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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, lPOfi. ( a 1 S ( U,AlAM) produce market ftr 'Weak Optnioe, Prcn-ter ery, ofrcta.1 price. "n,i,c; street price, CV i 'extra npwt.y print. j ; Firm, ir-aad demand, nearby fresh I an 1 i l'Tii fresh, ST.o at mark. C H ELSE Firm; hiw Turk, fall creams, , li $ 1 tc. KMl dlcrease j VISIBLE, supply flettelptta f Berth at est ( e HmlM Thaa fr swaae Tlaae Pmarrli f Stares Leads Streaath t Urrraibrr Cork. Mark OMAHA, lec. J. Under lbe Influence of Increased receipt! u 'fie rinhwi and lower rabies, net pened lower this riiomiii. '1 La decrease u tbe visible supply. However, caused a juitk upturn of neatty He In Detemner. Ihe naifcet holding t-urotig to tne close. .Alter si, gat weakening. May finished un changed from Saturuay. bun improvt ment ip noted in tne cah situation. Predicted norm caused the ixtrn shorls to cover, and alter aj unclianged optninn te current monm gained fractional. Caart bu.ors reported free acceptance on In ua iM-m out Saturday. Primary wheat receipts w-re l.RM.tVtn bu, and shipments 1.1-"',iw bit,, against receipts l-st year of bu.. and shipments ot 21 .(tat bu. Corn receipts were 4 es.lsti hu., and shipments 2C(t.tO bu., against receipts last year of 773.0 hn., and sh'.pTients nf 47i.i bu. Clearances were to7.(i bu wheal; 1,700 Phi, cern, a Ofti bu oat and flour and wheat eunai to I 101 JO bu. Liverpool cloeed Sd lower on wheat and j f -vo lower on corn. World a wheat shipments were bu.; corn shipments were 4.137.0UO bu. Th wheat viaible supply decreased loVfU bu ; i-orn decreased wo. It bu.; oat, decreased : 'ifp bu. Liverpool cabled: "Wbeat easier. affected by liquidation. Argentina is off-ring slipi tly nrfire freely. Corn xe Inactive. prices steady." New Tork wired: Tats arriving here on rons.gnment be In if stored as Jobbers out of market, their own elevators being- full. Vwlisi talking about export business, as there Is no of it." Lul range ot onion: Artirlea.l Open.' Hlgh. Low. Clone. Safy Wheat: May... Corn May... Oat- j I ec May..... 1 I Pn WSAi sc."; "V Wkl rs! 7a' rs'i 3-h; i- I 8FSA. rvAi &WA! I n Omaha C aah Prices. WHUT-No. I bard. 67Hronc: No. I hard, Hji7V ; No. 4 hard, 4vic; No. I , ( aprlnir. tf.MuclKVtC COK.N-.So. . new. Sc; old. ?ic: No. 1 new, Mc; old. Jbc; No. t yellow. Dew, 3hV: No. X white, new, SCVyc OATS No. 1 mixed. 1j3'c; No. 4 mlied. 't?iv-; No. S white, tntifZlo. KVK No. i, 6Hc; Now S. CSc C arlal Receli1a. Wheat. Chicaars 56 t Kaunas City 177 Minneapolis 68 Omaha 38 Iiulutri 177 " ISl. Louis m Corn. 170 61 it I UK. 4 (i UHAIK AM) PROVISION f Keatares of the Tradlaa: a4 Cloalaat Prices oa Board af Trade. CMCAciO, Dvc. J --Increased eiports of wlit at and flour from the t rilled tlales caused si:etigth loony during the iatler jajl of Hie wheat market. At Uie iaye tne May opt.on i?lioed a gain of c .orn aa up c. cals wele Vc higher. Itlivi-.i ! ric lower to -Ik: higher. '1 lie wtKal nidirl ciiened a triiie easier triune ol aeiung by pit traders a-nd cum l.iiioi houeev. wno wire inriuenced by luwrr (abiea and by ' consioerable gain hi rea lpis at Minneapolis and 1'uiuth. whee artivaia touu w-re nearly i cars I In ekcef-s ot tlmee of the corresponding j day a ye.r ago. Kuvators were la-irly j amye tiad rs lur the Uecernber option and the uwnmid htld that delivery relatively firm, 'the nirket wa aiiso beansnly al--iec.ei by the literaj jinniary movement, total receipts todjy l-ems l.lfM,iOO bu. corn paled witn ai7.( bu. In n year a gain of i ier cent with lodtiy the total amount b i.:i: i(K bu. isenitment in the pit be came bulhvh tiimI (rrrouliout the renajnj.r ot the day, snorts were urient biddera for win at. 1 he n-'arket was turther strength ened by tlie apstrtion of an English crop tatlsucian, who Llujmed that the e porta ble i-uiplua ot wneat from Russia this year will not exceed K.'HJU.Otiu bu, as -fca.nst 147,ii' MX) bu. lart year. The visi ble supply ngures, which showed a de crease of Sl.ii bu compered with an In creaie of almost 1A',"pu bu. one year ago weie aliu a leansti tactor. The n.arket llowd firm. May opened ViJc lower rl . ..Hf.r ,7c, ao4d off to T7Sc and then ad- ! anct-U to 'Sc. t iiiai quotation , wete at 7Sc. Mitmeapolin, l'uiulh and Chi- ' oiFH repotted receipts ot cars, tujainat . . ini lael wt-ea and tsli cars a ytsar i H8U. 4 Favorable weather for the movement of ! t:.e coin i rep caused a slia'hlly easier tone ! today at the opening. The market. However ioii ra-lhed tiecause of a dentand caused by email primiry Tcceipts and a decrease f we bu. in the viaible supply, aitainsi an Incrt-aRe of Wb.inKi bu. one )cr u Sliorts ail ii innuatiMin houses bougtit acti'ely on the upturn and the market closed firm. May opened unchunged to a shde lower. nuUVutV. xold up to t'Sc and cloaeil at 4JSc Lxxal receipts were J7u cars, with 11 cats ol contract gTade. , Trading- in 11- oats pit was quiet snd tbe market was steady. cliUTy liecause of a einnll increase In the visible supply. The bua:rieas was mainly done bv co.iirnissti.n houses. Mhv oened uiicliungd to a shade kiwr. m 3ti :i4c. sold Lp t( SSc and closed at the top. 1xk'1 rex-eipts were 144 Cars. t'tovinions were liregclar. lard being In clinwl to weakneHS .while pork and ribs wi re nrm An Increase ol . lien os parted in the world s stocks of lard for Novemt-er j Jrade i-aumd a weaktiess in thai product. The - Mrengtu of ik and riba w ar. 5 ue to a iecicas in the !ocks on hand. At the cliiae. January lork was up aun. at rd wa off !-. at $i.4ii. Kibs were KW lORK. bKtKRtl. "11RKKT Qaetatlaas af he Pay aa arises Coaawiadltlea. NEW TfRK, rec. a.-FlXT"R-Recelrt. bb.s , exports. 2.437 bbls.; saiaa, 4.x tbis., market steady but dull; Min nn ita patents, H eo4 . Mmnesi.ta bikers, k. u; winter patents. t& '$ 4"i. wlntr r strajghta. gSVa . winter ex tras, law 1 H': w inter low grades, sXand 1 1 1h. Kye flour, firm; choice to fancy. CORN MEAL Quiet; fine white .niS yei low. tl .?rai.i; coarse, ILluLU; kiln dried, :7"oZ7. KYK rrm: No. 1 western " e. t f New York; Jersey and stale, 4c, dellv ered at New York. RARLE Y Ptesdy ; feeding. 4br e. i f. Buf- j falo, maitlr.g. 4!fjo!r, c. I. f., Bunaio. N MfcA i Keceipis. i:a,l"V du. . "-l' S( 7j bu : sales. 1.5DH bu. futures, spot market steady; No. it red. 7Sc, elevator, snd 71Sc f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, linluth, Mc, t. i. t. Buffalo; No. I hard winter. 77c, c. I. f. BuffaJo. l to the last hour or so wheat was Inactive and ensv under short selling impelled by weaA nea in the northweat- It then turned f.ronrfT on big clesrances, the visible sup ply oecreKe and export rumors, clos ng utc hanged to tc net lower. May, IBSa H-r. closed at k4,c; July. KStifc1, close 1 at Itcember, 00 i-lw&w1", cloeed at K'lC i .RS Receipts, 11C.WO bu.: exports. I.. iki bu ; s;es. l.vX) bu. futures; spot market ensy; .No. 2. . elevator and -c b. anoat, .o. i yenow ana . i ful-c The r.T.tion market w aju easier at nrst Hi 4is (i I on big worlds shipments, but rallied with wheat, closing 'iJ,c net lower. tnn-y, soStiini' 11-lbc, ilosed at 60 l-16c; Iecemte.r, i.