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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1906)
I CRAB AND PRODUCE MARKET Lis!y Tim?( of r.i.t. a Lec.l Fiobacc WHEAT ADVANCE ONE AND A HALF CENTS Advent of lafayorahle Weatker 'oosra Disaster Amen Rran i nrn Firm, hat Fall lo R. pond lo General Strength. OMAHA, Nov. 13, 10. Romething Ilk th old-tlm activity was 11! V" VT h'B pit mdsy. consid- ruh.e demand developed and price were advanced lc. the chief factor for strength xno and rain all over the northwest, i-nimn rroji news was generally favorable ana cable were unchanged. There was a JT"od demand at all market for the better grades of wheat, and especially n the northwest where receipt were llgnt. Brsd '" visible supply report for the week factor' Increase, was a bearish S0?1),?' .nrm' but disappointed the bulla iy railing to respond In anv considerable jieasur to the strength In wheat. The ln lueme of the siormy weather waa lightly eit. Cash market wa weak by reason of nrger receipts, closing option prices were c above yesterday. Primary wheat receipts wer 1,235.000 bushels . and shipments 710,000 busbo s. gainst receipts last year of 1.430.0o bush els and shipments of SJo.OOo bunhela. Corn iT'ptJ! w,fr 6;-ono bushel and shipments bushels, against receipts laat year of Jjl.wio bushels and shipments of H48.0OO busheM. Clearances were 48,000 bushels of wheat, J.0U) bushels of corn. 18,000 bushels or oats and flour and wheat equal to 273.000 Liverpool closed unchanged to d higher .orL wheat and K,i-d lower on corn. The World's available supply of wheat In creased last week 4.000,000 bushels, against "n increase the previous week of 1,232,000 bushels and an Increase last year of 1.080, 0i bushels. .- . . ... A prominent elevator concern with 180 houses through Minnesota, South Dakota and northern Iowa, reports only 150.000 I?!!, ln "" of " houaes. against over X. 000,000 bushels this time last year. An other elevator concern of tho northwest ways the houses through central and south ern Minnesota and. South Dako'a are practically amply. Minneapolis wired: "I want to call yoiir attention to the fact that receipts at Minneapolis -snd 'Ouluth this year have as large ss last year to dale, mt wHhstanding the cry of light recelDts. Tim Jirrerepc this year from lest Is that a large percentage of receipts this year have been durum and It has been going out for export as fast as It came in." Local range of options; . Artlclea.1 Open. High.l Low. Close.l Tes'y. Omsbs fm Prices. WHEAT-No.' 2 tierd. '(KVyWSo: hard. 63'r7C,7c: No 4 hard, 64ft 60c No. No. spring, tm'ottic. . CORN No. .1, 40c: .No. 3 yrllow. 4(Hc: No. I white, 4040. OATS No. 2 mixed. sofiSO'fcc; No 3 white, IKi.'dVJc; No -4 white. 94C RTB-Nn. J, S.ilyfrOOe: No. 3. SR5SHf- Range of p' !' , , . C.'i ? Itfcelpls. Wheat I I . , I . I May... -CMi 74 &' ' V . Ri coVSt"r :USS! 7'7" T2V 707 Lec.... ...'.-...'. 31l... a - --".! : Wheat. Corp. Oai . 4 v 3M IB ) .82 a ss .. &a ... - ... ,.7o at 7 .. t ... .47 ,58 SI hicag i . . K h n ej Ci y Allnrrs pulls' "malm. ...... Dnliiil) Mt Louis ... CHICAGO i.Vl . AM ritOVI!IIO Features of the Trading and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 13. Active covering by shorts caused by the continued small re ceipts In the northwest brought about an advance of more than lc a bushel In- the price of wheat tcday on the local exchange. At tho clone wheat for December delivery was JAiK blgJier.i.i.Corn-.Wf. up ''V. Outs gained t&i-fec. Provisions were !4fi5c to 10c higher. Opening with a firm undertone, the wheat market eteudlly gained in strength through ut the day and closed very strong, with prices at the highest point of the day. Shorts end commlssrtin nouses were active bidders for wheat, but there was no par ticular selling pressure, the bulk of offer ings coming from local longs. The main source of strength was an advance of 2Sc In the price of wheat at Minneapolis, which It was claimed was due to the continued mall receipts of spring wheat at Minne apolis and Luluih. Firm cables and a re port of frost in Argentina were minor In fluences that strengthened the local mar ket. An Increase of 4,000,000 bu. In the world's visible supply compared with an Increase of only l.uw.ono hu. for the corre sponding time laat year had apparently no effect .. on prices. December opened un changed to a shade higher at 72Vi'72ic t j icr advanced to 74c and closed at 74i T4c. Clearances of wheat and flour were euual to 274.0U) bu. Primsrv receipts were 1.1J3.000 bu.. against 1,430,000 bu. for the corresponding day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipt of 82 car against a holiday lust week and 1,587 cars a year ago. The corn market exhibited some ' weak ness early In th duy because of selling by a leading cash house, but rallied later In sympathy with wheat and closed at the highest point of the day. Trading was uuiet In the first half of the session hut became more active following the sharpy upturn In wheat. Shorts and commission nouses were the principal buyer. Decem ber opened unchanged to ie lower at 4l4c. o 42c. sold off to 414kfr41c and closed at 424c Local receipts were 862 car with ou cars of contract grade. Oata were In fairly active demand by commission houses and local bulls and the market ruled firm all day. Weather in the north weat wa unfavorable for the crop movement and receipt In that section con tinued small. December opened unchanged at 24V.C, advanced to 84y34'i,c and closed at th top ptice. Local receipt were life car. Provision were somewhat eaaler at the opening because of a 6c decline In the price of live hogs, but later the market rallied and closed firm. The advance wa caused by buying of all products by shorts and local packers. The strength of wheat wss a but. Inn factor. At the clone January pork waa up loo at $14 15. lrd waa up 2VU6o at $8 i 42W Klh were 674C higher at $7 Roji'J.W. Estimated receipts fur tomorrow: Wheat, 33 cars: corn, 150 cars; oats, 103 car; hogs 34,"j head. The leading future ranged a follows: Article! Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close., Yts y Wheat Dec... May... May... July... Oats Pec Msy... July... Pork Jan.... May... lrd- Noy... Pec... Jan.... M.y... Ribs Jan May... I 74V J!i 42'l 72'i 74'744J 721 J.- 7ai V;s 42vl 42 43Hi 43H,43VihH 43S 44S 3 S4vfs4vssi ; H 3J',j uv ' 14 06 I 14 IS 14 Oft 14 17W 14 26 14 171, 25 I 25 ' 2S 67H! g gjvtj g 67H 37 V! 8 42V. t 374 $ 3& I 8 u 4 35 T ?vj 7 aptJ T 66 7 fcVsl 7 72-J 7 91 41T45H2 43S! 43 1 84V 34 S5V.1.S 83V 14 06 3Vd 14 2sJ U 17Uj I 8 7vi it at 8 5 8 46 42 Ticj 77 1 T 62V. 7 . . 'No. I. ., fiish ouotatlon were aa follows: FLOL'R-Siesily; winter patents. $3.$o3.4A; klraialits, $3.1vli 80: eprlng patents, j 8i $ ; Ktrnlghia, $8J5ti3 5u; baker, li.y'm mi. WHEAT No. I spring, r.eiVjc; No. 1 .. 7J VTwc; No. 2 red, 7Iy7ac. CORN No. X 44c; No. 1 yellow. 4ttVfi4ic OA'lB-lo. 3. 34Vc; No, 2 white, vlc: N. 3 white, '0ivc. RYE No. t 4i,aolVrC. bAltLEY lr to choice malting, 47H6le 6t: k.Ii-No. 1 flax, $1.13; No. 1 north waul', rn, $1.8.'; prime timothy, 84.2oej4.26- clover, contrart grade. $18. ii. I'KOilSlD.N hurt ribs sides (looee), $3 uu.y 60. Mess pork, per bbl., $18.00, Lard pe.