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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1906)
I TJUv OMAHA ...SUNDAY . IWAU XOVKMIUUI ..4, JIXKJ.. ( ii n r I CURRENT COUNCIL Office. lO rear BROTIIERIIOOD FUNDS CONE Supreme. Treasurer tikildita f Puuh - fociety Amonc th kiuinc. UP IN YhE-'STENJIAND failure trtserepaacr "t f.t.rwMj Discovered nrla Meeting Here-, hmt Trees." wrer Made It Goea and AaaMer j . Passed HliAcoiiiai The press dispatches announcing- the dle-afir-earanc of Huprenie Treasurer Knklldsen t the Dsfllsn Brotherhood a possible shortage of fAUO in Ills accounts with ibe society proved. m surprise .to. lha local rrvambera of the order. In fact It had bee.i kfiown among the tpemhorj 'In thls'clty tor several day that 'ft shortage existed In the accounts of the supreme treasurer. Fred Petersen of th' local lodge is oheof the eurjreme trusteeg ami worj of the alleged shortag-e waa sent him by Martin I,neri of; Racine, Wla., supreme ice president. .ft the quadrennial convention of tho order held' In tlila city lust month the existence f shortage In Treasurer Exklldsen's ac count became known. A discrepancy of IS, wma discovered, hut h produced the money to make the aliortar pood, and his eJounta. with thle being apparently ay-ala-ht. a repoj-t,.to that effeet waa made to the convention by th auditing commlt tee. Eekildsen Waa in attendance di-rlng the entire week of the 'convention here, and It now; becomes evident why he made such a determined fight to retain th treasurr hlp. to which he was re-elected aftnr a cloee conteet with Fred Peterson .of thla city, th other candidate. . Py th members tiere- It Is believe. that rie failure of BtenslaioJ's bank in' Chlrasro directly responsible for R'klldsen'B ahort- Amonc the papers found in the Stene. io" bank waa a nbto "for 'f10,(VK signed by Osklldsen, and it Is said that F.sklldsrn :mtl fftenaland were Interested together In cer tain business ventures In Chicago." ' The shortage may be greater than at present reported, as local meinhor aay that the report made at tho recent convention showed the balances of the several flint's r ; DEIOCRATIC TICKET , , STATE. " ' Tor Ooverner,1 CXAVDK R. PORTER, Centervllle. la. Kor Lieutenant. Governor, JOHN D. DENIBON. : ' Dubuque, la. -rr Secretary of State, .- J. B. McLtTRE. Oluthrle Center, la. For State Auditor, C. B. MOORE. Oskaloosa, la. i Far State Treasurer, ' Li. jr. DANFOTH, Lake City, la. Fee Attorney General, FRED TOWN8END, Albia. la. Fer Judges of Supreme Court, E. M. CARR. Manchester, la. -". - - ' U M. FISHER.- ' " Davenport, 1. For Cleric of Hupreme Court, . T. W. K EKSA N, "" Shenandoah, la. ' Fer Reporter of the Supreme Court,' H. W. PARKS, Musratine. Ia. For Railroad f'ommlsainner, W. Jj, CARPENTER. ' Des Moines, la. ' K. K. STAHL, V Mount Deasant. la. For ffuperlntendent of Rrhools, PROR W. 8. WIL.HON, Rock Rapids, la. CX5XGUESSIOXAL. . For Congressman, Ninth Iowa District. . Wr C. CAMPBELL, " . - Harlan, Ia. Jl DK'IAL. Fof Judge or the District Court, F. W. MILLER, ?' Pottawattamie County, la. ' . "LEGISLATIVE. For Representatives, .. JOHN P. ORflAN, ('ouncil Bluffs, la. A. A. LK.VOCKEK. Oakland, la ! COUNTY TICKET. For Treasurer, M. C, GOODWIN, -Council Bluffs, la. " For Auditor, J JOHN D. HANNON,' . , . , . Neola, Ia. For Sheriff. JAMES O. JENSEN,-' Counoll Bluffs, la. - -Fer Clerk of District Caurt, FRANK I .eFEBER, .. i . Walnut, la. ... . For Reoorder. ' FJ f- i I t- iiR, . v . Mlndea, Ia. . ' ' For County Attorney, i-- robcos barton; - ' Avoca, Ia. I Fee Cupertntendent of Sohnela, lflEB CAfiOI.INE TOBET. r Oakland, Ia. For Surveyor, FRWIN PETM AN, Counoll BWSs. la. D or Coroner. DR. J. F. SPRINK. ". ' Council Bluffs, la. Fer Buparvlsora. C t McCREADT, " ' ' 1 ' 'Macedenla, J.1 -DOM'NICK UROSS. . pleasant. Ia. '" JOHN WARNER, Valley. le, C. M. CR1PPEN, ' ' Council Bluffs, Ia- ' ; . LUTE RMITH, Carner Township. TOWNSHIP TICKET. Fr Judge ef Superior Court, t . HAKJCT, O. Ol'KIN, Council Bluffs, Ia. For Justice of the Peace, 3. K. COOPER. Counoll Bluffs, I. AMI KL. A. ORIEK. Counoll Bluffs, la. For Constables. " FRANK EDdAR, . . Council Bluffs, la. C'l H' 'ENRIN, Council Bluffs. Ia, Fer Clerk, - M. C. 1 I tOW. Council Bluffs, Ia. ' For Aanessor. WILSON DCNCAN, Sane Township. For Trustees, J. H. LVBBEN. Kaoe Township B. U OARRETSON, Cno Township. A, ; A. CLARK & CO.,' CHATTEL 'LOANS' Owr business waa established nearly 0 years ago (18A8). We lou on homes, cattle, household