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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
a 11 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. XOVLMBKfi in ,1 V 1 i ,NEWS r OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS Offlcf. 10 rear Bt. Tel. 43. PROGRAM FOR TOE REU510S i-wKiy Men renervd for General Grant at the Grand hotel, as he had previously an nounced his Intention of attending the reunion. Ginir&l Black Erpoadi U Addrtii f Wl rtm Imttad f Eeaator Warier. OTHERWISE SAME AS FIRST ANNOUNCE! .eral D. tire, at sad, Blshep Fallow Brtk Writ Thar "Will Certainly Attead tna Oealag Banalaa. Our highest ambition is, when we frame plotare for you, to do It right and pleaee our customers. Perhaps you have a picture that needs framing. Bring It to our store and let us see what we can frame It for. We'll do it aa reasonable as It possibly can be done. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Olasa company, Merriam block. bear,, per can, Mf; Alabama sorghum, per can loc; Plantation N. O. tnolaaeea, per Can, 15c; liie cart baked beans, 8'ic; 13c run peach t ? ". 1ic ; sour pickles, per do., 5c; bi!une:it, per rack, B"c; new maple ayrup, p-r can. :&; Knglleli walnuts, per lb., IK ; singer ennpa, per lb., 5c; new maple sugar, per lb., llue; aauer kraut, per lt., ri new country sorghum, per. gal., frx .: dried fruits of all kinds, beef, pork, veal, mutton, oystera. poultry, etc., etc. J. Zoller Mcr. Co.. 100-102-106 Broadway. 'Phonos 3f). MALONET CIOAR CO., 30 PEARL BT, COUNCIL. BLUFFS. IA, DISTRIBUTERS FOR THE ROBERT BURNS' lOo CIOAR ' have . l liu looui executive committee In charg 'of the arrangement for tb reunion of A.NO LITTLE BOBBIE. OLD TIMES the Society of the Army of the Tennessee Ai'D ERRIS lo CIOARS. to be held In this city Thursday and Frl- j , day of next week, yesterday morning' CENTRAL - FLOUR fl.Ik. Every sack made publlo the detailed pro tram for the Warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar. ptiblte meeting to be held the night of i wotn Phone 24. November i in the New theater and the banquet on the night of November 9. The response to the addresses of wnl rami by Oovernor Cummins and Mayor Macrae at tb publto meeting In the New theater will be made by General John C Black In flace of by United States Sen ater Warner of Kansas City, LAST DAT FOR , REGISTRATION Tboae Who Are Not Real.tered Cannot Vat Teeaday. Today Is the last day for. registration for the election next Tuesday and the regtstiars as ore- ,n eesslon from 8 a. m. to p. m. vlously announced. At the banquet a let- l tnB following places in the several pre- ter from President Roosevelt in response clncts of the city: to the toast, 'The First President." will ,,Fln!t Ward-First precinct, 218 Kastt be road. The Elks quartet will furnish dway: 8econd VrttAw. 217 Eat Broad- the musio at both the opon meeting In the opera house and at the banquet. This Is the complete program for the publlo meeting Thursday night: Prayer Archblehop John Ireland. Opening Hong Star Spangled lfanner.. Ellis' Quartet, the audience rising and joining. Address of Welcome lion. Albert B. Cummins, Governor of Iowa. Song Songs of Dixie Elks' Quartet. . Addrpa of Welcome Hon. Donald Macrae, Mayor of Council Bluffs. Kong Old Black Joe Kiks' Quartet. Response to Welcome a . General John C. Black. Annuat .Address Genera) Smith D. Atkins. Fong , Mrs. Alary K. Latey of the Society of the ' .Army of the Tennessee. Aflnross We (jave popcorn that will pop. Three lbs. for 10c; old-faxhioned buckwheat flour, Oc per sack; graham flour, 35c per sack; whole wheat flour. 35c per sack; maple syrup, 40c per can; sauer kraut, 10c per qt.; dill pickles, 15o dos. We have a new sweet pickle; they are large cucumbers split In two; they are fine, the best we ever had In a sweet pickle, 10c per dos. We also . bulk oysters, celery, Hubbard sqnashes; hickory nuts, 10c qt. ; black wal nuts, 25o peck; cranberries, 10c. qt. Tuesday morning we will unload a car of potatoes. They are Early Ohlos, (nc per bu. in 5-bu. iota. Bartel & Miller. Tel. 153. What can we do to get your i-oul orders'.' Go to the first 'phone and call 72. The Co. Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. CITY FULL OF POLITICIANS . . .. t f All of Thtiu f Opinion Stats Will Give Umal Btpablicftn Vajtritj. TALK OF SCRATCHING IS DYING CUT Hankers lirny Knowletlae ( orre of Fonda t'aed to Hoom ew York l ife Cwmpaay Admlnlatra- loa Ticket. Buy your lumber of Hafer, Council Bluffs, In. He can outsell them all. N. T. Plumbing CO. Tel. 269. Night. Ml Heeond Wnrd Flrrt Ktwlni-t Htv butM-i tng; Second precinct. 7 West Broadway. Third Ward First precinct. 29 Fourth Street; Beeond precinct. 811 South Main. Fourth Ward First preHnct, Court house (election day, 803 Peer! street); Second pre cinct. 121 South Main street. Fifth Wsrd First nreclnct. county build ing. Fifth avenue and Twelfth street (elec tion day. 1123 Fifth avenue); Second pre cinct, county building. 8outh Thirteenth Street elec.tlon day, 102 Thirteenth street). Sixth Ward First precinct, county build ing, Avenue B and Twenty -fourth street (election day, 2315 Avenue D): Second pre cinct. Fifth and Locust streets. Those who did not vote In the voting precinct In which they now reside either at the general election In November. 1904, or the municipal election last spring, or who have removed from the precinct hi which they last voted, must replster In order to Jbe able to cast their ballot next Tuesday. . Only those who are absent from the cfty 'on the -three regular days appointed for ilujor Oentral Oliver O. Howard, Cora- registration and aliens who may have been .mandlng the Army of the Tennessee. - Issued their naturalization papers since the .Song Way Down Smith. lant day for registration will be permitted Address ... .". . haTe tnc,r names entered on the reglstra- .Majur t'leneifii Fred D. Grant. Commander Hon lists on election day. the Department of the Kast. In order that there may be no hitch on .song-MurclUn Tl.rouKhtOeorga. e)ectlon y ery pntftlofl tp TWe Voluntary Remarks , Jiext Tueedsy should see to It that his name Kong-Anlil L;uig iyne i properly entered on the registration lists. Every effort , will be made today by . both the republicans and democrats to get every voter rcclstercd who has not done so. After-Dlnncr Program. Tho piv.oram to follow he banquet Frl tlay night Is as follows: Opening Bong Tenting Tonight The famous Acorn stove; nothing In the ,fclks Quartet market like It tor heat, economy, dura- iiT-rt bUity and neatness. We make, t ho mo,. 'Tur Country''-.. ..Archbishop John Ireland reasonable price on stoves In the city, eon- .Song Battle Hymn of the Republic... slderlng the quality. We handle a large ' w;.".""; .'i"' .Qu"J"tt stock of carpets, linoleum and oil cloth. The Heroes and V ctories of. the Army. , . J", ' -t, . 1 , of th Tennessee . ..Mrs. .lonn A. igan "S jaV.aonK Mrs. Mary E. Latey of 1 ''HIM ; the Boclety of the Army of the Tonnessoa. Combination gas and electric chandliers Forward' (Mora Time rolls Its cease- -,nd tne tclebrated. Welsbach Inoandoscent . ..A.aBmV I Dabb rt1 XT QAfMga 1 gas. bur"ers. Why not see us before you buy. Wo can certainly please you on price and quality of feoods. Stephan Bros., ot) W. Broadway. ln ..siir V Rav. T. VL Hnerman I '"ThJ Vnlimlna, CnlilW" f Private Thomas C Richmond !rng Hark-, the Trumpet Elks' Quartet '.Major General Jhiihs B. M.Phera.,iM . CommanUer of the Army of the Ten- ' ' iiexwe'' Hon, Bmlth McPhcrson Song H'ldkr's Farewell Wka" QiinrtM dirv?s .Hon. John N. Baldwin Olif Glory'" ,.'.. General J. H. Stibb Wong Auld Lang Syhe ' : w ...-....Eika' Quartet and Society ! Durllij,' the .fbttmjuH .' W'halcy' orchestra wlllt-nder the. following program: Marsh Stars and Ktripes Forever. Selection Hcmlnisc-cnKes of the Houth. ri.loclton It llup)Mneil in NordlanU. Patrol Hlue and Gray. Selection Toylnnd. Novelette Dainty Dames. Medley 1S83. . ; March General Mlxup, U. 8. A. Bishop Samuel Fallows of the Reformed Kplsepul church of Chicago has written Ulor Richmond, chairman of the local For Imported winea, liquors and Bud weisef beer go to L- Rosenfeld, wholesal liquor dealer, 619 South Matii street. Avars Herald to Print Ballot. '. ' On the application of Attorney F. W. Miller, democratic nominee for Judge of the district court, appearing for F. M. Beymer, publisher of the Avoca Jourual Herald, Judge Scott, In superior court, yes terday morning granted a writ or manda mus requiring County Auditor Chnyne to publtnh an official copy of the ballot for the