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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
The Omaha Daily Bee Advertise In THE OMAHA DEC EDITORIAL SECTION. Pages 11 to 20. Best t?. West OMAHA, SATUKDAY MORXIXG, NOVEMBER 100(1 SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. VOL. XXXVI-NO. 119. i TRADE ON A TRANSFER. It's the intelligent way to shop. ABk fli-st clerk yon buy or for Transfer Slip; you trade with It In any or nil departments, and In each department your purchase Is recorded in tin" Transfer Slip. Winn von are "hII In." you go to Transfer Booth mnln floor, southwest your bill Is llfrured up and, U'. all your purchases have been nicely packed up ready lor "u to receive them. No chance, whatever of IoMuk a package hero or there thto'iKhout the store. Tfca Biff Bennett Store Beats all others for omfort la shopping-. THE SCIENCE OF COFFEE ROASTING. The "Jo"f".ii:i" method of rosstlng coffee was - cl-Mnsy. dirty "boiler room" preceding. AVe have Installed at great expense ntHgnlilc-ont Electrlc Gas Boaster right in cur Coffeo l partment. It wt.rku liVc a charm, Kjvf" perfect roast, lio dust (oartly because th- grerp bean In rlunt, and no rmmt '-ofTc smell." Coffies lire roasted right before your c von; roasting continues from morning to rilslit; not a stale bean Is ever sold l.y us. Isn't tola coffee yerfectto? Brink Beunstt's Coffees I il.ot.K? F ' ''y'YtMf. 1 ".'Sir' "'iVlir''7''-'?;' ' .'ff 2V;r..;.v! r.rr,.. 'm. " 'TTJi&J ) ( 1 V 1 til i ( A ! ' ' Sample Coat Sale 1 A WOMEN'S COATS. Made of cheviot, uianr.lsh mixtures, kerseys and broad cloths, all are 50 and 62 la. long; some full lined, other bait lined; korseys and broad cloths . are trim med In velvet and braid, many styles, including full fitting, half fitting, ' full box and Empire ev ery coat a bargain and money saved for you , , 19.50, $15, 12.50, $10 and 7.50 BLANKET SNAP. I3tf pairs largest wool BLANKETS, not pure wool, but ex ceptional good quality for I4.oo. These come lt light gray, with pink, red. ' liglt blue or brown border very soft and pretty Saturday a. in., a pair DOMESTIC SECTION MAIN FLOOR. $2.39 Saturday in Dress Goods The Great Chance to Buy: 56-in. Melton Cloths that sell regularly for $1.50, Panama weaves, fancy suitings of all kinds, 'S'Sp worth from $1 to $l.f0 yard, Saturday, to sell quickly, .yd. . JJl An elegant lot fine all wool French ' Flannel "VVaistings, plain or em broidered, also striped "Waistings that sell for Q VU. , . - SILKS 3Vin Black". Taffeta Silk,'a great bargain, Saturday only, a yard . . . . Skinner's 36-in! Satin, that's sold for $1.50 everywhere, 1 ?1 Saturday, a yard .. . 79c lankets and Comfortables . Just received a large shipment of Wool Blank ets which we offer Satur day at special low prices. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Blankets and Com forts for Saturday only. Bargain Square, foot of stairway rear main floor aisle. Mm - " Resistless Hosiery Attractions We Wliere wo luivR tho best Hosiery business in this city, and it's tho jrrowth of but a few weeks' effort. It'a the emphasis of qual ity and bargain giving. SATTJKDAT IS AtWATS KOBIXBT DAT WITH VS. Boys' Heavy Ribbed Bicycle f ll Hose, 17c valuo "! Children's Fleece Lined Ifln llpse, 150 value, at IVW Ladles' Fleece Lined IIobb, jll Ho value, at 23c Ladles' Imported Hose, at Double Green Trading Stamps in Hosiery Saturday. linit Underwear Ladies' Vests and Pants at $1.50, $1.25, $1, 75c, C9o, 50c, 39c and ". 25 Ladies' Union Suits at $3, $2.50, $2.25, $2, $1.50, $1.25, $1, 69c and 48 Children's Union Suits at $1.25, $1, 75c, 50c. 25 Children's Vests and Pants at $1, 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c, 20c 12.0 and 8 Boys' Heavy Fleece Shirts and Drawers at. .25 Boys' Heavy Fleeced Union Suits at 48t Double Green Trading Stamps in Underwear Saturday. 