farnituire mad other chattels. Our reputation and the bualneae we enjoy la the result ef fair and liberal treat ment of our latrons during these iO y?ars. Our rates are j in'y l"wr than other offloM. Our loans are made lu our own name and tevtr exild or neg tla el. .Remember our new offices are onpi site slue of the hall fio. j. old kiIic, are conveniently arranged alth private consulting rooms. We wish to warn the public that tie Lave no connection with the nm doing buetnesa under the same of the Clark Mori ('"., now occupying our old omee. It Is a compliment we appre ciate giving our name to their businea. lut It la conf using to the public. Our 'Phuue ia 217 )w't confuse OOK. MAIN AMI imOAIiWAV, NEWS OF IOWA BLUFFS Bi. Tel. 4t. In tklldsens charge aggregated about Danish Rrntherhona Hit CHICAGO, Nov. t.l. Christian Eskllson of Chicago, thrlre supreme treasurer of tho Danish Brotherhood of America, Is mlrshig and simultaneously It Is found that 140,000 to 150,0") of the order's funds Is gone. Eskllson hss not been seen since Octo ber 20. H. II. Vogt of Davenport, la., supreme president and Martin t Larden of Racine, supreme vice president," yesterday con cluded an examination ot Eskllson's ac counts, which reveal, they ssy, the short age. They declare that practically all of the reserve fund It gone.. Mrs. Eekllson was seen at her home last night, She eald that she would repay all the shortage thst may be or has been found In her hunband's accounts If U takea her a i life time. According ; to reports from Racine, where many prominent members of the order reside, she has already turned over llTjmo worth of property. Don't mine seeing the wonderful Cole's colelied steel hut Mast range. It's mado heavier, made better, does a wider range of worn, aoes it nctter, does It witn less ex pense than any oilier range. Don't fall to come and Investigate this wonderful langf. Paddock ft Handschoy Hardware Co., the best place to buy strives. Next Monday, November 6, new clAssoa will be organized In the day and evening school at the Western Iowa college, riionc for Information; both phones. .Sunday Services. Broadway Methodist church. Rev. James O'May, pastor. Piraehlng both morning and evening by the pastor. Topic for the morning addif-s,, "The Answer to Job." Evening theme, "The. : Unpardonable Sin." Sunday school will be at noon and meet ing of the Epwortli 6:30 p. m. Them will bn a baptism avrvlce-durlng the Sunday, school (ioui- and. thuse who desire to unite with the church are- requested to present themselves at the ' tiloee of the morning service. . iThewr' will', be. special music iy the St both, (nornlns and evening aervk-em. ' ' . , . This will b "Cotnpletlou of the Church Edifice'.' .rally day at St. John's KngliRh Lutheran cHurch.- -At the morning service the pastor. Rev. G. V. Snyder, will take as the subject of his sermon, "How the Church Waa Finished." In the evening he will take as his theme "Stars." At the young people's meeting at 7 p m. Carl F. Slough will give a talk on how the young people can do their part In souring funds to complete the church. Sunday school will be at 9:45 a. m. . Owing to the fact that the young daugh ter of the pastor, Rev. Marrus P. McClUre', ia 111 with diphtheria, there will bo no serv lc today In the First Presbyterian church. First Church of Christ. Scientist, will hold services this morning ut 11 o'clock In Temple Emmsnuel on North Seventh street, when the subject will be "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday school will be at 1-:15 p. m. and tile usual testimony meet ing Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Becond church of Christ (Scientist) will hold services In Woodman hull in the Mer-. rlam block at 10:45 a. m., when the subject will be "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday school will bo at 11:45 a. m. and the regular testimony meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock, . . . Swedish Lutheran church, Rev. B. N. Glim, pastor. ' There will be preaching services ut 10:20 a. m. and 7:45 p. tn. Sun day school will be at noon and th evening Bible class at 7 o'clock. First Congrega.tlona.1 church. Dr. Oiter beln O. Smith, pastor. Morning service at 1:!0; evening service at ; Bunday school at-noon; prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 7:46;. Young Men'a Fortnightly club meets in the church parlors Monday even ing; communion aervlce Sunday morning and reception of members; morning .sub ject. "A Gift to Jesus;" vesper talk. "Jus tin the Martyr." Special music murnlng and evening. Bervlcea conducted at 10:'JO o'clock this morning at St. Paul's Episcopal church hy Rev. Mr. Bean of Omaha. Sunday eo ! will lie st noon. There will be no evening services, ... t. Concert. KlVs ouartet and Prof. Simons Tues day evening. Nov. 6. Congregational church. Tickets sold for Oct. 1 will be honored. Admission, 3 certta. Tail can't afford to have your carpeta and mn beaten In the old-fashioned way when you can have them thoroughly cleaned by our process at such moderate cost, witnoui Injury to tho finest fabric Bring down your last winter's suit and let us rinake it look like new.. Council Bluffs Cleaning and Rug Fftctorr. S North. Main St. MALONET CIGAR CO., 30 PEARL ST., COUNCIL -BLUFFS. IA., DISTRIBUTERS FOR THE ROBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR AND LITTLE) ' BOBBIE, OLD TIMES AND F.KR18 So CIGARS. CENTRA I FLOin l 15. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery ar.d Meat Mar ket. ' Both phones U. Thieves Take Tobaeeo -oad' shoes. A car turned over by the Fui'Unetou to the Northwestern railroad Fitday nlffht broken Into while standing In the transfer yards. One hundred and fifty pair of shoes were stolen. aa well as five butts of tobacco. The tobacco was found yesterday by Detec tive Callaghan hid In the weeds near the track, aa well as the empty cartons of two cases ef the ahoea. There It no clew to the thieves. Farmers Notice! fO-bushel corncrlb J3.50. Loose grindstones, per pound, lc. J. 3&oller Merc. Co. A beautlfui diamond ring worth 45 will be given to the Udy receiving the largest number of votes. One vote given with every cent's worth of candy purchased at our tore. Purity Candy Kitchen, H6 West Broadway- Masiy Voters Iteaiater. Several hundred voters were added to the Hste yesterday, which was the last regular dy for registration for the elec tion next Tuesday. In eleven precincts of the city the average was about1 seventy names entered yesterday, and of these the republicans undoubtedly bad a big major ity. At republican headquarters last night It waa stated that at least two-thirds ot it with th Tel. of Clark. Mtff. Co. OVfCJl AMERICAN EXPRESS OFFICE. the voters registered yesterday were re publican. The democrats appear to be without any organisation in theefty,.- although the county committee has headquarters. Those who are In ft position to know aay the. democrats have not tsken any poll of the city and made no effort whatsoever yes terday to get their unregistered -oters on the registration list. On tho other hand, the republicans put In a hard day's work and saw to It that, as far-aa possible, every republican entitled to vote next Tuesday had his name entered on the regis tration list. , A revolution In home decorating Marat la, protected by patent-; -ery expensive, but a labor saver. Pee' It and) get prices on your i work if you are going , to decorate. Pic- i tures and framing artistically done. Clos- ' Ing out our wall paper, and new, clean stock to select from.' V?.' S. HEWETSOX, Masonic Temple. Broadway and Fourth street. Council Bluffs. - T Combination gai and electric chandeliers and the celebrated Welsbach Incandescent gas burners. " Why not see us before ymi buy. We can certainly please you on price and quality' of goods, Step'han Bros., t2 West Broadway. ' You get the lowest price, easiest terms and best guarantee on your piano when purchased at A. Hohp Co., 2B South Main St., i Council Bluffs. Front .parlor, - for two,' with 'bourd. lis 14th Kt. Council Bluffs. Funeral of James Hone. Tho funeral of James Bone occurred from the residence, 645 West Washington avenue, Friday afternoon at o'clock. Rev. James O'May officiating. Mr. Bone was horn In Jefferson county, Ohio, November' X. 1SJI. He !ator moved to Washington county, Ohio, and from there to Perry county, Ohio. I He Came to Mills county, Iowa, In 155 and entered 120 acres of land, to which he after wards added 7,K0 acreeftnd from this he gave a hnlf section of land to each of his children. In his early Hfu Mr. Bone reafl medicine. ..but. his medical carter wns checked by. hi entering tlw armv in the Thirty-first Ohio volunteer Infnntty. He waa mustered tout at Atlanta in ISM. Inter ment wa In Walnut llill comeUry, the coffin being an exnet counterpart of that In which President McKinlcy was interred. The pallbearers were Elmer E. Smith, T. N. Harford, J. -J. Stewart,. Ceorae C. Wlae. Theodore Guittar. . Judge .O. D. Wheeler; Edward Cogle.y, J. E. Holletibeck, nnd as honorary pallbearers George Caron, Lev. Henry DeLong, Rev. Georgo W, Snyder, B. A. Bon ham, A. M. Bonham, J. R. Dnvls, George Miller, Captain Mnltry, CaptiUn Williams and William Roper. Our highest ambition is, when we frame a picture for you, to do it right and plea.e. our customers. Perhaps you have a picture that needs framing. Bring It to our store and let us see what we. cftn frame' It for. We'll do It as reasonable as It possibly can be done. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil und Glass Company, Merriam block. x The famous Acorn stove; nothing in the market like it for heat, economy, durability and neatness. We make the most reason able price on otoves In the city, considering the quality. We handle a large stock of car pets, linoleum and oilcloth. D. W, Keller, 103 South Muln street. It you want the best lights to be had buy your burners and mantles at W. A. Maurer's. Lindsay burners complete, 75c. Hal Estate Transfers. , These trunsfers were reported to The Bee November 3 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: William Fllnn to Florence Donahoe, lot 5. block 1, McMahon. Cooper & Jefferls' add., w. d $ 2 OuO Thomas E. Huff and wife to Sarah A. Holder. sSO feet lot 1, block 7. Grimes' odd., w. d 5 0 Heirs of Robert Davis to C. G. Saund ers, lot 8.. block 1, Fleming & Davis add., w. d aio J. Kasner and wife to T. G. Turner and James Hunter, lot 3, block l:j. Bentley, la., w. d lnj Arthur C. Smith and wife to A. M;irtv- i part of lot 1 In nwi ne'i. and part of . lot 6 In ne. nw' 30-75-t-!. q. c. d 1 Five transfers, total , ( 2,86 Wood or Wood Yon TVot f Would you 'like to buy better wood and more of It for less money? We sell stove lengths and chunks. Missouri oak wood at tl.50 a rick. This la a bargain. Bi-idenHjn Smith. Fourteenth avenue und Sixth street. Tel. 181. That old fiame 'is beginning lo look shabby. Let us put on a new one. We can frame It right, just to suit you and up-to-date. Borwlek, 2U South Main. Pictures for wedding gifts, c. E. Alex ander, 3X3 Broadway. Teachers Come to Bluffs. Word from Atlantic yesterday morning was thnt Council Bluffs had been selected for the meeting of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers', association In 19o?. Prof. S. L. . Thomas, principal of the Council Bluffs J High school, waa selected us chairman of the executive committee. C K. PlodgiHt of Logan was elected president of the as sociation. For imported wines and liquors, and Bud weiser beer, go to K Rosenfeld, wholesale liquor dealer, 51 South Main street. FAIT WEEK IN BLl KM' HIH IKTV Advent of Cool Weather Brings a Decided Revival. Mrs. W. . A. Oroneweg entertained at cards Wednesday afternoon at her home. 120 Frank street. Miss Msrgarvt Maher of Iowa Citv Is tho guest of her sister. Mrb. It. L. T.nley of South Kighth street. Mrs. T. K. Cavln of Park avenue is home from an extended visit with her sister Mrs. II. H. Ulover of Grand Island, Neb. The Luncheon Bridge club will be enter tained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. George Mayne at her home on Willow avenue. Miss Beoaie Day of Blxth aw-n'ie enter tained the members of the 'I'heta Sigma Fhl society at a Hallowe'en party Wednesday evening. Mr. John Carse, eon of Mr. end Mrs. J. IL Carae, 100 Fourth avenue,, went tj Lincoln last week, where he will enter the Uni versity of Nebrartica. The members of the Young IVople'a Dancing club gave a Hallowe'en dunce at the armory iaat Wednesday evening, which waa attended by a large crowd. The next meetlna of the musical rl.n. ment of the Council Bluffs Woman club is scneauira ior rvovenioer l, at which llmo a "ballad" program will be given. The Jolly Members Kenalnaton eluN will lie entertained Thursday afternoon at the nome or Mrs. t,. a. i ountryman. who will be assisted by Mrs. Talbot and Mra. Stone. Mrs A. R. Hooker Is home from a two montha" trip to tne Pacific coast. Whlla In Beanie she attended toe wedding ef her on, Earl' Hooker, to Ma as Myrta Kwea ef that city. The Woman's University club was enter tained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mra A. P. Hanchett, 13u South Sixth stree. The topic of discussion was ' Eng glish Literature." The Vnlveralty club met last WMnrnltv at the home of Mrs. Aker's, 4ol North 8ev enth mreet. Literature was the topic of the afternoon, at which Mra W. I. Mc Cune acted aa leader. One of the leading social events of the week was the buffet luncheon given Thurs day afternoon by Mrs. JoJm (J. Woodward and Mrs. C. L. . Felt at the homo of the former on taxkland avenue. The literature department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club was held Thursday aft.ruoou at the club room. Mrs. Chari Swalne acted as leader. The following tupica were di.uiMU ThewurttiM. Uru Watches. Cut Wc have spared neither time or expense in placing before you positively the largest and highest quality line of Holiday Goods we have ever before displayed. We desire to please you and want you to make our store your buying place for Hol iday Gifts. Our name on the box is an assurance that the gift will be appreciated. Our name stands for tho highest quality in the jewelry line. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock. Scientific Opticians poetry, Sicilian poetry and the poets of the time of Frederick II. Miss Begin Baetens entertained a, num ber of her friends at her home last Wed nesday evening at a Halloween party. The evening was spent In games, atter which light refreshments were served. Mr. Whitney Raymond of this city and Mis Bees Ward of Garner township were marri"d in Chlcaeo lit tho home of a rela tive of the groom last Tuesday. The mar riage was an entire HUiprisc to their triends. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Husse. 7n5 South Sixth street, announced the engagement of their daughter, Mahel Elisabeth, to Mr. Jo seph Oliver Butler of Omaha, the weddinie to take place in the early part of this month. The Men's club of the First Presbyterian church gave a dinner to their friends Tues day evening. Tnere were alxiut li;o guest present. The dinner was delightfully served oy the men of the club in tho parlors of tne church. Miss Friedman, pupil of Miss Flora Jud scn, gave a recital at the homo of Misa Judson. 92S Sixth avenue, Monday . evening. The program consisted of nine numbeis. Mias Friedman was iihslsted by Miss Pneobe Judson. There were about twenty live guests in attendance. The C. "M. L. club was entertained Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. P. M. Egan. 7:'o Seventh avenue. Four tables were used at six-handed euchre, at which Mrs. Winn won tirsi prise, wnlch was h hand-painted plate, and Mrs. Maloney won second prlw. a beautiful mlver ipoon. After the game luncheon was served. The Little Bridge club wns entertained Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Klwoll. 6:13 Willow avenue. . Mis. Moore won the prlzA of the evening. Luncheon was served at the close of the game. The club will be entertained by Mrs. Moore next Tuesday, at the home ot Mrs. H. A. Qulnn. on Oakland avenue. The Klatter klub was entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Miss Elinor Brown, 724 First avenue. The afternoon was spent at cards, at which Mrs. Henry Cutler won Ilrst prize and Mrs. Oliver Pat terson won second prize. Luncheon was served at the close of the game. They will meet with Mrs. Cutler next Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cutler of Turley ave nue entertained Tuesday nlclit the members of the newly organized One Nlfrht Turley Card club: Prizes were awarded Mrs. Oliver Patterson and Mr. W. 8. Klgdon. Tho rooms were prettily decorated In observance of Hallowe'en apd a dainty luncheon was served during the evening.. The club will meet every second Tuesday nlijlil at .the homo of one of the member. A surprise Hallowe'n party was given Wednesuuy evening nt honor of Mr. aren Andrews, at his home on Mornltitlde ave nue. The evening wiun spent at k.ici.cs and music, after which a dainty luncheon was served. Those present were: Miss Mattie Green, Miss Leuna Wagner, .Miss. Hazel Lacy, Miss Blanch Sweet, Miss ora Sweet, Miss Clara Itivett, Mr. Harvy Bradahaw, Mr. Elmer Lalnson, Mr. Carl Hhelnier, Mr. Hall Shepard and Mr. Rheuben Heed. The B. G. C. club haa reorganized again for the winter and held Its Hi-si meeting Thursday evening at the home of Miss Mollie and Miss Ella. Husz. 1 High street. A delightful evening-was spent at high five. Prizes were awarded to Miss Euzalielh l;ruirenhemke and Miss Margaret t'oyie. Mrs. John Clapper -and Miss Mmnia ticbensee were guests or tne-ciiin. ine next meeting will occur November 15 at the home of Miss Marie Petersen. Miss Margaret Clifford and Miss Maud Stupid entertained at a Hallowe'en iridic Weuiiesuay evening at the nome of Clifford, on Fifth avenue. The house was lighted