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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1906)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER- 2S, 100(1. I Hfl I li I II I III II II I . ..Hir -I. ..,.. -.neaniSlI Five fast through daily trains to Chicago via the Chicago 8 North -Western Ry. the only double track railway between the Missouri river and Chicago, the route of the Overland Limited, the Colo rado Special and the Los Angeles Limited. Two fast trains daily via The North-Western Line to St. Paul - Minneapolis - Duluth Four trains a day to Sioux City. Daily service to northern ' Nebraska, Wyoming and the Black Hills. Through sleeping cars daily to Deadwood and Lead without change. The Best of Everything For tickets and full information apply at CITY TICKET OFFICES 14014403 Farnam Strati, Omaha, and 622 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. LINCOLN LP AGAINST BLOCK City Temporarily Enjoined from Enforoine Ordinance for Dollar Gas. FDERAL CCURT ISSUES THE ORDER i Corporation, In ( Petition, Acriwi City Council of Ht-lntc Influenced by Aitllntlou of Certain Xrmiiiperi, the gss company has already been exeess Ively taxed, that the city, council has fixed the Ftundnrds of meters to be used, which will necessitate the removal of the present meters used by the gas consumers of the city, "thereby involving the company In another ruinous expense;" that "all of these arbitrary actions on the part of the city council and officials of the city of Lincoln are designed to Impair the credit of the gas company." and that to reduce the price of gas to l per 1,000 cubic feet brings It below the cost of production. Hullcck F. Ruse, attorney for the Lincoln Gas and Electric Light company, secured a lcstraining order In the I'nlted States cir cuit ouri Thursday afternoon agaiiut the city of Lincoln, Francis W. Brown, mayor, and LUmund C. Strode, city attorney, to prevent them from enforcing Ordinance No. 43 passed November 1!), 1906, reducing the price of gas In the city of Lincoln from Jl.dO to $1 per 1.0W cubic feet, and one lmpoe ng an occupation tax. The restraining order was Issued and the hearing Is set for January 21. Mr. Rose was In a big hurry to get the restraining order issued, as the ordinance becomes effective January 1, as does an other ordinance passed December 10, 1m jo.itis an occupation tax upon the gas company of Lincoln of 2' per cent upon the grins monthly receipts of the company und aflixing a jienalty of an additional 1 lr cent If net paid by the 15th of each month. In default of payment of this occu pation tax after six months the penalty is ! per cent. The petition makes the usual allegations that both ordinances are unreasonable nnd unfair nod will Involve the gas company In rcrious financial loss If they are enforced. It lo also ulleged that the ordinance reduc ing tiie price of gas to SI was wholly arbi trary anil Is unconstitutional, and that it win only passed In pursuance to popular clamor and newspaper agitation, referring particularly lo c rtaln newspapers as the principal agitators, which published "false, malicious und defamatory statements thit so Inlluenced the electors and their servants, the city council, that tho Injurious ordi nances were passed." The petition goes on further to state that Annoanrritifnti of the Theaters. In "The Ham Tree" Messrs. Mclntyre & Heath have been surrounded by an or ganlzat'on as good as New York could furnish. Messrs. Klaw & ETlanger put the show on the stage and organized the com pany with an eye only to securing the very best. As a result they claim to have not only the youngest, but the best sing ing and dancing chorus ever put together. Only three negro characters are presented, two of these Messrs. Mclntyre and Heath and the other by Belle Golden. These three are a whole show in themselves. "The Ham Tree" comes to the Boyu this even ing for an engagement of two nights and a matinee on Saturday. On Sunday evening the Llebler company, that