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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY NEE: SATUBDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1906. vl7 ) r ( V1 ill V CHAIN AM) PRODUCE MARKET wbegt Ei:d h to H'spotd to Eu' i flaeacrs. AFTLR PULING WK, CLOSES UNCHANGED Receipts Light and Reports tons, of 0"nit lis Dry Weather la Ar-'!-Talk of Mill fthaltlngr Down. OMAHA. Nov. 2, im. I Wheat news was bullish, but the mm ket M i. --a to respond, rut any at the mail, it -,nd unul prices were 'c lower, una linn reacted (o me opening. L,iveiptiul ca bins snowed an advance unci lepurts of (Jitii.Ric liy dry weather caino fiutn Aigen tin. ilcielpts wne Mtiall and cnii d--n.and goou, h number nt sale being ie potted 10 li e mliia. Export ormtnu iu il large uh it might nave been. A aire Horn Minneapolis said some of ine imis were niwul lo be closed duvsn, inc Mm un ri.'i'ojiii r ior uour anu ntner necausa thev get wheal. Home reports came from the I'HKomn saying wheat In shock bad been Injured by wet weather. As ban been the iiHual thing lalelj. there, was vcty Mule trade in coin, and what business wss done was on a lower basin, though the market) firmed up a little at tl close. The weather waa generally fn vnrHble am receipts were a mile larger. Export (Ipmaml Is reported hIow. Eleva'.or companies report good acceptances of new corn. The Modern Miller will say today: "De lay In the seeding of wlntor wheat beeaune of too much rain Is reported from many localities and In a few dates the acreare will bo probably fmaller than last The agricultural commissioner for Tennes- er market was steady; creameries. l!ft -'ie; Onirics, lgtV.T. . Kay, firm: at mark, cnnna Included. S'qc' first. 23c. prime t.rsts. 24V; extras, fir. "heese. steady. 12VJ13V. SEW OKK (.KVK.ntl. MARK (IT Ysrlo.a NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Iftrkct ii Actirs an. Priost Bin Bfatrplj Early in Day. Quotations of the Df on Commodities. NBW YORK. Nov. 2 -FTOUR- Receipt". 11340 bbls . ; exports. 7,74? bbls.; sales. 72.8 Pkgs.; market nnn. with T)r uitinnj; w.nter patents. $3.710 4 00; winter straights, $3 uiKtfli.fio; Minnesota patents. $4.1.Vu4..1o: winter extras. $2.9iiif3.1fl; Minnesota bakers. VI 4iKf(3.Si; winter low grades, i.i..l . Hys "our, firm; fair to good. p.1y-3.n; choice to fair, $3 AVpi 10. Bttckwheet (lour, barely steady, $2 26 h 2.35, snot and to arrive. Ul. CKM HEAT Kteadv, ' -s lr I"10 ('OkNiU IT i I rt..M . A... a hll and vel. low. l..'uai.:,,', 1 luini.i.: ..tin dried. ! NEW YORK, Nov. t The aflvanca In t-75. (stocks was stimulated at first by the In- HILL IScll.S LEAD THE ' ADVANCE Ureal Kartaera Preferred la Biol Vp Orer Sine Points by Inr.vered Shorts 4" lose Is Easy ad Lower. RYE Firm' lr aav a rwl tat WUhfH'. delivered New York. BA RLE Y Steady; feeding. 434T44C. c. t. f. New York. W HEAT Receipts. 79.000 bu.: exports, 188.020 bu.; sales, 2,JjO,0f) bu. future. The stxit market wa eajv; No. 2 red, S2H0 levator and 8.(He f. o. n. afloat; No. crease In the Pennsylvania dividend, was continued today on an Increased volume of business. There wss evidence to Indi cate large buying by an uncovered short Interest and this wag particularly urgent In the stocks which roe- most sharply. It manifested luelf first In the Hill stocks In the f4 Jump In Orat Northern preferred and b"4 in Northern Facitic No news was o. h. afloat: No. 1 Northern Tiil.nK fik7 a k afln.l Va : tim-H wintA oos! V nAn . I f orthciwnins- to exnlAfn the violent rise In f luck of dem!ll ,or " br",f oP"nlnn advance due to steady works Hnd it ws (teneraUy attributed us they cuulll not f waa less re.ponslva to bullish to he neere of n incttut h.rt iniiuenres louay. i lecemner snorts snowing "" ' .T ..TLi that option to break c a bushel and Iste stocks owing to the small floating supply positions were affected by realizing roles. " Uia market. The same influence was fc included No. 3 red. Mav, MVattMic, Cf'a""l with the aggreeslve advance In closed at s4c; December. R3S'a81', closed CORN Receipts. 16,060 bu.; exports. SS.790 bu.: sales, 25,000 bu. Spot, No. 2. Wo elevator and 5To f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 56V-; No. 2 white. 66c. The option market was ifaa, higher In New York on covering of shorts, but at the west ruled easy under talk of increased reoe'pls. May closed at 6oc, December. WV4637c, closed at u3Te. Resdina. The only news tvgnrdlng that slock waa the report of net earnings for Soptember, which showed a falling oft from tJeoterr.ber of last year both for the cool company and the railroad company, the de crease for all companies reaching (27,16!, or 23 per cent. The fact bucame obvious that there has been a large amount of short selling In the market. basel on the assumption that a J period of unsottlement and depression was 1WW ivxi francs; treasury deposits. Increase, 1 S . m.ovt francs; general denoslls, lncreae, ZSfiA"1) francs; gold In hand, decrease, l.9?Z.f$ francs; silver In hand, decrease. 13, francs; bills discounted. Increase, ..Ofio francs; advances, increase, 1.067, ooo francs. New York Slower Market. NEW YORK. Nor. 1-MONET-On call, firm, 4J7 per cent; ruling rste. per cent; closing bid. t per cent; offered et I per cent. Time loans, stronger; sixty and ninety days, 7 per cent; sis months, t per VRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-H per rent. BTERLINO EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at M 8670 64 RS75 for demand snd at 14 803fyf4 J040 fnr sixty-day bills; posted rates, MSI and 14 SH: commercial bills, 14 Soli. Mexican doiiara, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ctttl Chow Little Chanr u Ooaptred with Ysiterday. SOME IMPROVEMENT IN H0S PRICES Liberal Receipts of tbeeo aad La sabs, with Prlees oa Most Kloae frern Steady to Teat to Flfteea Lower. n..a 1 Rrelpt were: rauroaa. Offliiai Mnndiv jastn ,ls. M seriw.. rft official Krlday Ll lioiw) do 4 ctt I , tl u'JXH H ' ",v d thli week....JS.157 24.060 77 9!S v.n a Ja loos ' Pame days last week....1S.ui U.TJ0 il.CM ae renortM eellr,e- ,luluu., . .nnntv, ..J WilAW-.r; CllDDed white. 3 to 40 lbs.. ijSI 43f that only 57 per cent of the acreage in that I JrEEI Steady ; spring bran. $22.'K, prompt state has so far been sown The Kentucky shlnment: middllnga, $23.00. prompt shlp commlsytnner eHtlmates that the ncrege I lr'I,n., t , In that atate when seeding is completed will i 79,,,et: "hipping. 0c; good to choice, Im. Rf. of what It wax last vear." i i,! ? Dennis looks nt the wheat market this i .. "-'r r,asy ; state, common to cnoice, wny: I think the speculator arid short OATS Fieceints iTR.Tfln hii exnorts 1 6il ' certain to Intervene before the election. rin-: spot market, firm: mixed oats. 26 to which would afford n opportunity to coyer 32 lbs.. 38c: natural white. SO to 33 lb... "hurts at a profit. There was an extent) ye weakness of their position being aggravated by the sympathetic effect on the general seller might as el wipe the spring wheat crop off of his map. The durum will be ex ported unil the spring wheat mills can never in any prcbablllty let the spring wheat be come n drug for one minute. He will take It as It comes and be glad to get It. redlin ing the premiums whenever he la nb!e. But he will not let It get away from him. It Is golne to be a cae of the tall wagging the lias;. 