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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
CUE OMAHA PATTiY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1906. Tiie Omaiia Daily Dee. FOUNDED -BY EDWARD ROBE WATER. VICTOR KOBEWATER, EDITOR. 'STATES ntnilTS Olt 'TRIAL. Elihu Hoot's address before the Pennsylvania society reduces to the I certainty of mathematical demonstra tion the dilemma which the progress of events has brought about, namely, Entered at Omaha postofflce aa second- ik ..,,,, mi. of nmvl.u nH. n hu matter. equate control or business activities TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. or the national eovernment will secura Daly (without Bumlayl, one year.. i" . . ,. ,,..- Iiiy jjee and Sunday, one year 6 no It. That the abuses and wrongs re- Sunday ne, one year sultant from absence of control by raiuraay hit, one yer , , liEUVEKF.D BY CARRIER. UD!ic aumoruy couia ue leu penua- Paiiy Bee on.-luding Sunday, per week. .if ncntly unremedied Is Indeed absurd. jmuy lice iwimoiit ovinnnyl, per wee...iw Evening Hce without Holiday , per week. 60 Evening Ilee (with Sunday), per week l')c Address complaint of lrregulurlties In de livery to City Circulating Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee build lug. South Omaha City Hall building. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl street. Chicago lino t'nlty building Implying conclusive failure of our form of government. How far we have been carried from the circumstances which the framers of the national constitution had In mind la notably certified by the disap- K?w,., .'"'I 'J.'""" U!l bull(lln'- pearance of the state sovereignty.doc- Washlngton 6ol Fourteenth street. I trine as a popular tenet, especially within the last two or three decades. Originally It had substantial signifi cance as a protest against national In terference with business affairs which. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft,' express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only -cent atampa received as payment of under the conditions then existing, m 11 1 1 rf m inti IraiiiiDl httlfst Aint fin I Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted, could be sufficiently or better Con- THE BEE pcblishino COMPANY. trolled by the states. But so immense 1 . L - .1 1 .1 STATEMENT l)V CIRCULATION I naB """l tne ciiuuge iu inuunu mi ttuu - , State crt Nebraska, Douglas County, nm: commercial life, especially under the V Hani's ntiHHWriini, Knrimi iimiinait i of The Bee Publishing company. Ielng duly lorms 01 incorporation w nose opera- sworn, sayi that the actual number or run tlona, though authorized by separate and complete copies of The Dally, Morning-, I Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the state charter, extend through many or wontft of November, 1W8. was aa follows: ... , . ... ,. . na ntr,nil-lv 1 31,180 " , , si, a so transcended state power oi regulation, ll 80,600 1 ho far at least as Its actual exertion It ....... . 31,KU . , a I ma var la pnniupnon SO 31.770 " XI 31,40a It by no means follows that the po t2 3i,io tency of the people for self-protection J 3V680 hrou8h local government has been 21 ! 80,4o exhausted. In fact, they have thus 2 81,400 vast latent powers which, because of J7.. 31,850 .... , , 31480 1 wiiifin.nuuua ni 101115 iiuui ic 11 31,680 I concentrated influences and scope of ' 31,830 I Ineornorated biislnpKn. have not been ...851,810 utilized. But It does Infallibly follow 878 that unless those powers be applied 1 33,740 2 1....... 31,660 t 31,860 4 30,500 S 31,070 38.160 7 38,580 I 33,460 t 31,820 10 33,030 11 30,560 IX 31,850 IS 31.040 U 31,380 IS 31,330 falsa presumption, that tber will be serious delay when the work of the commission becomes normal, as It probably will at no distant day. and Indeed no serious delay has jet oc curred. It Is curious that some of those newspaper corporation cham pions that strove might and main to maintain the old state of affairs in which relief from transportation abuses hung in the courts year after year, often to be denied in the end, should be now so distressed over delay of a few weeks or months, wtiile the commission Is busily clearing away, once for all, the Initiatory work neces sary to enforce the amended law In full vigor. SOME rEHTlXUXT ADVICE. The letter which Chairman Rose has addressed to the republican members of the coming legislature contains some timely Information as well as pertinent advice. Mr. Rose forewarns the law-makers as to the tricky manip ulations by which the railroad and cor poration lobby may be expected to at tempt to block the reform measures promised la the republican state plat form. The multiplication of bills and the prolific Introduction of amendments with a view to throwing dust into the eyes of both legislators and the public constitute the usual methods by which the paid lobbyists work. If they can succeed in dividing allegiance between different measures, ostensibly drawn to accomplish the same purpose, or emasculate good bills by stealthily en grafting on them odious amendments, they will nullify the platform pledges and make a show of earning the money paid them by their corporate employers. To be forewarned Is to be fore armed. No member of the coming Total Less unsold copies.... Net total sales . .". 