Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tin-. Omaha Daily Bee
rouxmcD by kdwaud no4 bwatkr
Kntered at Omaha potomie as seconu-ma'.trr
-iiy Bee (without Funds), n year..
iMily lire nd Hunday, one year....
-unoay Be. one year
f it'irii.iy Bee, one year
Afl.trrcii rnmulalnts of Irregularities In d-
I'veiy lo City Circulating Xepartm-r. i
O-nah The Bee building.
rmth Omaha-City Hall building.
Counrll Bluffs 10 Pearl tmt.
"'hlrago imo lnltv building.
New York-IP Home Lire Ins. building.
"Washington -601 Fourteenth street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial manor alioulrt l addressed: Oman
Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, spress or postal order
pnvabl to Tha Ilea Publishing cor.ilny.
Only 8-rnt stamps received a payment 01
mail accounts, personal check. "
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not necepteo.
hist of Nebraska, Lmuglas County, aa:
'harla r. Rosewater, f eneral manager oz
The Bee, Publishing conpnnv, nelng ntuy
sworn, cava that the actual number of fun
nod complete copies of The Daily, Morning.
Evening and Hunday Hea printed during tne
I'lonm 01 uctooer, ismt, was as
1 30,680
. 2...- 30,800
i 30,800
4 30,730
E 30,780
6 31,780
7 30,300
8 30.870
' 30,680
10 30.730
11 30,930
12 30,730
13 31,040
14 30,800
16 31,480
Id .38,009
Less unaold coplea.
Net total sales. ,
17 30.B30
U 30,830
f ,. .31,390
20... 31.330
21 31.800
31 30.850
It 30,880
24 80,830
SI 81,870
ST 31.T40
it 30,870
it 31,800
10 31,110
II ....31,110
Dally average 30,869
General Manager,
bub scribed In my presence and sworn to
before ma thla lat day of November, 1M.
(Seal.) M. B. HC NU ATE.
Notary Public.
Subscribers leavls tha city tem
porarily ahoold have Tha Be
mailed to them. Addreas will be
changed mm oftea aa requested.
A drouth lu November Is somewhat
out of the ordinary, especially in
"Lucie joe" cannons district In
Illinois has tiven one answer to the
Iowa question. "In stitndpatism on the
snir r.r; THE wtsl
In an after dinner address delivered
In Chicago last week James J. Hill
complained bitterly against railroad
regulation agitation as preventing the
Investment of money In tncreasod rail
way facilities by which alone the con
gestion ot business can be relieved.
"Are men going to invest their money
In railroads as long as railroads are
considered outlaws'" asked the Ihdle-
vrnittc (without 6'jndayi. pr WS "The fart Is tho railroad has not boen
! getting Justice In this country. why,
j in the recent campaign we beheld the
j spectacle of two great political parties
I preaching the doctrine of the opera
tion of the railroads by the govern
ment. The federal government Is to
run the main lines they're the only
ones that make any money nowadays
and the private Investors can have
the branch lines, there being no profit
in them. Is that the wayxto get men
to put more money into tho country's
railroads 1b this the way to get more
railroad mileage so that the country's
freight can be moved? It is time to
tall a halt In this treatment of the
Mr. Hill forgets to say that if the
railroads have been treated as out
laws and some of them undoubtedly
have it has been because they have
been acting, as outlaws. Jim Hill's
own road in Nebraska has achieved
notoriety as one of the worst tax
shirkers anywhere to be found and
even now Is preparing to enjoin the
collection for the third successive time
of the annual tax levy based on an
admittedly inadequate assessment, be
cause the authorities would not allow
it to scale its taxes 2 5 per cent.
In conjunction with others In this
state, his Burlington road also se
cured the enactment of a law some
years back for an appointive railway
commission to head off an elective
commission and then after naming
their own commissioners when com
plications threatened in' connection
with the maximum rate law, they had
the supreme court put an end to their
creation by declaring the law creating
it unconstitutional. What more per
nicious example could there be of a
powerful monopoly making laws and
breuVIng laws to suit itself?
