening. Today's cable re ported that the long-overdue steamer had reached the fortified harboi1 In tow of the German stenmrr Elizabeth Rlckmers. General Manager Mooney stated tonight that a representative of the company would sail on the Bermudlan for Bermuda to morrow to furnish bonds for the indemnity of the Elisabeth Rlckmers and afterwards arrange for a tow to bring the Ponce to New York. HAMILTON. Bermuda. Jan. 11. At 4 o'clock In the nfternoon on December 30 the tall end of the paddle shsft of the Ponce broke and It drifted at the mercy of the wind and current until the night of January 7, when it was sighted by tho German steamer Elizabeth Rlckmers, from Phila delphia for Japan. The Rlckmers reached the Ponce at 7 p. m., but as the night was dark and the weather stormy. Captain Wal sen decided to stand by the Ponce until daylight. At 9 o'clock In the morning of January 8 the Rlckmers got two hawsers on board the Ponco and soon afterwards begun towing it toward Bermuda. The tow proved a heavy strain. During the night of the 9th both of the hawsers parted In a heavy gale. The Rlckmers hove to the rest of the night. The morning of the 10th the German steamer sent two tow lines. Both vessels anchored off Bermuda at 11 o'clock this morning. Barring discomfort and anxiety, the pas nengers sufTered no Inconvenience, the food supplies being ample. HARAHAN REPLIES TO DENEEN President of Illinois Central Says Road Owes the State Nothing. CHICAGO, Jan. 11 J. T. Harahan, presi dent of the Illinois Central, Issued a state ment this afternoon replying to the special mossage sent by Governor Deneen to the Illinois legislature asking for an appropri ation of $KO,000 to cover the expense of litigation In an effort to secure the pay ment of back taxes to the state by the Illinois Central railroad. Mr. Harahan declares his road never has sought to conceal figures regarding Its revenue and that the state has at all times received the 7 per cent provided by law. This amount, he says. Is higher than In other states, but the road has not objected to paying It. Governor Dcnecn's Illustrations are char acterized by Mr. Harahan as extreme In stances. The Cairo bridge, upon which the governor says the toll charges should be eliminated. Is In Kentucky, operating under a franchise from that state, says the rail road official. The governor's demand that the minimum recognised tn dealing with other companies should not apply to di visions between, the Illinois Central mam and branch Knee, which would, decls'i'va Mr. Hamhan, starve the branch lines out of existence. ONE BATTLESHIP ORDERED Dreadnauarht Type, Tho light to Be Authorised Last Year, to Be Built. WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 Chairman Foes of the house committee on naval affairs, expects to have the naval appropriation bill ready to report to the house on Feb ruary 1. Secretary Metcalf will appear before the committee some time next week and his statement will complete the hear, lngs. It Is practically assured that the bill will not carry an appropriation for an addi tional battleship, but It will reauthorize the building of the proposed Dreadnaught, which Is to equal any vessel afloat. There is some doubt as to whether that ship was properly authorized at the last session. In the opinion of many members of the house the bill was so Juggled between the two bodies of congress that merely the i drawing of plans was provided for. HUNT FOR SLAYER OF RECLUSE Coroner's Verdict Throws No Light on Murder of Wealthy Kansas City Men. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 11. Thomas W. Fan ning, the aged and wealthy recluse who was found murdered In his home at 1818 Olive street, this city, was the victim of a violent death, caused by an unknown per son, according to the verdict of the coro ner's Jury, which reported its findings to day. Every known person who could possibly have any knowledge of the case, including William Tamgan, the nephew who found the old man's body, was given a searching cross-examination on the wit ness stand, but after a three days hearing the Jury was unable to charge any one with the crime. Prosecuting attorney Klmbrell has a strong suspicion as to the Identity of the murderer, and ho announced tonight that an arrest probably will be made soon. BRYAN'S TRAIN IN WRECK Kebraskan and Wife Thrown from Seats by Collision on Mon tana Railroad. GREAT FALLS. Mont.. Jan. 11. The Mon tana Central's westbound train, on which Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bryan were pas sengers, collided with a switch engine and a string of cars in the Great Falls yards tc I day. The engine of the passenger train wrecked and several persons were shaken up badly. Mike Connolley of Glasgow was injured severely about the head and shoul ders, but not fatally, while several others ' were bruised considerably. The passenger ' ti-ln wai mnvlnv lit nnlv shout tn m llu. an hour in a blinding blizzard, and the engineer could see only a few feet ahead. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan were both thrown from their seats, but received no injuries other than ths shaking up. OKLAHOMA DISLIKES RESERVE Congress nnd President Asked te Set Aside Act of Secretary Hitchcock. i GUTHRIE. Okl., Jan. 11. The constitu tional convention today passed a memorial to eongress and President Roosevelt ask ing them to set aside the ruling of Secre tary Hitchcock In segrrgatlng the 4.000.000 aore forest reserve la the Chuck taw uatluo. Corporate lntertiti Finally Induoe Fusion iits to Stirt the Onslaught VAN HOUSEN ASKS fOR AN INVESTIGATION eMmmmmmmn R-oitei the Snmors Bertram? Grain ana tats Journal Oatet. PAPER HAS BEEN ROUNDS OF MEMBERS Well Worn and Thimb-Marked Eefore it Wai Able to Find a Father. GOOD FAITH OF THE SPONSOR QUESTIONED Vote on Senator to Come Tuesday and No Chnnce for a Report by that Time Only Object to Em. barraas His Candidacy. