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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOHER 25, 1906. y -w'vB-r.'"-3C'-'u I f-"- Special Sae , of COYS' SUITS snd OVERCOATS fc3;ur.'rs for MDES L ' LONG j GlOVtS nn All M , ' OMAHA W FATHER FORECAST Tlmrwlay, Rain. "J! m -- A. a am L IE 1 n M H n M M M n n rt n n' ,l THE RELIABLE STARE . Great Manufacturers' Stock Sale TC'JR M3,UTS VY3XTH 03 TOUR M3.IET BACK. 5? i Cr-- I s n H M n H H M H m n H H at HO M H a M H u M K n MORSE SHOW At Five Dollars For tomorrow we place on sale 00 choice Horse Show Hats at the extraordinarily, low price of $3.00. Jn this' assembly you will find silk velvet hats, trimmed with ornaments and long ostrich plumes, also French' felt hats, trimmed with ornaments . and long ostrich plumes; also French felt hats tnmmed with r i bb on a ,'VT breasts and fancy feathers. This U the great est bargain ever offered in' our store. On . sale In Mil linery Department FOUIl BIG SPECIALS...B"-c!:r; D.P, A nickel can't climb a tree or build S ?! a house, but It ran buy Just i4 the finest bread in town that cornel j& $ from" Courtney's bake ovens. Several t,i sorts of bread here, but all 'noted for w purity.' freshness, wholesomeness ard A $ general goodness; especially no U our ( j whole wheat bread, made from the K genuine Ralston whole wlwat flouf. Potatoes Buy your winter potato- now. Six m u carioaas on vne way irom me nn i 4 iillla i"i f H'.ll.rn V K v a u U In Inl . Si 65c ter' hnshcl. Ladies' Fur Scarfs, a good bargain at Ladies' Heavy Waists, at, " each 98 49 9 Ladies' Walkiug Skirts, of fine materials. . .,. . . .,. Ladies' 50c Outing Flannel Skirts at, each , 1.50 25c ON RAINY DAYS j-j It Is a great convenience to ordr everything; for the table by 'phone. and It la a great satisfaction to oraer. 5 JjJ 1 Si from Courtney's, where you are cer- V pj ! M tain of getting the best to be had 12 ! Cj without the annoyance of a trip down I town to select it. . IN CLOAK DEPARTMENT Ladies' E0-inch Novelty Cloth Coats made in the new styles, M AO plaids, checks, etc., at TeJO . Laddies' Long Novelty Cloth Coats made in the loose, stylish A AO effects, finely tailored, at v.vO s Ladies' $15 Tailored Suits at $7.50 in eton and blouse styles, made in latest styles, all' the leaH- H CA ing colors, at dv Ladies' $18 and $20 Tailored Suits at $D.S3 The best cloths and the newest trimming-, made by the same man. A fQ tailors and every one high grade, tt() Ladles, RISsscsVand Children's Underwear Heavy winter weight Vesta and Pants, also me- , dlum weight underwear, worth tip to $1 a garment ou bar- OA A gain square Aiv-MU'MVJ f Saoond Floor. Old (Star at m M n H H M M H H .1 3 Beastly Weather $ i One could almost be forgiven for Jg fi taking a hot toddy in order to ward n ? off a nasty cold. It beats lots of U j2 remedies, but be sure what goes Into R 55 the toddy. Right here you will get id U corking good whisky at a fair figure. S For instance: jw King William Scotch 1.85 0 Old drow . . 1.10 $ XXX Cognac Brandy. . . . ...1.25 U H Maryland Rye (full quarts). 