Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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w ' . ' i : : : r . - . - a aaasaaa Bash. a X
Sale Saturday of Women's Stylish
Coats at $12.50 and $17.50
A Special Purchase of a Maker's Surplus Stock of $17.50
and $25.00 Coats, on sale Saturday at $12.50 and $17.50.
Manufacturers are now turning their attention to spring lines and are closing out
their stock of winter garments at greatly reduced prices. We obtained several hundred
Coats in that way, and will sell them on the eaiiio basis. The following will give you an
idea of the Coats on sale:
$25.00 COAT8 ON 8AIJ AT $17.50 These coats are all newest mod
els, box or circular backs, ana sotm ntted or uent-ntttng- styles, made of
fine broadcloths, either lined to waist or lined through- mmj Ca
out, some beautifully trimmed snd other are plain tail- f II
ored, splendidly made coats $23.00 values on sale at. . "
hi'" -' "
$17.50 COATS OX SALE AT $1X50 At the popular price of $12.50 we
put on sale over 200 coats to select from, all made of all wool
materials. In Kerseys, broadcloths, chariots and mixtures. Among
these coats will be found exact copies of high prices gar
ments. In all of The correct new styles and In all sizes
and colors $17.50 coats on sale at. ..............
Frtsigent of Merroon Chorea Summoned by
Federal Court in Utah.
j With t alon raelflc Coal Company
I Mnaurr Thr Mill Aonear to
Aaawer Charge of Inlaw
fal Dlacrlsalaatloaa.
SALT LAKE CITY, Dee. 14. -Joseph F.
Smith,, president of the Mormon church,
and director of the Union Pacific railroad;
W. H. Bancroft, vloe president and general
manager of . the Oregon Short Line Railroud
company, and James M. Moore, general
agent of the Union raoirlo Coal company,
yesterday were served with summons re
quiring them to appear in the federal court
and answer the charges of unlawful dis
crimination net forth in the grand Jury
f Indictments returned a week ago. The
three Then summoned are the highest offi
cials In Utah of the three Indicted corpora
tions, '
7 Hi
Special Sale of Furs
This special sale of fura will be appreciated by every one who will
risit this store, for every Fur Coat, Scarf or Muff is of the finest quality,
the variety of correct styles very large and the prices remarkably low.
$rt sqi'lRKKL COATS These fine garments are of the finest No. 1
skins with handsomely shaped roll collar and wide turn 7 i Aft
back cuffs special at J.UU
S40.0O NEAR SEAL COATS Made in either plain or blouse styles,
finest quality near seal with Skinner satin linings TA r
special at AJ.J)
$25.00 fine Fox Scarfs special at
$16.00 One Fox Scarfs special at
$12.50 Squirrel Ties or Throws special at
$15.00 Jap Mink Ties or Throws special at. ... ,
Special prices on all Muffs.
. .$8.75
.(Continued from Third Page.)
In order to convince our many customers that our cutlery department
the most complete in tne west, gives oeuer values, we mane mis oner
We will sell the
knife shown In the
cut for 75c, or the
same knife with
pearl handle for
$1.15. Postage and
registering, 10c ex
tra. This is a Henckel
knife, size exactly
as cut, 3 fine blades,
stag handle, nothing
like It ever before
offered for the
James Morton St Son Co.
land, Cal.,-Tuesday. The body will arrive
here Saturday morning and funeral services
will be held at the Christian church. Jfiss
Wltrmore resided here a number of years
! GRAND IPtjANIThe South Platte cor.
' respondent of a local rper holds the com
shucking record of James Donlon up a
one difficult 'to beat. Iionlon shucked 3,440
bushels In thirty-threo days, the average
weight or the corn being seventy-rtve
pounds to the bushel.
EKATRtCE Israel Wythe, who located
In Gage county In the early '7"s, died at his
home In Bluo Springs yesterday morning.
, For several years ho operated a restaurant
In this city nnd later engaged In farming
' tma r T MDi.r 1 1 a 7ft loci A u I u t r
a large family of children, all grown.
GRAND ISI.AND Mrs. Oeorge Loan. sr..
died suddenly of neuralgia of the heart,
aged 7S years. Deceased whs n native of
Rngland, moving to this country with he
husband an,d family In 18S7, having been a
resident of this city ttnd county since. Itet
husband and six grown children remain to
mourn ner
I PLATTSMOITH The care of G. W.
D'Ment against A. T. Fried was com
menced In district court here Thursday be
fore Judge Rapcr. . The plaintiff alleges
In his . petition that the defendant sold
to him through misrepresentation a stock
I of drugs In Plattsrnouth for which
In reality was only worth about $2,000.
