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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 100f. SPECIAL NOTICES AdTtrtlifumU tor Ihnt rolinol will ho tsUea am II 13 m. tor tho ealnaT edltloa and antll 8 s. a, tow tho morning and Bandar edition. Hates I l-2e a word flrat lnaertlisi, la a word thereafter. Plothlaa- taken for leea than JHe for the Brut inser tion. These advertisements mul bo ran eonaerntlrelr. Advertlaera, tr reaaeatlas a nam kered check, can hare anawera ad dreaaed to a nambered letter In earc of The Bee. Aaawera ao addreaaed will be delivered on preaeatatlon of cheek. MISCELLANEOUS Flmt Winter Term Boyles Business College and School nf Telegraphy Opened Monday. December 3, Day and Night. Students are being; admitted every day now. H B. BOYLES. President. Boyles Bid?., Omaha. Neb. Get the Free Catalogue. R 640 FOR CHRISTMAS Gas and Electric Reading lmt ore always arenptable; new stock Just tn; order now. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., SI 3 So. 15lh St. Tel. Douglas 6S1. (MAIM Safe and Iron Works make a ape. clalty of fire escapes, shutters, doora and ' ales. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. R 642 SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-M3 ioWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. R 644 DAVIS BROS., machinists; general repair ing. 1406 Jackson St. Tel. Iougas i90. r-m;4.' du for sale miscellaneous CHRISTMAS GIFTS. i you contemplate making presents, this la the chance of a lifetime. Will sell very cheap all the furnishings of my beautiful home, which are aa good as new and with out scratch or mar. Everything Is of the best material and workmanship. I have a five-piece mahogany and tapestry parlor uit for $35: brass bed, hair mattress and box springs; benutiful brass costumer or hall tree; dressers and chiffoniers In Toona mahogany and quarter-sawed oak; an ele gant oak sideboard and dining tabie; leather couches for $35, cost 175; over stuffed Turkish chairs In Harrington frames; leather rockers In oak and ma hogany for $10, cost $28; odd mahogany : parlor chairs; very fine mahogany llbraty and parlor tables; lace curtains and por tieres fine pastels and paintings; 9x12 Axminster rugs; a perfect tone upright mahogany piano. Also other furnishings too numerous to mention. These goods must be seen to be appreciated. Must sell within the next ten days. Call at once for choice selections. Call from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Take Harney St. car, get off at pierce and Park Wilde ave. 1231 Park Wilde Ave. Q M4ti5 lux ATTENTION PIANO BUYERS, a. BEAUTIFUL NEW $0 GrX. STFXTK GRAND PIANO now on display In the windows of Matthews Piano Co, 1513-15 Harney St., will be sold by sealed bid to the person making the highest offer before 6 p. m. Dec. 23, 19. Bids will be received at our office and opened by representatives from each of the three dally papers at p. m. Dec. 22, lima. The piano Is guaran teed new and perfect, and the reputation of the Geo. Stock Is unquestioned. Some one la bound to havo an elegant X'rnas gift. Why not you? We propose this purely as an advertisement and the high est bid will take the piano regardless of cost to us. You are cordially Invited to call and examine the piano. It will not be necessary to pay the cash In full for the amount of the successful bid. We will accept payments us low as $25 cash, and $10 monthly, with simple Interest. MATTHEWS PIANO CO., 1513-15 Harney St. Q-602 12 TWO Besley letter cabinets. In good condi tion, made of walnut and have two draw ers each. Call at Bee business office and get a bargain. (J 141x BEND us you mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 647 EHEKWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (J 660 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand, 1818 Ferns m, Q 675 ONE 6-Inch Jenkins' valve for sale. Apply W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg. Q-M112 FREE music lessons for t months with each new piano purchased before January 1. MATHEWS PIANO CO., 1611 Harney St. W a; du A FEW BARGAINS In second-hand soda fountains; monthly payments. Deriglit, 181k Farnam. J 10 U8ED pianos and organs must be sold before Inventory January L 1907. Sea us for nrlces and terms. MATHEWS PIANO CO., 1513 Harney St. W 21 D18 FOR SALE Numbering stamp, In good condlllom Inquire George R. Wright, Bee office. W M221 FOR SALE Two oak bookcases, one china cabinet with plate glass shelves, one gas range, one mahogany library table. Call afternoons or evenings 4010 Nicholas St. U-233 GASOLINE ENGINE and wood-working machinery for sale cheap. Apply Anchor Fence Mfg. co., w? n. I7tn St. Q M429 FOR BALE Nearly new No. ( Remington typewriter. Address o 49, care Bee. Q 469 12x WILL sacrifice my fine $350 mahottanv us light piano for $176 cash; used less than two months and as good as new; alo ether fine furniture. 1231 6o. 7th St. 'Phone 4618 Douglas. Q 463 15x COAL $5 25 ton; burr egg, big slse, good; try it; i 'phones. Harmon & Weeth. W 493 J10 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire ol J. R. Ctwlpbell, Bee mall room, y 618 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES NORTH LIGHT Office on sixth floor, lCHi20, will be va cant December 1, suitable for architect or any one needing a good light. Janitor service and electric lights free. Ak tor Mr, Baker. Superintendent Bee Bldg., 17th and Farnam. 