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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
TIIK OMAHA' DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, -1006. - - . . 1 s ra crz-rac. ..,.yj lii Lru-gs ,.i,.i.ia , ',' :: irrirj ESKrssaviMi''Ja.M. Ji-r;: Lm&.'x , v -Cm " "- F :;:- y Our Drag OMAHA'S GREAT CREDIT EMPORIUM.!:: Announces tho greatest sal of Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats ever held in the city.. "We' have bought from fctrouse Brothers of Baltimore, makers of America's finest ready-to-put-on clothing, their entire sample line of Suits and Overcoats. Remember, no tailor in the west will fit you better than will a product of these famous custom tailors. Our Drug Sundries Stock Will Be Complete Saturday lAILOR-MADE OVERCOATS On Sale Wtl ItiiMm W0?l&i)$ y i.4 J IP: I ik ! Y-7 t $ f t Vac, 1 WOMAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY Tha Needlework guild has announced No vember 16 and 16 as the dated for ita an nual collection and distribution of gar ment. Kountio Memorial church has granted the use 'of Its parlors for the two days, ' The collection of garments will be made Thursday.-the 16th. and the thing will be out for inspection all day Friday when the apportionment will be mode. The annual meeting of the society will be held at the church Friday morning, and. In, the afternoon tea will, be .served and an In formal reception held. Mrs. Thomas Kil patrick Is - president of the society, this being her second term. The guild Is one f the most worthy charities of the city. The contribution " of '.two . new gsrments each year. is the only fee or obligation of members and there are no meetings ex ' eept of the officers ,and the annual meet ing., , Tha- garments are collected, sorted and ; then distributed . among the various ' charitable Institutions of the city, accord ' iiig o "need. ' Any one wishing to contribute ' may bring or send two new garments to Kountze Memorial church Thursday, No vember 15, and all Interested are. invited to attend the meeting Friday morning and the tea and display of garments that 'after noon. The social science department of the Woman's Club Is planning some interest ing programs for the winter. Next Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev. Robert Bell will talk of co-opcratlvo work and day nursing. Dean Beechcr will talk of the co-operative tenement system. Mrs. Albright, superintendent of the Nebraska Industrial School for Girls at Mllford. will be tee guest of the department and will speak of tho work of that Institution. She w'.ll alto speak of tho recent attempt to combine the Home of the Friendless at Ll.icoki with the Milford Institution. This 'a!it Is mod by request of the Omaha vc-men that they may be Informed regard ing th objection to such a combination. Miss Anr.ii Ulchop will sing. Following Is the much discussed extract from the edStorlid by the editor of the in lepi Black Splotches All Over Face Produced Severe Itching Year's Treatment by Physicians Did No Good and Became Despondent Affected Parts Now Clear as Ever Alabama Lady's CURE BY THE .. CUTICURA REMEDIES "About four years ago I me afflicted with black splotches all over my faca and a few covering my body, "which produced severe itching irritation, and which caused me great deal of annoy- ure and guttering, to'Jch an extent that I was furred to call iu two of the Uuduig physician. of my town. Aiter a thor ough examination of the dreaded com plaint they announced it to he cWin ecienia in its worst form. They treated nie for the same for the length of one year, but the treatment did me no good. "Finally I became despondent and decided to discontinue their services. Shortly afterwards, my hubband in read ing a copy of a weekly New York paper taw an advertisement pf the Cuti ur Remedies. - He puchaied the en tire outfit, and after using the contents of the first bottl of Cuticura Kesolveut iu connection with the Cuticura Soap and Uiatment, the