00 " y . For THURSDAY ONLY ta the Japanese Novelty Dept. East Arcade. W will ll the JAPANESE Hand-mad TOOTHPICKS Mil avarywbara bOKK fw aoh.. .. for l: RIBBON SALE Fine All Silk Ribbons, many Pil low Top Ribbons with draw strings, worth up f A to 50c yard, at, yard IUC The fashionable Plaid Ribbons, In beautiful color effects, on bargain square at, IOC Long Kid Gloves for Horse Show We direct your attention to our display of highest quality Kid Gloves In our window -of new store. It is the most beau tiful display of gloves ever made In Omaha. W are sole agents In this city for Psrrin's and Monarch Gloves and we carry complete linea of Reynier8, Trefousee A Dent's Cloves. The new bronze gloves in elbow lenghts, tans blacks, whites and delicate evening shades. . We show weekly Importations. T'lpil OMAHA SOUVENIR SPOONS M. -, ' ...... . .. . . would be a nice article to take home with you We have j v kiim handsome piece in' this Una ranging around yr $1.00 to J2.00 Spend-a few minutes in our stors Look For The Name. 53. W. LINDSW, JEWELER. 1010 Douglas Street. n Si m H H M a H ml 5 5 h! ! " n u 17th and Douglas Streets 3 PHONED DOUGLAS 647 Private, aohang oonnact all Dts HORSE SHOW SHOES Handsouie Shoes are Essential. No matter how attractive your costume Is, If your shoes aje not of the latest pattern, you are not properly dreased. ' . . ' " There Is no excuse for you not having the right kind of shoes. Our immense 6tock of men's and women's dress shoes enables every body to fit themselves for any oc casion of this kind. A ttize and width for everybody. The largest stock in the west to select from. Dress shoes from JU.OO to $6.00. TO California Oregon Washington VIA Rvi f day to Ootobar 31. lln. One-Way Colonist rata ar la affect to Pan Fran olsco. Lo Angele and many athar California, poiata. Ta Portland. Taeeraa, Mat t la snd maar other Oregon and Waah. tngta polaU. lnqolra at - em ticni omoa, iaa yuua . 1)ka Sugls 331. 1 iDrexcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. 111 y"Vv)i m J H f . I L t l-i av- g- u toi jesjoy a cool, delh lous, aatUfyliig smoVa -one that will banish tonr rarrc and snalt Ufa worth ilvUig. be sore and rail for t! old rellnble ; V. U. iirrtutila Clai Co, liUeuiU4ira. tU LcnU. Invite Your Friends 1b m Oyster Supper it THE CALUMET i restaurant if you and they i would know wliat the word ''de licious" means' as applied to the toothsome bivalve raw; stewed, broiled or fried, it's all one to ub. We prepare this sort of gea food to the delight of con noisseurs. R-W-S-D-C Is guaranteed ' to curt all etomach and bil irouhlns, indigesiiuB aybpcpsla. tatarrh of th4 slomai h and trmel, chron ic coimtipatton. bliiouBiif s, nervousuesa. lilowilng of the stonia h, ll'htng of ga, r.vated tongue. I1 breath. et-. iKALiaa rttTMiCLavs v&uaonijia it K a.-tK upon tt.e stonim-h. bowi. liver and kttlnes. . ll stimulates the appotlia, urlflu the blood, . l-ruulnles and tonas im mlrt system, on box qutikly ptovrs its value, prloa 60o a box. Go to VirndM Slur and ask for tUiaa aV VVai- Rcmsrnbor the Omaha Souvenir Spoon li Is given fr During Mors Show Wttk (till Supply h txhiusttd' to tivru buyer of One Dollar's tcorih or ovrr in Dry Good, Lndif' and C'hiWreiCt limdy-to-vca r and MiUinrru tret ion. li'n no $koddy cheap-John affiir, i this Omaha Sowrensr ISpoon. li s fvU sitr. de frt, htavy ictiijht, Frtw.h prey ftnit't, anl ha a perfect imp ra tion of on of Omaha't qrtatttt build- ing. . I Tharsday Suit Ottering 68 Man Tallon-d Women's Suits, made of chiffon broadcloth, Ly mansville cheviot and mannish mixtures, this season's best styles. Including 23-ltch tight fitting blouse, Eton, Prince Chap and pony coat styles; the color range Is large, browns, blues, grays, greens, .fancy mixtures and' black; every suit In this lot la worth $25, Thurs- JO 75 tlny's Special Price. . . Q.tO Jut 85, Women's an Misses' Man Tilorwl Suit Made Eton, , pony, Prince Chap and 30-inch coat style; the cloths Bre plain cheviot rand mannish mixtures; color range, brown. , blue, green and all. kinds of mix tures;' regular $10.5u and $18.50 .values Thursday's ' f ?f Special Price . .11 Tiiursday Coat Ottering Just 28 Women's Cheviot Coats Full 48 inches long, notched velvet collar, double-breasted, buttoned through, cuff of eame cloth, sleeves lined, regular $12.50 O C A " value, Thursday special. Ji3 3 Woman's Broadcloth Coat 50 inches long, full satin lined, collarless, front, back and cuffs handsomely; trimmed in velvet andtbraid, a regular $16.50 value, CA .'.IMlsV r r- I - F a tt :t. ri; tl 14:' 11 - 3 Thursday special. B v Ui ( . $7.50 SABLE FOX SCARF FOR " $5.00 JSabl- Fox Scarf, 45 inches long, two large brash tails four claws, regular $7.50 value special Thursday C offering.. .. To ' make' your money . go furthest you must not only buy your . material to advantage, but cut It to advantage, and this you can do if you first select a LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERN, for the Guide Chart with each pattern prevents mistakes ' and waste of ma terial. 'Price, 10c and 15c. ' Pattern Booth Harney Eiislrauce Afficxicn Beauty Corsets The new h6pea are a necessity. They Torm t&a'i tapering waiat and prettily rounded figure bo much de aired 'by all Women' who wish to be well dressed.1 l : : The Last, t : 3, is a trifle higher, so as to corn; Sy .ulih the demands of ' ta&hion. We carry all the favored models In the American Beauty Corsets, and have them in an assortment suffi ciently varled "to comfortably fit any type of form. Expert fitters con stantly in attendance. Price of American Beauty Corsets range from $1.00 to $5.00 1 AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 723 . Kalamato Csrsat Co. Sal Maks- ! ENNITT' 1 J .-.!!"r-.Vi 'All X1HG P0V.r: ii hJ s aji FRESH ' FISH Direct aliipnient due to ar rive Thursday morning by express. V Thursday and Friday sale Croppies and Sunfish, at 7c lb., 4 lbs. for Bullheclds, )b. at 25c ...12!c eririetVs Big Grocery DAILY SPECIAL OFFERS FOR THE ECONOMICAL. Corn Offer Maine Sugar Corn, worth 15c tan, at. .lOc - dozen 91.00 Egg-O-See Breakfast Food. pkg. 10c And Tti (IrMti Tradlnn 6ihiuf. Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, pkg. . 10c And Ten Grn Tradlnr Stamps.' Grape-Nuts, package 10c Bennett's Capitol Wheat, pkg... 10c , Ann jn urnn Trauins; Htampg. 'Bennett's Capitol Oats, pkg.... .10c Aewl Ton rir-shon Tsu.llna Ot "Bennett's Capitol baking powder, . . jb. can . iitt And Ten Oreon Trading Stump, s -Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle. lc And Twenty Green Tradln Hlanu. A. B. C. Catsup, pint bottle. . I...-., "Jilc And Twenty Oi-ren TraJhia; Ptanips. Strawberries. Three Star, can : . . 15c And Twenty Green Trading- Stamps. Shredded Codfish, 3 pkgs . ..a.V And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Beauty Aeparugus, can , ,20c. ' And Twenty Green Trading; Stamps. ' ' . BEXXETT'S CAXDLKS. Special OfferFresh Made Chocolate Chips, pound. : .20c Tr.ose ! st A,, 'Phone Tlic most gigantic stock of women's gar ments ever shown in the west. Three man- ufacturers' 6tocks of women's coata, two J V manufacturers' stocks of. tailored suits, two manufacturers' stocks of fine furs;. se cured by our buyer in his recent trip to New