Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1900. SPECIAL NOTICES A?rrllariiri(i tor these rolimn) will se Ukri nntll 13 m. for the venlna- edition nnd nntll M p. m. for the morning; and Snndajr edition. Hates 1 l-8o a word first Insertion, le a word thereafter. Nothing taken far leaa than 2e for th tril laser tloa. These advertisements mast be mn eoaseeatlTelr Advertisers, ttr rrqitl( a num bered ahaek, eaa hare aaawers ad. dressed to a bb inhered letter la rare f The Bee. Answers so addressed will be delivered oa preseatatloa of eheek. MISCELLANEOUS Flint Winter Term Boyles Business College and School of Telegraphy Opened Monday, Icccmber 3, . Day and Night. Students are being admitted every day now. H. B. BOYLES, President. Boyles L'ldg., Omaha. Neb. Get the Free Catalogue. R 640 FOR CHRISTMAS Can and Electric Reading Iimps ore always acceptable; new stock Just In; order now. BURG ESS-G RAN DEN CO., 31S 8o. ICth St. Tel. Douglas 61. R-664 DM AH A 8afa and Iron Works make a spe olalty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and afes. G. Andreen. Prop., 102 8. loth St. R-643 BIGN PAINTING fl. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. H 643 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 19i9 Farnam. H-44 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS OIFT8. If you contemplate making presents, this Is the chance if a lifetime. Will fell very cheap all the furnishings of my beautlfal homo, which are us good as new and with out scratch or mar. Everything la of Ihi best material and workmanship. I have a five-piece mahogany and tapestry iarlor ult lor $35; brass bed, hair mattress and box springs; beautiful brass costumer or hall tree; dressers and chltTonlers in Toona mahogany and quat ter-bawed (.uk; an ele gant oak sideboard and dining tabie: leather couches for $36, cost 7.; over stuffed Turkish chairs In Harrington frames; leather rockers in oak anil ma hogany for 110, cost $28; odd mahogany parlor chairs; very fine mahogany library and parlor tables; lace curtains and pcr tleren; fine pastela and paintings; yiU Axmlnster rugs; u perfect tone upright mahogany piano. Also other furnishings too numerous to mention. These goods must be seen to be appreciated. Must sell within the next ten days. Call at once for choice selections. Call from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Take Harney St. car, get off at Pierce and Park Wilde ave. 12,11 Park Wilde Ave. 1 M406 15x - BEND us you mall orders for drugs; ' freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 647 EHERW1N-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. 4 6o0 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. IMS Farnam. (J SVS ONE 8-Inch Jenkins' valve for nale. Apply W. H. Brldees, engineer. Bee Bldg. y-iiu:i FREE music lessons for I months with each new piano purchased before January 1. MATHEWS PIANO CO., 1313 Harney St. W-ii; Dm A FEW H. fountii.. t ls: i'a. . ioTfiED ph. before Invel. for nricea nr. ' 3 In second-hand soda payments. Deright, Q-ti-3 organs must be sola 'x mury L lixji. Bee us us. MATHEWS PIANO CO.. 1513 Harney Bt. y 215 Dig fOR BALE Numbering stamp, In good condition. Inquire Uecrge H. Wright. Bee ortice. Q M2ii FOR SALE Two oak bookcases, one china cabinet with plate glass shelves, one gas range, one mahogany library table. Call afternoons or evenings 40)0 Nicholas St. y :J3 GASOLINE ENGINE and wood-working machinery for sale cheap. Apply Anchor Fence Mfg. Co., 207 N. 17th St. Q-M429 WILL sacrifice my fine $350 mahogany up right piano for $176 cash; used less than two months and as good as new; also other fine furniture. Lidl So. 7th Bt. 'Phone 4618 Douglas. Q 4t3 lBx COAL 13.26 ton; burr egg, big size, good; try It; 2 'phones. Harmon & Wceth. Q-4St2 J10 FOR BA LE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Ctudpbell. Bee mall room. Q ! BARGAIN High grade upright piano; cheap; party leaving for Texas. 41S N. 23d. Q.-M628 15x nPARGAINS In unredeemed Jewelry. 418 No. V4ijh. Q-MS27 J12 Hl'SKER shredder, little used, for ale cheap. D. W. Foster, Palmer, Neb. Q-M561 20x BUSINESS CHANCES HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET I NIX) PAYING BUSINESS AT ONCE $12,000 STOCK OF HARDWARE IN GOOD, LIVE NEBRASKA TOWN. WILL EXCHANGE FOR LAND AT FAIR PRICK OWNER MUST SELL ON ACCOUNT OK ILLNESS. PROFITS FROM BL'SJNKS. UPWARD OF $10,oou A 1 cjArt. tVHS OK WK1T1S La QUICK ABOUT THIS. TUB PUTNAM CO., So4-6 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Y-544 14 SOUTHERN NEVADA MINING STOCKS. A Good Opportunity to Make homo Money. Those who havs Invested in Nevada Stocks In the last year have made large fortunes on a small Investment; If there Is any stock In that stute ttiat you wunt. write or call on us. We receive reports from all or the mining camps ot Nevada. HUBERT C. DHL E Is EDO W et CO., 0 N. Y. Ltle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y-M179 II Do You Wish to Make a Change Jf you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., V-132 Jl IOWNSKN1) REALTY CO., Fremont, ret., lias imp. farms, wild lands, stock mune. for sale. Can use other property a pau-uu.t laiyiiieni. i Jdl&o UL,X SOUTHERN NEVADA 16 cents a siiaie. our treasury stock for