breaking out entirely stopped. I continued the use of the' Cuticura Remedies for six months, and after that every eplotch wan .entirely Roue and the affected parts were left as clear as ever. I have not felt a symp tom of theecsama since, which was three years ago. . "The Cuticura Remedies not only cured me of that dreadful diaen&e, eeaema, but other complicated trouble as well: and 1 have been the means of ethers being cured of the aame disease by the Cuticura Remedies, and I djQ t hesitate in saying that the R solvent ie the beet blood medicine that the world h ever known." Linie E. Sledge, 540 Jones Ave., CM.2. 1W5. rlma, A! h- d ir.rvujn.tut tfc wor!4- Cutknn fc.ip. ffee. Oiai. tut, hav.rot, c. i m fcm.i 4 'i. rnf I'. 41 u(1 i AM. f or- jlr 'lvt-. buri u. .m wr- kl rr.. -Tu. ru;i. oi tM tvL PW M but if0f4.W4 ttWllMb ECZEMA Bears the Strouse Brothers label stays right after you wear it. select from.' Not a single coat worth less than $22.50, and from to $30.00 perfection in fit and WB ARE PLEASED TO EXTEND . HE CALVERT SACK SUIT YOU A liberal Reaches the acme of tailoring -.. perfection. Not orm made to 3) f VV j j j sell for less than $30.00-65 U i L3 UdJ U Li sample suits, yourQ H 1 Cfl choice 0 I UU ow ahy TIRM1.TQ SUIT Saturday fa ' HOPKINS SACK BUSINESS SUITS Has all the style and elegance of That have every appearance and the merchant tailor's best pro- I. all the style of tho $15.00 suit duct; must be 6cen and tried ' found in most stores will be on appreciated Q A f on sale Saturday at Q i Q samples worth: up V I ft the very low price , M I 11 to $27.50-Sa turday. . 1 of Ask the Salesmen to Show You 1 North American Review, In which he ad vocated the enfranchisement of women: Vr the numoses. therefore, of nmifyln the ballot, of establlshine: and maintalnlns; loftv standards rb to the qualifications re milred of candidates for public office, . of elTectlns; nn evMier dlstrllnuion ot ern liifts. of provldlns: a heavier buiance of diM. interestednefs and conservatism fltralnst irreed and radicalism, we reiterate the ex prvwMlon of out firm belief that universal suffrsite has now become not only desirable, but a-imost a paramount necessity. A home for working; g-trls was the eliief topic before the meeting of the lsw York City Federation of Women's Clubs ut its recent meeting;, and out of her eiperienc-e Mrs. Clarence- Burns made the following slirniflcant statement: Thn t1-a-week pirl Is hopeless. You can't do anything; for her without Injuring- the whole 'class of working; women, for If you should start a home for her the employers would t once lower her watre She doen't live very long any wav, but soon becomes it public chunrev It's the grtrls who earn $7 a week 17 down to $3 that we want to try to help. , . November 12 has been set for membership day for the Young; Women's Christian' atwo ciatioi and every ' effort will be made to Bring; In every Interested woman and se cure ..renewals of -expired memberships by that date. "While expirations are occurring every day, the membership secretary Is sending; out notices and urging; renewals, but thero are still many who have not re sponded, and these are especially urged to renew by November VI. The local chapter, P. E. O. society, will hold its meeting- Saturday afternoon at t!:e home of Mrs. Herbert H. Neat, frffl South Twenty-ninth street. It will be a social afternoon and Miss Kate McHugrh will give a lecture. . KISSANE ' CATCHES BURGLAR Kaba Mil Jast lie 1 In Oat Throaah I Crawl- Hearing auspicious noises coming; from the basement entrance to a barber shop at Thirteenth and Douslaa streets shortly after midnight Friday morning, Patrolman Klssane .made an investigation and camn upon a man Just emerging from the in rlde through a hole in tne window. Taking fast hold of his man, Kissane led him u the police station, where several raaorfl, scissors, conilMi, clippers and an alarm clock were taken from his pockets. Asked how he came by tho goods, the prisoner