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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1906)
he Omaha Daily Bee Co Into tha Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best i". West UEYS SECTI01L Pages 1 to 8. VOL. XXXVI -NO. 155. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1 DOG SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COrV THREE CENTS. 1 HOWE GETS THE PLACE " Taddock'i domination as Booth Omaha Foitmaiter Eaid to Be liintaka. CONGRESSMAN KENNEDY HAS BEEN BUSY Tint KoTe Was to Get tho Senators to Belay Paddook'i Confirmation. BIG IMPR0VEMEN1 FOR fORT OMAHA thief of Binal Corps Aika Ooneress. for Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. HOPES TO MAKE IT MODEL OF ITS KIND . Jfehraska. CoxrMimrm AH Vate No BUI t (ufmu tha Salary of Ooafttumea ni Sena-tora. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. D 14.-(Bpclal Tele gram.) Representative Kennedy hss Just been Informed at the Postoffice departuwnt that tho nomination of a K. Paddock to be postmaster at South Omaha will be withdrawn and the name ot E U Howe sent to the senate. It Is stated at the department that Mr. paddock's nomination was a mistake. The wonder la. however, how Mr. nouu. name ever came to bo considered. Representative Kennedy wrote Senator Millard and Burkett this morning- request ing them to withhold action on the nomina tion of Mr. Paddock until the matter could be Investigated. Mr. Kennedy has been persistently and continuously at work since the name ot Mr. Paddock was sent to the senate. Nothing new developed during the after noon so' far aa the South Omaha poot masterslilp Is concerned, Mr. Kennedy rely ing on the information he reoulved today from the Poototlloe department, tout Mr. paddock', name would be withdrawn, prob ably, on Monday. Congressman believes that the representatives tf the poetofflee department spoke with auhority. and he will await the action of the depart ment unUl early In the week, when If the name la not withdrawn at the instance of the ptestdent, he will personally call on the chief executive and. if possible. secure the withdrawal of the name, or else ascer tain the factors entering Into Paddock s ap pointment. Improve meats ut Fort Omaha. Bemator Millard this morning hnd an ex tended Interview with Brigadier Genial James Allen, chief of Blgnal officers, relative to affairs at Fort Omaha. Oeneral Allen has In contemplation plans which will call itor the expemllturo of something like 1200.- 000 for further improvement ui staUon at Fort Omaha, and It Is the hope of the head of the Blgnal office, as well aa Senator Millard, to secure such an addi tional appropriation at this session of con gress aa to make this signal post tho great est In tha world. The government ha ap propriated $400,000 for this signal station, and at least MM more Is to be asked for , at this session to bring the post up , to tha very highest standard of perfection. Sen ator Millar will co-operate and endorse any recommendations officials of the War department suggest regarding further Im provement of Fort Omaha. Protest Ar.alnst Woodhurat. , rr.nreman Pollard has received an ex- ceedlngly strong letter from one of the w.iirw attorneys In North Platte protest ing against the appointment of W. I. C. Woodhurst as receiver of the land offlce at that plaoe. Mr. Pollard's correspondent ays the appointment will be very obnox ious to nearly all of the republicans of Lin coln county and that. If appointed. It will tar toward defeating the republican ticket In that county next fall. Telegrams to thtB effect have been sent to ixmgress mn tflnkald and Senator Burkett. ..Tk. of North Platte," says tha attorney above mentioned, "hope for square deal In the appointments." Keuraskans Aaalnst Salary Grab. t ii.i.iv fter casting his vote ..m.i the amendment to the legislative exs'-itive and Judicial appropriation bill .r..UHir the salaries of senators and members of congress, and which, by the way, every member of the Nebraska dele gation voted against, Mr. Kennedy left the house to Uke depositions In this city In the case of John Rldout and others, re ceivers of the Capital Savings bank against Major John K. Lynch, paymaster of the United States army, now stationed Omaha. This oase grows out of the time when Lynch was president and at torney for the Capital Savings bank of this city. He sued on notes which he alleged" war given as memoranda on advances made to the law firm of Lynch Ten-Ill for legal services rendered the bank. The action Is pending In the district court of Dous-loa county. Congressman Pollard today recommended the re-appolntment of Valentin Zlnk as postmaster at Sterling. Johnson county, for Postal Employes. As a result of continued pounding at the doors of the committee on postofflcea and post roads It was ascertained today that In all probability the house committee would renort the bill raising the salaries of city and rural earners ri00 per year each. with a corresponding raise to clerks in me city offices. While no definite action has been taken along this line the consensus of opinion among members, as expressed around the conference table. Is that this Increase would satisfy the clamor for an advanoe In salaries paid the rural and city carriers. Minor Matters at Capital. Colonel W. F. I'ji'.y of Cody, Wyo., and je. h. Jackm of umaha are at the New WHlar d. postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Mc Lean, Pierce county, Henry F. Krugman Ice I Q- Tomllnson. removed. Iowa, Band Springs. Delaware county, William J. Gelvin vies B. D. Garllnghouse, re V iv oved. SuUth Dakota postofhees established: Murlettu, Stanley county. Clarence O. Nash, r i-siniaster: Wemlte, Hughes county, Her ltrt L. Wlggam. postmaster. Kural routes have been ordered estab lished as follows: January 3 South lukot8. Tabor. Bonhomme county, route S; population, SSo; families, ntn-ty-nve. Feb ruary 16: Nebraska. Sumner, Dawson county, route 1; population. 