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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1906)
-THE OMAHA -DAILY BEE: F1M1UY. XOYEMBEK 2.1. VMK. ONLY ONE REUCE toil MAN Evnncelist Torrey 1 lla TOn Auditors tliat Haven it in Goi. DEVIL IS SMWT'ANJ HtS WAYS DEVIOUS folnta Out Many UnM la Men He I. area Iht tanary Into V Asaarrs Ills Hearer There la f. H "II. "There Is one enfe hitihm (roiu insolence, from sin, from the devil, and from the wrath to come, and thrit hldirs jiIhcb Is ona man l ho Cod-man." So spoke Kvnna-eilst R. A. Torrey In his srrmon Bt the Auditorium flinrsday nlRht. Aftor first 'declaring the Inalilllty of man to get away from tho panga of nn Hwnkoned conscience, find bis -powrrlcssni-ss 4o. break awiiy from Kin lintilrt(-1 ly th' JUvlne Being, tr. Torres- turned to con wider the devil nnd hi work. "There lire not only ovldi-bcc n'l nroiind of n Divine Creator," he said, "but every where there arc foot print a of the enemy cif God ami '.wan. - lie entrups with lllthy vlee, or he catonVa him with sub tle and alluring- delusion. , ','In a- eastern clly not long ago, I hiiw a man como aneaklng down an alley toward a pile of empty beer kg-s-a broad ehouldered man, who nilKlit once have been erect and handsome, Jnit who now was lnt and hogg-ard. Ho stopped at the krs,s. and, . looking about to are that no - one was -watching him. drew from beneath his r.igged coat a tomato can. Into which he trained the dregs of stale ' be!i- from, the keg. Then lie hid the can of beer under Ms tout and shambled away. Tho trouble with Hint man was tho devil hud hlui by tl'.c throat. " , " ' 1 "My friends, the devil has many men by the throat with a hold not of-th.- to mato can sort. It in not filthy,' but at tractive. The devil is cunning. He draws men to a host of philosophic-til fabrica tions (ailed religions; there are thcosophy, esoteric Buddhism, spiritualism-. Christian Science, Dowlelsm and the rest of them. Their existence surely moans . there Is a devil. Devil In Smart. "Ah, the devil has no lack of bruins; in a man of Intellect and a philosopher. he If you think that a man is fool because he Is u Christian Scientist, you aro the big gest fool . of all; some of the brightest men in the country are Christ Inn Scientists. Of course, when you take up Mary Baker ' Kddy'a book, which makoa as much sense backwards as forwards,, it is hard to-be lleve that brainy men follow her; but they do. Take theosnphy, or spiritualism, and It Is the same, thing; eminent .lurlat, the scientist, the statesman, are their adher ents. When you think of all the people who are misled by these things,: you realize thut It is not so much by vice as by' subtle delusion that the devil catches people. "You ask how I know there Ik a devil. The man who banks on the Bible comes out uhead In the long run, uud the man who will not believe the Blbln comes out in the rcdr. Tho Bllilu says there is. a devil; ' I believe there Is n devil because the. book says so.' But I have a better reason for believing there's a devil It's because my personal experience tells me there Js on But. thank-fd. thefe I- a. hiding place for the dovll, and that Is God.. I know there support the ' family. . wheii they lived in in a God. 'The untutored savage knows j Gage county, where they were mirried. that. A European travelfng ln the desert j Finally she cam?, to Oniatta. where she has one evening saw his Arab guide Bow down .been working.. She charges Iifm with non In worship; and he asked the guide to 1 support. Dot a Hall telle tlie court- Harry whom he was pravlng. 'TO God,' was the- P- "' without resortmB to persohal answer. 'But. how do you know t'hero Is Vfolenoe. Silt aays he called her yiJe Yiu.hiea Oodr asked the atHhiat. 'Can you see" i""d aboul -a year ago deserted her. -- H t ri ? 111 n x-nil rinti r t If iii r rl sum. ..-.i. out your hand And fool ' Itti.171 . In thn morning he remarked to the guld irnlng he remarked to the guide. ''A camel wtis prowling about the tont last night.' 'How do yoj know?' asked the 'Arab.- 'Did you sec hlni? Did you hear him? Could yu put out your hand and feel him?' 