said: "I got locked up in the place while asleep mid had to get out some way. If you got locked up like that, wouldn't you take the things just as I did?" Captain Mostyn could not agree with him 4hat such was the proper con duct, and he was , therefore locked 'up as u burglar. He gave his name as Robert Weber and also as William of De catur, Neb. Interesting developments have arisen since the arrest of Weber. The proprietor of tlio shop went to the ponce station wut :) a., m. una ldentinea tne sioien articles, but said tho caah drawer had been broken open and 40 stolen. Frank Walker, the porter, wis axlet-p in tho store, but did uot hear the burglar and was sound , asleep when Omecr Klssane arrived, and . 'uhen the report of the loss of the money T ;ia ma le suspicion rested on Walker. Friday morning Detective Maloney ar- rested Walker In a saloon where he was spending money with a lavish hand and wkk in the throes of a superfine champagne HUtte of intoxication. He had bought two lKjttles of tlie Hit water for his friends and w hen I searched at the station only $13. 60 wus found on his person. Walker In-, Hst8 he u Innocent and said lie was tha jH)ttfCir of a large bank account, hut it s believed tliat the story Is only the ef fects of the wine. ZALINSKI HAS NOT HEARD Quartermaster General Receives u Information Officially of His Reported Transfer. Inquiry at the office of tho chief quart -master. Department of tho Missouri, In ref erence to tho rumor that Major M. O. Zal-Jaiid lnskl was about to "be transferred frcm Omaha to Washington -dxVflopa the fact ' that no such information haM yet been ceived at uruiy luadquarlera In Omaha. The first Intelligence of tha propotied transfer of Major Zaliimkl to Watjilngtou was given in the Washington dispatch to The Bee Friday morning. Nothing further is known of tne maiier at army neadquarteif . , Light oa Uark Places. After iiianr diys of waiting upon the circumlocution and red tapu departments of the government, workmen hav at last Kut to work putting in new full plate-glu (ransoms over the main fcixteeulii street utraufts doting of the posti.ttiee buihllng. T)i i w iruiaoms. lake (lie place of the l;Ule. narrow flits of glass thai were aup Iom'1 to do duty for rtinl il;hting tlie mam eorrl.lir since the buiMmg dmi reei'. Tha n-w lniprovemeni will hai Hie .'I. i t IX lllal.-rkllly bl IK hteiilng up tllO daik lublty and ill bn hii iinuieiihe tiavir.g in ga and el.'.lrli. bills tit tha lighting ol lUo lot by. .1 ..' 60 buiidjy jUn.aer liargalu .No. li, fuge 13 looks right when you buy it; Fourteen different styles to in this lot rt rfl Jlit than on up y 1 JjU style, guar- j t One of These Great Values jf J't! sag- NOTES CD OMAHA SOCIETY In honor of Mrs. Ieroy Taylor of New York and Miss Kldtldge of New York, who are visiting Mrs. W. O. Gilbert and Miss Hlgglnson. Mrs. J. H. Pratt gave a de lightful dinner Thursday evening. Bridge followed the dinner, the prises being won by Mixs Ella Mae Brown and Mr. Stockton Heth. The guests were seated at three small tables, prettily decorated with red roses, fairy lamps and white tapers In crystal candlesticks, while the places were marked , by dainty little water-color fig ures. Palms and red roses were also used about the rooms. Those' present were: Mrs. Taylor, Miss Eldrldge, Miss ITlggin son. Miss Klla Mae Brown. Mrs. Ella C. Nash, Mr. Earl Gannett. Mr. Joe Baldrige, Mr. Harry Tukey, Mr. Stockton Hctli, Mr. Lawrence Brlnker, Mr. Jerome Magee. Mr. snd Mrs. W. CX Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. YV. B. Meikle and Judge and Mrs. Vlnsonhnler. Mrs. T. , Zj. 