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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 190G. nr 1 1 & n 4 A RAIN AND HvODlCE MARKET .f niarkablT Email "heat ihipirteoti from Arreutina is a Feature, AHZAT HAS SThN ANO WEAK SPOTS Price (.cncrnlly Higher, Hose llelna I Auvnme Our I'rrtiuoi Day Corn Receipt Are Moiltmli and Estimates Small. ' 4 s 4'4d; futures. Murcli, 4a d. steady; January, 4a ld; "RW VORK GEMOnAI, MADKRT (lantatlnm Varloaa f OMAHA. Dec. 7, 11. A feature In the wheal situation tcdjy t ie leniiirkaoly annul Argentina ..iu- f rents compared witn last year. T 1.1s I I ...iued nrmei cubits and a stronger teei-i f Hi loeaiiy. 1 lis rmukel u .eiieia:ly 6S,C, C. I. t. 644,tk, dellv 46c. c. I. t. t. Buffalo, bu.; sales, aimougli It had it weak spots. Tne ceuii.g wa nut heavy, ihoumi n seemed to none from good hands. The ollicia.1 report jn me IIuBjIhii crop shows a shortage of .'.ti.Kj'.vi' butsneis of wheat and rye as com puted with la si year. C.iii d-iiiinid was uilifk on the local mar ket and price generally were a Utile higher. coin woi stronger, receipts being only moderate arid estimate small or tomor row. Hltort torn coming In each clay holds the market strong. All deaiers are atdl predicting u laiger movement. , brooinhall estimate Argentina ahlpnienta of wheat at i;.uuu bu.; corn shipments at if.2n.nm bu. Primary wheat receipts were 827,000 bu. and shipments ouG,ijbo bu., against receipts last year .of 627.0W bu. and snlpments of VHi.U'ii hu. Coin receipts were 4T..,ucj bu. and aiilpmciita 114.00 bu., against receipts last year of t.tju bu. and shipments of .2,M bu. durances wei 2liJ0 bu. of wheat. 17u,0i) bu. of corn, ZI.WJO bu. of oat and flour and wheat equal to IS6.000 bu. Liverpool closed unchanged to Wl hlaher on wheat and unchanged to Vd higher on corn. New York wired: "The strength In enrn Mid oats had not the slightest effect on foreign markets. We Dave seldom seen .es Interest on the part of exporters." The Modern Miller says today; "Reports from milling correspondents, covering the principal wheat producing territory, show that the average condition of the crop is high and that tne acreage la fully aa larg ; a last year. Many conespondents report Uie condition higher than a year ago, few ay It Is lower. Latmage so far has beau Immaterial and only by lly, where drouth dMayed seeding. Principally in Kansas. Nebraska. Missouri and Illinois, the top growth of tlio plant In many localities is email, but is healthy, aa moisture has been plentiful since the drouth has been broken. The root giowth Is strong Every state hits v llrnt prospects and the crop l In fine shore to enter the winter." Local ranue of option Articles.! Open. High. Low. Close. Yea'y I Wheats-! I L)ec... (JXR. ftfKA 6SB (k 6,A ''"TV' ( Co?"-"' B ,VK 72VB 2K A , ft"! Dec... 37iBl J7n 371,4 4. f n1?-- iVU'' iiS"B B-HH 8SiJ .J n.'c 1 31 3iB ""VJ " May... 84VAf 34A of the Day on Commodities. NEW YORK, lec. 7.-FI-OTR-Rcre1pt. 11,112 bh!s.; exports. Hvj bbl.; saies, .' rkg ; market dull end alxnit steady; Minnesota pstents. t4.4"u4.46; Minnesota ' -if xl v.; wtntr juitents. H-SOi 4.00; winter straight, H6iKi3.wJ; winter ex tras, t-lfu! io; w inter low grades, -' J t 15. Rye flour, firm; choice to - fancy, :..). t'ORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel low. H.-rui.i; coarse.,12; kiln drlwl, t.:.."iz.ii. RYK yuiet; No. 2 western. im-nv iork; Jeiftey and state. red at New York. HARLKY Steady: feeding. I BufTal'i; malting, Slifvsc. c. I WHEAT Receipts, 1h0.X i,.f bu. futures and 3.000 bu. spot. Hpxit market Irregular; No. 2 red, fcic, elevator, and RtSe, o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. RoVc, c. I. f. Buffalo: No. t hard winter. 7S-c, c. I. f. Buffalo. Aftr opening steadier on the strength of northwest mar kets and smsll Argentine shipment, wheat developed weakneHS on a bearish Modern Miller r port, realizing and bearish Argen tine news. lAter it rallied on liberal weekly olesrances end nctive coveting, ex cept December, wl'ih was c lower ori ll'tuldatlon, against He advance otherwise. Stiles Included No. 2 red, Mav, at 3f'T 6&-lc, closed at r; July. tlVaMe, closed at 84ic; December, 81 n, closed at 86SC. CORN Kecelpta, 46.1&) bu. ; exports, 31.185 bu.; sales, a.K'O bu. futures and 8.000 hu. spot. Spot market ateady; No. 2, KHc, elevator, and 6He, f. o. b. aflost; No. 1 yllrw and white, MV Option market waa well sustained nil day on small re ceipts and steady rabies and closed rt net higher. January closed at 52c: May closed at 61c; December, kJHWc, closed at 53Hr. OATS Receipts. 85.000 bu.; exports, 23.404 bu. Rpot market steady: mixed, 26 to 32 poumls, SSVc; natural white, 30 to 33 pounds, 3xifi3!4c; clipped white, 38 to 40 pounds, SfcVfc'iie. FEED Steady; spring bran. $?? 00, De cember shipment; middlings, $22.00, Decem ber shipment. HAV-Kr-v shipping, 70tT5c; good to choice, tl.Qcsgl.U. HOI'S uulet: state, common to choice 20f24c; 1906, 8&12c; Pacific coast. i3C'. llxfilfte. HirTTi-f)teadv; Oalveston. 20 to 25 lhs.. or; California. 21 to 26 pounds. 21c; Texas dry. 24 to SO rounds, 19c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, turo )1fl0; mess. 00-9 00; beef hams, $78 60 24.00; pickled. tlO.iicVdll.OO; city extra India mess. $19 20iH2r.oo. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies, $10 25f12 60; pickled hnm. J12.r0. t.ard. steady; western prime. 89JT9.06; re fined, steady; continent, J9 0; flruth Amer ica Vir,ii; romro ind. t8.i:t4.2S. Pork, steady; family, tl7.2Mi 19.00; short clear, tl7.50 il9f'i; mesa, 117. 5y 18.25. TALLOW Dull; city 12 per pkg.), 8Hc; cntti'rv Cr.k:s. free), S'fieHc- RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. 3i,',.ii c: .rifan, nominal. BUTTER Firm: creamery, tlV32c NEWYURKSTOCKS AND BONDS Call Mosey Market vpeaj at -h.rtT-t X Per Cent and Closm at Two Ter Ceut REASON FOR UNUSUAL MOVEMENT OBSCURE Secretary of Treaanry Expected to Make Depoalta In Banks Before Monday Market Generally Strong and Higher. 162.7M; gold coin aM 'lllln. 1108.873,670. gold certificates, tM.052.1:. NEW YORK. Dec. 7.