130$ BAKERY Large store room, large bake room, with cemented floor; furnace heated bake oven all ttm heated; 1718 , Nicholas St.; Just the place and location for a live man to supply the trade and at same time retail. BEMIS, Paxlon block. 1603 U FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25lh St., South Oiuaha. Apply to manager. 1134 FOR RENT Large corner store room, lbth nd Vinten bta., S.U. c. M. Bachmann 436 Paxlon Block. 1 Ma21 BUILDING 1104 Farnam: 22x100; $ floors and basernonu Apply 114 First National Lank Bldg. 1 M3Z7 FINE office space 20x100 feet, in new build ing ready fur occupancy January 1, one. half block from court house. Heat and janitor servlc. partitions, etc., te suit tenant. U 40, rare Bee. I 81 23x 111 8. 1STH BT. J. N. Frenser. I-Ml FOR RENT Large storeroom, with two living rooms In rar, only $12.50 per mouth. 191 I-ak St. ApWy to Conrad Young. 1518 DMlge St. Telephone IViug las 1j70. I Milt STRICTLY modern hotel for rent, stasia heat, city water, bath, all new and doing hue business: only $;. huuso. In growing l.iwn uf ulailon. If you cannot liaiulle a strictly nrst-elaits house and trade don't answer. Poeaali'n given at mi AJares X Hi, Hoo. I Mia 16 WANTED MALE HELP TRAVELING SALESMAN. $1.6"0. Htcnosrrapher and bookkeeper, .t. Lumlfer bookkeeper and general office clerk. $73. Bnnk, two stenographers, $, out of town. Three office clerks, $v to $7i, wholesale. T rtflir-A Hoiks, vniini men. $35 to $10. Call and see us personally or write for com plete list of vacancies. W ESTERN KEF. BOND AW N, INC., Suite 840-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. B M507 12 WANTED At once, S"0 sound young men. ageil IN to 35, for firemen and praseim-n on leading western railroads and for new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; Mremrn $!'' per month; brakemen $75; positions now open; call or write at once for particulars. National Ky. Training Ass n. 6J0 X. I'axton block. Omaha. Neb.' B Ml J MEN Our free Illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach bnrber trane in tew weeks: graduates paid $12 to $Jo weekly; tools given; money earned while learning; positions or locations wniting; shops fur bished new. call or write. Moler Barber College, 1118 Farnam St B M271 13 X WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma nent JOO. A. D. T. CO., iVi D. Win gjj U. 8. NAVY enllsuj for four years young men and mechanics of goon physique ana character. Good pav. according to quali fications. Advancement when qualitied. Navy Recruiting Stations. Omaha. Lin coln, Hastings, Sioux City and I'es Moines. B MS7 D16 Drug Clerk wanted. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. Life B MB15 MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying trade pays $5 to $8 per day. we icn you by practical Instructions in three months; position guaranteed; free cat logue. Coyne Trade School. 4976 Easton Ave.. St. Louis. Mo. B MSO, OLD LINE INSURANCE MEN will mako changes of companies during tnis monm, one of the best western old line com panies In America has something good to offer. If Interested write lock box 115, Lincoln, Neb. B M175 Jl WANTED A watch. You get it for a few hours of your time, w rite at once to Malena Company, Warrlorsmark, Pa. B M136 Feb3x TWO hustlers to handle a new line Christ mas articles; city work. 1619 Howara. B M 16$ J3 WANTED 3 boys. Omaha Box Co., East -2u0 Omaha. WANTED Shaper man: first class man; 115 Bee. B-M r 12 good pay. Address, 1 WANTED Good salesmen In cities and small towns to sell our 7V4 per cent goia bonds and 9 per cent stocks; $100 per month and commission guaranteed under months' contract; references 442-44 Huntington Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. B-M471 D31 WANTED Reliable party willing to Invest iU0 to, which will te ampiy secureu, to represent us In any city or town In brokerage business; $aw per month guar anteed, besides full equity for Investment. Address American Finance and Develop ment Co., 4-U Huntington Bldg., Is An gtles, Cai. B-M172 Dl WANTED A first class rotary pressman. for work out of city. Address A bl. nee. B 467 Ux WANTED A man about 35 years of age to act as superintendent of a bag factory, on the Pacllic coast; must be tnoroughly familiar with all branches of manufacture of cotton and burlap bags. Reply, Box 81, Portland, Ore., stating age, experience, reference and compensation expected. B M474 17 WANTED Japan shop foreman; must un derstand the designing ana cutting or stencils, mixing of colors and handling of help; a man with experience at japanning tinware preferred. Addrves Superintend ent, Flat 3, 183 14th St., Milwaukee, Wis. B M510 14 WANTED Piano salesman for country. with wagon; good proposition Tor strong hustler with good record. Letters P. O. Box 145, Council Bluffs, la. B M4S4 13 WANTED Cigar salesman; must have some experience in the city ana oo. Omaha. Address B 62, care Bee. B 186 13 WANTED Four boys over 16 years of age to pass