with Juck-o' lanterns. The covers were spread on the floor, which tho merry group surrounded. A three-course luncheon was served. Those present were: Miss Hatched Parma-lee, Miss Dorothy Felt, Miss Catherine Morehouse, Miha lrma David, Miss Alma Smith, Miss Hazel Walker, Miss Dotty Lacy and Miss Mar guerite' Stubbs. On last Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hughes, iiO Second avenue, enter tained a number of young people at a Hallowe'n party. The chief amusements were muMo, nuies and toasts, ihis. Nelson and Mr. Fred Hughes saug and Illustrated a song, "Why uon t You Try." Other numbers were: Burl tone solo, "In Aiy Merry Olesinohile,' oy Mr. Uuy Bouriclus, and piano solo, Happy Heinle," by Mrs. Stubbs. Miss Jennie Ostrom and Mr. Uuy Bouriclus played a duet entitled, "Walt Till the Sun Shines, Nellie." Miss Helen Price gay n piano solo. Those present were Mlsa Llhcl Blue, Miss Mable Hurd. Miss Ida Iliad. Miss Mable Hn unman, Miss Lula llauman, Miss Mav yvd, Mrs. Stubbs. Mrs. Clifton. Miss Hazel Marrow, Mrs. Newiand, Miss Jennie ostrom, Misa Kate Ogdeu, MN Maud Ford, Miss josuie iveison, airs. Hughes, Misa Klva Mills. Miss Smith, Mias Hellen Price, Mr. Charles Krlckson, Mr. Louis Krlrkson, Mr. Clarence Johnson, Mr. Guy Bouriclus, Mr. Will Wlllhert, Mr. John Morrow, Mr. Stubbs, Mr. t". C. Clifton, Mr. F.d Williamson. Rev Newiand. Mr. Fred Hughes. Mr. Walter Hughes, Mr. Charlie Balrd, Mr. Ray SkiBner, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Clvde Morrow. After the games luncheon was served. The house was , lighted throughout with pumpkins. A. Metsaar A Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, 616 Mynster Street, Council Bluffs, Ia. Hoiuu-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. See Stephen Ilros. for the latest and best inverted burners. 69 West Broadway. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. Z. Night, fluj. MINOR BlBTItM. Davis, drug. Clark's, sodas. 6tockert sells carpets. Fine engravings at Leffert'a. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Get those new photoa at Schmidt's, 1 Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 937 Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 33S. Loose grindstone per lb., lc. J. Zoller Mercantile Co. Armory Dancing club, new armory. Thurs day evening. W Haley's orchestra. DIAMONDS AS AN IN V EjTMENT. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. TINNERS AND PLUMBERS WANTED, r. A. bPENCEK. 16 W. BHOALWAY. Hafer suvea yeu ntoaey. That la what you are working for. C. Hafer, Council Blurts. I repair talking machines, bicycles and s-wiiig machines. 6. M. V illutinmju, 17 ba, Main St. . Council Bluffs Court of Honor will hold Its regular meeting Thursday evening - In Danish ball. A beautiful and ornamental gas burner, tl.e Weii-bach chick lamp, complete, H.i. Siephan Bros., Dtt W. BioaUwa. Dr. G. W. Pangle successfully treats diplittr ria Ho h.s been iiuoua-i two ep. deinKs of It and never lust a cut. A marriage ho use was is-ue.l ;. r.l.iy to Roy Cl. aged 37, and Bonnie Khhard aon. aged 3u. botn of South OmaliS. Ed McClelland, who was sonlrncej tu two yenrs in the neiiltenliary in Not ember. juux iua kwMuJua aua tuisiiua. Lma lewu HIGHEST QUALITY, LARGEST Meunonds GIolss Sterling Silver Hand Painted Cfa ira H H 409 BROADWAY NOTICE -H F. W. MILLER, of Council Bluffs SfiSH granted n full pardon by Governor Cum mins. McCiolland- had been out on parole since February 3, lJHit . i ' COAI. TEAMS WANTED to haul' coal for Fcnlon Witkham Coal company. Higher wagos paid.- 107 Pearl street. Look ahead and tell tia jour need. De livery the best; careful drivers. Moth 'phones, 72.'- Co. Muffs Coal and lee Co. John M. Work of Ilea Moines will deliver a lecture on "Socialism" this evening at o'clock In Marcus hall, utx West Uroadw.iy. The woman's guild of St. Paul's episco pal church will meet Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. C. A. Liney, 31 Ave nue F. ' ' : Hot and cold drinks served with vnnllla and saltln wafers; hot chocolate, oyster cocktail, clam and tomato bouillon. .Clark Drug Co. . Mrs. Walter I. Smith was sufficiently re covered yesterday to be able to be removed from the General hospital in Omaha to her home la.'thja city. 1 pay tl3 per tn lor catc iron; mixod.. 10; htove,' ; rai;s, Hc per It. ; rubber, 7'jc; copper.- He per lb. j. Xuitliiian, J)i Main, both 'phonea C50. The funeral of the late Daniel J. Fogarty will be held Monday at 9 o eloek from St.' KianeJx Xavier's church and burial will la in St. Joseph's cemetery. John C. Woodslde has been appointed liight de.