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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
The ' Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-NO. 105. OMA1IA, THURSDAY MORNIXO,. (KTUIiKK 1$, 1!H)(J-TEX 'PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Al f K emUri of Chicwe Bend tf Trade Testify Before IitenUta Cemmitsiei. ACTUAL GRAIN BUSINESS IS RESTRICTED femmiwioB Men Wbe Xrade oi Marciu Ire the Beitfloieriei. BLACKLIST MAINTAINED BY BOARD Eealen Who Boy from Ilevaton Celled "Irreculer" Iti Victimi. NUMBER OF DEALERS IS DECREASING 'orrorr President Wrrm of Honrd of 'trade Attribute This to Dis crimination In Freight Hutes. CHICAGO. Oct. 17.-W. H. Harilelt. a prominent member of the hoard of irudo, wa the first 'mess called before the Interstate Co' ). ve commission today when the he. 'vj Tdlng the grain trade u rnuracd. f'r.. Mr. bartlctt deo. "- t a rule recently A ' paaeed by the boar. , ie fixing; prices 4c. -try la. In his to be bid on grain In opinion. In roatrlcilon c ',utlon n'1 of trade and not a good . proposi tion for men dealing In gra. deals. "Ie the rule good for anyv Asked Commissioner yiark. "Oh. yes,'' replied the witness, "it Is good for the commission men." "It Is also a good business proposition for a burglar to get away with hla booty." said the commissioner with a laugh. MvN EartwA declared that the rule Is In jurious to the man In the country whj buys grain, because the rule fixes a price which the dealers on the board of trade may not overbid. The rule was then read Into the record of the proceedings. It provides that no member of the board of trade shall bid on corn snd oats In the country, differently than appears on a csll posted each after noon. James Bradley, another member of the board of trado, declared that he believed the rule of the board described by Mr. nartlett was Jn restraint of trade. H. D. Wetmore, another operator on the board, was In favor of the rule. Blacklist Maintained. Mf. Wetmore declared that he does not car to attempt to buy grain from farmers or elevator men who are designated by the dealers' associations of the .various state as "irregular." He said that there Is a blacklist for men who do this and he did not wish to be put on the list. William 8. Warren, former president of the Hoard of Trade, declared the freight rate discrimination baa reduced the num ber of receivers and shippers of grain in Chicago by at leRst 15 per cent In the last twenty yearn. After listening to statements by the at torneys for the elevator men and for the commission dealers the hearing was ad journed. . . .-Tfo'flS!B'm1s!lon adjourned. H.. II. Carr. a commission merchant who yester day testified that' the methods of the state gruln associations had ruined hla busi ness, asked the temiliwlon of the board to make a statement. lie said that his statement had been misconstrued and that he did not .mean to convey the meaning that his business had been entirely de stroyed. He meant to say that it had been badly damaged. He declared that he was still doing business with farmers. PYTHIANS IN COMPETITIONS tCaeanapntent at Xew Orleaas gees Drills ia Marealaa- aad Rlt nallstte Work. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 17.-Seven states are represented In the competitive drills which begin today at the Pythian biennial encampment and continue throughout the week to determine which is the best drilled company in camp. The companies .which drill today are Sicilian company No, 1 of Kansas City, the Vigo company of Indiana and the Battle Creek company of Michigan. The competitors appearing later ta the week will be Kansas City company No. t, Georgia company Xo. 1. Savannah; Fort Dearborn company Xo. 1. Illinois; Terrs Haute company No. 3 and Kokomo company No. C, known as the "Kokomo Kids." both of Indiana; the Pike's Peak company No. 1 of Denver and the Seattle company of Seattle, Wash. A feature of the encampment from today on will b religious services conducted in the open air at City park race track when weather Is fair and in the race track grand stand when it rains. The services will be conducted by CuaptaJn-ln-Chiet Samuel U. lwls. Today also the several departments of Pythian convention began their Imnonsnt business meetings and deliberations. Only two companies, those from Kansas City, contested In the ritualistic drill last night. Company No. ( won. The National Pythian Kditorlal associa tion elected A. K. Ehaiiafelt, Oklahoma. president; J. P. Bonner, Texas, vice presl dtnt; H. II. Richardson, Florida, secretary. NEW YORK CENTRAL GUILTY Kallnray t'oarlrted of Paying Rehates ta Detroit. NfcTV TORK. Oct. 17.-A verdict of guilty of granting rebates on sugar ship ments was returned by a Jury In the United Btatea court here today against' the New Tork Central Railway company and Frederick, K Pomeroy,' ths company's general trafflo manager. Sentence was de ferred Until Friday to permit the attor neys for the defense o file motions with the court. In discussing the jury's verdict Austlu O. Fox. counsel for the defendants, placed the responsibility for the convic- tlon of Ms clients upon public opinion, "You can't defend rebate cases In the present ntate of public opinion," said he. The orovUiioii of the Klkinn act. under , which the convictions are secured, the maximum penalty Is Mn.uOo a. the New l"rJ;?TivZinr'U'X d';fcn,'", Frederic U Pomeroy. are convicted by tho jury on all of the six counts charged In the Indictment, the total tine for each nn be ILV.KV. I i.ener rruni uwru i-anuer, manager