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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
The Omaha Daily Bee. HEWS SECT10!!. ?zvJzs 1 to 10. Register Today ategistraro pit from a. m. to p. m. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNIXO, XOVEMREU ., 190(' TWENTY PAGES. VOL. XXXVI-NO. 119. SINGLE COPY TILKKE CENTS. r BRYAN FOR 11EARST Vebrukan WriUi Letter Aikint? Fxitids to Vots for ths Itwipapor Mas. . CAMPAIGN NOW AT FEVER HEAT Etorttary loot's Spascb, and CroWa Cablegram Topics of Disoutsisn. BOTH CANDIDATES RETURN TO CITY Each. Addronei a Cosei Aiidianoas Curiae ths Evtuinc. BOTH SIDES PROFESS CONFIDENCE air. Hague aa Tfollilag Son He mains Except Getting Got the ToteMurphy- I'ndlamayed by the Outlook. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Echoes of yester day's development In the state were beard on every side today In the comment of po litical leaders on tho Richard Croker inter view and tho speech of Secretary of State Hoot at Vtlca last night. Fresh Interest whs aroused by the publication cf a letter from William J. Bryan to Bird S, Coler , borough president of Brooklyn, In which the writer expressed the hope that all democrats would support William R. Hearst for governor. These things and tho further fact that both Charles K. Hughes and William R. Hearst, tho candi dates for governor on the republican' and democratic-Independence league tickets, re spectively, were once mora on the stub bornly, contested ground of the city of greater cw iuik, uriua iaiuh-h aui...-i to a high pitch. - Mr. Hughes and Mr. Hearst gave their attention to Kings and Queens counties tonight, both making whirlwind daphes from place to place In order to carry out the detail!) of the long program mapped out fur thim by their respective campaign managers. Mr. Hearst was slatea to spea.K ; at thirteen different meetings in Brook- lyn. Ing Island City and Queens county. , room n1 Mon judge Graham in tho ctn whllo Mr. Hughes' night's campaign called panenjng. of tha grand Jury. Ach asked for euually as strenuous work. Besides meeting arranged for the two guberna torial candidates, both parties held numer ous rallies throughout Manhattan in the Interests of candidates for lens Important olllees. Everywhere there were crowds to listen to tho various' speakers and political enthusiasm reached the hlghejrt pitch. Many Speeches by HtiKhe. Mr. Hughes left ITtlca early today for New York. Ho made stops nt Beheneady. Catskill and Newburgh. At the former pis eo he made three speeches, In two of which he spoke directly to many thousands of worklngmen, appealing to them to sup port his party In the coming elections.. His last speech outilda of greater New York was made at Catskill In the forenoon, where lie addressed an enthusiastic meeting at the town thoater. Immediately afterward he started for'New York. Reaching this city At o'clock ha took but a brief rest bo- I fore entering upon the long list of meeting nehixluled for tonight In Brooklyn nnd Long Island. It was late In the night be fore ho concluded. Reviewing his upstate campaign tonight, Mr. Hughes expressed satisfaction at tho prospects of republican success and de clared he was gratllcd with "the hearty support of the republican organisation thtoughout tho state." He added that the support of old-line democrats was perhaps the most significant feature of the campaign nnd that It w now a simple Question of vetting out tho vote. Mr. Hearst was forced to rest during the duy because of the serious condition of his throat after last night's speechmaklng. He resumed his labors tonight and was whirled about Brooklyn and Long Island in an auto mobile for speeches at many places. His first appearance was at Watson's theater In Ttrmiklvn. where an enthusiastic crowd awaited him. Mr. Hearst's voice showed th. effocts of his rigorous campaign upstate und when he commenced his first address tonight h found difficulty in making him self heard by those In the rear of the theater. Anti-Trust Leaaae Against Hearst. Henry B. Martin, secretary of the Ameri can Autl-Trust league, tonight gave out a tstement In which ho declares the anti trust men of New York are tislng every . effort to rid the party at this election of the tJejy-st-Murphy crew, who are trying ti turn tHp -honored organisation of J offer - . son ajid Jackson Into a political corporation tor the profit of one millionaire aud his puttiers and hirelings. Lottdaia of both artles tonlglv renewed professions of absolute confidence In tho outcome of Tuesday's balloting- Timothy Woodruff, chairman of the republican state commute, declared ha was perfectly satls V.d with the prospects and predicted for Mr. Hughes a sweeping victory. On the other hand, Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tammany,- reiterated hi assurance that Tammany would poll its full vote for Huardt and that he was confident the demo cratic . oandldates would be elected by a