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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
" 12 TUi: OMAHA SUNDAY BKH: OCTOBER 2 lnofi. C 3 i"D r 3 9 n i i I I UZ3 LZ3 Exceptional Price Advantages in the erchandicc Center of tho l"Jeot wm "Off ? n ll I j: Ladies' Fine Tailor Made : : a .' '0 and fe3 3 Ladies' Black Broadcloth c Xi and Novelty Cloth Coats Y 50 Inches long newest, ami styles special all smartest nriro " "" Lali.V Suits In t he most up-to-date fnd fashionable effects splendidly tailored at 14 85 Tailored Suit of the hlh ost character, that would ordinarily brlni? $35 to $50 specially priced at .... $251 Mm Great Sale of Rug's M 9 ; Nov. 5th 4 i ssi a i. . . w r J mT- L I I rii i rv u i - r -J wsmr- TJT mm m Great Sale of Rugs Monday, Nov. 5tK DRANDEIG' CLCCAtlT f pedal Value In Furs (J Is'sliiral blended brook mink tvtirfs nt alirge full lnnle Inabelln fx scarf at'., ' J.j Nutnral Brny snuirrl m Zaxa scarfs at y Blended sVili'rcl Zaaa and U f our-ln-hand scarfs at , Natural nn blended mink, single .,4 and uoubie scarfs from Kalurul :rmln scarfs In Zhz and four-tn-hand effects from..., H Bilk IVttkoats, The best silk petticoat In 43 Alal 4, New Stora Here is an exceptional Dies Goods Bargain ' Oeain Mohair double width, at, er yard black aaBBaABBB4aB41S4BBBiB4B4g0f MBBBBBaBaB4BaaBaBBBB4BaBB4Bolllllll 5 Here Arc Splendid Bargains in Fine Bouoht at 50c on the Dollar-400 Pieces of 5 7)) ID (?h iFb 9 I nn- h n-ni.. 1 13 L3 )BBL1U ; Alal 4- NawStora " This is silk wimon. Silks are higli in favor. A lucky n purchase makes these big concessions possible. a Fancy Silk Suitings, hair line stripes, checks, iClQDLLDKIERYci y Third rioor-Old Stora Stunning copies of 'Parisian hats, silk vel '& vet hats trimmed with long ostrich plumes and ornaments ostrich trimmed French- felt hats., etcthe most beau tiful models that ever sold 39c H ... 3.58 & 4.38 7.50 & 9.98 i ;.3.98lo 9.98 ..4.98tol4.85 ...12.50 to $98 S .12.50 to $75 Omaha, black or colors, that sella at. 98 $ n3ox- 3sc-r:x4&:4i:: : . : , $ r . V ' : , .. . i s .'I swiiri in am vsiuss in m M a M Silk and Wool I'oijlln, Eollcnne and Crepe cream, black, cam eleon and all street and party colors, up to $2 m r value, at, per 0C 27, pieces black (Jmltoii Broadcloth, 54 in. wide, a $2.25 grade, QO ah, yard ,yOt M M H & i on anywhere vH at. each C KiqoJsfte l'attms fUti at $10 Most of hsa ara original New York mod- 75c !fl.(M) Silk and Wool Plaids, for waists or dresses, per yard , $1.23 grey Chiffon Panama, in dyed grey mixtures, OA per yard (jC Cioiing Out Broken Lines Black and Colored Goods Silk arid Wool Dress Goods, plaids, suitings, granites, vtc, all values up to 75c yd., at. . .DC Panamas, Plaids, Venetians, Broadcloths, Shadow Plaids, Mohairs, etc., m g sold up to $1.50 yd., f vp v r a M n H n H M M H tr- y rMniAB arc Main Floor, Old Storo 1 5 ladles' New $4 Wool, Batls- . te and Veiling Waists, $ M h'U'' and Law AVaists, newest fall effects, at 2 98 11 Hk 'I B I i te and VelMnc Waists. 55 ij at,' - IP at, yard . . BBBiHaaaaiBniasi.iaBaBaiaBaiaBiaQaaaBaaaH 2 Ladies' Tfi 1. 2 S? 5 urn yiv v vu " Aisla 2 Navy Stora f!r T7 1 ftO r- T at. pair VT yi. IV 1 Urandeis shows the largest, bat Belected ('(iU vv'ii Ladies' and Children's Wool Golf Gloves In black and colors fine, warm and sensible Gloves for late fall and winter, pair Louisenes, etc., (!!)c values, at yard... $1 SILKS AT 40c YD. High class fancy Silks, Peau de Messalines, Dress Taffetas, Plaid Silk Jattetas, Louisene Checks, lining taffetas, etc. two big silk squares yard. . . DLACK SILKS Seventy-five pieces genuine black Buckskin Taffetas (registered trademark) always retails at $l and $1.50 . splendid wear. 27 inches wide at, CO- I 3G inches wide at, fn yard yjC yard DlC yard wiae black Dress Taffeta one yeara guarantee always H jej TLIMES. y? white or X; aplenJld value i at el hats, in tha rery lit est effects for dress and Tanlngr wear - ary leading atyla feat ure at. . . . H0 mraicii in black colors, a 150 LAMES' HATS, ir; Urg-a amalll nl:apes. rilETTV 8VIT and amalll sliapes. 