of the traffic buslmsa of the Sugar Refining , , . . ompauy. to Mr Pomeroy. scknowledglug ! "" prvviom. It jrMrMioii ''lie receipt of drafts amounting to thou- t'll Knk! this year. TIiutsiImj. Or. sands of dollars, were admitted. It ia tvhrr Ih, is tho ttrl registration day. charged that these draft, represented the'.,,, ,.,,., lo volc psymeut of a relate of t cents per hundred - wlf ht on shipments of sugir to W. II ' ' udgrsvai j You Must Register. FRANCE TRIES TO SAVE SAILORS All Possible Ffforls Hclna Mad to Float atiimarlne Boat Be fore t rew Ulea. PA R I S. Oct. 17. A feeling of gloom pre vails at the ministry of marine here on ac count of the disaster to the French sub marine boat Dutln. which loft Bizet ta, Tunis, yesterday morning for plunging ex periments, having on board a crew of four teen men commanded by lieutenant Fhoc pon, and which was reported last night to hnve disappeared. The principal bore of floating the Iaitln In time to sve the lives of the imprisoned men seems to rest In the assistance from the Danish salvage ateamer Brrger Wllhelm, whlrh. happening to bo off Cape. Farina, wa Immediately summoned to aid In raising the Lutln. The Danish vessel possesses machinery capable of lifting 1.5O0 tons, but the submarine bout lies In thirty fathoms of water and It Is pointed out that the submarine bnnt Far- j ,n the question of currency reform. The fadet. which sank last summer In the same ' Kuhjnct was not entered Into today, how vicinity, but In only ten fathoms of water, j ever, being laid over for discussion tomor was nine days at the bottom, and when It ! row when the federal legislative committee was refloated all the crew were dead. Marine Minister Thomson has acted with the greatest promptness. After consult a - Hon with several nuvnl nfnrer he con-I Celved the nl n nf Irvine lo vet hravv 1 chains from the forts at Blxerta under the i hull of the I.utln and thus lifting It from I the bottom. But It Is feared that the tugs and other vase-Is on th- spot may not be equal to the task and th- marine minister. therefore, has ordered two jfowerful sal-j vsge vessels, the Polypheme and the Prom- J ad a I re. to start Immediately from Toulon to the scene of the disaster and asfist the salvagers already on the spot. Although no newa has been received from Vale.tte, It Is assumed that the nrltich nd- mlralty officials and tlx governor of Malta have responded to the appeal for assistance j c Vnn n,Hrcom of ,,, mpton comnilt sent from Blserta yesterday at the Instance. I trp Mng r0pOnnPd to bv Prealdent J. U of the British consul general at Mint port who suggested that the French resilient general telegraph to Malta for salvage as sistance. It became known today that the Lutln had on board two supplementary engineers j who had been detailed to watch the diving experiment, but It Is not definitely known I """"" y ",r '"cniueo in uie louneen i and hpr hu)Hnn, c. K. Batchelder. Is cab men which, as announced from Bixerta last ,.r of nr tKt night, went down In the submarine boat AfPr acusl,ne report, daV- rrJ(lllir under the command of IJeulenant Thoepon. , buplne was mlspondPd ,ate ,n the riRy KING OF ANNAM GOES CRAZY Aerial Story of Barbarity Told Frenchman ow In Asiatic Capital. MARS1CILLKS. France, Oct. 17. The mail advices which reached here from inao-Chtna brought another and more revolting story of doings of King Thanh- Thai of Annam, showing that he went to the extent of cannibalism. After killing he cooked and served for dinner, forcing hla entourage to cat It under naln of death. Some of the King's wives were bound and burned with burning oil and subjected to other cruelties, while linked women were thrown Into the csges of wild beasts where they were devoured before tho eyes of the king. Finally the French authori ties stepped In and made a prisoner of Thanh-Thai, who has been adjudged insane by Dr. Duma,, of the French col onial staff. ' , "The royal guard" has been. dlBhanded, the pa trice has been placed under tho protection of 100 native soldlera and tllo terror-stricken Inmates of the palace have been rescued from further suffering. The majority of tho latter were woiikmi who bore the marks of revolting tortures. Some of them were terribly mutilated, their faces being slashed and toliguos CUt out While Others hud been xuxnenrieri by pinchers to the fleshy pans of their legs, to increase their agonies. CASTELLANE SUIT POSTPONED Connsel for Ilasbaad Wants Cred itors' Case Tried First. PARIS. Oct. 17. The hearing of the suit for divorce brought by Countess de Castellane .against her husband, Count Boni, and the hearing of the suit brought by the creditors of the count, were both postponed for a fortnight today, counsel for the countess succeeding In having the court decide to hear the diorce suit before the creditors suit. .The count wanted to have the latter case decided tirst. Neither the count nor the countess was present In court when the divorce case was called. Maitre Bonnett of counsel for the count promptly entered a motion to post pone the hearing for three weeks on the ground that the lawyers had not had time to prepare an answer and also asked the court that the creditors' ease be tried first. Maitre Cruppl, representing the countess, opposed the motion, arguing that the di vorce case, which was not related to the creditors" suit, be tried Immediately. In any event, said MsJtre Cruppl, the delay asked for was unreasonable. After a short consultation, the . Judges, without leaving the bench, announced the postponement of both cases for a fort night, but with the order of trial un changed. JAPANESE WANT DAMAGES (Is nrrs of Shin Bearing seal Poachers Make Claim Asalnat lulled Mates. VICTORIA. IX C, Oct. 17.