is presenting "The Bishop's Carriage" through the west, begins its engagement at the Boyd. The play Is based on the well-known story, and Is a great success. Miss JesBle Busley Is playing Nance Olden and has been much praised by the San Francisco and other coast papers for her work. The engagement Includes Monday I and Tuesday evenings, with a special mat inee on New Year's afternoon. The closing performances of "Madame Sans Gene" at the Burwood are drawing even better crowds than did the opening,' and this means a full house each time. The bill continues till after Saturday night. Oji Sunday ufternoou. "Pretty Peggy," a tine comedy, will go on for the new week. BOTH SIDES MAKE CLAIMS Southern Facifio ayi Strike is Broken, Firemen Eaj it is Not THREAT MADE 10 EXTEND TROUBLE Strikers Allege They Have Sympathy of Other Hallnsr Employes anil Bar FUht Is Not with Engineers. SPORTS OF A DAY. Rmhesxler I'lrsila (inlltjr. KANSAS CITY, Doc. 27. William C. Anderson, former assistant paying teller of the First National bank of this cty. pleaded guilty 111 t lie criminal court here today to embestllng tSAO of the bank's funds nnd was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. M If you need special medical attention, you should exercise Judgment to the extent you value your future happiness and rut cess in life. Don't make a in la take at the beginning. READ the announcements in The Bee Mondays, Thursdays and Sun days of the I ilv I! EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 27. The Southern Pacific officials here today declared the firemen's strike was virtually broken. All trains are arriving practically on time and freight is being accepted as usual. The firemen, through Joseph Bedford, griev ance chairman of this district, declareJ that they can and will tie up the Harrlmau and connecting systems completely. He said: "We have assurances of support from tho Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, the Order of Railway Conductors and the Order of Railway Telegraphers. "These orders are In full sympathy with the firemen. Beyond the fact that we leav their sense of Justice to guide the engineers' action, we have nothing to say about then.. We deny the statement that this is a fight between tho Brotherhood of Railway Fire men and the Brotherhood of Railway En gineers. It is purely a fight between the lirotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and 1 k. . .allnil imr.unv Thft ffMlilroad IS uio ininvJtv Lviiiji.tij . . . . - handling practically no freight." Grand Master Talks, PEORIA. Dec. 27. -John llanrahan, grand I master ol the uromernoou ot lujuiuu . Firemen, was shown the Associated press dispatch from El Paso, Tex., relating to thi. j olhtlals of the Southern Poctric, who hau declared that the strike had been broken. I He aula: "There is not one iota of truth in that statement and besides our basis of operation Is at Houston. I must await furtlnr d -velopmetns before making kny further statement on this point." Mr. llanrahan is nonconimital on tho spread or the strike to the Harriman lines, but It is reliably stated that general ordurs have been sent to chairman of districts n those lines, to prepare for the final di rection of auc'ii mov-emetit. CRAWFORD IMIKFEHS THE F1K1.D Wahoo 8am Does Not Want to First Base. Now the talk Is that Snm Crawford will not play first base for Detroit after all. Ha made such a great record on that bag lest, year leading the league that it Was taken for granted Detroit Would bring him In from right Held and stick him on first for good. And then when Detroit bought R ssmun of Cleveland this belief becamo all the more emphatic. Sam is wintering in Omaha and he says he does not want to mnkc the change. "1 would rather stay out In the field." says Sum. "I don't want any first base for mine. On first a man is worried by loo many dead ones, lie gets a bum throw at him and if he falls to corral the ball he is roasted. Every miss is charged up. to him and the result is he