843,03a efficaciously, and that, too, right speed tally average- 31,401 Hy, the necessary control will be taken legislature can become a cat'spaw for Charles c-0nir. over to national Jurisdiction. This the lobby this time and attempt later a,,h.rih.if in mv nresence and sworn to process hus indeed been Koine on and to excuse himself on the ground that before me this 1st dy of ijecemner. ij-jo. ,g . raDldly Increasing Drotrresfi. he did not know what he was doinc IKe. 1 III . n. iiin.vjAirj, i - - ' ' ( .nuiBijr ruuiii.. I unaer pressure or sneer necessity ana WHEN OtT Or TOWS. Sabscrlbers leaving lb city tem porarily should hart The Bee mailed to tbeaa. Address will be changed as oftea aa veejaested. i kK. , i yuuuu upiuiuu. THAT aWKt R CSX MOXKT. tr l t . V . . I mere is suusiamuai ground ior me . Some clever humorist should find sentiment of local government, but It the tneme or a popular burlesque In is aosduieiy conditioned upon me the owneriess 11.800. which Is vainly eUlciency of local government. It Is Beeklng a lodging place since Con- therefore tip to the states to demon- gressmaa Pollard tried to put It back erclsed rather than merely discussed; for results and not theories are being tested In the fires of experience. Russia's plea for an alliance with the United States against Japan shows that the car Is missing no chance to check his oriental rival for Asiatic supremacy; but Uncle Sam has met Greeks bearing gifts before. The statement that Inmates In Rtllbad prison did not resist adminis tration of cholera serum should be accompanied by a showing of the pun ishment Inflicted for resistance before It Is complete. Should the speakership come down to a contest between Dodge and Mc- Mnllen the cause of direct primary nominations will be sure to have a high champion In the presiding offi cer's chair. 'It la to Umh." Pittsburg Plspntch. The anxiety of the senate to get an attor ney general who will but the trusts can be appreciated by comparing It with the sen ate's own record In that line. Mneb Truth In Few Lines. Chicago News. Incidental to the traffic fight between the Northern Pacific and the. extended Chicago, Milwaukee A 8t. Paul there will be some more of that Intensive development In the great northwest. i Pathetic Kirks of the Poor. Pittsburg Dispatch. No wonder the Pullman company object to being fined for the sale of adulterated milk! Such a penalty In the first step toward making It pay a round rriee for the furniehlng of Imitation pmowa. Jnyons News. . Kansas City Times. No doubt E. H. Harrlmnn will be charmed to leorn that Btuyveaant Fish has arranged to testify before the Interstate Commerce commission and give It the benefit of his wide knowledge of railroad management and operation. Co in m on Kitchen Ciosalp. Philadelphia Record. The little peep the Bellamy Btorer dlsclos ures have given to the public under the lid of our diplomacy will not lea.d to a,ny popu lar aesire ror an after-lifting of the lid The gx4ngs-on In the kitchen cabinets of kings, kinglets, potentates and plenlpoten ttaries are very human and very like the common kitchen rivalries and gossiping In the households of the commoners. etrate their ability to deal with these A(,cordlnlt to official advice of the ser- The coal men may have fixed the problems of present day life, and ant-at-arms and the house of reo- prlce of coal, but there Is no suspicion never were utate legislatures and all re8entatives, no opening has yet been mat tney nxea tue jury. r.lnl auinui -men bo critically on trial discovered hv which the mnnev mav Irs at this moment. It Is not a dues- , in ki, v,a w. ai. iuum mU1 uu " "- non at an wnetner me imperious k ij,.i .., rw t n m a U-Yia1 1" nfirA mmat nin ar nf l I . 11 . 