4T0; families, eighty. South Dakota. Alpena, Jerauld f county, route J; population. ta; families. 1 Rural carriers spp'-rfnted : Iowa, Ackley, route 1, John E. rV.iu;-rar, carrier; Engel hardt, substitute. Cainrll. route I. Charles JC Roberts, carrier; Mint RoMfti, substi luta Chelsea, rou.a a. George S. Hill, car rier; Pearl Hall, substitute. 1-aurens, routs 1 Nurval Workman, carrier; Hsv. Me- ':&uel sa Baiid a) MEXICAN RAILWAY MERGER Practically All Uses Transferred to u Corporatloa Controlled by the Government. CITT OF MEXICO, Dee. 14. The details of tho railway merger by which the Mex ican government takes control ot all of the Important lines In the republic are now known. By tho terms of tho contract the govern ment secures absolute control of the Mex ican Central, the National, the Interna tional, the Interoceanic and the Hidalgo & Northwestern all of which will be merged Into one great railroad system. The gov ernment also comes Into control of the Texas-Mexican, a railroad at Ired, Tex., which Is owned by the National. The mile age of the system will, with extensions which are rapidly ncaring completion, ag gregate approximately 10,000 miles. The Tehuantepec National and Vera Cri st Pacific, two other railroads controlled by the government will continue to be oper ated aa Independent companies. A Mexican company, of which a majority of the stock will be held by tho Mexican government, will be organized, with head quarters In Mexico City. The company will Issue Its securities In exchange for the securities outstanding of tho two companies and the new company will acquire all the physical property and concessions held by the old companies. It Is contemplated to create a board of twenty-one directors, to be divided Into a general bonxd. which will reside In Mexico and a local board with headquarters In New York. The board In Mexico will consist of twelve, members and the New York board of nine. CLERICALS TOO POWERFUL Kaiser Desires to Show Party that lie Can Run German Empire. BERLIN, Dec. 14. Emperor William lunched with Prince von Buelow at the chancellor's palace today and, presumably, they discussed the political situation brought about by the dissolution of Par liament. The emperor and chancellor have been In complete accord throughout In the treatment of colonial questions and In a desire to relieve the government from de pendence on the clerical party. This. It appears, will be as much an Issue at the coming elections as the question of the retention or abandonment of the Ger man colonies. The imperial government and the Vatican have gotten along Talrly well since the beginning of the late Prince von Hohenlohe's chancellorship, but tha critical attitude of the center or clerical party of recent years has been annoying to administrative and court circles. It la not Intended to completely break with the members of the center party, but only to show them that they are not Indlspensible. The leaders of all the party groups and many of their followers held caucus In the committee rooms ot the Reichstag today. It is reported that the elections will ba held January 20 and that the new Reich stag will assemble February 7, but nothing appears to have definitely been decided by the government. KING OSCAR IS, BETTER Swedish Holer Passes a ialet Hlaat and Condition Shows Some Improvement. STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Dec. 14. King Oscar's condition today shows considerable Improvement. Toward noon the following official bulletin was Issued: King Oscar passed a quiet night; he slept six hours, only coughed a little and his temperature this morning was iuu. r-anren-helt. Ills pulse Is still irregular, but th'.-re is no Increase of phlegm In the lungs. The patient's general condition Is fauly satis factory. . M Crown irince uusxai arnvca nero uuasy from Berlin and assumed the Regency, which he will hold during his father s Ill ness. Today's official bulletin had the effect of reassuring the public but the hopefulness It created was somewhat shaken when It leaked out in the course of the afternoon that camphor and digitalis had been freely used In the treatment of the patient. The Impression Is gaining ground that the king's condition Is much more serious than represwnted by the bulletin. The bulletin Issued at I o'clock tonight is more favors Via. It says: King Oscar passed a quiet day. He slept for four hours. The action of his heart Is more remilar. His temperature is 100 s Fahrenheit. The phlegm In the trachea Is etiti troublesome, but the appetite Is fairly good. JAMES BRYCE NONCOMMITTAL Chief Secretary for Ireland Doesn't Deny Report Ha May Iso. es Dsrssa LONDON, Deo. 14. Parliamentary circles hra iho much Interest In the prospect of . ana National wool urowers assuc i at ion, " , , . ,, , hers snow mucn imereei in ins Vi t .nd the .uppers of sheep of the oSicials to dismiss numerous suits now James Brlce's appointment to the ambas- . weat we wll)h to eaJ1 yo'ur R,nt(11 pending. In which the railroads