'Combs entertained the Marrhionette club at luncheon Thursday at her home, 460 Dodgo street." The table wis lovely, with a long centerpiece of red chif fon prettily draped, -over which pprayii of asparagus fern were scattered, while un derneath many tiny red Incandescent lights glowed through, giving a fairylike effect. Red-shaded candles in nilver caiidiostlrka were aluo used and the lights of tho chan delier were shaded In red. The Hallowe'en 'dca prevailed in the menu and the place were marked with novel little Jack-o'Iantern cards, on the top of which was a red Imp. Covers were laid for Mrs. Walter Bllxt, Mrs. W. Morris McKay, Mrs. J. P. Cooke, Mrs. Reynolds Barnum, Mrs. Thomas Fell, Mrs. A. Jl- Workman. Mrs. R. V. Trim ble, Mrs. Clarence Rosa. Jr.; Mrs. Paul Patton, Mrs. K. O. Hamilton, Mrs. A. S. Pinto. Mrs. John Ross, Jr., and Mrs. Combs. Iu honor of Miss Marlon Connell and her guesu), the Misses Eckhart, Bowen and Carey, Mrs. Nathan Merrlam and Miss Merriam gave a pretty luncheon at the Omaha club Thursday. Tlio table was dec orated with American Beauty roses and floral cards marked the places of Miss Bowen. Misa Carey, Miss Kukhart, Miss Marion Connell, Miss Helen Davis. Miss Marion Hughes, Miss Ruth Moorhead, Miss Mabel Marr, Miss Mona Kloke, Miss Pal. terson of Denlson, la.: Miss Frances Wes sells, Miss KlUrlge of New York, MIks Laura Congdon, Miss LouUe Van Gieaon, Miss Hortense Clarke, Miss Mildred Mer rlam and Mrs. Men-lam. One of the enjoyable Hallowe'en affairs of the week was tho party given by ' the gymnasium committee of tho Young Wo men's Christian, association to the nwm bera Thursday evening. It was a mas uuerada and many novel and pretty cof tums were worn, while others wore the most grotesque and lik'lies: they could . ' " 7 'ah'.n' lhrf pr w're, iven- tb P'1" 'or the most artlstio brlnv awaided to - " """ wis. oor.nson oiesseu ax a country woman, won the prize for gro- goneness, ana jisa tiara Ady. dieted " " ""!'". "'c or mo most unique. The evening opened with a grand inarch, afUr hich musical "mbers by the Mioses c-n Hallowe'en games were en- J"- ' iuoiiuj were prettily aecorated '( Merriam. Art. Haynes. Katzensteln, wltl ,eJ nu 'hlto bunting and wany!I(,loy Larson. Wlil Haynes. Charles Whit" .Jack-o'huitern. and the Hallowe'en Mea,,,, Kd iW90n. wa al carried out in the refreshments, j The Kt A Vlrp club gave its second dance The members of tha gymnaHlum commit- ; Tliursday eeiilng at Chamleis'. ' Abo'Jt j tea who planned the affair wero Wins Edith nI:y cuuiie were present and enjoyed a leaker, .Miss Gertrude McDowell. Miss ; i-ng program of dances. Anna jnnun. - miss .ora r uirenjid. m:ss Florence Denin and Miss F. Marion Crit- Mi,g jura Congdon gave a pleasant In-1 nrst street, was arrested Friday ufi.r tenden.: ... y ii.iIa' Thnrsitav uPt.m.n in I noon bv Detectives Ferris and lltinn on A urelty buffet Junchepn for alaiut thirty guests was given by Mni. Casper B. Yot Thursday. Tha rooms wore attractively decorated with " cut flowers. American Beauty rosea being used In the library, while the table wa adorned with a center piece of white chrysanthemums and ferns tut glass candlesticks with green and llver shade. Mrs. E. M. 'Morfman and Mrs. Guy C. Barton pitsid'd ut the table re-land assisting were airs. C. E. Lyman. Mrs. ttourke and Mrs. M. T. Rurlow. It C. T. Euchre club was enlei tained at luncheon Thursday by Mrs. A. W. Wernher at her home. Ilia South Thirty - second street. Mrj. E. W. Arthur and Mrs. n- '- 'uu" "" t the priret. Those present were: Mrs. P. 1. MiCrath, Mrs. J. E. Myers, Mrs. A. Mrlib- ner, Mrs. E. W. Arthur, Mrs. N. F. Reck. . .. r xiwm ; . Tr . . . ouua ntl4tmtli KKJltUI. 70S OVEB SilTT TgARS. MBS. TCBSlOBrS SOOTXZVa STB1TP. ks m ir e.r siXTf TSAas t MiLJioi l MOTHkHS lar CHlLDRgN WriiLe IkSiM Lmj, una rtRHii btiiiM. it mwIUIi ue tHILD. bonN tb., ALLAY ut fAij, rih.. i:.u tuliu a4 u iu m raMi ii liiAUSHoaA iMd t tw-UkSIS 4A StSTf pt Ik. mi. a sura ut M. tmt UI6. VlXSlA"a SOUTHING SYRlf Saturday We Open Oar For the first time. Housekeepers nre specially invited to visit Palo at prices that will astonish the most critical buyer. Our Bedding are now on sale, as well as a most complete stock Every day the values grow greater and the customers more numerous. As a special inducement to those who have not vlnlted our millinery department wo