bills; big pay and ten nays Joi. Apply Menter-Rosf nbloom Co., looS Dodge St., 7:30 Wednesday morning. B 494 11 WANTED For the U. S. marine corps, men between ages 21 and 35; an oppor tunlty to see the world. For full Informa. tlon apply In person or by letter to Re. crultlng Officer, Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts. B M4W D31 YOITCO- man with experience as shipping clerk. Piano Player Co., 1518 Harney. B-oOl 12 WANTED Good messenger boys. Apply 8 a, in. Armour & Co., South Omaha. B M500 13 WANTED FEMALE HELP FOUR or five young women of good moral character wanted, to take th- training course for nurses at the Douglas County hospital. Fine opportunity for training In medical and surgical nursing under a competent staff of physicians, and standard diploma at end of training. Uniform, board and room furnished, with $6 per month after acceptance. Apply to superintendent of nurses, Douglas County hospital, Omaha. Neb. C MUM WE ARE IN NEED OF-Cashier, $35; bill ing clerk, $50; Oliver stenographer, $45; Remington stenographer, $50. If In need of a position see us at once. We can place you. WESTERN REF. ft BOND AHS'N. INC., Suite 840-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. C M506 12 WANTED Two or three No. 1 girls for hand ironing, general laundry work; only the best need apply; wages $8 per week. Oakes Steam Laundry, Oakes, N. D. C-476 11 GIRLS to operate power machine In shirt and overulf factory; permunent work. M. E. Smith at Co., 11th and Douglas Sts. C 591 VI DOW ELL Dressmaking school, 1623 Farn. C-M721 D2J COMPETENT stenographer; state expe rience and salary expected. Address W 33, care Bee. C 2 25 GIRLS at once for steady work; good pay. Uemls Omaha Bag Co., entrance off Hth St. viaduct. 0-M3U BOOKKEEPER ln wholesale house; must be quick and accurate; good salary; state experience. Address W 60, Bee. C-M479 GIRL for general housework; 11 JS 8. 29th. good wages. C M409 11 WANTED A competent and experienced stenographer. Apply People's Store, Pith and Farnam. C 487 11 WANTED Cook, good wages; references required. Mrs. Arthur C. Smith. 13"3 Park Ave. O M6t6 14 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Men with team and rig to sell a line of hlgh'grade family remedies, eplces and extracts to consumers; must .e honest, sober and lndumrious. The Gladstone Medicine Co., lluwajden. Ia. L Mao WANTED Piano salesman for country, with wagon; good proposition for strong hustler with good record. Letters P. O. Box 146, Council Bluffs, la. L M464 12 WANTEIV-Four traveling salesmen, fine line, good house. Call ou or address H. U. Ewing, Paxton hotel. L M499 14x WANTED SITUATION YOUNG man wants place to work for board and room while going to school. Boyle's College. Tel. Doug. 1984. A 199 COMPETENT office man. executive or cler ical, 33 years old, wants position January 1; fifteen years' experience In hanking and grain business; first-class references. Addrees P 31. care Bee. A 2k7 14x SITUATION WANTED By young lady, as companion for either Invalid or elderly person. Address Y-lt8, care Bee. A M454 16 x WANTED AGENTS FOR RENT The g-story and basement building luSt Louglaa St. Apply en the lreuuea w Ui Lavld Cute. J M 411 Bee Want Ads bring competent help Ambitious men and women wanting Vs FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS HAVING mora room than we need, will take two gentlemen In large south front room with alcove; nicely furnished; mod ern conveniences; excellent board. Call on Mrs. A. 11. Hennlngs, SJlX Davenport St. References. B M468 16x DEWEY curopean Hotel, 13th and Farnam. K 667 Doug. 61L O.M.E. Ilauls Trunks E 63 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Avt.; American or European; steam heat. K 669 FRONT room, well heated; nicely fur nished; strictly modern. 24'J8 Harney. E M18$ 2 EXCELLENT modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2tii9 Davenport 8U E 400 12x NICELY furnished room, with use of 'pnone, etc.; modern conveniences and within walking distance; private family. 'Phone Douglas 44S9. 2609 Farnam tit. E 195 13X TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete, for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. E Mill 13x LARGE front room, modern, walking dis tance. 2ub 8. 26lh St. E a4 llx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NEWLY-FURNISHED suite of rooms and board; hot and cold water. 2411 Capitol Ave. F MZA Ji VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. F b0 MODERN rooms, home cojklng. reasonable prices; 2215 Howard; 'Phone Douglas-&t8. F S61 NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences; excellent table; pri vate family. 24o3 Harney. F M182 STEAM heated, eaBt rooms, at 212 S. 25th Et. with board, F M:f76 LARGE front alcove room; also other rooms; breakfast privileges; tel. 116 N 25. F M303 JS FOR RENT HOUSES 224 N. 24TH ST., 6-room new, modem, first floor flat, furnace, gas and electric light, bath, walking distance or one block to car line, $40. 222 N. 24th St., same as above, except upper flat. $37.50. 2079 Harney St., 6-room pressed brick, sec. ond floor flat, gas, furnace, bath, walk ing distance or one block from car line, window shades and gas range, $35. . 