'No.' was the response, "but there are his footprints." The Arab wav,td. his hand toward it sky flushed with be glories of the dawn. 'Ik-hold, there' the tjootprlnta of the Creator,' he aalrt. - Betlevea There la at Hell.' ' s "You need alao a hiding, place from , the wrath to come, -1 believe thure .Is a wrath to come becadss the Bible teachc It, and because my raon tells mq so. There's also a hell.. .. 1 young man; handsome' nd winsome, falls Into what , he calls lovo with an In- n i.-ent girl; leaus . her on to ruin. .. While the girl goes the inevitable way, dies -a horrible death and. la burled In the pot ter's Hold, the young man Is forgiven by mmm mn,... j-sc t-w' s! a-' ty..-I. V"11''1".?-,- mwm , f '--v J. a sbm- a t a m m -bl mm r m m aaaam m m $ ! J $ l fU JO. and ..Leuypini' Via "..- I a I Ell ill EP Via the Only Double Track Routo Tickets on Sale Dec. 1st to 4th, Good Till Dec. 10th .,-.-.- v.- - CITY OFFICES, 1401-3 Farnam St. V society. Is courted by designing jnothet who krow hla story. He. marries an hon-J ored girl, Iwcomes rh h.-prt nnP" goes to I (-mares. He live In a liitcH posit ion ' all Ms life. Don't tuink that in another life j i.igij.erit win not fiU'on the miin wh,. i rullud that girl. ,Of course, theft's a hell. I ' "A so-called riieccsf nl man keeas a high- j prii-d lawyer to tell him how faf to go In I rnmiDfrH.'tl t ra n rt if ns without belllST llf- 1 r-sl--d. Ho rides li u cnrrlnge and i-olls up ! millions. When he' dies there ure. whole columns of eul gy In the newspapers and j a Ixautiful mausoleum is erected for hlni. All about ure the tr'rs of tho widows and j orphans of the men ho has robbed. Do you ; think that man will not have to CT up be fore n just (lod. who Is not blinded by a tew millions, and thut he will not have to on mr tor his Infamy her'e on earth? , "Hut -you don't need to wrong another person to lnit" the wrnth to come. The Lord will sy, 'What did you do-with my holy (Uy? What did you do with my holy book? What did you do with-mv Son'1 Out you answer wlthont fear? Of course there's n hell.- Th'- result oflnFt night's meeting Was Ctelit eonversibnsi - '' .i . Ncores Church Members. Thulsd.iy . afternoon Dr. Toi rey acorcd eliui-eh tnemliers who dance, play cards nnd go to theitrrs. He told th'-m tl'id would be more likely to answer their prayers If they wotdd desist from these things, displeasing to (iod. After the meeting some of the min ister and deacons who hove. been In the Imliit of playing pool and billiards at the Commercial club jgot together and hud, a'1 ft noua talk. . ' Tonight Mr. Jncoby, the reformed "rounder," will -tell tin; story-of his life. AID FOR RIVERS- AND HARBORS More Money from toiiarress, Dahlmait a(, Wan Krntlaient at Kansas t lr Meeting. Mayor Jaiues C. Dahlmnn retyrned Thvus day. morning from Kansas City, where lip utter.ded the Trcnsmlsslsslppl Commercial Congress. Qotild Dietz rctdrned witli tho mayor. Others of the Omaha delegation remained for the closing session Thursday evening. ' ' i The chief topic of Interest to the mayor, so for us llo attended the session of the congress, was that of river and haibor Improvement. Mayor Dnhlman suld the discus.-ion was strong regarding the possibility of the government Increasing Its appropria tion for rivers nnd hurbors, the present an nual appropriation being 3 per cent of the total governmental appropriation. Mayor Dahlman had a chat with E. "II. Hariiman. Mr. llnrrlman was undecided . when lie x-A,,t.l -lcit Omnia) 'Anions- thft .tii-Anilnoot XcbrttK,.ntm nt t1. congress were Governor Mickey and Governor-elect. Sheldon. THREE WIVES TIRED OF YOKE iiiui-n Kile . Petitions for Divorce, llnvlnu; (Jot Kpough of Married life. . A trio of disappointed wives filed petitions for divoree In district court Thursday .,.. ,. l.t Helen M. Snencer' charires thhtri K?rl 1 ns-iociuted too much .with other J women, called her vile names, did not supj oi t her properly and finally deserted I her altogether. She wants her maiden tiame, Helen Deulbach restored. - .a... Cora tj. Gllinore says William B"..