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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1006. I"" ninnriri- nr n n r onr jqnruTrinjunX)jn.n 'I NO OTHER STORE ATTEMPTS TO SHOW SUCH ASSORTMENTS OR SUCH HIGH CLASS GARMENTS1 CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND DOYS. A Year Ago Today was the OA m Amy v X -;. i .... 4 MS mm f v ' mm! -m-iy . ;r( i ji ; HANDORGOOD GLOVES A glove's worth is tested by its ability to hold together some way or other we don't have any complaints must be we have good ones. Fownes $2 and $2.50 Perrins . . . . $2.25 Bacme ..... $1.50 And an unusual $ value at." (TAKES NOTHING FROM STATE jjfanicipal Taxation of B&ilway Terniiaah I Eoei Kt Eeliers Them of Other Burdeui. jpOPULIST BOLTS SHALLEN8ER6ER (tlaadqaartera of Both I'artlea Ha with FlaUblas Tearha of (he Campaign and Tblr Work i Altont Orr. (From a Stnff Cotresptnident XAtiCOtSi, Nov. 3. (Speclal.)--The r... publican poalMon on the aNsenxment of rait. Inad tarmlnali la too plain to b nJfopK' tulljr mUireprentel by thf democratic Mmmlttea and thrlr corporation nVim. Thu dpubllcan state platform state specifically fthat thera la no intention of changing- tb-j present revenue law Insofar un it relates to county, state and Kclionl tnxeK, but (In inanda that 'tha revenue law be a umendeil jthat railroad property within cities and Ellaicea ahall alao be asueased anoStaxed satne aa other property for city and frniaa-a purposes.' This. It seems to me, Is Bi clear and straightforward statement of the party's attitude on this n,utlon. Tlx-re ls no Intention to take a lienriy from the jlaxes paid by rllnads under the present S"avnu lave to any county or school di--(trlct. The propoaeil amendment is purely iampplemenUry to the present law. It will compel the railro.ids to jay taxes for inu (UlcipaJ purposes in addition to the vtHtc. ouaty and school levies that are now made jipon their property." ' The above statement was niado by W. H. toae, chairman of the rvpublK-un st:te com tnlttee, this afterno'in In answer to the charr rnude by Tom Allen. -t hHlrnmn of fha democratic state committee, that to tax Tilrod tetmlnuls for city pjrposes, would Va to take M,'iQ,0u worth or taxable prop rty from the state and give it to (Htm ha. iy the Allen article, which in an itlltoc-:il published In the Hlalr Pilot with an added Statement by Allen giving Kditor Williams a clean character, the democrat!! threw off the) mask and came out nt footed aa the allies of lh railroads. The democratic tat committee pa.d fur spacu in the 6tate IourDaJ In ordr to flaunt us cororuiion tJeup before the votera of the state. PesalUt Bolta Saalleaberarr. ' Jormer Lieutenant Governor J. K Hai ,rla, (.opullst la opposed to the election of ha)lenbeiger and he la oppoited to Q. M Hltcbcoi k brand of reform. He seta out .Ills views on these matters In the follow ing; letter received In Lincoln toduy: TALMAOE. Neb., Oct. Jl sly Dlr IBlr: Yottrs received. For the flrst tlu.u In more than forty years I have been In .doubt how to vote, fierne's defeat la con. (ventlon by the Omaha gaiia- of corpora tion democrsts has disgusted mc I While bhallenberger personally may be all right. 1 do not lias the crowd tht did lit. To" ' ot my Vt,rll-Herald. It d- ' aided Die. No populist having self-respect sjvlll support Hitchcock, and lliousuiids will cratch cihailatiberger for the scurrilous, mean thrust at W. A. Poynter. "Insane, Spineless." Indeed. The Omaha Kant; found poynters spine too Slid to beud to tbelr wishes. Hitchcock is a fine specimen of a re former. Bold a part of his paper to re publican committee to fight liol.omb and boons Tom Majors. If a man will sail his paper to the eiiomy, would he sell his vote s a congressman? iow I hope t"halleubergir will he de fvaied, I Wlii belp da it, because the NECKWEAR , The. pick of the Bcarf world's' production gath ered for your choosing pardon the 50c MUFFLERS Whether for every day or for evening wear, we have the thing you want at the price you want to puy 50cto$150 detnocratd deserve defeat. They sneer and lorlcle the iior.ulists while they have Mtolen thlr priiiciplea nnd have grown de fiant Hud almsive. In fact, here are no Issues. Populism has won Its place in th platforms of nil patties. It Is only a question of men who will tie true to party pledges. Wltn kindest personal regards to your self and family, I reniHln, yours, J. B. HARRIS. All ItiKllt In Fillmore. State Superintendent