-S'a :."Sc, closed at i-'Sc OAT 8 Kece: pta. i. bu ; exports, l.V bu., si't tnaiket steady; mixed onts. 2 to X2 lbs.. (: natural white. ' to S3 lta., (i3'.n-, clipped white, K tu J lbs.. SKaiic. I i tD-Meaiiy; spring bran. S-i7b. le- cember shipment; nilddling. tiii, Lecem- ber shipment. HA 1 Hull: shipping,; choice, H'ji'S wu.ei. state, common 1".. J-j-Ac; 1S6, k,3jli'c; Ascitic HlliES Steady: Galveston. pounds. 2Hc, California. :'l to 3 pounds, Texas rirv. k4 to 8o pounds, iw LEATHER Steady; acid. T.9'c. PKoVlbltiNS Btf. steady; family, til M iiH.trn; mesa, fvoom i; teef hams. J4.wi, pkk.ed. 10.ull.i; city extra India mess, fl JUj' iKi. Cut meats, steady; pick led' bellies. JU (rn.oo; pickled ham.. iC l. lrd, easy; western prime. t9 06; refined, barely steady; continent, fH.Sti; South Amer ica, $10.6ti; oompound, is liPVllVS. i'ork, easv; family, 117 iim I W; short clear, tl7.40 tra s X ; mess, tl 7 -iio'u 1 h. 2s. TALLOW Steady ; city ($2 per pkg.), Vc; country pkgs. freei. H1CE-yulet; domestic, lair to extra, IViri.'c; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Strong. Ftreet price: Extra creamery. 31i 21Sc. Otflclal prices: Cream er', common to extra, iiiuiilc: held, com mon to extra, 2Siiic; state dairy, common to fancy, aa'-Vc; renovated, common to extra, IV&Mc; western factory, common to firsts, 17'ulc; western laJtatlon, creamery, firs' s. u-4c. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, small and large, September, fancy, lic; state, October beau 13c; state, late made, UVtf l,c; state, inferior. lollVc. LOGS Eirm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, whate, ic; state, ctioice, Sj4oc; state, mixed, extra, Sti'?-; western, average, prime, 'Mfi!c. (ifnclaJ prices: Pirsts, .".4c ; seconds. 3CVa33c. Pol'LTRV Lresfced, weak: dresi-wl chick ens. 1114C; turkeys, 13a-16c; fowls, u NE "URK STOCKS AND BONDS k' ark ft ii Etrotc in I pitt of rullnMi, Dt to Eick Bate of (all Lett a. COPrtR AND SMELTING LEW ADVANCE Flrataeee Is Casiel hy Geaeral Belief that Aaylhlaa; lafaTarahle la Presldeat'a Meaaigt Haa a DlacaaateaV. the f"1!rm'et- chang'S: on hnd. de creased tf"(i mnrki, tres'iry notew, in-rrea-d it mark: other securities, in creased SWllXi marks; notes In circula tion, increased 4.1.ii,oia marks. I 71 WB 37SB Oat i. 144 so n good to ta choice coast, . to 2f Zlc; tt. Laals Geseral Vsrket ST. LOl'lS, Dec. i WHEAT Market steadv; track. No. 2 red cash. 7j7T.e; No. 2 hard, 71Va'sc; Lecember. ::o:9:: May. TTc. XiRN Market firm: track. No. 2 CJish, tl'c; No 2 white. 4TVc; Dermbrr, 6tLr; May, 41Vv41c. OATS Market steady: track. No. 2 cash, 3V: No. 2 white, MMV; Iecemr, 3Jl-c May iyc. FIXfVR Steady; red winter patents. $3 80 fcS.wi; extra fancy and straight, iS.153l3.sO, clear, irrKi2M. SEEI Timothy; SS.2bfr2.1&. CtiKNMKAL CJulet: BKAN Firm; Backed, east track. WfclWP. HAY Quiet and strong; timothy, li.iw4l U.i; prajrte, f 10 OC" 1 (K. IKON COTTON T1LS-451.C2. KAO'tlNt; in,-. HEMP TWINE c. . v PROVISIONS Pork, higher;' Jobbing, tl SO. Lard, lower; prime steam, I Si. Pry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts. -a: clear ribs, U)M; short clears. . fi. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra sliort, tlo.iO; clear ribs. f 7i; atiort clear. llo.B. POl" LTKY Steady; chickens, ac; t-prinys, ac turkeys, Uc; ducks, W-; geeae. 5o7c. Bl'TTEK Quiet; creamery, 2EiSlVC; dairv, 21iJc. i KGiS Firm at 25c. Receipts. Shipment". Flruir. bbls :Z"tw 11. i"' Wheat, bu Il.l" Corn bu Ik. 13 li Oats bu loa.OiK) Kaasas City r;rala aad Prsvltlast. KANSAS CITT. Dec. . WHEAT De cenitr. C7Hc; May, 7JV'; July, 71'c; cash. No 2 hard, eii'!!V: No- 7t7oc; No. 2 ' i red, T!"i 73c; No. I. t.fgtiSc. O KN UecernD-r, iw-v; May, .-wc; July, SlWaSc; caaiii. No. 2 mixed, isc; No. 1, a; tiu.'-r'. No. 2 wt.ite, 3!'iT!ITc. OATS No. 2 white. Nt: No. 2 mixeu, KiiOis Steady to firm: Missouri und Kansas extras. lc; first. 7c: seconds r. HAY Strong and active; choice timothy, fl4 Tiil5 J: choice pmlrie. E-Steady; M:Zm.-. l;l "TTEKt-jJirong; creamery. :sc; dairy. lSc. NEW TORK. Dec I The only effect perceptible from the stiff prevailing rat for call loans today was a small volume of dealings In the market. There was no apparent Inclination to sell slocks and the small buying u therefore effective in advancing price. Tbe market had an appearance of decided strength through out in spite of the dullness. The strength was In evidence from the outset notwithstanding some degree of apprehension over the threatening '-millions in the outside market. The re nouncing of tbe option on 400.0OU snares of Nfpissing. which was announced by the Guggenheims on Saturday alter the market closed, aroused fears of panicky conditions in view of the active specula tion which has been In progress In mining shares. After the first downward plunge of Niplsslng, Its rebound and the develop ment of actual strength in the outside market removed tbe fears of reflected damage from that source. The notable price movements were In the class of low srioe stocks, both In the railroad and industrial list. Price advances In these came In relays and the constant rotation of the demand kept up the appeaian-e of strength In the market even when the large portion of the market was prscti cally suspended and motlonles. High priced stocks were firmly held and there ! were strong examples amongst then as ) well. Some of the dav's movements vere associated with reports of special de velopments atTectl.ig the stocks, but others were without special explam-tlon. There were rumors of romlng suhscni tion rights to new Canadian pacific stock. i Chesapeake 4k Ohio was influenced by re ports that Pennsylvania a holdings oi the stock were to be taken over for ad ditional holdings In the Vanderbilt inter ests. A number of minor Industrials were also prominent. Erie was helped by the rise In net earnings for October, which showed a larger proportion of the gross Increase conceived for the net than tbe current average in other cases. It was generally understood that the president's message would not go to congress until tomorrow. There was a widely current assumption that the mar ket had more than discounted any unfav orable effect from portions of l be mes sage that might reinforce previoualy ex pressed views which have been regarded as unfavorable factors in the market, and that its actual publication might result In some Influx of demand into the market. The copper stocks, led by Smelting, be came effective factors In the general strength of the market. The rulinr rate for money was higher throughout