coming election In Mr. Beymer's paper. The Iowa law provides: Win iilnlu n 1 1 .1 I , .IiqH .all.. Ilk Via nilS. executive committee, that he expects to at- Ushed, prior to the day of election, in two tend the reunion. Blshoo Fallows enlisted newspapers. If there be so many published . .o... w... in. such county., selecting. If possible, pa In the union army as a cnapiam in woi. uui renrosentlng the Dolltlcal r,artles which 'nervous breakdown y afterwards entered active military service cl)nt at the preceding general election the 'and leaves a widow. Mr. Fogarty for many 1 iind attained the rank of colonel and brevet largest number and the next largest numir 'years was engaged in the nursery buRines 1 and attained tne ranK or coionei ana ore ei . noralna,iiB.n this city. Arrangements for tne funeral I brigadier general. Ho has been a resident , madc, as herein provided, and to be voted bare not been completed. of Chicago since 1ST5 "I will certainly come," ' write General rown s C. Li. n i ui 128 W . Eroaiwjj mm ,4 ii Both 'PliGnes ES Specials for Saturday 11c FRRSK nnESSKD CHICKENS, per pound. 151 R LOIN STEAK, per pound , PORTERHOUSE STEAK, per pound ROUND STEAK. . per pound ...v BlST POT "ROA8T UKJSF, pound. , BKST KIB BOILING lit-liF, pound .'. .'llOMK-MADE SAVSAGF per pound Boat forget, any and all Beef Pot Boasts, Bo to o.- -Boa ovJ Coi ragulav prloa. So to lOo pet pouad. ...10c . ...10c ...10c 5c-6c ......4c 10c niaae. as nerem proviueo, anu 10 u vulwi for at auch election, a near as - may be in the form in which they shall appear upon the general ballot. County Auditor Cheyne had" given the ballot for publication In the Council Bluffs Nonpareil and the Avoca Tribune, both re- publican organs, and Xtlorney Miller', on behalf of Mr. .Beymer. contended that: the law Intended that It-should be published "If - possible" In one republican and one democratic paper. ' ' Three" year ago Mr. Beymer brought similar-proceedings to compel' Auditor In nes to publtnh the ballot In his paper. The hearing was held before Judge Wheeler in the district court, who held Against Beymer, ruling that the law was merely directory and not mandatory, j Following the decision of Judge Scott, I Auditor- Cheyne stated so far as he was concerned the ruling would-be Anal with j him and that he would at once ' Mr. Buymer with fcn official copy 1 ballot.- As the ruling came too late 'to countermand the publication In -the Avoca Tribune, the question will consequently arise as to the right of the Tribune to collect payment - for such publication Mi view of the fact that the luw provides for the publication ot the ballot In to papers only. 3UXOR ME'lTIO. Davis, drug. Clark's, sodas. Stockert sells carpet. Fine engraving, at Lefferfs. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Get those new photos at Schmidt's. Plumbing and heating. Bixby ft Son. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 997. Wooding Undertaking company. Tel. S39. Ixoe grindstone pr lb., 1c. J. Zoller Mercantile Co. DiAMUiNDH A8 AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. T1NNKRR AND PLUMBKH8 WANTED. F. A. BPENCKK, 168 W. BROADWAY. . Bom, to Mr. and Mis. Henry J. Saun ders, 'ifA Oakland avenue, yetrd.iy morn ing, a daughter. Iouls Peavej-, KJ1 Onkland avenue, was reported to the Hoard of Health vesterdav as suffering from diphtheria. A beautiful -and ornamental gas burner, the Welsbach chirk lamp, complete, l.&i. Stephan Bros., S.'S W. Broadway. Dr. G. W. Panglo succesaf ully treats diphtheria. He has been through two epi demics of It and never loft a case. COAL TEAMS WANTED to haul coal for Fcnlon WIckhan- Coal company. Higher wages paid. 1"7 Pearl street. Build your hope on the Royal Red Cross case Durner ana you will do nappy the rest of your days. Sold at Swaine Muuer's, M and S3S Broadway. ' 1 pay ii per ton for ct iron; mixed, rv; iivrt, rags, is$c per id.; rubber, ir; copper, He per lb. j. talclman, fcvi lnln. both 'phones 650. WHEN GOING TO BUILD GO TO GEO. A. HO AG LAND. THE PIONEER LUM BER MAN. OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. M SOUTH MAIN STREET. TEL. 245. W. J. Hoar, arrestod Wednesday night, charged with the theft of coai from an en- I glne in the Illinois Central yards, was dis charged, in police court yesterday morning. High grade granite work, from the best Barre Imported granites, lettering, carving and tracing. Fine monumental work a s eclalty. Sheeley & Lane, 217 East Broad Way. airs. Loulso M. Brown, wife of C. H. W. Brown. 