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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
J THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1006. 8 Want - ads A4,rrtlirmriiii fop the want! column will be taken nntll 1 n. tor the Ftrnlm edition and until 9 P. tu tor the morning: and Sunday edition. CASH RATES FOB WAST ADS. One Insertion, 1 1-2 rmti per wrd two or more consecotlTe Ineertlon. 1 cent per word earn Insertion! more than one Inirrtlna, If not ran eon aerutlvely will be eharaert for at the rale nf 1 1-2 rents per word. I.ftn per line for orfe month. No ad taken for les than SM rents. CAn HATES FOR NOTICES. Tieath and Funeral Notice. Card of Thank and Lodge Notice. T rent per line for one edition. mornlnar or erenlnvt 3 pent a line for earn addi tional edition. Sunday. 1 rent a line. Ho ad taken for Ie than BO cent. ' BRANCH OFFICES. Want ad for TP Bee mar be left at any of the following drag store one I "yoar corner drngglsf they are all branch office of The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and at the same rates as at the main office In The Bee building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. peranek, 8. A., 1402 8. Kth St. pecht Pharmacy, 71:0 B. 161b St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Caughlln. C. R., lith and Herce 8ts. Clifton Hill Phannncy. 1213 Military Ave. Con to. J. H., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssry t'harmacy, 21th and Lake. Corinak, Krnll, 12 B. 13th St. Eastman I'harmucy, 4C46 Hamilton. Khler, P. if., i.H02 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold, 213 N 2fth St. Freyiai?, John J., Ili4 N. 24th 8t Flounce lrug Co., Florence. Neb. tioldman Pharmacy, 1SCS Luke St. Green s Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Tad no. (ireenough. O. A., 1025 S. 10th St. frrcciinugh, 'J. A., loth and Hickory. Havden. W'ni. C., L3o Farnam Ht. Jlanscom Park Phar., 15ul 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 024 N. Mth St. J luff, A. I.., I'rl Leavenworth St. King's Pharmacy, 22.S Farnam 8t. Kouiitze Place Pharmacy, ;ui"4 N. 24th. Patrick Drug- Co., lMtt N. 141 ri St. J.uthrop. Chas. K., 1324 N. 21th St. Peyton. I.. K.. 24th and Leavenworth. Rh Druir Co.. LMth and Ame Ave. Schnefer's Cut 1'rice Drug store, 16th and Chicago. B( haefer. August, SKll N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. II., 24th and Cumin Sts. Storm Pharmacy, lilth and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Phar., 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. Wliih. O. II., 40th and Hamilton Sts. MA it it i A); K i.ict:sE9. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Nm mo and Residence. Fania Niish, Omaha Hitlmu Bhaheen, Omaha Rasmus RasmuHsen. Manilla, la..., Katherino J. Stoker, Manilla, la.. Age .... 23 .... 21 .... 23 Jxiran A. Clark. South Omaha 24 Myrtle C. Cockran, Council Bluffs, la. Welghtman E Stalnaker, Omaha Fannie E. Oodell, Omaha Francis M. Ithoiides, Andren Co., Mo.. Cora L. lloylo, Beatrice, Neb Cotesworth M. Jackson, Lincoln 26 nu Virginia Ames, Ashland IS Bamuel Mcllann, South Omaha 26 bura K.' Moore, South Omaha 20 DliATII AM FIAERAL NOTICES. M'LARNAN D. K.. age 49 years. Funeral Friday at i. m., irom family residence Hill ievenwnnii street, to at I'hllomena's church. Ninth and Harney streets. Omit Mowers. interment Holy Bepuicher cemetery. BIKTII ' AXn DEATHS. The following births and deaths were re ported to the Poard of Health during the twenty-four hours ending Thursday noon U!rth-Pnul Miller, 979 North Twenty seventh, girl; George Pctner, I!i3 Farnam boy; John A. Craig, 40i Poppleton avenue, girl; Thomas Head. 2.S24 Lilulldo. girl: II Ham Anderson. 2411 North Twenty-second girl. John Fuller, 2028 South Twenty-sixth, boy; boy; boy; John Pollto, ilia houth Fourteenth, J'.seph Thleler, 1K2 South Fourteenth, Charles Terwlliger, ?811 North Twenty-ninth, girl. Dc-.ths- Julius George Rullard, 123 Wait'ia. 37; Frieda Trenka, t'S"1?? Martha. V Vlolu Cu'iimlngs, 612 South Thirteenth, B I. E. Mcl.annan, ltill Leavenworth. 4d EUcibetli Jane 1'ennwk, 4sa Oixs, ib; M Jielen Ix'avltt, South Omaha, Charle t. KotiliiMon. nenver, Vi. MISCELLANEOUS Tra MID-AVINTEJI TERM of BOYLES COLLEGE Dpens Wednesuuy, January 2. The new catalogue Is ready. Address H. B. Hoy leu. President, Omaha. It ftW OAS & ELECT1U0 FIXTURES WIIOLESAU-: AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRAN DEN CO., 113 a. 16th St. Tel. Douglas UNI, it m OMAHA Bar and Iron Work make a soe clalty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and ales. U. Anuieeu, Prop., Ivi b. luib Si. E1GN PAINTING B. U. Cole. 13ul Dougla Htyii IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1919 Farnarr. It 044 DAVIS PROS . machinists; general rapal Inc. Ivjo Jackaun bl. Tel. Douglas :aw. H'-uos Jl Al'CTlONEER If you want your stock goods sold or reduced write me at Glen wood. la. Capt. . P. Fowler. H-MTtW J3 WANTED SITUATION ' YOUNG man wants place to work for board and room while going to schojL Uoyle s College. Tel. Doug. 1984. Al!ft EXPERIENCED .Jj W, Pes. stenographer. Address A-MS21 Jlx WELL educated young man familiar with correspondence and general office work desires position. Best reierence. Ad dress F 41 Bee. A MS50 29x YOUNG man wants place In private family to work for board and room while going to schuoL Boylea College, A v4 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Men with team and rig to sell a Hue of high-grade family remedies, spices and extracts to aonsumers; must be honest, sober and Industrious. Th Gladstone Medicine Co., Hawarden, la L M4 SALESMAN WANTED for our High grade nursery stock. Stock guaranteed. Writs tis and see what we cun do for you. Osborn's Nurseries. Bloomrield. Ind., Qreen Co L M7? J5 PRINTING I YNCVSTAG Illh grade 1907 Calendars. .V.,V. B- K- corner ltu at. and & JORVE, .apltol Ave. -7V7 CENTRAL PRINTING CO. Fine Job work; typewritten letters. 