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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1906)
rrtE tm ah a daily bee. Thursday. October n, m. ID SPECIAL NOTICES will be take antll IS . tar. Ike rrcdK rriltle) and aatll a ft. a, lor he naralns aad Swaflar :edltl. Rate 1 l-3e a ward Ural lasertlea. 1 a ward thereafter. KntMaor taken far leas tfcaa an far the flrat laser Una. Thee adeertlaemeat a anil ha raa eeaseeattvely. 4,ertl.ers. h, , . m-J red rhrW, pan hare " il rnul ta a mberri letter la para of The Drr, Aaarters addressed will ha delivered oa presvatatloa of MISCELLANEOUS THE FALL TERM POYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT. Students are admitted any dev. New Catalogue Free. Tel. lxmglaa 1864. Address II. H. Boyles, I"ri"l!lnt. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. R-627 WHERE TRUNKS ARK MADE. Trunks, ttult rases and shopping bags.. Old trunk In exchange. Repairing. 1-REMXO ft STF.INLK. 41" N. 1Mb St. Phone iHinglas 4Wi. R 49s Oct: GASleTECTOICraTURES "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., li Ho. 16th fat. Tel. Douglas 6S1. R-MDi3 Omaha Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of firescpes, shutters, doors and ' Mfcs. G. Andreen, Prop.. 102 8. 101 h St. R-629 HION PAINTING-B. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 36.10. R-631 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1019 Farnam. I R-t32 HEFLIN Iookinith. moved upstairs; on irtnee, 1824 Farnam. Tel. Doug. '.'W4. R 35 WANT 700 yards dirt moVed; semper work. 'Phono Douglas-544. R filoTSJiix , BUSINESS CHANCES FOR ; ALE Hardware business, com plete stock, invoice t,000; located In southwestern Iowa; population 6,000. For particulars address Ed. Rothery's Information Bureau, 111 So. 14th 8t. Y 150 FOR SALE Meat market, doing good huMnees; building, fixtures, double cooler; everything complete; a bargain If sold at once. Address Market. N. Walnut fet., Urand Island, Keb. -. ' Y-MM lSx FOR SALE CLl'B C1QAR STOReV best stand In Po. Omaha; have other busi ness. J. W. Douk, So. Omaha. F"OR BALE Well equipped newspaper, In best one-paper town In northeast Ne braska. Price and terms right. Address T 2S. Bee. Y-M483 I4x 11.000 takes excellent newspaper. Address T 19, Bee. FOR SAijcHrnall notion stock of about :.00 and building and lot at rK: total. J1.400. Building is 1(1x44 and has four rooms for housekeeping. Oood location. Best business town in Nebraska. Ex amine map for sits of territory. Only stock of kind In town. Owner Is a widower 75 years old and wants to re tire. Christmas goods not bought yet. Must be sold by November 1 or will be withdrawn. Just the place for a good mechanic where family can loolt after store. i4O0 can be left on real estate at low Interest. This Is a fine channe for party baying il.OdO to invest. No trades considered. 'Willis McBrlde, Hlgln. Neb. Y-M508 12 Do Vou Wish to Make a Change Jf you hu-ve a farm, home, business or properly that,. you jrwant to sell or ex-chenge-wrttaus . r GLOBE LAND AND-INVESTMENT .CO., Omaha TMeb., or 'Sioux City, la. Y-108 Nl FOR BALK Furniture oomplelo for a 12 room house. In good condition, Including cooking utensils,-etc.; Ml North 18h St. r .'. Y 525 12X . No charge for treatment at Crelghton Dental college. Wanled--Patlenta, at Dental college. Ti-etiriijnt free. , , . t MB41 Novll WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Fifty girls to work In candy factory; good chance to earn money to buy your Christmas presents with. The Yoegeic pinning to., 1316 Jones St. C M79J FIFTY strong gltls for turning bags; girls la or is years old ror cupping threads, Hernia Omaha Bag. Co.. C M106 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted i one. - tw. j. j snen vo., ivz Howard. ) ' ' -. J r C M285 WANTED Competent nurse girl at 1916 S. "?d Avt; must have references. Tel. Harnoy SZQ. - C M262 WANTED Competent girl for general nouaeworkr good w-agea. ;noa Dewey Ave, C 7b 10 WANTED Girl for general housework. . a ITT I u. C' ' rt , . .-. WANTED At once, machine operators, girls, at M. K. Smith & Co. Factory iltn a ad Douglas Bts. . , C 470 14 WANTED Ulrl for second work. 8510 Fat-nam ot. c 46 10 ; OTIVLS WANTED. ' Loomla Co., U( Farnam ' at. r ujui ' WANTED A competent girl for general . ...... rb- n. 1 1 fumtlw UM 1 I V I 1 vw ww m Mtia. X 1 . ill. ' McClanahan. 1312 N. 40tU St. Tel. Har ney 14U2. . ! C i)3 tCOMPS-TKNT GIRL; thre In famllv! I wages K to 18. lis N. S8th Ave. Phone 1 t. m a. ... . . tuy "mJ iM , v. 1 j OJRL lor general housework, 1911 Chicago a -j caoxi u WANTED At once, girl for general house work: ns washing; family of three. See airs. Dana A. Baum. SMI Harney St, i' C M617 U ' have referenaes. Ura. J. E. Baum, S646 WANTED A nurse girl. SOW Dewey Ave. 6KCDND COOK wanted at the Dellone 1 hotel. C M64 It , WAITRESS. Apply to manager Dellone fjvtva- v oau9v l CHAMBERMAID, at Dellone hotel. Must be first class . c M5D1 11 GOOD opening for competent and up-to-date ueaainaker; good large rooms with team heut ajnd closets. Write to Oaoar Koemr, Urand lalaad. Neb. O M7 11 4HRL8 WANTED Strong girls for turning ..Itaga: small girls for clipping -threads; experience not neoeaaary; good pv, steady work; pay wlale learning. Bemls .Nnan ttag- o MS72 , WANTED Competent girl for general housework ;wa gee. hi per week; do wash ing, call at sot Isu. Jktu St. 4-MS77 14 PATENTS pa teat heuk fres. