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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1906)
The Omaha Daily Bee OMAHA. TlintSDAV MOKX1M.. NOVHMl'.KK 1... 1 TWKlVI) TACKS. siN(iLi; coi'Y tiiwi;i; it:nts. m.. .V I N. I."'. mrVrrWIXK ( ASF V0N BUELOW SPEAKS AT BERLIN COMPLAINT ON GRAIN RATE j BRYAN TO JRESBYTERIANS U.L.I ILJJ IW.1J L.IJL hmn,.,tWr'itU. Mr pr.ira.knn. hn ll I-Irter i.rch. TO PRESBYTERIANS ASSOCIATION PRICKS CO NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST illl ('I II v f !-.,,, 11 (Jifftt i, T.i't I H mt ii Jit.' a nn Illl orelail Pnllc I, oi eminent. 'Omaha Tirin Objf ctB t (hart-M en Hixed i Coisietmpnt of Grain. 1 -I i( MLAmVi u INMltiSAHY , f.n ' f.,'A,,rji i in th fist i C . :i I "r i tMtsD re auowance rtJECftn ' ftr'tm Mfif (' infl'iti All R ' 'i't rit'i t. . t l ill LiUD'EH Olf.t A VI AH .. i anaol fab fhm I rant HMkMI Ml f MtlnaliiM, (nt Hill tl If It ! -WMltalM r I I. W I i MfE Cu ll ' a " th- . orb I i 1,'ot s i I -ill b ill- il at I lib- i.- l-in r -w it I'm..' -I ami and 1 ' P" : -ir-1-r - king .- t'--i no lo, d i . i s n TALK ABOUT SUCCESSOR TO RICHARDS ong res inn n I. iter? from lortn. o-n I hnlrman of llotir innimlltrr on Public Innria. Ik Aniona I lir He lltliilli'd. Hdrraac Bnrt hrrlmoil I ttn x enllott. .1- I I I A NAI'l (LIS. Nov. 11 -Wn nic- l:ry.i. no l-lv I" 'h- Pi r !.. d i 1 in . h in li i.t I H,i -l:i. Ni 1- . addressed -I- legates i-i.l vlsi' tonight. t li-- i i-:i - ill I'Mi I'roni .i S-afT C. N1. ASHINiiTt N. Nov. i.r.i "i. - -Tin- Int'U slate -i--n : '-I. i y r ' Iv-d : kin.-rl.a i Itniu company .i: ( rn -ha. prd-sting '11 espr tid-iil i K..iPp, . hit T- '--r'l'nuiifri'- conni.:i-in-tltlon from the . with hi- nhiuartets tg.ibist the North- in r l. . I .1 ill-illi- t n- Ml ..- I". . I f M V, ,1 I r- .il I HI- Up .it o uri. - ' .1 -J 1 ' .1 ' I - ;" k --f lit s I i- ii' rn"l. "i - i n- M r-t' !i"l ' lt,C i lit tu rn" cr N- I... tl," rrini.'i't. K'.k-l.-iiln hi, i niiii'l nii- 1 . x'fivi- i air .- Illl-M- r .iipai,l, "I' vliil'ln-'tll " 111. in iliar.i.lM. fi-.-m C'nl'ni. .mil :-1wi (rotii l'.lairslnw n. In. J" rn r i i 1 1 . ' i I Mini A Mi.-M'iiti VbIIi-v 1. 1' i i rt.ilti alli-c I. i Tiii'HKii. p-isrilh- I i TH 1 1 . II it rl itr t"t HHP.IIIV privi ii IV .1 n l1 in il' i.r Il - H'fl 1' ' '..1; f".f - .1.1 . -if. ' I ' I. I'll . - il In I'. - I,' l.'. Aft" f - . .1 1 1 . r i ti ' -.-I. I 1 : I, . , I, .1.1. K - r i ' v fi. .."i i ,f ,i ! I I', i In m t . r if i . iint I. ,1: -I f I" I ... I "Mll'l f-'- ' f l -1 i 1 1 i inli . m --II I I 1 tM'! "I ' lli h-'ii tl.- 1. 1 .h.Ur- ,11.. -:A't "' I'"" I,' 'Il f" A . Halt !! n'f t I II -...i mi . r ft- j 1 I I t ... . , II, - . - -t ai i- i . i , ,,f , ..f ii,- I '- 1 l.m j- l'nt I fr C'mivm .j. in It. '.l lli'.ll "f '! ll'lllhl'l"!! I ikf il'li li ' 'it kif f jil i 'ifiiii .-.-I l hf i' I-I'M "f . rl f . Il I'll-I.I" ' t. -,,( f,. wif. J lM I' ;' I- ! tl 'i i.f -jl I. -it - .t t- r-i t l'-i rn-ii.' t t .,ri m ! ' wnl'' 1 ui . 1 1 .1 f mih r, , ', ' Kl 'III' ' II I" .Ml V Il i- .. , w i rrt Tl. jri.!-'!.... j ,.-lir... W ,. Ilk. pi . ir-. ,,f t I,, ' i.r f. II 1 1 1 ;l I irr IJ--I, f h,i I 1 1 i'itli,i i f i-f I !' I -i r u li I -M il l.i Mil nl i ' I' i I' t . 1 1 1 1 r- I, --.j,,,, ,, U.H'I v sliliniii-nli" iin- sup-nisi.-. Tb-' Kltif-ll'i i Hint 1 1 io i j 1 1 r im rt .-- in-iiii..ii.l hItivc lio rtil -i t-.l t.i il-'fif-l fruni iniiliituiiill d iind iif'ircltiR tlirlr I 'lli- ili -mlru th-' pthilic" i-f liipi'lni-' '-its In Hi-' mm- i 'it i witli it li. r pi. .': Til' niilr-.n-l-. Il iy rf.-irl. wlirr i-i ''-I "Hi Tiff i-hippnl In tin y ii v i:..i'-'l tin1 f.'iMi'' .! nw fhliini' iiii-- .""I r.i Ifi'lril a ilniiM. . irK- fnr 11:- tiaiippurtH i lm "1 llifs. .' 'I'lir c.Hiipliiiii.ini Is a i i.t p-.ral mn pi!.l,!iis Hiiil-r lln Ihws i.f N-tna.-k.i I IK I'l" pi lm ipal nffli at Oll-atia. I -i k !.'! In Imvinn Brain "f at aiimjj- niinti in N"l'iasl ami '..iilipu.iill" pur.'hrt: .-s f'-r-il- l i i ,1 .' r i f f - I.r f mp.itlr .. Mi fl.iti .. a tul ll'HI . ll--in I. I'- .l r 'i- . ii- 'iii-i n it h ii n hi. I . ,1 I ' Id! llir l,r,. I'"l ''ll. ll lli- r Kra i 'h rni'.;ii'''-i iri.j Mi,- .Ui''k- r- mark li-i-. ll.i i In- I .... i f 4 1..1.I I I . ,1.1, l.l. lit I . i. ,li . ,. , 1.1 I li - - . I I I ' M,,,, . . . ll I . li- It 9 '! ! f-l.tfc It'i) . ,. . - l , r , J-. J III- n,,,J i'ilnrl fl. 11,11'.- n. III ! .r it tli Inn kIiM- ti ;,i'itir M.- fi-ifi ', n rlialr In ain ,t n ii-n ati'l liti Hi' it ji 4 In., iij . gnnli'il a-tuatl) l'i i-wnl Mi "I . U 'ifl" Il hh - 1 .- . . i-Mj -i I" --tlf v Ikrrra llalla Ita-lall. i.f Hi il rw il M'l lli" ,. m 1 H ,nl' Mil if Pf--. I. tarn i- I. ' Miiil-m- H ii -. I I- ii-i iI'h iini, - .Ii i ff.--n 1 1' r-'in' hlmif. ..,.( a.iffi.-t-niu thit iti. th-'ir a. ......11 in I a ii. h- ia-j.r. -"l - t' -i.iit'fi. ih vni-1- , : -,.. . '!'. alinh i ni'-'i ... , ,i. Miia i'i'l-rin hlmrlf ,1 a l ".tlt-l-' A il'iifr. l"i i.l.h a r-cnlin- i ha ll. . W'tli a I . T In?'' h- el,. it ,.f 1'ri'tirii pH i li Hi" a ni'iitliin ml ,il-i I h- Irmll "f 'mt n-lKliliiira l. al' i f a ii'l .irm-il h. i ihf . -lair ,iti in l.a-k ntHln with rrn in ti...