will give free with every Five Dollar Hat purchased Saturday a beautiful fancy hat pin. Remember these nre not cheai affairs, but something every lady will prize highly. They sell tho world over at fifty cents and some stores at seventy-five. They ko free Saturday with every hat purchased at $5.00 OUR TWO FIFTY UATS These hats have the style and appearance of hats shown elsewhere at double the price an exquisite array of styles to select from; Saturday at S52.50 SOME STARTLING SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ALL DAY. $1.25 12-inch ostrich plumes, all colors 70 50c 10-lnc.h ostrich plumes, all colors 21 75c silk and velvet roses, three in a bunch ;.. .37 50c bunches roses, all colors 10 . 60c jet, steel, gilt and rhlnestone ornaments. 10 25c children's capB, all colors 10 Buckrum frames If) SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS FROM 7 TO 10. . $1.50 soft felt hoods, in the Peter Pan shapes SOO fcJ.OO TRIMMED 'HATS AT $l.O0 A special lot of ladies' and misses' three dollar; hats; will go Saturday night SI. 00 EXTRAORDINARY VALUES OF PRETTY NECKWEAR at unusual low price fancy lace and embroidered stocks, linen collars and trimmed stocks, 25c to 50c values all go Sat urday, 7 to 10 10 Domestic Bargains JTow on Sl la Our Baaamant Sales. room. The heat quality of Outinsr Flannel's both llKht and dark pattern, worth T'ii', Saturday only, a yard So JUmnmtt of Dmi nnaeJtto, worth 10c a yard, Saturday only, a yard l60 BOO Pairs of 10-4 Blaakots, in' taii,i pray and white,, worth 69o a pu'.i; Saturday only, a pair 43o roll Cottoa Blanket, extra heavy quality worth $1.00 a pair. Saturday only a pair 8to Spocial In Woolon Blanktta Full size Kray Woolen Blankets, reg ular 5.00 quality, Saturday only, a rati- 3.9S All Wool Taney Plaid Blankets, a very soft, tine quali'y. worth fi.fn a pair, Saturday only, a pair. 13.00 Pull Sis Comforts, tilled with a tiro white coton and covered with nilko llne. worth l-35. Saturday only. each '. . i 9Uo X.arr Siio Comforta, tilled with whlto i-otton, covered with a Rood Bilko llne. worth $1.95, Saturday only, curli l'60 X.arff Sliod Comforta, tilled wiih lamb's wool, covered with a very tine quality of ntlkoline and notttA with baby ribbon, worth 4.5u, Sat urday only, each... BARGAINS IN HOUSE FURNISH INGS IN OUR BASEMENT SALESROOM In Houso Pumlahing' Bapartmsnt Choica of tho Pollowlnj- Artioloa at 3o achi Jju-a Shelf Paper, worth Bo a roll. Heavy Wire Kgg Beaters, worth to .each. Wire Cloak and Coat Hangers, wovth Co. ' Abbcstos Stove Mats, Sc. Mrs. P. H. Ji!.esel!, Mrs. Willis Todd. M. Reed Talmrige. Mrs. J. B. Rahm and Mrs. Wernher. The club will meet Thursday, November 15, with Mrs. E. W. Arthur. An enjoyable cobweb party was given by Miss Minnie Haynes at her home. Sfio Corby Wot. Wednesday evening.. Games were j lhfl B1.,UMeracnt of the ewn)ns and tyrk.H, ! jjan owe en refreshments were served. Those present were: Misa Clara Kurta of Chicago. Miss lUanfhe Quick, Mlfs Alllo Marshall, Miss Harriet Merrinni, Miss Ella Webster, Miss Iiura Hunkley, Miss A U Roberta, Miss Dot Merriam, Miss Ella Chriblman, Miss Minnie Haynes; Mesars. !tJU.n 0gd-?'n. Glen Haynes. Walter Lyman compliment to several young women who are vlnltlng here. Mr. Fred Hamilton entertained at dinner ut the Omaha club Tuesday evening In honor of Misa Roo of Kansas City, the guest of Miss Ixjinax. and afterwards they were tho guests of Mr. Frank Haskell at the Boyd thiater. The party included Miss Roe, Miss Lomux, Mrs. Ella C. Nash, Mr. Fred Hamilton, Mr. Frank Haskell and Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Bunif. Mrs. Haigeus of Hot Springs, S D. ; Miss M.uie Moliler, Mr. tjould Ilet and Mr. J. E. tieorpre wera the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ! k. j. McVann at dinner at the Omaha club Uion,lay evening. jj,,,. fallen Switzler gavo a box party , M,,.t.r Ti,rf.,. f, ,,,.on in honor of Miss Hoover of Waahlns-. ..... r. I Id th. tilMl fit Vr. v i. I , . Hoowr, Miss Lltta Rohrbough, Miss Julia ,, . 