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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
TITK OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 190(1 I T J I La '.V Xf "Sk e Y 1 V, f CHAIN AM) PRODUCE MARKET tet it Choppy Affair, Cpenioc Lowtr and Olotine UncLtneed. NEEDS MORE INTEREST TO SUSTAIN PRICES Receipt Larger an& Cask Demand lighter Cora Motfaril Crow ' mt& Spot Oflerlas; Are Lower -T Report from Arceatlaa. f 19 ; clear rtb. twin; short clears, f . Hnnti itmxedi. I iwr; extra short, IS'. To; clonr ribs, fci.75; iihort clears, llTI-TRY Mulct, chickens, 8c; spring, 9c; turkevs, l.'ic; duck. c; geese, ( ". P.T' rrh-H-Mltiher; creamery, 2r.u.U'4c; dairies, KTTo, EJ.I& Firm. 26o. Flour. bbls Wheat, bu. . Corn, bu.... OaU, bu Rece'pts. 11..") S3 i) T7.) 7,0U0 Shipments. 16nor .' 4.4. tM 3,000 ldBK' CE1ERAL MARKET Yerloas I OMAHA, Dec. 11, 11. rsdn was IfftTi t today and the market lowed plainly there will hav to be more terest to sustain the recent advance. Al-Anus-h raslfpar Kr tita-her. '-the market- nd c lner than yesterday. Home wi nii4i): later and closing price wera line hsmg-d. . Receipt were -targer-and the cash etemauAl.' not, auitood.. t , The movenertst of corn la growing; larger, and on thia account the option market to day had a weaker tendency. The cash demand waa reported pour and price In the aample room were, lower. It la aM a freer movement will cause corn- to sell off. Closing price were a shade lower on My. hut unchanged on December ' Primary wheat receipt ti e 969.000 bu. and ahlpmenta 71K.U00 bu., against receipt lnt year of 727.0u0 bu. and shipment of 1JO.0IW bu. Corn receipt were 6.,ono bu. and shipment. SlB.onubu., against receipts Inst year of Wi.lUT bp. anil shipments of tMI.OOO bu. CUArance were tti.onu bu. wheat, 17. 1X bbl. flour. 12,000 bu. corn, 8,tXW bu. oat a Liverpool closed Vd higher on wheat and unchanged to Hd higher on corn. New York wired: Foreign demand- for corn show tin . aigrt-of . Improvement -.and doubt If ther v any Tor some Mine. Rl laaat. Meantime offer of cash for ship ment are Increasing and we cannot do any better for corn, c. I. f. New York, than whan your May waa He tower. Frailer wired W. C. Sunderland:. vOur Liverpool house wire us that 4t -fs--tno early to make any estimate of th Argen tina corn crop. No damage ha been done as yev by drouth and the situation Is re lieved In some sections. A t'Hble direct from Rosarlo says rainfall I general. If rain continues damage 1 not serious.". Local rang of option: Artlcle. OpeiC-d.Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat Dee. . . . May... May... uat dc..,jv:4: May. 87HB ,8tA tA '6T1l 38VA' 3JHVA to ' 17V4B 34B Avh I d. A MkM. B bid. Omaha Cash FVfee. I. fifcW-jMWlif. ' a hsrit -Mt7 Nn.. a. 112.80. me. .'1k0c " .. . . . kuitfl-no. a, t'ii;(ti'c: rvo. t, vu3dftc; 3 yellow. 36Vli4ti.c: No. 3 while. 3tU -.. ........ OATf-.No. 3 mixed. S1Ht No. I white. s;V; No. 4 white, aiyo&sc. ' HVBr-No. 2. CtSc; No. , fiic. . ; . , Carlot llecelpia. " ' ' Wheat.'. Corn Chicago , Kansas. City Minneapolis , Omaha uluth Louis ... Dl 63 342 71 34- 360 4-, irAtoVVliAix A?ru pnovi'sioNs entures of the Tradlnar nnd Closlnit Price on Board of 'Trnile". CHICAGO, Dec. U. The local wheat mar ket was weakened fiVdn by liberal Boiling of December option by elevator Interestii, and It closed easy, with the May delivery down bc Ccrn was off trtjfma Outs were, ." ,. were, irv? the pecemtier wheat "c lower. Provisions lower. "lf e selling or fbe December wheat was o be against purohasea in Nebraska t No. 2 hard whet. .Throughout the entire dayr firlyof MovAlor concerns were active ulir and this caused "conuldr:ili profit-taking by longs. The market Inc.: I substantial support until late In the, . slon, when prices made a partial' recovery, on nuytng little affei feature belli) ,Hta(lalk'. regarding . ilie Qaotatloa of the Day I ' ; CoaanaOdKles. NRW YORK. Dec. 11 FIiOUR Receipts, 24,3;o bu.; export. l.K bbls. ; sals, 4..00 pscaages; market steady with quiet trade; Minnesota patents, t4.lffii4.40; Mmnejota bilkers, W.Mii3.(iO; winter ptents, W,7;yA0; winter straights.'at.Ai;,' winter extras. t2 !&3.1u; winter low grade. : 3 Kye lour, firm; saJes, 3uo bhls.; fair tj good. W Hut SU; choice, to fancy. f3.i6n4AS. buck wheat flour, steady, iVyql3Ui apot and to arrive. HL'CK VVHrAT flteady, tl .25 pe 10 . . CORNMKAL Steady; tirw whit and yel low. tl.'.'"tll.26; coarse, tl.ltrljl.Er Xlln dried, t2.5 2.76. , . Ill K Firm ; No. t western, 69c, c. I. f. New York; Jersey and state, 6Vo-j6c, dellr red New York. . , HARL.KY Steady; feeding, 45c. c. I. f. liuftam; malting. 4:4jotc, c. 1. f. Buffalo. HhJA'f Receipts, 6i.i0 bu.; exports, Sl.I7 bu.; sales, ZmOwO bu. futures and 8.i) bu. spot; spot, bareiy steady; No. 3 red, sue elevator; No. i red, B-lc, f. o. D., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, sec, c. 1. t., UtifTalo; No. 2 hard, winter. Ivc. Con siderable weakness develoj-ed In wheat to day on account of western hedge selling, small clearances, local liquidation, a bear ish Australian crop estimate and depres sion In outHlde markets. At one time He down, the market closed Htfc below Mon day. May. M 13-lifciiSu-tkC. Closed at hoi-, Juiy, M 16-liTdM'Sc, closed atr4Vc; Decem ber closed at Hlc. CORN Receipts.' 65.675 bu.; exports, 1,532 bu.; salfs, lti.ini) bu. spot; spot, steady; No. 2, 634c elevator and 51 f. o. b. afloat; Ao 2 yellow ami No. f white. 54c. liinm mraket was without transactions, cloMing partly Vc net lower. December closed at SIViC. OATS Keieipts, IS.oOO bu.; exports, i,3uo bu soot, steady; mixed oats, .26 to 32 Dounds. Six'aa'Wc; natural hlie, pounds, 3'.iW4t-4t'1c; clipped white. pounds, 3StHit44e. FKK1-KUady; spring bran. $:3.i6; ceniber shipment, middlings, t'-'2.2o. HAY Steady; shipping, 7mu'7c; good to choice, Jl.t4i 1.15. N Hi ll'S yuiet ; Klate. common to cholct , li, lfirSc; 19V). HJj 11c; racillc ast, 14al7c; 15. IiViiMc. . H I ril-'H HleK.IV. Galveston, 2 to 2o I"S., 3sA 1 2"c; California. 21 to a lbs., 21c; Texas, dry. I 9i to nil lbs . 19o. LKATHF.R-Qulet: acid. 27i'2S' ' I'RUVISIONS Heef, llrm; Himlly. I13.n0 4il4.(iu; mess. t"t.1'9t0: beef hiinis, 122 011 34.(1"; packet,; -city extr Inula tneRS, tlV.5ij20.iii. tit meats, ste4idy, plca 1..1 h..n,ju in) U'nO: nlckled ha:ns. I-ard, eisy; western prime. s.wj .u; refln-d, stemly; continent, js.m, dmuui America. tw.w: comiiotuui. wi-ii"" Pork, steady; family. tl7.vfrl!.fl0; crear, Il7.wfiis.50; iftcss, 11 i; ' TALLOW Firm;, city tt2 per package). 6c; country ipuckuge free!, 6Vu,1r; RICE Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 3H Ctifp; Japan nhmlnal. 1 1 rOV 1,111 Y Mve. wenK-, wwwin uii i-n- ens joe; towis. uc, iuimj. . M. nrtn: western chlckeni. 1.A 12'c; turkeys, 13 ile; frWls. Mil2e. ' Hl'TTKH Strong; street price, extra creamery .l-'-ili-He; oftlelHl p'ice. creamery common" to extra. 