2li24c: 1906. Mi 10c: Pacific const- lirfiISc; iu. lift 13c. HIDEH-Steady; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., -'0c; California, 21 to .'i lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 to :io lbs.. Iflc. LEA TITER Steady; acid, 272Sc. PROVISIONS Ht-er. firm: uiiuly, $12.60 613.00; mess, 88.OMiS.00; beef hams. III.OM 2.100; packet. 10 yKtfll.OO; city, extra India mess. lll.60fi-2O0O Put meats, steady: pickled bellies, $10. 26Ti 12.50: pickled hams. .. Pprlnt wheat will advance and pull "Sm"' Sm'sT. 'JST nrlm"" v Inter wheat f th. winter wheat won't I ST- If J? TLZ''" ll'. ailvanre of Itself, which It will very likely Primary wliea rerelnts were !2.0i bush els snd shipments 64,000 bushels, agalnsi: reeelpte lur'. yer of 1.169,000 bushels nnd snipnients of 513.000 bushHs. Corn receipts $0.0;fi.70: refined, steady, continent. $10 00: South America, $10.76; compound, $7.87V5f 8.124. Pork, steady; family, $1B 0Oifrn9.h0; short clear, $17,00118.60: mess. $18.00518.75. TALLOW-Strong; (city $2.00 per pkg.), c; country, (pkgs. free!. eQflc. Bl I TKle-Stmdy: street price, ex- were 44f.0fK) bushels and shipments 4til. tp" ' ; rvmLV VhcI. - , Jt., " hhei. nrxin.t r..ini. tt v,- of ! tr" creamery. 2ic. Offlcla I pricea: Cream- bushels, agoinst receipts last yenr of 428. 0"0 bushels and shipments of K.VOuO bushels. Clearsnces wi re 440.fK-O bushels of wheat, 142.0UO bushel of corn. 2.0'fl bushels of oats, and flour and wheat emnl to STiMiOO bushels. Liverpool d"sed -'fiV.d higher on wheat and ttnehentred to lid hleher oh corn. Local rtinge of options: Articles. I Open. I Hlsh.l Loa-. I Close. I Tery Wheat' I 1 I Dec. ... 67,! rrrtii f,7'4' May... I 71 71' 1V,V Torn I i ' 1 Dec... I 377 I ns I 37341 May...' 3SV SS'-i1 38V4I lfs '111 Pec.... 1 1 1 1 M:iy... ' ! I 71 i1 88 I :i.s.i I ai-ii 32V Omiks '".isli Prices. J WHEAT No ! hard. ig9e: No. 8 hard, i WftWc; No. 4 hard. tCriS7c; No. 3 spring, tn ery. common to extra, 19fi26!c; held, sec onds to extra. 21ifi2tic: state dairy, common to fancy, 19i26Hc; renovated, common to extra, UHfi22c; western factory, common to first, 164124:; western Imitation firsts, 20V4 CHEESE Quiet; state full creams, small September, fancy, 13',c; state 'Oc tober beat, 12c; state fair to good, 12V4c; state large September fancy. 13'e; stale fair to good, 12S 12Hc; state Inferior, lv3 lle; skims. SfclO-c. KOG8 Firm: state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected whites, 35c; state choice, 3:ifl4c: state mixed extras. 30c: "jii ! western firsts. 26fa27c; official price, 25Q2c; - , seconds, 2.w;-24c. niu. 1 POULTRY Live, steady: western chick s' ens. 104c: fowls. 10c: turkeys, 14-. i Dressed, irregular; western chickens, Wfcit M. Loils (ienersl Market. I ST. IX5UIS. Nov. i. WHEAT Weak; 1 track, xso. X red, cash, 7&t) n'c; no. 2 hard, 7V 71 .. .... 1 1 rr , .2L r I taramhsr Til'.r ivlax- ..tL-r , CORN-No. T WW, No. 8 yellow, 404c; . Viw v- vi:2-L- V. " J ' ' , OAV8bNo: mlxed. 80;. No. i sl A.?"?1 ' 'v-V 30V3,C- ! clvTS-hrmlk4'. 2 cash, 83c; j RYE-No. i9c; No. 3. Me. , No. 3 wnUe 3jic; December, $3t33!4c; Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis , Omiihn liuluth '. fct. Ixiuis 1 onui iitceipta Wheat. Cor'i-. Oats 63 174 222 89 .20 76 179 22 '9 'is CHICAGO fiRAIN AD Mrv 4.e I-'LOL'R Steady; red winter patents. $3.86 &'; extra fancy and straight, $3.Stt32.d0; a cleur, $2.Wi2.90. PEED Timiitbv. steadv: $3.2ii"S3.7o. 41 CORNMEAI Weak, $2.40. BRAN Strong; sucked, east track, K'J 122 4c. 1 HAY Steady; timothy. $18.00917.00; prai PROVlIO1 t rie, $10.00S13.00. ' I HON tOTlON TIES tl.OZ. I RAOOINO ije. MKMP TWINK-HC. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $18.91. ury steady; boxed extra shorts. ra, iu.l.'Vt- Features of the Trading; tail lloalnut Prices 011 Hoard of Trade. ! CHICAGO. Nov. 1-Llnuidatlon by local Lard, higher; prime steam. $9.07 holders caused moderate weakness loaay in j "i., "'i?; " ..... in..i hr.i nmrui tli 1 .-, e ni I ier de- f'.'.OiH clear Tlba, $9.25; short clcn llvei-- tioslnic at a net loss of -Mr Corn Bacon, steady: boxed extt-a shorts I10.S7V . .,1. ,j elaa e r-1 r si Kill F 1 1 m Ii frT tflaaf Sill If j 1 was down Miffinc. uan eiv a euuue w"r",.V7St,S --; - higher. Provisions were IVilU'ic to 2 POL 1.1 RY-Kirm; chickens 8c; springs l"w"r. : 1,,vc; turkeys. 12c; dinks, 8i9c: geese, i'lf Sentiment In the wheat pit at .the opening "TJ;.----was in. -lined to the buying side and trad- Ml; l i r.K oirauy I,.-- u-ua netive. The factors for higher uulry. 18i22c. ,i w were rtrrn cables, sm.ill leceluts In EG lh noi ihweH and a decrease In the Ar- ' 1., .l,imr.l frntn tslCIHlO bllHhels list lour, DUIS. week to W:.uo bushels. Crop advices from Wheat, bu Amentlna were a ao of a lnilllsh character. " one reoort claiming that the crop In cer- Oats, EGOS Firm. 23c. bu. bu. Am. ration Oil pfd -.- Am. Kxpress Am. H. U pM Amaricso Ice Am. Llnneed Oil Am. Unaese Oil pfd... Am. IjocomottT Am. LwomotlTS pM... Am. 8 A R Am. 8. It. pf'i Am. Suaar Refining. ... Am. Tnbaeen ptd etfi. AiiKoanda Mining Co.. At-htnn AtrhlaOQ ptd Atlantic Coast Una.... tUltlmora ar nhto Bal. a- Ohio ptd nrooklrn Rapid Tr ... ranidlan Paptflo case count. 1 Central of N. J Receipts. Shipments. ; rhrweake at Ohio ... .a . , i rki.... n. w 1 1 ,v- ".I list In the PemiMvlvanla dividend. That stoc-k was still alive today, but It was held back from a further advance over yester day's high level bv free pront-taklng. The Pennsylvania railroad net earnings for Sep tember were also published and showed thnt the Increase In gross earnings had been practically eaten up by the growth In operating expenses. There were some further conferences between railroad offi cers and railroad employes over the ques tion of Increases In wages and reduction of working hours, but sentiment In the stock market was not affected and there was a growth of assurance that a settle ment would b effected without an Interrup tion of profitable activity. The course of the call loan market did not Interrupt the Improvement in pricea of slocks In spite of trie prospect of a poor bank statement tomorrow. The euhtreaaury had taken from the bunks un to Thursrtsy night $3,736 00, and trustworthy estimates of the movement of currency to the Interior Indicated a further loss on that account sufficient to bring the total decrease to nearly $7,li0.000. The shifting of accounts Incident to the November settlements would tend to expand the loan account. There has been a general supposition also that the decrease in loans reported last week was not a true reflection of the actual course of that Item snd that a rectification in this week's statement would be likely to work an expansion In the Item. Foreign discounts rose today and the Rank of France and the Imperial Bank of Germany reported a considerable Impairment of con dition, both by decrease of reserve and in crease of liabilities. The result was a strong foreign exchange market here, the hlp-her money rate abroad prompting the withholding of finance bills this mar. ket, while the demand for remittance from here waa quite active. Professional profit-taking on the day s advance became general under cover of the latter stages of the advance In Reading and the market closed easier- and materially lower than the highest prices of the day. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par vnlue, $2.7M.0M). I'nlted States 3a advanced M per cent on call. Quotations on the New Tork Stock ex change today were aa ronows: sales, nigs- -"? Adams Express Amalgamated Popper Am. r Am. r. r. pM. a r-...... nil J7 t7.1M ll!H 114 1.5O0 4H 44 lnl Km. 101 4 100 U'i U '"in 'ji H l.ioo iii til "'fie in M 4,00 74H 74 ii!ii iitii im'4 4M 111 11 .K M4 - 1M4 100 creamery, 2127V4c; in IS 3l M0 ti 7414 111 1MH 117' ll.soo t: tioii 1714 , 4.100 1oi mil, ion. toe ioi iofv ioo 00 1S7 17 1M , t.too m ii "'4 it'4 :oo ti tl o4 , l.aoo 111. . 1.400 17t SILVER - Br. 70'e BONDS Government, firm; ""y. .... .. Ofliclal Turtd.v Vluoisnons on bond! today were as Ml- official Wednesday lows: UisiH.i t ...... j... 11 a 4 ! injlxlf.... a. aa evti i , ... , : r ' j ia eovpos Ioih U. 8. t. ret 1H V. 8. old 4a. rat tit do coupon lot V 8. a 4a,- rci in da coupes IBs Am. Tobacco 4a 71 do la 110 Atchison an. 4a 101 do ad). 4 IIU Atlantic C. U 4a U Bal. Ohio 4a 101 do H nrs. r. t. e. 4a m Central sf Oa. la 11114 da lot In 99 do td Ina 71 do Id tnr 78 chea. 4V Ohio 44a...lotit rhlraso a A. mi 7 C, B Q. n. 4a S St. la 8. W. t. 4a C. R. I. P. 4a.... 7714 Seaboard A. la 4t do col. ( tt 8o. PaclAo 4a err. St. L. . 41.102141 do lat 4a ctfi... Coin. Ind. la. ser. A. TM As. Rallwar ta 8OUTH OMAHA. Nov. 2, 1". Catlle. Hogs. Shetp. .. 9.1U6 2,727 li b O .. 8.4T8 8.040 .. 6.018 Melson rish - P r- 8 t o M 4H morning IS Steers. 4 30 12 steers. 7 cows li IH $ feeders. Hons Hons opened up tins strong to 6c higher on the more deslratile klnda of both heavy and light weights, but the. trade a as not active st the advance. Hesvv and heavy trlxed hogs sold largely around OOmi.06, with the lighter tinned and medium weights at $fl 06'(i-i 16, and the best light from ti loftf 22H. with a top st $8.27. The strength shown by the mar ket yesterday, together with the improve ment todsv, wipes out a portion of the de cline on Tuesday snd Wednesday, leaving the market today only a shade to lie lower than It was at the close of lsst week. At the time of closing this report the feel ing on the msrket wss very weak and a large proportion of the morning's advance $.363 5,9: lH.iii: 10.892 15.2.8 Max. Central 4a do 1st tnr Minn. A St. L M. , K. T. 4a. do la N. R. It. of M. I N T. C. (. I4. M J. C. t No. FarISc 4a.... do ta o. s. la rfdg. 4a tM, heep Pna. eon. 4s HH Reading ten. 4a I 8t. U A I M e. 4e . 11114 Omaha. 81. ta 8 F. ft. 4s W't t.h,,. . chains iwo weeks ago 3o.7. ivi.'.in . jv name tnree weeks ago.. ill. 9.7 Z1.3S-J 87.o4 . Same four weeks ago. . .30,470 21.i60 119. nil . name aays last year 35.MI0 ZtS.isi 84.7,0 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 19o. l!4i. inc. 874 471 8il.;;.'7 26.144 2,115.2. l.W.t.6i 171.599 1.824.724 1,619.117$ 174,Jal KAMOxu OF fttlClwi. Cattle. He: Il.Mlft-00 $Ju.22Mi 4i. nit .... ....lisu ....tri'a Cattle 73 1 V. ' was lost. Kepreesentatlve sales: Ms ' 8k. PT. Na Aa. 8k. Pe. 44 l ... I 7 7 510 ... t It tl 141 N I H 10 fM ft I It 17 171 ... I to Jo M t 10 'lit JM ... It t IM 110 t US tl Ml 15S 4 On 71 Ill ... tllS 14 tU M I to 14 Ml IfO t US 117 141 40 t M'4 10 M7 10 t US 41 lit 1X0 I l ...... JM ... IKS 47 1J4 ... t Ml 11 tx4 KO 11 II. ...... t ... td 7t !l 110 til "... ...0 IM l 71 M to I II 61 174 l IS 44 J7 120 t I t7 ! 110 t 08 tt rtt H III M 144 M IN 17 117 ... I It III IH MS I Ot 44 J-,5 1(1 lit M .-7.1 40 t OS U MO t 11 ta ... t ot 7r. 111 40 t to t r3 tt I 09 71 147 40 I t" M 170 ... t 07S t ;t ... t 1" 4 HI IM t 07't II Ut 40 I 10 M I4 ... t 07S 11 HI 40 t t II 147 180 I 10 tl IV S40 t I2S to ?4,1 ... t it ti in ... t lis of American: receipts. 39i0 bales, Inciud Inf .9i) beles of American. Colorado Mid. 4a. Colo. A So. 4a..,. Cuba ta I). A R. O. 4a... niatlllers 8ec Is Brie p. I. 4a da a en. 4a Horklns Val. 4S..r.loS Japan ta .... LAN. nnl. Offered. tl . M UN . M 117U Teiaa A P. la lit T.. St. U A W. 4... n4 Cnlon Pacini- 4a lots V 8. tkeel id ll S Wh.h e Ill do deb. H 10 Weafern Md. 44 t W. A L. K. 4a 80 ... S Win. Ceatral 4a to. 101 ' 74 tl 10414 M 7 ti ans Boatoa Storks and Bonala. BOSTON, Nov. 2 Call loans. Evtfi per cer.l; lltna loans, SSCSH per cent. Official tjutlations on stocks and bonds were: Atrhleon adj. 4a t do 4i Ifi'a Mex. Central 4a. Atrhleon do ptd I00 Boston A Albany tit Rsaton A Malua Ite flmton Elevated Ill Kltchhurg ptd IH Mex. Central Ky N. Y., N. H. A II. ..IM fere Marotietla ..... c Vnlon Pacino IM Am. A. Cbem. p'd.... IIS Amer. Pneo. Tube.... it Amer. Sugar IMa do pfd HI Amer. T. A T IM Amer. Woolen tt do pfd IM Dominion I. A 8 las Kdiion Rlec. Illu las Maaa. Rlartrle II do pfd ta Maaa. Gal 9 I'nlted Fruit lots t'nited 8 hoe Mark.... 71 do pfd fH I'. 8. Steel 41 do pfd IMS Adventure Is Allotiea Il Amalfamated HIS Atlantic Its Bid. Asked. Bingham ( al. A Hecla.... Centennial Copper Range ... naif weet Frankllo Oranhy I1I0 Rorala ...... Maaa. Mining ... Ml'hiran Mohawk Mnnt. C. AC... Old rtomlnloa ... Osceola Parrot Qutncy Shannon Tamarack Trinity t'nited Copper .. V. 8. Mining V. 8. Oil ftah Victoria Winona wolverine Nartb Butte .... Butte Coalition . Nevada f'al. A Artiona.. T ec u mean Arizona Com .... Greene Cn Kansaa Cltv St. Iuls .... Sioux City .. 1.U l. 'to ... 8..0Hlti.i& ... i oi-n .9' 5.7.uu.4'i 6. iu.2i'V 6 xi'ii 40 & cattle Quotations. Good to choice corn-led steers. .. $5.ivf. ralr to -good corn-fed steers b.aWuo.80 t-ommon to tair corn-fed steers.... 4."u76 Good to choice range steers 4.6t&.60 lr to good range steers 4.ouw4.7o Common to fai,- range sleets S buw4.l Oood grass cows and heifers S.26i4.'W ralr to good cows and heltets 2to0-' Common to fair cows and heifers.. LSf-'nH- Uood choice Blockers and feeders.. .4j04'I.M) Fair to good stockers and reers.. tXMA. Common to fair stockers 2.75j3.2i Bulls, stags, eto 4. (8r Otf 'fh following table shows the aveiags Price of hogs at South Omaha for tba laat several days, with comparison; E- I l$o$. 11906. 11804. 19U.1U. 11901. 190O. 13 14V $ OosJ 4 94 . IIS .Mo - 80S ' i!1 Oct. 26...I I 12U. : J, ct- . S tct. 28. . 114, Oct. . US Oct. 30. . i-a wua. i...r a I Nov. !...( 16 . IS .101 US .100 .us . 87 S IC. M. 4V St. P... - 4S I Missouri Pacific 12.. I Cnlon Pacific system lT,4 I C. A N. W. Mil 6 01 6 20 I 71 061 4 48 4 941 ( 08' t 25 I $ 00 4 68 4 88 t 01 6 IS, ( 62 I 4 64 4 921 4 861 6 08 8 61, 89i I 4 Hxi 4 7I a 61 ' 6 8I1 4 oi 4 83 8 69 6 72. 4 50 4 A 4 92 4 981 6 till 6 67 4 47 4 M 4 04 6 6ti 3 u 4 vi 4 90 4 84 6 00! 5 73 4 0 8unday The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle. Hogs. Hhe'p. Il l s. f ' a vr IS . , C, St. P.. M. & O.... ti4S . c - B- Q cast x? l i 01 W-i weal v., it. 1. ec f., east.... C. R. 1. P., went.. Illinois Central . 11 .141 . US . I'S . It Lasdas Closing; Stocks. LONDON, Nov. 2. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Console, money ... H1-1I K., K. A T do account SOS Anacoada 12S Atchison 104s do pfd 104 S Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Chea. A Ohio Chlraio Ot. W C. M. A St. P.... DeBeera D. A R. O do pfd Erie da let pfd do id pfd Illinois Central Loul.v'.lle A Nh SILVER-Bar, IN. Y. Central. Norfolk AW.. do pfd Ontario AW.. .122S Pennsylvania . ..lSoaalKaad Mines .. .. l' Readlns , .. II 8o. Railway .. ,.17l do pfd .. 