-Money on mil leaned at Set er cent early tiMlay. Ftl mates of the week's currency movement Indicated a cash lies by the banks of be tween H.nno,otio and t9.0cm.000. without allow ing for the carrying over of the effect of laat week's losses on the average svstetn of computation. As lost weeks surplus of the banks stood at less than t2,t.ix and aa the atock market has reflected no important liquidation during the week, the supposition that tomorrow's bank state ment would ahow a deficit did not aem strained and waa generally current In the financial district early In the dav. Not withstanding this condition, stocks offered stubborn resistance to pressure for a time and then turned upwards to good net gains, while the money rate ran off to 2 per cent with an appearance of the urgent demand being entirely satisfied. Explanation of thla anomalous course of events waa obscure The persistent firm ness of stocks was attributed at first to a prevailing confidence that further meaaures of relief for the money market by the Treasury denartment wre Imminent Th ft;inrmtd mitiiaiiraa (Ka In th 1fllO. favorite rumors, either nf further 'rienredts I of government funds with the national banks or of redemption of the 4 per cent bonds of IHC17 in advance of maturity. No source of actual relief for the money mar- I Ket waa Known to he In effect. Sterling exchange made a downward nlunge In re sponse to the stringent condition of the money market. There was very active discussion of the abuses connected with the excessive rates for motley on call at the Stock exchange ann 01 possible measures to remedy them. Accusations of manipulation for the benefit of the lenders found their place In the dis cussion. The abrupt decline In rates late In the day gave point to some of the charges. It was evident, however, that most of the demands for the day had been satisfied when the rate declined Profe--slonal operators also made much of the fact that stocks bought at the Stock ex change today do not call for payment until Monday under the rules of the exchange Some of the huvlnr was vMntlv rtup tn thla condition and based on the assumption ) m tnot reuer would come to tne money mar ket by treasury action before payment be came due on Monday. The transfer of funds to New Orleans through the sub. treasury continued tod.iv. Up to Thurs- ay evening 2,015.iki Rem York Money Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 7 -MONEY On call, strong early In the day. later esoed snd much lower. 2u:6 per cent; ruling rat. per cent; closing Md. m per cent; offered at t rer cent. Time loans, very strong; sixty days, 9 per rent ninety days. I per crt: six months, per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PArER-6fltJVj per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business In bankers' hills at tt 84:0 'i 4.M26 for demand and at H .7.CV(M 7V.10 for Slxty-dny bills; posted rates,; commercial bills, 14 . SILVER Pur. 6fc; Mexican dollars, 63,e. m )NDS Government, firm; railroad. Ir regular. Quotations on bonds tooay were as follows: . imS Jrn . t4 Mrtes... r' ..Vi 1 do ctf JVk do 4 St rtfi 1 ..101 do M serls ''4 . .liau, t.. A N. anl. 4 1"IS ..llm Man. . a l'O ,.H "Mn. Ontral it " 1)V4 do Ut Inc 7 "M. A 8t. I r. V. S. ref. tm. do coupon X3. S. In. reg do coupon r a. old i, TTg. do coupon V. a. n. 4, rg. , do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle rally Eteady and ia Eome Caiei Etroncer. FIVE CEN15 MORE ADDED TO HOGS not Rnoagh Sheen r Umbi to Really Make a Market everything In Sight Sella Readily at Stronar Prleea. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 1, 190. Receipts were- Cattle. Hoga. BI.eep, M... M .. 44 .. II tM .! .t4 M T .... Tl . Ill . It ..lit t IS l?H u dO 8 Atrhlaon sen. do ad). 4a.. Atlantic C. L. Dal. A Oslo 4 do lv,a Brk. B. T. c. Central of Oa do 1st Inc.. do Id Inc... do id Inc. Chea. Ohio C hicago ft A. C, I) 4 Q n C, R. I. A P. 4a... do col. tw err. 8t. L. g. 4a. Colo. Ind. fta, ar. A olo. Mid. 4a So. a ta D R. O 4a.. I Pimilcra Sec. 5a Krla p .1. 4a.... do gan 44a a. 110 M.. K T. 4a ,...ll dd ts M ,t R R. of M c. 4a. s .... r, N T. C. g. iv,a H ....iei N. J. C. g 6a It"1 .... :. No. Parinc 4a I1 .... f4 I do la U0t N. A W. c. 4a H n ,o a. b. rtdg 4a 44 .... 71 I'Pcnn. conr. JW ... Tl iRcadlng gen. 4a 4 Otllclal Othclal Olllclal OlIHial ORlcial Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. r'rlday t.bl2 .:97 7.W4 6.000 14, IS' .OU I b 1.1A43 ia following table shows the receipt, of , rim trK le. hogs and sheep at South Omaha for j "h '"7-r? 5.1, vnr n .r,nr.,i with Iiisl year: 1 et hers. t4. .Mi a. 20. ewei 114 St. L. A I. M t: st. l. A s. r. tss Rt b. a. w. t. 4 ITS ?board A. U 4a. ; So. Pacltlc 4a 101 do lit 4a ctta K So. Railway Sa ...75 Ta A P. la. ... (IV. T . St. L. A W. 4a. ...liJ 4 fnlon Parltlc 4a . .. V S 8 Id hi . .. 07H Wabanh la ...10O I do dfb B ... M,Wntrtl Md Hmk Valler 4Ha....l07 iW AL E Japan a Wl. Central lld. Offered. Asked. Ia..ll!i f 4a. 4a.. 4a. . ft1 . .114 .117V4 . II .K-S'4 . IT .111 . 1 . HI . 7 Boston Stocks nad Bonds. BOSTON. Dec. T. Call loans, R1T15 per cent; time loans, MdH per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atrh. ad. 4s..., do 4a Vt-i Ontral 4a. Atrhlaon do ptd Boaton A Albany 24(1 .HI .nt SA . :' .191 ,. Ml H. Omaha Taali Prleea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. WaW,c: No. S hard, rtjcioc; No. 4 hard, bo'&eTViic; No. 3 spring, 1 "-ifi 70c. CORN No. 3. new, 3c; No. 4, new, 34W 5c; No. 3 yellow, new, S6'&3(i'ic; No. 3 white, new, 36Vso. OATS No. $ mixed, S0V,ff31Vic: No. 3 White. 31,u3:V,c; No. 4 white, 3miS31Vc. RYE No. 2, 61c; No. I, tilVc. Chicago Kansas City alinneapolla Omana Duluth Ut. Louis ... Carlo! Reeelpta. Wheat. Corn. 1M .... Hu ....Z!9 .... 60 ....1S7 7 213 66 18 63 Oats. 142 19 fsncy, aBScs:; renovated, common to extra, 18ft'J4c; western factory, common to firsts, 17ft 21o; western Imitation, creamery, firsts, 23fMc. CHKESB Firm: state, full cream, small and large. September, fancy. Hfec: atate, October, best. 13Hc; state, late made, lHt? 13c: stne. Inferior, llfille. EGGS Steady: state, Pennsrlvan'a and rearby fanrr aelected. white, 4.TO4SC: stite choice. 40W2C; atate, mixed, extra, SS'-a4ilo; western, average, prime. 34?.1fc. Offlclal pries: Firsts, S.1'334c: seconds. 3S33c. POl'T.TRY IJve, quiet; western chick ens, ICHc; fowla. 12c; turkea, 13fl14c; drecaed. quiet: western chickens, lllSc; turkeys, 127J16c; fowls, Ue, ' total nf nvr tf, On.1 noO T Vi o rutrntap v.ia movement with the Interior was RK'tnst Hnitton A Mains. Boaton KlaTatad Kltrhburg ptd Mci. Central .. N. Y., N. H. A rers Mariuctts t'nlon Pacific .. A. ('hem I Aracr. Pncu. Tuba I Amtr. Sugar .... do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen .... do ptd Dom. I. A B.... Ed I Kin Elcc. Illu Mass. Electric .. do pfd Maia Gas lulled rmlt .... . 12 lAtlantlc . 44 Bingham . M I'al. A Hecla.. .104 Centennial .... .In-1 Coppar Ranga . 1 Paly Weat Franklin 'Oranhr ;ila Rnyala ... Maaa. Mining . Michigan jinnawa had srone to that street price-. Extra ! detlnatlon and t-.SoiVOXl to San Francisco. Official prices: Creamery while customs collections had reached common to . xtra. sural c: ncm. common to itra SMiWiie: state dairy, common to rew ionc on Daiance to tne extent or be tween tl. 000.000 and t2.0n0,0OO. The time I Vnited 8. M. money rates continued to move unwards. io but mtes were Inrrptv nnmlnil aa thor ' 8. Stool were practically no funds offering In that denartment. Durlna the decline earlv In the do v there was some special pressure aaalnst the I Harriman Pacifies, based on the proposed government Investigation nf the relations between the I nlon and Southern Pacific. Scarcely any attention waa paid to any other topic but the money situation, market closed strong at the recovery at substantial net gains on the dav. Ronds were Irregular. Total les. The and 3D J W " T CHICAGO . GRAIX AMU PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading! and CloalnaT Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Dec. 7.