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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1906)
TTTE CWAIIA DAILY BEE: TIUTRSPAY. OCTOBER 11, 1D06 CRAB AND FRODECE MARIET it Fracticilly JUthlas? at All ob th " Local Eiehanefc WHEAT WITHOUT ANY SNAP WHATEVER I'rteea Inclines! to Drc, Tkongk Close la laebnnaTed Beat Bnyers Tnrn. Sellers Cora Set. ties Uwct Baal a. OMAHA. Oct. 10. 1906. de waa ao light In all lines that It icht be said to be nothing. Tha wheat aiket had no enan whatever and nrti-ea veie Inclined ta dru. thnnsrh the plot WIS UnrhanffelV Wuthp was favnrahU fur tha movement and reeelnta In tha north. west Were laraer and In the nnrthweatern markets yesterday'a buyers were tha best -filer tfWlV yVvvtne e.lM . an..!! ne Cft M h dKffuiil r.iui.l ful. All markets. . , . . lue to poor cash demand and favorablo weather, sentiment In corn was bearish and prices closed 14c lower than Tuesday. Re ports of some new corn on tha way to mar ket came from tha saathwnat. Tha gov ernment report was about expected and had no effect on prices. Primary wheat receipt ware 1.147,000 bu. rear or DU. ana snipmenta OI 473.060 bu. Cor) receipts war 644.0U0 bu and shipments 789,000 bu., against receipts last year of 640,0(10 bu. and shipment of 399,000 bu. Clearances were UT.Ouaj.bu. of wheat, SiAMA . ifiwi t . . m i - ' wu. twin, jaw uu. UI I1U flour and wheat ennil tn iMOa hn IJverpool closed unchanged on wheat and unchanged to Hd lower on cora. Bnrtlett of Chicago considers the govern ment report bearish. Ha wired: "Wa con sider the whole report very bearish, .espe cially on oats, tha present estimate being OuO.OOO bushels more than tha September report and only 86.000.000 bushels less than lflt year, while tha prioa la 6c higher." local range ot optlona: ArUolea. Open. Hlgu. Low. Close.Yea'r. Wheat Deo.... May... Corn Dou.... May... Outs Dea... May... 7 u 74 74 'i 7i nS $7 87 K K 37 88 U 87 37 38 - am 3i 821 32 . Oniba Cash galea. OATS No. 4, 1 car, Ho. Omaha tank Prices. WHEAT No: 1 hard, 6Hr7Hc; No. 3 hard. 6iH'fi7c; No. 4 hard, oyinc; No. I iprlngt 64ifl6o. OORN-No. 3, 40c; No. 3 yellow, 4040tie; w OATS No 8 mixed, 30680c; No. white, 81V4IM1W: No. 4 white. SUfiSl c. RYEJ No. 2. 7Hc; No. 3, Mc. : . , ;arlt Receipt Wieat. Corn. Oals. Chicago Kansas City .. Miaaea polls.,,. Omuha ......v". LMuth St. Louis J...... 4w 44 149 101 416 82 334 78 25 54 '46 45 CHICAGO ORAI AJIO PROVISIONS Keatarea of the Tradlnar and Cloalna R : ' . Prleee on Board of Trade. u CHICAGO, Oct. 10.-A coutlnued liberal movement In the northwest was the main reason for a weak market hero today. At the close wheat for December delivery wus off c corn wus down c, oats showed a loss of Me and provisions were a shado lV",. '". r'.t . Tntdlnn In the . wheat nit Warn nulet inrl thir tono of the mnrket wiih weak through- out the atsslon. The dullnetis was due to a lnrro .extent.' tn a illnnosltlnn ntnnn? traders to await tha government crop re- portt which was nuvde public a few minutes ueiure iiie-rose. -ine- report piacea tne average- yield of spring wheat at 13.7 bu.' per acre. These figures. It was claimed. 'CI w ndleat ndlcata total yWM ot 246,449.300- bu., a ne or atxut a.uo.ouo uu. as compared ne orncini esiimate or mst niontu The chief wrkenlng inllueoces today were the free taovantont ot eprlig wheat to mar- ket and the comparatively ea.iy tone of the jdverpooi marKOt. "jnrougnout tne flay two lending commiBsInn houses were free so era of the December option. Shorts were inclined to maintain their lines. .May was in egooo-rnaswai tvenmim aim 'tnis-tetprery increaeed Its i renilum over lecember. 1 An- other factor thai tended to dcpreMi prices' wi n aiacR -spin ueraann. 1 ne marnei closed weuk with prices close to the lowest point or the aajr. December opened c to hiic lower at 74MJN71y(,c to 744t: sold at 74c and then declined to4 74g74Hc:- Final tiuotatlon were at 74He.' C5learancea of wheat and flour. were o.ual to 217,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1,147,000 biu as com pared with l.i4.0ii0 for -the corresponding day a year ago.- Mlnncnpolw, Iuluth und Chicago reported Tecelpta of 738 cars, as against 831 last week and 655 a year ago. The corn market waa weak on selling by man houses. Trading was quiet.. ' Weather conditions were Ideal for the maturing of the new crop. The government crop renort had little Influence, as the showing wax about what had been generally expected. According 0 the official figures the condi tion of the crop was yo.l, na compared with 00.2 last month. The total yield waa esti mated at about 2.711,400,0000 bu., as against n eenmatea yu-ia iaL tnontn or z.75l,ooo.:vo 1. Tne marKet eioeea weak. December nened tto -lower 'at 42c. aold ud to 2v-rd JSC and then declined to 4-'iC. . Local ro- ceipta were 149 cars, wit a HZ ot contract grade. ' Active demand for the May delivery by cash intercuts held tha oata market ateady during tha first hour, La,ter, however, the market waa affected "by "the weakness of wheat ami uorn... Pit traders and eominls- alon nouses were free seller during the last half of the day. .December opened ud-changed- ar e-Hc, sold- between 810 nq m-v viusm i eY7fu, uucui rweipie it - , . ; . m rraaing B provisions snowea n tenaency broaiden out.' There' waa a good general Blemand for 'the January products. oiTer MK8 came large'y from longs. With tho Inception of October ribs, which were weak an pront-takiug, tne market waa nrm all day. Cash demand for meats and lard waa active and shipments were considerably larger than one year ago. This fact had a tendency to strengthen prices. At the close January pork waa up a shade at $13.75, lard waa a ahade higher at $X.10 and ribs' were 2Ho up at $7.46, Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 41 oars; corns, 173 cars; oats, 858 cars; hogs. 25.000 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles. I Open.f Htgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y. Dec..., Miiy... t.'orn - lot.... Deo..., May... Otta Dep.... May.. July.., Pork Jua... Lard Oct..., Nov.. Jan... Ribs- Klt.... Jan..- T4i I 74 74 lHti 7VS 78V4 . 79 45i 464 46 44 45 U 41'H 42H 4" 42 . 4L"S 43((i 43t, 43S 13 34Q 84U 3H 84HS44kifH SoV 36 36V, 36V,ftH fttZ 34tt 34, $3 W 84',-J 13 78 13 80 13 72V4 13 76 18 75 05 8 25 105 $28 $00 8 7H $ 80 8 70 8 80 8 ?Vi 3 10 8 12H 8 07H 8 10 8 10 8 67H 8 67H 8 26 8 30 3 65 I 2VI 74i 740 745 7 424 4, mmmmm M. x. t imh iiuotatlons were as' follows: ' ' ' Fll t Bieauy: winter patents, 83.00H1 3.40; winter stialghta. $3.103.26; spring pat ents.' $1; stranghta, X(j-3.7u; bakers. 't viit. 90. WHEAT No. t snrlng. TTftSlc; No. 3. 72 7i,i,c; N6. ired, 717. , ' " ti.i 'a' , to. a jruo OAT-No. 2, 2sc. No. S wl w. 46a hlte, 349 Jfii,-; No. 8 wliMe, 81'l4tj4VaOi KVlv-JV"- s,-iuic. HAliI.EV Fair to choice malting. 44y62a 44KED No. 1 llsx, $l.iV; No. 1 nnith- western, IUI Prime timothy, 83.96-a4.o8. Clover, contra grnoe. tUOUw ' PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loose). 8.;ui8.ti. Maa pork, per bbl.. $ld.60. Ijrd, jh r loO lbs., $9.5. Blmrt clear sides t boxed 1, swliowlng we;e the receipts and ship 43ia of liour and grain: , tieceipts. Blilpmrnt. lour. obis. wu .... 