80S 8o. Pacific .... .. 41sifiilon Pacific .. MSI do pfd .. 4SS;V. 8. Steel.... .. 7IS t" Pfd .. 19 Wabaxh ..171 do pfd . US .ins . MS . la . 4S . 74 S . t . 71S . S . tl . us 1 4 49 2 67 1 8 26 20 8 11 8 4 8 3 26 Totals 163 61 78 2 The disposition of the day's receipts u as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hors. Sheen. vjmana racking 00 Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Cudahy, Kansaa City... Van Sant & Co Carey fc Benton Lobman A Co McCreary & Carey W. I. Stephen Hill 4V Son F. P. Lewis 1JS Hamilton 4V Hothschild 7 1 L. F. Husx io55f 1 Wolf 'L? ! J. H. Bulla ' J, ; J. B. Root & Co tiH 1: 11. ingnram .147U Rnaatah 4a an et. 82 ll-16d per ounce, nuiuvan uroa MONKY-SMila rMr cent IV. A. Britton The .rate of discount in tha open market ' Krey Packing Co for short bills Is 8 per cent; for three ' Armour, from Denver.. inonms diiis, b '' per cent. vmef uuycri . 421 297 fltO 716 1,260 1,811 776 1.5o2 718 6)xl l.v3 2,210 R8 158 1 2 189 82 U 7 241 49 Ti 184 82 8 23 I 210 243 622 .... 8.400 7S to4 1744 '7 1211 . . 75,l) .. 78,0110 . .122.0IAI t.iin provinces Is because or an absence of rain. This news cuused con- , Minneapolis Cirnln Market. ideruble buving by pit traders during thai MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 2i FLOCR ! irt tlrct half fiour. Tne market gradually patents. $4.2o(4.30; second patents. 1 OCrf eased off and late In the day became, quite 4.15: first clears, $3.2fi3.36; second clears, weak. A feature of the late trading, how- 2.40i??.fiO. ever, wua the realising sales by locul hold- BRAN In bulk, $15.759a6.00. ers, who were induced lo sen oy a orena In orlces of wheal at Minneapolis. The close wss weak to Vc higher at 7oc and declined were at 74Vc. 1 ' .M.I ! rhlrieo Gt. W 52'llfifl ! Chi-ao A N. W ijl ftmi l Chlcaso. Mil. A 8t, P Milan I '""go T T S0-UU) Chicago T. A T. pfd : C.. l. C. A Bt. L Colorado V. A I Colorado A 8o Colo. A Bo. let pfd Colo. A 8o. !d pfd Conaolidiied Uaa Cnro Products, rfg .-. Corn Products pfd. rfg Djlewara A Hudson W J... 7.100 s.iS 100 I7 li0 17.000 1US B4S 17S 10O 51'4 US M4S 4.500 H0 oo ins ra,,a.rt. riiftr r.r TrmAtk nnntntlnna fnr . Ilelaware. 1 A . December opened a shade win.anii. nlt rhlcaao delivervi. Tha ! Denver A R. O 74u to 74' ioc, aold up to ,.-. riricet as reDorted by F D. Day PAR. C. pfd to 74Sc Closing quotation. nl0"drtrTrade, was: . tn.tiller.' 8e,urul .. rUflruncz-fl of wneat and i . Erto ISS MS UH tS SIS too n too in no 7KS 1.IT0 tlS 't too US &0 171 171V 11 14 MS B2S at !S M4 us ti4 iS ts 17 S i:ms in US US 7S none ware enual to tas0.200 bushels. Ex. . ..i.i m.i, l i i cv.. I v i Krle lat pfd Vo the week as ahown by Brad- ) , ........ , Bn. id pfd-.. . -I i i cnniun a,..t,.i. ; ucnermi iv.crirn sireeis were rituiu iu t.-r.vw -i Wheat I I niary receipts were jrk.iw ousneia, coin- i nec....7' May...7fWr;9i,l Juiy...bOjoOSi! Flax I j Dec... 1 12H Nov. ..I 1 144j May... I 1 Utel l.ioo I 100 soo (00 pared with 1.169.000 bushels for the corre sponding day one year ago. Minneapolis, liuluth and Chicago reported receipts of 600 caj-s. against AM car last week and 86? cars one year ago. Trading In the corn pit was quiet and the tony of the market was steady. The weather waa favorable for tha movement I 76 j 80 '-si 1 13'ii 1 15s 1 lS-Ja. ("HI rm 1 12V1 1 14VI l it',; 76a ril 79'il 1 V, 1 llH 1 1S.J, 1 14J, 1 Wt General Hocking Vallev. ottered. T)3 Illlnola Central ntemationai Paper 70 US 7tS us tOO 174 tt 43S 7S l 178 fsu 1171, 5I S tas Calumet A Centennlsl .... Copper Rsnge Dally Weat ... East Bulla .... Franklin Greene Coppar Oranby Helvetia Isle Royal Hecla. Boston Copper Market Totals 4,739 6.082 13.734 -l r ....... t . i LA I 1 Lh Kara nil nf r-a 1 1 In war. verv .iuBiiia ijuviaiiuns on fiosiun copper mar- iik.-ui . - T. . , ket, reported by Logan A BryanT 2 Board 'J?""! Friday, Its cars being re- of Trade building. Omaha: J". , The m,rkt whole was In IS Michigan IIS J wjiumou, cunaiuenng lull 11 MS Mobswk : was Friday, when the demand Is never ex it Nevada consolidated. s pcc!d to be as brisk as earlier in the IIS North Bute 114s ' ""-'a- lo oid Dominion us ' There seemed to be a good demand for .ttSOeneola IMS 'desirable kinds Of fed steers at nrlcea not SiHPneu. Service n .materially dinerent from vesterue.v. Tha ! I common to merilum graues, however, were slow sale and. If anwhing, a little weak. "ill ! ('0,vs nd heifers have not been In very ' lis lar' supply any time this week and pack !!loiis " cn ahorl of that kind ol cattle. . l.'-s t'nited siatas, com., us I 1 r,""ult was that this morning In spite . z&st nitcd states, pfd... i' u in tact mat it was a rTlday the were . list'tah Consolidated 7s free buyers of all desirable kinds ai fully so steauy prices, some sellers. In fact, thought IS ; they secured strong prices aa compared tiv I with yesterday On the other hand, there ' were weak spots In the market and selien ! who did not happen to have Just what wouia taxe a Duyer s fancy found the mar- Adventure Allonea Atlantic Bingham Black Mountain ... Boston Consolldsted Butte Coalition ... Calumet A ArlKona..l4t Pneu. Service, pfd ..i Qutncy . 11 Bhannoe . IIS Tamarack . .1S Trinity lostrlted Fruit SHEEP Receipts of sheep wsre quite lib- ersl at this point, the run here being larger than at all other points combined. As has been noted before this week, pack ers have hern feeling that they were p.iy Ing too much for sheep and lambs at this point as compared with other msrkets. Still, In spite of that fact, they were forced to pay the prlees on account of the small supply of stiltuble killers. Instead of sell ing lower the market during the first half of the week steadily strengthened. This morning, with a much larger supply of killers in sight, packrrs had things a llttln more tliclr own way and they were able to fill their orders at prices anywhere fmtu ateady to 15c lower than yesterday. That means that some of the more desirable loads sold fullv as well, while others were a bis 15o lower. The weakness In today's market practically wipes out the gain for tha week. Feeders cloesod lower In spots yesterday afternoon. There were quite a good many In sight and sellers, lather than hold over, took off a little In order to effect a clear ance. This morning, with nnotlarr liberal run In sight and with the end of the week so near a hand, the trsde waa slow, with the tendency easier. Quotations on killers: Good to choice lambs, $7.0Cktf7.26: fair to good lambs. $.. Ii7.0o: good to choice yearlings, $6 bo&it.M, fair to good yearling, $5.2Mi6 50, good to choice wethers, $5.0O6.5O; good to choice ewes, M.iiWou.. - Quotntions on feeders. Lrimbt. $6.20flii.w; yest llngs. $j 2fyg6.70; wethers, $4.755 16; ewes. $3 5094.6)', breeding ewes, t4.7ir36.2a. H--presenttlve salee: . No. 17;; Wyoming ewes 99 Wyoming ewes, feeders 164 Wyoming ewes, feeders 412 Wyoming ewos, feeders 34 Wyo. lambs, culls, feeders.., 89 Wyoming ewes 50 Wyo. lambs, culls, feeders.., ti Wyoming lambs, feeders...., 243 Wyoming lambs, feeders 357 Wyoming ewes 376 Wyoming lambs, feeders 96 Wyoming lambs 1Sr, Wyoming lambs , 302 Wyoming lambs , 722 Idaho lambs, feeders 119 Idaho lambs, feeders 489 Idaho lambs, feeders , 374 Idaho lambs, feeders 14W Wyoming lambs, feeders..., 104 Wyoming ewes Ill Wyoming lambs OMAHA MHOI.K.e. 4I.K MA8KKT. Condition ml Trade and Qaotatlona oa Staple and Fancy I'rodace, EUOH-lVr dos., 22c. LI V K I'Ol l. l HY-Hens, 8c; roosteis. 