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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
TTIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 2S, 100G. n Tie Omaila. Sunday Bns i , . , FOVNI'ED BT EDWARD ROSE WAT KR. VICTOR ROSIb WATER. EDITOR. I EnterW at Omaha poetofflca aa second elass matter. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Hal 1 7 Hee (without Sunday), one year..H liaily h'K and bunday, oua year tiumlny He, one yer ; f Saturday Uee. ona year DKX1ERED Bf CARRIER. Iatly Pee (Including Bunday), per week..1fa Iily Be (without BumJay). pet week. ..loo l.venlng Bea (witnout fcutioay), per week o Kvemiig Bea (with Sunday), per week...l(,Q bunday Bee, pr copy 4,0 Address complaints of irregularities In de livery to City circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee building. South Omaha City Hull building. Council BlulTs10 Pearl etreet. C'hicagoluto Unity building. New York 15"8 Jlnme IJfe Ins. building. Washington 6"1 Fourteenth etreet. CORRESPONDENCE Communications relating to newa and edi torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poatal order Sayable to The Bee Publishing company, nly J cent a. am pa received aa payment of niall accounta. Personal checka. except on Omaha or eastern vxrhana-e. not accepted. THE BKE PIjBUSHINQ COMPANl STATEMENT OF VTIRCfLATION. tate of Nebraska, Douglas County, ai Charlea C. Rosewater, general manager el The . Bee Publishing company, being duly worn, nova that the actual number of full and complete coplea of The DHy. Morning. Rvenlng and Sunday Fee printed during the month of September, IK, wae aa lol. tows: I . J . . i . . . . .34,430 I.... 30,380 I... 31,080 ..., ......80,880 j.. 30,370 (... ..30,730 1 30,480 1..... 30,940 ..,.. 80,470 .. ..80,800 11 30,340 11. .... 30.430 It..,.. 80,360 14 ..3000 II 30,80 i. .t0,870 17.. II.. 1.. to.. 21 e 12.. 80,830 80,710 80,880 ,,.,.80,600 80,880 .11.140 30,410 tt. ti ...30.710 80.890 H 30,640 7 3160 J SA.670 tt 85,600 10 80,600 ToUI . . . .M7.5S4 Less unaold ooplea 1.608 Net total eaJea a.84a Dally Average 30,928 CHARLES C ROSKWATER. General alanagor. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this fat day of October, 1,04. (SeL . " XL. B. irtJNQATB. Notary PubUa. ' WBEM OUT OF TOWJI. Subscribers leaving; the elty tem porarily aaoalit hare The Be mailed t then. Address will banged m4 afteai aa reqaestaa. The political tremors at San Fran cisco promise to be as exciting, If not as damaging, as the earthquake. - Now that. thoBe Ute Indians are In humor to talk, they will probably And United States army officers In humor io act. Ohio Ice trust managers who are making a hard fight for liberty prob ably want to see another crop har 63ted before becoming wards of the state. , The attack of Kaisoull on Insurgent tribesmen of' Morocco tends to shot that the captor of Perdlcaris wants no rSvals.aml.fQr .once at. least he has the approval of civilization. Boas Croker's defense of Tammany hair came only after he had settled his suit for damages' In Dublin. The settlement might have been more dlf ficult had he spoken sooner. canaiaatcs tor tna legislature so eager to he elected that they will "lie up" with railroad tax shirkers should expect no votes from those who are paying the taxes the railroads evade New York clearing house banks again show less cash on hand than the law requires, proving that unless the law be changed, leading financiers will be technical lawbreakers much of the time. Germany's friendship for America will have a cloud on it as long, as It prefers to compel its subjects to eat horses and dogs rather-than permit them to buy wholesome meat from the United States. The public will at least, feel kindly toward, the duke and duchess of Marl borough, who have set the Castellanes an pie in the matter of arranging family affairs without taking the world into their confidence. Russian a expectation of a celebra tlon of the anniversary of the consul tatlon will appear strange in foreign eyes, as a day of mourning for be reaved. homes would seem more In keeping with the facts. Interstate Commerce Commissioner Lauo evidently desires honest replies to questions, preferring refusal to eva sion, but as long as a grand jury stands ready to read the testimony he may find difficulty in securing facts. Japan is trying to make a treaty with Russia In accordance with th terms of the agreement at Portsmouth la time it may learn that the way to Cet that premise - fulfilled was when the Muscovite was still in the trap. The objection to adult coaches for boy foot ball players Is the severest (ommentary which could be made upon the character of the men in that position; but perhaps' those who con dor.m want to be her.rd at any price In every campaign speech he 1 TuaLiog the treacherous Williams 1 raid to be trying to explain his per nay. but relates a different story every time he tells it. It takes a man with a trained memory to be a sue cesaful liar. ExpeiU who have studied trade con during the lust week hav failed to find evidence of cessation of buelntss pending the election, showla that the