1 . . . I -o - 01 our inausinai COnaiUOn vrDaarnan Pnllord honnona in hnv hoodoo In this community. shall be satisfied, but whether. the k.. , , . I UCCU 1 LB 1UC3L 1 1. IB lUOlDLru BLatrs faillntT. thfi nallnnal irfivprnmpnf I . -..i If the Water board will only keep on ,hall BatIgfv ' rescinding It may rescind itself off the ' leaBt unul Bora lner oibpobiuou snan t Bap without causing many tear, to b. ntmUArZTnn . "I! J. !" ..j i " I iseriousiy, air. roiiara in up against ' The senate has at length confirmed a gtrone proposition. He has accupted On result of present land-grab the President's nominations for t&e the payment of salary for a period for prosecutions will be to "make long cabinet, and also, the nomination of whlch he, himself, admits his claim is range homestead entries unpopular at nway to ue asaociiiie jus- more or less questionable, but every soldiers' homes. 10 1 nuijreiue court, uui uui. ilu authority competent to pass upon me me grace mat would nave been be- points at Issue insists that be is right- Reports from Paris indicate that tho coming. It Is the custom, and It la funy entitled to the money. - He has present situation has caused many pco- most appropriate, for the. senate to appealed to his associates In the house pla to "attend church who would not act forthwith when the chief executive to come to his rescue and have thi otherwise have done so. presents names for these high offices, question adjudicated by the proper unless there be substantial objection committee, but even here has met with Having "put God in the constltu- or ground for believing thafc. such ob- reluctance to grapple with the ques tion" Oklahoma wiil be expected to jection may exist. Absolutely nothing tlon. To take the money away from keep Him, at least in spirit. In its legal of the sort appeared in this case, and Mr. Pollard now and put it back Into nactments and public life. yet the nomination were held up, and the treasury might set a very bad prec- paltered with as if grave and por-1 edent for some other congressmen Senator Rayner seems to be attempt- lentous perplexities were confronting who have had the benefit of similar ing to qualify as democratic candidate tne senate. nayments .ior leauer 01 tne senate on oenator While confirmation has now been It la not often that a man has to Tillman'B "white man's" plank. made, and while no serious lncon- exert himself to give monev awav and venlence results so far as the offices of Mr. Pollard is certainly entitled to uooa retail locations in Omaha are tne UOmlnees are concerned, the Ini- sympathy in his dilemma, x 8,1 a premium. 1 nai means mat nusi- pre88lon on tne pubiic mind la far ness is oris ano peopie in possession from pleasant, because the trivial ex- When the appointment of Attorney find It cheaper to pay. rent than to cuse8 Bneged for the unusual pro- General Moody to fill the vacancy on ccdur carry the inference of a hostile the United States supreme bench was spirit in the senate toward the presl- announced The Bee foreshadowed that dent as well as towards Mr. Moody. the big corporate and money interests The senate cannot complain if bus- would try to block confirmation in the move. The Nebraska state organization of county commissioners will hold Its next convention at South Omaha, when plclon ,g thereby rR,8ed of a dUpo8l. ,enate. The delay in the Benate's ac tlon on its part to annoy and humiliate tlon on the nomination Is to be ex- the president In the public eye at the plained only on this score, that those very opening of the session of con- who opposed Judge Moody, because stors. Such n ansnlrlnn lining, la I not sufficiently subservient tn tha rnr. ber that the m-esldent'a message had I . ' I ' damaging to tne senate rather than to poranons as attorney general, were the president, and it will stand the simply feeling around to see if they former In good stead to see to It could rally enough strength to beat during the remainder of the session him. They evidently failed to discover that nothing if done to confirm but the necessary votes and rather than everything to destroy the Impression disclose their weakness preferred to so foolishly made. . I let the approval of the nomination come unanimous Omaha will be pleased to act as chap crone But Senator Dubois should reruem- to have an ending and other presidents failed to mention much which is now of national interest. Council Bluffs U now complaining of poor water service for Are protec tion. But Council Bluffs is not served by the same plant that furnishes water on this side of the river. Hot Air Prophets. Baltimore American. Europe Is gloomily convinced that war 's Inevitable between the United States and Japan, and Is giving the former much kind advice on the subject. Of course, nobody has the least suspicion that Europe would like very much to sic" Uncle Sam on the little yellow men, for nothing would really distress the rest of the world more than to see the two nations Involved. But Uncle Sam Is not