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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THIKSI'A V. N VKM BKK 1. 1: H Mi New New Coats in Fancy Mixtures. Vflnnr (V;it. in tin- i f nl pnriiiT,ts 'n.n V. I e. rt ') '-h mixed ii i'f $: I.' chou r. n rp rcn SHLU J F. T I M OATS i.i r 1 1 i. ' 'l " I-' ' Hi r"i.''- JT'"-1 SJSS .it V - IPLTTY A1STP Kh.'.-v biiif . ;. i ."its ; skll 1 --ev C! C' i' g i' fH t at (: ! ! If - Extra Special. Ti til at I' m rivit aroo-i fmnii'.'! fioni r.;' . .1. .1 l rtii HI. ;.VT c.esfil a T ; M i ' TH-i I s .V '.m' t hi "A Y. .v iVMMm.u :. r""-1 di-Cavf 1 '." " J- -'r M iti.l- ih ! i:-.. .. "i til Basement Specials. Plots' , INT KI'.W . Alt. 1..C 1 A fl'STi.nce .'i ! eld i iviJ'iwir that ni'Tir a r-i-nt s.v.t 1 Tin,! on th! p.uili-'.iar ..f A M i !..! nii'l. r V f r l.fKtl f .1 1 Iti I ult ttioV arf ffipil t . ufrfrturotH ranti'.t 'l'lpli Tnirlflv will hf "hp ' s. 1 "1. - .1 iii- i'r ihi Hriii-n I pr.rt unity i.i hu thfvn at a tii.. In .ri . H'.yi' 'neKr flf-fn r 1 plilrta niirl ilr.'i Wfrv, n.l-'. Tlmr1 1 . 1"..- " i : . Laces and Embroideries PitKPAitK Nnw yon tmk ;ii'T i ylt iN I'alnty !!. yrtRins aul in.Ttliij I for npron. rnrwl .'.n.!." 1 . i'lkfril:ll. rellitr awl cuff Mrn'lft? .-mil m.ny ; ROOSEVELT REACHES COLON Battleship Fetuinc President rrirei at Gulf Terniinngof Pic D.tsh. PARTY STARTS I AM A THIS MORNINS Mint Hun Will lie Mmlc l..n rnal Hontr anil Thcrr Mill He Hccrptlon In f(t-r-' noon. COLON. Nov. 14 Thr liral trip uf an American prealrlent outslilo of thf houn ilarlen of thti I'nltud tjtiitrs was fiioccss. fully coru-lii'W this afternoon ai when ihe battleship IxiulwaiiH. haying on board l'rmldent Koojf(t and hln party, dropped anchor In the harbor of Colon. Tlif Louisi ana, which arrlvi'd alicad nf ."ohedule time, was convoyed by the Tennessee and the Washington. Tho three Vfamdw anchored about a nillii from the dock duriiitt :t In avy rainfall. Owing to the fact that the Louisiana ar rived ahead of time neither Piesldent Amador of" Panama nor I'h.iirinnn Phonts i f ' th Isthmian C'aniil cominisBHin -.vere n .hantSl welcome I'l osiileiit iVoojwVelt,. They left I'.inatua at l::'.n in a npecinl train lor tnlir nnd at :.tu toii'jRlit boar.ifd the Lojifiuna. itnd extended a conli il gr. ' tliiK to Anicrtca'ji' chief t xeeulive. In Treslvnt Amador's party, besld.s Mi. Shouts, wire Chief F.nslneer Sicvena and Kxecutlve Sec retary Heed of the commission and Mr. Squirou, the American minister at Panama. Trefildent HcrelveM Heiiorterrt. During th. afi.TniKiti Pr'Sid'-nt Ibusf v it received the I'.eal newspapi i corre spondents on board Ihe Louisiana, lie ai,l that hia voyage lieen pleasant ar.d nn cvcnttul and fXpreMsed hiln.-ill as grati tkd at lh" welcome which the citizens of the iKlhtnus an. ptepirlng for him when he lands tomorrow, lie stntfil thai lu p;o posed to look Int" the Jamaican I ilir rpn sv tain and also Intended to f h- everything possible concerning the canal. ICxtenslve precautions have lec;i taken to protect I'lesldent Hooaevelt. duilnii his three dnyn' visit on the Isthmus and it Is lepoitei) that a nunibcr of known anarch ist hae been arreafd here oi at Patiamu ' All steamer tnnlving at Ihe isthmua ar Inspectifl and ' c iisplclouf chnrictere have beea Impiisnneii and will be held in cus tody until Frosldi r.t Hooaevelt departs. Fresldun'. Ronsevelt wili b.-gin Ills tour '.f inapoctlon tomorrow and an extensive ld"ourm of official entertainments ha been prepared. 1'roaratu mt Vnnnmm. PANAMA. Nov. 14 Presiden' It.cneelt is not expected here until tomurrow niorn InH. when he wili receive an rnlliUKlustie reception. President Amador, hi wile- and the memlx-r.i uf Ins cabinet, accompanied ly a number of prominent i mzens ot this repubilj. are going to Colo.i t.. imet I'rcs.- o . . , '""'7'" I')! wl.l eve Colon on a slow tiult. lornm row ( 111 order to give them a chance to see the I tttxn ....1 . 