large majority. Bryan's Letter to Calar. W. J. Bryan has written a letter to Bird S. Coler, borough president of Brooklyn, .indorsing the candidacy of William R. llear'it for governor. yj. liryan'a letter follows: My lesr Mr. Coler: I am very anxious - to bur Ileum elected and would have come t New York to help him if I thought an KUtslUt) speaker woAild have been of assist ance, from Indication, however, he 1 go ing to win. as ho ought to. If I have any frionds 'here I want them to vote for him. Sigued) BRYAN. . Mr. Bryan wrot aa quoted In a personal letter to Mr. Coler dated at Madison, 111., and lecflved on October SI. The portion of i he latter not given out was of a personal nature. Mr. Coler telegraphed Mr. Bryan nnd eeeursd his authority to make a por tion of the letter public. Mr. Coler in giving out the letter said: Mr. Bryan's letter sheuld be enough for ail democrat In this ute. As for lnue- Irf-ridaiH. 1 cannot imagine that they are xolnpr t iders I KOlnpr to taks tlia advice of the piratical iaierS or ino oui piruaioi sjsieni. 1 ney (Continued on beionl Page.) Register Today. la order to vote at the coming; elec tion and at subsequent primaries rverr t'lector ln Omaha and. South Oinalia must appear personally before the legist ration board for his voting tlMrit-t and have his uajiio properly j enrolled. Xo previous registration lioKU gid Ibis year. Saturday, Ko icuilx r a, is the last regUt ration day. lu order to vole You Must Register, HEARING ON IN SAN FRANCISCO Ruef and Board of SunervUors Deny Allegation In Complaint by lleuer. on the restraining order brought by trirt Attorney Langdon to prcve nt ,." hum Ruef from taking possession office of the district attorney anr -t tho action of the Board of 8r v In ousting Langdon and appolV it to that office, was begun bfor '-' '' Judge Seawell today. , , Two separate answers : ., complaint writ presented, one on behu-,, of Ruef and tho other on behalf of tho Board of Surer- visors. Each answer was accompanied by affidavits denylrvg tho allegations In Heney's j original complaint, which charged felonies to Ruef and the seventeen supervisors. The court room was crowded. District Attorney Langdou was present and with nini were nis assistants, mrn-n j. unir,, Charles W. Cobb and Hiram Johnson, who conducted the examination for Langdon. Ruef was represented by Samuel Short- rldge and Henry Ach. and the members of the Board of Supervisors were represented by 'William T. Bggett and Jack Williams of the city attorney's office. Ruef arrived after the proceedings had begun. He wag accompanied by his bodyguard. Attorney Johnson, addressing Judge Sea well, said: "One reason that liuef und the visors were restrained la because they were engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct the adimntrfcUoll of Ju8t,c, torney was engaged In an investigation of certair crimes of Abraham Ruef, who was the party seeking to inject himself Into the district attorney's offlce. If Langdon were put on the stand he would consent to answer only as to that matter not as to evidence he had In hla possession This was agreed to and Ach stated that he would make the Issue on two points: ,. m..m ..u i Iangdon had the right to enjoin the new appointee from taking office. District Attorney Ijingdon was then . , , , .am a l t i been in charge of the offlce slnco January I 8: that he had Issued orders to all his deputies and knew that these orders were carr)c1 out IIe nad performed the duties f dlgtrict Bttornev in Judge Dunn's court him , to name his deputies. He did so, among them Francis J. Heney. Ach asked what Instructions he had given to Heney nfter Heney's appointment. To this ques tion Johnson entered vigorous objections, declaring that such questions had caused Langdon to ignore the proceedings before Notary Puknnx. Judge Seawell suggested to Johnson that the proper procedure was to move that the discussion bo. struck out. Attorney 3aggett at this point announced that as official city attorney he represented the Board of Supervisors aa a whole. He had no objection to the other attorneys representing them as individuals. Ho ftlcd an answer to Ijingdon's complaint. As sistant District Attorney Robert Harrison was. placed on the stand. He stated that the deputies foared Ruef would use force in his effort to take possession of the dis trict attorney's office. In reply to Aeh's Questions, Harrison stated Jhat piany .P'r- sous had told him on th" evening of Oc tober 25 thAt Ruef Intend. ng using force to secure - poowepalon of tho office. He said that such a possibility was discussed at u gathering at the Independence league head quarters. . "Was Heney present?" asked Ach. This question furnished a dramatic epi sode. Heney, face red with anger. Jumped to his feet and declared that he had never been In the Independence league head quarter In his life and was taking abso lutely no part In politics. He declared- he had no Intention of