-.l , r 1 1 1 r i.f lily ap h in thi' '-las' I 'lia m l ilof on Uti-low ll iHK. ,p,. , H, ll I I"' I I Mia l '! HI f r . IP 1 -if i Unrifig 'h !(' i' lila Hur i-lallnii' villi tli lni-il r-.Tififiii,' ,.ri ,, .n,.-ii rri- ndis- Iihi-, a th-T ' ni-'-i i.ln.rl' al ai 'I r'.,j-iiiji in- ir',nti-i ir in-- t'. i-,,uii- i lri- ,i,t riia if.ii-h ii-.1- ,l,i iitir tHiliitcal In - j trr-r ff,li,, ,,ri-hir-. In -n,l"i f, ; am, nth ,-nr -i-oTifiiil'' I-latum It will Ii . j r ATy t., jllala;, a niaiuaiiv r-f-n - j Ifl, III ar - m-iit In n oliliicinic .-pirt. Aa j In. Mi Mi l- li.iw thia -piilf, jt y-i-niH ini- j I IKMaitili- thai1 m- mIi.hiIiI not mmr- to an ' ! 1 1 ii'l- r I a f n li 1 1 if ! I a-lih tn , Ij it ,1 l-m it t a r. f I I-i la inrrtt- , I .niv al in VH fifties anil Iowa Mati-s mthI hlpplnn their In carlnail Intti by l.illrnail tn iii.ii k-1 nfiintr- In ,'tln-r state. TalU of Hlrhnnla' .tnM--Br. Win PrniJetil Ro'im-i f ll "ill appiint i uiiiininKlnnc-r of tli" K'-n' ral IhiuI nffic I,. Mil, , eerl W. A. TUfllMI'dK i H . U--i-1 1-Hi ulili-li i just now ngitatine tin- ininils of the (Inks '( thr B'-niral land nfllif ami aitorin ya nlm piarliri- hefor-' thai il -partn int. ThiiM fat' lull tf names have l,.-i-n ynr Kstel. th- belnn Major John F. ljii-i'V. wlin will hnve s-rvid at tlie (lose "f the Fift -ninth r,,tisi.s the Fixtli Imvu (Its trnt fur siln vears in i-op.crefs am in : liuw ami has le-n fur M-veral s-s.iins ; hail niari of the r niiiiniM'V on putilir- laml. ' ai.ii Ar-MMimt C'onimiHSl.inei- G. Y. Piilliird. I whiiyi- flli tlrlf. ul'i' piepareil tu SUKKi'sl IiIm I nam.- to the president hi lieiiiK worthy of further promotion. Mr. I'ull.ird Is an Ohio man and has li-cii In tin- prni ral land .m, - f.-r some yearn, having he, n promoted , from tli- position of , hlf f ( f the sp.-. lal I si i i- division to the assistant l ommis- alofu rsiiip npim th retirement of John H. a 1 1 ii'linK f t- h.iri'li v.i-iki rs to le . nlle.l to Mn- l'i-. ,-h- ti rlan hroMu-rh."..) W in n M' . I' slept ,-d m 'he front of 'I ' platform li" w.i" air'Vilrd a tn-i.-t ilu i-lii' r ' . pti.'ii. Hietlvnlly i- el'' on. i-i the hall iislnc to his feet. wm-'M I amlk'Ti hi-'fs ami hats The il.'iii-nis'.ia-tin'i listed seven I I'liliuti's. Mi. Hm.iii In npetitiin Ins said lie was Rial to ho n d'hsit" to th" 111" PYeslivtrri'i'i l-i . M ln i hood ,'Oin and lie r.'1oi'--il spe-ially llr-ie was i", iiniestine d-'l-i;.iie. II,- s.i'd :l had not i.havs i" in o in I he t isi. Tin- speaker said he 1 - Kan , linrf h l l-- as a nH t.iU-r of th, i 'iiml.erlaud 'n sbt-ii.m ' li'it'i h w In n l,e was 11 years ut ai;. I '"ill limine. Mr. l'.rviin sike in 1 el',-1 em-.-tn Ihe heneflts to 1h- d. riv.'d from the "r-piniisnll-itl l'i he p. rfrte,l at Ihe lil-esenl u.itl.eiiiiK of Christian workers. II- ,h - i lareil Moil the name , lr sen. "la I hood. " . uuld not liave li. . n l" ii, i i M- s i'd it was a nu t of a "v ni'iM inriil, a niotal .iw.ikeniiin " ; Tin- Miu-iLker il,-,'laii-d Ih- re umld he no real l'loralilv without religion an the ion of luo'ality. ! "Tils lni defined ri'lmlon," siid Mr. ISi'mhi. . ".is ihe r'l.iti'iii lietwr-en man and his limi. I ami this is one of tin- h-st ditinitions I : have In en al-le to find. Tolstoi sas moial-ilt- i. tin- outward sikii of tills sen! iiin-nt. In all my travels in ninny lands 1 fur.nd 'ihe till lives pra.tieed some kind of i , - liKiun." Mr. Hrynn spoke of the eusloin in some Ai'-.uli.' lands wlieie the woin-n were eom pi lit 1 to worship behind a screen. He sai l It was different bote. The women were foremost in this eonntiy and it wa, the men who generally kept in the baekpr-mnd. One thousand deleua tes and h ilt as many visitors were pnn iit at the openlns busi ness me.-tniif of tin- eoiuenlioii t ailed to or- uanlze into one body the ni-n ot th hv-t-rian cliuivli. l.v-'iy S llti-d. The I 'umbel I: Jeroaie l?(hmp T11b How South Fltt IiDment n L'o IhiDiri. PRICES HIGHER THAN IN NORTH PLATTE oiiIi I'lmto Hen Inalallna mi ; elinlnl.' I.lkrlr o Hrfeat Hie A mn la n run I Inn of thr 'Ivtn aauelntliina. I'arlli lloii'li I din adni . rl,la l air. 'I'rtiiprrat urr HI Uninlia eatei-rlnl llonr. Ilea. Mom. Pea. ft it. m I t. nt l'i ll a. in ,'ti p. in I" T it. in :i :t p. in n. in I p. in It 11 n. m nt .' i. in I? 11 n. in :tu U p. it I'' It n i :tT T it. in It IVC iii -I.t . n fi ! i. Ill j Groin I'raiiiln Uninrthi'l m Yr,ztwfnl of Triico Earti qnlcf t ontr.' utiont. LARGE SUMS OF MONEY DISAPPEAR tJl Eemittsurpi li Mail and Eirri Rot TuniC'l Irto Gr.fiil crunt. I r !'- s.-leet. .I. . rl 1-H ide be TltroiiRli th'1 influence of th- Soith I'laio linpl.-meiu Tieeh-rr-' us? oeiat ion. bind. is. i wait. mis. plows and other fiirm Inipb tii' nt s j arc r-llini." highu- In lh- south Tlatte nmn . ti. s Hi in they did a few year" HP', all'.' iiiuli, r than .the same ailli bs mv .-'lliiic ..r today in th' Nebiaska counties north j oi tin- Halt.