110 8. 17th St., 1 blocks nui th Bee Bldg. 443 Jit WA'ltrtS PRINTING CO.. 1307 Howard St MTil Feu.', POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; w lesd the world la cheap bar natures; easy paynmnla. biuuawwk-tialae-Cwllaadar, VI fi. loth at. WANTED MALE HELP WINTER TKRM of the Omaha Commercial College, 19th anil Farnam, opens nrai dav. .Inn. 2. 19o7. New classes In Busi ness. Shorthand. Typewriting. Telegraphy. I.ngllsh. Civil Service ana r-enmsnsoip. Rest time to brKln. Over &X) will be en- rolled. Bend for free catalogue giving full particulars. KOIIHBDLUIl HKUS, Omaha, Neb. B M552 81 Three, bookkeepers and stenographers, 14."., $..5 and JV Assistant bookkeeper, .. I', and L. clerk, $'. Extension rlerk, $w). Assistant bookkeeper and shipping; clerk. Experienced yard clerk, railroad, Exchange clerk, bHtik, 176. The above positions, together wun nu- enma others, are open lor linineaiaie moderation. If you have any ability (is salesman, office lerk, bookkeeper or any other technical professional line, now Is the lime to it In on the market, and do not rail to ' us alsiut It. WESTUHN RKF, & BOND ASS N, INC., MO-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. 11853 27 R. NAVY enlists vouna- men and me chanics of good physique and character, citizens of l 8., 17 to 36 years. Special pay and training for n"n"''ei m"i B,m advancement when qualified. Greatly in creased pay for men who re-enlist. It- tlrenunt after 80 years' service far en listed men. with Sinn. 70 to Jl,i-.2.17 i'-'i pay) per annum. Prlvdeee or discharge by purchase. Navy Recruiting Stations, P. O. Illdss., Omaha, Lincoln, Hasting! and Sioux City. R M28 J24 WANTED For the U. 8. Marine Corps, men between ages 2! and 3o; an nppnr tunlty to see the world. For full Informa. lion nnnlv in nerson or bv letter to lie fruiting Officer, Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts. Uan.'i i'.si WANTED--Five boys; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., XU o. win si. B 4jg MEN and boys, numbing or bricklaying trade pays to lo 14 per oay. We teacn you by practical Instructions In thres monthe; position gu-iranteed; free cata logue. Coyne Trade School, 4975 Eastern Ave.. St. Louis. Mo. B-M80T OLD LINK INSURANCE MEN will make changes of companies during this momn, one of the best western old line com panies In America has aomethlng food to offer. If Interested write lock bog 115, Lincoln, Neb. B-M175 Jl WANTED A watch. You pet It for a few hours of your time. rite at once to Malena Company, Wsrrlorsmark, Pa li M13G Feb3x TWO hustlers to handle a new line Christ mas articles; city work. 1619 iiowaru. B Ml&S J 3 WANTED Good salesmen In Cities and small towns to sell our IV, per cent goio. hnnils nnrl a ixr r. nl stocks: S100 per month and commission guaranteed under 6 months' contract; references requireu. 442-44 Huntington Bldg., Los Angelea, CaL B Mill D31 WANTED At once, Seo sound young men, aacd IS to 35. for firemen and uranemen on lemllnit western rnllroans and for new roads now being completed; experience unneeessarv: firemen SHHI PPr motltn, brakemen $75; poslilons now open; call or write at once for particulars. National Ry. Training Ass n. 620 X. Paxton block. Omaha, Neb. B MI J4 WANTED Young man for general work in lumber olt'ce. Address H 493. care Hee, B M94S 31 WANTED Specialty salesmen for south ern states: tare urenuid. Herzfeldt. Wind sor Hotel. B M'.&S 29X tmr ' $M to $1,000, which will be amply secured, to represent us In any city or town In brokeraue business: $2i0 per month guar anteed. besides full eaultv for investment. Address American Finance and Develop ment Co.. 442 Huntington Bldg., Los An geles, Cal. B M47Z uu. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. U B M31B WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Great demand for barbers. Top wages paid. Hundreds of Kood opportunities to open business with small capital. Few weeks coniulepes. Best chance In tti world for poor man. Call or write Moler Barber College, lllii. Farnam St. B MtWil J2x WANTED High class salesman, familiar with grocery line, to represent large east ern manufacturer to sell well known ecialty. Grocery deck preferred. Ad dress E 490 Bee. B MS51 2SX RULER and forwarder; must have good relerences. A. 1. Root, (lnc, l-iu-l-ii Howard. BS14 WANTED Clerk for piUce; salary $70 per month. Address D 4M. Bee. li Jo :ii WANTED Clerk for office; salary l,V) per month. Address C 4M, lice. 1! Wo ZiX WASTED-Roy for otllce; salary $'J5 per month. Address B 4-7, Hee. li J3a -x BOOKKEEPERS. Two Wholesale. 