were en sadtorshlp at Washington and some of the ; the present unsatisfactory railroad sen-Ice , joined from collecting the rates that have Irish members asked the chief secretary ' throughout the entire country. The short- ! J. . controversy : ' " . - , -,, u ' i arn of cars has for several weeks not only ; n ln controversy. for Ireland if they might congratulate him. d,.layed shipments, but In manv cases has Frank Frants and W. O. Cromwell, gov Mr. Brtcs did not deny the report, but i m- - illy prevented the shipment of sheep ernor and attorney, respectively, of Okla- merely replied: "You must not believe everything you bear." Should Mr. Brtcs go to Washington it Is by no means certain that Winston Spencer Churchill, now under secretary for the colonies, will take his place ln the cabinet as baa been suggestea. , he niuro9dj4 uke of trarscontl- Mr. Thomas Shaw, the lord advocate for ; nental trade first, the beet sugar truffle sec Scotland, a man of great ability. Is said to ond and the coal trade third, leaving the . ,.. . nhtjiln ihe Irish chief secre. stockmen to take what is left In the way be anxious to obtain tne trisn cnier secre- f and durint tn. presetl, Ba8,jn ,hele taryshlp. The fact tht filling the vacancy have been few, if any cars, left. will Involve a bye-electlon favors the elee- I In cases where shippers of sheep have tlon of Mr. Shaw, whose seat Is safe. whereas Churchill's seat at Manchester U I poorest runs to market in the history of the ' ,n years u reported by the railroad com now regarded as being far from secure. 1 industry. The extension of the twen y. ! panics which have westbound extensions. cwiivnwir to wuri.six nas. as a rule, j The trains In western North Dakota on 1 worked a hardship upon the shipper Instead ,, . . . . Klnar Haakoa Ktarle Home. ' f a berv tit. it seemingly giving the raJl- every llne are snowbound and ln some LONDON, Deo. 14. King Haakon. Queen roads eight hours more in which to tl up cases are lost track of. It Is even reported Maud and Crown Prince OUt of Norway shipments on sidetracks and at invsl'n that some of the Great Northern trains . ... . ' terminals. The run from any given point . , , . . .. left London this morning for Germany 0n the range to Omaha, Kansas CTty and ! The snow ln many cases They will spend a couple of days with Chicago has, on the average, bevn from ', piled twenty feet high and traffic is at Emperor William at Betlm before return- fi to thirty hours slower tluin ever hefore. 1 a standstill. The only coast trains that tng to Chrlstlanla. King Edward, the psag aTw' by -coT.g"ress "uu nS I hav rriv"1 over the Northern Pacific, prince and princess of Wales, Dr. Nansen, question f railroad service and furnish- i Great Northern and St. Paul lines In the the Norwegian minister, and others gath- In -f cars under the Jurisdiction of the last twenty-four hours have been twenty ered at the station to bid farewell to the . UmTe oyo"' ?"i. vW 1 four 10 'r,y-eight "our, late, and there royal travelers. , tally necessary that something be done at ars many trains which have been due for General sofl Injured. TOKIO, Dec. 14. General Nogl, the Japanese commander who captured Port Arthur, was thrown rrom his horse today ,u" -"- .m while returning home from the palace. He Nation1 association at Rock Springs, fell on his head and became unconscious. Wyo., and Salt Lake City, Utah. In Janu H.s condition arouses apprehension. ry. The railroads have been invllad to ' send their representatives to discuss the Shah Still Alive. LONDON. Dec. 14.-A private telegram from Teheran announces that the shah's condition continues critical. Lackawanna Settles Trauhle. PCRANTTiN'. Pa.. Deo. 11 -The Larlra- inu railroad today unnounoed that the j Cenikiids of the conductors and traiumen ; property, boea acquired bv the ' president to what we rexg!Uxs to bs his i had Wn praett.-J!v adjusts-.!. They are gmted Copper wn puny. Foru:l ;,i,-- ml commendabis land. r.r prtven tUorai aae adva as and a Wur j n..3n.ment of these ch.ngaa it was sail ("Tlr" f comuwuuaois iiano. rgrd Ur. lproij 4 he -a-s Ux&r. ' J t paU Ut aaaoo.usaosa,- COAL FAMINE IN NORTHWEST Towns In Korth Takota Without Tnel and Fannera Are Burning Buildincs, MAYOR SUGGEST' " USE OF MILITIA Executive c vv ,J nbnrn Wants "tufa Troops je Coal Trains Inter- sta' amission Asks Rail, roads to Act. -s'EAPOLIS. Dec 14.-With the cold wiw signal flying, the coal shortage In j the northwest becomes not only a cause of severe suffering, but an absolute menaoe to human life. This Is the second chapter In the history of the railroads' failure to handle the 1906 traffic In the territory tributary to Mlnne apul Is. Glenburn, N. D., Is seriously considering an appeal to the governors of North Da kota and Minnesota to employ state mili tary force In moving coal trains. Fanners are burning their outbuildings for fuel. Glenburn has invited people from Its ter ritory who will be without fuel to come and camp in the village Erhool. Eveleth, Minn., faces darkness snd suffering through deprivation of coal and apprehensive re ports have come from numerous other places. That the funl shortage Is already acute In some placer Is evidenced by this unsolicited telegram rfrcelved by the Jour nal today; CAN DO, N. D., Dec. 14. To the Editor of the Journal: The fuel situation here Is desperate. Dealers are entirely out and the mill and the electric light works have been shut down. Several families are en tirely without fuel. But one