than on Friday, although the 27 per cent maximum nf Friday was not touched. The sub-treasury shows an absorption of nearly t2. find. 000 slreadr to firure in the new bank ststement week. The provernment Institution also was ac credited at the clearing house thta morn ing for over half a million dollars. Tbe supposition is general that It will be severaJ days before the money market feels the relaxation effect eif the return of funds employed In the December set tlement. Heavy requirements also ll ahead of the market for December 15. to which was added todav's announce ment of offerings of t S oo OfkO New Tork city bonda. Sterling exchange was wek at one time, but became firmer before the close. Time monev was very strong. There was some profit-taking when money wnt to the hlrhest. at 25 per cent in the afternoon, but the closing was firm ar" in course of recovery. Bonds were firm. Total sales ptr vwlue. f? 10 W0. United States bonds were un changed on call The following was the range of prices on the New York stock exchange: Kales. High Wew Tsrk slaaey Market. NEW TORK. Dec. J-MONET-On call, strong and Msher at lottS per cent, ruling rate. It per cent; cJostnjr bid, 25 per cent, offered at 2ft per cm. Time loans, verv strong: sixty dava Ita-v, per cent, ninety dvi. T per cent: t'.r mirths. pr cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-HneH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, closing firmer, with actual business In bankers" bills at t4 aV.Mi 4 KT?o for demand and at 14 i64 tali f'.r sixty-dsv bills, posted rates. (4 i fi 4 ii and ft tH; commer cial Wis. f4 SILVER Bar. V; Mexican dollars. KVv BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Quotations on bonfls today were as lows : .1"1'tb . M serlea. .Itr 4St ettt .VK an It aerie. II, S. anl. 41 .... leiv- vtn. e g 4s .lUSlVn neutral 4a .... 1"" dn im U 1"H Mtn ft St. U ta. . K a T 4a ... 6o It ) - R e t T C a "St .l"1VVo fariBr t . . n OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Eteady gad ia Earn Cawi Strooc. BETTER PRICES ARE PAID FOR HOGS ery Liberal Raa af Sheep, Mostly AU Feeders (.aad Killer la ' teme Oeataad aad Me-ady ta Itrssg. BOITH OMAHA. Dec. i. 1. t all .e. HoK " 1'; H m 40 St tl V " 4 14 U I'M : 4 ' " I" f ! i rt ie i at a in . if 4u 4 4 id si 4 1. s. r; if i t ti4 . . :v " 14. 4 tt ft .(' I" tt Kn a. .; i it: ... ;. tl .m ir( u t.i I- i !.i i 4 r t in i" J ...... r. lie 4" s '-" f - m a i rt t i. at ...., tut v. t titi, m til if t i tt ri xnu 4 C. .. . l.l . I 1. Mll-Li - i i.t w,.-k pl.r rj .ui t,u f r I V t f a tin t It I. 1 1 1 1 J r . r.f V 6rt rnupes . I" as. rag flp eovpoa . V S el4 4a. dn eeufioa . V a a 4t. i ta oeitsea Aa. Tobarea ta 4. trhiiii an to m) 4a Atiamtr c I. F1 Ohio to IWt ... " B T. c tntral of o lo 1st Ibc )n ii Int.. lo Inr . Oiea a Ohio "lrso a A C. B Q i C R I a P 4a to eol U .... fol- ys 1""N . 4t 4l .. 4. . 71 l" . 7 ltilSn. rr:rl 4t W I flr i1 If rttt ccT. s: B L. f 4a. .11", So Ratla-ay t, Colo IniJ Ha arr A. Tr. Tejtt a P ! 4 :- .." ..t:i ..tsS lie at 7f V W r l s L. rg ta Penn enr.r J -,t .... fs Rtadlra ren 4 WI4 L. 4k 1 M r It rns at L K F Ii aM "St L W c. 41 ?V t.V V'lroo Mid Cuba im D 4 B Q 4. T'-sllilert Rer. Frle p. 1. 4a.. An gen. 4s . . Hrx-amx VaL Japan Ca to 4a rtfa Bid. Id tt 4". .. T . ft- L.. . -1' . t ninn Pt.-ill' . . V R Steel . T W iina-ri It ..I"! ai-h B . . " "Wnnet yj 4 ..11 "W I. F. 4t . . T 'W ia leatral 4. .. MS . Ex-lnterest. .114 .1M . Boataa tttarks aad Boada. BOSTON. Dec. J Call loans. tVTi p- r cent; time loans. 64i7 per cut Official quotations on stocks and rionds were: Receipts w Cff1clal Mn.tur 5(t. l.biX) 14.1 Same da) last week .. .' I".- Sajne two weeks ago 7.0.J i.4W 11. ei. Sam thtt u eks ago. . .10. . rj l.hXI Same four weeks ago lu.t.:'l .! 1 Same day laet year a.4i 4,i a,. 4 nr iuuu..,i.t ,ue anuea lilt leceipta l! tat;.e, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for ma year i siaie, coinptired with last year. ', Inc Canle . 9'M 7K3 44. UK Hops I JH M3o :,.Ai 4.0 1.V..4W Sheep :.iSk5.4 1K1 433 CAi'l'Lt gtoiAilu.6. Good to choice cotr.fed steers .iS5iMt Fair to good wormed steers fc.taa.i Good to c 11 nee att-eis 4 .wy Fair to gtKid siM rs 4.ow4 .. t ommun to lair range steers j.w"ii4 tt. tlood to chuce cows and heifers.... 3 S'.MJ w Fajr tu giKKI cows and heners S.' Cotnnion to fair rows and hMfer.. ' OiK.d to choice stocatrs and leeders 4.ini4lj hair to good stocaen a: d fced--i.. - Common to fair Blockers i.7nw" Bulls, staitR, eic i h-4 Veai calves 4.wiv4i.i j lie iuhj'iii tahie shows Uie aveiaa price of hogs at South Omaha for the laal aevti-al day a, with con i ansons : Late. 1 lHu. 1.1jk.1IW.11!. lSul .l- ..4. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 26... Nov. 27... Nov. .5... .! 6 16 I 4 M 4 t: 1 . ( 124. 4 H 4 4Ji 4 ffl, . i w 1 4 a. 4 7.'; 'AtitnsoB aai. 4a. to 4t Mri Central 4a Auhtana to pfd Wtmlno A Alhanj . Wostoti A Malna ... Boston Eleeated .. Klthbwrg ara ... Maxtoan Central ... N Y-, N. H. H . Tera Marquetta ... lalsa Patsr Am. A. hem pfd Am. Pnea Tube... Amer. Sagar ta pft Amer. T T Amer. Woolen .... to pta In 1 t E-llaoa Eler Illu Mass Elnttrlc do pra Maaa. Oaa lolled Pnilt t'nrtet Kboe to &ra . . . T. S. Fleet to pta Adventure Allouet Ann :camatrd Bid. -Asked. . . S4 lAtlantw . .Hw BlTijtum .. K rai. A Hecla.. ..). i pnlennlal . . l't" f 'opper kanxt .1" IHalr Weat ..l11a'Franklla .Atii lOrant.y ..14 lit. Hcrtle ... .. I Mna MiBInt ..JUS Mlrhliran .. M Mnhktrk . 1W4 Mont C a C. .. sltiiitd IKimlulon .. 1 iosre'.ia . -iSta Parmt ..irs iWntncy . . IH4I4 'f-hannon ... .. MVTamara'-k ..1' JTrinHy .. 1 I nltea Copper ..28 !C. Mining.. .. HVj.f. g. till f t tth . ir.j . . it: . .Hn .. St . . K2 . . .. .. 14 I" .. It .. -4V, .. t .. m . i4 .. It" ..lid . .111 .". Nov. Nov I liec. I cc. Inc. IS...; .... I 1 ... 6 0(1 t i 6 t-4 , 1 .l I 7. 4 si 4 4 4 53, 18, 26! t C Is 113 5 74 4 74 ki .1 4 ic 4 K7, I 4 4 4 47i 4 4J 4 43 4 4h I 4 4 , 4 L4 I 4 S4 4 3i 4 2. 4 42. i TT. 5 7s i 72 f try c 11 5 5 Ki (S. Us, i K 6 14 D, I 4 M 4 R7 4 7 4 71 4 74 4 fill I 4 4 4 3 Marh .104 . It . 2f . 4Ha .11 .. .114 "lrtorla lanna ':lvrrlne h Butt Hutta Coalition .. irada tin .... al. & Arizona., rec'umseh Jreene Con. . v I C . 41, C. . 