'X; Jobber, $70; Mfg., $'.; Real Estate. tlfr It K fl.r.lllB. Commission. $'i5: Wholesale, $70; Mfg., $rif; Implements. $'!. BOOKKEEPERS AND STENOGRAPHERS Implements. $5 to $10u; Wholesale, Retail. $45. 8A1 .F-SM EN. Specialty, $15o; Typewriters, salary com mission; Dry Gouds, $100; Sales Man ager. $150. MlHCEl.LANKUl a. Shipping Clerk and Assistant Bookkeeper, $."ii'; Exchange Clerk. Bunk, $.u; Chief Clerk. R. R. Office, $75. If your services are on the market you had better call and see us at once We run place you to much better ad vantage than you can place yourself. This Is hfliig demonstrated every oay. Call or write for particulars. WESTERN REF. BO.NH ASS N., INC., Dept. B, M0-2 N. V. Life Bldg. B-MHGi 28 WANTED FEMALE HELP Three cashiers, In and out of town, dif feient salaries. Two stenographer!, $0. Stenographer, $45. Stenographer and bookkeeper. $75. If you can till any of the above positions or have any ability in any other line, call and see us at once or write stating position desired. W ESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N, INC., &40-41-42 N. 1'. Life Bldg. C-62 27 COMPETENT cook In private family; no laundry woik: city reference required; wages, $3t' or $35 month. Address F. Bee office. Council Bluffs, la. C M966 a GIRLS to operate power machine In shirt and overall factory; permanent work. M, E. Smith i Co., 11th and Douglas Sts. C-J9I WANTED Competent girl, family Mi s. W; J. Burgess, lul S. 33d. of two. C 660 WANTED A girl for general housework, two in family; references required. Mrs. W. S. Poppleton. 204 S. 37th St. C 646 YOUNG girl wanted to take care of ehll dren. 24"6 Poppleton Ave. C M9tl ii)X WA NTED Experienced lady bookkeeper for wholesale house. Address G 4:2 Hee. C Ml) 15 30 GIRL for general week: laundress. Douglas 1145. housework, 124s Bo. Till C- $i.H) per Ave. Tel. -.M1H4 3tx WANTED 5 laundry girls. M. factory, 11th and Douglas E. Smith's C KM WANTED Girl to do clean washing and ironing. Room and board anil $4 a week. The Creche, l!th and Harney. C-MS47 29X WANTED Mangle Co. girls. Model Ijiundry C .M."45 29x WANTED A girl for general 4150 Davenport St. housework C 42 2SX W A NTED Girl for general Park, Ave. housework S3 C 2 W A NT F.I Competent Sunderland. 1329 S. ft: girl 1 St. Mrs. U C-S57 WANTED Girl for g.-neral housework small family. 4"1. S. 3th St. C K62 Sex BODY Ironer and mangle Steam laundry, 211 S. 11th. girls. City c "il -H UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FIVE unfurnished rooms; rent reasonsblej refneuce. 2W)7 Douglaa bU G j X That Sign in Your Window stating you are in need of competent help may bo read by one hundred people. A want ad in The Bee reaches thousands, not only in Omaha FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWET European Hotel, 13th nd Farnam. Doug. 611. O.M.E. Ilauls Trunks Hi FRONT room, well heated: nicely fur nished; strictly modern. 24i Harney. E MIS F7NKLY furnished suite of rooms. E 799 270$ 2X Farnam 6t. EXCF.LLKNT, large, modern, furnlsnea rooms, with alcove, for ngnt nouseneev; Ing or sleeping. 'Phone in bou.e. 2i4 Harney Bt. & ws FOR RENT Three furnished rooms near J ransrer. Addrens A, Bee omce, iv Bt., Council Bluffs, la. Er-M9u7 30 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NEWLT-FLRN18HED aulte of rooma and board; hot and cold water, vux ap;iw Av. WM2M ii VIENNA hotel; prlvata dining rooms: cafa a? HOW NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences; excellent laDie; pri vate family. 24t,9 Harney. F-M1S2 ROOMS, breakfast. privileges, telephone. F M3!0 JS 116 N. 25th. FIRST ClASS rooms and day board. Close In. 618 Bo. 19th. F-MK4B J IX FOR RENT HOUSES BEE us when shipping household good t large cltlea west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Wlh 8t. Tel. Doug. 1195. D 6 COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. torage and transfer. Best storage nous In the city; immediate attention given. 1529-31-33 N. 16tu St, Tel. Douglas 4619. D 66 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex cept furnace $20. B-room house, all modem, new furnace $25. C. M. BACHMANN. 43 Paxton Block. D 482 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Bchmoller Mueller Piano Co., 1SU-1313 Farnam. D 66$ tinTTCtT'Ci In all parts of the city. Tha liuuuj-iu o. F, Va Co.. Bee Bldg, D 6o4 HOUSES In all parts of the city. R. C Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D-J HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Blk. D 465 FLATS. 224 N. 24th St.. -r., new, modern, $40. 222 N. 24th St., C-r., new, modern, $37.50. 2f79 Harney St.. 6-r.. modern. $35. 27 Jackson Bt., 6-r., new, modern, $32.50. l:i3 Park Ave., -r., 117. For balance of list call at office. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. D 943 28 FOR RENT 6-room cottage and barn, to careful tenant; 4 months, low rent. Win, Fleming, 211 8. ISth. D 949 28 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move store, rt. Jl. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 155k. U boti CENTRAL, steam, modern 7-room housa Tlaard, 220 N. 23d. D-M618 g-ROOM fiat, modern, good repair, opposite Hanscom rai'K rnone Douglas to. U 670 STORAGE cHhaun8,r,hse,d. good, mer chandlsa, etc. Fred Bush Transfer Line, 1U03-5 Farnam Bt. D 485 J10 FOR RENT Modern, -room, trick house, 1126 B. 31st St.; $40 per month. Thomas Brennan, room l. r. x. Life Bldg. D-671 FOR RENT 8-room brick house, basement finished, all modern, new furnace, onlr" half block from car, good neighborhood rent $25 per month (worth $50). C. M, Bachmann. 