freight train has entered Cando this week and no fuel was on tuat. It is necessary to take Im mediate action to relieve this section of the state. H. M. HAGARH AHSON, Acting Mayor. Situation la Desperate. The Glenburn, N. D., situation Is des perate. Following a telegram appealing for a special train bearing coal, the Glen burn Commercial club sends this statement of conditons suggestion a startling move for relief: GLENBTTRN. N. t nor. 14 Tn th Journal: The dealers wire us that the situ ation is entirely up to the railroads, as shlriers are unable to obtain cars to load with coal. Our local dealers hav rnal ordered over two months, which is not even snippeu yet. Today we will wire Governor Sarles, requesting him to take up the matter with Governor Johnson, and if necessary c8ji out mintia of. the two states to run coal trains. The situation all through this section is desperate, and with the liability of blit xards any time, many will freexe to death if fuel Is not available soon. Farmers are already coming to town with stories of burning sheds and other outhouses. We have notified the farmers that If the worst comes they can bring their families and bedding and camp In our new four-room brick school house. We have sufficient coal to heat the building for three months at least and It will go farther In this way than It would were we to distribute It among those who are. out, as It would not make a bushel each. We will also wire our senators at Wash ington today, asking their Interest with the federal government. We cannot put our words strong enough to convev to you the Importance of getting railroads to haut special trains of coal Into the section suf fering. We rely upon the co-ope ration of the people of Minnesota, as shipments originate there, and we cannot dictate to th roads from here. You' s very truly. GLENBURN OOMMr HCTAL CLUB, By WILLIAM M. SHEPHERD, President. . Interstate Commission Arts. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. In view of the complaints of , car shortage, resulting, it Is said, lu the failure to transport the neces saries of life and coal for houxehold use, the Interstate Commerce commission has sent the following telegram to the presi dents of a number of western and north western railroads: From many parts of the country, and particularly from your section, the Inter, state Commerce commission Is receiving1 numerous and Importunate complaints ot car shortage and failure to transport the necessaries oi lire, in various places In the northwest It Is represented that people are actually freeting because sufficient coal for hounehold use cannot be procured owing to extraordinary delays In movlntr that article. The commission therefore urges you to make every possible effort to meet at once the needs and relieve the suffering of those dependent upon the facilities of your roaa. MARTIN A. KNAPP, Chairman, The telegram was sent to the presidents of the following named roads: Great North ern; Northern Pacific; Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Bte. Marie; Chicago & North western; Milwaukee sc St Paul, and the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy. FLOCKMASTERS MAKE PROTEST Wyoming- and Itah Men Say Rail, road Servlea Is Worst In Years. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Dec. 14. (Special.) The Wyoming and National Wool Growers' associations, with headquarters In Chey enne, have forwarded the follow ing letter to the Wyoming and other western delegations In congress: In behalf of the members of the Wvnminr to lKet ana lamos to tne feed lots, with a Ir.htunt loss to owners. The shortage of slock ears Is due to two causes, vis: first To the unprecedented heavy traffic, ( f,,' ef, cr ln handlln transcon- j 8Co,idTo the diversion of coal cars to , the beet and sugar trade, which nrcrsii. tales the diversion of stock cars to the , h'a i;"..; VwL W?i'i"v" 'e1kB "V oix-e, louri truiy, GEORGE 8. WALKER. Secretary. The car shortage and puor service prob- Urns will be taken up by the sheepmen at questions with the wool growers. Rumor of Deal la tapper NKW YORK. Dec 14,-It was reported In Wall street todsy that the Greens ConaY.ll- d&ld Copper company had been ourehased by interests representing the Butte Coall- turn company of ntna aJid tr.ui control of Ihe Caaanaa Central, anirther t)rr SHAW TALKS OF CURRENCY Secretary of the Treasnry Appears Ilefore House Committee on Currency, WASHINGTON, Dec. 14-Secretary Shaw appeared before the house committee on curency and banking today In a advocacy of a high taxed credit currency, sugprstlng 6 per cent as a desirable rate. He em phasized the need for greater elasticity In currency, but expressed the opinion that the plan framed by the American Bankers' association will not bring abit sufficient elasticity to ever be useful. Granting that the bankers' plan results In the lssuonco ot tmcoo.OOO additional In national bunk notes, Mr. Shaw said that In his opinion not more than CO.000 worth of these will be redeemed. Mr. Rhaw thought the bankers' plan was wholly Inadequate to meet the require ments of the commercial world and said It was encumbered with too much mach inery for the limited good results it !