11;. t -.r 1. . v. .11 swltxlcr and Mrs. gwlttler Mr. and Ms. K. J. McVauu and chlldivn will leave Hatnrday for Mason City, l.i., to sp nd a few days. The I-. liouiaiuo club was plantly en tertained Weduesdsy evening by Mki Joe l,j nuiu a.1 her home, V. Si.'Utll Fllty-ftikt Hats Trimmed Free Joyous News From Our Mammoth Bargain Millinery Section Saturday Our Gergtous Trimmed Hats at FREE FREE Fancy Hat Pins FREE Saturday With Kvcry $5 lint HANDKERCHIEF BARGAIN Ladies' Irish linen convent embroidered ' initial unlaun dered handkerchiefs, worth 10c each Saturday, 7 to 10, . each ... ..... x,. Six for 25c and only 0 to a customer.' Wire Soap Pishes, worth Be. Nickel-plated ftovc Lid Lifters, worth 6c JkXA AT 30 SACK. Tha Following- Artlolss at 8o Sacht Por tha Bath Boom-18-lnch Nickel Plated Towel Racks, Nickel-Plated Tumbler Holders, Nlckel-Platod Boap Dishes, Toilet Paper Holders, also Tin Painted Cuspidors 7 inches hi diameter, 'Brass Extension Cur tain Rods and Rotary Flour Sifters, all at,, each.... , 9o Choice of Thsaa Xtema lot , 2Sn Wash Boards, 12-lnch Turkey Feather Dusters, 35c Nickel-Plated Trays. Nickel-Plated Scissors from 0 to 9 inches long, 11-Iucli Ste.l Butcher Knives, all at, each 19c China and Crockery Bargains in Our Basement Salesroom Fancy Odd and Decorated China Sauc ers, would be worth up to $1.50 if we had cups to match, French, Ger man and Japanese, Saturday hi, each 60 This lot at So Sacht Two large tables of Fancy China Cups' and Saucers, Plates, Trays, Shaving Mugs, Platters. Fruit Pishes and other fancy articles worth up to !5e, all go at, each ' 9a At Bo Nice Individual Glass Flower Vases, inches high, at 6c Two large im portsr'a Unas of sam ples of Pancy China and Out Olajs at one-third lssa than regular prices. Jardinlaraa Special values at 49o, 76c and 950, street, the occasion being In celebration of the first anniversary of the club, and also In honor of Miss Efflve Levoy, who is soon to be married. C'HTds furnished the amuse ment of the evening, the prizes being won by Miss Sue RedPId and MIms taeihi 8haw, Hallowe'en refreshments wero served, the dining room being decorated with Jack-o'-lanterns, rd berries and autumn leaves. The members of tho club are: Misses Irf-voy, Chaw, Uonnell, Inez llonnell, Klopp, Allen. Winn. Iledtleld, Virgil Red Held, Mir ley, Lyman and Fay Lyman. MRS. STINEW00D ARRESTED Woman Charged with Grand Larceny as Seiuel to Flndlna of Poekebook. As a seijuel to the finding of a iurx containing $35 In bills and some 'ain'. diau coins by Nuthan Morton a lYw d.i;. .1 ago, Mrs. Mtlncwood, Zbli Norlli Thirty- tho charge of grand larceny. Nathan Norton found the purse mar Thirty-second and Ohio streets and it wan taken forcibly from him by Roy ttino wood son of Mrs. Btlnewood. The puido is lost by Mrs. Robinson, Till, ty-ihird and Miami ttreets, who did not report the loss to the police until she saw the account of Its being found in Tim Lee arid she is positive the purxe contuliied more than $J5 when it was lost. Tho detectives questioned Mrs. St i no wood as to the disposition of tlio money, but she asserted that it only contained 1') cents and the Canadian inula y, but recent heavy purchases of hou ho'.d goods by Mrs. riinvwood excited suspi cion on the part of tlie police. cuiuili!utin In her arresL PROJECTORS FROM COMPANY Macula aua Omaha Man Incorporate tu Ksplul OH and Mlulng; OftllUS, Tlie NibiiBki Oil mid Mining omnany has been Incorporated by several proiul nent business men from Lincoln and Oniuha. It is formed for the puipoee. (f developing ;'IU placer pelroleuiu t laiiiiS in III1 lloiu county, NV'junuiig. i'Uu (.ay" il $5.00 Blew Bargain Basement r this department. There aro thousanads of useful articles ou' Domestic, piece goods, Blankets, Comforts and all kinds of of Household Supplies. Visit our BARGAIN BASEMENT. - LAMES' NECK Fl'RS, Stocks, Tifi and .Throws In blended and natural squirrel, Rusxlan and Jap