438 Paxton Block. D 336 VERY nice house, 7 rooms, strictly mod era, practically new, $35. 8614 Leaven worth. D 401 J14x WK MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1196. Office, 1713 Web ster St. . D-667 12 ROOMS, modern, close In, southwest corner 27th iind Jackson, being put in thorough condition and will be paint outride as soon as the weather permits, $60.00. BEMIS, 'Phone D. 6S6. Paxton Block. D-4B1 552 8. 26TH AVE . 9 rooms, modern $10. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D MSB FOR RENT K-room house, modern exceat furnace, at 2213 Burt. Inquire first house east. l 836 2H FOR RENT. A strictly modern R-room flat, nearly new 8 blocks frcrr. posionice. ixx)K u up, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg.. Tel. Doug. 17R1 D S43 29 HOUSES In all parts of the city. Hastings & Heyden. 1704 Farnam St. D S44 27 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES SECOND and third floor. 1511 Douglas St. about 22x70 feet of floor space on each floor, heat furnished on second floor rental $100 per month. 2129 Farnam St., large store room and basement, $3o per month. 21291 Farnam St., $25 per month. GEORGE & CO., luoi f arnam Ht. 1-M954 30 2!'23 Ieavenworth St., store room, 22x132. HASTINGS & Ukllb.N, 1(04 irariiaiu Bt. 1942 28 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, u im. otn Bt., soutn Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 FOR RE? i -Large corner store room. 16tk and Vir'r-i bus., ju. i. av rtaenmann, 436 Pax Block. I M621 111 S. 15TH ST. J. N. Frcnser. I-M24.1 lie FARNAM, 8 stories and basement J100. JOHN N. J: Kc.Niilv, urr. ULU f. J. , 1-M.S2J FOR RENT The I-story and basement building 1U22 Douglas St. Apply on the premises or to David Cole. J-M 513 OFFICE ROOM In the New Conservative Savings and Loan Association building, 1614 Harney Bt., about 1,1'txt square feet of floor space, with large vault $75 per month. GEORGE" & CO., lool Farnam 8t. 1 M905 30 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Two Monona county, Iowa, farms, one of 30 acres and the other of 256 aim. 2uu acres is locate! 2Vt miles of Ottawa, no Improvements, and not In cultivation, but right In the drainage district and will be very valuable when ditch Is completed. The A"o icres Is located H niile of Blencoe, and aii In cultivation except 36 acres, ahlch is In blue grass; has good house of six rooms, large barn, outbuildings, etc. Price of acres is $6u per acre, encumbrance $4.uoo at 5 per cent; 256 acres is $75 per sere, encumbrance IT.fnw at 6V per cent. Will exchange equity in one or both for live stock or a stock of merchandise. J. R. Adklns, 14 I'earl St., Council Bluffs, la. Z M55 29 IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put an ud. in and you will soot) get 1U . Z-SSI WANTED To exchange four-foot ndler top desk for larger one; will pay differ ence.. Tolephou Douglas ldt. 29 but in surrroundlng territory. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE' 50 PER CENT OF FIRST COST More house and more real estate than ever offered in Omaha for $4,500. Do you want it? If so, act quick, for some one is going to wake up and pick up a snap. Tins house la located at 1910 Binncy St., the prettiest residence street In Kountxe Place, south front, asphalt paved street, cement walks, all paid for. Contains ten rooms with oak finish, mantel and grate, billiard room on third floor, large porch; all taxes paid up to 1907. Keys at our office. The house cost $7,500 to build and the lot cost $1,500; total $9,000. The owner of this prop erty la compelled to sell before January 1st. In order to do this he has reduced the price on this beautiful home at $4,500. Terms, $2,000 down; balance mortgage. Don't fall to look Into this great sacrifice sale. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO., Bole Agents. 601-2-3 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE SG6 23 A FINE INVESTMENT. Three strictly modern flats, well built, new, have Btorm windows and doois, window shades that go with the build ing; practically no expense for two or three years; tenants pay water rent; only 8 blocks from postofllce; yearly rental $1.6W, or a little over 10 per cent gross; lot 66x132, fenced in, good stone walks, street paved, all special taxes of every description paid. You don't often find a better fin ished piece of property In Omaha. Price $16,6J0. Owner nonresident. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., SOLE AGENTS, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg, Tel. Douglas 1781, RE 841 2 G-ROOM HOUSE ON LAKE ST., $3,000 Has 5 rooms and bath on first floor and room on second floor; 50-foot south front lot, newly paved street, paving paid, lo cated between 22d and 24th. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. RE-S65 7 Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Let us show you our list of city property. acres. Improved faro and cheap western lanas. BERK A A CO.. Tel. Dougla 74tr7. . 