1t... I.... I.. .. anal wmk. Th- train afle- ,asipp tlirough the sope will go lo Ls, Hoea. where President noosv el- wi insjaci iln r.t- 'PC enliunc-. of the. can Iresident Amador a;'d his pi'tv ; " 1 Get it at the "Boys' and Girls" Own Gloves and Mittens Chiidreu'ts warm Kid and Mocha mittens, wool lined and fur tritu meJ; sptsvial values, at. . . !0 Poys and sirla' fine knit mittens and polf plovtvs. in wido rang-.' of - colors:, per pair. 50.-, 35e . and ' . 27 C Shoes Shoes Shoes Lilliputian Shoes havi a dilYorvnt shape from tho or tlinary. hut 'tis not this that Utars them wear su. it's the leather the expert work inansli. "VYVve just tlie shoes for any little fet you niav want to fit. BENSON &TH0RNE3 Velour Coats. We ;ui' liivin' tu i In- jaunt v short fittcil co;it ;nnl the .) inch .',n.( ii i. :.' .4(.ihi, .,ii.(iu iiiul ;f ?."). pv. ii .irllc A' "LI hire r-iy w i'l I ! . llfT 1 1 i..!.-- and r-rs'i . I I f"! .( V rmbfitiiloi v. fi Wait ';;i oi nif-n s Hrtpii iin.l-m r.i r S:ii ur.lM y, N"" Miilur IT lili' : ' ' ' i i in 11.1 E"l l.....kl''t IrriiiR jiI.'iim it In III.I'.W . Wool Blankets. , 'M fn. in 1 1 . hl.inki i l.r iiif in:iu ii.'int of n.lvantai:'' . Hint It il.ifun t p.y rlth. r v-t ini.ii' In Muni. ly. bdr- tiiitgl.t ii nf tli'm t i r U5 t" 1 1 tun .mi K-iin .-..uni'T I. I.i nk't?. I'll :iro nut r.' cul.i . .1 I'V tyr (.11 lil. ink' t. f.lshlon. '"it ii is ilif riuulitv HTlnh-'ii l'y tho puiiiul i-.ii nr- piylnn for nt r-.nrkfl valii" ami y.iu in'ist rt"t lf ilf-(ifd. Now. when "U i an Imy"tf of ii :it thf Mm' oil prlri-p--wlillo wonl prlfru are Muring liiffli - l.l.mkfts lh:it cirnf1 from r. Hal. If m.i niif.irniT'T yon run tin rlmnfof Willi I f r.i'.ifA-. AMati t Lliink. t. yrny at (.V.. n liiti- $.V7ii 7 pair Tiri'Ki n" Manki Is. wfiilr M 5". (srny n pit Open Saturday Evenings Howard Cor. Sixteenth Street. u. if Iron. I'reslde'it lloosv'.-. H a.-..l hi p4t.y at r.inaina. '''!'.. latbr wili cruise In r.inatn:' l av. inspecting the various Islan and prohililv landing at Taboga to examine the sniT.t f leeted by the. Cai al com mlssl'.p. Mr Hooscvel; and his suite win then return to the iiiiinlatnl and breakfast with Commissioner Shouts Kxecutlve Sec retary Head and Chief Kngineer Stevens. Speeehea nt Reception. According to tlie prngrum, at i p. in. tomorrow a proc sslon of government . (ini tials and prominent citizens, escorted by Leo young t.n n molinted. will proceed from the cathedral to the Tlvoli hotel nnd I e celvf Piesldent ftonsevclt there at i o'clock, when the party will start for this city with the mounted escort In advance, preceding the carriages of President Koosevrlt a no President Amador The parly will .-top in front of the cathedral, where a platlorni has been erected for Ihe two pHsilents. from which President Amador will deliver an address of wel come. Alter his spt cch all the school children of the capital will If paraded In front of the platform and ning the na- tlonal anthem. The 1 1 t same ceremony w be observed in escorting President Floosc ( It back l.) the hotel. Fireworks in Kirnini. President Amador will cntei'lain Piejd (ient Roosevelt in the palace at 7 p. m.. and from the balcony President Roosevelt will witness a display of flrewofkBin the hay at In p. in. President' Ama.Jnr and his wife w ill hold a iceptiou.. in" honor of Presid-lll Roosevelt nil! Ml'H. Roose velt at the Commercial club. More than ;l"i persons w ill he pres. ut. Kvory possible precaution will be taken to protect President Roosevelt. AH steam ers arriving ale Inspected and all sus picious i-haractei hae betn imprisoned ' uhd will remain in custody until Mr. Roosevelt leaves. Within th-- past few days four known anarchists ate reported lo have been arrested on landing at Colon or Panama. The police of the two elths are acting together, practically under the (rd rs of Captain Shanton, chief of police on tlie Panama canal aone, and the spe cial American secret service officers now here. , i MESSAGE FROM PRPS flFNT 4 lilef Kiei'utii itekponds to ( am4nlntiuns from tlie I rffi f 4eanmhli Aibunrr. NLW YORK Xov. H.-The i i ri w of the steutner Advance, whicu" ar rived toiiay from Colon, exchanged wire less messages with President RooseVfll duiinu "he voyige. When the Advance met the battleship Louisiana and lis e.