- ,'ni'l In bova. Po d-, d Ju'.'i.H' Hi h, imp. i sid' nt of the S .nth J 1-liitte ,c so. latii.n. in an address las; cU-ht ) before th- Nebr.ka and Western lown j .ISSO.'iiltioil. Mr. Sehanip told "f a printed pri," 1i?-l Which . aeh d-al-r curies and of the .'is- i idin th.- df.i'irs hav- of . alliiiB mii li other by tel. phone to asce-.tain th-' tr'itli of .1 fannelf-' inntit win ii tv says In "ill! w-t lh- sain, aiti-1-' at a competitor's place . $: eh- ai-er.'- 1 It was lat.-r explain. 1 by Mr. S. hump : lha.1 th- schedule If not hindlim "ii ih.-'l'' ilea h rs, but men ly a "siiBKesti' ii." It , ' ' uives them th" prlei b. low which thiy' '''' oimht not to sell minds. The a ssoria t mil I lixe.s nn p-naJty for Ik il u r-- to ,(bide by the s. hed ile. It s li-d up to elos.-ly rnongh. li'iiniiT. lu-oorilinn lo Mr. Si hump, that i binders nil rn er th- South I'latt- cnintrv are . IliiiK at the scliednh' pri- e. JI-'. where ; a few ears lino they sold at $11'. and are ' scllinc now in the North Haite m V2". ' Proflla llar leeren"'l I ! Mr S hainp scored the (labts for cuttinK I tirlees. He enld many rears atfo PARSCNS REPLIES TO ODELL I'realdenl Maleil Ilia Position llecane He n lli-imrleil n ari-elna Hli llenral. VoliK. I'a ! 'i s. ntv l !". part ot llf rb. r V.-ik e today i ;,iv rnor i 'd' l Of tile lite I'll "t'onsid' rinu ruff had only duel the stale M.IIS. 1 b, II. - cll-nt r- .-nit he mid. nbic-ily M.lliv t : 1 1 : i s 1,'C I'd in p. 1 Ii. tn . !1 K.-i'i i-if-i ot l i lm r ' I i it i b ins . c ti -,. li lo an. V ONE CF THE CHaHGES IS FORGERY Ajrcri z:ilt of tbs Etfahnri Will Amcuut to Million roilari. PRESIDENT IS BACK OF INVESTIGATION t - lllll III :' h i,in 1 1 . i w id ,-h said lo b. lm ll tli' ion da As I o Sid, 'III. I np.lie.ll. fact th ik' 1 ' .1 ' li iS.O'C ' t , I, ll i "1 I Mr. lb elar.d i had nl.l !i It v. a.- a. i.r 'a , I Id, tl'. I is Mi. IM i ' n i x i"e 'on inplif a- lin,iirrliii ullii I ii I led lnlea Mnlla llrinaa I'nrl of Ml-rrt HI- fenara I niler Irdernl ' .Inrlxll'llon. I'liinp- IS e. il : n ad' at in Ids , hat tin I, pi e?i,ent and Mi I patalhl, an ..-iHiui-it president '. act n il pe titn nt . "The lii- riiory of ' and we kimw tin. a, t unity h-Kiii! 1 1 , Hup' ws .1 pra.-tl Pt Of in. I ..I 11,11 He ill . I'll- 1, 1 !.,'! pi,,er, in t h I i: m yv ..,,1 iv -sI'ik- In 1... .il i: I' 1 1 I - 1 1 WIS 'tlttre' J.-T- Nm 11 - -Tlie I.' -m-i ti'-w 1n i itiKti'li-ii i ,- cl- v, lopni, nla I - n-w a pp' Hi 1 v . lata--, iitid ,-nnii, ll-l-rent st i le- to I'lt-'f of th- Ml!- i r r-a. h' d t hv 8"i'," "f tla-se n ni't'in i '. i Lire," mih, weie n,nl"'l M'iviii S Iniiltr.. 1'. J. William Minns and about fiKi-IIIK hive b-eti lTl.l'il'; fl'J'll 1' '1.1 ll ,11-1- 11 inatlN .diet, th n. illy si:. p, rsons h at what t Heals peakiis made, sses was true. "Tlie pi -si-b n lilal was ..pell linn, as he had : as , res1ent and partiei. in lorcl,; lti tllOS' ll. lit 11 IPP" men ot the J'les- slatc was rept'e nd ri'csbytcriau CANAL OFFICIALS Fimple. nlso an Ohio man Minor Mattrra at Tapllal Mi-it- j .M-xaiidrr Pollock hica b.sti kipninl'd reaniiK i postmaster at Hoyell. Hand pounty. S. lb. natural i.,.nM b.-timl resianed. Mural route No. 4 has been order d es tablished January '! at West Tnlon. tte e.ainty, la.. servInK 4''i people nin- ty-i lht families. er auotrrfrll Note. The Fliited State aeeiel. service an nounce: the discovery of a i'," ciitin- Unffuld" I'bite'i States note. Iiinlfv f. m. th. elti,i'j'lloT- CTifimi fh-if r ute nut-Oif for the affltufln of i terftet tin li,- rnl'-.l riai-a ai Mm .Maecl'as onf' i - i ml. . ..nnterf elt note is apparently ll ii.i ...ra,l. v....l,ietli.r Ti.inte,! rill ..I ... . ..j AI. ...1 ;llloin-llui"Kin ""- 1"" ' i I-..U -'.. r-.l ulilliitlj tl.rttnahr.iit I f wr raec.M r,f Paper. With Silk fibers I P H IS i - r ili-nl t.-in-. bv I 'i.f,rtiinnv li" l mi", piraie-i nii'i rune a . .... ..,,i f lnt..r-.l At,elra a, ..I ; l hot rt-1 1 1 1 iO(?ra phlc i r-aer-il utitlotlj but 1 1 ,roti hot! t I two raec-S of paper, with ImpwrtUI Th" I nie. Hi. ites' c- I rihnt. ,1 between them. The lace of pr.-foaii- . . Air. twin-. -!,... , vii, l,1ack nd lni tf- X T- n r.tiii I-. , Mr. Whit". e nil. took H'h.iiit.ii. ..f .eery to hat m-.nlz- ant.toiiisin ;m. a W hja-1 fal 'J i. . f -. itn'M ' j. ,(,,-! t-f 4 . t ' - IM -.l l I1- t.p eotiti ibnte tf nn tot fotii-i rn, That was the ri..t aertl, , tl, e I'mted, s ha ill-MI-arj lo t-n r-'.c - or in- worio t'rtt aa asisilnir in tie rest'-rati 11 ie, onii thine. ni de veal The number nre of foil ! Thi , U . rte Oaal-llal,- I f '"" an ' of pe. I ' t.-.l an. I b. I,fii Knssln ith t not it i 1 ff.i-ik ,.f i ' r-f - 1 1. r Itiimia. rot bittte" Ilrll tin II ,i..' t"t. Iw toe ol.. rtb,n Tl inHfi and Is BOMB LEFT IN ROME t f- f i ? i .t rnr t rir t ---' ir ' rf . t t -Tt 'riT' Iv rh riH.rt j , f : r . c" It th- tv'n rnt- j ; f p- inn'im. hut tKt 4 ,-. nT'-! "4 mhh'h . t i '... ; rr)- tt harm j " - i -w - f aim iKt a prartt'i arirt i, -f .ia aittt.jrln ef lh tourtl t,w -4 n.,ti a tf 'jo tk hr rhlM-n -'t n.