9 artfully trim- JW ' tned at ysrv v ..$1 Ladles' elbow length (lC-button) white Klacc kid Gloves, fine qual ity best value In Oniahn. stock of fine Gloves in Omaha. Sole agents for peiTin'B Gloves ati correct shades for street, dress and evening wear. a. $1.50 vale at wholesale at, yard. . . . 43-inch deep black Crepe de Chlno, very lustrous a $2 value at, yard riaid Silks Finest collection of Silk Plaids ever brought to Omaha 2 6 0 pieces just received at fa rpi J If m .yard b Jct $1 and 1.25 aiEaiiaBBiKaBiaiaiaiaiaiaBManaBaBMBEBa" i BBBBBBaaBBIBBBIB4BBBBBBBBBtBe 5 THE ENTIRE EAST SIDE, NEW STORE I and CHILCREH'S )jT) n The lilfhest grade shoes for men comfort and up-to-dato atyUs com bined, at 25. i"' TaluGlin Underwear '.4. Complete assortment of the highest grade Mus- t :&x:ixa B!BBIaj- Main Floor, Old Storo .MtBBfrBaBaBaf OMAMA n H tB4BaaaaBa 1BBBEBB H la Davoted to Thaaa Up-to-Data Dapartmanta. m fl -aHa-vnM Leather Goods, We 6how a great variety of beautiful imported novel m " ties, selected abroad personally by our own buyers and shown exclusively at Brandeis. i 3.00-3.50-5.00 Id its' hlch quality footwear every pair guaranteed fitted by expert shoe men lines Include. Rod Crosi and Dr. Reed's cushion aole shoes 3.00-3.50-4.00-5.00 Boys', girls and misses' s'loes for school or dress wear, at. . . . f a . 0 X 1 ? 1.50-3.50 lia Underwear-UuderruuHllu3. -also the finest, daintiest French A an extra special we mention a ladles' Of S Muslin Night Gown, worth $1.50, at O JC '; I) SPECIAL OARCAiNQ IN srv 5 ) K 2 ( r HOSIERY MOST CuMHtLU &.IOCK IN OMAHA AISLE 5, NEW STORE Ladies' Fast Black Hosiery fine Macco cot ton and Jisle, with split soles, aaji; at, a pair. . m 5 n m H , Solid Gold Rings, 10k, over 100 styles, with fancy settings, reg ularly worth $6. .at fl.OO. Ladies' imported Carriage Bags. Automobile Bags, Envelope Bags, worth up to $2, at 80c. B Craat Spaclal Offars in Our LINEN DEPT. 1847 Rogers Bros. 16 dwt.. 6 knives and 6 forks, 3.73. 184 7 Rogers Bros, extra plate tea spoons, vintage and Berkshire Pat terns, set of six, $1.19. BaBBBB4B KBBB4B4BB J Ladies' lain Lisle Hosiery with double sole 2 als'o all over lace hose at, pair Misnes' and Boys' Fast Black Cadet Hose fine and heavy g ribbed, double linen knee and sole, H( M H OMAMA aBBBBBB Ba4BB4BBB 35c s s m"" yJuideErweau :5c West Arcade and Basemeat, Old Store. 300 patra .10-4 and 11-4 Cotton Blankets, in white Jj5 prey or tan, that sell regularly at 98c CO a and $1.25, go at, pair DJC $ .'Sxtra heavy fleece Cotton Blankets, full 11-4 and $ 12-4 alze, in white, grey and tan, worth 4Q i - tip to $1.50 pair, at, each ntJG 200 pair Bllghily soiled sample Wool Blankets, in white, grey, tun, scarlet and plaids, at about y one-half regular price, go at, pair no $ $4.9S, $3.50, $2.98 and lJO ? Strictly all wool 11-4 size Blankats in dark grey, $ white or fancy plaids, would be very fQ a i, jmii , . BaaaBB4flBB4B4B4vaIflaB4vBBBa4B14BBaBBBBaaT B4BOBBaB4BBBB4aa.avaBBaBBaBa4aBBl Our Ntw Dapartmant, Now Stora, Alal S " a Infants' all wool crocheted 'JQ Jackets, special at ZtjKt Infants' white and colored 