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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1906)
12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1906. 100 Cllillg Cirdt at 39c Arctde s I 2 S K ALL THE t f la t 1 I Optical Ctpt In Sfon n PROM TMK DO LOTS took ! helley AT MOST EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS FRIDAY All of Sh'Uey't S(ic md 75c slorfc fcic collan, where there i$ only one rrr tvo of a JUnd, go in two lot, A F IUC-JJC in new ttort... 17th and Douglas Streets 4 Plun.rUii.tuUf. tJ i2 Prlvata Exchange Connaota all the Dartmnts. $ Entrance throuah KntnuViY Soma People Think Becaus Our I Bakery Goods f, are the Finest in the City jjj that necessarily they are high priced. - Such is not the case. i t All of tha abort langtaa of Yalvats that Hlielley sold up to i SO per yrd, Marks and all the col or of the rainbow. In lengths from 1 to I yard, go on M f alp. now store, front 43C bargain square, at All of th Odda and Bads In Sllk Blsboas that Phnlley Bold up to one dollar per yard, go on sale In length from one to four yards. In the new tor, will go at par yard I5c jft We sell full sized layer jj fruit flavors, at, jS each ji Sandwich Buds, per W dozen French Rolls, dozen .... per BJj,w,3LlaaiMiaMaAMaaaMaMaawaaMa I Tm Ah f . Khellcy's 10c Ribbon .1 " Remnants, on sale In new I store ; at II ' per yard f I I kbhl.v v 1 IC III All of srhallay'a Bamaaate of TlUlnf Long enough for fare eila and automobile veils, that lie sold up to ILBO per yard go In two lota In fqin arn new atore, at, per IZrC"ZjC yard " REMNANTS OF SILKS in ii ppe- 25c OiUl lota of silks, .run nhur from to 15 yarn, left over from tlm helley etock, fancy . tuffetas. plain taffnlas. Ixiulslenes, l'enu le Cygne, Jap silks, ctr., sold at pe- riHi sale up fo 75 yam, nti bnrgalo tables, yard LACKS FROM SHELLEY STOCK Fine Torchon, Point de Paris and fancy laces and Insertions, various widths, worth up to 10c yard, at, yard 3l2C and 5c Importer's silk samples, traveler's samples over l.Onft of them In all kinds or high grade silks, many to match, worth from 69o to II yard, mostly- one yard piece, at, each 10e-15c-25c 11.00 Dreas Taffet. from the Shelley stock In 27-Inch and 20 Inch plain and glace effects, the same as sold Inst Monday second section ellk department new store, will go at, per yard EMHKOIDER1ES Fine Embroid eries and Insertlngs, in medium widths, also finest corset cover embroideries, newest patterns, on bargain square, new store, yard mm 011 39c 15c-25c 7 . i0c 10c 10c I of R DRESS GOODS 25c yard Raisin Bread, very fine, g . per loaf g Ralston Whole Wheat g Bread, per loaf OC $ When other people make better jg stuff than ours, we buy it. We have Itiat rACAlvnri a Ion g Princess Fruit Cake, made at & jLiiinc Awn, .iiKaiiBiiB, una waicn all connoisseurs say Is the finest a fruit cake In the whole world. U 9 this ton of cake, while it lasts, f h at 50c per pound. It comes in 1. 3 2, 3 and 6-pound Una. i i Friday's Special In Fish Dept. 1,000 pounds Halibut, at, per pound . . . 10c? Our Lunch Counter At entrance to Brandels' west Si '1 Arcade. S Bun Sandwich and Coffee, eacn Yard for every style, color and quality of Dress Goods, up to 11 3 to 8 yards. tf M Yard for many ex- VTC flusive patterns, English X worsteds. French novel- ties, broadcloths, Venetians and All skirt, coat and suit lengths, " worth up to 12.50. New Store Aisle No. 4 Yard for gray suiting cloths and every skirt and suit length, black and colors. Sold up to $1.60 yard. Yard, in basement, old store, for French Flan nels, . Scotch Flannels. Wool Dress Goods and hundreds of lengths for children's dresses. Sold at 50c yard. 39c and colo 15c 1 tj $ 55 5c i! i 17th and Douglas St. The Biggest Remnant Bargains of the Season are in the Basement Friday Bpecial' white goods bargains in white goods aisle, new building. One big lot India