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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
THF. OMAHA .SUNDAY BKK: (JCTOBEIl 14, 1906. T MEWS Mm MM Exclusive Creations in Ladies Sartorial Finery Selected Abroad by Our Own Buyers Expressly for This Event and -Shown Jor the First Time Monday. Mi nnrmrirt ii t iiirwicv r Ir, Jn, Trk Iff Tr WFfl (TTS I j p a m a p l 0TsHIi Horse Show, Omahxs most brilliant fashion event, calls forth exceptional achievements in Omaha s style center. Our corps of six buyers, who - spent .last summer abroad, were instructed to select in Paris and other centers of fashion, the most superb creations from foreign designers. This personally selected apparel correctly portrays the most elaborate and artistic tejidencies of French style. tidies . (DmstiDfgs -flsranrag (wiIlyr7 Crnts & Wir&pg Fy looses -Hiterei SsSinfrs -'toH(E Starts hWmsh Exclusive models of many master designers are shown in this assemblage. Our buyers chose those cos tumes and wraps which displayed the most exquisite style and hand workmanship. Worth ;Paquin Ch. Drecoll Francis Perdeau Felise Poret :CoIIet Sauers Redfern Mauritz Mayer Ignace- Turbeaux Voytot et Cie S. Blum Gerson et Cie and other designing artists are represented Among the gowns we shoto hand painted chiffons with crystal pendant trimmings, black and. whit lacts and chiffons with opalscent trim i.ungs; Chiffon Velvet Empires iviih real lace; black and white striped Marquisette with lace; all plain black lane Princesses, scores of other ideas. Evening Coats show several Plaucn lace' over chiffon, all black heavy lace with pleated chiffon; Bordeaux Colored Broadcloth with Faille cilk lining and hand embroidered champagne colored Crepe de Chines. Opera Coats range from $49 to $200 Evening and Reception Gowns from $65 to $250 Some Special Gowns in dainty and stunning styb, from $25 to $45 Opera Coats in white broadcloth, from $25 to $50 : LYELY IPAPU SIAM M fl LL I INI E HY Only the French can achieve such a brilliant note in color harmony as these models reveal. The hats are elaborate in the beauty that the Paris milliners bring out in their led chapSaux. Ostrich plum. I hats lead in favor and the grace 11 o f the long feathers was never so marked in millinery. Brandeis' own buyers chow each model with care ,A number of II the mst elegant designs from New York style authors .are shown. We mention a great variety of elenant horse show hats at Those , charming French mar about and feather b o a s are shown at Brandeis in splendid arlety. YALE WINS FROM IIOLY CROSS Com of Eli Sec re recisive Victor Crtr Boys fiom Worcester. USABLE TO S0LV DEFENSE OF BLUES Content Is Frff from lloashnesa iiuii Ahoindi In rnnllnK nnil Knil Rnna Yale Play la Fast nil Snappy. KBW HAVEN. Conn.. (ct. ll.-Yale won decisive victory over tho ITolv Cross foot ball eleven here today. 17 to 0. The con ter was free from roughness and abounded hr punting and end runs. Holy Cross ni unable' te solve Yale's defense, and f.l thounh frequenilv within striking Ultame wfiired this advnntage on fumhlra by V.i Ifaio backa. The home team arored one tojiihdown tn the flrat lialf and two In the aecond. Knox. IMmi.a and Korbea pluvod brl'llantly for Yale. J3ly Crona wfl elow In retting on plays and tried the forward paia aeldom. depend ng almoat entirely on the punting ability of their fullback. Yale'a play wiu f:ist and pnapp. , Yale used six aubitlttttea nnd Hely Croas one during the ?i-ond half. In the flrat Hill Yale took six minims to cross the vlattora' roal line. Ali-ott r? covered a fumble on the thhty-yar.1 line anl. sprinted the remainder of the dlstnnrc lui- a touchdown. Knox kicked the jfo:il. Yi' riulckly added alx points after the :'ocnd opened and lati-r mad'! another touchdown. m:.i eth i ti iitMMiK is niM:u AHrAe Make at. F'rlead ( narstaa. Meet tiocs to Mlaarnpolta lloa. I HIKND. Neb.. Oct. 13.