-a frwMt- that in f i ' t a r wl -lal an"rniiati,m rn il l i x-t s -mislo - a.. - n fs itar a -I Hiinii?' f sn af s-e li MiMr- ft a- t-. . rifftiW l il,.r f ithr j tUmma at t!. tale - at ' T' n,J f-r arrj ! f 'iw-m n'! one oia i !,-.- a - tn -r ( Th rpet ra tor of oe.i a tat Jtiari j inphflsis t hat we io . i-l beta-en f-'rnil'-e -n Ftane- and tir-a: hlnk a l-i- -ti to- wj st-i n -. t of oor ori n - a.Hid r-'biM-'iiii H isla have nut that 4 liuinrt. N.Him should s-eret e - ttetwr-n II- r-sff-'et-d Ihe l:oir. f In fr'-nt I i.r of fh th color and workmanship. Ihe check let'--.-and rlab' nnniliei do not .iprs'ar m the lower liRht hand nii'iif. The hue;; of the note Is a. dalk bl-ibh sreen. My itself this eouiiterfeit Is apt lo d'c-ive. but wli. n handb-d with genuine notes th-- marked 'ltf-r-nr In tin. color ef the back should ! ad to its imm-diate detection. fall for Bank lalemetil. Tii- i a . m pt i'"l 1 r of the treasury today issued a call for a stut-ment of the con dition of national banks at the close of n business on Monday. November Ml. Catter to Aaalat Ship. At the request of the Portland oire.i rha.iTibrr of enmmeree the revenue cutter Thetis, now at Port Townacnd. lias been ordered to take on 1oard supplies and proceed to sen in search nf the British ship IvernU. which was last spok-n off Tortia, ,,r, ratot-r i. bv th- Mritlsli slihi Sicily. J.imj which it is feared has met with ;i se ll A b, ir.b as exploded rioiis accident. rite Arano. In th ten- church, the Pi . si.yi'-i'ian I'himli South, -.lie Mrothi-rlio.jl id Andrew and Phillip, the Protlierhood of Si. Andrew, the 1'nite.l I'rt-shytei Men's h a-ut , 1h- M- thodist Fpiseopnl Mrot h( rh-i,.i - f Ft. Paul and Wesley and the M -n's -IniM of Scotlatnl lent ili-lcKnUs lo esteiid frnteinal meet Inns to the new oiK.-.niz.ition. which Is to be called the Presbyt'-rlan Ih'olh' rhood. 1M. W. P. Huberts of Philadelphia, Hated cletk of the Kencral assembly, dell v, red iho flist address cu "Tlie Presbyterian Church What It Stands For." Vice Pr, sident Fairbanks nddr. ssed the eonven.1 ion. emphasizing" the iinp'rlance of the proyiosed work and ils future effect. Ilr ronpral ulal -d the di h vates upon th-ir participation in the creation ,,r s-n h n vnsi orminiz.-itloii. with em h almost infinite pos-sihiliti-,s for Hood. fay., An outline for ,1 cmstilut ion was sun- ; named. Fraternal Ri-ietingH were extended : by ir. '. 11. i'her-ley, seciet-tty of the Brotherhood of Andrew and Phillip: John j Henry Sniale of Chica-i. iiresectinjr the ' Mrotherhood of St. Andrew ; Iar. A. L,. I'hilliyis ot Kieh'ii'MiU. Va.. r, pre.ientini; tlie I Urot herhood of the Presbyterian tThuieh ' i South: McKcnzie flelaud ,,r riiie.-iK'n repre- i I s-ntins the I'nited Presbyterian Mens! league, and Misl-.p .Min 11. Vincent, for! me tiroiiiernmxi oi fi. j'aui ami Wesley in tilt- M' thodlst chin eh. if he sold i bin, 1,-1. a at J:i.'.i. making SH4 proht. and whrohs at li'. milking rmflt. la pf.f ' he sold binders for mnklnf? ?i profll. I find wnsmis for $.T,. makiiiK f prorlt. Since l.S'.lll the Wholesale HI let of these uoods has I advanced, bill the d'ahrs' i troll t has not d. This condition the speak' r at- , snhorillniilea t.rt tribute, 1 entirdy to the rutting- '! pri' t s. ' He said un afsoeiatinn of ;.nni d-al-rs ouphl lo exist In Nebraska, strong t houkIi I ! il, niand of th- jobb-is that they s. i d out a i t. t u ii price list with their Roods: n',. ! strope; i iidiikIi to ilictat - lo lh-- Jobbers as to tlie lumber of dealers In a county to whom ihey shall sell .my ..n line of iniple i llie:;ts. it Is Mr. Shnmp and hi" scln-dul- of piiei s tliat prottably will defeat th" efforts to p,.ps.,!id.ite ihe Soiitli Platte assm!;, i ion and th- Nrbraska and W, stern low a asso- liltu ' l.el feel s a elt ll , M i . : r :il,l,t t l-.,'ll ,'f his . .1. w h inir- pOSI l.otl, late." Sen lei I inn Touelher fur In I'nnniiiii I '.one. ORGANIZE t.iimi -(in r, . a. id il 1 1, a t 'll. my s I Ii.i L t- ei . nt San l 'i aneisei, I, 1 i , t s f r, an I h" , it In f , ,-ten dt lo w h'' !i .IKKi r-K it' lo t li" . ! of 11-nr . I K t, , lit e ,"1 Roy. urn, til ,.n ium -. mn 1 1-.n. Pi. si,l, nt II1111.-1 c II is the behind ihe biouiiv, and li no nan K'llltv of rln-i'ltiK In" relief fund .-hall "Map, justice. Tie , as, s coiiie wit hlu t Iv of I h f, ,, ral u;i horlil. b lilt"! St. I ic I'll It II t"t ot Ihe p which, 11 Is nlloKed. win p-i-d with. A i.onshh rabl- sum of money was ,n'. thioimh (lie i-.''S- companies. , ll.s-I iii'i;,,, ulii- li eonipii i, Is now Invcs liK.'itiiiK tin- disappearance of J1ii..Vi. sent bi one t.a.kai;.. I roin lh- eltlitins of Sear, h lirfl.t, N'ev . which lh- 1-d-f cominltt-e na. it never I. . , i ,d and w hl-h tin- company s.'ns was delhil-d to thr rept eselitat i e of lliov ItiK spllll re.iil ri'S 1 lllll jurisdiction mis, of !',. SI IA i e. rl'iilnally tani- itlrlU illll ass,, i:i ticn ( nfraid trust if it adopts th-' ot;:anizatlun. from the two asso- WASII INij'I'i i.V. Nm . II - An of suboiiiiuate oflh lal.