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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
THK OMAHA -DAILV HKJ.: SATURDAY, XOVEMBKU X 1006. 13 ( , I 1 e it f ;'t L-eJVaaUj 7- a- I i.eiato ca V I .1. fectlou W I li ans of . J V lots for Aw::; ' the th f 'J1 COSSIF OF THE CAMPAIGN wdj in the Ltit Dr Veteri Ear Cltact U Eeiitr. W. H, GREEN IN EMJARRASSING PLACE oath Omaha Paloonmea Ratat Dem ocrats Freaanatloa Ipsa Thrlr laraaraac aa4 Home Role Kin ft far '' aAtuMajr la tha laH day of registration. It is tha last flay on which ajiy voter not n6aIMed to cut his ballot at tha election November S next Tuesday haa to qualify. Any elector not rerletered on oua of th wo registration days previous who falls to 'Sinter Saturday will not be abla to vnia :it tha fall election. wha state, legislative nd conitrcKxional officers are to be chosen. Thus far the republicans have had the better of the registration as compared with i ho democrats by two to one and the re publican leaders are determined that this ama proportion shall exist when the regis tration is over Saturday night. Having no city prosecutor's club to swiug over the bead of saloon men In South Omaha, the democratic campaign manag ers arc using the "home rule" bluff to se duce the vote of the liquor dealers of the Maele City. "What makes me sore Is that tha demo- rrats are taking us saloon rasa for a lot ut idiot!," said a keeper of one of Bouth Omaha's saloons. "They are presuming a llttlo too much upon our ignorance. It Is a mistake to think that saloon keepers are a lot of ignoramuses. We have In telligence just as well as these political tricksters and they will wake up to this fact before the campaiim la over. They are sending us a lot of letters, appealing to our Ignorance, thinking we won't un dcrstand thoir real scheme, but they will find out about that. Here J the last let- tor i nave received," and he produced thist LKar sir: Mo doubt you are aware of iho Issues involved in tills campaign. The viihi innuo id you ana an 01 us In South Omaha Is the Question of home rule. We Wi to arovcm ourselves, without the aid r consent or the present or any future iV Mil-. it a pea sketch direct from Ufa No aigumeot is necewary to the worm of McKibbai Fut-tVy KNOW Lei MtKIBQIN FURS win YOUR warm regard Aak die good dealer. 1( be woa't how you write to m and we will direct you to oaa who will. McKibbin, Drcoll b Dorsey Fur Manuiactureri . -Saint Ful, Minnesata i nvernor of this state. V our business haa suffered more than 'iv itther business in th, rltv. nrin x;-''icr 10 me mcc inai we are aoverneri miii IJncoln. Lt us Join toaethcr and "iifo fur all shake off this condition. To lie successful we must Have our people rculKtcred. see that they vote. You can be of great good to the cause b- Insisting- on your patrons and friends roistering' and then again insisting on ; licir voting'. ... Tt-nicnibcr that every demooratio csndl .Uuc is pledg-ed personally and bv a plank ill lilt: iinm'i;iiiu!- uiaiLuiru IQ' Don f rule. . . . .... i AVill vim Join with us? Remember this j " '"" -""i'" net a iiuestlon of politics, but rather one PuU the railroad chestnuts out or tno tire if Uicnl self-government. Our homes, our and stive them from paying their share of iiiuii... i.ui uiorm ana material welfare , tnixn .,,.1 vlllura tnxes. her of any tax committee. I take It any citizen has a right to express himself pub licly on political issues." "I regret that Green t mad," Bald W. O. Ure Frldny morning-, "but he Is not the enly candidate of T. S. .Allen's democratic ticket who is mad. The trouble is The Pea properly naught Allen and his legislative Will : i iitc or ut slake. ill you be with Bouth Omaha and home r upiiltist it? If with urf. see that you riRlsti-r and have all your fricuds ri'Kisti'i-ed and then see that all rote. SOUTH OMAHA DKMOCRATU! OTA'R. K J. BARRfciTT. President. "Wead, Harrison and Ure do not