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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1906. i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Mtre Actirity in All tba Pitt Than for Some Timt. MAY WHEAT OPTION GAINS HALF CtNT Caesi Drniai Ratktr Dull, InnaUrr Ins; l""lh In Fatare on Irona, Despite Ur(Fr Re ceipts (lata close Higher. OMAHA, December 27, )!. There was greater activity In the wheat Iit today than f or some time. Pr.cea ad vanced, May going to about , cent above yesterday. December closed unchanged. Hradstreet said the worlds supply de creased M.Vi,n bushels last vert, all of the loss being In Kurope and afloat. A cable from Argentina uid the viel.t .nH quality of the new wheat were larger and belter than expected, but that a threatened striae was interfering with the movement. i ne ran aemanti was rather dull, con- siucnng me strength in the future. in sympathy with the general trend ot the market, and due to the rimiiniiHil trouble In getting cars for loading and the consequent restriction In movement, corn wu strong. Herein were larger than a year nao, as expected, thouth esttmats for tomorrow are smaller. The wor d a vim hie supply Increased 971,Q bushels. The undertone to the market Is considered rattier weak. Primary wheat receipts were SR,000 bu and shipments 841,000 bu., against recelrts lnat year of 830,40 bu. and shipments of 108.000 bu. Corn receipts were 1. 2S9.4 bu. and shipments 63ft. ouu bu against receipts )at year of Sf.2.000 bu. and shipments of 4Hl,00f) bu. Clearances were 194,000 bu. of wheat. 1 l.ts bu. of corn. 26,400 bu. of oats and Dour and wheat equal to 307.000 bu Liverpool closed 'Ad lower on wheat and V.d lower to vd higher on corn. The Price Current will say today: "There lias been but little chance In the agrlcul tural conditions during the last week. The growing wheat crop la In good condition, Colder weather favors the drying of corn Car shortage continue to retard Interior movement of all grains Proper coiniwrl son on the oats crop makes total about 100,000,000 bu. smaller than last year. Puck Ing of hogs 620,000 head, against 0)6,000 head." This Is Rankin's Idea of the market: "The wheat situation Is getting weaker to me every day. Over 16,000.000 bu. In Chicago now, with prospects of It growing to ao.Ono, 000 bu. by May 1, and no demand. The price tyred quiet; December, nominal; March, 6a u, May, ss CORN Spot quiet: American mixed, new. is 3d, old. 4s. f utures quiet; January, 4s 1V1; March, 4s d. SEW YORK OESERAl, MARKET (Isolations of the Day an Varloas Commodities. NBW YORK. Deo 7 FIX1LR Receipts, fel.lSi bbls ; expotts. 6.018 bbls.. Bale, l.M I'ktrs. Market steady but dull; winter patents. Uo'o$.8o: winter straights, $.1.45 J.f-6; Minnesota patents, $4.1t'tl 4 winter extras 11 .Wku.1.10: Minnesota bakers. t3 4 1.80; winter low grades, $2 8044.VO6. Rya flour. dull: fair to good, $3 66'u:i.80; choice to fancy, l3Hr.ti4.2u. Ruckwheet flour, quiet; 87 l.-'ii2i. fpot and to arrive. RlCKWHEAT-Bteady; II .26 per ITO lbs. CORN M HA Oulet : fine white and yel low, l 214.1. 26; coarse, 1. 10(31.12; kiln dried, V.V.Sa 2.80. RYE Firm: No. 2 western. Sic. c. I. I. New York; Jersey state, 64fabc, delivered New Yfirk BARLKY-Bteadv: feeding. 46c. C I. f. Buf- iaio; malting. 4Mi9c. c. I. f. nunaio. WHKATwceliit Mini) bu.: export 20,911 bu. ; siiles, l.& bu futures Spot market, firm; No. 2 red. nominal, elevator; No. 1! red klc t it li . afloat: No 1 n.rth- ern Duluth, 9oe, f o. b.. afloat: No. 2 hard winter, 80c, f. o. b., afloat. Moderate ad vances occurred In wheat today on light northwest receipts, prospects for smaller Argentina shipments and a big decrease In world s supply for the week. Final pikes represented He net advance. Sales In cluded No. 2 red. May, S3 ll-16u4Vic, closed 4'c; July. i.;vM -, closed 88Vc; Decem ber closed 81H"- . CORN Receipts. 77.400 bu.: exports, 7S.7X1 bu.; sales l&.OOo bu. futures and 4),0o0 bu. spot. Spot maket, steady; No. I yellow, 6o"c: No. 2 white. &otc UDtlon market was quiet but steady, closing net uncnangea follows: January, 61Wc; May, 5oo; De cember, B2c. OATS Receipts, 39.000 bu.; export. 14,965 bu. Spot market, firm; mixed oats, 26 to 82 lbs., 39'u4imV; clipped white. 38 to 40 II-, 4IK0 44C; natural white. 90 to S3 lbs.. 403410. FEED (Juiet; spring bran, prompt ship ment, IJ2.S&; middlings, prompt Bhlpment, 121.76; city, $22. 0"ti 22.06. HAY Firm; shipping, 7Dfj"&c; good to choice. SI.OM1M6. HOPS yuiel; state, common to choice, 19i, W4r; li5. anlie. Pacific coast, liW, 141 17c, 1905, 10a 14c. HIDKR Steady ; Oalveston, to 25 lbs., 20c; California, 20 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lhs., lite. LEATHER Wuiet; acid, 27&2Sc. PROVISIONS Heef, steady; family, 114,00 3 14.60; mess, H.0iku9.o0; beet hams, $23.bOc LT,.(j: packet, SlLOOfjIlfJO: city extra India mess, 120 60ra22.50. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. l0.25f(il2.6t): pickled hams. $12.60. I,ard. Arm; western prime, $9 4M 9.65: refined. Arm: continent. $9 n; South NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS OfferiiM Ar Meajr aai Demmd it 8nf ficitDt to Lift Price, ADVANCE IN HILL STOCKS AND READING Coafldeace la Money uatlook Grows as Year's End Approaches Wlthoat TraaHBlllty of Market Be lag; Dlstarbed. following chsngea: Cssh In hand decreased Il.hJO.nO marks: treasury notes dcreas"d 2ir marks; other securities Increased 7S. liO.nno marks; notes In circulation Increased K.240,0oV maxka. will cut no figure later on, as carrying charges will eat them tip. Lnless some thing happens to the (growing crop In this country or Russia stops shipping altogether wheal will sell In the tJO's by March 1. Corn la also a good sale." Local range of options: Artlclcs. Open. I High. I Low. Close.! Yei'y Wheat Dec..,. 67 A I7HB 67'4A 67HR 67S May... 70B 71VB 70,B 71HB 70A Deo.... S6R 87HR MB 87V4B 36I3 May... r,a 3tiB S7B 38B 3TA tlB SHiA May 34B 34,B No. No. A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 67'6SV4c hard, oV(Vc; No. 4 hard, MnWc spring, 6i((iH4c. CORN No. 3. 34'i36Vic; No. 4, 33i 34Vi,c ; no grade, 324T33?; No. 3 yellow, IVoJOVic; No. 3 white. &r'rX,vla. OATB No. S mixed, 31fi314e; No. 3 white, SajiX'Hc; No. 4 white, 81V&32c. RYE No. 2. 63c: No. 3. 61 He. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Kansas City. Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth St. Louis .118 .. 84 ..390 .. 33 ..129 .. 31 646 28 134 iaa 186 S Pork, firm: family.; short clear, 17 W19 AO: mess, I17.618.W. TALLOW Steady; city iU.'i per psg ), (I've; country (pkgs. free), 6'o64c. RICE Steady; domeatlc, fair to extra, 3'fHi',c: Japan, nominal. HI'TTF.R Steady; street price, extra, creamery. 82H33c. Official prlcea: Cream ery, common to extrn, 23f?i32c; held, com mon to extra, 2200c; renovated, common to extra, 22ti24Hc; state dairy common to firsts, 21iq2Sc; western faotory, com mon to firsts, l?'a22c; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 23tfJ24c. CHEESE Quiet; state, full cream, la'tre and small, September fancy, 140 ; state, October best, 2y,c; late made. 12Vif?'13C inferior, 11120. KGOS Dull; state, Pennsylvania and noarby fancv, selected white. 