- ,,n th, Isthmian canal xom has b- u i ff-eted which H is be lieved wld liiing the ari"Us ilipartni 'iits and tlivlsions of Ihe canal Kovcri.iuent inf hatniony and prevent, the duplicu t n ,r, of Work and couflit t latv.ei-n difl't n i.t branches of the guvet nui-'iifil organization. The lew assticlat ion. aecordiim to a,i i, iiduresst d. , IndudeJ the it lief and , i-i.itioii. The latt.'i- , of pros, cation as a tactics of th" oth-r A .', hit commUt", , ci., lions met Wednesday, and after lieltiK :in session about. r!s hours, tllssnhcd with ' out any ngri Ptncr.!. The nn-n frnni the souih ol' llie ii--er stoil out f.'i th- price ! schedule and those from north of the river ; would not accept it. Th- committee of the I session win nnng in Its I ,,, ,,e prepared bv various this morning Tlie feeliiifc-j-,.t igh, ; ,1T ,,,,., Ul,0-are fa, ins. i was that trie .cotmnlldiitlon of tlie two or- '. , iranizalions ctiulil no! lie r. ffectrd l-lltlf I rllona Pay llrailly. Discussing the ,uu.-tlon of insurance di their col vention W erlneMlil mnmlnir the I reef: i v. heif, will !i..!.l niittiim." s' n.l- ! monthly and all the heads of departments. I j and divisions, ineliidini: the p. neral iiian j ap-r of the Panama railroad, will attend. ! Iii, h of these officiah miiy briiin suboi -'dinat.s with him if h" desires II assls ; in the explanalion ,,f tlie work to bt -1 1 1 -1 -1 -(taken. Kach of tin- officials will make a , slat- nit tit of ih- tasks li- has undertaken lor is about m undertake, and papr rs nr.- officials on MRS. DOWIE GETS HER HOME deal th,.-more PULLMANS INCREASE STOCK i .eorasKa and western Iowa iiiir,i-in nt almost unanimously drcliircd thai little fellows In the country l'i.'-' than their share of the insurance Th" opInir.D was expressed that Iiiten-fls in the citi-s hae their in- Mi- Dim Property fiivrn Wlfp pnlle" In Ku-hnair for rinlma. ' of Tnrntv-SIx lllliiui Ilollnra tl,le, I Hpitnl of Meeplnu f r 4'oninn tit Vt rv o- I'.ussi.i n sdlalie. afi-l in lh- same timiui.r 'he ar.rl r.Uilo,'. 1sw n iei rintiv and df'i' llrltam i anonr I ppos-.l to the cordial ii-..i siandlna hctw Itino nd lir'Ai lirltai'i when p. ,--s ,.f iind-rstandiiiaT a.'' the ).ur-pacf'.I. lafrraal Harbla Kaalaalra t rm14 Heataaraat I raal. CAFE la i Uiancr tatcs i ut down and the people in tae country suffer from a cnrespr.nd- ! ins laist. Several dealers told oi their experiences, all of them reporting n he.i y liidiaiiee in their insurance tares in ihe las-t year. , The discussion arose ut ,,f an :idilres I 11 y J . tarvey, uianaRer of the K- - cttuo-nl Fmlerwriters of Kansas City. Mr. t'.arv-y urKcri the dealers to Join the R fM .i'.'".. hrltiRinK the t- lal capitaliza tlou j eiproeal Fnderw Titers, which was organ up to leii.aiio.n.,,. The addition to the cap- , iz-d by ihu Kansas fity Implement men stock- I and which, he navv. has cut in half lliiit-si. unce expenses. tlllir Hit' illR of w hlch stock A;u. Nov. H At the th-- PuUnrm Palace whs h'-ld here today ,f ihe company was anilal 'lit' the capital increase, 1 by lllec. tin of I , " " r ishionat-ir , ncMnrRATS HULL) LUNr thtrMUt -re thrown into con- -was serhaislv woiind-d , the deed wis n,,t ap- .al4 .., i . .1 . - ', i !-, ria1 foi-ie- '..iioi.'ia a t. r he k-i-a-i, h a a- r-' i iM, i uf t th iln.e of ihe explosion lh cn.fe ,n n'led ai'li i.thi.inahlP people and the ,.ro ii cruwiteti with ihe it filar after. 1- g-1tf 'f Sfl l.H- r, 4 1 pr otiiepa.le--, A .o,i1,e ,n,, of enr . t .-.a ..i.,l in tr.eil ot t ii.i I-n- ' '-' 't " h-r j mt,.i-i- af.r the id..i..n . thick cloud ". tfUk-i Ma ' nf amok- f i:.-. llie nr ami thr- wns a , .. '1 -n-.., h urt'il j nt riiimf odor of eheuiHal- The peopl, in n ii n t . ,,. 'lm-. u , th ' were pnic stricken. , t i, ... - - nt mi..,,r ,i, tf , Thee nnid frantic efTorts to p. m f-ir -n ,r fh-'l s id w.i!'s) ,.f w-t about to c..!!.j,p.-. jnrj -ahles ' i- ' -if ,. .-ha.i-n -r- ,a,.f.!ii.,n in la,- mad Vf.ula.lin .,-(,nhm ' , ,.i. V oil.-u s r-anied ' ' a.l t i i.ed Th lata- pUi' s;.isn w.n- I -- il ii i r'a, 'but i,l ' nr I , a'e ' - --ha i ! "led of - m fie- 'un tic one of ih,'.-a ia- saw. i ouiiji man about OKI . onie l., .11, . .if- jipi tak, ai t i'.. -ii'sl.'... II- c.i.-i ., , i h,,,,rj. Ii wts ,iti'i,i. , on. .'rt.e.l iv ,4 ll" ..-,,.'S,t. ,1 Hlnl.trt ,1 fntr - i -t aiiiii. n.ii..,i ,11 I 11.1114 t him th sa nig h ii rrh ' ha, drink. w F.aalaati l.eadrra Meet la Btialou anal lllaraa nrllarr nf thr Parl. HoS'foX. X. H I" lost-r. and jt.y eff ct to deiuot ratie prineii-l with,. or favoring any proaidcntial i-andid.itr ,,r national issue for at lesst a year, ire the purposes of th New England Democrat.- Prorreasiv leaau- r'oini-d lir-t to. day by r-pren, niativts from five N'-w Kni,. latid states, Vermont la-lug unrepresented T.-iiiTMirwrv oi uanU.iU"! was . rfecttd. Al-xinter TruiiV "I New Haven was . hosen president, and i"re Fred W illiams "f Ma.-ia. h::ii-'-i, . hfiirrian of ti,. Heeii i - t c.. cent '.. Th. ii-eetina- w is ii-l'l belund closed d'trs. but . J) i tin j th - es.4it,u Mr. Troup, who with li-rirK-- F'led Willi. mis in call it'M the llieerinut. denied that tlie object of tile lneelif'ii; W.LS the etldol s.inellt ef il ll ii i I. Hrj.m for pt--si.ien'. One the per s of th" K-ttlier.iiK. he .