-1 ei tiU Tele- uium.) the wetlir has not been So ixi f e i today for racing, but there have !. n l.c iier nogs' and straps lunvs. Willi an en t , .elastic crowd, which has made the .poit I,-. The last round of the all-age stuke ; i a. follows: . (hail Allen beat 81. I'.iUte, 5 to 1: 8. S. I t tt . yueeti Husliman,' s in T; Ponieihln ) jiulaonie leat Ijtrty Whltehiit. 6 to f. . ntneiclal Hoy heat'Hilght C'lalr. o to 6. I I the aeml-ilnals 8. B. heat Kthiui All. u, it)?; Humetlilug ilanosomc bent t'onuiu r . os JJoy, li t. i ,th tlnuls 8mnhing liandsome K .4., 7 to 4. ' iiniclhiiig Handsome, who wins the Bll 1 1 1 e siake. i msned by Handy & WU i . as, of Mlnneanolla. Minn. ..i the consul. ninn stake Rev. McHonald li. at Wlrd of Olaflon. 7 to 2; Moulder btat t:an on tho Hridge. a to 0; Young Kitw .rJ brl Rowc's Valentine, to 0; The 1'eil r l l'lxrl Hrliulle, 7 to i: Manima's Hum ls"tt Mystic Max. 7 to 5: Border's Valen il.t ran a bye on account or Null In rit. I lir being. drawn; First Section beat My I . mile, s to a; (jtiirk Heels Ix-ut Nii(jfrii'a )itlne. U to . thhe set-oud round Rev. McDonald tvat Puulder, 6 to 0: Viung Kdward beat The eiler. i to I; lltiiimi'i Bum beat llorder'a ilentlne, tn w: First Section beat Quick 1 -els,- 4 to I. n tiie seml-finala Young KdWard tieat 1 ev. McDorvald. ft to 5; Mamma's Hum beat I rat Beet Ion. 7 to t. n the finals Mamma's Bum beat Young 1 dward. 6 to 1 '.annua' a Bum. who wins the consolation ' ke, la owned by Misconi Mrotlieis of I nver. This Closes one of the moat successful i - aitngs ever held In the middle west. I'd fOt RSITtG MKKT AT AH4.PAIIUI: ?lskrat llna for iortlMK K.teut TUere Koar llaa. VrapaliJ la planning big for the couis- rg meet a hlvh will be ) d In that t.iwo -lober 44 to 1. lursing das taken a S ' wg hold en the sportkineii of the west d several large evenia have been held I Tely, ,but Arapahoe promises to provide I -banii-r nie.t Two grade stskos have I. n added, which will attract owners i . all svcUuus tn the tuuuU), tit all' imw Beautiful Long Gloves in Black White and Delicate Pastel Shades Expressly Imported Ladies' Furnishings, Jewelry and Bijouterie, Belts and Purses, Silk Hosiery, Daintiest Horse Shoto Novelties selected especially fr this greatest of all fashion events in Omaha. agn or free-for-all stake, which calla for 1)0 entrance fe and $350 added mutiny, and the National Derby, which talis tor 10 entrance fte with loO added money. From present iudicationu there will be over eighty atartera In thin event. The secretary of the club In a personal letter to the sporting editor of The Hee says: "This coursing inert, without doubt, will be the as to entries, quality of dogs and Intel it to results, ever held ill the state, or even the l ulled Stites. All the I'ritnd entries me to be here, mid also many from Hot Hprlngs. R. 1). owing to tlielr meetings, liotli being held this week, there Is naturally a rivalry, Araimhoe will be the competitive point to determine supr-mucy. Owing lo our havinc the finest course to he found anywhere on eurth. perfectly level, buffalo sod. and well e(iulied in every respect, dug fanch i s, br-edcrs and owners, all unite and wl'.l make this a test meeting us to relatlv. alue of dugs, ability, speed, etc. Liberal additions of added money have been made to purais by contributions from our citi zens, and this meet is In no wise a money making event. There will not he any at tempt to do so. ns to prices for board, lodging or entertainment as our rlticens ha one and h II nlaeed their extra rooms at the disposal of 'the club for guests at a uniform price. There will be. as usual, hotels. cafes. and. in addition. the churches and societies, wlih additional places, to appease on'a snpetlte." WITH THK IKIWIKK". l)etnllel work of teams In the Omaha rtowIlnB league: P.O. Strikes. Bors. Splits. K. Rtorg Blues..... Onimoda Krug Parks.... O. U. K s Metz Hros t'udnhya Hamlltotis Iielx Athletics .911 LM5 ! 