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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1906)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1!K)rt. SPECIAL U0T1CES AilvrrlUrmriid for lhri enlaaiaa will he taken mtll 111 nt. for 4ho rirnln( edition mm M p. m. for the moraine "aadar edition. Katea t l-Xe a, word Ural laaerttoa. la a word thereafter. Nothing tabea for leaa than Oe for the Ural laaer tloa. Theae adertlaemeata anaat be ran cnaaeentlvels. d rrtlaera, bf reqaeatlna; aaro bered rhrrk, ran have anawers ad dressed to a numbered letter In rare of The Bee. Anawera ao addreaaed will he delivered oa preaeatatlon of. rhrrkt MISCELLANEOUS . TUB FALL TERM BOYLES BUSINESS VUIAJSGB IS NOW OPEN. .'' DAY AND NHiHT. Students am admitted any Jny. New Catalogue Free. Tel. Douglas 1981. Address II. B. Boyles, President. Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb. 11 cj .t WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, suit. cases and shopping buss. Ola trunks In Pichange. Repairing. 1'IUXING & STE1NLE, 410 N. 16th BU 'Phone Dour a W. j GAS & ELECT1UC FIXTUltES F .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., ISia 8. 15th BU Tel. Douglas SSI. It M923 Grading Contracts Bids wlU be received for Immediate removal of 30,000 cublo yards. All machine work. GEORGE CO., 16ol FARNAM. R 449 31 I OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe I daily of lire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Audi cell. Prop., 102 S. 10th St. fcUGN PAINTING B. IL Ctjle. 1302 Douglas. 0 11 tkA TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3530. R b-il IOWA Banltary Cleanlus- Co., 1019 Farnam. R 6o2 HEFLIN-Locksmith, trance, 1321 Farnam, moved upstairs; en Tel. Doug. 2974. R-635 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or 'property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND A MO INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. Y 108 Nl No charge, for treatment at Crelghton, Dental college. 'W A. Virile uiients. at Dental college. Treatment tree. , Y M641 NovU MINES ard mining and Industrial stocks bought and sold. Robt. C, Druesdow, StocK Broker, 8u N. Y. Life Bldg. Y M39o Nl roil SALE At a bargain, good stock of dry goods and millinery, with well estab llsned trade. In good county seat town. For particulars, address Seward Dry - Gonds and Millinery Co., Seward. Neb. . . Y M402 N3x .WE OWN property surrounded by mines in the famous Bullfrog district In southern Nevada. For particulars address the Ne vada Stundard Gold Mining and Milling Co.. 809 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, i -M396 N1 Mt'ST BE SOLD. Dandy little S-room rooming house; well lo cated; doing good business. Price for Ini mediate sale, S3W. ' W. 8. F1UNK, ' 311 Neville, -Block. - .. Tel. Doug. 36o0. . , X M467 26 '!WRITB for our Marked letter. Seat free Umiii rroue-Kt. Comrdela resume of Ne vmhi mining operations. Patrick Elliott : Camp, bankers and brokers, Goldfield, Nevudu. .. M Jr'OR SALE Drug stock will'sell-or rent building.. " Abbott, Ptl.s'er, Neb. and fixtures', Address D. E. Y M418 M A FINE musical clasa In thriving Nebraska town Ot S,"K BlUlllo COinpil'K. uurrm r Diexel Hotel, City. Y 609 li6x 19 VOI' want to mnk money or are seck- film ill ; iirimi i n,ii t j,ii Inv .1,1,. mile us for our Market Let ter; weut free on reipiest. Patrick. Klllott Camp, bunkers ' and brokers. Goldtleld. NovhiIh'. Y-6"3 x FCR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWO Hesley letter cabinets, in good condl- Uon. jnade of walnut and have two draw . era ei h. Call at liee business office and get a bargain. j 441 x t it my beautiful furnished home must be olu at a - sacrifice, i any one desiring choice, high grade furniture call ut once at 12H1 Park Wilde Ave.; goods cau be - vex-a till tf i. Jii. dally until arld. y M226 27 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and noot tables;- we lead the world in c-hean bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Coller.dei, 4o, S. loth bl. ... VI-7W il'"()K SALE School warrants. Omaha l School Supply Co., Mil Howard Ft. , Y-9N3 BEND us your ntall orders for drugs; freight paid on J10 Iota. Myers-Dl.luii . Drug Co.; Omaha. Q tii'l MILK, cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. Q-M.i23 FOP. SALE As I Inter d to give up my siuhl will sell the eit'Jie conteru, con : Hinting of a litlr of the highest class bluck (airiage hois. on black high stepper. . miK of -tlif. finest galted riding horses in the west, two new, up-to-date glgi one pirk trap, one victoria, one family car ' nage. one rens(e.- ruckaway, one deiait WHgoil. one pnwumatlo tired speed wagon. nt new lundi in . harnes.i. 'J'o anyone . wlxhlng oiiB ot the llnest stables in the ' city this Is a Svlendid opportunity. Can V li seen et my residence, corner Dewey and SMh Sts. Impilre of A. D. lirandeln, ' J. !; Brandels .