- i.irf lbs.. !. .Short clear aides (b ixedi, $3 37V4t 50. T lie r.,'elt and shipments of flaur and rialn were: RvCeipts. Shipment Flour. ttl.. 31,i"0 . , .u.imj Wheal, lu lo7.uo M . ''oMi, bu ,..r ,...ei3tirt . -i,t) 'nts, bu .'...,( 2:19 a i hye. bu li kI 7ut barley, bu... ......:A,Hl.tit aV.uuo On the Produce exchange today the buf fer market ws stesdy; cresmety, lif-jrtc; dairy. lSrvv. t. firm: at mark, rurt li'i-luded. nista. 85c; prune first. oaliaa. jc. CUesee. suou, i.'-S 'Jc KEW YORK GRXCM A l M ARKRT notation f Day Varton Cemmadltles. NEW YORK. NV. lS-FlOCR-P.ecelpts. bu.; exports.. trt,2i bu.; sales, 4.000 pat kagt-s', rnarket ' sif.)v but dull; Minnesota pstents, M.IMM.M: Mlruie soia linkers, fJ 4''o4W: winter patents, ts.itxl 401); winter straights, IJ.4f.'da.6; winter ex tras, $2.(Wi3.lO, mlar low grades, 2.& 05. Hye flour, firm; fair to g'Md, M.ttot Hi ; choice to fancy, S.l44.U. ttuokwheat flour, firm, t2.&ni. Jt and to arrive; buckwheat, steadv, II.. per KM lbs. CORN MEAb jnlet; flue white end yel Inw W.XiKui.,; coarse, kiln dried, $2.75. ' . RYB Kli-m; No. 2 western, toe e. I. t. Ne Yotk;' Jersey and atai. S'c de livered New York. RAKLE,V-Kirm; feeding, 4HC c. I. f. Buffalo; malting. 4ef6c e. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Hecelpts. 94,1W bu.; exports, 23.9y) bu.; sales. 1.91.0i bu future; spot market Arm; No. 1 red, &c elevator; No, i red. 82c f. o. b. allont; No. 1 northern Duluth. klc c. I. f Ruffaln; No. 2 hard winter, 77Sc o. I. f. KurTalo. Options opened unchanged but ruled lc higher on strong northwest advices, cables aad predicted re duction In, Crop estimates, and closed Arm at a net rise of lc. May, MS'n4 11-1:, closed at Mil-Pic: Dwembtr, 81 S-lOttdiWc, closed at Rlc. CORN Receipts, U.0R0 bu.; exports, 1,618 bu. ; sales, 20.0110 bu. futures and 24. mo bu. spot; spot market rsa'; No. 2, W4c ele vator and Mc I. o. B. afloat; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, S4lt Option market de clined but recovered with wheat and Closed steady at net unchanged prices. January closed at ftltto; 'May, WV(ift"c, closed at ffy; December closed at hzr.. OATS Receipts. 144.UO bu. ; exports. 18.14S bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 18 to 32 pounds. 3c; nntural white. So to 23 pounds, 3fWa4''Vic; clipped white, M to 40 pounds 8S'feS43Hc. F"EKIA Firm; spring bran, 12160, prompt shipment; middlings, $22.60, prompt ship ment. HAY-Flrm; shipping, Wfm5c; good to oholce. II (Mi 1.10. HOP8-8teady; Pactflc coast, im, 10m5c. HI PES fltendy; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs., 20c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texaa dry. 14 to 30 lbs., lie I.KATHBR-Quiet; acid. 27frac. rROVI8ION8-Beef, steady; family, 112 M E13 00; mess, . $8.0TKi1.00; beef hams. $22.0iK(r .60; packet. I10.5kU11.00; city extra India mess, JJI SO.g20.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10'4512Vc; pickled hams, rXi-ltW. Ijrd, stndy; western prime., 9 4f'u56; refined, easy; continent, 18: South American, 110.75; compound, $77VJ 812v Fork, steady ;, family, 119.; short clear, 117.2519.00: mess, $18.0018.75. TAL,I,OW Firm; city (12 per package), fityc: country (packages free), 6i&ic. KICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra, Vin;e: Japan, nominal, creamery. 27c. Offltilal prices: Creamery, common to extra, lr26Vic; held, seconds to extra. SI'&ttHjc; state dairy, common to extra, lf1i35Vbc; renovated, common to ex tra, nnyu⁣ western factory, common to firsts, liiVk'S'.'oc; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 2Vo21Hc. CHEESK-Qulst; state, full cream, amall fancy, llic; state, J'ecember best, lic; state. alr to good, I'.'tilo; state, October best, '12c; state, fair to good, 1212Vjc; state. ,lnl-ror. Oifi'll 4o ; sklma. SlOtio. . Ka?S Steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected whit. 8, kittle; state, choice, 34t3tlc; . state, mixed, extra, 33c: western, average best, Xg 31c. Officlat prices: Firsts, Wc; Hscnnds, 2wa-8c. POITTrRY Alive, firm: western chickens nd fowls, 134c; turkeys. 15c. Dressed, dulct; western chickens, HttlilSVjc; spring rurkeys. Itul8c; fowls. 0$illc. St. l,eals General Market 8T. LOUIS, Noy. 13. WHEAT Future, higher; cash o.ule; track No. I red, cash. 74'y?i75-c; No. 2 hard, 7ia,4c; December, TS'iiTSVic; May, TTHc CORN Firm: track. No. 2 cash, 4494414c; No. 2 white. 44ttj44c OAT8-Flrm: track No 2 "cash, 83c; No. 2 white, 34Uc: December, S37434c; May. Ac. FIXR'K tJteady; red winter patents. 83.3 7T: extra fancy and straight, $J.Jut 8.45; clear. $2.26to2.9o. SEED Timothy, steady. $3.2S3.75. CORN MEAl-6tealy, $150. HAY Firm; timothy, $U.6O3?16.0O; prairie, $10.00ft 13.50. IRON COTTON TIES $1.0?. PROVISIONS-Pork. higher; Jobbing, $18.50. Lard, higher; prim steam, 49.06. Dry Salt mfwts, steady; boxed extra shorts, $3.C;; clear ribs, $3.12!; short clear, 19 87S4. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, HO.tiiV. clear ribs, $9.87H: short clear. $10.87V. POULTRY Turkeys, lower; chickens. 8c; springs. (Hfcc; turkeys. 13ttc; ducks, SViftsHc; geese, SVixc, BL'TTKR Steady; creamery, 31927c; dairy, 18f22c. KUCW Firm 24C. i - Receipts. Shipment. Flour, libls... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 8.000 13,000 47,000 48,0lO 68.000 . 70.0(0 83,004 142,000 Hlnneapolla firnla Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 18 FLOtTR First patents. $4.20(94.30; Second patents, I4.05&4.16; first clears. $3.263.36: second clears, $2.4045( 2.60. : BRAN In bulk. $16.25. (Superior Board of Trade quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). . Th range of prices, aa reported by F. D. Day ft Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles ! Open Hlgh. Low. Close. Bnt'y W heat i Dec... May.;. July... Flax Dec... Nov... May... I I 7h' 741,'&S 77Va4 78Ha- I 1 lS'i 1 22 1 22V 7 77W SO'., 74V - T7V, 7SS! 1 18V 1 22 t 22V 74H ' n t 17H 1 204, 79V 80V I 18J 1 22S 1 224 1 13 1 MV, 1 234 Minneapolis Cash Clore Wheat:- No. 1 hard, 804c; NO. 1 northern. 80c; to arrive, 7&c; No. 2 northern, 78c; to arrive. -7c; No. $, 73ia74c; No. 1 durum. 6c; to arrive, November iO, 6no; regular. 0o4e; No. 2 durum, 61Vc; lo arrive, November 20, tilo. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 464c; No. 2. 4."i4c Oata: No. 3 white, 32c; No. 3. 2043040. Barley, 3l7c. Rye.. 67iQ84c. Flax. fl.lH . . '.,, Visible Snpply of Orsls., - NBW YORK. Nov. U -Telegraphic com munications received - by Hrads'reets' showed the following change In available tipply a compared with previous account: Wheat. Tnlled 8tat". east Rockies. In crease, 1, 137.000 bu. Canada. Increase 117. 000 bu. Total I'nlted States and Canadt, increase 1,454,000 bu. Afloat for and in Eu rope, increase, 2.000,000 bu. Total American ami Kuropotui supply. Increase, 4,O41.0uu bu. Com, Cimed Suites and CJanada, decrease. 