mink, southern Beaver, Sable and Coney bead trimming, satin lined, prices were (4.50 and $5.00. Satur day 7 to 10. at $3.03 LADIES' EYEMXG WAISTS Embroidered net, silk lined, short sleeves, three rows of lace insertion forming long shoulder and yoke, dainty lace collar and cuffs, $5.00 waists, Saturday 7 to 10, at . . $3.05 SHOE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY . Ladies $3.00 Shoes for $2.50 In patent colt, vici and gun metal, laco button and bluoher styles. Men's $3.00 Shoes for $2.50 In patent colt, vici and grin metal, single and double soles. Button. Laco and Blucher cuts. Hee window display on Howard St. front. Ladies' Black Mercerized Pettico&ts fMnch flounce, good full width, $1.00 quality Saturday at ....,50 ladies; short silk komonos Fancy Persian patterns, large sleeve, gathered yokes, plain silk trimming, regular $3.00 quality, at $3.50 LADIES UNION SUITS Heavy fleeced body, shaped, worth 35c and 89c a garment. Sizes 4 to 6 Special 7 to 10 Saturday -45 Sizes 7 to 9 Special 7 to 10 Saturday 65 Sales for Saturday in Linen Dept. 100 dozen Hemstitched Buck Towels, the best 120. quality, Saturday only, each lOo Unbleached Table X.lnn, 58 inches wide, good, drill quality, worth &0c . yard, Saturday only, yard 336 54-tnch . Palry Table Padding, worth 40c a yard, Saturday only, yard.800 All Our Plain Hemmed and PringeA Bed Spreads, worth from $1.00 up to $ii.50. that are slightly soiled, Sat urday, one-third off. Saturday's Special ' Sale of ladles' Boss. In plain Mack only, consists of gauzo lisle, flue combed maco cotton, plain and ribbed tops; heavy fleeced cot ton and tine wool Cashmere Hosa, black and split sole, worth COc a pair, Saturday's special, a pulr..35o Or three pairs for ..91.00 ladles' Underwear. Fine fleeced balhriggau Shaped Vesti, Drawers to match, ' French fitted belts, white and peeler, worth tioc a garment, on salo Saturday 50o i Tha Hew Belt, Shaped Uelts for ladles, In tho latest French dslgn for correct style made of walrus leather, dip front, curved over the hips, buckles iu the hack; colors, navy, brown and black, only , . .SOo Bargain Sale of High Grade Hackwear Saturday we will offer such bargains a have never bee shown on any neckwear counter. Pretty Henl Laco Stock Collars and Colored TanVt.i Silk Slocks, regular $1.00 and $1.70 values, and a big line of fancy trim med Wash Stocks, Lace Stocks and plain, neat Linen StoiAr, 5c to $1.00 values, all In this sale Satur day, your choice at 60o stock is $1,000,000 and $500,000 of the common stock Is exchanged for the rlaims. The board of- directors constels of E. R. Sizer, postmaster at Lincoln, U. W, Marsh, John Calhoun Fremont Mc Kimuii, John L. Xoble, William M. Mc Kay, H. M. Waring. The otllceis are: E. F. Pettis, president; W. L. Dayton, vlco president; H. M. Waring, secretary; M. J. Kcnuard, treasurer. Tho Incorpoiaiion papers tiled with County Clerk Haverly lire signed by Raymond V. Cole, William S. Felker, . M. McKay, E. 1. UtTIis and Oil. i O. Home. OWNER OF A FAMOUS RANCH James II. I auk, Whose Iiud Is l'reg uant with Koeail, Calls on .Mayor ' Jlut. James H. Cook, a prominent raiicliman and farmer, residing near Agate in Slo ir county, called Friday morning on his old friend Mayor Duhlman. Mr. Cook was in tlio muiktt with sixty li-year-old hlmk cattle which ho sold to tho fnivctjity of Nebraska experimental station, his uumli being thn choice of the market. It is on Mr. Cook's ranch thill the scl-cutitils- of tlie country have been worklp;? for three years unearthing what has developed into thn greatest fossil quarry In tlie world. Professors from I'nlvei slty of Nebraska. Andrew Carnegie unh erslry, Mnrshull Field inatitutu ami American Museuiii of NatuYal Helence have been laboring assiduously taking oul ami mounting the strange spcclmcna found beneath two liuttea on tho Cook ranch. The theory advanced by tlie scientists Is that whose rvmiilnn ha c bet n found were suddenly overtaken by a t!'d alsjut 1.0tn.i years