the development of our propel ty; the beat opportunity in the Bullfrog district; our property Is advantageously lix-aied. sur rounded by the bst mines of the district why not investigate our proposition. For particulars can or address KKVADA STANDARD UoLD MINING CO., mm au a. miv vius., wmaiiM. in t-d Y M178 14 ACRES, $06 acre. Take small house mwl -l; 231 acres, $J,3m; 26 acres, i j fruit, U.m; 12 acre. 8 in fruit, io.uoo. vss C. B. Ala Bmllh Co, Council Bluffs Y AilKJ stores for aala. T. V. Knleat, N. T. Life I I Mila BALE Blacksmith and wagon shoo well located, witn extra good business. Towruend Rsalty Co., Fremont. Neb. Y M25 DJ6x UOOD restaurant for sale In good location and doing a rtrst class business. Inquire Bam Sing. liU Webster Bt. Y-M4b lax THERE Is a way to make money la Nevada miujng stocks. We will tell you how In our market letter, sent free for asking. Patrick. Elliott 4k Camp, "Conservative Brokers and Mine Makers," Goldheld. Ner. Y 61 13x A. ONE Investment, 'Phone Rod W.t V. B. Palcombe. Y-7V J-2x YOUNG married couple wants to rent far nlshed turns or apartmeuts from parties who are going away f the winter. Ad dress D 64. cskT Bw K-M549 Its WANTED MALE HELP WANTED At once, w sound young men. aged 18 to Sfl, fnr fremen and hrakemen on leading western railroads and for new roads now Iwlng completed; experience tin ry: firemen $!oa pet month; brakemen 173; position now open; call or write, at onre fnr particulars. National Ry. Training Ass n, 620 X, Paxton Mock. Omaha, Neli. H MW J WANTED-Five boys; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 B. 13th Bt. b ait V. S. NAVT enlists for four years young men and mechanics of pood phvslque and character. Oood pay, according to quali fications. Advancement when qualified. Navy Recruiting Stitions. Omaha, Un coin, Hastings, Sioux City and Des Moines. B-M Dl MEN and boys, riumblng or bricklaying trade rays to to $8 per day. We teach you by practical Instructions In three months; position guaranteed; free cata logue. Coyne Trade School, 4975 Easton Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. B-M807 OLD LINE INSURANCE MEN will make changes of companies during this month; one of the best western old line com panies In America has something food to offer. K Interested write lock bog 1193, Lincoln. Neb. B M175 Jl WANTED A watch. Ton get It for a few hours of your time. Write at once to Mulenu, Company, Warrlor.mark. Pa. B-M136 FebSx TWO hustlers to handle a new line Christ mas articles; city work. 1419 Howard. B M156 J3 WANTED-3 boys. Omnha Box Co.. East Omaha. N Jut) WANTED Oood salesmen In cities and small towns to sell our "H Pf cent K0,d bonds and 9 per r,-nt stocks; $100 por month and commission guaranteed under 8 months' contract; references required. 442-44 Huntington Kldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. B-M171 D31 WANTED Reliable party willing to Invest t'.r to tl.fKO. which will be amply secured, to represent us In any city or town In 'brokerage business; $200 per month guar anteed, besides full equity for Investment. Address American Finance and Develop ment Co . 412 Huntington Bldg.. I.os An geles. Cal. B M472 1)31 WANTED A man about 35 years of age to art as superintendent of a bag factory, on the Pacific coast; must be thoroughly familiar with all branches of manufacture of cotton and burlap bags. Reply, Box 81, Portland, Ore., stating age, experience, reference and compensation expected. B-M474 17 WANTED Japan shop foreman; must un derstand the designing and cuttln of ptenclls, mlxlnir of colors and handling Of help; a man with experience at Japanning tinware preferred. Address Ruprlntend ent. Flat 3. 1S3 14th St.. Milwaukee. Wis. B M510 14 WANTED Cigar salesman; must have some experience In the city ana So. Omaha. Address B 52. care Bee. B-4SG 13 WANTED For the U. S. Marine Corps. men between ages 21 and 3o; an oppor tunity to see the world. For full Informa tion npplv In person or by letter to Re cruiting Officer, Cor. llth and Farnam Sts. B M4!7 D31 ANY person willing to distribute our sam ples; i. weckiv. e.mpire, iaaaiiB St.. Chicago. 111. Steady position; no canvassing. B 629 13x Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. U B MSI 5 A MANUFACTURING compnny located In Council Bluffs, la., want traveling sales man to represent them who can invert small capital ($.W00 or more) In business and to take position In January. Salary commensurate with ability. Beit of ref erence required. Address Room 43 Bald win Blk., Council Bluffs. It M542 16 INTELLIGENT MEN Can understand, why we can secure good nosHlons for them and are taking ad vantage of the opportunities we have to offer. WE HAVE MORE OPPORTITOITIES than men. Therefore It behooves vou to see us with out delnv if vou nre n BOOKKEEPER, STENOGRAPHER, CLERICAL MAN or capable of holding nny high grade posi tion. 0V1! or write. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N, INC., Suite 840-2 N. Y. Life Bids. B M7 14 WANTED Middle aged slnrle man to drive wagon, care for team and cow. 1724 St. Mary's Ave. B M554 lBx WANTED Good piano player, lady or gen tleman, to tnvel with good company. Address Geo. F. Clark, Long Hotel. B M361 14x BRTOHT young man for pool room. Apply 1012 Bo. 10th. uM.vss 14 WANTED By first of year, two good, wide-awake, sober, experienced men to operate a Pathe moving picture machine; good salary and expenses from start; one can exnlaln; Bible scenes preferred. Ad dress 624 E. 3d St., Grand Island, Neb. B-M3 lx WANTED FEMALE HELP STENOGRAPHERS! STENOGRAPHERS! We want every stenographer with two or more years experience to call and see us Thursday, Friday and Satuiday of this week, us we expect to have not less than fifty calls for such applicants for the first of next week. We also have at least live positions at present from $00 to $7S. Don't delay. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. INC.. Suite 840-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. C-637 U FOUR or five young women of good moral character wanted, to tee the training course for nurses at tlie Douglas County hojpltal. Fine opportunity for training in medical and surgical nursing under u competent staff ot physicians, and standard diploma at end of training. Uniform, board and room furnished, with ti per month after acceptance. Apply to superintendent of nurses, Douglas County hospital, Omaha. Neb. C M9l GIRLS to operate power machine In shirt and overall factory; permanent work. M. K. Smith & Co., 11th and Douglas Sts. C-597 M DOWELL Dressmaking school, 1CJ Fsrn. tj M,21 U2i WANTED At once, girl for general house work. 3So3 Dewey Ave. C M500 COMPETENT stenographer; state epe- rlence and salary expected. Address W 13. care Bee. C 2.S9 WAITRESS Apply to manager Dellono C Mf06 15 hotel. WANTED Girl for general housework; must give references. 3614 Leavenworth. C M555 16x 25 GIRLS at once for steady work; good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag Co., entrance off 11th St. vluduct. C M315 BOOKKEEPER In wholesale house; must be quick and accurate; good salary; state experience. Address W 60, Bee. C-M479 WANTED Cook, good wages; references required. Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 10 Park Ave. C-M506 14 WANTED Young colored cook. Cowglll. 3177 Davenport St. Mm. F. 8. C-518 13 WANTED A nurse for 18-month-old baby; references required. Mrs. W. 8. Pop'il ton, 204 S. S7th 8t. 0-548 STENOGRAPHERS of two or more years' experience wanted at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND APS N, INC., Bulte 840-1 N. Y. IJfe Bldg. C-MV4 14 WANTED SITUATION YOUNG man wants place to work for board and room while going to school. Boyle a College. Tel. Doug. 1'jSt A-19 COMPETENT office man. executive or cler ical, 'ii years old, wants position January 1; fifteen years' exerlenre In banking and grain business; first-class references. Address P 31, care Bee. A 2s7 14x SITUATION WANTED By young lady, as companion for either Invalid or elderly person. Addresa Y-168. care Bee. AM4M 16x EMPLOYMENT WANTED Inside work of any kind. Address No. 24. North. 7th Bt., CouncilBluffs. Ia. A 6J6lJx FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In taut column put an ad. In aad you will eooa get 1U -4M if Bee Want Ads bring competent help FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS HAVING more room than we need, will take two gentlemen In large south front room with alcove; nicely furnished; mod ern conveniences; excellent board. Call on Mrs. A. 11. Hennlngs, 8304 Davenport St. References. KA14G8 16x DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. K 66i Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks E-6S8 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Av.: American or European; steam heat. E 4161 FRONT room, well heated; nicely fur nished; strictly modern. 2409 Harney. NICELY furnished room, with use of 'phone, etc.; modern conveniences and within walking distance; private family. 'Phone Douglas 44h9. 2609 Farnam St. E 495 13X F' -"KD Dodge St. rooms .all modern 171H E 363 16x FURNISHED" ROOMS AND BOARD NEWLY-FI.RNISHED euite of rooms and board; hot and cold water. 2411 Capitol Ave. F J3 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. F bbO MODERN rooms, home cooking, reasonable prices; TAit liuwuru, Phone Douglas-aio. F 6ol NICELY furnished, well heated room, ail modern conveniences; excellent table; pri vate family. 249 Harney. F M182 STEAM heated, east rooms, at 212 S. 2oth St. with board. F-M276 LARGE front alcove room; also other rooms; breakfast privileges; tel. 116 N 26. F-M303 J8 FOR RENT HOUSES IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THESE. Very desirable 12-room modern apartment, best repair, fine location, 2416 Sherman Ave. 13 Choice, 8 rooms, modern, good condition, conveniently situated, 2404 Maple a bar gain at $20. 4-room cottage, 2707 S. 21st St. only $7. 7 rooms, city water, 1710 N. 34th St, new SI J. 60. Also several cottages and large dwellings. See us for homes on rental payments. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO.. 432-3-4 Ramge Blk. 15th and Harney Sts. D 41)1 13 Hastings & Heyden will get you a tenant WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Btor age Co. Tel. Doug. ltt. Office, 1713 Web ster St. i SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money, EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. . ltith St. Tel. Doug. 1195. D obS COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house In the cltv; Immediate attention given 1629-31-31 N. 16th St, Tel. Douglas 4619 D 669 Hastings tt Heyden will get you a tenant v llti FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex cept furnace $20. 