1 a. a S2,li iift4.i0 I9.9n TorJ. bu r..;.4T4.i Kve bu 48. -Jul I.HHi Bsrley, bu 134,;l . S3,70O On the ProliK-e exchunge today the but ter market wu firm; creanieiica. IWm; dairies. Ikoi-V. KKgs. firm: at mark, rani Included. li-Uli'c; Ili'Sts. 21c; prime llrnts, 2-'tc; extrua. 26o. 'Clmuse; stryiigi 12Vi3o. Toleda fired lurLrt. llj:Dt O., Qct.f 10. SEEDS Cloyrr, l- (fiv Oi-loWf. t liwembrri January and i')f h. $.kVTie Vty. $1-824. s I lrrioel tiraln nad Pravlaluua. LlVEIU'tHJW mu 10.-WHEAT-Ppr.t. flr-n: N'i. t red ncntrn winter. ai; futures, uulel; December, tie ld; ftlarch. i:d. asuiUt- aawl, i Auieiicuu lulxed, u M; future, quiet: Ortober. nominal; ""nr, 4a i,d; January. 4a l'.l. EW YORK (iKERtl. MAHKKT QaMMInt of the Day larloo Cenanaellllea. NEW TORK. Oct. lO-FLOCR-Rccelpts, K.m bbla. export, 2.428 bbls: sales, i.5"J Pkgs; market steady, but quiet; M'n rwewita patent a. 4.1ti4.40: Minnesota baker. t3.85; winter patents. H7j4 10; winter straights, S3.5fti3 80; winter extra, 13 5; winter low grade, S2.76fi3.28. Rv flour, firm; fair to good. S3 3.i; choice to fancy, S3.8T.ifi4.10. Buckwheat flour, steady, 2.4r62 4B, i. pot and to arrive. , CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel low, l 2yi.t6; coarse, 11.101.12; kiln dried, 82.75fr2.85. RYE Firm; No. t western, 68e.' c. I. f. New York. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 4?c. e I. t. Buffalo; malting, 49t?S9c, e. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, .W0 bu.; export, 7.997 bu.; aalea, l.Sun.OOO bu.; future. 16,no0 bu.; a pot market easy; No. 2 red, 7He. f le vator; No. 2 red, 79 V f. O. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. W4c; f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 bard winter. 82,c. f. o. b., afloat, Dull ness prevailed In wheat today up to I o'clock, when the government report pro moted active celling for profits. The mar ket ruled generally ateady during the Core noon on light ottering and strength In the northwest, but on the final reactldn closed Sartly r. net lower. Bale Included No. red. May, (WNi4o, closed at 84c; De oember. 8l44if2s.e, closed at CORN Receipts. 18,27:1 bu.; exports, 29,850 bu.: aalea. ln.000 bu. future and 56.n0 bu. soot: snot market easv: No. I, Mc eie i vniur.ina o1c, i. o. d., mimi , u. - . - low, ones No. 2 white, 6ic. Option market . Wfl lull nd easier on the bearish crop report, closing c net lower; January closed at 4SHc, May closed at 19a and lk- nemhee elnM a KILL,, . . ' ; ' . . . . V -. , . , i ftjrt UAlO iteceipts, jii,ohj uu.; eii. bu.; spot market firm; mixed oats, 2i to 32 Sounds, S8Hc: natural white. 30 to 33 pounds, vVi4l-io: clipped white. 38 to 40 pounds, 3HViH. . . FEE1 Finn; spring bran, l.S. October shipment; middlings. 223. 1. October ship ment: city, $.0.01(125.60. HAY Steady; shipping, Arm; good to Choice. $9.(Kn9.riu. HOPS Quiet; common to choice. 21 24c; 16, lnil7c; Purine coast, 1551e. HIDES Btedv; Oalvestiiti, 20 to 2T lbs., and California. SI to 25 U.S., 21c; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 lb.. Iftc. LEATHEtR Steady , acid, 2Hft27c. PROVISIONS Beef, Arm; family, $11. OT 12(i0; mess. $.00Hi9.X: beef hams. $21,000' 22.50; packet. $lft.orxilO.SO; city extra India mess, $1 ofVQlfi 50. Cut meats, steady; pick led liellle. $10.2K&12.50: pickled shoulders, nominal; pickled hams, $ll.Mf.0D. lJU-d. strong; we-tern prime, $9.4(vfj.ti0; reflncd. firm; continent. $9 65: South America.. $10.25; compound. $9.50ff7.75. Pork, firm; family, $18 sofiW.oO; short clear, $16.60(3 18.ii0; men. $1H.2KJi1.75. TALLOW-Steady; city ($2 pe' pk). 64ic; countrv (pkga. free). 6)5Sc. RICB-Qulet; domestic, fair to extra, 3tt Jiv,c; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; extra creamery. 2Hi Offlclal prices: Creamery, common to ex tra, 1926c: held, seconds to extra, 2K9 26c; state dairy, common to fancy. 1 26c; renovated, common to extra, 'w-22,: western factory, common to firsts, 16 W 19 Vic; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 20c. . . -CHEESE Steady; state, full cream, email fancy, imc; state, fair to good, 121412ici atate, large fancy, l$tyc; state, fair to good, 12lSc; state, ln- ..' terlor. 1.04 rfl0. 72 EtlOS-Easy; state. Pennsylvsnla and nearDy taney seiectea, wnne, ojwh-, choice. 3oflflle; state, mixed fancy. 2Sc; western firsts, 25c; offlclal price, 24!H25c;' seconds, 22ff34a. ... ' POI LTRV Alive, eaav; spring chickens, 12Hc; fowls and turkeya. 14c. Drasped, quiet; western chickens, ll16c; spring turkeys, 10Co20c; fowls, 1215c. St. I.onla Oeneral Market. ST. LOl'IS, Oct. . WHEAT Firm; track. No. 2 red, cash, iVfrtrnc; IsTo. 2 hard, 72Ht76c; December, 73c; May, 77VitTPc. Mnvuiintini,iJ' inrir Vr, i ruah - 45r45H'; Decemher, 40Hci May, 4JHc; No. 2 white, 46l'a,4iH4j0. . AiTflOTrw tvnelr Vn . eah ' MlffitihLc: December, 34c; May, Ka; No. 2 white. FLOUR-Steady; red winter patents, $3.15 03.40; extra fancy and straight, $2.85iff3.26; clear, $2.2047S. . ,. bekiv- nmotny, ateaay,- J.awi"". CORNMEAISteady, $2.50. BRAN Strong; sacked, east tracK, sow 1 87c. ' j' HAY St ImiIv! tlmnthv. til .fiOffllB.OO: or ai rle, $H.6011.00. vl IRON COTTON TIES 11.02. "i 11-I HAOGING 9WC. i HKMP TWINE Ic. j PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, ta. stesdv: 'extra ' tis. 80. " Dry ' unit .Vinrt. 19 Mt . clear shorts. 89.K2U: short clears, $9.75. Bacon, stedlly; boxed extra shorts. XlO.Jo; Clear rms, iu.i'.; snort clear, $10 R?V4. POULTRY ., Steady; springs, 10c; turkeys chickens, 13c; ducks. 10c; 80; geese, 60. Rt'TTEP Stronger; creamery, dairy, lR'rr22c. . 222THc; EUU8 ISC, case count. Recefpts. Flour; bbls. ..: 6.00ft Whtat, bu 62,000 Com, bu. 46,000 Oats, bu 72.000 Shipments. 14,000 46.000 41.000 79,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOIJS, Oct. 10. FLOUR First patents, $4.20(8.30; second patents, $4.06 4.15; first clears, $3.2&&3.36; second clears, $2.4O02.U BRAN In bulk. $14.25!fl4.50. (Superior Hoard of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chlcagi delivery). The range of price, as reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: Articles. Open. Hlgb.j Low. Close. Wheat- Dee.... May... July... . 74 78V. 73H 77SI 77V5'Ta "8H 1 13vi 1 13 1 11 1 16 Flax Oct., Nov.. Dec. May. 1 13 1 13 1 1S"4 1 nv J 16HI 1 13 1 12H 1 1 1 U'Z 1 U 1 10V 1 14', Minneapolis L Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 76c; No. 1 northern, 76"c; to arrive, 76Hc; No. 2 northern, 734c; to arrive, 7314c; No. 8. 71c: No. 1 durum, fic; No. 2 durum, frJVjC. ' Corn: No. 3 yellow. 43Vic; No 2. 4C4c. Oat: No. $ white, 314c; No. 8. 29a40. Parley, 85600. Rye, &6i, 67c. Flax. 81.11V Kansas City tiraln and Provision. ' KANSAS CITY, Oct. 10,-WHEAT-De-rember. ac; May. 71V; cash, No. 2 hard, 6WB704c; No. 3, t',jc; No. 3 red, 71&7mc; No. 8, 67H4i8Hc. CORN December, Wc: May, SHVic; cash, No. 3 mixed, 42c; No. 8 white, 42Hc. OATS No. 3 white, 33ftQ34c; No. 3 mixed, 31 He KG C, S Easy ; extras, 21 He; firsts, 20Vc; seconds, 14Hc. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $11. 