It is also notorious that the rail
roads, and conspicuous among them
Mr. Hill's road, have for years main
tained a lobby of corruptionists in our
legislative balls, blocking all legisla
tion, good or bad, that might affect
their interests to the benefit of the
public. They have not only acted as
outlaws, but undertaken to name or
control the lawmakers and the law ex
ecutors and the law interpreters. Jim
Hill complains that the railroads have
not had Justice, when the fact is that
the overworked railway employes and
the overcharged railway patrons and
the outraged public generally, have
been the ones who have suffered most
Injustice. If Mr. Hill would advise
others and would himself submit ' to
law In good faith denunciation of his
railroads as outlaws would soon cease.
obtained, or fall even lo approximate j ballot as arranged by the secretary ot
npteenirnt among, themselves, j "tale put the former's name first. Had
' - j the ballot been arranged alphabetically
1 lie voters of Arizona have emphat
ically rejected the proposition for
merger with New Mexico Into a sin
gle state. Almost to a man they
would favor separate statehood for
themselves, and they have In fact been
Insisting upon it at several successive
sessions of congress. The separate ap
plications of Arliona and New Mexico,
however, have encountered strong op
position in congress and elsewhere.
and the enabling act passed at the last
session was a compromise. In effect
leaving to the territories, voting sepa
rately, the option of admission as one
state or both remaining out of the
union Indefinitely. The large majority
cast by Arizona against consolidation
of course defeats it, notwithstanding
the contrary verdict in New Mexico.
The result will probably be to con
tinue the territorial status for a con
siderable time, with no present means
of Judging when or how It will be
changed for statehood. Such questions
have usually been finally decided on
party or aectional consrderations. The
latter with special relation to the sit
uation in the United States senate
might take a turn in the not far future
that would bring in two states Instead
ot one. In the meantime the plight
of Arizona and New Mexico is by no
means intolerable, as they have a large
measure of self government, to the
support of which the national treasury
contributes a liberal share, relieving
territorial taxpayers, and both the
young commonwealths are growing i
rapidly and prospering.
with Mr. Cowell s name first he would
unquestionably have received the high
est number of rotes, giving him the
six-year term. It goes without saying
that Williams received the lowest num
ber of votes of those elected and is
thus assigned to a two-year term.
It should not be necessary for Oov
ernor Sheldon to brand-lsh the big
stick in the face of the coming legis
lature. The new lawmakers are com
mitted to tb same program of reform
legislation that the governor Is and
should be given full and free oppor
tunity to work out their own pnlva-tlon.
The denial of the reported purchase
of a Mexican railroad by the Uock
Island waa unnecessary, since Mexico
exercises a control over Its railway
companies which would sadden the
heart of the average exponent of
American high finance.
Perhaps Governor Mickey will tell
us what constitutes the "reasonable
time" within which he is required by
law to hand down a decision when im
peachment charges are preferred be
fore him against his police board appointees.
The ,at Analysis.
Washington Post. .
In spite of Jamea J. Hill's standing
In the financial world, his aasertion that
credit Is better than money has not been
well received by our grocer.
CongressuiHu ruuara Has put it
back and still the democratic organs
which made such a fuss about It are
not happy.
t A movement tor "Better Ues Moines"
is under way at the Iowa capital and
a meeting of the legislature to be held
in a short time. too.
,ti '
Kuudian police will show wisdom in
demanding hostages from those, who
report ijlots against the government
in the hope of reward.
Uofore executing their threat of
' disciplining" Senator LaFollette his
colleagues might consider the fate of
CongreHsmaa Hbbcock, who tried it
Italy's determination to buy armor
for fts battleships In the cheapest mar
ket 1r an innovation which the United
States will probably applaud without
emulating. ....-- t
The unionist party of Great Britain
must be beginning its campaign
against Irish home rule in earnest, as
an outbreak of Boers in South Africa
is reported. ,
Japan will confer a favor on Ala
bama by. not' beginning that threat
ened 'Var" until Captain Hobson has
an opportunity to tell the house ot
representatives all about it.
That Fremh prosecutor who is said
to have decided not to Intervene in the
Castellane case possesses a native
modesty hardly conceivable In such an
officer from an American standpoint.
While the electric ligntlng plant has
been incapacitated tor varying periods
whole nights, In succession it will bo
Interesting to note how much rebate
the city gets for having its streetB in
Heal estate values In Omaha are
holding up with remarkable tenacity.
Investment iu Omaha property are a
jjood deal safer than in gold mines or
coal lunds, to any nothing of being
nearer home.
In 'the opinion of the governor of
South Carolina the race problem must
bt eventually solved by co-operation
between north and south, but the
north has other problems as well and
the south 6hould take the lead.
; A paper of Charles A. Conaut on
''The ' Importance of Currency Re
form" forcefully states the need, but
like most of the current discussions is
far less satisfactory touching ttie
remedy. The general business public
at least has reached the point of prac
tical agreement' that' a grave detect
of our system is lack of elasticity in
the paper currency. In its vast vol
ume the larger part composed of
treasury notes, sliver notes and cer
tificates and, for practical purposes,
also national bank notes, is a rigid
element, neither expanding with in
creased demand for active industry
nor contracting as business transac
tions shrink. The alternative in the
former case must be gold importation,
the success of which depends on cir
cumstances, or resort to bank checks
and similar commercial Instruments
beyond their proper functions, which
may 'easily go to dangerous extreme.