1339 I"ark Ave., 7-rooni, second floor flat, modern but bath, $17. Will be made mod ern for $20. For list of houses call office. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas-lfi06. D-601 12 Hastings & Heyden will get you a tenant. D MlKi WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1196. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D 6C7 EES us when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. lbth St. Tel. Doug. 1196. D WS COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city; Immediate attention given. 1628-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 4619. D 669 Hastings ft Heyden will get you a tenant D M1S6 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex cept furnace $20. 9-room house, all modern, new furnace $25. C. M. BACH MANN, 436 Pax ton Block. D 492 FOR RENT 9-room modern house, 509 S. 25th Ave., $32.50. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. New York Life Bids. D-MS41 GOING TO MOVE? Costs less, breakage considered, to have an expert pack your china and glass; 20 y outs' experience; charges reasonuble. Jos. Burns. Tel. Harney 1129. D 311 D21x WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas I'tia. Schmoller as Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D 662 TTnTTQlVQ! In all parts of the city. The UUUOLO (,. b". Davis Co.. Bee Bids. Davis Co., Bee Bldg. L tm4 Hastings ft Heyden will get you a tenant D-Mibo I1UUOUO C- jeters ft Co., Bee Bldg. D-iJ $30.003213 Pacific St., rooms, furnace, gas, bath, storm windows, first floor finished ln oak. $40.001113 Park Ave., modern. 8 rooms. $.008 rooms, modern but heat, 14u9 Park Wilde Ave. $16.00 1546 Seward St., 5 rooms, new cottage, modern but furnace, 2 blocks to car. $ 8.0o 3124 Lindsay Ave., 6 rooms. Three 6-room flats, walking distance, new and modern, $35 to $40. 7-room flat, Hanscom park district, $17. For balance of list call at office. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas-16f3. D 478 11 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 666 OMAHA Van ft Storage Co., pack, move store, H. H. goods; storehouse 110-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. D 666 CENTRAL, steam, Tiaard, 220 N. 23d. modern 7-roorn house. D M616 l-ROOM flat, modern, good repair, opposite Hanscom Park $33. 'Phone Douglas 623. D 67o FOR RENT. A strictly modern 8-room brick fiat, new, only 8 blocks from postofflce; lt'B a gem; price, $47.60. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Doug. 1781. D 488 1 4 KTOTf A OF! Household goods. OXVXV-ixVJXj chandlse. etc Fred mer Buih Transfer Line, 10O3-5 Farnam St. D 485 J10 FOR RENT Modern, 9-room. brick house, 1126 8. 3) st St.; $40 per month. Thomas Brennan, room L N. Y. Life Bldg. D471 Hastings & Heyden will get you a tenant. D Mlsu FOR RENT 4-room brick house, basement finished, all modern, new furnace, only half block from car, good neighborhood: rent $26 per month (worth $b0). C. M. bachmann, 43$ Paxton Block. D 334 " Hastings ft Hsyden will get you a tenant. D M186 FOR RENT Park Ave. A modern (-room house, 1121 D-196-llx I.N HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. A good seven-room dwelling, newly pa pered and ln excellent repair, hath, closet, gas, city water. No. 3217 Pacltlo St., rent $JS. GARVIN BROS.. 16t4 FARKAM ST. D MJ93 11 IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THESE. Very desirable 12-room modern apartment, best repau", fine location, 2416 Shemian Ave. $.10. Choice. 8 rooms, modem, good condition, conveniently situated, 24o4 Maple a bar gain at l-U 4-room cottage. 2707 8. ?lst Bt. only $7. 7 rooms, city water, 1710 N. 34th St, new $12.60. Also several cottages and large dwellings. See us for homes on rental payments. RUSSELL ft McKITRlCK CO. 432-1-4 Ramge Blk. 15th and Hurney Sts. D Ul 11 7 K(HM cottage, modern except furnace. $-U Suit Lliu fcU. XtL iiruey-1610. D-iiiJS It belter posi. ions answer Bee IVanf Ads FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 8-ROOM, ALL MODERN, WEST FARNAM, $3,800 This fine new house has reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor, finished with quarter-sawed red oak. with floors of same material, combination stairs, larre nantrv and fine mantel; sec ond floor has 4 ted rooms and bath, all fin ished In fir, with white enamel. This ts a full Int. west front, on 4'.'d St., one block from Farnam car line and H block from Farnam St. Will be sold soon. Come In and let us show this to you. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. RE 490 11 FOR EXCHANGE. 36 acres, located 12 miles of Sedalis, Mo., and 4 miles of small town and shipping point on the Missouri Pacific railroad; land lies gently rolling, well set In tame and wild grasses, except 80, which Is a little rough and covered with timber. House with six rooms In ood repair, nice lawn, cellar, large barn, splendid water and plenty of It. Family orchard, etc.: ldt-iiL stock and grain farm, located In a rich and beautiful country; no better can be seen. Price, $45,000; encumbrance. $28,000. five years 6 per cent. Address J. R. Adklns. 