6c; turkeys, loul; ducks, K-; spring clilcK ens, UrTTER Packing stock. 17c; choice to fancy dairy, .j'2c; creamery. !4'u.,hc. HA Y Choice upland. $9 6"; medium, $9 tSJ; coarse, '"uX ii. live straw, Id oojT.uO. UHAN-I'ir ton, $15.00. VEOETABLKS. SWEET rOT.VIofcS-l'er bbl., $2 26. TOM ATOKS Home grown, per basket of lbs. $1.00. BEANS Lima, 6i,c; navy. No. 1, $1.76 per bu.; No. 2. $1 t.'. WAX BEANS Per msrket basket of About 15 lbs., $1.5. TL MN IPS, Bk-KTS AND CARROTS Fcf bu., 7fcc. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dug. heads, 40c. CELERY Per dos., !S40c. Cl'i t MUERS Hothouse, per do.. $160. ONIONS-Home grown, tc per bu.; Spanish, $1.76 per crate. ORE EN ONIONS Per dot. bunches. 260. HOKr-KRADISH "ase of 2 dot., $1.90. RADISHES-Per dog. bunches, 26c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $l.h6; No. , W i. LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6V.O. OKKKN PKPPK118 Per market basket, J5e. PARSLEY Hothouse, per do. bunches, tOc. CABBAi.E Holland se?d. homa gtown, per lb.. U,c. F.lK PLA NT-Per do... 76c. POTATOES Per bu., 4lHtiic. , RIfTAB AUA8 Per lb., llWC 160 lbs. to sack. FRCITS. PEACHES California Salway, per box, 1 10. t PEARS-Winter varieties, per box, $3. GRAPES Toksy, $1.75. , tlt.n- APPLES Ben DaviK. $-'.2n; Jonathana, $3.26: New York apples. W.26. CHANH KRRI E8 Per bbl.. $8.50U9.50. QUINCES Per h.ix, $2.26. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORJ4.NOES Florida oranges. $3 26. LEMONS Llmoniers, extra ,hV? size. $7.f0; 300 size. $V00: 309 site, $K.0O, othet brands. $1.00 less. ,. lV. GRAPE FRUIT-Sixe 70 to ..,, B 4.NANAS Per niedluni-slxed buncn. $1.75'q2.26; Jumbos, $2.6ivu3.0i. FIGS-Kodaway, 6c; ""yrr". ' new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb. box. $ .10 Cali fornia bulk. 6Hc; 7-crown Turkish. 15c. 4 crown. 14c; 5-crown, Hi1: 5;:n. 12c- BiS-r i;i i i nn r.o. No. 1 ribs. 12c; No. 2 rib-. SV; No. 3 ribs 6v,r; No. 1 round. 8c; No. 2 round. .; No. I round. No. 1 loin. Wo; No, v'oln 1JV. No. 3 kln. 8Uc; No. 1 plate. SVjc; No. 3 rVlate 3c; No! 3 plate. 2V,r; No. 1 chucks. 4'-r fSr. .1 (.HUViMTJ, Av. Pr. , 8 4 35 85. 4 00 , J0 4 30 , 4 30 8 6 23 92 6 26 46 6 60 ,66 t 80 ,66 6 9P ,114 t 26 , Ss 4 10 42 6 26 .61 S 50 ,63 6 S3 .61 6 10 ,63 4 10 ,88 6 10 ,48 4 10 ,89 7 $ ,86 il.i .46 I 50 IS t'tah Copper 24 s Victoria L. 8. A Pittsburg.... lis Winona Massachusetts IS Wolverine Bank of Germany Statrme BERLIN, Nov. I The weekly statement ket slow and somewhat unsatisfactory. c' the Imperial Bank of Gtrmany shows It being so near the end of the week, b buy- wj tne rouowing cnangea: fash on hand, de- ers were not as hungry after feeders as H i creased 87. ,40,000m ; treasury notes. In- they were earlier In the week, with the re ts iiT""1 ui0l',n: other securities, increased suit that while the very best gradra were 7S"i Ulnnaanalla Ciih lloae Wheat: No. 1 of the crop, but the movement showed only , hard. 79V1; No. 1 northern, 7S;4jc; to arrive. a sngnt increase. UDera. itoii. ,770; No. 2 northern, .tiSc; to arrive, b-sc; Argentina had a bearish effect on the mar- 1 ja0- j -vhlte, 7iioj,t,.o; No. 1 diuum, 66 'c; to ket. The close was steady. December arrive, bo'.c; No. 2 durum. 62sc; to arrive, lencd a shade lower lo a shade higher at te. torn: No. 3 yellow, 44V; No. 3, 43V to 434c. sold off to 4314C and closed 44SC. Oats: No. t while, Sl'sc; No. 1. 29Vs at '4c Local receipts, were 179 cars, with ' fc,,,). Rye: 61V6SeV- Flax: $1.124t. Ki of contract grade Oats were fairly active and the market waa Inclined to bo firm on small receipts and In sympathy with the early strenjjth of .. ...... Tl. ...... ...... fuii. rit,iflnit liv Out. Hiders and the selling was largely by small J S,1. holders. Uecemiier opened c nigner ai ;i.;Sc, sold tiftwfrn 33V? and 33441 t'c and clo.ed at 33S.t3ic. Local receipts were 16 1 cars. I'rovlslons were weak on selling by local lonae. The selling pressure was caught by the monthly statement, which showed that Slocks of provisions In Chicago are larger than had been expected. At the close Jan uary pork was off liV.jj'inc nt $13 97Vt&'14 flu. I.urd was down 10c at 48.52H- Hibs were 7'-v-c lower at $7.2-- Estimated receipts for tomorrow are: Wheal, 42 cars; corn. 2K9 cars; oats, 193 cars; hOR. II.11OO head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Int. Paper pfd. Int. Pump Int. Puaap pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd.. 400 172S I7SS I tOO US US IIS 4-1 S IIS II loo aVIOO 10S too 81', 44 US US I74S 121 us K. C Southern. .. K. C. So. pfd. .yiuUvllle A Nash Mexican Central Mlneaapolls A tt. L. M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M M.. St. P. A 8. g. M. Missouri PaciSc Missouri. K A T M . K. A T. pfd National L-sd Natloual R. R. of at. pfd N. Y., O, A W A Wasters ! Norfolk A W. pfd North Amertoan Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C C. A 81. I Pressed Steel Cer Pressed 8 C. pfd Pullmsii Palace Car Reiflln tl SS 60 7S 1,500 eis tt ms l.rofl I44S 14' S 144 te us HS "S let td4 pfd. aVnic'ea.l Open. I Wh.-at 1 Dec l74sf7:. fay ' 79 ii l orn- ' Tier. 13-Htili, Mav ! 44li -lulv 44tll false D c. 3341 May 36t,i-' July 33i Pork Jan. 14 12" Mav 14 2o larj Nov. 1 35 Tiec. ' 8 77' .tan. j 8 80 j M-iy" ! 8 66 Riba I Jan. T 7?W Mav 1 T I 43" i 44'i 8-''7! 3..', 3 '-si 14 26 35 t 77 8 t 8 5o 7ii: 7v4 43.l 44 i 44S! Kansas City (irala and Provisions, KANSAS CITY, Nov. 2. WH EAT De- I Norfolk cember, 6x'4C; May, 72e; cash. No. 2 hard, No. 3. s.Suoix.'; no. i rea, ,o,u I 71ltc; No. . 69H4170C. CORN Decern per, di'ac; May. Jfsc; Jiuy, S'.ic; cash. No. t mixed, 41c; No. 3, 3WyfJ 40c; No. 2 white. 42VrC. OATS No. 2 white. 33V: No. 2 mixed, OjVuS'oo. ' TiY It Steadv. 57rrtiOo. 14 AVvHtrotitr and active: choice timothy, i Heading 1st ptd.. $13 uOfj 13-78; choice prairie. tll.60Sll.75. Heading Id pfd HI ; i' I I'.l: rejmi-ry. ; pai Klim. 16c. I Republic Steel KAiOS-Market V higher; firsts. MVi ;bJ, p" Seconds. 19V- . ,,,,,.,. Rook lslsnd Co!' Bf Wheat, bo 174,'i 101 1 : u s. p 14 ptd. rom. bu 22.010 30.0 0 st. 1.0111, s. w Oats, bu 21,0110 .3.000 . st. l. a. w. pfd t Suutharn Paclflo I.lvrrnool tirrlu aud I'roil.lnuii. ! Ho. Pacific ffd. LIVERPOOU Nov. 3. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 3 red wet-tern winter, 6s lHd. Fu tures, nulet; liecetnner, tuo'.o; si arc 11, s tt US . 1.104 14 S 14 400 tt US . t.tut 7S KS , l.noo m Bi . 1.400 44 4S KJO t4S M 100 to to BOO MS IIS . 1 too 14 S It .147 I' 14-.S 144S 144 100 tt MS 14714 141 4 84 tt TM4 01 'j 4F,S s lS tt us 40.160.0f)in; notes In circulation. Increased 40,boO,0UUin, Bank t'lrarlaaja, OMAHA, Nov. J. Bank clearings for to day were $1,614,626.69 and for tha corre sponding date last year $1,622,071.69. S 't4S US 1.100 14 S 84S "S 9 MO 110 . MO IMS .174 loo UTS 14IS 144S 100 II tl 700 700 7. too It tl 21 S US 1.100 41 4S 404,0 its t:s 33H'S3HVl 33Si sa-1 9 76 I 8 7214' 8 62V $ i-'V 74U 7tA.l" 71Ti 79 -tii.lar.rl- Mav. 6i S-Vrt 4.f4'4JH'8,A 4d. Futures, quiet; December. 