-was such -a poor provider 'she had td work to mm "" H - J GIFTS FOR THE:. OLD. PEOPLE i1 ) ' - . - s floury and Provisions Are (ifnrruual - Donated by Friends at '' - V . the Home. . The Old People's linmc, Tt ejity-fourth and Wirt streets, held Its annual dona tion party Thursday and the home and Its . residents are in gula uttlre, "receiving friends aiid.theli- donations.' Up to noon about lljii had been received In .cash and liberal contributions of provision.- made. by the merchants of the Vlty. The former plan of fending . out . paper laiga asking that they be returned Illl.-d was not em - nloyed this year, cash being asked iqstead. A - reception was held in the afternoon I and the home was open for inspection. Mrs. Ge-orge Tllden, president; Mrs., P. I pPr. rine, Mrs. Chetwood Hamilton, lira.' BolU and other members of the Woman's Chris. Uan association, which 'operates- the'lnsll. titlou, constituted the reception' committed Via MRS.: GRAHAM WILL TESTIFY - Woman Who ati Eba ,Waa Insulted b7 taiuso to Aprear in Court. . . ' ' ' ' SENSATION IN YSKRDAVS HEARING I Uothrr Woman Hhiim,l)r(rniliil Is Alleaed to lime Annoyed I on front lllm Whllf lie I on Mend. NEW YORK, Nov. r.-Hannah Oraham. I th" woman who caused the. arrest of Enrico Caruso on a charge of annoying and nils treating her In the monkey house In Cen tral purk last Friday may nrpear tn police court tomorrow lo press tiie charge against him. Jusl before court adjourned tonight at the end of the. se-ond day's hearing of the 'charge against the singer. Deputy Po llen Commissioner Mathnt, who Is conduct ing the prosecution, said that he had little more evidence to offer. There was only one- witness, for , the prosecution yet to be heard, he said, and when that witness, r.nt. I t,,. -... ,1A l..ic llmt, Ian ' min rtes to. complete his case. Despite tho efforts of the' commissioner it had been found Impossible to present the witness today, but he felt safe in assurliiB the court that the person to whom he re ferred would Iks In court tomorrow. A rc- port thut .the witness referred to was the missing Hannah. Graham quickly spread. Graham dropped out of sight when she. left the police station five min utes after .she had preferred the charge against Caruso last Friday afternoon and 1 wttnosep for the prosecution testified that ' the most earnest endeavors hnd been made i to find her, 'hut 'without avail. Should she i-appear she would furnish a sensation far greater than nny which has marked the two days' hearing , in the Yorkville pollcs e-ourt Woman onfronta IH-fendant. ! Today was not without sensations. When court adjourned last night Cttruso was on the stand ind his examination was resumed when the ens was taken up today. Dep uty Police Commissioner Mathot questioned the defendant closely concerning the four years .when he has appeared in this country ' under the direction of Helnrlch Conreld. Caruso acknowledged that he waa In New York in 1SKM and that on February of that year he sang In "Parsifal" at the Metropolitan opera house. Jt was at this ' point that, the real sensation of the day came. -. The wide doors directly behind the j magistrate's bench swung open and a ! woman in white and with a white veil 1 drawn closely over 'her ace stepped into the room. , "Caruso, look upon this womun," said the deputy police commissioner as the woman raised the veil and reveiWed her features. "Did you ever seo her before?' The' defendant moved uneasily, hesitated and then replied: "No, I hove never seen her.7 "Did , you not,' on the afternoon of Feb ruary 4, '1901, during the second act of "IVrsifal.','-, stand behind this woman iu I he Metropolitan opera house and aubiocl, "T to exactly the same indignity to which U- i charged Hannah Graham was sub- jecieu to ai inc. einrai parK -, niongey house? 1 "1 did not," replied the witness, hotly; 1 never saw the woman 'before, ao far as 1 can ,remrmber," ' ; - "la It not fro that on that afternoon not only this woman, but other women, were the victims of most Indecent actions upon your part?" persisted Mr. Mathot. Caruso's counsel broke In with u vigorous pbjePtlpii, which was sustained.' '' - One "of the dlvcrting 'features of the day waa the .