--coit. th? Tennessee and the Washington, the following w libi message was s nt lo the president: Hon Thi ociuriVltoie-'c velt f. S. S. lena The captain and men of Ihe Kicain- slnp Advunic send grtetinga. Wish you and Mrs. JtouseveU u iiiii plcaaanl voy age and congratulate you on result uf .i w York slate election. ;;i'VVAKl' HAMMOND, Captcii President HooseVclt s r. ! Was ,LS foi- hi I Liplu4.: Ilaiemciid and .Men of Sienin. I Advance Heart lest thanks Von'.' . conjii atulat Ions on rfirth counts. the ior rHLOPOHK RfXjSPA KLi Heaalaclira mil NrnraUU From I ul4. laxative Uromo Quinine, the world wide Cold and clrip rrniedy, remove cause Call for full name. IoK tor M;nai are r-. vv . Grove. 2oc. Store 99 Leggings Children's Jersey leggings, warm and elastic, per pair, 95c, 75c !,m 50C Hoys' canvns leggings, laced down side, flannel lined 734?- 50 Roys' corduroy Fauntleroy or side laced leggings, in various colors; according to iz., $1.25 an 81.00 Ro' leather leggings, iu black or tin. pr pair, f 3., $2 2S. $1 45 anJ 81.25 Children's astraVhau leggings, but ton hides, various volorf, per 81.00 iite tor Illustrated Catalogue. Hee. NmonilKT I I. 1 novelties in oaks. Beau- ' iict ;iiil choice lolls: el M irk. l.- n w I - mi U p. lit 'N'T'll it p.i'l ' SI. l 11V s pair, ntl'o at flce . ,'.'. to. . VV, .n.i $;.' M.inVds in J4..Vi iiiul 1' v blankets, er.ij tf. 5n (i pair. 1 blankets, wlulr $1 tl.l'. $1 .i Ki'iiy. lit J1 XK JI.Sh. 1..UI- Women's Winter Underwear. j !l tin- nnrinrnt i nil wool, w r tfll yon I f o ; if lh.-r. !4 a DltXtlll'" of rOttOll. Iff trll on ' in ntlitr worils. IliN iiifrtnf ' r.'llabiht v . Thl! fart. -iniplo1 with onr l uy prii shoiilil .li- 'i.l. tor i nn whrrr to Imy tlif winirr uii.loi ir. T'liat'f wliv wo Kif.w grow . ft - ipiy THKSK I'fiK Till USUAY Vonn-n s flnf rtMirrl rot ton flrronl union foiitf. Iitsh n. rk. KniR rli rvs, nnklo lftn-'th, lifa.y w- itlif. . in f.ilor, ,H1 nlzrf-II "' '.U h. Wonion's lino ril'lif! fi --.! iott"ti vti. iiiul' ti' i k. lotift flrovi-n. ili nvrs to motrli. anklo IfnKtli.' with P'rrnrh liand. nil st'f?. .Vc rat Ii. Hoys' fine rll.ln'il wool union mtlt. hlRh np k. Ioiik kI'.i'o. anklo lenRth, Koo.l winter wtIrIiI. n.lnr natural, nil sizr, S."if .'11 1.. , ("lllilll !,'.- I'll-' til. he. 1 wool vet. poff fl finish. pflntf henvy winl'i- I anil drawer". Pa j witkIiI. color nntiiriil, n Ivaiililul f iifli. Ha i il:cnt. all Kiz'.. .Vc Main floor. njlPDIKE SLATE WINS OUT Koo-Deilers Bc-alec'.ed to tbt Directtrate of the Omaha Grain Ei chant e. ! r II 1 I I r r t r nr' - e - i 1 1 a e r. a ri. rt et vir a lleelnre )tfm of filing F.nnhlrs nig Rlvnla tn Control TIiIiiks W nllles Mtrnns for the I'realdenej . Tin (iirceiot ate of tile Uinaha Grain ex change will remain unchanged, (I. W. Wat tles, V. P. Klrkendall and S. A. McWhorter having lie n ch'.si n lo succeed themselves at the annual eliitl'.ii Wednesday. The re sult ol the vote was: Wattles. l.'T; Kirken dall. I..".; McWhorter. K:!: C. F. lavis. Sti. Fifty-seven stockholders cast thrir ballot i in person and ninety-six proxies were voted, making a total of 1S3 votes out of a possible h'C ' O. W. Wattle, John Kiihn. X. P.. rixlikc. F. S. Cowgill and K. P. Peck each voted a j bun.-h of picxiis, and if is understood all; were last lor ;h. f-u. ' f u 1 . andl lats. It was reported Tuesday nihl thai N. 11. I I'pdike hud sixty proxies, but If he had he I allowed part of them to be voted by others. ! Some of the .smaller fellows who did not I like to see the exchange controlled by the i big l-acrs put up a ticket, consisting of J C. F. funis. J. II. Hamilton and C. Vln- j cent. Inn the latter two withdrew and the I independents massed their strength on Mr. f'avls, each one casting three votes for htm, which tin y had a right lo do. provided they voted for only one director. The over whelming nutfiber id' proxies on the other side, given by men who have no inlerest whatever In the grain business, defeated thrni. They held that the directors of the exchange should be active grain nun. Neither Mr. Wattles nor Mr. Klrkendall has any interest in the grain business, and Mr. McWhorter doiK not handle easli grain. The losing side will begin a fight to have voting proxj iiHiiisneu on tne exchangf) land has already r( (iiesti-a such m ttnn by the din . tors. There are about thirty mem- bers of ihe exchange actively e ngaged in ine grain tiaue. nut Its destinies are con- trolled by ihe vote oi tp.e r 1SJ, who au- engaged in other business The ma jo. it y of this i;!j give their proxies to a few, who are charged by th' small dealers with trying to control the exchange for their own interests This Is the reason for the request to do away with voting by proxy. The board will meet today and orga.niz... C!. W. Wattbs is said to be slat.