4 ,9M ' 14s :I4 K : . ?M T-t" 73 64 .I4 21K 2! 12 57 ,Ct 140 1!: 11 3 .8".l M 2 71 T : ZtA : '' M .SiiO W 23'! HF lui For th Stors monthly prise ' Anderson leads with h total of W for three g.rue. I i 21 Is stid the best single league game. Following aie the Individual avenges: Okitii. Av. Urns. G: o. Fmaotroo. . i os TeiiiimAU J KnecH ;i Forwiai t N'hk t: y t miii i r. J FrsMctn-e .. Itw M rolos Anfleraou t.' Iwjnnn S stiold.m 11. Mii'll 12 Vnhnflm ! ihvKrtiah K -hru ....i; mr, wmianu. I'.' li.ikr v: wh l. itee i: lienyvl a Oraai&n H lirl .12 IV B!fckT.y' ft fprJKC ( 15.1 Wlir 8 Pli-kmng li rrnrh t Maiblr l:' lKJ('hmlln i; -'llu.,-h-r U lIVMr 4 Xlmmti mm . - ,40ri(r,tlli Mel'aiii 9 .Ui Kaiichsr ' 1' HUnii.(luu Iv; Tracy Jhi,on II lsrihn(llr 1J l.'snlry ujiiordy A. '. lirrtl lTliBtliler II Norm I. T Holt lunrail ..' ft Welly n llrunka .-.... KHHudhr. I 2r i7Caiierao4 ' i iZ 171 I in liu 150 lt ! Ki :' 1.J 1..4 Ul I. v. 141 tit Coinniervlal HonllaaT l.eagae. flayed. W. U V C. I'lne. Fulhtiiffs 7 2 .777 T.7'-l Oin. Hii-ycle Co.. 7 i .777 7.IM Colts y k s 7.e'J Oold Teps It & 4 .i.V 7.ll lllaik Kals M ft 4 .5a" Armours .1 3 .no I. Spa Ufe Malls ! " I 5 .444 7,St! Fl I'audllloH f 4 4 .141 tliMI !ailv Nens i I 5 .1. 4.4 1). J. O Hri-iis... ii ! .imo H.;Si9 ti hedule for this week: Monday Om. Ricvile o. vs. Daily News. Tuesday Ai mours "a. ilold Tops Wednesday. -Kl I'audillos vs tolls. Thursday li-o Malts v. Hleeii Kuts. Fridays I'wlstaffa vs. o Hrlepa. Following are the Individual avtrscee 0f the Commercial league. 0a. A. lilDM. Av Brr 9 la.:iultoi lUrikeeh 1"4 lllnrl. lit ll carman v 1.-Pulomaa ft 1:9 Kol I'.l MrU t Jay 9 I7i Drlnhwatar t la4 Kla k t Hi Ntlacm 4 ln Jud I i;:Saamaa Iw l.ifiia I 171 Voa lit lhin.nq ITSPawlla 4 10 T s-rseahorai v i.aurntt Kl.a k ! 4 la .'Jahuaar a l,.l Hunlav 1. Hull lu l-oliar ft M'leie t Mat l.H Wau a lit roly i. Haa-ia ft liu Suna 4 1:4 ell:ua 4 16 W alia J 1.1 friimau t lu farnxlea t J I'aualdaa 141 1 niola ft lift Lmaroie li l Paiieraoa 4 144 Different This Tear. year the playeia In the cliau.tiou- t ship games got way the best of the deal w m 1 ! t1 n.,i.H:im,wj.w.' g an n i iuii ' with the mugnates In the division of money from the championshp games. The players get 75 iter cent of the receipts from t lie first four games. I-at year the players Sot most of the money becntisi! the eeiirs only went"- to rive Kaine. Tills year cold weather lias kept tie- attendance down In the games In which the players et the major portion ami the magnates will get the long end fnon the latter games played In better weather. A ntotiiohlie ocs. 11. fc Frcdrlckson sold N. .1. Martinson. Mead. Neb., a l!f7 Hoick touring car the curly part of tho week. Mr. fcSlatcv of Minden, Neb., purchased a. Hulck touring car during the carnival and drove the same home. I .h ri' (iundrrson, Minden. and Charles Pack. Columbus, each purcha'd a Hulck touring ear of H. K. f'Yedrlekson during tiie cat nival. Charles V. Sliowalter, for the past two years in charge of the rental IiukIiics of one of Omaha's garages, last week pur chnsfd a Ituick touring car. l,nsl Saturday Judge K. M. Coffin, presi dent of tiie National Mutual Fire insur ance company, the head office ()f which l In (.inialia. pun-bused a 1!i7 Buick tour ing car from II. K. Fredrickson. 