-Hlgher Dricea for wheat at Minneapolis were reflected todav In a firm tone In the local market, the May delivery showing a net gain of He at the close. Corn whs up '4c, oata were c higher and provisions were from eVac to loc higher. Continued lively demand for cash wheat by millers at Minneapolis and Duluth caused a further advance In prices at those points, and waa the primary reason for u bullish sentiment that prevailed all day In the local market. Bmall receipts In the northwest because of bad weather alao aaslsted In creating the local demand. A liberal decrease In shipments from Argen tina for the week also strengthened the bull feeling. Commission houses were ac tive bidders nil day, and with the excep tion of a brief period late In the session, when there waa a considerable amount of realising, offerlnga wete not equal to the demand. The volume of business was quite large. The market closed firm, with prlcee near the highest point of the day. Mav optned a shade to mt'ic hlRher at 79iy1 Tjc. sold letween 71ec and 7:S''j'7S1Tic and cloued at ?-iC. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 95 4o0 bu. Primary receipts were S77.nno bu., as against 7ul,is0 for the corresponding day one year ago. Exports for the week for wheat and flour, aa ahown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 4.750,000 bu. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi catro reported receipts of 643 cars, as agjtlnst l.uf4 last week and 604 a year ago. The feature of trading In the corn pit was the purchases by elevator Interests of larfe quantities of corn for May delivery. This demand. It la said, was due to a report that the crop of Argentina had been seri ously Injured by drouth. The market was firm all day. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at 4uc to 43Vy-4;Hc. advanced to 44o and closed at the highest point. Local receipts were 213 cars, with nine of contract grade. Oata were firm In sympathy with wheat and corn. Trading waa fairly active, with a good Investment demand. Shorts also bought freely. Msy opened unchanged to He higher at 3H'ti3Sc to KiSWc, ad vanced to 3f4Jr7e and closed at JSV4o. Local reeelpta were 142 cars. Tne sharp advance or yesterday in pro. tslnns Induced considerable profit-taking day, which resulted In small declines. he supply or live hogs at western pack. !ng centers continued to show a decrease compared with the movement of Inst year. At the close January pork waa off 10c at I1S S5, lard waa down Sf7Hc at if 67VB. and rlba were 10c lower at t. 86. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 14 cars; corn, luV cars; oats. M cars; hogs. M.o heud. The leading futures ranged aa follow: Am. Am. St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec .7. WHEAT Firm: track. No. 3 red, cash, 75Va76c; No. 3 hard, 7K5'71Hc; December, 73Vkc: May, 78'kc. CORN Higher; track. No. 2 cash, tllji 43Hc; No. 2 white, 43V84c; December, 41c; May, 42'c. OATS-Hlgher; track. No. 3 cash, 35c: No. 1 white, 36ic; December, 33V--; May, fcc Kl-Ol R-Steady; red winter patents, J3.60 4j3.76; extra fancy and straight, S3.10iij3.46; clear. tl.of?.90. PEED Timothy, ateady, t3.253.7. CORN MEAL Dull, 32-40. BRAN Dull; Backed, east track. 979Sa HAY Firm; timothy, tH.OOjj 19.00; prairie, 110.00col6.00. IRON COTTON TIES-tl-02. BAGGING OO. HEMP TWINE Be. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $14.78. Ijirrl lower: trtme steam. IS. 60. Dry salt mi4a. ateadv: boxed extra short. I3.J6: I Baltimore A Ohio. clfar rlhs. ID.00: ahort clear. 19 .60. Baoon. ', ? 0J steady; boxed extra shorts. 110.00; clear rib. 19.76: short clears, 110.25. POULTRY Steady; chickens, tc; nprlnga, IWi-; turkeys, 12c; ducks, Itc; geese, 649 7c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2fv31Vic; dairy, 2l4a2c. EGGS Higher, Mo. Receipts. Flour, bbls 11,000 Wheat, bu. 27,000 Corn, bu 62.0"0 Oats, bu. 38.OJ0 nar value. tl.SSS.000. United Ststea 2s, regis, tercd. advanced 4 per cent on call. The following was the range of prleea on the New York atock exchange; Sales. High Adams aTxprass Amalgamated Coppar ... Am. C. A r ; Am. 0. A r. pfd I Am. Cotton Oil 1 Am. Cotton Oil pfd 1 Am. Bipraas H. U pfd lea, securities Am. Unaead Oil Am. Llnaeed Oil pfd.... Locomotive Locomotive pfd.... 8. A R 8 A R. pt Sugar Refining Tobacco pfd ctfs... Mining Co.... , 1.(00 114 Low. Ctoa. ISO do pfd Adventure Aliouoi Amalgamated A... Bid. "Asked lank Mont. C. C... pfd... Ill, Old Dominion ... . . 11 Oaceola ..1351, Parrot . .We lUulncy . 'fhannon .. II Tamarack ..KiH'Trlnlty .. 7H't'nlted Copper ,.2:'S l 8. Mining ... .. 1H V. S. till .. ta Vtah .. If 1 Victoria . ,10V Winona .. g j'Wnlverlne .. ;',lNorth Butte .. 4S4 Butte rtiallllon . . .104-14 Nevada .. I't cal. A Arizona.. ..SIS Tecumeeh . .111 Oreena Coa . 13V, ,. 30 I . 7H ,. los .. lo .. 11 .. 13V, .. eit .. " .. n .. 7HS .. 'H .. SJ, ..137 .. 27 .. ISV4 . .107 . . ion, .. 74 .. 6214, .. .. 4 .. V .. 11 ..lfi7 ,.10 . . 3 .. 14 ..168 .. Wt .. Five days thla week....20.M 31.347 Same days last week.. . .1S.1 UW Same two weeks ago 27,4.7 2O.770 Same three weeks ago. . .33.iiT U.i'D Pame four weelta ago.... 27. 216 tl.lib Same days last year. ....21,678 42.&M The rattle. the year to date, compared with last year 1J. lie. Cattle 1.010,3.8 Bh9.ir5 Hogs 2,U3,7iJ7 J.111I.97S Sheep 2,073,622 1,"4.7 CATTLQ QUOTATIONS. Good to choice corn-fed steers Fair to good corn-fed stsers Good to choice range steers Common to fair range steers Good to choice cow and heifer..., Fair to good cows and heifers Common to fair cows and heifer.. Good to choice stockers, feeders.., Fair to good Blocker and feeders.. Common to fair stockers Buils, stags, etc Veal calves The foilowlnir tahla shows the price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I l.;i04.lW3.13o2.lCl.l0. London Closing; Stock. LONDON. Dec. 7. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange Cona.. moner M 1 11 M , K. A T. do account 44 a-la N. Y. Central. Anaronda Ill Norfolk A W.. AUhlaon 101 V do rfd do pfd VH iOntarlo A W.. Baltimore A Ohio 121 "v. f'ennavlvanla 100 - It Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Anaconda Atchteon Atchlaos pfd Atlantic Coast Line. Brooklyn Canadian Rapid Tr. , Pacific 410 too 100 lot 1.T00 ti!ono 14.100 l.ttoo too 111 I 000 M.I00 tn4 u 111V4 111 lit 134 V, ! 104H 1"S 11144 ':' 1HV4 I7 It c4 1831 ll!S 41 H lllvt, 1I1V4 iin4 u tii" loiH i"i4 135 invt, 1744 vn 1V Shipments. 12,000 3&.000 2,0cO 63,'JOO Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 7-WHEAT-De-cember, SSUc; May, 73Hc; July, 71Vtc; cash, No. 2 hard. 7(r373c: No. i. 716'13VC No- red. rft73; No. 3, 67871c. CORN December. 3fi7c; Mav. SSc: July, S"i,c; cash. No. 2 mlxd, 3Sg39c; No. 8, 7o; No. 2 white, J9fc3Sc. OATS-.N'o. 2 white, 34'ie34Mic; No 1 mixed, 3?3Hc. EGGS flteady to firm; extra, 28o; Mrats, 27c; seconds, 21c. HAY Strong: prairie, tftfrCOe higher; choice timothy, tl6.50j 16.00; choice prulrle, I12.76'fll8.00. HI Tl ER Creamery, 29c; packing, 18c RYE Steady, 63Jvj6c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu Ko.tno 70,000 Corn, bu 66.O0O 11.000 Oata. bu. 8.000 14.000 Board of Trade quotation for Kansat City delivery. The range of prices, aa re. ported by Logan 4V Bryan. 113 Board of Trade building, waa: 17S " V4 40 C Article. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close, Wheat Dec... May... July... Corn Pec... May... I 1 1 ! BW & SHB 73'i;73HS' 727,4673 73He 7l 37 ta 37 9V.! 2 3674 B Bid. A Asked. Artlclea.l Open. High. Low. Cloe. Yea'y. y Wheat Dee. May Corn Vec. May July teats Dee. May July Pork , Jan. May Lard Dec, Jan. May Rlba Jan. May 74 7"6-Sj I42mji 143,11 i4iyj 3W 16 40 li 60 t eo I 46 7H I 60 I 46 42T4' 44 44H 83V t0'' 15 46 16 2H TV t 60 45 J 74!75tJ7BV 74 78 I TVS TflVgU- 4!S 42S77'V1 4osl 44 44 4444 iWui 33s'33ScJSSkTfiS 33 3S4.l'i 16 82H' 16 67 V,i t 67U t 66 I t IUW 1 36 I 6 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 7 WHEAT De cembr, 78780; May. 80'4c; July, 81Vc; No. 1 hard, 8.'c; No. 1 northern, Mc; No. t northern, 7Hc; No. I northern, 7&Vtl .'GVfcC. FLOUR First patents, t4.3oCa4.4w; s -cond patents, t4.16v4.2S: first clears, il.'&ui Hi; ecord clear. ti4C'f?2.oV). BRAN In bulk, .17.00. 15 35 16 60 60 I 67HI o t 35 1 87m 15 46 16 71 IB t 1I6 I 70 t 46 I 46 Milwaukee liraln Market. MILWAUKEE, Dec. 7 WHEAT-Steady ; No. 1 northern, (ilcpfciV; No. 2 northern, 7'U 81c: May, 7940, asked. RYE Firm; No. 1, sVi'&c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 6.Hc; sample, 44 jtc. CORN Steady; No. t. old, 43tj43c; May, 44c, asked. Chesapeake A Ohio 4.K00 Chicago Ot. Waatern IU0 Chicago A Northweatern... l.aoo Chicago, Mil. A St. r 11.500 Chicago T. T Cktcago T, A T. pfd C. C. C. A St. L Colorado r. A I 1714 Colorado A 80 loo .7 Colo. A Bo. lat pra .. Colo. A 80. Id pfd l.tnt) M4 Consolidated Oaa l.OOO 1SH Com Products l.XD 1.1 Com Products pfd 4iO f'i'A Delaware A Hudaoa 1,400 til Dal., U A W Denver A Rio Oranda 41 D. A R. O. pfd MO Bi tllatlllars' Sacurltlaa l.ino Tl Erie 1.400 ' 414a Kris lat pfd I0O HS4 Krla Id pfd Oen. Electric st-rtahta... 1,400 16i US 14 Hocking Valler. aaked Illlnola Central I International Paper 4uO Int. Paper pfd too Int. Pump 100 Int. Puma pfd Iowa Central 100 10 Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City Bo 4XI 10 K. C. Bo. pfd goo 41 Loulavllle A Naah 400 144 Mexican Central 1,400 J6"t Minn. A 8t. L U , 8t. P. A 8. B. M l.J'O M . St. P. A 8. 8. at. ptd. 100 lt7 Mlaaouti Pacific I 00 f44 Mlaaourl, K. A T., t.ono 41 1 M . K. A T. pfd UtO 71 National Lead 1.900 7t4 N. R. R. of M. pfd frJO MlVt New Tork Central 10.100 134S N. T.. O. A W too 4H Norfolk A W 400 Norfolk A W pfd North Americas Pac Bo Mall 1,100 4144 Peunarlvanla M too lit Peofle a Oaa 1.400 H p., c. c. a 8t, l..: Preaaed Bteel Car 1"0 (44 Praaaed B C. ptd V M Pullmas Palace Car ltl Heading 157.100 Hy, Reading 1st pfd Heading td pfd Republic Bteal I.00 Republic Bteel pfd 400 Rock laland Co 11.400 Rock Inland Co. pfd 4X 8t. L. A 8. P. td ptd Tot Bt. L. 8 W St. L. 8 W. ptd 100 Southern Pacific 1. 100 Re. PirlBe pfd go. Railway 1,700 Bo. Railway pfd TOO Tenntsaee C. A I Tenaa s; Pacific Toledo, Bt. L. A W... T.. t L. A W. pfd... t olon Paclfte t'nlon Pacific pfd II 174 'it" llV4 II 10 I.414 ii'" T04 4444, 74 171 14 ill 4v '" Stii 0 144 !4 iti" 117 S4 I2S 71 744 Ml 14 1I1S 41 M 4CI44 1174 tt 'li" tl lkt4, M 101 list 07 Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Dec T.-CORN-New, ateady; No. 3 yellow and No. 3. 414c; No. 4, 4oVc; no grade, 37(18c. OATS-Firm; No. 2 white, MUc; No. 1 white. SJeS4c; No. 4 white. SiSiiJo. RYK Strong; No. 2, TjtSc. WHISKY-tl . No. t Cash quotation were as follow: FIAH'K-FIrm: winter patents, 3 JjrerfB 40; straights. U IckuI 40; rprlng patents. U unit l.y; straights. 4J ; bnkers, J TV-' WHEAT Nn. 2 spring. iKie6c; No. t. 74 tj.4c: No. 2 red, 74V8 75c CORN No. 2. 4iV: No t yellow. 48VO 4V0 OATD No. t. XSe: No. t whit, 83Htf36a RYE No. 2. IMVrJieSe. II Rl KY Fair i" choice malting. 4"6SS. SEEDS No. I fiax. tl 13; No. 1 north wealorn, 31-1. Prime timothy, t4.3&u4.4&. Clover, eontrnct grade, t',3 ti 1 pRclVISIt NP thorl rll.s sides tlonse) I SS.ST.tiS.75. ! p.irk. per bl.l.. 114 75. Lrd. i per loO lbs., 68.46. Short clear aides (boxed), .C2HirV7&. I The receipts and shln-nents of flour and 1 Doloth Grain Market. DULUTH. Dec. T. WHEAT On No. I northern, 79c; No. i, 73c; ber, 7MV; May, tly,c; July. .ic. OATs -To arrive, Slc RYI-61e. BAKLKY 6tidj49c. track. Decem- Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Dec, T.SEX7DS Clover, cash and Iierembcr. t87V: J.muary, tS4V; March, alsike. 17 W. rraln were: Flour. W'l. Wheat, bu.. orn, hu.... (Cats. btl.... Rve. bu Barley, bu Receipts. Shipments .. K i' 39. . . Hud s.".s . .! 7".2iO ..lvn 2M.CO .. 10fti -0 .. 61.24) .4" On the Prcd ice exenange tooay tne rou te marrot was nrm creameries, '."ft'ti-; dalrtr. 2:f 2'-0. Vgg. firm; at mark, uvi included. ?-.'.; flret. : rrtnie e.a. lac; extra. 20o. Cheese, steady; 13 513C Liverpool Grain and Pravietue LIVERPOOU Dec. T. WH EAT Spot, steady; No. i red western wincer. liV.d. futiirw. quiet: 1 cenilj-r, 't Msrch. la td: May. id- A , , , COiJJ 434ot. steady; Ai.ietleaa luixed. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 7 METALS The Lon d n tin markrt was higher today with spot closing at .!( tm tid ai.d future at Lli bt. l.ial.v- Ilia niarkcU was quiet and a thai I higher In sympathy with Ixtidnn. with bij. quoteu at ei4.,J oiu anu e-M ev ariei. v op' ' ir was lowe.- in Ix nd'in at i.1 I 6s I spot and lo4 6 for futures. Locally the I ntarket waa firm and unchanged, with lake I ecu ted at JJ2. t -41 1. 76. electrolytic at t3tUV.i ! -i s:t and lasting at 3 .()! rj. 26. Lead waa I firm at to 76j.i6 In the local market, but was lower at 13 6a in L n.l. n Spelter wus unchanged at i.-"! 15a In Lin lon and 'at'uoSo in the Ita-al market. Iron waa lower In the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 6s W and Cleveland war rauta at i 4Vi. 1 K-ally the market wa ateady and ua hansfd. No. 1 foundry, nortlwrn. la qutHed at r". i'i- 26; No. 3 foundry, northern, t-4 TTj J 75, No. 1 foun dry. .Ailh-rn. t-5 triiti.Ut; No. 2 foundry. Southern. l.'j.iO J7 iw. Si" LOUIS. Dwc 7 METALS Lead, Arm, tVa.Vi- Similar, higher, to-M Kaprees Realtr Rubber Rubber pfd Steel, ea-dlv Bteel pld Va -Carolina C hemical ... Va .Carolina Ckem. pfd... Wahaak Wabaab pfd Walla-Kargo Kiprcaa Weatlnghouaa Elcctiie .... Weeera t'nton Whiellug A L. I W.econala Central wis. Central pfd Northrro Pacific Central Leather Central Leather r'd Blote-ghemeld Bteel Ol. Northern pfd Int. Metropolitan Int. Met. pfd Tout saUs lor the aT. l.fv) too I1.4U0 100 100 14 14 Sg 't7ti 41 1R I lll4 10014 c44 07 4744 00 ' Hw '3344 04 'riii t h 13C II 114 400 61S4 (144 40.100 10. too I. too 100 444, 104 '4 ID 4k 111 47 104 k 10 10 414 41 . 14.ID0 4( to . I.OD . I.cxr) too 700 TIT. I'M, 221 W 10 71 I.I4C4 I't 71-4 00 aharas. KM4 lit", 4s lug 74H 111 44, 71 111 44 '4 lot t!4(, to 141 P - 1744 S) 74 "4 111 1684 l!l4 13(14 M IU4 10414 101 a us 4 nsS4 KV 7CH 111 321 47 W 1 100 1!4 1044 It t24 57 74 4 7 13K 40 S4 it f:o 41 Tl 454, TB44 T 114 1?4 175 1H II -4 40 to to t'H V4 41 145V tf 40 1414 147 4S 4H, 73 74 5t, 134 4V4 tl t to 4114 1SKS II 40 1 tl 111 14 k 14 to 14 '4 101 l' Ut 07 4S 4 4 Ilt4 ltd 444 44 ltu I'S 14 I34 tf;k 91 ill 14 MW 107 4IS 1044, U l' to 4144 tvl list, us, 14 w II 21 44 Hl. 751, 13.4. 