I YORK In the district court this week
Alice C Plerson of this city was granted
a divorce from John R. Plerson, a banker
of Tecumseh. Neb. For some time Mrs.
Plerson lias been living at York and It is
understood that a short time ago tney
agreed upon a settlement. The court gave
her an additional $1,700 alimony to amounts
heretofore received.
BEATRICE Beatrice camp No. W0, Mod
ern Woodmen of America, elected the fol
lowing officers last night: T. J. Woods,
vice counselor; J. R. Craig, advisor; W. H.
Arnold, banker; J. C. Wheaton, clerk; A.
K. Tanglemun, escort; H. R. Thomas,
watehmnn: A. Shank, sentry; G. H. Van
Horn, manager: G. H. Hrash, C. B. Curry,
C. P. Fall and T. M. Trlplett, physicians.
BEATRICE David McCarty, who at
tempted suicide the other day. after he
and his wife had quarreled, seems deter
mined to end his life. Ijist night he tried
to jump from a window of his apartments
on the second floor of the old Nebraska
National bank building. Two men were
sent to his home to remain with him dur
ing the night. In order to prevent his mak
ing another attempt on his life.
BLUE HILD-At the meeting of the
DegTee of Honor lodge on Tuesday evening
these officers were elected: C. of H., Mrs.
Fay; I,, of H., Pearl McKenzIe; C. of C,
Mrs. R. H. Merrltt; usher. Alama Hen
rtchri; Vecorder, Anna Morten; financier,
Mrs. Kramn Hull; receiver, P. Merten
Inside watch. Jlrs Martin; outside watch,
Mrs. H. Boentle; medical examiner, Drs
Wegman and Franklin; trustee, Mrs. Odei
rltt. BEATRICE Germanln lodge No. 2M.
Ancient Order of United Workmen, elected
these officers last night: John Lenz, past
master workman: August Kleeman, master
workman; Henry Kartels, foreman; F. A
ACe WMIa Will Have to Par Penalty
(or Attack Made on Former
RTJSHVILLB, Neb., Dec. 14.-(8peclal.
District court convened Monday with two
criminal cases on the docket, which was
otherwise very light. The case of Ace
Walla, who was arrested In August on a
charge of shooting his sweetheart, a young
woman named Maggie Bylstra, occupied
the court Tuesday and Wednesday, when
the case was given td the Jury In the
evening. They remained out till 2 o'clock
the following morning and found him
guilty on the first count, "shooting with
Intent to kill." The evidence showed he
had been keeping company with the young
woman, but had not done so for three
months. On the night of the shooting
she had been out walking with a young
man named Ben Trueblood. On her re
turn she went to the Gordon hotel, where
she was employed, having said good night
to her companion, who went home. Shy
nnfMed thrnnirh the nffle Int.nitlnff t trn
tO her room. When Walls, Who had been rc,rnh rer-eiverr FtI ttrandt nilHe-
Milwaukee (L St. Paul
One fare plus $2.00 to points in North and South
Dakota every Tuesday in December, and first and third
Tuesdays in January, February, March and April, 1907,
return limit 21 days.
To points in Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, Florida,
Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi on December 18, 1906,
January 1 and 15, February 5 and 19, March 5 and 19,
April 2 and 16, 1907; return limit 30 days.
Low Ono Way Rates
plus $2.00 to many points in Alabama, Mississippi and
Louisiana on December 18, January 1 and 15, February
5 and 19, March 5 and 19.
For Information and Folders Inquire at
City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam St.
or write to
F. A. NASH. Cenl Western Agt.
lying on the lounge In the office whI'-t
for her. Jumped up and said he wan!
peak to her. He fell over a chair I;.
haste, and as she did not wait for l.i.n
he rushed forward, caught her by the arm
and in the struggle he drew a revolver
from his pocket and shot her, she grab
bing the revolver with her hand and there-
by deflected the bullet, which struck her
' collar bone as she bent forward, and came
i out by the third rib and through her
I clothes. Walls Immediately went out Into
, the street as the girl sank to her knees,
I not making the least effort to summon aid
for the' Injured girl.
fatally Burned br Gasoline.
BEATRICE. Nfb., Dec. 14. Speclal Tele
gram.) Mrs. Charles Heckathorn was prob
ibly fatally burned In a gusollne explosion
this evening, while preparing supper. She
was removed to Uepperlen's hospital for
WATCHES Frenzer. 16th and Dodge.