pretend to speaH. for -Oreen. We do wish to raise our voices, however, and call the attention of every taxpayer In Omaha to bis oppor- tunity. If you want to ceaao paying- the HEROES IN PE1CE AM) WAR Grot Personalities ia America! Life Will Be Ooeiti of Omtht. RECEPTION AND BANQUET AT CLUB l.eneral llodst and Mrs. Luaaa Central Klcares ta Elaborate Foactton ta Be Tendered Tenth af November. General Urenville M. Dodge, Mrs. John A. Logan, General John C. Block, General Oliver O. Howard, Senator William Warner and N. P. Dodge of Council Hluns will be tha principal guests of honor at a recep tion and banquet at the Omaha club No vember 10. to be given by prominent cltl- zns of Omaha as a special tribute to General Dodge and Mrss I.ogan. The re ception will be held at 7 p. m. and the banquet at I p. ni. Both will be con ducted upon elaborate plans, surpassing anything of the sort held In Omaha for many years. This committee has the function In charge: Arthur C. Smith, chairman; Ben ator Millard, Postmaster Palmer, Ijtither Drake, M. T. Barlow, Dr. George V. Miller, Henry W. Yatos and Clement Chase, The reception committee 1s to be announced later. Army officials of the Department of the Missouri will figure prominently in the guest list, which will number over 100, in cluding the leaders of Omaha's civic, so cial and commercial lite. The occasion arises from the fact that the dignitaries mentioned will be in at tendance upon the reunion of the Army of Tennessee at Council Bluffs. It will afford the cltliens of Omaha, the natural terminus eastward of the Overland route, n opportunity of expressing their abiding appreciation of the Immortal work of Getv eral Dodge in blazing this transcontinental pathway of civilization and commerce, as well as bestowing upon Mrs. Logan and the others the encomiums of grateful people. The Omaha club will be elaborately decorated for this occasion1 and the ban quet will be upon a magnificent scale. The reception preceding' the dinner Is planned to be the peer of any similar event In the social life of the city for years. Dr. George L. Miller probably will act as toastmaster at the banquet and speeches will be, made by tha distinguished guests. These guests embrace two or three re maining corps commanders of the federal army during the war of the rebellion, Gen erals Sickles, who ' will not be present. Dodge and Howard. - The addresses are looked forward to with the profoundest degree of interest. Music: for this memorable evening will be supplied by a stringed septet, under the direction of Robert Cuscaden. "Mow then," continued this saloon keeper. 1 city taxes the railroads ought to pay, vote "it's all right If the democrats want to for George Sheldon and the republican leg- play to the galleries on this or any other Islatlve ticket. Green In not on that ticket. eubterfugo, but they are mistaken if they My information from Green himself Is he think they can make ns believe that they has no quarrel with the railroads; that tro sincerely in favor of home rulo or have they have been good to him and that fot ver worked for It. As a matter of fsct years ho has acted as their immigration we have followed the course of events In agent and enjoyed the perquisites of the s state and we know that the democrats office." in yer have worked for home rule, but have opposed It and are today largely respon sible for the state of affairs that exists. If home rule la to come It must come through the republicans', as every, other Hiib.itantial benefit has come In Nebraska. Home rulo Is employed by the democrats hi this campaign simply and solely be cause: they wnceive that to be the most i. droit means of deceiving the ' majority vote. Jf they would substitute the name 'Ihs rule' they wuultt have what they are icaUy after and they would make more votes, for no Intelligent man h? going to Kive his. vote Mi a pnrty which he knows is tiikltiK hiin