-Acordlng to advices from JsfVui, directors of the Tol Fishing company of Wakayama, owners I of the schooner Toyt Maru No. 2, which J had five men killed and twelve captured I when raiding the 8t. Paul rookery in Bering sea last July, have approached the Japanese government asking that a claim for damages be lodged with the American government On September 28 two directors visited the Japamse Foreign office and presented a claim to Viscount Hayashl, to be for warded to Washington. The foreign min ister said action would be deferred until I the report from the member of the Wash- i liigtnn legation seut to investigate had beeu made. This representative is enroute j back from Juneau. 1 - Register Tbday. I'tlt'r lo Vote at the roinin I., iUir lo Vole at the cominir elec. : lioi. a.i at subsequent prlm.rie. ; , , . 'er' ,'l,,,,r ,n '' uU South I Omalin mum appear ersoii!itl hcfiue : lh rt-iristration ixmrU lor his intiiiir ju,., .i ha.- ......i BANKERS ARE TALKING SHOP Indict tioo i fonvention Will Have Warm Debate on Proposed Beformi. PRESIDENT HAMILTON MAKES ADIRESS Head of Asportation f inds Much Good In Federal Officers, fcot He plores Sensational He ports of Failures. ST. MM IS. Oct. 17. The tlrst day s ses sion of the thirty-second annual" conven tion of the American Bankers' assoelatin was devoted almost entirely to the hearing of routine reports. There was one tluin during the day when the deliberations of the convention threatened to become extra ordinarily animated, and that was touching will lay beifore the convention an elatlc currency plan It has prepared. Currency reform Is snnurcntlv the kevnote and man! i,ir... i,a ..nt..i.,iAn n.i ma,,.. nlun ! ... ,,,.1-,,, .. , , liuvn 1, ,, n,.,.ni.j r ,,A ...v.,, fur nnn. : federation that confusion has resulted. Therefore It Is the unanimous opinion nf the delegates that tomorrow's session will be characterized bv warm discussion when the subject Is brought up. but cone-rvatlve j and Influential members feel certain that a plan of currency reform will be agreed upon before the convention Anally adjourn.. Addresses of Welcome. Addresses of welcome were made tod ly by Governor Folk, Presidnt D. R. Francis of the TruJixmississippl Commercial con gress. Mayor Holla Wells snd Chairman Hamilton of Hon peel on, III., who delivered his annual address. Mrs. U A. Batchelder of Flngal, X. I.. occupied a prominent position on the slaae today, being the only woman so honored, because hc Ik the only woman hank presl- j ,,,.nt ,,t,rndng the convention. She Is pres- ! Ident of the First National bank of Flngal i and the convention was addressed by Hon. Charles L. Fowler, chairman of the com mittee on banking and currency in the house of representatives, and Compiler of the Currency William B. Rldgeley. Owing to the lateness of the hour, at the conclusion of Comptroller Rldgeley's ad dress the proceedings of the convention were continued until tomorrow morning I at 1U o'clock. Report of Proceedings. The opening regular session of the thirty- ! ""nd annual convention of the American j ll,s '"""Una; In the Olympic theater by I'residont John L. Hamilton of Hoopeston. ' 1"- nnd not unt" this meeting was thrre a full realisation of the concourse of finan cial men of the country gathered In St. Ixiuis this week. The many . different meetings of various branches of the parent convention divided the attendance yextcrday Into groups, but today the full attendance of delegates wi.s centralised In. .the general . convention and the lower floor of the theater was filled. - Right Rev. Archbishop John J. Gletinon offered prayer, reciting simply the Lord's prayer. Hon. David R. Francis of St. Louis Je livtrcd tho opening address of welcome, followed by welcoming addresses from Governor Joseph W. Folk of Missouri, Mayor Rilla Wells of St. Louis and J. C. Vanblarcom, president of the National Bank of Commerce of St. Louis, who Is i thalrman of the reception committee. I Address by President. President John Hamilton replied to the welcome uccorded and delivered his an nual address, speaking ns follows: The examination of lKinks has been brought to the attention of (he public bv the recent I'tiilurex of both state and na tional iMtnklng institutions, and no sm;ill amount of blame has been attached to the management of these departments, ho'li state and national, hh It has been shown Ihey ttd" turns. The blame does not ret a holly with thos departments, but xhcoild be shared by the lawmakers. both state and natinnil. The! .ittentlon of congress and of thi stale Wis. i latures has been called, not only by the comptroller or tne currency and Hie man agemeiit of state bunking departments, but by the bankers Individual! v and through the different state associations, as well ax bv the American Bunkers' association, to the Jaet that there are not enough ex aminers to properly do the work. The press of the cnuntrv. in its enrerness for sensational news, makes too much of everv bank failure and alms by Its irti cles to make them as seuriitlonal ss pox hilile. When a report Is made of s failure the public Is led to believe that every dol lar of every depositor is lost and the enthe savings of thousands are swept awsy. This has led many to commit suicide and other acts of desperation, at the same time creat ing an unrest In the minds of the ptihlic. so that without reason, upon