1415 High street, died yesterday afternoon, aged 46 years. Besides her hus band she leave two daughters and four sons. Mrs. Walter I. Smith, wife of Congress man Bmlth, who has been 111 In the Omaha General hospital for the lost week, la suf ficiently recovered, It Is said, to be able lo be removed to her home In tills city today. John - Coyle, local storekeeper for the urei western, nas neen promoted to a position at Oolweln, . where ho will have chars e of tho general supply department of the division. Talk among the politicians yesterday was that James C. Jensen, the democratic can dldtUe for sheriff, had already picked out his deputies. It Is said that former Fire Chief Charles M. Nicholson and Pete Peter son have both been promised positions as deputy sheriffs by Jensen. Do not forget we are the sole agent for the Radiant Home base burner, the most economical stove on the market today. Will save one-third of your coah bill. Call at our store and we will be pleased to show you.. We are also the sole agents for the Lexington steel ranges, the beat iu tb world. Petersen & Schoening Co. Daniel J. Fegarty, S29 Becond avenue, died shortly after lnldnluht Thursday at 61. 1 ! lternurd's hospital, where he was taken - 'about two net-ki ago suffering from a Me was Si years oiu slgn'-fl'the Icttrr were nsked torlsy about tho matter. They declnred they were not paying for It from their own pockets and were Infoi tried that It did not come from the Insurance company's funds. The sup position is that the agents of the New York Life In this state are putting up tile casli to circulate this n.nd tho Governor Mlekey letter. H Is asserted by those ho are cfitntviljrnlng for the re-election of the present hoard of directors of the New York Life th.U the nntl-admlntstrnt Ion list of candidates are hugely not policyholders Of tho New York -Life and this nnd other reasons are assigned fur favoring ihe ie electlon of the old directors. Ta Whom Shall Money (iof When a person names as bencllolury for Insurance u person long since dead, lo whom shall the money l.o paid when tho Insured dies? This Is a case that the su preme court will have to decide. The case comes from the superior court of Cedar Rapids. December lf. 1M3. Christopher Griffin of Perth Amboy, N. J., took an In surance policy In the Order uf Railway Conductors for ll.OO. lie named Margaret Burke, an nunt, as beneficiary. It la now shown that the aunt was dead at the time ho named her. The head ofllcers at Ce dar Rupids. la., contend that under u rule of the order, which provides that if there ure no nearer relatives than nephews and nlces. the money shall go-to the rxpen fund of the order, and made that disposi tion of It. The nephews and nler-es hold that there having been no Mni'gnret Ilurke at tho time of the making of the pulley a trust resulted In favor of the rstate. and still 'further, that the payment of the money to the expense fund of the order Is Illegal under the Iowa laws. For Illah School CViain vlonslilp. Kurt Dos Moines High school and Cnpltul Park High school will meet on the gridiron tomotrow afternoon at the Drake stadium here to determine the high school cham pionship In foot ball for tho city. The teams are about evenly matched, though the East D'-s Moines High school team is somewhat weakened by the absence Of Johnston, who is taking an examination for admission to the Annapolis Naval academy. Dea Moines Has t'olleae Day. Following out the plan to systematically boost 'the city's Industries and attractions, Des Moines today observed College day. Some days ago Factory day was hold, at which time jieople everywhere fioiu the city visited the factories ot the city. Today they visited the colleges and. for the beneilt of the people the various street cars were labeled to assist the people in finding tho various Institutions. Hundreds ot people from outside the city, many of whom have children In tho colleges, took advantage of I he occasion. The colleges held open house to ull guests. Mian Meeting Is l.lvclj. An audl.nce that packed the Young Men's Christian association auditorium tonight, called for the purpose of discussing the street car bribery, nearly broke up In a riot. It finally adjourned at 10:3" without linally taking a deciding vote on the reso lutions offered. The audience was calm and j orderly till Judge W. IT. Spurrier, attorney ' for the street railway officials under charge iFium a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Nov. 2. (SpeCial.)