11-4 C. . s:t . in ! Sunday. Holiday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattie. Hogs. Omaha Il.kutj.i IS.M' Chicago lMi7.4W ouoa-is Kansaa City I 5. W 2" St. Louis 2 i.,ici7 iu 6..iitiii W Sioux City t 54iti.u i-Hov .15 The oftKtal number ot cars of stock brought in yesuruay by each road was. Cattle. r's. C.. M. St. P Missouri Pacific : C P. System C. A N. W., cast C. dc N. W.. west C. St. P.. M. 4 O... M. a Q., MM.,,, B. At Q, int.... K. 1. Ai P., easl. Illinois Ci-ntral Chicago Gt. Western g"d. Literal run ol cart being rtpotied n e1,ed e.y i.r-.y i. oeing iiiny a oi) eto.iii vi.:.i...i.. sneep anu l.aru.y tiiougn iw i meniioni.'ia Jn cot s. i.f t b. iicM supr.y of I sliK k there was coti.tiaram e.y iiii.e in tut iway ot giKxl klov.a. I lie uetnu.iu, u a -i ever, was iti.ti ai.u the niataet e. j that what there was (hat.aej i.h.h.i. ir. , very good season In tne ...oml..a I". prices paid were fuliy sttaj. sooic wounl say strona. as compuied wiui lust .eta l-ed ewis s .Id as niir. n o In. wa.i imif ewe up lo ei.ii. A nt'ue i u:icL i I p.t.i.. aci.ent sind of lan.l.s soul up to f". i As noted sln ve. the i is ma of the i--I cei.s conslMt'u of leecifis. in epite ol tne fact that II was stij t,.i.t i...e ' were very lew cut side buyers in m:us. there wa. nevert hen bl, a a'V"d unuaiiU lot feeders. Comimssl'.n nien a. I ee.iii-J lo hae buying orders 1n hsnd and tut ket opened Iw.i Ii active and !uuv suau. in tact, aoine leidcrs which wc.e espccia.l sought alter brought Ktror.g .iic-. , The trsde at a whole w .s in a ve:y sit i isfartory rmdilinn from Hart to finis. i. i The train were sll in in good season un.l the ollerings changed Minis hi ta?-t as ti.ey could sorted up and put in pioper sha;. to t shown. Quotations cm killers: Gooi to rh:re lartiba IT.tioiii7.4c; fair to g od iamba f.. T.i 7 00; good to choice yenil'iigs. s 7j-u f.; fair to go.ri ysrnnts. o ami n.7i; g od in choice wethers, ft Ap5 C: lair to good with ers, tf oowS.ii; good to ewes, t.25; fair to good ewes. i4.tvljj 5 l"). Quotations in feeders Goid to rhnfre lair. bs. ft. ("Ky 4t'; medium lambs, f.'. IVi'. tt.; light lamb. 4ir.iio i: yearlit g. f.. ib'w ... wethers. M 75 :ja.:n, ewes. .5i4 ali; bieert.n. ewes. 14 iOtlO Ul KcpreMentatlve sales: No. 4 Wyoming ewes 2"i a cstern ewes r-J.1 western ewes llii western lambs 3hb Nebraska ewes .- M AVorairg wethers L76 Ni.n:ing la-tib.-, feeders T(4 Wyoming ewes, feeders 'yoming cull lambs 74 Wyoming cull lambs L'4 'JOITllng cull feeder lajt.b. 24 Wyoming wethers and yrlgs 14S Wyoming lambs tlttlHI ".t Itnl.I.a l I" M lllhl T I aa4lilen rr 1ta4e aad Maatstlnna a tarl" nal f"anc I'rodace. E..7i,- i .1 i t , r-c L11K I'o; ! I. V 1 ii 7 , . r ii . t u t k . ii :;i . ci . i .. I. . h . 1 1 ens ". a, , s-. i . M"T i I I, - ! i '.t v . I i r ' u 1 1 . ni :" . ( , , i . c H AY'-CIi"1i r upis'-M. F .. . tr co-"-se J, a d - He sftw. I l.RAN-l'er Ion. fi.S't.. VK'IK TAl.LK.S F EET Po'lAT" J s-K.irasv. : :" Ti 'MATfiK? California. p r t.Miket 1 on; IV.. per bhL of a I HANS -Per one-thi'-i! bu. box. iml CAT". HOTS -Per Holt, ue, pr d a Jcr bu ; Span-s. WAX ", . . I .in pt r.; inns, ti bti LEAF LKTTVCF. Pr" . s. 4, c CKl.IZHV-frr tx. uivc I'll I ;.ii-l.K!-Lot!ics'. per .:. ONIONS !! i. e jTtn "0c i't p4'r rrHt , C-'loia In, ni:rvs i n; 'Ns : .r . .j:i, -b h'::;:?i F.M 'sii-l'jsf i f : 1ft . II Ki K.- P. t. dn bur.chca sj:!iern, is- ti- '. nf ..e. II.'.". NAVY r. . . i'Vr bu. i: 7'.; No. I". C6. l.IMl PEANf P r ".b . -; nni i:." 1 LI I LK? -Per lis. i per. r.Oo. FAI.SLK V-liolh. u.-e. p l J .1 bunch, V CAr.r.AGE-lloKand pe l' , '.- v'. v-n-j H.wr-ier .1 f iTAT" K. - T ' r t u nvVAhAi; s-Ai- v. HEAli 1.1 Sie.1. horns grown 4'C".C. 1M :os to ftaci:. V d l"i i'Ci: Suutl.ern, - Fout r-ern par per t bunchea, tx-dlvidend. 'I . Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. ... Oats, bu. .. Receipts. .... 177.0.." .... 61.i Jl'.WIU Shipmentr l.Vi,' i 4.,ol l',,lll t Board of Trade quotations for Kansat Ctlv delivery. The range of prit-es. as re- by Lof-an at Bryan. 112 Board of building, was: Articles. ! Open 1 High I Low. t Close, Lard was of? 5c. higher, at f7.9.W lt l'Tiut J It.el an ara ; -ci n. bi 'J'iie leading futures ranged as follows; ta for tomorrow: Wheat cars, OHts, ;31 cars; hogs, W hi at July... May... Ci'i n J'Jlv... My...- 1 71- ... 3i.S I I !-1'.ia 7V, 7:"ul,71tj7 1 ... I 71 ',A 7:'H .'JS.'R A rii-l t Open " WU.I i i 'en ....""t V ...T,S'i Cei ii, , ! -i . . 4M 14 May.-.U v.i a Jnil...t " i lets 1 ' : 1.-0....' .. fV il4r....Jl.'i;i July.. M , '. rk j J.ill ...1 14 HI M i) .: 14 !C l.i-.i- : i ... it .l u...... 47S .U.f. ..' (i 47, l:i J H II . .. IS. I lay..-,7 t y, I .Sii qi:..lal.-:. ITil , I irm, His-h.: lur.'in. Sit y 2 pot 73-s 't i 4-'"a 4. ' v 41i,i Si 14 si 1 lo 1 t- i. :. 7 w : ii'r' 4 -t 4J- 44 , v 4 -- : 14 K, 14 Hi 73'v, 7 - 4"'t ' l.herpoal t.rala Market. LIVERP"OI.. Dec. S. WHEAT ste-adv: No. 1 western winter. l1 1 tuns Meit 1y ; I leoem tier. Nd . March, t.a t'sd f:r:n. Anieriinn mixed. 4s id; January. 4 !.!: March, 4s iVjd: M.iy. 6s Ci iVtN Stt fti'ii'S yuirt; '-,d H"I'S-At 1ond' at i.?. ti.Miit lis. n (Pacific coast i steady ;a i lal S4' 14 n ! !." ti S 4 ". 47 14 let 14 Jj : s .", a -17- tlsit-le aatly of 4. rain. NEW YORK. Dec SThe visible supply pr ain Saturdi.y. le, m Wr I. as coniilled YorK lY-'iiui t exchange J- ,a bv f o'Vw s: W heat. l "H bu : derrcuee. " bu I'rin. 2.0-' bu ; dccae, i.i- ot bu. 4arv. li 41" bu ; dM-n-ttf, ; "o bu. Ke l..iii "i bu ; de-crease, 3i.i bu. B.irlea , w.vs'.oun bu. ; deeieHM'. to .'it- bu. as attt. a W .1.1 -T . sieajrl.ts. ISlei3 4i', ..V'. S!i. ellalgble. tVi-i'Vls1 fnlelits. J3 'I sf.ring pa'ents. Ukera . ; i 4o Pearl a Market. I let X COR N New. arid No S. ; N WHEAT-No W : N- . red. : N 4:A"1 . 2. N... i an. .t 1 E - N M I I'V K SEKI3-N... i i Mi rn J. .;' : spring. .'-k'li '.Ti- c. h ' i-. u . i-c. N... 'lK4c, PE' 'IllA No S y h grade, tlx-, t TS-Ciichsnge.1 ' Vu : will 5 whit-. X vvu.C.V: N 1 4 wh.te, RYE S'ea.n; Nc. 'Mite WHISKY Cu of fl .2 gooc'.s. 9 stftadv; 4.c: n. No s:'.tiiCc. for finished Adama Expreaa Amalsamatet Copper Am C. F Am. C. F. pit Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton OU ptt Am. Kxpraaa Am N. L pta ia, ica. sarpriLiaa.... Am. blnaeet Oil Am. Lanant Oil !d Am. Loccmntlva Am. laaomotlea ptd Am. a. It K am. a a r pta ia Sugar arsaiaf Am. Taaaero prd rut Auaeonoa Mia. Ca Alt-loaoa Ao-hiana Ptt Atlanta; Caat Line balumure a Ohio lit!. dhlu pld brooalyn Kapid Tr Pat-itlr Ontral af N J (bra A Ohio 1 1 bi.-aga Ol 'astara I ha-aso A N. W . u ti Bl. P Ihi.aso T. A T k.uto T T. ptd I . i'.. C A HI L . Culorada F. a 1 Colorado A Bo i uiu. a So. 1st ptd ... So Jd ptd ; t onaol .dated Oaa . I on. Prooucta 'Corn Produrtt pfd Ueiawars a HuCten I .1 . U a W iaun-r a R. (a , l. a k o p.d ; Ii.alillera' Sa.xint.ra trta fcr.e lal ptd , krit p.d Ceu. ral K.ei-lrli 'HMkiiif Vauey. offend ... Caulral Paper . ' nil. Pap.r pfd lit! Pump lul. Pump plci i Iowa reutral : Iowa ceatrai pit lianas Clt So . a. c. Bo pfd : uu.ariifa a N (latl.uan I'emral , KUiii.ekpotia a St. L . M.. L p. a R f. M M . St PAS B M ptd ' a iMtoun Pa. tfif ftiiMSeurt. k aT. . M , k a T pfd National lrad .... : N. H. k. ot M. pid N V. Central n . y , o. a w , Kurn.ia a w ' Norlota a w pin I Norm American Mail Prions 1 1 a .ia psu te a U&t IP. c i a si k. ; Pr. kM-d stwi i ar i Pr.ia.d b ' ptd ' Pu.lmu I'alac-a Car- 1 ktM.d.iit kauaibc itt p'd kaua.l.a -u p't kaobiiiil. iSleel ........... hvoitbiir eieel pld km ii ik.und lo . ... ko. t it.aud u pfd Plt'tar Goodl. pfd . si L A e r ;a ptd .... r't 1. i w l l a. W. Ptd rr If M. Pk' th. p!U eo. Kuti, ai. ta. ii. prd leitiirtoa l'. a i a Patibr T . si 1 a w T . at i a w ptd l tuuu Pa. 