8840c; state, choice, S5'(i37c; state, mixed fancy, SStjSKc; western firsts, 28c; official price firsts, 2so; seconds. 2;ifi27e. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens. 11c; fowls. 12c; turkeys, 16c. Dressed, Irregular: western chickens, 13S15C; tur keys, iodine; fowls, 8(S"12c. NEW YORK, Dec 27.-The supply of stock offerings In the market touay was scanty and the demand, thougn not notably large, was sufficient to lift prices. W'nere the buying was In any considerable volume or at all urgent In character the advance In prices was fairly buoyant. The absence of any pressure to sell stocks was the most distinct characteristic of the day s market and It was this that gave it the dull and strong tone, in spite of the near approach of tne January settlements and a higher range for call loans than was se cured yesterday, there was no sign of ne cessitous liquidation. Borrowers were able apparently to aecure facilities at the rates aaaed and were willing to pay them and there waa no forcing of holdings on the market. The resumption of trading In the Iondon stock market after the holidays seemed to be In favor of higher prices for Americans, ss considerable advances were scored there befora tradlna besan here. The responsive onenlns- here. In fact, proved so Inviting to holders of stocks that there was consiuer. able selling to realise and a setDacK in prices. The strange rebound in the Hill stocks removed one of the most Influential factors lu causing the recent repression In the market. All of the transcontinental i-allens,! w..r atrnnilv liouiht. There also was a decided upward movement In Read ing. There was a growth of confidence In the money outlook. It was argued that the ltiraiiiirwui .f violent fturrv at the end of the year is less the nearer the approach made to that period, witn tne tranquility m .....tiAi tiurlil maintained. Today was the final day for the payment of the I3o,tM,uo0 of subscriptions to New York Central stock, it is believed that this sum. wnri paid to the treasury of the railroad, will become immediately available for teni nnrirv use in the money market and so f,.in tn tMa rvp th vfarnd demand. A feature of the day was the decline In the open market discount rate in lxinaon, notwithstanding a weak return, both by the iiani, nf p.miiinit. the Rank of France and the Imperial Rank of Germany. A further decline In foreign exchange also broadened the profit now admitted to exist en rr snld tn Iionnon or Import. Local bankers continued to maintain the opinion that no Inward gold movement was 1 J n.t.iu imminent. The strong advance In Great Northern preferred and Northern mnA ct Paul was accomplished by declines In the subscription rights to these stocks. Whatever the sources or tne mo tives of the day s aemana us presence unmistakable and waa wen susiaineu. into i-.ti,n due to rjroflt-taklng on the nnv'a rise, was lonowea oy a nlnln . ........ n .... 1 .. .. rar Bonds were lrreg-uiar. nu,i value. I1.69S.O0O. t nited States new ,s rv Istered declined per cent on call. The following are tne qunauoin New Y'ork Stock exchange! galea High. Low. ClnM.. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 27 MONEY On call. firm. 44? 11 per cent; ruling rate, I per cent; closing bid, 4 per cent; offered at 44 pr cent. Tlmo kians, easy; sixty days. 7V'f tar cent; ninety days, 7(87" per cent; six months, ii6H per rent. PRIME HtHUAMllUfi rAfttl-ll1 per cent. errr.Kiirf't n.utMnur. wuo fair husiness In bankers' bills at 34.27 4 276 for time and 14 77-T'54 7770 for 9-d;ijr bills; posted rates, 4.7Va4 7-4 and 14.84 4 84H: commercial hills, 14.77,. SlLVh-K Bar, 69VC; Mexican aouars. ItONDS-JOOvemrnent, easyi rauroaa. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol- ..tn4i,JPn to. 14 ssrlas ..IK do 4a etts ,.!" 4a S cifi..v... ..10t do id HTln ..lOTHt 'L st N. nl. 4i.. "Mn. 0. s 4s ..10 Mr. Central 4a ... ..Isoiil do lat tne I Ulna. r 8t- U CHICAt.O GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Frill" c of the Trading: and Closing : Ices on Board of Trade. CI I '. AGO, Dec. 27. A, considerable de cm c .11 the world's, available stock of t.-.ipoirted strength today to the when: market, the May delivery closing at a li t advance of iii. Corn was lc. (j;u. ,h iwed a gain of Sc. Provisions were W lo iJc higher. Trjdlng In the wheat market wan very quiet pievloua to the posting of the world s visible supply statistics, but when It was known that the supply as shown by Brad si rect had decreased S.3OO.0O0 bu. compared with, tin Increase of 2,664.000 bu. last week shuits commenced to cover. Offerings at the tinio were not liberal and this caused a nrm condition In the market. Weather conditions were favorable for the growing rip. Country offerings from the south veL were reported aa being more free hun for several days. The maraet ciosea Arm with prlcea at the highest point of the Uav. May opened a shade higher at 777tc, lold off to 774o and then advanced to 7c. ivhere It closed. Clearances of wheat and 'lour were equal to 9S5,au0 bu. Primary receipts were 938,000 bu., compared with 30,(oo bu. for the same day last year. Mln fi, Duluth and Chicago reported re- 3elpls of 63S oars, against 286 caxa laat week and mo cars one year ago. Trading in the corn pit was quiet and orlces were firm all day. Wet weather hrouKhout the corn belt and small local receipts were the chief sources -of strength, l'ho close waa firm. May opened H t Vatic higher at 434'ff43Ho to 43V sold be iween Ua and 4Slic and closed at 43Htf :3c. Local receipts were 646 cars, with 17 ..f contract grade. The estimate of a trade paper that the t otal crop of oata In the United States Is . bout lod.000,000 bu. less than the figures announced by the government caused a firm narket and a strong close. May opened a shade to Ho higher at S6Tfl36c to c. ad vanced to JtFiae, where It closed. Local re ceipts were 1H6 cars. Sentiment was bul lish In the provisions market throughout , lie day and the volume of trading was urge. At the close May pork waa tin 17Hc to "'2,4c at I16.T7H. Lard waa 16c higher at Rlha were up 16o at 18.97. IMIinuted receipts for tomorow: Wheat, 44 cais; corn. 240 care; oats, 93 cars; hoga, t'Im 'leading future ranged aa fol low i St. I.onls nenerat Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 27. WHEAT-Hlgher; track, No. 2 red, cash, 75-5760; No. 2 hard, rjfi"4c; Mav, 77Vi'tt774c; July, 1lc. CORN Higher; track, No. 2 cash, 40ft 40o: May. 4oS4'&40c; July, 42H'042Hc; No 2 white, 41c. OATS Higher: No. 2 track, cash. 3&ft&He; December. 34c: Mav. SRVc: No. 2 white. Stic FLOl'R Quiet; red winter patents, I3.6MJ 3.7R; extra fancy ana straignt, is.iorpam; clr. I2.66iff2.s5. 8EEI Timothy, steady; I3.2&68.76. CORNMEAL Quiet : 12.20. RRAN Dull: sacked, east track. 931i9flc. HAY Quiet; timothy, 16.00fn9.50; prairie, I12OOW15.00. IRON COTTON TIES 11.02. PAOGINO 'ic. HEMP TWINE 9o. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing. 1 K24. Ird, higher: prime steam, 19.00. Iry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, !.00; clear ribs, 19.00; short clears, 19.25. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 19.76; clear ribs, 19.75: short clear. $1000. POULTRY F'rm; chickens, 8c; springs, 9Hc; turkeys, 12c; ducks. 10c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, KtfSXc; dairy, 22'ti27c. EGGS Weak at 22c. Recelnts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.000 jo.onj Wheat, bu 81.000 113.000 Corn, bu 136.nno 191.000 Oata, bu 34,000 146,000 V. 8. rf. 4a, io conpen . 0. g. a, rag do coupon V. I. old do coupon V. S. n. 4a, do coupon 'An. Tobacco 4a.. 4a, reg. 4 r.i i li mi4j it at do 4s 10V.M.. K. ft T. 4a WV4 Atrhlion (an. 4a do 2a sl'4 do adj. 4a , II M. R. R. of M. c. 4a. fH Atlantic C. L. 4a W "N. T. C. s IHa... .V Bal. ft Ohio 4a lOlH'N. J. C. . .'a.. 127 do IUi Ilk Sa. PaclSo 4a 103 Prk. R. T. c M do ta n On. t Oa. (a l"t In. ft W. c. 4a do tat Inc o lo. g u rtda 4a n do Id Inc 71 Pann. coot. IHa n do Id Inc 11 Raadlns ten. 4s rhea. ft O. 4Wa KS'4U3, L. A I. M. f 41..USH Ctalraao ft A. 141... 7w . L.. A 8. r. fa. 4a. C, B. ft g. n. 4s.... 'VtU. U. I. W. c. 4a lt C, R. I. ft P. do col. 6a cvc. ft S. Lit Colo. Ind. la. aar. Colorado Mid. 4a.. Colo, ft Bo. 4a.... Cuba la D. ft R. o. 4a IMntlllrra' 8c. ta. Krla p. I. 4a do (an. 4a "Hock. Val. 4a.. Japan aa Seaboard" A. U 4a... c . .. ai, ,,. Faclllc 4a k i..l4 do tat 4a ctfa M1 A. 7:. So. Railway ta ... 7S'Taaa ft P. la 117 ... IW'T.. St. b. ft W. 4a.. n ...101 iVnlon Pacific 4a 10 ... H t S. Sleal Id ta 'S ... W'abaah la l'"4 ...100U do deb. B 711 ... rWcatera Md. 4a. ...H'H W. ft L. R 4a. T Wla. Central 4S. OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good, ftrona: and fairly Actife Trad in Cxttla. YESTERDAY'S ADVANCE ON HOGS LOST Fair Ran of Sheen. THh Hons Lanaba Scarce Kat "been Ilea aoaably Active Sellers at Steady I'rlcee. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 27, lis TlecelDts were: Ciftlclal Monday ... Official Tuesday .. Officii Wednesday Official Thursday . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. K1U b.iui ....Holiday. 2.268 2,210 4, Kt 7.0W) M4 4,2T2 4.7tW 9.7 2S-.21H 3;,:tss 31. 1Jk 2,;tN3 t,210 point yesterday morning snd F-ffTVc .wer than the general market yesterday. Owing to the fact that the market opened much higher yesterday morning and closed with a considerable proportion of Cie ndvance lost there was a wide difference of opinion smong sellers, ss the amount of the decline today depended largely mon the time of day that they sold yesterday. The fact was that the advance of yesterday was wived out today, or nearly so. the hogs selling today only a shade higher thtin on Mondiy The trade, ss Is apt to be the cise wl en prlcrs are on the down grade, was slow, sellers making a hard struggle to maintain the market. Still It looked as If buyers wanted the hogs snd the most of the re ceipts changed linnd' In fair season. Kepresentntlve sales: Four days thla week... 6.411 16.461 Same days last week. . . .24.2"3 3u,lH6 Same Week before 2S.361 32,571 Same three weeks 8KO-...1S.M6 26,.t47 Same four weeks ago... .19. US Same day a last year .... 7,37 24,204 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good to choice cornfed steers $5.4iU25 Fair to good cornfed Blears 4 7ou5.40 Common to fair steers 4 0oy4 io Good to choice fed cows J.7ofu4 60 Good to choice cows and heifers... 8"j4.00 Fair to good cows and heifers 2 6u3 .40 Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1.6o'ii2.60 Good to choice stockers and fdrs.. 4 2""ti-4.HJ Fair to good stockers and feedera.. 1.4i'u4.20 Common to fair stockers 1.761.40 Bulls, stags, etc... l.o-u3 9n Veal calves 4.00tifi.o0 The following table shows the average price of hogs at Bouth Omaha for the laat several days, with comparlsona: Date. 1906. l06.l04.1903.19o2.1901.1800. 17 II Bid. Offered. Ex-Interest. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Dec. 27. Call loans. Win per cent; time loans, per cent. Official quotations on slocks and bonds were Atchlaon adj. 4a... do 4s . Max. Central 4a... Atrhlaon do ptd DoRtoa 4k Albany. Boatnn ft Mains... Boaton Elavated .. Pltrhbun ptd .. Meilcan Central .. N. Y., N. H. ft H Para Marquatta .. Tnton Pacific Am. Pnau. Tuba... Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen do pfd Pom. I. ft 8 Rdlion Rlec. Illu tn ,. IMIAInicham ,. flHjCal. ft Herla. . . IS (Centennial ..l2Ti('opper Rama . .. 78i Pair Weat Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 27. WHEAT De cember, 6"Hc; May, 72c; July, 71c; cash. No. 2 hard, o9ya72c; No. 3, 6oiSr71c; No. i red. 72H;&73c; No. 3, 66ti7ivtc. CORN May, 384; July, 3i"4jc; September, 404e; cash, No. 2 mixed, 87c; No. 3, 869 SAl.c- Nn 2 white. 3Vxc: No. 3. SJtiffaSc. I OATSNn. 2 white. 34Wfi34Vu: No. 2 mixed, 3Zd 34c. HAY Prairie, 26c higher; choice timothy, 216.onrfiln.60; choice prairie, Hi. 7412.00. RYE Steady; tiSfoWo. BUTTER I'acklng stock. Ho lower; creamery. Wc: packing, ihc BUGS uteaay; nrsts, itc, seconas, ivc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 24,1X0 64,000 Corn, bu 28,0"0 18,0m) Oata, bu 2,000 9,000 Rnard of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Ix)gan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, was: Articles.! Open. I Ht-h. Low. Cloae.l Yaa'y. Wheat lice... May...fnaT! Corn Iec May. July. Oats lec.. May. July. Pork Jan.. May. Lard- I'eo.... Jan., May July, Rlbe Jan. May July 41 IS tfi 1 t 02H 10 26 40 I4J 8 SO I si 14 n 78W 774 41 o H 43', 44 W 4 3S W S6' 1 22Vs 15 90 U 80 1 44 t I2H 02V, 26 10 42Vi t 26 60 I 724 60 00 I 77H 10 VV 7VAT34&-j 41 41 43 48 S'n V, 43H J "4 84 8.HS 85;, 18 22VV 1 06 16 77V. 14 65 I 12H) X 42V,; 160 t 06 16 27V4 8V, Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Wheat May ... July .... Corn May .... July ... T1T4I72V4I&H 714G 74'72V,H To 71 70S 71B 3S4i'384ifr 8s4i!iVS8,1ini 3SVi4jl 3HSdV4l 3HB 8 T'JV, 8 KVaj 10 8 ft 8 -V 8 86 No. 8. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUlt Steady ; winter patents, WWi) 1 60; straights. 8a.UuS.40; spring patents, 13 (VflS.I(0V; spring straights, I3.S.&0; bak ers, 12 4w2 80. VHttAT No. 2 spring, 77o; No. I. 71olc; No, I red. 7SH74ve. CORN No. X. 4-c; No. I yellow. 44c OATS No. 8, 84c; No. 1 white, 36V; No. I white, 83t35V, RYB-No. 2. U2c. liAJiLEY Fair to choice malting, 4Mi8a. BLh-DS No. 1 flax, 11.18; No. 1 north western, 11 20; prime timothy, 84. 35. Clover, contract grade 11.75. FRijVISIONS Phort ribs, sides (loose), 18 26428.76. Mess pork, per bol., 816 00. Iird, per t Ibe , . "Vs. Short clear side (boxed), s.l2Wt26. The receipts and shipments of flour and -rain were: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls. .4 f5.7'i) Wheat, bu. 2fr).i00 77,-00 Corn tu J"o Oats,' bu ri,l S.M0 Rye bu. 24.KU l'O barley, PX LVIM) 7t700 On the Produce exchange today the but. ter market was steady. Creameries. "if Ho; dairies. ti77c. Eggs, easy; at mark, case lucluded 21 S'. Arst. I4c; prims .'rats, sac; txtras, 2c. Cheee. steady; 13 f4c. Available Snpply of Grain. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Special cable and telegraphlo communications received by Bradstreet'a show the following changes In available supplies, as compared with previous account: Wheat, lntted States, east of the Rockies, decreased lO.iuu bu.; Canada, Increased 61, OuO bu; total, United Stales and Canada, Increased 6H3.014) bu.; afloat for and In Europe, decreased 4,200,000 bu. Corn, United States and Canada, Increased 971.UU) bu. Oats, United States and Canada, de creased 34,000 bu. The leading increases and decreases re ported this week are set forth In the fol lowing tables: Increases I'ort Huron, 166.000 bu.; Aber deen, Ua.ouo bu.; Chicago private elevators, SI, uoo bu. ; Knoxvllle, 7v,uu0 bu.; Walertown, 6o.0u0 bu. Decrease Lincoln, Neb., and vicinity, 232.0UO bu. Adnma Eipres Amal. Copper Am. C. ft F Am. C. ft f. pfd Am. Cotton oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Am. Expreaa Am. H. ft U pfd Am. Ica. securltlea Am. blnaaad Oil Am. Mneed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotlvs ptd Am. 8. ft R Am. 8. ft R PM Am. Busar Reflnlnx Am. Tobacco pld ctf Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd. ex-dlr Atlantic C. L Baltimore ft Ohio Bal. ft Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central of N. 1 Chraapaake ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chtcaio ft N. W C. M. ft St. P f'hlraso T. ft T Chicago T. ft T. pfd C, C, C. A St. b Colorado T. A I. Colorado ft Bo Colo, ft So. lat pfd Colo, ft Ho. d pfd Conaolldated oaa Corn Producta Corn Producta pfd Delaware ft Hudaon Del.. U. ft W Denver ft R. O D. ft R. 0. pfd Distillers' Securltlea Krla Krla lat pfd Brie M pfd Oeneral Electric Hocking Vallef. offered Illinois Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City 8o K. C. 8o. pfd Loulavllle ft N Meilcan Central Mlnneapolla ft 8t. I M., 8L P. ft 8. 8. M..... M . St. P ft 8. 8. M. pfd Mlsaourt PaciBc M , K. ft T M., K. ft T. pfd National bead N. R. R. of M. pfd New Tork Central N. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk ft Weatern Norfolk ft W. pfd North American Pacific Mall PanoarlTanla People' a Oaa p., c C. ft St. 1 Preeeed Steel Car Preaaed 8. C. pfd Pullman Palaca ar Reading Reading lat pM Reading id pfd Kepublls Steel Republlo Bleel ptd Rock laland Co Hex a laland Co. pfd BU L. ft 8. T Id pfd St. Loula 8. W 8t. L. 8. W. pfd Soul hern PaclBo So Pacific ptd So. Railway go. Railway pfd Tenneeee C. ft I Teaae ft Pacific Toledo, St. L ft W T., St. LAW. pfd Colon Paclflo t'nlon Paclflo pfd H.ino 1,100 1HH 42' lll't 42 li 4,100 11 MVi l"0 I" 14.IM) 4lK) ( 100 10.J00 17,100 400 00 3.100 100 I.OiiO 1,200 V00 10 ?itf 23,100 7l4 10' llo4 114 132-4 tw , l3e 9 131 111 13 10 195 ITS 117 1104, 71 lorn 14l4 113 131 '4 f l7 1U1H 18 133 lit 13 7IVI 113 65 4 17H 14 149V1 ,roo too 'iliiio loo 8.100 00 1,10 0 MO "0 I,!"1) 200 too 1,100 MVi 100 100 100 loo ino 100 57 H 1374, tl : S234 41'4 M4 701, 4314 76 IT. 14 110 1M'4 II o4 I74 aOH 2 41V, 63 4 '-II - 66 V, 137VI fl4 II 11 'iii, M-4 70 42 14 76 ft 167 VI 10'4 II 1014 3 2 , 41 14 Minneapolis tirala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Tlec. 27 WHEAT De cember, 77c; May. 7Vc: July, (Wc; No. 1 hard. fcrtiUWV-; No. 1 northern. 79H6WSo; No. 2 northern, 'TH'OSc; No. S spring, 7ii 74c. KIjOUR First patents, S4.30fi4l.40: second patents, 84.1644 2o. first clears, 13 S6US.S6; second clears. IJ 4-Q!tio. LRAN In bulk, HT.2&. Hoard of Trade quotations for Minnea polis delivery. The range In prices, as re ported bv Logan & Riyan, 112 Board of Trade building, was: ArUclee l Open. Htgh. Low. Cloe Yes'y -heat J May. July. 19 T9S 7Srv H'4i Vi 7TI.. 7Sl Mllusskrt Grata Market, MILWAUKEE Iec.' 27. WHEAT Steady: No. 1 northern, etrgslc; No. 2 northern, lotf 7c; May. 1KC. HYK-Ixiwer; No. 1, beaOKVaC t. S. Kiprtaa V. 8. Realty V. S. Rubber V. 8. Rubber Pfd V, 8. Steal V. Steel pfd Va. -Carolina 1 hemicai Va.-Caro. Cbern. pfd.. Wabaah Wabaah pfd Wella-Fargo Bipraaa . Weetlnfhuu,, niacins Waatara t'nloo Wheeling L Wlaconaln Central .... Wla Centra) P'd Northern PacISc Central Leather Central Leather pfd.. 3loaa-8hefflld Sterl .. Ureal Northern pfd... Int. Metropolitan .... Int Mat. pfd... 100 I04 10 1,100 143 HJ 1.400 CTH 17 1,700 6V, 6ll4 700 14'ita H"4 100 147 IM14 1.000 14V, S3 "4 1.300 41V4 40S 2 71i, 1114 loo 71 71 100 67 H 67 4.100 130 '4 M 100 4T 47, 1.100 II "ioo iiii ais ii'400 ii7i 1.100 HVt 74 iloiii ii " "isvi 100 M M 100 llOsi HOI, 1U.400 136H 132 S '1000 'si" "si 600 17 ' T.1U0 J04 2VH 100 a-'i1, 1(14 100 47 47 100 25 244 tiO 694 M 14.IO0 KS 'itfii '12V, 100 4i4 M4 'i'ioo IS"4 S474 MO 3? Ii4 100 63 6.11, . II.7O0 ll-l ' 1", 100 II 91 ', i.i'i ii 'si llO loin 10114 , 11,500 48', 471, , 1,700 104 V, 1034 100 81 31 100 lu7 107 700 1T4 144 7u0 31 3 41,900 100 "i'i SO,!1'! , 6.300 too Ik ii 'ii" 31 73 1M 14 H ic, 13 73 1, WO 114H 4i't 1W4 IUi 1.15 2HH 91V1 lVl 34 72 10x14 149 S 113 1324 9:. 2MH4 lo3 91 111 ni'4 9214 7S lB4Va 116 6S4 17a 197 160 21 I 63VI 3 17 67 VI lS7i, J'H 11 1:214 610 414 MW, 431, 744 6514 157 12 17 1744 m 1714 , 24 49 29 4014 17 V, 69 143V, 167 94 41 714 71V, 67 1801, 47 41 M14 H 1744 1S S 91 60 6314 WV, 179 136S 18 90 IKV4 t !' 43 4744 V4 6 4 SV4 Uv, Ufc 94 1o r.s 6H4 1I1S 93 111 11 611, lOftV, 4H 1'44 10714 18', 190 148 aS 14 241, , la 4, us ' '4S l:i 144 "14 Mau. Electric do pfd ... Maiia. Oaa .. I'ntled Fruit t'nltrd S. M. do pfd .... U. S. Steel.. do pfd .... Adventure ... Allouea Amalgamated Atlantic Rid. "Asked Franklin ;Oranby lale Royale Maes. Mlntns ... Mohawk Mont. C. ft C Old Dominion .... Osceola Parrot gulncy Hhannon Tamarack Trinity t'nlted Copper .. V. S. Mining .... I'. 8. Oil , 17 t'tah 17 Victoria eiVlWInona .108 Wolrerlna 7S North Butte 28Vi nutte Coalition . 48 Nerada 104S Cal. ft Ariaona.. ISiTecumeeh 634 Greene Con 114i, Michigan Mining . 14141 Ex-dlvidend. ...140 ...1M ...160 ...135 . 3tS .190 . 61 .1I1S . 11 .1S2S .129 .18 4, . 81 .101 22 . SO ....I93 3S .... 63 .... 18 .... 14 .... 13 .... 17 .... 11 .... 71 .... 1 .... 63 ....147 .... 29 ....102 .... 18 ....116 .... 16 .... 70S .... II .... 9 .... 62 .... 7S .... 12 ....IkS ....110 .... 16 .... 11 171 29 .... S3 .... 11 Boston Copper Market.. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket.reported by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board or Trade tmiiaing, uniana: Adrenture Nerada Cone.. Allouea 62 North Butte . Atlantic 14 Old Dominion Bingham 30 Oaoeola Black Mountain 9 Qulncy Rltea Bnntnn Cone 10, Pneu. Service Uulte Coalition 36 Pnau. Service. Calumet ft Arliona.J'O Qulncy Calumet ft Hecla....l93 Shannon Centennial , 84 Tamarack .... 83 Washington .. II Trinity 61 t'nltrd fruit 13 t'nlted Plate,, com 24 t'nlted Btatea, 13 l ull Com 14 t'tah Copper . 16 Victoria 17 Winona 13S Wolrerlna 26 S Cananea I Nlplaalng 11 Rxecutor Copper Range Dally weet Dominion Steel Gaat Butt Kranklln Greene Copper . Granby , Hanrock lale Royal Kewaneew , L. S. ft Plttahurg. Masaachuaatta Michigan Mohawk (rt-dlT.).... 