linons, long cloth f and nainsook remnants, worth up to 25c who f yard, Jong lengths, at, per yard " Pull standard yard wide percale,, all new styles, for fall wear. They are regularU21l,c quality, . in long mill lengths, at, per yard Heavy quality Swansdown flannelette, new pat-' terns, sell elsewhere at fifteen cents a yard, mill lengths, at. per. yard Great special lot regular 8c Cot ton Towels, slightly im- perfect, at. each 2C New lot 36-lnch Silkollne, splendid comfort styles, the regular 1 a He grade. In the forenoon 1 at, yard ZjC 5.000 yards Cotton Challles, all pretty patterns, very desirable cloth for comfort covering, dressing aacques, etc. In the forenoon at, yard. . . . 4b 2 C 5c I 5c Large assortment very, beat grade light and dark Outing Flannel, tripes and checks, in all O 1 colors, at, yard.. O2C Arnold's Supeiflno Flannelettes, All desirable new patterns, Per sian nd Jap effects, perfect long lengths, at, 1A. yard lUC Thousands of yards new Dress Prints, the very best best quality , at, yard 3ic 5 13 6ns On Sale Beginning 5 SATURDAY A S67.550 STOCK of Men's Suits and Overcoats Entire Stock ot a Leading New York Wholesaler At About 1-2 Price See the High-Grade Clothes in the Window. i I S mm, S Bf -a i OVER ALL Next to an easy Conscie nee, choose easy feet! Choose ONIMOD Shoes and your ease will be complete. Hand-built Onimods are superb unexcelled in quality, style and comfort 45 and . Bench-made Onimods are com, durable and neat 94. $8.60 and $2.50 Onimods are the beat low priced shoes made easy on the feet New Fall and Winter Shapes eoent sos "SHOE G S.5XST. 73 OUR GREATEST SALE OF Portieres and Gouch Covers next MQNDAY oc. 22 Never before has Brandels offered such 5 bargains as these. Finest tapestries at about one-fourth their real'value. $ ... See the Window' Disolav: 5 a Boys' Sweaters We are showing two grades of Boys' Sweaters this season One all wool at $1.00, and the other all worsted at $1.50 each which are by far the best value In the city; all first-class and made in Omaha; new and fresh; no shelf-worn goods. Give them a look before buying. Our line of Hosiery for fall and winter was never better. All the new weaves at prices in reach of all. Child's fleece Hose, 15c and J 5c a pair; wool from 25c up. Ladies' and Gents' Wool Hose from 83c up. If you are In need of Underwear we have a complete line of Ladles', Gents' and Children's; prices al ways right. A big line of Beads and Jewels and the largest line of YARNS in the west. Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. JOS. F. BILZ do. IBtii St. OMAHA Don't Miss This Opportunity. You are fitted by grJ Uatea of li mn. . . v. lowrki otsible charge to Introdnr. ... work. 1 lie glaaaea will relleva defect of vialon which cauttea headache, ner vousness, red and Inflamed lida. croeaed eyes, blurring, etc. KaUafaction guaran teed. Examination free. " Ki3 K. T. Ufa Hldg.. Omaha, Tel. SS7J. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Ualy Uh Dvllar a Year. 1 P sVfBWgassBssnggnasv. 1 OMAHA WKATHKR FORIX'AST Friday, Kslr. T7R T7Tir T1T T7tsrr7TIi TOUR MSNET'S WORTH OR TOUR MOXET BACK. v 3 A Roaring Sale of Gloves for Bargain Friday REPAIRED KID GLOVES. Worth from $1 to $1.")0. In the art of mod em, glove making there is inevitably a percentage of imperfections. These are repaired and sold at what they will bring. We offer one' hundred dozen at; 4Qn a pair... T'aC WOMEN'S NECKWEAR SPECIALS FOR BARGAIN FRIDAY Fancy Box Ruchings, six assorted patterns to box per 21(J 100 Dozen fancy 4 c Plaid Tab Slocks. I "of worth 25cach JL- 3-Vd. Chiflon Veils, worth 75c. at 49c SEE TlIE GORGEOUS HORSE snow WINDOWS. GREATEST YET PRODUCED. HEARTILY INVITED RIBBONS ti-ln. Mescaline Ribbons, all popu lar colorings, worth fl 35c a yard, IZrC 4-inch Hat In Kdtte Fancy Flow ered Hibbons, worth g 35c a yard. 1C linens! Linens! "TyTTl Bor Cream Table