idea of "lot well enough aloce'f baa Impressed -Uself pretty thoroughly uou the average dlUen If the railroad cappers and paid lobbyists who forced the nomination of Shallenberger for governor over Berge In the last democratic state con vention could explain their action by saying that it was not that they loved Shallenberger more, but that they ated Berge most, the democrats might insist they were not to blame. , If the continuance of . the railroads bend their energies for Shallen- berger in the campaign as against Sheldon could be explained on the round that they hnd no claims on Shallenberger, but; wefe afraid of Sheldon. Shallenberger and his demo cratic friends might Btill Insist that they were not to blame. If the railroads saw fit. as they Hve, to tip off the pass favors en- oyed heretofore by candidates on the republican ticket and to cover up the pass favors enjoyed by candidates on the democratic ticket, simply because convinced that their roads would fare better under the democrats than un der the republicans, the democrats might Insist that they were ' not to blame. 1 . -. - But when the chairman of the dem ocratic state committee begins already to pull railroad chestnuts out of the lire by enlisting all the democratic legislative nominees with the rail roads to fight against equitable taxa tion of railroad property, the cloven hoof is clearly shown and conclusive proof is furnished that the arrange ment between the democrats and the ailroads are reciprocal. . The railroads are, by agreement, to help the democratic candidates and the democrats are to help the rail roads. The railroads can afford to put all that Is necessary into the demo- ratic campaign if the democrats grant them immunity from municipal taxa tion, which means a tax burden of from 250,000 to $300,000 a year shifted fiom the railroads, where it belongs, property owners in all our Ne braska cities and towns. This, however, .must be only one of the clauses in the reciprocity treaty between the democrats and the rail roads. If the democrats have taken the contract to protect the railroads gainst 'terminal taxation, they have also, without question, agreed to pro tect the railroads in the other privi leges they enjoy by defeating all legis lation in the Interest of the people when that might affect the railroads adversely. The compact must be a complete offensive and defensive alli ance by which the election of the dem ocratic ticket and a democratic legisla ture will put the railroad bosses in absolute control of the state house and state government for two years to come and leave the people at their mercy. THE SAX PRaACfSCO CRISIS. A lawjcss situation in San Francisco has reached a climax, rivaling In dis grace and peril to the city that which produced the extra legal but effective vigilance committee half a century ago. .There was a natural explanation, both for , the riot of crime and the high handed and irregular proceedings by which it was ended, because San Francisco, then isolated from civilized connections and only a straggling camp recruited largely from the world's adventurers, had not yet be come a normal and stable community. But that the Pacific coast metropolis, one of the greatest cities on the con tinent, should now be under a crim inal reign of terror, and especially that the machinery of the law should in vital parts be notoriously prostituted to league with organized crime, rises above tha intolerable local outrage to the height of a national scandal. An issue is raised which San Fran cisco must on peril of irreparable harm meet forthwith. The disaster by earthquake and fire early in the year-was a tremendous blow -to ma terial Interests, but the city could In time hope to recover from its effects through wise policy as the basis of outside credit. That basis would be undermined unless worthy and virtu ous citizenship now shows itself strong enough to cope with the corruption permeating and largely controlling the local government. With life and prop erly insecure and nothing safe but crime,, it would be insane for Sao Francisco, amidst its other misfor tunes, to hope to rebuild or even not to retrograde , from its present bad state. 1 It seems a paradox that a community which In the very face of the memor able catastrophe of quake and con flagration a few months ago could pre vent crime should so soon be found at the mercy of criminals protected and tbetted by the palico and the higher local authorities over them, and that the first step In restoring the law must be to battle with officers en trusted with its enforcement. IKE rJVtRCt CttSQHESa' BILL. ' The bill drafted by the so-called di vorce congress, whose members were appointed by President Roosevelt nearly a year ago, will be disappoint ing to many who are zealous for di vorce law reform because of some of the- causes recognized aa grounds either for divorce or for" legal separation, but It may prove more rather than k-bs valuable on that account. The central aim of the congress was not merely ldeallbm, but uniformity of divorce legislation. The congress, which is composed of eminent