The present situation plainly sug
gests the defect of an unresponsive
paper circulation. For though every
dollar, gold' and paper, la urgently
needed in existing expansion of indus
try, a shrinkage that would make
1300.000,000 useless would almost in
fallibly cause a corresponding export
of gold, the only possible reduction
j of paper currency belug retirement of
bank notes, which is limited by law
to $3,000,000 a month. The natural
and preferable process, obviously,
would be retirement of the paper and
retention of the gold, Instead of its
arbitrary expulsion by the Irreducible i
paper maxlmnm.
So enormous has been the Industrial
and commercial uplift that we have
In the country at the present moment
close around 11.400,000,000 of gold,
against only 1600,000.000 In 1896. a
targe part having been brought In by
main strength the last three years j
While the campaign was still on
The Bee gave notice that whether the
the next county attorney were to be a
republican or a democrat it would
urge upon- the Judges ot the district
court to grade the salaries of the dep
uties to be appointed under him. It
so happens that the next county attor
ney will be a democrat and presuma
bly his deputies will also be selected
from among the democrats. This,
however, does not alter The Bee's po
sition in this matter.
The new county attorney is entitled
to two first-class men as assistants
men of experience and ability, whose
services cannot possibly be secured
unless they are given the maximum
salary of $1,500 a year permitted un
der the law. For the other two dep
uties who are assigned merely to po
lice court work and give but two or
three hours a day to their official du
ties salaries of $600 would be ample
and a pick-up of $50 a month would
bo eagerly seized by young attorneys
who want the places chiefly for prac
tice. The county has been paying out a
total of $4,800 in salaries to deputies
to the county attorney, divided into
four uniform salaries of $1,300 each.
A classification and rearrangement of
these- salaries on the basis suggested
would save money to the taxpayers
and at the same time give them com
mand of better legal talent for the
county law office. We hope County
Attorney English will fall in with this
suggestion and after securing a proper
order from the district judges make
his selections of deputies accordingly.
I'raap!at of av Iqoir Deal.
New Tork Tost.
I' lov-rs of the square deal will rejoice
at the certain prospect of eeetng thoa
hitherto unrepresented constituencies
the Rubber trust and the Smelter trust
represented in the United Statca senate.
on the Spot.
A healing la auhoduled liefora Pccr.'tory
Taft In tv.e Var deportment lluv "n t,,l!
qucHtion of Increnalng the diversion "f
water from Niagara river for power r"r
posia. The Ij'W pmwd at th" lai-t a'itnn
of cotigre;a, primarily Intended to pwrve
Niagara Fatla na one of America's arcat
wondem, vesta In the secretary of war
cretlonary power In grunting permits to
draw water from the river on the Anvrlcnn
aide beyond a specified amount, and h'
to regulate the quantit of electrical power
which may he rallied to the American rM
from power houae on the Canadian ai!e
of the falls. American companies appll'd
for permit to draw mora water from the
river and Canadian companies dealre to
tran nlt to the American aide an aggregate
of lim.nno horaw-power. Roth requeata, If
granted, means a lnrae Increase In the
j power now developed and n corresponding;
j Increase In the valume of water diverted
from the falls. On the American Bide alone
the lncrea would amount to 32.5TI cubic
feet per second more than half the volatile
which the waterways' commission esti
mated aa the maximum volume which
could be aafely diverted. "The resistance
whlrh this pressure will encounter In the
sturdy avordupols of the present head of
the War department," says Leslie's Weekly,
"had an Illustration In the secretary'" ro
fiiBHl to grant to American companies a
total diversion of more than 18.433 cubic
fcet-an Increase of 4.30O cubic feet over
the amount which they are now using. H
has granted to two companies permission to
bring into the United States from Canada
electrical current equivalent to 6o,0fl0-horsa
power dally (requiring for its generation a
flow of about 875 cubic feet per second).
The demand for Imported electricity la rela
tively Insignificant thus far, but Joined wit.h
the other powerful agencies for the destruc
tion of natural beautlea may be found a
considerable Interest among the Ontario
communities which hope to profit commer
cially by gigantic schemes for the trans
mission of Niagara power "
Miss Phoebe Y. Cousins of ft. Louis,
who for the Inst twenty vesrs has bcn
Interested in woman's rights, temperance
ttaltimote American: Rmulskl Nat Pio
trowshl In the flKht for the Illinois state
treasut yshlp, thereby Indicating that the
tate reefers candidates with simple names.