7 12.00; choice prairie, $90(Ko960. RYE Sready, 5ti6SHc. BUTTER Firm; creamery 25c; packing, 16c. , Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 153.000 55.000 Corn, bu 14,0 0 Oats, bu 17.0J 4,100 Mllwonkee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 10. WHEAT Markot steady: No. 1 northern, 78fi80c; No. 3 north, ern, 70ST8c. RYE Steady; No. 1, 4Hc. BARLEY Steady; No. 3, 55c; sample, 3S9 49c. CORN Ixwer; No. 8 cash, 45Nc; De cember, ,4-c. . . Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. III., Oct. 10. CORN Steady ; No. 3 and No. 3 yellow, 4Vse; No. 4, 44u; no grade, 43flS140 OATS Strong; No. 3 white, 4c; No. 3 White, 33V.(i33toc; No. 4 while, 32Vk4j33e. RYE Firm : No. 2. Kliptltf. WHISKY $1.29 for tlniahed goods. Pnlnth Grain" Market. DULUTH, Oct. 10,-WHEAT-On track: No. 1 hard, 77V. To arrive; No. 1 north ern.. 7V:: No. I northern, . 76c; October, 7i'.c; December, i4V; May, 8Hc; July, 7V. OATS To arrive, 32V. Metnl Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 10. METALS There wa a decline of 10a in the Limdon tin market, with rpot closing at 196 5a and futures at 193 lis. Locally the market waa easier with quotations ranging from $42.80 tn 142 70. CoDDer was irrezular In the T.nn. J don market, with spot closing at 97 and futures at 9 7s 61. Locally the market continued very strong, with lake quoted at $-'1.0iv 22.00, electrolytic and casting it ?0 2a-l.tA. Lead waa unchanged at i.75? 5.110 in the locul market and there waa ld advance of 5a to 19 5a In London. 8oelt-r advanced 7a ld to 27 15a In London, while locally the market was dull at M.I5iiav Iron waa lower In th- Enellsh market, with standard foundry closed at 56a 4d and Cleve land warrants at 55a 10VI Ixieally there was no chaaxe reported. No. 1 northern foundry being quoted at til oi8 22.00. No. 2 northern foundry at $, No. 1 south ern foundry at $'-'1.0itit W and No. t south ern foundry at $-"0.5n'y21.i0. ST. Lfit'18. Oct. 10.-MBTALS-I.ead. un settled, u.KVt- opeltar, nominal, .(. NEW YORK SIOlKSANDBONDi Marktt Izpands ia tom$ Letne Etrintth ia Bttr Dutribntei. and UNION PACIFIC ANJ ST. PAUL ADVANCE Ranter ot (loser Relatione Between Properties Cnnsea Rise Ore Deal Groan la Rtagalah t'ntlt Late In Day. NEW YORK. Oct. 10. Dealings In slocks expandeu in some oegree tonay ana ktienain In the m.wkcl was better dis tributed and consequently nad inure sym pathetic ettfet on tne ni-i.orai nL 1 im re sult was to tiuniiiisn tne spotty appeurance ot the marKet. mat appearance was not enliruly abollsned, huwever. as a lew stucas nueu aispiuportlonate strength and activ ity. Tnese stocks were ot a oeiier ernes than yesteraay. wnen the low graue of tne set-unties which began to appear in the list of candidates for speculative favor had a detrimental eflect on tne tone ut tne whole speculation. i'nere was no change in general condi tions to account for the better tone of speculation. The most conspicuous move ments were accounted lor uy rumors of specific development rrgaruing the lu aivldual properties, most of tnem vakue and unauthorised. Prospective ulVldenu in creases and combination projects were con spicuous features in the oiy i stocK mar ket gossip. L'nlon I'aclllc and St. Paul rose jointly on a revival of reports of closer relations. Ihese rumuis gameo: additional force from the fact of tne re-election of tne president of the St. Paul as a director ot tne Union Pacltlu at the annual meeting yeier;ay. That m-.-eting also gave rise to rencweu assertions that the pampulet re port wa to appear Immediately end that It would contain Important information bearing on the addition to the value if property. Assurances from authorised souices that the report would not -e reauy for the stockholders for several weeks uid not seem to diminish tne active speculative operations In the stock Which were at tributed to the so-called western element. The large increase in gross and net earn ings for August reported by the Union 1'aclflu was in favor of the movement. Other railroad stocks did not, In all canes, respond to similarly tavorable showings. Northern Pacific's prosperous annual show ing did not seem to help tfiat stock. The ore deal group waa sltigglch until late In the nay when a demand lor t nited totatea Steel developed which carried It to tne hignest price on the present movement. The extraordinaty prosperity In the copper trade was moderately reflected In the move ment In Amalgamated Copper. Hopes of dividend Increases were motives tor the rise in Pennsylvania and American Smelt ing, althoiiMh tne latter Btocal showed the" ehect of profit-taking In Its wide advance during the course 01 the day. The same was true of some other stocks which rose sharply earlier in the week. Money continueu earner 111 i manifest pressure of remittance to London, which made sterling exchange strong, not only here, but In Paris anu Berlin. The advance in the official discount rate of the Imperial Bank of Germany was In accord ance with expectation and the private dis count rate receded there today. In Loudon, however, the private discount rate ad vanced and It was considered probable that the Bank of England would advance Its of ficial rate tomorrow In view of the heavy withdrawals of bullion from its already de pleted supply, as shown In last week s statement. The bank sent another $1,250,000 to Egypt today. It is believed that New Yorkiias made a large reduction of Its Indebtedness to foreign money markets this week. That Is could do so without disturb ing the relaxing tendency of the local money market is regarded as encouraging evidence of the Improvement In the local e-w.tinv all IIO t Intl. The improved money situation was re flected also In an enlarged demand for j bonds at advancing prices, which gave that : market a very Arm tone. Total sales, par value! $2,754,000. United States bonds un- ClThe following was the range of prices on J the New York Stock exchange:. : 376 Adams Eipreaa Anialfamatad Copper American C. A F Am. C. A r. ptd.. American Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd American Enpreaa American H. A U pfd... American lea American blnaeed Oil Am. Unwrl Oil Amar. ran UecomollTo .... Am. UKorootlra pt Am. 8. A R. rfl Am. 8. A .K. pfd Am. Bngar Reflnlnf Am. Tobacco ptd ctd.... Anaconda Mlnlnc Co Atrhlaon Atchlno nptd Atlantic Coaat Un Baltimore A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Trtntlt.. Canadian Pacific Central of New Jersey... Cheeapeaka A Ohio . Chicago Great Weatara.... Chicago A N. W Chicago. Mil. A 8t. P.... Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C. C, C. A 8t. L Colorado P. A I Colorado A 80 Colo. A So. let pfd Colo. A 80. Id pfd. Consolidated Oat Corn Producte Corn Producta pfd Delaware A Hudeon Delaware, L. A W Denver A U4n Orande.... p. A R. O. pfd Dlallllert' Securities Erie 7lno lltVi 115 H 11.100 44 5' 1164 44 10J14 4V fl 24 ' II m 100 101 I, M0 I4'4 04 400 II . 1,304 77 i 63.i0 1IIH ,7li 74V4 ' Ill ' 1M'4 700 1110 ll1 llf I.1W) 1I7S4 lf 14 1110 st 19 tf 1.