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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
t. . niK- OMAHA DAILY IWMi FRIDAY, t)CTt BKR .V 1P06. g IDAHPIONSHIP OFTOEWuRLD Tm.)9 Hsrry; Taylor. J. WV, Tinker. Joseph B. I Welsh. Thomas J. Chicago American league McFsrland. Ed; tulllvan. William; Hart, II. : Towne, J; Patterson. R; Altrock. N: Owen, f.i Welsh, K. : White, O. if. : fmitb., F. ; Flene, I..; iHinahue, A. J.: Isbr-ll, R.; farl. t ; Hahn, K.; Tennehlll, Jones, F. H.J jKingherty. P. Pimclon, C.: Rohe, Oeorge. The umpires will he James K. John stone of the National league snd Frank O'toughlin of the American league. The National commission, together with the dub owners, managers and players of the contesting clubs, as well as the um pires and official scorers will meet nt the Auditorium Annex hotel. Chicago. 111., on Monday, October S. at 11 a. m. Wilt TR SOX DEFEAT THE SAPS Sew C hampions of America a Leaaae Win Easy Victory from Cleveland. CHICAGO, Oct. 4. Chicago, the new champions of the American league, cele brated the return home today by winning. 3 to I, In the opening game of the final erles with Cleveland. But three regulars nppenred In Chicago's lineup, the rest of t lie team taking a much-needed rest. Score: CHICAGO. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O A C. AB.H.O A X. Hihn. rf rafTrn. If.... 4 1 1 0 O'Nell. cf.... J At 0 Sdrall, lb.. 4 404 Roh. 3b 4 1 Turner, as... 4 1 t 4 Dnsnhuo. lb. 4 1 Ii 10 Lajotr. 3b.... 4 I 1 t fMvighrrlr. Ill I Ona-altos. rf 4 1 I Roth, c I 1 4 1 Flick, if I t 1 0 t Uulllln, n... 3 1 0 1 i Rmumun, lb I I I I I liiindnn. ID.. 111 Ml. C t 7 Kelnr. p 1 1 1 Jom. p i 0 I 1 .1 '.inounctment of Amicementi for Pott .Seuoa But Ball Gtmoi in Chicu:. NATIONAL TEAM WINS THE TOSS rimt name to Be Flared on Went la Kroaads Tifclli Ortaber 91 mplrra to lie apreme. Mum. mm, mi fid' . I 3: if i ii ! 4 1 IHCUrO. Oft. 4. The nnt gam of the rte bf twn the Chicago National league Be ball club and thu Chicago American iguo for the championship of the- world . ill bo played Tuesday. October 1, on the . zounds of the Kutlonal H-hriiu club In ; . Is city. TI10 date wm decided today ut .1 conference between Presidents Charles .. Murphy. Charles Ooinlskiy nnd llarty illiam. Procedure in determining wlilrh teamj .ould hnv the advantage of th't first i -me wan distinctly Informal. Mr. Mur- iy borrowed h dolhir and spun H in lh . .. f and Mr. Conakry said "heads. ' He l"t and the discussion In which several iwspnpcr men participated turned on atlng cupnclty and prices for admission 1 see the (tunica. Tliu presidents of both . ubs expressed themselves In favor of or- inary prices for the reason that both . uii have been liberally supported dur ing the season, Mr. PuUlam, president of I ne National league, pet the price question ut rest by stating that the matter of prices would be settled by the national commls- :on, which has charge of the games. Mr. Murphy said that by reason of extra 'oxca Keating i.MO people and circus seats ,e would be able to scat 26.ono people In ' he West Hide grounds. Mr. Cofnlskcy de . lared that similar arrangements on the . outh Side would accommodate 10,000. , There will be no material change In the mleg of last year's championship series 1.1 the present Instance. Mr. Murphy wants more room , behind the catcher for his extra boxes, Including the press stand, 1 ban was allowed last year. Mr. Comlskey !oe- not object,, but the matter probably vlll have to be settled by the national ommlsslon," which ( will meet In Chicago next Muhday. The advance Inquiry for seats, not only :ocally, but from outside cities, Is heavy, mt the presidents of both teams state that they will be able to care for every body. Additional Hale Released. CINCINNATI. O.. Oct. 4. Rules for the series of base ball games for the world's championship between ' the two Chicago teams In the , National and American leagues, which will begin at the National segue grounds in Chicago on October 9, were announced . today. All of the rules heretofore adopted and approved by the National and American leagues will apply to the series, as well da the detailed rules adopted