-DtB Molnea Is full of republican politicians to day, having come to the city In order to at tend the rally hurt, night. Senator Saunders of Council Bluffs rrached the city this morning, passing through from a speak ing trip over the state. Hn declared that there was not a county in the state In bet ter condition or where there would be less soratehlng than In Pottawattamie county. Senator Saunders Is very confident there will be no trouble thre next Tuesday. Senator Saunders Is a hold-over senator and said today that he expected to Introduce again tho Indeterminate sentence law that was defeated at tho lost session. Ho is especially anxious that It shaJl pass und will spare no honorable efforts In enlisting the support of every legislator for tho measure. Senator C. J. A. Krickson of Boone, who attended the rally last night, was ulao at the republican- headquarters today. There Is no trouble whatever In Boone county so far as the state ticket Is concerned. It Is recognized that there Is being made a des perate fight on Representative Doran, who la up for re-eloctlon. Representative E. J. C. Benler of Linn county, a standpatter, was at headquarter and declared conditions satisfactory In his county. He Is not up for re-election, not having sought re.nomlnatlon. W. L. Eaton, candidate for railroad com missioner, ranw down from Osagn to hear the addresses last night and to leave some information at headquarters that on a trip to many counties he has gained Informa tion from which he Is ready to predict that the scratching long talked of will not be ai bad as painted and the majorities will lie about what they were In ' K. M. Wentworth of State Center, freight agent of tho Pennsylvania, who covers the entire state nnd Is meeting especially fann er and dairymen, was another politician to reach the city laat night. He said to day that the farmers are going to vole the straight republican ticket. Every politician coming to tho city ad mits that there are new elements In the fight this year that make It difficult to hazard a guess, but all are Insistent that the majorities will bo about what they were In 190R. when the majority for gov ernor was 78,000. Mar Dr Knalneer's Last. Edward Bowman, an engineer on the cen- ' of bribery, took the platform to discuss the tral Iowa division of the Chicago, Milwau- J resolutions commending Alderman Hatnery kee . Bt. Paul railroad, may never run , for exposing the bribery. Instead -or fol anothvT engine. Early this week he en- lowing the diplomacy of Mark Anthony in countered a shower of hot cinders while out fore a hostllo audience, he followed the op on the road with his engine. The cinders posltc course, and a liberal number of street got In his eyes. He was taken to n spo-lcor employes, Including Fred Buchanan, elallst and all cinders were removed, but manager of Ingersnll Park, applauded his his eyesight has been falling him ever since course. It wan charged from the platform and he 1 now at Mercy hospital In tills i by J. J. Hamilton that. Spurrier cou-se Clty. 1 was for the purpose of exciting the resent- Nhakeop la Nrnipaprra. ment of the audience In order to argue b' - Des Moines' force of newspaper men is to fnro the courts that it is Impossible to get bo shaken up. Oliver P. Newman, political a fair trial In Polk county of the accused writer on the Dally News, has accepted tho officials r f the street railway. During S"m - ifi'a- grocery and TJeafi Parties GOO-602 W. BROADWAY. BOTH 'PHONES 24. Fresh Frog Legs, extra large, per doz 15 Uneeda Biscuit, per pkg .3 Spring Chicken: i per lb Pork Chops,' per lb ..... '. . . Pork Loins, prr lb Lamb Logs, jut lb Sklnnod Hams, por lb Picnic Hams, per lb Solid Packed Oyhters, per quart !2c lJc lis 9ic llie Oc 30c Pottawattamie cWn. per ran Great Puff Tobacco, 5c size, 2 package Yeat Koam, , per pkg 'I..'