-..nd. was the ore nil 1 1 ion nf clubs through, mt N-w F.'m;- '.i-id, " , Hal stock was divid-d annum holders in the ),t , pu tion til shares for each 1"'. held at t ' the meeting. j At the meetiiift of directors width was i held piior tu the Rcneral meeting of tlie ; stockholders Charles P. Sweet was elected ' director In place of Frank O. Lowd-n, j lesiRnt-d. The oih-r orliccis of the com pany were I---lee ted. The election of a 'steel plant to cosi $1. '.' i was le, oni-tu-nded. - After tin- inectiiiR President Kolierl T. i Lincoln declared that the stories circu lated MK irdiiiR his intention to resign bail .been entirely with, mi foundation. He 1 -j elared that In- had not contemplated at ! any time aiviiiK up his i.ivscrit position. ! Notice scr-e,I upon the ptillmun coin ' pany hy Corporation Counsel James Hani i iltim lwis tin momy which It la j repr- s, nted is alMuit to be divided anion,? i ihe stockholder is subject lo the liens i of lh, city of Chicago and for taxes claimed by the , ! amonntiii"; to $.'..i'0.""o. 1 Th annual stal-ai-nt , coiiiaiuy l. r t li- , "1. l';. loliows: 'i'oial tufiiuf. i.: tola! expi tis.-s ! of operation. Jl.".::4l.7in: d-pr, , iatiop of a-1,1 lescit" tor iltrn eclat ion on all proH-iv of th.- company, J.'.H,,-.,. 11. ; d. propoi lion ,,f t ars paid tiss, iat, , jn. -a- i sin plus. $i,!,7ii.uT4. sur twaid. I.J.Ial.ali,; surplus. I No action wius taken on Mr. l.urvey's proposition, but it is to lie ronsid' r-d ; again. The question of mutual Insurance j has liet u a live one in Ihe association, for , several years. I Henry Wallace of Des Moines. Id . editor I of Wallace's Farinet, was to have given I an address last night, but was unable i.t i come. t The convention will conclude this moniiiif ; with a business session, Itn-liniinK tin- el, -' t ion of officers. ! CHICAGO, xoi , 14. Jiidg,- l.amlis today In the federal cult directed the cnt-y of an order by virtue of which Mr '. , Jane f.owl.- is -.muted th- Mac I ihu prop , , rty at White r.-tke. Mi- h., which Had been puichasetl hy John Alrxatnhr I mwio when In- was heyd of the 7.ioii ch ircli. In rernrn. Mis. l.owie aiiandoiir h--r . suit flh-d In Muskegon to establish h-v cliiiin on i lie property and reliii'iuislc-.i all claim to property in .Ion City an 1 ! turns over the sto, k lie, I by her in tie ' Siiun City lace factories to uvitsttr -, Vollva, now the head of the churt h of; !"r : liKNVi;!!. Volivii had d-alared that In- would con- 1 un(nn was it J test tlie transfer to Mrs. Iiowb- ,,f t !i v ,.ntlon of t hi : property ut White Lake, but l is attorneys j called to old entered no objection to the cntcniiK oftM,.ri,. h i the formal oidi-i'. i t lie i oniiuit '",' to win an it a The i t line i, toi i y p said t. Ill ihe offen.'-es of the rnid-rs , .'ntrlb'.itions. It I i said lllll- ill tin ,illKl"K:it' the MC.ll inns wi'l mn, , uni to ll.t'iO'tv. I (trnnd .lnr lleultis Work. I Th- iccuilly crgat. Ii'd ;;iand J'iry -' st ml. I,-,! in secret s-s Ion today to hear tin- teat nn, ,ny pr, s.-n ' ", bv District Attor ii. y '. II. Lampion .Hid Dlstrl' t 'Attorney Francis .1. Ibn, . Tho greateat , reticence is i nn 1 1 1 1 n i ii-. I bv all conrn-'d In ' th- deliberations. i Th- tn st i hnii;c link-.1 Into was an alhas'-d conspiracy to extort money from th-- keepers oi I t-tab f staurnnts in thin i ll y. Several f ropi h t or of thise places had been suiiiuion, d as witnesses. K'Ttiuf Polio- Commissioners M-.'iRan. Mutton nml Howell, w ho had also been subpoenal d, were wall itiK lc called it'to lite Jury loom. A dm in alio IneldrtU occurnd shortly before the Jurv iii. il b-gall tin Ir d,-llbnt-tions. H H. Toung. .ai" '". ihe im mb rs of the Kiand Jury, bit tin room and ra fusrd to i-ai tlf lp ate In tin iV1br,tnrit, Tie lefused to Rive a f asol for his actions. To ni Miaiico. a rest aura nl lo -p- r. was the 11 I'M witness suiiiinoi'C'l by Mr in,iilsitors. He wan closeted for thirty minutes, but when he reappeaird !; r- fus, d to make any stati nirtit and hurried away. T. M. Adlei . another rrstaurant Keeper, was also -X atnitifd lor a consi.h taha 1, nisi f tinia. GRANGERS FOR PARCELS POST national Aak t tun cult, iii at for iiiiiIipi- of In nll Seril lii'iiur Will C liniuiri Nov IOCS .-re BAPTISTS BUSY AT ST. LOUIS Nntfona 1 runiirrii Mntrnn to Paper I On Subject of Mitclrine of IrlnM). TALKING OF TUBERCULOSIS W lib' ami I iintnmptliin I-'oMimt thr l lna anil lllhle In Ivillra tion'a Mart-h. ila s mvi ii 's was topic. f utility of ( Y.nk inly and chy. the Pullman i ii, liny .l.dc ;., ot rinr Hid n- t -i , r pi. ,f -,ii "i'i. h-.. v. line el"' W ma, I -'f llin-i h.i le 1 la I 1 moot Ho."- v . . -ii ,e,i il.ili 1 ',, ' , ( urn, d ll-l e t V. TK H- ,,i - a. it., c i I '.