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Nth. 2 SHATtl'E MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured, inveutians deveioned. drawinas. patterns, castings, raaaiilne work. eu4-l2 n. ioin pi- jsa t'ATKNTS prtK ured ain) sold. 1 fee. I Investment Co., Douglas Blk, lbth Nat'l. M fix Nov. . DETECTIVE SERVICE WKTMnRB dtott service. 'Phnoe Red 71 Roomi U and 14, I'nion Blk.. 16th soul raruatn. . M S4.' Otu WANTED MALE HELP. ' WANT Els Five bovs; good wir'; perma nent Jul. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. 13th St. B-637 Dlil'll (STORKS' bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knleet, CU4 N. Y. L. CIVIL SERVICE Went yo:irg men to pre pare. See Underhlll. 33Ju N. Mth. B MH4 02 WANTED By a large wratern mercantile establishment, young men of ability and experience a door walkers; state eKPcrl" en e and salary expected. Address T 29, care Lec. B M355 IS WANTED. SOUND YOVNO MEN. IS to . to prepare for firemen and brakemen on new roads and for fall ruh: experience unn'M-esKsrv: firemen $10". promoted to engineers $.w; brakemen fl, promoted to conductors I1S0; position now open. Na tional Training association. C?0 X Pax ton Illk., Omaha, Neb. B MISS No'' WANTED 2 coat imakers; steady work; Hck coats-. $x.60 and up. Lad Ihe Tailor, Sioux Fnlls, S. D. B-M3W IS Mt'STI.ERS out of emplovment CHn do well to tall on u; pay weekly. C F. Adams Co.. 1B19 Howard. B--M1S9 NovJ r. S. NAVY enlists for four yeara young men of good character and sound physical condition, 17 to 25 yenrs as apprentice seamen, and men qualltled for siiertal itlng. 21 to 35 years; the piy Is good, expenses moderate, food wholesome nnt sufflrlent. and lite beneficial phys ca llv and otherwise. Young men who nre nkllied meclianlcs, posffesolnn aonie knowledge or electricity or rtudenta of electricity, who sliow aptitude for the naval nervlce. may be enlisted aa "landsnien for electricians and given the training at the naval elec trical school; all Huch men must have a good education. Offlces at Lincoln ana Hastings, Neb., and Des Moines ad Sl"" City, la. Address Navy Recruiting Office. P. O. Bldg., Omaha. B-MlfcO WANTED Laborers for Indoor work at the sugar factory, Sterling. Colo.; wig;s and IU.40 per day; about four months' work. B M-H U WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 10 posi lions for every graduate; top wages paid. Few weeks completes. Course In cludes tools end diplomas; can nearly earn expenses. Call or writer Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. 15 aizM us. MECHANICAL draughtsman wanted; state experience and salary. Address T 12, Boa. WANTED At onco. 2 or 3 smart boys with whaels to deliver light packages; good pay for the rifc'ht fellows. See Mr. Williams, -order department, basement. The Bennett Company. B 464 10 INDHXING and tiling clerk; must writ" well; references required. Hunneriana Bros. Co. B-M 181 11 WANTED Boy for delivery in a mat market. 2623 Sherman Ave. aaivj' Al'TOMOBILE driver, rejialr men, chauf feurs ana oiner wameu ii vn country; 50,000 machines built this year in the United States, affording great op portunities for our students; 6 cents a day will qualify you for good wagea In this growing Held; employment secured for our graduates. Flor full particulars and ono free lesson, including dictionary of motoring term address the Corre spondence School of Automobile Engi neering, Suite 609, Flatlron Bldg.. New York. B-U6 lOx WANTED-r-By a large western mercantile establishment, a young man oi exper: ence. and ability as window trimmer; give experience and salary expected. Address T 29, care Bee. B M556 13 If competent to fill any of the following. see us without delay, or write. 3 bookkeepers. IM), &. 4 retail clerks. $60. $65. v 8veral traveling salesmen, - different lines. $1,200. 1 bookkeepers, young men, iw, 5 Mtenoaranhers. $40. $&. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASB'N., (INC.). Dept. B, S4U-41-42 f . Y. Life Hldg. B-71 11 WANTED Furnace repairer. Omaha 8tove Repair Works. a u WANTED Bookkeeper; state experience and salary expected: good position to right party; references required. Address K, South Omaha Bee, 417 North Twenty firth street. B 623 12 WANTED At oncer mechanical electrician. one handy at mecnanicai eiectiscai nov elties.. Apply Mr. W. R. Bennett, main floor. Tha Bennett Co. B 637 12 IF EVERT giod union man would only say a tew good woras ror union laneiea Cet-Pep-Ko nerve bracer, what would be the, result? Ask the bartender. . B 531 11 x GOOD barkeepers keep union labeled nerve bracer, Lfl-l'ap-Ao, on sale; 10 cents straight. ' B-S2 11x PORTER, at Dellone hotel. Must be com- petent. m&dj ii I HAVE forty-six men who are clearing annually $5,000 to $7,uoo, ana nanai their own money. So--ctT you. if you are clean and no boozer or card shark. Call or address, Wm A. Hcho't. South Mth St., N. P. Frandsen's Jewelry store. B Mo4f 13 Toothache? Free treatment at Crelghton Dental college. Crown or bridge work. No charge at Crelghton Dental college except for ma terial. B M542 Novll WANTED Laborers for indoor work at the sugar iatory, oiening, uiu. ; wgr and $2.40 per day; about four months' work. B-560 11 WANTED Man and wife to take charge of railroad eating house. Inquire room Q, New York Ufa Bldg. B M562 WANT to let contract to lay 500 feet water pipe. 