17 71 Canadian Pacific Choa. A Ohio... Chicago Ot. W. C, M. A St. P IVBeers D. A R. O do pfd , Erie do lat pfd do td pfd.... Illlnola Central Loulavllle A N .113 Hand Mine, MVRcadlng 1S4, Southern Railway 17 do pfd 11 Southern Pacific .. 44U, Union Pacific II do pfd ... tt V. 8. Bteal 71 do pfd TO Wabaeh 10 do pfd 150 Spanish . 41 .US . t7H . ta . 49H . TOM . '4 . 76 . IS . 7 . td .1044 . t . 4M .10s . ;i Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 29. 30. 1.. 2.. .. 4.. 6.. 6 . c.... 04 6 U614I ON 13Sl 4 31, 8 114,1 4 84' 6 16 4 S3; 4 831 4 Vi . 4 X7 4 42, 4 4o I I 101 4 34 4 3i 1 I no 4 321 t 06i 6 95 4 4. 8 14 A 6. 4 44 t 22; 6 1 4 3S, 6 24; IA 6 17 1 03 IB to t it4 . . I M 10 1 rjti 8HEK1 There were not enough sheep i here this morning to mnke a market, only four fresh cars being rere rted In and a few -dda and ends rarrled over from yesterduv. The demand was as good as usual and the few loads In sight sold very readily at good, , strong prl' es. The C. D. Houston wethT. jwnicn brought eo.60 yesterday, sua toony m e.i-w. The feeling on the market has been very , good all thla week and prices hive b""n ; gradually strengthening up under the In- 1 fluence of the good demand and the mod- , emte receipt). At the present time It Is ' safe to quote sheep and lambs l'BCSi' h'gh-r than last week. Shippers should bear In I mind what waa snld yesterday regarding , the demand being limited to the good kinds. , Huyers do not want half fnt stuff and will not take It so long as there Is anything bet- , ter to be had. Inasmuch as well-flnlshed sheep and lambs are bringing such sMlHfee- j ; tory prices it Is the height or roiiy lor snip- ; ' pers to send In unfinished stock which h 1 to he gy.ld at a sacrifice. ' Quotations on killers: OVod to rholc 'Iiimlie. I7.00ii7.6ci: fair to good lunibs, t-t.;(i : 82.165 T OO; good to choice yearlltms. ta 0it j.2,1; I 283lfalr to gi"d yearllt ga, t 5"4i i 90; got.l to I 36,j choice wethers, tR.tua.TS; fair to good w-th- Bl.Slo ! era, to 2"i 6 6fi ; good to choice ewes, ta l'ViJ1 fc".,479 1 5 4K) : fair to good ewes. 4.t4Vfi6.10. ! 33.776 1 (Quotations on feeders: tltod to chrlci ! lamtm, t'pB4ri; medium lambs, in sc'ut. cc; : yearunss, ih.iiyiiti.Di; ewe. I3.60iti4.60; breeding Inc. lfi t4.o")6 00. 40.3o4 , No. 144. i J western lambs 16f7i es'ern wether 1 2iJ western wethers e- mm. an 1 u estem lambs , to.fpoy w ft western cull ewes 6.0ttij.bu . M Wetern cull lambs 4.0u6.40( i y4. ' CHICAGO LIVE STOCK 1.6"J:.76 Cattle Steady Hogs rive Cent Hlgaer 4 vU4!to; Sheep Strona. jao(, rmrAfia Tier 7 CATTLP-Recalnls. i.cno head: mnrket steady; common to prime Bteers. t4.uui7 40; cows. t-Lutft 5; heifers. t2.6ciiA.6; bulls, t2.5ii-l.60: calves, tH.T&'ii 7.S0; tctoi kers and feeders, 12.264r4.Su. HCKIS Receipts, 26,u0ii head: market 5c higher; choice heavy, t6.4in56; light, butchers. 14. 4Cd5 50 ; choice light, Pi 4of; light mixed. W.lDfu.4i; packing. t4V0Ku4U6; piss, tS.75j3SO. SHEEP AND IAMHS Receipts. 12.0V) head: market strong; sheep. 15 o(V(.i.86; yearlings, t.2o3)6o; lambij, t6.60cQ7.8S. Iln-lfic; rentrlftigul whl'i yellow. t'4imic. sec mds molasses syrup, HV'c. 4S,c: centn'og 2S11J -lc. N Av. . 66 . 110 . 109 . M . 09 . 33 Pr. 6 W 6 6 '5 S 6 90 t M) 4 36 MARKET 3.Tu 1 0 2.iKXa4.'.o .CJVi(00 aveiage 6 6M 4 74 ( 4 69 i 111 4 W 4 36i 4 371 6 02 1 4 63 4 tn 4 7 4 tO 4 tl Hog. to.uoti.116 B.imuti t4 tj.OAtlt) 46 6.1CKJU. of stock I dressed Sunday. tHolldsy. RANUE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha 2.wuc00 (. hlcago l.tiju 7.30 Kan.-as City 2 t in St. lxcuis 2.0ou'i.u0 bloux City 2.&uti.00 The ottlcliil number o.' car brouaht in vestetuay by euch road was. Cattle. Hogs. Sne.-p. C. M. A St. P c WaUish 1 Missouri Pucirlc 1 I'. P. syst.m 23 17 & N. W., eust tl.. & N. W.. west 12 14 1 Bt. P., M. 0 14 H. Be W., eaxt 4 6.. H. & VJ., west 17 14 1 R. I. 4c P., east 3 t R. 1. & P., west 2 Illinois Central 11.. Chicago Great Western 4 ., Total receipts 69 73 4 The disposition of the day' receipt wu as follows, each buyer purchasing th num ber ol head Indicates; "w York I. Ire Block Market. I NKTW YORK. Dec. .-BrTEVES-Reee.lpta. S, 3"R head; steers active, ateady to strong; hulls higher; cow steady to a shade lower; I steers, St K54j4.l6; scrubs, tel. 21. Liverpool and Indon cables quoted live cattle slow at ll(itl2c per lb., dressed weight, and re frigerator beef selling at S'ifittc per lb. Exports tomorrow 1,110 cattle and 7.1") qunrters nf be?f. CALVES Receipts, 179 head; venl steady; hnrnyard calves unchanged; veals. t5.tfi).i0; barnyard c.tlves and yarllngs. I s t(i4.cA; aressea calves, steady; city venis, K'itc per lb.; country OM A U A ttIIOl.KS.kt.R MARKET. Condition of Trade and ttnnlallaa Btsple and Kane Prsese. Ecid.ll'rr dos , 17c. LIVE ltJl'LT HY-lIens. "V; rooster 4-; turkeys. 4.1c; dm ks, N4iv'. spring chick; ens. T'n': grtne, Sluice. HfTTER-l'acklng stock. lKVtjc; choice tt fancy d.ilt v, 21''.' i.e. creMtiery, 'j7c. MAY-Cholre uplsnd, t V: medium. 00 coarse, i.vtt4j4 60 H sti aw, td.6OU7.00. l RAN Per lon. tlSOu. VKUEI ARLES. SWEET POTATOES Ksnaas, per bbt, 12. TOMATOES California, per basket of I 11. . I.'.. 'Mi 2.76. WAX REANSPer one-third bit. bo 11 1" ; li.iinpets, t;'.-'6. REETS, Tl'RNll'8 and CARROT8-Pt bU . 76e. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per 0--44 heni'e. 4,'e. CKlEKY-rer do , 8iXtV. CI Cl.MBEHS Hothouse, per do., ti ll tj?''. ONIONS Home grown, fihe ier bu. ; Spark. Isii. I.' 11 Per crate; Colorado, 7ic. CI Tl E E N ONIONS-Pei do, bunches. 2641 HORSERADISH tase of I dog., II 90. RADISHES Per. dos bunches. outhBTlk Isrse Ininches. 1100. NAVY MEANS-rer tn.. 41 76; No. !, 11.6a. LIMA REANS-Ter lb.. Mil OR ET'N PEl'PERS-rer hamper, 13.00. PARBLE Y Hotht.une. per dot. bunchtt, tk-. CAPBAGE-Holland seed, bom grow, per lh., 10. trnfl 1 LA NT Per dot . 17 73. POTATOKS-Prr bu.. 4Wc Rl'TABAG AP About 160 lhs. to sack. 11. It. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per do $1.60. SHALLOTS-Southern. per do, bunch, Iccttll CO. C A I' 1.1 FLOWER-Per 'rat of about twg dm. heada, 4.2j4 6u FRCITft CRANBERRIES-Per bbl. tSOWlOOO APPLES Pen Davis. $2.26. lonachan. 13.60; New York apple. 13.25: UrtmesV Uolden, t3 26. PEARS--Winter Nells, per box. t3.0. GRAPES-Malaga. per bbl.. tVOOJiT.OH New York Catawhaa. 4 lb. kasket. 22o. TROPICAL FRLl'l. ORANOF8 - icrioa oraies, 3 OA . LEMONS Llmonlera. egtrs fancy. M six. tS.uo. too size. to. 00; Sou sue. 14.00; other hrsnrln. 11 141 ! RANANA8 Per medlum-slgod bunch. $2.0u62 2o; Jumbos, 12 6e3.' DATES K ad a way. c'.c: sayers. oo; new Stuffed wslnut daf. -lh. bn, T..10; CaU fornla bulk. 6He; 7-crown TurkWh, 10J 4 crown, 14c; 6-crown. 13': I-crown. l2o. GRAPE FRLlT-Slse 54 to 61 and 80 t4 96. 14 .264.7 COC'liANUTB -Per Back of 100. $4 64 CHEEHE Swls. new. Wc; Wlscol4J brick. I5ic. Wisconsin llinherger. I.Sol Iwln. 15c; Young Americans, I6V40. . 1 C. CJ. C. C, C. C, C. clrcMsrd, 7trl3c SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 2.0 head: sheep steady; lambs steadv to strong; top grades higher; sheep, t3.0cij6.5i; lambs, tti.5oriS.UU. HOGS-Recrlpts. 