3S N. Y. Life Bldg. Kit A1233 TEXAS PANHA NDLIO-YOUR OPPOR TUNITY. Lands from $12.50 to $20 per acre: wheat. corn and alfalfa; more productive, lays better, soil rich aa Iowa or Illinois; easy terms: descriptive matter sunt you free. Loan Star Land Co., 14 Pearl St., 2d floor. council Bluffs, la. urn mkzi TWO modern houaes at the aouthweat cor. ner of 31st and Cass Sts.. with ground on which to build another house. Paved treet, east front, nice shade trets. Maka me an offer for one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 673 WE SELL land in Nuckolls county, Neb., tne great corn, small grain, alfalfa and tame grass country In southeastern N b rank a. Write us for land list. G. D. Follmer & Son, Nelson. Neb. RE M960 ALL modern. -room house and lot f of aala at a bargain. 922 N. 19th. re 7t To settle up the estate of Isabella Flem ing, deceased, aa administrator, I deshe to dispose of a nice little home property, consisting of cottage, fine barn and two lots, at corner 28th Ave.' and Yates. It is a fine property and a bargain. Will rent if not Bold December 81. WM. JTLEMING, Administrator, 211 South 18th St. RF-950 2S MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WHEN you have Idle money, call or write and tell us now mucn you nave that you would like to loan on iirst class real estate mortgage and we will procure borrower. Hastings & Heyden, l.oi Far nam Bt. W-454 27 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and 6V per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-67i MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-7 WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam bnnth & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 677 LOWEST RATES Bemi. Paxton Block. W-67S PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, UJ) Doug. VV 67 fl.0u0.0u0 TO LOAN on business and rest dence properl) In Omaha; lowest rate; no delay. The ma Bieunan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-4b WANTED City loana R. C. Peters & Ox W-661 LOANS on improved city property. W. H Thomas, ooa First National Bank Bldg. W-w3 $1,000 private money. Trade Bldg. Solby. 440 Board of W-M220 PATENTS F. J. LARSON at CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. o Patents, trade marks, guaranteed or no fee. National Investment Co., Douglas Blk. -Mil J6 GHARPE MACHINE SHOPS Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 6oi-Li S. loth St. 74t OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INariTUTlS, 44 N. X. Dvua-lae-lset, U Tel -47 PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUN1 RY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. 211 B. 11th St. Tel. Doug. 2i4. U 681 BEWINQ machines rented, any make, 750 Per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale, $o.uO and up. ! Cycle co 1Mb and Harney. TJ-784 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOM. Mr. vmg. 201S N. 21st Bt. Tei. Doug, aoo U PLEATING ALL KINDS, Buttons, Ruchlnf. fjyelng and cleaning. SDonalna and shrink ing; only 6c per yard. Bend for price list nu aamplft. 4oa iv, "VUMAN PLEATING CO.. W Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1934. KJSM TO FARMICTJQ Vf. r,t.r.,.r.,s 3111 TV re. k He pay highest market price oh l, . lHte ot "'celpt for best quality muter and fkcs; we charge no commis sion; remittance In ensh or merchandise i'lumpuy THE BENNETT COMPANY. 1' MS31 1 TH,K..?AI'VATION ARMY solicits castoff i-ioining; in fact, anything you do not ;oWe """ec- repair and sell, at 114 N. "'"St., for cost of collecting, to ths worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 snd goa will call. U-511 FJEF .m'llcnl and surgical treatment at --"'soron Medical college. 14th and Dav enport Sts., special attention palr to con nnement cases; all treatment supervise! by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. answered day or night U 129 THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Lreavenwoitli Bis. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-6S7 OMAHA Stammerera' Institute. Ramge Bldg. MAGN FTIPtreolment nd bath. M me. oor. li-690 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call wnie to tlie matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3i24 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neo. - L'-MluO PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, ,28 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. leL 774. U 323 FENXELL Millinery Co., 33 North 16th St. U JU RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no ueiemion irom business. Call or write for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RLP TURK CO.. 511 Woodmen of World Bldg., Omaha. U 692 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut rices; send for free catalogue. Myers illlon Drutf Co.. Omaha. U U3 CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. U Msio D31 Masque costumea Lie ben. TeL Ills. Open ev. U 4ti4 MASSAGE Wil.20J''?A"..4 .3 IJ--M157 J3 DR. VOGEL'S private home for ladles be fore and during confinement; bejt and cnaapeat In the city. 2319 a. 13th Bt. v-m J J FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to f. m. loaman t co , 1514 Cap. Ave. U-493 J 10 BUY from tha manufacturers, Burkley Envelope Co. U-41SU D31 NAME embossed In gold letters on Christ mas presents, lienry K. lagger, 82 Barker block. U Ml D31 TYPEWRITERS rented. S.2.50 per month; all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter & Supply Co., 1822 Farnam St U M218 Ja ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton s salve. B. J. Bcannell, agent, o09 an B1R. U M678 J 21 LADIES If you want a es.fe. speedy recru lator that will please you address Post Box 747. Omaha, Neb. U M135 J3x DR. C. N. SOM.MER, homeopath. Bee Bldg. DR. PRIES has removed from his office In Wlthnell block to 514 N. 16th Ht. I'- MW 30 MEDICAL DR. PR1E3, apecialist; women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges, irregularities cured painlessly und safely. 