sitting up nights worrying over these pessimistic and slightly persistent prophesies. Let Them Flahl It Oat. Chicago Chronicle. In a sort of family quarrel among Wall atreet gamblera and Wall street usurers there Is small room for choice, but there Is some force to the contention of the gam biers that the Treasury department ought to withhold relief deposlta from Institutions which notoriously use them to "soak" the stock gamblers at 16 pef cent for call loans. Let the gamblera and the usurers fight It out among themselves without any Interference and the country at large will be satisfied, no matter which side gets the worst of it. More Room for Reform. Boston Herald. Apropos of the president's recommends tlon that the public coal lands be perma nently withdrawn from entry, with a view to their development under the auspices of the national government. It Is officially stated that there are between 60,000,000 and 60,000,000 acres of such lands still In the government's possession and the govern ment's survey will undoubtedly add largely to this area. Thousands of acres of these lands have hitherto been sold at a figure not exceeding KX) an acre, from which tho coal royalties under the proposed system would be $1,000 an acre at least. Obviously there is a fine opportunity for reform here, ROOSEVELT THE STROXG. CUMMKHCE CUMMISSIOX a H OflK'. It Is suggestive that the complaints, Over in Chicago a newspaper cam In declaring in favor of the eoualltv apparently made by preconcert, that palgn Is on to force the repair of lm- of all races Russian constitutional tn Interstate Commerce commission passable asphalt pavements and photo- democrats prove that a majority of ,8 overburdened with work under the graphs are being displayed of holes In their party are more enlightened than amended law and should be relieved the street over tho question, "Who nany Inhabitants of more fortunate 0 f much of it. emanates from precisely laid mis pavement 7 If this question gig. , j . those- quarters in which the new law should ue Placarded on every hole in encountered most inveterate opposl- Omaha s paved roadways It would Mississippi's obiectlon to-an lnvai. tlon, and not at all from those lnflu- keep a corps of experts busy to find gatlon of the status of child labor in ences that carried it to enactment. tn answers that ut aim rnav h mnr eaallv nntA- Neither the commission itself, nor the I - " ' - -.vl r.... vii trH In tfc i!,b f w . Dres dent, nor anv rtsnonslhln nnhlle v "UDa ul luo repuuueau nn. h-in.- hrmi-ht authority, nor any anblieant for rm- ,,aie committee gives some good ad mninvr. edy before the commission ha. vet .n vlce to the republican members-elect ' I I ... v- .. mv y - 1 much as intimated a ned for rpmnrt. lu luo '""lurc' 1,10 Pwpie wno All authorities agree that there 1b ellng the commission or distributing more annexation talk in South Omaha ltB functions among other branches of today than at any time heretofore, the public service. The realization of a Greater Omaha 11 is true that an immense amount would mean as much and more to the of business has been thrown upon the people In the Magic City as to any commission, but It was foreseen that others concerned. this would be the case. A large proportion of . it, however, is lnci- The report that two regiments of dental to Inauguration of Its enlarged returned the republican majorities In both houses will expect them to make good and to travel the straight path without switching onto railroad sidings. Japanese soldiers with necessary off. cers have landed at Honolulu dis guised aa laborers recalls somewhat similar reports current In the west ten yeart or more ago; but the guns were never found. The railroads keep declaring that they are out of politic in Nebraska. The frut thing they should do to prove thalr assertions is to keep their hands off the organisation of the two houses of the coming legislature. This Is a good time fur the railroad polit ical aibU to let well enough alone. Jurisdiction and therefore temporary. Moreover, many important old cases which had been decided, but in which under the old law the commission had no power to enforce its decisions upon unwilling carrier corporations, have been brought anew. Oa top of this the commission has had to act under Joint resolutions of congress, requir ing elaborate special investigations into the relations between the roads and the coal, oil and grain industries. The fact that some delay must oc cur in such a preM of extraordinary business dues not prove, nur even The acquittal of negroes charged with killing a policeman at Atlanta Is refreshing evidence of Improved sen timent in Georgia, and is Incidentally a severe