'Phone Douglas-6544. B M674 12x WANTED AGENTS ORIENTAL WAISTS AND SUITS. Agents wanted everywhere. Ladles and gentlemen are making $26 to $50 per wee It selling embroidery goods direct to the la dles. Good sellers la cities or country. No experience or capital required. Cull, at otllce or write to U. S. Embroidery Works. 109V4 and U1H So. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. J M732 011 WANTED Salesman to Introduce and sell the Gallup Fruit Gatherer. Large money to hustlers. Gallup Mfg. Co., Room 1 Patterson Bldg., Oman. Neb. J M620 WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work In Nebraska representing large manufacturing company. Salary $50 to IM per month, paid weekly. Ex penses advanced. J. H. Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 6ws lux AGENTS Quickest seller on earth; 'Auw.oOO sold; $20 per day; $1 pocket sample free. Hersfeldt, Windsor hotel; associates wanted. J 430 llx WANTED A few fimt-class salesmen for new first-class proposition. Men capable of earning tau to $l(w weekly preferred. Call to :! -v. in.. r ' i to 3 or 7 to $ p. m. O. K. Ear's, Pax ton h tel. v J-640 ' WANTED SITUATION YOUNG man with knowledge of drawing, seeks situation; holds diploma for light and, shade, Address T 26, Bee. A 49B 10X SALESMEN WANTED WANTED-FIva expert clothing salesmen, at once. ' Apply Goodman A- Aheer. Ne braska City, Neb. t-MaU 14 . FENCING WIRE AND IRON tenoes; lowest prioes; free catalogue. Omaha Wire and Iron Works, 33--$7 K. 3Ui St. TeL Douglas- $7to. . -um li ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing , 6o per foot. 306 N. 17th St. Tel. Hed-114. -MS02 1J CHAMPION fences best. 611 8. 16th. Deuglas-ime. 634 DRESSMAKING MADAME WOODBCFT-Robas. Suite 312-14-15-16 NeriUe Blk. TeL Douglas MlJ. 349 02S DRESSMAKDXa - hi famlry or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2ut Davenport Fhone Han ney Jkli 739 Viin (Tflr Then Get A GOOD ONE Tlirougha Bee Want Ad FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E 639- Doug.611 O.M.E.Uaul Trunk i K-640 EXCELLENT modern furntshed front room with alcove and bay window roi' tao. 1'liune In lioue. 2fj74 Harn St. PLEASANT room, modern, private fam ily. 624 So. 2th Ave. B J49 28x CAPITOL HOTEL. ISth and Capitol Ave.: American or European; steam heat end modern convenience. E 473 TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; reasonable. 415 N. 23d. E K4 12x THREE or four furnished rooms, modern; gar range; adults only; no other roomers; references equlred. 2701-Wool worth Ave. E M5S4 14x VERY desirable room, new flat, walking distance. So. 24tli St. E M566 13x WILL havo large front room, alcove; mod ern, steam heat, by October 25; furnished or unfurnished: also two single rooms, furnished. 122 8. 25th 8t. 'Phone Doug las 69'9. ' E M57 12x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Dong. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F 4 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 644 627 PARK AVE. Commodious, warm, south room, for two, with board; private and homelike. F 503 tlx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOl'R or five large pleasant rooms, main floor, furnace heat, 2214 N. 19th. O M553 12 FOR RENT HOUSES WB DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. D-6k HOTTS5F.S ,n Part" of tn c"'- 1 UUUOrjO c Peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. R. D 647 TTOTTKFS In H P't of the city. The Q r Dsvi Davis Co., Bee Bldg, D MS HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt. Barke.r Blk. D 49 OMAHA Van A Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. lth. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1539. D 650 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Stor age i. o. lei. jfoug. n. umw, xno ster St. D-661 SEE us when shipping household goods to large pities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DF.MVERY CO.. 214 N. Bixteentn t. lei. jjoug. iivo. rnR brvt-s-ronm house, all modern; fur nace; $25. C. M. Bachmann. 43H Pax ton Blk. PIANOS and household goods moved: boxes for sale. Cole & Gunnell, 100 Farnam. Tel Doug. 670. D M774 OlS CTHP A (IV TO LET Merchandise. DlUXVAUrj furniture. Tel. Dout. 976. 1216 Harney St D-M827 Q14 FOR RENT new modern 6-room house. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D-M247 FOR RENT Two first floor and one second floor flat, corner 29th and Douglas. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D M518 ornAD A n V Household goods. mer OlUnAUfJ chandise. etc.. Fred Bush Transfer Line, 1003-5 Farnam St. D M56K Nov. 10 APARTMENT Applications will be received for renting the - up-to-date apartments of five and six rooms each In new building, 26tb Ave. and Half Howard Sts.; will hj ready for occu pancy about October 15; rent $16 and $40 per month. GEORGE A CO., Tel. Douglas 756. 1601 Farnam. D 629 14 FOR RENT At 1511 South 2th 8t New brick house, 7 rooms and large reception hull. Modern In every particular. Lo cated In the best part of the city. Will be ready for occupancy, about October 20. Inquire of the owner. J. R. Camp bell, Bee office, or 1341 South 27th St. Tel. Douglas 6440. D 762 COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given. 1529-31-3S N. Itth St. Tel. Douglas-4619. d-u: FOR RENT Six-room cottage, bath, closets, city water, sewer, gas, cistern and good bam. S912 N. 20th St. Rents, $28. Tel. Red 6624. D M2W FOR RENT 6-room cottage. 2209 N. 28th Ave. D M407 12-r. mod., very choice, 2416 Khermrwi Ave.. $30.00. 8-r. mod., very choice. 2204 Maple, $2$. 00. 7-r. mod., good location. 3103 Marcy, $22.59 6-r. mod., close In. 622 N. 19th, $30.00. . S-r. partly mod., close In, 1161 N. IS in, $11. RUSSELL & M' KIT RICK CO., 432-38-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. D 600 10 SIX-ROOM modern, with furnace. Henry F. Wyman. 10u3 N. Y. L. Bid. D-616 10 MODERN 6-room coltag, good ham; one year's lease given; also furniture for sale. 4U1& Hamilton St. 'Phone Harney 2604. D & llx FOR RENT Large modern house, 12 rooms besides laundry, coal, vegetable and furnace rooms; good barn and car riage house; permanent walks and drive way; paved street, near high school, 2619 Chicago St. D 647 llx HOUSE 6 rooms, modern, with furnace. Henry F. Wyman. 1003 N. Y. Life Bldg. D 544- 11 FOR RENT Eight-room house, modern except furnai; desirable location, one block from 24th street csr. Teluphone Douglas 4SS7. ' D M543 Itx FOR RENT 4V room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, 271J Decatur St., 830. N-w modern 6-room dwelling. 2710 Decatur St. DM-j54 -13x A NICK 6-room cottage, modern except furnace; $27. TeL Douglas WB. D M575 12x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee ofTlc. city hall building. 417 K. 25th St., South Omaha Apply to manager. I 134 FOR RENT Large corner store room, 16th and Vinton Sts.. $10. C. M. Bit h mann, 486 Pax ton Blk. 1-Uliil THE two- store reams, with haseuients, at 706-706 S. Uth street; $ per month fuf both. luquhre R. C PETERS CO.. Ground Floor. Bee Bldg. X-MUt WANTED TO RENT TWO gentlemen, father and son. em an invalid, desire two wall heated nanus on bath room floor and first class bwaid. where they may have the rsuiforts of a uulul, reined home. AddMas .'J'-2, Bee. It. 502 Ilk I nf Vnn In FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON TWO BUNCHES OF LOTS. In Tuky Heights we offer 1J lots, mostly In apple or chard, for $1,200. These lot have never been offered for sale slnoe we platted the ad dition. They are acre lots 1, 2 and 8, blk. 3. Tukey Heights. In another bunch we have S lots without any orchard, only one block from Grand Ave., for :. 4118 FARNAM ' A good six-room modern house, with jittlc over whole front part, floored and Jttst the place ' for ft play room for the children. Oood cellar under the whole house; fur nace and bath fixtures the . best; paved street and perma nent sidewalk. A llttlo over a block from Farnam car line; fine neighborhood. In fact a very good bargain at $3,250. WE NEED SOME COTTAGES Any agent or owner who has two, three, four or more cot tages In a bunch can find a reedy buyer In us. We must have some to supply the peo ple who are waiting for us to find (them homes on ensy terms. A. P. TUKEY r SON, ' 444-5 Board of Trade. Doug. 2181. RE-499 10 4424 Parker St., large corner lot. ? rooms, good barn, $1,Wpo. i rooms,, neat home, full lot. per- manent walks, mod. except heat, Clifton Hill. $2,100; easy terms. 9-r., full mod., oak finish, 2 lots, corner, paved street, good neighbor- , hood; will take smaller house in part exchange. 8-r. house and lot 50x100, facing 18th and 19th Sts., close In, near St. Mary's Ave. Room for flats, facing 19th St. $5,500. 3116 Charles St., 7-r., mod., paved street, $2,750. V Neat 6-r. cottage, 2 good lots, $1,200. -r. cottage, corner, per. walks, $S50. C. R. GLOVER & SON, Douglas J33. , , . 8 N. T. Life Bids. , . '- , RE M485 12 DON'T MISS THIS Eastern owner wants us to sell his double front lot on Lake and Franklin Sts.. near ' 26th. before he,iaa to pay the taxes. The llot is 60x135. with north end a little below grade. Room for two nice homes or four voltages i(j ivm. 't 1 ion duivi; " . $700 or $S0O, and we believe the owner will take $500, on eaay terms. Don't miss this. N, P. D3DGE& CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. RE 53ti 12 Your Opportunity for a Home '- Bargain Must be sold at once. Owners leaving city. Good 6-room house, full lot, largo barn, fruit, shade, etc., well situated, near 43d and Corby. Price reduced to $1.3u0 for immediate sale. Choice 9-roofh modern residence, best repair, large barn. Iron fences, shade, paved street, brick walks, etc.; full lot. east front on 20th, near Castellar. Prlco only $2,750. See us today for terras, etc. RUBSELL & M'KITRICK CO.. 