13 000 bu. Oata, I'nlted State and Canada, Increase, S'o.utti bu. In the following figures are set forth. Itie leading Increases and decrease reported to Bradstreets' this weey: Increase Manitoba, 2t1.000 bu. : Fort Worth, 108,J bu.; Port Huron, bu. : Omaha, bu.; Portland. Me., giono bu.: Cleveland, 73.014) bu. : ijncoln, Neb., and vicinity, decrease 182,0to bu. Kansaa t'llr Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITT, Nov. 13. WH EAT De cember. 874c; May, 72V- Cash: No. $ hard, b74fii!c; No. 3. t4i'!8,4c; No. 2 red, tiKV'oo ; No. t. 6:Hiac. CO KN December, 37'4c: Mav. 804c. Cash: No. 3 mixed, 88i(iVc; No. 8, 374i374c; No. 2 while, S84W40C. OAT8-N0. J white. 33VfiS3c; No. 3 mixed. SS'SV. JXJGS Firm: extras, 264o per dosen; firsts. 244c; seconds, 1H4P. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $1176414.00; choice prairie, $11.7512.00. ItYl.-8teady. &Tui7'c. BUTTER Creamery, aie; packing, lie. Mllwnake Urnla Market. MILWAIKEE. Nov. 13. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 78W80e; No. 2 northern, 7&tjf774c; May, 78'c asked. RYE Steady; No. 1. 414fl7e. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 664c; 4 2 46c. sample, CORN Steady; No. 3 cash, 44 4 47 May, 43 He asked. Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADEU'HIA. Nov. 11-BCTTER-Vnchanged; extra western creamery, offi cial price. 27c; street price, iSc; extra nesrby prints, 30c. l;OA-l"lnn and In good demand, nearby freeh and western freFh, Slo at mark. CHUEWB ju1ei. but steady; New York full crea4iis, l.'gl3Vc Llveroool Grain nasi Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Not. 13-WHEAT-8pot. steady; No. t red western winter. 6s 114d; futures quiet; Icember, tts Jd; March, is 6Vi: May. a 4V.J. CORN Spot.- steady: American mixed 4a 14d; futures quiet: December, 4a ld; January, 4a 4d. " nnlslb Grain Market. DlLVTH. Nov. 13 WHEAT No. 1 tiard, on tiark. 7$4c; on track. No. 1 nwrthsrn. 7Sc; No. 3 northern, 77'4e: November, 7 4c; Iecember, 7(4c; May. 74c; July. 804? OATS To arrive. II 4c Peoria - rain Market. PEORIA. Nov. 13-CORN-Hlgher: No. white. S;iw 5 Sjc; No. 4 white. $ -43"e. OaT.-P"ii. No. 2 whl'.e, Xc; ho. I "-; No 4. 3c; tin grade. 384i KYfi-Jr'li-m; No. X 4a5c. , THE OMAIIA NEW TURR STOCKS ASD BONDS IfoveniMt Toward EcoTrj in Prioei Mtkel Itrtbt 8bUtial Prorrsii. MONEY MARKET BECOMES EASIER Fewer l,oa as Are Called, Outside rands Are Attracted by High Rates aad Ultaatlaa Abroad Improves. KKW YORK. Nov. I J. The movement towards recovery In prices of stocks which was distinctly initiated In the later dealings of yesterday mprie further substantial prog ress today. The demand was not large and conspicuous movements were restricted to a few stocks which have been favorites in the speculation. A demand from un covered shorts was another factor in the recovery. The light demand waa made ef fective through the failing off in the pres sure to sll which was in evidence yester day by reason of the withdrawal of credits from speculative holders on margin. There was much .less calling of loans today and less difficulty In securing fresh accommoda tions. It was assumed that this waa due 1 partly to the return to the money market of the amount paid In yesterday In sub scriptions to new Ht. Paul stock, which called for some 12.0W,OnO. The stock market settlement In London made favorable progress and without fur ther urgent pressure on New York for j retirement of slock held In that market. ' This afforded a sense of relief, although the actual pay day for the settlement la , fixed for tomorrow. Money and discounts were firmly held In london, but develop ments pointed unmistakably to effective 1 rellaf of the tension In that market. For eign financial opinion has been freely ex- r reused that relief measures were called or by the United States treasury In view of the part played by New York's re quirements In the present tightness of money. The reiterated refusal of the sec retary of the treasury to adopt any Imme diate measures, which were repeated today, were calculated to disappoint expectations of relief by this means which were expected to ease foreign money markets aa well as our own. The appearance of the secretary In Wall street today gave new circulation of rumors of his intention to adopt relief measures. These rumor had their part In the early strength of tho stock market, by the time they were denied the market had the more substantial basis of an easier tone In the money market without the help of treasury measures. There wag some disposition to Infer that effort htd been made to exaggerate the money stringency of yesterday in order to Impress the treasury officials with the de sirability of relief and that today' relsxa tlon might be due to the abandonment of these effort. The course of the money market seems sufficiently explained by the lack of pressure on account of the London settlement, the reappearance of St. Paul stocks subscription and in the money mar ket lending of money for out of town banks attracted by the high money rates and a subsidence of the movement of curreney to the Interior. Reports of settlement of wage disputes on some of the railroads was a help to the market. Some sentimental effect wa pro duced by the reports of agreement at Washington on a plan amonget the ad vocates of a law permitting emergency hank note Issues.- The special strength of St. Paul found no explanation In any news beyond dividend rumors of rights of sub- scrlptlon to further stock issues. The open Ing money rate at 14 per cent proved to be the highest of the day. With the decline In the rata stocks advanced gradually, but quite steadily. Profit taking caused some reaction, and while the closing wa gen erally below the best prices, the tone wa firm. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, $1,830,000. I'nlted State bonds were unchanged on call. The following wa the rang of price on the New York Block exchange: ale, hub. uw. i inn, Adam Express Amal. Copper Am. C. ft F Am. C. ft F. yfd...... Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd.. Am. Express Am. H. ft L. pfd Am, Ice. securities.. Am. Linseed Oil Am. Linseed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Loco. pfd........ 27a 37,800 -110H- 109' k 110 L6U0 43 42 44 101 700 36 S4V, . 834 240 344 SSI 37H 72 111 100 100 8f4 1714 '72" 600 7!H Am. B. ft rt., 7,IO0 1544 153U 154', tAm. 8. ft R. pfd....'. ' 700 1174 )18Vi 116 Am. Sugar Refining. 1 400 13.1 132H 132 Am. Tob. pfd clfa... WO " MV4 A 9i Anaconda. Min. Co... 10.90 268 208 2fl7U 97H 08 Atchison Atchison pfd .. Atlantic C. L. . 8.300 9H 6"0 li14i 10 133 4.408 118 7 U8i li 101H it)l 136 1U Hal. ft Ohio 1174 117 ..... no "4 784 1734 174T4 Ral. ft Ohio pfd... Brk. Rapid Tr 4.4(0 7714 S.0U0 174S Canadian Pacific Central of N, J. 118 Ches. ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago ft N. W... C. M. ft St. 7? Chicago T. ft T C. T. ft T. pfd C , C. C. ft St. L... Colorado . ft I Colorado ft So , Colo, ft So. 1st pfd Colo. 80. 2d pfd.. Consolidated Gjs .. Corn Products, rfg Corn Prod. pfd. rfg Delaware ft H 1.400 524 600 174 1.000 2004 77.100 1764 524 17 200 171 624 174 189 1764 $ ) 914 5t . 