.. On Time Yraal. per pkg. . i FIks two 5c pkga Anchor Matches. per pkg All:c tans Potted , Meats, oach ..Go ..5c 3c 3c 5c 10c 2ic Try our Central Flour, every sack warranted, Iff per sack. Iilw KSSSB II en Avenue Grocery.. BOTH 'PHONES 108. 23G-W. BROADWAY. 20 pounds Cnne Sugar Extra fine Potatoes, per. bushel Extra fine large Onions, por peck.... White Turnips, per peck . . . ..15? Extra fine Cabbage 5J Squash 5 3 quarts fancy Cranberries; .25 Hand-picked Apples, per bu..45t 4 pounds best Japan Rice. . .2I 4 pounds Lima Beans. ..... .25 ti lbs. hand-picked Navy Beans 25C .1 pounds Prunes 25 Extra fancy Bananas, doz...5 $1.00 ....55 15 4 cans best Atlantic Corn. . .25 2 cans 20c Salmon r-25 25c bottle Chow Chow or Pickles ; 15, All kinds Pancake Flour, 3 pkgs -25 All kinds Breakfast Food, 3 pkgs 25 4 pounds Ginger Squares, Soda or Oyster Crackers 25 30c Broom 20 50c bottle Maple Syrup. . . . -25 All kinds of Flour, per sack , $1.05 Mcst Country Butler, per pound 23 Very fine Hams, per pound. . . . ' , . . . O Hi 0 We also carry a fine line of fresh vegetables at the lowest prices. Give ns a trial order aud convince yourself. ' ' ' ' U'Wii - D. Q. Kimball and Frank Wilson com menced suit in the district court yesterdav against J. T. Hamilton, the Chicago & Northwestern railroad, Viola Wilson and Bertha Kimball to replevin household (roods valued at lo0 which the pluintiffs claimed their property, and which. It Is alleged, the defendants had shipped to Marshall town, la. The plaintiffs hoped to Intercept the goods en rout. Yesterday morning a Gorman farmer named Ixiwe, living near Mlneola, pre sented himself In the office of the clerk of the dim i let court for the purpose of llllnir his application for naturalization papers. Although a resident of the United Stales for tlurieen years low Is unabie to speaK the Krgllsh language, and as this la one of the requlrementa under the new law, his application was turned down. .-.n. v .'niww, ivmums in un "l" ,j., . . 4 .11 n.i part of the city, filed an information In " " " " '"pn p- J notice Field's court yesterdav charging a ositlon was submitted to the people before number of young lads with the larceny of and they refused to vote, the money, not- heY wagon. The wagon was spirited away , ., , Halloween night and ud to date Mrs. Pack- bstandlng the fact that the Juries and , . . low has boen uliabh to secure the slightest Judgn continually condemn the present Jail f !t'T.'i".,.,f u' 'rnw nnmt" the boys charged ng ungaiUtarv and an unfu lace lo k of toe th the offensa were not made public yes- i ... teniay, as tliey were not under arrest. I """ ucmsn. luumj uuicmin are now in ivjn-acre farm In So. Dakota, 4 miles from , fear lest the people again refus to vote the it It. stations; 210 ac.rea in cultivation, nocexxary bonds. position of editor of tho Sioux City Daily News, which Is to be started In Sioux City December 1. Ho wa formerly on the Wash ington (D. C.) Post and other metrcp:l!tin papers. Neal Jones, for some time police reporter on the Dally News here, goes to Fairfield, la., beginning next week, as ed itor there of the F'a'rf.eld Tribune. A. D. Pliable, Jr., teJegrapli editor on the Reg ister and Lender, has be.en madn city ed itor, and C. C. Nyo becomes special writer. Paul Matthews of the Register and leader goe to the News and Snow, police reporter Of tho Capital, goes to Minneapolis to tak a position on one of the papers there. Other changes still are rumored. Attempts Murder for Mrkrl. On a West- Walnut street car today a stranger attempted to murder CYnductnr James Lewis Tor a nickel. Tin; stranger paid a nickel fare, which the conductor gave as change to the man Hitting by him, who had paid him a dime. Later the st-auzer demanded a nickel in change and would not be pacified when the man nent declared It was only a nickel, 'a fight .followed In which the stranger drew a .knife and at tempted to kill the conductor, and then chased a negro from the car who had In terfered. He was' left standing on the slde wulk, having done no harm except to him self and having smashed a glass door to the car. Feature of Election. A feature of the election In this city for nxt Tuesday 1 the question of vp'lng Diamond Rlas romteat. A beautiful diamond ling worth td will . be given to the lady receiving tb largest number of vote. On vot given with very cent' worth of candy purchased at our store. Purity Candy Kitchen, Mt. W. Broadway. J Special for Saturday Only Ftrt Patent riocr, per sack. . .fl-00 Hand Picked Applea, per bu 45a Good Apple, per pack loo ' Turnipa. per peck 10 jear's Popcorn, per peck.. .Xoo t.ulk Oatmeal, ? pounds Baa f -tb. .t'odnxh. i for..