(00 ts SJ.ino 104 loo lor 181 H loss 10! la 140W 81 J 104 1014k 140 HI 1 ' t 1 lo4 ' 126 I l I in I 110 177 : I R4 I fa 1 400 141 11,000 lJd'i 121 100 13 M 4.100 7IS 1,200 W I0 127 Vi 1,100 2H 400 1H t.tna III 16,700 171 774 1 114 107 t 176 Vl 400 1.100 1,000 1U0 600 ' ioo 600 too "'200 m 4.000 1.100 100 1,100 in 67S 4i"a fl 64 'ifiii 74 it 40 fl 6.1 HI 80 71 r.'t 660 41 iiiv, 71 t'H '42-4 54 41 47H 70 179. lie" It 12414 ii'i S6Vt 704i 48 77 70 111 . 70 ' 47.. 74 14 100 j 130 ; ut. : n 2 1 4 M : u , 2a 1 8"S j 141 21 ' 73 ! Krl 4at pfd Brl Id pfd . v. Oeneral Electric Hocking Valley, offered Illlnole Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa central Iowa Central pfd Kanaa Cltr 80 Kanaaa Cltr 80. pfd Louiavlll A Naehvtlle Mexican Central Minneapolis A 81. IJula.... M.. St. P. A 8. W. M M., St. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd. Mlaauurl PaclBc M., K. A T M.. K. A T. afd.... 60U 171 4,000 llli 0 100 too "liioo 1.600 1.4V0 60 45 II "lis III 41 w 1 M 40 1474 "7!" 161 'fi" 11 ' -7 411 1404a 14S 100 72 100 161 lot lit II t 1.100 M'4 1k I.IU0 17! 400 00 National Lead National R. R. ef M. pfd N. T. Contrnl N. T.. O. A W Norolk A Weaurn N. A W. pfd... No. American M 4H 141 van 1 4S I 4, 00 700 1.000 HO 4 M to i; 144 at ft M - II" 124 to ft S M to 104 4 2S to V, lia ' W M 1st SI It Mt 144 Mr " lot 4 '4H Ma 94 Pacific Mall Pennsylvania 100 17 ....111,700 144. too US .... 100 14 .... 1.600 64 .'400 S41 at 141 It 14 M4 240 151 0 ft ia t W 47 '" People'e Uaa P., C, C. A St. L. Praaard fteel t'rs. Preaaed S C. pfd ,. Pullman Ptlaca Car Reading Reading let pfd Reading M pfd Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Ialand Co Rock Ialand Ca. pfd Rubber Oooda It. L 4 4 P. Id pfd... at. Louie S. V 81. L. 8. W. pfd southern Pacific Bo. Pacific pfd So. Rallwar 80. Rallwar pfd Tenneaae C. A I.. Texaa A Pacific T., St. L. A W.. T.. St. L. A W. pfd t'ntoa Pacific tnloa Paclttc s4 84,100 K3 IOO to 200 1,100 400 4,700 KH) M 44 tf fl'a 4011 4t 46.500 o0 4. tog tf 116 M M44 'H 4 4 .i 14 l.toO I'M 300 7 4 .H1.704 IK) W if. a. Kxproaa V. a. Realtr 1.000 7f U. S. Rubber I.loo ' lit 4t V. S. Rubfcer pfd too U0'4 liov. I'. B. Steel , 134. 10U 41 S 4444 4 V. 8. Steel ufd.. a.. 1.600 104 lint, Va.-Carollba Chemical VI 40 4U 200 l"t lot lot fill 1046 ail sou Ve. -Carolina Cham. pfd... Wauaah .'. , Wabash pfd Wella-lrargo Expreaa Weetlnghouae Electric .... Westers t'ntoa Wheeling A L. E Wiecomria Central Wla. l antral pfd. Northern Pacific Central Leather Central Ltaihor pfd Sloaa-Shemeld Sic I (inat Northern pfd Interuarougk Metropolitan. t.600 44 . 46 46 80 600 161 ft im" 14 16S ae la. IK '-. 101 76 lit. M 7, 100 1 ) li-a :it . 74 ui 31 fo 7T.4, 134 T.luO J.ltM 1.700 IW 7i Interburaugh Mit. ptd 764 Total aalea for the day, 1.4TI J00 anaraa. Ke York Mlnlnv tnek NEW YORK. Oct. 10. -Closing auotatieas on mining stocks were: Adauva Cos X Little Chief ... Alice -, 440 Ontario Breace I" Orhlr Brunswick Caa 46 Pol oat Cunaaock Tunnel If Haraga ........ Coa. al. A Ve to Sierra Nevada Horn Silver 14 email Hope .. I ... I . tAO ItdmtAmmjt ... 4 ... 11 ...Iff ... 66 . .. M ., I Leadv.Uk Coa I " Bank Clearings, OMAHA, Oct. 10 -Bank clearinga for to day were 81.638.048.82 and for the correa. pondiiig date last year 11.3.734.11. Trrasnry (tatenieat. WABHINQTON, Oct. lO-Todaj-'s atals ment of the treasury h!snca-a In the sjrn fral fund, csclusivs of tha li,0tvW gU n erve, shoasi Avsiliible rush hslano. ' $ Jl.4i.3Tn; gold coin snd bullion, $16.(i3.t.; j IU I tTUIHWim, JV'-, ilF. ev York Money Market. NEW TORK. C-t. 10 MONET On call, firm. $44V Pr rent; closing bid, $'4j per cent; offered. 4 per rent: rating rate, 4 per cent; time loana. eatler: slsiv days, $H per cent; ninety clays, six months, 64(16 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPKJt T per rent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills sf $4.8490 it 4.8498 for demand and at $4.81 ltd 4.M2) for sixty dav bills; posted rates. $4.81(7 4.61 H and $. 4.85 tt ; commercial bills, $4. 80S 43 4.80 V SILVER Bar, IHc; Mexican dollars, BJo. - BONDS Government, ateady; railroad. Arm. Quotations on bonds today wars as fol lows: f. 8. ref. ft, rt ...lVJp to. M aeries '44 1 M4 ' , a u 4o eoiipon do in ctfa-... t' 8. . rt lt4 Ao roepoa in IS in M Wrtf V. S. ol 4s. fM....l"t t,. K. unl. to... do coupon 11 IMta. e. g. 4..t.:. I'. 8. now 4a, l....llHHii. L'Mitral to.... ia eoupon l.iflii do Ut Ine Am. Tohocco 4 7t Minn. . St. L to. to I 111 M., K. T. to... Atfhlooa sen. ( 1!N X do adl. to. 7 S. n. R. ef M. r. to. t Atlantic 0. U 4.. IUI a Ohio to.... do 9Hn SV K: T. T. 8. I'is - "4 ..tolH'N. 1- 0. (. (a..., MS No. Psrie,e 4. ..l-nu ... .. H n. a. t. . a a N. A W. e. to... O. S. L rtd, to. Penn. conv. Sa.. Readlns sen. 4a.. Central of Oa. is Ill do lot tne 14 do 2d Ino. do Id Ine II Chen. Ohio 414a t'hlraxo A. ISa C, B. A Q. . to C. R. I. P. 4a. 104 St. U I. St. . la.lia-4 'St. L. A It. F. t(. 4a. IIH .inn St. b. . W. a. 4a.... "I . It Seahoard A. U to.... It do rol. it "5 t m t. U 1 4a..HU 80. Pari (It to Ki do lat 4s ctfa ar.'t t'olo. Ind. K, Mr. A. Tfiii'So. Rallwar la... ..Ill Colorado Mid. to 1 ,Tuaa A P. In ..IIS Colo. A So. 4a.... Cuha ( n A R. 0. to.., lllmlllfr'- 8-e. ta Krlc p. . 4a do an. 4a ..... . . asiT - w to... m4 . I n 14 l'nlon Pacillo 4a.. ics 14 M- II.1H l'4 ' -'4 a .100 V. 8. Bteel Zd as .. T"t ..l"l' Wahah la do deb. R...... WMrn Md. 4a.. W, A L. ft. 4".. Wla. Central to... 1S H.x-Mnf Val. 4'ka....l(i7 Japan Ha 91 HJlTered. Bo Hon Stock anil Bond. BOSTON, Oct. IO.-O1II loans, SHQ'M per cent; time loans, frjfii" per cent. Olllclal quotations on stocks and bonds more; Atrhlaon ad). 4a..... It Amlrmated 1ISH do 4 1014a,Atlantlr 14 Mm. rntral 4a tt Atrhlann 104H do ptd , lniit Pom on A Albany... .110 Borton A Maine 144 Htnn Eltraied ....161 Kllckbum p(d IM Mcxl-an r.ntral tl N. T., N. H. A H..1H4 rrre Marquatt .... as l'nlon Pacific lfi'i Amar. Ars. Chem.... 71 - do pfd 92 Amar. Pnau. Tub..,. 11 Amar. Sugar .........1st do pfd 134 Amcr. T. A T 1M Amar. Woolen U'4 do pfd Ida Dominion 1. A 8 J4t Ed Hon Rleo. lllu.....2l Mart. Elcotrlc ....... 11 ' do ptd salt Bingham ....... ral. A Mecla... .... 1114 ....Pan .... H .... M 14 .... U flit .... 10 .... 14 .... It .... 1 .... Rt ....15t .... 104 If ....IN ... .111X4. .... .... fIS .... lH .... ti ..... Tt4 .... 1144 ...! ....lltH .... 40 H .... ti ....114 ..... II 40'i raatennlal roepor Rang ,. rraeklla joranbr ui Rnrtl .... Mm. Mialns .. MkHlsaa Mohawk Mont. C A C. (Hd Dominion .. nartnl , Parrot ........ Qulnoy Shannon ........ Tamaraak Trlnltjr Vnlttd rip par . 11. t: Mlnlnc... v: 8. 011 Plan Victoria Maaa. Oat 1014, 'Winona initeo rruii ...... tnltad erhoe Mtch. do pfd 1 . ..107 MWlTrln North Butte ... . Butt Cotlltloa . NTtdt Cal. A Ariiona.. Taciimach Ariiona Com .... ..71 .. (, .. A ... I4 .. 41' a. sttei do pfd .. Groena Con Adrentura Allouea Bid. Asked. Boston t opper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, ! Board of Trade building, Omaha; Adrennira tf Mohawk W'4 Allnuea , 4114 Nevada Cnaaoltdated.. i-t Atlantic 17Vf North Butt 113', Bingham I7' Old fiomlnlon ti Black Mnnauin H Oaeeela ..llr Boaton Conaolldated.. J4H Pneu. - Servlo ., II Butt Coalition 40 Pneu. Swrvlce, ptt... n Calumet A Qnlnay 104 Calumet A Hecla. shannon . .,,, l centennial It Tamarack IM Copper Range It Tann. Copper 46 Dellr Waet 1H Tnnitr , Kaat BuH tl Vntri trait ' lt Prankltn U Vnlted 8tatea. com.. fl Greene Copper ITSS Vnlted State., pfd.... 46 (Vanbr ......'