-appearance for the defense of Adolph Denilger. former American .I.c0n? consul at Madrid. Dr. Denzlgor testified tie wa in the monkey house atr Central park.-during Caruso'a . there Friday and that ho obsen-ed no linrroper action on the singer's part. ; He declared .that he had voluntarily, come' forward to ..'testify in the singer's Ix.-half because he knew him personally, knew hlti to be a gentle man and.a oenaiaetor of humanity.. He said he mood . within ten feet of Caruso ut tho time he was In the building. The' police court room again housed a great crowd' tcduy and hundreds were iin- f able to guln admittance. .- j It Was-imported In the court room that J trie ' woman in white waa a member of ! iw ehoms -of the Mtr,.m.,. compatiy.' ' ...Helnrlch , Conreld, director of tlie Met re pcUtau opera-house, deaeribef) Caruso's mannei isrps much u did Dr. Denzlger. '"To be brief, h- Is pomitous is he not?" asked Mr. Mathot. . "It, would l)e more kind to speak of it as u habit," replied Mr. Conreid. Several other witnesses testified as to Caruso's Inability to speak English and tho hearing wus then adjourned until to ,tn( rrow. ' ! MEAL FACTORY FOR OMAHA ."Is. Hundred-Barrel Plant .May Be F.atabliahed Here by Xev York Man. Fred Fear of New York Cltv Is In nm.:,!. for the purpose of determining the pcrsi billtlea of eatabllshlng a UOf-barrcl oatme-al and liv barrel rornmeal plant here. Mr. Fear la working with Compilssloner Guild of the Commercial club' In this matter. Thursday morning Mr., Fear talked with a number of grain men 'on the subject. Mr. Fear 'was president of the Bnoni'. la.. Cereal company, whora plant burned down last May. After the flro the company do elded not to rebuild at Boone and since that tne Mr. Fear haa heen looking around for . a ' dcslreabln location. He lias been attracted to Omah ahd . Council Hiuffs, ' with preference for OmiUtu", If sufliclent in terest is manifested in the project. M-. Fear believes considerable Iowa trade would be supplied from Omaha If tlie plant shi.ulj be cwtabliMicd here. CONGRESS WITH PRESIDENT -vlukald Kays Winter Seaalon Will Slmnly tarry Out Pullelea ( Koocevrlt. , Congressman Mosea P. Kinkald of O'Neill passed through Omaha Thursday on his ,ay to Washington for the ahort term of congress convening December S.- 'C.olng to carry out the president's poli cies; you know, we are all for Roosevelt." wus the Judge's reply as to what the winter session would do. "I regard the re- .cent elcct'.ona as another strong endorse ment of tlie imtlonul administration in gen- Vial and an expression of the people's faith in Roosevelt in particular." Judgo Kinkald said out In O'Neill they 'were building a new fj'.ttu botel and the country uround wus progressing steadily. Zlaaataa Haaaa (rant Seattle. Coum llman Harry B. Zlmman returned 1'hursday morning fnun Washington state, wiiere he was flood-bound fur several d:i it a small stafion near Tueoina. Mr. Zlin mun was bound for tSralt'e on business. 1 ut ave up that part of Ins trip. Iio descrilx-d iiie flood ad taking small house and fhoti-,an-is of feet of lumber in its fury. While n the tram Mr. Zliiunan sent a day wiili . ienutor l.aKollette 01 Wiat-iutslii, with . , hoin the Onuiliu councilinun discussed na tional .iffulrs. Benator LaFoll.ite k. Iitd Ids sorrow over the death of Kd ,ad Roeewater. lor hre lluuii rnul lull la f ne j tt UC.;(i OIL XiUl but lie, luo. SPORTS OF A DAT. lllKM.ICMl: READY t'OR. HAgTI'VfiB I Kast liamo l Kiprrted on Former's j i lirlillrnn Mntarda-. ' ( Owing to the inclemency of the wcstV-er i lh' Hi-iievue f ot bell team pni'-tlsefi in tin Hi mnasium, '.he nrt pert of the wees, i Although no ft-rimmigu coulo be Indulged In, yet the team w ml through some :asi s-ignal pr.Ktlee. The team haa fuliy re covered from ih" eftects ol the grime with j Doano last Saturday and Is In tho pink j of condition. Neither the team nor tho conch Is over confident about the game Saturday . with Hastings. For the lust time In ninny yeata l.astlngs h-'S tuir.d out u slrom team. It heid iv-ane to th low score of 1-2 nnd outplayed tne Tigers in the Inst half. From tho snowing mane in other gnmes Hastings has n swift ag grogiitioii this year, 'i ins