legislators, law yers ard clergymen, who bad studied tba subject as a practical problem, had to consider the vast range of dif ference between those states whose laws are at outright offense to moral sentiment and other states, the ultra stringency cf whose laws is not ap proved by the average sentiment of the country. ' It would be palpably futile to viouae tor a uniform law uy draft of an extreme character In either direction. The measure will be conceded to be an immense Improvement upon di vorce provisions in the majority of the states, being a thoroughly digested system and embodying the bptter fea tures of many existing statutes, but especially valuable in its tendency to avoid evils of mere court practice, which indeed are among the worst connected with the whole subject. The authority with which it comes should at least stimulate discussion and help to secure needed amendments to the laws of many states. Save in this indefinite way, how ever, it is problematical how far the uniformity which is desirable will be promoted on the basis of the divorce congress model draft, unless, indeed, a more imperious public demand than now is heard snail manifest itself. Na tional legislation which might secure uniformity Ib constitutionally impos sible. The wide variation of. local sentiment and the opposition of ex treme opinions to many provisions of the proposed system are not unlikely to prevent its general incorporation in state legislation, at. least for a long time to come. TELErilOyE FR08 tiVD COSS. The people of Omaha will vote at the coming election on a franchise proposition that will determine whether this city shall have a second telephone system or continue with a single telephone system as at present. That there are advantages and disad vantages of dual telephones goes without saying, so it remains for those who are to pass on this question to judge whether the advantages or the disadvantages weigh most. Theoretically, the single telephone in its perfection would bring us the pinnacle of verbal Intercommunication. If we could havo one telephone system by which each telephone user could talk to every other user with prompt ness and facility and at reasonable rates for the service, nothing more could be desired. Two telephone In struments to do the work which one could do would be a superfluity and a waste, as well as an annoyance. The people of Omaha, however, are confronted with a condition rather than a theory. The complaints against the present tele-phone system, ignoring those of unsatisfactory service, which prevail everywhere, are two-fold. First, that it charges excessive rates. Second, that it deprives us, in the na ture of things, of intercommunication with a large number of telephone users on independent "lines throughout the state. On the question of rates, the pro posed new franchise makes some con cessions, guaranteeing full metallic in dividual line unlimited telephones at a maximum of $2.50 per month, as cgalnst $3 per month now charged, and full metallic individual line un limited business telephones at a max imum of $5 per month, aa against $7 now charged. In addition to this the new franchise provides for free con nections with ttonth Omaha and a roy alty of 2 per cent on gross earnings to the city. That this would be a con slderable financial saving to the pub lic,' if it could be made effective upon the present service, is self-evident But it is also the teaching of experl ence in other cities where the dual telephone system has been tried that tho installation of a second telephone forces a large portion of the telephone subscribers, , especially the business and professional men, to uso both tele' phones, and that the charges upon this portion of the telephone clientage for double rentals as a rule makes their burden heavier, although, of course, with some compensation In the form of increaBtd cervice. With reference to the promise to bring Omaha into communication with independent telephone users outside of Omaha, tho management of the exist ing telephone service la Omaha pro fesses willingness to connect up with any outside system on mu tually satisfactory terms, unless competing with one of its own ex changes. The larger number of in dependents who have refused such con nections arc In close relationship with the independent systems barred out by this proposition and bound by their agreements with them not to accept such an offer, regardless of terms. We therefore have this situation, that the independents, clamoring for communi cation with Omaha, will consent to communicate only through an inde pendent telephone exchange. The ques tion, then, is simply whether or not it would pay Omaha to grant a second telephone franchise for the purpose of getting Into closer touch, commer cially, with users of independent tele phones in our trade territory, who can iot be reached by existing telephone connections. ' To the laboring men and nontele Iihone users the new franchlee propo sition holds out tho prospective' in vestment of approximately $1,000,000 in the construction and equipment of a second plant. This