'tt. I t.ti.11 Parih. ptd 9 ot xtio i.MB tut " it 1 WI ltai Hi las at a a lie 400 K.tlK 4.7i 10.4114 l' 7tw i,7ue 114V 41. u tl Low. 4 i'13 U 114 o Wta 7 111 1H nh 14 If M7 1' 1112 " lit- Sa Jstw t. 41 S 1 i4Sa "Ta 7t ill 1U4 litw it UMa mix lul u: t, litta au-a lit. b ItS l7 Cloaa. 114 4 10 2 V 240 aa i S7 7M til Laaiaa Cloalaa; 5leks. rONDON, Dec. 3 Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Cona., money 6 M , K. A T ... da areount M 11 It N T Central.. .In 5 . 6 1 .42 12 44 .5 . 4t. 15 . 1 4 .5 1 . 1 5 .. .2 1 1 .. .187 61 6S 1 Total receipts The disposition of the day s receipts l as follows, each buyer purcnasing toe num ber ol head indicated: Cattie.Plogs.on v Av. Tl. JOS f. j.i ill 5 1:. . l':2 5 7 i 7 .t. Ill ill . j- .' i lo 1.0 l Irl . H I 4 . 47 o . ifi o w, tlii It Ol . K'7 5 ".j .71 0 rate of aKiut two tt fr.4Vin no JT., Jotiat hana, J. 2.'.. . Grii'iet CHICAGO 1.1 YK STOCK M4.RKET . 14 :Nrjrfoll! A W .ii l at pfd .14. Ontario A W Pennsylvania .It:.. Rand Mines . 4 H headlhs . lx Snutbern Rallvaj .1- do pta . S rk.uthera Pat'tnc . . 44 t nioa Pacific . at ! do pfd . S V. g. Steel . 7f- o pfd .. 7t .Wthash ,.11 I lo pffl . .l&l h panlab 4a 4 14. 3 b 1 7 ( :t, "S t.'S Anaeanda Alrhlkun , do pfd Bait! mora A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Chaa. A Ohio Chlcaxo Ot. W ... C. M A 81. P .. DeBeera H. A R. O te ptd Krl oo 1st pit do 14 pta Imnolt Central .. LonitTtlie A N Ex-interest. SILVER Bar. uncertain, 21d per ounce. MONEY' 3V.M1., per cent. The rate of dt scour. t in the open market for short bills is 5 per cent; for throe months' billa, i peC v ki. 4 l. . ti 44W . KVt Omaha Packing Co Swill and loiiipun Cuuahy PacKinr, Co I Armour A Co Armour at Co., lienver... Van banl At Co Carey A Benton lx. Lilian A Co Mi t reni y A Carey W . 1. Blepheii Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Huston A Co Hatniiiiin & Kottiachlid... Wolf J. H. Bulla Mike Hagerty J. B. Root tt Co T. H. lnghram Sullivan Bros V. A. Brllton Other buer p B.4 1.S71 koi Xt-tt Cattle Steady to Lawer Hobs Higher heeai Lower. .CHICAGO, rec. J CATTLI- Receipts. 14 000 head; market, best siead. other a 10 15c lower; cmmoi! to prune sters. f4 dOiit7 40. cows. (2 65 $! 4 7;".; lieuti't. f: 60 4 5 00; bulls. f 2.40(1 4 ill; ca'ves. t3 00kii.5u; stotkers and leedera, f2 4uig 4 10. H.K5S Reirts. Si.OOO lieud ; 5(l 10c higher; choice to prime H Idu ( In, medium to good heavy. (it. 25; butcher-well hi s. i( ::u t la. go.wi I to choice mixed, S 1 (o i , ;acKing. f5.0jt10; pigs, f 5 fcoiu SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 25 000 head, market 10(ilic lower; sheep. 3 ;6 tit. 00, yearlings, f i.OOfc 6.00; lainos, i 2 i ii.i5. nurket heav y. b 1 5 Sew Yark Live "tork Market. NEW YORK, lec. S. UKEVtS-rtwi ij.ts. Boataa Copper Market. Closing y cot lion on Boston copir mar ket, reported by Logan tt Bry an. 112 Board 4.173 4,hju head; market for s.cei s tu in and 1 higher; bulls strong, cows It .sc loahti; suers, ki.axtu4i.uv: nulla L'.nio.'. tows. tl.4U4p2.4t'. Liverpool and Lonuun cab,t guoted live cattie steaoy at liulilji' 1't'i pound, dieased weignt, rtirigeiaioi bt at sc jtrr pound. a.xjtori looiunow. i4r. head cattle and 2.7Ui quarters iT beef. t ALVLS Receipia. l.iiv head, market firm for all Boris, veaia, IV.wtiliO ; lew cl.otce. ti 'Jt, little calves, .t .u, barnyard I and fed caivea. 4 aOiut.o.; cuiia. aTl.t-.i; weel- ems.; dressed calves firm, cay I dressed veaia hfslac per pound, countly I dreMted. Hil.c. I hCMjs Kecupts. 12.E76 head, market feel- i lng steady; state hogs, ff. wnob.75. SHELP ANL LAJJBS-Kecelpts, T.7tS : j head; market steady, general.)' easier and I t lie lower; sheep sieady; cutis, tu.ujji&.vv, j Laiiaua lambb, ,.u-m i lMt I of Trtne uuilrhng, fimsha- lit. lkr 4 XJ llsW 1U1 1J". i . s, IK.. it Sua ia..4, I ai i-, t. 1U.3UU at u.'a ' 7'v at" St w !.;.,. 6s "a s v n f.7, 1.-71- i.-ni, ia; s ... 2iti fc7 tl t: l.;tKI T3I. t.k-t 2.1. . :.4t hl 4S X 4.S aoi a..s a.. tt.x ttv 7;t, 71 . " 7.7o ' 4b 4-11, 44 s 4 7t- '. ii a l.aiH. mo i7 4t7 l.fti'J lTta 177", l'.7-a i: 1TI. 1.IHMI lk't tm, It IS 4! tl 1 0"ti tie, tin, MO ast 52 2 41", I ;.w X :."Oi. I4TX ;44 14i d 144 4 71 t4 . 1" le 4rS 411, 4'- :.iki -.. 16. si 77", 7f i""' 14 m lien, h.ats, aes, 4i-, 4y.i4 71 li tt.s ao I'.K. p..', 12 "t. , , ; lt 4 7-l 44 1 4,-, I.IK . 1 Mr. -a lJh i , 4.SI l-i ; t. iiki , m-s a:. 1. JOS M. f.f.'g bi t, "S ati .at is7 ihn 134.44SI 14k H 1 . . at : "iw it it Loll lo: It...), lu: if. I 12 s:', at at 4 ' bov 4 -4 4 .' 3-. at . II 7t kis h a l . 2i us : , !.' v is la. ia i,i . .2-a. s.- i I'M J J4 m I '-' --' -' . . : s. :t' 'it- 1 ik. k4 si s; Adventure Allouex ... Atlantic .. Bingham Flack Mountain Boston Cons Futte Coalition. Calumet A Aril.. 17 Cal. A Hecla... Centennial C4p;ier Range.. Daily West .... K-ast P.utte Franklin Gr'4ne topjier.. Grariby K'lvitia Isle Royal L. S. A Pitts .. Maasachusetta .. Miclican Ji Afohawk ... 4 Neada cvns.. ... lv.w North Flutte .. i od 1 Ki'inr.ion. !" osceola 32 Pneu. Serrtce. X7'- do pfd Qti.ncv .let-1 SI annon . SS', Tamarack . -- Tenn. Ccpner. . 20". Trinitv ........ . 11 I r.lted Fruit . . 2S 1". S . corn.... . S77k do pfd . T ta h C( ns 3 Victoria . '.'lit. Winona . .T ".4 tth erinc ... . . N.pissing . Cananea ... 744 .. V' ...114", .. v;i-. ..V .. l."j . .. 3oi, ...110 .. ...ll.; .. 4v-4 .. 11. . 1" ... C-" i .. 4:,H ... 4T.U. ... rM ... n-t, . . .!." ... 1" Totals O04 X.870 8.H-14 , CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning j were very Ugiit. only about 175 cars beina . reiKT.rted In. i'tiis was not enough to maaa j verv much of a showing In the yards. trC i.f the vrv beavv reieitits at l I Chicago and untuvorjble advice from that point the market here on beef steers wa in very good condition. Buers evidently j needed supplies and such as sjlted the.r purpoBes soid gune reaai.y at fuliy steady , rui-s. Seuers who bapned to have Just I the kind ot cattle mat buyert took a fancy ( to iliouaht that they secured. If auything. BtroiiKei prices than at the close of lost week. Practically everything that would do for kiliera changed hands 4rly ia the ; morning. 1 Cows and heifers were aiso In good de ! n. and and were free sellers at good, steady prices. The moderate offerings were ail taken larly and the market closed in good neaaon with the pens cleared The best liewby leeders commanded good strong prices und sold very readily, 'irashy kinds and interior g runes were not so mucn sought alter, but nevt i tht less coiimiandt d al leHsl steady pneea. Repi i sentatn e sales: i BEEF STEERS. St. Laals Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. J -CATTLE Receipts. xM head, including S o"u Te.xana; na. ket weak; 'lexatia. lc lower; nauve shipping anu export steers, fi.i'i ..