comment upon the men re sponsible for the recent race disturbances. If those Pennsylvania bankers made the mistake of considering the New York situation a precedent, they must have been surprised when their bank was closed bscause Its cab reserve was below the legal requirement. Dowa East View of the Masterful Mas la the Wbtte Ho. Arthur Warren in Boston Herald. The gods are good to the president. They turn all things and all people to his favor, Thoy even calm the hysteria of the Im perfect, and lure the sagacious on rvlth blue -eyed smiles. He has the happy art this chieftain (or is it glftT), of divining the people' will even before tho country Is quite sure of Its own conclusions. Then Is a pBychlc something about him which enables him to know the workings of th great popular mind before the aspirations seething In It have found tongue. He alone walks In the sun, and leaves the politl clans groping in the gloom of yesternight, He Is close to the greta heart. A year ago, when the Klfty-nlnth con gress came In, the thoughts of the nation's lnrlHlators were torn with doubt. There was rebellion, open and concealed, against this masterful man. The big majority in the house was too big, and some of It thought it would tell the president the time of day. The senate, too, had lta fond way of administering corrections. But how he overcame the opposition he and cir cumKtunces. They who had come to curse remained to pray, all except a brice of the robustious. And now, "It Is aa you -please, sir." and "What Is your wish, Mr. Presi dent?" There has been an election, you see, and the many have upheld the one, Wherever the president's Influence was put forth In a state down went the candidate whom ho oppesed, whether of his own party or the other. The obtusest congresjman can read such a sign as that. And one by one the old war horses drop to the rear with their ancient loads of bygone policies. .A senator who held out long In the oppo sition last session, and who made a great point of criticising the president for his "Interference." for his "domination of con greas," said to me: "Of course one has to criticise that sort of thing; but, after all, the president does Just what 1 did when I was governor of my state. I used to tell the meo.bers of the legislature what I wanted, and I usually carried my point." Tha senatur might have added that us governor he had a more cajoleful way with legislators than the president has with congressmen. The president Is a man driver and a wlelder of sledge hammers. But the senator's confession Is Illuminat ing. It always makes a d fferrnre whose o Is gored. President Ht aevelt's prede cessor did not gore oxen. Hi was soothful. President McKlnley was ha iplest In placat ing. He Uked to please et er) body. Presi dent Roosevelt bends his energies to tht successful Issues of his own policies. He care nut who Is displeased so long as h FREM'H CIllRCIl CRUI. Character and Valne of Property Reverllna to the State. Under the separation law now In opera tion In France all church property not taken over by a.ocltlnns In accordance with tho law Is subject to selsure by the stnte and reversion to the communes wherein the property Is located. The fall, ure of the Catholics todny to comply with he association feature of the law gives he slate the opportunity to selre church property, which the authorities are proceed ing to do. The character and value of the property Involved are dctnlled by the Paris correspondent of the New Tork Evening Post as follows: This property Is estimated, for the popu lar lmnglnatlon, at some 400.001.ono francs; but so much of It la unproductive or bur dened with servitudes that its totnl dis posable annual revenue cannot exceed 2,000,000. This does not amount to 130 apiece for the BS.600 parishes recognised by the French state for Its late Inventories. Even the appropriation of the churches and other buildings for use as town halls or public schools Is difficult In most caaes on account of the pecullnr construction. A similar financial mlsreckonlng has hap pened to the famous "milliard" ( of the religious communities convents. colleges and other properties which reverted to the state when Parliament suppressed the congregations. 