Damask, good value PPTT ffiCl: for 30c, at 22jC 255 BW Cream Table Damask, regular 40c quality, at 25i -iCll For Bleached Table Damask, regular price 1 zli 2l 50c, yard 39c I For Hemmed Bed Spreads, full size, reg- I I ' JCI ular 85c, at i JC a For Bleached Turkish Towels, size 18x45, J t I regular 12Vc quality, at -C Bargain Friday in SILKS Large Lot Fancy Silks of various lengths, many dif ferent weaves, taffetas . and Louisines, etc. ; f Q on sale at; ai yard. . IC Silk Velvets, one of the best $1 f grades of feted, dark . greed navy, wine, etc. will go 8H Bargain Friday, ard. . . . . .JJC 27-in. Black Peaii de Soie, Ht exceptional bafgain at $1.50, doiible faced and ex tremely heavy, right s for waists, dresses or coats, q on sale Bargain Friday, I IM a yard. . tvU Site China &llcv in all colors, 27 inches wide, on sale g Rnrgain ; Friday, a ''IP yard. Bargains Friday, in Dress Goods. ISO-lnrh fine KiiRllsh Mohair Suit ings, in check effects, dark green predominating, very pretty cloth for $1, bargain Friday, a yard OJC All Wool French Flannel, in plain colorings with pretty border ef fects, . also embroidered and check effects these are worth 60c, on sale at "Itk a yard &JC $1.73 Itlack Broadcloth Moleskin, one of the best wool stuffs for handsome, rich black suits or coats, will make up beautifully, on sale Bargain Fridny, (Q a yard OC New Plaids, 36 Inches wide, for children's dresses or waists, worth 60c, on sale Bar- JQ gain Friday, a yard XmJC We sponge and wool stuffs, all work guaranteed yard. tdirink 5c ...BARGAIN FRIDAY IN... Ladies' Gowns, Wrappers. Dressing Sacques, Petticoats. Sample Snaps from sample lines for Bargain Friday Indies' Flannelette Gown, made in Hubbard style, 54 inch long, neatly trimmed in braid Q. Bargain Friday rOC Ladies' Flannelette Wrapper, made with deep flounce, ruffs over shoulder, neatly trimmed with brsid Bargain Friday OJC Ladles' Fbuinel Pressing Sacque, in light or dark col ors, excellent variety, choice, Bargain "7. Friday C Sample Line of Black Sateen Petticoats, made with deep flounce, some trimmed with two and three ruf fles at bottom, some are worth f 1.25 each, choice Bargain Friday 69c Domestics, Etc. Double Green Trading Stamps on Wash Goods and Domestics 10c Flannelettes for. 5 16c Flannelettes for 9 36-inch Bleached' Muslin for:.. Heavy Apron Gingham for. . . . .5 Good Prints, all colors, for 3 &ctra Heavy Shirting for 10 Special Showing of Blankets and Comfortables. Double Green Trading Stamps with Every Purchase. SHOES SHOES 1.95 $3.50 LACEI AM) BUTTON riHOKS, at, a pair These are taken from regular stock and offered at a sacrifice. Patent colt, laced, with calf tops, Cuban heels and extension soles. Velvet kid. patent tipped, light or heavy solee, mat calf or viol kid tops, Cuban heels, all sixes, itM to A. Genuine Turkish Bed Room Slipper, 60c values, at. Glycerol fchoo Polish, best made, 35c kind for 39c 15c Watch Ads for Npecials in Children's Shoes. CROCKERY SO Green Trading Stamps on every $1 Purchase. SOO Sevens Piece Berry or Fruit Sets. a v pink, blue, green, large bowl and six S I IP saucers, marked 76c. Friday....... J J j And Five Times Green Trading Stamps. See the New Gas Light, each in box, sat s with whits globe HI IP complete J And Five Times Green Trading Stamps. SECOND FLOOR. g Grocery! Teas, your choice, lb. 68c And one hundred green trading stamps. Teas, your choice, lb. 58c And eighty green trading stamps. Teas, your choice, lb. 48c And sixty green trading stamps. Teas, your choice, lb. 38c And forty green trading I tamps. Special Sale of Ladies' Suits. till THK REL1AILI STORK Special Sale s. ( rurs. Friday's Bargain Bulletin Never better bargains shown than in this week's sales, every item of special economical interest. Silks and Velvets a raw TuiT srxcxAx, items fob rmtSAT Bamaanta of Silk Valvata, fllarhtly oilrl. Hi mimiita of silk and