for a fool and piaying to his supposed lack of common sense. We have a sumplo 6f tills boss rule In OmoTfca, where IM Howell, n notorious democratic boss, in connivance with tho democratic city prosecutor, lo swinging tho club over the head of the saloon kbepcrs. Not that kind tor me, thank yau." riie democrats are growing more des- l.eiato each day because of the Increasing" from their ranks to the repub- Beware of Freqaeut Colds. A auccesslon Of splds or a protracted cold Is almost certain to end In chronic catarrh,, from which few persons ever wholly recover. Give every cold tho at tention it deserves and you may avoid this dlsarreeable disease. How can you cure a cold? Why not try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy? It la highly recommended as a cure-for colds.. Mrs. M. White of Butler, Tenn.. says: "Several years ago I was bothered with my throat and lungs. Some one told me of Chamberlain's Cough Rem cdy. I began using It and It relieved mo at once. I used It for some time and it cured me. Now my throat and lungs are sound and well." Sec Sunday Dinner Bargain No. 13, page 13. voters anxious to cast their bal the party that Is representing Liu- interests of Omaha. The terminal tax ation plank In the republican platform Is doing the work. It has got W. H. Green, me of the democratic candidates for the legislature, in on cmbarraxlng- position. Mr. Green came out In the democratic or- kju with a denunciation of. the action of' three republicans who happened to be inr inbrrs of tho Real Estate exchange for tidorsing the republicans' stand on this principle of Omaha's welfare. W. O. V. Harrison and F. D. .Wead. are thrre men. it matters little whether or not there Is now a tux committee In the Real Estate Miiange," anid C. P. Harrison. "That hag nothing to do with' the signed letter In The Bee. I Flgned that letter as a private citizen and as such I certainly have a right to my opinion on political matters. There is nothing in the letter even to Indicate I am a member of the exchange " ' ' "The attack of Mr. .Green on mysolf, Mr. Haiplson and Mr. Ure Is entirely unwar ranted by the facts,' Haid K.'D. Wead. "I signed my name to that let tor as a citizen. did not mention my connection wlth'the ex change and did not Intimate I was a mem- Anaoaarementa of the Theaters. At the Orpheum the bill for the current week wl',1 be brought to a close today, when matinee and night performances will be -riven. The curtain will tins: up at 8:15 Sharp tonight. Next week Margaret Wy cherly, the distinguished protean nctress. will be the top liner. Ben Welch, as "The Hebrew and tho Dago." Then other such highly respected favorites as Tro vello, the ventriloquist; the brothers Kochlv. European gymnasts; Lntlna, the pretty physical culture girl; Max Hllder brnndt, the crsxy German cavalry band leader, and Gonzales brothers, Mexican serenodera. . , The most successful week of the Wood ward Stock company at the Burwood this season will close today with the two last performances of ."Alice of Old Vlncennes. Beginning wltb the Suaday matinee the clever German comedy, "White Horse Tavern," will be staged. It will have an elaborate production and Is sure to prove a pleasing novelty, i Tim Murphy will open a three nights' en gagement Sunday at the Boyd In "Old In nocence." In "Old Innocence" Mr. Murphy is seen In bis old part of Jason Green, i role In which he formerly scored one o his greatest triumphs, and Miss Dorothy Sherrod appears in the opposite part to the star. Mangum fc Co., LETTER SPECIALISTS ffimy nf mi i Mum CLARK AND SCHWAB GO WEST Bla; Mine Owners Seem to Have Baal. - ness in Trtnimlitoirl Country. :Tlie west at present is clulmltig the at tention of many of the big mine owners who are hastening' from the east for va rious purposes. Thursday afternoon Sen ator W. A. Clark, of Montana passed through Omaha enroute to Butte and Hel ena to fix up his