25c Standard Books 121c Substantially bound in cloth, printed in colors and back stamped in gold, print ed from good type plates, 370 titles by famous authors a good chance to buy Christmas .presents at a nrice. A few of the titles: Ardath Belle of Lynit Heulah, . " Hlack Kock Changed Brides Count of - Mont Crlsto Crawford bavin v-opperncld Deemster ' Polly iialoruc l)oiu Peane Dora Thonia Kast Lynne Lorna Dooi Our Beasio . Quo Vadia , Homola Pimple Life Thadeus ol! Warsaw Tnele Tom's Cabin .Wide. Wide World English orphans Evnmreline , FelU Holt The First Vlolla Grimm's Fairy Tale ITer Mother's Bin ' Hiawatha, In His Steps Halifax ' Last 'of the Mohicans Leu Rivera) The LHilo , Minister Mllbank Dutch Pictures New Cute Duteh Pictures, in specially de signed frames, a big $1.00 valuo, Saturday's special, at .48 (Limit two to a customer.) ; 40 Green Trading Stamps with each picture. Picture Framing Our annual fall rush is just starting. Get in early. Ask to see the new Rosewood and Circassian Walnut frames. PYE0GRAPIIY MONEY SAVERS 15c Circular Boxes 10t 25c Work Boxes, . sliding cover. .. . . . . .16 25o Jewel Boxes . . .17 40c Dutch Match Holders ; . . . .29 75o Lace or Stationery Boxes .59 90c Necktie Boardsbrass Rods ......69t $1.00 Collar and Cuff Boxes; ...79 Outfits tit $4.50, $3-.25, $2.25 and 98 aul and Virginia Romance ot Two Worlds Scottish Chiefs Tennyson's ?oems helma Vndar Two Flags Books displayed in nar ney Street Window. Book Section Main Floor. Your Eyes! Your Eyes! Expert Examination and Advice Without Cost' A SATURDAY SPECIAL: First quality. - lenses, gold filled mounting, A A rimless, at.. IsUU And Thirty Green Trading 8tamps. Bargain, in yppffl SATURDAY Cnlon Ingrain Carpet In splendid patterns, all colors, sells for 46c; Saturday, a yatd 28 IUfton Velvet Hugs Size 27x54. strictly all wool pile, In artistic conventional designs, sell for $3; Saturday, each ;. . .$1.9S Extra Heavy All Wool Art Squares In conventional and floral de signs, all strictly fast colors 6x9 for '....$4.08 7-6x9 for ......., Q.25 9x9 for 7.50 9x10-6 for 8.75 9x1 i for 9.08 Heavy Oil Cloth Stove Patterns In all sires and colors; special, at, each; 85c, 65c and 200 Extra Heavy Printed Linoleum 6 feet wide, made of cork and oil. sells for 60c; Saturday, a square jard ............500 CROCKERY Largest, best assorted stock of Dinner Sets we have ever shown. For Saturday we quote a discount of 10fo on all our patterns no exceptions. Several single sets to close out at about half price. The bet special at $19.50 ever shown this is a French China Set, full 100 pieces, a $25 value, the set at.$19.50 Bargains in Draperies SATUHOAV Nottingham Lace Curtains, slightly damaged, worth $1 pair, while they Q last, each ,v Goblin " Silkolines, big vari ety, in all colors, sell regu larly for 15c, 1 Saturday, a yard. . . I 2C Screen Frames, 3-panel, golden oak finish, 5 ft. 6 in high, sell for g0 ' $1.50, Saturday ....lOC New Style Velonr Rope Portieres sold exclusively by us, extra heavy ropes and full drapes to fill largest double doors, Saturday $7.60 kind for 95.00 X "7 C J6.0Q .kind for.'. . .. .J. 4 J Fashionable Perfumes and Toilet Preparations Hudnuts Perfection Perfumes 50c 1.00 t TP. Waters- in 4-ounce bottles f JC 25c 500 Monalisa, Veldt-BIumen, AJrueo All the Hudnut regular odors, an ounce. Violet Superb, Nothing better made in violet perfume, an ounce Marvelous Cola Cream In 2-ounce collapsible tubes, each 4-ounce glass jars A 64age booklet ( Twentieth Century Toil et Hints) can be had for the asking. ' Extreme Violet Talcum (Hudnut), box. -500 Violet Sec. Toilet Powder, box. 250 Hudnutinc Toilet Cerate, Jar 500 Sample package of Hudnut's Elegant Sachet Powder to Every Lady Customer in Perfume" Section Saturday. PERFUMERYMAIN FLOOR. CHILDREN'S DAY in the CHILDREN'S OWN DEPT. Our Values Are Emphatically Unmatchable--Come and Bring