money would be largely spent here and be distrib uted through local channels of busi ness. On the other side, it muat be remembered 'that capitalists would not Invost this money unless they expected to get It back and that tho profit must tome out of the community which their telephone system would serve. Outside of all this, the pending franchise contest must be regarded as one of tho skirmishes in the gigantic battle engagement going on over the country for majtery between the old entrenched telephone interests and the new independent telephone com panies. Omaha is a strategic point of hUbcit lmportani'O on the telephone map. Its exclusive possesion by the ex isting telephone system constitutes an almost Insuperable obstacle in the way of the continued progress of the Inde pendent tHephop movement. The opening of Omaha by th voting of a second telephone franchise would fur nish a needed link of the transconti nental tiunk lines which are slowly but surely pushing themselves from ocean to ocean and which will eventu ally enable people to talk to one an other from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Whether this highway shall belong to the old telephone Interests or shall be shared by the new Independent inter ests when this development shall have been completed will be determined in the present contest and by many is re garded as really more important than the strictly local questions in issue. llSTKRKATIoyAL VBUQATIQSS. The peril of disturbance of good re lations between the United States and Japan because of discriminations against Japanese under the California school and labor laws emphasizes once more the anomalous situation of our government In Its foreign relations. It wub intended to be the national organ In international interests and obligations, and yet it was left by di vision of powers with the states im potent to enforce upon our own citi zens obligations which It demands that foreign governments shall enforce upon their subjects. It enters into treaties guaranteeing to foreign resi dents the same protection and priv ileges our citizens are to receive abroad, and yet it is powerless to pun ish infractions either by Individuals or local authorities to the extent and in the manner that we have insisted that foreign governments should do under treaties in like circumstances. Ordinarily, the consequences have so far not been serious, as even in so flagrant a case as the lynching of Ital ian subjects at New Orleans ten years agv the national government paid lib eral damages, although it could not punish the perpetrators. But thore might be the greatest danger in dol ing with a paople of such intense na tional sensibilities as the Japanese, who would resent unjust treatment or discrimination in violation of treaty rights, and who are in position to make their resentment effective. The case is Just the reverse of that of the pow erless Chinese. ' Even though a ten sion might not be created that would precipitate war, in which Japan would be a most formidable antagonist, it might still be disastrous to our com mercial and material Interests, because it ha3 keen demonstrated that the Jap anese are perfectly aware of the ad vantages of their position and resolute to employ them. . With the disabilities . under which our national government labors, the main reliance must ba upon an en lightened public sentiment that will prevent local . prejudice and wrong from going to extremes against for elgners of any race or color who may be lawf ally sojourning here. Fairness, liberality and toleration are all the more vital now, that our external re lations . and interests have become world-wide - and must grow in im portance unless we, as a nation, are to c:ue to grow. Candidate Hitchcock is trying to lay claim to a patent right on the proposition for a postal savings bank. The fact is, the postal savings bank ho 3 been advocated and agitated by The Dee for a quarter of a century( and its persistent hammering upon that subject has had. as much, If not more, to do with bringing the ques tion finally to the front as any other one agency. It is a further fact that Congressman Kennedy's advocacy of postal savings banks dates back about as far as Candidate Hitchcock's, and, more than that, through Mr. Ken nedy's effort an official Inquiry has been started to secure authoritative ti; formation about the operation of postal savings banks in other coun tries that promises to bring the mat ter soon to a focus. The campaign handbook issued by the national re publican congressional commitee In cludes postal savings banks in the list of enumerated pressing pending meas ures, while the democratic handbook has no reference whatever. In a word. the election of a republican congress promises consideration of the postal savings bank project, but the election of a democratic congress gives no as surance that the subject will ever get on tho legislative program. It is reported that Postmaster Gen eral Cortelyou will resign the chair manship of the republican national committee before be takes charge as secretary of the treasury. Has