9-rooni house, nil modern, new furnace $25. C. M. BACH MAN N, 436 Paxton Block. D 492 FOR RENT 9-room modern house, 509 S 26th Ave., $32.60. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. D-MS41 GOING TO MOVE? Costs less, breakage considered, to have an expert pack your china and glass; 20 years experience; charges reasonable. Jos. Burns. Tel. Harney U2. D-3U D2ix 1409 PARK WILDE AVE., 8 rooms, modern but heat, owner pays water rent. $2o. 1117 P. 3tith Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $W. 3167 Davenport, 8 rooms, modern, $35. SKI!) N. 21'th. 8 rooms, modern. $25. 4T11 N. 2Nth Ave., 5 rooms, city water, $12. For balance of list call office. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St, 'Phone Douglas-18)6, WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller as Mueller Piano Co., Ull-1313 Farnam. D 662 TTpwTTQi7Q in all parts of the city. The liuuuuu o. F. Davis Co.. Bee Bid. D Sb4 Hastings & Heyden will get you a tenant. jl Mian TTnTTSTVS In all parta of the city. R. Aiw-. t. pcter, & Co., Bee Bldg. D-f4 HOUSES, insurance. King wait, Barker Blk. D 666 OMAHA van ft Storage Co., pack, move store. H. H. goods; storehouse 11. '0-24 N ma. Office. 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. u Wio CENTRAL, steam, Tlxard, 220 N. 23d. modern 7-room house D M614 I-ROOM flat, modern, good repair, opposite Hanscora fark rnone Douglas 623. D 670 FOR RENT. A strictly mooern s-room nnck flat, new. only I Mocks from postoffice; It's a gem price, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Doug. 1781. D 488 14 STORAGE goods., mer etc. Fred Bush Transfer Line, ltis-a r amain Bt. D-4S5 J10 FOR RENT Modern, 9-room, brick house. 1128 8. 51st Bt.; $40 per month. Thomas Brennan, room i, in. x. Life Bldg. D 671 Hastings A Heyden will get you a tenant D MIa6 FOR RENT 8-room brick house, basemen finished, all modern, new furnace, onl half block from car, good neighborhood rent $25 per month (north tiOj. C. M Harhmann, V5 raxton uiocg. D 338 8-ROOM all modern house, except furnace rent $18 per month; keys next door. 2507 Pierce Bt. D 515 IRx n9 CALIKORIA St., 8-room modem house all in good repair, will be vacant De cember 2. please arrange with us to see house. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. D 619 16 7-ROOM cottage, modem except furnace. $20. Elm Bt. let. Harney-isio. D-M498 15 Hastings A Heyden will get you a tenan D Mla6 FOR RENT 8-room cottage, cheap; close in; modern It partv will Duy furnltur (new). Address C-6J, Bee. D 545 15 FARMS FOR RENT 80 ACRES 1 mile noith of Benson, choice farm land with 6-room house, large baxn and other Improvements. GEORGE It CO., 1601 Farnam Bt. 621 It PRINTING I YNnT AH Hlh trade 1907 Calendars. !!vi..,V. E- corner 16th Bt. and & JORVE, Capitol Ave. -707 THE ACORN PRESS. Tel. Douglas J7K5. Commercial printers, 1519 Howard Bt. --M231 II WATERS PRINTING CO., 1307 Howard 6t- -MTJ1 Feb27 POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we load the world In cheap bar nxtures; easy payments. bruuawlck-Balke-CvaeiuUr. tf7 8. loth Bl. Ambitious men and women wanting better positions answer Bee Want Ids FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO OFFICE SUITES AVAILABLE JANUAKf 1 A very handsome suite of three rooms particularly desirable for a doctor. They are located on the northwest corner of the third floor tt waiting room ami two private offices. THE BEE BlILDINO. This suite Is well arranged for a physician or specialist, having been occupied by an ye, ear, nose and throat specialist, mere a splendid north light; outside winnows n each room, a large vault, hard woou oors and finish. The rent Includes heat, ght. water and Janitor service. Rent, per month, $60.00. Another suite, on the fourth floor. In front f the elevator reception room and private fTice occupied at present by dentist; va cant January L Bmall oihee. on fifth floor room 620-ai io. pply Superintendent Bee Bldg., Room 418. I 643 x FOR RENT The S-story and basement building 102 Douglas St. Apply on me premises or to David Cole. J M 612 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 4U N. 20th bt., soutn Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 FOR RENT Large corner atore room, 16th and Vinton Sts., lAk C M. Baenmnnn, 3ti Paxton Block. I MU21 FINE office space 20x100 feet. In new build ing ready lor occupancy January l, one half block from court house. Heat and Janitor service, partitions, etc., to suit tenant. G 40, care Bee. 1381 23x 111 8. 16TH ST. J. N. Frenxer. I-M261 'OR RENT Large storeroom, with two living rooms In rear, only $12.50 per month. 1910 Lake St. Apply to Conrad Young. 1518 Dodge St. Telephone Doug las 1570. I M314 STRICTLY modern hotel for rent, steam heat, city water, bath, all new and doing fine business; only $2. honse. In growing town of 6uo population. If you cannot handle a strictly first-class house and trade don't answer. Possession given at once. Address Y 113. care Bee. I M413 15 $100 PER MONTH for second and third floors. 