McTlrlen has re turned from a trip In Fillmore county and hack with hint the report that the republican ticket down there Is in good shape. Monday nlRht the campaign will close In that count:' with a blf? harmony meeting at Geneva, at which all 'actions of the party will Join hands and boost for the ticket. Mr. McBrlen expecta to attnd tills meeting. Finishing; lu auipaiaa. ' The omclala of the republican state com mittee are making a whirlwind finish of the campaign and the reports received from the various counties Indicate there is no doubt of republican siicces. The pollbooks are being returned to the committeemen and this Is about all the committee can da now until the finish except to urge- repub licans to go to the po'ls and vote. The poll of the state indicated the republican party Is aa strong ns usual, so the result of the contest is merely in getting out the vjt-. II. C. I,lndsay and Frank Harrison are helping out In the finish and numerous. peo ple have been employed to mall out the last appeals to the voters. The headquarttrs Is a beehive of industry. ' The democrats will close the campaign In Iancaster county tomorrow night with u meeting at the Auditorium, at which Wil liam J. Bryan will be the cpeaktr. The democratic slate committee has been mak ing Its principal fight on George L. Shel don, the republican candidate for govrnnr, whom the Wurld-Hetald said the railroads hud "marked for political oblivion. " Mr. Sheldon made such an Impression In his Lincoln speech and his sincerity was in such contrast to the political sidtatepplng and play acting of his competitor, Mr. 8lnl lenbtrger, that the democrats have cilled upon Mr. Bryan to help save some of the wreck cf the old party in this part of the country. Lsisaber Hearing; Adjonrned. The taking of testimony In the case against the ullegod Lumber trust has been discontinued until November 3U. The time intervening will be taken up by the state In looking up witnesses and evidence to sus tain the chargtj which has been made against the dealers. So far In the letters produced by Secretary Critchtield nothing has been established to show the associa tion controlled prices on lumber In Ne braska, but the state is said to have con siderable other evidence along this line which nill be produced at the proper time. fcgBTS for High School Principal. Some boys, supposed to be pupils of the IJncoln High school, entertained themselves last night by balancing a few eggs on the person of Principal Banders of the high school and in daubing him with the ben fruit they managed to sin tar some of it over guests who were being entertained at a party at the principal's home. A bunch of the boys. earing white robes, solemnly marched up to the Banders home and were seen by the principal. The latter, with more nerve than Judgment, rushed to las door and threw It open with the intention of awing- the crowd with his presence. He waa (reeled with a ihew, la wuiufa were this store ever had and Saturday should beat it because our lines are more complete, the va riety is far greater and the values are even better than a year ago then, too there is quite a number of those garments, mostly Chesterfields which we placed on sale Saturday - Suits at Hand-tailored, perfect-fitting and shape-retaining no matter what you pay you get ths b33t suit foe Liis n in 5 y ev sr s 3l i in O.naha-A. look will convince you. Our Suits at $10 and S12 are a Revelation to the mm with a small amount of clothes money. Suits at S10 to S40 No other store can show such exclusive models positively indistinauishable from the finest custom-made, but at about half the price. Are you tall and slender? Are you short and stout? Are you small or are you unusually large? It makes no difference to us how nature has builded you having the largest line of out-of-the-ordinary sizes west of Chicago we fit you as accurately as we do the man of normal stature and we don't limit your selection to one or two patterns either Cravenettes. $10 to $25 Fall Overcoats. $10 to $35 ' A garment foe rain or shine. Those dressy, chill-excluding outer-garments. If you want to know what is what in overcoat styles f f C A UVol COcXS and overcoat values come to the ''Store famousor its overcoats" HvJ AJ JJ low price mingled numerous eggs. Being satisfied with the omelet served up, the boys re treated In more or less disorder and the matter was reported to the police. Inci dentally the lone policeman resumed his duties at