1 111 51 141 3 H4i pfd... S0 107 11 Ill 20 16 108 S 10 45 63 Dec. 15... IW4 Dee. Id... Dec. 18... 6 17T4 Dec. 6 19 Dec. 20... 6 18 Dec. 21... ( OWi,, Dec. 22... 6 08V4 Dec. 23... Dec. at... 6 1374 Dee. 26... Dec. 28... 6 21 Dec. 27... 144 4 81 4 38 4 40 6 09! 4 7ti 4 M 4 64 4 901 4 8 4 99 4 98, 6 061 6 0O 4 4J 4 60 4 6) 4 44 4 8 4 ai 4 w I 4 431 4 62 4 2S Pi 4 27 1 6 14 4 311 6 01 I 07 10 6 IS 6 27 ee 6 36 4 331 4 39 4 41 4 48 ee 4 64 6 27 6 27 6 12 ( 04, 116 e I 6 OS O61 4 84 4 78 4 4 7 4 1 4 81 4 86 No. It .. 115.. 27... II... 62... I... 32... 69... 17... 56 . . . 41. .. 71... 41... 69... 61... 67... 60... 60.., 69.. 6O.., 16.. 6.. 61.. 71. . 70.. 69.. 13. . 68... 90. . 77.. II.. 17.. 14.. II.. S.. 87.. 71.. 2.. 4.. II.. 71. 72. At .337 .151 .343 . .22 , .J--7 . 398 ..1R8 . 842 ..3: .270 .270 .251 . 264 ..US .2"! ..144 ..Sll . 2CJ ..! ..106 .151 ..2l ..2S4 . .234 ..27 .283 . 181 ..S.4 . 19 .144 ..Hi . 2tl ..1) ..258 ..128 .214 ..211 . . Mil .2:4 ..238 .2.4 . . 220 Sh. Tr. I 00 4 06 4 05 10 4 10 1 10 1 i" 4 1 4 10 4 10 4 12S 4 U'S 4 12', I 12', 4 12 I 12 4 li 4 U' 4 12 I 12 4 11 4 12S 4 12 I 12 12S I 12S I 12 I 12S I 12 1 12 I 12 I 12 4 12 4 II I 13 I 16 I 15 4 16 4 IS 4 16 6 15 I 15 8 16 No. 7 . 71.. S . 88 . 7.. 80... 76 .. f8 .. ''... 68 ... 2... f. . 74 .. 7.1... 72... 64. .. 70. ., 77... 64.. 6 . 61.. 42.. K0.. 72.. 67.. 78.. 74 . 73.. 79.. II.. 10. . 79.. 63. . 62. . 81.. .. 84.. 61.. 62 . 69. . At. . . 395 .183 ..S57 . 214 ..24 .247 ..232 ..tin . 217 . 223 . 2!"t . ! ..213 . ."i . ..2"1 . 2.'1 ..23 . 2;4 . 1:4 ...2!7 ...170 . .lii . . .24 ...2'8 ...241 .. V2 ..1-1 ..210 ...237 .. 2n0 ...110 ...213 ...187 ..120 ...245 ...199 ..224 . . . 204 ...2311 ...210 ...224 fr. I 15 6 13 1 15 I 15 I IS I 16 I 15 6 15 I 15 8 15 I 13 I 16 15 15 I 15 6 15 I 15 I 15 6 15 I II I 16 8 13 6 II 6 15 I 17 I 17 I 17 6 17 8 17 8 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 I 17 4 17 6 17 4 17 4 ITS 4 to 4 2 4 20 4 20 Ihlnmerte. 1",1; bbls SAVANNAH. Iv. . 67'-.-. I'.ociN-Finn: s.tis: F. . II it i4 1; F . 4 m: It . 5; I.. II S; K .. u .;.; V. V.. $... sverafre. 11s.13!i bbliv T, 41L Tunentlne4 a. iv c. n. t(r. tl , II I'JViM.I; " N'.. lotJ; W. O., 0 4I4II4 VIH)l.i:l 41, K M4.HKKT. t ondltloa of Trade and l)aotatloaa a staple and Kssey Trodace. Wins - ivr b . i''. 1.IVK, I'lU LTItY -Hens. 7'u7'c; roosters, 4c; turkey.; du-ks. 811IV; spring chicken.. TVsc; se.c, VirVc. HI TI'KH-riu klnn slock. lu'4c; choice to fancv dulrv. :'1.iJ:ic; cresmcry. '7l31c. HAY-t'holce uplimd. I'.' f'. inelluni. 89.00; Ciure. M'-ii.5ti. lte straw. Jtl.aVif'.W. HllAN 1"T tmi. ll.Vi'i. V KtlK I AHI KS. TCRNIFS-IVr bu.. fK'. S W KIM' It)TATtKS- - Kansas, per bbl., " rtiM ATt)E9 California, pT Ixvsket of M "'wAXHKANS-IVr bu box, M.rtJ 60. 1IKKTB and CAIilldW-lVr bu.. inc. L1,K LKTTl'CKHothuuse, ier dot. heails. 4fc. CKLKRY-I'er do.. :"ntV. tTt'l'MllKHS-1 lot house, per do., fl.iarj .til 1 - t N ION8 Home grown. "JV per bu.; BptUW Ish. 8 per cr.Ue; Colorado, 7ic. Ht)RSKRADISH--Cas of do., 1190. RADISH I'sl'er do, bunches, southern, laiKc loiiu'lics. 4Cc. N WY RFANS-l'er bu., 11.75; No. 2. i.l M A HKANS - Per II).. 5',c. t KKKN rKI'I'KHrt IVr hamper, $3.00. FARSLKY Hothouse, per do, buncnee, . . C. Hlt.M, ri lloiianu seeu, nomc l"KitV FLANT-lVr do . $'J.'iif3.00. p ) 1 I t K(4-I er on., eiikc. RITAHAtlAS About li lbs. to f . . . o .... lil.AU l.fil 1 t V Vj mmiiT'"' " SHALLOTS Southern, per bu 8 20 4 R9 46 i 6 37 , 4 S3 Sunday. Holiday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha iL'.DO'ufl.: Chicago 1.2Cu3i.80 Kansas City 2.U""fl6.76 St. Louis 1.7rVai.75 Sioux City 2.5iij.2S The ofticlal number of cars brought In today by each road was: Cattle Hogs. Sheep.Hs'es C. M. & St. P Wa hash Missouri Pacific I. P. System C. & N. W.. east C. ct N. V., west..., C, St. P., M. O.... C, H. Q.. east C, B. & W., west C, R. I. & P.. east.. C, R. I. & P.. west.. Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western. Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was us follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of heud Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 3 1 4 8 16 2 8 18 2 7 17 10 .. 13 3 7.. 43 10 6 2 10 1 3 2 3.. 3 2.. 92 99 26 Hogs. Ifi.OO'clO.l.'O 6.6"iH).37V4 5.2&(i.37Vi 46 6.0Oii.i) of stock ptd. 7 12 180 12 11 8JH Omaha Tacking Co 272 Wi Swift and Company 4"6 1.781 Cudahy I'acklng Co VM 2,34.1 Armour & Co SJ3 1.812 Swift & Co.. country 88 Vansant & Co 17 McCreary & Carey 91 .... W. I. Stephen 197 Hill & Son 3 F. P. Lewis 3 Huston & Co 16 .... L. F. Htisx 6 J. H. Bulla 7 Mike Haggerty 70 J. II. Root ot Co 44 .... T. B. lnghram 1 .... V. A. Britton 10 Lehmer Bros 1 .... 8. & 8 3i2 Other buyers 117 Totals 6S1 1.4H3 1,63 SHEKP Receipts this morning were quite liberal, there being not far from twenty five cars In the yards, of this number seven or eight cars were already sold be fore arrival. The demand was again very fair and the market as a whole entirely satisfactory. While the trade was not quite so active as yesterday prices were fully steady. Practically everything was sold and weighed up In very good season. l.ainiis were In light supply, as will he noted from the Kales below, and there was nothing very good, barring one little bunch of choice natives which sold at 17. tin. There were quite a good many good weth ers which sold as IiIkIi as 16.76 for the best hero. Western ewes sold as high as l"i.U5, with a little bunch of native yoarllng ewes ut 15 60. Quotations on killers: Good to choice lambs, I7.0ujj7.ti0; fair to good lambs, i 76 ig'M); good to choice yearlings, 8o.7kio.15; fulr to good yearlings, f..6u'ii6.75; good to choice wethers, 85.35u6.76; fair to good wethers, I4,.1oii; Do; aood to choice ewe. 4.7o'(i6.J6; fair to good ewes, $4 otii4.75. Quotations on feeders: Good to choice lambs, Jo.'; medium lambs, 86.6116.6; light lambs, ti.di'u&.'lb) yearlings, 6.16)o.6u; wethers. S4.75Hi3.25; ewes, U.&W4.60; bleed ing iwes. li.uniia.U). No. 377 native wethers 16 native lambs 6 native wethers 30 native ewes 1 native buck 131 western ewes 230 western ewes 5 western lambs 278 wt stei n ewes, cull itw western ewes -IS western ewes, cull 6 native ewes 14 native lamhs 38 western yearlings 46 western yea' Lugs 1J western ytarllnga 12 western yearlings 13 western lambs , 69 wet-tern ewes 268 western wethers 441 western wethers 3"1 western wethers 3i2 western wethers 248 western lambs 24 western ewes, culls .... 458 western ewes 8 western ewes sack do.. 600. Av. Pr. . 1U 6 75 . 98 7 li'l . liW 6 00 . 175 6 00 . V0 4 25 . 110 6 10 .107 6 30 . 74 7 25 . P) 2 CO . 113 6 lu . li 4 00 . 17H 6 25 . US 7 M . 95 6 no . 95 6 00 . l'J6 44) .96 6 50 . 8 7 00 . lol 5 25 . 12 5 70 . bW) 6 70 . 100 . 