the slightest ru mor, runs have been stsrted iinn other Institutions. While we deplore the actions of and have no apology for bank wreckers, yet a great Injustice is done our perfectly sound and solvent Institutions through the press In its eagerness for sensationalism. flood atlenal officers. We do not realise our aood fnenme In Having ior inn neau 01 our government a president and secretary of the treasury mho are fearless men. of such good jurtc- ment and such sterling churncter. In ihe having for the head of our government a management of the financial affairs of ibis nation they have more than one saved Iby "the of public fund, at rTm"l , MlllCn. ! KVirifUIIK UllWl II1HI1 C Hill 'O nmirn iniiiun n. . u i . i .. aim ' v 1 1 1 ,- i ) - tlelpation of gold Imports. These hnve been timely moves and their authority by law has been seriously questioned, vet the con ditions have warranted their action and tne gentlemen have had the courage to mret the emergency. Tlieae emergencies hnve been brought about by the rapid growth and development of the country, audi year bringing with it new and greater demands upon our financial resources There is a limit to which our executives can go. A change of administration or a ch-uige of j policy would throw the country Into a se- rlous financial condition, and the continued growth and development, without new laws to meet our rapidly changing conditions, will sooner or later place us beyond the power of the treasury to aid us, and in an embarrassing condition by not having the proper banking laws, giving to us a sutll elenl elasticity of currency to at all times and nt all seasons of the year be sble to hsiidle and market the products of our country. President Hamilton recommended an en largement of the executive council of the association, the organisation of a clearing hou.-e section and the recognition of theau,t''d thpr business until im. when they National Institute of Bank Clerks by giving lit three representatives on the X'-ciitive council. j . j Reuort of secretary. Tlie annual report of Secretary James Franch of New York showed the f,.l. j Ummary: For ihne yesrs the work of the mw.,.. i , : live coiiiTniiiee na ueen conducted through me Kccreiei; n omce won a considerable reducuon t.f expei a for each member of ! , mjn-r. was shot snd killed last night and Ihe assoclsin. t onipared with the ex- . Mis. Aog-llne Boggs was sevceiv wounded lne of toW per member for tlie ycii t,y Jo, Kiaier In ihe Sunday Creek com ,?.hU",m""rr'.t WOrt u du" ' panv store at Kimbeilv. two u.llea Jouth side of the office of the tfSMiation the do. i-t-nne has been ss follows: !f el- per member; total decrease. (10,. riSn.'.n. (Continued on Sccvnd Puk.) FOR TROOPS Foil Rehlnson May He A fir lie Near Gillette. I'll K Y KXXK, Wyo.. Oct. 17-Ooveruor Brooks today telegraphed the Interior de partment asking for federal troops to aid In preserving order and to arrest and re move a band of I'lr Indiana now In the vicinity of Gillette, Wyo. The Indians were recently allotted lands In severalty 111 t'tah. which In effect made llinii cltUens outside the jurisdiction of the lndinn dcmrtment. The Indians be came dipsattsflcd with' their lands and started overland across Wyoming, to the annoyance of ranchmen, and complaint was made to the Interior department. Inspector Mclaughlin wan sent, and after parleying, induced alwut fifty of the Imnd to return to t'tah. The remainder refused to gi back and encamped near tllllette. Within the last few cays the Vidians, who have been drinking liquor, have defied the local au thorities and more serious comprint tin come from ranchmen and farmers. It la expected that troops will he sent from Fort Robinson, Neb., to round up the Indians, t nbout 2J0 Jn number. V ASIIINGTON Oct. 17. Replying to a telegram from Governor Brooks of Wyo- n,ln requesting thut federal troops be "Bt state ti. remove the renegade 1 1,1 In"ns. tary Hitchcock touuy the govern, r that the aPP"' "hm'M ",ad" prP" dPnt a"d . lhBl It should be In stril't compliance with ar ticle Iv, section 4. lf the constitution of the 1'niled States, guaranteeing the slut' a against violence, The governor states In his message that i the assistance of federal troops Is tleemed ! ne'syary because tl Indians are beyond the control of the state authorities. SOUTHERN VETERANS MOURN Mrs. Davis' Death Severs All tint One Tie vrltN Confederate v President. MOBILE. Ala.. Oct. 17.-William K. Mickell, adjutant general and chl. f ef staff of the 1'nlted Confederate Veterans, has Issued a general order announcing the death of Mrs. JeffTson Iavls. The order, In part, says: With a heart full of grief, the general commander announces to his beloved com rades the death of Mrs. Varlnn (Jefferson) IiavlH, which occurred In the city of New York Tuesday night, she hi'liiK at the time fe. T, confederate, and the bonds which con- nected the neoule of the south with th household of our first and only president have been wholly severed, with the excep tion of one link vet remaining. NEW YORK, Oct. 17.-The body of Mrs. Jefferson Davis will be taken to Richmond Thursday nlgtil. It will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Addison Hayes, Jefferson Davis Hayes and Dr.fWebb, nil of tho Im mediate family. A giiard of honor of con federate veterans w! to Richmond. Dam eracy will be includi uccoinpany the body iters of the Confcd- ln the party. RICHMOND, Va.. l t. 17.