4 nB4 head: light hnirs and nips stendy, others eitaler: whole ranye, ti.66t7.00. SILVER Par. steady, 31'13-16d pr ounc. MONEY 3HM4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is oS'doiV, per cent; for three month" bill. 6H per cent. Omaha Tacking Co...' Switt and Company . Cudahy Packing Co... Armour & Co Van Sant & Co Carey Ac Benton Hill & Son F. P. Lewis Huston & Co L. i Hus T If U,,U. 44U 1 """" ,62 I Mike Haggerty s. & s Sullivan Bros Other buyer Boston Copper Market. Closing quotation on Boston copper mnr ket, reported by Logan Bryan, 113 Board of Trade building, omnna: Adventure Allcuea Atlantic Bingham Black Mountain Boaton Coiaolldatad Putts Coalition .... Calumet A Arlicna. Calumet A Hecla... Centennial Copper Ranga Dally Weat Eaat Butte Franklin Greene Copper Granby Helvetia lite Royal L. B. A Plttaburg Maaftarhuaetta Ulrhlgan I Mohawk . It Nevada Conaolldaud. . 144 North Putta . iOVj Old Dominion . IM Oaceola . J'J'4 Pneu Service . II Pneu. Service, .161 Qittncv .too Shannon . 40 Tamarack .... . -in Tenn. Coppar . to Trinity . 17 fnlted Fruit , . 22 I'nlted Statea. . ii't I'nlted Statea. . lllHah Cooaolldated . t'tah Cupper ,. !1i Victoria . J: Winona . 7 NIptaMng .. U Cauauea pfd. com. ptd. Cattle, , . . . id .... 338 63a .... 238 .... 40 4 .... 67 .... 20 .... 92 .... 7 .... 17 .... 20 .... 97 " i .... 230 Hogs. Bheep. 1.3c 1.6 8 l.DUl 301 656 40t! 2ii 232 Totals . tl . i'4 .100 . 54 ,r: . H . :o .102 ii .107 . 4h . 11 .100 . 41 . 41 . C4 I ,lf . 10 . S5 Foreign Financial. IONDON, Dec. 7. The eupplle of money were scarcer In the market today owing lo the repayment to the B.tnk of EngUnd. D s counts were llrmer on the gold Inquiry for American account. Trading on the St ,rk exchange waa dull, with a sagging tend ency, Ihe prospective gold exports reviving the fear of monetary stringency. Consul voided fractionally to selling pressure, while home rails weakened on . profit-tak ing. Americans developed moaerate sircngin In the forenoon, quotation ui-mg uv-r p r Ity. but fear of dear money induced over ators to reduco their commitments and th initial Improvement aisuppearea. in wo vlces from New York during the afternoon . v.... . V. murbnt rtlrlf nil were not cuernui, uui ...c ""' - i ud later and closed steady at above the ! lowest uuui.wi.iumw - , . were fairly steady. Japanese Inipetlal (8 of lfot closed at 101. BERLIN, lec. i.-on toe nuun- " w ; price wer depressed owing to tne nmu rate of Interest charged for money In New York and the unsausiavioi j itiuni v. nm Bank of Ei;lanU. PARIS Dec. 7. Business on the Fou'sa today was restricted owing tt the tightness of money In New York. Russ an lmtrlal 4s were not quoted and the Ruasian bonds of 11404 closed at 41)3.00. ..2.07 6,370 1.497 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning were very light, only about ssxty odd cr being reported in the yards, which was not enough to make much of a market. There was, however, a very fair demand and the general market was in good healthy con ultlon. beef steers were sought after at fully steady and In some cases strong prices. The supply consisted principally of warmed up corn-teds, so that there wa nothing to put a top on the market and sales did not show up too well on paper. Cows and heifer were also free sellers at good steady to strong prices and the small supply in sight was soon disposed of. Feeders were alao free sellers and It did not take buyers very long to pick up everything on sale. Tuey, too, commanded fully steady prices and In some cases pos Blhly stronger. The tendency of the market this week has been upward under the Influence of the demand and the very moderate reeelpta, so that prices are now considerably higher than they were at the close of last week. Representative sales: UtLi1 nir-E-jin. St. I.nnla live Stock Mnrket. BT. LOt'IS. Mo Dec. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2M head, Including htO Texuns. Market strong: native shipping and export steers, IS.tO-'i'T.OO: dressed beef and butcher steer. H.S6fi6.(i6; steers under l.cii lhs., $.1. 2Mi 4. 46 ; stockers and fender, t-.unfl 1.5); cow and heifers, t2.4iKii6.25; canners, 11.50 ifi2.3!;; bull, t!. 40-4. 00: ctlves. !2 ltViis.ftn; Texas and Indian steers, t'2.6CKS6.60; cow ami heifer. t2.36-ti3.Ga HOGS Receipts, 7,0cr) head. Market strong; pigs and lights, fvCCTJcUO; packers. trt.l0t.40; butchers and best heavy, fi 30 (jjtl 45. SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts, 1.600 head. Market stromr: native mutton. $3.00 ft 5 40; lambs, 13.75'n7.50; cull and bucks, el.tOu3.50; atockerc, t3.OOft4.00. U'c; halibut, lie; catflsR, ' bullheads, lie; black Das salmon. 12c: plk. Ud Kansas KANSAS ceipts, 6.C0 FISH-Trout. lie; buffalo, he; fina stork. 2Se: snapper, fresh froget., lie; wf.ltaflsh, frlt Iroren. 18c; yellow perch, areeI ana scaled. Sc; pickerel, fresh froien, sol frog legs. $uc per dos. saddle HIDES AND TALLOW Gresn salted, No. 1, 12-Wc; No. 2. 114c; bull hide. O10e green hides. No. 1. He, No 2. 10c; nora, ti.Ocjii3.7o; sheep pelts. 60cOtl.2- Tallow, No. 1. 4c: No. 2. -tc. . m NUTB-French walnut, IJV.o; CsllfornU Walnuts, No. 2, hard ahell, Uc: No. l, soft i hell. 14c; ltrsx'le. 13if)14V4c; pecans. l4tT17c filberts, 12KV140; peanuts- raw. 6c: roasted, Vic; t:ullfornia almonds, bar 4hell. Me; soft shell. IKo. HONEY Per 24 framea. f-.tO. CIDER New York, half barrel, $176; bJ rel, 16 .no. SUGAR Granulated cane. In ack. t$.Ht gianulnted beet, 't sacks, $S. It. 6X1.1.1' in cms., ic per uni., in I 10-!b can, tl.70; cases. 11 6-ib can. tl.tVI tase. 24 :-lo. cans, J1.8". REEF Cl'T PRICES. No. 1 rlb. 14'ic; No. 2 ribs, 8'4c; No. I rlhs, 6Hc; No. 1 loin. 18c: No. 1 loin, UHc: No. 3 loin, 9c; No. 1 chuc-k. 6Vc: No. I chuck. 5o; No. 1 chuck. 4c; No. 1 round, 8c; No. 2 round, ic; No. 1 round, 8Ve; No. 1 plate, 4Hc; No. J plule. 4c! No. t plate. 1. I MISCELIJ4NEOU8. CANNED GOODS oorn. tncrd west" v. Mnlna tt 16. TnmStOS. l-lik, cans, $1.10: S-lb. cans, 974jc'iiI.C). Pine apple, grated, 2-lb.. .0'C 30; llcd, $i t ta on apn es. tancy. i.oo. v.iuui iei '7i 2o; pe ir.; pi sc-nea, - n ira. II. V-.iXi i.WJ : Di A. C pssche. (2.uOe.60. Cltw Lire Stock Market CITY. Dee. 7. CATTLE hr.nd Inoliidlnff orio ,nnlh,rn. Market steadv: choice export and dremsed ' eprloots, II 9i'?i2.2o ...... KjV,, -r; et- . n n...l li I f,nrv Kl 7,','k ? 4l : 6.36: western cteers, !.1.6"i6.50; stockers nnd : Alaika Mlinon. red, n.; l'f7 4-ninooa, feeders, t2.40ft4.60; southern steers, $3.r4i 1 P.. 12.10; fancy ockeye. r , 11.9a; Bardine. 6.26; southern cows. t.cyd3.?B; natlv cows, J quarter oil, 42.76: lrt, mu,'r1 t:.tyvrt4 00; native heifers. 13.COU6.10; buils. 13 00. Sweet potatoes, tlJOTdl.l sauerkraut, t2iot,75; calves. $'.5064i.l5. 11.00; pumpkins. SUcti 11.00; wax oeans. t-lb, HOGS - Receipts. 11.000 head. Market I 6-4380c; lima beans, , 2- -4& SI 35 ; PVl' teady; top. 1-1.40: bulk of sale. Id 27V9 I $1.86: cheap pea. 2-lb.. 60c; extra. 9ctltl.l0 6S7H; heavy. $.W"B.40: nickers, $fi.3cntci.1o; pigs and lights, 16.76'ri 8?4. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recclpts. 1 4X) head. Market trong; Iambs. $ft.rKIit.60; ewes and yearllno-s 14.fiW6.26; weatern fed yearlings, r. rrl sheep,; stockers and feeder, 13.50(80. 