the high school building today. It in said the high school boys have ordained that Principal Sanders must go because of his stand against , foot ball. Miss Mickey Entertains. M'ss Marie Mickey, daughter of Governor Mickey, entertained about sixty young peo ple last night at a Hallowe'en party. Cos tumes of various kinds were worn by the guests and games In keeping wlth( the spirit of the times were Indulged in. Re freshments were served. Governor and Mrs. Mickey assisted in entertaining the young people. Leander Blake and Mrs. Blake of Iowa, residing near Burlington, are the guests of Governor, and Mrs. Mickey. Mrs. Blake is the oldest sister of the chief executive. DADiHTER MISTAKES FUR Rl'RGLAR Bloodhounds Pat on Trail and Room Demonstrate Troth. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Nov. 2. (Spe cial. ) When Jacob Mason -and wife re turned to their home ir. the western por tion of this city after the republican rally a few evenings ago they were surprised to find a lamp hunting on the table. After making Investigations they reported to the police that thoy found the contents, of the bureau drawers scattered about the room and that a new auit of clothes, a gold watch and ring were missing. Thj . .. was at once organized for business and the chief of police with bloodhounds from Louisville followed :i runner-tired buggy in a southwesterly di rection through Mynard, Murray and nearly to Nehawka to a residence, where the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Mason wus boarding and teaching school In that dis trict. Klie explained to the sheriff that accompanied by a friend they drove to this city and to her home, but not finding anyone there she went In and got what she desired, left the lamp burning and returned to her boarding house. HlK Hally nt Oakland. OAKLAND, Neb.. Nov. Bpecial Tele gram.) The republican rally at the opera houae here Thursday evening was a de cided success. W. E. Andrews, auditor of the Treasury department, was the orator of the evening and held the audience In close attention while he delivered one of the soundest and most logical political speeches ever heard here. M. R. Hopewell 'Mi s LOCATION . OF REGISTRATION BOOTHS FIRST WARD, rirrt District-Ills Bo. fi.xth Bt. Second District Wl Paclflo St. Third District 17(3 So. Tenth St. Fourth District 9l'j Bancroft St. SECOND WARD. First nistrirt-a.3 So. iSth 6t. Second District 2 -J Vinton fit. Third District l-Sn Vinton Bt. Fourth District 1710 Vinton St. Fifth District Wi4 So. Ii.m'i St. THIRD WARP. First District 161 Webster St. Second District 318 So. I'Jth t. Third District 313 No. 15th St. Fourth District 110 So, 12th St. Killh Dlstik-t 1417 Jackson St. FOURTH WARD. First District 1704 Ce.pltol Ave Second District 423 bo. 18th Bt. Third District 7ls So. Itith St. Fourth Duitrlct-814 So. luth SL Fifth Dis.iicl-ivl Davcnyvrl fti. $2 SHIRTS Every new shirt Idea finds a place on our shelves. Gentlemen who appreciate shirt elegance would - do well to see them; particularly those ,l$l-$1.50-$2 Underwear Fine selected cottons or the softest wools, as your taste demands, and the prices' are not the only fitting parts of our line Heavy Cotton, 45c to $1 Fine Woolen. 75c to $5 UNION SUITS $1 to $5 and I. M. Searle, candidates for lieutenant governor and auditor, respectively, were also present and addressed the meeting briefly. The opera house was packed with the votera of the county, who received the speeches mose enthusiastically. The Lyons band furnished the music for the occasion. NEBRASKA STIDEXT IS FLEECED Loses a)l,SC4M) la a Pool Game In New York. CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Nov. t-(Speclal Telegram.) E. F. Myers, the Harvard law school student who charged John McCor rnlck In New York with fleecing him out of I1.3U0 In a pool game at the Fifth Avenue hotel the other night, ia Edwin Francis Myers, A. B., of Broken Bow, Neb., a third year student in the law school and a graduate of the University of Nebraska In 1904. He lives In the exclusive Walter Hastings dormitory and belongs to many distinguished Harvard clubs, Including the Cercle Franca Is. Xew Train for Niobrara. NIOBRARA, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special.) A new passenger train has been placed on the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul from Running Water, opposite here, to lake care of the Increasing business that the Bonesteel line has brought to this region. The