running for office, either now or In the future Arguments by the opposing counsel of legal points Involved in the controversy oc cupied the greater part of the afternoon session. Judge Seawell adjourned court until Man- l day. PITTSBURG MURDER MYSTERY Jame A. McMUlen. a WeaHhy Cltlsea, Slugged and Robbed Hear His Reaideaaa. '. P1TT8B17RO, Nov, IS. Developmwnts to night in the murder and robbery of James A. McMUlen, aged 65 years, a wealthy business man, who was found dead and his pockets rlfltd at 7:30 this morning near his residence In the Wat End, have assumed a mysterious phase that baffles the police. The authorities stated tonight they are absolutely without a clue and announced at 6M this evening another highway rob bery occurred within a block of this morn ing's murderous assault, Edward Young, a driver, 'as held up by three men who. after beating him Into unconsciousness, took to0. Tho entire detective force and a number of special officers are at work on tho cases. They are working on the thory that the three men who attacked Young were probably McMlllln's assailants. The mystery surrounding the murder was increased when the detectives learned to night that two well dressed men had called at the morgue to examine McMlllln's ef fects. They said they were attorneys and asked If any legal papers had been found on the body, adding that they were needed In Important litigation. They refused to give their names aud the authorities are now trying to locute them. A post-mortem examination has shown that McMUlen was knocked unconscious with some blunt instrument and died from exposure. LUMBER TRUST ON COAST Coaablautloa Is Interstate In Extent and Ktldence Will Be Sent to Waahluatou. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. S.-Uniied blates District Attorney Robert T. Dovlln has de ckled to forward to Washington the evl- ' dmce presoiiiea neror me leacrai grand jury during the investigation Into the acti of tho slUsed Kan Francisco Lumber trust. This evidence, according to Devlin. Im plicates Oregon and Washington lumber men. as well as local members of the al leged unlawful combination. The trust is ' therefore an interstate organization and further Investigation will be conducted from Washington. JAPAN IN BATTLESHIP RACE Miked Will Ualld Flghtlaa; Macblaa a.tXMI Tons Larger Tana the Dreaduaught. I IXlNLKJN'. .Nov. 3. Tho ISilly Teitsruph ! y it in reported that Japan bus decided lu txgiti the construction of a battleship! exceeding ths di:plu.cmenl of tbt Dfd- ! naught Vy 1W t-.-n. T. CANAL PROJECT IS VAST Circular to ?rpctivs Bidden Prtunti IiCterin licurta. .LIONS OF YARDS OF EXCAVATION Thoaeanda of Tone of Structural Steel deeded for Gates and Sluices More Detailed Estimate Coming-. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. Some Idea ot the vastness of tho Panama canal project is conveyed in a circular Issued by the com mission today for tho information of pros- pectlvo bidders for constructing the canal, i It I estimated that the quantities of ma- terlal to be removed and to be applied to tho work of construction are only approx- innate; and even the location and cnaracter of structure may be changed. It is hoped I tnut pxacto Information will lxi collected by tho committee of five engineers who are c,arg.-d to estimate a reasonable cost and trno for c0nipIfitll,j. thn canal. Tho circular unar Mparate heads the character of the work to be done. The amount of ex- 2, James O. Markey carrier. Porter Ing cavation is staggering In extent. The sum- substitute; Williamsburg, route 3, William mary shows that the estimated excavation T. Fills carrier. John Spcllman substitute, and structural material In these sections j Rural route No. 2 has been ordered e.itab are approximately as follows: llshcd January 3 at Norway, Benton county. Colon section, 9.45C.0OO cubic yards; Mindl Iowa, serving C25 people and sixty-five faml sectlon, 11.000,000 yards; Gatun locks, exca- lies. vatlon, 8,060,(100 yards; concrete, l.auj,"" 0 Thomas W. Wultcrs has been appointed yards: stoel gates, 29.23O.0UO pounds: Gatun postmaster at Pekay, Mahaska county. dam. earth filled, 21,200,000 yards; Gatun reg- ooncrefte, 189.U0O yards; uteel sluices, 5.((K),u30 pounds. Inke section, excavation. :4,000,COO , yards; Culebra. excavation, 3fl.oo0.ono yards; Pedro Miguel, excavation, ll.&S.OOi) yards; TVtr1ts Xt i tvi tfil )fi Ir Avra i-ollnn 1 iTillslal yarU8. eml,ankmentt ym.m yards." buck fill, 390,000 yards; concrete, R13.612 yards; cist Iron, 732,000 pounds; steel gates. 19,EW,010 pounds. Lake Sosa section, excavation, 1.680,000 yards: Sosa locks excavation, 1.430, 000 yards; back fill, 950.000 yards; concrete, 592.SUO yards; cut stone. ttiiO.OOO yards: b ick, u-,ow j uo, wml ci "'11 v, T - -.rij n i uc? . J' r "J" "It f ' J, oi,i.w, i.uimn, ia. iiniii, u,.nn ! 