- Sons. J 447 2! sODA, VOL'NTALN, any site. 1813 Farnam. .SHERWIN'WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint, thermal! at JdcCunnell Drug Co., : Oniah'i. W 794 1! ALL B safes, new. Id-hand. 181s Farnam FOR BALE Heating stove and .1 Inquire (morning) 901 N. 24th. furniture. Q-4U 25 TWO CHOICE cars of liand-pliked winter apples left, at 70 cents per cwl. f. o. b. Bioek: 6K-gal. bbl.. cider $6. C. B. Par- krr. Brock. Neb. J M4'8 31 FOR 8ALE- Ad'lie-" 1" Empty packing cases, cheap. B-e offlee. V) -444 ; J'.'.' WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY. KECOND-TlAND 1 furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing unj . slioes, pay the t.l piicea. Tel. Douglas 171. N oM NovU WANTED 10' span of work horses, 4 to J . years. old, ) m la 1.6uw cwl., aril biokon. ' hound. In body and wind. Name cash pi i per span ana w here horses can be t Cu. Adiiies L'-IS. Bee. N 146 24 fcMAU. modern 5 or 6-room cottage, close in;- cash. Addrotg L' 37, Bee. , ' N-443 27x .WANTED To buy a 3 or 4-room cottage to move; soutli of R. R. tracks. Inquire of Brrka t Co., 941 N. Y Life. N-Mia 27x W A NTKl Ticket l"-4l Bee Oltli e. to Chicago. Addresa N McsH 27 X CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, 'file ,ru,;nij; ilni'M of Omaha. Iteveutiona ot pl aud future defcnbJ. Pat Mis. U4 at. Liu bU, Cpp. Uoslun Kl -rt. - . to Mini WANTED MALEHELP WANTEI Lumberman, one who is f.isi and m curate In tallying: also twn l. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. II frli WANTED- Clilck'-n pickers; plenty o,' work; liens nnd springs, 2c. Apply Pwlft snd Cmnpnnv, LT7 H. 1 nln Pt., tittumwn, la. It Mlui 'I CTIICKEN pkkers wanted ft Swift a d Crnnpany, Fiiirbiiry, Neb.; flrie n.-w pok ing riiimi; lots of poultry; hens. spriiiK. Write or come nt mir. E. Ifylleshy, Mgr. It M'i4 boys; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. li'.th SI. Il-'37 DRCO PTORK8 bought unci sold; drug fi.'t N Y L clerks wanted. F. V. Knelst, CIVIL BEIIVICE Want young men to pre pare. 8ee I nderhlll, SO N. irtt h. B M774 O WANTED. BOt'ND YOI NO MEN, IK to :k. to prepare for fireman and brakemen on new roads and for fall rush; experience unneo-ssry : firemen I1r. promoted to engineers $:; brakemen $75. promoted to rniiduriors) $I.V; portions twrvv open. Na tional Training association. HJ X Paxton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. B MISS Nova WANTED Experienced pfledrlver work men and bridge cnrjienters, i.Jo per any; and plledrlver bridge foremen, fo.f.0 .r dav. Free transportation to work In. South IBkotn. Board J5 per week. W. M. Hauser, 271 Madison St., Chicago, 111. H-ti2 2-")X HI'STLERS out of employment can do well to call on us;,pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co., MIS Howard. B M139 Nov2 TOOTHACHE? Free treatment at Crelgh ton Dental college. Cnwn or brldgn work. No charge at Crelghton Dental college except for nm tcrial. B M542 NovU WANTED, for the I". 8. marine corps, men btween ages 21 and 35; an opportunity to see the world. For full Information see poster In postofflce of any county seat In Nebraska for the address of recruiting ' officer thereon. B M129 U WANTED Reliable watchmaker. In one of Omaha's leading jewelry stores; good sal ary to the right man. Address U-33. Bee. B 412 WANTED A few reliable workmen for factory positions; steady employment during the winter. Address P. O. box t9. B M 431 27x WANTED At once, smart boy, over 15, for mail order and shipping department; good place for the right boy. See Mr. McEldon, the Bennett Co. B 407 25 WANTED Three artists who can do first class work In crayon, pastel, etc. Per manent positions. Either salary or piece work. Tnlted Art Co., fourth floor, Svkes Blk., Minneapolis, Minn. B MB0 17 WANTED Competent Job printer; steady work. Nebraska Newspaper I'nlon, York, Neb. B M478 27 WANT an all-round printer. Leader, Humphrey, Neb. Platte County B 442 2uX WANTED Good team drivers; wages J2 per dav after 80 days' service; steady Job. Sunderland Brothers Company. Mb and Hickory Sts. B 4X2 28 WANTED Young man of neat appear ance to assist photographer, isr.8 Harney Bt B 4V 2Bx BOOKKEEPER and Stenographer, $45 to $rK. Call at once or write. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N (INC.), Suite 840-841-842 N. Y. Life Bldg. B 607 26 WANTED Floor man, horseshoer; must be a mechanic. Apply Prof. Stewart J. Stocker, 419 Grand Ave., Des Moines, la. B MoOl Nov 1 BOY In office of large manufacturing Arm: must be neat, careful penman; experience not necessary; $ to start; state age. edu cation; give references. Address T. 44, Bee. B498 26 WANTED Competent all round book binder, who can make good. Press Print ing Co., Riverside, California. B M15 2S WANTED FEMALE HELP CALLS for Stenographers and Bookkeepers are coming In tauter than we can fill them at present. Call and register or write us at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N (INC.), Suite 840-841-842 N. Y. Life Bldg. C 606 26 Cashier and Bookkeeper 6Ti. Apply at once. Bookkeeper and Entry Clerk SOU Stenographers $40. 