Tatalcllne, llnr f rotor. FROM 0 A. M. TILL. 10 A. M , limit of aim pattrrn to a customer, at. m-r yard Great lino of rolor and pattern in nov elty and plHld silks, on bargain !Qf (tiliiare. Ht. yard BamnSBt of 811k Valvata All new nood '. h'tiKtli" from 1 to 4 yard8, 11.00 nn $1 60 qualities, at j a rd In ooo Bamnaats of Silk, In plain and fanrli'. to yard lenKth, suitame tor work and neckties, FrldM v. earn 1-Inrh t'haniteable Taffeta, "he value. ii muln silk depHrtment, l'l at. per yard "V 15? i. or fHnoy m1 49 Friday's Grand Specials B1BBOBS FOB Til HOBSB SHOW The flnent line of hlffh srade printed 21 warp fancy ribbon, prlres raiutlng from, per yard. It. no down to One lot of extreme fRncy ribbons. 1.' Inrhe wide, worth 14 per yard. CI QQ will so at, per yard ' ' A Baantlfnl Quality of All-Silk Taffata BIDdobs, tx Inrlien. all color, on Male, at vard Ladles' ISr Neck wear, special K4 6.0 Markranic Cord Chopping Fridny. at "V Has, each Ladles- a.V Neckwear, apeclal. IK!15'- rVrr J.'l".r" Handkerchiefs ... AJ V I ner till FrldHy. at We have' 'the "! agency for tho state of the Borohart Hall Brass Torms. in quire st lac L-ounter. 5 Wool Dress Goods Sale 5,000 yards of fine Mohairs, all colors and cream, from 38-inch to 54 inches wide, in lengths from 2' id 8 yards, and sells regularly from 75c to $1.25 yard, Friday all at, a yard 25e 2,500 yards of Henriettas, all colors and cream. In lengths from 2M to 6 yards, sold from 35c to 76c ysrd. all at, a yard 25c Danish Cloth, in lengths from 2 to 10 yards, all colors and cream, will go at, a yard Hc Broadcloths, all colors and cream, 50 to 54 Inches wide, quality from $1,00 to $2.60 yard, lengths from 2 4 to 8 yards, will go in three lots yard 50c, 49c and 30c Extra Specials on Linen Remnants and Odd Lois in High Grade Dept. Remnants of Table Linen In odd .lengths, from 1 to 3 '4 yards long. In bleached, sliver bleached and un bleached, short lengths from regu lar stock and sold up to $1.75 yard. In three lots, at, yard.BWe, 4c, ROe Odd Irfits of Napkin In bleached and unbleached, all linen aud mercer ized, sold up to $3.00 per dozen, at, dozen 08c and 65c Odd Lot of Towels In linen buck, bleached and unbleached, extra large size, worth up To 25c apiece, at, j apiece I2c I Odd Lot of Toweling In lengths from I 1 to 4 yards long, all linen and J union, both bleached and unbleached. sold regularly up to 18c yard, at, yard 9c, 7 He and 5c Bed Spreads Extra large size, in Marseilles and honeycomb patterns, slightly soiled.' aold regularly up to $2.25 apiece, to close at,-apiece 08c Co'fon Dress Goods Dept. Toil du Nord Ginghams, Scotch Ging- yard, all jwill go at, yard. 10c and 5c hams, plaids, Cotton Suitings, Or- Linings In long and short lengths, up gandies, etc., that sold up to 60c I to 40c yard, will go at, yard, 5c, 10c Draperies and Curtains 200 pairs of Bonne Femme Lace Cur tains, that sold up to $16.00 each, will go in two lots, at, each, $2.98 and $1.98 EXTRA SPECIALS. 50c Lace Curtains at, a pair 25c 75c Lace Curtains at, a pair 80c $1.00 Lace Curtains at, a pair, . . .59c 200 pairs of Portieres, worth up to $12.50, to close in three lots at. a pair $1.08, $2.98, $9.98 Novelty Net, that sold up to COc yard, to close at, a yard. .5c, 10c and 15c Fringe that sold up to 25c yard, will go at, yard...':... lc and 2c Tassels worth up to 36c will go at, dozen Omaha's Greatest Bargain Room X great table piled high with Maple merchandise., at bargain prices unequaled. Krery Item mean a substantial saving. One big tahla of long mill remnant of wh texxJe, worth up to 10c yard at, yard AU kind of wawh goods, long remnants, . wurtn up to lfic yard at, yard 12V snow while cambric, M Inches' wide at, yard lor Shirting Madras, loom and, great btrgn-in at, yard Amnakeag Apron Check Oinghams, 8'r duality at. ner yard Fleered Bark Klanelettes regular 10u quality, at ,yd 3c .5c 