000 yurds: Corosal-Sosa dam. 5,;7,U00 yards; ; Panama bay excavation, 8,528.000 yards. Fanrral uf Congressman Hoar. The commit IhO on the iart of the house funeral of of representatives to attend the Representative Rockwood Hoar at Wor cester, Mass., next Monday was an nounced here today. It is composed of Messrs. Lawrence, Gillette, Tlrrell, Ames, Gardner. Roberts. McCall, Kellher, Mc- Nary. Sullivan, Meels, Greene and Liver Ing of tho Massachusetts delegation, Fos ter of Vermont. Burleigh of Maine, Cur rier of New Haniphirc, Capron of Rhode Island. Olmsted of Pennsylvania and Tal bot t of Maryland. Design for ew Battleship. Secretary Bonaparte today appointed a board consisting of the' assistant secretary of the navy, the englneer-ln-chlef of the navy, the chief of tho bureau or ordnance, the chief constructor of the navy. Captain John P. Merrill, Captain ' Raymond . P. Rodgcrs and Captain Richard Walnwrlght to consider the designs und plans submitted to the Navy department or a now battle ship.' The lioard Is to report' lis decision to the department not later than Novem ber 'JO. ' Fairbanks In Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 1 The special train bearing Vice President Charles V. Fairbanks on his speaking tour of the state started Uxjay from South Bend. Tho day was to bo spent In northwestern Indiana, ending with a meeting tonight at Terro Haute. ' Some Questions Slill Unanswered by Bryan William Jennings Bryan Is now engaged in a campaign speaking tear or Nebraska. AVhile addressing the Yoters -t different points the taxnaylng citizens would like to have him answer a few questions that are specially pertinent and timely; Do you approve of the deal, which your brother-in-law, T. S. Allen, chairman of tho democratic state commit tee, has made with the tax shirking railroads to line all the democratic legiblatlve candidates up against the taxa tion of railway terminals for municipal purposes thu saniv as other city property? Are you In favor of compelling the railroads to vay city taxes on their property within limits of muuicipal corporations, or ia favor of the continuance of the presont system by which they escape paying city taxes almost en tirely. Doei y.our declaration that no one connected directly or Indirectly with privilege seeking corporations should have any place in the councils of the democratic party apply to Chairman Allen in his partnerchip with the legal rep resentative of the Missouri Pacific railroad and the use of partnership stationery in sending out democratic cam paign literature? Will you use your influence next winter to get the democrats In the legislature to join with the republicans to force the railroads to pay their full share of city taxes, irrespective of any promises made to the railroads by your brother-in-law, Chairman Allen? Nebraska Democrats in T. B. HUH. Ckalraiaa ADOtABttK CPava P. I.C1-T PaW ifen-t-Bt .. ... jaalkf-J I'gt BP V 5 rfyrt ......... rVuatat ID .......... ... KoWT. W Ft-lMtJSn .. .... -fcofaj BEK3CP.ATiC STATE UNCOLM MOTEL. ExacunvB COMMITTU t. a nisi a w. a ansa mama ea nana a a MMT . aiaaan .j.asrr flaae 3 XT I t nolo you herewith oopy of an adltorial anion appear ln'the Blgtr Pilot, a rspublloaa paper. I thin this Is good stuft and If you aan find spaoa for It or f raaa up an editorial In your can language onvsylng tha ana Idea It sill ba affective. the rnpuhlloan platforn haa a "Tsralnal Taxation" plank that. Ill glva to Oaaha tha benefit of all tho terminal taxes instead of distributing ths ssa out ovor the ontlr stato as Is now dono. If tho republloan platfora is onaotod into la it "111 tioan that every town In tho otato will lose their proportionate share cf tho railroad tu.s and that Omaha will be tho beneficiary. Tho Onahs Boo has already plols4 ninety republican candidate In tho legislature on this proposition. Tho other republican candidate refused to glv their assent to tho ooheae. X think this lo important, L Tours THAT VELL-TALE , Tuls tetter has been mailed out from democratic state headquar ters to all sdiiors of democratic and populiat new&papers iu Ne braska in an envelope bearing the inscription, "Tulbot and Allen., attorneys-at-law. Fraternity building, Lincoln. Nebraska" Talbot Is ths chief legal representative tu Mebiaaka of the Missouri I'acta ARGUMENT IN ELEVATOR CASE Attorney fireeae Complete Ilia and Start Home to Vata. I'alk From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 2.-fSnorlnl TlI rram.) The argument before the Interstate Commerce commission In the Pcavey cu rator C3se was concluded today, diaries J. Greene of Omaha mude the closing argu ment, and at its conclusion left for Omaha so thit he might vote, for John Ij. Kennedy and the republican ticket. Major T. 8. Clarkson, formerly of Omnha, but now a resident of Seattle, Is in Wash ington. Major Clarkson Is here as special commissioner of the proposed Alssk:'!- Yukon-Pnrirlc exposition, which is to be held in Seattle In !"