80 far liquidators' ex penses have gone ahead of realizations. For example, at Nirhcy, the redemptorlM church. rated at 130,000 francs, and the Dominican chapel, at 100.000 cost prices hnve had to bo sold for 1,100 francs ($;40) each, the worth of the materials after demolition. However such buildings may be ndtpted to the Catholic purposes of their original owners, they are of little civil use. The property now covered by the separa tion law Is of three kinds: 1. There Is that portion of ancient ca thedral and other churches, priests' houses nnd seminaries restored to the church after the revolution, which had confiscated thein to the utate as national property. These, with some 40,000,000 francs annual subsidy, to be paid by the state to parish priests and bishops (amounting to less than 100 apiece), were accepted by Plus VII as the only compensation obtainable for the prop erties confiscated. But the Parliament whlf-h has passed the separation law re fuses to acknowledge any such claim on the property or any other obligation of the French state toward the church arising from the concordat signed by Napoleon and hitherto observed, even by the repub lic. Except for about 3,000.ono of superan nuating pensions, destined to disappear the separation law not only suppresses the sub sidy, but, with the revolution, declares churches and church property to be posses sions of the state, departments and com munes. A certain number of these build ings have from .time to time been brought under the administration of fine arts and classed as national monuments of archi tecture and as such cannot be sold or demolished. I. The churches and other ecclesiastical buildings erected after the revolution very commonly received subsidies from the lo calities, or even from the state, Joined with the contributions of the faithful. These are also claimed as state property pure and simple, except In the case of authen ticated legacies, which, If the property should be turned aside from religious pur poses, might be claimed at law by heirs. Government haa announced that if Catho lics do not take the property, legacies for masses will be retained by the state, al though the masses will not be Paid some thing like the foundations at the Univer sity of Oxford after the Reformation. In the "case of schools which had been built by a legacy on c6ndltlon that the teachers should be church sisters, the Conseil d'Etat as ultimate authority haa recently decided that so long aa the building is used even for a purely secular state school, without religious teachers, the legacy cannot be claimed by the heirs, but remains in poa se&slon of the state. 3. There are the various churches erected principally of late years bv the sole con trlbutJons of the faithful and owned by associations ot Catholics without connec tion with the public, authorities. These also now revert to the state, since such prop erty by the separation law can be held only by public, worship associations which Catholics refuse to perform. Even the American Protestant church In the Rue de Berri, Paris, has had a moment of per plexity In conforming to the separation law on this point. The property has always been owned by the founders, who reside In the United States; It has become necessary to rent from them the use of the church building In the name of a new association of Paris residents, as the law requires. But that which Is easy for a church congre gatlon from the start is Impossible to Catholics, who have priests, bishops and a pope, and so cannot suffer themselves to be congregatlonalized by a separation law, A Christinas Suggestion try TViTrt ,' Wirfiot buy Mother, Wife, or 'Sweetheart 1 . a timond ? Nothing you ,could think of would be more valuable,' more' appropriate Tnore appreciated Do not' worry voveti lank-'of readv cash. '-J .... Your Credit Is Oood tMna JttAtKOWD KTrTtn 80 ual up. airall own. beJMjoeS aV sMm-rsmlent. I have made unusually large prop- arations for the Holiday trade, and can give you better service than ever before, with prices b low as the low. est fcr reliable goods. It Is not always easy to say by what provision of the law separating church from state certain property reverts to thn latter. The great aeminary of St. Sulplce, where Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop Wil liams and so many other American priests and bishops had their training, Is to be come a government building, perhaps for the ministry of colonies. The present arch bluhop's house, so it is said, will be taken almost at once for the new ministry of labor by M. Vlvlanl, who has appropriately put out the lights of heaven In his first speech as minister. Meanwhile the mu nicipal council la doing secularisation of Its own. and has Just sent away from the Hotel Uleu hospital the Augustlnlan . sis ters, whose community had been In charge sine a century before Joan of Arc. Watches and Diamonds cm Credit My diamonds are Bold on a very olose mardln every stone Is perfecta guarantee goes with each stone CC a COf -Diamond Rings W J3W Combination Diamonds and Emeralds, Diamonds and Ruby and Sapphire, or Diamond and Pearl f TP C1Af"f" Rings-from.: .. tO MlJUU Diamond Necklaces, Pendants, Brooches, Ear Screws, Stude, etc., at lowest prices Everything Sold on Easy Proments.