fences for a re-election to tho senate this whiter and look after Ms mines. Charles A. Schwab, who a year ago became interested in some gold mines. at GoUlntid. also went west on tho second section of the Union Pacific' No. 5 Thurs- duy afternoon. Senator Clark's private car was attached to the first section of No. 3 and on the second section of No. 3 was the private car of John !R- Bunting", the mil lionarie brakeman, so-called, who was en route to San Francisco. Colonel W. C. Greene went west the day before. FA WILY SUFFERS FOR FOOD Wife and Little Children Want Neces saries, -While Man penrfa Money for Drink. George W. Ratekln, 32C3 Evans street, was arrested by Officer Wooldrtdpe Friday afternoon on the charge of being drunk and abusing his family. Ratekln is em ployed at picking chickens at $2.50 a day for the, Omaha Cold Storage company, but his family, consisting' of a wife and four small children, one a babe In arms, was found in destitute circumstances. It is re ported that Ratekln draws his pay as soon as It Is earned and Immediately spends it for drink and that his family has been without fuel or groceries for several days. An attempt will be mado to have Ratekln attslgn iuirt of his salary to his wife each wevk In' order, that tho children - may bo provided for. CHARGE OF JWSUSING MAILS Aeensatloa Filed Acalaat Man Who la Beat to St. Joseph far Hearing;. Deputy United kiaies Marshal Bammons went down to Nebraska City Thursday and arrested Ralph Gregory of that city undei a capias from the United States court of Missouri, In which he was Indicted for sending obscene matter through the malls. Gregory was brought to Omaha and gave bond for Vu0 for his appearance before the United States court at St. Joseph Fri day, for which place he left Friday morn ing. tm Saved on i xUU Whitney I nrlglit This Is the largest, moat beautiful mahogany upright grand, very extra ,Hnili, quoted everywhere at iJ60, will Im sold for i00. stio I'mnii, Monthly, Takes It. f Saved on m Vf? laCJ .Ueautifwl Hop An extra handsome upright grand, la -beautiful ruuhogany; previous to this sals tbeea planus sold for HW. $10 Cash, 7 Moulliljr. "fl CZ d fcv d on an Art Sy) IwJ Case Vo This is the largest and one of the most expeuslve upright grauds. Bpe-,-ial art case In uui. .'! " : nearly nw and perfect; sold gener ally at 1400 to 6ot; we save you Hi'l, ujaklug the ml price ZbQ. 91(1 Cash and t Monthly Will liuy It. 0120 Saved on Kimball ' . Vpright Grand This Is a golden oak rase 'of most beautiful, expnrive design, extra larse slz". extra heavy carved mold. ings, nunkeii panels, ric; tne utsi possiblo from this company; nold at )400 to i!0; our not prlue of iZ.,. saves at least $120; the piano is nearly new and a txwiuty. f 10 Cash and 98 Monthly. 0150 Saved on a Steiiiuay An extra la ire upiicM Brand in spe cial designed burl walnut case; made to sell at ,io; - . ... sale price of toO saves you M Saved on it j Hie of their best upright grands, tn Fpt-iial goldeu oak case; a beautiful piano in every ay; guaranteed Mi perfect shape; the price was l.'ii; new US. 10 Cash, 90 Monthly. Ycur Piano Should Dc Tuned. Only $2.50 Now Lew Rates ta Ytralata Fetats Via tha T1ICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY On November' Sth and JOth, one fare plus I.. 00 for round trip to Norfolk. Richmond. lynchburg and many other potnta In Vir ginia, return limit thirty day a For foldeig ,id Information call at City Ticket Office, .4 Farnam St., or write to r A. NASH, General Western Agent, Omaha, Neb. Viater Visitors' ttrrk tad Kscar sloas. On Saturdays and Sundays duriag th vinter-the Chicago Great Western railway r 111 sell ticketa to points in lows at half tirirf rates The rate also rtly tn oppo- te direction, enabling your friends to re turn your visit. Ask J. A. Kills, General gent, IZll Farnam St., for Inforawtlon. Men's New Neckwear It's a pleasure to tell 6t mich hand some