land office of the Rosebud country la at Mitchell, 8. D., and this new service will greatly accommodate the settlers, it leaves at 9:11 a. m. and returns at 4.55 p. m. This crossing makes Niobrara one of the beat hotel towna In north Nebraska and two regular bus lines are employed to take care of the business. Reception to Dr. and Mrs. Woods. SCHUYLER. Neb., Nov. '-(Special Tele gram.) Dr. Dale James Woods, who was married to Miss Bessie Lean last Wt dues day at St. Paul, returned home last night and was tendered a reception. The recep tion was given by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Woods, and sister. Miss Katherlne. More than 24) gueats were preaent and all spent a most enjoyable evening. Dr. Dale Woods is a dentist at Tecumseh, Neb., and the couple will return there after a short visit here. Senator Mood Optimistic. PERU. Neb., Nov. -(Special.) The .re publicans of this community consider that there Is no truth In the report that the re publicans will run b-hlnd In Nemaha county in the coming election. Senator Good Is of the opinion that Shel don will receive a greater majority for governor than ever given any candidate by FIFTH WARD. First District 3M Sherman Ave. Second District IS 25 Sherman Ava. Third District Htkil Sherman Ave. (barn). Fourth District ls48 Sherman Ave. (rear). Fifth District 116 No. 16th St. EIXTH WARD. First District O07 No. 24th St. Second District 171S No. 24th 6t Third DbHrlct 2004 No. 8th Bt. Fourth District 2123 Military Ave. SEVENTH WARD. First District m Leavenworth Bt. r-cond District 1J So. Jsth SL tbaro). Third District 1334 Pary Ave. Fourth District 21J bo. 3-d St. (biro). EIGHTH WARD. First District -1417 No. 24th Bt. Second- District 173 Cuming BU Intra District 4J0 No. loto St JfourLh Lutrlwt-iiif CuoiUif 8k mm Nemaha county. He says other candidates will run well because Sheldon has tre mendous strength, which will Increase the majority for all other candidates of the republican ticket. Wife-Beater Geta His Dae. BEATRICE, Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special Tel egram.) Harm Hula, an old offender, was brought here today by Sheriff Trude from his home In Hanover township, charged with brutally assaulting his wife while under the Influence of liquor. While drag ging her about the yard by the hair sev eral neighbors interfered and gave Hula a terrific beating. He was brought be fore the Insanity commissioners on an Inebriate charge and was found to be a fit subject for the asylum. He will be taken to Lincoln tomorrow. News of Nebraska, COLUMBUS Judge Ratterman united In marriage Jesse Cooksey and Rosa Scrlvins. GENEVA Next Monday evening the re publicans will hold a mass meeting in the court room. BKATRICE The heating plant In the new Burlington depot at this point was com pleted yesterday. PLATTSMOUTH-The farm mortgages filed in Cass county during October amounted to the rum of 113,360; released, $?0.650. BEATRICK The young son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stewart died yesterday after a brief illness. The mother is not expected to survive. GENEVA Last night the fusion candi date for attorney general, Lisle Abbott, spoke In the court room. For lack of notice, probably, few were present. COLUMBUS Cards of Invitation are out for the marriage of Mr. Samuel Lang and I Mlf Kittle Kerach. The ceremony will be performed at St. Francis' Catholic church Tuesday. BE ATRIC'E A. W. Nickell left yesterday for Omaha to dispose of twenty-one sec tions of land In Canada to eastern capi talists. For the land he is to receive from IS to tlO per acre. COLUMBUS A quarter-section of land In this county sold the other day for 1 per acre. It was bought for farm purposes. It belonged to W. A. Swartzley and Gus tave Sclirelber. an eighty each. BEATRICE Colonel E. B. Savage of Omaha, In charge of the recruiting stations of the United States army at Grand Island, Beatrice, Omaha and Sioux City, la., was in the city yesterday on official business. BEATRICE The Ice plant of the Beatrice Poultry and Cold Storage company is manu facturing a hue quality of ice at present, which is being sold to local consumers for 40 cents per hundred. The plant has a daily capacity of twelve tons. PLATTSMOl TH Frea P. Brown reports that two doseu of his Hue Buff Oiplrgton chickens wwe stolen during the sr.iu I hours of the night. There seems to be no clue to the thieving that has been going on in this city and vicinity for two weeks just