14 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la, RE M820 1$ Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Let us show yyu our Hut of city property, acres. Improved farms and cheap western lands. EERKA A CO, Tel. Douglas 2856. 938 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M53 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31st and Cass Sts., with ground on which to build another house. Paved street, east front, nice shade trees. Make me an offer for one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. BE 673 TEXAS PANHANDLE YOUR OPPOR TUNITY. Lands from $12.50 to $M per acre; wheat, corn and alfalfa; more productive, lays better, soil rich as Iowa or Illinois; easy terms; descriptive matter sent you free. Loan Star Lund Co., 14 Pearl St., 2d floor. Council Bluffs, la. RE M821 WE SELL land In Nuckolls county. Neb., the great corn, small grain, alfalfa and tame grass country In southeastern Ne braska. Write us for land list. G. D. Follnier ft Bon, Nelson, Neb. RE M9S0 ALL modern, 9-room house and lot for sale at a bargain. 922 N. 19th. RE 474 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, t and 614 per cent loans on real estate; no ueiay. W 675 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-676 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-677 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. W-67S PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1620 Doug. W-679 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W 650 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Oi. W-681 City ft farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N. Y. L. W-682 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H, Thomas, 5uo First National Bank Bldg. W tiH3 $1,000 private money. Trad e Bid g. Belby, 440 Board of vy UZM BUSINESS CHANCES SOUTHERN NEVADA MINING STOCKS. A Good Opportunity to Make borne Money. Those who have Invested Id Nevada stocks in the last year have made largo fortunes on a small investment; if there ia any stock ln that state that you want. write or call on us. We receive reports from all of the mining camps or Nevada. ROBERT C. DRl'ESEDOW & CO., STUCK. BKOKKKS, 809 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y Ml 79 14 Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write ua. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or bioux city, la. Y-132 Jl GUARANTEED 10 per Address E-6, care Bee. cent Investment. Y 796 iix ... ..-fc.f-I-X'Y Til.. . f T f l" . Neb., has imp. farms, wild lands, stock mdse. for sale. Can use other property as partial payment. y M18a D17 SOUTHERN NEVADA 15 cents a share; our treasury stock for the development of our propel ty; the best opportunity, in tne uuurrog uistrict; our property is advantageously located; sur rounded by the best mines of the distrlot why not Investigate our proposition. For particulars call or address NEVADA STANDARD GOLD MINING CO., sua jm. i. i-aie dug., uuuuiu, jnfd. Y M178 14 70 ACRES, $66 acre. Take small house and lot exchange; lii'-fc acres, -.JuO; 2 acies, 6 ln fruit. 13.2110: 12 acres. 8 In fruit, ili.ouo. Close C. B. Alva Smith Co., Council Bluffs 1 Jlll)2 WANTED By experienced hotel man, to rent, commercial hotel in a country town; furnished preferred. Address Box 2u6, i opeaa, nan. l mais Drug stores for sale. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. Life Y-M816 FOR SALE Blacksmith and wagon shop; well located, with extra good business. Townsend Really Co., Fremont, Neb. Y M285 D26x STOCK ln our electric air line R. R. from Chicago to New York has advanced 2o p,-r cent in 90 days. All stock of the par value of $luo per share and all redeemable at par by the road; $JV per month for 10 months now buys 10 shares of the par value of $1,000. i'rlcf goes to $30 December 15. Don I miss the chance, as all our stock will be at par within one year. For full particu lars call on or address W. F. Porter. 8.9 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. 'I'houe Douglas &3. Y 473 llx A BUSINESS CHANCE A well established newspaper for sule on eay terms, or will take a partner who can manage the paper. Reason for suiting. too much work. Address R. E. Brega, Callaway, Neb. Y M4i6 12 THERE is a way to make money in Nevada mining stooks. We will tell you how iu our market letter, sent free for asking. Patrick Elliott ft Camp, "Conservative Brokers and Mine Makers, Goldlield, Nev. Y 477 llx FOR BALE Nearly new gaHlne engine, brickyard and fixtures. Box IX, Presoott, la. Y M470 Ux GOOD restaurant for sale In good location and doing a first class business Inouire Sam Sing. lal Webster St. Y M466 lax WRITE for market letter; sent free upon request; complete resume Nevada mining oiwratlons. Patrick Elliott ft Camp. Con s.rvativ Brokers and Mine Makers, O-old-field. Nevada. Y 49 l!x POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead I ha world In etieap bar nxturrs: easy payments. Bruuswlck-Ualke-Culleiidar, 407 8. loth bt. 441 PABSOW'S new billiard and pool tabl-s are tho heat nionrv tan buy and are sold much cheaper; easy paymnls; catalogue free. C'UaiUs passww st touu. 