2:32; held, common to j:-,.t.i..'i state ditlry. commh to fancy. i2iii3 v; renovatfd. common to extra, 1Mi'24c; I western factory, 'corhnu n to firsts, 1H'a2e; western Imitation rrmracry fi sts, CHFESE Firm; state full creams, small and lnre Sept-mtiw f;ncy.' 'lt i Ot tober ' best 134c; ptHle late mnrfJ, 12lc; taie. I '"rTS-K- tnnry,-.A-anla and nearby fam-v.' ,eeeted white. -43':i '5c; st ite. choice, Hit:c; stare, mix. u SS'iinc: western, iiv r"Kr inuiie. ani NEW YORKSIOCKS AND BONDS Belief to Market from Treasury rprt mcnt Meati with Prompt IttpoGi. PRICES ADVANCE SHARPLY AT OPENING Profit TaklaK t'aaettlea th Lot Market and the Close 1 Irrearalar Boada Ar Steady. reserve, shows: AvellsVe rash t-34,HS."; gold coin snd bullion, &7; gold certificates, t.194.7SO. bnlnnre, tu. 3A- Ye jr. 30 to to De- 4vB NEW YORK. Dec 11. There was a prompt response tooay by the money mar ket and iiuck maraet to tne renei meas surca uy tne Treasury department for tne money ttringem y, announced at Wash ington alter the market had closed yeater buy. The readjustment ot the price level at the opening of tne stock market was almost sptujinodic in Its violence. Thet were auccesaive advance by sudden In roads of large buying order at dittererit periods during the oay. The flrt quota tion lor money at the stock exchange waa lu per cent. There wa a flurry to It per cent late In the day, but the ruling rate was lower than the opening. Sterling ex change made a sudden rebound from It rapid fall of yesterday towards the gold Import point and the feeling of relief In London over this relaxation of th threat ened at rain on that market resource wa so great that the open market rate for discount ratn there receded. There wa a decided expansion In the volume of trans actions at the stock exchange. The emphasis of the response to the ac tion of the secretary of the treasury wa a surprise In view of the general x- i presmon of opinion that the amount of as sistance to result to the money market i would be moderate. It It not supposed I that any means to be supplied by the plan I became Immediately available to the money market todav and It la considered Drobable ' that there may be considerable delay In I the total amount becoming available. Of the tlO.taaXOO of deposits to be made with ,the banks, but tl. 600,0 will come directly , to the New York bank, the remainder be i lng distributed amongst banks In ten other 'cities, with the likelihood that these out I side bank will have to make effort to , ecure proper bonds as security for the ' government. The offer to purchase govern j merit bond la always low to bring re sponse Hnd the term offerend hy the ' treasurv provide no premium over the cur i rent market price for bonds. The ready response of the stock market to thl In fluence waa regarded therefor a evidence I of the strong latent sentiment on the bu I inr aide which eiatil In the market- i was evident also that a short Interest of I unsuspected proportions were left In a i vulnerable position by the easin of the j money market. The technlce of a bear c I count in the stock market Involves not only : the borrowing of stocks, but the lending ' of money. The recent high money rates, . therefore, oflered attractions for the special NEW YORK. Dec. II. MONEY On call, strong. ftfjIS per cent; ruling rate 84 per cent; closing bid. per rent; offred at per cent. Time loans, easy; sixty and ninety days, t per cent; tx months, t"-i per cent. FRIMK MERCANTILE PAFER fiCH per cent. BTFRLINO F.XCHANOE Firmer, with actual business In banker' bill sst t fO!fr 4 83! for demand and at tl TSlVirt 7W5 for f)-dv bllla; posted rates. M and 4.SMf4M4j: commercial bills, U 7S. 8ILVKR Bar, MSfcc; Mexican dollars, 57,c. POVD8 Government and railroad, tesdy. Quotation on frond tooay wers.aa fob low: f OUAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ettt CsUU Etetdr. Oth en Slow to Ttn Centt lower. HOGS EXPERIENCING A DECIDED DROP V. 8. r. ts. re;... 104 do coupon b4S U. 8 la. reg 10? do coupon 102 TJ. S. o. 4.' do coupon 11 V. 8. n. 4s, reg..l3''s do coupon 13 Am. Tobacco 4s.. 77 no 6 no Atch. gen. 4s 100 do adj. 4s A. C. L. 4 Bal. A Ohio 4. do 4 B. R. T. c. 4.. Cen. of O. 5. do 1st Inc.... do id Ino do 3d Inc.... Ches. A O. 44... C. ft A. JSs C, R. A Q n. 4s. C. R. I. & P. 4s. do col. 5s CCC. ft SI. g 4s Col. I. fis. er. A.. Colo. Mid. 4s Colo. A go. 4 Cuba 5s D A R. O. 4s... DIs. Sec. ts Lrle p. 1. 4s do gen. 4s Jap. ft. M series do 4s ctts do 4Hs ctfs do 3d series. . . , L. A N. unl. 4s 91-. IS .1ttl-1 Good Fat heep asd Unbi la Active Demand at Uood Steady Price laferlor tirade Slow aad Pall. forced eventually to cut loooe their hogs The general market waa right at 7Se lwrr lhan yestertlay. with qtilie h good mny sales looking aa much as 10c lower. No-v ar1 then It aa pi sslble to r rk out soni of the very best hog that did not look more than 5c lower. The general mirket was. a noted, about 7Wc lower than es terday. I:istea.l of Improving the market grew worse, closing very sU.w and dull and a big 10c lower than yesterday. Taking the early rrsrket In connection with the close, the day's trade would have to be summed up a 7t'W loaer. Representative sales: SOUTH OMAHA, Receipts were: 01. tie Official Mnndty 7.715 Ortklal Tuesday 7,iou Dec. 11. I . Horf. bhtep. 4.773 10,4tU a,4m 10. Mfn. c. g. 4s.. ..,.100 Mex. lentrai 4.. so do 1st Inc 21 S4 M A Bt. I 4s ... W M . K. A T. 4s... H7S do 2s 974 N. R.R. of M C.4s ..H3 . . 75 9 92 .101 . H4V .IMS . W . 7 . 71 .106 . 77 .100 77H "8. A. L. 4S 92 'Bo. Pacific 4s.. 1014 do 1st 4s ctfs .. 7S"4 80 Railway f .. 76';,Texss A F. Is .. 1'T S. L. ft W. 4s f0 ..113 1'nlon raclflc 4S..10114 .. V. 8. S 2d 6s.... 97S .. t7 'Wabash Is .... ..100 ! 'do deb. B . . Western Md 4. Hock. Vai. 4V..07 iW. ALE. 4s. Japsn Sa v74,Wla. Central 4s. bid. Offered. Two days this week 15.135 13,172 21.23 Same days last week.... 10.241 Vi.M a.iii S:ime days 3 weeks ago. .1.4.446 hi.rVH 1S.04J Same days 3 weeks ugo..l5,3i2 6.712 15.4,7 Same day 4 weeks .21 14,i3 Same days last year 13.713 H.Rtitl 17,Si3t The lolloping table shows the receipt of cattle, hugs and sheen at South Omaiia for N. Y. C. g. 3S N. 1. C. g. 5. No. Pacific 4 do S N. A W. c 4s O. 8. L. rfdg. 4s.. M Penn. con v. 3vs. t Reading gen. 4.. 90, S.L. A I.M L. A H F St. L. 8. W, c. 4 79 82 tn? ! Ibe rear 40 date. coini'Hn d with lat year: Wo. 45 .. 17... K... 14... K... 1 4.. !... ' 11... 1 71.. . 1 ... ' ... , M .. ... It... 17... K... K... : m... .100 fi tu 7 trj iM 1st . . .rs 141 ..M .170 .1st . IU .! ,.J"T lit ..V M 211 (k. 1J tit 40 ltd Pf. I ts M IS 1 in ) in 1 I ttv I1H 4 ItH 4 Its It Ke lt... M... Tl... ft... 7n. .. 41 ... 4 . tl... 7n.. T7.. M. .. 4.. rt 77.'.', M. . A. . M nt ..1st ..177 ..t' . .: . . :7 . tt . :r? . .! ..ti ,.l:i ..lit ..til ,.f07 ,.Mt . .!"4 ,.LM Ik. 4 11 I IS t II ! II I II I IS t 17 t rw 17', t rtn ( !H I I") 4 17 I 17V, I tn I JW I rt 1 ss I i7S 'Ottle 1.0 t.D23 97 M4S I HoJT 2.isl.73 2,14l.s ! Shep I.t4.i7 l.r..i5 ! CATTLE UUOTATIONS. .la.xjtb.JO . fr.vtau.5u . I bUul.tW 3.;.a3.5'J Good to choice corn-fed steer rair to good rnrn.fiui tiwra c. 5s . 