-The funeral of Mrs. Jefferson Davh4 will take place from St. Paul's church, khlch Mr. Davis at tended while presliU st of the confederacy. Confederate veterans from all over Vir ginia will be present nt the .funeral. The Interment will lie tn Hollywood cemetery, .where her busband'frVAinffui -Iksi DR. BROUWER IS . ACQUITTED e Jersey Men Found Sot Utility of Wife Mnrdrr After Seusn-. tlonal Trial. TOMS RIVKR. N. J , Oct. 17.-After a t rln I lasting about ten dnys, Dr. Frank L. Brouwer, Indicted for the murder of bis wife by poison, was acquitted today. The evidence was all In yesterday and today the arguments were made, followed by the jtidge'a charges. The Jury brought -In a verdict of "not guilty" Inside of an hour. The court room was crowded when Judge Hcndrlckson ascended the lieneh to hear the finding. Dr. Rrouwcr was brought in looking pule. but showing little slens of nervounexs. The Jurv then filed into the box and the lr la veidict. Ho promptly replied: "We lind a vi rdlct of not guilty." i.1t,,ntiv the court room wax in an un- Jl"'tan,lr l"' tourl '""N' 111 " "P- roar. Men and women cheered and ap- ! plauded In spite of the lapping for older and the court officers had difficulty in up presslng the noiHC. Finally when quiet was restored Dr. Brouwer was formally discharged. DEATH RECORD. Charles W. Fletcher. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 17 tSpecial Tele grim. V-Charles W. Fletcher, ex-mayor of Sioux City and a prominent retired busi ness man. died at his home here today of Fright's disease. He was 77 years old. Mr. Fletcher wa a veteran of the civil war. He WYOMING oldlrr at Seat asks was married twice, his second marriage In- tlon was taken on the advice of her law volvlng a pretty romance, which culmi- yers and County Attorney Hess did not nut.d iu Minneapolis three years ago. At press the matter and Ins it that she tes the outbreak of the civil war he was en- j tit'y. gaged to Miss Annie Rich, a girl in his The witnesses who ie ' examined were llolnc town in .ew nampsnire. i ne war 'prevented their marriage. While he was ' pievemeu irit-ir mi rutac w j mm the army, Mr. Fletcher , . , , . i u, "antw nHl1 become engage learned that gaged to another 'man. This influenced him to come west. ! w,PrP ne fell In love with and married notner girl' T,1' Unl"11 laf"1 for '! years. Borne time after tho death of his first wife Mr. Fletcher happened to meet his old sweetheart, who had become a widow. In Minneapolis, The old love was revived and though they were both ad vanced In years they were married In 19W3. Ills wife survives him. Funeral of W. ti. Penlston. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Oct. 17.-(Spe-rlal.) The funesl of W. 8. Penlston. who died Sunday morning, was held from the family residence at 2:30 this afternoon un der high rank. The deceased was born In Yorkshire, England. November 50, 1I&4, and when a boy came with the family to Que- bee. In 18) he and A. J. Miller established pred Joehrendt. husband of the woman a store and half-way house on the overland ! who rents the rooms at 514 West Broad tratl at what Is now Willow Island. Their ; wv testified as lo the nosition of the success was Interrupted by the Indians go- ing on tne warpam ana tney were com- pelled to flee for their lives. When the outbreak ceased they returned and con - moved to this city and erected a store i building here. They reached here Just a little ahead of the t inon aclflc track. layers who laid the rails In the fall of AJver thirty years ago he wss ap- pointed lulled Mates commissioner un.i held the office consecutively. Murder In to. NELSON VILI.K. O . Oct. 17.-Iia Donley, r,t j.r.. Krus. r is under arit on ' i ..c I. I 1 1 1 kiander. who was purchusing suppllee w hen ) the shooting occurred. Donley and Prazt-r kiander. who was purchasing suppllee when renewed au old quarrel and U shooting ll-llowcii . , , . w GIRL ON VERGE OF COLLAPSE Emma lipkie, Held for Murder of Cot sort, in Pitiful Ilir.hU CHIEF SAYS IF GUILTY SHE WILL TELL1T He la I nrrrtaln W bether Potts Was Kilted or "elf or This Girl of Seventeen Years. Wednesday afternoon Chief of Police Donahue went to Council Bluffs relative to tb,o recent death of Frank K. Potts under rather peculiar circumstances. Vpon his return the chief was unable to say whether It was a case of suicide or mur der. He viewed the body of the man and also had a lengthy Interview with Rlpke, who is held on the charge of mur der at the jail. Chief Donahue Mid: "Miss Rlpke told me her version of th affalrVand I am not prepared" to express an opinion as to whether Potts was mur dered or not. Miss Rlpke told a ve;y rambling story and Is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She Is In very delicate health, and I am convinced that If she did. In fact, murder young Potts she will surely confess within the next few days. She said she was sleeping with Potts In their room where they had been living together and that the noise of a revolver shot awakened her. She then asked Potts what was the matter and received no an swer, after which she left the room and Immediately notified the landlord, who called the physician. It Is a very plauslbh? story and may be true. She denies abso lutely ever having touched the revolver and said she would not know how to use It. Once Attempted Snlclde. "I have known Potts for the last three years and he comes of a very well-to-do family in Philadelphia. He came to Omaha at the time of the Union Pacltic strike In 19n'. and was given employment for a Rhort time, but the work proved too heavy for him and he resigned, and, because of his Inability to secure employ ment, attempted to commit suicide. Ho bought a revolver and went to a room In the Karbach hotel snd tried to kill him self, but the revolver refused to work. The same evening he spent his last few cents to obtain laudanum, went to tha Merchants' hotej and took the dose, which proved to be an excessive quantity and only caused him to become very 111. Tho next morning he came to my otflec and told me of his attempts at ending his llfo and said he had suffered 100 deaths tho night before, but I persuaded him to give up his thoughts of suicide and seek other employment. I also gave htm 12 with which to buy food, and the next day gave him S2 more. A few days after wards he came to my office and told mo he had obtained employment with the Western Union Telegraph company." Potts Confided la Chief. Potts evidently considered Chief Dona hue as his benefactor and he went fre quently to his office and talked over his affairs with the chief. Iater Potts ob tained employment with the Burlington iu the auditing department. Chief Dona huo had not seen him for several months, hot - bar -talren- a deep- -interest - tn . Hie case.';-" . It appears that Potts and MIhs Rlpke met on a train coming to Omaha, where the girl was coming to be married to another man, but Instead went with Potts, and they have been living together prac tically ever since. The. last timeChief Donahue saw them was when they curno together to his office and told him they were going to be married the next day. but evidently failed to cany out their agreement. Miss Rlpke has sent word of her predi cament to an uncle living at Spokane, Wash., as her father and mother ha separated. Her family lived for many years In Hanover, Kan., and It Is believed her father also Is living In Spokane. Chief J Donahue said, contrary to the general be- lief. Miss Rlpke is not yet u years orjMar,n, v,. preldetit. Churdan. Ia.; C. K. age, although she Is an unusually large Marvin. Payne's Depot. Ky.. and George woman for that age. Yerdlet of the Jury. That the d ceased, Frank Potts, came lo hi.H aeitn irom a guuxiioi wound nred irom a tweniy-two-coiiuer revolt rr. v'e are uuabie to determine Dy wnom tne shot un hut wi! ri-eumiiifial liiat culuiilii Hlpkie be held to await the Investigation oi tiu grand jury. Such was the verdict of the coroner's Jury at the Inquest held Wednesday morn- lug In Council Blults to Inquire into tuo j f.rcuniHlances surrounding the dtath of j Frank K. Potts. The jury contested of Frank J. Capell, foreman; Lee Albert! and Theodore Gulttar. No new evidence was adduced at the in quest other than that which has been given in the columns or The Bee. Kmma IUpklc, whom the Jury recommended be held for the action of the grand Jury, was not placed on the witness stand. This ac- Dr. smitn Bellinger, nr. ana jwrs. joeu- ' rendt. with whom Potts and Emma Rlpkia ; roomed; Sheriff Bowman, Deputy Sheriff , J Woolman. Undertaker Cutler, who was the ! first pirson to suspect tnst all was not right regarding the death of Potts; Detec- Callahsn and Henry O'Hara. friend of the dead man, who lives In Omaha, O'Hara. who had been a roommate of the dead man at I'ilo Chhs street, Omaha, and had worked with him In the Burling ton headquarters, testified that in his opinion there whs no love lost between Potts and the woman he was living with and that In fact Potts displayed a feeling of aversion to the woman when speaklnz of her. When Potts' revolver was found, I It was noticed that one chamber was empty, while another contained the shell of a discharged cartridge. The witness accounted for the empty chamber by say ing that Potts some time ago fired at a ! ru. i ,iead man when he entered the room aft.v Kmma Rlpkle had called at their room and ' imj them her husband was very 111. He . Buid the man s right arm was outside the rover, which was pulled up to within ' a few Inches of his chin. The position of 1 the cover was brought out In examination to show that It could not have lsen so '. tilaced by the n an after he had shot him- self. If he had done an. Potts Was Hard III. That Potts was financially embarrassej lis shown by a statement of his liabilities : found among bis effects. This statement shows that he had debts aggregating close , upon l-'luu and that he had borrowed t"i I on his tioO life Insurance policy in the Penn Mutual company. C....IHV lllnrniit.' 1 1 li.isl i.i.nih.. imgthy talk i i.mthv ,alk will, Emma Rlnkle v-stfnW i ' i (Cuutluued on Second I'agc.) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Thnrsday, Preceded fcr Rata and Cooler la Rast Porllon. Friday- Fair. Tern nr rat a re at Omaha Yesterdsrt Hoar. Ilea. Hoar. Ilea. A a. an rig, 1 sn H a. at M B n. m ...... T a. m nn . II . M.i,,.. IW a. at IV.1 4 . m U1 t a. m ST ft a. sa l 1 a. ni Ml M n. as M II a. m nn . T . m....,.'KH IS nt HO M a. an as) v. as KM OIL CASE GOES TO THE JURY Trial at Fladlay, Ohio, Closed After Day of Arrlmonlons Araaatent hr Coanael. FINDLAV. O., Oct. 17-After a trial of seven days the fate of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio, chnrged with conspiracy against trade, was placed In the hands of the jury at tonight. The day's pro ceedings were the most strenuous of the trial. The heavy speeches on both sides were made. Virgil P. Kline concluded for the defense and Attorney General Kills for the prosecution. The defense submitted fourteen points of law for Incorporation In the charge of the court to the Jury, alt but two of which were rejected. Judge Banker then read his elaborate charge and the Jury retired to