4s6Sd; t'S44S'li January. 4s ld. 44S 44Svi HOPS At London (Pacific coast), quiet. ra T T?Vil T 61 7 85 7 75 14 00 14 17H II 10 14 Z. 30 9 3 $ 72S 8 an 8 r:'ii 8 r,74 $ W I 62Vj 7 62it 7 7?i4j 7 75 1 7 No. t t'lksh (nictations were as follows: FLOUR Firm: winter patent-, $3.30 jjj 44- winter straights, $3 1wj3.28; spring patents. $3.6i-(i3 80: spring; straights. i..3u.. f.- bakers. tl.SoiS-aU WHEAT No. 3 spring. 7Wr79c: No. 3 spring. H-tiTilc; No 2 red. 73Soi4V- iXiRS-No. 2. 4iiV: No. ii yellow, 47HT 47.c. OATS No. !. 83'Ac; No. white, 34V: No. 3 white. Iii::So. R"E No. 2. l2c ) ARI.FY Fa-ir to choice malting. 46tiOi-. SaCKDli No. i Max, tl.t'TV No. 1 north western. $1 14V, Pilme timothy. $4.15(44.25. i'loer contract grade. $13.25. PROVISIONS Hhort ribs, aides (loose). 9? Xrtr 76 Mesa pork, per bbl.. $116 Lard, iw i.. ihM.. 89 $0. Short clear aides t boxed 1, V 62'V Foliuwnitf were tha receipts aud ship ments of nour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. 28 Ot) 44.00 , 8t.Hu lit. 700 16' : i4 so ;i4.?l 31.6s 14..Xl 2 88 4i V'lour, bbls... Wheat, bu.... I'orn. bu oats. Hu Hve. Iu I arl. . bu.. the 1'ruduoa axwliaugB today tbs fcul- Peoria (irala Market. PEORIA. Nov. J. CORJv Firm : No. 3 yellow, 4V; No. 8. new. 42c; eld, 4J'c; N.i. 4 new. 4i.-; old. 46V4c; no grade, new, 3 c; Old. 44tt44ViC- OATS-Bteady: No. I htte. 33,t?: No. 3 vitilte. 33c: No. 4 white. S2c. RYE Firm: No. i. 64t66c. WHlBKY-41 -9. co. Railway So. Hallway pfd Tennessee C. A I Taiaa A Pacific Toledo. St. L. A W T . St. L. A W. pfd t iiloa P., I tic t'nlon Pacifi. pfd I'. S. Kxpress IT. 8. Realty C. S. Rubber I'. 8. Huliber prd f. 8. Steel l . . Steel pfd Va. -Csrollns Chi-nilca! ... Va.'C.rollua Cbem. pfd... Wabanh Wabash ptd Wcl s-Fargo E Koreas Wf Blnghou-e tllcclrtc .... Wcsteia Vnlon VilH-ellug A I.. E Wisconsin I'eutrsl I Wis. Centrsl pfd I Northern Pacific , (antral Leather ' Outral leather pfd hloes-flhefflcld 8te-l Great Nont-ern pfd Iiiterborough Melrupolllaa. lut. Met. pfd Total aalee far the day. 10i 111S 11S HIV I.I'D 14 S 94 14 14 f,S : no l.MK) MS -00 34 K0 (A lrr.ioo ins sue ms M lft MS S4S M 1I2S MS Wool Market. BOSTON, Nov. 2. WOOL-The Commer cial Bulletin of thia city, basing Its reports upon ststistlca gathered for the govern ment, will ssy of the wool market tomor row: The weak s sales are again large, al though by no means aa great as those of last week. It la conservatively estimated that tha present activity will total from 10,000.000 to 12,000,000 pounds. Manufacturers in general are buying quite freelv for cur rent as well as future wants. The con tinued demand for wool la having Its ef fect on values, and merchants appear lei anxious to dispose of their holdings, rx- f-a I it a full nrlcea Tnni.i-llnna u , a rr,,i- JJl I cipally ot territory stock, with staple In ,,J 1 bet demand, while clothing trsdes are daily becoming more active. The wools selling Include Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah. Oregon. Dakota and Nevada. All grades except quarter blood are being called for. Continued sales of Montana stock are being made at 26c for half blood. 27'(j27Hc for three-eighths blood and at 24 (fuic for fine staple. Fine and fine medium clips realise ud to Wl'-bc: half and three- '.. :. ,. ',..-. . stapls and taiftVOc for medium fine; line clothing Is worth 6Vri70o; fine medium, W(ff 67e; half blood, bWiUe; three-eighths blood. 63uc, and quarter blood, 67 :,$. Scoured territory Is quite active at 6'(iT0c for fine snd 6Vu87c fur fine medium. Oregon staple Is meeting wlrh a steady call and 800.01O tl M M 17 II 4S $3S 17 IIS about steady, others were dull and, if any- .nirg. weaa. t Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ns. ' A. Pr. No. at. P 1S84 4 40 30 1'4I 4 tO crows. 1 1"00 t M t list 2 80 1 170 I It 1 4lt I 00 8 IM I II t 1040 t Off 4 71 I 10 7 117S I It 1 140 I SO 1 10,11 )t 14 tit t 71 ' It 414 t 40 11 lOM I tt I 6 U M lit I ti 1? Mi I lo HEIFERo. 2 4 I Tt 4 1ST 00 4 no t so 1 iso 1 n 1 170 8 00 t 714 I a BULLS. 1 HO" I t 1 1JO0 1 OS 1 1410 I 45 2 1310 1 e 141.0 I to i us I If 8 Ill ! to CALVEB. 1 ISO I 71 4 112 I 78 1 1MI 4 0 I us Ts 4 140 I 00 STOCK CALVE8. $ MO I 88 1 170 1 ,. FEEDERS. $ ' 7 1 46 I f J J" J 1 I7-. , 141 I 15 T 754 3 16 il ;o WESTERNS WYOMING. CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Slow Hosts Strong; to Five Cents Higher. CHICAGO, Nov. 2. CATTLE Receipts, 6,600 head; market ateady but alow; com mon to prime steers. $4.004i7.SO; cows, $2.Softj 4 76; heifers, $2.6W(re.36; bulls, $2.40(f4.oO; calvea, $3,004x7.60; Blockers and feeders, $2.40 rf40. HOGS Receipts, 16,000 head; market strong to 6c higher; choice to prime heavy, $6.35ft6.45; medium to good heavy, $.2O4j(.30; butcher weights, $6.30oj.46; good to choice mixed. $6.10Co626; packing, KeOti&OO; pigs. $6.&flaJ2S. ' SHEEP AND LAMB9 Receipts, 7,000 head; market steady t j strong; sheep, $4.00 66.75; yearlings, $5.50tS.85; lambs. $6.00Q7.75. St. Loals Live Stock Market. ' FT. LOUIS, Nov. 3. CATTLE Receipt., 2,600 head. Including 700 Texans; market st: ng; native shipping and export steers, $60(&6.90; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.90(ii5 30; steers under 1.0"i0 lbs., $3.26(5.75; stockers and feeders, $2.50f?4.60: cows and heifers, $2.4tiT).26; eanners. $l.O0rtj2.10; bulls, $2.24ii4.10; calves, $3.uCtt-75; Texas and In dian steers, $2.756.26; cows and heifers, t3.l(frfl.50. HOOS Receipts. 4.600 head; market 6c higher: pigs and lights, $5.90ru.S0; packers, $llit.36; butchers and best heavy, $6,200 6.40. i SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 300 I head; market steady; native muttons, $3 00 6.50; lambs, $4.0r7.6O; culls and bucks, $2.26 (4-3.76; stackers, $3.bC&4.10. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. 2. CATTLE Receipts, t.000 head. Including 6"0 south erns. Market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, $o.6fi'ail.76; fair to good, $4.00if 5.40; western strers. $3.60ih5.25; snook ers and feeders, $I.75'54.75; southern cows, $2.003.6; nntivo cows, $2.(sV!lS.75; native heifers. $2.75U4.7&: Dulls, calves, $2.76416.50. M , . HOGS Receipts, s.suo neaa. Maraer om V higher; top, $6.30; bulk of sales, $t.22Si 4J6.27H; heavy, t8.2SVifl6.30: packers, to.JOu 6.30; pigs and lights. $S.70tfj6.3O. SHKliP AINU UAMUts rteceipts, nw head. Market steady; lambs, $6.0037.60; ewes and yearllngsk 4.oyqt.; western yearlings, $6.26'fi4i.OO; western sheep, 84.',5 6.60; Blockers and feeders, $3.76y6.0u. E feeders.. 1144 4 40 7 feeders.. 966 4 10 tsu ito I or etO.'ioO pounds have recently been sold, fje I A well-known New England mill " has 1' ! bought heavily on a basis of 234i23Wc- 4S 107 47 l.sOO "S 4' SI 1U7S lli 41S, 1.(04 107 od J7S ii no nos 1 40 lS 11 S TOO 42S 41 41 15 feednrs.,1128 4 40 18 feeders. .l'vt 4 jo 6 cows , J 3 (i 8 steers.... vS 8 90 27 cows 1149 t 75 Milwaukee lirrln Market. MILWAUKEE, Nov. ! -WIIEAT-Flrm ; No. 1 rorthorn. 7!.ia.'c; No. ! northern. 