374 es 137 194 75 217'4 615 3X4 8:14 69 P 174 123 172tJ V 81 44 5 274 614 H14 23 66 146 16i 93 304 6; 744, 624 W 884 88 400 t.V 1.200 "joo (3 61 87H 924 50 37 . 64' 'm Hi" '39'' 424 'vii 178 664 " ioo 'isii 'i'.soo zis"' "soo 'si' Del.; L. ft W D. ft R. Q D. R. O pfd Dlt-tlllera Sec Ene Erie 1st pfd. Erie 2d pfd Oeneral Electric Hock. Val.. offered., Illinois Central International Paper. Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd.... Kansas City Bo....... K. C. 80. Pfd 100 8.500 894 42 100 ' 10 2TN) 300 17 814 1T4 814 300 284 g8'4 jno I.40O 11,400 20 64 1414 87 584 141 224 67 lffl" 364 1 45 . 98 '874 35 Louts, ft Nosh Mex. Central Minneapolis ft St. 1,, M . Bt. P A 8. 8. M M B P. ft 8 9 M pfd.. Missouri Pacific ..... M . K. ft T M . K. ft T. pfd Nsttonal Isd N. R. R of M. pfd.. N. Y. Central N Y.. O. ft W , Norfolk ft W Norfolk ft W. pfd.... No. A merle vi Psclflo Mail Pennsylvania People Qs. ex-dlv.. 1"0 188 1 Wirt 1i 17.2") VO i'O 2.9)0 2"0 1.800' SS'-, 4 744 M'4 1274 45'4 974 300 8 800 88'i Sli mu )O0 88 '"jo 'ti" 84 1.T74 18S4 MS XK 80 614 87 242 Kin " 1424 144 P . C . C ft St u. . . . Pressed 8tes Car P. 8. C. nfd Pullman Palace Car. soo 28a4 Reading 177,J0 1444 neso'ng 1st prn Reedine Jd pfd Reniibllc Steel .. WenuMIc S'eel pfd.. Rock lslin'l Co SM t 35 7'4 n 66 4HA 2t-i 57 914 W Xii 158 35M 4-. MV 1SIU ': 115 $4 4. 105 U. 14V )e44 "i 1"7 Hi 4 7W) 158 8S" 14U H 5-": 21 6 V I0rt 72 31v ? 1.000 36 4 , 7 . 644 484 44 R. I. Ct. (M ft. I. A- 8 F. 2d pfd. St. t 8. W St. L. B W, pfd Bo. Pacific Bo Pacific pfd Bo. Ra'lwav . . Bo. Railway pfd Tnnesee C. I.... Texas A Pacific T.. fit. U W P.. St L. A W. pfd.. 1,0"0 20 W 158 . l.l'O 36 S"0 85 jno 55 I'nlon Paclc I'n'ort Pacific pfd.. .111.3"0 181 1S0 I', r Express... f. B Peettv T. 8. Rubber I' B R ibher pfd... T'. 8. 8tel I'. 8 8tel nfd V. -Carolina Chem Vs.-Csr. Chem. pfd. Wabash XVhesh tifd Wells-Fareo Fx Westing F'ectrlc .. Western '"nlon W A T.. E Wis. Central Wis Ceetrsl pfd.... Vo. Pselflc Centrl Tsther .... Cen. Testher pfd... 'le-.KheffMd Ot Northern nfd.... 'it. Metropolitan .. f:'. Met. ofd l.4i 2 9o4 3,4(0 '324 '8214 is" JS4 106 108 47 0 44H 45 l 1A44 u 70 364 34 i'(i(io 'jiii 'je'" 300 4t'4 42 '"ioo '854 '854' t'nno '4 '244 oo M4 ri I6.V0 2-v; jtT- 300 364 36 ' 4 I0 '' '' 3'vi ii v4 sen 100 rn 7'i 76 Total sale for the day. 680.0)0 sharea. Xew York Mining Sleeks. NEW YORK. Nov. 11 Clo!:ig quotation! on mlolns itt war Adam Con ,. so j Little Chief ... .. T ..8'.'5 ..3-i .. 28 ..1J6 .. 40 .373 Alice 8"0 Preece 3$ Brunswick 60 Comstook Tun.... 18 Con Cel.' ft Va..lS5 Horn silver ISO Iron Sliver 460 Leadvllle Con ... i lOntarlo '. lOphlr , iPetoal Savage IBIerra Nevada . iBmall Hopes .. 'Btandsrd Treasnry Statement. . WASHINGTON. Nov. 1 $.--Tody' state ment til me treaa.jijr balances It) (ha fca DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, eral fund, exrluslre of the ItSO.TfiO.OOO gold reserve, shows? Available cash bal- Jnce. 1127.070,220; gold coin and bullion, 111, 111,634; gold certificate. 141.804.100. We w York Moaey Market. NEW YORK, Nor. ll.-MONEY-On call, strong at tVul per cent; ruling rate, ti per cent; last loan, 7 per cent. Time loans, slightly easier; sixty days. "Hfi per cent; ninety days, 1 per cent; all months, 08 per cent. PR) MR mercantile: PAPER-H4 per cent. BTER1.IN1 EXCMANOE-Kssler, wl h ae fuel business In bankers bills st 84 N"1' '4 4 .ft",, for demand and at $4.8H:"v4 fy fur slxty-dav bills; posted rates, 14 81 Vvt4: commercial bills. $4.80. SILVER Bar, 71c; Mexican dollars. c. BONDS Government and railroad, steady. Quotations on bonds today were as fol- U.W8. r. la, re. .104H Japan ts try, j do coupon I'M1 Jap. 4s. 2d ser ... 7 U. B. s. re 103 1 do 4a ctfs K! I do coupon I"! do 4 ctfs V I U. 8. o. 4s, do 2f eerie K9" 1 do coupon 102 It- A N. uni. 4...l'1l'i U. 8. n. 4s, reg..l3"Uj Man. c. g. 4s HO I do coupon Mex. Central 4s.. 81 Mj I Am. tod. 4s Tii do 1st Inc Z4i do a 110 iM. & Bo. L. 4s.. tf. Atch. gen. 4a.....lon'4 M., K. T. 4s.... KtKk do sdj. 4s K'J, do 2s 8 Atch. gen. 4s 100-4 N. RR. of M C 4s 84 OO BOJ. 4S N. Y. C. g. SS.. , At. C. L. 4 i-.i N. J. C. a 5s 101 "4, No. Pacific 4s 1U'- M do 8s 75$ 4 N. ft W. c. 4s.... M HOUj O. 8. L. r. 4s M 89 jPenn. conv. SHs.. 914 76 Reading gen. 4s.. 9fi B. ft O. 4a do 34s B. R. T. C. 4s.. Cen. of Ga. 6s., do 1st Inc.... do 2d Inc do 3d Inc Che, ft O. 44s C. A A. 214s... B I., ft I.M. C. bs .114 ,.104H 8 L. ft 8. F. fg 4s 84 4 St. L. 8. W. c. 4. 804 48. A. U 4s 84 C. H. ft Q. n. 4.. W4 8. A. U 4s 84 C. H. I. s r. 4.. 774 "So. 4So. Pacific 4s.... 914 do col. 5 , 1 CCC.AS. L. g 4S..1024 Col. Ind. 6s. a. A. 754 Colo. Mid. 4s 74 ao jt 4s ctrs... 9R Bo. Railway 5s... 1144 Texas A P. Is 119"4 T. 8. L. A W. 4s.. 80 Z Colo. A 80. 4s.... 92 C'nion Parlftn 4a..lnfl-v. Cuba 6s D. A R 10.1'A t'. 8. 8. 2d 6s BtTT O. 4.... 984 Wbash Is ll.'V DIs. Sec. 5s ... 84 do deb. B 79-v ...100L4 West. M.I 4a Rl Erie p. 1. 4s ao yen. 4s vv w. A L. E. 4s.... 844 cntral 4s.. 9t) Ronton Storks and Bonds. BO8TON, Nov. 13. Call loans, &g per cent; time loans, &JP7 per cent. Official Quotations on stocVs sml bonds were: Atch. adj. i4s $14,Rlnghom 294 do 4s It 1 . cal. ft Hecla...8n Centennial 29 -.. ,.ruuai ,e.. 11, Atchison 9Mi Copper Range ... 814 do pfd ..........101tjDTy West M. inv. -jjuBion n yii ivi rrangiin .. 21 .. 12 .. 21 .. 8 .. 17 .. 64 .. 1 . . o7 ..125 .. 254 ..101 ..154 ..100 .. 10 ... 71i .. 61 .. 94 .. 63 .. 64 .. S ..158 ..1104 .. 3ti .. 19 Moston ft Me 181 Oranbv Boston Ele 154 Isle Rovale Fltchburg pfd.. 135 Mass. Mining Mex. Central .... 234 Michigan N.Y. N. H. ft H..192UI Mohawk Pare Marq 63 Mont. C A C. Union Pacific ....181 Old Dominion A. A. Chem. pfd. 914'Osceola Am. Pneu. Tube. 1:14 1 Parrot Amer. Sugar 132Vigulncy do pfd .129 Shannon. Am. t. AT!. .1374 Tamarack .. . 80 Trinity .1014 United Copper . 23 IT. 8. Mining.. .233 U. 8. Oil Am. Woolen .. do pfd Domln. I. ft B Edison Elec. II Mtss. Electric do pfd 14, Utah 69 Victoria Mass. Uas 67Vj Winona Wolverine North Butte .. Butte Coalition Nevada 1 iiueu rruit .i.,.iisj united B. Mach do pfd V. 8. Steel 70 29 4.W, do pfd ........ "Adventure ... llMvk Mitchell .. 6 Cal. ft Arlona...l54- Alloues .. 34 'Tecumseh 144 ..1M4 Greene Con 15 Amalgamated Atlantic 1.V' Bid. Alked Boston Cooper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar- nti. it wnpa ov liOffAn Ifnnn 7 Board m i mue ouncung. tmtana: A ... AO renture f, fevana t ons... North Butte , Old Dominion.. Osceola Pneu. ServiCT.. do pfd Qtilncy Shannon Tamarack Tenn. Chopper... Trinity 19 I Alloues Atlantic .., Bingham Black Mountain Boston Cons Butte Coalition. 36 1.T4 ' 4 3f"4 1 II, 58 1254 13- 29 84 ..100 .. 15 ..100 .. 4:4 .. 11 ..106 .. 624 .. 44 .. 3 .. 324 .. 6 .. ..159 ... 28 254 Calumet ft Ari.15.'? ttol. ft Hecla.,. Centennial ....... a4 Copper Range... 814 Dally West 19 East Butte I04 Franklin 21 . Greene Copper.. 25V. Granby 12 Helvetia sv.' Isl Royal i'2iu. L. 8. ft P'.Cs.... 27", . Massachuact) .. 6 h Michigan ........ 