(.: oietrsed ueel and butchej- steera f4.liiub.Vi; steers under l.i pounds. fi ifi4i.. Blockers and leeders. oows and heifers. U toniis; can ners, tl -WKBriifci. buha, t-.-VB t" . calves, n J5 ipo.Jb; lexas and Indian Biex ra, Loooi . cows and he-f ers, 4t.35a3.ou. HOGS Rece. pta, l.tsj head, market strong: pigs and lights, fi7ag.i. pocaeis. ft uveb.rt; butchers and best neavy. fn iu i i. i. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts. I.&o. head; market steady ; native muttons, fjiie tt6 .35; lam be, f4.iia7.O0; culls and bucks. t2.7a4i3.tAi. SHALLCTS- 1 I,. . U' ' Al l H LOW EK-T'f r dox. he.'irj. i.Uiil.V.. ! fb:-itf , CP. N NP Ei ; f; I E: i v- i t.! I Al'i'l.ES--Pen Ivis. f. ; f.n .t York app.e. . ' j 1 IrlH'i. i ; . . I I T..M.S- 1: ter N. p-r ncx. J" oo. ;i;. PES - Ji.aUca. per I hi., t . J7.WI; i New Yolk C.iul, 4 Hi. t . -2c Ti;' 'PICAL FHI i l I r,Ri;(. t'tn.m uri-t. 1.EV4 iNS Litt:ir :er:t. exits funcy, J) rire., Ji. sie ft. ; f e.etti tai. other . bri if 71 ' " 1. s EANANAS lr n r-Hu-n-slzed bunch, ' 12 ti i.." : j jr.,l.Ln. c' fn i. ji,.. ! DM ES Kad.-iapv t. ' s.ivrrs Se; new . stuffed wnlnuf dts. -lh. box. f'..:0: Call ! fcrrila bulk. Hc; 7-cruwn lurt.isn. 15c; -i crow ii. 14c: R-crow n, I2t; i-crown. lie GHAI'K FRl'iT-Size r.4 to W snd 80 to PC t4 S-vi 7.'. 0. i-!i NI TS -Per suck of 10? f4.M. I CHEESE-Sw!s. tirw. lt". VMsconstg) I brick, lijc .sens n l.mi.enter, l."c; i t"ln. 15c; Young Americana. lio. I FISH-Trout. L'c: bal.but. I.e. catfish. 7oc: buffalo, sc; lu '.heads. Hp; biack basa fine stock. 2.c; aalrr-on. i:c: pike. 11c; red ; snapper. Ireah frogei.. 12c; whltetlsh. frasl Iroren, lie, yellow ierrr. ates-a ana scaled, ec. pickerel, fiesh froxeii. Be; frog lets. .,c ir dox. griddle HIDES AND TALLOW -Green stilted. No. 1. .i,c, No 2. il,c; bull hides. vtJlor; I gre-en bides. No. 1. l:c-: o I. loc; horse. ; e03. .a; sheep pelts. si'COi.a. lanow. No J, 4k,c; No. t ic NI TS Fr nch walnuts, IJ'ic; California WHlnuts. No. 2, hard snell. 12c No 1. tt shell. 14r; llraxls, ia?il4c; pecans. 14017c; filberts. L't-Oiia,-; piar.ul. raw. 5c: toasted. 7Hc; l.'Blilorr.ia alim.naa. sard shell, luc; soft shell. Isc. HObl-Per 24 frantes. t"M. CIM-rt- New lor, half liafrtl f:.75; bar- ! BEEF ITT PRICES . No. 1 tit.-. It' c. No. 2 r t.s. !',c: No. I ribs. ''.,,; N'.. 1 l..m. IV,-; No. 2 en. U'V: No. I loin, '.c; No. 1 chuck. No. 2 , chuck. 5 , No. 1 chuck. ; N. 1 round. I c: No. . rt-'jerl. 7c; No. 3 ronnti. t:l--c; No. il plate, 4c; No. 2 plate. 4c; No. S plate, 3c. MIPCELl.ANE'OrP CANNED GOODS orn MandaM wtt em. it ii-iOc; MHine. f I li. Tomatoes, I-!h. cans, fl lu; S-lb. cans. P7Hc.i fi. I'ln ! apples, grated. 2-lb . ,2 "i2.3i'; sliced, fl 90 I 49 2.20; gallon spT'les. fancy. fj.tS; California t apricots, fl !i''H2 2i. perB fl.7t.ttiI.of: p a.'h'. 1 fl.7r.iii 2 4ii ; il. C pea. hea. i 0ei.5ii. A'.jska salmon, red. il.a: larcy cniriooa, F.. $2.10; fancy eockeye, V., fl. Hi. aardinea, (UtirtT oil, t:'.7i; three-quarter mualarC Hint. Eweel potatoes. (1.1013125; sauerkraut, H.00; pumpkins. Midi 1 1.00; wax ueans. l-lb ...jtsde; lima beans. -lb.. licjjjl 35; spinach f1.3$; cheap peaa, I-lb., toe; extras, Sbcia fi.ll; ittK'T. fl.i.taL75 SCGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, fS.23; grBnit'i t-1 beet, in .sacks, tT. II. COFF K E Roasted, No .35. c rec Ib-J No. 30. 21c per lb.; No. a. inc per 10-; No. 2o. l .c - er !h ; No. 21. lac per lb , iVl:l P In bbis., 27c per gal.; In cases, f iO-.'b cans, fl.70; cases. 11 i-lb cans. tU.Bu; iio li J1-!!.. cans. fl.8 CURED FISH - Family whlteflsh. per I quarter bbl.. us" lbs. f4 . Norway mack- eral. No. i. i-j in: No. 2. fVW.; berrine In ' bi... -it. lbs. each. Norway. 4 i. fS.'V; Nor way. Sk, f.oo: Holland l.etrni'. in keka milkers, (tu; kegs, mixed. 70c. Parelan Kiaaarial. LONDON. Ix-c. 3. Money w as more plen- ' tlful in the market t.xlay, short ti-ne loans leiiig easiiy c.l.f:ii:.abie. li-s.-cinrits wo-e ( fsirly maintained. litres in the block ex change continued steady. Home rails and' various apeH-ulilve i;-ues were more aelive ! at haidenttig rat-s. The cottsols ss-ttlrn' tit was c ncluded sat 'sfactorny. but rendi tions causel a shpt.t setback. Amer i-itit started ttie week with an upward tendency I on the New York bank statetre nt. b-ini' better than -xpe ted. whiih induced good, local buying. Some st icks advanced to fl ' over inirlty. Canadian Pa. iflc und I n on I'BcifU' rei'elved the most uttenti in. N w , York supporttd the maiket du irig the aft-, ernooru especially CbH-apo. Milwaukee A- 1 St. Paul arid Clieaiaake A Ohio. Prices closed fi-ni at the tiest quotations cl the dav. p 'ireigiiers were ttrni. RiL-sians w ere harder ed. Rio tlntos eloped strong, at Jaj.anese lni-rial tie of I! were quoted al li-V J'ARIS. Ii- S.-TYices on the B uree lo. day wire firm Rubs. an Imperial is cl td at 7fi ;5 and Russian bonds of l.-4 at 4S7. Ke . .sa A Pr 17 4 m j." .i; s ;t H.i S k' 4 i.'4 S 7i 71 s as it :i'7i r a" i S t.l 1 H4J 1 40 Treatar Matesneat WASHINGTON. Dec S. Tc.di ment ef the treasury balances eral fund, en lusive of the j jzold reserve, slews; Available in a no ill" t: .l! : 7 Mi,f.7 "4; gold s state t ti e- gen- .11.(0.1. Il l I bai- 4f.ud com aid t.ui! CertlhcateS, fu bt'.-l. tall Muaey lliah. I NEW YORK, Dec. S.-MONEY On call i waa quoted at 12 ir rent an hour after 1 the optning of the stock rnaikel toda-. Baak "!eriaaa. OMAHA. Iiec S.-P.jnk clearings today were tl 2Si.3l4.ii4. arid i t the corresji; nd: r.g dale la for year Il.i2s 4.i7C. . ki. Kk'. . pt-7 . S.I7 . SW . ;.-. .li-mi .H75 . SM .1' 7(1 711 COWS, in. r.... I ii :.. . I 25 3 . . I :i 14... : m ii. . . it K. t . ! ii. 4... r,o . . . : :. 1 .i . 3 Ik. IS . ... HElFEr.S. 2 to IS :t : 10 . l . : . ksa . lOIIM . tu .HIM. 107:1 .i;.w . kiUi . k:-i llHai . 1071 . k43 .1121 . 7:: . 44 1 Ik 1 Ml : hi 2 -. 2 4l ( 00 1 Ok I IE. t ! 5 2:. I an 3 3., 1 i.k 2 7 I i.k Kaaaaa City l ive stock Market. i KANSAS CITY, Dec. I -BATTLE-P. - relpta lu.7ili. including 1 St' head of ' southern; market siejdy to l - Ititi.r; fe a 'era. strong; choice export and areed .. f 'steers, fi.ioje,.75; fair- to lioori. f4.. 'v,i j -.0; western sten-rs. t?. Pi5.2i; s. uthein He. is. t3 ".ii l : southern enws . $. l...cii 7f. ; ti itive I cm i, t20oru4.o : r.aie h. ifeis, tax l, i bulls. $2.2f.4a3.o; calves. f2.7f.u I He.KJS Receipts, H.iu heao . uutlet ift'ti higher; tip. bulk of sn'is. li'tki-i.J ; heavy. lijti2i. iiackers. tbl.t-jicye. .... , pi. s 'and lights, f;. .r"ufi I7tj. 1 SHEEI' AND LA MRS-R-ce-.pts. i'l.) i head, market loc higher: Hints, f. ti;i7.t.: ! sheep and vearl 54 5clt -i. led wtsf rn !earliriga. fii.1e17.Lrt. fed western sheep. f4 tti5.7i; suckers and feeders, ft:. 