70. tt. .te-i he Stock Mnrket. PT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Deo. 7. A TTLE Re ceipt s, 8.S29 head. Market steady: native, 14.0Oeri.76; cow and heifers, 12.0tijl.&0; etevkers snd fee,lers. t3.(fl4 !6. HOGS Reeelpta 7.897 head Market 6c higher: closed weak: tup, $6.40; medium and heavy. W 3016. 424). SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipt, 426 head. Market steady. fanov tl Mil 7b COFFEE Roasted, No. 16, Kc pa lb.$ No. $0. 21o per lb.; No. 26, 19c per it-i Mtk to. ltjc per lb ; No. a. ISo per lb. CL'RED FISH - Family whlteflsh, pef quarter bbl.. luO lb . $4.00; Norway mack ral. No. 1, $36.00; No. 2. ta.oO; herring ta bbls., 2uo lbs. each, Norway. 4k. t.00: Nor way, 3k, 19.00; Holland nening, in ka milker. Sue; keg, mixed. 70c No. u.'.'. It... I to... 4... 4. 12 14 Av. . .lor-o . .lieu .. ic ..iiu .. kl .. i t ..1167 ..1110 ..1140 .. M .. no .. ,70 ., li4 .. 0 .. 477 .. too ..1060 . . 440 ... 071 ... Itt ... M ... 171 ...160 ...1020 ... 174 ... M Pr. I (0 I 60 I 10 4 00 4 10 4 40 4 10 4 74 No. 4... t... II... 11... 20... 40... 17... COWS. v York Mlalnar Bteeks. NEW YORK. Dec. 7. C'.oelng quotatlonr on ir lnlruj slocks were: Adama Coa. Allee Breeoe Brunswick Cos.. f it ' Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A va.. Hora Silver Iron Silver Leadvllle Cos. ... Kl-alvldeud. .. 2 ..700 .. 10 .. 67 . . ..111 ..I' ..4H .. 4 i.lltle CtUst .. Ontario i eh;r otosl fe B erro Nevada .. Btaali Hopes .... ncaadard . t .4'l .170 . I .100 ,. 74 . II .Hi Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Dec. T Bank clearings fcr to day were 11.878 820 96 and for the curre spondlr.g data laat year 11.647.606 20. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. TToday stat nu i.t of the treasury balance In th genera fund, exclusive of the l.6o,uuu.0uu guid re aits, hc. vailwlil cuu balance, J-7S4. Wool Market. nnHTfiM Dec. 7. WOOL Th Commer- cial Bulletin of this city, basing Its report on statistics gathered for the government, ! will say tomorrow of ihe wool inarael; i The local market 1 In an extremely trong ooltlon. owing tu the high values ruling f .hi lANim markets and to the compara tively mall supply of desirable wool avail able here. Pull asking prices are readily obtained In all casi-a and tne general basis la V.O to lo above that of last week. Prom necessity the transactions tire practically confined to clothing wools for few half and three-eighths grade are obtainable and the amall slock of quarter-bloods is nearly cleaned up. Individual sales range from . i.ii to aw. 000 pounds, a few above the i.n.r and one la said to be near the l.Oxl,-I j0 mark. Montana, Wyoming. Idaho. L'lah 4nd Nevada wool are muving fcteadily, With all classes ot cusiomera atuva. r ma and fine medium brings Wa'J?e, or a clran i cost ranging from 66 to 6bc. Quarter-biood j sell as well as supplies permit at ZIVuSjc. or r09o coured. Half-bloods are In steady request at 2c. Pall Texas 1 selling quite taatmfactory at 2245 2c. or 6biytix! scoured, and middle couniy California con- . tlnues to move at Wo'Sie. or 6iioc scjuied. I Valley Oregon is held at 2&4joyc, for No. 1 : And 26''a2Ic for Nos. 1 and 3. Medium and jnwaahed fleecee are elling quote active y, while delaine, u well, 1 ar.lcuiarly slton i. . i 'hio quarters bring f Vufik-; thrte-elgnih afi'uW! and half-blojd, S34j'33c. Mich.- . fan nau-Diooos, bibuj, wat-, - r, excellent d-mund at 37 'it) ice. Toe ship- ! ments of wool iit tci mmton to una tiom December 27, laco. arcorqing to ine same iuthorlty, are 217.23.27 pounds, against :2o.S.u4,27 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to ante are vj.jsa u pounds, against 3l!S.t7 pounds for th tamo irli d last year. WKlioN, Dec. 7 WOOI-The lxth vrte of ihe wool auction sales was con jluded today. During the series fine .m-rincs. as well us cross-bred, were In teen demand, especially for America, and hey clsd 6 to lo xr cent dearer than the September average price. Poor merinos ere unchanged to 5 per cent higher and 'ape of Good Hoiie and Natl closed about . per cent dearer. During the nale heir were taken for the home trade, 47.0 0 or the continent and s.cni for America. The wlthdrawala amounted to 2.CW balee. 11 of which were held over for the fi-st of he 19o7 wales. Good grades sold well, but nferior merinos eased sli.litly. Ko'.l-iwing re the aies In detail: Victoria 1.2-0 biles; ci ourtd. Icsltu Is 9'-d; greaay. 6dl 3d. .Vest Australia. 1.2J bales, gn-asy. 74,d. led. South Australia, luu bales; scoured, s 2dlx 4ntd: gretsy. 7td7id. New Zea nd. ) bales: greaay, 8t1u'' Id. Cap of io id Hope and Natal. 1". bale; ecutued, ' 'jOulJ Hd, iekv, 77d4ild. .. 471 .. 41 . . 4--0 .. 422 ,. 441 ..ltM ..1330 ..lieu t 26 I 26 I 26 I 26 I J I 40 t 60 I 4f I 16 1 40 I ID I 4 I SO t to 1 ou I 00 I 00 t t 10 HEIFEF.S. t til 4 t I) t I 00 1 I 06 I , t 18 1 .... BULLS. I 7i 1 3 00 I I 10 1 CALVED. 21... 4... 1... 4... 1 .. II. 7... I... W... 12... 1... I... 4... I... I .. 1... Av. ..1071 ..1215 ..1K7 ..U90 ..1360 . .1.144 ..isat .. I7t ..1167 ..1000 ..1136 ..1CKI0 .. a4 .. IKI4 .. :,4 .. til .. 171 ..lmo ..1062 ..ISO . . 1 1 ..1IJ46 ..1479 ..1140 PT. 4 76 4 76 I 00 I to I 26 I 46 4 10 I to I 16 t tt I 16 I 16 I 30 I IS 1 40 I 41 I 60 I 10 I (0 t M t 76 1 10 4 Oil 4 10 lion, ri'w t.lve ftofk Mnrket. SIOl'X CITY. Dec. 7. (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. !0 head; maikft , 4B.U01 bbls. steady; beeves. $4 (Vf-fl.0ti; cows, bulls and 1 crage, 138.3 j mixed, J'.Mr' stocsers anit i-rn-rs, aj.iij fjM'ii; calves nna yearitngs, s..rviij 00. HOG 3 Receipts, " f" bead: mnrket Ju hlirher: selling at $6.10fi6.: bulk of sale, tt;.155C.20. , 4111 and Rosin, NEW YORK. Dec. 7. OIL Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, f. o. b. mill. 30c; prime yellow 19c. Petroleum, steady; refined, New York, 17.50; Philadelphia and Raltl more. 17.40: Philadelphia and Ualtlmore, In bulk. $4. 45. Turpentine, steady, 69 '4 W $9 4 c OiL CITY, Dec. 7. OIL Credit bal- I ances, tl .fs; runs, 114.101 uoi., anipinencs, uoiw., " 6 bbls. SAVANNAH, C.a., I-ec 7 OIL Spirit of turpentine, firm, 6i4J67wC. Stock In "ternt. Receipt of live tock at the tlx principal western markets yesterday: cattle. Hoars, oneen. South Omaha Sioux City .. Kansas City , St. Joseph .. St. Louis .... Chicago Total .... .. 1,7(0 .. 300 .. 6.00 .. S.y.!9 .. 2Ai0 .. 3,0.0 ..IS, mik'l l-'lrm: A. It. C. 13.83: U. iS B; E. 13.95; V. 13 964i 4.00; O, 14; K. $4.16 4 20; I. 14.30; K. 16.16; M. 16.60; N. $ $; WU, 14.76; WW, $7. MAN THINKS DEATH NIGH t.OcO 1,000 3.6r0 I 1100 1,400 7.697 42 7.000 1,5 0 23,0.10 12.000 62.397 7$.32 Plead for Polio to Sa bnt He la Old and a Little Off. Hint, s 116 124 Ik) , 14 140 1M 1 764 I 40 STOCKERS I 1100 I 76 1 641 t 45 Iiri I II M I 4( W. H. 6d feeders.. 971 4 16 U. cow s 9u7 S 60 1 10 4 00 I 00 I 00 I CM I 60 4 60 FEKDKRB. 2 AND T. . 4.. I . .... 870 .... lat 1120 ....140 ...It) ....1470 M0 ....1210 100 .... HI 150 .... 