comes In at the end of the inning feeling discouraged and Sure In such a state of mind he Is unable to do his best at the bat. He Is rattled. Out In the field he has mi such annoyances. Hi !s free. If he misses a fly or messes un a grounder or makes a bad throw he has onlv himself to blame. But he won't iri half as many chances to go wrong as on first. He generally comes In from the field feeling all tight so far as himself is con cerned and is prepared to do his best at tlie bat. No, lor my part, i u stay where I am." Rumor has It that Hlnchman has bean swapped off by Cleveland, leaving Perrlng the only utility man now on the list. If this nroves true-and l.nlole ones not recoui his utility reserve. Perrlng Is likely to be a busy boy. He probably would p'ay In nearly every game with such a bunch of had luck men as Cleveland. Perrlngs f-lends are waiting for him to mHke rood. There Is little doubt here In the west, wh"re he has Dlaved such good ball that he will come to taw In the big league and remain there without any back-sliding, uinugn he had an unfortunate drcp In his batting near the close of Inst season, with coach ing he ought to make a regular SUO-hltter. The depression which overcome Omaha and some other Western league teams last year was enough to cause slumps to anybody. All the National league clubs are looking for left-hand "spit-ball" pitchers, with the hope of beating out tne e nicago i uos next season, as it was Altrock, a left-hander, and Walsh, a "spit-ball" artist, who threw the hooks Into the "Spuds" lust fall for the big honors. A ten-round boxing bout has been ar ranged for Friday evening at Osthoff's hall between Monk Ttummer of Omaha and Jack Dunleavy of Boston and St. Louis. These lads are of the wealter-welght class anil are both speedy with the feet and dukes. Considerable interest has been worked up In the match because of Its being the first ten-round bout boxed in Omaha for some time. A corking six round preliminary has also been arrunged to preceed the main event. STATISTICS OF ACCIDENTS Effort to Be Mads to Socure Accurate Data of Persons Affected. DISPLAY OF SAFETY DEVICES PLANNED WITH TUB noWI.KRS. Lsst night the Hamlltons took three straight games from the Cuduys at the association alleys. Holiday vacations have taken many of the bowlers away from the city and the packers rolled with but three regular men. The Bluffs boys had three even games, all close around the SK) mark. Dave Nicoll made all the rest take buck seats, with a total of CM, and a single game of 236. Tonight the O. D. K.'s against the Krug Parks. Score: HAMILTONS. 1st. 2d. Frush 175 17 ilardlner i:w 2"1 Rempke 14 i: Nlcoil fi PS Pickering 13 2cS 3d. Tot. M3 477 4S 6 6 fx3 171 i: 172 2S2 STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE DOCTORS FOR GUuEExl Call and Be Examined Free or Write. 1 1308 rarnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. g I'criuancntly KstablisheU la Omaha. Nebraska. rain mn v - " " HYMENEAL Scott-Heeler. NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. Pec. ?7. (Spe cial.) One of the most notable and .larger wedding functions of the season occurred J at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Beeler on the evening of December 25, when their daughter, Winifred Olive, was united in marriage to Mr. Marshall 'Ewan Scott of Cuba, 111. The ceremony took place in the presence of about 130 Invited guests. Rev. L. H. Shumate, presiding elder of the Kearney district, performed the ceremony, using the impressive rln service of tha Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Eiott left on a wedding, trip last night to Colorado points, will return to North Platte on Saturday and leave for their new home In Cuba on Sunday. . Rarnrs-Th'oraell. SIDNEY. la.. Dec. ?7. (Special.) Attor ney C. R. Barnes of Tabor and Miss Su sanna Thbrnell were married at high noon today at the home of the bride's parents. Judge A. B. Thornell and wife, by Rev. Dr. E. Dickinson. The groom Is a son of President C. A. Barnes of the Tabor State bank. They will live in Tabor. Jewel theater, continuous moving pictures and Illustrated songs Noon until If p. ra. B-k Wedding King, Eubolin. Jeweler. THE STRONGEST AND MOST ROBUST OF MEN AND WOMEN OCCASIONALLY REQUiHE A PUHE TOMCAL STIMULANT. THE PURITY AND EXCELLENCE OF MUWTEM BALTIMORE RYE MAKES ITS USE PREFERABLE AT SUCH T1MLS. MAM p S (ft 55 m So!t l til SniVrlSM rttM nd by ilhfs. MM L4ti 4 buk, Wtuaora, S4 Totals Griffiths Kemien White .. iall .... Stone ... 