( capable of accomplishing. He said he did not want to be regarded as an opponent of the measure suggested by the taiiker?, because he felt that any step toward relieving the demand for greater elasticity at certain seasons of the year was desirable, but he argued that the i committee strive to frame a more effective measure. It was urged by the secretary that an effort should be made to make our currency more lelastlo rather than to Im part elasticity to a certain amount of emergency currency. Under the bankers' plan, he said, only the credit currency, which goes Into national banks would be on Its way to redemption. There would be no reason why private banks should seek the redemption of national bank notes and conseqently they would make no ef fort to do so. In the bankers' plan national banks are to be permitted to Issue 125,000 additional notes for every I1U0.0OO of their capital, at an Interest rate ot2 per cent and an additional $12,500 with present at the rate of S per cent. CHILD LABOR CONFERENCE Reports Received from Stats Commit tees and Legal Standards and Methods Discussed. CINCINNATI. Dec. 14. Delegates from the various state committees to the annual convention of the National Child Labor convention held a conference today. Dr. Samuel McCune Llndsey, secretary of tha national commission, presided. Reports were presented from the different state committee, following which was a discussion of the legal standards and methods of enforcement of child labor laws. Much Interest was manifest In the discussion. "Child Labor In the Soft Coal Mines" was considered by Owen R. Lovejoy, as sistant secretary of the national committee, who gave numerous illustrations of the work done by children and the 111 effects In the various bituminous fields. He said that the Investigations were thus far too Incom plete to give any statistics, but sections of Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Vir ginia had been already gone over by the committee. In summing tip he said: The national child laaor committee wouM urge upon the Judgment and conscience of the American people the necessity of so amending the child labor and educational laws of the coal producing states as to render it Impossible for any child unde 1 years of age to engage in any labor Inside a coal mine. "The Southern Awakening Against Child Labor" was the subject of an address by Dr. A. J. McKelway of the national com mittee. Lewis W. Parker of Greenville, S. C, was heard on child labor in the cotton fields from a manufacturer's point of view. The closing paper of the afternoon was on "Poverty and Parental Dependence as an Obstacle to Child Labor Reform" by Homer vulks of New Y'ork. For the evening meeting "The States and the Rights of Childhood" was the general topic, with addresses covering the physical effects, obstacles to law enforcement and the effect on school life of children. OKLAHOMA WINS FIGHT People of .ew State Are Given Lower Rates on Grain and Coal. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 14.-Aa the re sult of a conference Held here today, Okla homa officials won for that territory Its long struggle for reduced railway freight rates. Five railroads agreed that here after the Kansas scale of rates on grain, grain products and merchandise, and tho Arkansas rates on coal shall be applied to Oklahoma polnta The Kansas scale will reduce the present Oklahoma rates 1 cent a hundred on grain and give reduced rates on merchandise and other commo dities. The Arkansas rates on coal will materially reduce the existing rates on that commodity. One of the results of the conference Is an ' . .w- . .u. i , , . -.,. ,,- .., . 1 hma' 8nd . '.he .,r'sht tramc officials of the Rock Island, Santa Fe, St. Louis AV San Francisco, Kansas & Texas and the j Port Smith & Western railroadj signed I the "Kreement for the opposing sides. ! j TRAINS DELAYED IN NORTH orth Dakota Experiences Worst Snowstorm of Years, with Tracks Blocked. I ST. PAUL, Dec. 14. The worst snowstorm ; days which have not arrived Dr,FcinCMT'C APT rnuuriinrs PRESIDENT S ACT COMMENDED Soldiers of Philippines Endorse Dis charge of Near Traoas for Brownvllle Affair. KANSAS CITT. Dec. It. Camp Louis A. Craig, Army of the Philippines, here last . nlnl vo 1 -"ient Koose- ' velt's order discharging without honor the negro troops of the Twenty-fifth infati'ry B,,i1,ttnji adocted derlura tv. ! K'aoluUons aaoptco aerUr that "U, command and exulorae the action of the BIG CONVENTION FOR OMAHA Fretbyterian Men on Toreien Minions . Meet at Anditoriim in February. MEETING WOFLD-WiDE IN SCOPE Most Prominent Men of I'hnrch Will Attend, Delegates Numbering One Thousand Six Hundred. An Inter-Rj-nodical foreign mlslimRry con vention of men of the Presbyterian church will be hfld at the Auditorium February 13-21. which will draw to the city some of the most prominent men of the church throughout tho I'nited States and other countries. Sittings will be arranged for l.eoo delegates and the Indications are every scat will bo filled. Only men will attend as delegates. The scope of the convention will be world wide so far as Its representation and Influ ence Is concerned, yet delegates will came from but ten states cf the middle west, other men of national or International character coming from more distant points es speakers. The Auditorium has been engaged for the convention, which will be the first of tha kind ever held in tho United States or any other country. Dr. Charles Brandt, western field secre tary of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian church, was In Omaha yesterday to complete arrangements. In consultation with local Presbyterian minis ters, for the meeting. He returned to Chi cago last night. Purpose of Convention. "I want to make clear at the