!. This exposition Is tttt R.litnv flirt ffnvni'nmnt fnr n Mlnpln f,0,.ir my Mng d,.p(rou(1 that the gnvf.rn. n )mn ail8(lnme an nppmpria,,. exhibit, v?,.r,.i --. an,mi,. cmnnbell. route 2. Walter I.. Guy carrier, KlWPUa A- 0ljy substitute; Fremont, routj . j,n p.' Larson carrier. John P. Hansen substitute: Lindsay, route 1. Peter Bet- tlnger currier. John Bellinger substitute; York, route 3, Allen Nellls carrier. Dexter King substitute. Iowa-Iiondurant, route Jowa' "re "wen uees, resigned. ELECTION FRAUDS IN ST. LOUIS Committeeman and Two Clerks Charged -with MatllatlnaT Poll Hook and cglect of l)nt), ST. LOL'IS, Nov. 2. An Indictment charging mutilation of the poll books was issued toduy by the grand Jury against Frederick Heldocker. republican city cen tral committeeman in the Ninth ward. As soon ns Heldeckcr was informed that an haJ ei,.lioned uo tho police that he would ,,urrender himself. Indictments were also returned by the grand jury ugalnst J. H. Hlbbard, republican clerk In the Fourth ! precinct of the Fourth ward, and Frank lluCn,,!" democratic clerk in the same pons. eiiHrgniK iieKieci in utii.i, uiui linainei Dr. H. C. Grosby, charged with having mude a false affidavit. All three were taken Into custody. The grand Jury is sued a public statement today to the ef fect that nothing would bo left undone to make a thorough, nonpartisan Investi gation of alleged election . frauds and to Indict offenders. ' NEW ROADS T0NEW ORLEANS Three Hnnsa City Line Are Planning- Extension to the Crescent City. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 2. Tin Star today! says: "Three railroad lines centering in Kansas City are actively seeking an en trance to New Orleans. They arc the Kan sas City Souther", the Missouri. Kansas .fe Texas and tin Atchison, - -Topcka 61 Santa' Fc. A dispatch from New Orleans says that ai rangoments are pending for the Joint use of the Louisiana Railway & Navigation company, a line recently completed between Hhreveport and New Orlean.t by the Mis souri, Kansas & Texas and thu Kaifsas City Southern railroads. It Is understood ulso (that a survey Is being made for the pur- 'pose of connectlnc the Santa Fe with this railroad." League with the Railroads m. a. oaaiEL. MHMI . .... r.J kZ-v.;.-w': , . rantt-'T ... C4tt '- e-,"d CEITRAl CCXXITTEE r w LINCOLN. NEBRASKA ia A HijoU ... (.aWaaLL -W AMLVMT . ..Hi,. Lincoln, Nebr.. 00. 19, 190&. .truly. Chalmaa. LETTER. PEARY FAILS TO USD POLE Expedition, BoweTor, Ifake New Record for lUit Northerly Foiat Reichd. OPEN WATER DELAYS SLEDGE PARTY Brraknp of lee Destroys Caches and Kxplnrrr Drift Steadily Kant, ward Dog Are Kites on Retarn Trip. NEW YORK. Nov. 2. -The I'nlted States now holds the reeord of "farthest mirth,',' 87 degrees, 6 minutes. This feat was ac complished by Commander Robert K- Peary of the Ciilted 8tates navy. The Intrepid Arctic explorer failed' to roach 'the north pole, an he had confidently hoped to do with his socially constructed vessel tho Roosevelt but he penetrated nearer the polo than the duki' of the Abbruzzl's ex- I peditlon, which had held the Arctic record, M degrees, Si minutes. What Comnisnder Peary did and his experiences during the past year In the frozen north arc rather briefly but certainly vividly summarized In n communl(!ation received tonight by -Herbert L. Brldgeman, secretory of the Peary Arctic club. Commander Penrj's Message. This uonimuiiication follows: HOPEPALK. Labrador (via Tnillingate, N. F.. Nov. 2.) Herbert L. Brldgeman; Roosevelt wintered on north coast of i t.raniland. somewhat north of the Alert wlnt'-r quarters. Went north with sledges In February, via Heckla and Columbia. Delayed by open water between 84 nnd Si i degrees. Jteyond 85 degrees six days. Gale i disrupted lee nnd destroyed caches, cut off communication with supporting bodies und drifted due cast. Reached S7 degrees, 6 minutes, north latitude over lee, drtfttiiR steadily eastward. Returning, ate eight doits. Drifted eastward; delayed by open water; reached nort h const of Gianthind In straitened condition. Killed liniskoxeii and returned along Greenland const to ship. Two supporting parties were driven on tiie north coast of Greenland. One rescued by me In a starving condition. After one week's recuperation "n the Roosevelt, sledged west, completing north coast of Granlland and reached other land nee.r looth meridian. Homeward voyage, inces sant buttle with ice. storms and head winds. Roosevelt magnificent Ice lighter nnd sea boat. No deaths or Illness on ex pedition. PEARY. Peary Is (omlna Home. After furnishing the Associated Press the contents of Commander Peary's report, Mr. Brldgeman said tho receipt of any news frcm tho explorer now was quite a surprise to him, because he had supposed It had become too late in the season for Com mander Peary to send news of hlH venture. Mr. Brldgeman addod that the message spoke for Itself,, and that as he did not know any more of tho results of Com mander Peary's efforts to reach the polo than the public did he could hardly com ment