1511 Douglas St., neat on second floor. $25 per month for store room, 21294 Farnam St. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. I M560 18 BAKERY Large store room, large bake room, with cemented floor; furnace heated bake oven; all steam heated; 171S Nicholas St.; Just the place and location for a live man to supply the trade and at same time retail BEMIS, Paxton block. I 64S 14 WANTED TO RENT WRITE for market letter, sent free upon reouest: eomnlete resume Nevada mJnlna operations. Patrick Elliott Camp, Con servative Brokers and Mine Makers, Gold field, Nevada. Y-S2 14x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Save Something During 1907 Start right now. Get out of the old rut you were In to long. Let us show you how, BORROW MONEY ON FURNITURE. PIANOS OR SALARY. WITHOUT HAVING THEM DISTURBED, Then pay off your troublesome debts and concentrate all you owe. Lowest Charges Liberal Rebate Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. - 306 S. 16th St. Established 1M2.) Tel. Doug. 2295. X-201 Easy Money For the Holidays GET IT NOW BEFORE THE RUSH 18 ON. Loans on Furniture, Pianos. Horses and Wagons, Warehouse Receipts or Salaries. No publicity. Easy puyments any length ot time. WH SAVE YOU MONEY. Reliable Credit Co. 307-308 PAXTON BLOCK. CORNER 16TH AND FARNAM STS. Open evenings 8 p. m. until Christmas, X-MU 16 Christmas Money At this time of the year nearly everyone needs a little extra cash; come to us private loans on salary, furniture, pianos, etc., lowest rales, easy puyments. Make your own terms. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Third floor Paxton Blk. Office open evenings until Xmas. . X M533 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy pay ments; offices In 63 principal cities. Save yourself money by getting my terms Hrst I). II. lOLAlAN, 714 New York Life Bldg. X-409 THE UNION LOAN COMPANY has Increased its capital and during the month of December will make a apecul rate on collateral loans, murtgugsa on personal property and Individual notes, without security. Terms to suit your con veniences. 'Phone Douglas 2904, or call at 310 Bee Bldg. X Mi40 24 DR. PRIBBENOW'a MONEY loaned on furnituie, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amuunt; less than half rates; perfect privacy, immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbaeh Blk., 209 South 15th SU K iuO Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or aalary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked lor at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X Jul A CONFIDENTIAL DEAL If you want a quick loan on the Q. T. drop a line. P. O. Box 648. City. X-Moai FOR A Syl'ARE DEAL GO TO THE) PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For chattel or salary loans. tSi Paxton block. Phone, DougU-75. X-MjU EAGLE LOAN OFFICE, reliable, accom modating, all business confidential. lJul Douglaa. X 7ui MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, ew Iry, horse, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, $10 S. Utn. X-7ul FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Dull Green Loan Co., room 8. Barker Block. X-i4 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam Bu X 706 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading faliuist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors. Ill B. loth fcu, OpP. Boston Store. Hr J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE VACANT LOT 13ARUA1NS t 250 For good lots In Florence, close to car. f 350 For full 60 ft. lota on Camden Ave., between 2ath Ave. and 27th, one block from car. t 400 For 6u ft. on 22d St., Just north of Brown. $ 425 Kino south lots on Brown St., Just west of 24th, one block to car. t 4S0 Corner lot. 22d and Brown. $ 625 Iots on I'ratt St., Just east of 27th. $ 600 Good lots on 'J2d and 23d Sts., Just north of Snrairue. $725 Full 50 ft. lots on Spencer St., Just east of Sherman Ave., have water and sewer, line new houses being built all around these. 800 In Kountze Place on Emmet, be tween 16th and 24th, have a number for sale on this street. 950 Full 60 ft. lots In Kountr.e Place, on Spencer St., between 16th and 24th, paving all paid, permanent sidewalks, water, sewer and gas, fine neighbor hood; have several on tills street to w lect from. $1,100 Fine lots on Blnney St. (Kountie Place), between ltith and 24th, wide asphalt paved street, no better lots In the; city at any price. Select your lot now, get your plans ready this winter and begin building early In the spring. You cannot buy- any better bar gains than these, no matter bow mucn you look around. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St., Beo Bldg. RE 534 13 THREE GOOD HOMES AT LOAV PRICES $10,000 for good 10-room house, nil modern, In bent of condition, built by owner for his h me; line shade trees, two east front lots, on 40th St., near Mr. Josivn s fine home. Original price $12,000. $6,2o0 for 8-room all modern house. In tlrst-rlass condition, fronting coat on Turner Park, near Far nam St., full lot. Original price $8,500. $4,350 for new R-room modern square house. In Dundee, near car line, built by owner for a home, ex ceptionally well constructed, highest grade quarter sawed oak finish, best combination lixtjres, up-to-date and modern In every respect; a special low price for immediate sale; full lot, fronting south; only $1,750 cash, balance monthly same as rent; Immediate fossesxlon. Original price $4,750. nvestlgate. GEORGE & O., 1601 Farnam St. RE 522 13 ACRES Nonresident owner says sell his 10 acres or nigh, sightly ground, on orpnan roaa only a few hundred feet north of Benson car. This land lies hlKh. overlooking the en tire surrounding country. Now, remember this Is the closest acre property to the car and can be bought very reasonable. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 Farnam St. RE 514 13 VERY UNUSUAL SNAP. 3331 MAPLE STREET. Pretty cottage, gas, city water, large lot, fruit trees, permanent walks, easy terms, $1,200. , R. II. LANDERYOU, Board of Trade. RE 524 13 $830 KOUNTZE PLACE LOT BARGAIN Fronting east on Sherman Ave., 50x124 ft. paving all paid; cement walk, avwer and gaa; locatexl In a very desirable neighbor hood. This lot Is at least $4ou lower than any other east-front lot in Kountze Place. This price is only good for this week. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 FARNAM ST. RE 647 15 Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Let us show yju our list of city property. acres. Improved fauns and cheap western lands. EERKA A CO.. TeL Douglas 28L5. 938 N. Y. Life Bldg, RE M233 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31st and Cass Sts., with ground on wnicn to build another house. Faved street, east front, nice shade trees. Make me an offer for one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 673 TEXAS PANHANDLE YOUR OPPOR TUNITY. Lands from $12.50 to $20 Der acre: wheat corn and alfalfa; more productive, lays better, soil rich as Iowa or Illinois: easy terms; descriptive matter sent you free, Loan Star Lund Co.. 14 Pearl St., 2d floor. council .tiiuns, la. RtMS-'i WE SELL land In Nuckolia county. Neb. the great coin, small grain, alfalfa and tame grass country In southeastern Ne ' braaka. Write us for land list. G. D, Foilnier & Son, Nelson, Neb. RE M90O ALL modern, 9-room house and lot for sale at a bargain. 922 N. l'Jth. RE 674 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and 6V per cent loans on real estate; no aeiay W-67; MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 6,0 WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith 4k Co., U20 Farnam St. W-677 LOWEBT RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. W 678 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1620 Doug. v w $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business snd resv dence croperty in Omaha; lowest raUs no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y UXe W-&6 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Cj. W 681 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N. Y. L TY -90A LOANS on Improved city property. W. H Thomas, 6u6 First National Bank Bldg. W &3 $1,000 private money. Trade Bldg. Belby. 440 Board of , W M220 PATENTS F. J. LARSON ft CO., patent lawyers patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb, EHARBE MACHINE SHOPS Patents procured, Inventions developed, drawings, I -... - . n,.rhln. wnrlr Mli-n'.l B. 10th Bt. 734 PATENTS secured and Bold. 1 fee. Nat Investment Co., Douglas block, lth an Dodge. siis J DANCING MOHAN D 8 winter term for children at 211 B. 18th, creignton inuiuie, win uegi Saturday. December 6. beginners, 2 p. m advance, 8 3u p. m.; terms, four months. tw-glniiers lit), advance $8. Fli .i.e ln.unu Kwii Adults. 16th an-1 Harney: lensoii Tuesdays and Fridays 8 p. ru.; assemblies WeduesUay. saoii PERSONAL TO LOOK A GENTLEMAN Ton must be attired In the proper manner. The pressed stilrt Is the latest and the proper thing to wear; soft, smooth finish. Louk new; we do It. CITY STEAM LAl'NDRY, R. 11. Evans. Pres. Tel. Douglas 164. U-M33 SKWINo machines rented, any make. 75o per weeg or $2.00 per month. beconu hand marhlrts for sale. 15 IO and up. feb. Cycle Co.. lith and Harney. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOM L Mrs. r., 201S j,-. 21t Bt. Tel. Doug. U K LEATING ALL KINDS, Buttons. Kuchin. l' m 1. .-. I. Infills? pyeiii(T and denning, npon.nif and phrink- Wlt? c per yard. Bend Tor pne uni uu immpie, j-v r. , ---. i i liUAiinu v , 400 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1934. U M6 "JUST RTlltlT" o.lln. c.l.. .bin ttrtw- der is made in 4 alluring tints. 25c. U TO FARMERS A V ii mjiit-ifi-w silll'- 1 ERiv-We pay hlirliest market price ob taining on date of receipt for best quality butter and ckks; we charge no commis sion; remittance in cash or merchandise promptly. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U M509 18 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff ciotiung; In fact, anvthlng vou do not ' we co,1"-. repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U 611 ANTIQUE FURNITURE antique mahogany pieci s of furniture for sale; In first class repair; brought from Nashville. Tenn. 710 N. 3oth St. U M639 14x FREE medical and surgical treatment at -rvigriton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special ntientlon pah' to con finement cases; all treatment supervised bv college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. 