anybody beard of a prospective resignation from Chairman Taggart of the demo cratic national committee, who clearly tomes within the proscrlptlve rule inundated by Colonel Bryan, that no cue officially connected with a privi leged corporation has any right to oc cupy a position in the councils of the democratic party. The republican legislature holds out promise of relief to city and village taxpayers through the taxa tion of railway terminals for munici pal purposes. A democratic legisla ture means the perpetuation of the present system of tax shirking, by which the railroads get all the bene fits of city government la Nebraska without paying for them. Trust Buster Worrall begged off from telling the Interstate Commerce commission just how much he got for settling with his former partners in crime. We do not mind informing the commissioners that it was 113,000 and the profits on his book. Colonel Bryan declares in his Can ton speech that to have been defeated twlca by such a maa as McKJalay "will always give me a sense of. com fortable pleasure." . To have won out over a man like McKInlcy, however, even once, would Lave always Riven him a much deeper sense of comfort able pleasure. If the new Independent telephone franchise should be voted the city will have twelve free telephones. Which Inmates of the city hall shall get them will probably be determined cither by a foot race or a roping con test, with Mayor Jim himself as ref eree. Looking: Forward Cheerily. Boston Transcript. Tbla la tho time of year when Cape Cod looms large on the national horizon. Its cranberry crop la an Iniporfng factor In the country's yield, which thla year la ttttlmnted at l,0u0,000 buhela, 400,000 of which will be needed to accompany tha Thanksgiving turkey. - Careleaaaeaa la Buying. Philadelphia Pres. When American girls buy dukea and other things It might ba a good Idea to pay the cash down with tha understanding that all payment end there. With the money part of. the transaction left opcm there la gen erally trouble, and the Installment plan is not a success. 'Write for ClreaJara." W&shlngton PoaU James J. Mill warna Americans that In a few year there" will not be farms enough to supply the demand. By lending your address to Mr. Hill's office you can get a neat folder describing the attractiveness of the farm lands that are for sale ulung the llnea of his railroads. Preliminary Gratltade. Philadelphia Record. The Thanksgiving day declaration la out, and on the 29th day of November the peo ple will have more to give thanks for than the president deemed It Judicious to enum erate and more than the governor of thla state will feel grateful for. A good deal of public gratrtude will be expressed on the day after the election. Admonition for Footballers. Chicago Chronicle. "We should be reverently thankful for what we have received," says the president In his Thanksgiving proclamation, "and earnestly bent upon not turning It Into a means of destruction." This seems to hava an admonitory flavor addressed to' the i Thanksgiving day foot bailers, who cer tainly go forth bent upon destruction. Shadowy Precedent Shattered. Baltimore Newa The notion that It is unconstitutional for tha president to leave the country rents on tradition that has no solid foundation, and Mr. Roosevelt's coming trip to Panama will bo apt to crack It past mending. He will remain under the American flag and tech nically within tha Jurisdiction during his trip and during most of his atay on the Isthmus. But when he goes to President 1 Amador's palace for an official reception he ! will be In a foreign country, although only a mile and a half from the sone line. - PROHIBITING REMARRIAGE. Good Points of a Role Adopted by a New York Court. Minneapolis Journal. Ona of the New Tork courts has estab lished a new rule In divorce proceedings. It requires that a divorced person shall not marry the co-respondent named In the case during the lifetime of the former husband or wife. The decree of divorce is made to carry this condition, and If the condition Is violated then tha decree becomes void. There cannot be any sound objection to such a rule. Defendants In divorce cases often make no appearance, because they are well satisfied to get their freedom, in order W marry the person responsible for the break-up of the family. The new rule will not reach a majority of such cases, for the causes mentioned In the suit are often not tha real causes, and to save salacious proceedings in court the complaint Is brought on grounds of "cruel and Inhuman treatment" or desertion, which occurs by mutual consent. Often, too, the offending party brings the complaint and gets a divorce In order to marry some one else, whose name does not , appear before the court In these cases the court cannot stop remarriage without a sweeping order pro hibiting tt during tho lifetime of the former partner, and thla Is generally considered too drastic. But the plan adopted by the New Tork court has Its good points, and should not be condemned merely because it can not refok-m tha whole practice. It looks to be worth a trial In other states. PERSONAL, AND OTHERWISE. Look ' ahead to Thanksgiving day and revel In tha Joys of anticipation. Tho advent of George Cortelyou as sec retary of the treasury lends Impressive em phasis to tba saying, "Silence Is golden." People within his sone will concede that Medloina Hat can do a stunt equal to the Gulf of Mexico. Bam Dies are unnecessary. This task of reducing railroad fares come at an inopportune time. Rebate fines come high, and it takes real money to pay them. 