Roston Transcript: Wherever llearstlsm
hae shown one of Its heads the people have
denVhted to hit It. It fare1 na h.idly In
California and Chicago as It did In New
York and Massachusetts.
New York IVst: The eclipse of gavcty
of the llcnrst cart'smlsts casts on un
wonted gloom. What a slde-eplltt'ng srrlcs
Mr. Opper could produce under the general
caption: "Evorylwwly Wins but Willie."
Chicago ftocord-Herald: A Nebraska
member of the national house of representa
tives has refunded to the government 10
whlrh he drew as salary for time thnt he
did not spend In congress. How Chauncey
M. Depew and Thomas Collier Plntt will
despise that man.
New York World: Ungrateful Oklahoma,
about to become a state, has gone demo
cratic, and the republican managers express
great disappointment. Indians made citi
tena were so Inconsiderate as to vote the
democratic ticket, and there were not
enough Rough Riders In and out of office
to turn the day.
Philadelphia Record: Although the repub
licans carried New Jersey. Benator Dryden
has yet to make his calling and election
sure- According to the latest returns, the
republicans have elected forty-four mem
bers of the legislature, and forty-one votes
on Joint ballot will be nccessary to elect
anyone to the United States jenate. Three
republicans have nil ready publicly declared
their opposition to Dryden, so he must get
very other republican vote to win. A
break In tho party lines of any slie will
defeat him.
rr.nsotAi, wotf..
t hief Pleasant Porter of tho Creeks
that the act of rongresa handing v r
Indian territory to Oklahoma tj
death knell of his race. He predicts t''
In 100 years from now there won t he
First of the Race to Enter the Presi
dent's Cabinet.
Leslie's Weekly.
Jews are beginning to form such a large
clement In the American population, and
so many of them have figured prominently
In all sorts of activities In the Uniud
States, that It seems odd - that the Hon.
Oscar 8. Straus of New York City, whom
President Roosevelt has recently selected
Effect ot the Square Deal.
Baltimore American.
Uncle Sam finds thnt he will have to
pay more money to the railroads tinder
the new rate law, a few of his bargain
prices being Illegal. , Uncle Sam can af
ford it, however, a great deal better than
some others who find themselves In the
same boat, snd not on a railroad train as
often as they would like to be.
and Mormon legislation before congress, in for Secretary of Commerce and Labcr.
should be the - first to enter the cabinet.
Mr. Straus himself has been In the diplo
matic service, having been a minister to
Turkey. Many Jews have been In each
branch of congress. Several of them, In
cluding Maryland's senior senator, laador
Raynor, arc In congress now. Soma of the n
have been on the federal bench. But Mr.
Straus will be the first member of a presi
dent's official family. It Is a notable dis
tinction most worthily bestowed.
In American Journalism, from the days
In Washington to take part In the campaign
this winter Tor the rustomtion of the can
teen to the army and beer to the soldiers'
I nuraw. rne is ai me ruggs. Miss iT)Usins
Is a decidedly Interesting woman, who was
United States marshal for St. Louis after
the death of her father In 17 and was a
member of tha board of lady managers of
tha World's fair at Chicago.
"Tho absence of the canteen and the
prohibition of wine and beer at tho army
posts has demoralized the soldiers and been
Campaign Work Fatalities.
Baltimore American.
As a proof that this yenr has been one
of the most strenuous of late years In
political eampalgnj. It is noted that five
candidates In different parts of the country
have died from the strain and exertion of
their campaign work. It seems n decree
of fate that no big enterprise of any kind
goes on Its way without the initial human
sacrifice. But tho politics of tho present
day Is, apparently, not a thing to be taken
easily or philosophically, for In iiw of
late years have passions and feelings that
'o to tell on in numan system neen so
much In evidence.-
only a means of harm," ald Miss Cousins i of Mordecal M. Noah, of the old Courier
i to a Washington Post reporter. "It has ! and Enuntrcr of New York, down to those
Filling; a. Lon-Felt Waul.
The wreck-proof mail oar Is a device of
Portland Oregonlan.
human Ingenuity that has long been looked j
for In the Interest of a faithful class of
public servants tho railway mall clerks. A
number of such -cars are now undr con
struction for us on through truina over
the Pacific railroads. Tho list of railway
mall clerks killed, maimed and cremated
la a long one: the story, of valuable mail
destroyed by wreck and fire Is a familiar
one In every business community. Speed
the day when the wreck-proof mall enr Is
a part of the required railway equipment
of every road.