deliberate. The tension between counsel on either ride, which has been on the Increase as the case progressed, reached the break ing point today aud hot words of criti cism were passed, the crowded court room became demonstrative for the flrst time anil the court sternly rebuked all con cerned. The collision resulted from the receipt of a telegram' by the attorney general stating that the Manlinttun Oil company had today sold out to the Standard for $2.0uO.O0. This whs declared by the defense as a trick to Inlluence the Jury. The prose cutlun retorted that the matter would never have reached the Jury had not Mr. Kline, who made the charge, mentioned the matter In court. The Incident closed by a severe admonition from the court. The jury-was told not to regard the matter. MRS. THAW NOT ALARMED Has n Fear of Being Indicted vtlth Husband for White's Uenth. NEW YORK. Oct. 17. Mrs. Harry K. Thaw said today that she is not in the least worried by the Intimation made by District Attorney Jerome yesterday that another person In addition to Harry Thaw may be Indicted for the murder of Stan ford White. A. B. Penbody of counsel for Thaw said: "Thaw was a little alarmed until Mr. Har'tridge, his attorney, called upon him, but he knew that the facts In the couldn't possibly warrant the Indictment of another person. We have positive in formation that Mrs. Harry Thaw did not purchase the revolver with which Stanford White was killed." Mr. . Hnrtrldgo said District Attorney Jerome's Insinuation was made "In order to divert public attention from the real points at Issue, towlU the fact that the dixtrlct attoney of New Tork county had fbeen nainar Trtegiil 'method, w-4irH n man charged with murder dt "tf$"XHffl&f rights under our laws." v.'' ROW AMONG CATTLE BREEDERS "v. One Faction of A berdeen-Anan t-latlon tilven Injunction to Pre vent Their Expulsion. CHICAGO. Oct. 17. Judge Brentano today Issued an Injunction restraining L. H. Ker rlck and four other directors of Mie Ameri can Aberdeen-Angus , Breeders' association from taking advantage of what Is alleged to lie an unfair majority In the directorate and thereby ousting th remaining four directors. The complainants are President j jonn g. Goodwin of Napervllle, 111.; C. J. Kitchen, jr., of Gower, Ia. These officials charge that th;' have been Informed that It Is the Intention of the five defendants to be present at a meeting which was to have been held todav, and to expel the pe titioners, who claim to have invested t.'50.. j trno In Angus-Aberdeen cattle. They allege thai their property would be worthless ir j they were expelled. The defendants were J. H. Kerrtck. Hloomlngton, ill.; w. A Mcilcnry. Deiilson, la.; George Stevenson, Jr., Watervllle, Kan ; K. T. Davis. Iowa City, I a., and O. K. Bradfnte, Xenia, O. FIVE DEAD. HUNDRED HURT Explosion of (Gasoline Wrecks Large Store Hnlldlna at Fort Recovery, Ohio. CKLINA, O., Oct. 17. Five persons were killed snd about a hundred Injured by a gasoline explosion in the M'ilKTding dry goods and hatdware store at Fort Recov ery In this county at noon, today. Tho dead: MIJ8 CLF.O WKIS. aged il years. HENRY LAMMKR. uged a years. JOSEPH RoKSNKR. aged 4i years. CHARLES WAGNER, sged to years; all emploves of Meinerdlngs. I'N IDENTIFIED MAN, traveling sales, man missing. The most seriously Injured are: John McMuller. leg almost torn from bodv; cannot live. Mrs. John McMuller, badly cut on right s'de. D. Kidder, Salamonla, Intl.. leg broken. Henry Claughman. body badly bruised. MRS.' MYERS FILES APPEAL Attorneys for Missouri Woman Irs tenred to Hang Appear Before Federal Supreme Court. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Attorneys for Mrs. Aggie Meyers, under sentence of death In Missouri, today applied to Justice Brewer of the supreme court of the 1'nlted States for a writ of error, the supreme court of Missouri having recently denied the woman's application for a writ of error to the federal supreme court. No decision was given iy Justice Brewer today. Register Today. In order lo vote at the coining rlex- (iou and at sulx-Kqueul piiinarles, rTerjr elector in Omaha and South Omaha must apprar personally before I ho registration hoard for his voting; district and have his name proerly enrolled. Xo previous regWtrattton hold good lhi year. Thursdiry, Oc. tober 18. I the first registration day. In order to vote You Must Register. FIGHT FOR RAILROAD Liielj Timet it Atnoel kfeetiic ef thi ' Illieoie Centrtl. FISH AND HARRIMAN INTERESTS CLASI- Former Acoaiei Letter ef Trying to Tie Lite to TjTaioi Ftoifio. INSISTS ' ON ;RCMAIMNG INDEPLNDENT Votei Fract etlly All of tbe Tttci foi - Director of Hit Choioe. HARRiMAN PROXIES ARE CAST BY HIM William elsua Cronmell Arrusea Fish nf Rresklna Faith aad Insist, llarrlman "till Has - Control of Board. CHICAGO. Oct. 17 The fight for the con trcl of the Illinois Central Huilread com pany waxed hot toilny. Stuyvrsant Fish, president or the load, and William Nelson Cromwell, representing E. II. Ilnrrliiian, president of the I'tilon nnd Southern Pu rine, clashed openly befoin :S0 stockholders who had come from various parts of the country to attend the meeting. On the face of the record Mr. Fish appears to have been the victor, but thst the result H not a fin nl one Is Insinuated by Mr. Cromwell. The representative of Mr. llarrlman said: "Of a directory of thirteen people there are still seven members who have placed themselves on recoi-d In opposition t Mr. Fish In this contest. There will be a meet ing of the board, probably In November. This