- Ladles' and Gentlemen's Gold Filled Watches in cholos of'tha best American and imported movements fj59 COi guaranteed 20-year case from 3)0JJ A, Mandelberg Open Evenings. 1522 Farnam Street PERSONAL, XOTKS. Lord Charles Heresford, who hns Just been given the hlRhet sea command In the British navy, with the rank of admiral, Is In his sixty-first year. Colonel George Grenvllle Benedict, for more than fifty-three years editor of the Burlington (Vt.) Dally Free Press and. in point of years of continuous service, prob ably the oldest editor In the country, reached his eightieth birthday recently. Samuel Q. Ward, formerly a Boston banker and one of Ralph Waldo Emerson's. most Intlnuite friends. Is still living In Wash ington. He Is one of two survivors of tho Harvard class of 1SC6, and is one of three survivors of the Boston Lntln school class of 17. Emperor William has startled Germany ty appointing Herr Bruno Paul, the carica turist of BimpllciaaimuH, to be director of the Berlin Industrial Art school. Herr Paul's appointment Is a triumph for se cessionist art and may signify the death blow to many old-fashioned ideas. John W. McMann of Mount Clemens, Mich., was convicted of bigamy Inst week and sentenced to pay a fine of $200 or go to Jail for three months. Mr. McMann is of a thrifty turn, so he Kas decided to spend the winter In prison. He has ten davs In which to make up his mind and will occupy that time In putting his affairs into such shape that they will not need his personal attention until spring. Dr. Alfred C. Haddon, the English ethnologist, who has traversed the wilds of Africa. New Guinea and Melanesia, is In this country to make an Inspection of the American museums. Dr. Haddon has been here before and has a high opinion of American Interest In scientific Investi gations and studies of ancient peoples. He will remain here several months, during which time he will- deliver a course of lec tures In Boston. In the light ot Secretary Root's re marks on the subject of state's rights , .... . , . 1 c iui alio is Ulluea mv advocates of the southern idea should ' ..ha, lha counlr, Um... H, knows see that their admitted rights are ex-he has lb WARHIXIi AND LAM1 GRAUIIERS. Story of Robbery Revealed by Rec ords of Land Oinee. St. Louis Republic, The story of land stealing by powerful and wealthy combinations that Is told In the annual report of Secretary Hitchcock, of the Interior department. Is the- same old story that began In the seliure by Roman patricians of the public lands which the Koman republic had set apart to pro vide homes for the soldiers of the Roman republic. In the records of the publlo land of the I'nited States the same story began sen sationally In the long-lltlgated Vasoo land frauds. In which a speculative corporation obtained, through wholesule bribery of the Georgia legislature, titles, which the su preme court of the Culled Btalee after wards confirm), to wide areas of the best lands In Mississippi and Alabama. The story has been written large In the records of the general land office until now, and it will be continued In our history as long as the government owna valuable property of any sort for grafters to prey upon. Secretary Hitchcock has made a heroic fight to protect the publlo property from spoliation by powerful Interests which, through corrupt politics and by other means, have In every possible way Ob structed the course ot Just Ire. The 600 In dictments he has obtained against these land pirates and the conviction of ninety of thm prove that public property can be protected from loot by an honest, earnest and fearless official. AM AIR TIGHT MOOPOI.Y. Tha West Pats Vp a Sample that Astonishes the Bast. Pittsburg Dispatch. The charges in tha indictments returned by the federal grand jury ut Salt Vaka City against the Harrlman and .Gould In terests Indicate a western monopoly In coul as complete as that which enabled the beef trust to force down the price of cattle to the stockmen and raise the price of beef to the consumer. According to these In dictments the defendants first procured possession of . the public coal lands by fraud and collusion and then shut out In dependent operators by discrimination In railroad operations. The method of securing coal lands from the public domain by having dummies flic upon It and later transfer it to the com panies Is familiar through recent revela tions In the west. Bo, toe, nearer home, is the system of forcing Independent dealers out of business by refusing to furnish cars. The case of Sharp, upon