past. BEATRICE The New Home Telephone NINTH WARD. Flrrt District 2603 Cuming 6t. Second Dlst rict J028 Hamilton St Thlid District 3304 Davenport St. (barnl Fourth District m So. Joth St. (barn) Fifth Dltrlct-2912 Farnam 8L TENTH WARD. First District 1U18 So. 10th St. Second District 1623 Leavenworth Bt Third Dlstrlct-2121 Leavenworth BL Fourth District 1424 So. loth St. Fifth District 1323 William Bt. ELEVENTH WARD. First District A Hamilton Bt. Second District 393b Farnam St Third District 34'2 Leavenworth St. Fourth District 7U5 So. 27th Be TWELFTH WARD. First District M20 No. 24th Bt. Second District 3i24 Ames Ave. Third District 2u No. Huth Bt (barnj. fourth Dutrlct-juii No. Hath sX. 1 e carefully a range of be seen to they sell for Snappy creations, which make this the store HATS Just now the smile of public approval Is on the man with the Der by hat Better see our's at We have the greatest atest 2 stiff hat on eanu, at sorr and snrr HATS Every new 5Q shape, up from STETSON'S $3.50 f- AND VP Youraan's.. Sc company Is now Installing new central of fice equipment throughout, building new leads and terminals, and will soon begin the Istallatlon of new and modern tele phones, l he same type as those used In Kansas City. TEKAMAH At a regular meeting of Mackey chapter No. 24. Royal Arch Masons, held last night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Chrlstel Jeep, high priest: Harry K. Clark, king; J. M. Crowell, scribe; J. P. Latta, treas urer; Ed Latta, secretary. BEATRICE J. T. Hlldehrsnd and family arrived In the city yesterday from Boulder, Colo., In a covered wagon drawn by two horses. They were six weeks In maklmr the trip end experienced considerable trouble in the western part of the state during the recent bllrrard. GENEVA The postomce Is moved Into Its new quarters, a room of the new Pickard building on Center street, the other room being occupied by the Curry Clothing firm, which comes from Seward. The public li brary donated by Dr. H. L. Smith will oc cupy the. room of the old postoffice. BEATRICE Mrs. Henry Luck, for the last six years a resident of Cortland, died at her home at that place Wednesday night, aged 6 years. Before locating In Cortland she had resided In Lancaster county for twenty-one yeara. She Is sur vived bv her huslianrt and nine children.. PLA TTS MOUT H The remains of J. W. Jennings, who died at his home In Atchison. Kan., arrived today and were hurried by the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which deceased was a charter member. Deceased waa about 6b years of age and during his residence here waa the county clrrk of Casa county. HUMBOLDT Rev. Bert Wllaon, for aev ral yeara pastor of the Christian church ,f this city, has resigned the position, with a view to giving up the work the first of the coming year in order to take a poet graduate course In the theological depart ment of the C'otner university. His plan at present is to devote his time afterwards to evangelistic work. PLATT8 MO UTH Re v. and Mrs. J. E. Houlgate delightfully entertained more than I'M) members of the First Methodist Episco pal church In the narsonage yesterday aft ernoon. A photograph of the twenty-two oldest was taken. Their combined eges waa 1.631 years, or an average of 74. Mrs. Ann Davis was the oldest, having pas ed her Kth milestone, and Mrs. 8. J. Atwood was Ho years old last June. BEATRICK Yesterday in the district court L. Crocker, an attorney of this city, began an action for the Filley Horso com pany against C. H. Dixon of this city, an Importer of draft horses, for H,35. that being the price paid for a horse, together with its keep and Hie Interest on the In vestment. The complaint alleges that the horse sold to the company was short of being up to the guarantee. HUMBOLDT Mrs. Louisa Meacham of this city and Abraham Moore, a. well-to-do farmer of Pawnee county, were united In marriage at Pawnee City by the county Judge yesterday and left at once on a wed ding trip Into Kansas, where they will visit relatives near Suinmerfleld. They will then make their home on the farm of the groom ever the Pawnee county line. The contract ing parties are sged 78 and S3 years. COLUMBUS The rectory of Grace Epis copal church has Just been dedicated. The clergymen officiating in the service were Rt. . Rev. A. L. Williams, bishop; Dian lieecher. Rev. R. R. Diggs, Rev. W. H. Moor, all of Omaha; Rev. J. C. B. Wellls of Norfolk, Kev. 1. J. Collan of Schuyler, Rev. B. C. Smith