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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1906)
X J t THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: , WEDNESDAY. OCTOREK in, vm. miDD LE LIFE Time When.Women Are Susceptible to Many Dread, Diseases Intelligent Women Prepare for It. Two Relate their Experiences. The "ohaffe of life" U tha moot critics) period of womoV ulitnro, and the anxiety felt by women aa It draws near, la not without reason. Every woman who nplecta the care of her lAsith at thia time in cites disease and pain. I H hen her system is !n; i deranged condition, or ahe is predisposed to apoplexy, or coniri'Stion r V of any organ, the ten " Vrney is at this period. 'V. likely to become active '" and with a host of ner-: Tons irritations make life burden. At this ) time, also, . cancers and ' tnmors are more liable I to form and begin their destructive work, v Such warning Ttnp i toms aa sense of suffo- i cation, hot flashes, head 7 aches, backaches, dread WoiaastnooiiBdUiMoaicaoaiiaooBVJ sealnst Mr. Lillian Chapman, doing basi n's, as Mrs. Lillian Anderson. This Ik a bankruptcy raw, tha plaintiffs having be gun proceeding's against the defendant un der the bankruptcy act. The defendant re sluts tha notion, alleging that ahe la not Insolvent. The case of McMillan Co. against the H. W. Brown Drug and Book Company was continued by stipulation. It Is understood that tin criminal cases will be tried at this term of court. Dr. Miller Call, at Capitol. Dr. George L. Miller of Omaha, a niera Iter of the Boatd of Fire and Police Com missioners, which twmrd Is Just now cm trial tiefore the governor for not enforcing the laws In Omaha, was In Lincoln to day. Dr. Miller came down this nironlng. SHELDON DEFINES ISSlEb .gnnancEnnaaannnaa RAILROAD DOMINATION MUST CEASE Reaahllraa the Oaly Party Which Has Aeeajmpllahed Aaythlna Practical fnr the Pee pie ( the Stat. ri Oitm Voter sf Onminc County 8smthii M U Iuink About i 3 i M a n n M mm n n WEST POINT. Oct a-(Preclal am i ! M A l re. an4 tnlhndKri frn-A r.t .11 .. I"S but a Governor Mickey had gone to i , ... ... I rm . . ., . ... lltlral faith thronged the West Point op- EJ Otnnlia II Is presumed he did not aee hin. . . , " . ; E2 era hous. tonight to hear Hon. Gorge L. 1 M Woman's MUslanarr "oelety. j Sheldon dlsufa the political Issues of the ms The Women's Home Missionary society , day from the republican standpoint. The : f3 of the Methodist Episcopal church will I next governor wna In fine form and aiod ' " hold Its annual meeting in Lincoln, be- I pirUg Bm1 created a rehiarkably favorable W ginning tomorrow. The society la national lmDrc,on on thB vo,.r- nf rmln eountv. VI He was Introduced to the audience by former Stnator D. C. Qiffert, chairman of i srs -s Sale Begins Tliursday o JO M fin) En a 1 1 I UdrtPE J On Sale Next Thursday In Its scope and, people from all parts of the country are expected to b In attendance. of impending evil, timid- t" itr, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, f sparka before the eves, Irregularities, eonstipa , tion, rariable appetite, - weakneaa, inquietude, and dlttlness. are promptly beeded by in telligent women who are annivMKIntf t.Hfli VhAflfwl In life when woman's great change I " t wrote you w adce and commenced table Compound an you clirwtd, nd I m 5, Jfrs. AEGMvlan d ': taaaouasaoeMtjasiiooMaaBOioO S may be expected. Lydia B. rlnkham s Vegetable Com-1 happy to say that all those distressing symp toms left me and I hae passed sareiy inrouicn povnd was prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life. It invigorates and strengthens tha female organism and builds np the weakened nervous system. For special advice regarding this Im portant period women are invited to . write to Mrs. Pink ham at Lynn, Mass., land it will be furnished absolutely free lot eharge. Ihe present Mrs. Pinkham tithe daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink fiam, her