the Little Folks Children's Coats for Little ones from 2 to fl years Made up In all the late materials Astrakhans, fancy mix tures, plain cloth and bearskins; these garments come in all colors and arc worth up to $5 " ( C Saturday ,JD Children's Coats for little ones from 3 to 6 years, made of the bull's-eye velour, crushed vclour, bull's-eye bear, and other fancy materials; these gar ments are all beautifully made, some with quilted linings and fancy stitch lngs, garments worth up to Z Q C $6.50 Saturday JO Children's Cloaks, ages 6 to 14 years, made of heavy and warm materials , Friezes, fancy mixtures and smooth cloths; these garments are f C worth up to $5 Saturday. . . J O Children's Coats, ages 6 to 14 years; these garments como In all the new and very late materials; we can give you anything from a Kersey to an Astrakhan; about 600 to select from, and among these we have that popular little coat, with the Peter Pan plain silk hood, In all colors, not one worth less than $6.50, and from A C1C that up to $7.50 Saturday. Gloves - Another shipment fine French Lambskin Gloves, 8,, 12 and 16-button lengths, in black and white: 8-button length at. ..$2.50 12-button length at . . .$2.75 16-button length at... $3.00 I 1 Wis tjm iJiiii,T"T Neckwear and Ribbons 100 Dozen Fancy Stock Collars, 25c values, Q at each 4-in. Ail SUk Soft French Taffeta Ribbon, 19c value, a yard, f 1 1 ' at I-tyjC 3Mt-inch All Silk Fancy Taffeta Ribbon, 15c and 26c values, a yard, at 10c m From a to 4 P. M. Saturday 800 Fine China Salad Howls Pink, blue, green a 25c value (one to a customer), at 10 XJew Cut Glass Pieces on Our $5.00 Table Bowls, Jugs, etc., no seconds, no chipped goods, choice $5.00 7-Piece China Set Six saucers and bowl, an 87c value, on sale Saturday, a set. .49 From 8 to 9 P. M. Saturday W will S11 (SSOO only) Cups and Saucers and Plates Fine German china, three pieces (Oue Set to a Customer.) for 15c Hardware and Hove Dept. SPECIAL PRICES ON STOVES, SATURDAY We Sell the Best and Make Lowest Prices. $8.50 Peninsular Oak Heater, special 6.50 $9.50 Peninsular Oak Heater, special 7.50 $12.00 Peninsular Oak Heater, extra large ;. ...9.95 $12.50 Retort Hot Blast Heater best hot blast made, sp'l 10.49 Extra high quality 6-hole Range for .: ..24.50 Regular 50c Furnace Scoop, Satur day, only 39 Regular 60c Furnace Scoop, large size, Saturday only 49d Regular 25c Tiouser or Shirt Hanger, holds four garments, special . . .10 Black Jack and Black Eagle Stove Polish 10 And ten green trading stamps. Galvanized Wash Tub at 72c, 64c, 56c and48 And forty green trading stamps. , Stove Boards, crystal wood lined, up from 78 And forty green trading stamps. Coal Hods, up from 25 And twenty green trading stamps. Stove Brushes, at 18c, 15c and 12 And ten Green Trading Stamps. Sporting Goods Roller Skates for Rink Use and Sidewalks, up from 45 Guns, up from , 4.50 Foot Balls, up from 75 And thirty gren trading statmps Cigars Entona, a West In dies 10c straight Pantella shape cigar each .... . . .50 60 for $2.50 El Matrimonii, a genuine clear Ha vana cigar, regular 2 for 25c; Saturday, each, 8c j 3 for 250 liennett's Special Smoking Tobacco pound 250 And 6 Oreen Trad ing Stamps, imke's Mixture Smoking Tobacco 1 2-8 oz. sack. . .4 Benietts Candies Chocolate Chips, fresh made, delicious, lb. 20c Pit Pat Candy, twenty in saek for 5c, lb. 20c MEATS! MEATS! The Largest Ham Sale of the Season For Saturday. 6,500 Pounds Swift's Sugar Cured No. 1 Hams Average 8 to 12 lbs., every ham guaranteed, well trim med, sweet and TJ. S. inspected; mm Saturday at special, 12Sc Stamps with each Ham. Chickens! Chickens! 