It is always Interesting after an
election to look back at some of the
wild guesses made recklessly or with
malice aforethought as to probable
results. The chairmen of the differ
ent political committees are perhaps
expected to claim everything and to
state reasons for thtlr pretended be
lief that the candidates whose craft
they are steering are sure to como
safely into harbor.
People who go into the prophesy
business, however, boasting ot their
special means of information and pro
fessing absolute partisan disinterest
edness seldom succeed in covering up
their bias. Lest it be overlooked, let
us recall that a local weekly, whose in
spiration Is not hard to trace, a few
da s before the last election indulged
the following comment:
The feeling is general that Shallenberger
will carry Douglas county because of cer
tain Influences, and If he should have a lead
of 1.000 and upward, the straight lever of
the machine would likely swamp the repub
lican tlckit, or the major portion thereof.
Senator Saunders, Commissioner Kennard
and two or three candidates for the lower
house might pull through, but all alortjf tha
line there will be wreckage and whatsoever
Is saved will be due to extraordinary Indi
vidual strength.
The bane of the prophet Is that his
prediction is liable to come back to
plague him. It is all right to back a
belief by risking money in an election
bet, but the practice of political astrol
ogy is more dangerous than tight rope
walking without a net to catch the
Hlvalrr tor iral Snpreninry.
Boston Transcript.
It is reported that Japan will ee ihe
Dreadnought and go Great Britain 3,tX!
tons better, laying down a battleship of
O,0C0 tons service displacement. Of course
the mistress of the seas will not Ignore
the challenge, and we must prepare to
of a British battleship of M.ono tons. The
Japanese, being a proud and prcgresalvc
people will not sit still, and may be counted
on to push tho building mark on their side
up to 2U.0TO tons. By that time our own big
ship enthusiasts will wake up, und the tax
payers will be Invited to contribute the cah
for a floating fortress of ?2,000 tons. So
does the race for naval supremacy go.
Some Things (he Editor Did
'Peerleaa One."
Just as the campaign for the governor
ship of New Tork was closing the Bryau
Democratic league of New Tork City Issued
made them patronise low dives pnd re-sorts,
which would have little attraction If tho
canteen were restored. As for the old sol
diers. I think it wns ridiculous to deprive
them of their beer, which they enloyed us
they sat about their tables In the evening.
It relieved their loneliness.
"I most emphatically do not believe !
prohibition. Recently I lived In Wilson.
Kan., which Is noar the Colorado line, and
had an opportunity to watch the workings
of the law against drink. I never saw such
a farce. As the law allows liquor to be
sold nt the drug stores to sick persons, tho
clerk of the hotel where I was stopping
every evening went to the nearest apothe
cary shop and committed perjury a dozen
times for the sake of different guests, who
ostensibly needed the stimulants for con
sumption, Brlght's dlaensa and various other
ailments. The express companies carted It
Into the state. In huge quantities. At one
place hooks were given to patrons and
trey pulled up planks In the floor and took
out bottles. And so, wherever there Is r
prohibition law, It la n farce. It was a
farce in Alaska, where they used to Import
pianos In suspicious quantities, and It is a
farce in Maine. The abolition of the can
teen luis likewise wrought no good pur
pose, and has only made men drink In
places which thev would otherwise not be
so apt to frequent."
There is one young newspaper iniui in
Washington who is not anxious to see Sec
retary Moody for a time at least. On one
of lha horse-back rides outside the capital
recently the secretary was jomed by a
young follow, and as the two galloped
along they engaged In conversation. The
stranger said he was a correspondent re
cently arrived and he expressed delightfully
frank opinions regarding some men of note
In public life. "There the postmaster
general," he said. "That man's a worker,
and so Is Tuft. Moody's a big fellow but
the laziest man In the cabinet." When the
equestrians were about to pun the sec
retary said: "I have had a very pleasant
ride with you. I hope we shall meet
8galn." The nm.ji,., man too, out a
card and handed It to Moody, who In turn
handed him one' of his own. But he did
not wait to to witness the correspondent'
Indian In the United States.
"Sweatbox" methods of the Chicago p-
Urea comes in for a scoring In the court
The Idea that a lawbreaker has any right
which a policeman Is bound to respect re
quires a surgical rrvratlon to connect with
the gray matter of Windy City cop.
John D. I-ong. who has neen consrs
man, governor of Massachusetts and cab
inet officer, celehrated his 6Mh blrthciar
re-ently. He attributes his robust ne.p
lo the fact that whenever possible!
goes to bed at 9 o'clock and stay
ien hours. '
Sir Hiram Maxim, the famous In-entv-r
of guns and powder, does not nowadays T
look much the Maine Ta-nkee he ts. H
Impresses tho beholder as being rathe
a fierce nersonase. white whiskered and
his breast covervd with decorations when
special occasion calls for such dlipiay.