1 P Booties, special, pr I?C fl cheap at $5.50; tomorrow, pair. . . FOP2TERS One lot of full size hilkollne covered Comforts with pure white cotton filling. OQ at. each OC Extra heavy full size sllkoline or sateen covered Comforts, either tufted ?r quilted, with corded edge and filled with whitefyi fCf) fOft 'lC 9 Infants' ullk and bearskin Caps,' a KV" 39c-69c-98c Infants' 35c flannelette Wrappers, plain and striped, f f each lUC I ii 1 ant' long nainsook Slips, hem stitched ruffles, each I7c Infants' lon cambric Slips, em- broidered insertion and 7 m yoke, each '. .1 C Infants' 75c long Slips, embroidery inserting, fine tucked r C 2 yoke, each JjC m Infants' 60c long nainsook Skirts, h rows of tucks and hem- P stitching, at f . .XJC 5 Infants' 36c flannelette short J Skirts, with waists, buttonhole h embroidered ruffle, each Brandeis is sole agents for the famous Munsing Union Underwear fine union suits for ladies, m misses and boys; on A OQ- 150 t sale at, suit vZC-OC-I n Misses', Boys' and Ladies' Underwear Fine fleecy lined, plain and ribbed vests, pants and garment . 25c-39c-69c aVaBBlBBBB4BlABflBaSB4B4BBBB4B4vEBBBsTB4vu I H M i : 1 i :43c i damask, died and 38c Alala 7-Naw S.'ora An immense line of Jrummers'l sample scarrs and squares, worth up to $1.25 i, each, go at '.. Beautiful assortment full bleached double damask. pure Irish linen, 2 yards wide, worth $1.26 and $1.39 yard, at, yard , A large assortment bleached, silver bleuched , and unbleached, pure linen table damask worth 50c and 69c yard, at, yard Pattern table cloths of finest Irish and Austrtuu weaves, 2, 2 and 2 V4 yards wide, all yg no length, beautiful in design and awL quality, worth $10.00, at, each Pattern table cloths, fine quality, the no ' $5.00 and $6.00 kind, full 2 yards fJO $ wide, all lengths, each ;. Full sized bed spreads, fringed or hem- gr $ med. excellent quality, worth $1,39, glLf .'; each- KJt & ii V 4B4B4aBBBB4BlBaBa4flEB4vaHlB4B4a4IOBBa H In Alala 2 Is Omaha's Most Modern and Comptsta B 18c 5 cotton, at, each . . t "r.5-.ft,-'.fc -BBISBBMaifaBaSBaaS( SPECIAL 2ARGASNS IN $ II FLAH nEL DEPT. $ s A large asiiortmeut of Flannelettes in the new Persian patterns at 8f, JtH-, J2!e, that are worth up to 19c per yard. Extra heavy cotton Eiderdowns for bath robes, woven Just like the bath robe blankets, at Utc per 5j yard, worth 50c.'' ' All Wool Skirting " Flannels at liAc per yd. and 35c per yd. BaBBaBI4BB4BBB4BaEBBEaBaBBIBBBaa4vBaaaa BBS4aaBB4BBEBB4BBBBBBBBB4flBBB4vEBB I Laces and Embroidery I aii vver ijaces, in wniie ana creum, i mcnes wiae Irish crochet, Venise and Orieutal net 45-inch dotted and figured black dress nets, etc., . Oft 1 A Ca 2 worth up to $2.50, at ZfQC-lJ m New and Dainty Net, Top Laces Crochet .and Venise ap- J plirjue, galloons bands and HQ AQ metlallions, vpeoial, yd J,'JJm3jF n All New Embroideries 50 htyles,. including corset cover " widths, direct from St. Oaul, Switzerland, J1 5 ? CORSET DEPARTMENT We show the highest grade of Corsets in .the moft popular brands Corsets to properly fit every figure. The Lyra Corsets highest grade corsets made finish and fit la perfection- dif ferent styles at. g.p.d.1. WHITE GOODS ti Alala 7-Naw Stora ij Pearl Mohair NovelUea for wash walste. r 8 special foe, Monday J)G W ; rVilm-oA Xfurfrua W.l.,1- K a V quality... J;. , . , ' .'IDC U Plain and -Sheer Plaid Linen for hand- A O $ kerchiefs.... tVC y A run una of Dimities In checks, plaids P ft and stripes...'.;, 13C U 40-1 -Inch Lawn, at 10 American Lady Corsets known all the world over for their ex cellence at 98c-l50-l98 .2??rop5 H SI c-15c 8c 8 U Our 12 Mc India. Linen, special foi $ Monday . Headquarters for Imperial Long Cloth at lowest . pricea. 