'tis itb fcU -Ui.i L PERSONAL TO LOOK A GENTLEMAN You must be attired In the proper manner. The pressed shirt Is the latest and lh proper thing to wear; soft, smooth ttulsb. Look new; we do It. ' ,C1TT STEAM LAUNDRY, R. R. Evans, Pres. Tel. Douglas lib. U-M3& BEWING machines rented, any make. 750 per week or $.00 per month. becona ia.uu macnincs Neb. Cycle Co., for sale, $5.00 and up. 16th and Harney. VI 784 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMt Mrs. tJT. .ing, aiis n. 21st St. Tel. Doug, rc U 685 PLEATING w ALL KINDB, ns. Ruching. L.-.l....,i.i..rlna Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing; only 6c Der mnt Kun.i tor nrica list and sample. OOl.nMAM or p iTivn rn 400 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1938. U 686 TO FARMERS AND PROD1TCK RH1P. I ERS We pay highest market price ob taining on date of receipt for best duality butter and errgs; we charge no conimls. sion; remittance In cash or merchandise promptly. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U M509 18 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff vioiinng; m fact, anything you do not lY.t. oWa collpct, repair and sell, at 114 N. llln St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U-till 5 F .TT"'"cnl and mnriral treatment at Crelghtnn Medical college. 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention palrf to con finement canes; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-687 OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers' Institute. Ramge U-9 fVl At.N PTir'treatment and bath. Mme. -Smith, Hi N. 15. 2d floor. IJ 690 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 324 N. 24th Bt., Omaha, Neb. U-M100 P. TE nom during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanl ar.1 um- J;a Flrt Ave., Council Bluffs, la. TeL 774. U-323 PENNELL Millinery Co.. 322 North 16th St. U 691 J 5 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or write for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 611 Woodmen of World Bldg.. Omaha. U 692 CHRISTENSON. Douglas 1659. carpet cleaning. Tel. U- D14 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut 6 rices; send ror free catalogue. Myers 'lllon Drug Co.. Omaha. U 693 PRIVATE DETECTIVE. 467, Omaha. P. O. lock box U M&3 Dlox CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. U MS10 D31 Masque costumes. Lleben. TeL 4116. Open ev. VI 6U4 COSTUMES. $318 S. 20th. Back. Tel. Red 7073. U-M714 D27x TVf A CC A f!i7' Swedish movement 410 N. iiiiiuuiuu ,6,n room 2 set.on(j lloor. tj M167 J3 A Dollar Free for You ' This coupon will bt taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing, balance paid aa you earn it. UOiVir. CREDIT CLOllllNG COMPANY. 1520 Dodge at., Cor. Kith. U-216 Dig HAND-PAINTED CHINA. Mrs. H. B. Liggett will have an exhibit and sale of hand-pulnted china at her homo, 2924 North 24th St., Wednesday, Dec. 12. U 4S0 llx DR. VOGEL'S private home for ladles be fore and during confinement; best and cheapest ln the city. 2313 S. 13th St. U-129 J2 FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. K. Flodinan & Co , 1514 Cap. Ave. U 493 J 10 . REMOVAL -WOLF BROS, ft CO. HAVE REMOVED to 1313 Howard. Tel. Douglas 604. U-240 Dl ARTISTIC piano tuning; work guaranteed. 'Phone Doug. 7319. Mathews Piano Co., 1513 Harney. U 218 D18 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton's salve. B. J. Bcanell, agent, 609 Ware Blk. U-270 D20 TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent, $2 to $4 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1603 Leavenworth. 'Phone Red 6.99. U M6I4 D2C BUY from the Envelope Co. manufacturers, Rurkley U-M811 D31 NAME embossed In gold letters on Christ mas presents. Henry E. Tagger. VI Barker block. " U 831 D31 TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.50 per month: all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter ft Supply Co., 1822 Farnam Bt. ' U-M218 J5 DIFFERENT from others ln action and ef fect; Satin skin cream is worth tiyUig. LADIES If you want a safe, speedy regu lator that will please you address Post Box 717, Omaha. Neb. U M135 J3x MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges. ' cured painlessly and sufely. Wlthnell block, loth and Harney, room $, Oman. 695 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omah. 6 LOST AND FOUND LOST Indies' brown pocket bonk, Thurs day evening, on 16th between Harney and Dodge. Return fruit dept. Courtney's grocery store and receive reward. Lost 448 llx LOST Twenty dollars; $0 reward for re turn to A. F. Westerberg. 3344 Larlmure Ave. Lost 461 llx WILL party who took a pair of skates oft the back plutform of Dodge car iJecember 1 return to Bee office? No questions. Lost 4X9 PATENTS F. J. LARSON ft CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 70. BHARl'E MACHINE SHOPS - Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-sll 8. 10th St. 734 PATENTS secured and sold. 1 fee. Natl Investment Co., Douglas block, 16th snd Dodge. M A J FARMS FOR RENT 140 ACRES one and one-half miles north of Florence, good house and barn, windmill, reservoir and water piped to house, 1J0 acres of rich accretion land,' 60 acres broke, balance pasture; excellent place for gardener or farmer. N. P. Dodge ft Co., 1714 Farnam. 