York at a great bargain. Prices mean a saving' of about half to you. FURS FROM KAYE-EMSTIEN. IT. Y. Fine Beaver Coats Sizes 32 to 44, Mined with guaranteed satin, $85 value, at.59 Genuine Sealskin Coat Best London dyt a $275 value, in this sale $175 $12.50 Siberian Squirrel Sets, in this eale onlv ............. ...S7.50 WOMEN'S COATS FROM BLAINER BROS., N. Y. $25 Chiffon Broadcloth Coat, 50 inches long, guaranteed lining K-AnJnr it fln'c Qolft 5ll"fc?aft UilVUnVUly CUIV ....aa...a.t. - -- -- - mjr a. www v "$15 Coats, in handsome fancy mixed fabrics, very newest styles, choke Jxu.uu $10 and $12 Coats, in plain kerseys and fancy mixed fabrics, all colors, 325 garments to select from, at, choice, ...... . .$0.95 $15 and $18 Tailor Suits, in plaids, checks and plain colors, new est styles remarkable bargains at ,,...... .$9.95 $20 and $25 Suits, in all the leading styles and materials, sale price .$14.00 Elegant Sample Suits at . . . . .25. $30 and $35 $7.50 Silk Waists, in great assortment of stylish plaids and plain colors, sale price $4.95 1 From 8 Till 9 A. M. $1.25 Wrappers at. . . .G9 V From 8:30 Till 9:30 A. M. $1.25 Long Kimonos at. ..... . . .59 From 9 Till 11 A. IS.. Women's $1.50, Underskirts at 69 Great sale of Children's Dresses, Coats, Hoods and Leggings Saturday. Watch Friday evening papers for particulars. Hats Trimmed Free For one day (Thursday) we will trim hats free of charge, provided shape, and materials are purchased here. , Vnlrtmmeil Kelt and Velvet Shapes, S2 down to 9S Beautiful Silk and Velvet Roses, 3 In bunch, worth 60c and 75c, at. .35 lC-ibch Ostrich Pluses, special bar gain for -1.08 Wool Dress Goods Sale. From 2:80 to 8:80 p. m. we will sell 4C-inch Black Broadcloth, perfect goods, fine color, regular $1.00 quality, only one pattern to customer, at, per yard .25 From 8 to 4 p. m. we will sell 85c all pure Irish linen Damask, unbleached, not over six yards to customef, at, yard ;'........' 43 'From 2 to 4 p. m. we will sell In one lot 100 pairs of Lace Curtains, $1.5u, 11.75 and $2.00 grades, only three pairs to customer, at. a pair :0OC Bargain Rooih Specials BVd Spreads, 'slightly soiled, worth up i 25c 'White Piques, In 'long mill ends. Trade on a Transfer Saves Labor and Worry. No Lugging Around of Packages. Trade on a Transfer Slip and Foot Bill at Transfer Desk, where Goods will " be Packed up Neatly and Nicely. Transfer Booth Main Floor. to $1.25, at . . ... .50 10c. Hope Bleached" MuBlln, special at. yard 6't Heavy Indian Head Muslin, unbleached 10c quality ....... QH NO. 3 PINK 2 packages for la THIMBLES Thursday. 2 for le HI'MP HOOKS AND ETE8 pr card. . le COTTON TAFKS sll lsfc, p-r roll... Is VELVETEEN 8KIKT BINDING all colors, yard 25C PACKAGES NEEDLES AND . PINS ,. ..M0 DAHNING COTTON hist quality ... . la bii.K CROCHET THREAD all colors. So I FOI B CORSET LACES best quality... le l TWO SHOE LACEfc best , . . , la Special Sale of Stoves. 11-INCH AIR TIGHT OAK a regu lar $. 00 stove, for fi.Sa 1S-INCH AIR TIGHT OAK a regu lar' f 7.50 stove for 95. SS 15-INCH AIR TIGHT OAK regu- lsr $9.50 stove, for S.8 17-INCH AIR TIGHT OAK a regu lar .76 stove, for 7.b6 19-INCH AIR TIGHT OAK a regu lar IU.00 stove, for 8 12-HOLE NO. 8 LAUNDRY HTOVE.'.M'.M 4-HOLE NO. 8 LAUNDRY 6TOVEW FEE OVR NEW IMPERIAL DOUBLB HEATING BASE BURNER ABSOLUTE LY THE BEST ANT FINEST-1 8TOVB MADE. COME AND SEE IT, , , YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD 'IN THIS DEPARTMENT. , , T Specials in Housefurnishings. N. COPPER BOTTOM BOILERS.. 