Harry P.. Wolf, whose election to con
gress from the Third district of Bnltlmor
was very much of a surprise, waa only
26 years old last June, slightly over the
age limit. When a lad he sold news
papers on the street and later secured
a position as office boy on a newspaper.
In a discussion of a recent prlio nght a
young lady of Charleston aJked Dr. tllison
Capers, bishop of South Carolina, If ha
did not disapprove of prize fighting. "On
the contrary," Dr. Capers answered, "t
approve of it heartily. Tou see, It always
offers the probability of two brutoa get
ting a good thrashing."
Senator Knox of Pennsylvania, tor all
his legal learning and application, is a
constant reader of fiction, preferring the
old-fashioned love story. Secretary Boo
keeps closely In touch with current litera
ture and Senator Stone goes In for de
tective stories, as does Senator F.Iklns.
Senators Culberson and Ivoilge probably
do more reading; of American history than
any other two men in public life.
Governor Beckham of Kentucky, who
will succeed Senator McCreary aa United
States senator of Kentucky, will be tho
youngest man In that body, being a fevr
months the Junior of Senator Burkctt o
Nebraska. Beckham wa nominated fo
the Kentucky legislature tho day he w
21, and was speaker of the house t
He waa elected lieutenant goverrur--iU
the age of 39, and liecame governor whV
Goehel was assassinated.
"Somebody told me you were engaged Ui
young ScAttcrwud. Congratulations.
"The story Isn't true."
"Not true? Double congratulations."
Cleveland liaindealer.
"Binkerly is .what. I call an up-to-date)
young man."
"Yes. He is always able to wnistie tue i
airs of the popular songs even before they!
I are ready for the pianolas and . phono-
of Joseph Pulitzer, of the New York World,
Adolf 8. Ochs, of the New Y'ork Times
and Philadelphia Ledger, and Edward
Rosewater, of the Omaha Bee, who died a
few weeks ago. Jews have been prominent.
Jacob H. Sv-hlff, Isaae N. Sellgman, Ed- j graphs." Chicago Record Herald
ward Lnuterbnch, Henry Siegel. Walter I -
Damrosch. and Felix Adler are among the j Clarence My mamma saya that rain H
score- of Jews who have a national prom- j HuM "iy uncle told me that
inence In their various fields of woik. when It's raining some sinner is squeezing
Moreover, the relative consplcuousnesa of i the water out ot his stock so he can pass
St. reter. fuck.
When Jjmes It. Garfield enteia the
, cabinet hu will be the youngest member
a statement detailing what Hearst did to : In that body, bring three years the Junior
Bryan and urging friends of the Nebraskan of Postmaster General Cortelyou. who has
to reciprocate ui kind. The statement ' held that distinction ever since he became
throws an Illuminating sidelight on the a member of the president's official family,
harmonious relations of the railroads and Mr- Garfield was born In October, W, and
Is of particular . Interest to "Bryan's Home has, therefore. Just passed the forty-first
Folks." Two paragraphs will suffice: J birthday, while Cortelyou was 41 last July,
It Is generally Known among all of the 1 but when lie became secretary of Commerce
the Jews is Increasing. For one reason this
Is because tho Jewish Ingredient is grow
ing faster than any other element of the
American population. Of the 11,000,000 Jews
in the wolld, Russia has 5,000,000, Austrta
Hungary 2.000,000 and the United States
1.000.000. And while the number ts decreas
ing In Russia and Is stationary In Austria- ! tlllnk yu do-'
Hungary, It Is Increasing with great rapid
ity In the United States. Before 1910 we
will pass Austria-Hungary in Jewish pop
ulation, and by 1926 we will beat Russia
and take the leading place among the
world's . communities as residence of the
descendents of Abraham.
New Y'ork City . has 730.000 Jews, which
Is half tho aggregate for the United Slates!
which Is more than there la in any entire I
country in the world except Russia, I
Austria-Hungary and the United States;
which Is seven times as many as are In
London, and which is thirty times aa many
as are in Jerusalem. New York has
twenty times as many Jews today aa were
In Jerusalem during the height of Jewish
power, when that city was one of the
world's greatest capitals. Every fifth per
son mot on the streets of New York City
today ts a Jew. And the Jew's social and
business Importance exceeds even his nu
merical strength.
Oscar S. Straus has two distinguished
brothers. Isldor and Nathan. One of these,
Isldor. declined the office of porttnastcr
general In Cleveland's cabinet. Of course
the fact that Oscar S. Straus was a Jew
had no effect in Inducing President Roose
velt to offer him a place In the cabinet.