2 Bookkeepers and Stenographers $40 to $w. WESTERN KEF. Or BUXU'ASS . tle(.), 810-841 N. Y. Life Bldg. C 163 25 WANTED Fifty girls to work In candy factory; good chance to earu money to buy your Christinas presents with. The Voegele & Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St. C-M793 EXPERIENCED chocolate dlppera wanted at once. D. J. O'Brien Co., 1202 Howard. C-M2S5 WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family. Mrs. H. M. McClanahan, LU2 N, 40lh Bt. Tel. Har ney 1402. C 43 WANTED Experienced saleslady for cloak and suit department; high ailary. Fred rick Berger ei Co., 1617 Farnam St. C M426 WANTED Apprentice girl nt Miss Wat sou's hair dressing parlors. 320 Neville - block. C 440 26 WANTED Skirt and waist helpers and errand girl. - 646 Rumge Bldg. Miss I. no ser. C 441 2x AT ONCE, girl for general housework; small family. Room 306, 209 N. 14th St. 'Phone Douglas 7l'i. C 466 WANTED A straight matter lady com positor. Anchor Publishing Comjiupy, Pat Id son building, Omaha, Nob. C-M 169 WAITRESS for dining room. Apply to manager Dellone hotel. C M47'. 26 WANTED Cook for small family; wages $6 to $S. 037 Dodge St. C 45 WANTED An experienced stenographer; Oliver typewriter: answer in person. S. Fredrick linger L- Co., 1"'17 Farnam. C 4M 27 GIRL Ave. for general housework. 8X1 Park C 4K3 Six COMPETENT experienced stenographer Immediately; references required. Sun derland Brothers Company. C 4M 27 WANTED Two women to do scrubbing; 'iM-rmaneit position. Enquire Mr. Thomaig, J. L. Branileis 4c Sons. C M614 28 GIRLS wanted for assembling calendar sheets, tal king fly nets, turning bags; i altoo am. ill girls tor clipping threads; steady work; good pay. Bemis IHnalw Bag Co.. 11th and Jones Sts. (-M51.WK WAN TEIV--Machine operators on pinls. shirts anil overall at Ktng-Graham Alfg. Co. liemis Biig 1:1.1k.. Hth and J.ic'ksoii. Apply a( fifth door. C M494 2S WANTED SITUATION EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desires position. Address I" 9, Bee. A M126 26X WANTED A pohltlon n short order cook; A-l reerene-; iki dad habits: ohr. Ad dress I 31. Bee. A-.MI-4 27x W A NTKH- Sit nation as bookkeeper: fine penman; best references. Address Box ej, R. D. 2, Murray, la. A.-Miuo 31x WANTED AGENTS NEW sleeve protector for office and hnu aork; bauiples free this week; oilier liovelties. 1-idie Supply Co.. J.f-.H Prair.e Ave.. O., Chicago. J-M'iii Novl2x 6ALAKY and commission will be paid to an old Hue I'le man of expeiience. Ad dieas I'Vt. 1196, Lincoln, Neb. J 77J Novll WANTEl1 Bright man or woman to travel; sa'ar.. $!5 weekly; expense,, advanced; r, -battle luMtl: ratine knovi li ili' of inu.-ic pi if erred, not esM-ntiiil; nferences. Ad dicaa Jos. IL Moult:, Uuiulia, Neb JfcW2iX f "I found a pockelbooR full of valuables, watched, but did not see it advertised for." Why didn't you take FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 3 Doug. 611 O. M.E.Uaul Trunk I E 640 PLEASANT room, modern, tirivi rlvate fam- Hy. 624 So. 26th Ave. E . 149 2lx CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave J American or European; steam beat and modern eonvenlcnces. E 473 TWO nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms, modern. 815 8. 18th St. E M4-'0 28 1 OR 2 furnished or unfurnished rooms, new flat, modern; references required. Inquire mornings, 416 S. 25th Ave. E 474 25 x NEWLY furtiishefl rooms; new house; one block north of Farnam car: gentlemen only; every modern convenience; hot water heat. 107 S. 31st St. E 115 novl'x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Uaul Trunk- F 643 VIENNA cafe. hotel; private dining rooms, F 644 THE ROSE. 2020 Harney 'irra rooms; good board. Bt.; pleasant, F40 26X FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at loweat prices. Tel. Douglaa 1625. Bohmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D-C4I ITOTTSF.S 1" Prt" of tha city. R . c Meters Sc Co.. Bee Bldg. D 47 tHJUOrjO 0- r uvl Co.. Bee Bldg. D-48 HOU8ES, insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk, D 09 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 15.'. D UJ9 STYlRAnV Household goods, inor- K3i-VJiVVUXj ohnrtle etc Fred llUHll Transfer Line. 1L03-6 Farnam St. D M508 Nov. 10. WE MOVE pianos. Mnggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Office, 1713 Web ster St. 1-61 BEE us when shipping household goodt to large cl'ies went. We ran save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth Bt. Tel. Doug. 1195. D-85J NEW APARTMENTS 26th and Half-Howard Sts., 6 and 6 rooms each, modern in every respect. Rent, $37.50 and $40. GEORGE CO.. 1601 FARNAM. Phone Douglas 766. D 450 Nov4 FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern; fur nace: 126. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. D-S22 FOR RENT A new modern 6-room houae. Globe Lard and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D-M247 FOR RENT Two first floor and ona second floor flat, corner 2th and Douglas. Globs Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D M&ls COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. atorage and transfer. Best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given. 