1129 THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and tavenworth bis. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-687 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ranme U 41-19 Bldg. . SINGLE woman, In middle life, accus tomed to good social prestige, and a t'hrlstlan. would like to meet a irood man with a home ami business, with a view to matrimony; best of references given and required; state plainly In first letter. Addresa Y 116. care Bee. U 553-14X M A nN UTir'treatment and bath. Mine. ... . . -Stni,n 118 N. 15. 2d or. LI ou ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 324 N. 24th 8t., Omaha, Neb. L M100 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba- uiee aaopted. The Good Samaritan sani tarium. 528 First Ave., Council Bluffs. I a. TeL 774. U 322 PENNELL Millinery Co., 322 North 16th St. u--ai jo RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no ueieniion irom Dusiness. can or write for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 611 Woodmen of World Bldg., Omaha. U 602 CHR1STENSON, carpet cleaning. Tel. U 828 D14 uougias inun. SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut trices; send for free catalogue. Myers 'lllon Drug Co., Omaha. U 693 PRIVATE DETECTIVE. P. Ot lock box b, Oman a. u M853 DIjx CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. U Mbio D31 Masque costumes. Lieben. TeL 4116. Open ev. U SKI COSTUMES. 3318 8. 20th. Sack. Tel. Red 70;3. U MT14 D27X Af ASSJAOF. Swedish movement, 410 N. UAX1-k-,OXXVJ1-' 16th, room 2, second lloor. U M167 J3 A Dollar Jj'ree for You This coupon will be taken ns $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing, balance paid as you earn It. liOiuc C11ED1T CLOIHINU COMPANY. 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th. U-216 Dll DR. VOGEL'S private home for ladles be fore und during confinement; MM and cheapest In the city. 2319 B. 13th St. U-la J2 FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to 1'. E. Fiodman & Lo, 1614 Cap. Ave. U 4H3 J 10 REMOVAL WOLF BROS. & CO. HAVE REMOVED to 1313 Howard. Tel. Douglas 004. U 240 D19 ARTISTIC piano tuning; work guaranteed. Phone Lnug. mis. Matnews fluno Co., 1618 Harney. U 218 D18 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton s salve, tt. J. Bcaneu, agent, ix Ware Blk. U 270 D20 TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent, $2 to $4 montn. central lvpewriter txenange, 1603 Leavenworth. 'Phone Red 6.i99. U-M614 D2t BUY from the manufacturers. Burkl.-y U-M8U D31 Envelope Co. NAME embossed In gold letters on Christ inas presents. Henry i agger. tsurKer block. U 831 D31 TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.50 per month; all makes; satisfaction guaranteed, f ox Typewriter & Bupply Co., 1822 Farnam St. U-M21S J5 A GENTLEMAN aged 45 would like the acquaintance or a neat appearing, respect able lady. Address Y 109 Bee. U-M540 14 LADIES If you want a safe, speedy regu- lutor that will pleaFe you address rosi Box 747. Omaha, Neb. U M135 J3x MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges, 'rreguiai ltiea cured painlessly ami safely. W'llhnell block, Id Hi and Harney, room 2, Omaha. 695 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray't Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid, enennan & McCnnnell Drug Co.. timah" --!5 FARMS FOR SALE 61 ACRES NEAR CITY $164 per acre for 64 acres, about 4H miles southwest of postolflce, on Center Bt. macadam road; 6-room house, barn, several good build ings for stock feeding purposes, scales, fyo-burrel reservoir and water system, land ull seedod, about 15 acres In alialfa, all crot-s fenced with woven wire, good young orchard and very desirable for stock feeding purposes, gar dening or country home. ACRES IN CALHOUN. $4,800 for property known as Craig homesteud, 4 blocks from railway station, highly Improved, ull In beurlng fruit of all kinds; lo-room house, well, fine spring of water, artitlclal lakes. small barn, chicken house and very desirable for country home. Possession March 1. 19o7. GEORGE CO., ln Farnam St., Exclusive Agents. H-623 !J WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Men with team and rig to sell a line of high-grade family remedies, eplces and extracts to consumers; must lie honest, sober and Industrious. The Gladstone Medicine Co., Ha w arden, la. L-Mm4 WANTED Four traveling salesmen, fine line, good house. Call on or address H. It. Ew tng , Paxton hotel L MC(!M4x FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing to per foot- 2u6 N. 17ta Bl Tel. Red Kit. turf D14 DEATH NOTICE KNOUIPT Peter O.. December 13. I1". aged 72 vears. 6 months and 11 days at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Julia Lohlt In, l.V"4 Corby street. Funeral Ftblay afternoon at 2 o clocH from the residence to Forest iAwn ceme tery. Friends Invited. The deceased leaves n wife and four daughters, Mrs. Julia I,ohlrln. Mrs. Fn.n.a Bruncr and Mra. Tenia Wagner of Omaha and Mrs. liny Heritnan of Portland, Ore. LYNCII-Pntrl. k W., aged 67 vr" months 4 days, nt his residence, ' South Tweirth street. Thursday. December 13, at 1:30 p. m. . , FunemI from residence Saturday morning nt S ;) o'clock to St. latrlck's church nt 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre ceme tery Friends Invited. . FLORISTS HESS 8WOBODA. 