assistant before her decease, and for t.wenty-flve years since her advice has been freely' given to sick women, ' Bead what Lydia E. Pinkham's Com pound did for Mrs. Hyland and Mrs. Hinkle: 0 I Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " I had been suffering with displacement of the organa for years and was passing through yhe change of life. My abdomen was badly t twollen; my stomach was sore; I had dizzy U pells, sick headaches, and was very nervous. the cbanze of life, a well woman. I am recommending your medicine to all my friends "Mrs. Annlo R. G. Hyland, Chester town, Md. Another Woman's Caae ' During ebansce of life words cannot ex press what I suffered. My physician said I had a cancerous condition of the female organs. One dsy I read some of tbe testi monials of woman who bad been cured' by Lvdia E. PirJt ham's Vegetable Compound, and I decided to try it and to write you for advice. Your medicine niade me a well woman, and all my bad symptoms soon dimnpeared. ,. ....... " 1 adviss every woman at tuts period of life to take vour medicine and write you for ad vice." Mrs. Linie Hinkle, Palem. Ind. What Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Hyland and Mrs. Hinkle It will qo ior otner women at this time of life. It has conquered pain, restored health, and prolonged life in cases that utterly baffled physicians. jdU C Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds When Others FaB. 1 FKIIKRaTIO OP WOMBV9 CM BS Good Attendance at Opening Session at Kearney. KEARNET, Neb.. Oil. 9. (Special Tele gram.) The twelfth annual convention of the Nebraska Federation of Women a elubs opened here Tuesday afternoon with 1(V visiting womn in nttendance. Miss Jane Brownlee of Toledo, O., and Enos Mills of Estes Park, Colo., both epeakets on the program, were among the early arrivals. An Informal reception of dele gates preceded the meeting at the Baptist church, where the esslons will b? held. Mrs. II. M. Bushnell presided during the afternoon. Mrs. A. O. Thomas, president of the hostess club, welcomed the visit WE BOUGHT THE ENTIRE BANKRUPT STOCK OF 9 mo iriumiiviii .-iruiuy (fiiirsia cuniuii t ir, "3 and BrMTike fnr ono hnnr niui titit4n min. i uts, during the whole of bin pch cur rylng bis sudlence with him and making many telling points. His remarks were frequently interrupted by spplsuse, both m loud and lung. j i In his opening remarks Mr. Sheldon dwelt M upon the phenomniuil development of th!e R country, tffpeclally the west. Illustratl the enormous output of our country stanced the fact that only 7 per cent production la exported, yet small as that ratio appears it makes us the greatest cx- , lw porting nation on earth. The speaker , 13 spoke a few words commending Norris fJ Brown for senator and expressed the hope . Ft . 1. . 111.. V I .,,...1.4 1, - . n , S" iiiai iiiuitt iiicii iinr nun nvuiu wm mi j i Washington to hold up the hands of the j of th!e M tratlng 19 he lu- g of our is that 13 Ing club women. Mrs. H. I.. Kuefe of West administration. W Point responding. Mrs. Keefe's popularity i n then took up the question of railroad f3 with the convention and the general desire taxation, the attempts of the Burlington ! ana me union racinc raiiroans 10 evaae Waists, 9IULUVI mf orastl WILLIAMS TO BE SCRATCHED saWa-asss Otherwiis Seporta to. Bepabliean Head jqaarUn Promise 8nocu, "wBanaaa SHELDON AND 6R0WN ARE IN. DEMAND Board Accepts New Library BwlIdlasT at PeraAttendanee -' mt Xornsal School Moat Gratify!. 'FVdm'''a'r8tafl Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. 