17'4I Mohawk ......... Oity. United Fmlt.. U. S., com U. 8., nfd lTtah C'ons Utah Copper.. Victoria Winona Wolverine ... NlplsRlng Cananea London Closing Stocks. LONDON, Nov. IS. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were' Cons, money 84 M., K. ft T N. Y. Central., .. 374 ..131 .. 94 ,. 93 .. 44 .. 72 .. 64 .. 73. do account Anaconda ... Atchison do pfd Pal. A Ohio.. Can. Pacific 84-v. 13V 103W - do pfd I'm 4 iniarii) ft w.., ..121 Pennsylvania ., Rand Mines .., Reading , So. Railway ... do pfd ...173 Ches. ft Ohio... Chicago Gt. W... 17 .. .1:!-, 1 C. M A St. P.. ..1764 .. PS . 9.1 ..1864 &6 .. 47 ..108 .. 20 .. 44 .. 95 De Beers JiVciSo. Pacific D- R. 0 20 I'nlon Puclfte .. do pfd 84 do pfd Erie 4.1 U. 8. Steel do 1st pfd.. 77' do pfd do 2d jfd 6 Wabash Illinois Central.. .178 do pfd LolllS A- V'BBh ll'.U Am oii.v r.n nar, st:ui., iii per ounce. MONEY 6'iio4 per cent. Ths rate or discount In th open market for short bill Is 6 per cent; for three months' bills, per cent. Bank Clearing:. OMAHA, Nov. 13. Bank clearings for today wer $1 026.010.22 and for the corre sponding day last year $1,476,718.80. Wool Market. BOSTON, Nov. 13 -WOOL Market la (1rm and active. The individual vile of trrrltory now being made range from IOO.iOO to 500,000 pounds and most house have a part in this business. There N a steady call for staple Oregon and there Is a con tinued large movement In territory wool of II grade but quarter bloods More Inter est 1 now In pulled wools. Foreign grade are firm. Iead1ng domestic quotations fol low; Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above 334634c; X. 31ft2c; No. 1. 4tS-Uc; No. 2, S' -: flne unwaahed, 25-qrJSc; unmerchantable, !?30c; half bloodm uu washed, mi:ai4c; three-eighth blood unwashed,, 3484V,c- Euw blood unwashed. 6iC7c; delaine 37 Kentucky. Indiana and Missouri: blng, three-eighth blood, Wimc. Texas (scoured basis), line. J2 months, 72-ir72c-fine. I to I months. 66fi7c; fine fall, clean Vni'OOC. California, scoured baais, northern choice 768o; northern good. ftv&4c; mid dle counties, 63ii45c; southern. &Mi63e; fall free, 5t67c. Oregon (rcoured baslai, east ern No. 1. staple, '70ti72c; eastern No 1 clothing, 67C!!C; vallev No. 1, anHtw.-c Terri tory staple sroured tiaHs, fine, TfjiTixv me dium fine. 6Xt(70e; medium. (Tvfitc terri tory, scoured basis, gne, tTifffju-; fine me dlutn,6ti67e; medium, esiiUSc. Colorado and New Mexico spring scoured. X, 6!Wr7)c; No 1, 64ifi&o. Pulled wools, scoured basis extra nr71c; flne. 63i4c; A supers, 57fiW R supers. 4tV&n3c. ST. IXil Is Mo. Nov. 13 -WOOL Steadv. Metllum grade combing and cl.rthlng 24 27c; light fine. 1Vf,,2ic; eovy fine. HtffltV: tub washed, 83&374c. C otton .Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 13,-COTTON-Spot closed quiet and at I points advance; mid dling uplands. IC.toc; middling gulf, 10 66c' sa'ej, t.o bales. LIVERPOOL, . Nov. ll-COTTON-fipot in fair demand and prices 13 points higher; American middling fair, 6.2U1; good mid dling. l.78d; middling. 6R4d; low middling 6 44d, good ordinary. 6.1d; ordinary, 4 8vhT The sale uf th day were $.0 bales, of which 500 bales were for speculation and export and Included 7.2u bales Americin ItrceliKs. COu) bale, including S4,GuO lialus American. ST. litiUIS Mo.. Nov. 13 COTTON Steady; middling, 10c; sales. Wu bales; re ceipts, 606 bales; shipments, 12S bales' stock, 10,910 bales. NEW ORLEANS. La.. Nov. 13.--COT-TON Snot closed firm; rales. 6,oo bales; ow ordinary, 6f. nominal; ordinary, c, lomlnal: guod ordinary. 7 15-lGc: middling o; good middling. 10c; middling fair! t(c, nominal: fair, llc, nominal; re ceipt. 21,641 bales; stock. 2.6 bale Evaporated Applea and Dried FrnHs. NEW YORK. Nov. 1S.-EVAPORATED APPLES Market is firm and holders are wcurlng higher price f -ir delivery High choice are quoted at Hifctic; choice at 4'uec and prime at 0V.r7c CAUl-ORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes tre said to be leas active at the recent ad vance on the onast, but the ton of the mar Vet is at. II firm and prices are still miln ' allied, ranging frum 3c to 8c for lllforllia "rult snJ froui to Inc for Oregon 4s to '. Aprloots are very quiet but price arc nklntalned in the absence of Important .fferings. Choice are quoted at 16c, and ancy at lfcdJuc. Peaches are firm with ild crop choice quoted at He: extr olio're ' 1al2'c. and fancy to extra fancy t "tll'ic. Raisins rv In light supply In the nl u srket and nils rlrm with l.,.,e ths. ,lel qmHed at 71, i.'!'. , see-j- 1 -t--,. '"tt) " ,nl (mUuit layer at l.ii5'gH.;, NOVEMBER 14, 1D0G. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET H Important (ttair in Gtttlt, Frioei Bsinr ftdy. H06S SHOW LOWER RANGE OF PRICES Moderate Raa of fherp and I.atnha, Mostly All Feeders, with Hardly Aay Kilters General Market Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 13. 1W5. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. 6heep. Official Mondsv 10,779 J.lrtO 8.4 Official Tuesday 1.O1O 4.S.XI 23.00" Two days this week. .17.779 7.740 31.914 Same days last week ... .14.57) 8.243 Ss.744 Same days 2 weeks ago..l,.;si 8,747 31. 'JM Sam days $ weeks ago. 8.242 b.2X Same days 4 weks ago. .17.413 8.US 69.474 Same days last yesr 13,720 10.447 28,iin) The lullowlng table shows the receipt ot Cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for th year to date, compared with last year: I806. 196. Inc. V,at,le 525,132 "0,8S9 24.273 ""Ra 2,157.534 l.JTJl.V'7 lw.fc.' Sheep 1,950,411 1.749.048 181.343 CATTIJO QUOTATIONS. Oood to choice corn-fed steers $5 vfi3S Fair to good corn-fed steers 6.0t5.0 Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.0u'y6.00 Good to choice rsnge steers 4.75iu"6.4S Common to fair range steer 8.5tnft40O Good grass cows nd heifers S.JiiH.W) Fair to goou cowa and heifers 3.75(fi3.30 Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1.5ncu2.73 Good-choice Blockers and feeder.. 4.004T4.73 Fair to good stocker and feeders.. 3 2iip4.00 Common to fair stocker 2.7.1i 3.2ft Bulls, stags, etc 2.0o,fi3.75 Veal calve 4.0i'o."0 The following table shows the average price of hogs at outh Omaha for the lavt several days, with comparisons: Date. I 180$. 19UG.1B04.U9U3. 1902.1901 . 1900. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4 SS 4 8"i 4 791 6 481 4 89, 4 741 611 I 4 73 6 62! 4 811 4 781 65 6 811 6 72 64 5 72! 4 64 6 49' 4 67 S 98 6 90 4 87 9( ft fta 4 83 J Vft 4 81 4 79 4 80 4 95' 4 79 4 17 4 89 4 8u I 6 44' f 6 74 4 71 10.'. 11.. 13 07 4k k 00 4 901 4 67! 4 63 4 63 4 64 4 69 4 73 35 4 82) 6 25' 5 ' 12. 8 10 6 43j 4 84 6 21 1 6 5! 4 74 Nov. 13.. 4 80 Sunday. RANGE OF FKTCES. Csttle. Hogs. Omaha Sl.tuUH.OO $S.6hi4.1S Chicago 1.6r-u7.25 5.5li6.36 Kansas City 2.0ivu6.50 6.5Mj6.124 St. Louis 2.004j7.00 6.(8'nfi.25 Sioux City 2.5tKii.25 5 Sf.fio0 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each rood was: . Cattle. HogB. Sheep C. M. ft St. P 9 Missouri Pacific I'nlon Pacific System.. C. ft N. W., east O. ft N. W.. west C, 8t. P.. M. ft O 1 14 7 80 1 10 1 17 6 12 13 3 1 3 1 c, M. ft Q., east 2 C, B. ft Q.. wesrt 105 O., R. I. A P., east X C. R. I. ft P.. west 2 Illinois Central s Chicago Great Western 3 2) total receipts 2.'