Race or religious considerations have no
weight one way or the other with Mr.
Roosevelt. The choice was determined al
together by considerations of fitness for
the post. Mr. Straus for many years has
had a high reputation for learning, public
spirit, and clear-headedness, and his serv
ice In the cabinet will greatly strengthen a
council which already contains many
strong men.
"Mr. Merchant." said the new clerk,
preparing to ask for more pay, "I think
I understand the business pretty well now,
and '
"Yes?" Interrupted his employer. "Well,
keep at It four or five years. Perhsjx
you 11 understand It then as well as you
rmiaaeipnia frees.
"Is she able to get money from her hus
band without asking for It?"
"Yes. but she hud to divorce him lit
order to accomplish tit." Brooklyn Life.
BJones Why the grouch?
Psmlth My wife called me a fool.
BJones Cheer up. It may not be true.
Psmlth But It is. She proved 1U Wenb
and dug up a bunoh of my old love letters
and read 'em to me!. Cieaveland Leader.
U. Belt Do you think religion has any
business meddling with polities?
Y. Knott 1 didn't use lo. 1 do now.
When l wan Just about to get an election
bet out of a man last Tuesday the preacher
happened along, and I had to change thn
subject. While I was talking with the
preacher the other man got away. Saved
me $40. Chicago Tribune.
"Republics," said the melancholy man,
"are always ungrateful."
"Well." answered Senator Rorrhnm. "s,i
many people are always trying to work - W
a republic, for a good thing that you can't
wonoer u na nisporuion nnauy gets a
little soured." Washington Star.
The treasury exhibit of South Omaha
Llneoln is Just now a hot bed of ! from the reat hoard of Europe, be- I shows nearly $400,000 cash on hand
political pipe dreams. But then the
state capital la the only place where
there are t uough people free from the
cares of busiues.s to devote their time
chiefly to political prognostication.
Aud now Congressman Pollard fol
lows Congressman Kennedy In wel
coming a son and heir into the con
gressional family. The Nebraska delu
sion must be particularly susceptible
to the Roosevelt atmosphere at Washington.
cause of the Impossibility of paper j deposited in the local banks, but why
expansion to meei currency needs. It
is self evident that a far smaller
amount of gold than we now have
would sustain a far greater volume ot
paper and at the same time, it the
Bryan men of the country that Mr. Hearst
engaged Mr. Bryan shortly before the 1W)
rsmpuign to write for his papers a series
of. six articles along democratic lines, and
that Mr. Bryan contributed without com
IMMisatton a seventh article closing this se
ries, In which he set-forth the wisdom
and possibility of uniting all of the radical
elements, including silver republicans, pop
ulists and democrats, into otte compact
body, within the lines of the democratic
organization. The substance of this story
was an appeal to the above mentioned
elements to unite as democrats nnd present
a solid phalanx t the then forthcoming
campaign. The caption of this story was
written by one of Mr. Hearst's leading
writers, and was to the effect that Bryan
Is for a united democracy. When the
paper appeared the next morning the fo-
substituted In the I
party, all of '
j the populists, all of the republicans, and '
: some democrat in It." When the change 1
j of caption was called to Mr. Hearst's at-
i tantlon, he said In substance that he re- !
and labor he was five months under 41.
A Washington woman prominent in the
official set of the national capital tells or
a function to which she had invited an at
tache of one of the legations famous for
his extreme politeness. The Invitation was
formally accepted, but on the morning of
the appointed day she receive,! a nnte
wiltten by the diplomatist's valet and
couched In the following terms: "Senor
Blank regrets much that he will not be
able to attend Mrs. So-and-So'a reception
on the evening of the 22d Inst., as he ts
F.arnrd (he Hlnlit (o Heat.
New York Sun.
Ethan Allen Hitchcock has earned the
light to require from the United State
any boon he chooses to ask. He even his
the right to retire from the service of the
public, although In Insisting on so doing
he puts great strain on the generosity of
his fellow citizens.
Chicago News.
Until a few short years ago
No bank account I earned;
But Just about that time, you know,
1 thought of getting married.
To marry would be very rash
No fellow in his senate
Would do It without ready cash
Laid by to pay expenses.
My salary was small and shy,
And so It s not surprising
That, to put by some money, '
Began economizing.
Bo I shut off on dainty whets
For appetites, was chary
Of flowers and candled violets.
Both quite unnecessary.
Our weekly tickets to the play '
I thought no more of buying,
But tucked my little wad awaj.
Bare wants alnno supplying.