ago, the date or tho month not being given. Mxeletotis of glai.t m.rrupiiH, kwlni- of muiiunolh proportions, three and lour-to'd horses, rlilnoceroe, 0'r and other forms of animals have been TT May, 1 aoo, Ayer's 6rsa aniia lias teen JH Jno T'VifTl ent,rtly 'ree ''om glcohol. If you arc in poor IV Jlll heglth, weik. ple, nervou. ask your doctor I about A J 1 f tive f- 1 ffl rl Get A. A.lKJI LvJL ,yf,k LADIES' SIfiK PETTICOATS Colors brown, tan, blue, green and light shades; ruf fled and pleated flonnoea with deep dust ruffle, $5.00 petticoats. Saturday 7 to 10, 'or 53.05 SATURDAY XTGHT SPTXTALS Children's fine ribbed lisle nd boys' heavy ribhod maoo cotton hose, fast black, worth 25c pair 7 to 10 Saturday only 15 NOBBY SILK .BELT 8 r-In plaids (the rage of f he. sea son) and Heavy Black Bro caded Belts and New Fancy Colored Kid, 50c values Sat urday, 7 to 10, each....25 GLOVE SPECIALS Beynier'a "lelia" Pranch Bid Gloves. . glace finish, in all tho suit shades, two-clasp wrist length tha priM winner at, a pair. .91.00 .Tha' Celebrated "Oortlandt" Mocha,,. , Gloves, silk lined, one-clasp wrist, black, a good, warm, serviceable glove our special, a pair,.... 91-25 long Gloves. Beynier'a "Slta" Houa- . - quit aire Glovasr 16-button length. ". made of the best glaoe French kid,'.' in grays, browu, tans, modes, whlta and black the only govs of its kind . In Omaha at, a pair. ........ .93.00) Golf Gloves and Mittens Knormous stocks of ladles' and chil dren's fancy and plain colored wor sted and mercerized Golf Gloves, X:0 ' to 75c values, our price, 60c, 3.riO and ,. SSo ladles', misses', boys' and Infanta fine Knitted Mittens, black, whita and reds, mercerized and worsted, special, a pair, 2Sc, 20c, 16c and. 10a Bargains for Men Sample line of Man's Sweaters to ba sold at about half regular value. Prices from $3.00 down to 9So Man's Camel's Hair Underwear, our $1.C0 quality, Saturday only.. 91. IS Men's Cashmere Balf Kose, regular 25c quality, Saturday, r six pairs for 91.00 Men's Outlnr Plannel Bight Shirts. special prices Saturday, $1.00, 76o and .60q found In ono bed ' beneath sixty feet of rock.. Mr. Cook mad o the discovery twenty-five years. ago, but did not attach any scientific significance until three year ago, thinking at first the bones were pf lndiaiiH. Prof. Barber of the I'nlvermty of Ne braska, has been working all summer on tha discoveries. WINT WILL G0 WITH TAFT Doth Will Make Toar of ArtrtJ Posts In Iovta. and Nebraska. I'pon tlie return of,' Secretary of War Taft during the next week General Wirt will accompany hlni on tho tour of inspection of tho posts in Nebraska. Feo. retary Taft's Itinerary will also include Fort lies Moines and possibly Fotts Omaha and Crook also. LOCAL BREVITIES. John W. Davis a merchant of RockviK. Pherman county, has filed his .voluntary petition in bankrupt! y In the I'nlie I States district court. Liabilities $2.Ui.'J.", H.tseta tl,j76.'j5. Roy H. Sherman, 413 North Eighteenth street, Oiniilm. and Arlen U Steele, of Kear ney have bi-en appointed cer.tilicil ruilwny postal clerks and are ifsslgncd to thj omaha district for duty. Thursday - was the first anniversary of the establishment of the Wcsilti lie Pre I'liblishing compaviy under tlie editorship and inanagement of otto Kliuiei. I'll company lias prospered under tho Iiimy iiio'H "111 'I. John Pnlviw. implicated In tie assaui upon Peter Kriszcunas iu South iiuin,, was sentenced to nlm-tv davs in id. county Jail by JuiIkm Sutton Friday utoi n Ing. Tlie assault was ilie r isult of trou ble ut a Ltihuanliin wtMldlng fat. Detetlve Mi Donaid Is luounilna: the lnt, of a valuable ster spaniel which wus stolen Thursday night by an uuid!ntilii d man who piiMbed the defective's limn. n buggy and carried off Hie pup. hl.-ii ran out to hark at the horse. Mr. Meix.nald gave cliaae hut was outdistanced by tin thief. taking this non-gleoholio tonic and alters- " he better medicine, take big. n" bet. always. Thi i our gdvlcc no ve i.o i,o is is.