g-mo will be the crltleal Emu'1 tor the 'cnainnionshiD of N( - briiska colleges and both teams will play the gnme of tiller lives. The teams are well oiiiiched In siie, speed ind teem work, and both-have been rivals, for years. Vv dio-MiHy lhe snow was setapped from tho Jiell-vue gridiron . and tlx- held will 1, in iriuiri roiiiiituin for the arame. Irfist night fne Heilpvue squad reported for , pmetice on the field atid a rasi scrinimin' was Indulged In. Omcli Whlltnore put tin team through ti hard and fast practice. Thev 1-enlls.e that they must heat. Hastings. Slaiurday an.d .will go Into ihc gtime to w.n or die. Aimiv foot ball enthusiasts are expected down rrom fimaha as no game will be uhived In the city Saturday.; The street car cnip,inv will pin nil special ervee to handle the -crowd. The panic will be cnlli-d ut a irf. !...' . The. Doa nil- Tigers were pivt tt h rest mi Monday so th-y -might remove tlie kinks from their ' twisted .'tails. Tuesday night '.he squad was ordered out to practice 111 three inches of snow and the V came with n growl. - A gnrr.e or "Soeeeiv wns Indulged In for aloui fifteen minutes between the varsity anil the ntubs; when the a mo was over the -varsity was ahead one point. Signal practice was then the order and with Griffiths ij-mrter the leant hustled up and down the Held in fast order. At state; ( 1-itervaN t:apt.iln Day would boot the hall and the whole team would-go kwn und' i his punt. When- darkm--drove the tenm to the gvmnaslum. livery , man fell that he had had the work out of the season.. Wednesday evening the first frrlmminr was held since the liellcuvc game ini'l another ; shake up In the teani. occured. Griffiths was at quarter and Bates, nt etiri. Hall and Barber was given a trial ' ''; half lt the place of Hartwrll, who will be out of th. game with C relghtoii unless he passes the next test ..iil: in t his 1- reneh Class. On defense, Medlar will !c fit right end nnd Ilates at left. Dowle will back up the line. These changes win siren- tenm and although bca'ttm by the team Is not disheartened tor - there ore no quitters In Doane."! -. , ' The Omaha Ski CbTb American Kepubllc held Its monthly meeting Wednesday None of tho memliers could report any outing on . . 1- ... 1.. ti.iahn nrtfi virln- Ity had been too light 80 far. president Elmbranch made the statement that skies of the Iwst kind anion their way from up per Russia and that some pictures Illus trating skiing In the FJ.'lls uf LappUnd In tended for decorating tlie .walls of a club house, as vet only a sweet dream of the members of tho young cjub. and for Santa. Claus to realize had been donated and sent by his brother. The picture, which lor some reason are delayed 'somewhere, jvese lonuncnted upon, a resolution of thanks voted -and the president was directed to forward it to the dnnatia-. . The Young Men's Christian ' association basket ball teams are getting In shape for the winter's campaign and an effort will he niade to organist t Ivague this winter. The Basket Ball league was quite a success last vear, ulthough some of tlie- teams showed the white feather when they got a little behind. Roller skating and boVllng will be the principal sports in Omaha1 this week. Roller skating will take the pi--, of tb mlss'on at the Auditorium Saturday rfterno n and evening. Dr. Torrey brht-vea In working but six days n week, and a he preaches on Sundny. he rests on Saturday. The skaters will therefore be given a', chupre Saturday. All the Field club golfers ure polishing up their clubs (or the big tiu"key game which will be played Tr.lnksglving morning on the club links. The golf . committee has arranged a match which Igjixcltliig the In terest, of ajl the golfers, ."qn that day In the morning three-, huge turkeys will bo hung up as prizes, and 'MeTth enti les being l-ssscelved until o'clock Thursday- morning. tho golfers win be line' nr.