1529-31-33 N. 16th Bt. Tel. Douglas-4619. D Ui 9-r. mod., very choice 2416 Sherman Ave., $:0 6-r. mod., good condition," 1H08 Corby, 8-r. mod., good condition, 2204 Maple, $20. $3. 7-r. mod., choice, 3103 Marcy, "0. 6-r., partly mod., 211 So. 28th Ave., $16. 4-r., new, two lots, 4644 Grant, $10. Russell & McKitrick Co., 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney fill. D 446 26 FOR RENT Fine flat, all modern; good furnace; 405 S. 26th Ave. William K. potter receiver, 301 Brown Blk. D il9 FOR rent, October 16, to responsibly ten ant 7-room house, 2857 Farnam St.; mod ern except furnace; $26.50. Apply at oJ N. 18th Bt. D M648 COLONIAL residence, opposite Hanscom nark: modern; after Nov. L Phone Douglas 523. D 108 FIVE-ROOM house, 1312 So. 4th St.; now being put in perfect condition; rent. $10. Bemis, Paxton Blk. D-M399 FOR RENT To responsible tenant. 2103 locust Bt; modern 7-room house with re ception hal!, cement basement, 'cement walks, good barn; $30. Inquire at prem ises. D-M426 FOR RENT To responsible tenant, mod ern, 8-room house. In splendid repair, Hanscom Park district. Inquire 1313 8. 2Sth St. D 406 25 NEW 5-room cottage, strictly modern, ex cept furnace, south front, i block from Harney car line, 322B Seward 8t., rent $22.50. Bemis, Paxton Blk. D M434 FOR RENT Lower flat. 5 rooms, Price $20. 3o4 Leavenworth. modern, D 466 FOR RENT Bam. 2604 Chicago St. Tel. D M468 27 Doug. 3t00 IF YOl' are unsuccessful In finding a ten ant for your house see us. We have de alt able, tenants wanting 6, 6 and 7-room houses. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. D M5U8 27 ! IX )R Rent Modern S-room apartment; steam lu-at; electric light; close in. Ad- dress 1". 46, Bee. D M497 27X j 2624 Wirt St., 6 rooms, all modern, $26. I 1524 Wirt St., 6 rooms, modern, new, J;tn. I 2215 Dodge St., 9 rooms, modern but heat, ' $ i 1138 8. .Tilth Ave.. 11 rooms, all modern, $4u. ! 263), Hamilton St., 9 rooms, modern but furnace, $25. 1 164K S. -'nili St., 6 rooms and barn, modern ! but heat, $J5. 27 Farnam St.. 6 rooms, $26. fo. ! HASTINGS & HEYDEN. j 17o4 Farnam St. DtH6 26 CENTRAL, steam, modern 7-room house. Tizard. 220 N. 23U. IJMal.. I jTQR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENX Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25tb St., buuth Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 i FOR RENT Large corner I 16th and Vinton Sts., $30. I iiianu. 43( Paxton Blk. store rojm, C. M. Bach 1 11621 I THE two store rooms, with basements, I at 7(i3 -i 6 S. 16th fclieet; isu per month lor both. . I Inquire R. C. PETERS A CO.. i Ground Floor. Bee Bldg. I I-MIS4 BUILDING Ki05 Farnam, will be vacant November 15; 22xUu; I fl-xirs and base ment. Apply 314 First NaT! Bank Bldg. I yau D10S1RABLE sloreroon; and base ment. 20x feet, near 16th and How ard Sts. Vacant about Nov. If l:i. GEORGE & CO., pud FARNAM ST. 1-491 26 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By a music teacher, two rooms, fin ii is lie ,1 or uiifurni&he.i, wiih heat, within In minutes' walk of poetotflce. Ad dress B, Diexel Hotel, City. K 610 2i,x LOST AND FOUND LOST- Vet rinarv certificate or diploma; 16 reward for return. Auk! re en U 3. Int. a Cee want ad and get FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Kountze Place THE HOMES OF OMAHA'S BUSI NESS MEN There are more of Omaha's business men living in Kountze Place than In any other part of the city. That alone Is one of the liest reasons why you phould buy one of the lots we are offeilng for sale at about HALF THE COST you would be compelled to pay for s.ich de sirable lots in the west or southwest part of the city, that have paved streets, per manent sidewalks, good schools, churches, close to car and within 13 minutes' drive to the business center, Kountze Place extends from Locust street to Plnkney north and south from 16th or Sherman avenue to 24th street east and west. All lots are uniform In size, no hills or hollows, no old or small houses. It will pay you to have us show you the lots and give you prices on Kountze Place lots Iw tore you buy. We can assist you in build ing. We build about 25 houses every year. Have many plans to select from. WE MUZ SOLE AGENTS. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St. RE 480 25 Investments $25,000 for the 3-story and basement brick building at Nos. 1611, 1613 and 1615 How ard St., and ground lease run ning until March 1, 1974; net income from the property now over $2,300 per year, and rents , on stores can be. in creased when present leases expire. $16,500 for 2-story and base ment brick building at Nos. 413, 416 and 417 N. 25th St. South Omaha, with lot 60x150 feet; net Income now over $1,700 per year; we Invite in spection of these properties. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Far nam Street RE-M414 : $2,930 9-ROOM HOUSE On Webster street, JuM west of 83d St., close to car, has city water, sewer, bath, gas and electric light. This is a bargain. Must be sdld in 30 days. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. RB-487 25 40TH ST. RESIDENCE. 10 rooms, thoroughly modern, hot water heat, two good east front lota, large treea, ijeaj- car line. No. 366 N. 40th St. Prlc. $10,000. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM BT. RE 490 28 Home and Investment - 2918 N. 30th St., ten rooms, modern, and two acres ground (12 lots), on Car line, for $7,500. You can't beat this. C. R. GLOVER & SON, Sole Agents. Room S. N. Y. Life. Doug. 133, RE M472 28 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE $4,000 buys the pair of two-story 7-room frame dwellings at 1310 and 1312 8. 28th Bl. ; all modern except furnace, now renting at $Mu per annum. $J,0o0 buys 9-room frame dwelling at 2809 Poppleton Ave.; fully modern; now vacant; was rented at $384 per annum. $7,Ouo for Do9 and 611 N. 18th St., two 8-room fully modern frame dwellings, with 4 room cottage in the rear; rents for $8b0 per annum. $1,200 for 2902 Charles Bt.; 6-room cottage; full lot, on corner. Apply to W. B. MEJKLE. $06 Ramge Building. RESO Business Property Investment ' 1309-11 Howard, 3-story and basement, brick, modern. Good Income. C. R. GLOVER & SON, Sole Agents. RE M 472 28 HOMES AT REASONABLE PRICES. $4,500 for 6010 Underwood Ave., new 8-room modern house, lot 50x128 feet, house unoccupied; key at our otlKe. Nonresident owner anxious to aell and wants offer. Immediate posses sion. -Part cash, balance monthly lew than rent. Built for a home, investigate. $.'!.8ii0 for new 7-room 2-story square house, all modern, on 2Mb street near Poppleton Ave. $2,760 for 8-room house with rlty water, sewer, gas and new furnace, laige barn, easi front, lot 46x127 ft., on 241 h street near Nicholas. Re dueed from $3.UI0 for quick sale. $2,700 for 6-rooui, 2-story house. ' modern except heat, well built and nearly new. 3124 California St. $1,860 for 8-room. 2-story house, all modern except heat, nearly new, near 24th and Burt St. $1,700 for 6-room cottage, modern fxeept heat, on Fowler Ave. near 24th St. Immediate possession. GEORGE & CO. 1601 FARNAM. RE-448 25 Three Sniall Homes Vinton Bt., near 20th; 4-room cottage, on paved street; 44 ft. lot; very cheap at $1,100; easy terms. Franklin St., three blocks from car; good 6-room hoUre; city water; gas: per manent walks; barn: all In first-class con dition; tine home: only $1,300. i Ames Ave. and 38th St.; brand new 6-room cottage; enamel bath: water; gas; large lot; fine view: nothing better for the money; eaey terms; $1,360. Many more in all parts of the city at bargain prices. Ask us about cheap luls. We have them. WRIGHT LASBI'RY. 506 8 16th St." RE-M477 2 320 ACRES Boyd county. Nebraska, land; I'D acres Texas county, Muwourl, Im proved and fenced and cross-fenced, also 1JU acres of Polk county. Nebraska, land. Improved, any one of the above we will exi bange for good general merchandise. good town Income property, or western land, or hardware stock; live stock also i considered. Address Hastings Bros., In ceola, Neb. RE M 481 27x TOWNSEND Realty Co., Fremont, Neb., buy, aell and exchange lands, city prop erly and uici'cUandiae; try us for deal. U 1 it back. FOR SALF REAL ESTATE Fine Home at Sacrifice Ten rooms, strictly tmtM ei n, onk finish, good repair, lot ,"iiixl.!. large barn, drive any, pnved street, permanent walks hihI stone steps. Former prlc" '..5im- now $4 -f. Must be sold yet this month. C. R GlvOVEIi & SON, Sole Agents Y. Life. Room 3, N. Dong. 1.T.. RE-M471 28 FOR SALE Elegant colonial crn built; one finest nri-iinged residence, new and mod of the handsomest and houses in tlie West Fr- nam district. Prlce, quick sale, only ji.'.wji; can give immediate possession. For particulars see HICKS REAL ESTATE CO. Tel. Douglas 1169 429 Board of Trade Bide. RK-470 2..X FOR SALE. A. 9-room hcuse X2,ii. X 6-room house $2.5no. V 6-room house $1,500. V 5-room house $1,100. Will the above s:iaps If taken at onee. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Puttersou Block. RE M.197 BEAUTIFUL Wfrt St.; modem home; hot wjter heat; 75 feet front: space to build anotner house; strictly tlrst-class condi tion; large barn; must sell; make offer. See owner. 1921 Wirt St. RE M 953 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31st end Cass Sts., with ground on which to build another house. paved street, east front, nice shade trees. Maks me an offer for on or both. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M816 C. G. CARLBERG, real estate and Insur ance 911 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Red -7497. RE- M 179 $25 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH Five lots In a thickly settled part of Omaha. 2 blocks from car line, handy to South Omaha. Owner bound to sell; has cut the terms and authorized us to cut price $100 per lot. The first customer gets a lot for $300, Just ns good and $60 cheaper than the others. That's as cheap as lota aro offered in the outskirts of the city. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 9(6-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 690. RE 503 26 EXCELLENT I N V EST M E N T 3 splendid lots on Fort St., fronting south, corner of 26th Ave ; lots alone worth $1.3on, with 3-rooni cottage on premises; sewer In street; for sale at a great sacrifice, $l,2ii. Just think of It. C. G. Carlbenr. 911 N. Y Life. RE M517 26 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and att per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-667 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-668 WANTED City loans and warrants. wT Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. W-669 BUILDING loans on residence property; i per cent. W. B. Meikle, Ramge Blk. W-679 LOWEST RATES-Beals. Paxton Block. W-671 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Doug W-673 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resl denc property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-7S WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-674 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L W-675 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H, i nomas, ouo r irsi National iiank Bldg. W 678 FOR SALE FARMS WESTERN LAND A Chance to Speculate 10.000 acres in western Ne braska, 10 miles from the main line of the Union Pa cific railroad and about 15 miles from the B. & M.; mostly all good, smooth land; good soil; no Band; will bo 1 used for agricultural pur poses soon, ut the rate peo ple aro going west. Price, $5 per acre; easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. H M496 2 TO SETTLE AN ESTATE WE OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 812 acres In Sarpy Co., at Gilmore. four miles south of South Omaha. . This Is one of the finest farms In the pappio valley; 200 acres In corn this year, yielding 60 bushels to the acre; 100 aeree In meadow and pasture, and 12 acres In timber; has running water and railroad trackage; im provements consist of 9-room house, large barn, granary, hog house, corn irib, nil In first class condition. Must be sold by No vember 1. M'CAGL'E INVESTMENT CO., Sole Agents. 1506 Dodge St., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 415. H M4-9 :t THREE farm bargains, bell, Litchfield. Neb. Write J. T. Camp. II M916 Nliix WELL IMPROVED 0-acre farm; fine land. Address Box 62, R. 5. Council Bluffs. , H M103 25x L THREE farm bargains, bell. Litchfield. Neb. Write J. T. Camp-11-103 Nov. 1 DANCING CHAMBERS Now open. Adult beginners Mondays and Thursdays. Children Wednesdays and Saturdays. Special class strictly for married couples, now forming, every Tuesday evening. Tele. Doug. 1S71. 446 WORTH considering, isn't it. when Mo raud's I lancing School for adults will Hell you a ticket good for 12 lessons at the reduced price of, ladies $4. gentlemen $5. which will teach you how to dance per fectly? Former pupils one dollar less. Three assistants to help beginners. Cull or Tel. Douglas li41. Fall terms begins Friday, Nov. 2, 8 p. m. i2 N14X MUSIC AND LANGUAGES MISS IRMA SPRINGER, piano lessons 56 cents. 132V N. 41st St.. Walnut Hill car. Moos Nov. Yi CHATELA1N School of Languages-Day and evening clafci-es. Frem h, Geriu.ui, Spanlnh; fencing. Davidge Bldg. 873Nov. 14 HORSES & WAGONS FCR SALE ONE team of marcs. Myers. 1715 Jackson. P-Ml'i 2v FOR Halt High-class (custom made) sta tion ttagon, has Im-cii us-d oitlv a ft-w times. It can Is- seen at A- J Simp-ton boll s, 14c9 I'ouglus Si. if Mm Suv 1 DEATH NOTICES OWENS Dora. October 24. pi. agcl 31 Vi'rs, ct li'T hit- residence, 1416 Cali fornia street. I'lincrM Friday, October 26. at 2 P m. from residence. Friends invited. inter ment Iiuril 11111 cemetery. CROHHY Mrs. Anna M . wife of George E. Crosby, Wednesday, October 4. 1!V Knneril Fri'Iiiv nt :(.: p. m. from ('.is tellar Street Presbyterian church. Six teenth and Ciistellar streets. Friends 'n vltcd. I'lraev omit flowers. Interment at ltin ine. Wis. FLCRiSTS HEPS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Doug. 125S. 994 Tel 695 MONUMENTS Great Wratern Granite Co. Douglas 6fc21. - M;i Novl7 PERSONAL SEWING machines rented. Any make: e per nrrR or per mninu. o,-vie- hand machines for sale, i&.oo and up Neb. Cycle Co.. 16th and Harney. U-MI26 DR. ROY. chiropody. Doug. 6497. 1605 Far. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME. Mrs Dr. King. Ztl8 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 3- PLEATING ALL KINDS, Buttons. Kii"hlng. l-.innrouiei ois. yyving anu cleaning, spoimiim and . Ing; only 6c per yard. Send for price list bud kample. Ann GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 400 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1936. LAUNDRY CITY 8 T K A M. Tel. Doug. 264. 211 8. lllh St. U-S30 SWEET scented skin, smooth as satin made by Satin skin cream and powder. 