514 No. 16th. 66 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 6St BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish, to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property thut you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or bioux City, la. Y-132 JJ Drug stores for sale. F. V. Knleat, N. Y. Life Y-MSli A. ONE 'Pnone Investment, Red 6372. U. B. Balcombe. Y-7D6 J-2X FOR SALE 25 shares Union Stock Yrrds (South Omaha) stock. Price, $102 r share. A 466. care Bee. Y-M&27 2& CONFECTIONERY, cigars and tobacco; good depot location; Invoice between iM) and eTAi"; 70-acre farm, $15 pur acre; lil acies, J.0: 12 acres fruit and good 6-ro"i.i house, 33,000. Alvy Smith Co., Co. Bluflj. Y MUi FOR SALE Fine paying hardware, and Implement business for sale, cash. $9.ij0 stoik. Only one In town of 5"0. Might sell hardware alone. Inquire of Love & Grimes, Woodbine, la. Y M672 28 OUR fine general merchandise business for sale, cash or part good land. Stock about $14,01" annual cash sales $40,0u0. Sheedy & Reed, Mankato, Kan. Y-M770 29 YOUNG, systematic hustler, not 01 to invest . about 1.' in transfer, and coal business and manage ment store. 13o7 N, Lincoln, Neb. storage depart- Y-MS20 31 FOR SALE $.0 buys office building and a $-,0o0 practice; live town; population, 5i0; one other doctor; big territory; one-half cash; bal. to suit; optu f"r ten d ty. Adilrexs O 92. care Bee. Y M134 2!x PART of Incorporated stock for sale In one of the b si manufacturing buslnes-sos in the city or state. Must be taken b. fore first of yexr. Factory located In Omana. Address care of Bee. Y hfii INVESTMENT of $100 pays $10 per month; couple of hours' lUht work in the even ing. Address J. U Partult. 2112 INiuglas St.. for engsi-'emeiil. Y Wi 2lix WANTED Man to take charge and man age good piwylng buslnesH, who will invest $J,ouo in suiiie. Address J-491, c.ire Bee. Y M'Jol 3ox GENERAL Merchandise Stock. Clean, good paying business.. Invoice about $f... Double brick building; cheap rent. Iocated Boulder, finest town in Sunny Colorado. Will discount on acount other business. Box W, Excelsior Sprints. Mo. Y-2 LOST AND FOUND WILL party who took a pair of skates oft the back platform of Doom- car December 1 return to Bee office? No questions. Lost-481 SET of burglar tools, found on premises Christinas morning ; will be d -liveieJ to p.-rson describing property and proving ownership. Address L 7s, care Hee. Found - 27x DETECTIVE AGENCY WETMORE Detective Service. 'Phona Red 8SM. Rooms U and U, liulon Blk , lbth aad t'uruuo. 16J J 18 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS ARE YOU In peed of money? This is the time of year when everyone needs some extra cash. We have n lot of ready money which we are going to loan for a short time at the lowest rates ever known In this city on FURNITURE. MANi'S. WAREHOUSE ''-E- CEIPTS, HORSES. WAGONS, SALARIES. If you have other bills It will be cheaper for you to let us furnlh you the money to pay them and concentrate all your Indebtedness at one place. This Is hii old, re liable office and our business Is as private as a bank. Don t worry. Call on ns for all the money you n-ed Our terms are the lowest, our service Is the quickest and our business the most private and confidential. Reliable Credit Co., 8rd Floor 307-8 Paxton Blk., Cor. 16th & Farnam Sts. X-M531 Save Something During 1907 Start right now. Get out of the old rut you were In to long. Let us show you how. BORROW MONEY ON FURNITURE, PIANOS OR SALARY. WITHOUT HAVING THEM DISTURBED, iner pay on your irouniesome ueuis ana concentsate ail you owe. Lowest Charges Liberal Rebate Omaha SMortgage Loan Co., U Board of Trade Bldg. 806 S. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 221)3. X-M (Established 16D2.) SALARIED PEOPLE and c thera furnished money upon their own names, without necurily; easy pay. ments; offices In 63 principal cities. Save yourself money by getting my terms first. U. H. IUL.UAN, 714 New York Life Bids. DH. PR1BBENOW3 MONEY loaned on furnltute, salary, pianos, hoi sea etc., in any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy, immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Ku roach Blk.. fcutt South 15th St. K.-700 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private rrDney on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at atnalt cost Open eveninga till 7. X 701 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THB PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For chattel or alary loans. 633 Paxton block. 