1 Hiring carnival week two Humbler tour ing cars were delivered from the sales room here, one going to IT. 8. Buller of Henderson. Neb., ami one to Dr. f'avls of Monroe. Neh. In both Instances the cars w re driven to their respective destina tions. On October 19 the Rambler Automobile company of Omaha declared a dividend to their stockholders of Sh.Cuu. being the aec ond one declared in the paBt two years The season Just closed has been a most pst Isfaetory one, and the outlook for next year promises lo surpass It SO' per cent. A choice slice i.f Missouri territory has been added to the already large li"ld for next weaHoti, and with the new line of .Rambler r.iaelil'us the prosiiects are. In deed, rosy fi.' a good year. The local nitinigemetit of th" Rambler Automobile company suys: "We will be pardoned for the very natural elation we are now enjoying, owing to the supremacy our automobiles took in the flower p ralc. Taking first prise in the unhi le design das and third In the class 'of the inns' artistic designs makea it the only car in ihe parade getting two which proves the theory or Ihe Rambler com- I puny here ttiat our cars are first, last and al ays essentially In the lead. GOVERNMENT AFTER STANDARD Farts Seenred liy l.awyera Are llelnu t onsldrred by Ultieiala at W ashlagloli. WA8H1NUTON, W. IS In response to iniiilrles tmlay regarding the status of the Invcttigulioii into the affplre of the Stand ard Oil company with a view to determin ing whether the company Is operating In vlolnth n of the Hherman antl-tru;t law. Attorney General Moody osld that Me.-sr . Morrison and Kcllngg, who were appoint-d to invcatlgae the Standard Oil methods, had accumulated a vsst amount of testi mony bearing upon the ran1. This tesiimony was now being gone over and it was quite likely that a definite con clusion would, he reached tall bin the next few weeka as to whether or not thero. had been violations of the anti-trust laws. It is wfll understood that Attorney l";n eri Moody is to retire from the cabinet and resume his law practice In Boston on January 1. and it la stated he fully Intends to take the personal responsibility before he does of Inflating proceedings against the Standard oil company and of publicly slating that, in Ills Judgment, such pro. reeding could be Justified by the facts obtained. 4 hroale lioralhte( Itlrs. CO!.CMIl8. .. Oct. U. Kdward Raker, aged IA years, diel in t,,e )e.diein iary last ii'ght. having copied a cell in ihe Insane ward for some time. Raker sc un d to have a mama to sieal a certain horse in Vanwert county. He waa sent up for a short time for stealing the animal. N he-i he got out h took the horse again and waa again sent up. As soon as he got out he went to Var.wert county and stole the same horse and was then tent up for nf teea I oar- swe m,i w llllllllllIIH?j TWO ROBBERS SOON CAUGHT Footpidi Who Hold Up Countryman in Jail Juit After Crime. THIRD ONE CORNERED BY POLICE Farmer' from Byron la Deprived of Mon-'j- and Month Omaha Of ficers Are Prompt to Re cover Most of It. Frank Lurizmann of Byron, Neb., was robbed Frlduy njglit of SlOO. The South Omaha police have two of the three hlgh wnyment and are almost sure of the third and $-45 ha leen recovered. This Is con sidered one of the quickest and neatest captures in the hhtory of the South Omaha police department. Lunxmann is a countryman who arrived In town Friday from Byron, bringing his daughter to be operated on at St. Joseph's hospital. He knew a friend who worked for the Jetter Brewing company and went over to Indian Hill Friday night to hunt him up. Not being able to And him and be ing tired from his search he stepped Into a saloon to refresh himself. This was at about Thirtieth and T streets, as well an he could remember. He insisted that he only took one drink of whisky, but after drinking It he remembers nothing of the balunce of . the evening. He