2Ec. I THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need; we coll cf, repair and sell, at III N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. U 511 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to K coiitlnemt nt cases; ail tieatincnt super vised by cot-.'nc professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Cails answered day or night. U-l-9 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4lh and Leavenworth sU. Tel. Douglas 13s7. . U 83 SURVEYING, BHckensderftr, S12 Bee Blog U-&33 OHAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramse Bldg. U 31 will find good comfortable homes for babies whose mothers cannot care lor them. See "Mother Le, Supt." Tinley Rescue Home. 4ul Bancroft ot. U 700 ocUS MAGNETIC! f?atmcnt and both. Mme. x.iA.i Srm,h v u -,ti ,,,r. U M24 MASSAGE "liJi: V MIO." norl CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Douy. 066. l,r2 Leavenworth. U M4S6 Nov8 ANY POOR GIRL In need of u friend call or write to the matron of the Sulvatl in Army Home for Women at S821 N. 2!th 6t.. Omaha. Neb. U M100 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'PhonJ Douglas 352a U-82'l PRIVATE home during connnement; b;i bles adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave.. Council Blurts. Ia. Tel. 774. U 322 DRS. VOGEL private hospital for women and for ludies before and during connne ment. 2319 8. 13th St., Omaha. Nub. U-M90 031 FOR anything in the sewing machine Una go to P. E. Floilman Co., 1514 Capitol A.V0. II-M1S3 Nov3 TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.60 per month; all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter Supply Co., 1822 Farnam St. U 369 Novi A Dollar Free for You. This coupon will be taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of Bhoea, huts or cloth-' ing; balance paid as you earn It. liOMu. ChEun C-Oi'HLN- COMPANY, 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha. L 118 N18 PENNELL Millinery Co.. 322 North 16tU St. U-M254 Jan5 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or writ for booklet, etc. (jCICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 511 Woodmen of Woild Bldg., Omaha. t Crelghton Dental college. Patients free. Free treatment at Crelghton Dental col lege. U M540 Novll IF LUCKY you get your picture enlarged to life size In genuine crayon free hi our drawing contest, every day, 10 a. m. to P- sn., guaranteed worth $6. Wallace Bristol & Co., Artlats, 520 N. 16th St. U M670 NovlO C. J. PALMQUIST Custom shoe nakor. 4124 Hamilton St., and 107 8. 16ih St. U M665 Nov. 10 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton's salve. B. J. Scanneii, agent. It 9 Waia Blk. V M89i Novl5 CHRIST ENSON, carpet cleaning. Tel. Doug. 1669. U 874 Nov. 14 THP1 ACORN Press. Commercial Printers. Tel. Doug. 3792. 1510 Howard Bt. U M999 Nov'.S H ALSTED Show cards snd small signs. 61 Douglas Blk. Tel. Doug. .Shoo. U-M'.OO 6YR1NGES. rubber roods, by mv.ll: cut B rices; send for -free catalogue. Mvers lllon Drug Co.. Omaha. L' 82.7 MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, dlschaiges, Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Withneil block, 15th and Harney. P.ouin 2, Omaha. BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 bos. postpaid. Sherman A MeConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 665 PPINTINC LYNGSTADHigh Grade 1907 Calendars. r i,ii)ci' 8 E. corner 16th bi aud JUHVE. capilol Ave. x n7 COMPLETE line ot 1907 calendars! Suell Printing Co.. 3i0 S. 12th Bt. -157 Nova JOB pruning and binding. Springer Print ing Co., 2u5 No. 17th. Tel. Doug. 2071. Miu9 Nov. 10 CENTRAL PRINTING CO.: fine Job work; typewritten letters. 110 8. 17tli St., 1 blocks north Bee Bldg. M644 Novl2 PATEN rs V. J. LARSON CO., patent luwyftrs; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, N -h 6i2 PIIARPE MACHINE WORKS-i'atents procured, inventions deveioucd. drawings. i patterns, castings, machine work, mn! b. Jinn bt. uj PATENTS procured and sold 1 fe. Nafl. Investment Co., Douglas Blk . 16th and Dodae. . M-413 Nov 6 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put au ad lu and you will soon get it. Z'ii. FOR EXCHANGE A number of good fut mortgage loans and good lands to ex cliangc lor groceries or a griieral slock of m"rclian'i:se. Globe jnd & Invest ment Co., Pallet sou Bldg., Omaha. Neb. -Mf LAW AND COLLECTIONS I J M. Msefnrland. 3c9 N. Y. . Bldg. Tel. I Doug. M iti Nov MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS EASY TO GET A In. n nn flirnlttirS. pianos, llveatoc tr other chattels, left In yjur f (Undisturbed Possession) I IF YOU NEED MONEY If) psy your grocer, Is ml lord, rr any athf bills which may be botlierlrrg you. Our plan the best as we give yoa a writ ten copy of the rontrsct with a GUARANTEED REBATE If paid before the contract, exptrea. SALARY LOANS made to people atecdllj employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COj taibllshed 1892 ) Tel. Doug. tSar" lis Board or iraoe Biag. i IM So. 16th Street. X-.MA2S $$$$$$$$$$$$ I MONEY TO LEND ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSES AND WAGONS. This is your opportunlty to get money and pay those Utile annoying debts. Ar range otir affairs now so that when the cold weather comes you will only havs one company to owe. You can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments, best suited to your In come; amounts peid before due, full rebate Is ALWAYS a.iowed. Reliable Credit Co. houms o7-.'