5c .5c 5c 10c quality Hope blear hed mus- flr lln Frldy, at, yard UC jot (luting r"ianneis, In good heavy qual ity i" io yard jengui at, yard Ve Outing Flannels, long rem nant, on bnrgatn square, at yd 7V- Shaker Flannel, extra heavy quality at. yard ' 15o Cotton Flannel, extra heavy quality Ht. yard COMFOHT8 A NO BLANKETS tha moxt complete Murk In umalm. at monev savlng prices. Get our price be tote you buy. 6Ic ....4c ..4c Hie Special Friday Furnishing Bargains These Friday Furnishing Goods Sale ore always a delight to the economical buyer. Thia week, they will prove exceptionally interesting. MKN'S t'NDERWEAR Alt sixes, heavy winter weight, worth up to IQr SOr at, per garment MKNS MADRAS rlHlRTB In light and dark patterns, worth from MX- to yfte cholre BOYS' WOOL 8VEATKR8-In Brown style, plain or fancy worth soc to ll.oo at. cholre BOYS' WOOLKN STOCKING regular 25c valuew at 35c colom, Sc CA PS 10c CHILDREN'S FLEECED UNDERWEAR very heavy quality. In all 10r slxep at. per garment CHILDREN'S HEAVY RIBBED STOCK INGS great VMlue iC,, Friday, at tt3r LADTKS- HOSE heavy fleece lined, with ribbed top or in cashmere 51r I6o value, at IfcJW LADIES' CORSETS-with 2 sets of tuHe supporter attached conie In tltl white or drab, 75o values at ,uv Omaha's Greatest Grocery Dept. Prices Hayden's, the Great Universal Providers 10-lb. sack best white or yellow Cornmeal 12c 10- lb. sack pure Buckwheat Flour ;t5c 7 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans 25c 8 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oat meal 25c 10 bars best brand Laundry Soap 25c Jell-O. per pkg 7c Assorted Soups, per can 5c H-lb. can Breakfast Cocoa . . . .17Hc 11- lb. cans Potted Meats 2ac Lea & Penin's Sauce, per bottle . .a:ic Peanut. Butter, per Jar Ripe Olives, per tan 2"c 1-lb. pkg. Macaroni 8 ! The best Soda Crackers, per lb 6c The best Oyster Crackers, per lb..6c 4 pkgs. IJneeda Biscuits 15c TEA AND COFFEE SALE Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 15c Porto Rico Blend, per lb ...20c The best Ankola Java and Mocba, per lb 23c The best O. G. Mocba and Java. per lb JW 1-3 c Fancy B. F. Japan or Sundrled Japan, per lb 25c The very finest that grows of Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, Ceylon or English Breakfast, for this sale only, per lb . 48c The best Tea Sittings, per lb. . . .12 He i i I I I tiie I FRENCH 1 V WAY J I Butter and Cheese Sale. Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per pound .23c Fancy Full Creum Wisconsin ' Cheese, per pound 13c Fancy Full Creum Brick or Llm- burger, per pound 15c Sap Sago Cheese, each .. .7!i-' Omaha's Greatest Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Department. Fancy Keifer IVars for Caunlng Six basket crates Fancy Keifer Poars for canning, por crate $1.10 Single baskets 20c 's-bu. baskets Fancy Green To ma too for canning ...15c Fresh Spinach, per peck 10c Six bunches Freh Radishes 5c Four heads Frcrh Lettuce 6c Fancy Sweet Potatoos, pound. ... 1 JgC Freeh Turnips, Carrots, Beets or Pumpkin, pound ;. 1H Two bunches Fresh : Parsley j;c Large head New Cabbage 4c Large Hubbard .Squash, each .... .5: New Honey, per rack 15c H-lb. pkg. California Figs ,..6V Italian Blue Plums, per basket... 23c Fancy Jonathan Apples, peck.... 25c Fancy Wlnesap Apples, peck 2(c Fancy Sweet Apples, peck. .2,"ic GARMENTS CLEANED If It stands you in hand to be economical, see us about cleaning or dyeing your last season's garments. We make them look like new. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS. Tl. Dour. 4172. 1908 Far nam Street Bee Want Ads Produce Result? OPERA GLASSES ws w ..w - , , - " iiao H U" III J 'M r , M m (iutu I'm ha, laih?r nrjUrifd ah -auVn Colmom. ja Bert hold . ui liiiktlr t li-n fjitutsca rt4i from $t f io $i ww oprim I w uunuir iiMiKiiif tistutj' uver )foi The N$me. , ii. W. LINDSAY. JHWliLkiK. 1510 Dvm.Im fctrct. , 'J X t