9,-(8pecla4.) Chairman Hose Of the republican state committee, said at noon today that the campaign la progressing nicely and tha organisation was Using perfected as rapidly as possible, Msny applications are coming In for Qeorgu Ij. Sheldon and Norria Brown to address meetings of republicans, but Mr. Brown's abaenon In Washington will cut . Into a number of meetings, while Sheldon Is go ing night and dby. Tonight he speaks at West Point. The poll books were sent out rather late this year, but returns ar4 coming In and there are no Indications but what the republican ticket, with the ex ception of Williams for, railroad com mis loner., will get the Usual republican vote. Information received here w to the ef fect that Judge Williams will be scratched by the republicans all over the state, and ao far. as hesrd from, no tears are being shed anywhere over this matter. Demor crats Are urging republicans here who really want: to lect good men to office to concentrate, their votes on Qeorgu Hurst, 'the Polk county candidate on the demo- aV. -. cratlc ticket. Mr. Horst, they claim, has ' r,l.mriM record aa a member of the Legislature many years ugo and can be de- tpended upon to be fair to the people of the statS should be be elected. So far .'ta, h,.nl fMM Iti thfa aeetlnn of tti atute except through the mouthpiece of the fake reformers, not a good word has been said of Williams or hla candidacy. Tha State .Normal board met at Peru yesterday afternoon and accepted the new y; library building and Inspected the new arrangements whereby many of the girl pupils are doing their own housekeeping and thus learning to otcome good house wives snd Incidentally cutting down ex penses. A large building has been rented by a number of the girls and each suite has been fitted up tor housekeeping. Three or four of the girls occypy a suite and do their own cooking- A woman appointed by the board has general super vision over the arrangements. Other cot tages are shortly to be erected and rented for this purpose and before long it is ex pected most of the girls will be cooking for themselves snd learning to keep house. The Increase In the attendance at the normal school has. been gratifying to the board, the Increase this year bver last year being 164. Kor the past, four years the attendance has Veen as follows: 11M8, 4U1; WM. 4 '.Hi; 19U6. 491; 10u6, 666. The senior class this year Is the largest In the history of the school. Insnraaee Feea Hee.T. The insurance department, under the di rection .and supervision of Auditor Searle, has done a good business during, the period from December 1, 190S, to the pres. ent time in the matter of collecting fees and in the matter of weedina out unde sirable companies. There are now fifty five companies less doing business in the s;r-tc than there were In 1899. .. For two years or more- the suit brought to tist the. legality of the reciprocal tax law held up considerable money,' but as soon as the law was held to be constitu tional. Auditor Searle gtit .busy on a col lectlng tour and succeeded lu getting ull the money due this department. At this time there are 323 Insurance companies do ing business lu Nebraska against 378 in 1S99. The collection of fees for the past few years follows: 18SP. H8.612.I9;' 1900, 47.6li9.!; 1901. eaS.Lm.OJ; 1902. M5.3a.14; 190S, Mi.30tl.72; 1904, 177.548.28: 1900, S.SS.765.90; .up to September 1. 1900, ti:2,oini.o7. Federal foart Proceedings. The federal grand Jury got busy this morning, with K. D. Wend, an Omaha, real estate dealer, as foreman. Charles Nos bitt of Nebraska City will act as clerk. After the court had dtKpoxed of a few motions today a Jury was called for the trial of the cosa of Gage Bros, tt Co, et-al. In the state that she accept the nomina tion for the presidency was attested by the applause that greeted her as she stepped to the platform. Hon. K. O. Holmes welcomed the convention on benair of the business men. Mrs. Glen Batson of Seward, corres ponding secretary, reported 137 clubs In the state federation, five new clubs hav ing come In during the year and six dropped out through disbanding. An nouncement was made of the appointment of Mrs. H. M. Bushnell of Lincoln as chslr man of the reciprocity bureau of the General Federation of Women's clubs and Mrs. A. A. Bcott of Lincoln sa a . member of the outlook committee. The art session