.4 74 62 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follow, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle .. 800 ,..l,20i; lings. Sheen. 7S7 624 1.17S i 1.621 508 Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company.... Ctidahy Packing Co... Armour ft Co., K. C 60 Armour ft Co., Denver.. 139 Varvmnt ft Co 84 Carey ft Benton 44 Lobman ft Jo 135 McCreary ft Carey lo W. 1. Stephen 158 Hill ft Son 394 F. P. Lewis -,s Huston ft Co 1S9 Hamilton ft Rothschild . 150 L. F. Hues 117 Wolf 876 J. H. Bulla 43 Mike Haggerty im J. B. Root ft CO 147 Z. H. Clark 6 T. B. Inghram 3 Sullivan Bros l V. A. Britlon 17 Other buyers 1,136 6.043 Totals .1. ..7.597 4.540 10.424 CATTLEt Receipts of cattle were liberal ataln this morning, the yards being full of cattle of all kinds. Still there wa no great number of right choice beeves. The general market did not allow any great or noteworthy change aa compared with yes terday. Beef steers were In good demand and any thing at all desirable sold at fully steady prices The trade wa fairly active and the offering for the most part were cleaned up in fair season, but the late arrival of trains caused the trade to be prolonged through a good share of the day the same as uaual. Good cows and heifers were steady. In fact the cow trade was. steady at the decline noted esterday. In some cuseB possibly the- medium kinds of cow sold lower, but the change was not of any great Importance. Among the offerings todav were a few very good Wyoming cow which sold up to $4.25. Good feeders continue free sellers every day and prices are fully steady with laM week's beat time. The common and thin cattle are hard to move every day, but still receivers manage to get rid of them In one way or another. Representative fcales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr 769 4 70 24 1355 6 76 lu a. 1... 6... (.... li... 9... 21... 3... 13... 10... 27. . . T... 4... 33... 24... 13... .. 860 .. .. 762 .. 910 .. 795 .. 932 .. 801) ..1034 .. 562 .. 444 .. 8v2 .. (H7 .. 673 .. 737 .. 63 1 76 16... ,..1016 ...1116 ... 943 ... ai7 ...1247 ...1265 ... M) ...1133 ... 756 ... 470 ... 33 ... 4,V1 ... 372 3 70 1 86 t 80 3 ) 3 00 1 00 8 10 3 40 3 45 3 50 8 76 2 35 4 00 2 06 2 10, 2 15 2 30 2 70 6... 10... 11... 4... 2 65 2 06 FEEDERS. 2 46 66. 1 2 2 96 I 70 3 2j .... 3.... lit.... 7.... HEIFERS. 2 Co J.' 796 1 10 WESTERNS-WYOMING. 8 cows 1..I2.I 3 15 11 cows ; 2 x S 6v 1 65 2 5t 17 cows UM 3 00 6 cows 1020 0 COWS M8 2 SO 14 cows 742 o; 23 cows 970 3 ti cows i steers.. ..1140 4 1 NEBRASKKA. 29 cost 817 2 10 61 cows 16 feeder.. i4 8 26 66 feeder. . 883 9i 4t 2 75 4 Oo . 05 : 55 30 feeders.. buO 2 65 3ii cows HM CO 1 .OKA La J. 3 70 v heifers.. tl 2 55 13 cows louO 1 75 . E. Dorr Wyo. 3 7a feeder.. 932 1 cows 862 7 cows 831 W 17 feeder.. 854 K. G. Bruner Wvu. 1Z steer.. ..izju 470 Scows.. L. Dickinaon Wvo. .1120 1 14 3 90 3 43 3 40 2 10 4 UU 4 26 4 26 3 U 20 feeder.. 840 8 95 7 feeders. .1060 Frank Klrkputrlck Wyo. 47 steers.. ..Hi4 4 70 It cow 1005 John Mullen Wyo. 10 feeder.. 'Ml 3 70 4 steers.. ..1050 C. Gi-os Wvo. 21 cow 1030 8 60 T cows 10i7 11 cow 94 2 70 14 feeders.. 708 26 feeder. .1049 4 10 William Runnel Wyo. 13 steers.. ..1170 6 20 6 cows 1140 1). J. Smythe Wyo. . 9COWS 1187 3 36 J'. feeders.. IU5U B. Hope Wyo. 12 feeder.. 914 3(5 So feeder J. J. Cullen Wyo. 41 cow 934 2 80 A. 8. Patrick-Wvo. 114) cows... .1067 4(ii lu2cos.., 9 cows 1123 $10 6 cows ... W. L. Hamilton Wvo, $74 .Lot .nro 6 00 8 00 23 feeders.. 7J1 3 76 32 c-iws li.c-i George Foxton Wvo. 38 cows 1020 3 Is feeiiits.. 5H1 3 30 S 75' S. J. Stookcy vo 13$ feeders. !Jt 4 30 , feeilers.. 901 5 feeders.. 8"! 124 cows 93 41 cows .... 9nS 4S steer.. ..1I8U ft 1:0.-8. D. 33 feeder.. -9 3 50 3 60 3 40 2 ! 4 75 6$ fetders.. 4 16 13 feeders.. 5o4 3 9 61 cows -4 3 40 44 heifer... CJ 2 5u H. Si earn 28 cows li67 I 20 11 feeder.. 750 4 26 4 20 O'Connor Bro. 8. D. 14 steers ...13'- 4 no 3 steers. ...10.13 4 lit Jo Durtee S. D. 26 oows f!'J I 20 10 feeders.. 856 4 ft) i feeder.. Sou 8 6 J O. MrDonald-B D. cov.,,..lo'.il $10 U st,ers....l080 4 10 A. C. Craven S D. 4 cows 10r2 2 40 12 cows vo 2 to 8 cows t2 2 50 10 luwi ' 4 3 ) 3 steers. ...li3 4 5n " sti ers. ...1220 4 60 F U. Stewart-3 U. 11 stetr.,.1'M 3 80 ow. .... Dfi 1 jo W. H. Reynolds -Neb. 42 cow 872 2 80 cows 79.'" 1 25 Flrat National Bank Neb lie! 81 2 75 T2 riiies.,. I 4 60 13 calv... 314 3 25 J II Howard-N'eh. !1 cows K63 8 00 D. Gotnlev Neb 4 feeder.. 51? 4 10 21' steers... 1V4 $ 7f, ;o rows 1 2 8 i i cowe iv,i 3 . 7 bulls 1173 1 uO 8 st.iga Ill $ 33 W. H TAylor-Neh. SI feeder. .1058 4 26 18 feeders. .1106 4 lo steers.. ..12 4 04 W. H. Martln-Nev. 41 steers. .. .D8I 8 70 14 cows 975 3 10 Hi HIS -There wss the nsusl moderate run of hos today which has been character istic! of th hog business during the lust several weeks. The trade 0ene slow, the smt hi it has been every day of la to, and whs at no time very active, si that s guod share of the forenoon was consumed In etTecting a clearance. The prices paid were mostly 6.- lower than yesterday, a consid erable proportion of the hogs selling at $5.!rt6 . whereas yssterdav the hulk of the full lo,ds lirmiRlit $'.ttv,;.o5. In other words a cops Idernble proportion of iho hug sold at and right Arojnd $.' ,. Toils y s d. cline takes the market to the lowest point touched In some days. Hepresentstlve sales: No. Av Bh. Pr. No. Av Bh. Pr 5 55 61 24 14 5 97'4 6 70 61 !f.i 40 4 Oil 6 ! 1-5 25 4.1 6 00 t 80 46. 2xi l 4 00 6 674 7" 235 ... 6 00 t 90 60 243 40 6 10 5 80 . 70 ii1 ... 6 00 6 80 74 Si 12" 00 6 8.'4 3f t'3 4i 6 ( 6 924 2" 12" 8 (O 6 924 .66.... . 273 ll 6 0 6 924 79 254 50 6 024 6 96 71 272 ... 6 (V) 6 ! 7f 224 2S0 6 05 6 96 42 14 ... 1 16 6 06 ' 170 ... 6 10 6 Vi (.0 2V 10 6 12 6 9i 1-7 1S1 ... 6 16 6 72 80 6 15 -5 U14 2.1... . II 19..;. lie... 44.... 32.... 54.... 83.... ..lit . 44M ..374 ..140 . ,3.r4 ..243 ..178 .176 ,.8'0 ..2.3 . 3W . .324 ..:il6 ..2!1 ,.Si2 40 . 40 8 80 80 01 80 so 140 JSO 200 I 47.... r-i M . . . '. 64 ... 70.... 40.... 45.... 9.... 62... 50. . . . 70. . . . 30 131 24 SHKEP There was a fair run of sheep and lamb this morning, hut they were ai-, most al) feeders. Aside front n couple of bunches of fed Wethers which sold at $5.25 and $j 30 there whs almost nothing in the way of desirable killers. In fuct there was not a single choice load of yearlings or lainhs on sivle ' Owing to the small offering the 'market j was lust about steady with yesterday, but pretty c.oso to 25c lower than one week ago today. The fact that prices are no lower .than thiy arc seems to be due entirely. to j the light run of fat stuff at this point. I The feeling I vciv weak on account of the hoavy break at Chlcigo. The Chicago Drovers' Journal of yesterday quoted their market l(j5c lower on both sheep anil liimlis than at the close of last week, and It will be rememlKirfd that last weeks I close was also lower. YeMerdsy prime I wethers sold st Chlcigo at JS.fO. with very 1 good to real choice yearlings at $5. 