'He put his arm around me, but ha neer squeesed ma," complained a Chicago woman In court. If the unfeeling wretch gets his dus he'll go up for life. ' Ths advance of woman in the gainful occupations formerly monopolized by men goes obj aimce. A woman has been ar rested In Arkansas on the charge of being a moonshiner. .One by one tha lordly privileges enjoyed by soma men are vanishing. An unfeeling court in New York sent a man to Jail be. cause he permitted his wife to support him. What next? A fsw old-fashlooed politicians still linger oh the soil of Pennsylvania. One of them wants a bunch of money from a candidate who advertised the offended trim's ttU'-nt for mixing public- dough with his own, Tom Edison again announces that the horse will be retired permanently In a few months. If Edison had seen the Omaha Horse Show he would have realized the wisdom of the saying. "Don't prophecy unless you know." Tha Gtlhooly record of leaden justice In Chicago has been on I footed by tha tUies trial. In which liO men have been ex amined and seven jurors secured. Sue la president of the fighting teamsters. Ull hooly la In the pen. That absconding Cuban banker explain that ha merely went to Venetuelu lor hlx health. For almllar reason Paul O. 8n in land hr.stetied from Chicago to Tajigl"r, yet ha finds tha atmosphere of Jolltt u pretty fair nude io a pinch. Tba curiosity aroused by tha arrival In New Tork of two atorka conetgned to the White House has been appeased. A twenty two pouud baby arrived at the home of Ike and Jennie Lubarsky and two blrda wrre needed for the Job. Thereupon the birds went on their way rejoicing. Tha New York siata MoKlnley monument at Buffalo Is practically finished and will be dedicated next spring. The monument Is a severely plalu shaft of white r.iarble rising 100 feet, buttressed with four marble lions of heroic slse. It stands In the tenter of Nlegara square, where four streets con , verge. yjoUJ cost fit, When you buy a ljlainond simply because you are bound to realize on your Investment. Plamonds are constantly advancing In value and are now paying 20 per cent dividends. If all the young ladles really knew how easy tt la to own and enioy a diamond by my Susy Payment Plan of a dollar or two a week, I could not supply the demand. A diamond la the emblem of culture and refinement. It Is policy for you to wear one and appear at your beet. Vou own it to yourself, your mother, sister or sweetheart. Don't wait any longer buy one now front nw. This Wstch $15.09 $1.00 II." Week The best Amerlran move ment In a 20-year guiian ieed rase. CO How about Your Eyes ? My optical work Increases. The testing of eyes with me Is not a mat ter of guesa work, nor ia it a matter of trying on ready-nuule glasses There Is no guess work simply because It's free, nor are you under any obligations to purchase. If your eyes need glasses I can fit you with, the proper kind in many casea aa low a& ft. 00 a pair. 8ERMOX9 BOILED HOWS. The faithful are not fretful. Quiet lives are often eloquent. No Ufa Is lost that la lived tor love. , Things not right can never be religious. ' Tho love of wealth sKals wealth of love. Bigotry put blinders on tho best of men. Submission Is the first step to sovereignly. Love never knows hardship, even when it meets it. When men pray for harvest, they of Un get a plow. It's the common virtues that make uncom mon saints. ''"''. The principle ' of expediency expels all other principle.- Whatever is saved By selfishness Is lost to the true self A man's holiness is to be measured by the happiness he creates. Tho only wealth you can possece Is that you have in the heart,' "' ' -," Faith Is greater than creeds, as the stars are greater than astronomy. It's a common sin to substitute scruples about our own eating for the feeding of the hungry. ... Borne people will never get. to Paradise, because they will insist on reforming Peter before they go any fart her. Chicago Tri bune. SECULAR, SHOTS AT THE PIXPIT. Boston Transcript: Clergyman must now pay full fare on almost all railroad lines. What they lose In cash, however, they ought to gain in srMf-rerpoct. Brooklyn Eegle: Hereafter clergymen will have to pay full fare on nearjy all railroad lines. True, their salaries are small, on the average, but ao Is the average man's. Confession of ability to pay only half rates Is humiliating, and this humiliation will be spared to our mlnipters hereafter. Baltimore American: In support of the theory that people are what they eat. Bishop Fallows declarer that producers c4 crime In the way of diet are plea, pickles, doughnuts and cream puffs. It is hard for -the