.0 I'axton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sts. S$$$$i$$$$l X-M678 31 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own uumes, without security; easy pay ments; ulhces In t3 principal clticb. Save yourself money by getting my term tlisU 1). H. 10iUilN, 714 New York Life Bldi;. X 374 DK. PKINOW3 MONEY, loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; icrj than milf rales; pelted privacy; immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payments suspended wlnu sick or out of wui . 214 ivarbach Blk. 2U9 South 16th St. X 411 lJowen7703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape; you gel money same day asked for at small cosu Open evenings till 7, X 842 EAGI.E LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom- L' mudating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglan. X 844 J MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- elry, horses, cows, etc. C 1'. Keed, jio h. lMn. X; FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Burner block. X-846 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 840 CHATTEL snd salary loans. Phoenix Credit Co., 12(3 Paxton block X 84 1 WANTED-r-SALESMEN WANTED Hustling snlesman traveling this locality to sell eninieleil ware, tin .ware, specialties, nssoilmentn, etc., ns side line; most liberal commission. Dead one save stumps. Crlswell Mercantile Co., Ii8 S. Meridau St., Indianapolis, Ind. It 161 2 WANTED Experienced salesman for fur niture trade, January 1st; give references, experience, etc. Address C 17, Bee. LM2H1 27 PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesaler prices. Stive on every artfXe. Only flrsr" class goods handled. Prompt attention ts every order. Send for catalogue. B. F. Karol. 236 Harrison St., Chicago, III. 77 LYNCH BROS. 118 N. 15th St. Repair work our specialty. Tel. Douglas 1477. M51J N26 - DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at hom Miss Sturdy, 20(6 Davenport. Phone Har ney 2812. 721 M' DOW ELL system of dressmaking and cutting; patterns cut to measure; lessons Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 1623 Farnam. M612 N25 FENCING CHAMPION fe' ces Douglas-1590. best. 611 S. 16th. ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 6c per foot. 205 N. 17Ui St. Tel. Red-614. 876 Nov 14 OSTEOPATHY- JOHNSON Institute, 41S Doug. 1664. N. Y. L TeL 99 DR. BOWSER, Doug 63,0. over 1500 Farnam. TeL -M699 o: AUTOMOBILES Y'OU can nffnrd an automobile If you get one or our ourguins in uwi cars now the time to buv: send description of car . and let us suluiill some snaps. 'I lie Auto mobile Exchange, lt45 Michlgur Ave Chicago. 502 26 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE de'ective service. 'Phone Red 7401. Rooms 13 and 14 Union Blk., 15th and Farnam. M9 Nil PROVIDE FOR YOUR CHILDREN The lest legacy vou can leave them is land. The VbIob Faclflo B. K. Co., is selling tine tarm and ranch lands In Kansas, Western Neb, Colorado and Wyoming at $3 TO 75 rh'11 ACKE. -AST TDIHI. For Information regarding lands and excursion ites apply LAX1 AUEXCY l'. I. IL II. Dept. B, 318 8. 16 th Street. OMAHA, GOVERNMENT NOTICES GENERAL DEPOT, QUARTEH41AI- IAS- ca I e. rtei - t.-r s I'epariment, Jetiersonvllle, Oct. 2.1. !!. Sealed proposals. In trlnll endorsed on cover, "i'ropoas Is for quarter masters supplies.-, ana addressed to uu dersigned, will be received here until 10 a m., November 22, 19ii. for slatlnneiy, office furniture, paints, wagons, ranges, lamps, hardware, leather and miscellaneous sup plies, reituired for Manila, P. .1., as per schedule, which will be furnished on appli cation to this deot and the depots at New Y'ork and San Francisco. Preference given to articles of domestic production or manu facture. The right ts reserved to reject or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. J. M. Marshall, assistant quar termaster general and depot quartermas ter. . 028-24-25-26 N20-21 MORE PAY FOR OPERATORS Hnula Kt Htailoa Mea to He Paler (ouiiulaaioa oa feu laierclal Buafaeaa Readied. TOPEKA. Kan., Oct. 25.-J. E. Hurley, general manager of the Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe railway, announced today that all stiiion telegraph operators ha handle Wi-ftein Union messages will henceforth be given 10 per cent of all the revenue de rived from thla class of aork. About operators are affected by this order aj. jid in.. ' meaiia an Increased expenditure of $200 a year by the railway company. Six week ago the Sjnta Fe Increased the ,aty of l.o,.'. oilier oHratora and the aggregate lucreai.. in income lor the employed per )sac $6u,iAM gel is :ar 4 i