-d for the presidency. COUNTESS WINS CASE (Continued from First Page.) Vemher 14. Ill' the follonlni; day. Novi rn- I be. tlie case of the count's creditors ns presented to the court and adjourned for two weeks. The three children of th Castellnnes ate Ceorire, Ron I and Jay, the youngest being the nanif-ake of his mother's father, the lute Jay Gould. li'oriif J. Gould ' Niks. J liKWKR. Colo.. Nov. II Georne J. i Gould and party ended their tour of In spection of the Gould properties lixlay and departed for tne east tonight. When In formed of the successful conclusion of his sister's suit at Paris, Mr. Gould said: "The decision Is lair and a Just one. It was really the only finding- that could have been made by an Impartial court in view oi ine evidence. l sni certainly with the outcome, hut do not car tuss th" matter farther." pleased to dis- flolher Makes a nniiuent. SHJXGTOV. Nov. 14-Howard Gould lii oi hi r of th. Countess de Caste . i ... is in this ity. when informed bv the As. soclatid Pns.- that his sister had been ajranted a divorce from the count, said that while he was grateful for the infor mation, he had no comment to make upm it. The decree of tie court with respect lo the children not eu.iiic France without the consent of the father, lie sum, wag t.-.ther t) be expected, as it in accordant- with the French custom. Overdue -mer in Tort. l.l'JWS. lie).. Nov 14 The overdle the- 1 1 isle.l rh. .oner Kineo froo, i.'i...i K ' Sindwi.'h is. an. is. April IT, for Philadelphia lor whose ssfeiy grave fears had been r pr-.-sed In rhipping circles, was towed into port louav in a iua- mai na.i picke.i it in in.- .iniiii... en. 11 were reports,! weH ol. hoard. I'rnnsyl vnnla AlitUDce Wage. PH'LADKLPIHA. Nov. II -The hosrds of directors ct the railroads west of Pitts luiiu. operated and controlled by Ihe Peru gylvania railroad, at meetint" here toi'av voteU il la per cent Increase In wnes to ail permanent employes of the road receiving os i ban Liv a month. Maudard Hollo) t oaslderrtl CHICAGO. Nov. 14 The meeting of the Insurance commissioners was commenced by listening to p:ipers concerning lh- pro pos. d "ataudsrd ' k.Ii. y. It is not Vet il' tlnuely d. i "t n.' led w heu the coiii 'irnee v ill adopt its i'i j i i. ! AUMN(.S0F MISSOURI KOADS Ei rrt Baoks af Fiuhrjitvn a'.iii M:onri 1 Lire STATE RA1ES H GHtrt THAN 1NUKSTM L ttliirnr)! for lliirllealon Ul'lccl lo Introduction nf Reports of lither Knsdn-lrr Trim Inae Reopened. i ' l A N ;5 AS CITY, Mo. Nov. il-Lxpcit j testimony given hv witnesses who hive cx;imlnc(i tnc books i f tne Inc.',". loir tlinutoii i.'.nr.cj' and Musmirl I'aeili.' l ill I roads occupied the time of the I'.u. ungton freight rate hearing befor- ( iiiiiiiiis"(.iii .' S.'h' ft id ill this city today. Charles 8 Ludlani, an expert an militant of New York, who has examined tlie Looks of the Missouil Pacith', tesittivd that t h" .Missouri Pacific not only innde nmi.i v on shipment of freight In Missouri, but made more money from "hem prop"! ll"i'.ac I" than from Interstate, bustties". Attorneys for the Ilurlington objected I" the testimony of Mr. Lndlam en the ground that the Missouri Pacific was not a party lo the suit. Attorneys for Ihe state con tended that ns th" maximum might lac law of the state applied to all railroads in the state It was competent to show w het.1'.' l or not the Missouri Pneltlc or any oth.r lallrood doing business In Missouri found the state business profitable. Hlulicr Than Interstate llntea. K. M. Fi.'her of St. Paul, who examined the books of the