. 14l4l'tkh "Cofiadlldated.'.. Helvetia I Vtahnpeef .. 37- Iile Royal 1.7 H Victoria.. , 7H L. a. A Pltaburx.... M Wlnrma -. ! : 1!M Maaaachuaeta .1' 10 Wolvarfft '. .; it . ..J.: i- ' i JH ....r,ll Michigan Land on Cldalrfa;ooka. LONDON, Oct 10CIOflg; quotafJoM oa tha Stock exchange wei-f.(irii . . . r.. Consols, money .... 81 8-18 H i Ki ft T. .......... 17 da account ...... M t-14-N. V.-Centr4..,..,...144 Anaconda 14 Norfolk A W. t Atchison ,...104 4o,pf4 fl do pfd ...101 (Ontario A Wj 4f Baltimore A Ohio. ..,137 Pennsylvania 74 Cauadlan Pacific .....IM. Rand Mine I Chea. A Ohio. . 14 Reading 78 Chicago Ot. W.. C. M. A St. P. DeBeara Denver A R. .0. do pfd Erie i...... de 1st pfd.... ' do 14 pfd.... Illlnole Central . it-.teouTnem icanway ,.. in ..ui-a oo pni - '..(fli it southern f'acinc . .' .Ill .. 44 t'aloo Pacific ... .. .. 4t .. 7f .. 72 ..10 do pfd V. 8. Steal.. da prd ... Wbai .... do pfd. ... ..J.i... f7 60 ..Ill .J...... II ....., 4f 1uIt11I. A Nash .161 Spanish -4S eiLVBfV-Bar, steady. 81?id per ounce. tn MONEY-24t per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 4lkti4 per cent; for three months' bills, 44d4H) per cent. "... Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. 10. WOOL The market holus steady. This Is partly a result of tha strength of the raw materials maiketa throughout the world. Pulled wools are comparatively quiet. A few small lets of. good and supers hitve bem sold af t4js!4c and white K i at 644860. Both merino and croaKbred Australian wools are In continued demand. The terttorles, three-eighths and halfblond are In steady call. Leading quo tations follow: Mltasourl, three-eighths blood 83!(i5c; combing quarter blood, 3jTu3Ic. Texas (scoured basts), line twelve months', T2r?73c; fine six to eight months', B!(&o9: fine fall, clean, 68ii0c. California fBcoured basin), northern, choice, 68iS"7uc; northern, food. oWiToc; middle counties, wSSfiac; fall ree 5Vfi67c. Oregon (acoured banls), cast em No. 1 staple, 72S74c; eastern No. 1 clothing, S'SfWc; valley No. 1. lb2c. Ter Itory, staple (scoured basis), fine, 7Ki"6-a: fine. medium, oliiioo; medium, CMj-oflc. Ter ritory, ordinary (scoured bajtis), fine, 70tt 7c; fine medium, 87i)9c. .Colorado and New Mexico, spring (ex-oursd), X. 6ttJ70c; No. 1, MW'C mined wonis tscourea dhjsisi. extra. 7i74c; Ana X, K&iio; A supers, ootS 64r; B supers. 606c. . : ST. LOUIS, Mo.. ' Oct. 10.-WOOL Steady; medium grades, combing and clothing, 53fj274c; light fine. WQUci heavy line, 14il7c; tub wanned, 3ao38c. - - Cotton Market. - NEW TORK. Oct. lO.-COTTON-Spot cloard quiet and 20 points advanoej mid dling uplands, 11.10c: middling gulf, 11.35c; no sales. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 10. COTTON Snot in fair demand and price 4fr7 points higher! American middling fair. .71d; good mid dling, 8.41d; middling, 8.1d; low middling, 5.97d; good ordinary, 5.83d; ordinary. 6.39d. The sales of the day were 5,000 bales, of which 500 bales were for speculation and export and included 4.300 bales American; receipts. 8,000 bales, Including B.Si-9 balca American. ST. IXH'IS. Mo., Oct. 10-tTOTTON-Qulct; middling, sales. 19 bales; re. r-lnti 210 bales; shipments. 83 bales; stock, 10.& bale. . - NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 10.-COTTON Snot clcsed Arm: sales. 3.400 bal -a ; low ordinary. c. nominal: ordinary, 80. nom inal; good ordlnarv, 9 5-18e; low mlddl'ng, 10c: middling. 1044c; good middling, llHc; middling fair, 11Hc. nominal; receipts, 10,771 bales; stoks, 9,972 bales. . Otis anal Roaln. ' NEW TORK, Oct. 10.-OIL8-Cottonaeel, weak; prime crude, f. o. b. ml!l. 29tyc; prime yellow, 4143c, nominal. Petroleum, steady: refined New York. 17.60: Philadel phia and Baltimore. 87.40; Philadelphia and Baltimore in bulk, 84.45. Turpentine, quiet at esv&twHe. RtiSIN Firm; strained, common to good. 84 20. SAVANNAH, Oa., Oct. 10.-O1 LB Turren, tine. firm. 660. ROSINr-FIrm: A, B. C, 84: D. 3410; E. 84 .26; F, 84.36; Q. 84.40: H, 84.50; I. 34 560 4 t; K. 4.70; M, 84-90; N, 8& 40; WO, 85.00: WW, 88 80. OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. IO.-OrL8-Os4lt balances. 31 68; runs, 118, 79U bbls.; average. 92.854 bbla: shipments, lu6,U97 kbla.1 a . ag. 161. &4 bbls. CoaToo Markot. NEW YORK, Oct. 10-COFFEB-Market for futures opened steady at an advance of Bi 10 points on steadier European cables than expected, somewhat smaller receipts and a atead'tr appearance In the Bra all Ian markets. There seemed to bo no specially pressing demand early and prices Bagged off a partial five points during tha middle of the session, but firmed, up later and rloaed at a net advance of 5410 points. Sales were reported of 86,000 base, partly la the way of awltrhlng from December 10 March. The bualnesa lucluded October at tl Jto-al.J&c; November at 8 36c; December, 8 36431. Kv; January, 8.40c; March, .6otr8 56c; May, 3 86c; July, 76d 80c; August. 3 86c; September, IMc Soot Rio uiet; Na. 7 lavoica, ! . UMAHA LIVE STOCK. MARKET I I Liberal Km of Cattls, with Fncsi Stesdy to 8trocff HOGS TRAVEL ON THE DOWN GRADE Contlnta l Littoral Reeelpts of Skeen anal Lanaba, wltk I'rlees Ten Cents lllatfcer Than First . of tko Week. SOVTH OMAHA, Oct. 10, 1908. Becelptia mere: Cattle. Hugs- Sneep. Official Monday 8.1irt 3.1141 ai,ll Offlclal Tuesday KU7J 4.91S 81.818 Official Wednesday 4,6c0 8.3I4) 18.W Three days this week. .30.781 l.4"4 B4.I35 Same days last week....24,:i2 li.W3 8H.7ii3 Same two weckn ago. .. .22,278 1S.11! 70.8W Hsme thfee weeks ago. ..17.172 1S.U 4ii.48 Biinn four weeks ago.... 17.842 17, 4i.7'i6 S.tme days last year 8S.8.S2 12.148 84,6811 'ihe tonowlng table shows the receipts it rattle, hogs and sheep at 8outh Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1J. 4dsn Inc Catlla 784,417 750,419 84,38 Hogs 2.040.MJ 1.84;, WS 1i3.il7 Sheep 1,&87,&X8 l!io, CATTLE Qt'OlAilUNB. Uood to choice corn-led steers.... a.7if-;-? ralr to good corn-fed steer Common to fair corn-fed steers... i.o-iajo.lto Uooil to choice raiige siera 4owW Fair to good range steers 4.WHW4.J' Common to fair range steers 8oOS4.9ti llood grass cows snd heifers 8ttf3 ralr 10 good cows and hel.r.. 2.4uua ' 'Joiiimon to fair cows and hel.ers.. 1.60'u2.4c Oood to choice stockers and fdrs.. 4.O0034.W Fair to good stockers and feeders.. 8.2tKn4.Wj Common to Mir stockers 2.7E i3.20 Bulls, stagsx etc l.loi. Veal calvea 4.00u.t lne following table shows the sveraga price of hugs at South Omaha (or tha laat several days, with comparisons: Date. I las. 1906.18O4. UXtt. 1902. 180l. ll00. Sept. 2.. 8 a Sept. 80.. Oct. 1.... 8 24 Oct. 8.... 8 264 Oct. 8.... 8 17 Oct. 4.... 8 Oct. 6.... 8 29 Otlt. 8.... 8UH Oct. 7.... I Oct. 8.... 8 8ft Oct. 8.... 8 32 Oct. 8 ... C82 Oct. 10 8 191 8 651 6 121 7 3l I It 8 13 8 69 i 711 T :M 8 W 1 S 74i ." 811 7 Hi i Ti i 13 8 18 I 6 81 7 S0 8 Ml S 18 8 10 I 73' 8 Wi 7 i"; 8 BUI 8 19 5 08 6 74 7 (1 8 881 8 20 fi O81 6 78j 8 07 '8 62 8 18 8 03 I6O95567 41 U I 5 061 5 W 6 401 7 881 49 I 6 64 6 191 7 3 8 34 K 08 6 64; 6 19 7 8 8 34! 