-. p. st l.rd. two pounda gi S-t Country Hut tor. S pound... is Stiiotlv fresh Cuuuu y Kaga, i do.4ia loua Honey, two coin'i ...SSc Prick ChMe. pr pound lie Cranberries, tlnc.e quart 3&0 Erly Ohio rotato, par bn. .":...(& Bast Tea or Ooffa a the Xiowast rn- ryta4ar UaaianUed. balance pasture and In hay; can all le cut; large H-ruoiu houe, large bam, criba and granary, well and mill, deep black soil, Ideal home. Price, twi per acre. Will take Vi In other good property, ba).. Sl.oOO per year; ulxo a buMnesx block, with large barn, on corner, In good Neb. town, all In fine condition; rents for t-'u per month; will take wextern land. Addreas D. 8. Kerr, 54 B'd'w'y, Co. Bluffs. 'Phone 417 and 4(4 Red. The funeral of the lute Mr. Huldah Stevens waa held yesterdav morning from the residence of her- daughter, Mrs. Henry Herman. 3ns Worth street, and burial wus In Walnut Hill cemetery, the service being conducted by Rev. O O. Smith, pastor of tlie Firat Congregational church. Mrs. , . 'Stevens was born in New York state In ISIS You can t afford to have your carpet and Bnd with her husband came to D-erah, rug beaten In the old-faahlond way when la-, lu ltW. Mr. Stevun died twenty-five I you can have then, thoroughly cleaned by t-J our process at such moderate cost, without daughter In thl city. Mrs Herman and Injury to the fine fabric. Bring down another daughter, Mia. f.rown of fcajetn. lire., uro me umy puiiiviiif iitoiuuvi ui luv ecexxary Don't Know Sonrce of I-'unila Ranker of Des Moines" who signed the letter Which has D sent to policyhold ers of the New York Life, concerning which Auditor of State B. F. Carroll lia started an Inquiry, say they do not know . the source of the funds that are being used to meet the expense of sending out the letter. Light bankers of this city signed the letter. It Is neld that under the new New York laws the Insurance com pany cannot legally take the money from Its treasury- Some of the bankers who ricr's speech he made serious charge ugainst llamcry. Hamcry. being the Idol of a big percentage of 'the uudirncc, tin statements were resented. Frequent other similar statements nearly caused a rough house. When the resolutions were finally put the chairman declared ht- was unable to determine, utid the meeting brokp up in confusion. Farmers Xorice! -bushel corn crib $.1.5n. Loose grind -xtoncx, per lb., lc. J. Zoller Merc. Co. That . old frame Is beginning to look shabby. Lot us put on a new one. We can frame It right. Just to suit you and up-to- date. Dorwkk, 11 So. Main. Pictures for wedding ander, ZZZ Broadway. gifts. C. E. Ales Council niulfs Ileal Instate Trnnatera. These transfers were reported to The Bee November - by tho- Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs; 8. F. Melton and wife and C. O. llril fiLli and wife to 8. F. and nd Mrs. and 11, Kvcinro j.- Melton, lots 10 a block 1 McClelland. ' la., w d 3.000 Paul F. . Skinner and wife to H. S. Alexander, lot 1, block 1. Wilson's Terrace Add. Council Bluffs, w d 2,250 Christian Nlcolal and wife to H. A. Fehl, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 3, Han cock, la., w d 1,000 John Skinkle and wife to M. J. Naughton, lot 15, block L7, Beers' Sub. Council HlufTx. w d George 8. Wright and wife to Katie Kraft, block IJi, except lots lti. 17 nnd IS, I'nyliss' Third Add, Council liluffx. w d Heirs of John J. Fearon to K. J. Gil bert, lot 1, block Vi, Bryant & Clark's Add, Council Bluffs, n w d H. W. Binder and wife to William Arnd, Iota 7 uud K. block 13, Omaha Add, Council Bluffs, w d John W. 1-aekey to Ruth Brlghtnian, 4 nei, ;il-n-a. q c d Council BluffM Favlngs bunk to Lan caster Savings lunik, lot lo, block 2T, Mullin's Sub. Co.ineil Blufis, q c d.. John llaininer and wife to 11. G. Mc tiee. lots 1 ami 2. block IS. Howard Add, Council r.lntls, q c d 800 50 Total, ten transfers 1 ..