5 '6 10. Paitar nad Meilattrt. NEW YORK. 1'iee. S-PI'iIAR-Rhw. firm; fair ie tir ii.g. S li-t'-ilSr: en tirtugal. !. test. u toii' . l.ioljssejt ?. i-'J-l 2'c: reti ie d, tjiuet: No. o. 4.:,.oc; No.'7. 4 1.V ; No. K. t.'c: No Si. 4. lie: No. 30. 4.'.c; No. 11. 4 . c a k ; No. 12. i i.:.e; No. lJ. ,t.n , No. 14, o.S7.c; c.oil .-i t i-.ners A. 4 u.k . mulii A. i.lic, h.iii, i..;:1'. 4ruhe.l. i". oci. ; p iAilttaU, -I. isc, ttran uuted, 4 'c; cubes, u-ca.c. ipiasltitr St4rrk Likely. STW Y'ol-: Dec :: An a-tie.- and ex- cit d itioen..e.r;t in trie H'-.k of tl- Nipis sitik: Mit.e-e lo-i j any ee -err-d on tt.e op. n- ll g of tile rUI I. Monk t.'...lket toriiy. Il.ele was a eiuir-k break in the price of i he stock. Att.r cii.f:ia at i:". Sal uf day. .t op' ie il today at Is. :m;l irtt' in live nunutes alter the cj. ninjr was c.ote-d .t lti btd, !. ast etl. 2 ia : 1 t: s ta t 147 2 7e Ill 111 rToe'K HEiFERjr. 7 f.M 2 41- :. 4 2 if 12 U. 2 41 '2 ... 7:4 2 " BULLS. I l'. I I i.-BO 3 I I... 2 .;. 1 142j 3 Hi i i jm : a. i : it... s ii 1 li'.ko 2 ke. 1 lbkf 4 Chi 2 o.j 1- CALVES j ;::; ; ii l '.no u 7 sat w. 2 .tin l f k Hi 1 1" i t b 2.. 4 in 1 list 4 SO I 144i f at 2 Ik- 2 i 172 !.. FEEDERS. 4 4"! 2 Si. k till lit 1 7:3 lti .3 741 III 2 7..u i ii Ik a?4 ta i t ij k too I 4i k IK 3 ii. k-e t pe klaat llr Lite Mock Market ! SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Dec. J tSp-eial Tel. i gram 4'ATT1.E Re ce;i ts. S.imu lieud: uiir ket steady; Blockers. lue .! higher; beeves, ; ft i efiii. on, enna. hulls and mixed. $-' :'ii4 m1. j stackers and fdera. H lHAj 4 li, calves and : yearllnKS, $2 oc4i3.Sii. ' HOGS Receipts. 3 2 e head: market So higher, selling at ft bulk of Kiles. i tc.itxne; or. i SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4 J bend; i market steady. .a a .l4tae Scale ia 1a ttarli naetta. LKOMINTER. Mats.. I 'e ( . 3 -The drtrded Sin Jus.' sci.!.- has t,e ti flisc'iver'd in ! bv Tree W::rle n ! ' cb ep s l e a t oa Ti .a i-'e ' bcrv. as li e i foices e.t the cn j. ' l reusing is th 'fl t 1 l.r :ii' John .arni m this e.-ction !1 Walker. Tl, s r --t f r.ilt t r. -s an J shrti1. 1 1 et a. id it ion i o : ' ie anl l.'ukn t ti! tiioths ai;t i u j t jrif.'ii iiurli :il inn. It lh..t lie lt.t. els IMliv lave be-e-n l.rf oti Ne v. Mock from the St. Jaraeph lite ftttark Market. ' FT JOPEPH. Dec 3 CATTIJC-P.e .-einis 2 7 htad; ntaikti steady lo weak: rial Ives. 14 Sfitt7i; tews atid he.fers. t2.i4l i. Bto kers arid fw-rtera. 2f. hisjb itoiTtplk. 2 1 l.ei.:, mark hieher; top, it. to Ik. j 77-.j b.ii. M1ELP AMi LAMBS Receipts. . head, icarktl steady lo u. ak. KF.AL KM in: 1 It SP':K. i ;c 1.14., tock la Melt. Receipts of Tlve"pticV at lie tlx priik- clpi.l western riiarkets yestrrca : WESTERN S SO U T H lUKdTA .-li..W. -J71...C O.HJ jo - c , nr. i n; : a 'v .; ' V.'. bat I!.- . fa Vt.' or to ctcce r'i"!,!r.,-7 p-';Tc. 1 rVtx tiai, No. I ncitn Priioe inn. It.y, 14.7' '. trades. f:S 4it. - .' I ' t i. a i.-ii ii.,. e t a -.;k. Iter 1.14 . 14 V'. I.e'.l, S'..-ri clear aid. a (hcixedi. 4tllatl,ee Grata Market. V I l.W A I "K FE. I.e.- 3 WHEAT IiOwer. Iso. 1 to rit.trti. t.ji : M . RY r7-: No. 2 northern, bid teadv; No. 1. tuOV- Barnp.e, I'AP.LEY-Steeev: No. 1. 44 '., V..' t'oKV-U.t : No. 1 old. CAi-iic; May 4J:c b.el ( K. .u H,1fi V LPat. lJ. ' . it bu .. . bu... 1 . r l.i I:Vy. k.. .. .1 n tiks ; dlP -ts III .' s'a u.t . " . e I IMS of fl,l e PIS Sll) , S'tBl! .:uja J j.-e ex h : I j e a it'i- . rni i S.inil 1i frnt hi a a. l i e. se iutdeil. ;4.ri ntr. 51 r and lent 5, .7 in .! i-S 'ttl t it. I 1 oiii 2 i 0 ' t he 1 ut- et-tt. :: at m.ttii. St-: p. line steady, il- Miaarapolli (.rata Market. MlNNEvlOLIS. Iec I FLOUR Fust paients. 42tti4 3i; s-i olid patents. 14 Ire 4 :t. nr-M clears, fjiikkjja: sec ot.H b ars 12 4i' 2 FK4N In bulk. UTOo. Klaia tlattee Matrket EIX7IN. Ill . Dec. 1 PUTTER Firm and I urn hanged al ; output for week, ..' Its l . s tkprcaa . . . t 1 E s..t at ' I . kuMor u 1.1 t;, .-. ; I 9 Kut.tM.r ptd :tea 111 ll'l loi a I B steal. . 4i 41- 4t 4t 1 t.S Stan Pfd 7a tut ink, 1 , a-c ai cbtaiioal' 4tu 4. t.v 4: la-car una. ptd i.. : W auaaa ' Jkt & ' I U,Ui,uk pfd nev 4.1 4. 4 Kan. tarsi In Sun M pa pa 1 V ! .i.buMt Lotric .4. ' IWtwcn. I mot tt re, 17 t: W aaal't A k. g. it ! W ns-ua. t euiral it 4 St at 1 ; W .. t.atral ptd 1 k, i i, , Nurtbert. Paer.Bc 11 its. iei XX. - 4:3 t Iceiorai UtiMl kua I. J ' ' Caacral LatUiaT pld iaa lu. 101 10. a I B.uat-aatOaoa klai 4iw 74 74 74 1 luai ktnktn tut ta Ut In git I I.e. ktsMtH.iia 1 r 17 n ! liu Mat pid . . . It n ia H j Ttul aaiaa lur the saj. lit, sua aaaraa V4 util Market. LONIOX. Dec. 3 Wi ib-TI offerii g at the ao.l aucti- n sales loday arnojr.'ej to 11.24 bale s Scouted aid greasy in ri. s were in br ira demand i.r t f e I :iie .raoe. and extreme rat. -a were realiaed. Cae f 4ii.d Hope and Naial sold well at i per c nt advance. The witndrawaia to c'ate amounted to 2 ttM t.ales. K..11,. ir.p are thr suits 111 detail. New S.uth Wales. ". o ba,es; scoured, tj'tt's M1. greasy, fier.s I't-rJ. oueeristand 1 tVki -.h).s; scoured, 1st 11 id. greasy. Islvils 11 "lct,.na. lie." les ; kiuunii. liyiui Id: greasy, i'4.i'ri Id; Is 4V1- South Australia. 144 bil. Botrtirtd. lsiils lu;J; greasy. dfns M West Australia. 1.4i iialea. greasv. i"uln id Tasiiiauia. l.l'i t tales: ir-n. 7 (a al. Cj.t tt; f G,.d H re arid Natiti ki tole, scouted. Is Sld.rrls 74: gr.-uev Velid River Pitti. 1. 1"0 bale scoured, k-cl Is 11 ST. Lol IS, Itac. 1 1 a tl Stead . : tr.e ttium grades ciml.irig and elothma' .3a. 7c light ftne ltsti'.'lc; heavy r.tie. 141, l c. tut washed. 2jZ.c- Uulalh Crala Market. cl UTH D4i7 3 WHEAT 4 mi 'r.ik, .. 1 riorttiern, ..'''. N i ntirtheru. 7c. lMt-"'ler jaSc; May. Tbe . Juiy. 7c. 1 A TS - To a rn ve. iLc. tilta aad Reals. NEW YORK. Itrc 1 OIL Cottonseed, sieady; pnnre crude, f a. U snilia he; imine yellow. 43o. Itroieum, stttady; re Iftr.ed. Ne York, r in: Philadelphia arid tr York Mtalaa tiscka NEW TORK.. I've 1 Closing quota tMina ta Killing slocks were: At ta. itallla Cklaf Alloa e tt 00 tart Sraaoa . k -eipaur j7u HrtakkVte Ci Y urpnatltic, steady; ttallarfelphla Prodart Mark vt PH 1 1..4 1 ' '. :l PI 1 1 A t.-c l-m'TTFR-tnu a d" 1c l.ithi.r. tint atauu cra.u- Halttniore, f tu. Pli.iaflelphta and Balti- rore in batk. tki-u-tiTtr e IL CITY, H . rpc. 1 tkirt 11.