very outset the purpose of this convention." said Dr. Brandt. "It Is this: To discuss and delib erate cHstlnctlvely on tha foreign missionary responsibility of the men of the Fresby tcrlan church, the evangelization of the world. I wish that point would be thoroughly understood. The convention will bring together the men of the church and the foreign missionary cause and this constitutes an innovation. It is In line with the latest movement of the rresby terian church to determine the responsibility In foreign missionary work of each Presby terian church. "At the general church conference at Nashville, less than a year ago, the boards of the various denominations decided they would undertake to determine the responsi bility of their church in this cause. The Presbyterian board set to Work without 1 delay and has reached the conclusion that the thing to do Is to bring the men of the church together. These will be the repre sentative men, business men, men who are charged with large responsibilities in busi ness affairs and are capable of handling big questions. They will- constitute a con vention of intellect and the result of their deliberations will bo a sound basis for the ultimate course of the church. Wanamaker and Beaver. "Among the prominent men of the Presbyterian church scheduled to attend are John Wanamaker, Robert E. Speer, Dr. A. W. Halsey, the last two secretaries of the foreign board; Dr. Hunter Corbett, mnderntor of the church; former Governor Beaver of Pennsylvania, Rev. Robert F, Coyle of Denver, Dr. Gale and Dr. Moftett of Corea, Rev. Dr. Cleland B. McAfee of New' York and other big lights of the church and business world. Not all of these men have promised to come, because they could not be certain, but most of them will be here and probably all. Mr. Wanumaker j and Governor Beaver are anxious to attend. aa they are greatly Interested in this work. giving much of their time and means toward it." Omaha Presbyterians are enthusiastic over this convention. Dr. Newman Hall Burdlck and Dr. A. S. C. Clarke pronounce It the leader of a campaign by the Presby terian church such as has not before been undertaken. It marks the aggressive cru sade of the church in the work of missions, home and foreign, and will, they say, but open the way to other and more extensive conventions. "It Is a big thing for Omaha," said Dr. Burdlck. "We feel very proud that our city has been selected for the location of such a vast gathering, and yet we are confident no better place could have been chosen. Omaha's central location Is the best, Omaha's entertainment of conven tions, and, Indeed, religious conventions, Is the best, and everything is auspicious. It will help Omaha ln more ways than one." MRS. BIRDSONG SENTENCED Woman Whs Killed Detractor Given Five Years and Released on Bond Pending; an Appeal. HAZELBUR8T. Miss., Dec. 14.-Mrs. Angle Birdsong was today denied a new trial by Judge Miller. She was sentenced to five years ln the penitentiary and no tice of appeal was given to the Mississippi supreme court. When notice of appeal was made Mrs. Birdsong was granted bail ln the sum of $10,000, which was furnished. Mra Birdsong shot and killed Dr. Thomas Butler at Montlcello, Miss., November 23, 190C. and at the trial, concluded several days ago, was convicted of manslaughter. tSinre that time she has been seriously 111. Because of her young child and her Illness, Mrs. Birdsong was never sent to Jail. BROWN'S BODY SENT WEST Children Accompany Remains Former Senator to Salt Lake City. of WASIIINGTON. Dec. 14 The bf.dy of former Senator Brown of Utah, who died Wednesday night as the result of a bullet wound Inflicted by Mrs. Anna M. Bradley, left for Salt Lake City at 12:15 today over the Pennsylvania railroad, accompanied by the late senator's con Max and daughter Alice. It was stated today by the undertaker who prepared the body for burial that Mrs. Annie C. Adams, whose name fljrured prom inently in the episode, viewed last the body of the late senator at the undertaking establishment. She showed great emotion, the undertaker said. FORECAST 0FTHE WEATHER Fair Today aad Tomorrow In lis-. hraskaV aad Iowa Warme-r la webraaka Sunday. WASinSGTON. Dec. U-Forecast of the weather for Saturday and Sunday: For Nebraska, Bouih Dakota and Kansas Fair Saturday and Sunday; warmer Sun day. Fur Iowa Fair Saturday and Sunday. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Satur day and Sunday. For Missouri Fair and ftowawhat colder wvturdajr; afcST THE BEE BULLETIN. '. Forecast for Xenraakn Fair Satnrdny and Sunday) Warmer Snnday, 1 Hnvre lo Get lilofflir After Ml. Coal Famine In Northwest Serious. Presbyterians Comlna to Omaha. Hold Robbers Make III Hani. Si House Votes Down Salary Grali. 3 News from All Parts of ehrskn. ft Affairs nt Sonth Omnha. n Railroad Officials In Court. T French Priests to Re Passive. Texas Railroad l.n ot Success. f Proaress of the Torrry Mission. 10 Kdltorlnl. 11 Omaha May Get Iowa Jobbers. 12 Good Things for Son day Dinner, t ut In Rates Hurts Omahn Trade. 