followed. Mrs. Mary E. Hart of Peru presiding. The evening ses sion was given over to civics snd forestry, Mrs. Enos Mills being the principal speaker, giving her widely popular talk on "Our Friends, the Trees." The Omaha clubs are well represented, the delegation Including Mesdames A. B. Bomers, F. H. Cole, F. W. Miller, A. L. Sheets. W. C. Sunderland and Miss Jen- nette Jessun. As many more Omaha omen will arrive Wednesday. Although there are five new officers to be elected there Is little political talk except of Mrs. H. L. Keefe for the presi dency. a a a 13 p p p a n GREAT COIJICIL OF THB REDME Reports Show Order In a Flourishing Condition. FREMONT, Neb., Oct. . (Special.! The great council of Nebraska of the Improved Order of Redmen held Its an nual session here today. An Informal re ception was tendered the visiting brothers at the Grand Army of the Republic hall last evening. The council convened this morning with Great Sachem T. H- Benton of Lincoln presiding. The great council degree was conferred upon a number, of delegates and past sachems. The follow ing officers were elected: Great sachem, Hugh A. Myers, Omaha; great senior sagamore, Charles Loree, Falls City; great junior sagamore, Claud S. Wilson, Lin coln; great prophet, T. H. Benton, Lincoln; great chief of records. 8. J. Dennis, Lin coln; great keeper of wampum, Dan Mc Clean, South Omaha; trustee. Dr. T. H. Line, Marquette; repreaentatlve to the great council of the United States, D. W. McCullum, Nebraska City. The offi cers were Installed by Great Incohonee W. A. 8. Bird of Kansas, who is the highest officer of the order. The principal part of the session today was occupied with routine business. The reports of the great chiefs showed the order In this state to be In good condi tion both numerically and financially. The session was an Interesting one. This evening the visitors, numbering sixty-five, were the guesta of Pawnee tribe No. 11. at the Larson theater, and saw the "Vol unteer Organist." . After the theater thoy were given a supper at the lodge roomn. The next session will be held at Aurora. Y S reft r -, y ?. 1 V f No More Cold Rooms If you only knew bow much comfort can b derived from a PERFECTION Oil Heater how simple and economical Ha operation, yon would not be without it another, day. Ytu can quickly make warm and cozy any cold room or ballwsy oo matter in what part of the bouse. Yon can heat water, and do many other things with the , PEEFECTEON ; Oil Heater ., : (Eqmlppcd with Smokeless Device) Turn the wick aa high or low as you can there's no danger. Carry beater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke less device. Hade in two finishes nickel and japan. Brasa oil fount beauti- luuy .cuuuasca. naiua 4 quarts ot oil and burns 9 hours. Every heater warranted. If von cannot get beater 'or information from your dealer, . write to nearest agency for descriptive circular'. IHBmi: trawMara cannot be &yo s-j-k asassw and steady light, simclecon- '- "traction and sbsolutesafetv. Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any too m whether library, diniag-room, parlor or bed room. Every lams warranted. Write to nearest agency if sot at your dealer's. ftTANwASl! Sn. COMPANY Teramaeb Welcomes Mlsaoarlana. TIJCUMSEH. Neb., Oct. . (Special.) The St. Joseph Commercial club. In a spe cial train. of eight cars, visited Tecumseh yesterday, arriving about 12:46 o'clock and remaining for forty minute. The visitors were met down the line by a representative of the Tecumseh Commercial club, who provided them with badges of welcome, on which was printed "Compliments of the Tecumseh Commercial Club; Welcome to Tecumseh. the Best Town In Southeastern Nebraska; St. Joseph Commercial Club, Oc tober 8. 