1115 Farnam. -710 L. HENDERSON. 1258. 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 711 MONUMENTS. Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 682L M116 D17 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR SALE 8 year-old mare, city broke and gentle; cheap for cash. 2720 Decatur St. P-M530 16 HOPS 1. 3 wintered; large box stalls; no barb-wire fencing. Keystone Stock Farm. Tel. Benson 3181. P. O. address, Benson. P-M329 22 HORSES-A11 kinds. Myers. 1716 Jackson P Mm it WA NTHD 1 torse for Its winter. Tel. Douglas 1729. keep for the P-620 14 FOR SALE Iist spring mare colt, per fectly gentle; halter broke. 2720 Decatur St. P-M131 15 LOST AND FOUND WILL party who took a pair of skates off the back platform of Dodge car December 1 return to Bee office? No questions. loat-4K9 LOST A black fur collar with long tabs. Lost between Ulh and 2Mb streets on Farnam. Phone Hari.ey 6o0. Liberal re ward. Iost M541 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORK Detective Service, 'phone Re4 33S4. rooms 11 and 12, Union Blk., 15th and Farnam. M875 DlS AMERICAN DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. O'tirty Superintendent. P. O. Ick Bog 467. Omaha. M851 D15x MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELAIN School of languages. Day and evening classes. French, German, Spanish. Fencing. Davldge Bldg. -828 14 WANTED TO BUY WANTED 60 acres of timber cut and sawed. National Investment Co., 63 Doug las block. N 616 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 48 N. T. Douglas-1664. TeL 4T1 DR. BOWSER Over Douglas-lo70. 1600 Farnam. Tel. -MK13 26 PLUMBING LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. lath St. Tel. Douglas 1477. -,VT1B DM DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Mist Sturd". 2642 Chicago. 'Phone lied 4708. -712 CHIROPODY AND MANICURING DR. ROY. chiropodist; Miss Alloe Hall, manicure. Room 2. 15o6 Farnam. TeL Douglas-6497. --M260 i YOUR NEIGHBOR HAS BOUGHT CHEAP I.AWD. He knows It Is a safe and profit able Investment so do you, but you are delaying. Wake up and go with ui to west ern Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado or Wyoming, where the Union 1 acltlc R K. Is closing nut Its lands at $3 to $5 Pr Aer EASY TERMS For full Information regarding lands and special excursions, ap- LAND AGENCY. U. P. R. R. Dept. B. 31S So. ISth St. OMAHA eaa LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Lee-GlasH-Andreesen Hardware Comiiany, Omaha, Neb., December 9, 19u4V Notice la hereby given to the stockholder of the liCe-Glass-Andreescn Hardware Company that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the company will be held at the offices of the said company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets. In the city of Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tues day, January 8, A. D., 1907. at 3 o'clock p. i in., for the purpose or electing a board of directors ror tne company to serve during the ensuing year, and to transact such other business us may be presented at such meeting Attest; W. M GLASS, H. J. LEE. Secretary. President. D-9d 31t - DEAR OLE LUNNUN YE KNOW Damp Air and Loir floods Remind Englishmen of Those Beastly Fine Fogs. "By Jove, this Is something like life," said the Englishman, who was a . guest at the Paxton hotel, coming In from a walk. "Been having Bonie of our American bar room niuslerplecea? ' Inquired the clerk. "Aw, now you're trying to spoof me, you know," said he of the accent. "No, but, you know, I've been out walking In the damp ulr. My word, It almost could be ciilh d a fog. If I hadn't spent most of me life In dear old Lunnon, I believe I would call It a fcg." "I'd cull it a fog." said the clerk. "Aw, to be sure you would, but then, you know, you've never lieen In Lunnon. Yet. I walked down here on the bridge over the river, you know, and standing there I could almost Imagine I was on old Black friars' bridge. And I Imagined a big brew ery up north was the dome of St. Paul's and the smelter there, the Thames em bankment. It really made me homesick for a moment when I came bark to life and thought how far away It all It. "But I've certainly enjoyed this bit of fog. Walking along the streets I could almost Imagine I was back In the dear old streets with the dear old alufch clinging to me boots and the dear old drops of dew forming on me hut and top coat. "I 'ad began to think you 'ad a beastly climate here with nothing but sunshine and cold, but since I've tasted a bit of your fog and mud I've formed a better Idea, you know." I'oel I .aw Again. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Deo. IS. Attor ney General Haiiley today filed In division No. t of the supreme court a motion for the rehearing of the anti-pool selling law sutireiiie court decision rendered last week In the case of Charles Oldham of Kansas City, who registered beta on races held at Elm Ridge track by means of telephone to the state of Kansas. The attorney general contends that the decision is In eomllot with the act of the legislature of Uui. i