cravats for men. rialu weaves rich, fancy silks and foreign novelties. Made to our order with unusual care, aud by far the best ties this or any othef store has ever shown for. 45c New Shirts for Men Stiff bosoms, regular or coat styles, attached or separate cuffs. New est foreign and domestic novel ties, In blue, brown, gray, hello trope, neat black and white Euro pean oddities. Tailored like to order shirts and fit perfectly. Remarkable values at $1 and 1.50 Mcn'a Underwear Men's cotton-ribbed, form-fitting fall weight underwear, finished in the best possible man- A ner, per garment........ . Men's wool and Merino underwear. In flats and ribs, natural and camel's hair, !n pink, blue, nutria and tan shades, come In medium or super weights, ex- C C ceptlonal values at.. JC-47I Men'sVJersey Ribbed Form-fitting Wool Underwear made of the finest domestic yarns In the var ious wanted shades elegantly tailored and strictly first quality- -special at if Hasar at Masonic Temple. The savory ai 0111a of excellent coffee lulu Tied wtth that of chicken pie and other ood t lanes that enter Into the niakeun of 1 most uprwtizlng lunch and dinner Is tl' .pKUl attraction at Masonic temple just iw.tand It lutft Its ctTcct m attracting a ''.si of hungry p-oplo to the baii'iuet room "here the members of ta chapter No. k. . -der ot the biMi rn Star, are holding their 1n1.1l hazar and ri'.oncr. The affair opel .d fcund.iy afteriwon at l.Ju and will con until 10;3u hannday evening. And? .torn the great a) undanc of (ro.,,1 thtnas ml the iMHiouet room Is eouipred iti, imennis bonlis, at which may be. Ixiutiht -hoc! anvtliliiM that enters uito good iui ozy houscket'ping. Batltlluw Permits Hidldlio permits Issued: A. P. Bennett. 'nilv-sixth avenue and Fowler, fl.sw iei;ini lan 1'aly, Kigiittrlh and lor- tl,i""i duelling. F. Fond. SsH Wixa- rih. &.!.tn dwelling: Herbert McCoty, ' -J boutn 'l'w wity-ninth, 14 uw dwell ns: Cil Uudat, Thirteenth and Kim, 1M welling; F. M. Harber, 1'IS Van Camp ienu, fl.tsju dwelling. 1.25 Combination Suits $1.00 Men's fine quality ribbed Merino comb, suits, in natural gray and ecru, a perfect fitting garment, at I.U v $1.50 Men's heavy derby ribbed Egyptian balbriggan combination suits, perfect fitting, strictly non shrlnkable and an excellent gar ment for those who do not care to wear wool, regular 2 Pfj value at, suit. I.JU $2.00 Men's medium weight rib bed Merino combination suits, fine wool, & genuine Egyptian cotton, a practical weght for early winter wear tT O $2.50 and Mens Gloves In the best domestic or Imported makes, new fall shadings for street and dress wear $11.501.75.$2 Fine Clothes at Rifat Prices A MAN is safe-guarded In purchasing his clothing here by the known reliability of this establishment. You always get what you pay for frequently more, but never lss. Add variety to quality and the only other essential Is price, V"i never handle anything but makes of clothes of highest repute; and' by virtue of our enormous output and great buying power, our prices are necessarily lowest. Our commanding position In thts community as a clothes market is your assurance that you will at all times get greatest values for your money here. The Tery finest clothes makers of America distribute through this concern, and the best that they can produce, which we can sell at a small profit, at 15, $20 and $2 ran be fonnd only here. X man, no matter who he Is or what his taste, will find nitlng the particular style, weave or material or coloring which he seeks. Single and double-breasted snlt boy top coat regulation cut and txxly fitting overcoats and lrietley'g genuine Cravcnctta water-proofed rulnconts. A most lavish display of finest garments. At $15, S20 and S25 i For the man of more moderate means, say he who is limited to $10, we have made afuplo provisions and show the most magnifi cently assorted and varied stock to be found anywhere. Precisely the