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harjioy. RE 501 10 A LEASE on choice trackage property, suitable for coal or lumber yard or manufacturing purposes; close In; office on leading business street (paved); am ple fire protection. Wallace, Brown Blk. Phone Doug. 1960. RE 46S 10 FOR SALE Two brick modern houses, two blocks north of Hanscom park, on paved street, east front; rented for$70 a month; easy terms. I want an offer. THOMAS BRENNAN. Hoom L New York Life Building. RE M750 C. G. CARLBERG, real estate and in sup ance. 911 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Red-7497. REM179 TOWNSEND Realty Co., Fremont. Neb., buy, sell and exchange lands, city prop erty and merchandise; try us for deal, RE-M241 Nov.5x BARGAIN Modern residence. In Kountse Place; 75 feet front, large barn: hot water heat; cement cellar, laundry; slats root, must be sold at once. See owner, 1921 Wirt St. BE-M953 OWNERS I have 14 customers fur homes of 6 to 9 rooms; sell now while price Is right. H. R. Stringer, 227 Neville Blk. Dg. 7554. RE-229 MiKK-lttlAljU.'Koas 'JXJ.O ABOIRAUBI OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a $10,000 lxind against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6487. RE- SIX LOTS 5-ROOM COTTAGE ONLY $1,650 Six lots (little over an acre) of fine level land, on corner, with fruit trees; large blue grasa lean, good 6-room cottage, large barn, shads trees, electric lights in house and are light on corner. Won't have this more than a couple of days, so come early if you want IL. Only $1,660 (half cash) if sold this week. H. B. STRINGER, 227 Neville Block. - 'Phone Douglas 7554. R&-M513 10 $8,250 NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE jON WIRT ST. Just completed, read to move Into, located Just east ot Sherman avenue, has large reception hall, parlor, din ing room and kitchen on first floor. 3 good-sized bedrooms and large bath room on second floor, combination stairway, strictly all modern, good fur nactt 50-foot lot, south front, half block to car. all new homes near it. . Open Monday evenings until 9 p. m. HASTINGS 4k HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam Street. Ground Kloor, Bee Building. I RE 63 J 10 V BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE CotUg and two lota 6123 No. 17th St.; easy terms; owner here fer a few days only: nuuxt sell. See owner at Garvin ttrus., 1404 Faraam St., for three days only. RE M4 18 o IIiiipi-i79 FCR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, QUICK. $'.M(-1312 S. LSth St.. 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace; inotna large and well ar ranged; mnntlo and grate In parlor; hot and cold water In kitchen. s. mh basement, permanent walk, pnvtd Mlrect. good neigh borhood; close to linn -"rem park car line. This Is a barn Hi) for a home or Investment. $:l.25! 2Si 9 Poppleton Ave., 9-rooni, thor oughly modern house, rooms large and well arranged; front and hack pallor, dining rocin. kitchen, bid loom ami bnth on Aral floor, four liedroom snd closet and basin upstairs, all in good reair; on paved street; good neighborhood; close to llnnscom park car line. $a,V 602 25th Ave. (corner .Uth Ave. and Jackson Ht.. new 7-room house, thoroughly modern, parlor, dining room, hall and kitchen first floor, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, gas and electric light, front and back stairs, rooms large, permanent walks; house sets well up on terrace; good neigh borhood, near Farnam and Leavenworth car line; tents $30 per month. Let us show you this. $1,200 arnrj Churles St., nice 6-room cottage and summer kitchen, all In good repair: permanent walks, full lot, on corner; good for homo or Investment. Close In for In vestment, f $2,601-720 N. ISth St.. 9-room house, parlor, (lining room, kitchen, bed room and cloeet downstairs; parlor, dining room, 2 bed rooms upstairs; city water, house piped thrcughout for gas; nicely arranged fo two families; clone In; is a bagain for home or investment. Let us show you this. $7.00fi509-ll No. ISth St.. with 4-room cottage In the 'rear. Rentals $72.60 per month. 509-11 nre two S-room thor oughly modern houses. Parlor, sitting room, dining room and kitchen below; 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs; full base ment, all In good repair. Apply to W. B. MEIKI.E. 205 Ramge Bldg. RE-567 11 Parkland Place Beautiful level lots, Just north of Fort street and west of 24th. Why go a mile farther away when we can sell you these lots, only ono block from car, at lower prices and easy terms? $10 down, $T PER MONTH. Take 24th St. car and walk north from Fort street one block. Our salesman will be on the ground every afternoon from 3 to 6 p. m., and Saturday afternoon. Only ten lots left. Others have all been sold, and buyers have built homes. See these lots today and start your payments at once. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. RE 635 12 . GOOD HOME CHEAP ON CALIFORNIA STREET. $2,700 for 3124 California St.. well built , 6-room 2-story house, all mod ern except heat, piped for fur nace, nearly new. In first-class condition throughout, corner lot; special reduction price for quick sale; place worth more money; Investigate. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam. RE 628 11 12 Per Cent Investm't Three 7-room houses at northeast corner 26th and ' Patrick Ave., renting for $63 ' per month. Two are new; all ' aro strictly modern, except " ' furnace. Lot 6Qxl20, perma nent sidewalks. Owner wants $6,000, but might take less. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE M646 13 TO INVESTORS WE OFFER THIS WEEK . The biggest bargain on Farnam street. Two lots ut the northwest corner of Far nam and 38th street, 95 by 132 feet; south and east front, rlht In the center of the upper Farnam residence district. This is one of the tlneBt locations In Omaha for a fliio home or for an apartment ; house. Will command highest rentals 111 city. With the growing scarcity of desirable corners on West Farnam, this ground will soon be worth $100 per foot. We can of fer both lots this week for $4,750 cash; only $50 per foot. HICKS, 439 Board Trade Bldg. RE-63 llx FOR SALE FARMS CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. BEST INVESTMENT OF ALL. Buy of us. Buy direct. No agents. No heavy commissions. Finest, . all-prairie, hard wheat land. Nine and ten dollars. Easy terms. Others ask fifteen and more. We save you money. Write us quick. . K. A. PARKER sc CO.. Spencer. Ia. H-267 018 THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp bell. Litchfield. Neb. 11-103 Nov. 1 FOR SALE 320 acres table land, black soil. Improved, In Howard and Boone rounties. , Neb. Address Joseph Slobodry, Ht. Paul, Neb. H-M242 llx DAIRY, stock, fruit and poultry farms In the Osarks; mild climate, pure water ami good health; bargains in anus J. F, Klndrick. Seymour. Mo. H M329 13x A CHEAP FARM-1U0 acres, four mi'.ea from (.'ubool. 60 acre In cultivation, close to school and churches, 2-rooin house and barn, 5u0 bearing apple trees, peach, pear and plum; price, $ti5u. Other bargains .lust us good in Texas cojnly, Missouri., the land of the big red apple; fruit, dairy and stock farming are the principal In dustries and tnere is no healthier climate on the face of the globe; write today for our list of farm. South Missouri Exchange, Cabool, Mo. H M30T 16x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam, 6 and uM per cent loans on real estate; no delay. . W-667 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 66H WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., U20 Farnam St. W-669 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W, B. Meikle, Ramge Blk. W 679 LOWEST RATES Benls, Paxlon Block. W-671 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 15' Doug. W-678 tl.oou.ooO TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan. R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-673 WANTED City loan. R. C. Peters & Co. W 174 City 4k (arm loans. P- F. Carson Co., N.Y.U r W-475 LOANS en Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 5u5 First National Bank Bldg. W-676 LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland. K. Y. L Bldg. TeL Pong. sloe. iui Nev PERSONAL SEWING mselilnea rented. Any tnska: Tfci per week or 12 00 par month. Second hand machines for sale, 86 on and up. Neb. Cycle Co.. Itth and Harney. U M Le ! 1R. nOT, chiropody. Pour. M97. 1 Tar. l'HIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMB. Mrs. Dr. King, join N. 2lt St. Tel. L"Jjj9' PI FA TIN C Buttons. Ruchlng. I I II1U Embroidering, Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing; only 6u per yard. Send for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 4U0 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas Ym. CITY STEAM. A I IN IN Y Tel Doug 4. sb 8 sT 1 Si - 61 211 8. 11th St. U J0 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits oastoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need; we coll-ct, repair and sell, at 111 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41s nnd wagon will call. U 611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised bv college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. C-129 THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 17. U S32 8URVEYING, Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. U-633 OHAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Bldg. U 834 6YHINGE8. rubber goods, by mall: cut; send for free catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co., Omaha. V 635 CHRISTENSON. carpet cleaning. Tele phone Douglas 1659. U MS00 octl3 WE will find good comfortable homes for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. See "Mother Lee, Supt." Tlnley Rescue Home, 403 Bancroft St. U 700 ootl iVVri-ilUXl Smith, 118 N. 15. 