5 70 .89 6 70 .72 7 26 . (H 4 10 .111 6 25 .93 6 25 Forelava Financial. LONDON, Dec. 27. Money was In good demand, the supplies were limited and rates hardened In tho market today. Discounts were easier. Prices on the Stock exchange opened quietly steady. Not much business was transacted, but the tone of British se curities was cheerful In the expectation of the arrival of more gold from Paris. The statement of the Bank of England had little effect on the market. Americans started at about parity and crept up stead ily during the forenoon on local buying In spite of some Hpprelienslon regarding the settlement ot tne American account. The advices received during the afternoon caused a further Improvement and the mar ket closed firm. Atchison. Topeka ct Santa Fe, Cnlon Pacific and 1'nlted States Steel were the most active, but became dull on Paris advices. Rio Tintos and De Heers were strong. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 closed at 101 4. PARIS, Deo. 27. Prices on the Rourse today were firm. Russian Imperial 4s I closer! at 78.40 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 494. BERLIN, Dec. 27. Prices on the Bourse today had a firmer tendency. 162 .2.4S4 7,285 4,674 CATTLK There was a fair run of cattle for this time of the week, but still there were not enough to make much of a show. Ing in the yards. The market aa a whole waa in a good, healthy condition and prac tically everything In sight was disposed of in very goon season in tne torenoon. Packers all seemed to want a few fat steers and were out In the yards quits early. As to the prices paid, those who had the kind of cattle to get the full strength of tho advance yesterday did not think there was any material Improvement today. On the other hand, those who did not have cattle yesterday or at leust the kind of cattle that buyers wanted, could see a large advance today. They were all agree ing, though, that the market was at least loylac higher for the two days. In other words, a large proportion of the decline of last week has been recovered. What was said above regarding steers would apply equally well to cows and heifers. They were In good demand and free sellers at strong prices. On cows It looks as If the decline of Inst week was just about made up, on the good kinds at lessr. The supply of stockers and feeders was very meager, but speculators had a few on hand. No one la looking for any very great business In feeders until after the first of the year. Kepresentatlve sales: BEEF STEERS. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHKF.T Cattle Steady, liners, Sheep anc I.antba l.orrer. CHICAGO, Dec. 27. CATTT-E Receipts. 9.0(0 head; market steady; common to prim Steers, l4.0O'7.4O; cows, I2.7&(i4.76! heifers, $2.ll(tA.0O; bulls, 2.4Hf(i4 60; calves, 12.75u 8.60; stockers and feeders, 82.4ntfi4.50. HOGS Receipts, 2S,(iO head; market lOft 15c lower; choice to prime heavy, 8n.,Kh' 6.36; medium to good heavy, tOKciiiv,; Jii.2ufiri.30; good to prime packing, $ii.H0ii6.2); pigs. butcher weights, mixed, $ii.2tVyt.25; l.W(!.16. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 20,000 head; market weak to luc lower; sheep. H.7:"i'f(4i.UU; yearlings, $4.ti0t)6.&0; lambs, $0.00 i&e.oo. CAl 1.1 r IA r.ll- 1 IT riair - do, heads HXa.m CRXNHF.HRlF.S-l'cr bbl.. S (,. 00. APPLES- Hen Davis, choice. ttO; fancy, p,T bl.l.. $'.'.; Jonathans. $11 50: New York) apples. $3..V.; Grimes- Golden, 13.60. PEAKS Winter Nells, per box 13 rt GRAPES - Mulacii. per bbl , lii.OOoj i.OO. TROPICAL FRl'IT. ORANGES-Florida oranges, 12 90; Call forma novels, 8-I.25. LEMi iNS-Liimmlcrn. extra fancy, Z44J sle, 84. fo; ii"' utid j.oo; other bra nils, ,'ilic less. , . . H ANANAt" Per mclloni-Hlied buncn, I. '.i" 'iiJ 25; Jumbos. p TI-'S Kaihiway. c; savers, 6c; llau lowis new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb. box, II. lo;' California, bulk. 6'4jc; 6-crown, 15o o-ciKWti. 14c; 3-crown. l'-V. , , . GRAPH FRl'IT-Sie 64 to 64 and 80 to 98, "l'lkIANl"T- Per suck of 100, $4.60. Cl'T HEEF PRICES. Ribs: No. 1, 14'tc; No. 2, 9V'I No. 8, . i rvin- N 1. ixc: No. 2. 12Vc; No. 3, 9a. chuck: No. 1, 014c; No. 2, 6c; No. S. 4c Round: No. 1. Xc; No. 2. 7c; No. 3, 6Vao. Flute: No. 1, 4'4-; No. 2. 4c : No. 8, 8c. MISl'HLLANEorS. CHRBSE-Swiss, new. Ilk'; Wisconsin brick, IM n Hie; Wisconsin llmberger, 14c; twins, lfic; Young Americans, 1C. FISH Trout. 12c; halibut, 12c; catlNh, 16o; buffalo. Sc; bullheads, 12c; black bass, fine stock. ' salmon, 12c: pike, 13c; red snsp pi r. fresh frozen, 13c; whlteflsh. fresh, frozen. 13c; yellow iierch, dressed and scaled. Sc; pickerel, fresh froien, c; frog" legs, 40c per doz. :nlilles. CI' RED FISH Family whlteflsh, pep quarter bbl., 1' lbs.. $1 (; Norway mack erel. No. 1. $.15.00; No 2, $J8.o0; herring In bbls., 2n0 lbs. each. Norway, 4k, $9 00; Nor. wav. 3k, $'.i.i; Holland herring. In kegs, nillVerw. Soc: kegs, mixed, 7ik-. HIDES AND TAl.IOW-C,recn salted. No. 1 12,c; No. 2. 1"tc; bull hides, 9JiHk-; green hides, No. I He; No. 2. loc; horse, tl.BOUi 3 75; sheep pells. ryK'itl.25. Tallow, No. i. 4r; No. 2. 3c. NFTS French walnuts. 1314c; California, walnuts. No. 2 hard shell. 13c; No. 1, soft shell, I.Vfcc: l.iazlls, 154 lf.c: pecans, l9tS'i2c; llllierts, HWiHc; peanuts, raw, 6V4cj roisted. 814c; California almonds, hard shell. Ic: soft shell, 17c. HONEY Per 24 frames. $3.50. CIDER New York, half b:rrel, $2.75; bar rel, .5im. COFFEE Roasted. No. 35. 2fic per lb. No. 30, 21c per lb.; No. 25. 19c per lb.; No. 20, Tie per lb. ; No. 21, 13c per lb. SYRCP In bbls., 27c per gal.; In esses, 6 10-lb. cans, $1.7o; cases. 11 6-lh. cans, $1.80; cases, 21 2Mi-H. cans. $1.S5. Bl'GAR Granulated cane. In sacks, $3.21; "rrantilnted beet. In sacks, li.ll. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west -rn. 6Vfi WH'; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, S-Ib. 11ns, $1.10; S-lb. cans, 97Ucfi $1 .00. Pine, oples, grated, 2-lh., $2,0642.30; sliced. $190 r2 20. Gallon apples, fancy. $2.06. U ' rnla apricots, 1 .!Kc2.'J6. Pears, $1.76U 2.611. Peaches, fancy. $1.75'iJ7!.40; H. t feaches. $2.lK!i2.50. Alaska salmon, red, 1.25; fancv Chinook. F., $2.10; fancy sock eye, F., $1.95. Sardines, miarter oil, $2.78 three-nuarter mustard. $3.00. 8weet pota toes, $l.liC(i1.25. Sauerkruut, $1.00. Pump kins, Sikiiji.Ki. wax henns, z-in., 6Boc lima Ivans, 2-lb.. 75cr1.35. Spinach, $1.36. Cheap peas. 2-lb., 60c; extras, 95cJ1.10; fancy, 1.3;al-75. Itank of France Hvatement. PARIS. Dec. 27. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: NVtes, In circulation, Inc eased 4, 750.0110 francs; treasury deposits decreased 4.706.OO0 francs; general depislis increased 64, 975,o8) francs: gold In hand decreased 21. 750,000 francs; silver In hand decrased 1, 875,00 francs; bills discounted Inci eased lK4.47o.Otm francs; advances decreased 11, 060,000 francs. Wabash Passes Dividend. NKW TORK, Dec. 27.-Dlrectors of the Wabash railroad today announced that the semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent on the "A" and "li" debenture bonds had passed, the company's earnings during the last six months having been Insufficient for that purpose. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $!50.000,'00 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balances, $CX.36t;.ti98: gold coin and bullion, $102,lo7.: gold certificates, $54,410,230. Teial aalea lor the day. aharaa. London Closing Storks. LONDON, Dec. 2f7. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were Coneole. mooey 6j',4 11560 ; sam- May, tin- Pearla Market. PEORIA. Dec. CT. CORN New changed; No. S yellow and No. $, ic 4, DM-; no grade, c. OATS-Firm; No. 2 white, 86Vc; No. ) white, WVv RYF-t5udy: No. s. trryoc. WHISKY On the baaia of $1 2 for lliusbed gooda. Llveraeel Oral a sad Provlsloas. LIVERPOOI Dec. 27 'vTH EA T-8 tx" .rin; No. t red, western winter. 4e. Fu- BARI. FY Steady; No. pie. 44&65C. CI3RN Steady, No. I cash. 39Vfrfi40c 43c asked. rhlladelphla Fred ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 27.-BCTTKR-Bteady; fair demand: extra western cream ery, official price, E2S. EOiirV-l'nchanged: fresh, 29c at mark. CHEESE 4Wu'rt; New York full creams, U8l4Vc. Dulatk tirala Market. DCLFTH. Dec. ST.-WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern. 79c; No. t northern, 77vc; Decemtx-r. 77c; M'.y. c; July. SuSc. OATS To arrive, 83c. Toleale Seed Market. TOLEIK). Dec. H7.-8EFD Clover, cash and December, $836; January, $8 17, March. $8.47V. Timothy, $2-tA). aislk. $7. io. do account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Bal. A Ohio Canadian HaclSo t'hes. Ohio.... Ci.naao Ot w . M. 81. PeBaera UAH. U.. da pfd .... Erie do let pfd. do Id pfd Illinola (antral Louiartlle N ai 11-11 M , K. A T M I I" N. T. Central .... 14 Norfolk 4 W ...104 do pfd ....105 Ontario S, W ....12 Penneyleanla ....!"! Rand at I nee .... II Keadtna II iSoulhrra Kallwar P Ill I do pfd 11 Southern Paclto . 43 t nton Pacific t !l do pfd 44. T. a steel 11 I do ptd II IWabaah 171 do pfd Ma!anlb 4a SILVER Bar, firm, $2Sd per ounce. MONEY 6uoli per cent. The rte of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 per cent; for thiee months' bills, 6o per cent. . 4: .144 . 13 . 13 . 4 . 71 4 . an . 33 . 47 . t .n: . M . 4 .107 '. 41 . 16 Ken York Mlalair Storks. NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: eoo . ii . . tt .ut .IX ,.4M . 4 I Little Thief ... Ontario t)tblr Puioal 8a rasa Sierra Nevada Small Hupea .. Standard I Adama Coa. Alice Braaca Brur.awtck Con. . 1 omatota Tuanel Coa. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Stiver Iran Stiver Laedvtlle Cos. .. Bank of Gerenaay gtaleaaeat. BERLIN Des- TJ The weekly statement of tre lniiH.rial Bank of Germany shos tl.e . 8 :s .4K) . 13 .luO . 14 . SI bit Bank Clearings. OMAIIA, Dec. 27. Bank clearings for today were $1,640.7(6 23 and for the corre sponding date last year $1,467,719.64. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 27 COTTON Spot closed steady: middling uplands, 10.66c; mid dling Ktilf. 10 hoc: sales, 26 btilea LIVERF04J1. Dee. 27. COTTON Bpot In fair demand, prices S points lower; Amer ican middling fair, 6.UM1; good mljdlln &'.h: middling, 6.70d; low middling. 6.51; good ordinary. 6.12d; ordinary, 4.8.VI. The sales of the day were 8.OU0 bales, of which duo were for speculation and export and 111 eluded LB1") American, rteceipis since last report, 6s,0o0 bales, incluuing Amer ican. ST 1.4)1 18. Dec. .t 1 1 mf4 luii; mid dling. Ho. Sales. 12a bales: reo-li,ta. &O11 bales: shipments. 19 bales; stock, 24.57H btl-s NEW OK LEA is rt, Lec. r, . urnoN- Spot market closed steady; sales. 4.724 biles; low oroinary, atc; oroitiHiy. ic, nominal; aood ordinary, 8c: low mlildllng. 9c: mid dling, loac; go. d middling. 9 5-lOc; middling fair. llc, nominal, neceipis, 11,10a Duties; stock. 68,318 bales. r.vaporalrd Apples and Dried Frnlta NEW YORK, Dec. 27 EVAPORATED APPLK8 Market shows no fresh feature. Demand Is light and supplies for future shipment are offered freely enough to Im part an easy lone to the spot market. Fancy are quoted at 9Svc; choice, 6y kV: rrlme. 7hjc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRIITS-Prunes are unchanged, with quotations ranging 8c to 9c for California fruit. Apricots are very quiet, but prices are firm owing to light available supplies. Choice are nuoted at loc; extra choice. 17tJlfcc; fancy IS 11 loc. Feaches are steady, with choice nuoted at 11c; extra choice, I21I2c; fancy l.'1ll-c. Ralslus are In moderate demand with loose Muscatels i)Jotd at 7Uc seeded raisins, 7'uloc; London layers, $1.46 Hi So. Saaar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Bl'GAR Raw steady; fair reil ilng, 3 l-16tf3 3-32c; centrifu gal. j test. 3 -lb'3 19-32c; molasses sugar, 2 U-loi2 27 -32c. Keflned, steady; crushed, i.SfV. powdered, l.wtic; granulated. 4 sue. 11FFEE Steady ; No. 7 Rio. 71n'(i7o. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 27-81'GAR Steady; open kettle centrifugal, 3Vu3 lli-luc i-iitrif ugai wiiit-s. wi 1-:, centriiiiK yellows. :ift$ !5-l'ic; seconds 2'4 8-loC. SYRCP-NcW luuiawoa, 41 alii. No. AT. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 lot) 1 7.1 1 12117 C 00 1 iso 1 00 so nr.t 1 06 1 o0 I li 111 12113 6 10 1 lii I 50 41 1211 I 10 1 1100 1 75 18 1173 e 10 1 1010 00 18 1487 I 10 1 170 10 10 1S.M t 80 1 llfiO 4 IS 20 12 I K 4 ions 4 10 1 1104 I 11 34 1SS 4 50 17 12H7 5 30 31 1041 4 10 20 1260 I 10 COWS. 21 00 I M 1 124 I II 1 loo is li b.Sfi I is 1 ItlO I 15 1 770 I IS 1 1040 1 40 1 100 1 IS 1 ISO I 10 1... 1100 25 8n I 60 1 1111 1 li I ir.o in io nil i io I 10.V) I 44 1 800 1 15 i idso 1 70 i m i 4o 1 110 8 70 1 1120 I 40 8HS I IS 1 11M 1 45 1 1030 I 76 1 102S I 60 40 7J5 I 19 1 1O10 I 60 lol I 10 1 1094 I 60 6 1024 I 40 4 441 I 60 24 L'l I 10 I ltl I 60 1026 I 00 I I0l I 40 1 1110 1 00 I lo!5 I 40 1 800 I 00 II 1U I 10 1 1IM0 I 00 1 1031 I 16 1070 I 00 7 11:42 I 6 1001 I 00 1 1180 I 10 II 145 I 00 1 1070 1 76 I line I 04 11 1101 1 75 t l-0 00 4 1200 I 75 IIK I 00 411 1043 I 76 If, 10 1 1220 1 75. 1001 15 1 1111 I SO HEIFERS. I 610 1 46 1 toe I 16 II 6i 1 40 1 60 I 26 I 134 I 71 1 130 I 21 IH0 1 M 11 141 I 10 6 744 I 10 4 117 1 40 740 I 10 14 Il I 40 t 1006 I 20 14 447 I 41 7 7u0 S 10 1 400 I Re 441 I ?5 1 150 I 13 I iti I 26 11 8l III HEIFERS AND STEERS. II It. I 60 BULLS. 1 ISO 1 ft 1 1140 I 19 1 i:l) 1 61 1 lf.3'1 1 10 I 1254 I 71 1 1440 I 10 J ....1670 1 84 1 1140 I 15 1 1240 I 80 1 450 1 15 1226 I 81 1 1H0 I 15 1100 t 14 1 1110 I 16 1 1fi. 81 1 l.MK) I 25 1 1M0 1 III 1 1"00 16 1 1470 1 f 1 1610 I 10 j I20 1 SO t 1630 I 60 1 lulO I 00 t 1340 I 60 1 1680 I 00 1 1210 I it 140 1 00 1 lieo to 1366 I OS CALVES. 1 260 I 00 1 100 6 10 1 luO I 14 1 140 I 60 Jilt) 60 1 I.'O 6 IB 126 I S 1 120 6 75 1 2 I 60 1 100 4 00 400 'l S 1 140 I 00 J 234 8 15 I 144 4 M 1 470 H I ISO 6 00 1 IO 4 o 1 130 I Ut) 1 2W 4 SO 1 154 I 10 1 Iil 4 8' 1 170 I 25 1 141 4 40 1 170 4 25 1 110 I 40 1 370 4 21 STOCKERd AND FEEDERS. 1 6M I ' 6 7:4 I 60 1o I SS 1 3"0 I 60 576 I 10 t 8SS I 50 6H0 I 10 1 IM 3 60 646 I 25 I M4 !M lJ 1,1 I 10 I l o I o 14S 11-1 10 6-1 I 1 1 tuv I 35 1 m0 I 7ri 1 StO I 35 1 io I 75 6 674 I 15 6 SuO I 75 I two I 3S I mi eu 3 ... 115 I 40 1 Mil I 66 I Ill I 40 1 7o0 4 '.u MONTANA. Kansas City Live Stock . Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 27. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,i) head; market strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, $.i.50'(.75; fair to good, $4.tKi6 4o; western fed steers, $3.006 oo; stockers and feeders, $2.91144 4.60; southern steers, $3.26t6.00; southern cows, $2.oof(it.50; native cows, $2. 