1.1 Financial and Commercial Kewe. IS Mews from Council Blnffs. Temperature at Omnha Yesterday! Hour. lire. Hour. Iea n. m IT 1 p. m 31 6 a. m 1ft a p. m 4 Ta.m 14 ,1 i, m Ma. m 14 4 p. n 27 a. m...... l.t ft p. ni 2D lo a. m lft Op. in 2ft It a. m lsi T p. m -" 111 m liO H p. in lit O p. m St I MRS. G. M. O'BRIEN SUCCUMBS widow of Late General O-'Brlcn Passes Away at Home of Daughter. Mrs. George Morgan O'Brien, widow of the late General O'Brien, died Friday aft--rurtin at -r ..'rUwk at the home of her ii. w M-Kimv. fii Koith Twenty-eighth street, after an Illness of ! several weeks due to pleurltls. She was 73 years of age. Her husband, Brevet Brigadier General G. M. O'Brien, who died in 18S7, was pne of the early settlers of Omaha, coming here with his family in l&K. General O'Brien served throughout the civil war with distinction, first entering the army from Wisconsin In 1S(U. He was after wards commissioned to raise an Iowa regi ment, the Seventh Iowa, which was one of the regiments of the famous "Crocker's Brigade." During the last year of the war this regiment performed gallant serv Ico on the plains against tho Indians, and upon the muster out of the regiment In the latter part of 1865 Colonel O'Brien was brevetted a brigadier general for gallant and meritorious service. He was the eighth commander of George A. Custer post No. 7. Grand Army of the Republic. Mrs. O'Brien has been In poor health for threo or four years past and was unabln to rally from her recent Illness because of her advanced age. She Is survived by six children. They are Mrs. W. A. McElroy, Margaret A. O'Brien of Omaha, Moses P. O'Brien of Texas, M. J. O'Brien of Texas, Mrs. Joseph T. Fisher of Cheyenne, Mrs. Matthew B. Mcfirlde of Missoula,' Mont. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made owing to the delay In the ar rival of relatives now en route to Omaha. It Is thought the funeral may take place Sunday, but nothing la definitely known at present as to the hour. COURT-MARTIAL FOR OFFICERS Commander of Colored Troops Charged With Conduct to Preju dice of Good Order. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 -On the recom mendation of tho general staff, the secre tary of war has ordered the trial by court - i martial of Major Charles W. Penrose and Captain Edgar A. Macklin of Company C, First battalion. Twenty-fifth Infantry, under the sixty-second article of war. for "conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline ln falling In their duty ln preventing and suppressing the riot at Brownsville, Tex., lost August." The specifications will Include, among other things, the charge that the two of ficers named failed to exercise due diligence In preventing the occurrence when the con dition of affairs at Brownsville made It necessary that all proper precautions had been taken to prevent a clash letween the troops and citizens, and also that they did not examine the rifles of the men until day light, although they learned of the true state of affairs by 1 or 3 o'clock In the morning. The details of the membership of the court and tho place where the trial will be held have been left to the discretion of the commanding officer of the Dejartmont of Texas. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl , Dec. 14. Major Charles W. Penrose, whose trial by court martial was ordered today, received the first news of the order when the Associated Press dispatch from Washington was read to him over the telephone to Fort Reno tonight. While he would not discuss the order, It was evident that he was greatly surprised. His quick query was: "Does that say the it Mon was taken on the recommendation of ti e general staff?" Captain Macklin also Is at Fort Reno, SUBPOENA FOR RECORDS Federal Judge at St. Louis laauea Order Airalnst Recalcitrant' Witnesses. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 14. Judge Flnkelnburg. ln the United States district court th:s afternoon, ordered a subpoena duces tecum to Issue directing 8. Frtnk, chairman of the southern freight bureau, to produce the records of that association before Special Commissioner Rombauer In the hearing of the government s ouster suit against the terminal railroad association. A subpoena duces tecum was also Issued directing R. M. Frarer, chairman of the eas'bound freight committee and coal truffle bureau, to pro duce records of those organisations called for by the government. Frink and Fraxer yesterday refused to produce the records desired. JAPANESE BUY FUEL OIL Twenty Million Barrels of Petroleum to He Dellvrred la Tea 1 rare. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 14-Oenersl Man ager Shlrasht of the Toyo Kissen I alalia Steamship company and representatives of the California petroleum refineries have put their signatures to a contract by which the oil company uiilertakes to deliver to the steamship company 30,000.000 barrels of . i' "el ov,r Prod of ten years. The high tariff on refined oil in Japan makes Its shipment from here prohibitive. The oil will be refined in Japua. Ship ments will be made from San Luis bay, where a pip lln reaches the tide water. Blahop Improves. NKW YORK, Dec. 14 The condition of Bishop M .