'Phone, Douglaa-745. X M816 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE, reliable, accom mod. 'ting, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. - X 703 MONEY loaned on pianos, elry, horse, cowa, eta C. lith. furniture, Jew V. Reed, 310 & X-703 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Dufl Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block. X-704 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loaa Co.. 1504 Farnam Ht. X 705 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Numbering stamp, in good condition. Inquire George R. Wright, Bee ofllce. W-M2-U SEND ua ycu mall orders for drugs; freight paid on (10 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 647 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Q 650 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-band, 1818 Farnam. U 676 A FEW BARGAINS In second-hand sod fountains; monthly payments. Derlght, 1618 Farnam. Q 6J ONE 6-inch Jenkins' valve for sale. Apply W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg. y-iIU2x WHITE STEAMER Will sell my white steam touring car cheap If taken at once. J. Fred Kerr, 1614 Farnam. Q M627 GASOLINE ENOINE and wood-working machinery for sale cheap. Apply Anchor Fence Mfg. Co., 207 N. 17th BL Q-M429 COAL J5.25 ton; burr ejrg, big slie, good; try it; 2 'phones. Harmon & Wceth. Q-4.H2 J10 BARGAINS In unredeemed Jewelry. 418 No. 16th. Q-M527 J12 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Ca.ilpbell. Bee mall room. W 618 FOR SALE A hogany finish, Harney 1623. handsome bookcase, ma ilt a bargain. Telephone j 6 x ONE Remington typewriter, No. 6, In good condition, tor sale cheap. Call at Bee oltice. W M62KX FOR SALE Model "K" Wlnton Automo bile; fully equipped; tup lights, etc.; only run 8oO miles; guaranteed Hrst-cUiss condition. Price ll'.uuo. Address C. E. Wllkins, Dewey Hotel, Omaha, Neb. Q-M917 FOR SALE 300.00 Victor talking machine and 60 selected records and case. I. L. Morgan, 3302 Sherman Ave. Q M9!6 Tlx FOLDING BEDS Fancy oak. Bevelled plate mirror. Former price, 150. Choice, $10. Come quick. Omaha General Hospi tal. 14th and Capitol Ave. y MS4 2S FOR SALE Ford touring car In good or der. N Duncan, Pawnee City, Neb. Q-M848 J lx SCHOLARSHIP for sale at a discount In Boylea college; good beginning mid winter term '07. Address or call J. Jaskalek, 2o2 Douglas. Q 6 2Sx WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, secondhand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay the best prices. Tel. Douglas 3971. N M379 J14 WANTEI-To buy, 8-room house at once. Owners and agents answer. Price, $-',ou0 to $4,000. Address K-77, care Bee. N-M.M9 28 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BI'DDHA, The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors. 113 S. Mth St.. Opp. Boston Store. "la FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA. 141E Farnam. R0 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. VISA. Tel. Doug. 711 CHIROPODY DR ROY Warts, moles removed by elec tricity. R. 2, 15o5 Farnam. Tel. Doug. M97. FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing be ner foot. 2Ub m. iltn Bl. lei. riea -is. J 16 DRESSMAKING DRESSMA K I NO In family or at hoins MIM Sturdy. 2642 Chicago. 'Phone Red 4.03. Wnen You Write to Advertisers remember It take only aa extra atroka or two of the pen to mention the fact that reu saw tha ad. ta Ths Sea. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE HORSES-AII kLtds Myers. 1715 Jackson, P-MdU J4 Abundant Rainfall and Good Crops are making the west fsmous for rich farmers and ranchers. The Union Pacific R. R. Is cloning out the last of Its lands In Kansas, I'olorado, western Nebiaska and VVomlnff. (3 to $5 Pr Aer EASY TERMS For full Information regarding lands and special excursions ap- LAND AGENCY. U. P. R. R. Dept. B. H So. ISth St. OMAHA 2L t-imm RAILWAY TIME CARD t!IO.- STATIONTEXT!! AM) MARCY I nlun Parlllc Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8:66 am a 8:18 pro The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm a 6:10 pm Colo. Calif. Ex a 4:16 ptn a 9:80 pm California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4:25 pm a G:10 pm I.os Angeles Limited. ..al2:0 pm a10:4R pm Fast Wall al;Mam s 6:00 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:1" am a 4:W pm Beatrice Local b S:00 pm bl2: pm Chicago, Hock Island A I'aclfle. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:15 am Iowa Local a7:U0am Chicago Mall Iowa Local bl2:05 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 5:a5 pm Chicago (Iowa I.mtd.K.a 6:36 pin Des Moines Local WEST. Rocky Mountain LlmiL.a 7:20 am Colo. & Cal. Express. ..a 1:50 pin Okl. Texas Express. .a 4:40 pm a 7:10 am a 4:30 pin a 8:46 pin b :66 pm a 1 :35 ptn al2:25 pm a 4:15 pn a 3:06 am a 4:(.o pm al2.06 pm Lincoln Fairhury and Peilevue a 8:50 pm a 9:30 am hleaao (irest Western. St. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm St. Paul & Minneapolis. 