190U." Arriving a this station the local club members and other citizens, with the Tecumseh military band, extended a warm welcome to the visitors. A regi mental band of St. Joseph was with the excursionists. School was dismissed and the children Joined In the proceedings. A line was formed, which marched up town, whertt the wholesalers of St. Joseph called on the retailers of their respective lines, while mublc was discoursed by the band. The visitors distributed many souvenirs, and upon their return, as the train was leaving the cify. the Ttcunieehites cheered them until they were out of sight. A short stop was made at Elk Creek, in this county, before the train reached this point, snd at Sinurtvllie and Sterling after leaving Tecumseh. The St. Joseph gentlemen very favorsbly Impressed our people. payment of their taxes, showing the fact j that us nonresrtdents they had J' taken advantage of that fact to appeal to , W the federal courts. He showed that the republican party, who had ever squarely fj stood for the people as against railroad m HnmltiaHn. In rtAlltla Dnaln.l SHI allowing them the right to fix their own j assessments. His arraignment of the In- 1 Justice snd Inequality of freight rates In Nebraska wns scathing. He quoted rates valumnlously. wherein tt was conclusively shown that the rates on staple commodities from central and eastern points In this state to Omaha were more than the rates of the same, produce from Omaha to Chi cago, and this. In spite ' of the fact that the earnings of the Nebraska roads, per mile, are much more than In lows or any western state. Discrimination In the rates on coal from Sheridan, Wyo., to Ne braska points Was also touched upon. The speaker showed that Coal from Sheridan to Omaha was delivered there at a freight rate of 12.76, whereas to Grand Island the rate Is $3.75, a difference of $1 on a shorter haul of some 2110 miles. Maximum Rate Law Dissected. The speaker proved the futility of the present maximum freight law and showed lu inc MiiiDintiiuii VI inn Iiirfti.:i9 ,nai inc ; aS only and proper solution of the rate proh- j U lem now confronting the people was In the 1 f$ passage of the amendment and creation of , r the Board of Ball way 'Commissioners, clothed with plenary power- to enforce Its own regulations as to state commerce. He next took up the question of regula tion of passenger rates, Incidentally men tioning the agitation now prevalent for a 2-cent passenger fare. Answering the sug gestion that a state law fixing this limit would answer the purpose,- he stated that a law as suggested would bo Comprehensive, that It would Include in Its' operation all the roads In the state on sn equal basis and that In case one 'small' railroad, of which he Instanced several, should attack the law successfully. Its -abrogation would have the effect of restoring the present rate on all the roads In the- state, as well as the road complaining, whereas under the proposed railway commission if any Individual railway complained of the 2-cent fare being a hardship Its case would be Judged on Its own merits without reference to any other road, and It could, on a proper showing, be released from the operation of the rule, leaving all tha other roads sub ject to it, a point which . the audience seemed to think was well taken. ' In speaking of the pass question. Sena tor Sheldon emphatically denied using a pass or free railroad transportation of any kind since January 1, 1906. . He admitted. In 1903, accepting a pass from the Missouri Pacific railway, which. he used a very Ut ile, but he explained that upon ' reflection he considered that he could best serve his cor.stttutents by being perfectly .Inde pendent of rallroud Influences and there fore returned the pass, as also other passes he has since received. This, action on his part was taken voluntarily, long before the pass question became an Issue In politics or before It had entered the public mind as a campaign Issue. J. A. Williams of Pierce, candidate for railway commissioner, and Prof. Mnggl of Lincoln, who Introduced himself as a fu slonlst. also spoke. (1511 Douglas Street, Omaha) VERY HIGHEST CLASS AliD MOST FASHIONABLE STOCK of Ladies9 