4.'8 12 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy secondhand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and alioes; py the best plicae, 1L Duugtas-lWl K-Mi4eU MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Save Something During 1907 Start right now. Get out of the old rut you were In so long. Let us show you how. BORROW MONEY ON FURNITURE, PIANOS OR PA LAKY. WITHOUT HAV1NO THEM DISTURBED. Then pay off your troublesome debts and concentrate all you owe. Lowest Charges Liberal Rebate Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 11 Roard of Trnde Bldg. - 306 S. ltith St. i t-BiaDiisnta itsni.) Tel. Doug. 25. X il Easy Money For the Holidays GET IT NOW BEFORE THE RUSH IS UN. Loans on Furniture. Plnnoa, Horses and Wagons. Warehouse Receipts or Salaries. No publicity. Eusjr payments any length ot lime. WH SAVE YOU MONET. Reliable Credit Co. S07-3O8 PAXTON BLOCK. CORNER 16TH AND FARNAM STS. Open evenings 8 p. in. until Christmas. X M453 15 SALARIED PEOPLE and ethers furnished money upon thetr own pomes, without security; easy pay ments; oflices ln 63 principal cities. Save yourself monoy by getting my terms liisL D. H. 1 ULMAN, 714 New York Life Bids. X-63J THE UNION LOAN COMPANY has Increased Us capital and during the month of December will make a Hpedal rate cn collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and individual notes, without security. Terms to suit your con veniences. 'Phone Douglus 29"4, or call at 310 Bee Bldg. X MstO 26 DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY loaned on furnltuie, salary, pianos, horses, etc., ln any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy. Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 209 South 12th St. K 7u0 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., sdvances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X 7ol A CONFIDENTIAL DEAL If you want a quick loan on the Q. T. drop a line. P. O. Box 648. City. X M622 FOR- A SQUARE DEAL GO i TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton block. Phone, Douglas-746. X M816 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE, reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X 702 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, eic. C. F. Reed, 310 S. lbth. X-70J FURNITURE, live stork, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block. X 704 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam St. X-706 PRINTING I VMfl'sT AC. High grade 1907 Calendars. Limuoinus E corner isth St. unit CENTRAL PRINTING CO.-Flne Job work; typewritten letters. 110 S. 17th St.. H, blocks north Bee Bldg. M741 It THE ACORN PRESS. Tel. Douglas S762. Commercial printers, 1610 Howard Bt. M231 19 WATERS PRINTING CO., 1307 Howard St. M731 Feb:7 DANCING MORAND'S winter term for children nt 211 8. 18th, Crelghton Institute, will begin Saturday, December 8; beginners, 2 p. m.; advance, 3:30 p. in.; terms, four months, beginners JI0, advance $S. 'Phone Duuiiias 1041. Adults, lfith and Harney; lessons Tuesdays and Fridays 8 p. m.; assemblies WednrsiK-iv Mt'1? :'6 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE HOHSI.S wintered; large box stalls; no barb-wire fencing. Keystone Stock Farm. Tel. Benson 3181. P. O. address, Benson. P M329 23 HORSES All kinds. Myers. 1715 Jackson. P M1K1 .14 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE Detective Service, 'phone Red JIM, rooms 11 and 12, Union Blk., loth and Farnam. MS75 D16 AMERICAN DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. County Superintendent, P. O. Lock Box 467. Omaha. M8J2 DIDx DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING in family or at home. JIIss Sturdy, 2642 Chicago. 'Phone Red 47U3. 712 MRS. E. FOSTER, dressmaker. 2u4 N. 2:4 6t. 'Phone Douglas-r,S4rt. 752 12 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Two Olds Standard Runabout, one 1916 model. $J0o; one 1Ho5 model. $:K. Cars in excellent condition. Write for particulars. Box $14, Walnut, la. -M4L'7 It CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The Leading Pulmlst of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors, 1)3 S. lulh St., OpP. Boston Store. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELAIN School of Languages. Day and evening classes. Flench, German, Spanish. Fencing. Davidge Bldg. -i-y, i OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Douglas-1664. 672 DR. BOWSER Over Douglas-t370. 16u0 Furnam. Tel. Mill 3 26 PLUMBING LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. lilh St. Tel. Douglas 1477. -MB18 na CHIROPODY AND MANICURING DR. ROT. chiropodist; Miss Alice 1U1L manicure. Room 2. 15u ITarnam. TeL DoukIhs-M07. MC'W LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland. Ju9 N. Y. L Uldg. TeL Doug wil - MS: Dx FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 4c per fool. 2oS N. 17lh St. Tel. Red 814. i ll D14 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want ln this column put aa ad, lu ud you will 'on ft IU DEATH NOTICES ENOIHJRASS Florence M., December l II'.. sgert 37 years, at the fajully ref dencc. 