2d floor. U M204 ocU7 ACORN PRESS MwVJ62 U M204 ocU7 TO FARMERS AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS: We pay highest market price, charging no commission, for all kinds of produce butter, eggs, etc.. cash or mer chandise. - Write for dally quotations. We'll send pretty souvenir postal. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U M30i r ASiSAnF. Swedish movement. 410 N. J1AOOAUXJ 16Ul- Roon, ,d noor U M107 novl CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. e. 1E2J Leavenworth. U M486 Novs ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation . Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 2UU St., Omaha. Neb. U MluO TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas 3520. u-&a PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council BlulTs, Ia. Tel. 774. U 382 HAVE Mr. Lovejoy clean and repair your sewing machine. .AH work warranted one year. 16th and Clark. Telephone Douglas 3936. U-4J7 14x DR8. VOGEL private hospital for women and for ladles before and during confine ment. 2319 8. Uth St.. Omaha. Neb. U M960 oai NOTICE Max H. Carson will obtain Im portant messages from Burma by writing to John N. Dry den, Kearney, Neb. U-M171 IS FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to f. c. r loaman ok Co., 1514 Capitol Ave. . U M183 Nov3 TYPEWRITERS rented. 32.50 per month: all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter &. Supply Co., 1822 Farnam St. U 369 Nov5 MM K. NORDICA. Hclentlflo palmist. Par lors; 109 So. 17th St. ' Phono Douglas 6u9. U-S62 12 ARCHITECT O. U Brollne, 18 Bee Bldg. ; U-M246 Nov4 PKNNELL Millinery Co., 822 North lsth St. U-M26S Jan5 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or write for booklet, etc. WUICK CURE RUF Tt'HK CO.. 611 Woodmen of World Bldg., Omaha. V ( BEAUTY'S charm a satin skin secured using Satin skin cream and Satin sklu powder. u Crelghton Dental college. Patients free. Free treatment at Crelghton lental col lege. U M640 Novll IF LUCKY you get your picture enlarged to life size In genuine crayon free in our drawing content, every day, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m guaranteed worth $5. Wallace Bristol ft Co:, Artists, 620 N. 16th St. U M570 NovlO C. J. PALMQUIST-Custom shoe maker. 4124 Hamilton St., and 107 S. 15th St. U AI566 Nov. 10 MEDICAL BEST nervs bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. .Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 665 DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses. discharges. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnell block. Uth and Harney, Room 2, Omaha. -4U6 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want in this column, put an ad in and you will soon get it. it.ii WANTED to exchange stock of general merchandise In good town In Illinois for good western farm. Address T 9, Omaha Bee. Z-M32 11 GOOD horse for vacant lot or smalL'rot fage; will pay difference in cash; also two buggies. South Omaha lot and two cottages for Omaha property. Box 293. Omaha P. O. 2-626 llx TO SELL OR EXCHANOK-Our stork of harness, a two-story brick store and a dwelling, located In a good county seat in a blak prairie country; sell together or separate; tradevfor Improved farm ill Kansas. Nebraska, Iowa or Wyoming. Address A. Wuchf rpfennlg ft Co., Tus cola, III. 2-558 llx CLAIRVOYANTS MME. NELSON. the world-renowned iialmlst, Is here by special request, dadam offers assistance for troubled or unfortunate. If you are unhappy, have domestic ttr business troubles you will be told how to overcome them. SHE TELLS YOU HOW TO WIN THE ONE YOU LOVE. Call and secure her never falling advice. Fees within reach of all. Reduced rutes this week. 211 N. Uth St. 'Phone Douglas S840. B M411 llx MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMI8T OF OMAHA. Eventful and truthful predictions given. Call 113 So. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store. H 698 WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND clothes. Tel. Red X2. N-MSH2 15 SEVERAL horses of about 1,200 lbs. and several others of about 1.400 IPs. each; must be sound. Sue Tom Baker, barn master. The Bennett Company. N 445 10 OSTEOPATHY- JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 1664. 699 . DR. BOWSER, over 1500 Farnam. '''e. Doug 6376. Mf,6 V WANTED TO BORROW 99U0 on Unt mortgage, residence property. Will par 6 per cent; no more. 'Phone Hamejr Meu vMSlo llx DEATH NOTICES CALHOUN Mra Bare 83.. a-d 96, mother or Jonn a- wuum r. ann Charles Calhoun; Mta C K. Anderson and Mrs. H. A. Brooks. Funeral private. Interment at Kansa City. Mo. v NILEfl William, aged 44 years Funeral from residence. 343 South Thir teenth street. Friday. October 12th. p. m. Burial Forest Usn. FLORISTS HEPS SWOBODA. 1418 Farnam. 894 L. HENDERSON. Il FaTMW. Do u g. 12R3. TVI 69 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LETTER CABI net TWO Besley letter eabinets tu good uoiall- Hon, msde of walnut and ' have ' two A. drawers each. Call at Bee business t C .. . . .1 a 1 ....... I . . 