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. U. (Special.) After try ing tn vnln to get a republican to Introduce the long-prepared resolution to Investigate the record as attorney general of Norrls Brown, republican nominee for United States senator, the corporate interests which have So unsuccessfully fought him for months, prevailed upon a democratic: member of the house to stand sponsor for It. The name of Van Housen of Colfax county is attached to It as the author, though the document has all the appearance of having been the rounds of both houses, being badly worn from numerous contacts with tho fingers of, many members ap proached In Its behalf. The resolution, which under the tules went over for one day, sets out that the press lias accused Norrls Brown with having made a deal with the State Journal by which he aa attorney general did not do his duty by the state In the suit Instituted against the Journal by the state for $85,000, and that to secure the support of the head of tho Grain trust in his candidacy for United States senator he did not prosecute this man crim inally; that It had been reported that Ross Hammond Is a stockholder In the grain combine and withdrew from the senatorial race and supported Brown for the same reason. The resolution requests the speaker to name a committee of seven of whom four are to be republicans and three fualonists to have power to summon witnesses, in vestigate and to report a finding back t the house. Rumors of the existence of such a resolution have been going the rounds for several days and It was known efforts were being made to get a republican to father It. Text of Resolution. The resolution Is as follows: Whereas, Governor J. H. Mickey In hta memmge. to the Joint session of tne legis lature felt called on In the Intereat of the state to call attention to the $85,000 loss to the state by the Journal Printing com fmny; and as the puiillc press of the state ms commented on and called attention to t- manner In which the suit for collection oi this sum of money was conducted by the attorney general, and it has been re peatedly stated by the press of this state that the Hon. Norrls Brown in the fur therlni of his candidacy for United States senato entered into a conspiracy with de fendants In court whom he has sworn to prosecute, whereby ho exchanged unlawful clemency, and failed and refused to prose cute criminally In return for their sup port of his candidacy; And It has been specifically charged that on the 2d day of February, 1906, Attorney General Brown clandestinely and secretly mot In conference at Fremont, Neb., the president and head of the Grain trust In Nebraska and at the same meeting was also present the general manager of the North western railroad, and there and then mu tually agreed that Attorney General Norrls Brown was to havs the support of the Grain trust and presumably the support of. the said railroad company for United States senator on condition that no criminal pros ecution be brought against a member of said grain company. And there and then Ross Hammond, who was also a candidate for United States senator, who was reputed to be a stockholder in the elevator combine trust withdrew his candidacy and announced his support of Mr. IHrown. It has been also specifically charged that Attorney General Brown appointed one J. B. Strode as the assistant attorney gen eral, when said Strode was a member of the firm of Strode & Strode, who are at torneys of record, and hired to defend cer tain defendants in the Lumber trust suit. And thBt Attorney General Brown pur piwcly or negligently In drawing the pe tition In the case of the State Journal company, and by Improper prosecutions, al lowed the State Journal company to escape from the payment of $85,000 which it owed the state of Nebraska aa a result of the unlawful conversion and sale of supreme court reports In consideration of the sup port of the fetute Journal of his candidacy for United States senator. And, Whereas, In harmony with the general stand of public opinion, led by President Roosevelt, toward the complete suppres sion of graft, ths purification of politics and the redemption of the government from corrupt Influences, no senatorial candidate' should rest under these charges, and no guilty man should be elected to this or any other office. If Innocent, Mr. Brown can In no way be damaged by Investiga tion, for he may then enter the senate supported and backed by the mighty force of unchallenged Integrity. While, if guilty, he la undeserving of such position, and his election would not only place an obstacle In the way of reform, but would be a re flection on the Integrity of the citizens of this state. Therefore, I move that a committee of seven, consisting of four republicans and three fuslonlsts, be appointed by the speaker to forthwith make full, fair and free Investigation of these matters charged In this resolution and that said committee be empowered to Issue subpoenas, summon witnesses, administer oaths and take tes timony, which testimony shall be pre served of record, returned to the house attached to the report of the committee and exercise such other powers as shall afford it full, free and ample authority lis the premises. W. B. Rose, chairman of the republican state committee, Issued the following state ment regarding the resolution: Statement by Rose. The lying Insinuations in the resolu tions to investigate some of the suits prosecuted by Norrls Brown on behalf of the state cams from the railroads, and are presented to tiie legislature for ths sole purpose of creating a bogus excuse to Induce some of tke members to be tray their trust to the people and to do the will of the railroads. They will neither deceive the people nor screen a legislator. The false and malicious charges that Norrls Brown, for the support of th Journal company and the Northwestern railroad, neglected ths cases against ths Grain trust and the Journal company were peddled over the state by both Clancy of the Union Pax-lflc and by Milt Irwin of the Burlington long before the state con vention and during the entire campaign Other political hirelings of these corpora tions, including a few newspapers, circu lated these falsehoods In every part of the state for the purpose of debauching the voters and preventing a republican victory which would result In railroad regulation. LooklasT for Introdacer. As soon as the legislature convened lobbyists and political ugents of these railroads, by every device known to men of that character, sought to find a sea ator who would Introduce the resolution. One finally consented to examine It, but rejected It as unclean. The house, was likewise canvassed for a republican member who would father It, but r one could be found who would bear such odium, liemocratio senators were then tried and indignantly refused to have anything to do with an Investigation based on fulse charges trumpml up by the rail roads. Democratic members of the house thus became ths last hope of the lobhy- lsi hunt lor a member to lulnyouce r , .1