Uni Iington, gave more! evidence tending to show that the road ie- j celvrd higher rales In proportion for haul ing freight in Missouri than It received for Interstate business. I The hearing dragged tediously today on - ing to the absence of Attorney ihneial' Hartley, who was called to Jefferson City ; en business. Mr. lladhy will go to Si ' louis tomorrow, when the oil healing will be resumed there. ' Mr. Fisher made (he statement that tin: , Burlington railroad frequently charg'-d a j rale for the movement of freight less than I that named In the Missouri maximum rate I law now being contestefl. This was ex- ' plained by the ass. rti.m lhat If the Hurllngton had charged the maximum rates competition would have been driven i from the field. The stale sprang a. surprise when It an nounced that at the afternoon session It would place on the stand Charles S. Luu lam of New York City to disprove tii" claim of the Hurllngton that ther- is vciy little profit in handling local freight busi ness. It developed that Mr. Ludlarii. who is the expert accountant that had charge of the examination several months ago in New York City of the books of the N. vv York Life, the Mutual and K'juitable Insur ance nmpanies. had been employed by til" state of Missouri to examine the lxioks in the auditor's office of the Missouri railway at St. Ixmls. The state asserted it would prove by Mr. Ludlain that local lrelght business Is exceedingly profitable to Ihe railroads in Missouri. lee Trust fane Reopened. A bill of exceptions to the tincling of William F. Flournoy, special commissioner, before whom was conducted, the h e In quiry last summer and who last week ren dered a decision that no ice trust existed in this city, waa riled in tlie circuit court to day by I. B. Kimhroll. rnunty ' pt osecutoi . The effect of the bill of oxcepiions will be to reopen the case and give the attorneys for the state, an opportunity to submit much testimony excluded at the former hearing. The proseeutlng-attorney assails the com missioner's judgmnnt bn almost everv point touched upon In- .his decision. The bill of f xci ptior.s sets out fourteen specific In stances w lu re the'romnilssioia r s findings are alleged to be unjust. John D. Rockefeller Indicted The grand Jury today found Indictments against D. Rockefeller and lour other persons In connection with llic I Standard Oil In.pilry. which was reopeiKd I upon the reconvening of that tody in ad j joutned session yesterday. What the in , dlctnieiiis allege oi who the four other i defendants In addition to Mr. R. kci'elh r are was not given out by Prostcutoi li.i Vld, who, however, admitted the Indlct- ments rants placed had been returned. The bench w.u Issued Upon the indicuneiits were in the hands of Sheriff drove, who this afternoon 1'iok them and went thev j Cleveland, where il Is supposed i to he served The report of tfn I made public either (land jury will lie tomorrow or Friday ; and tin indictments returned arc ai nies- ent in possession of (lie tleik of cotuts of this county. It Is unU'irstood the in dictment charge the defendant wlih ha v. ina; continutHi contract in the oil produc tlona and to tlx prices on and after July 7, lfirm, In violation of the Valentine anti trust aet. a state law under which tlie recent prosecution of the Standard Ol! company In this county was .conducted and in which a line wf Jo.i'n" was imposed by the probate court. ftag-ar Rebute Case mi 'I'rlnl. NKW VOUK, Nov. 14. The second triiil of tlie New York Central fc Hudson liner Rullroatl company, charKtd with vi. !ations of the Elklna anti-trust law, was b.