110 liO U0 I II I 40 I 60 4 24 4 0 I 76 I 00 I 46 I 60 I 76 I 71 I II 4 00 4 00 Evannrnted Apples anil Dried Frails. NEW YORK. Dee. 7 EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is quiet but firm. Buy ers show some hesitation with respect to paying the recent advances, but hold"r are firm in their views. Fancy are quoted st PVj"c, choice at 84,0 and prime at 8SW : 8Vkc t CALIFORNIA DRIED fRl'ITS-Prunes continue In good demand for both promtt and forward shipments'. Siot quotations 1 range from 8c to i)c for California fruit. Ap ricots are In small sunp:y and ruin firm, i with choice quoted at hie. extra choice at 17 I flfcc and fsncy at liti-Oc. Peaches are j quiet but steady to firm, with new e op choice quoted at 12c, extra choloe at 1.V4 and fancv at 13c. ititisins are strong, wnn ixt Mus'-atel quoted at I'itrtiUje, seecel reina at 7tiloc and London layers at f 1.46'ap 1.78. 726 I M PEEDErtS. 7U4 I 10 427 t 10 464 t M Rttb-Colo. 4 steers.. 23 cows. .. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 7. COTTON-Spot quiet, 6 points decline; middling uplands, lOfw: middling gulf. 12.f6c. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 7. COTTON Spot quiet, 1 polnls higher to 7 points lower; American middling fair, 6ti4d; good mid dling, 6l0d; 6.9c,d; low middling. t.TSd; gocd ordinary. 6.3Sd; ordinary, 6.14d; the sale of th day wre Wi.uo hales, of which l.i'O were for speculation and xcvir and Included 9.100 American; receipt, IS.O") bait Inc'rding 1 '( American. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 7. COTTON Snot l I ....... 1... d KuAa- I . . a. i.ltBtsu Pivi.) , Km ic a, ,.w wa : r , , iw w .in I - dllng, 7o. nominal: ordinary, 7"J.e. nominal; I good ordinary, 8lS-lc; low middling. 9Vc; I middling, 10Vc; food inldd lnv, llj-lik; mld11 fair, i:'c, nomina.: fair, 124c; r? For Hire hour Thursday nJght Jgx'at Boransky, 1700 California strt. pladd with the officers st the police etatlon W com and get him. as he waa nearly at death door. From his pleading ovr tha phon It a thought he would nurvlv. but h became so Insistent that h wa finally brought to the station and locked up. Dr. Harris was called and after an -amlnutton said that Boransky wa slightly demented, but was' not suffering from any serious malady. The roan wa sent to In terview the county physician Friday morn ing. Call llourr still Hlaher. NEW YORK. Dee. 7. High rates for rait Ttoney continued on th Stock xchang to day Within the first half huur after lh opening of the market loan wsr mad at 2.1 per cent. HEAL EBTATP, TRA!4SFKH. R. Klausner Dodds, lot 9.V) 3 tl WJ t 25 HOGS Receipts of hogs this morning looked small to what they have been on previous days this week, few over seventy rar being on aale. Th advance which be gan yesterday was continued today. The general market this morning waa 5c higher cets. u&JO bale; stock, 191.706 balus. than yesterday' avsrag market, but na I , . belter than yesterday a extreme close. Colter Market ituyer oiu noi appear very anxious tor ,, . 1 . . . ,1,. u a .... ... , v.uu ... . NEW It H . I'ec slow about putting on. so that hog did not ! opened tedv t unchanged muv any too freely. A good many of th eariy sales were made at to io-'i-i.Sa, aa against Itlilj6 20 ytsterday. As iilgh aa to 31:14 whs paid for very good '.oads. One choice load of 21o-pour.d hogs sold at 14 36. the highest price paid on ihi mar ket for a load of hogs since October. Th later market wa not us good a th early, buyers, as noted above, were not very anxious for high-priced hogs, and as some of them dropped out of the market, having filled their orders, others lowered their Mds. so that the market closed with con, siderable of the advance lost, some of the last kales looking very little better than yesterday's early market. Dr. Jchn David C Dundee Nellie P. Crandall D. J. Harrington, and wiu Kit of Marysvli.e George M Lodge and wife to 1, block 112. and husband to t-40 feet of lot 30 lut 21. block 2, $ woo lot Helen Ixidg-e- block 6, Poppietod aU to wife to Frank J. lot 6, block ), advance of 1 i-fibl- and Rrsgil had version hill, aid ta the Representative aales: No. Av. gk. Pr No. Av. Bh. pr. 4 tJi ... i W M 171 to I 21 44 " 241 tn it .11 ... t r. 61 110 too 111 74 I. II ... t 27 it let Ml t 16 M 2(7 114 111 13 1-1 loo 4 1 44 in ta-) 4 12 17 277 ... I 17 :oi ... I U 1: It trO 117 17 1,4 ... 122 t 1.4 40 g 17 14 JiJ in t n 41 1" 40 117 II 2f,4 240 t 12 M 271 40 I 10 44 M il 4 !J 14 ill . . t IJ 4 Ill SO 12 44 !4 10 t II CI If! 40 I r 17 1,1 1W I 14 CI Z1 ... M 10 11 ID I Id 17 277 10 I 15 17 II ... t IO tl 114 ... t tt It 22 1-0 I !0 7, 217 tO I 26 61 111 ... 4 20 II lit ... I 2 17 ill ... t ?1 tt t-lt 40 t 27 7- 71 120 I 20 til ) t 17 M 11 M I 10 a! Ill IV t to l .: IK) 120 15 iu ... tie el tel N IN U 2v ... I M 1'ayii.r. Park V Uilam Dickie and Monurty. n't of K"uih Omaha Macde M. Ivellogg and husband ta Anna L Rigby, lot 6. bioca i, An diew ft I-i-iiMJii s uddltloti T. 1 Hn , f?.,,1 Vi illnlVr t'lltl IUi , WlWlt 4Vf CMfun Hill II. M. Appngren to Urove-Whart jU Conoirucuou company, lol 8, bluck .6. Ro Hill Joaepti M. Robert and wife to Alice bctundol, lei 4. bluck 136. South Omaha Peter Blmmon to El.ery R. Hurt,, tot i. block li, Caill.ifc'e Robc-.t U. .Pink to the Putnam Co., lots 8, C. 10, 11. 13. 14 and 16, block 2, Howlinj Orren Ed phelan and wife to William 8. Fit' h, lot Hi. Pheian's d.iitiou The Northwestern Mutual Life Insur company to la. dor Bunintr and Samuel hommer, w'.n feet of lot 1, block 1, lot Hill s adillUon.... to tin 6 t)lnt on steady Eurcrnean reports that the president of sanctioned or signed th con which I regarded here as an valorisation scheme. Trad'ng was not more mm moderately active, nut ' the market hsld steady around to a shads over th initial figure In nlt of rather i Inrger Intetlor rerxrts and the mailci; clnred teedy, net unchanged to 10 nolnta 1 higher. Hales w ere about 83 V h4i l. j eluding December SI IS 66; Mrttc.i. t-4 9 May, 16 'J6; Ju:y, r..i; Heptember. t-i 1 6 26; November 17 42. Sfot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, 74C. Phlladelnhtm Prodaee Mnrbea. PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 7. RI'TTER Firm snd In good demand; weetsrn cream ery, otlicial price. ?.c; street j.rire. 3c; ex tra nerbv prlnta. lie. ECiUS Firm snd In good demand; nourby fresh and western fresh, 14c. at mark. CHEESE Kirot an.l In fair demand; New York full creams. 13Sii14.o. Sotrnr Market, NEW YORK, Dc. 7-arGAR-Rjw, firm; fair refining. 1 ll-S.'c: centrifugal, 9! test, 3T,c; niolaHM sutrur. 3 1-3 c; rc-nnd, quiet; No. li, 4.&c; No. 7. 4 :5c; No. 8. 4 20c; No 9. 4 16c; No. 10, 4'"c; No 11, 4C-: No. It 1 tie; No. 13. liic; No. 14. 3 Sic; confectioners A. 4ic; mold A, 616c; rut loaf. 6c; cruahe.1, oboe: powdered, 4uc; granulated. 4uc; cules. a.(c NEW ORLEANS. Pec. 7 81'OAR-Mar 1.000 800 llA) 1.460 10 00 Total $8 til. 41,3 kcl 1110114; 04.0 kettle centrifugal. Ill-jorfj The Financial World sf.Yioit;; nziCAoo 1) IlroaiH sv 1(70 HandatpBi U T'.ici Lj.jii.g rinanrlal Weekly VeJuatl t baakers and Flnaaclw ..'lnaaW t lavsatort and tpwculatert TU. J.-'y fmnolnl .obligation of Ps kind, tead f-.r .-. siu,d' t'py. You will ta ooavlaoa4 eg 14 v; jj aud seed your subeorlptloa. TltF. rilAMCIAI. HOULO It BitaJwar rtawTortg if