6 0' 6 OS I 5 18: 7 14 8 IS 6 02 I 05 S 53 1 6 ii 7 03 8 14 4 92 Sunday. RANGE OF TRICES. Cattle. Omaha $2.ti(fi5.70 Chicago l.Va7.26 Kansas City 1.7i.4rt) 60 St. IxiulS 2.00&i6.nO Bloux Cltr 2.5yyt',.;-o Tha official number 01 curs brought n today by each road Cattle. Hogs C, M. A St. P 2 5 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 4 3 U. P. Syatem 88 i C. A N. W., east 8 7 Hog f8.15itfi.35 . 5.7o 6.70 6.7w6tf.40 .0yii.u6 .HK(ti.30 ot stock was: Sh p.H r s. 30 1 :4 C. ft N. W., west.... SO 17 C, St. P., M. A O.... 6 C, B. A y., east 8 C. B. A Q., west 72 C, R. I. A P., east.. 8 C, R. I. A P., west. I Illinois Central I Chicago Ut. Western. 1 'I Total receipts ....168 57 89 21 The disposition of the day's receipts was ss follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 692 191 1.: 8 Swift and Compuny 8i9 1,179 l.J4tl Cudahy Packing Co l.XiO 1.1.41 2,oh4 Armour A Co Wl 1,185 l,30i' Armour A Co., Denver.. 449 Van Sant A Co 115 Carey A Benton.......... 27 Lobman A Co 82 McCreary A Carey 33n W. 1. Stephen.. 46 ..... Hill A Son 274 F. P.. Lewi 85 L. F. Huss 78 Wblf '. II? J. H. Bulla 6 ..... Mike Haggertjr lol ..... ..... J. B. ' Root A Co.... 132 1 ..... T. B. lnghram It ..... Sullivan Bros ., 61 ... ' V. A. Brltton 2 Lehmer Bros 41 Other buyers 1,005 16,3a Totals .M7S 8.98 21,918 CA1TLB Receipts of cattle were liberal, but unfortunately a very latge proportion of the receipts did not arrive until a late hour in the morning. The late arrival of cattle trains Is a most serious drawback to the market and Is caualng no end of troublo to both buyers and sellois, as wU r- losses to owners. The demand for denlrahle beef cattle was ?uite brisk and the market opened up airly active, with the beat grades selling a little stronger than yesterday. In fact, the general market on cornfeds and ran gers can safely be quoted as steady to stronger. Cows and heifers were alao free sellers, and while buyers did nut utm to pay any more than stfady prices, as a rule, were quoting tlie market as only steady with yesterday. Some sales of the better grades actually looked a little higher. The mar ket as a whole was In a good healthy con dition so far aa the early arrivals were concerned. Late trains, which came In after buyers have filled their more urgent orders and are in a position to he rather independent, are apt to sell lower. That waa the case yesterday, when the market closed bad. The better gradts of feeders commanded good strong prices, but common light stock ers were slow sale. Representative sales: Na. 4T.... 14.... It.... 4.... 44..., 4.... . Pr. No. av. ir. 1311 4 70 80 1274 I 04 OOW8. 114 t If t 81 I 10 , mi in t ion 1 1: , lilt t 71 1 Ml I 00 HEIFERS. 7J I 4t f 151 to Ml I 44 II 171 I 00 1434 3 44 CALVES. 140 I Of BTOCKKK8 AND FKEDERS. , I' 4 I 74 17 124 I w 1018 I 00 1 7M I 75 f I 30 It lfi.-,l a If WEBItHNB-IVKMRABRA ! 23 feeders.. 917 3 76 4 feeders 5 feeders 855 3 00 3 0) 3 10 4 0) 2 75 3 75 3 80 3 10 2 75 14 feeders.. 814 13 feeders.. 1023 3 56 3 00 3 2R 3 20 3 70 I 40 1 60 8 40 1 76 8 15 10 0 418 2!J0 8 calves. . 3 calves.. 8 cows. . . . 8 carves 668 12 cows ... 14 cows 21 feeders. 8 cows. 3 feeders. 8 feeders. 13 cows... 12 cows..., . 914 . 800 . 890 . 9i , 670 , 761 9th" 25 steers. ...104! 34 cows 9i8 8 cows lOaj 7 feeders.. 601 25 cows limo 12 calves... 391 3H2 8 feeders.. 916 890 900 1 88 3 25 4 on 4 10 W) 2 mi I 30 I 70 13 stock calves 10 feeders.. 845 13 feeders.. Id1-'! 4 cows 987 24 cows 1014 18 feeders.. 981 44 cows 1102 20 cows 103o 11 cows..... 979 8 stockers. 310 A. 35 cows 918 J. 23 feeders.. 6V4 87 feeders.. 888 J. 44 feeders.. 1023 3 M 8 76 7 cow 10114 2 90 21 cows 9f 8 (JO 9 bulls 1445 8 83 8 10 24 cows 973 2 65 3 86 12 rows 991 2 75 I 66 6 heifers.. 376 3 35 3 00 B. Wiloox-Neb. 3 60 A nderson Neb. 8 80 9 feeders., 873 8 80 8 80 W. Stetter-Neb. 3 80 Qulgley A Stetter-Neb. 46 feeders . 11 10 3 80 Bletter Bros. A A. Neb. 7 steers.. ..1247 3 70 42 feeders.. l'l N. Bchell-Neb. 13 feeders.. 1103 3 80 25 feeders.. W8 11 cows 983 2 8i Mitchell Cattle Co. Neh. 15 Steers.. ..1093 3 76 13 cow 927 Tolland Oo.-Neh. 3 tO I 80 3 10 3 80 3 80 3 S3 too 4 00 4 00 98 steers.. ..1W9 3 80 50 steers.. ..1098 98 steers.. Hi 3 80 B. B. Kritchatier Noli. ,.1210 3 80 16 cows 1005 J. Harlln-Nrb. .. 819 3 00 11 feeders.. 823 Davis A H Nev. .. 477 2 36 t feeders.. 938 .. 7S It C. B. Wesr Neb. I steers. 8 cows.., 30 heifers t cows... 185 steers. . 1144 3 96- feeders. .1008 11 cows 990 3 60 " R. Brown Neb. 1 ' ' 4 60 ' 4te,T....lCG0 W. Boyle Neb. 8 80 O. 17 steers... .12M J. 28 cows..... 920 A. Fink-Neb. 19 steers.. ..1235 4 OS 4 corns 841 I 80 3 60 7 cows 1KB J Is) 4 feeders.. 94 R. S. McConnell Neb, ZS cows 927 I SO -10 cjws..... 97S I 80 9 cows..... 808 1 Go R. Raymer Neb. ... 10 cows 746 2 20 7 con...,. 945 2 06 I 4 feeders.. 426 2 75 ' C. C. Oenung Neb. j I feeders.. 1022 8 25 83 feeders.. 1079 3 90 I WYOMING. r , ; 24 cows 979 I 06 10 cows H35 2 46 i 22 helfsra... 79 3 00 t helfera.t. 4r2 8 1 I steers..- 940 4 04 14 feeders.. 5J I 75 J. A. Kennedy -Wvn. 21 f-drrs..l't 4 i K H. Iltirtavvi Wvo. 1 coa wi7 2 K, tvlW S44 2 " 14 fccliv.. hh 8 TV 11 fiM-ler. .Vl 3 40 1 feeder bws .1 7il inallenhtirg Jim.-Wyn 17 Co a a lis.) g -.n 6 ccwa 1'lfl 3 40 5 steers.. ..Iiwti 4 S8 H fo .I'-rs. . "18 .''A H 1. Chenev W vn. 21 cows M77 3 25 II cow Hf. 3 M. Oiiealcv Wye. 13 feeders. 11H1 3 Tn llcrffm.. KJ 3 8" 53 feeders .11K 4 26 41 feinlcrv. .1:40 4 4t IDAHO. 6 steer. ...11W 4 25 21 fe oilers. . 7-14 4 t 13 feeders.. K ii J feener.. !: i 8 steers.... 870 8 Mi 5 cow "JI 2 no 3 coyts 1250 3 00 6 cow 711 2 "16 A. B. Anderson Id.iho. 1" feeilers.-ltro S N 17 fce.lere. . 8X8 3 78. 58 feeders.. 92! 3 8" 4 f-ed.ri.. 800 3 71 A. B. Andersein Idaho. 4 feeders.. 813 8 75 16 cows W 3 0 Scows lKM 3011 it) cow l'l 2 8 heifers... mk 2 70 " HUlTH DAKOTA. S;T le-'rs...l:ift 4 :io 81 steers. ...V-19 4 T5 67 steers. ...12.15 4 35 2 bull U16 2 66 R. B. McPherson-8. IV . 15 feeders. .IP 4 10 13 steers... 1119 31 14 trows 876 3 13 I A. B. Phillips-?. D. . . 10 cows KM 3 16 11 steers... .UU 3 ' Itt H.4S Tmre whs a dortiiwam inoveinent In hug value all along the line. Kvery market was sending out reports Indicating declines, as a rule of about 6c, and tne market at this point as no exception to the rule. The trade v here openid very slow, laigely on iiccouut of railroads late In delivering trains, which naturally made a dull niaiket throughout. As Intll c ted above, prices were generally 6c lower than yesterday, even on the opening. As will foe noted from the sales hogs of dif ferent weights ara silling more closely to gether eveiy day. Uood butcher weights, good mixed and good light loads are very little different In the mutter of prlcts. Still the best light hogs are preferred to any other kind and command a little premium, while the rough and very heavy packtrs sell down at the bottom. Representative sales: No. Av. 8b. Pr. Mc Av. Sh. Pr 4 J65 ... I 13 74 l:3 " 4 34 M 114 ... 4 18 47 J' 411 8 m 110 ... 1 174 ii m ... 111 40 Ill 10 I 17', ar, m 10 1 j.