11(0 Tactile street. J l-'imiMii .irvifni frnm residence. Wedne day, lH-conitH-r 12. at $ o'clock p. m. Inter, merit Forest Un cemetery. Friends In vited. NELRON-LI11I C, December , 190. Sged j j curs. Funeral will le held Wednesday. Decem ber 12. l!i. from family residence. C2 Pierce street, to Third Presbyterian church. Twentieth and Leavenworth streets, at 2:50 ?. m Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery, rlends invited. FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. -710 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Douil MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. . Douglas S2L -MI16 D17 YOUR NEIGHBOR HAS BOUGHT CHEAP LAHD. He knows it Is a safe and profit able Investment so do you, but you are delaying. Wake up and go with m to west ern Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado or Wyoming, where the Union Pacific 11. 11. is closing out its lands at $3 to $5 Par Acra EASY TERMS For full Information regarding lands and special excursions, ap- UNO AGENCY. U. P. R. R. Dept. B 318 So. 15th St. OMAHA We believe that every man, woman anrv ,.1.11.4 - V. .... 1 .1 V.n..A a ..i.lnff. . .... m If the amount they are able to spare from their earnings Is but little. People forgot nnn srrent fnt In savlnir nnri that la thla , Every dollar you save makes you one dol- j lar Detter on, and runner, mat tne saving of a dollar a week will soon show how money grows in tho custody of the frugal and saving people. Why not open account today? We pay six per cent ojj savings accounts and also make easy pay ment loans on homesteads. Omaha Loan & Binding Ass'n New Location, S. E. Corner 16th and Dodff Streets. G. W Loomls, Pres. C. M. Naltlnger, Secy LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of le-Uiass-Andieesen Hardware Comiiany, Omaha, Neb., December 9, 1SI06. Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the I,ue-Ula8-Andreesen Hardware Company that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the company will be held at the utllces of tho said company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets, in the city uf Omaha, ln the state of Nebraska, on Tues day, January 8, A. D., 1907, at 3 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to Berve during tho ensuing year, and to transact such other buMness as may be presented at such meeting. Attest: W. M. GLASS, IL J. LEE. Secretary. President. D-9d Jit HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Julia J. Cummlrgs to Klla McDonald, j lot 9, block 14, South Omaha $ -Si James M. (I non lo J. A. Linahan, west V4 lot 2, block 3, Sweesy's Frank Iwpugh and wife to Peter J. Olson and wife, soues H west 142.6 ft. lot 24, Kountte sceoinl Cora Wlndheim to Ernest Windheim, south 60 ft. west 142.6 ft. lot 24, Kountze second Hugh S. Thomas and wife to Adam Kundert, lots 13 and 16, block 116, Florence Robert O. Fink to Ada Clements, lot 15, block 4, Cotner & Archer's Same to Jennie W. Smith, lot 12, block 4, Cotner & Archer's Orllla M. Butterlield to Albert P. But-i.-riii 1.1. mirth 14 lot 10. block 12. Hhull's second 1,51ft John McDonald to Anna J. Partridge, hn McDonald to Anna J. Partridge, 1 lot 9, block 72, South Omaha 4,9u0jr dwin L. Patrick and wife to Hast- i lugs & Heyden, lots 4 and 6, block 'V v " Ed 1 nnd lot 10. block 7. Patrick's 2nd Saratoga $00 Sarah O. Patrick to Hastings & Hey den, lot 6 .block 6 ond lot 7, block 7, Patrick's 2nd Saratoga 400 Frank U. Anderson and wife to Pett-r Julius Johnson, east lot 8, block I," shlnn'a 2nd .3M Patrick l.and company to I D. Spald ing, lot 16. block 95. Dundee Place.. I L. D. Spalding and wife to Sarah B. Kitchen, lot 15, block 96, Dundee Vluco 1 Christopher Ever- tt CJ. 6. Everett lii wilt ana wiie io Lulhiu. lots 3 and 4, block Place 385 putter to Ollbert T. William K. i'i yj-r. nart ot 11. block ia, uwigui & Lyman's $S Antnnlu ltacek to Anton Sleeker and wife, north '.j lot 6, block 7, Kountze 4lh supplementary add 60 Grove-W liarton Construction cojnpany to Lihlile. Schmidt, lots 7, 8, 9 snd 10, block 24. Halcyon Heights tVO Lvsle I. Ablxjtt and wife to Edward Glsln, lot 11, block 14. West End add 1,750 Julia E. White to Barbara Cooper, lot 6, Pruyn's sub 1.750 Total transfers OCKAX STEAMER". JAPAN FrquDt Rprtng.Ptrtl' Flntt-clkM tiiruuytiuut. t EUROPE in Toum to iQ7n YTn.l Orient I'rula Ku. T, tr 8. S Arable, (1 0 tOii KHA.NK C. CLARK, 14 bru.dw7, N Turk. ROBBED WHILE PRAISING GOBI snperlotendcnt Morris Loses Fl re) Dollars While Slotting la Salooa for Torrey Mlaaloa Not since the time when Fainting Bertha robbed a Sixteenth street shop, keeper of his watch while the man was In act of giving her money which she was soliciting for a charitable purpose, have the polico heard of a meaner trick thun was played on Stephen P. Morris, a member of the business men's quartet that alngs In saloons of nights in the Interest of tho Torrey mis Interest of tho 'lorrey mis- 4 Ight wiille Mr. Morris aJJ f ere lifting their voices lA ( to the Master a bar rooil In Mr. Morris' pocket aiiJ L". In rash. ' sion. Monday night wnlle Mr. Morris aJi his associates we songs of praise to habitue reached I took therefrom $6 ln cash. Mr. Morris Is superintendent of the As sociated Charities. He knew nothing of the robbery until the evening's tour was completed. The pocketbook was taken Isass his Um atwuket- ? i ' $00 J' .... fi t i i .$l.av. r V 1. J!