-fov tin? match, which will be medal play- with handicap)., and the three low scores with 'their handi caps will get the three torlteys. . HAVKIXti OF- TKX?fls) - PIA YKHS lulled States Association Makes 1 1 Standlnsa for Keat Year. BOSTON. Nov. 22. The executive c-imniit-tee of the I'nlted States Dawn Ten ' asso ciation announced today-the accej ce nf a meeting In .New York last night of the report of thef ranking' committee covering the standing of , the players for the year, tnd e.lso the unanimous vote of the com mittee lioldlng Reals C. W right of Ronton and Wjlie C. Grant-of -New York to be Strictly amateurs. The ranking of the leading players is as follows- , . . , . 1!K; "singles," 'ranking: Class 1 lowe 2-8. loi W. J. Clothier, W. A. Iu-ncd.. 15. C. Wright. F. R. Alexander, K. H. Hehl. Class i . (scratch) B. I). Little, W. H. Hackett. Clais 3 (receive 2-6. l"ii F. O. Anderson, E. R. Dewhiirst, I. C. Wrlnht. H. Ijeroy. CImss 4 (receive K-6. Ko-rF. C. Colston, T. R. Pell, Jr., K. Collins, N. .Kmerson. Cl iss S (recelvo 4-ti . l.'.i F. J. Sullowav. J. D. E. Jones, R. C. Peaver. H. Mollenhour. N. W. Nlles, W. F. Johnson. L-. 1U Wald ncr. C. F. Watson. Jr. Class ti (receive. U"e-C. M. rS.ill, Jr., H. O. Hunt, J. Byt'ord, A. Silllrnan, O. Hlnck. W. '. Orant. Class 7 (receive 1-2. 30)-H. J. Holt, C. C. Kellev. W. H. Cragln, A. H. Wadworth, R. N. Dana, J. O. Anib. Class H (recelvo 1-2, an and 2 blsuuesi P. U. Hawk, F.. T. Gross. R. Rishon, T. R. l'lympton, R. S. Loverlng. II. R. Register, 11 Dovle, H. Uimmons, A. S. Dabney, Jr., 1Z. ",'Page. ' JtiCU "doubles." i-ankingi Class-1 (owe 1-2. 15) Ward and Wright. Class 2 (scratch) Alexander and Hackett; Clothier and Larm-d. . Chess - 3 (receive 1-2, 15) Wrenn and Flnck--; Dewhurst and Watson; Waldne." and Kmerson ; Torrenc and Pell. Class 4 (receive lit Hunt and Eurton; Anderson aud Jones; Dana and Cross. EVENTS OX - THE RI'MSIMi TRACKS Sandalwood, the Favorite, Wins Steeplechase at Beaalaaa. WASHINGTON. Nov. 22 Good weather brought out a crowd at Hennlngs todaj Rig ilelds and close finishes marked the racing. Sandalwood, the favorite, cup t tired the steeplechase. Three horses fell N'-w York ran second In both the- third and tilth races. Angler, the even money fa- , voiite. did not show In lhe last race, Renu claie winning a close finish. R.immarls: First race, seven furlongs! Bandy Creeke. won. Rawhuiinock second. Old Colony third. Time: 1.H1'. Second race, steeplechase, about two and a half miles: Sindalwood won. Frank Homers- second. .Caloorahatcheo third. Time-: 6:11. . Third race, seven furlongs: Rather Royal won. New York Bi-e-oud, Heal fell third Time: 1:30. , Fourth race, six furlongs: Lee Harri son II won. Bcleubt second. JJotanlst third. . Time: 1 :tti. Fifth race, mile: IJollie Spienxer won, York second, Avaunteer third. Time; 1:4SH Sixth race, mile and a quarter: Heauclnre won. Bulwark second, Caronal third. Time; 2:l-v - , SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 22 Results: Fiitt race, live furlongs:. Christmas Tide won. Fune wt-oiHl, Aiuru third. Time: I Mi. Second rat, six furlongs: M'lltah won Gioioobol eecond, Klmdulo third. Time: 1 ! S ' ' ' Third racn. seven furlonga: Tavora won Aikius aecond, Ulack . Joe third. Time; 1 :Si. ., Fourth race, mile: VUillu won. Harbor second, Karl Rogers third. Tim: 1:42. Filth race, mile and sixteenth: Morendo won. Laell aecond. Dutiful third. Time: 1 t-H Sixth race, six and a half fur.onga: Rur leigii won. Mtfrtiiimaa aecond, Rob Hag on thlid. Time; 1:21V VASDERBILT -WIJI FROM CARMSI.K Indiana Lose Fierce .Faut Ball Batllr hy Score of Fonr "(othlas. NA8HV1IJ.E. Temi., Nov. 22. In a fierce gndi.on battle on Dudley field today Van U.rt.ill defeated the Carlisle Indiana, 4 to 0. Jiut at the clone or ttie first half Rob lilakn. for Vandeibllt, kicked a goal from the eventeen-Hrd line and that was thf only sturiug of an Intensely exelilng gdlne Four times iluunt I'leaxunt. for the In linins, tdib-d to diop a gual from the field Early III Ha- game till Indiana by whirlwind luSlie d.l r ltd Ihb ball w VuildeiL-lllc ttiree-ynnl lino, but there the locals wltli stoiKl three chariE.p. Att-r lliiR the p!:-y was largely In Ciirllslo t- irltory. (ROWII FOR THK tllll'ViO l.lli: t.ood Nam her tt Hooters Will tin to re ( ornbaakera lln. The ( 'ornhusk-r (, will have a goodly sup ply of rooolei- for the game with I'tileigo HaturdiiV, Judging from the way