whose charges the Indictment Is made. Is pecu liarly flagrant. Here was an Independent coal dealer who tried to give his consumers the benefit of a reduction la freight rates. He says he was promptly ordt-red to line up with the others on price, and upon his refusal soon found himself unable to get cars, with tho outcome that he was driven out ot business. The indictments are against both the corporations and individuals. But behind these charges there is understood to be a further violation of the law slmllur to that In the Northern Becurltles merger, which will be taken up later. This case, it la asserted, will not be based upon possible elimination of competition, but upon actual combination and restraint. In other words, It is charged that the western roads have for yeurs been maintaining In concert a coal monopoly so that tha consigners had not only to face the monopoly of one road, but all combined, sustained by Just such methods as have resulted In the Indictments returned. PITHY AMD POIXTKD. Knlcker Did your wife read the presi dent s mtssnge? uockcr .No, but III bet she would nave listened to every word if she could have overheard U on a party wire. New York sun. '"Say. that chan who was In vou office the other day seems to have had some sur piiiiing adventures. He must be a very brave man." "A brave man! Why. that fellow la a press agent." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Mamma." said the little girl, "majr 1 learn roller skiving?" "Yes, my darling daughter," answered her mother. "Strap the skates on you feot und go and sit down to the piano." Chi cago Tribune. , "So the country haa congress on Its nan ils again." "Yes, and I understand there will be some Interesting legislation on foot." Baltimore American. "What do you think we ought to- do with the railroads?" asked the nervous patriot. "I hadn't thought about that," answered Farmer Corntossel. "I've been too busy guessln' what the railroads are goln' to do with us." Washington, Star. "A parson," remarked the Cheerful Idiot, "Is a good deal like a retired prize fighter." "Come on with the explanation." said, the dense party. "They are both ex-pounders, you know," rejoined the C. I. Chicago News, j "He certainly seems likely to live to a green old age." . . "Why, he has already attained it- He's Just married a girl twenty-five years his Junior and he thinks she loves him for him self alone." Philadelphia Ledger. Miss Ascum Did you say your husband whs out looking for work? Mrs. Loeffer-No, I believe he's out looking at work. There are some men digging a cellar down at the corner and he doesn't event able to get any further Philadelphia Press. Miss Ascum You're still engaged to Jack, I suppose? Miss Cuddlea Certainly. Miss Ascum And docs ho love you as much as ever? Miss Cuddles Gracious! No. How could he? You know he broke his right arm the other day. Philadelphia Press. "Do you regard yourself as a reformer?" asked the friend. "Not yet," answered Senator florghum, "but after people gi-t tired of some of the new Ideas I may come to the front and help reform them back to the old ways." Washington Star. "Didn't you tell me that fellow who was always grumbling was a dealer In fine lhiuors?" I told you no such thing. I ssld he was in the whine business." Baltimore American. "Who Is this Brander Matthews?" asked the new proofreader. "He's the father of the simplified spell ing." answered the man at the other desk. "Huh! He doesn't seem to have got around to his own name yet." Thereupon, without the slightest compunc tion, he marked out the superfluous ' t." Chicago Tribune THE! HED DESERT. Denver Republican. Tho wallows are whlte-rdged with alkali, I.lke the foam uncaked on a dead man's lips; Two tiny clouds hang In the sky. As the doldrums might tuld two helpless ships. The sand In the hills Is red, blood-red, (Oh, 5od! for a dash of the cooling rain') And the foreman reels aa he rides ahead And the limping herd moans In fear and pain, A thousand steers have dropped In the trail Since we drove from the last scitiit water hole, And the boys in the saddle are weak and Jule, grim despair rides the forenuua'a soul. But still he rides on In the furnace blase, With the winding herd, snukt-llka, be hind; And bis keen eyes pierce through the dan cing haze To the hope that his heart baa but 111 defined. 1 Bo lead, lead on 'neath the d'sr? sp-ll, With your dying cattle and half-crazed men; They have followed you into the maw of hell And the lucky shall follow you out again. Spaalah Laborers fa Hawaii. HONOLl'Ll', Dec. II The Territorial Board of Immigration haa decided to bring j 1,009 laborers f rum BptUn, to the Islands, nmum 4 UllEO 1 1 "I f ' 1 1