295' f ,t- 8aBBBBf BBBB4BBK 5 Aisle 2. RIDDOnS Dresden, floral and plaid Rib Emm OMAMA aioaaaatt a rs at a B M SI H bons, superfiree 0 S S goods, yard Fine plain taffeta Ribbons, black and colored, at, yd., a m up to 75c values,. per yard. An elegant line of em broidered and hem stitched Klauuels at 40c, M)c, lo and 73c per yd. 54-in. Skirting Flan nels at Oc per yard, orth 60c. All wool terns, tMc, Sl.:Jtf each. KBB4vBBB4a4 aBBB4aaa Skirt Pat- Hc and H 1. LACE CUalTAinS 9 NEW STORE, WEST END A New line high grade Curtains, such us Battenberg, 9 Point Maline, Brussels and Arabian, M f Q worth up to $8.60, go at, pair. , iWJO $ Two-tone acru Curtains, very new, go at, pair Extra etrong Nottingham Curtains, white mid tH'ru. worth up to $3.50, at, pair. .' Best oil opaque "shades, 3xT, go at. em h ; floLMnut in white and Arabian, 54 inche lje, go at. )ard .3.50 .1.98 $ 39c? :i...i9c5 M M M BSKB4BB4a BB4BB4vBB M Our Craat Oayiljh! Dopartmont--2nd Floor, Old Store H H ? m M H 10c - 12ic - 15c 5 ; DRESS TRI!.!!.!i:!GS OAK M n Best ijuality Union Ingrain (!arpet, new )atterns, 50o values, per vard iJv Floor Oil Cloth, all "!Cn ' width, s.j. yd C Best grade Brussels Carpet, with or without borders, regular $1 grade, 7Q per yard. ZrC f? 1 1 o-q onH OH Or - - 1 m wa Cloth Axminster C a.r p e t, beft quality, regular I v svlls at -.":!.... 90c Oil Cloth .Stove MatsQfl at fiHc and ZUC Standard all wool extra su per Ingrain, reg. 85c (iml ity, ier yard CO at... aJZC n n M M m m H Plain and fancy Braid, f f at, a yd I 1UC Appliques in black and AO colors, at, a yd TT.C All the new Button for fall, at, a doz., 25c - 39c v50c All Bilk Soutache Braid, at, a bolt f r 24 pair UC ART NEEDLEWORK Qrsatly Xnlarfod Dapt. Vow Storo, Aisle a. 25c Pillow Hlbbou, I i)l per yard 1 10c Teneriff Doilies, K 50c doz. each 30-in. Pillow Shams, 1QU Stamped, each 25e Roman Strpe Cush- -t q ion Cover at.. 1 C Embroidery File and f.t Roman silk, 6 skeins. . 25c Laundry Bugs lt)( H M BJ M a M n h 55 55 SI H 3 " m n H U M BEB484B4Ba Aisle 1. LM Hcckwcar - k ladles' large m aline Neck U 8 N H Hofion Department Alala 6-Naw Store 50e Satin Pad Hoae Sup porters, at Ruff, about 60 2 atylea In black (Lfl Vl J r2dat!r':w.'!ha3rjC 1 VEILS S chiffon Auto- jj 98c I DRUGGIST SU.'IGRIES 5 10c Leather Coin Purses 3c Safety Pins, 8 doa. for 29c ..3e .5c 60 6 cord colored Cot- ton. spool, 200 yards. ....... 2Be Kleinert's Feather weight Dress 1 Tl Shields, pr U.C he Hooks and Eyas, 3 dos. . lc 2c $ Indies' all silk chiffon Auto mobile Veils. 3 yds. long, hem stitched, $2.00 . quality, each . . M 5 N H ' TRUCKS AND VALISES $ larie ' canvaa coy-- red truna, inm 'o values, ai XV AKCAJDB. PERFUMES White Rose. Violet, Heliotrope. Jockey Club, Lilac, UlT of the Valley, Crabapple Bloa- 2 som and many other odors, reg. 60e and it 5 76c on., at., oz g 51. CO RuLbber Cloves at 4Sc CAHDY : M 5c 5 3s3 C M Sb dc1bJ 5 5.03-5.50-6.CD Ip-'W. smim SASIMENT-OLO STOXS 14-lnch wwtorproof at I'lnrst Inatlier suit oasoa... stt 98C-1.50 3.S3-25.C9 tar AmcAas Stick Candy, 24 for , Chocolate Chips, per lb . . . , Baldutf'a Butter 1T a . tv.tch. lb ZiC Men's and Doys' Eui bur Main Floor Old Storo Men's hand tailored overcoats and of1iU?f.,, Agents for famous Rogers, Peet Clothes best that I 7 ("ft r )A money will buy , . . 1 1 DU"J9vU Boys' and children's dreesy suits and best yla 2.50-7.0 9 19 S. Mi ? 1 I I r 5' t taaes4BK8aiaaBaacaaaBaaiaB4asBeBeeaaei KBB4VBaE4aBaKB4EasoBa aBB4BB4B4aBB4a4a-Ba vxsss,-.