1 All goods sold at Hubermann's Jewelr)
Store, Guaranteed as to Price and Quality.
We have the finest collection of Persian Uugs from the cus-
' tom house. Also a large collectlou if Brass Work from Damaa
i i"" Cu8' an1 genuine Turkish Towels and Bath Robes from Brouana,
V Y Turkey. They are Imported direct. Price reasonable. Como
as' na e them.
Taratnoslan-Cre gory I (0., !16 McCa.n?, Block, Omaha. Neb. Tel. Doug. 5:27
Purchasing Power of Thousands of Dor?' nl TMC nCC
ierous Western Families is Found UdbU Ul 1 II C ULL
x Is It Worth
Ten Minutes a Day
to you to have a soft, clear, velvety
skin, free from tan. chapping,
wrinkles, blackheads, and all
Makes The Skin Young
It riamsai tha paras from all dart, dirt
and hardened ally ssarattona-feeds th skin
tissues making It arm and plump luiaa
toe skta soft; aa4 vahrsty as a baby's.
Let Me Prove This
W erring ra absohitaly fro a sample of
Knarrtso snd a trial irfll coovinM roa.
Ask Your Druggist
For A Free Sample Box
and tk KeameoBOok which Wis haw to use
lb Don't haattata about asking your drur
giat far a free sample box. I wait yoa to
try Koamao, and would not dare affar yoa a
fraa sample bos if I did not know it would
dean I sltm for It. It has kpt my own
skta youthful, and I hava uasd it for orar It
ysam. I am poaitiva it win maka your skin
soft and raa from all tteminha.
Price 50c at all Druggists
No mat tar hew many other face prepara
tions you may bars uaad, I hope yoa will try
Koamao it la ditfarant from any other prsp
aratku. and tha Mai box la t raa,
Mrs. Ocrvalse Graham,
1301 Michigan Ave. Chicago.
Anton Plskae, Inside (rnard: Paul Koneckv.
outside guurd: C. S. Curry, physician; Au
gust Hchaefer, Joseph 8amish and George
SegelUe, trustees.
GRAND ISUAND Two suits In the local
dlcirlrt court for damages from the Union
Phclflc were settled out of court yesterday,
that of Wiseman, administrator, resulting
from the killing In a crossing accident of
I'.ohert Boyle of Wood Klver, and that ot
Hattle B. Cowan, whose husband, a lino,
man, was killed several yenrs ago while
returning from his work up the line on a
railroad velocipede. The former was set
tled for tl 2S0 and the latter for 500.
COIA'MBIft-Columbus lodge No. 26R,
Anckmt Order of I'nlted Workmen, has
elected the following officers: Master work
man, J. W. Herod: foreman, Ixmls Held:
overr.cer, Martin I,angley; guide, Charles
Hagerman; Inside watchman, Herman
Oreen; outside watchman, August Schuck;
receiver, W. A. Wav; rerordT, Richard
Kamey; ftnuneier. O. W. Phillips: trustee,
Kdwurd RoHslter; medical examiner. Dr.
C. H. PlaU.
ORA-NI) ISIyAND The various commit
tees of the Grand Island tire department
are Tllllgently at work making arrange,
ments for the proper entertainment of the
state firemen's convention, to be held on
January 15, 16 and 17. Through the holding
of fairs and from other sources the local
department has raised 11.800 and promises
the volunteer fire fighters of the state a
good run for their money. It Is expected
there will be over 400 delegates in the city.
GRAND ISLANP Yesterday afternoon
Trilby, the 4-year-old daughter of Mrs. 'Will
Clark, whoai! husband deserted her ubout
three months ago, secured a bottle of
polsun and before any one was aware or
the fact hud drank some of It. A physician
was called and by the prompt use of the'h pump and emetics the life of the
child was saved. Mrs. Clark is the wife
of a l'nkin Pacific awltrhnmn. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Clark have relatives at North
GENEVA At a meeting of the Woodmen
Inst nlg!:t the following officers were
elected, to be Installid at the first meetlnu
In January: Vice counselor, C. F. Bunhrer;
worthy advisor, P. J. Btlefer; banker. B. P.
Walton: clerk, II P. Wilson; watchman.
John Ku3lck; sentry, J. (Jennet; physicians,
R. Woois and George Mozee; member
board of managers, T. I Sheldon. After
lodge the members all repaired to Btelter's
Ice creum parlors and were regaled on
oysters. '
FREMONT H. H. Iexter died at his
home . In this city yesterday of dropsy,
aged 67 years. He was a native of Penn
sylvania and served during tie w:ir In an
Infantry regiment. In lk70 he came to
Fremont, where he has ever since resided.