113V . ooa to choice range steers ..... fg. 4S.MV -ommcin ,0 fair range sletirs .. vwu 10 cnuice cow and heifer rair tO good row iml heifers . Common to fair cows and heifer.. l.2.7a vooa to choice stockers, feeders.., rair to good Blockers and feeder.. Common to fair Blockers bull. tag, eic Veal calves The following table shows tlio 112' i Pr'ce of hog at South Omaha for tho 78' aeveral das, with comparison; I IS M W7 40 I 15 14 M 4t ... t IS 71.. 40 I II A.. SO t IS 8H K tl' That the holiday eason la near at hnl ttnn tilitinlv viilent bv the nction ' ' ' 1 1 f knu.r. iKIa ... ...In. T ) . V u.t. early looking closely after goid to sheep and Ismbs. Just as they always are previous to the holidays. Anything t, at as goud sold veiy leulliy prices. The market as a summed up on tho. dcsir good, steady, activo mar ine. 4 l.i.lon fined, stendv; No. , 4.t: No. 7, 4 Tk-; No. , 4 Jv. No V. 4.1.V, No. 1 '. 4.iftc; No. 11. 4c; No. 12. Jft'c: Niv 1.1. :t.?iv; No. 14 XS.V; co'i'ei tioners A. 4 ; mould A, M'V; cut loaf. i.'V'; rrii'lii-l. Fi.Vr; ptiadered. 4.91K-; gi.tnttlnted. 4'c; eiilx s. .iV-o. NFW (lU.i:.VN.. !ee 11 SI 'O AR Steady; open kettle. 3 U-P;i',c; centrifugal white. 4 l-lWi IV; ctnt'lfugiil yellow. 3v. 1-ltic; sei i mis, 21 '1 1 U -ltn'. New mohiase svrup. a-'jiSk'. omaiia tvnoi.f." MAnur.T. ..11 . . .11714 80 Date. floaton stocks aad Bonds. BO8TON. Dec. 11 Call loana. 8iti:i per cent; time loans. 68 per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds were. Atch. adj. 4s... do 4s Mex. Contral 4a Atchison do pfd Boston A Al Boston A Me... Boston Ele li: Fltchburg pfd N Y. N II. A "Her Msru. .. union pacific . 92 Bingham . WTi'Cal. A Hecla... . 82 Centennial .... .105 Copper Range lolVkiDaly West .... 23'J Franklin .1) Oranby lisle Royals ... Mass. Mining . Am. A. C. Dfd.... 91 Am. Pneu. Tube. 12 Amer. Bjgar 13tiS 00 pra 131 H..IMV4 Michigan 63 .Mohawk lM?i!Mont. C. alile of the market, not only for the apec- . . , . . ...... . . . run in r 1 . 1 nr imrK. I A i' t, rr. ... umki.c v , 1 1 1 v v. Lm.i. ...... " " 111. 1. oc 1 '. 1 , but for the prortt in lending money. Tho Am. Woolen 33V. Oats 2 la ' 30- 35c; ofllclal 4jX-'. price, firsts, -J37j 31c; (seconds, 30 ii Kaoaa Cltr Ornln and Provlalon. K ANSA'S CITY, Doc H.-WHTtAT -De-cember. iVtHc; A' ' T27c: July. 7lUrr. Onsh No. 3 hnrd. 70fiJ Na. piVi'tWf I N o. 2 ?ivfV7Se 'T!ri '3 frwirf71c. - -1.... Xfln., Villi' T,.l. snort i increased speculation today was largely Dom. I. A 8 i centered in stock which are tne recon-, Kdlon Kiec II nlzed favorite for operation by pools and jjass. Electric group of large capitalists. The Jump in , ,j0 pflj St. Paul was accompanied by rumor of an ; Oaa'".!"' early announcement of ubscriptlon right : United Fruit" to new stock. Reading and Amalgamated ; i;nte(j B M -" fop per were aflacled by" gossip of Intended , do f, dividend iticrea. An over-extended short s rs.", Interest was credited with special in- j do Dfd fluence in the rise in Canadian Pacific to ; a recorn .iict. im: bui.-id-. , tied to absorb funds from the market and tl5.twO.000 was deposited for transfer to New Orleans. Jt wa a, ubject of com ment that no part of the Intended govern ment deposits had been set asldo for San Fratielsco, notwithstanding the large port played by demands from that city In th ; depletion of caah holdings in New York. , Monev brokers reported the time money market sentimentally easier, but no large amount came out In offering. ProMt-tak-In unsettled the late market omewhat and the closing wa irregular. i Bonds were weady. Total anle par value i t2.6M. Vnlted State bond were un- I changed on call. The following are tho quotation on New York Stock exchange: Bales, i-tlgn. low. ioee A C. Altouft Amalgamated Atlantic , lild. Old Dominion Osceola .. Parrot . . . Qulncy ... Shannon . l ama rack , ' Trinity .223 U. S. Mining.... 191. TJ. 8. Oil . ev rtah . fcs ! Victoria .10;v Winona . 6? I'Wolverlne . 274 North Butte ... . 4k ; Hutte Coalition .10S Nevada . 4VCal. A Arltona. . 64 Tecumseh .llo Greene Con . 13 .. 3tH . , .. 3i .. ("i .. 19 .. 21 .. 14V, .. 2JV, .. 74 .. 1KV, .. 7oVi .. .. KW ..13, .. 29 ..100 .. 16H ..107 .. 11 .. .. 9Vi .. 641 .. fiv ... 10 ...18 ..l'ld 354 lSVi 1'. 3-y, Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dea. Deo. Dec. Dec. 29.. )... i . . . I lot. lHX.i8t4.19o3.19D2.iliT.lO0. 47 4 831 could le graded at fully steady whole might be able kinds a a ket. (m the other hanr anything that waa not good, even thoi'n it may have be.n 4 iixtfi 80 I pretty fair, was more or less neglected and 1 4Kij4.3j I ns veiy slow sale. Shippers will under stand mat tnis is the usual condition at this season .f the year, as the Christma trade demands good to choice stock, wil ls theie ts comparatively llttie sale for the loiter grades. Hence It follows that this Is the very worst time of the whole year to ship ,n anything that 1 not strictly well finished. Quotations on killer: Oood to choice lamb, t7.u04j7.60; fulr to good lambs, p 7&i I 7.00; good to choice yeatlinx. Oii j.fc; I 3.,fct.l.U) 1VMI4.V 4AWl aveiac 5 Si 6 9m; 4 T4 4 69 4 04 4 421 4 4i ' ' -l ' ",'1 "ft . I . 1 rhnlr. m.lli.r. H U..t. 7S I.I. r. IK 08 1 1 f 8 14 6 k? 4 al r"' 5-2i6.50; good to choice twos. t6 10 2 rlJ, a . i it 2 ?Jl I fcl! 4 S : fr to good ewer, t4.tfc :u(i.1t). lTi 1 kj! a to i a1 a fi I ai 4 W Quotations on feeders: Good to chclee a ii a i a I.. I a til ot 4 Ml lanibs, t 0ti 40; medium 1 tmbs. ta.50Mti.vo; ! .7, J i u. ! ' . V . .' I iT 1 light Urnbs. tl 2.-'t5.2o; yeArllnss. t..16'.o.5i; liMldt J'."i; "ikIWi ti 7',,i "O- It.lUi. ewes. t4.604j6 M. No. Av. S20 western ewe 109 78 native ewe 133 2 I western yearling and ewes. 10 17 western 44 western 1f3 western 111 weMern 4 .9 I 6 15 4 7l 4 29i 4 3JI W I I 4 4! 4 3J, 4 34l 6 Oti! 6 101 .1 2ll I 6 Sol 4 4i li 1-'l U 14 1 "I I t H',1 4 79 I 4 47 6 08 1 16 4 82 Sunday. tMolldy. RANOa OF PRICES. Cattle. Hog. Omaha t2wu.j0 ti.9iU-2Ti Chicago l.Mi.M Kansas City -a) o uout'-H St. Louis i ii7.i0 toj,ju.40 Sioux City 2,omut !6 (..ujyo.ju The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cuttle. 4iofc-a. Sneep.H r s. C., M. A fit. P It) W abash S Missouri P&cliic 4 t ruon l'aciiii- svstcm &i A N. W east... & N. W.. west... St. P.. M. H O.. U. & Q.. east... b. & y., wt... R. 1. & P.. east. lll.nols Central. . lu . 33 . 14 . 4 .147 . 11 6 London C'loalnsr tjocks. LONDON, Dec. 11. Closing quotation on the Stock exchange were: M4M.. K. A T.. Cnicugo tit. Western 4 Total receipts 312 9 2 2 3U 9 31 3 12 21 8 3 4 131 2 IX 1 1 11 's t 48 1 The disposition of the day s receipts was a follows, each buyer purcnasing lue nuiu- oer or. neua indicated wethers Inmbs yearlings wethers and ewes... 112 western wethers ml ewes... 111 western wethers and ewes... 112 western wether and ewes... 132 49 90 97 97 th Adam Expres Aril.' Cupper 9).200 Am. C. A F., ex-dlv. 3,40t ( by bulls. New of the day' luul I 40c. Cash: No. 2 mix, ict unjm unrtretvnlte rtm'lfsl rsxp : Vo. 2 wMtet ec,,; l.Aln ul..flMit.M CDur;n lit.,' i OA1HlV'n s. whltA. 