-, 40 4 ll In 44 271 ... I I' ll S31 SO 1 !0 14 HI 170 I :s 14 177 inn I m 74 .2 4 4 43 111 10 4 er is 40 1 11 IS.-. St'7 120 IK1 Ml I 10 4 27'i TO tV, an I 2?H ID tM I'll 4 l M J74 ... 1 22 I! 871 J40 4 30 64 m ... 4 II 4.' 171 210 II" II 271 III IK ' 71 n M IM 44 1' 140 4 15 as 574 ... 4 S" 40 r, IM I 25 74 1 80 t 8' 17 tn.i 40 I 4i : ... 1 1 48 ?f5 120 I i; it 241 ... I U 44. .......J1S 120 I III SHEEP The sheep mnrket continues In a good healthy condition. Receipts for th week to dale are rjulle liberal, though not up to the very large runs of last week. At the same time the demand Is grnid, so that the arrivals have been kept well cleaned up. At the close last night there was very little left unsold. This morning the demand was as good s usual and the market opened out steady to a little higher In spots. Taking the strength of yesterday In connection with that developed today, It Is safe to quote the general market at lec higher than Monday. As a matter of fact, some sales men thought they secured ss much as 10)l6c higher prices than they could have done the first of the week. Tho receipts changed hands about as fast as they could be sorted up ready for sale and ut the time of closing th's report the big proportion of, Ihe arrivals had been disposed of. with prospects good for every thing being sold before the close of the market. Quotations on killers: Oood to choice Umlis, $6.7Mf7.00: fair to good lamb. IK. 50 P6.75: good to choice yearling. 35.60Wi.78: fair to good yearlinars, I5.26m5.60; good fo choice wethers. 35.00'Jr5.10; good to choice ewes, 84.6064.75. , ' Ounlstlnns on feeders: Lambs. 85. "o 6.W1; yearlings, 86. 155.40: wethers. 34. 753 5.00; ewes, $3.50St4.50; breeding ewes. 3i.7 476.00. representative sales: No. ' Av Pr. 271 Wyoming ewes, feeders 92 4 272 Wvomlng ewes, feeders 91 4 SO 227 Wyoming ewes 1"5 4 25 165 Wvomlng ewes 123 4 60 812 Wyoming ewes 104 j1 850 Wyoming lambs, fee1ers 67 - 0 10 159 Wyoming lambs, feeders..... 68 6 10 2.19 Wvomlng lnmbs. feeders 67 6 10 111 Wyoming lambs, feeders 5 110 153 Wyoming lambs, feeders 51 6 15 837 Wyoming taints, feeelers 57 8 20 4S9 Wvomlng lambs ; 85 6 60 750 I'tah lambs 6". 6 80 3B2 Wyoming lambs 61 6 66 664 Vtah lambs, feeders 88 6 05 313 Wyoming lambs 85 6 50 633 Wyoming lamba ...u.i.- , . 6 . 8 i5 .-. 101 Wyoming lnmbs 7'i 6 78 831 Wyoming yearling 98 5 25 f9 Wyoming lambs, feeders 51 t 25 405 Wyoming ewes ......... v , . 4 75 86 Wyoming ewes 128 I 75 871 Wyoming ewes, feeders 94 4 23 . . . , c - - ...... aa a ot 1Z3 Wyoming ewea. 1 et;iiri. ...... mi v 116 Idaho ewes, feders 90 4 20 - 140 Wvomlng lambs, cull fdrs... 90 4 20 60 Wyoming yearlings, fdrs.... .88 5 35 56 Wvomlng lambs, cull fdrs... 52 5 40 3o0 Wvomlng lambs, feeders 64 5 98 8fJ Idaho lnmbs. feeders 47 5 50 841 Wyoming lambs ,. 6 25 2i Wyoming lambs , 64 6 865 Wyoming lambs 68 8 no 225 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 60 6 00 alio vsyonimg iuiiiub. im-u-ii..... , , .... 1 I 1 ..... . t A Ell ' K ft. I TyonilllK mill'", '"" " . 861 Wvomlng lambs, feeders.... 54 6 10 349 Idaho lambs, feeders 6 6 28 WvonXng lnmbs 1 6 5" 513 Wyoming ewes ' 91 4 .0 9 Wvomlng ewes 9 4 28 2fit Wyoming ewes J 4 w 94 Wyoming lambs, feeder 53 5 i0 61(1 Montana limb. feedrs 61 6 972 Wyoming lnmbs. feeders 61 6 30 CHICAGO LIVfT NTOtK MAHKKT Cntlle Itresg to Hlalier and Hogs Steady to Lower. CHICAGO. Oct. lO.i-CATTLK-meeclpts. estimated. 19.00 head; market active and mine infiliV hither than Monday's price"; common to prime steer. 34.86tt7.26; iws. . 31.26(&4.76; heifers, t2.WH i6: bulls. 32 4fA 4 60; calves, 3.UWis.w; siocaers aim iwu.'i., 32.7n(O4.60. . HOGS Receipts, 21.000 head: morket tneady early, but later sold oft and rinsed 6i?il0c lower; choice to prime, Sft.654iil.75: moriinm tn uood heavy. 3u.4iyl"i. 00; butcher weights. 86. IMC'. 76; good to choice heavy I mixed. 8;.35'(iti.G5; packing, 3tf.Ocj.30; pigs, ; 36 -i.o. 8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 25.000 head; market active and strong; prices practically unchanged; laniba 104J15c higher; sheep. 84. 86 8. 86; yearlings, S5.5J.00; lambs, 8G.25SJ8.WK Kansas Cltr Live Hock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Oct. 10.-CATTLE-Receipts, 13.000 head, Including J,800 head southerns; market stendy to lflc higher; choice export and dressed beef steets, 8 M iti6.75 ; fair to good, 84.0O4i5.4O; wcntern steern, 83.50ojS.00; stockers and feedra, 82 50114.75; southern uteers. 32.tio14.25; south ern cows, l J'!i2.:'; native) cows, 31. 753.. 6; native heifers, f2.7ij-4.90; bulls, tLH0i.l&; calves, 32.754Ki.26. . , , , . HOUB Receipts. 8,000 head;' market steadv, top, Pi.Wt; hulk of sties. S6.34 6.35; heavy, 80.9W840; packers, 88.2541(4. 4,t; plga and lights, 85.7fyni 36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head; market 64 10c higher; top, I'tah lambs, 35.754r7.25; eweo and yearlings, 84.76 415.40; western yeerllnga, 86.tltKir5 45; wea: ern sheep, 4 264i5.10; stockers and ftsders, J."53.40. St, I.onla Live gtock Market. ST. LOl'18, Mo., Oct. 10 CATTLE Re celpta, 4,6mi head, Including 1.8.6 head TeXHtis) market 10c higher; native shlppmx and export steairs, 34.iryii6.fi0; dreraed tef and butcher steers, 84.0ut6.2fi; steers under l.ialO pounds, 83.5t'a4.60: stockers and feed ers, S2.0UU4.60; cows and heifers, 3'-'8'(6.a0; canners and belfera. 32.20; bulls -S2..o'u-4.tii; calvi-e), 83.0t7J7.60; Texas and Indian steers, 82.7(1 5 10; cows and heifers, 82.WJ4J3.60. H(KJS Receipts. 6.UU0 head; market steady; plga and lights, Stt.(itiil.6u; packtrs. SH.3o4t6.GO; butchers and beat heavy, 84 1 a 6 65. SHEEP AND IA MBS Receipts. ID. el head; murkct; native muttons, Sil.uj iftMi: hinihH. 34.OtXa7.60: nulls and buck. I3.0utr3.26; atockers, S3.0O&3.50. ' Block In Mlarbtt Stock In Sight, Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as follows: Cattle. Hows. Sheep. South Omaha 4.uuu 6io ls.vio Sioux City I,5i0 8,100 KatiHis City 13.0)i Mini 6,100 St. Joseph. 2.4(9 4 599 g,67l St. Louis 4.500 6.1XO l.&X) Chicago 19.UUO 2L0UO 23.0U) Totals .'.44,903 48,199 53,471 t. Joaeph Live stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Oct. 10.-CATTLK Rece4pt. 2.412 head; market steady; na tives, 84 5"4i6.35; cows and hif r. tl bfj 4.76: vtnekers and feeders, 3(4 30. HOUS Receipts, 4 59 head; .market steady; top, 84 42Vt; bulk. 86.4.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rcctlpts. 3.971 bead; market 10ftl5c higher; lambs, 17.35; yearlings, 85.75. Ions Cll, Live gtttrk Market. . SIOUX CITY, Oct, 10 (8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipt a, 1,600 head; I tnaj kat for slock law Vwsex, avarvaa, t.is4 4J4.:f; cow, hulls and mixed. IMMHW; stH kcrs snd leoets, i wani-4. 28, ralvea UIHI yeai HI'S. L' Sml bt. IHHlfi - Receipt I. (tn hevl: market wak to 6c, selling at S l"lfn ; bulk wl aalea, . Iwoj.o. OMAHA W A4.K alANKKT, 4'onalltlon of Tend aarl wantatloaa an staple ana tasty Prodneo. KtH.S-l'er dot., 19c. 1.1V1. 