5,000 Pounds Strictly Fresh Dressed Springs Every one guaranteed your choice, any size, Ql Saturday, pound 2 V Fresh Dressed Roosters Hfl pound ' Ss BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Son's v i'eoff''-"U4.t Sttlt Tt" ' Bnaia coffsa See It Boasted While Vou Bar. r, ... - IATOBBAT BPECUMl Bennett's Best O.rtoe. 3 lbs. . .7 . gi no Teas ,"3. .""""red Green Trading 'stampsV " leas, your choice, pound jg. T,irt "n " Hundred Green ' Trading Stamps! ' ' Pride of Dennett s Flour, sack t y ilaa rilam . And Fifty Green Trading- Stamps'. " Diamond H Fruits, lar(?e Jar 7. .. ilia T, w. And Twenty Green Trading- Stamps. Bennetts Capitol HuklnK Powder, B-lb. ran: S1.00 ,A1" On" Hundred Green Trading- Stamps. Combination Bpeoialt liennett s Capitol Paneake. pkc 100 Bennett's Capitol Wheat, pkg. 10o Bennett's Capitol Oats, pkjt loo Bennett's Capitol Kxtracts. hottla 18o Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb 34o And Seventy-five Oreen Trading- Stamps w.u BinuiM-n hii, j !'( , nozen eans Our Bast Brands Fruits and Vegetables Ten j louiiiK oiiiniim wmi ej-n can. Special Oreen Trading stninps on Imported Olive Oil. OBiKHLATED STa Ponbls Orssn Trading- Stamps AU Day Saturday. BDTTEB BecslTSd Sally from Btst Dairies Bennett's Capitol Craamsry, lb. brick, full weight 97c 730 SI 00 Green f'hlnf!S Illy Uulhs, each Pure strained Honey, pint Jar And Twenty Green Trading Stampt. ITneeda Biscuits, four pkgs And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Jell-O, assorted, three pkgs And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bntterlne Special Lincoln, 'J Ihs And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Jersey, 2 His And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Premium. 2 lbs And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. New York Full Cream Cheese, pound And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Virginia rwisb, pouno '1 J1L . . .60 , .1150 ..150 , ,aso .830 ..300 ..400 . .800 ,85o And Ten Green Tradlna Stamns. Royal Luncheon, jar 10o And r l-o Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Kxrelslor Flour, sack ....91.40 Ono Hundred Green Trading: Stamns ABC Catsup, pint bottio 830 And Twenty ureeu 1 railing stamps. Special Dresser Bargain In Omaha's Greatest Furniture Bargain Store. Many Other Special -i-jr This pretty Princess Dresser (like cut), double swell front, Empire quartered oak finish, has large French bevel mir ror, an extra special offer at $13.25 CHILDREN'S DAY IN SHOE SECTION-Saturday With every pulr Children's Shoes 11.00 or ove'. wo give a Bane Ball Bat Scholar Companion, con taining lead and slate pencils and pen snd pen holder. Foot. form Shoes for misses snd children, hum) sewed extension, cork tUId soles, niude on the fauioub i''oot Kutorni Lasts, slies sis to 11, at.. f 1.78 Sizes 11' to J MJS And Fifty extra Green Trading Stamps. Foot Reform Shoes for the baby, hand turned soles, pises 2 to 5 for. . .Bfto Sizes S to X for S1.8S Soft Hand Turned Solo Vt l Kid Buby Shoes, sizes 2 to 60 And Double Green Trading Stamps. Soft Vclrct Kid, spring heel, laced and button Shoes for children, sixes 4 to 8, at 70 And Double Green Trading Stamps. SPECIALS OS BABOAXST TABLES J and 2.1,0 Boys' Tan Calf Shoes. extension soles, slses 13 to fV, tor S1.3S And loulilc Green Trading Stamps. One Hundred Green Trading Stamps on Men's Shoes at. .84, 83.50 and 83.00 Fruitt and Vtit tablet FRESH DAILY Florida Oranges dozen ...20 Spinach, peck, for 10 Ben Davis, Ap ples, peck 15 Late Kiefer Pears, peck, for 35 8 iADIESKOOUnilALPATTERNS tADIESHOMUOURfjALFArTERNS INDIES' HOMUOUnNALBHWS lIEgnOOUnilALPArTERlS fc'jsTil1'""1 ii" " T'ssi'swVsss i:--f---' ' 'i!' iii'i! '"' " " -' i irf r" ''"' " ' -ra!TrFT - i: - - - ''"- 'lr-ff -fii iVlIjIliiiiuii i imiri'iiiiUi 1 1 ii iii ii" I'li'Viii ':iiiir : r " '"': - '' 1 i - " -i-TITului 7ii r --T" "'" - ;J: " i r iSirsiiiiissMssssss Hi mrn iwisrssit..sriii i mMmmmimmmtmmmmmm " i 1 1 11 "" " mmmttmmn am wim mi ir i mm mil WimNQ NEWS IN WAR TIMES Tlirtlllnc Experiences of Operators Wtit Worked Keys W'hea Tele, araph as Toaag. n'.'ar Uino telesrapliltig wtsn't all rakes i" I you," said K. F. Weltbreo. au cld-tlmo operator In th a; my ct tk Potoaiao during ths sirenu hub days of '6i, and wi: is attending tha teleg raphrrs' oonventlon er, Mr. VTell brao H now a wsaJthy contractor lu Dan ver Ctlo., but liever misses s. chance to Job tsrlng of tno knlgltU uf the key. "in Vsrcli, 1SJ, I was opr.lcr for Gen eral Stoughton. wuo' heaJciuarters were at Falafax court house, about twenty miles f Washlnston," continued Mr. Wclluree. "Sioughtcn had several thou sjrd wi'.a him. nd Hooker rad more tlian 1A'.