11EH 45 10l4 33 114 14 101' 82 , white, leature teinn ,tiuiuain's . rrgaramg jiiii jiai.t-o ,, won world's visibly l.Ci3yvliftflih afcderdluki J.mlxr-d, USHiaVjCi;, f k m . 1 1 . . .1- ji. ' m. . . : -. "if. . i"!E . Bradstreets. showed an increase irf ,-3,oi,ttM bu. The close waa easy. 1 May 'naeited hade lower to a shade, higher at V.' V1 '!,4(V old off to 7o -ah HmeA ict- 71uT9io. Clearances of wheat and Hour were iual j to lTS.oiio bu. Primary receipts Were StoH.vw bu., against 727.0UU bu. tor -tho-aivma day last year. Minneapolis, Dhluth and Chi cago reported receipts of S49 car, airinat 47 car last week and 656 car one year' ago. Selling by cash house on the belief that the movement of the new crop will soon show n material increase weakened the corn market. With a eoiiUniianrt of good weather a heavy movement Is predicted from Iowa within the next thirty days. Buying by commission houses steadied the market early in the day, but with the break In wheat prices declined. The clese was weak and at the lowest point. May otiened unchanged at 44"e. sold between 43w44o and 44Ho and closed at the low r.lnt. Ical wcelpts were 350 cars with car of contr(f fgrtr!.. "i y. ' Outa were flrnt" early In the day, but the. weakness of wheat caused considerable ling and brought about a slump In pllcB. Receiving houses, which reported sllKht increase koft ojrtlngs from the unirv. .were imWtaraMa sellwrH. May ! ned t'fhad t.i lo,WrT at, .w,a. ild at stiK! and tnert declined to c. he close wa at 30c. Local receipts were 200 car. . A aeneral desire to take nfbnts -ctftiaeir weakness In the provision market. Ijocul , nseker wera liberal seller because of a i pal"e decline In the price of live hogs. At the close January Pork wa off Joe at tlS.SO. Lard wa down 16o at tS-W '" ftlbs were 12 We lower at t 12. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, SA.mra: corn. 207 car: oata. 194 car; hogs. X. ' head. . .; v" -' "1 The leading fMtxjrea ranged aa follow; f3ruVU. Operi.1Hflrli.rtrrw.' I Cloe'.Tea'y. '31'4!534c; No. 2 f eU I oK -1- c. .1., c.trnl'J.n 'II A Ytrg' eJioe'itlnltliy,'l4.00n.50; choice -prairie, ?12.7:fU3.00. . . BffTKROreamrv. .aacklntf. 19c. ROOf-Ptedy; . extras. 2e; Uists, 27c; seconds, lie.-,- '",'' ' ' ,' . . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat;' bu. .'. 7... ...... 63.0 W-W Corn. bu.i..... ,...2t.t).. . 25. pat, bu.;.........i.v..v..--- m.. . Hoard of Trade 'quotation for Kansa C'ty delivery. The rnnce of prices, as re ported hy Ixigan & Bryan, 112 Board ot Trade building, was: 11 8714 75 111 li44 117 1374 lo0w ii lo64 102 V, 137 V 199H 31 87 76 111 153H Hi 136 14 99 M 289 V 14 102 134 113 Article. I Open. I H!gh. Low. I CloBe. 198 . 1964 Whrat ' rec...-..i. May...... Corn Dee May. "I "I ..i37'Si ,.;39.V 73'si 37J 3S mt 72Vtf ' t74i 37 iV4,394''uS Wheat Ic. May Corn- I ec. May July Oats Deo. Mav July Pork J-in. May Lerd- lVa. J n. May RHs Jan. May 79V8V 43 43 4Va"t 44S 44H! . -44ry "1 r 74li! -744! H 7Hl7ffTW!T9-VijV S4H atvfjj'-, 33 1 00 10 13 . 8 7 4. R 74' 8 77Vi I 8 42H1 8 66 I S4H 14 1 (V) M 26. t trui t trrVi 8 77VI 8 47M-I 8 66 I 4rvii471n4' 437, iSV'otll . M'4 . 44V 84 I 34 -.isW- 83VS3Va 15 T7J IS 00 1 0271 16 06 8 6'SI 8 W 8 en 67 W 8 67W 8 67 8 40 I 8 4? 8 46 8 60 41 44U ,44H 34S J3't 1 10 16 32V, 8 77V, 7 8 HV 8 8 90 Available Supplies of Grain. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. Special cable and telegraphic communication received uy HradstreV't'a show the .following change in! available, sppplli a totnpared with pre- j vloua acctiulit : .." ,, i Wheat: I'nlted Stute eust of Rockies, Increased 2o3,000 bu.; Canada, decreased 9T6,- j 000 bu. TJt'tal. Cnlted States and Cunada. j dcc.reaae'd (L'i.OUO bu. Afloat for nnd In j Europe, Increased 4,2i),tio uu. rotui Amer ican and European supply. Increased ?,6,8, OUO bu. . Uin. Crtlted State and Canada, in creaaed 677. OuO bu. taLta. Inited State and Canada, de creased 137.000 bu. .The leading Vlcreaf? or decrease re- pv.rted this week are: Increases Manitoba, 32R.00O bu. ; Cleve land. 14S.U0O bh.; Ft-rt Worth. liO.OO bu; Milwaukee (private elevator, M.t) bu. ' DocrvHseer-Ooderlch, Out..' 12b 0) bu. ; Nashville, 67.000 bu.; Chicago (private e.e vators), ti.Oiv bu; Portland, Me.. 51. ww bu. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNKArOLIS. D-c. Jl. WHEAT De-(enibar,--1u: May, MVc; July. S-c; No. 1 hard. kz: No. 1 northern. He; No. 2 north- i.ern. 7tVwit79c; No. 3 spring. 7So7c. jiLLrt H first Wiienoi,' f.o"yi.', uim patent, tt.16ai-l.2S; firm clear. 3.1t'y3.35; second clears, i2.l()2.ii. BRAN In bulk, lo.76i17.O0. No. t J:, t a C ' -.- (h quotation were a follow: FIjOLK Firm; winter jateijt. t3 3o?r8 50; winter straights, t3 -t'-ia 40: spring pstents, 3Wi3 '.H; tprlng straights, t3.2tu4 60; bakers. t2 4(&2 90. WHKAT-Nir.. sprlnaj-, 7?tlc; No. S T4i4c; No. J red. 74o7c. I'KN-No. i, iiVjc: No. 1 yellow. 47UO. OATS No. 2, 'frtc; No. S white. 3tIf34o! No. 3 white. SJVuS'V. RY K No. 1. Wl,lc4 . , .-, BA RI.F.Y Fair to choloe mnltlng. 4!fV"c. 8EE-D8 No. 1 flax, tl 14V,: No. 1 north western, tl.22H. Prim timothy, tl 34 60. Clover, contract grade, 313.75. - PROVISIONS fhort r'bs sides " (loose t 2Mt TS Mess pork, per bbl., tl5.00. Ird ptr 100 lb., t.70. , Th rwVnt .m-.d kltlpraents of flour 'and grain : - Receipt. Shipment. 4.3UO 7l.U4 f'O.t.") S-i.&ol 34. (no ..I4V,IV, I- Mtl AnLrAM. Il.ll Ml . L. l MILWAl'KKE, ' Dec. ll.-WIIKAT-Mar-ket steady; No. 1 northern. Mtus2c; No. 2 northern, Ts'uMc; May, 79c bid. BY!: Steady; No. 1. tisc. BAitLlui Steady ; No. 2, 53Vic; simple, 43'(i.Vh CUWN-Steady; No. 8'caslj. 41Hiic; May, ile anked. Flour, bbl.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu (kits, bu Bye. bu Lf4y, bu... ' 'Ml W.. lS.aio 4tt) 111.4-0 311.t") 12.4) the Prod ice exi Rank' sodav the oir- j icarset w vivuuy , iivauirries. i'fcUoic; auriea, ftnr."7e. !.. steady; at maik. cases imluded, 26u3oc; fusts, 31c; prime rtrt, 3tc extras, Stic. Cheeee. steadv, 13yl4c. kt. Loal General Market. 8T. iaVlXT't-'1''llaAWw'r; track No.-2 rd cah, 7:.H'rt!e: k, j hard, i . i i 7f. Uc ; December. 7jSc; May, 77'c. CORN Lower; track No. 2 cash. ttH" 4'Vc; No. white. 42V,43u; lvcember. 41 c May. 42V,c. OATS .steadv; tracV No- I -cash. JiVio: No 2 white. J'.Sci DctuJer.; 34'c;. May, "5iVe'4l ' .. A - 'i 4 U M'lCi Rieadv: red winter !lalenfi. tl if. Hi extra fanov and atrtftkht. 83.letrt.tsi) tiJ ete, - I'Flk. l tadv. tJ. 5(.7. , - 4. I'M 4,K Steady, sai kel, esst track 97&f"c HA Y-1indv; timothy, tl40ujlt00; prai rie, tin un l uo. 1RN t criTON TIE3rttiB. B A HO INO tti. e. ' A. C.Ak F. pfd, ex-dlv 600 Am. Cotton Oil 100- iAnu Cottpn gilpd.v, ' Am. H. A U pfd..... 100 Am- Ice, securities 4ut Am. Linseed Oil I Am. Linseed Oil prd Am. locomotive 2X) I Am. Locomotive pfd " 700 j Am. 8. & R 11.400 Am. S. & R. pfd 6o0 i Am. Sugar Refining. S.OoO i Am, Tobacco pfd ctf 3o0 , Anaconda Min. Co... 63.4U0 i Atchison 30,4i0 Atchison pfd 700 ! Atlantic C. L . 