75V6 00. Very prime and heavy ewes brought $6 25. : but the lighter ones went mostly at $4.5Ku 16 00. With prices Ilk these prevailing at Chicago yemerduv and with the market posted as still lower today R will readily be understood why the feeling at this point la week. Dullness wos a leading characteristic of the feeder trade today. There was n"cr thelcss considerable inqulrv for desirable feeders, which sold about stendy with yes terday. The common and Inferior grades were slow and weak, especially thin Bnd not overly good feedlnar ewes. Quotations on killers: Good to choic lambs. $7.0ii7.2ii. air to good lam lis, $6 76W 7 0"' good to choice yearlings. $5.&0ti6.1i; fair 10 good yearlings. $.i.26tuu.50; good to choice wethers, $5.U06.W): fair to good wethers $4.76o0o; good to choice ewe, 84 ao.HU.25. Quotation on feeder: Good to eholc : lambs, $6 0tuU25; medium lambs. $5.00fi6.(; 1 light lambs, $$j6.25; yearlings, $u.l&'5 3j; Wethers, $4. 1610.00; ewea, $&60W4.25: bised ' InK ewes 84 7afti5.ini I No. ' 1'4 Idaho ewes, feeders 209 Idaho ewes, feeders 844 Idaho ewes 4n1 native wethers 21 Wyoming lambs, culls 510 Nebraska weihers I 68 Montanu lambs, feeders.. '108 Idaho lumbs 328 Wyoming lambs 245 Wyoming lambs , u'J Montana lambs Av. Pr. :i6 iv 95 4 16 Hd 4 45 117 6 25 68 6 85 112 6 30 65 66 6 40 67 ( 50 69 4 50 73 6 75 80 3 00 69 4 10 IM 4 50 104 . 4 26 44 5 25 54 i 66 100 6 25 84 6 2 92 6 50 68 6 26 .06 8 7i 92 yomlng ewes ' 306 Wyoming ewes Wyoming ewes 225 Idaho feeder ewe 38 Wyoming lambs 178 Idaho lamb feders 141 Wyoming wethers 63 Wyoming wether feeders. 91 Wyoming wethers 55 Idaho lamb 69 Idaho lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Slow to Dull Hog Five to Ten Cent Lower. - CHICAGO, Nov. II. CATTLI5 Re ceipts, 11,000 bead; market slow and dull; common to prime steer, $4.00'iip f.80; cows, 2.65(&4.75;; heifers, $2.40fa6.35; bulls, . $2.40ib'4.60: calves, $3. 00 7.50; Blockers and feodcrs, $2.0004.40. HOGS Receipts, 22,000 head; market 6 Ir 1 Oc lower; choice to prime heuvy, $6.30 4tf6.1!5; medium to good heavy, $6. low 6.20; butuher weights. $6.25 fa 6.35;. good to choice mixed, $6. 10ft 6.20; packers, $6.6.) A It AH nl.i in 1A. 111 .SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 25,000 J li'oad; market weak to 10c lower; sheep, , $3 2606.75; yearlings, $5.&0&6.40; lambs, ! $5,6017.25. New York Live stock Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. BEEVES Re ceipt, 593 head; market steady; Messed beef, slow at 6 46c per pound for native sides. Some choice bewf, at 104 104c; Texas beef, dull at 64 4 7c. ' To day's cables from London and Liverpool . quoted live csttle selling at 120134c per I lound. dressed weight; refrigerator beef, j 1 0 9i 10c per pound; exports today, 96') cattle and 4.200 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 162 head: very little doing, but feeling steady. Indiana calves sold at $6. 00 j 6,00 per 100 pounds; city dressed veals, lint hanged at 8jl3o per pound; country dressed, at 8 0114c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,141 head; sheen unchanged; lambs In fAlr demand and steady for top grades. Com mon to prime siieep sold at $3.00t 5.00 per 100 pounds- a few choice at $5.50; lambs. $6.50ff7.60; culls, $3,50 4)5.00. HOGS Receipts, $,3C1 head; market nominally steady. 1 Kansns City IAv Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo Nov. 13-CATTLE-r Receipts. 1,900 head, including 1.100 south erns; market, best steers, steady to 10c lower; other strong: top. $7.00; choice ex port und dressed beef steers, $3.50ti700; fair to good. $4.00tt5.40: western steer. $3.51 6.26; stoekcrs and feeders. $2.60(4.50: south ern steers, $3 0"a3.25: southern cow, $2 toff 8 26; native cowa $2ATt4.oO; native heifers, $3.0(5 10; bulls, $2.16-'l.7S; calves. $3.007.00. HOGr-Reeelpts. 14.HO head; market opened frtiloe lower, but loss regained; top, $4 15; bulk of sales. $4 0"ti4 10; heavy, $4 0 4 6 15; packer, $6.UG46.1; pigs and Uatii, $5.jo4 6.L4. - SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. IO.i'jO head; market weak to 10c lower; lumbs. $6. 75i 7.25; ewe and yenrllnxs. $K.404t'..uO; we-tern yiarllngs. $5 ifTi6O0; western sheep, $4.0iiif 5.25; stocker and feeders, $3.7(6.10. St l.onls Live Stock Merket. ST. IXIUIS, Mo., Nov. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 6 Cxi head. Including 1.5tO Ttxans; n-rket 4esdy: native shipping and egport teers, I5.70fi7.0n; dressed beef end hr4r'...r steers, $T).ij'.j6.35; steers under 1.000 pouiuls, $3.25fu4.7o; stockers and feeders, $2.uou4.,W: cows and heifers, $2.15475.23; canners, tl.ldnu, 2 i6; bullr. $2.;Vi4.00; calves. $.1 50'i7.2fi; Tex and Inulan steers, $3.0iii6 .fc; coa-s and lulfers. 21iiS50. HOGS-BMepta, 6.'0 head; market weak; pin and llathts. $57fl 25: packers S4.0 'f butchers and best heavy, KJifMI 2."i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 0 h, id; market strong: native mutton. M o lil.Mi; Iambs, $4.iK( culls and bucks, $2.75fi3.50; Blockers, $3.004 0.00. Vt. Joeerk l ive Slock Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo. Nov IS. CATTLE Receipt p. 4.917 hesd: market slow and steodv: natives. $4 iM&fl 73: cows and h'ifers, $.' 4.V; stockers "d feeders. $3.nti4.5. lini:n Pecelptc, 7S-M h-ad: iTe oiried 6e lo-r. eloae't strong; light, $;.(l'47 ..I''.: bulk or -ales ft .r. t, to. BHEEP AND LAMBS-Recilpts, head: market weak to 10c lower. 4 0(0 fctonx City Live Stock Market SIOUX CITY. Nov. 13 (Spral Tele grnm.1 CATTLE RcIpis 0 hed; m- r. ket steady; rweves. $4 "4i.:5; cow, bulls and mixed. "..Mi1j4.i': no-ker and feeder, $3 in tli it. 26: calves and yearlings. 3.' C. 3 re. HiiGS Reeipt. !.t'0 he-d; mciVet weak to to loaer wiling t $3.jt4,to; bulk of sale. $3.9e4j5 83. Itork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six frln clpal western markets yesterday; Cattle. )ios line p. S, OHO 0.000 4.1.1O 60.1 !S.0u'J South Omaha Sioux City . . . Kanaus City . r t. Joseph . . . Pt. Louis ... Chicago ..... Total 7.0'i0 4.400 500 , 1.900 , 4.917 . 6.000 . 11.0 10 2.600 14.000 7,321 6.010 22,000 .31,617 62I 2.80'J Snnnr and 8nln. NEW YORK. Nov. H SUGAR Raw. quiet; fair refining. 5-'ic: uentniugai, 94 :est, 3 M-lCc; molafi-es sujar, 8 1-lik.-. Re fined, quiet; No. . 4 30c; .So. ". 4.15 ; No $ iJ.r; No 9. 4 13c; No. 14. 4 'k : No II c No. 12. i toe: No 13. $ (Oc; coiifoctioners' A. 4 'Aic; ninuld A. 5.13c: cut leaf, t.f 3-; ei ush -i Link:; powderej, 4.90c; gianulsted. 4.v; cum s, b 05c. Mf I'.Ar.S"? Btejdv: New Orleans, 1,; n kettle,' good tj chvke. Si " OMAHA M IRKET, Staple and Fasrr Trslsre, t:tOS Per dog..- CSC. LIVE FOl'LTR Y-Hns. 8c; roosters, Ro; turkeys, 12'yl5c; docks, !c; spring chickens, 6c; geeir. 8k4o. Ill TTh'R-Packing slock. 17c; choice to fsnry dairy, Ityllc; creamery, 24i27c. IIAY-Ch )lif upland, l oO; medium, .00; course, t. ism 8.60. Rye struw, M. jdit7.Hi). . UltAN-l'tr tin, $15.00. VEGETABLES. SWEET POT A KIKS Per hhl., $2 80. TOMATOES California, per basket of 2 I lbs., $2.25. WAX BEANS Per one-third bu. box. $125 BEETS AND CARROTS Per bu.. 75c. LEAF LETTl CE Hothouse, pr d' . hrad. 40c. , r Cl.LERY-Per do.. 3?00c. CUCI'MBERB-Hothouse, per d".. $1 :A ONIONS Home grown. 