of Central City. Rev. A. H. Brooks of Neltgh. Rev. Dr. Rafter of 'heenne. Rev. E. O. Brown of Omaha, Rev. J. Wise of Bouth Omaha, Rev. A. E. Cash of Albion and Rev. Dr. Westcott of Columbus. The services of dedication lasted most of the day and closed in the evening with a reception and banquet by the Men's club of the church with Dr. Carroll D. Evans aa toastmaater. Bee Sunday Dinner Bargain No. 11 page IX Baak Cashier Accidentally Killed. SALEM, Ind.. Nov. I Charles B. Wll Hams, bookkeeper of the ClUaena' bank, and acting as cashier, waa found dead In the vault of the bank today. A load of hot from a Shotgun had penetrated his heart. The gun waa kept In the bank vault and it is believed that Mr. Williams In changing its position accidentally dls rhsraed il. He ks s eon of formei Auditor J. L. Williams of tliis cjunty. oysf Clothes It will pay parents with a boy to clothe to remember that we are specialists in men's and boys' wear that we offer the greatest selection of worth-while clothes for boys to be found In the city at almost any price you wish to pay. A special purchase of suitswater- proof every correct style and &Jr4 wanted cloth made to retail at $6, lor t We are enthusiastic about our $5 suits made so many styles such materials. They must ey must m be appreciated- Other down to $1.75 Young Men's Clothes $5 Ideal young men's and up FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Showers Today la Nebraska, nad Iowa Fair and Warmer ' Tomorrow. WASHINGTON. Nov. a,i-Fcrccat of the weather for Saturday and Sunday: For Nebraska, South Dakott and Kan sas Showers Saturday; Sunday, fair and warmer. For Iowa and Missouri Showers !und cooler Saturday; Sunday, fair and warniur. Loral lltcoril. , OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Nov. . Official record of temper ature and precipitation compared wttn the corresponding oay of the last three years: , 14. iSCC Maximum temperature . . 4 f7 HH 61 Minimum temperature ... k .18 41; ftf Mean temperature 44 4M ."i7 bt Proclpltntion no .00 ,nu .44 iei,.,eiature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1 and comparison with the last two years: normal temperature Deficiency for the day Total excess since March 1 Normal precipitation Deficiency for the day , Precipitation since March 1 Deficiency since March 1 . 42 . .U) Inch . inch .24. lio Inches 3.74 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, lfio.. 3.71 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, lli.. 4. li inches Reports from Stations at TP. !H. Station and Stale Temp. Mn. riain- of Weather. 7 p. u. Temp. fall. Bismarck, cloudy :t r' .10 Cheyenne, cloudy t So .;x Chicago, clear 60 ftj ., .o,t Duv nport, cloudy In ;,j , m Denver, snowing w . el Havre, clear ::x 44 .mi' Helena, char 34 7i .t 1 Huron, cloudy 411 n; .on. Kansas City, cloudv ,' ,'.t .m North Platte, snowing ;!'.! f.' ,i;- Omaha, cloudy 4" if Rapid City, cloudy ;w .1,1, Ft. I.OUIS, part cloudy f-S t;i . St. Paul, clear 4 4'i T Salt laike City, cloudy So T Valentine, raining 40 41 T Wllliston, cloudy 4 S .ou T indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. 1IAKD TO SEK Kven Whon the Facts About Coffee Are Plain. ' It is curious how people will tefuse to believe what one can clearly see. Tell the average man or woman that the slow but cumulative poisonous cKt-rt cf caffeine the alkoloid In tea und eoffeo tends to weaken the heart, upset the nerv ous system and cause Indigestion, and they may laugh at you If they !on't kno.v the facts. Prove It by sclonce- or by practical demonstration in the recovery of coffee drinkers from tho above conditions, and u large per cent of tho human family will shrug their shoulders, take some drugs and keep on drinking coffee or tea. "Coffee never agreed with me nor Willi aeveral members of our household." writes a lady. "It enervates, depresses and cre ates a feeling of languor and heaviness. It waa only by leaving off coffea and using Postum that we discovered the cause and cure of these ails. Theloly reason, I am sure, why Poutum Is not used altogether to the exclusion of ordinary coffee Is ,niany persons do not know and do not seem willing to leant the facta and how to prepare this nutri tious beverage. There's only one way according to directions boll It fuliy I " minutes. Then it la delicious." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, M en. Read the little book, "The Roa.i 10 Wuil ville," lu pkca. ""'licit' a lusrn,"