loaks I Suits Skirte. tilliherv Hosiery and Underwear SWITCHES and HAIR GOODS, RIBBONS, SILKS, VELVETS, LACES, CHIFFONS, MALINES LADIES' HIGH GRADE FURNISHING GOODS On Sale Beginning tat p in Just i Shelley's Mm J. L. Brandeis (Si Sons Wuta s track by Tralu. liURWELU Neb.. Oct. . (Special.) ( As freight train No. 55 came Into Burwell fthis evnine and lust it lhi i-rnkilmr south of towni Jonathan Mattley and hla son, Leland. drove onto the crossing and were struck by the train. The boy and team escaped, but the wagon was reduced to kindling wood and Jonathan Mattley was thrown u.veral rods .and severely bruised, but at the present time Is rust ing easily und the indications are that he will recover. This is the first accident of any importance that has occurred in this plaee for some, time. Merchandise Mock Traaaferred. PLATT6MOVTH. Neb.. Oct. S.-(Spei:ial.) Henry Herold gave a bill of sale of his Aldrlch for Reoator. BKAINARD. Neb.. Oct.. (Special Tele gram.) The republican state senatorial convention of Seward and Butler counties was held here today. The convention met at 3 o'clock and nominated C. H. Aldrlch of David City. Mr. Aldrlch Is a lawyer. He has resided here for many years, la well acquainted and will make a strong run for senator. the county clerk. The .capital stock Is 12,240 and the Incorporators are Pr. K. t.. Ankes, J. F. Dunte. Harry Tweedy, B. J. Demlng, John A. Johnson, William Rohe and Henry Polhast. NEBRASKA CITY A residence belong ing to Sheriff Donovan and occupied by John Malone. two miles west of Dunbar, burned to the ground yesterday morning, entailing a loss pf $l,o00, partly covered by Insurance. ' The origin of the fire Is Un known, aa the members of the Malone family were away from home at . the time of the fire. BEATRICK Mrs. Nancy Dalen. a pioneer resident of Gage county, died Sunday at her home, about ten miles northwest of Beatrice. She was a native of Kentucky and had lived on the old homestead, where she passed away, for the last thirty years. Three sons Edward. Prather arid James Dolen survive lr. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon from the family home. Eugene V. Debs will speak at Washing-J ton hall Sunday, Oct. 14, at 8 p. m. Ad mission, 10c. ews of Nebraska. PLATTSMOrTH-Ioe formed on exposed water in this vicinity' Monday night. BEATRICE The 'democrats of the First supervisor district met yesterday and nom inated L. (.'. Caley as their candidate for supervisor. BbAiKiCIC-Rpv. and Mrs. J. L. Swan of the I'nlted Brethren church were given a surprise last evening by their friends to the number of forty. Ut-.t in.ii. fer-'ine New Home Telephone company has a force of men engaged In installing iia new exchange in tbe Beatrice Aam.nai bang block. bEATRll'tt Mrs. Mary Palmer died at her home In this city bunuay night, agud wi years. She is survived by a lamily of children three sons and two daughters. PLATTSMOUTH Florence, trie s-year-old daughter of tounly Kecorder snd Mrs H. Hnyaer. and Josepn. the b-year-jid son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bvoboua, died yes terday with oiphtuerla. BEATRICE The of the Beatrice Poultry and Cold Storage company is com pleted and It will be ready fur business in a few days. The company will manu facture Ice for Its own uae and also for lo cal consumers. PLATTSMOL'TH Rae Patterson and Miss Kllsaheth Dovey. daughter of Air. and Mrs. George K. Dovey, were united In mailing- In tne St. Luke's Kplscopal church In this cliy this evening, Cannon H. ii. iiurh'Hss ofliclating. BfcAihli h Mayor Shults yesterday signed the ordinance granting Dr. Eaton of Cleveland a franchise to operate a gas plant In Beatrice. The promoters will tie gin work on the plant at once and agree to furnish gas at tne rat-., of II and II. 1 per I. itt) feet. SCHUYLER Mrs. Lambert, wife of stock of general merchandise , this c.ty JVs-i away'Sa-urda m'KS.? today to his brothers-in-law. ffhe stock her home. The cause of her death beln