-". Pl-IlS. ul sterage. luT ask be Is ; runs, t-itt . atnrkoae. I I aad MtcJa, i.t.lX Lba. OIL Credit bal Su, I'Tl Ur. bb'.a : le-e 1 1:4 i. 2B4.W LU.. lo. a Ttiaaal to ai. A .. Mara Biitar Ins Utle.a Cos ... . Xk .13 lk- Blarim katata . . atatl tiaadart -1 k 27 Itaak at 4araaaag Stlket, PFRLIN. Ik-f 1 The weekly stalriweol itt CL In,r-ai bar. a tI ltd n.a r y auu' kletal Marker. NEW YORK. Dec. I M ETA I j Tt.. Ixndon tin rruarket waa witn spot qu td at 17 I'd and future at the sa .n price. Locally tr.e market was quiet and hlsher In coj.e-cjuen-e with p quottsi el t-tili.stl.2S C.n-T was Lik:hi-r in tt lor.o.n market. nh ! cjuoted at Ah.: and futures at A'.'C Us td. Ltaailv th- I market was firm, mith lake oisiied at I .V iatS Ta; elect pootio. tr. 12' ri22 ;c. coating. i2,B"2"7r. !ed wa steady and un , etju.ged at IS Tkoti c. in the local market 1 la Loeidon th pf was a shade Mgtiri , at Alt 7b fed Speli.r w ut,. nnrei a LI in Lm.dutn and at P; k'TiS ( lia ai'.v Iroti was k.aer in tne friglieh market witi atatwtard uuoted at il Ml and Cleveiatid warrant at lis M.'v the market as llrui arl uncl&t:gd. villi Nl 1 f .ui; dry. northern, uuoied at 12T, 2f.'t, 2f . Nj. 1 foundry, t.orthere r 4 74VeA7: No. 1 f Hil ary, a.ult.em t ftj?7 ft.; No 2 founuiy .. iiern. I t itarr-.T Sti FT lelTS !.' 1 METAlS LsaJ MrSe rt f i Steelier, firm IX tt i. 2i St. via ...l.iJ2 t 1 cows ltjk S 3 leiuelt .11. a i ai In leeuel'S . .1 let IW it l.cut r. .11. t 4u NEBRASKA 10 cwk V 2 -ii a cows s2 2 bi 14 c,.wa t' 2 te ews BiJ 2 li 6 eotta Sot. 3 lie j calves... 14" . "... 1 bull 1" i l 2 l.eileis... fan, 4 tw 11 o.k hi... i A' S t' lti 77 2 ' .t. i, ite rs .. ' : , 2 l, rs.. s S ii COW B P.' 2 4io lecoWB ! t 70 Is cows 2 70 t cow s. .... X 2 2i 2 bulla itou ! i WYOMING. 1 steers. ...13 K. 4 lu M. iiale C. Co Neb. Ji cotts KeO f ia 22 cow a 8."4 8 W la CcW e. . .. '. 2 ii E. L. Bow en NeU. il cow lii S u 17 cow Pol 1 li Ld llall-S. tl. I l.eiiert .. 747 i 7.. 11 cow kai 2 & 2i iiev a hoi - Hi In 1 it:.. M i Tolland (u.-U'yo. ii cut s 7. S 45 1 ocwa (07 t iu l.uile i-i ; N 7 L.Ui. ilui 2 uo Soiah Oinaha r-ioux tlty . . Kansas City ft Joseph . , hi Louis Chicago Total Cum . . f. I'i'O . . i t in , .lC.TCiti . . 2,70a . . 7.0HO . .34.000 f.uS .1.2UU tT.iietl 2.12 K.Oli'i r hi etc 14 l : H 1 .','J.I i.Ocm 1.1411 l.f.uo ii (MIU Arcine li. ',.,r,i. . 1.. :.a V i.r.'.o, I'.la L t!.,f 1. i. i'. i.. i-.iifee lloi.. 1 Atllfitc- altvi l.u.-i.a.tJ l . l.liel, ,el . - 4 - i. 4 Stj, n .1, I surt i . li.: i Fran 'alio K t C at atetlt li. ,11 1. not.iw ii, toi.iJliUii to S.iciiU Oruaiie .. ion... n. i. ctj itd wu-i lo i ' l a .K ile , e lv it- I. i.V- fc. t. let S. l.c '.. Jjtevce- te Irre .li ! UoD '. ... .'t .-. i.i. iii ri Jul aod iie to i-ini. n- U'iC Pe l.-:iv'i. W X 'If. 1 ' oT lul o olid e.-. f e I ol I'o li. ben K Al. Low. .Nellie r ni-i a.l.ll- i.Uuw i.oiiu 'II , .b'P.Oi'P i!. Jiti ' to so: ' 4 l lea Market. I NEW ORLEANS. I"ec. CoTTOX 1 IStait elose.l liit; , sales, H.Kat l.slee; .. 7'ts nominal; retr.ary, c; good 4.Pdir.ary. 1 -; Yaw teviddln.g ; u M- , dung. 11c. good mid i'.ir.g, 11 l-iiic; middiibg lair. 12 11-lia ; fair il'li-lw: receipts,; bale Block 2&s 1:3 bales , LIVERPOOL, liec. S a TTON- gpoi in flr demand: prices 10 point lower; A'ner I lean n. cm:. i. g 5. (.tel. good n.i.l.'lMi t.eid; Hilda Hi.:, ti.i.l, k,w middling i e 1 ; ' g.oid orumart, 5 4.1; ordinary, t lid, Th, sales of Ihe day were k ckti t!ea of which bit' were lor speculation and exp.iri te.,1 'iiu:udtd I. '; ren-etpts. H0"J i bales, ineh.rt:t.g U 'Mi Arnet icit n. j ST. LOUIS. Dec S i v i T'D iN-MarUet ' UliCiihl.gatt : fn.ddlll.g. 1l.c: ka.eS ' le.lee, 'receipt. 74 balei; khipmefii. li.!; Iiuje. fct.H k. li. 1 bale. ibultltl- W ll.lant G I '. I A i .a ItlellP I lls it. In.- C Mct.i.iltl re K a r-e Sau.e lo j . block: il f .: Fle-ce-1 e i a .M. t i J n . t,. Pit Jonn lv J i. ii Uli; 1-1 ji, Ulil.1. I" .11 Emn.a sort lu I la as IV. i. i.d 1. i.o it., n i 1, .It. oik .Ie. Altis, a- '1 liele- .iti.i.l l"ii J o nS- ll t. klal y 1 a 't i I pi. t l. I .l-j. ft 7 .1 It. k . II. lit I't I t Pal- t .in eti e:-.. i f loi a, l-.l a-llt'c-li.. at. a n u.-.oa ad , i it., oio. a .l..n 1 ..ui.S. si1 ;.i in llui ScTi.e I ol lot p : :t 1, i.uirih li-is lot l.l 1- 4. '.1 i rn; I 1 1 tit i 'M 4 111., k 1 It il. .:i ii. i. : ,1 in. t ai I .a r-t -t li, ..La.. IM tai.ll. l: ..1 I i'k il a !... ed consideiabie stniiglQ .hi mt.rr.i.'ig. Bale iaiiii.g anew here Hum til .-.1144 lU alt HiL-tll a at Light r 111 Maine fl- :ierre case. 1 lie market cou.d lata I be .e i it-d as aociul .yc ti,n last n , ek e ioe. 'ihe trade Wa al Itle ...eva.iing pi ices and ever thing waa aold it lv i. i wli ill ll. c n.t.rfur.g As will be t.iiictrci troiit tt.e aies t.eiow ttte bu.a of ne hog sold al tt. eitu li. wheieas calur n e boss sold large.y ai K 'Atuai t'.Vt .lie lop Waa Ito, taring uli.y tv ti, . i.e sainc aa on Salutoay. ''he BtrengtU tcj maea up for all of i.a wasaaries c.f last priday, ao that hoga .oday Boia iul.y a g..at2 if not a I: L.ic teller ltia.ii c n last V tturitda . !'.e reeitiatne tales. Su a an Pt No at at pr at kk "l iii tt t at tit . . u kt. a t: i a tv tat tu j . . 44rt 3-t 4 14 :kt 124' f 07 A tilt bk .ta at to- ;u:t 1st. t ta ka fe t tt T it . . t Uk kk I 41. 4 IK .3 I I . . k U- to 24 4 te( ti. - 4 t at M ot 111 4 uCee Market. NEW YORK, Itec. 1 O'lFFEE M a ; ket for future c-tied eteic1y at a i.ei tie-, lair c.f lv to 15 ftolnls and ruleo. very we-k alio u'.-st-tilted as ti e resuit of P wer Earoieii c tl and tug receipts al pnniary pel tt.. f... lowing the decieaaed inovetio lit I. .ward tne end if laal wee which had b en a factor in the rally of Friday and Saiurti. prices sold off to the low piiint ol tne te st. en during the p.lddle ttti"ii, or alK.ut fi to Xk itoinis nel lower 1 ne market airadled (lightly later, but weakened under I: creos- j Gflerins in the last few minute ai d weak at a tiet decline tf 3f. lo .41 p m'a Salts ware reported of TV WX, big, inc u ng Itaceiiiber al 5 eir ; Jatijary. i 7itj i. Itk , Marc h. 5 Kiaril tar . May. t -t.,. ej jiic. J uy k o ilitOc; August, t 5c ; tVept -nitn r, i; Spot, ticmiit! , No 7 Rio. 7V, c. I.- end vi:e u ' 'N i 'i.ri-.e '.rt 11 ai.u wit' , lol a 1 M'i 'f lell'- Sutt'l!'. I la. block -. i'f'ilii, t' atl'i.tlon. ,. rre:i .l.d w te to It.t X tool K lH. I.e.. t.d I Pti-i Asi.'.. lo I llliB!.4, Eva M Sm E Lane. I. If a I l' Ll Jotinn. r. lol 4 I .lot k AnTie 1 I 4t ith aeol hu-ouli-l tu M l 'A feet -C't i 'la i bl.d b. .I.ler Pt.te itai io ili. on, Ear i er, ii. ft" .it li 0:n no . . are! I u-i itd lu J a l. tl I7u A J 1 1.1 Hi .rd let 1, tea.e k Total f.- Kitkaraltd Apple aad Dried Frail. NEW YORK Dte I -KV A POP. AT El i APPLES Market firm; fancy, kc , e-e. , y . inMie 7SiBc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT 8-Prut.ea 'are flrrr., wlet. vfferiritrs fetiirftplly atn-"rbel llil range rrorn o'V, otc.iuirg io tvi Ca fariua fruit. Aintou ar . are ii 1 1 I lieu, The Financial World .!.kY tr.K t;:i Ac.o 14 llttakuar lOOItan oljih tk T. e kutju-g Fir anciU tl t:i.y Vat art li t Linkers kr.J riur.cters 1kinast ta isvesiari and : peculalars TU. j.-'j fi.Htic.ial let..-:...!. . f n kind. Seaf t r 11 e a .Hi , ; r il I e e. .Ltlliosd of it fa. iit-lt.'i,. y . c.r ,u n, u a tu:: ntlKIU MOHID S Braasr .awlrh