-Kiin in the Cnited 8tuta 'circuit court today Durinit the exaiiiiiiallou of several im portant witnesses iniinediately after the done of the prouecuiion s upeiiing aiidress, it developi'd that the defense has admitted I'AIXT AXD WKAK Ine Vl rimt Hreakfast llon't l ast 'I ill Dinner. The fad lhat Grape-Nuts Is a concen trated brain and muscle food, and supplies actual nourishment in abundance, places ii in a clasa distinct from a mist of cereal loods that simply "mste good," but have not the 'body." A Mich, lauy noticed a big difference when sue used Clrae-Nuts for breaktast. She writes: "My little boy was so puny and ill-mnirr Ished we feared we would never raise him. He could not digest starchv- fooos al all until he ate Gra pc-N uts, which agreed with him perfectly. "He began to gain so much lhat people asked mo what I had found to make the difference. "Uealtxlng how much good it done him, I determined to try it myself, tor i have always tif- n troubled with Imligi -lion and constipation, taking a pill every nigi.i for years, and tonics most of ihe time. Skeptical as I was. I finally threw away the pills and begun to use Grape-Nuts with eggs three times a day. and plenty of Unit and whole wheat btend "l am perfectly surprised al how l, lie h It has helped me. I have gained m much I atrength and feel like a different person. I I am never distressed after eating aod am uplalwaya ready for my nevt meal -particu larly breakfast. "Formerly when I ate a hearty breakfast It distressed me an I rarely was ri.nly for dinner, but I have proved the right kn d of food will allow me a good breakfast ar.d no trouble. For breakfa-t I now use Gi.ip. -Nuls with cream, fcr dinner aa a salad or pud ding; supper with fruit, and with other plain food at each meal. Fur my boy, I kouk it In hot milk and add cream, and h likes it dry and tenses me for It." Nunc i given by Postum Co.. K.ittle Cie.-k. Mi. h i Read the little hook. "The Road, to U'ell ( 111.- ' ri.i ic i a I'-a. 'il." Bays and Girls' Roller Skates, Self Adjustable, Only 49c 1Vv "JT Housekeepers! QUARTER LESS The Daylight to Great Reductions in Trimmed Hats for Thursday Thieo hundrod trimmed liats, made of uood materials iind stviishlv trlniined worth tip to f S.OiV - for Thurs day Copies of ratli'in Huts. at 2.50 5.00 I ft-i ii . Ostrich Plumi's all rolors, worth $.2o, Thuisdiiy ...Sit Tac Ostrich Plumes 400 1IASKMKXT SPMIALS. Misist's'" and childicn'K pchoul caps w mt Ii iiji to otic, at-..5 Ladies' iind Misses' Tritiimcd Hats worth $1.."i0, Ht 50 Big Special Sales in Bedding Dept. In Our Money-Saving llasciiicnt. o0 pairs half wool blankftK, a big dotilile blanket, very heavy, worth i's.;: per nuir. 1 QC Thursday, pulr lJj Good heavy lied couifoitH, f spi'dal for Thursday, on. 0C Very line silkolino coverpd com forts, tied and filled with nice white fluffy cotton, a Rood ,$2.0H comfort, ThniK- Ma day, nf, each 1(tO 10-4 pood fleered blank ts, white, tans and Kiayp, latuy borders. worth tiac pair, for Thursday, per pair 39c 11-4 heavy twilled fleeced blank els in prays, this is a good $1.75 blanket Thursday, ZQ only, per pair JJ siii:i;tim; ix thk iiaskmkxt. S-4 and ft-1 tinMeaehorl sheeting, made by the famous Rochdale mills, sells everywhere at 20c and Jif ier vatfl Thurs day only, per yard . . 17c IlKAHV-MADK MIKKTS. lileached and half bleached sheets, some are teamed, nice deep hems, already for use, worth up to 7ue. each Thurs day only, each . . . . 37ic Shoe Specials For Thursday 'Lajlics' fiiif tailor shoes in vici anil m a il patent colt, button, lnco and bluclior stvlc 3.50 Ladies' fine patent colt, jlmui metal ami vici kill shoe: worth $3.(10 - for Latli's' vici Kiel leather, rearular 'J..")0 shoes, for. 2.50 and dull 1.98 a Ill a sinned stipulation thai the company laiil JJ.'-.n.c to the sujjar i onipany m the form of d. iiiinrai;.. charges. This is prac tically an admission on the part of the defense of al! Jin: charges i x. ept that the $ai.e'o was paid as rebates. Lowo'l M. Palmer, formerly truffle innii ' Hor for the supar lomnanv, appeared as ;a witness for the prosecution. ! It came out that the witness had kept a separate account In the Mirket and Ful ton National bank for the traffic depart j inent nnd that out of the sums on deposit J there the salaries of his various as-istanls. I and office force were piid. Il is said that ! the federal uuthuritus expect to show hc j fore the tlliil is over that the money de . pof ited in his account came entirely from I r.'l.i'tes. 'mil thiil tl..' sugar .'oii,p;ii.y prae HihIIv paid the . ,,f its great tmf- te. iep:iitiricnt out of li e r IkiP s received. Murker lo Appear lor Trust I U wns said In the federal byilding that ' Ihe legal forces of tl"' American Sugar P.elininK oiiij any, which is to be placed Ion trial for tin a.oepiinee "t icbates. 