My hoard It grew and grew and grew,
Some time, indeed. It took me.
I got enough to wed, It's true.
But then the lady shook me.
e , 1 ' in- " in...
j lowing caption had been subs'
'orlglnul: "Bryan for a new
Major Charles Loeftler, chief usher of the
White House for nearly thirty years, has
rever voted but once. That was In 1872,
the year of Grant's second campaign. He
Joined the army as an enlisted man at
Lockhaven. la.. in 15. but has not lived
there hIiu ". Major Loeftler was appointed
to the White House service from the army ;
in 1M9. In the years that have passed
he has served Grant. Hayes, Garfield, I
Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland '
grelted it very niurn. ana trie matter would aaln. McKlnley and Roosevelt.
a city of the size of South Omaha investigated, .vo inveatigation was
should carrv such a laree bank hl n"u1'' ml no PXPan,,tlon ver ottered. " '
snoum carry Burn a large bank bal- but U- nriKinal trpy wa Utlmilte,y dl((. . Boston Tran.crtpt.
ance does not appear. If a large part !r)Veied and the change in the caption wa 1 The unapproachable north pole bus been
Of It represents the proceeds of U.onds In Mr. Hearst's own handwriting. i a nuisance about long enough. It l.a
sold in advance of the time when the ' They are also bringing to the attention ; caused Innumerable rhillMalns, bro.i-
mnnv la neennd it wonlH not I,. ! of the loyal memlera of the party through- chltises and disappointments, much p..pu.
paper volume shrank with the shrink
of business, gold would not be me
chanically expelled as n is certain to
..... r
oe unaer our sbtm. ! were puying interest on the. bond In I their lips and constantly practice the op-
It is at this point that our doctors I ., nf Interest cnlWteH f-. .h.irosle to what they proclaim. It Is re-
ui Duioit tan. it mr. uouaui aoes, I lunli on thotr HooosltM A
good business proposition because It ,.e o( Mr. Hearst, who. I,k the Greeks
would simply mean that the taxpayers bearing gifts, make many professions with
Secretary Shaw's statement that he
would not come to the aid of specula
tors sent call money to 20 per cent
on Wall street, hut as money to loan
'i.l good farm laud still goes begging
hereabouts around 5 per cent the west.! the remedy
nvIM Mud r.o fault with the secretary
l.-ir boredom and not a few deaths, to say ;
nothing of the nnancial waste. Nobody :
i geia there, for by the time a fellow cornea j
' within something like J00 mll- of It the -t
hardship has turned him Into another j
Mr. ' sort of man tne sort that reneges. This i
stopping with a diagnosis when a pre
scription U wanted. No fact In our
political history is clearer than that
there will be no important change of j In all probability the long term as
monetary system except In national member of the uew State Railroad
emergency or upon thorough consid- commission, which is to be awarded
eration and substantial agreement on to the candidate receiving the hiaheat
called mat tne recent reception to
SUr- t,, in vw York Cltv. rn'tor hi ihn t mav ro on indefinitely unless we finit
plus in bank credited to a public treas- i around the world, was Ignored or minimized- way to rut It short, and that Isn't eay. i
urv is not necessarily a good sign. -by Mr. Hearsts papers, and the members! It has recently been suggested that if I
i of the Bryan Democratic league have actual ! some one should absent himself for a whll,. I
i nose who are most
loudly rlamorlnx for elasticity neglect
tne sole condition on which it tau be
uumber of votes, will go to Dr. Win-
nett of Lincoln instead of to Robert
Cowell of OuiHha, simply because ihe
proof in their possession that all of the
adverse newspaper comments on Bryan's
(H-ch at Madison 8tuare garden were col
lected In the Journal office In thla city and
wired to Hearst's Chicago papers with in
structions to print on the day of Mr.
Bryan s arrival In Chicago. The clippings
In question were published aecoidm
the I . giai'l.iv li'sti liCtl'jii,
and then rome back and say he IH. I
climbed the pole the agony would aliiiu.. j
Science would overhaul his data and tit d !
lacunae in It. The search for the p,,le
would be renewed. Besides there's
sou IU pole. Divert attention from 1(.' I
arctic qu-sl and you encourage the ant -
to ( arctic quest wnicn is ny ;ar more botli
; ui some und uncomfortable and injurious.
A picture's a picture, but there's thousands of
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masterpiece produced by inspired genius and
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chromo there's a like difference in furs.
Genius conceives and the best talent com
pletes Gordon Furs into masterpieces; yet in the
most expensive garments the element of utility
is not lacking.
Alaska Seal Skins
More than in any other fur is the "Gor
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Tlte garment pictured here is one of the
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