board will elect the officers of the railroad. You can draw your own conclu sions." The clash bHween Mensrs. llarrlman and Fish was waged over nn agreement dated July 27, 1HHC, snd signed by ' Sluyvcxant Fish, Charles A. pen body iiu.l K. II. Hsirrl ninn. In June Mr. Fish hail begun the col. lection of proxies for general use at the meeting held today. He statis an effort was also made by llarrlman to get proxies through Kuhn. Loch . Co. On July 18 Mr. pcaboily Introduced a resolu tion at n meeting of the board of dlrectoig that a committee of the directory be ap pointed to collect proxies. However, on July 27 Messrs. Fish, Penbody and llarrl man entered Into on agreement as follows: Three out-going director to be re-elected; Mr. Orltincll s successor to be selected bv majority of the aeveral directors act Inn; Mr. Pea body's resolution of July Id to be withdrawn nnd not to be revived this vesr; Mr. llarrlman will ask the Harrlman-Kuhn-laieb proxies be given to Mr. Fish. statements of Rivals. W. Morton Orlnnell, a member of the board of directors, hud died during the year. Mr. Fish asserts that the llarrlman Taction agreed that Mr. Urlnnell's succes sor should be a man whose presence In Ihe directory would not be Inimical to the ln deiKindrnce of the Illinois Central and would be acceptable to Mr. Fish, llemy De Forest, a director of the Southern P.i clrie, of which Mr. Hariiman Is president, and one of counsel for Mr. Harriman. was eimied-in-w- jtrJUUs stgned'tir Vf.rTtwl- -DpKyrfR.'nJa-.other iretor toVuocoed tr, Urfnnell.. Uy reason of his Southern Pac.iflo ' affiliations Mr. De Forest was not accepta ble to . Mr. Fish. Mr. Cromwell declares that under the agreement Mr, Fish was bound to accept Mr. De Forest and to cast both his own and the Harriman proxies for him. V,4 - At today's 'meeting Mr. Fish, after for mally being called upon by Mr.1 Cromwell to east the prox'IVy In favor of De Forest, aroso and declared wlt$. great' emphasis: I will never under any circumstances vote for Mr. De Forest."- -'. Mr. Fish thereupon placed James Dcwltt Cutting of New York In nomination. He then cast a total of tiia.'tG rhAres for Out. ting. Mr. Cromwell as a matter of record voted 2,100 shares against Cutting and later cast them for De Forest, who he had placed iu nomination. Mr. Cutting was thereupon declared formally elected to fill out the unexpired term of Mr. Orlnnell. which Is two years. Charles M. Beach, J. T. llara lmii and Cornelius Vandehllt, whose terms had expired, were re-electetl without oppo sition. Mr. Fish guve his proxies to Mr. Huralian despite the fact that the latter hiul signed the Harrlmnn petition In favor of De Forest Just 'before the meeting. Position of Fish. At 10 .o'clock this morning a perfunctory meeting of the board of directors was held at which it was stated only routine busi ness was transacted. At noon the stock holders' meeting was called to order by Mr. Fish amidst' expectant silence. Mr. Fish stated his side of the controversy In a prepured statement, which was in part as follows: For the firs! time 1 am called upon In behalf of Ihe stockholders to withstand a forcible and organised effort to change th policy of the company snd In the Interest of less than one-llfth of ihe ptock to turn il over to those who control another rail road system. For a year or more past It has been a matter of public notoriety that those connected with the management of tlie I'nlon I'liclllc system of railroads have been pun -busing share of the Illinois Cen tral Railroad company In large amount. During Ihe month of June a.t I sent out. as has been my rustoni for many years punt, notices lo each and every stockholder of record of Ihe time and place of lit annual meeting, with a request for a proxy, for which form of proxy 1 this year, for the reasons above stated, omit ted the name of Mr. K. If. llarrlman, presi dent ot the I'nton Pacillc Railroad com pany. Mr. Fish then went on tell of the di rectors' meeting of July 18, at .vhlch Mr. peabody offered his resolution that a com mitter consisting of Messrs. Astor, Auchcip.ios, Uoelet. I.uttgen and Van derbllt be appointed to collect proxies for the next meeting and the committee Ig) have discretion to consult counsel on any j legal questions that might arise. I This forced inn to lay before the dl- rectors then present In pluln terms thut Mr. Peabody' a motion Hppcured J be an i attempt by such of the directors as were i also directors of the I'nlon Pui-iflo lo turn the control of the Illinois Central .over to the control of those controlling the former company. As Is well known, ! tlie directors of I lie Illinois Central eom ' pany, who are also directors of the 1'nl.iii ' Pacific company, are K. 11. Hariiman. Charles A. J'eal.ody and Robert Walton Ifoelet. each of w lioin way present at suhl meeting, the total at t-liflan. e at which consisted of seMi directors, including mvself. In view of tlie la, k of noti I and Ihe sinalliiess or the atlendance t then stateii to Hie board that 1 saw through toe proposition as plainly a through a pane of glass, und. being un willtug to be a paity to It, would loavo the meeting and break the quorum, which 1 then did. Mr. Fish having concluded his state ment, Mr. Cromwell then presented written demand that Mr. Fish vote hie own stock and the proxies In his PO session for Mr. DtFore.M. The Issue thus being squarely drawn heih"r Mr. Ftsli was still bound be" the agreement or whether It Had beer) previously nullified by the action of Mna lianimuu and Mr. IVaboiey Ma,