He owned considerable real estate near the
normal school and had served two terms on
the city council. Ho leaves a widow, one
son and four daughters. McPherson post,
Grand Army ot ihe Republic, of which he
was a member, will have charge of the
funeral, which will be held tomorrow.
FREMONT- Major Joel A. Garner of
Nickerson Is very low from a stioke of
paralysis and his recovery Is doubtful, tie
was In the confederate armv from before
Sumter was tired upon until the close of the
war, entering a North Carolina regiment as
sergeant and rising to the rank of major.
At the battle of Antletam his regiment was
almott annihilated and he was the only
member uf bis company present at the Ann
roll call after the tight. He has lived In
Nebraska for many years, for the last
twenty-five on a farra near Nickerson.
GRAND ISLAND While Chris Bucko
win driving along a oountry road seven
miles north of this city there approached
from behind a team attached to a hay rack
and driven by Fred Helmbrecht. The lat.
ter's team became uncontrollable and made
a dash ahead, the horses in their fr'uht
dashing right onto Buckow's ehtcie, which
was only the running gear of the wagon.
One of the horses fell on BJckow and 1:
required fifteen stitches in the scalp,
though there were no fractures nor In.
ternal Injuries. Ruckow was. notwithstand
ing, unable to move yesterday.
GRAND IBIxAND At an oin meeting of
the North Hide Improvement club, prac
tically a citlsrns' meeting, the Grand Island
Purk association wns orgsnlsed for the
purpose of buying a rlve-block tract of laud
near the new high srhool building, yet
available for )ark purposes, and having as
the further object the acquiring of other
tracts, with subsequent sale to the cly
or to other persons or corporations. The
capital s'-ock. which msy later be raireu,
was put at K.UOu. in shares of IJK each, a
two-third Ma'lt of Indebtedness being fixed.
rUity-etght of the u shares were sub.
scribed for at the meeting and there Is nu
doubt level aa to the aauurlua' fl tha
Peoples Store
Special Doll's Ded
49c, exactly like
aHViv. hv, v.r.n-..'
(nu i-,
. . - j. VaW" " Tre-f.
Another Shipment of Our
Special Doll Beds
On sale Saturday. Furniture Depart
ment, main floor. Our sale last week
was uch a success that we Immediately
duplicated our order and will be pleased
o offer aRtiln to the Omaha ruhUc r8e
quantity of these eloll beds at the same low
price as before. This doll bed Is 18 Inches
long. 11 Inches wide and 15 Inches high;
Is made of neatly bent bronze rods, has
mattrtKs, two pillows and a canopy top.
All draperies and coverings made of
beautiful flowing cretonne. Can be folded
perfectly flat and each bed Is packed In a
nice box, easy to carry. Just the thing for
the little girl s Christmas gift. On sale as
long as they last, beginning at 9 o'clock
Saturday morning, a regular SI. 150 value,
special for 49S
We will give nwqy absolutely free of cost to you, s brautlfullv TRIMMED
CHRISTMAS TBES with each and every CASH or CREDIT sale if ten dollars
(tlU) or over In our MEWS AlfD BOTS'CI-OTHIlf O DEPARTMENT
By purchasing these tv-e, nnd trimmings n such large quantities we are
enabled to give you a TEIMMED CHRISTMAS TREE that would ordinarily
cost ypu 3.00. An exact duplicate of the trimmed trees we give away is on
tnspuiy in our Sixteenth Street
t 1 ' "
Clothing Window.
Here is nn Itemized list of
the Trimmings that go with
tnch tree. Wij DtLITER A I, I.
I loo t worry ubout carrying
2 pounds of Candy.
1 pound of Mixed Nuts.
dozen Oranges.
1 package Figs.
1 Work Box.
1 Horn.
1 Drum.
1 Japanese Toy.
1 Japanese Top.
1 Toy Wiitch.
1 Candy ornament.
8 other OrnHments.
1 box of ('undies. ,
Csnrtle Holders.
1 Snow Holly.
And a box of Fireproof SnoU
All of the ubove articles and
the tree go free with all ten
dollnr or over purchases In our
Men's Fall Suits
and Overcoats
In fancy Scotch Plaids and many
new mixtures. All garments
Kuiir.iiucia tnrougnoit Here
ready to try on, at
Sl. 10. JlJ.fiO
i.i. jiere,
(A Trimtn"d Xtnns Tree with each
sale of Jll) or over.)