-k sergeant nt police headiiuarlers to till ihe vacancy caused by the resignation a few months back of Sain Gre-W. WHKN GOING TO BL1LD GO TO GEOi A. HUAOUSU, THIS PloNliEK LUM BER MAN OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. 721 SOUTH MAIN STREET. TEL. lib. The Woman's Christian association will meet Momiav afternoon at o'clock at the residence of Mrs. O. IV. Lutts. Hm First avenue. A good attendance is desired. High grade granite work: from the best Bane liupoitcu Mianltes, lettering, carving and triicing. Kino monumental work a Blclaliy. tSheeley & Lunc, 217 East Broad way. - Kathryn, the young daughter of Rev. and Mrs, Marcus P. Mcclurc, was reported to Hie Loam of Health yesterday aa suiierlhg (turn oipuiheria. bne has been altenuing the Bloomer school. The youngsters charged with Halloween depredations were ' nisenarged in police court yesierduy morning, alter receiving some wholesome advice trom Judge Bcott and Chief of Police Kichmuud. . The f unreal of the lato Mrs. L. M. Brown, ! 1416 High street, will be held Monday ait- emoon at Z:M u rliK-k from the First Con gregational church and internnml will lie in Fairview cemetery. Rev. O. O. Sinltn will conduct the services. General G. F. McGlnnis of Indianapolis will he a auest St the homo of Justice H. H. Field during the reunion of the Society , r,t On- Armv ot the Tennosee In this elty. tJenerul McGinnls and Justice Field were next doors neighbors and intimate friends ' in Indianapolis ntty-tlve years ago. I Tho hearing "of Ed Newcomhe, Henry I Johns in, F. Johnson, Thomas Sioan, Wal , ter Knudsen and Walter ltuaseli, the boys cnarg.-d with the larceny of Mrs. I'nariotie packnam's wagon on Halloween night, waa continued in Justice Field's court yesterday f.,e one week, to aive the. young lads an I opportunity to restore the wagon to its 'owner. If this Is done, Mrs. Packhain stated sua wouia aisiniss tne sun, lumiutu the boys . parents paid the court capts. iCO-acre farm In So. Dakota. 4 miles from 2 K. H. 'stations; I'K! acres in cultivation, balance aiiure and III hay; cn all be cut; large s-room house, laiga barn, cribs and granuiy, well and null, deep black soil, lueai home. Price, 0 jier acre. V ill take l in other good property, uaj., $l,wl n-r year; also a business block, Willi large barn; on corner, in good Neb. town, all In fine condition; rents for 2a tier month; Will take western land. Addiess 1. S. Kerr, Mti' lldw y, Co. Bluff. Phonvs 417 and 400 Red. THE RADIANT HOME BASE BURNER IS WITHOUT DOUBT THE GREATEST HEATING STOVE AND FUEL SAVER IN THE WORLD. NO HOME IS COM PLETE WITHOUT ONE. WE UNCON DITIONALLY GUARANTEE IT. COME DOWN TO OUR . STORE AND SEE THEM. . WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU AND POINT OUT ITS GOOD QUALITIES. SOLE AGENTS, PETER SEN AND 'SCHOENINQ CO.. HARD WARE AND ' FURNITURE, COUNCIL BLUFFS. Court at Onawa. O.VAW.V, Ia., Nov. -3. (Special.) The bat docket for the November ' term . of the Monona county district court was Issued today. lavid Mould of 61oj City, who was recently uppotuied by Governor Cum-nili-s In pluev. of .Judge Kennedy, resigned, will ureslde lor the lirst lime at Onuaa. Court convenes on November 5 with a good average docket, forty-eight equity, seventy law, fourteen criminal and twenty probata rases. ,Muny of the cases are old and not likely to be heard ut this term. The Black bird, Island cae of Wilkershain ugalnt I'hlllb'S Is noted for trUil Thirty-five petit Jurors are summoned fur N'Ovefiler 12. The grand Jurors are N. J. Brlstow, WUIIani McFarlane, K. E.. Bkke, ai. J. lUutlwaou, John W. Bheicr, C. J. AND BEST SELECTED STOCK H ZttdeC DEMO CMTIC The democrats have but one candidate for Judjye, P. V. Miller of Council; Bluffs. - '.. ' , ' , If you vote for any other candidate for Judge affer vot ing for him, you cheat him out of a part of your vote and' help to defeat him. y , ..... . . i ' A democrat who votes for Mr. Miller and then votes for one candidate on the other ticket, gives him only one-, half a vote. And if he votes for two candidates on the other ticket he gives him one-third of a vote. Democrats should vote for -Mr. 'Miller ONLY; and if you do that, he can be elected. S. IX WADSWORTH, Chairman Democratic Central Com. . li-.i. W. II. F.dRar. William McCrrtirtlcs.i, Hardy Moorhcad" Cl-nrles Morton, Jullm rtiiverson and J.