69 10-QT. GAL. WATER PAILS lie 13-QT. OAL WATER PAILS lo NO. 8 GAL. WASH BOILER Site 10-QT. GRANITE DI8H PANS e 45o GAL. WASH TUBS... frc GAL. WAIr-H Tt'HS. . 5e GAL. WASH TUBS. . . OAL. FOOT TUBS large I2-QT. GRANITE WATER PAILS.... e t I VISIT OUR HARNESS XEPART MENT NEW STOr-K AND FINEST LINE OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS IN THE WEST. 100 Duefc Storm Blankets. 81.50. this sale Duck Slorm Bluikets, $1.76, this sale : 210 Naory Hanks Blankets, $3.49. this sbIh...' I0 Storm . Blankets, worth this sale -.., 10 Storm Dlankela, worth this sale worth I worth I worth iVi6.' i I 35. 91. as s 9158 ' 9819 ''9i. Blankets, Blankets, worth 81.80, worth H.9. 93.49 128 Storm this sale 140 Storm this salo 480 Storm this sale 720 Storm this sale WHITE STORM BLANKETS.. E00 White Blankets full site 98.80 Hit White Blankets full s1b ....... tl T 476 White Blankets full slxe 98.00 These Are All Full Slxe Blankets. Blankets, worth tilt. , I Blanketa, worth $J.7, Brornangelon, or Je'llo. per pkfl TH" On Time Yeal. per-pkg 3o 2-lb. Can Fanry Sweet Sugar Corn... e Oil nr MustarJ Sardines, per can 9e Quart Can tlolilBn Table Syrup e Pranut liutttir, per jar o -lb. pkg. pancake Flour tlie The Best -Conileiiwd Mince Meat, pkg.80 S-lb. cans Walivr Bakxr's Cocoa.... SOO la A Parrln's Sauce, per bottle 93e Quart bottle C'roose & Blax'k well's Vinegar 8 lbs. Best Hand Picked Navy Beans. 86e 8 lbs. Best ' Boiled atniul Se 10 Bars Keat Brands laundry Soap... 8e 10 lbs. 'Best Granulated White or Yel low Curnmeal 18 Grabani or Oal meal f'rackers, pkg... Bie 4 pkgs. Uneeda Biscuits 15e The Best Sorta or Oyster Crsckere, lb. e Fancy Full Cream 'hee. per lb le rm y Brick or Limburger Cheese, lb. lee Fancy N. Y. Full Cream Cheese. lb.lTVe Sap Sago Cheese, each 1H Neufchatel Cheese, each e Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, lb. ioo FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fancy Canning Plums, per crate, six basket a 91. 10 Fancy Cooking Apples, per perk 10u Fancy W hlte Onions for Pickling, H bushel basket Fancy Hubbard Squash, each Fancy New Carrots, Beets, Parsnips or t urnips, per pound at, yard . . '. .9 15c A. F. C. Dress Ginghams, In 3 io 10-yard lengths, yard. ..... 7 Mill ends Wash Goods, all kinds, at, per yard ; .2 88e saa 4ee 9a Big Horse Blanket Sale Thursday Big Grocery. Fresh Fruit, Vegetable, Butler, Cheese and Cracker Sale, Thursday. Fancy Feathers, Quills, Wings, etc., worth up to $1.00. choice Thurs day 49 18-inch Ostrich Plumes, worth $6,00, very heavy. Thursday ...... .3,98 ; Special Notion Sale. Every possible kind of staple notions at one-half to one-iifth regular selling prices. The following are but a few. of. the many articles included: . " 1 TAPE MEASURES 80 Inchea, for. ...ilo HORN HAIR PINS. S-lnch , lo 25C ROPE HAND RAGS for te COMB AND BRt'SH SETS for 96o BASTING COTTON 2 spools for..... la 20U YARDS MACHINE THREAD perfect, for 1!4 SILK THREAD 1 spools for la lit: HORN COMBS metal back, for... 60 HUNDREDS OK OTHER STAPLE NO TIONS AT ONE-HALF TO ONE-FIFTH REGULAR PRICE. 93.09 y.49 93.3 le Fancy New Sweet potatoes, per IU... me Freeh parsley, per bunch e Fresh Spinach, per peck le Cape Cod CranlH-rrles, per quart. ... ' Six Bunches Fresh 6 Two Heads Fi-U Celery e A.11 Other Vegetables and Fruit la Proportion. ir J L AD ri3 1 j nn JV M O I M hi LIU Li U ) V S-6a' I rt