same Btyles as in the higher priced lines, but necessarily some what less costlier materials. The workmanship on tihese.tlO lines of clothing is absolutely faultless. "There's no better clothing nold untivker." mm mm 2.65 Nobby Clothes for Boys A Very Special Offerind Tomorrow $3.50 and $4.00 BoyV Suit. Saturday Saturday we have something very attractive to offer exacting parents, and full blooded, romping boys. The boy's clothing season is just about half over and naturally doing the largest boys' clothes business in Omaha has left us with odds and ends of fine suits ; to make short work of these broken lots, we have cut the prices on several hundred new stylieh, this season's suits, ) from $4.00 and $3.50 to ....... .0 D $5.00 DOYS SUITS AT $3.90 Made of hlgh-grado ail-wool cheviots, casslmeres, worsteds and blue serge the colors are all the newest fashion's production seams taped, reinforced and double stitched guaranteed not X CIC to rip sizes 6 to 1C years special , J, JO BOYS OVERCOATS- X AP That rfre worth $5.00. nt $JrJJ An immense selection Saturday of boys' fine Overcoats that are worth $5.00, at the exceptionally low price of $3.95. Made of strictly oil wool materials In fancy and plain colors made to fit boys 4 to 16 years of age nice, new, long styles to protect them from the cold this is a big value and should require T CI C prompt action Saturday J, J J Men's Shoes $3.50 Men's box, velour, gun metal. Corona, patent colt and vicl kid lace shoes, Bluc.her and button styles, all the new, up-to-date toes; bhoes that we guarantee the wear of every pair; sold by others at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00; our T5Q special price J Ladies' Shoes $2.50 Koyal kid. Goodyear welt, dull top, patent tip, Cuban heel, Blucher slyle, college cut; a shoe that exclusive shoe stores sell at $3.50, all sizes and widths; our "JSO special...1 Girls' Shoes Xu is the time to buy tha children's shoes. We have Just received a new shipment of gun metal calf shoes, made with good heavy soles and extension edges on the perfect foot-foriu lusts Sizes 8i to 11 81.50 Slues 11 s to2 l.f)8 Sizes 2 4 to 5 V, 2.50 625 Wprnenps New Stylish Coats On Sale Saturday Morning . , And every coat in this whole collection is a bargain every conceivable style is shown among them being long tight-fitting coats long loose coats in black and colors and loose tourist coats of handsome new mixtures. .' .' . , We Mention Five Unapproachable Values 75 Women's Tsurist Coats at $7.90 Made of a very fino wool mixture in handsome gray chocks; velvet collar and velvet trimmed cuffs. These coats are 50 inches long witli full loose back a swell srarment for younc: la dies that you can't duplicate for less than $12.00 special Baturday 7 ICO Wsmen's Kersey Coats at $10.75 These coats are fifty inches long, made of the best all wool kersey in black and castor .made extra full trimmed around neck and cuff with velvet and braids an exceptional value will go on sala as special Saturday for 10- 125 Women's Clever Co.t ai $14.75 This lot includes many pretty coats in fine kerseys, fifty inches long, in all shades also swell new mixtures made extra full and falling grace fully from shoulders most remark able values will go on 75 sale aa special Satur- Zrj day for f 150 Women's Smart Coats at $13.75 A very interesting showing of coats at this price made up in elegant style effects in fine kerseys, broadcloths and beautiful new dark mixtures perfect in fit and workmanship garments made to sell at twenty-five dollars special Saturday for i ill anu 18 175 Handsome Broadcloth Coats at $?2.50 This collection will appeal to the most discriminating buyers made of the very finest materials with the pop ular velvet collariestt et reels outlined witu braid and straps in fancy designs heavy satin lined Ti50 extremely well tailored thirty dollar values Special Saturday Lai Ltl -a .1 li ..-' 3GC V f l ir