$7,710 Next Monday, November 6, new classes will bo organized In the day and evening school at the Western Iowa college. 'Phont for information; both 'phones. Orvis Market and Grocery BOTH 'PHONES 46. 537 BROADWAY. New Kraut, per quart 5 Orvis best Flour, per sack Navy beans. 0 lbs Cranberries, per rt. .............. . Soda and Oyster Crackers, per lb Good Butter, per lb Uacou. per lb Oysters, per quart . 1.00 25c ,5c 25c 13c 25c Good Coffee, per lb Round Steak, per lb Loin Steak. per lb. Porterhouse Steak, per lb .v Pork Sausage, link or bulk, 3 lbs , Fresh Dressed Chickens, per lb. Pot Roast. . per lb , . . . . Boiling Beef, per lb I5c 10c 10c 10c 25c 12c Gc ,.flc BI LK OVHTKRS, FISH AMI CELERY Kiesli Supply of Fruit and Vegetable Received Every Morning. SATURDAY STOVE SPECIALS ANOTHER SATl'RDAY STOVE SALE, AT WHICH SHARP RE. Dl'CTIONS ARE MADE OX MANY OF Om STANDARD HIGH GRADE STOVES. COME SATURDAY IF YOU WANT ANY OF THESE. If you want the best lights to be had buy your burners and mantles at W. A Maurer'a, Lindsay burner. complete. Too. your laat winter' suit and let us maka It look Ilka new. Co. Bluffs Cleaning and Rug Factor y, 31 No. Main St. family. thief Kalertalas Deputies. Over MO boys, forming Chief Richmond's fotxe of boy police Halloween night, as- j sembled at police headquarters yesterday I afternoon and wero regaled with . sppics j and cuttf. The boys somi caused .the dl- ' atiparaiico of a whole barrel of apples and more than buabrl of ruta. "orty of the I young fellow who bad the distinction of wearing star received a small stipend for their services, white those whose liadge of authority was designated by ' h - ribbon re ceived the cordial thanks of the chief." A. Mctsrar A- C. New Location of Wholeaal nakery. il( Mynster Stroet, Co. Blufts, la. Home-mad Bread a Bpeclalty. , Visitors Welcome. Ball lao, Bd. . Indapandaat fUoaa, 63. . 132 VV. Broadway C. CVBBIT1BS, rropiiator. Woua ar H tml oa kot f . ' NVould you like to buy better wood and mora of It for lea money T W aell atov lengtha and chunks. Mlaaouii oak mood at II iO a rick. This la a bargain. Bridenstein Bmlth, 14th Ave and fia Kt. Tel. II-'. tutiraar bravery Kneeiala. Duets, per lb., l"c; 9v can egg plums, 1-''e; 2oo cun grct-n gjge plumi,, l'c; in cau Harilctt rKarv. l-lj-: ran mblc- pt-.tch-. fig. W r k . 1' and Sc; i ck 'J as'PKM, li'r. ' ti i. Ikui't mis aeelng th wonderful Cole's ci.lcUed st.l hot blaat range. It' made heavier, made better, doaa a wldsr rang of work, does it better, daes It wl'h las expense, than any other range. Don't fail to . ccniie and Investigate this wonderful range. Paddock & Handschey Hardware' Co., the beat place to buy stoves. You get tha lowest price, easiest teraiA and baat guarantee on your piano when purchased at A. Uoape Co., 2i South iluln St., Council BluRa. t.uHtm M'eddlaa: Celebrated. t'KDAIt KAIXS, la.. Nov. t trfpcciul Telegram.) 0r t,' prominent cltlsen todiiy celebrated the golden wedding of Mr. und Air. Moses W. b'awyer, rvaidenta of C' Falls fclnce lw'j'. lie Is a successful btinints nun. -.- Sl.piiaJI hroi. f..i the l;i:ti ., iMtntj uuriifr. iv . Hi-.a (, jj, I I in mmb Both 'Phones 251. 620 Wsst Broadway. Oilman's Gold Medal Flour $1.00 Meadow Geld Flour 05c 20'lba. pure Cane Sugar.. $1.00 Dried Peas, 8 lbs 250 Japan Rice, 6 lba 25 Bebt Sardines, per can 3 15c can Salmon,-2 for 15 Peas, 4 cans.... "ZZtC Pottawattamie Corn, 4 can8.25cs Tea Siftings, 1 -lb. pkg JOc Zetst, per pkg 75c Egg-O-See, per pkg 7Hc Malta Vita, per pkg. ...... 7 i 3 lbH. good Iird 23k Seedleag Ralblns, per lb....7ics H.'at-'EmAU Soap, 10 burs..23 Ix-nnox Soap, 10 bars. .' 25 A. FniEDClAN. Prop. $25.00 $:lO.OO R.VDIANT HOME BASE lU'RNEH The greatest heatera in the world $16.00 RADIANT HOME AIR BLASTS Guaranteed (or any (19 , fuel. 17.35 I .50 Rl'BY OAK Handsome, stiong, large soft coal beater. . . 4.50 LAUNDRY STOVF Extra quality and good (9 OC size cut to $duO mO.OO RADIANT HOME STEEL RANGE None better made &9 1 OC last a liretlme JdlaOJ $26.50 PURITAN STEEL RANGE with high closet . aq r A reduced to. ... . f&CfOV 1 3.00 CAST COOK STOVE . No. 8 with all 1m-, tfQ nr piovement JI3 T.75 RUBY OAK v Nickel trimmed has TA acrew draft damper. . . .vOawVI Stoves and Ranges Sold on Eaay Payments. MILTON ROGERS & SOUS COMPANY, Opn Saturday Kvaalng, FOURTEENTH JLK3 FARMAM STREETS. I !