- I' ftrt l- 'Ol , , ,. i ' il O g ' IWO. Ill- h. "IS ,.l horn., .l . II, Ul- ! Of M,lll " Illl l-t I j .llllO Mo Hi, o nt ,-ar rtfi-i from . it. u i lio-pni i.l :'.g!i' oi a f' tlli aat , .t , h. mi. ,.l , ompositi, ,n 'ai poumls .if nulls jjiirl pei par iinr o: thm u ,1 - f, ..11.1.1 i hist ,.n. tl, -i ' a..! a- ai ,, inpte.l to T h.txe a t ty. henitlU. -.1 sun. ,d h,--, t 1 , ion Tli. a ; o nit In ,-x-il.s ia-t lie a Th in, w ti t N-w bud the dividends decl nt t -aitiiiiKs ol tert-M. ,'44..l: plus l.rouKhi f. t.T l:-. so,. Tie lilllnber ..f passei,-, is c .illicit ,ir- mn tii.- war wa ....l.;.'.ii;. 1'iiriiik; tlie previous t ear the pun, lit i was 14.tai'..1'.,. not cap. i lany tot nrran. out for i irulalate ih. party nominates " Mr. ' DIVORCE CONGRESS ADJOURNS Lincoln, i NF,W VoP.K, Nov. 11. The American In ternational Congress on Tuberculosis bepan her- today. Pr. F. K. Dnnlel of Austin. T x.. the piesident. d. t laved the keynot "f th- ccnventloii is to ho th- prevention of Illi cit ulosis by legislation. "I'ni atural lit iliR in 1 1 l-s is ; productive cud-- of tl-e disease, ' lie Said. "Whisky and tunsumptiori follow tin- flag and the Plble. in th-- march ot" civilization. Public Id. ncs not satiiiarliy cared for fire bleeding Plact s lm the disease. Chuvch-s ar verita ble 'black hobs of Calcutta. 1 A number of foreign dt legates are attend ing the eongicss. 1 Dr. Matthew M. Smith, the secretary of i the congress, and Dr. Tabor spoke of th ! ST. LOITS. N"V. 14 - The st ml ' s s Ion of the twenty-third annual c ' lion of the National Maptlst ouiric 'devoted to the discussion of the I ' Dors (Scripture Warrant Any Forum! Stud inert of the Doctrine i f the Trinity?'" The speakers who Introduced th" toic .were Hev. C. J Unldwin of Crsnv 111, . O. . Prof, b'lcld Smith of ihe Tnlvcrslty of f ' Chicago and It, -v. P. B. Me, s- r of Detroit, j The night session was devoted lo tie! ' discussion of tin- topi-'. "Should Maptlst ; Fdiii ationni Inst H utbnis lie Sub.i", i o, I Formal Denominational Control'.' Th" subject was ituiodiu.,1 by li. v. l'i. H. K. sjtilwcll of CeM land. O.; If, . In. J. 1. Creeti-. pit sld, nl of W illiam Jewell college. Liberty. Mo., and K-v. Di . Frank lin Johnson of tii- Flit , rsli y of Chicago. ' I1.-F.'iy stale lu Hit! nted ai the annual inn- National liunicr. wliicil wtsi 1- in th - Chamber of Cou.- lodny 1 - Pr. sl.b ill M. 11 Pachildcr of New I la oi .-hire. Th" lital session was occupied with ihe appointment of commutes i-n-l oiler I'-uiln.- work. Tlia tesslons will tontin ic ten dis. An at tendance of 1,'s". del. g.ilOs is cxp. Pled. At tin- aUcrmon sessieti the national master, cx-ti-iv- ttmr N .1. It.u lit'ld-r of Ni w Hampshire, delivered his annual ud diess. He recommended that th-grume, in addlii- n to tentr.nuhijt its position In sup port of national hivhvvats. .-minuet a ehil canipaign to secure -.lie prompt passag ,,f a satisfactory bill: niith.i. that a new giange bill In- pi, pared and submitted 14 t oiigrest. nppr, Tiatiug I " to b. 4 vi.-, d into the ani.u il ippr. priailons r.f fp ot ,., i i, , to 1,e , Np, n.. i l'i c.i-opt'i.i-tio,i with states for h- In. proven. cut of main highways. Mi. t , In Id. r rnntinucl- In order to Insnie tin- ,iv establish- nn-ni ol a patois ii.,-t. I ie'--c u win h ,-t. 1 le e h -(ni li thai s II IOWA MEN AT VICKSBURG litiirruur anil I'nrty Will llrillenlr Memorial nl National Turk on "Ihnrailnj. Ml 'i. jo said that lie .should be in X-l, on Suiiflav and would plobablv t M: i'.ivaa soit i-i hu g alout I , lay 's nieet- illg.. A' 'I ni .luu Form-r iiv,-ni,,r ilarvhi of JsUnd ofterd a lesolutiou thttt -.a., .'onsidet afion of natit-cul cantildar-s a-id poll, i -s sh .ald b. gnisirtuned f,,r on jear. 'I'm r-solutioii was unanimously adopt, d. I I , el n a ,a.. .lot. ol-ii lulu !i It .f I, -ars a. ntjjal y iv.iill 1 n.ia in.,. i Hmiia liaail No- . lion .,,,- I "I 1 he ii ,ase of -I 'lit 11,1111 1 1 l.l--i by I t.ii-d dit, a ' ', i to na m ' Il.nm, . 1 1 .re. ilal M- ' t, n 4" 1 in ill,'. ., a 4 DEEP WATER CONVENTION j lui Perauaa Kauaarteai at Mri-tiug la ha Heltl at at. Luala Tharala. j SI'. L.i'1 IS. Nov. 14. Asi-ui.tnc, s ha -beeu rnt -n tsl at lh heatlutiarier ' ,.f tu. 1-iKes in the Ciulf rn?ep ass., t-itioii i,.i. vcntlon, whkh w.ll c.,p..i,e t .. , nmirow tool lung at the Odeon. that . h. r i a-:!! t. in atlnuanc at least l.n t.f the 1 7,i appoint,! delegates , Tli principal object of !.; cn.m.-i '., form a, panujuient ass..a' l"i'. whuh iil puh tn project for 4 ,ep ,tvl. way from Laaite Mit liigau to the (Jul? of ' Vlexit o. Th convention ill cuniinue two da and lh leith ot speeches mill be 1 luiiiied in oruer to imjuiai t a nm-h buai uean .n pitssihl. c-oi:f r -tsiuan W. II I,ori- .11-1 of Chi.H- Will prr-.ltle a tamruu lu ajwet lgtiviik I'ropoaetl I ulltirui I in la VilopU-d lth r'etr I haoKi-i front Original lex I. I'HIl.ALfKl.PHIA. Nov. II The i,.itiom,l o ngresr' op unitorni tilt or, e laws ended i's otk 1,-te totiay lifter having adopted, with lew rlriiiiii . the iiitite uniform di vorce bill, as orivtlnally dial led by the com- litioiiF In Texas, which tlu-v i.iv his her time 11 land of bcalih seekers from whom ' 1 Ui- native inhabitants contract tubercu losis. Dr. Smith, after having lost two bf,.ih"is from the disease, took up an ac-ti- part in the battle against il. I A cnmniuhicntion was ttad from th ' chambt r of con tii'-rce of Norfolk. Va., in viting lh- congiess to hold Its utxt an- j nua! meetitig at N-irlolk during- tlie J.inies 4I0W11 exposition. 