915 CL'DAHYH. 1st. Kl 1H4 IP 2 2"2 138 802 878 2,&b Totals ..867 2d. 17o 143 So li 130 -S09 3d. 1H1 Kill 1'3 an 138 Tot. 502 4-i7 615 S9 406 7H3 2,459 The Life Malts met the FalstafTs on the Metropolitan alleys last night and to their iorrow took all three games, and It was not by such guod bowling either, as there was one man on the Fulstaff team who could not hit a balloon and the Life Malts could not take advantage of It. The cap tain of the Life Malts. Mr. Walena, was high on single game, with 24il. also high on totals, with 579. Lehman and Htapenhornt of the IJfe Malt team did certainly have hird luck by not getting the pins they were entitled to, hut such is ten pins. Bet ter luck next time. bovs. so don't tret sore j The Colts are now In second place. Btoie: 1st. Jay lTti Klanck Is3 IV lin lf5 Berger l."j La Vtgne 2a Totals U'hman ... Rush Waleni Htape nhorst Heainaa .... TotuN M3 LIFE MALTS. 1st. ins liet 17 1 156 2.1. 3d. Tot. 213 1!6 5.'!5 171 5,tf 1 2a 647 1W 17J 1S 13 liu 549 9"3 2 2, ?d. 3d. Tot. 172 135 ,& lti 1:5 i93 liKi W 579 118 154 417 ' 210 184 5u0 86", 844 2,593 , More Killed Quadrennially In 1 nlted States la Industrial Life Than Were Killed In Civil War. NI5W YORK. Dec. 27. Important steps are soon to be taken In this city and else where to establish a syst m of compulsory and accurate records of the enornvAis num ber of persons who are annually killed and Injured In America's vast army of indus trial workers. In New Yolk City alone the meager records obtainable are startling. In 1901 there were 4.12 persons killed in New York City through aceh!fcnt and negli gence, as shown by the rejxirts of the department of health, and Ihet-e reports are said to be incomplete. For two weeks, beginning on January 2S. nn exposition will be held In the American Museum of Natural History In this city, under the auspices of the American Insti tute of Soclnl Service, for the purpose of studying and exhibiting safety devices for dangerous machinery, methods of Industrial hygiene and to set In motion the movement to establish a more accurate record of In dustrial fatalities und accidents In all parts of the country. At present Wisconsin 1 said to be the only state In the union where nny effort Is made of official compilation of thebe statistics. Prominent People Intercnted. Ir Europe there are slveral permanent museums of this, character, where experts are constantly studying how to safeguard Industrial employes, snd as a result the percentage of death and injury from acci dents has been greatly reduced. Former Preside! t drover Cleveland und many other prominent and eitlzetis are Interested In this new movement. Dr. Joshua Ptromr, president of the Amer ican Institute of So. I ll Service, In speaking of the number of poisons ldl' d each year .In our Industrial occupations, made some astonishing comnirisons. lie said: We In the t inted Slates kill ill four vcars some i.mho persons more than fell in buttle mill died of wounds during th' four years of the civil war. We are killing more' ilmn twice as many ev. ry. ytar as perished bv violence in both the French and Knel!li iirioi. s during the. three years of the Crimean war. Then' are i killed nnd wounded on our railroads every year than the entire losses of the I'.o.r nv on hut h sides in 1 three ve.,rs. We have in. 1 uM rial casualties' enonirh every year to ke. i one comliet lik our war with Spain g.uiin for 1.2"" years. or twelve such wars nomu lor i"" yais. Oar iieac.'l'ul vocations cost every two days iii.i during the entire Si From the best sta s:' v there are n).d 1 l'nlto.l Stale be executed at an unknown moment diirini; the next ten ve-trs l.lmi next w. ck anil th. si'ine nuii'ber ecry week until the Khastly work is conipl. if. .'