26ft 4.60; native heifers, $3.0t't6.on; bulls. $2.404.00; calves, $3.5ot47.50. HOUS Receipts, 9,000 head; market 7W7J 10c lower: top, $ii 37'4; bulk of sales, $! 2.01 6.35: heavy. KSetfiUiM.: packers, $ti.2Miti.35: pigs and lights. $o.26u.324. bllEr.l;" Arsu l-A.Mitn iieceipis. 4.1100 head: market 10c higher; lambs, $ii.34i7.iiu: ewes and yearlings, $4.6u4i3.25; western fed yearlings, $j.6n(uti. ib; western fed sheep, $4.26 4)5.76; stockers and feeders, $3,004)4.76. . I.onls Live Stock Market. ST. I.OCIS, Dee. 27. CATTLE Receipts, 3.541 heud, Including l.Jiu head of Texan; market steady; native shipping and ex port steers, $4.80';.7&, dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.75'i5.90; steers under l.uuu pounds, JJ. 20i4.U); stockers and feeders, 4U.4Uti4.60; cows and heirers, 2.4t.i'u6.2E); can- ners, II .buqiz.aa; nuns, s.-.zo'iM.tjo; calves, i.i.2. Ki7.6u; Texas and Indian steers, $2.6u6.6o; cows and h' Ifers, $1.7.Vr3.50. HOGS Receipts, 7.000 head; market 6c lower; pigs and lights, $ii.iii)il8.40; puckers. I $.-Vy8.4X, butchers and best heavy, $.30u 6.45. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 3,mi heud; market strong; native muttons, $.':.uo i4in.6o; lambs, $.1.75'f'7.3T; culls and bucks, U.WU3.26; stockers, lli.wi3.75. Nerr York Kiock Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 27.-REEYE8 Re ceipts, 5tJ0 head; mainly for slaughterers; nothing doing; murKei leeung. sieauy; dressed beef In moderate demand at li'vil 9c per pound, wltii family beef bringing 9'c. Exports for tomorrow: Sixteen cars of" sheep and four curs of cattle. CALVES Itecelpts, 4iii netin; veins, steady at $6 6'(9 fni; culls, $l.6ti; barn.tanl and western calves, nonfjual ; dressed calves, steady to strong; city dressed ve.ils. 84 14c per pound: country dossed, 7'U121c. HOUs Receipts, 6.1O4 head; lew on sale; market nominally steady. BMLKT A.N I) L.A.V1HB tteceipts, 3,U' head; shep, slow; prime lambs, steady medium grudes, slow; sheep, I.l.nou 4.60; no prime sheep sold; lambs, $;.7''ui.l0. St. Joseph l.l Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,69V head; market steady; natives, it-oo.tjo; cows and heifers, $2.2&'u4.ikj; stockers and feeders, $3.26'i4.iio. H'HiS Kecelpis. H...S Head; loc lower; lop. $6.32',; bulk, lii.2fWtti.30. SHEEP AMI LA l tio iveceipis, wo neau; market steady. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 27. M ETAL8 Thera was a sharp decline In the London tin mar ket, spot closing ut l!i4 bs and futures at 194 Ins. Locally the market waa weak In consequence, with spot quoted at $4!30?J 42.65. Copper was 10h higher In the London market, with spot quoted Ht Kf7 6s and fu tures at Ms 16s Locally the market contin ues firm and shows an advancing tendency In spite of tho higher level already at tained by prices. Itke Is quoted at $23.50 24.011; Electrolytic at $23.264123.76, and cast ing at $23.4M23.60. 1eail was unchanged at $6.25 In the local market. The London mar ket was 2s lid higher at 20. Spelter- waa higher In Loudon, closing at 28 2s ad. Locally the market was firm, but un changed at $!.linti.7o. Iron was unchanged In the English market, with Standard foun dry quoted at His Sd and Cleveland war rants at 2s Hid. Locally Iron waa un changed. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $26.26irt26.2S; No. 2 foundry northern, f'.'l 76iitf.76. No. 1 southern, $26.0iy1i'.i7.&0; No. 2 foundry southern, $25.OHfr7.00. ST. LOl lS, Dec. 27. M ETA LB Lead, Ituct at $0.06. Speller, unsettled at $6.67V4t9 i.60. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 27. COFFEE Market . for futures opened steady at a decline ot 10 points In response lo lower European cables and largo primary receipts. Tho close was steatly at a net decline of tVtfle points. 8ule for the day were reported of 61.5011 bags, Including January at 6.5tKu6.60o March at 0.764.6.86. May at 6.966 00 July ut 6.1' 'ii.:. Ki. nail September at 6 2f.fl 6. 36. Spot, maiket steady; Rio No. 7. 74f7Vto; Santos No. 4, e'i8L4C Mild, steady; CofV dovu, 9'iL'VjC. Sinus City I Ire Stork Market. SIOl'X CITY. Ia., Dec. 27. (Special Tele, gram.) CATTLE-Heci Ipts, 8141 head. Mar ket steady; stockers. $4.25'u6 25: cows and mixed, $2.5nti4.25; stockers and feeders, $3 ' j4'; calves and yearlings, $2 5irt4 26. H(HH4 Receipts. 4NO head. Market lower, selling st $h.0oiti.25: bulk of sales. $! 05'itj lo. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, Cm iieud. Stork In Slaht. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Il'urs South Omaha 2.J" Sioux Cltv 8"! Kansas City &.o fit. Jotenh 1.W7 St. L.uls S Chicago 9,00 Totals . ...:2.m7 . Sheen. 7,') 4.7KI 40 ti'i-l 9." o 4 i 1 8.729 '.) 7.i) 3.'u 2,i) :(j,i.i 6'),? 9 3J.2V Oils and OIL CITY, Inc. 27.-4 $1 68. Runs. 45.U73 bbls , Koala ill Credit balmii-i average, hh,15j bh s Wool Market. ST. 1-OCIS, Dec. CT.-WOOL Market, steady; Medium grudes combing and cloth ing. il'vil-'H i light line, l'.)'Vu-2c; heavy nna, 15'ul7c; tub wuahed, ii-tD' Vc. HE A I, ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. li. Higman and wife to Hastings & Heyden, lot 2, block 2, Orainmercy 1'aik 1 Liicy J. Patterson to Gertrude Louise While, lol 7, Field club sui) 1.0UQ Erastus A. Renson and wile to Mux garet Met 'nr. tg Iter, lots 22 and 2J, block 8, Hi'ii.vm 1 Edward P. Filch to A. J. Love, lot and uirt'lh one-half of lot 1, block 6, ll inscoiii PI. ice 8,600 D. Troup ami husbuiul to Alice 11. I'.iaikbuin, lots 46,. 47 and 4)i, block 1, ItirkhuiiMcr fj Hluinei's sub t Deloss C. Hliiill mid wife to C. R. Helgmeii, lol 2, block 2. lirunimercy I'hik 1 The J urge P. Remis Real Estate ci mintny to the I lu lc Sam Oil com- iai.v, nli-i feet of taxlot 1, sec. Joseph R. Wells to A j. ixjve, lot , irlrtin Hi Istac's add Charles E. i:nnrs..n to Joseph Mess mer and wife, sli feet of lots lo and II. block l'.i, Wilcox's Second add The I'nited R. Hi Estate ci n.puiiy to Antoma Rurck. lot 12 Kounlze's Third udd... R. E. Wilcox anil wife Davis, lot block 2, li. add.. South Ou.iha Frances I. TIioumh et al. lo Charles l.old Thou. us, lot It', block 2, West Side add Ju.Uiin E. Shepherd and wife to Mux tielsler. f'-et of nvi fci t of lot 1, block lo2, otnitha Franc s M. Shoemaker i t al. to tle.uge A. HhoeiiLiker, lots 6 utid , block 'C." Suun-lers He Hlme-liuugh's I.l.j. k 18. to Matilda E. Wilcox's 1.600 ,000 876 1,400 100 I Total 4,600 1 $27, Ml 18 steers.. ..1178 4 30 2 feeders.. 810 $ 7C 1 funler... 920 4 10 1 cow 1270 J 7i HOOS-lKgs sold 10c lower than Fie big U'K 0K1 ER Ilk COLD HOXUtJ- ai r.u; 1 iti a t.i.Mi r:--lJ PERIOD. tj L' A K A N T L L D STOCK with bonu of stock In three subsidiary 1 1.1111 alnles. TSBT rM CINT FIB AJfsTUM OOA1AETSCD BT TOVB. BAKX8 11 stock we are c.ow i fr.-r.i.g at 80 ecu's a share In a dividend paying pro ject. Write u for full details. AMERICAN FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CO.. Representatives Wuntad, tOi KOELri, OIL. 1 ' ' ' ' ' L ' ' V 4 t