1- m-ttte appoint In Washington. The me, 11: g w , liam N- Do. in- , 1 ongi, pa shojld public. Utause 1 nl-n t hat all ,i't 1 t-s shi.iiel t i. f.' ii". d ih-.t in r 1w containing I at th- first m- '"J , NEED NOT REPORT FALSEHOODS is cl s.,1 by r-lfllop W1I ,1 Albany, who said the b - s. i .ingot h, for,- the In- pcpi" might g,-i the -ei .iprn.v.d by the con- t It. it, 1 y slate. le ex col, gre.-s merely drafted th. principal a tec. Interstate Cummerr roratniaaioo 'lakes ltnliug In ( of Itall rt.nd Frrighl Handling. VICKr-HFRiS. Miss.. N-' . 1 1 -Th ,1,1, HI. I I'll. h"Ude,l b' IJiVi'l l','l' CutlllllP'.F. which arrived In lit" city today, spent ihe day In driving over 1 he park and In spect lig tin- ban-lsoio- L.wti sta:. nie moilal. which Is to b, tl. .11. atetl Mia,, now. Tonight tb'' low , ns attend, I a 1, option alven lu their h, burg Uovt-rnor tenth tlie rlty I the exercise.- . Afier the dedication lore totuoiicw the paitv will 'is-tt and dedi. ate ni .111.11.. nt s at At. dels,, n ille, Shll'h and h.c.nnaiig.i be y I postal ltioini ,'lllinend as -11, nili ,1 bv 1 11. g parol- p,,.-l 1 list. ,, ,,i I 'a- tr.i iiklng p: n 1 tlravv fr.e post me 110m ..1 llie w,-vcrnr.,ent ar.,1 Hit rt el that Ihe,.l , pallium! be 11. et bv .-!' lions, to l nichi'i-.l 11. grrss-.tiinl appi "pri it 1 eit-l )e t 1,11 lit ot I'al, 1 1 11111 1 ii. I,. at , it on a 'nit:Jl V Hem to ill 1 . port s de: , tl...t oil ...Hal it e .1 revenue del I d ' l-'I'I Red 1 l ing lo i h- pi favor . I .1 shin - ."- P.. I, llt i.l.'' SHe I This w i.l -1. .i.e .- 1,. of 1 he Kl'ai ii, t,, ..n . bail ol Ih. lavptv, against 1 ins a-' 1 111 1 I t of le'..r It T 11,. HSllt-s ,1-. ai.'-l T r--h i l l I"' advi- , id - -iv . l.ele ' I ... I .1 Mil 1 ,w ,-,,i 1 ' I - - no ,.ii w I'll tl . . I 1 la- Hi ils-- s, j. it i-- all ,1. pa n mem s pro id- in It-n t l,e -I ,'H. ll .1. -Itl' ,1 nppinplla-,1- g l.cial r.'il- v Ide (or "i a ract . .In post h s :- n rt un ' ,, tt 1 1, g ! s, 1 and th a pr f.i to P : v a t . Is 10 uvr by the 1 i" ol Y is'.S- Vard.uiian is peci, i p, lit 1 row to pal ti, 1) ai, m 1 iia t We s ,1 M 11" a 1 1 V es l'i. I dlsin, is t' .... .1 ; His l p. - ,1's; afre, In ..!.. Mr ill , ulna a , on ,c. oum 1 V hi c . . e-.strv I 'it I . Ol I t- rt ore--, .ti re, r-r ,11 ii i a in ij "fit y of 1 , iic-s ii- ! .. ,1 i" s e tie r, astd. Th- ni -i 1 ,!. ,'. aiUon winch th-g-- - va- ."K,-i to : iki . but which .0 i. w... la- .11 lpo-;ilon of a i.-:. .i ! i.uir'.iig ...ldg-s i" turn over ,1,T. i,- in runs. 1 , tl,, pi. tenting ; I t . tor uclioii a-a.ii.-l th" pi rMdeill v- divorce for the t tunc or 01T' lis" the decree nil granted. The loiiunitiee which tlia'ted the ,,iig WASHINGTON. Nov. 14 The lntc,--slate Commerce commission has de, lm,,-! , to issue an order compelling- railroads to report all cases of false billing, tlaani- flcuilon. weighing, representation, of the j contents of packagea or report of weights by snippeia delivering freight for tranf- , portaiicn In order Hint the shlpier nii.v J be pi'oacuted. The decision Is sei forth In a letter to ty lo the ! lb'- l.arkln Company, soap manufacturers 01 which, of lluftalo, N V.. and Peoria. Ml. wh'.i '1 I souglu the order under the belief thai If FIFTY-ONE KILLED IN WRECK Mart Hitra uf BnllviajT Accident llla aatlaOeil hur Horlnl nt Peml Without 4 ereuiou. GRAND JURY AT Si. LOUIS Wltneaae of Main Kin-la 1114 , t.iir facia tn l.-.leral lntiiiaiini a. Thf was I i o c 1 ,1 lor- tST. e al sir Jt Inn, I Kiai -i -d b d a 1 bill Will tta rfforis lo v a 1 i'.-ui state j grunted the railroads could safely inotl.f.,- r- inain in 1 y. it, -nee and us. , the rule lu regard to Ihe t laasiln .11 1 m have the biil jJ,iseJ t ll.e "f boxes of fielglit , oniaiulug savui'l law ui.tkeia. si inly vf UlfT-.-itni tlass. CHICAC.O U years "i-i, w r-cli on 1 at W'oodv 11' r.ital totl-y. His ,1( fatalities fifty -one Much tllss-itislu. ti' ii among the em v Ivors of fact licit Ihe dead. I he wet' Roman Crunch,, wilt' cm r ngi-'i.s 1 ii. s. ciitl . bay - ai iuv. I. m bod. Nov 1 I - Zasl vv pa lot 1. V who was i'liul-d in tie l.a'.l - MaHiuioie .v. Olio i.ilr.t.,,1 Ind . tin si in tl"- M- icv i.o- th I'.al os 'lie total -I has th in , I..' S l.o with a tii-ii.t-. iJ b. en is. w: lo- Itv .1 U al li ! l.l .ind . over t i-l W'," a lu led 11.11 oft I oa.l t bun- -I and, a up in C-. I Mi- sh. rtngt in ijie pi'i.b nubii --as. 1 - . A tl.r.-..g ... i t 1, . 11., n. sab .011 kit 1 , world, has I V. 1.. hn. an t-epi. st lltl g I ie r x 1 no . . , - ...l.l j ry. ; Not vat ' w .1 1 .ig. d's" : 1 v t . . -.-ei ft1 aid tu- i: th moi 1. r.g 1-e Ink. ' n ll.!.. '. P.'f. , I fim.-t :.S sis 1 , i b. It, 1 9 M-' till 1. i " vwv K. 1 P---H.S. : : -oh.i ., j - 01 a tu t