on the rilspntc)i. There was little doubt, ho said, that Commander Peary was coming home. This seems to be borne out by the routing of tho dispatch. Hopedalo or Hoffenthal is a Moravian mission sta tion on the east coast of Labrador. Twil llugato Is a port on the cast coast of Newfoundland. Mr. Brldgeman said tho ; message was probably mailed by Com I mander Peary from Hopedale to the most accessible cuhl? point. . Start f Expedition. Commander lVury's- polar steamship,- rh Roosevelt, left New York on Us long Journey in smirch of the north pole July l, . irG. The Roosevelt was built In Maine and came down to Now York, where it was re fitted before starting. The vessel, for which funds were furnished by the- Arctic club of New Y'ork, was designed bj- Naval Archi tect William Wlnant particularly for arctic, exploration. It cost about 1100.000. The 1 (Continued on Fourth Page.) Deuiocratie Editor Speak Out. Special Dispatch to the World-Herald. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Feb. 8, W.l-At tho meeting of the Democratic Kditorial association this evening resolutions were unanimously adopted endorsing House Roll 171 and also the revenue measure, now be fore the Nebraska legislature. A special committee, of which C. J. Bowlby, editor of the Crete Democrat, was chairman and C. D. Caspar, editor of the David City Press, secretary, reported the following- We denounce tho attempt of too railway lobby to deoetvo tho pabUo with respect to House Boll 1T1, now pending before the Msbratka legislature, the same being a bill designed to require railroad companies to beat their Just proportion of taxation in cities of tho metropolitan class. lb attempt on the part of tha railroad lobby to make It appear through editorial., admittedly written by tho lebby and paid for by ths railroads, that this measure, if enacted into law, woold aCeet taxes to be paid by tho railroads for state, county and school purpose is Indefeasible aad deserves prompt aad vigorous rebnko at the hands of ail who believe that tho truth should bo knowa with respect to every publio mtasnro and who object to tho escape of taxation by tho railroads for state, county, city or school purposes. Wo believe it to bo tho duty of evsry democratic member of tho legislature to vote for Bouse atoll 171 and register bis protest In an an active way against tho at tampt of tho railroads to deceivo the peo ple, and through such deception escape their proportion of taxation. This resolution was thoroughly discussed nd was adopted by a unanimous vote of the sssoctalluu. Action of Democratic Editors. Tho World-Ii3ra!d congratulates the Dem. ucratlo fcditortal Association of Nebraska upou the adoption of a resolution endorsing House Roll 171 (providing for municipal taxation of railway terminals). Although tho railroad lobby la exerting its best ef forts to hoodwink the people with respect to this bill. It has failed to pull the woo( uvt-r the optics of the democratic editors ul this state. Tho democratic editors have taken tho correct position. It is to be hoped that thj suggestion they make to the members of the leglalatur will be adopted by at least ovtry democratic aid popullat member. Omaha World-lirld, ftbrtmrw , THE BEE BULLETIN. to recent ror ehraska Showers Sat- rile,. Snnriay Fair and Warmer. Page. I Bryan Write to Help Hearst. Panama Canal Prnjeet I tut. Peary Fall te Reaeh orth Pole. Army Officers Talk with the 1 tea. 8 Government to Aid .lap Stodent. Bryan Ignore the Allen Letter. 3 fi from All Tart of Nebraska. 4 Marqal Ito I to Leave ( arm. Rnaslan t'ampalaa I Now On. Tories Ylctorloa In London. ft Kml-rr of Kiss Menellk Here. U Woman In (lab and Charity. Note of Omaha Society. T Affairs at Sonth Omaha. Review of Current Llteratare. N How the Chinese Slip Over Border. W Commercial nrvlew of the Week. Sporting- Event of the Day. 1 Heroic Heed Done by Whnler. 12 Rig Scandal In Railroad Land. 1.1 Good Thin to F.nt Are Plentiful, t'orreapondent the People' Lobby 14 Editorial. 15 (ioaslp of the Pendlna Campaign. Banquet to He roe of Penre and War. In Legislator Who Stand for Plat form. 17 Financial and Commercial News. li Council Bluff and Iowa News. Temperuture at Omaha Yesterdayi Hour. Hen. Hour. Deu, ft n T 41 40 40 4 40 41 41 48 43 47 4H 4S 4H 1 11 47 111 M a. m... O a. m . . . 10 a. m. . . 11 a. in . . . ft m STEEL MEN FOR OPEN SHOP Maker and Erectors of Bridge and House Work Hold Confer- ' ence In New York. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The National Erec tors' association, comprising many manu facturers und erectors of steel structures, voted toduy to continue its contest for "open shops." -Among the concerns represented at the meeting today were the American Bridge company. Fennwvlvnnla Steel company, MeCllutock & Marshall, Phoenix Bridge company, Wisconsin Bridge company, Rlter & Con ley Manufacturing company, Pitts burg Construction ' company. Fort Pitt Bridge company, Hoyle & Iatterson com pany, 8. I. Mitchell. Illinois Steel company, Post & McCortl, Cooper Iron Works anil Milliken Bros. At tho conclusion of the conference, which lasied thieo hours, It was said that over tures had been received from both the international organisations of the House siiiiths' and the Brldgomen's unions snd from various loc;il unlbns l-eijuestlng the holding of a corferenco . at which the present state of trade, might be discussed. It was deckled to reject these overtures and to- re-use to hold such a conference. An oflicer of the association, who acted .s spokesman,- suld: At present the business of steel erection is on the open shop basis practically throughout the country. Tlvit bnsts wo are determined- to mntntntn,-The- meeting .de cided ui'imlmously to stand by the on shop and to reject nil overtures looking to the overthrow of the open shop. It may also be stated that the association will back on . th Illinois Kteel comnanv which ' is I building the great plant at Ourv, lnd , whero a hlrine whs oeciarvu on wetineeoay. Our meeting today was It. fact a sort nf love feast, held In Jubilation over the Miiceess of the tight we have made for the open shop We have won that tifrht nnd ut the meeting todnv we heard th detailed reports as to the progress aeeompusnea. METHODIST MISSION MONEY General Co'iuinlttee Appropriates !, . NHi,OlX for Work During Coming Tear. 1 IH'FFALO. Nov. 2. The general mission ary committee of the Methodist Episcopal rhurch hart decided to tlx the total sum to be appropriated for home and foreign missionary work for the coming your nt $l,t5(;.0i"0, this being about the amount con tributed by the denomination for mission purposes during the year ending October ill. Tho commission on consolidation of benev olences of the Methodist church, which was appointed at the general conference In Los Angelas in 1904. made a partial re port to the bishops today. Instead of six benevolent societies, the Methodist church will hereafter have only three. The board of education, the Sunday School union, the Methodist Tract society and the Fruednien'o Aid and Southern Kducatlonal society will be merged In a bourd of education, frecdmen's aid nnd Sunday schools, with headquarters In Cin cinnati. The Missionary society will be divided Into two section. The work of this so ciety In foreign fields will be directed by a board of foreign missions with headquar ters in New York. The home work of the Mllsonary society will be merged with the Church Extension society under the name of the board of home missions and church extension, with headquarters at Phila delphia. PENNSYLVANIARAISES WAGES Employes on East and West Systems to Have Advance of Ten Per Cent. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2.-The Publio Ledger tomorrow will say: The wage of all employes of the Pennsylvania railroad system on lines eust and west of Pitts burg are to be increased. Nearly 150.000 men will be affected. It is probable the Increnso will be effective December 1, but on account of the detail work to bo dono before a sweeping order 1 Issued, it may be later. The management Is considering a propo sition to grant an Increase of 10 per cent to all employes whose salary per month Is less than M. The monthly payroll of the system average SliMKJU.fJM), aud an in crease would meaa the additonal payment of 1,0)U,UC. The total number of employes on the com bined systetii affected Is about 133,66. MACHINISTS' STRIKE SETTLED Employes of Southern Railway Shops Will Return to Work Monday , Morning. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. The strike of machinist on the Southern railway, which was liiugurated recently for an Increase In wugeE, was t tied toduy. The men now on striko will return to their old positions on Monday morning. The wages offered by the company to the machinists prior to the strike are to apply from November 6 and the rompany's pniosltlon to arbitrate the difference between the ax ale und the demand ot uiilforiu apprentices hag been accvpU'd, BIG TALK WITH UTES Army Officers Tinlly ffenrs a Coiferosro with Iudiaas. NO AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REACHED YET General Opinion tbatUtos Will Coutnt to Itturn Eomi. PROMISE OF RATIONS DURING WINTER Zuildinci en 0. W. Stnoh Nsnhwoit of SutricUn Burned by Utot. CHIEF APPAH DEPOSED BY THE BAND Change Is Said te Have Been Made After a Stormy Council the .Members of tha SHERIDAN. Wyo., Nov. 2.