'at the conclusion of the present is to be headed by Alton 11. Patk.-r. Tlie piking 'f evio. ii' e ended lale today. U (h V( he ed that the defense will call no witnesses, but base jts argument upon the plea that the overt acts alleged in ihe In rtietnienis do not come within the meaning of the L'lkins law. and this plea would likewise b" rals'd in defense of Hie Amer ican Sugar RetiinriK company, which is charged with accepting ihe rebates specific ullv cited in the ease. It also developed i,i i.b Choale. former ambassador to Great Uriinin, has been retained by the -iuiijr coiitpanv i specially to argue this point, vvl i' h h" vvid do tomorrow FIRE RECORD. utllery 1'laut In Chicago. CHICAGO. N"V. 11. -The plant of t Ii" American Cutlerv company, in Mather street, was d.slroye.l be tire loiiighi. which for a tune tin al n. d tn spiead through li e tenement district in rue vi.u.ii.v. mm' buildings, where inoie tl. iu V' p. rsons were employed. W'T burned to tlie ground. 1 he loss is estimated al fi '.'" The plant will be rebuilt inum (Hat i I'eoriu I'luiiitig, Mills. PFnHIA. Nov. 1" - Ihe planing nulls of the W.ihlli'ld MiniilJ.-turii.g ompanv burned to the ground here r.irlv ibis morn ing. Incurring a loss of fOi.mi. nearly cov -trod by insurance The origin ot ihe lies Is n inysteiy. I he . ict will be rebuilt, mini e Ii utli Fire. NKW Yi'RK. Nov. 14-Frederi. k Rull.r. :i clerk, was suffocated and Andrew F.rick son also a clerk, was piobably latally In jured in a flr a house In Smith sti. b.d.iy tbrei -story tenement el. liiooklyn, ciiiiv K nan I ( IM '( KI 'I V Tn'OfiiriT Km . Nn llef'ililla. 1 I The ' f il. at ion .1 i lo I si: VV .ol. 1 1 . as. r. t ii. 7n a ding , xalu'.ll. a li " I'"" lo I.I ,11 1 Mill . ... I.O llli mm I K t I . Tl-lclllKHIO 1WI. ? 011 cann purchjsc 1 -tit Ivico rtlt o in our Basement salesroom at ONE- than anywhere else, Store Is Getting More Attractive Shoppers Every Day Ladies' Wear Depart ment Specials l,llli:s' WALK I Mi SKIHTS AT I.I.V Now pleated models In shadow plaids.' plain and fancy checks, hair line plaids and black Pana mas, numberless styles and every huh new and up-to-date Thurs day, nines up lo $ 7.T "each, while they last 4.95 I AS( I- I-A1I1KS' HOODS A XII XATOHS. Illack and colored hoods, made of fine (.iermantow n yarn, fancy weaves, good size and extra heavy, special Thurs day lor 48c Wool Squares it ml I'awrfnntors In black, white, red, pink nnd blue, scalloped edge, large si7.e. assorted patterns Thursday at 48c LAIUKS' WOOL WAISTS. fancy plaids In the new color combinations, of red and black, green and blue, and red and blue, all bright new models, made to self at $3. SO, 1 Pf Thursday a.JU Heavy sateeu waists, fronts tuck ed, white linen hemstitched turn overs on collar and cuffs, cheap at Jl.."u. all Thursday 98c FLKKCKll KIMONOS ANI SACQfKS. Long kimonos, heavy fleeced Vicuna cloth in new patterns, extra lull, front and sleeves fared with plain color to match, a regular $1.75 value, Thursday 1.25 Fleered Dressing Pacques, floral designs, full backs in mediuru and dark colors, formerly 6!r and 7 5c values Thursday 50c Gloves for the Wintry Weather Ladies' silk lined Mocha gloves, one clasp wrist, in grays brown. tans and Mack our special, tho pair 1.25 Ladies' heavy English Kid Gloves Two clasp wrist, browns, reds and black, excellent value, at, per pair . . 1.50 ladles', ruisseh' Ttnc "boys' heavy worsted and ruerCertr.ed ' flolf (iloves. plain and fancy colors. worth to 75c the pair, special 25c the pail', 54K-, :15c and Special lot of Children's Ulack worsted Mittens, o to 12 Ift year sizes, only, the pair. . IUC NKAV AI TO Ml KKLEItS. In our neckwear section, ladies', boys' and misses' Astrakhan Auto Mufflers, chest and throat pro tectors, red, white, pearl, gray and black, only each 1.00 Wade.. In a confession some time inillid a. shortage of fi.'n'f. ad- OFFICERS LCOK FOR FUGITIVE Knllsl )nsse to Ron Down Who Kill n I'ollee mnn. Vtiini ASHKVILLL-:, N. C, Nov 14. An armed