would-be bollever In his kind to receive this theory, and then watch tho tremendous preponderance, of potential criminals In every hotel and reelaurant he may waMer Into. Brooklyn Eagle: The official organ of the Episcopal churoh In this country proposes to fight Mrs. Eddy with her own devices. It wante to medlclnallze In unction. But Mrs. Eddy will reply that It is not oil that can cure apoplexy, corns, appendicitis and broken legs; tt Is faith in the curative prop erties of anything that cures. And it is cheaper to have faith in words than in ma terials. Chicago Chronlclo: In a sermon to Tulw men Rev. Lyman Abbott said: 'The rem edy for industrial evils Is a substitution of the ambition for service for the ambition for acquisition. It would be a good plan to put the golden rule up in our factories." If employers wera to preach ambition for service to their employes the tatter would strongly suspect the presence of a svlfish motive behind the preachment and would be likely to suggest that the employers teach by example rather than by precept. MX & BACH TMM Other Pianos arc sold at $500 or more, simply because of the Kranick & Bach standard of value, The Kranlth & Bach makes the market. Because of the superlative worth or a Kranlth & Bach it brings $376 upward. Beeauso there is a piano of such universally rec ognized value, others attempt to classify their warm with the Kranlch & Bach by simply asking the same price, thus securing a greater profit and wider margin for trade and time allowance, the buyer paying the penalty. A Krsnlch & Bach is always curling in qitulity, like the work in precious metals. All the styles are of the amue Intrinsic staii'lard of value, the only difference being In the form neceasary to meet your personal want. The Kranlch & Bach Nonpareil Grand, the nupreme small grand, the smallest real grsnd, 620; Knabe Cabinft Grand, su perior to the grands of other makers, $37 5. Time' If. wanted; fair exchange. Ao Mospe Co 1515 Douglas St. II' Life is m mm m&u r- M i mm vVr ' i J 1 . . , v - "V It's Just Like Finding Money i This Diamond Rina $25.03 Mounted In a solid gold TIITnny eettltig-;- pure, while stone. aO a Va This Gold Brooch $20.09 A brilliant stone set In a solid gold mounting some thing very fine. t. IS Weak DOMESTIC PI.EISAXTRIKS. . Teas Thty may s;iy "ignorance ls bllKS," DUt ,lcs What's the matter nowT Toss Why, Oeorgo gitvo me my pngaa' ment ring last week and I sltuplv can't find out what It cost lilm. Philadelphia FrrES. ' "My dear, these are not n bit like tho plea my mother used to make." "Of course not. But would you tnlnd telling nie f they are so very dllt.-rent ?','. "As different ns day from "night. Yours are lit to eat." Baltimore American. . . "Oh, James!" exclaimed Mrs. Plttle, "do let's move to the country and keep cows, so we can have nice fresh beef tea every morning!" Cleveland Leader. Mr. Jawbnck It is evident, madam, that you didn't know me when you married me Mrs. Jawhax-k I should say it was evl dent! Anybody can see that. Chicago Kecord-Horald. Esmeralda now did jacK ever nappen u marry poor, dear. Gladys? Owendolon It didn't hrt.rrx'n. lf fpunl out after tiny were married that It .will Intent ional. Chicago Tribune. "She has everything she wants." "VvarufKlnB.' . - . ' "Positively everything.' "No wonder she is discontented." Pitts burg Post. Knlcker Thrice armed Is he who hath his quarrel just. ' Booker I surtKe that means lie has to take the girl thre bones of candy to maka up. New York Bun. "But. denrewt," he said, "do you really think I'm good enough for you?" "You are good enoueh for the best "woman on earth she arcniy repneu. v leveiana Plain Dealer. "Tell me," said hfr father, sternly, "how often did he kiss yon?" "Father." reiMd the fair girl. "It Is trtta that I carried oft the tirlze for mathematics et colleee, but vou ask too much of me."- Philadelphia Press. "Whv did youse Jilt him, Mavme?" "I t'ought mayl he'd shoot at me or omethtn'. But shucks, dere ain't no such t'lng as a paMlnnate lovo dese days.' Louisville Courier-Journal. THHE50DT. ' Last Poem by Richard Henry. Stoddard. , Early or late, come when It will. At midnight or at noon, Promise of rood or threat of 11!) Peath always comes too soon. To the child who is too young to know, (Prav heaven he never may!) . This life of ours Is more than play A debt contracted long ' Which he. perforce must pari , , And the man whose head Is gray, And sad. is- fsln to borrow. Albeit with added pain and sorrow. The comfort of delay; Only let blm live today There will be time to d'e tomorrow! X tlmr. im next nn hnlir in Hnua. Under the uncertain sky. . . . Pave to pluck rimes for the hair Of the loving and the fair. And the kisses following these, IJVe s swarmln Hive of bees That soar on high, Till, drunken wl'h their own sweet wlna, They fall and die. When dear words have all been Bald And bright eyes no longer ehlne (Ah, not thine!) Clos thet-e weary eyes of mine. And bear me to the lonolv bed rr.A T .l ull I . lirrv iiii.ioi,",... - While the tardy years so by, . Without question or rep.y From the long-forgotten dead.