(4 between us and L' army, so w fitlt as 1 2-t c wro in Boclon. -yy cS-'.o ail. I llw.iB quarters wero la r. tur-t in ia raid 'f tno gucral's head. dUirtrra. Abuat S o'c l,o;-k oiw di klgut I was rudly awakenoil by tow-one '.yinj 'lade-u-Cock-Horse' o.i my stoini ach wlca an anergy tint rr.:u'ie ths ptr- fonnance exe.ecdingiy annoying. Tliere had been a couple of gay young lieutenants around camp who had made a practice of coming to my tent at unseemly hours und having fun with rue. tn the .dark ness I mistook the playful person on my storuacU for one uf these, arid with 11 my force tried to throw him off, at tha sain tune expressing my opinion of such ia Ung'j.ire not found in tbe catechism. 'Inetaitly thete was a clutch at my throat. I felt tho cold ruuszle of a navy six pte&sed fi-mly against my templa and In language that m&do nilne seem a poor phantom of 'cusa' words, I was com manded to get up. At that moment a light Oared up and I found the Intruders were two ferocious-looking confederate cavslrymen. They told mo they were 'Mohby's men.' that they I, ad gobbled up the general and a lot i.t prisoners and horses. The gsve nto about sixteen eec onde ta dress, bjt I haj time to sparo. you can bt. Thea one of them kittled my telegraph Instrument up intu ju:ik; said he fll ln t want tho In. id .nt to gtt Inio the inoriiinr papers, or something like llut- , "1 aa taktn out anl uiouiitc l oa hoiso without saddle or bridle and away wo went on the wildest devil's ride that ever human being took. There were only two doton of the confederates and they bad nearly 14 prisoners and horses, bo sides, they were surrounded by thousands of our soldiers, so tbey didn't stop for seotiles except to grab them and take them along. By day we had covered a score of miles, and those Rough Riders had us, geneial and all, safely outside tho northern lines. But wc didn't stop thein; It wasn't until lata that evening that anybody got any treakfat. 1 spent several months in prison and when 1 was exchanged I went west. Indians were tamer than that life In pastoral Virginia." "I didn't find the west so very tame," spoka up Frank Howell, a New Yorker, prominent in telegraph circles. "In the early eighties I waa at Kansas City, out of a Job. 1 wlrod the superin tendent ot the local division that 1 wanted a J..U Just as fur w.t aa things went. He tald h'.'d give It to in, and sent tan to Gunnison, Colo. I found there thai he'd tent me tho other sldo of where I wanted to go. The first evriunrf I was there I was sitting on tku veranda of the hotel, adniir- tig the Rocky ir.oui.tain, roaRt, when a big negro, who, I found later, worked In the hotel, came through lh open wir.dow nearby with the speed of a telegram and right ut his heels was a cowboy with a gun. cutting the dut out from under the neg. o at every Jump. It was a beautiful raco down the strt, but fcai will beat lun and th'j colored man won out. "There was great excitement in Gunnison that night, because they arrcsLtd tho cow boy. Fcoplu were astonished. But it seemed there had Just been erect d a very fine new Jail and the authorities wero anx ious to try It on somebody. Bo they held a court-mariial, cr something, over the cowboy and sentenced him to Jail for ten days. I ctsyed In fiui.iiison about a