-Cabe. suileriii( from apov'xy. Is suahlly Improvsu. ROBBERS .ARE BOLD Hold Up and Loot Doujhs Street Pawn shop in Eavlizht. BIND PROPRIETOR AND CLERK WITH ROPES Cover Three Ven with Gum and Etnfl Fcckets with Gema. ONE BANDIT CAUGHI AFTER STREET DUEL Proves to Be Desperate Criminal frem Colorado Penitentiary. EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS OF PLUNDER Property Believed to Have Been All Recovered from Person of Cap tiveFireman Gross Heads Mob of Pursuers. Two robbers entered the pawnshop and Jewelry store of Joe S'innor.bcrg, 114 Douglas street, at 8.30 Friday morning, bound the proprietor and a clerk with ropes, laid them to one side, robbed the store of J-S.oio worth of Jewelry and both were about to make their escaie when Sam Gross, a fireman from Engine hou" No. 2, at Eighteenth and Harney streets, gave chase, catching one cf them, tho other getting away. Fortunately the cap tive was the one who had the booty, so tha Jeweler is out nothing. The robbers wore 1M Elliott alias Har ris, and James Yilm ullna Mitchell, both of Denver and known to police as des perato characters. Elliott was captured. They entered the store at a time when business for the day had scarcely begun. They confronted Sonne:iberg and Michael MorrUey. his clerk, with revolvers, then bound them and rifled three safes. Tha robbery, perpetrated in broad daylight, created the greatest excitement. Police and fire alarms were turned In and members of both departments were soon upon the scene. Wilson escaped, but Elliott was captured after a running fight, during which several shots were exchangtd between Wilson and Sam Grose, who guve chase. The robbers separted at the alley on Fourteenth street between Douglas and Dodge streets and Gross, followed by a crowd of nearly 100 persons, ran down Elliott at the Cambridge, hotel. Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. E'. llott ran Into a room ln the basement of the hotel and crept under a bed and was hauled from his hiding place by Detective Heltfeldt. while his revolver was taken from him by Officer Coodrlch. Sonnenbers; Thouuht It a Joke. The robbers entered tho store about 8:20, when Mr. Sonnenberg was sitting In tha rear part and Morrlsey was building the fire. The men told Sonnenberg to give up his money and the proprietor thought It was a practical Joke until the robbers pulled their revolvers and ordsred him and Morrlsey Into a back room, where they were securely bound with ropes- which, the, robbers had brought with them for the purpose. Tho men then stripped the safes, which had Just been opened to begin the business of the day, of evary diamond and quantities of watches .and miscellaneous Jewelry. While they were at their work Frank Swan of the Nebraska Lodging house entered the store for the purpose of having his watch repaired and was greeted by the robbers with a command to throw up his hands. He was then forced Into the back room, where Sonnenberg and Morrlsey were bound and compelled to lln down on the floor. After filling tl'eir pockets with loot the robbers ran out the front door and around the corner to the alley bentnd the Western Union building. Sonnenbrg had managed to release his bonds and was In hot pursuit. He met 8a tn Gross at the door and briefly told him of the robbery. Gross took a loaded revolver from the hands of Mor rlsey and started after the thieves, who rn up the alley, entering the back door to tne Diamond saloon, 1813 Douglas street and runrh.g through the building to Dong las street. Gross ran up the alley and sighted the robbers at the corner of Four teenth and Douglas streets, where they had turned north. Gross fired a shot at the fleeing men and Wilson returned the fire, neither shots taking effect, but causing great alarm to many pedestrians. Gross then gave chase and fired two more shots and Wilson returned the fire once and ran east ln tho alley toward the Millard hotel, while his partner, ran north on Fourteenth street. Gross Lands His Man. Cross and many cltiions' then chased Elliott north on Fourteenth street, where the thief ran ln the back entrance of the Cambridge hotel and Into a basement room occupied by Joe Brown, Charles Stevens and George Gray, three laborers. The men said that Elliott exclaimed: "For God's sake hide ma The cops are after me. Isn't there any way to get out of here?" When told that the only egress waa the door through which he had Just entered Elliott crawled under the bed and wtf soon arrested by Detective Heltfeldt and Officer Goodrich. Chief of Infectives Savage had heard the shots exchanged between Cross and Wil son and summoned the patrol wagon. De tectives Heltfeldt, Donohoe and Ferris and Officer Goodrich were hurried to the scene of the robbery In the patrol wagon to find that the robbers had gone. The crowd pursuing Elliott was perceived and Driver Bdinuelson made a record run to the Cam bridge hotel, arriving about the time that Elliott bad run into the basement. De tectives Ferris and Donohoe went through the rooms on the north side of the hotel, while Detective Heltfeldt and Officer Goil rich luckily went directly to the room, where Elliott had hidden under the bed. Beards I. Ion la Ills Den, Although It was Vnown that Elliott was a desperate ruUi' , , ,1 was armed, Detec tive Heltfeldt, re . er In hand, put his head under the bed snd hauled Elliott out feet foremost amid the cheers of the 2W spectators, who made a.n attempt to mob the prisoner when he was being taken to the patrol wagon. In the meantime the other robber, Wilson, had made good his escape, as Gross und the crowd had to Ut him go In order to rapture Elliott. The capture of Elliott proved to be the more important, as II of the stolen diamonds and Jewelry were recovered when tl.e prisoner was searched at the station. Elliott waa thor oughly cowed and said he bad all the stolen proiierty snd that h's partner lied guarded him while he rifled the safes. A peck measure fiill of diaminda was taken from Elliott's po.ket.-i. besiues m-iny watches, rings and tlel;plns. During the excitement some nervous elii sen turned in an alarm of fire, a number of engines and trucks responding. Every deUsctlve wss Immediately put en the track f the missing robber and hlf