200 Bal'.lmore A Ohio.... S.200 ! Bal. & Ohio pfd Brooklyn R. f 11,200 Central of N. J. ! dies. A Ohio 17.600 Chicago Gt. W 600 Chicago & N. W 6.8U0 C, SI, A St. P 173,400 Chicago T. A T C T. A T. pfd C . C, C. & St. L.... 100 Colorado F. A 1 24.000 Colorado A So 2 Colo. A So. 1st pfd.. 100 Colo. & So. 2d ptd.... 3.3O0 Consolidated Gas Corn Product 1,000 Corn Products pfd... b lelaware A Hudson. 2u0 Del.. L. A W Denver A R. 0 100 D. A R. O. ptd 100 Distillers' Securities. 1.900 Erie 13.400 Erie 1st pfd 300 Erie 2d pfd General Electric 1, Hoik. Vol.. offered Illinois Central Int. Paper too Int. Paper pfd J"0 Int. Pump 100 Int Pump pfd 100 Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansan City Bo 400 K. C. 9x pfd 1,000 UiulHvllie A N 2.40 Mexican Central .... ,7u0 Minn. & St. Louis M , St. P. A 8. 8. M. 1.700 M.St. P. A 88. M.pfJ 100 Missouri Pacific 1.400 M . K. A T t,6o0 I M.. K. A T. pfd ' 600 National Lead 0 N. R. R. of M. pfd.. 90 N. Y. Central 7,800 N Y., O. & W... 8ot Norfolk & W 1.1U0 Norfolk A W. Dfd North American J00 9074 Pacific Mall S"0 41V, Pennsylvania JS.SoO 1394, People's O as 7,300 94 P., C. C. A St. L Pressed Steel Car.... 900 66V, 66 Pressed 8 C. pfd Pullman Palace Car. 20 115 44 lol 81V, 99 243" H 87 18 M 74 Con., money .. j do account ... I Anaconda Atchison do pfd Bal. A Ohio..., Cn. Pacific .... Che. A Ohio.., Chicago Ot. W C . M. A Bt. P DeBeer D. A R. O do pfd '....... Erie do 1st pfd.... tin u piu . . . .. 13 ..108 ..106 ..123i ..201" .. eoT .. ISVj ..191 N. Y. Central.. Norfolk A W.. do pfd Ontirlo A W.. Pennsylvania . Rand Mine ... heading ia. Railway ... no ptd 2lV(,lflo. Pacific 44 V 89 47H 78 70 tlllnol Cntral...l8IH L'nlon Paclflo do pfd I! 8. 8teel.... do pfd ...... Wabash do pfd lSlvySpanlBh 4s , 43V, 139 9l 93 6uV, 71s 6' 79 3S 97 9774 19-S 9fiV, 61 lOfli, 21 44 Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Vamtant A Co Carey A Benton lxibman A Co McCreary A Carey W. I. Stephen Hill A eon F. P. LewU Huston a Co Hamilton A Rothschild.. b . Jiuss Cattle. . . 4-'4 . . 1.7i ,. l,4:u ,. 94.1 Hogs. Sheep. Louisville A N SILVER Bar. steady, tllid per ounce 'MONK Y 3'4fi4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market I lor snort bins s per cent; for three Wolf J. H. Mike J. U. T. L. Bulla Haggerty Root A Co lnghram I Sullivan Broj I V. A. Britton Other buyers 127 101 ttt U tv! ltb 134 17 177 72 82 Is 94 313 7 13 i 1,194 2.419 2.NH 2,1,4 K2U 2.430 2,334 1,440 liow, 1 months' bill, u EViSV per cent. 69V4 6774 18H V 211 210 1&9V4 184 '93V4 6SV4 67V4 87!,. S7S 6XH 66' 677,, 671 '21H 'tlV, 9044 230 t29V4 43V '43V4 M M 71 Vi 70V4 4S 4fS 7 7&S 74 87 Si 163 'ii's 82V4 824 . 414 41 81Vt 8IV4 80S V4 21s itvi, 16S Sit 73 7 69 4 'V4 61S 146 V4 2b 149'i 168 94H 41 72'4 76;4 63 134 J.V'4 4tH 47, 92V 92', '74 41 13M 93 Iteudine Reading 1st pfd... Reauing 2d ptd... w Plilladelplilo Produce Market. VHIiaiiKlJ-HIA. Dec. 11. BUTTER Firm; Vy'tilc higher; extra wistem ci earn- I Republic Steel eiy. olticial price. 82V; street pr ice, 33"c; Republic Steel extra nearby print. 3eo. rXiiiS Dull and 4c lower; nearby freh and western freah. 3oc at mark. CHKESB Firm. g,wd demand; New York full cream, 13Vli44V. ...243,tV IK'4 162 Vk IS 160V4 Inlutlt tiralu Market. DULUTH. Dec. It. WHEAT On track. N". 1 -northern, 7sVc: No. 2 northern. 7&V;; Decemlr, 7!7'i79i-; May, UVlIlVc; July, Diilti2lc. OATS To arrive, S3c. KYR-17. BARLEY-J6u49c. . Peoria Market, PEORIA. Dec. 11. CORN New. stetdy; No. 3 yellow and No. 3, 41c; No. 4, 4oc; no grade. S6337Vc. OATS Unchanged; No. 1 white, S6c; No. ri white, 34 V ; No. 4 white. Vo. RYE Steady; Io. z, wutssc. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 11. WH EAT Spot, firm: No. 2 rd. western winter. ture. steady; December, 6s 31; -,d: May. 6Sd. COBN Spot, steady; American, 4 4'vt. Futurts, steady; January, March, 4s Id. Fu- March. mixed, 4 Id; KKW market Coffee Market. YORK. Dec. 11. COFFEE The for coffe" future ufene-l steady 41 H-2V4 31 6k 49 'V 96 V, lae, 34H 94 V, 4S MV4 1K7 93i, tU-'MM "7-VtNlK kO, PROVISIONS Pork steady; JoJdJng, t'4 7a lard, lower. pif-ve rrant. l alt tucala (boxJ;. luwsr; exlia ahjit. lower Luittfean, cable, and ..ld .off. to a iM-t loss of lo tu.2o ixanta diuing tlte fiilddl r the day uuder . ntlnrlng IKju datlonjk hi- h ' wa liicpliad ry trie coimnuei nig inter. or receipts A better demand developed at the decline and the market rallied partly In the late Lradliia. with the close ateidy tat, a net deeime of I to tu points. Hale for the du weVe teported of 4i.' bairn. Including December at 6 27c; Janunrv. 5 Su u ; Mart-t. f""iJ6Se: Msy. i Mf-tl-fr, r .WUv.c, kpul, 4Ull: Jo. Hi 6.800 pfd... t700 Bock island Co . Rock Island Co. pfd. 4 St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. 7uO St. Ioul 8. W St- L. B W. pfd 80. Pacific 2,7iO Bo. Pacific pfd 100 Ho. Railway 8.&0O Ho. Railway pfd 3o0 Tennessee C. A I Texa A Paelfic 1.400 T., St. L. A W...... 100 T.. St. L. A W. pfd.. 700 Union Pacific 124 900 l'nlon Paclrlo-pfd.... too I'. 8 Express S. Realty H Rubber t.000 U. 8. Rubber pfd.... 100 I'. 8. Steel.. to.) I. 8 Steel pfd 14.7 V. -Carolina Chera.. l,8oi Va.-Caro. Chem. pfd Wabash Wabah pfd U0 41 Wells-Fargo Ex Wealing. Electric ... 1"0 Western Union l.OuO Wheeling A L. B Wis. Central Wis. Central pfd 1.24m Ng. Pacific 1S.6) Central leather 20 Central Leather pfd 600 1 P:os-8hetfield Bteel. 10 ' Ot. Northern pfd t I Int. Metropolitan .... 1.4-0 lot Met. pfd 300 4H lu2 81 47 43V4 'V, 94 V, UUV4 34 Vt 94 V, 't7V4 1H6V, 93 V, V. 63S 107', 49S MS S9 164 - 7V, '56 '4 6- 22i4i 3 Inn, '9S 231 74 7 76 63 107T4 487 llMV, 41 a" 8tV4 'livt 61 221 36 14 llM 77 rv, rv. 7 Total aale for th day, 1.227.409 share. 116V )36V 99-4 291 It lol 1361 llMtt 92V4 194 220 63 18 210i 1)3V4 9 22 92 Vj 67T, 37H 6!' 1S0V4 21V 8OV4 I 22V 626 42H 84V, 70V4 4&V 76H 6h 161V, 12 175 1H 82 41 V4 90 29V, 60 29 H 6u 14hV4 26 61 160 16M 94 41ia 72 76H i 134V4 4 9iS 90 OH 41V, 139 9374 W 64 93 '4 1S4 l&OVi 9ui 94 40 102H 31V H-4 t" 2t. J 9474 12a.iV I4V, 94.4 ISO r.'H 34V, V 1S 93 115 ko 634 107 4 MS tvv, lt I9 42 V4 196 163 86 lt'4 fcv, 63 r224 ' lK'V, 22V 3) 74 Boston Copper Market. Closing quotation on Roston copper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, Omaha: 2.614 6,422 8,698 9,440 CHICAGO 1,1 VK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Bat Slow Hogs Five to Ten Cent I ovrer. CHICAGO, Dec 11. CATTLE Receipts, about b.'M head; market steady, but slow; common to prime steer. 11. F5: bulls. 11 .7611' 2.16: common to prime calves. I2.0vu7.60; Blockers and feeders. t2.23fc4.DO. HOGS-Recelpts, about JS.KAi heid; mar ket 5ul0c lower; choice heavy, t ; 25S'.35; .taht butchers, IS 2.''o'i.s:H : choice llKht, Ji'. ii'&S 30; light mixed, t6.1ffr.16; packing. tti.Uiii-j.26; packing. t6.(iii.i0; pig, 4.2i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about 18. (u head, market for best firm: others weak; sheep, common to prime. tl.OO'uii.lS; yearlings, t6.26ti6.0H: lambs, ti.w(8.00. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Dee. V. -CATTLE Re ceipts. 21.000 head. Inclut' 9U0 outherns; market steady to 10c "; four loads Hereford earllngs for Christma use sold tit ti. 60; ono steer weighing PIPO lbs. brought 1126; choice export and dresred beef steers, ti.i&i&Y.iO; fulr to good, ll.fu ,6.6-J; western I puji-ib, i.i'-.Ho.nv, 1114'KvrB ana leeaers. t- WJ cin.w, miuiunrii sieere, 40 uo-ui.w; souinern cows, 12.utj-l.2o; native heifer. 12.76f(5.O0; bu:is, I2.;o(u4.4; calves, 2.IOu6.C0. HOGS Receipts. J9.txX head; market 7V4' lower; top, tti.27V4; hulk of sales, IH.;o 6.KVi; heavy. tii.lAfjti 27V4i paclter, t6.20v 6.26; pigs and light, t6.7Mii5.25. SHEEP AND 1.AMH3 Receipts, 6,600 head; market strong- to 10c lower; top Chrlatma native lamb, 17.76; lambs, tti.oofi 7. 06; ewes and yearlings, 14.60i.26; western fed yearlings, 8&.toti.tki; western fed sheep, J4.iAu5.76; Blockers and feeders, t3.6(i6.10. : Advsntur, ' AllnUfts ! AtUntlc ' ninshftrn Blsrk Mountain I Boatoa ronBoltdatsd. j t'alumd A Arltons .lM I Calunwt A Hscla... I rntenntnl 1 Coppr Rsngs ... I Piir wst I Eut Butt ; rranklln j Orns Coppsr .... I Ormnby j Hitl UK Roral iLI. Pltuburg. I Mui MicBloa Hank Cleartag. . OMAHA. Dec. 11 Bank clearing for today were 11.636 6o3 k9 and for th corre sponding date laal year 11.63.112 26. 44 Mohswk 64 Nvvadn Conaolldatea 11 Nn DutU. lOHOId Dom In Km Ditmla 91 t Pneu. Bervirs U Pnvu. lervtcs pfd... Qulncy .US Shannon . tt Tsniarark . I'llt Two. Copper . to Trinity . HH I'nlted Prult . ll It. g. Common . 7, I'. 8. prd . II Vi I'tah Cons . I Victoria . t4 Winona . tit. WslTsrtns t Ntpplialnf ,. . till Cananea . 74 . It .1111 . U14 .ist . 1SV, . J .101 . 1H .lot ' .ion . tJ . 4 . MV . 14 . 11 .its Total CATTLE There wa a large run of cattle today, the receipts being the heaviest for a Tuesday for soma little time back. There was a wond of common to medium l.aif fat sietrs and it waa very upparent right from the outset that buyers have had too many cuttle of that kind. The fact that the holiday season la near at hand 1 naturally creating a good demand fur well finished beef cattle, which are very scarce. There was one prime load of steer In sight thl morning which sold at S.6o, the high est price puid lor Leef cattle on this market since November of last year. Wnlle buy eta seemed willing to pay about steady prices for the best g:ades, the common ha.f tut cattle wete slow- to 10c lower. Cvw and heifer were in about the same condition as were beef steers. riuyeia aee 1 ned to talk 11 bout steady prices fur th best klnus. but anything eise was very B.uw and generally 10c tower than yesterday. ' Ihe trade was. In fuct, a drag; from start to finish t. Loal Live Stoek Market. ST. IjOUIB. Dee. ll.-CATTLE Receipts 7,000 head. Including 1.600 Texans; market steady; nai ve shipping and export eteers, t5.767t7.0O; dressed beef and butcher steers. l4.4Kji-i SO; steers under 1 I'd lbs., 3.Lfij4.70; Blocker and feeder, 12.OMf4.fiO; cow and heifers. tZ.M&b.'K; canners, !l.'t6i(2.5o; bulls, t2.3.Vfj-4.00; calves. !3.Tfv"u7.00; Texas and In dian steers, 12.6O7i6.60; cow and heifers, 12.36UI.60. HOGS Receipts, 11,500 head; market 6(fn0c lower; pigs and light, t; packers, t6.10Cd6.So; butcher and best heavy, t6X,j BHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.500 head; market slow; native muttons, tS.uigf. 6."u; Iamb, t3.75fr7.2o; culls and bucks, 13.004; 4.00, Blocker. L 15. rendition of Trade and (lantattee oa ample nnd Pane) I'm dace. KtlOH-l'-r do.. I7c. LIVE POULTRY-Hen. 7'c; rooster. 4c; turkeys, i-n , ducks, ii'Jc, spring chick tns. ic; Kc se, Munc. BUTTKIt-PackitiK stock. ls'c: choice t fancy dili, iKo--"'. eresoieiy. ...c. HAY-Ch-lce upland. 19 ; medium. 19.00; coirse. tt(i0. Bye straw, to..iO(i7.0u. UKAN Per ton. tlo.Oo. VEGETABLES. SWEET POTATOES Kanaas, per bbU : ; TOMATOES-Calirornla. per basket of 28 !!( . t.'.oc-cr C.'.it. WAX BEANS Per one-third bu. box. 1 (v; hamjiers, 1.1. --5. BEETS. TLRN1P8 and CARROTS Tef , bu , 75c. LEAF LETTUCE-llothouse. per 0ov b 101 s. 4oC. CF.LEKY-Per dox . 100e. i-l 1 I i ULlall..o.n., tuir A nm tl ft III O.ll ' li? Choice I ONIONS Homo erown. fto irr bu.! Span- Isti, i: hi per crate, Colorado, 7ic. 1ICR8ERAD1SI1 Cast, of 2 do., II 90. RADiSHKS Per. dos bunches, southern, large bunches, 7&C. NAVY BEANS - Per bit., tl 75; No. !, tl.CS. LIMA BEAN: Per lb., 6Vc. fiUI l:N PEPl'KKS-Per hamper, 13.00. TARSLE Y Hothou.-e. per d-i. bunch, Kk.. CA BB A G E Holland seed, bom grown, per lb., IV40. EGG I l.ANT-Per do . 2 7J. rn i'AVfiKS-P'r bu , 4rwtTr.o. RI.'TABAG Af Abi ut 160 lbs. to sack, T-Sw HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per doa 11.001 1.25. 611 A 1. LOTS Southern, per do, bunch, hctitl 14). CA ULIF'LOWFR Per erat of about twt) du. heads, f4.2u)j4 5. FRUITS). CRANBERRIES Per bbl, 13 00(510 09, APPLES Ben Davis, choice 12 00, fancy per bbl.. 12.27; Jonathans, 13 50; New York apples, 13 26: Grimes' Oolden. 11.50. - PEA HS-Winter Nelis, per box. t'..0, GRAPES Malaga, per bbl., t.).0O37.0: New York Catawba. 4 lb. baskel, 21c TROPICAL FHUI'l. ORANGES Florida oranges, 12.90. LEMONS Llmonlera. extra fancy. Ht alse. 14.60; 800 and 360 size, 15.60; other brand, 60c less. BANANAS Per medlum-led bunch, H.W412..'; jumbos, flMtr t b" DATES Kadaway. 6Vc: sayers, 5o Hallowts new s tutted walnut dates, 9-lb, box, 11.10; California bulk. 6V40; 7-crowa Turkish, lie; 6-crown, 14c; 6-crown, llo; 1-crown, 12c. ... GHAl'li FRUIT-Eli 54 to 64 and 10 tt 96, 14 25. COCOANUTS Per sack of 100. 14.26. MISCELl-ANEOCB. CHEESE SwIh. new. 16c; Wlseoa1 brick. I6V4C; Wioonin lunlierger, WVo twin. 16c: Young American. 16V4c. FISH Trout, 12c; halibut. Ike; catfish, loci buffalo. 8c; bullheads, lbr: black baas, fine stock, 2uc; aalmon. 12c; pike, He; red mapper, fresh froaei.. 12c; whl-.afish, freed Iroxen, 11c; yellow perch, crossed and scaled, tic; pickerel, fiesh Ircisn. 9c; frog letts. 60c per do. nddle. HIDES AND TALLOW Green united. No. 1. KA,c; No. 2. 11-V: bull hide. 94310c; green hide. No. 1. lie. No. 2, luc; horse, tl.60rrl.7ii; sheep pelta. oocjll 2j. Tallov, . No. 1. 4c: No. 1 ic. ' NUTfc' -French w.inut. 13Vc; California walnuts. No. 2, bard shell, l2V,c; fso. 1, soft shell, 14c; Braxils. 13t&14c; pecans. 14tl7c; filberts, 12V,itl4o; peanuts, raw, 6V4c; roasted, 7V4c; California almond, hurd shell. 16c; soft shell, 18c. , HOMiV-Per 2 frames, t?.60. CIDER New Y"k. half barrel, 12.75; bar. rel. ta.iO BUG A R Oranulated cane. In Back. 15. 21 1 granulated jeet. ' aacks. 16 11. COFFFE Roasted. No. K &c per lb, No. SO, 21o pe-.- lb.; No. 25, 19c per IO.J Now 2o, loc per lb.; No. a, 13o per lb. SYRUP -n bbls.. 27c per gal.; In oaaea, 8 10-!b can. 11. iO; cases. 11 6-lb can, tl.&u; (..asea, 24 V-m. eana, 11. 1L CUT 1ISEF PRICES. Rib: No. 1, H'4c; No. 2, 9'tc; No. 3, 6Ha Loin: No. 1, IK; No. 2, liUc; No. 1. 90. Chuck: No. 1, uVjc; No. 2, 6c; No. 1. to. Round: No. 1. 8c; No. 2, 7c; No. 8. VjO. Plate: No. 1, 4V4c; No. 2. 