.n intelligent and ear nest effort would procure the reprieve, of a multitude ol these innocent victim. more lives itu lost in buttle mish war. itisnes nhtainanie 1 may .,iii persons in the .let sentence ol death to Children Main In Dense. WESTON, W. Ya., Dec. 27. Three chil dren of Stanley Sinnleton, and 1.1, 11 and 9 years respectively were cremated In a lira at Heater Slali. n, a village near this city, last night. After the Singh ) family had retired natural gns escaping fr-ni a .de fective valve arcuniulat. d nml c inHed un explosion. The father and mother and tho two elder children oeciil. .l one room. Tho children wire awakened by the cries of their pari nts. but llav were enveloped In Melius Hint I'm 'I"' was Impossibly. Tho ipinKlv spread to adjoining dwelling and l. fore the lire was r out ol four houses and llir. ir ntiru contents were I destroyed. Stadeats Can I'lay Dnse Rail. DBS MOINES. Ia., Dec. 27. (Special.) At a meeting of the Iowa Intercollegiate committee here the Intercollegiate rules were amended so as to allow collcee stu dents to play base hall during ti e summer without being burred from college athletics. A list of the games played must be riled with the secretary of the state association, however. Hulea were also made prohibit ing academy students and graduates par ticipating, which limits service to three ye-rs on the college teams Instead of four. Prof. Freer of Cornell was re-elected chair man of the committee and l'rof. Almy of Urlnnell, secretary. The Iowa High School Athletic associa tion met at ttie Chamberlain hotel today and elected It. 8. Whitley of Ida Grove a memter of the Hoard of Control. The bourd reorganized ,y electing Frank Smart of Dubuque, president, and A. V. Storms of Iowa City, secretary and treasurer. Yal Wl at Basket Rail. 8T. LOI'IS. Dec. 27 The Yale university basket 1m 11 team tonight defeated th team of the Missouri Athletic club. romsinajim GBXEBssssBBsar xttttzztsxzsszB KavmnLmv . OUR NEW WAY 1 We want to talk to you Just ti moment nhoiU our metheds and ahoiit something new v c.s, entirely new. A NF.W way. (H.l ways r.-iv g... in tli.-ir days--nut we. ai-e living in an ag" of new, an. I ol-l iva s are rapi-llv disappearing before the liglit ol nie.ieru ies, :ir. h and investigation. ( The old way of the tallow dip nnd rnndle has given place lo the new electric light. We have di.iearihtl th.i 1 11 in lil i ii r coach tor Hie nine modern el itrlc motor cars. So, loo, in nil hr.tnchc-t of art and sei.-n,. the NK V WAY Is economizing tune and reaching results in i!m easiest and uuickesl juann.-r posille. V- are using NF.W WAYS and methods of inring the sick and We yre getting the r.'Miln, ami that i what counts. The oM w ay was too Ic.Jious. ( lur fatiicrs stood It and It was the best ih-y coahl ilo. Toilc.y we h ive n-w ways. Pv our N'ICW WAV, i. Id men n,..n f' 1 the J.iy of 1.. 'ng y.sit'g a '.iin. Voung men can retain t he! r . .1 m !"' nl for by adopting our .NilW WAV. Try the n. ,v mat ter old W ay oll hue I 1 i i. The 1,1 w way does the woiK. It b uhls i,p iie.r t.-.irs .loun. If you cannot call, write to us, an ! we will evjlaMi our NEW WAV of making 11. 11 strong ami It l. 1 In m lb e tt.LV Will I..' lUlt TV It li'T'-ll I mill . U iff. I'tn-g i" imIh with us In our orhVe, and mil) u stamp in write. V 1 i:l, Bi'pre, ia:c It. 1 .011 I ilritt .....nrf in ll Id "ay ar, (.... - net In line. lU'litelnber, too, not a dollar i.e. d l.e I until cured. Satisfactory results legally guar. 11 d. ('""Mil'aiii'ii, advice and t lc inut a .-ru fi.e. ll'iuis. 8.30 a. 111. to 8 p. in. S lleiay, 9 to 12. MnrthwpQtorn FprlipaU.iirorinsI Instiilltp. MUI Hill UUIUI II IIIUUIUUI b 111 m 11 in n N. W. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. Ij I 1