We ure Snl Agents for the cele
Consisting of the New Dark Plaids and a large assortment of solid
colors all garments are made In the very latest styles, many
worth up to $17.50, all go on sale tomorrow at the one in ff
price of ...IUiUU
Many Pretty Furs for the Holidays
i In fancy neck pieces and muffs Come in Minks, Squirrels. Foxes
and Chinchilla All new and very stylish Prices, A QO
$35.00 down to taasUO
We have a large assortment of Electric Seals, Krlmmer, Astrakhan,
Squirrel and Coney Fur Coats.
Ladies' Skirts for the Holidays
Just received a large shipment of new skirts for the Holiday trade,
including black, blue and mixtures, made of voiles, (J ft ft
Panamas, etc.; the prices range up from JiUU
' Ladies' Silk Petticoats
Best quality of Taffeta silk Big variety of colors to choose from
All the new shades Skirts cut very full Would make a dandy
Xmas gift Our regular $8.50 skirt on sale R flfl
Last Chance Millinery Dep't
Tomorrow in all probability will close out the balance of the hat
that we are sacrificing. Many new numbers Never shown be
fore Go on sale Saturday Values up to $10 In fact ,ft C
any hat In the department at the one price of taatWU
The l'eoplpg Kumiture & t'arpvt t o. Established 1887.
rest of It. When the stock hus all been
taken permanent organization will be per
fected. GHAND ISLAND A meeting of cltlzfnt
for the purfiose of deliberating over the
holding of a semi-centennial celebration ot
the settlement of this county und vicinity
resulted In the uppolutment of a comuutt.
to consist of two cluzeiis of each township
in the county, with power Pi appoint sub
committees. It Is proposed to make the
celebration one of IrniKjriance, to have some
prominent speakers, and to invite the gov
ernor and senators und congressmen to
participate. The colony of Hermans who
first located 111 this si-ctton of the state
came from Davenport. la, In r.aclilng
h. re on the night of July 3, and setting out
stakes and raising an American flag on t lu
nation's birthday. It Is expected that n
minute history of the early settlement of
each township will be carefully compiled
by a committee for the occasion.
OH AND IBL.AND An Item of fW for
taxes, paid Into the county treasury by the
Ancient order of I'nlted Workmen, wah
yesterday refunded by the. coumy hoard, li
being held by the county attorney, and in
accordance with the opinion In the case or
the Hoyal Highlanders against the state,
the reserve fund for tho money In which
the amount of taxes In controversy was
levied, wus an asset entitled to th- offset
nf the mortuarv nledaeS as a deltt. The
taxes on the money on hand not set aside
to tl'ls reserve or mortuary fund and on
the furniture, etc., was paid without pro
test. It Is believed this decision and espe
daily that of the supreme court, upon
which It Is based, will enable the fraternal
organisations to become better bidders on
good home securities, so far as lliolr re
spective reserve funds will penult.
mi. wuiLOtri bootkimo arzua
has Wen used lor i ver fclX i t VKAKS by
MILLIONS of ll'ITHKHH for their t'Ull
CL'KrS VWND t'uLH'. and is the best
remedy for DIARRHOEA. Bold by Drug,
gists In every part of the world, lie suie
n1 ask for
Given by the Pupils of Miss Louise Sh&dduck
The Omaha. Juvenile Orchestra.
Omaha's Music Center, 1313 Farnam Street
SATURDAY, DEC. 15th. AT 8:00 P. M.
The Public Is Invited Admiasion Tree.
1. Vnder the PaJm Trees (Orchestra) ...Harc
2. Maxurka. ( Viol.n Bo.-, - MJynarski
3. Jntermezxo Trlnltv (Orchestra) Mosaa-Tobanj
4. 6h Air V.r.e tV.olin Solo,
B. Mazurka (Orchestra) Mosea-Tt)banl
. a. An den Kruehliug (Piano) '.irl'?
b. Ualete de Ocur j:IyisVi WEs
7 Intro U 5th set of King Manfred Reiner ka
8 KanLasle Pastorale (Violin Solo) Blngelea
. Rajsh Waltzes (Orchestra) Aronbon
While attending our musicals, we respectf ully request you to Inspect our
beautiful stock of Htelnway. Meger. Emerson, Hardman, A. H Chase. M'-Phall,
and Kurtsman pianos Christmas presents for the entire family. Wpejlal
liolidiiy pr "s and terms are now offered. A small deposit will reserve your
piano for Christmas delivery. .
Schmollcr & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 FARNAM ST. TEL. DOUG. 1625