4c; No. , 80. CANNED GOODS -orn. standard west ern. 6u&t.0t ; Maine, II 15. Tomatoea, 1-lb. can, 11.10: 8-lb. cans, 97Hcul 00. Pine apple, grated, Mb., 12.0it2.30; diced, 11. 9t i2.20; gallon apples, fsncy, 12.65; California aprlcota, tl.90t12.24; pear. tl.7f.j2.60: D' arhea, fancy. Il.7r-ti2.4u; H. C peat he. 2.001.50. Alaska salmon, red, tl.?&; tancy Chinook. F.. 12.10; fancy (ockeye, F , 11. 9o: sardine, quarter oil. 2.76: three-ciuc.rter muetird. t.t ('. Sweet potatoes, fl 10tai.j sauerkraut, tl 00: numrkln. 30cutl.0O: wax oeana. 1-lb- HvflOe; lima beana. 2-lb., 76ctjl 36; spinach, 11.36; chap peaa, t-lb., 60c; axiras, 96cUJ1.10; tncy. fl.3uiil.i5 CURED FISH Family whlteflsh, pet quarter bbl., h lbs.. 14.0U: Norway mack- : eral. No. 1, 115 00; No. 2, ta.00; herring la bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway. 4k. tl.oO: Nor way. 3k, 19.00; Holland herring. In kaga, milker. Ouc; kegs, mixed. 70c. Pr. 6 a 6 25 6 t 70 6 no 6 10 ( 80 5 KO 6 so 6 SO New York Minima: Stoek. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. Cloalng quotation on rclnlnej siocks Adam Con Alice Breece Brunswick Con Cumnock Tun.. Con. CaU A Va..l Horn Silver 130 Iron Silver 435 Leadvlll Con .... i werer . to .6.') . 36 . 67 24 t Ittle Chief .... Ontario Ophlr Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Pmall Hope ... Standard 11 .. . . ..i... ..1. .. . 1. .. i .. 1 .. g- 1 ,-lu veil jr IUJICHUI llif vumieiV iuvr iimvci ill the feeder trade. Goo I kind commanded very satisfactory price, with the trade a llttie slow on Inferior stuff. Representative sale: BEEF STEERS. . I .450 .220 . 8 .100 . 60 .. 30 .226 rood Dls- belng Forelgrsr Flaaaelal. LONDON. Dec. 11. Money wa tn demand today for the aettlement. count were easier, owing to there less probability of a demand for gold fur shipment to New York. On the Stock ex change business for the new account wa light, operator being occupied with the settlement, but th ton was cheerful, with a hardening tendency In consols and a few other first-class securities on the better monetary outlook. Americans. In spite of the stiff carry-over rate. 877 per cent, ruled buoyant during the forenoon at V(P2 point over parl'y r the report that the treasurer at Washington Intend to relieve th market and In anticipation of higher price In New York. During the afternoon United estates Bteel received much atten tion. Later New York accepted the higher level and Chesapeake A Ohio waa bid up, while Oanadlan Pacific touched 2t. Other stocks Improved In sympathy and th mar ket closed firm. Mexicans were active and strong on amalgamation rumor. Foreign er ware firm on better Pari support. Copper share were strong In sympathy with the metal. Rio Tlntos closed at 82. Japanese Imperial t of 19o4 were quoted at un. PARIS, Dec. 11. BuaTne on the Bourse continued to be edversely affected by the agitation in France. Russian imperial 4 closed at 75.70 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 497. Call Maeey Lower. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. -Money on call was loaned at 10 per cent at 11 o'clock today. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralta. NHW TORK. Dec. 11. EVAPORATE-D APPLES-Market I quiet and It 1 said that holder ar offering no further ooncea alone for futur ihipniwu. Fancy are quoted at 9tiV'c. chuloe at 34c and prime In cases at 8SftsV4-. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune ar in fairly activo lobbing demand and rule firm, with California fruit ranging from to to 9c. according to le. Apricots are nominally unchanared, with Cicai-e quoted at lic. extra ch4c at 17'olhc and fancy at lmJCOc. Peaches are In Urn ted demand, but supplies are alao light and the tone of the market is firm. Choice are quoted at 12c. extra choice at lZWe and fancy at 13c. KaJalna are unchanged, with Muacatel quoted at 7VtiiV-4C. seeded rslslnt at 7Q10C and London layer at 11.661.76. Treaaery Statesnent. WASHINGTON. Dec. ll-Today' state 7 i ment tut the treasury balances in the nen. jia fuiid, sxUuaiv ut the o,vM),tvO goi-Mo.?, Oil aad Rosla. NEW YORK, Dec. ll.-OIL Cottoneed. teady; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 31c; prim yellow, 40c. Petroleum, steady; re fined. New York. 17 50: Philadelphia anl Baltimore. 17 46; Philadelphia and Balti more. In bulk, 1436. Turpentine, ateady; iUeV,ti70Vc. RtiSI N Steady; a trained, common to good 14 28 OIL CITY. Pa.. Dec. U.-OIL TYedlt bal ances, 11 68; runs. t9.M bbls.; average. 86.24) I, Ms ; shipments, 63,646 bbla. ; avaragr 131VU.S bill. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Dec U.OIL Turpen tine, firm: 7o. ROSIN Firm; quote: A. B. O, 13 90; Ti 19r.; E. 14 Go: F. ttrt06: O. t4(; H. 14 15: i, K. 15 IS; M, Ki ieJi A; V (3. YV w. tu. No, A. Pr. No. AT. Pr. 19 7i4 I tO t 1141 t It m ti4 4 it 10 ;:it It 41 1111 4 to m last s n 10 1060 4 46 tl lit) i 41 16 1147 t 70 It I SI 1 t7 4 It It 121 i to I lilS 4 to It) l4t t to lilt 4 M COWS. 1 tOO 1 00 44 Kl IS I "... rn I ts it mui 1 ot t 171 1 tS 16 lO-.'t I It 4 77 t 60 1 112 t tt 1 tto M 1 not t u I iu: t to t 141 t to t 173 t 60 11 I7S I W t 172 I M Itl t6 I M t t6 1 K) 4 1077 1 40 t 1011 I tS 14 llut I 40 t '21 I IV It lofci I 41 1 116 t It 14 1111 I SO 4 tiO I 7t 10 Uut I SO 1 1011 t 71 1 1117 I to 1 lieu t T6 t 132 t to KW t 71 1 1140 I W 14 1015 t l-l 41 10M t T t 170 I 10 a t1 I Tt II tio 1 tt 1; 1111 t w 4 171 t U 4 Ut I M t 1WII t to 10 1011 I t 4 10,1 I w 1 WW t 0 1 10SO 1 OS 1 1771 t 40 11 t 00 1 1610 t 44 HEIFKK3. I T4I I 71 8 Ml I tt I too I 10 1 to I to I Ml I ts t Kl IM n lit ni t its 1 ti I Ill I IS I lluo t tt BULLS. 1 1110 I 10 1 ltfO t 4t 1 1100 I SU 1 1M0 t SO 1 1441 I 10 I IS7S I 71 1 1060 I tV 1 1160 t Tt I U40 I to 1 ISuO t 0t CALVES. 1 114 I Ot 1 140 t St I ISO I It 1 110 I Tt 10 4K4 I 60 I ISO I Tl 1 440 I 16 I t?0 t 00 I ID lit 1 IH IN I 1:0 II) 1 144 t 00 1 ISO I It I ISt t t 1 110 i IS BTOCKEF.S AND FEEDERS. 1 tlO t tt 1 410 I Tl t It I 7B 1 110 t II 1 77 I It WESTERNS NEBRASKA IS steers. ...11' 4 60 8 cow s 1046 t Slattery Bros. Neb. 47 cow 795 3 t5 Slonx City Live Sleek Market. BIOUX CITY, la., Deo. ll.-tSp-clnl Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipt. 700 head. Mar ket teady; stocker 10c lower; beeves, 14.60 &4. 2G; cow snd heifer, t2.6i64 60; stocker and feedars, tX0ii4.10; calve and yearlings, 12 .60t3 NO. HOO8 Receipt. 4.600 head. Market Sf 10c lower. aeTTIng at !6.u5'ft4j.20; bulk of sale, 16 KVC16.IS. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 700 head. Market weak. 1 60 Wind River 16 feeder.. lt7l 4 66 8. Co. Wyo. 16 steers.. ..1136 43 cows 1064 4 tS 1 46 2 Sleeis . ..1.- 4 tt t cows 946 1 50 J. W. Ramsev Colo, 14 cows $49 2 90 7 cows Rl IH 6 calves... 2tfl 4 "0 I bulls 1323 1 40 Harmonv I.and L. 8. Co. Colo. 46 cow 7til 2 35 T bulls 1121 1 S P Thoraon Neb, 1I2U 3 60 M. K. Canton Wyo. 21 row.... 35 feeders. 8 feeder. 11 cow.... 74 cow.... .11-0 . 9J .Ur-9 A. . 917 4 66 1 60 1 60 L 3 00 65 feeder.. 