- W. Hathaway. MAN MARRIES DESERTED WIFE Father of Girl Who Kloprtl with Iowa Farmer Completes the . . Konsncr, CE1JAK FALLS, Ia... Nov. 3. (Special Telegram.) Orvllle Jones, a. farmer near Cedar Falls, last spring left -his- family, a wife and four small children, and eloped with Mabel Joyces, the 17-year-old daugh ter of Hinry L. Jayhcs, a widower. At Omaha Jones deserted tho girl. leav-J ing her deitilute. She found employment at a hotel In Omaha nnd ' n few weeks ago went to her father, who welcomed his housekeeper's return. Today Jayncs mar ried Jones' deserted wife, Kate Joncs ' ThS srooni is 65 and tho bride 77. Mabel Is now working as a servant In Waterloo. See the Beckwlth Round Oak before you buy. They last for thirty years. None genuine without the name on tile legs. Swaine & Mauer, 336-338 Broadway. Council Hlaffa Gets Teachers. ATLANTIC. Ia., Nov. .1. (Special.) The Southwestern Iowa Teachers' aesot lo tion closed a successful meeting here toi day, after having been In session thr-e days and .enjoying popular. Ire tines and round-table discussions on topics of In terest by some of ' the most prominent educators of tho country. State Super? Intendent J. F. Rlggs nnd Dr. Fox of Chi cago addressed the nv'etlng today. Tho reception last night was attended by over S00 teachers. There was music by a local orchestra and light ref resjimnntg were served. The total attendanco In Atlantic this year was 1,026, or twenty-one more than was ever before registered at u sim ilar meeting. Officers elected were: President, C. E. Blodgett of Logan; chair man of executive committee, S. . L Thomus of Council Muffs;, vice president, MIkb Stearns of Audubon; secretary and treasurer, J.' S. Seymour of Defiance; rail- Tho Art Garland Base Burner The Best in 3 P. C. DeVQL IIAflDlVAnE CO., The Leading Stove Dealers. ' 540 BROADWAY. 10 N. MAW ST. Nil OF Jewelry I 88 ' . ' 1 ..... g Reliable Jewelers road secretary,. Mattie Lee. A. Lair of 'Sid ney. . ... ... low fwi ote tt'Hltjl"K Two sons of George Morse, a farmer living neer here, found a piece of dynamite and held It to. the exploded and both were badly injured. IOWA .CITY Ptohlnlnrs In cheese hiis poisoned a number of well known farmers near Rlverslile, among them Philip Knousil. Jr., John Kennedy and August-Yenn. All were treated by surgeons In time nnd will recover. , " " FORT DOlX-JR-John Puseher, 'on Insane patient m the way to the asylum nt Chen, kee, made a wild leap from a swiftly mov, ing Illinois Central train near Barnum Inst night, H waa pursued nt tho next station and rnptured. Though' he ' rolled and tumbled down a steep.- rocky em batik men he escaped without sorious lnfury. MASON CITY The annual meeting of the promoters and owners of the Northwestern States Cement company was held here yes terday. The stock of $1.750.0H) has all been STibsi-rlbcd. with applications In for about Jl.nun.mio more, which cannot lo funijsheit. One of the things discussed was the build-' Ing of a plant on the- Puulflc const onie- where In Washington.- . . : IOWA CITY Death, despite the herolsni Of Alderman Frank Hess of Solon, clalmwl1 thnt lawmaker Frldrfv afternoon He dlod after nn operation Involving the amputa tion of his right -leg above the knee. Mr. Hess, after breaking both bones of hla rlvht leg by falling front a barn, rrnwled to the back of a horse and rode a half mile for a. doctor, the while one bone prutruded from his feish. ' - .' WESTERN MATTERS AT.CAPITAL Statement by Itrclamatlon, dervicw hows orh Dakota In the Lea ' ,' Among; Western Stales. WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. (Special Tele gram. )-The reclamaUou- aervlae today. Issued a statement rfhowlng' ' - fTiat the ' reclamation fund .- of June t30.-;- HI0, amounted to $32,9E8,ia2, of which .I4,2, 084 was contributed last year. ' North Dakota leads, having contributed In all $5,374,395. Nebraska contributed lust year $77,375 and a total of 74,J2. South Dakota contributed $2112.308 and a total of $1. 285,480 and Wyoming $24, 711 and a total of $1,420,545. '' Bee Want Ads, jro,duce. reaullg. , the World. We guarantee tlie Art Oar: land Base Burner to use less coal than any othc base burner made. ' ' The revolving firepot and the patented flue construction;, enables us to make, this claim. . YOU DON'T WASTE. I COAL in a Garland Barfe Burner.; Consequently it is not necet-' sary to. use an ash screen on the ashes. JUST ASK YOUR - NEiauBoit." ."; Prices $50 to' $65, WE TEtJST THE , PEOPLE. ir