had $300 when he went Into the saloon, but when he landej in the jail at 12:30 he had Just 33 cents. Two men by the name of O'Neill and Otto Bliioencht helped him to the police station after he was found wandering on the i reels after the robbery. They were able to tell the officers something of the occur rence of the evening and give a clue to the men who took from IJinxinano his money. Bluoencht told that he had seen a man by the name of Bernard Oaraher. who lives at R street, go through the pock eta, of the stranger. Caraher, he aald, handed the money to his two companions. Ale Altshtiler. IIO V street, and a young grocery eWk by the name of J. W. White. How They Did the Jolt. The manner of the hoi, lap wss that Cara her Impersonated an officer and accosted the nupefled Lunzmann. declaring he must search him to see that he was carrying no concenled weapons. While making the search he took the $:S00 along with the man's pocket hook. Such wss the story told by Bluoencht, which was corroborated by Charles Schwartzland, another witness. The police immediately acted on the tip and by 10 a. m. had Abe Altshtiler and J. W. White In jail. The evidence was found to convict them; for at the home of Alt shuler the officers found Silo and in a niangir- hidden by hay they found $110. There remains snout $56 out of the $340 lo be accounted for. It may be the chief actor, who ia still at large, has the balance. I.unsiiiann. however, was ssld to have spent his money freely and perhaps spent most of the shortage himself. He was fined In police court yesterday morning for drunkenness. No evidence waa found to show he hsd been drugged, as he would lead the court to believe. The police think It the common way of such losses. The officers are of the opinion he deserves little sympathy considering his carelessness In regard to his sick daughter, who Is lan guishing at the hospital In Omaha. He was full of remorse In police court Satur day and hoped only that he might recover $.". if nothing more, that he might pay his daughter's fees at the hospital. He is a man of about eO years. The offi cers are hot sfter the third msn. Bernard Csraher.i who Is the chief actor, and Is believed tw be Udlnf la th Ui. They design, showing all P unSi mamKJr have such a good description that he can not escape long wherever he may go. INSTRUCTION IN IRRIGATION Department of Agriculture Telia Pros pective Srttlera lion to Treat Lands. WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. For the guid ance of the great number of people Iroin humid regiuiiH, who settle on the Immense areas of western lands opened to settle ment, the Department of Agriculture has Issued a report on practical Information for beginnings In irrigation. There are several million acres open for settlement In the United States under ir rigation works built by private enterprise and works are being constructed by the National government to provide u water supply for more than l,t00,uno acres of arid lands. Tho report says these are certain to eauw an influx of settlers Into western America during the next few year. The report discusses arid soils nnd water supplies gen fTiilly and describes how to locate and build farm ditches, prepare land to receive water. Irrigate staple crops and how much water to apply. "Experience throughout the urid region" the report says, "Is demonstrating that the greatest danger to Irrigated lands is lack of drainage. Water applied to crops rises the ground water, which brings with It the salts dissolved from the soil; cnpllarlty brings this water to the surface, where it evaporates, leaving tho salts to ac cumulate until all the vegetation Is destroyed. The only insurance against this Is proper drainage, but anything (as econorny in