month; that ws enough for one lifetime, and when I was about to go I looked uround for tho cowboy to any good-by to him. I was told be was rtill in Jail, although his leiin had t spired thrco weeks before. So i went up there. The prisoner was fixed up like a prince in a room handsomer than any thing in the hotel. He was pluyl:ij poker with Kevcrnl choice Hplrita und In a corner ws a big washtub fuil of he, with a dozen bottlra of b r tluuiint; around' in it all furnished by to uounty! Tha Julr was us tickled over the satisfaction his accom modations had. given tbo cowboy as was ever a Swls landlord. He pointed with pride to the fact that, although his term had expired, tho cowboy preferred to stay there to punehiiig cattle on the range. 1 didn't Momo him." 'I tried it west myself for about a min ute." mused Jones of Chattanooga, who la one of th advance guard of telegraph: is. "I was offered a Job at Ouray, a mining camp about lot) utiles beyond Gunnion, before the railroad had got In there. I staged It over tk desert from I'ncom puhgre. about fifty miles of sand and alkali, and got Into Ouray about an. hour by sun. The hotel woa R long one-tory affair, with a verand running Its whole length and this was filled with the hardest looking uggregatlon of miners I ever sot eyes on. I got a room and, wanting to get foioe of the alkali off of mc, dlaxbed and prermred for :i bath. As I pulled down the window t--hadc to present any ono on the teranda frnvi looking In, u dirty llit swept lh-1 i itrUilii uWcle, a long revolver pro truded In and a gruff voice inquirer! ; "What you all so private In thar fer?" -.Washlngtou Times. ROMANCE OF LEASE One Sw-et Itrtl Tlos Ktaeled as Kent fur a I'mnsylvnala ' Fit r in. Tho public is generally conversant with the annual custom of paying "one red rose" as ground rental In eastern Pennsyl vania churches to the descendants of those who gavo the ground for tho edifices; but It Is not generally known that hundreds of owners of farms are under a similar obliga tion. "Xied rote rent" is yearly paid every' sec ond Sunday In June In the Lutheran church at Manhf-lm. Lancaster county; In the Tul ixhnckeu Reformed church, about sixteen miles west of Reading, and in several cdl- Ilces in Ixjbanon county, while several con gregations In Berks are. entitled to obervs the event, but do not. Rosed paid o Mli. S ' occasions to repre bentntls a of families whoae ancestors made such provisions an- treasured us priceless heirlooms, and at Miinheim tin y l.avo tome from many Mates. It is known to f w that more than V'A years 'ago great, tracts of farm land were sold uround Reading with the same stipu lation It is nUuie'.ed thst at least acres of land in Berks are subject, because of a cluuso in t;ie original dfds, to an an nual ground rent of one red rose. Records of the Berks court house show that many years before Baron Htigel pro vided for the payment of red rose rent by mo cnurcn at lannetm. Casper. Wistar sold land containing the same clause. rtej rose rent la mentioned in crr, na tion with land tn Tulpehocken. ivfn,,r. Maiatawny, Oley. and other townthlps It dates ba-k to 1T3. The Tuloehocken Reformed church is built on land that is subject to "one red rose" ciult rent. The land v... Casper Wlstar, brass button manufacturer of Philadelphia. The red rose rent has been paid to the Philadelphia descenUant. of Casper Wlstar for some years. The most notable observance was in when tnirty prominent 1'hlladelphla Wlsturs ai. tended the sen-ices and were piiid li7 red roses In payment of arrears of rent. John Page, described as "a gentleman front London," was another extensive real estate siiecuhitor In tho early colonial peried. Ho planned to establish a feu .la I barony along the TulKboeken In i;jj. Every deed of land sold by hint contained tbe red ro clause .wClnclauavti CoiumtrvUl Trlbuno. t