1 " lllWT ,ut iuiu . a. i,. a SODA FOUNTAIN, sny sire. 1S18 Farnam. Q TVi SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman ft McCounrll Drug Co., Omuiia, J 79H HALL'S safes, new, M-hand. 1818 Famana. 4 FOR BALK New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world iu cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. HruivswIckvBalk-Unllcmk'r, 407 8. lot It St. g-796 FOR SALE Steam house heating boiler; was used to heat 8-room house, will lie sold cheap. W. U. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. Q-M4A9 SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dliion Drug Co., Omaha. W ,l SQUARE piano for sale cheap. Call Red 8851 or Z527 No. loth St. y :.6 x MILK, cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. jUiZi (00 UNREDEEMED overcoats, 418 No. Uth. Q-M820 O 24 ALMOST new Stelnwsy upright piano for sale. Address T 21, Bee office. Q-M41? 13 FOR SALE One 8 hr. power, 110 volt dl rect current motor; good as new' Th Bennett Company. Q M47S 11 FOR SALE Automobile, Rambler touring car, 1906 model, cape top. full equipment ioou ana extras. sx men wheels; bet-i heels; bet- city. Ad4 Q-M616 J its of thk ter tnan new. uwner leaving aress l 3, Bee. FOR SALE The entire content most beautiful and elaborately furnished house ever offered at private aale; every thing must be sold at any price; mahog any parlor t-plece suite, mahogany and leather library suite, brass bed. hair mat tress, library suite, leather chnlra, dresses and chiffoniers in mahogany Loona mahogany and quarter-sawed oh In mahogany, Axmlnster rugs, dining tab ble snd chair, aide board and buffet ir, '' quarter-sawed oak. lace curtains, pic tures and draperies and china; don't mist this opportunity of getting the very finest up-to-date furnishings, as good as new. at your own price; remember, this week ( only; sold separate or lot; call at one for choice selections. 1231 Park Wild' Ave. Take Haniey car. . Q M623 Us FOR SALE Furniture complete for a IS room house, In good condition, Including cooking utensils, etc. 611 North 18th St. tV-627 Ux HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, nzi N 24th St. Q-M661 12X SEVERAL carloads best winter apples, . cent per pound in car lots f. o. b. Brock also 60-gallon barrel cider, 87. C. B. Parker. Brock. Neb. Q-ME69 I4x . . MONEY TOLOAN CHATTEL. EASY TO GET A loan on furniture, pianos,' livestock er other chattels, left In your (Undisturbed Possession) T" IF YOU NEED MONEY to pay your grocer, landlord, or any other, bills which may be bothering you. Our plan the best ss we give you a writ ten copy of the contract with a - GUARANTEED REBATE tf paid before the contrset expires. . SALARY LOANS made to people steadily employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO (Established 1832.)' TeL Doug. 8293. . HI) Board of Trade Bldg. Sv So. 16th Btrasb .. X-M63 REDUCTION In salary and furniture loans from no until further notice. We are still offering to honest people our special $30 loan for $ Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 307-806 Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sts. X M34S 81 The Union Loan Co. CO UEfc) BUILDING. I Make loans to suit your convenience. I I X-M109 16 ' UK. PRIBBEXOW S MONEY tossed on furniture, salary, pianos, horsea ate. In any amount; leas than half rates; perfect privacy ; immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payments suspended whes sick or out uf work. 314 kAjrbach B k 809 Bo uth Uth St. . X-441 Bowen, 703 N. Y. LiiTBld ' Advances privsts ' money oa chattels or salary; easy to get, no red tape; you gel money aame day asked tor at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X M2 MONEY I JAN ED SALARIED PaPL and others without security; easy pay. msnta Offlees in 66 rr'm-'lpal cities. Tol .u. room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-448 i . ILAGL&7 LOAN OFFICE; reliable accefs modaung; all business coufldentlaT Dkl Douglas. X 44 MONEY loaned oa piano, furniture. Jew elry, horsea cows, to. C. if. teeed. Ho & Mill. X-A44 FURNITURE, llv stock, saury loana liun ci ecu una w., room a tsaraer block. A CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loan a Foley Loan Co.. 1M4 Farnam St. X 1 CHATTEL snd salary Iocs a Ctedit Co.. Oi paatou blocA . PhoenjJja, X-7 PRINTINC LYNOSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendars. . inuup R- E- "mar lktb 61. and ft .IOHVE. capltol Ave. tT WE HAVE a new press no Job too large or too small. Central printing Co. M744 0U COMPLETE line of 1907 calendars. Hne Printing Co.. I.J S. 12th St. -157 Nov2 JOB prlutlng and binding. Springer Print ing to., iso. mil. j w. ioug. PT' --Mfciit Nov. DANCING CHAMBERS, 2424 Fur nam. now open. Adult bctftnners Mondays and Wednesday! children Wednesdays nd Batitidas; Juvsnlle advanced Saturday and private lessons; terms reascnablv, coiamensurais with advantages and benefit derived In our scr.oui. leiepnons uoutiss nr. m . PLUMBING ( BUT plumbing supples dlreet. Whc:t-,s prices. Save on every article. Only IbWt. class goods handled. Prompt attention in every order. Sod for eats lug ue. H.'y Katol, JT, HaiTlsusr St., Chicago. III. -7t