the use of water and thorough cultivation) which will check the rise of ground water or lessen evaporation will decrease the danger." ' BIG CROPS ON MAIDEN SOIL Knormona rgetablea Produced on Nod at Homestead lu Me Pheraon t'onnty. D. Clem Heaver, in charge of the home seekers' Information bureau of the Bur lington, has received from J. T. Morrow of Iena, Mcl'herson county, gome samples of crops raised on the sod of his homestead. Mr. Morrow took up his homestead this spring and all his crops were grown on the breaking with only rainfall for water. He sent samples of corn, sugar beets, cab bage, turnips, potatoes and onions which would astonish the natives. Turnlpa twelve Inches In diameter were grown In abund ance. ThU crop was grown In the aand hills on land which was taken for nothing from the government last spring. Mr. Mor row writes that there is still plenty of available land fur loo families in his neigh borhood. One-fourth of the land la tillable and the rest good for grazing. RAILWAY CLERKS ON STRIKE Southern Parltae Kniploirs Desire Fixed Hoara and Pay for Overtime, NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 13 -Clerks in the employ of the Southern Pacific railway here struck today for more ay, for llxed hours of employment and for pay for over time. The strikers said that the slilke would extend over the entire division. EL, PASO, Tex.. Oct. 13.-Rnllway ch rka on the Southern Pacvitic railroad between El Paso and New Orleans belonging to the Order of Railway clerks sre on striae. Thirty-seven men are out he--. The strike demand reeognizatlou of the union, an In crease of 10 er cent in wages aud lime aad a half pay for over time. for the Horse Show abroad by Brands if buyers HUDSON STEAMERS COLLIDE Cie Man Dead and Two Missine M Eesult of Accident SARATOGA AND ADIRONDACK MIET IN FOG Paasenirera Are Rescued from Sara toga, Which Waa Badly Unm oved, but Adirondack la Able to Make Port. KINGSTON, N. Y., Oct. 13-The iiUht paxrenger steamers Adirondack of the I'eo. pie's line of Albany ami Saratoga of the Citizens' line collided between Olascow. twelve miles north of the city, at 1'.':IC o'clock this morning. Clarence Sherman of Melrose. N. Y., an oiler on the Saratoga, was k'lled and George Morton of New York City, clork on the Adirondack, Is missing. The collision occurred In n dense fig, which prevented the pilots of either boat from aeelng the other. Both, It Is thought, missed their bearings. The Saratoga sustained the greater dan, age. The Adirondack was on its way to Albany and the Saratoga was enroute to Now York. The Adirondack tore off the port side of the Sarntoga. which listed to port and Its boiler went overboard and sank. Sherman, an oiler, was killed Instantly by flying timbers. An employe named Morton on the Adiron dack in supposed to have been knocked" overboard and drowned. Paaaenaera Rescued. Many passengers or. the Saartnga were knocked down by the force of the col lision, but the crews of both boats as sisted In rescuing them and later thev were transferred to the Cltv of Troy, landed at Tivoll and sent to New York by tra'n. The passengers on lmth Isiats became panic-stricken ami only by the coolness of the officers and crews of both boats wes heavy loss of life prevented. The Adiron dack, after the fog was clear, was able lo proceed to Albany. The Suratoga listed to port and was hauled to Olascow dock, where It is anchored. Captain Brown of the Saratoga at once came to Kingston and arranged for wreckers to raise Its sunken boiler. The officers of the Saratoga say the col lision was unavoidable. Their boat had Just passed an Island south of Olascow. when an Immense fog hank rolled out of Sauserties creek, obscuring everything on the river. The opproarhlng Adlmnrtick