-(8peeiai Telegram.) A private messenger, arriving at Arvndit from the conference between the Vtes and officer of the Tenth and Sixth cavalry, reported tho powwow still In session ns he left, with the chances ap parently favorable for nn agreement on tho part of the Ctes to return to t'tsh. Rep resenting the t'tes are Chiefs Red Cap, Ponnap nnd I'nknnrkln, who frequently withdrew and talked over matters out ot range of the soldiers. The I'tes have been offered transportation to Utah and rations for the winter. The white chief ajso prom ised to tnko up the matter of finding them a suitable hunting ground next spring, but the Utes could not be made to understand whnt taking It up meant. They wanted a definite promise. Chief Black Wlilskere refused to attend, .saying his plnce was at the head of tho tribe. The I'tes held a big dance and pow wow before the chiefs left for the con ference and tho matter was evidently thoroughly discussed. Should the confer-" ence fall to reach an agreement it Is thought tho t'tes will make an attempt to reach the Sioux reservation . to the oast, having evidently given up the Idea of makr Ing tho Cheyenne reservation In the face of military now stationed west of thqm. Tho Ute Indians, now almost too strong, with 1,100 ponies, are still camped on Llttlo Powder river, thirty-flve miles northeast of Moorhcad. A messenger who arrived today at Arvada talked with Chief Unkaskia, who said: "Snow comes; wo go to see Sioux pretty soon. Cheyenne come not now." A courier is , momentarily expected at Arvnda with tho news of tho result of the conference between the I'tes Hnd Colonel Rodgors and Major Grierson. Indians have set fire to the. buildings on the "O. W." ranch on Hanging Women creek, fifty miles northwest of Sheridan, according to a report received over the telephone front Blrney this morning. Thu owner, J. B. Kenncdlck, Is said to be at the ranch, which Is one of the largest in this part of tho country. That a buttlo between Cheyenne and troops was fought, as toM by a dispatch purporting "to be from Ashland, Mont., is ' absolutely denied this morning by under Colonel Augur leaving Blrney at o'clock this morning for Ashland. The Fort Kcogh troops are patroling tho Tongue river valley between theso two points and have not reported seeing any Cheyennes. The report is also denied by a newspaper correspondent at tho front. . Chief Appah of tho Utes has been stripped of his authority by a council of the trlbo and Black Whiskers Is now chief, aided by Rod Cap. The chango Is said to have been the result of a stormy council and the for mer Ute chieftain was deposed becauss ho favored a powwow with soldiers. It Is un derstood that tho government scout, Amer ican Horse, has arranged' tor a powwow this afternoon, but It Is not knowu what Indians will attend. ' Report 1 Questioned. A correspondent In the field, denies posi tively reports that there has been a clash between tho Cheyennes and soldiers. Fort Keogh troops are patrolling Tongue river valley between Blrney and Ashland and have not een any Cheyennes. Colonel Auger left Blrney today for Ashland. Re ports of the burning of a ranch building at the "O. AV." ranch are not credited. The Uto chief Appar Is reported deposed by his tribe because he favored . pow wow with the troops. It was said he was supplanted by Black Whiskers and Red Cap, who favor union with the Cheyennes and offering resistance. American Horse, an Indian scout employed by the govern ment, aill take part In a conference be tween soldiers and Indians this afternoon. Capture of Wagon a Myth. Officials at army headquarters in Omaha discredit th report that one of the supply wagons hauling commissary stores to tho troops operating against the Indians had been captured by the t'tes. Headquarters Is in direct communication with the troops. Captain Wlldman Is with Colonel Augur and hie command of the Eighth cavalry, and Colonels Rodger with the Sixth cav-c-lry and Major Grierson with the Tenth cavalry have Joined forces. Advlcss re ceived from the latter commands by tele graph are to the effect that the Indians arc quiet and not committing any depreda tions, nor have they dono eo, except wher a few bucks have killed two or three head of cattle. A conference was to have been had witii the Indiana,- posallily Friday, and they ale disposed to treat with the military. The Utes are not to bo considered as a war purty, from the fact they have their fuiiillles with thorn and are merely out on a . hunting expedition. Indian raiding par ties do not go on the warpath or u raid with their squaws and children accompany ing them. The entire body of Indians is now encamped on the Utile Powder, und no effort is being made by them to wander away, except for an occasional hunt In tha j near vicinity of their camp. ' The story' of the capture of the wagon ' load of supplies Is thought to have oiie, Jinated from the telegraphic inquiry regard ing the exact location of one of the wagons that was enroute to Major Orierson's com. muii'l, which, it ; thought, had been dl- Register Today. Ia older to vote at the coming elec tion and at subsequent primaries, every elector . In Omaha aud houtli Omaha niuit appear personally before. I lie registration board for Ills voting district and have liU nanio properly enrolled. Ni previous registration huldt good tills year. Saturday, .No vember il, is the last registration Uy In order to tote You Must Register.