62k- per 011.; Span tsh. 41 per rrnte, olorado, ,5c- GREEN ONION8--Per do, bunches. 2. IIOHSERADISH-C.iae of I do $1 90. RADISHES- Per dot. buno'iee r-. N.VY BKAN8 Per 6u l.c5; No. , $1.71, LIMA BEANS-Per lb , 64c,. OREEN PEPPERS Pes- market basket. 75e. PARSLEY Hothouse, per d. bunche. $-. CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown, per lb , 14c. EGO PLANT Per dot., $2 00. POTATOES Per bu., iHiS C Rl TABAGAS-Per lb., l',c, 150 lb, to sack. , TURNIPS rer fni:." Ifc QUINCES Per box. 12 25. rnuiTs. PFArifFB Oallfoinln Srtlway, per bog. $1 Hi; Colorado, 4i.'f,. PEARS Winter varieties, per bu.. $2.25f $.00. GRAPES Toky. JJ 75; Milaga,. pec UM :'..lVfm 00. APPLES lien- Davis. $2.25: Jonathan 83 2Mi3.40: New York apptes, J3.J5; Grimes' I Gol.'en, M.75. " ' " 1 CRANBERRIES-Per bbl., 89 00710 00. j WATERMK.lONS -Colorado, winter, 3&C osch. - , TROPICAL FRUITS. ' ORANGFS Florida oranges. il.nn. LEMONS- Llmohlei a, extra fancy. 246 sire, $7.50; 3fX size, $.s.m; Joo size. $8.00; other brands. nOffic less. BANANAS Per mediuni-slsed bunch, $2 ' 2 25 ; Jumbos, $?.5Wi3.(4). GRAPE FRU1T--Slxe b4 to 64 nnd 80 to 94. tl.ro34.DO. I FIGS Kada way, 4c: sayers. t.'ic; new I stuffed w.ilntil dates, 9-lb. box, 11.10; Cali fornia bulk, 54r: 7-rrown Turkish. 15c; t crown. 14c: 5-crown, ISO: 8-erown. 12c. BEEF CUT PRICES. Ribs: No. 1, 14Uc; No. S, 9c; No. 8. 80. Round: No. 1, 8c; No. 2. 7e; No. S, 6c. Loin:' No. 1, 17c; No. 2, 12'4c; No. 3. 84o. Plate: . No. 1, 44c: No. 2, 4c: No. 8, 24c. Chucks, No 1, 4o; No. 6c: No. $, 34c. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Granulated cane, In sacks, $5.31; grunulalrd beet, in sucks, $5.31. CHEESE SwIms. new, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 154c: Wisconsin limbefger. i24v; fins, IV; Young Americans, 154c. COFFEE Roasted. No 35 24o per lh.; No. 30, 21o per lb.; No, 26, i&o per lb.; No. 20, 14c per lb : No. 21, 13o per lo. COCOANUTS-Per sack of 100, $4.50. SYRUP In bbls., S7e per gaK ; In case. 6 10-lb cans, $1.70; cases, 11 6-lb cans. $1.80; cases, 24 24-lb. cans, $1.85. , . HONBYPer 24 frames. $1.60.' CIDER New, Imlf barrel, $2.76; barrel, $5.26. ....... CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern. oofiOOe; Maine. $1.1.. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cars, $1.10; 5-lb. ouns. 674cti1.00. Pine apples, grated, 2-lb- $2.0Mdlr.So; sliced. $1.W!; gallon apples, fancy, $2.65; California upricotf, 1.90'h2.2C; penrs, tl.'Yit:.M; peac, e. fancy. $1.752.40; li. C- pea. hi-s, t,uti4i2 w. Alaska salmon, red; $1.2o: lancy Chinook, F.. $2.10; fancy sockeye, F $1.95; ardlnes. qitarfr oil, $2.76; lliree-ejunricr luustard, HOo. Sweet potntoes, ll.lOyl.U'i; sauerkraut. II. e"; pumpkins. 8oc'u$l.oo; wax beans, 8-lh., o4t;M)c: lima beans. 2-lb 75c 131. si; spinach, $!.?5; cheap peas, 2-lb., 60c; extras, 9uci(i$1.10: fancy, Jl.Jiiil.75. CURED FISH - Family 'whltefish, per quarter bbl., 1(4) 1Ih., 14. iw; Norway mack eral. No. 1, $26.00; No. 2, $26.(0; No. 3, $20.00: Irish. No. 2, $14.00; herring, In bbls., 2uo lbs. each, Norway, 4k, $9.00: Norway, 8k, 89 00; Holland, herring. In kegs, milkers. 6oe; kegs, mixed, 70c - FISH Trout, lie; halibut. 12c: catfish. 16c: buffalo, e: bnr.heads. lie; black bans, line stock, 25c; salmon, 12c; pike., 11c; red snapper, fresh froxen. 12c; whltotlsh,. fresh froxen. 13c; yellow, perch, dressed and scaled. Sol pickerel, fresh frozen, 9c; frog legs, 35c per doz. saddle. - HIDES AND TALLOW Green - salted. No. 1. 12c; No. 2, Hc; bull ,hll, 9(loc; green hides. No. 1, 11c; No. 2, 10c; horse, $7.5013 75; sheep pelts, SOcKill. 26. Tallow, No. 1. 4c: No. 2, 2c. ' . r ' NUTS Frcnoii .walnuts, linici California walnuts, No 2, hard shell, i3o; Nq. 1. soft shell. 14c; Brarils, 13144e; pecans. 14i&17c; filberts. 124(J;14c; peanuts, raw, 54c; roasted, 74c: California almonds, hard shell, 16c; soft sheik 18o. -v , Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. METALS th London tin market whs lowef, according to today's cables, with spot quoted ul (194 10s and futures at 1'4 2s 6d. Lo cally the market was steady and lower, in sympathy wktn spot, quoted, at $42. 6J 442.65. Copper was tinrhanged In the local market, with spot quoted at $21.75';f 22.50; electrolytic, $21. BOM 22.00; cAStlng. $21.26 $t 21.76 The 1Oiirton- market waa a shade higher, at 99 6s. for stuit and 101 for futures. Lead whs 2s 6d higher at 19 7s 6d In London. Locally, the market wus unchanged, at $5,7 31 5.95. Spelter was firm, at $6,3046.40 in th local market, and advanced to 127 12s 61 In London. Iron was Irregular In tho English market, with standard foundry closing at 66s 3d and Cluvelatld warrant al 56s 10'. id. Locally, the niarm't was unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern, $25.24 41 24 26; No. 2 foundry northern, $2l.75'u) 25.75; No. 1 foundry southern, $25.50 u 27.50. nnd No. 2 foundry southern, $25.00 ti 27.00. ' - ST. LOUIS, Nov. 13 METALS Lead steady, $5.90; "spelter firm. ;sl." CoWee' Market. '. '" 1 NEW YORK, 'Nov. 13. COFFEE Mar ket for ;f ttures ined eteildy t un changed prices to a decline of 5'poInt In reaponse to luige Brazilian -reqalpts and easy l-Juropean 'rabies. : At-first -the mar ket held 'around the . opening figures, but the tlnat cable' from ' Havre reported a further docltne and the market eased off in the late session under scattering liqui dation and closed - steady, at u-net loss of 6ffl0 points. Sules for the day were reported of 30,600 t.aga, Inoludlng De cember, at 6,051 6.15c; February. 6.16c; March. 6 35i& 6 40cj May, 6.60c; June, 6 0c; July. .6446.70c;' September. 6 041 6. (.'.; October, 6.90c. 6pot, ttulet; No. 7 Kiu T ll-lc. . Oils and Rosin, NEW YORK. NOV. 13.r-OIL-Ealer; prliue crude, f. o. b. mills, 27c: yellow. 874o. Petroleum, quiet; infilled New York, $7.6ii: Philadelphia und Bnltunure. 17.16. Tur(enUne, 7o4'i,7Jc. s ''" RoSIN Firm; strained, tuinmon to good, $4.30. " - OIL CITY. Pit.. Nov. 13 OIL Credit balances. $1.58: run, 1 2,359 bbls.: averugn, 77.688 bbls.; shipments, 144.167 bbl.; aver age. 162352 bbN. SAVANNAH. Ga., Nov. 13. OIL Tur pentine, firm, 68c. ROSIN ilrni; A. B and C,l$4.O0; r, $4.05; F, $4.1-0: G. $4.25: II, $4 40; 1. $4.50; M, $5.60; N, $11. oO; Wlj, $4.50; WW, 6.9o. , I have, in connection, with pra'Mk'ftl miners, secured some most promising ! properties lu the great QoldSeld, N.- vaua, (amp. . We need aid for ijiiltk development. We are ronfldent pf opc'nipg up good mines, as we are surrounded" by th shipping mines. . Write for particulars. Address GEO. W, E. Dorsey Fremont, Neb,r After Not. 17th, tioldflold, .Nevada. i ne Fniancial World mtwuu . cincAoo , 1 Ilroat war 0U IlanColpta hu T!ie I.sdlng ridu;lal Weekly alua! I to and Flnaitclers ' Indix-iub:: tslnvst tori and (peculator The only financial publl-allon el lis kind. Seed f..r f .eo sample ,,u will he oouUH-eil ol It valuo aad senl yuur suuscnuioa. the rnixtnuHOHiD 3J llrdwaf kVork r 1 UrP liOlttl