990 Sb cow 1037 4 10 I 40 8 cow. . . 6 feeder 1 feeder 2 feeders 1IOO 8 Receipt were quite liberal Henry 9-5 1 M I 9 1M 1 60 916 8 0 Will-Colo. 22 cowa..;.. Clem Colo. 4 feeder.. 4 feeder.. 7 feeder.. t feeder.. hog thl Car being 80S 100 St. Joseph Lire Rtoek Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Dee. 11. CATTLE Re ceipt, 4.212 head; market steady; natives, 14,(Vd.76; cow and heifer. 12.0Oij4.6O; atocker and feeders. 13 0014 15. HOGS-Receipts, 11.311 head; market lOo lower: top, 16 '; bulk of sale. KiO'tJ'i.I.S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.R1S head; market strong; lambs, 17.00; wether, 16.46; ewe. 16.35. Stoek la Bight. Receipt of live stock at the lz principal western market yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 7,4-u 8.40O 10,ko0 Bloux Cltv 700 4.61O 7t ivansas City 21, u 190.AJ 6 St. Joseph 4,212 11.318 6.M6 St. Lnul 7,0i) 11,600 4.&0 Chicago t.600 2s.0iO IS. 0.0 Total 46.811 82,711 4.0i of 123 M IH r:6 '1 9 u iw : 1 to momma 1 reporwd Wool Market. BOSTON. Dec. 11. WOOIv The features dominating the Roston wool market I the strength or market and tne smati supply of wool on sale here. The market Is in a strong position. Th demand for clothing territory furnished especial Inter est, fine bringing 6rti7c. and in several cases 6Sc. Some transactions are reported at 6oc. while several line ar said to be worth 70c. Pulled wools are In steady trade. Foreign grade ar firm. leading domestic (notation follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. S3Sfi4c; X. llijCic; No. 1. toirjtlc; No. 2, JVMIIK; fine unwashed, 2MT 24c; unmerchantable, 2V;i30c; half blood, unwashed, SagUV; three-eighths blood, unwashed. 844iS44e; nusrter-blood, un washed. 8fja3V4c; Delaine, washed. 8Vtfi7ci Delaine, unwashed. Ei30c. Michigan, fine unwashed, 4tr'2&c; half blood, unwashed, 82'y33c; three-eighths, unwashed, 7j34c: quarter blood, unwashed. 82lj32V4e; Delaine, unwashed, 27i2u. Kentucky. Indiana and Mit-courl, comtrlng", three-eighths blood, 13 tr34c; combing, quarter blood, 31r0lVrC. Texa. coured basl. fine, twelve month. 72-ir73c; fine, six to eight month, (tli67c; fine, fall clean, 67rK-. California, scoured basis, northern choice, eTfttlKc; northern good, Vnc; middl country. 664-iOrJc: south ern, 62fl3e: fall free. Mrr&uc. Oregon, scoured basis eaatern. No. I staple, ?ff 72c; eastern. No. 1 clothing. (kfi'Ax-; valley. No. 1, 6tjjCJc. Territory, ataple. scoured basts, fine. 707JT7C; fin medium, (B3;or-. medium. tTC-'. Territory, ord nsry, tr-nurt.l bar Is. fine, VJc: fine medium. fiS'ic: medium. tK-fj" . Colorado and New Mexico, spring coured X. jbc: No. 1, itjlc. Pulled wool, scoured baals extra, a71c: fine A, 6346U:; A supers, M$t9c; ii auper. t7ir. ST. IjOT'18, Dee. 11. WOOISteadr ; me. 11iim erade. combing and clothlne. tkttC7c; llaht fine. iff"?lo; heavy fine, lttyiec; tub washed. I'-'tjSTHc Snaar aad Molaaeea NKW YORK. Dec. 11 8UO AR Raw steady; fair reflnln. 1 ll-3!c; centlif ugHl. 9 lest, 1 27-32c; molasses sugar, I l-SSc; re- Metal Market. NEW YOFtK, Dec. 11. METAIyfl Thera waa an ndvance of 6 In the London tin marltet, with spot quoted at 196 16 'for spot and 196 for fuures. The local mar ket was steady, with spot quoted at 14:-.b2V bid and 142 Wj asked. Copper was . higher In the English market, wlrh spot quoted at 106 6s and futures at li-b 6s. The local market wus firm, with lake rpioted at 122.75'fl 23.00; electrolytic, 122.62Vu22.62V4! lusting. 122.27Vvi:2..17Vj. lead was firm at tri.&0ii j.t5 in the local market. In London the price wus higher at 19 6. ' Spelter wa U 7d higher at 27 17 In Ixindon. Th market was also firm nnd higher here, with spot quoted at tti.3ri7.tiO. Iron waa unchanged to Pu3d higher at the finish, with standard foundry quoted at, 62 6d and Cleveland warrants at U3s. Locally tli market wa firm and unchanged, with No. 1 fuundry northern quoted at l-'E.jr'l 26 2fi; No. 2 foundry northern, t'.i Tvi' 36.76; No. 1 foundry southern. t25 5o'u'25.75; No. I foundry southern. !26.0oeu 27.00. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec U.-COTTON-Rpot cloaed steadv, 60 lnt decline; mlddllna uplands, 10.6oc; mlddllnr gulf, 10.75c; sales-, low bale. . LIVERPOOL, Dec. 11. OOTTONSpot ta fair demand, prices 8 point higher; Amer ican middling fair, 6 72d: good middling, t.h'iyl; mlildlliig. 6t4d; low middling, i.fojf giMid ordinury, 6.46d; ordinary, t.22d. The sale of the day were 12.0tO bale, of which 6.IOJI were for speculation and export and Included 11, 0 American; receipt, 67,OoO bales. Including Sfi.ooO American. ST. IX)U1S, Dec. 11 COTTON Steady! middling, He; sales, 41 bales; receipts, l,o4 bales; ahlpmenta, 644 balea; stock, 18,lul tiales NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 11-COTTON-Bpot rloexl steady, nominal : sales, 0n0 bales: low ordinary, 61-loc; ordinary, 7 8-ltlcj good. ordinary, tVc; low middling. 9 6-ltic; mid dling, 7S,c; good middling, HV,c; middling fair. 11 13-I6c: fair. 117-luo: receipt. ltbM iiulea; stock. 32o.4u0 bales. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Deo. 11. -SEEDS Clover, cash and December, IstTiH; January, t8.60 March, tXvO. Alstke. 17.70. Timothy. 12-00. - Fair for Sara Fraarlaeo. SAN FRANCIS"), Dec. ll.-8an Fran-' rlsco proposes to have a world s fair ia 1913. The project was proposed shortly, after the fire and Is 110 lonner an uncer- . talnty. Fifteen cltlrens have formed a corporation to be known as th Paclflo Ocean Exposition romimny. which plans to rive a mammoth f lr In 1913 to commem orate the 4110th annlveraary of the discovery of the Paclfl.; ocean by Balboa and th eorrplatlon of the Panama canal. The lolnlng of the two ideas by the promoter seemed esperlully appropriate, since tt ws after crossing the Isthmus that the titv. Igator first looked upon the Pacific. Th organisation Is capitalized at 16.000.000. The Financial World ii:wioiik CKICACO tl BrtudwiT 100 Itandolph St Th Loauiug rinaaclal tTockJ Valustl to Bcnkers and financier -Jlspcnsable ta lavaitor and speculator rb. J.'"y flnauoial publlcatina f Us Hod. Send r lre aiiM'l "--pr. Yi-'i will be vnvlaoe4 ef t Tal 41 aud aoiid your subaorlplluu, THE I ItAXIAL MOULD ) Broadway !4otfT4H-k In. At th lunie time, other market point were rrortlrig good a xed runa for a Tues day, with price decidedly lower. Under : the influence of throw rondithms busea atarted out bld-llrg 1111 ally loc lower 11, Is 1 morning, snd the first half of the forenoon paaiM-d with rointwn atively nothing being accomplished. Halesnien made a hard Strut's! to ma l'i n i-rl-e. t,ut r ' d ' 1 onii j4 SO Uiucii StU'liat them that the tscl W E OH l.H 7H COLD HONUli- AT PA K FOR A i.Imi 1 .-: 1 i-r.RIi 'l. -4 Cil AKANTF.F.D bTOCK with bonus of stock In three snhslllisry cnmpalnles TT ril CUT FEB A suet UCAIitittO BT TOX7W BiVKt On stock w are now offerm at u corn a iiar In a divluentf paying Ject. Writ lis for full duiaii. AaERiCAi iv : ":c ;'J tEVLcr;::::i to,. ( Representatives Want-.1i 1.01 tjtr.H, Oil. pro-