76-s 7pr; December. T4V. RYE Ixier; No. I. 65Vk4ic. PARI FY Steady: No. 2. &5mi56c; iim- PCOHN Steadv: No. 3, cash. 4tiJ46V: De cember, 43V. oid , n.lnth Urnln Market nn.lTH. Nov. I-WHEAT On tra-k No 1 northern, 7c: No. 2 northern M,v. 7sc: July. 79V OATS To arrKe, 334c. Toledo seed Market. TO I EDO Nov. -8I-7E"8 Clover, cnxh. j Hera eMIrer 18 27V,' November fS IT,: December. $3 .3 V , Iroa Silver March, to. 4" Ti'iu thy. csah. $1 fi. Al- j 100 4iHI I.IOU "ioi II too , rMoriiiern caiiiurnin wool a are si 1 in re uo : quest, with transfers of Red Bluff at to 1 2iV and Humboldt and Mendocino at 26 to , tU.TV- The clean cost Is about 6si7c for lots 1 all. Some small transfers of eighty-month 47u i Texas are renorted nt '1c nr liant7c f,r lots ts scoured. Fleece sella rather steadily de- ' JB ' (ha, a , n n f r, , . . v ...., I . . , , . ... I. . Half and three-eighths are In principal de- 1 mind, onto hair blood bringa About t'c. while the same grado of Michigan stock HIS I64S lilw , worth nearly the asms pricti. 'Dir.'e- a- e ss cpiiii'. """U "1 ! o-j-'i-'o tnu miciii- US its its ' ln st Sa-iM'fc. Carpet wools are dull ar.rt about unchanged In price. Shipments of US 5-S Ij 1 wool fmm Poaton from December 31, 1 ! .". ,2! '2;s ls 'are S,742,813 pounds. against RV. 095 271 M0 So; !f ,l',y .ii pounds at the same time last vear. The 40 71 7-v 71 , rrteipts to date are 258.5o6.6a6 pounds. t no 32,s Jli'iii ess. sTstnst 3tr5 432. 793 pounds for the gains 7.400 11 i,2 J period laat year. 4 77V 71 77? 1 ST. LOIIB. Nov. 2 -WOOL-ltesdv; me- 1 III .. . ., 9 tl... V . .1 . . A..mV.lna. ami .I..UI.. .C i,.',av aiaar. t COWS. 7 feeders. 4 calves.. 24 feeders. Revs York Mini. a 6 lock a. dlum grades, cvimblng and clothing "'ft 27c; light fine. Il'a21c: heavy fine. 14617c: tob wearied, 3f3TVic. NEW YORK. Nov. ; -Closli.g quotations ! LnNI.KlC,' ,1"v- ", r n minlnc tot vera: I Good Hone and Natal sheeD skins w.-ls neta nere Lonay. 1 ompetition was na tive and prlc-s were firm. Tn skins o' fer.d amounted to 101,271, of which 10O.834 were sold. on A da ma Cos 1 Alice j br.-ece I Brunswick I en ! t'omstock Tuunsl tin I II. tt Va Ontario Ophlr Potoai Ha vage Ihiena Nevada I- .... ... ., Standard .. ... . 1 n,e .11, . 11 .10U . it . u I 33 steers.. sike, cash. $7.56. n-tir NEW YORK in4 Nollssea, ijv. (i.iK-lnw. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 Today's .tale- nient of the treasury balances In the gen- UtV.WO g Id rash ba'anra. $114,906. tin; suTf.ra88n3 7-lTten,"rrfugaai:!'' fund, e.ciu.iv.-of the $150 quiet, . ,-olasses st-irae 1 a it.. 1 reserve, shows: Available cast 'VnVi- aut: Wo! . I'Vioc? noS1 VII'; .-' s."V"- L. " a A vftc-: No. 9. OSC; M. 10. 4 OLr- Ko 11 4 0e; No 12). 3-6c; No. 13. 3 90c ; No. I 14 1V-; confe-'llnnera' A. 4 60 ; nioulj , A'tloc; cut loaf. 6 60c. crushed. 8 60c;' , 1 ,,.: No. 9. 4 15c; No. 1 0. 4 077c: No ulJ certificates, 46.S...2-H. Bask wf frisrc statement PAR'I Nov. ! Tbe meeklv statement of i or ered, 4.80ti granulattj, 4t0i.; cuUes, t l-n I' ! f Fan e ehowa !lo f illiw.rg .oe. i taiaiiaea: Nulus iu tlicuUiiun. iuc 4'offee Marks! NEW YORK. Nov. 2. COFFEE Market : for futures opened steady at unchained 1J cows.. - nrloes to a decline of 5 points In reroiire lo somawhst lower rTtirooesn cables and 14 steers. little relllng aeslnrt firm offers from j 13 steers. Rrsiil. These Bales were well ahs'rled. , honover. and the market Improved durine 11 steers, the session on buying which was c-edl'od 16 cows., to some of the Irsdlng trade Interest'. The riot, was steadv, net unchanged to in p Ints 4 cows., hlrher Sales were renorted rf 72.70 bags, 24 coma., i Including ecember st 6 1"Htf4 16 Jarurv at 6 25e. Ma-rh at 6-f- Wv at t'h'r 146 feeders 111"i 3 iv it 7Ae snc) .uvreVsi.r si tfi f 7 steers ...!"'' 3 575 iw.rg ye-w. f .,ot. steady; No). I Rio. 7, In-I V Mub-l-Neh. least, voice. ' I feeders. . 963 1 7-j 23 feeders. . $40 170 14 cows 1044 $ 16 4 feeders.. 4(6 8 25 NEBRASKA. 25 COWS 984 3 06 Yampa U 8. Co.-Colo. 23 steers... .12o0 4 40 J. Sullivan . D. tos 9iM 3 50 14 steers.. ..ll!l 4 40 W. F. McHennv 8. D. 7 cows pill 8 10 9 steers.. ..1140 4 40 6 steers.. ..1210 3 76 J. Mill Wyo. 31 steers.. ..1177 4 66 7 cows llol 3 75 F. Newell-Wvo. rows 842 3 6 5 feeders.. 942 4 10 I feeders.. 1020 4 00 W. M. Reynolds Wvo. 15 cows 740 3 15 8 cows 8X5 2 ' 848 3 4 steers.... !i2 3 85 904 4 60 9 calves... 174 IM 266 4 00 5 calves... 222 (fi B. B. Brooks Wvo. 632 4 10 56 feeders.. 944 4 75 R. H. Homer Wvo. 14 feeders.. 1019 3 76 J. C. Shnw Wvo. 22 steers.. ..1242 4 70 11 steers.. 440 t steers. ...1142 4 40 7 steers.. ..PN2 ISO cows 1041 4 10 7 cows 903 3 26 4 cows 810 2 Ul J. D. Hule-. D. ..1155 4 26 II cows 1021 3 45 William Reynolds Wvo. .. 804 3 26 4 cows.".... 940 3 0' ,.lii 4 26 O. K. Harvey Wyo. .1144 4 86 foker Bios. Neb. 30 feeders.. 800 8 40 65 feeders. . 914 3 80 7 steers.... 947 3 3" Ysmpa U S. Co. Colo. 88 feeders.. 1178 4 15 6 feeders. .1178 3 1. 177 feeders, fr'l 4 0) 25 cows. . . . 340 J. Fauckner 8. D. .1843 4 90 21 steers.. .1064 3 60 9 cows... Porter Bro 8. D .1212 4 40 Hs-eers.. loiO 4 10 18 cows... L H. Roblrson Wyo. .IU 4 60 4 steero.. . 918 J 76 17 cows... ti. H. Klnp-Neb. . 915 2 16 6 cows... . 87 3 to feeders. C. r. Robinson Wvo. 22 feeders . 1141 3 90 30 steers. 44 cows. 8 calces It steers. 1'14 4 85 1142 3 24 .lino 4 no .li Ai 3 63 .1012 4 10 . 947 3 25 . 93 1 90 . 968 3 25 SUGAR Granulated cane, In sacks, $8,811 granulated beet. In sacks. $5 21. CHEESE Swiss, new. Hie; Wisconsin brick 14V; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c; twins', 14V: Toting Americans. lf.V- . COFFEFTV-Roasted. No. $.. 2hc per RM No 30. 21o per lb.; No. 25, 19c per lb.; No. 20. 10c per lb.: No. 21, 13c per lb. CO'OANUTB-Per sack of 100, $4.60. BYRUP-ln bbls., 27c per gal.: in cjsea. 4 10-lb. cans, $1.70; cases. It 6-lb. cans, $1.80, case-. 24 .Vi-lb. cans, $186. HONEY Per 24 frames, IU. CIDER New, half barrel. $3.00; barrel. $r 7F CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west 'in. iil'i'k;; Maine. $1.15. Tomatoes, 8-lt. ans. $1.10; 2-ib. cans. (7V$1.). Pine apples, grated, 2-lb., HOBSj 2.30; Bllced $1.90 42.20; gallon apples, fancy, $2.66: California apricots, tl.9043i.26; pears, -"2-s0'-,Pa,h:ft' fancy. $1.7502.40; H. C. pe;""- 'A?' w' Alaska salmon, red. $1.26: fnncy Chinook, F, $2.10; fancy rockeye. F.. $l.9o; sardines, uuarter oil. $2.75: three-quarter muslard, $300. Sweet poUUV"- tl.104Tl.26; sauerkraut, $100; pumpkins. 80ctu$1 00; wsx beans . 2-11... 6.80c; lima beans. 2-lb.. 75c;C$1.36; spinach. $1.36: cheap pens. 2-lb., bOc; extras. 95cS$1.10; ancv, $! 36 tt 1 .75 CURED FISH Family whltefllsh. per quarter bbl.. 100 lbs., $400; Norway msck eral. No. 1, $23.00; No. 2. $36.00; No. 3. $20.00; Irish. No. 2. $16.00; herring. In bbls., 30 lbs. each. Norway. 4k. $9.00; Norway. 3k, $9.00: Holland herring. In kegs, milkers. ' K'c: kegs, mixed. 70c. , 1 fish Trout. 12c: halibut, 12r; catfish. 15c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, 11c; black bass, fine stock. 25c; salmon. 12c; Pike, lie; red I snapper, fresh frosen, 12e; whlteflsh, fresh , frosen. 13c; yellow perch, dressed and I scaled. 8c: pickerel, fresh frosen. 9c; smoked whlteflsh. 20-rb. bsskets, 13c per lb.; ! f'og legs, 85c per dox. saddle. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. ' No 1, 1'iV: No. 2, 11 V. ooll hides. 9510c; green hides, No. 1. 11c; No. 2. 10c; horse. fl.6(rfl3.75; sheep pelis. 60c(Jftl.25. Tallow, No. 1. 4-V. No. 2, Zc. WOOL rer 10., wqzte. NUTS French walnuts, 13V; California walnuts. No. 2, hard shell, 13c; No. 1, soft vi.ii iiuc nraaiis. 13c: Decans. 14rl7c: :fllber'ta, Klyal4c; peanuts, raw. $V: roatted, 7V4c: California aimonaa, nara sneu, jov, suit shell, ISc. Oils and Hosln. wttw VOBK. Nov. 2. OILS Cottonseed. irregular; prime crude, f. o. b. mills. it 1 30c; prime crude, yellow, f. o. b. mills, 46c, ' nominal. Petroleum, steady; refined, New York, $7 60; Philadelphia snd Baltimore, $7.45; Philadelphia snd Baltimore, In bulk, i $4 85. Turpentine, eiliSOliC. ! ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good. ! $4 26. I SAVANNAH. Nov. 2. OIL Turpentine. firm; 66c. ROSIN Firm: sales, 2.225 bbls. Quote: A. B. C, t3.Wiaa.t6; 1), $3. 954(4.00: E. $4.02Vj 6406; F. $4.064i4.12V O. 14.1084.15; II, t4.12V,: I. $4.20; M. $4.90; N. $5.40; W. G., $6 00; W. W., M. OIL CITY, Pa., Nov. 2 Oily Credit bal ances. $1.68. Runs. October 31, 140.494 bbls.; averages, 98.667 bbls. Shipments, November 1. 138.447 bbls. Foreign Financial. BERLIN. Nov. !. Trading on the Bourse todny waa featureless except that Russlanf were very stesdy. i PARIS. Nov. 2. Prices on the Bourse to day opened firm. Russians were In demand. Ijitrr the market was oulte active on the clearness of money. Russian Imperial 4 closed at 75.10 and Russian bonds) of 19"4 At 494.00. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Nov. 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 898 head. Market steady; natives. $6.0uiBii.76; cows and heifers, $1.2b4.75; cows and heifers, $1.26(34.76; stockers and feeders. $2.50Jj4.30. HOGS Receipts, 3,343 head. Marget higher: top. va, ouis, e.w;yHu..v. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,248 head. Market steady. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 7V Sloax City Live Stok Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. 2.-8peclal Tele grain ) CATTLE Receipts, Hi) head; mar ket steady; beev.-a. 44.00i.25; cows, bulls snd mixed, $2.o0i&3.86; stocxers and feeders. t.OofM-Oo; calves and yearlings, t2.50ici3.75. HIKio -iteci ipts, z.trsj neaa; martlet &c higher, selling al $.'M-t).10; bulk of sales, $j.904;tj.fa1. Stock In Slant. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansaa City . St. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago '. 4.000 ) 6.UO 898 2.&IAI 6.5ii 4.0(0 2.WO S.OijO 3.342 4.6.1 li.uuO A,6u0 4, tOO 6,248 3u0 7,000 Totals 18.608 36.243 38,048 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 2.-METAIH-Tln was heavier In the London market, with spot advancing 3 to 196 6s and futures 2 KM to 196 5a. ...Rally the mirKet was firm In, with spot ouoted st $42 75 bid snd $43 00 asked. Copper was 1 higher in the London market nt s for spot and 798 Us for futures. locally the market was very quiet, with lake quoted st fil.oit 22.50. electrolytic at $21.7k5'22..4) and casting t 21.'.'5l(21.76. Lead was unchanged nt S3-7o((j6 95 In the local market and at 19 Cs in I ondon. PrHer was !s td lower al C.7 12s od In London, locally the market v. os quiet, with sixit ouoted at tt.Vii'l-W. Iron was unchanged in the Fnrllah n.aiket, with standa'd fojndrv ouot-d at 57s 3d ind Cleveland warrants st 7s 7'vd. lineally Iron was unehanied, with No. 1 northern foundry quoted at 8"4 inert Tim No. J ... J Kf. K".. em luunui;- ni a.,. ,. a foundry at $?4 i24H and No. 2 foundry at I23.iwft ?4 to. ST. I OI1S. Nov t.-MFTAl.H-Iea.1. firm. $5a59i. BrH-lter active. $ 17V""i''0. t north southern rouihsm Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. . COTTON-Spot c'osed oultt; middling 'jp'anls, lOloc; mid dling gi'.lf. H'.'Vr; nle-. JiO bales NEW ORLEANS. Nov. i -COTTON-Spot closed qu'.et; sales. 4bjl. bules; low irdinsry, 67,c. nominal; ordinary. 7c. nom- , , . . ....ii....... e 1.. 1 1.1,1.... 'nA.1; goo'l Uliuuci w u-cv. I" nil m ills, 91. e: pilddliiig. c; (rood middling, l'-V; nld.r.liig f air. 11c. uomlnal; ll'ac, t-to- receii-ii., usirs, .im-n. LOUI3. Nov. 2 4TOTTON Steely; ig. 10'sc: elen. 28 bales; rillp'C,t .a- wtock. 7.7JO bales. 1 ivin'pniii. v.ii f'nrr(ivn.ii m( derate bi.hlnr ss dorur; pricea. points . . ,-. 1 . ' . , . . . I bale ST. middlln h biles Annie K. Sawklna and husband to Harry C. Miller, lot , block 7, Hanscom Place t Helen 8. Grlgor to Charles G. Somen., lot 14. block 9. Redk-k's subdlv Frans Belrxi to Ina Bel he, lot 4, block 6, Deer a ark Benjamin F. Folsom et al to William A. Oordon. lot 7, block 2U7V4. Omaha Nettle Fowler MeCormlrk and hus band to Catherine B. NhiIi, lut 8, block 124, Omaha Cvrus IL HcCormlck et al to Cath erine B. Nash, HHine iR. Ii:i)l McConnii k et al to Catherine B. Nasii, same Valley National bank to D. G. Somers. subdlv. of lots t and 4, sublot 4, taxlot t, 9-15-13 Charles R. Notdin et al to Evelyn M. Kennedy, part taxlot 1 In nS neVA 9-15-13 Fred D. Wead and wife to Mary Crotty. wVi lot 6. block 9, Shlnn'a add John McCaig nnd wife to Adolf Mos- kovlt. s44 fe.-t lot 8, block 3. B. V. Smith's add I L. M Bowers and husband to Kin me . I a. Rlchter. lot 19, block 2. Bowers' I add .Ernest B. Kehtermeyer and wife to Henry Dethlefs. lot 3, block 3, Jet- ter's 2d add a. William Rocheford snd wife to Vaclav t Chuala und ulfa ,,t g Ufu'hnti.rA Mw Gould's sulxllv , Sume to Vaclav Nalberxr. lot 4, Roche ford A Gould's subdlv IFTHik P. Gould nnd wife to William I Rocheford, lots 6 and 8, Rocbe'otd A Gould's subdlv ;Iiula Stemm and wife to J Theodore i H'anitusnn, lots 28, 29 and 43. Auburn I Kill lOinaha Rel Est te and, Trust coin. I ranv to El'xa Wlthrow, lot 8, block 7, Klrby Place i Sarah J. Pavnter to tuati-es of Boston ! (l..-,ii".1 K:-t Trust, lot 2, blo k V. I Omatia I A I, ram Sebring and wife to l'nlon Pa- cine railroad, lot 7. block 8S Debo'uh J. Adams to Jennie Riley, lot , 1. block 2. I.inwood Park.. I El Is" both McNanshton nnd husband I to Herbert H. Fish. ! t 2 ami W48 feet 1 lot 3, block 6. 1st subiliv. of Griffin I A Smith's add I Frank W. Moltry and w ife to Frances I Mr-Pry. 33 fet lot 2. block II. I S E. Rog.-rs' nil Miirtret A. Davis lo Battle R. Oiborn and liUfibaiid. lot 9, 1lf,,rd add Charles A. Cameron to Kd-ar 14. Wll- I ll-in.M, li t 6 block 1. MaV'Acll's udd., South O'Paba H."v J Madilin to Father ! Par rotie. lots 1 nnd i. block IIS. Imndee Jinmh Oniah.i Lad I 1'eerson. lot 3, rt'kllS I 'oinoanv to Kit's block 119. South owrr, 1 1 , . i , u 'i.e .. v. . , a-'1' "i 1 o till n e. 6.94d: uiidiHing. soil: low mid tliing, 6 6S1; good ordliiury, .2'.'d; ordinary. I SSd. The le of the day were 7 .o,sJ a.-t,l..h I. h-1,. It ...... I '. . Neloiae D Kenncdv lo John J. Ryan. 1-t 3, block fi. 11 add. to Fowler i Place. SViu'b Ornsha t HJtani r. r "'.son lo i iiosm r lean ing, lot 20. block 1. fsni'ilH-ll's add.. Fr-rk Peine to I ena Ib-lne. n60 feet sJi (- t lot 8. Parker's allotment.. iarert F1tpitrlcl to Fllen Lynch, s' lot 32. block 1. Himehtt'igh's add.. Hon and cxnrt and Included 4 bales Total smouiit of tranifrs ., t.7U 570 1 3.&0 7,0.) 1 133$ 1,060 Lata) UV 1,000 174 l.W 1.100 3 4 YT5 10 1 -Vx) 2,7M 860 I,.". lo ?.81 1 1 I TOO -I't.r i i t I ; 1