posse of ott)cei-v nnd citnens is scouring he surrounding country for the negro, said to be Will Harris or Charlotte who last night 'hot and killed Policemen Hlackstoik nnd It.iilry. mortally wounded a negro named Nell and wounded Police captain Pnge. There is talk of h lynching il tne fugitive is captured. -V rvvvarU of 11. J"1 lor the riegio- s capture was offered. The list of Harris' v.clinia w as increused by one today w lu u tin- body of ' Joco" V illlama. a negro, was found dead on Valley, tlro-l Willi a bull. I bote In bis head. When the lews of this dis covery spread over the Ity Mayor Hernard s'lmmoned the citlrens to the public squaie by sounding a general hie alarm. Hundreds of men immediately off, red thrir services and formed themselves Into parties. OmcitH Oil la Itleaaina; tn Ithriiiiialica U has relieved thousands. Try a lor bottle. Fire I uiriian l.nser. 1P1STON. Nov. 14. -The Firestone Tire and Rubber company was not among the losera in a tire on Heverely street, this city, last Saturday. Ihe tirni had removed their Heverely street headquarters to another part of the city ur.d it Incurred no loss on account of fire. -e;,i ARCADE ARROW Uupeco bhraL Q.UUT Sim Collar IS centi each: 2tnrZScents CLUETT, tCB0DY & CO. kuin .f r-M i .' i i vt sv ' - . .4, Fresh Ham J5he CALUMET THURSDAY If I -m & 7 Gel a lo-?.r Souvenir II Miy ( ohjc Back for $1 uplo Jan. lsl Household si,pPiks -lrcervntn -i f IllVlPj China and Glassware in Basement Salesroom ilas Tuinlilei's Thin brown engraved glass tumblers, several pat terns, similar' to cut per st t of six 25c .lard in lores Special sab nieres, S -2 -Inches In di ameter, t Or alue, ut ... . t'Axiu.i: shaiu'.s silk randle shades, 25c value. SAMi'LK STI-.IXS - about uOO different stvles m' steins, to fall your attention to tlie tine collection we offer the choice Thursday of any $1 25 and SI 4 stein at 75c 1 00-111 :t -; I NN Kit SKTS Ilest. English temi - porcelain, with beautiful floral decorations and (-old bands. $14.05 n ns value J.yj In Housefurnishing Department Basement Salesroom ireal Sale of Thanksgiving Needs. Kvery Xeetlett IHsh or Kitchen in Preparing and I'lensil Serviinj to he Thanksnivinu Dinner ore found in this department. car vi xr. si; rs. Gooi Two-pit i e r m Carving Sets at J JQ Special, 3-piece Carving Sets. $2.75 value ut, I 1 1 C Pt eet I. Jj Other Sets up to $7.r,0. We have Van Deusen Cake Pans. The only proper pans for baking cake. Come in and see them. To introduce these pans we will sell the 2..C size. Thursday, at Recipes for bakins cake 15c ;lven iree with each pan. Kancy Jelly Molds a lariie as sortment of new inipoited tin jelly molds at very low prices. ICOASTIXG PAXS-All sizes of LISKK enameled roi.stinf; pans, also the celebrated Savory H' ast ers and all sizes of double sheet iron roasting pans: special for Thursday, double Roasting Tans. "turkey size." at KXAM1.LKD RI DDING I All sizes up to 10 inches in diameter at, each . . . . 35c AXS 10c AMI SKMKVI . DOYD'S "sy;:,''' Mgrs. Tonight, rrlday, Saturday tipeclai Saturday Matinee Isben s "A Polls House.'' 3AJXH COR.0OBAW, 1N-- THE rECEDOM OT SUZAMME. .inn seats on lower floor ai aunday, Monday, Tuesday Omasa Antoiuohila Wight Monday, THE VAaDthDILi tUf. Cast of Slaty and Barney Olcfield'a Great Racing Effect 3DU seals on lower lloor at fl.UO. BURWOOD y:Kl TONIGHT ALL WKLK Souv'. nir Matinee Today, Uoi .. . n'AW --IN T P.IOHT OT IWOBD. Prices Kveuli.g ami sal. .vial , ldc, 25. : Tues.. Thur.. Sat Mais. I 0 . Next Week -CAPTAIN SWIFT. CRKIOHTOrf 'Phone MODERN Pouglas 4s4. VAUDEVILLE MATINEE ny TODAY ;hou.. CMiciSH tnn TOW1GHT 8:15. Prlcea lOo, l&c, COo. 25c KRUG rHCATEft 15-33c-e0c-7Sc Tonight 8:13. Matinee Saturday Tlie Merrv Musical Mixup MT WirE'8 FAMILT. Sun. Windy Bam rroni Amaterdam. Trained Wild Animal ZOO At G Con. Parnei' ..1 Int. -I S vi. lOlTGLAS Will open TODAY Ho'lllV pei tornisn. es 10 t-r I . AUDITORIUM Boiler Skating Erery Aftarnoom and Evra log All Tbla Week. Thursday ladies- day Ladles Admitted rree to KUua kvUalU Uf THE OHCM EUTK A. of .lardl- l 29c 15c li.l.e I -in i ii mi in mn, Tinn iiiiir'MaaMia S7 n H I 1 . .t U a. J w 1