Is reported to be worth H.'M) snd his I la- ' old age. She was SI yeara old and was bilitiea are 20.. Possesion his I oris or the oldest settlers of Coif a county. sOiiik ner mure limn miny FORECAST OF THE-WEATHER Fair and Warmer Today and To morrow la Nebraska. Iowa aad Boath Dakota. WASHINGTON, Oct. . Forecast of the weather for Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri Fair and warmer Wednesday and Thursday. For Colorado Fair . Wednesday and Thursday; warmer In east portion. For Wyoming and Montana Fair and warmer Wednesday; Thursday, fair. Local Itecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BVREAl', OMAHA, Oct. 9. Official record of teniperj ature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1SW6. 19r5. 1U04. 19'3. Maximum temperature.... 49 "0 7R US Minimum temperature.... S3 4fl W i Mean temperature 1. o ( Precipitation J -M 4 . Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omuha since March 1, and comparison with the lust two years: Total deficiency since March 1, 1906 5 ' IVflcleney for the day.... 1C Normal temperature 57 Normal precipitation 09 Inch Deficiency tor the day 1)9 Inch Total rainfall since Msrch 1 22.94 Inohfe Deficiency since Marc h 1 3 64 Inches . Dertclency for cor. period. Unil.... 5.40 lnrhea Deficiency for cor. period. 1904. . 3.19 Inches Reports from stations at T I'. M. m Rose (TRADE MARK) Soap By its soothing effect on the skin makes the child sleep sweetly after the bath. No irritated skin and only the most delightful odor mark the use of Jap Rose. Its moderate price should induce a trial and continued use. For tale by til grocers and druggitti. Jas. S. Kirk & Co. Chicago, HI. rvu r a Station and Htute of Weather. Bismarck, clear.: Cheyenne, clear Chicago, cloudy Davenport, cloudy ... Denver, clear Havre, clear Helena, clear Huron, partly cloudy. Kannus City, clear.... North Platte, clear .. Omaha, cloudy Temp. Max. Rainfall. St. UiuIb, partly cloudy... St. Paul, cloudy Bait Ijike City, clear Valentine, clear WM'.i.lon. cltar T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. 3; 42 .00 52- U0 .0) 40 4rt T 3X 40 .00 tVN t4 .00 fxi 60 . S .00 i 14 .JU 40 50 . 4ti M .00 ta 49 .to 44 S3 .00 40 So .00 34 Ii T '. 71 .00 42 U .10 .110 given. yeara. NEBRASKA CITY Saturday evenln 1 st the home of the bride a parents, Mr. Sballeaibrraer at Alllaarr. and Mrs. Theodore Kook. four niilea aouih ALLIANCE Neb Oct (Sneelil T.-l... . ' M' cltv occurred the wedding of Mr. A , , ; w : "--'"racial ,,1(e BurneU of tnUl city Md Mll), Hel, gram. A. C. Bhall-nnerger. nominee, for j Kook. The ceremony was performed by governor on the lusioa ticket. oeii,d the Dr. Eli Hulier of Gettysburg, Pa., an uncle i-smpatgn hre today in sn address at the I ' lh'' '"1,e- Phelan ojera house, where b was re- ! JBEATRICE-rtlcles of Incorporation for . . , ,, . 'the Cortland Telephone company of Con ceived by sfull house. Un4 trt e4 yeflerdy at the efflie of Y .Nwr-ecs. ftJ Waih often, rcs. COAT SHIRTS bave th auality, sppearuics sod tTaris sbrlities of ciutora saade f amenta. Wliits cf coior-iaal (akrici. On aad of Lka a coat. $1.50 and mere ClCkOETT, PCABOOY & CO. larsw Utttn el Cellu u4 stun, la tk W.rM n 1 i argain Rate to California ?kc Northwest Daily until October 31 Via Rock Island Lines $25.00 from Omaha to Los Angeles and San Francisco. $25.00 from Omaha to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. Tickets good in Free Keclining Chair Cars or in , Pullman Tourist Sleepers on payment of berth rate. The Kock Isjand offers two good tourist routes to the Pacicfic Coast. Daily thru service from Chicago and St. Louis, both ways. Illustrated Tourist Car folder and full details of rates and service upon requeit. F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. 1323 Farnam Street. OMAHA. NEB. (5 M r w n N rt a n n p R n ci a S3 ci n a HI era H 1 rj M ri E3 U i ri H n rj n n n a u 11 a n n 11 El ri a n p rj r. ' i I". 'if 1 i i hi ; i i 1 i i a o . i-. I (