tin- tickets are selling at the rtiice,l rat-s The I'ni verslty of N hrasku foot ball tiam arriv ed lu Omaha yesterday afternoon at !t:.')0 oer the Kock Island from Lincoln and left at 5:40 over tho Chicago Great W( stei n. The team was accompanied by 1'i rooters and more with a band will po today. Tho Chicago Great Western i-Xi ruled quite a coip on the other Omahu-rhicugo toads by announcing a day abend of pil ot hers the Installation of an fc rate to Chi cago and return, and the consequence Is tint road Is reaping the harvest, tor Indie Hons are tnM every available nr ot tin Great Western will have to be put Into this service to handle the reefers who will accompany the t.-am and thosu who ai--slmpiy taking advantage of tho lowir rate for n trip to Chicago. Neither the Northwestern nor the B111 llnston has Joined In this rale, the other roads meeting the Gnat Western's cut and nil are reporting n large- sale ot tickeis. The roads stayed oat of the rate will lose a large amount of business during tile days the rates are in effect for the round trip rate to Chicago is $-l." cheaper than the one-way f ire. Plenty of the red and white of Nebraska should be seen around the gridiron it the Midway Saturday, for bes-ld-s all those who are going from Nebraska, there are a large number of former Nebraskans In Chicago who will surely wear the 'vuisity colors. HII.II ltll MT(IIF 1 M:W IOIIK , tutler Defeats llnppe and Gnllnahrr Itests Peterson. j NEW YORK. Nov. In today's matches j In the Amcrhan championship billiard, tournament, the winners were Albert Cut ler of Boston and Thomas Gallagher of New Y'ork. Cutler defeated Frank Hopp--In lhe afteniiKUi. V to 1:!. and Gallagher 1 bested Charles Peterson of Si. lnils In the night mulch, ton to 2'l. Scores: Al'toir.'ion Game -Cutler, irm; nverti-tre.' h; high run, lf;. Hopiw, is:!; average, n High run, 'A'. Night Gamo Gullagh-'r, M'; nveiage, IS 4-1"; higli run, lln; Peterson, I'"'; uer age, it high run. A2. COHMH KF.H OFF FOH t IIK Mnetern Players In tlie Mat for the Windy City Gnine. MNCODN, Nov. ii-The Nebraska uni versity foot ball squad, comprising nlne-t-( n players, coach and assistant coach, manager and physician.- left this evening for Chicago, where oil Saturday they will plnv the Maroon eleven of Chicago uni versity. Nearly lm) Lincoln excursionists uceonipuriievl tlie teum. WITH T1IK BIWI,Eni. The Krug I'nrks won thru- straight' games from tho Hamiltons at the associa tion alleys last night. The boys from the Bluffs were not up to their last week's form, but rolled steady tenpins and de served to win at h ast one of tlie- games. The high total nnd single game went to Marble with C'-l and :,r)S. Tonight tin fmlmnds and Metz Bros, teams will roll two matches, starting at 7 o'clock shurp. j The score: ' KRl'G PARKS. 1st. Jd. :id. Total. French V'H 1" Mt Marble 1M 2"-S VI Zlmmerruan Ifil V' l- ;,:!" 1 Johnson Hi I'd Iss net Bengele IS2 Ki f"7 Totula ...j: kh ' WT '.',ss I'Otill. f."l HAMILTON'S. Is'. . .178 ..l: ..1KII ,.lw J.l. il 170 i:-". It'H 'J'l 3d. 17H ls7 il'i li.l 1j7 Frush .... Rempke ., Mggett ... Ntcoll .... Pickering Totals 511 sir, !t svi 2,1;; WABASH MAKES TWU REPORTS Auditor Tobln I nnble to Explain Dif ference of Million Dollors lu Estimate of Earnings. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 22.-T. J. Tobln, auditor of the Wabash rullrcad, continued n thn witness stand today in tho maxi mum freight rhto hearing hefortj Master In Chnncery Bcholield. The. principal point Involved in the testi mony today was concerning the difference In two reports made by the Wabash In. June last, ouo to the Board of Hallway and Warehouse, commissioners and another to the court, concerning the roud'a revenue for the fiscal year ending June 30. Toliin admitted that he could not ex plain Cue difference' of about $1,000,000 In I the two reports, as he was not familiar ! with the methods In which the figures were tabulated, and they wero probafoly in correct. Master In Chancery Scholield thereupon ordered that he secure thn exact figures of tha freight receipts In the- state for the last two years for tiso In the auit. Mr. Tobin will probably resume testimony to morrow. Flaht on Mteanier. PHIIADELPHIA. Ndv. 22.'