7:45 am Chicago Limited 5:4o pm hicago Express 7:45 am Chicago Express 3:30 pm 7:10 am 11 :50 pin 9:00 am 11:60 pm 3.10 pm (liieiiao, Milwaukee A St. Paul Chi. and Colo. Special. .a 7:65 am a 7:30 am California and Ore. Ex. .a 6:4o pm overland Limited a 8:35 pin Marion & Cedar R. Loc.b 6:45 am t lilfHKO A Northwestern. Cedar Rapids Pass.;. ...a 7:05 am Twin City Express a 7:60 am Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am a 3.10 pm a 9:30 am bILOO pm a S:0S pm a 10:00 pm all:15 pm a 3 45 pm a t:J am a 9:60 am a 8:45 pm (.hicago Local all :30 am bioux uiy LAicai a a no pm Carroll Local a 4:32 pm Bioux City Local Chicagi Express a 6:50 pm a r.J') am Fast Mail a 2:00 pm rast man a s jo pm Twin City Limited a 8:25 pm Overland Limited a 8:38 pm Chicago Llmlt"d all:00 pm Norfolk-Honesteel a 7:40 am Lincoln-Chadron b 7:4o am Deadwood-Llncoln a 8:00 pm Casper-Shoshonl a 3:00 pm Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 8:00 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Wubnsh. St. Louis Expross a 6:30 pm Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:15 am Stnnherry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm Missouri Pacific. K. C. & St. L. Express.. a 9:00 am K. C. & St. L. Express.. all :15 pm Nebraska Local a 2:05 pm a 8:30 am a 7H6 am a 9:31 am all 51 am alQ:35 am al0:35 am a 6:05 pm a 6:05 pm b 6.06 pm bl!:40 pm a 3:56 pm a 7:30 am a 8:30 am al0:30 pm bll:30 am a 6:30 am a 6:26 pm all:40 am BlIlLIGTON STATION 10th MASOlt Burlington. Leave. Denver & California. ...a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express alltlo pin Nebraska Express a 9:10 am Nebraska Local a 8:u0 am Lincoln Ical Lincoln Fast Mail L 2:u0 pm Arrive. Ut a 3:30 irn.' a 6:30 pm a 9:o5 am a 6:30 pm a 7:40 pm a 9:06 am a!2:01 pni l10:25 am a 8:30 am Ft. crook & Plattsm th.b 2:60 pm Bellevue & Plat tsm'th. .a 7;5U am Denver Limited a 7:10 am Bellevue A Pac Juhc.a 3:30 am S:;i am Chicago Special .a 7:26 am a 3:45 pin .a 8:"o pm .a 9:15 am .a 4:45 pm .alO:45 pm .a 9:15 am .a 4:45 pm a 7:26 am a 3:56 pm a 7:25 am al0:53 pin oil :30 am a 6:45 am a 6:10 pin Chicago r.xpress Chicago Flyer Iowa Local St. Louis Express Kansas Clty-St. Joe.. Kansas Clty-St. Joe.. Kansas Clty-St. Joe.. WEBSTER STATION 18th A WEBSTER Chlraan, St. Paul, Minneapolis 4k Omaha. Twin City Passenger... b 6:30 am Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:00 pm b 9:10 pm all:30 am b 9:10 am c 5:50 pm Emerson Local ..b 6:20 pm Emerson Local Missouri Pacific. Local via Weeping Water ..c 8:46 am ..a 8:05 am a 6:50 pm ..a 3:50 pm all:2o am Falls City Local a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only, e Daily except Monday. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware Company, Omaha, Neb., December 9, lUuC Notice is hereby given to the stockholder of the Ie-Glass-Andreesen Hardware Company that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the company will be held at the offices of the said company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets, in the city of Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tues day, January 8, A. D , 19W, at 3 o'clock p. ni., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during tne ensuing year, ana to transact suca other business as may such meeting. Attest; W. M. GLASS. Secretary. be presented at H. J. LEE. President. D Ud Sit NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF THB UNION I.AND COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union I .a rid company for the election of five di rectors and the transaction of such other bui Iness as may lawfully come b fore the nieoMng will be held at the office of the general solicitor. Union Pacific Building, 9th and Farnam Sis., Omaha. Kebraska, on Monday, the 14th day of Janjary, 19u7, at 1 o'clix k a. m. The stock transfer hooks will be closed ten days previous to the meeting. A LEX MILLER. Secretary. Dated, New York, December 2oth. 1! D23d 20 x STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The South Omaha and Western Railroad Coniiny, for the election of seven di rectors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held at the otllce of A. L. Mohl.r, corner of Ninth snd Farnam streets, (nnaha. Neb., on Wednesday, the 9th day of A. D. 1'.'7, at 11 o'cloek a. m. D27dl3t. T. M. ORR, Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRUCTING QUA PTE RM ASTER'S Otlit e. Fort Des Moines, Iowa. December 21. l:i6 -Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will he received here until 11 ;t. in., stundard time, January 12, 1!'7, for furnishing and Installing electric light fixtures, transform, ers, anil Installing watt meters and wiring for electric lighting In public buildings at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Information fur nished on application. United States re serves light to accept or reject any or all proposals or parts thereof. Envelopes con taining proposals should be endorsed, "Proposals for Electric Ught Fixtures," etc., addressed W. E. Cole. Q. M. D24-26-27-28-J10-11 QUICK CATCH FOR DEMPSEY Omaha iergraut Hecover South Omaha Chiefs Coat Within a Few Hoar. Chief of Police Brlggs of South Omaha la thanking his lucky stars for the efficient, though small police force of Omaha, aa some thief stole a new, expensive overcoat from him Wednesday afternoon, and It was recovered by Sergeant Mike Dempsey a few hour later, almost before Chief Brlggs had had time to report the loaa. The pawnbroker with whom the coat waa pawned gave a good description of tha thief and his Immediate wrtat la axpactad. y n I. V