had been seen, bat Was completely hidden when the fog bank Intervened between the two boats. o Warning of t'olllalou. Without warning, the Adirondack's lighls suddenly loomed tip in the foy and the crash followed. The sute rooms of the port side of the Saratoga were crushed in. The boat swung away liniiedi:4telv after the collision, the Saratoga listed and about a dozen occupants of the staterooms were thrown Into the almost lcecold waters ol the Hudson river. Hurlng the confusion following the av. dent it war Impossible to keep 'rack of their number or who they were. Second Pilot Uudwlg of the Paratoca W"is sleerlng his vessel. Captain Brown had la-en In charge, but left Ihe pilot hone to go tielow soon after passing Johnston Captain Brown Is extremely nervous and cannot give a connected account of (.evident or what followed. The steamer onteosa of the Cvtskill night line came along soon after e accident and assisted lu rescuing paengei a hr. had ueau throw u iulw lb river. Importations received weekly from our own Paris office, at 1 Rue Am broise Thomas, bring European novel ties to us almost immediately. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Shovrera In iebraaka Today and Probably Tomorrow ghowera In Weatrra Invra Today. WASHINGTON. Oct. 13.-For ast of the weather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska nnd South Dakota-Showers Sunday and probably Monday. For Iowa and Missouri Fair In cast, showers In western portion Sunday; Mon day fair. OFFICE OF THK W FATHER Bl'RKAl'. OMAHA, Oct. HI. Official record of temper ature and precipitation eomisired with the corresponding day of the hist three venrs: Vi. JOlo. 1!U. 1'JKI. Maximum temperature.... 73 67 li? 'it Minimum temperature 67 5.1 VI M Mean temperature......... ti'i Wi M precipitation ) ou .14 .in .HI Tcniicrature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1 and comparison with the last two years Normal temperature Excess for the day S5 10 TH-flcieney since March 1 Normal precipitation Deficiency for the day Total rainfall since March 1, I leHclencv since. March 1.... !l .OB Inch .10 Inch 22.114 inches .1 so Inches Deficiency for cor. period in 1'fi. B.iW Inches Deficiency for cor. period In ism. S.iB Inches U. A. WEI'S! I. I'Ocal Forecaster. Watch Your Thirty Feet of Bowels! YOU have thirty feet of Intestines! What makes food travel through them? A set of Muscles that lino th? walls of these Intestines or Bowels. - When a piece of Food rubs the wa"s of the Intestines these Muscles tighlei behind it, and thus it starts a Muscle-wave which drives It through the whole length of the Bowels. . ' It should take about 12 hours to do this properly, so that nutritious parts of the food may have time to be digested and absorbed. But, If it takes Iwlce or three times that period the food spoils in passing, a"J ( becomes ss poisonous as if It had decayed before being eaten. Now. the cause of delay (Constipation) la simply Weakness, or Laziness of the Bowel-Muscles. Want of Exercise, Indoor Employment, weakens these Bowel-Muscles, Just as it weakens Arm and Leg Muscles. "Physic" like Salts. Calomel, Jalap, Phosphate of Soda, Mineral Wateta, simply flush-out the Bowels for the one occasion only. They do not remove the Cause of Con atipatlon. But this is different with Cascarets. Cascarets act on the Muscles of the Bowels and Intestines. They act Just as Cold Water, or Exercise act on a Lazy man. ( They act like exercise. A Cascaret produces the same 'sort of Natural result that a Six Mile walk In the country would produce. The Veil Pocket Box is told by all Druggists, at Ten Cents. . Be yerjr careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Co., and never eotd In bulk. Every tablet ftVsjrased "CCa" gag ) r V (