-Th steamer Haverford, from Liverpool, fogbound Inside the Delaware breakwater since Sunday, reached its wharf today. While the big v.'ssel was fog-bound on Tuesday night- a free-for-all light broke out among the !i steerage passengers. Mtewarda wtio tried to I quell the lighting were roughly handled and a panic prevailed until six or tne ringieto era were arrested and placed in irons. They were turned over to the I'nlted States au thorities here. Government Torpedo Factory. NEWPORT. R. I., Nov. 22. Arrang.v menta are reported here for the establish ment In this city of a government torp- il factory, where all of this class of ex plosives used in the I'nlted States navy will be manufactured, Independent of prlvnta concerns. old M ait Sr,Wl. fr. snd br )olit . 2o 000000 000 OOOOO&tVOC X THE PURiTY. MATL'RITY, AND g I X I rail lilt VS. FLAVOR OK ijl HUNTER VHiSKEY (0) S HAS C1VEN IT ITS WONDERFUL 6 I POPULARITY AND A RF.PU- 0 R ssx V TATkJN FOR EXCF.LI F-NCE 9 8 2 ABSOLUTELY UNSURPAiSLD 2 1 V ) I s j! IS DTRSFon.-MEro. I i: ' ' ' f ) I ;. .1 " - . . " ! V-( - I : I I ! j' " ; " f ' '. I ) , -7 I 1 '-.;. 1; r J ! v- "I he Reliadle Specialists t " ' ,,ot so rn1 " inlsfortnno tliat .n mun coutrat-K tJUi,, . lls-st or weakni-ssf-s, but tlntt hf ni-gbi ts tlinn or fall" f Nocui-f irtM-r frt'Htmeiil for lln-ir oart'.' . .' , ' '' Perhaps you are suffering- In silence; perhaps y Oil pave been uiisueecss- fully t n ai d : ii limps vi'ti unlielpate surgery; hut more likriy you consider your case hopeless or at least aiiseept- fhle onlv to hmiiHiritrv rt-Uf -k.-.t.'t iteui-xi I e iaoii llvonicll voll llae rail(-(l tO find relief. There may. bo health and happiness In store tor imi yet. A MFIl to our oftlc will tell. Surely It Is worth the trouble, as hmllh is n ptlniy necessity and pnidinotiiii to almost unythlug a human being rm) possess. To nil such men a consclentioua and -xj erieived doctor Would advise . ou to consult without delay the best, specialists; one who has made n IltelonsT , study nf just such case's. One who can quickly i and fully iiudcrstAivl your ', troubles, cine who will not deceive you with false promises or uuhti -nu ssllko . propositions. One who ran and .will euro you tn tho shortest nootdblo tlm and at the leas" expense to voti. Any man lu need of such medical advice or treatment should como at orio- to the State Medical Institute. We 1-uio.snfeJy and thoroughly Nervous Debility. R.-rt.U and Kidney Dts-i-H.ies and all diseases and we 1 Hiiessesof men' due to neglect. Igiivrnnce, dis, si-iatlou or the icsult of specllie diseasrs. v . . Free Cons falion and Examination STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnara St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.' S0OO TO aWgWJiaiUJU-J . '4. .- ON SALE NOVEMBER .22 AND 23. Return Limit November 25. ' - - Via CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ll ST. PAUL RAILWAY THREE TRAINS DAILY .... -, ! - - - t. .- v - ., From Union Station Omaha 'to Union Station . 'CI iica go leave Qmalia 7:55 A. M., 5:45 P. M. and 8:35 P. M- , ' .. TICKETS ' ;;:: ' ' '"''' 1524 Farnam Street, ;. 25 Pearl Street, ' .r F 1 AT T1 rA .vl . - m 'l onH t Am ) i You can hay, a nice tjulet time beside any of ' '. . t,yj ' ' ' 1 tfKfji these lakes in California, or maybe vou want TC if to knock about and see new thingf.- California ' - offer nearly every kind of pleasure; no matter l . what your favorite it, you'll find it here. The ff' , UNION &i .. ..... DooKt will tell you an about tne good time ya .r i could have in California. CITi' TICKET OFF1CK, 1324 Farnatu 'Phone Douglas 334. Co) On Sale hi. 22nd and Trains Leave 3.251. m. 8.15 a. a. TICKET OFFICE, that relief ean be secured .tnly bfCco Hours: "lit to 1 only. a. m. to 8 p. nv . fc'uiulays, ... If you cannot call, write.'. ssiajafyg? osss and RETURN ' r rJ.-' '-- ,. -51- v.-' S-F-rt. rp -, ax. . ass-. as. . S Mama V .. ' ' PACIFIC W ...... as a U U and RETURH 00 Good in Stand ard Sleepera oo Goo iu Coaches . 23rd Limit Nov. 25th Union Station , 4.05 p. m. 6.35 p. ..-. i .. 1323 FARI3 AM i . . i