1 ,1. . ,1 . - lien. roeai.ra, ttc; turke), !; Uiicks, 9ill'k spring , BI TTKK rai king stmk. IKSc; eihnia Ui fancy iiani, .ooetii, cieaiueiy, HAV-frkis quoted by Omaha Kted cotn pany; t hence upland, 88.W; medluni, 47MO, rvaisc, Miantio. Hye straw, 3evj i.tM, UMA.N -I'ei ton, 816UI. VKtl KTAULF" SWEET IHITATOKS-Per bbl.. S2.SS. 1'OJkiA I dfcs-i-iuti.e a 1 . fer laaaat of Ilia . .6-UJIC. Tl'RNll'rt, BEETS AND CARROTS-Ptr bu., 75c. LEAF LETTCCE Hothouse, per los head 14. Jlic. CELEItl' -Per dot.. J34J40C. CI CL ilHKItS-Iiomo grown, per doa, 26e, ONIONS Home grown, We tier bu.; Spaa lh. 31.75 per crate. NAVY UKA.NS- Per bu.. t 88; No. i. SUt I IMA U MANS Per lb.. 6Vt. QREF.N PEPPKUS-Per market basket. S5c. . PARSLEY Hothouse, per dot. buiflha. 20c. . CABBAOE-Honis grown, par lb.. !. KOfl I'l. A NT-per hasket. 50c POTATOES-Per bu., 6 "rifPc. 1HOMCAI. FRUim ORANOES-Valencia, according to stada 84 I'MiOOO. LEMONS-t.lmonlers. exfrs fancy.' 58 slie, 37.60 ; 300 sits. 88 5O4"9.0O; 300 sjse, SS.8e4f 8.00; other brands 31 less. BANANAS l"ei- niT-.II'lin-alied bunch. II. 76412 26; Jumbos. ? Dmjs.OO. DATES Per lb., 6t6Vi. f" " FRUITS. PKACHKS Coloratlo, 9nc31.00; Call-, fornla Salwaya, per box, PI. CMS '.rcs'ii' It-ellBti prune. 81 W- TEARS De Ango. per box. 83.00;. Ktlfef. ll.75ti2.iio. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl. SiMKV, Jon athans, 13 (Hi; Grimes' flolden, 32.76. OB APES TU.m- ron r' 8-lh basket. 17c: Tnkay, per crate, 81.76; New York Con cord, per foaRket, 2.1c. CRANBRPPIKf- Per bbl.. 8 St. - ( CUT MEAT PRICES. No. 1 rlbi. 11c: No. I ribs, Se: No. 8) ribs, 6Hci No. 1 loins, 16a; No. I loins. ISol No. 8 loins, 6Hc: No. I chunk,' 80; No, I 1 chucks, 4c; No. 3 chucks, 3o No. 1 rtiundt, 6c; Nc 3 rounds, 7c; No. S rounds, del No. 1 plat. 3c; No. 2 plats. IV; No. 8 Platsv Sa. ' M1S('1.LUaNL0US. SUUAR Granulated cane, in sacks, 84.41s granu.uted beet, in sucks, 86.81. Clia.Eta-SvViss, nea, lno; Wltconstk brloK, 143; Avlteonsin limburgar.- Uci -twins, 140 ; young Americana, 160. COFFch;-Roasted, No. 86, 260 per 1st No. M, 2iVtjU per lb.; No. to, l4o per lb.. No. 20, lo',c per lb.; No. 21, 12V8a par lb. 8k HUP in bbla., 2".c par am.; In cases 610-10. cans, II 70; cases, 11 4-1 b. cant,; cases, ll usa-lb. cans, 11.56. ' HONB.V-Per 24 frames, 83.80. ' CANNED tiOODS Coiu, standard rrt ern, amueivc; Maine, II. lo. i'omaloes, 3-lb. cans, 81.00; 97ciall.OO. Pineapples, gtated, 3-ib., sliced, H.WJlD;. gallon apples, lancy, H-U; California apri- vols, tl.rv4i2.26, pears, 1.7&2.5o; ptachas. fancy, 31.7ixu2.4U; H. C. "peaches, SiOiKI.W. Alusaa sa.'mon, red, 41.26; fancy Chinook, '., 12.10; funcy Buckeye, F 31.9&1 sardines, 4 on, 276, 4a mualsrd. 81.00. Swaet pota toes, tl.Hi'cil.ifj; sauerkraut, l.00; pump kins, hOc.Dil.uO. wax beans, 3-lb., 66a80c; lima l-eana, t-lb 76c(b SI .H6; spinach, 81.31; cheap peas, 2-lb.. 0c; extra, 7bl90c; fancy, 4l.80ttfl.1s. CURED FISH-Famlly whlteffsh, pat quarter bbl., lvo lbs., 84.00; Norway mack, eral, No. 1, L'8.U0; No. 3, 124.00; No. 3, 30.00; Irish, No. 2. 116.00; herring, in bbl., 200 lbs. each, Norway, 4k, 112.00; Norway. 8k, 113.00; Holland, mixed. 111.00; Holland herring, ia kejts, milkers. 80c; kegs, mixed, i0c. FlSH-BufTslo. larg dressed. 80; trout, medium or large, dressed, 12c; pike, dressed 11c; halibut, fins stock, 11c, catfish, drasstd 16c; bullheads, dressed and skinned. 12c, white perch, dressed, 6c; crapples, large, I'.'o; sunflsn, pan sise, 80; whits bass, extra choice, 12c; pickerel. 8c; salmon,- Chinook, 'ic; whits fish (frosen). 12c; mackerel (Sranljli). 16c; Native, per fish, 1828c; codfish, fresh, frosen, lie; flounders, fresh, ' frosen, 11c; blueflsh. frrsh frosen, 16os . haddock, fresh frnxen, 10c red snapper, dressed, 12c; smelts. No. 1, per lb., lfo; ' lobsters (boiled), per tb., 40V1 green, 37o; eel, per lb., 18c; frog lega, per dot., 28c; roo shad. II each; shnd roe, pslr, e-. H. B. Davis of Sterling. Colo., W. A NUTS Pecans, large, per In., 12c: small, per lb., 11c Almonds, soft shells, per lb.,' 16c; bsrd .iholls, per lb., 184140. - Cocoa nuts, 14.00 per sack of 100. HIDES AVn- TALLOW -nreee salted, , No. 1, nc-r No. ?, Wtc: bull hides. UO' 104e; green hides. No. I, 10c; No. I, tot horse. 81.6ft 75; hew nlts. 60c43al.2(v Tai--low. No. 1, 444c; No. 2. 84c. , .. - WOOL-Per lb., 18026c. ' - . , wd-.i . . gne-nr mil Mnlaaaea. NEW YORK, Oct. 10.-BUQAR Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3V4c; centrifugal, 98 test, 4c. Molaeses sugar. 3'iC-, felncd, steady; No. 6, 4.6O0; No. 7, 4.45c; No. 8, 4.V; No. 9. 4.3fe; No. 10. 4.25c1, Nb. 11, 4.20c; No. 12, 4.15c; Np 13, 4.10c; No, 14. 4c: confectioners A, 4.80c; mould A, 6.80e; cut loaf. 6.70c; crushed, 8.70c; powdered, 810c; granulated, - 6.00c cubes,' 5.2fc. , , NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 10.-810 A R-Mar-kel steady; centrifugal yellow, 4tM 7-lfto; reeonds, 2Va(jaVsC. - 1'hllndelnhta Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. lO.-Bt'TTER Firm and In good demand? extra. ' west -' ern creamery, official price, WHe;. street price. 27c; extra nearby prints. 19c, ., E(IG8 Firm with good Inquiry; nearby fresh and western fresh, 25c at mark. niCAl, ESTATE TRASFa1RS.-' Romlle Corny and husband to John , . Chefuriin, lots 13 and 14. block 10, Brown Park, South Omaha..; .11,400 James W. White and wife to Anton . Pallas, lots 15. 16 and 17, block 4, nrnmmercy Park............ ITS Mary Lauitaen nnd husband to Mary -1'-Welner, lot 3, block 10, Patterson's- : Park 860 James II. Pratt to Harriet Belle Ma gee et al, sett and si ne'4 Sn-in-il "' and other laiid v . V Rosalie Mlllithalee to Margaret J. . McNabb. lot 4. block 8 Everett Place . 471 , John Muckley to W. H. Jackson, lot 3, block 614. Bedford Place f Wllllnm Fteln and wife to Barker com- c ' puny, lots 6 to 10, block 11, Loyd's.. Tn T:iac Bonner to William Stein, same f,50 E. E. French and wife to Rose Robln- ' - son, lot 16, block t, Lake View........ '. 1 Fannie B. Walters and husband to Henry O. Von Wlndhelm, lot 8, block-- ' 12, Place : l.sia) Daniel Wl Hhull et al to' CharrS rl'i ' Haller, tot 14. block 10, Shulls 2d , udd Shlmer A Chase Co. lo , Minnie. E. ' Adams, s44 feet lots 21 and 'Si, blcek - i 4. Orchard Hill ...,.: 2,750 Alice Emery and huxhumj to Elisabeth. Wright, kit 35, Windsor Place.;.......; ."IKW ,;' H V!lhelmlna Schcnck to Rlcharf . Combs, eVs Irtt 15, block Bedfortf Place . .'. h ......... ,-' v eMi " Standard" plstlVling nT isVrliiiillngT?:' ; company to Linlnger 'Mef(i)lf. ivt.' -government lot ' 4. '23-18-IS..'. li VTnlon Slock Yards- company to-,1 14, t'udahy Packing company,, part sw . 4-14-13 . . .'. .'. '..:.. .'. . . '.A:... N. P. Dodge, Jr., to Borah Robinjon, l.lOJ.-i' ' part aeU ne'4 8-15-13 .... William C. Nortlrwav and wlfs 'lo Charles Boflnk. lot 6. block 23, Flor ence Marv Btlbal to H. E. Windham, part b'ock 1. Ambler Place Aniiur r . v vuu, 11 iibicf, W.AVl'lir i.- . . , Woeid, lota 6 to 8, block t. Bowling W Oreen, snd other lots , Same to Oeore f. Bancroft, lots 22 to 24. block 6, Bowling Green', pod other lots ......"....'.. Same to Wllll-.-m U Adams, lots 19 to . 24, block 8, howling Oreen.....,.....',. Total amount of transfers. DIVIDEND PAYING ' GAS COMPANY FIRST MORTdAGat BONDS Netting 5 A. B. LEACH & CO., NEW YORK. ' ' CHICAGO UOSTON PUiIA DELPHI 4 1 i ..H7.H0 A