by the coin- ! mission last year, to carry out the rules above referred to. . , . The following additional rule will here after govern In these contests: Rule Ift-The authority of the umpires In these contests will be supreme and the umpires are authorized to eject from the tame all players Indulging In vile and In- laoent language and unfair tactics, ne- 1 for the distribution of the prise money I belonging to the players the commission ' will take ongnlzanco of all reports by their ' umpires and Inflict such penalties as thy see fit against offending players and tho. penalties so Inflicted shall be taken Trom I the prlga money belonging to such players. I ckedale of Games. ' The following details will govern the world's championship , series to" be played In October, 106, between the Chicago National .league, .Club, and ' the Chicago American league club:, . The schedule: Tuesday, - October- 9( Wednesday, October ; 10; , Thursday, October 11; Friday, October 12; Saturday, October II,. and Bunday, October 14. (All of these games to be played at Chicago.) The first game Is to be played on the National league grounds, and all games played thereafter will be alternated be tween the American, league grounds and the National league grounds. The schedule, as adopted, was deter mlnd by lot, as la provided by the rules. If any one of the games scheduled at any park. Is postponed on account of rain the teams will be required to play such postponed game on the first day available after such postponement and at the same park and thereafter again alternate bo tween the two parks. -It being the intention not to have two games played In succes sion at either one of the parka. In case It . becomes necessary to play the seventh game the city in which It la to be played will be determined by the commission. ' List of Eligible Flayers. . ' The following players will be eligible to participate In the game: Chicago National League Club Brown,' Mordecai; Chance. Frank: Kvers, John J.; . lieasler. H. H.; Harper, Charles W.; Hoff man, Arthur Fling. John O.; Lundfcren. Crl M.', Moran, P. J.; McCormick. John F.: Overall. Orval; ' lflester, John; Iteul baeh. F.dward; Bchulle. Frank; Kheckard, James T.r Slagle, James V.; Ktelnfelcit, Chicago , .... New York . Cleveland .. Philadelphia St. Louis... Detroit Washington Hoston 92 5i . .BM1 $3 1 ' ' .m 87 ' tW 1 :6S0 78 . "" B7 .5S3 74 11 ' .607 70 7S .4T 55 Mo 1 . .3S7 49 10.1 .322 Tot-ill 4 17 M I TrtUli at 4 14 It Chicago 0 0O001 JO 3 Cleveland 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Lteft on bases: Chicago. 4; Cleveland. 6. Two-base hits: Injoie, Felne. Home run: Donohue. Sacrifice hits: Flick, Dundon. Struck out: By Paine, i: by Jose, 4. Paased hall: Remls. Bases on balls: Off Josa, 2. Time: l.lo. Umpires: O'lxiughlln and Sheridan. - Game Postponed. At Phlladelphla-Phlladclphla-New York game postponed; rain. gtaadlng of the Teams. - Played. Won. Lost. . Pet ... Its ...149 ,.. ISO ... 145 ..:;i4 ...1 IKi ... w ... 152 Games today: Cleveland at Chicago. De troit, at St. Louis. Washington at Phila delphia, New York at .Boston. GAMES 15 THE NATIONAL I.EAC.IE Chicago that! Oot Plttsborg Fonr to othlng. PITTRBURX7. Oct. 4 -The champion Chi cago team shut out the Plttshurgs today, 4 to 0. The players of the home team reached third bnse only once. Although the champions had patched tip In and out fields, Pfelster was given errorless sup port. Score: . CHICAGO. PITTSBfRO. ' AB.H.O. AS. ' AB.H.O. AC. Hotmin. .. 4 0 . 0 curke. If.... 1 1 Sberkard, If. 4 I FbMhan, lb.. 1 Site Srhulta, rf... 9 '1 1 eoanler. rf.... 4 Chant-, lb.. 4 I 7 1 0 Bumoot. cf 4 1 J 4 0 GfMtlitr. of... 4 110 4 Meier, as.... 4 4 I 1.1 Lundgren. 2b 4 1 I 1 4 Nealon. lb... 4 1 14 1 1 Frem. 3b.... 4 10 0 Sljearh, lb. If. 4 1 I 4 V Kllng, I 1 S 1 Rltrhar, lb.. 14 14 4 Moran, c 1 Oil) e Pbclpa, c... 0 4 114 Pfaliter. p.. 4 111 0 Pom. c...... 1 114 4 Leinld. p... I 1 0 11 ToUli II I 27 14 0 'Abstain 1 0 0 4 4 ToUls 12 7 27 12 I Batted for Letfield in the ninth. Chicago 0 001JOPO! 4 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 00 Two-baae hits: Ctiance. ' Ltundgren. Sacri fice hit: Oanley. Stolen bases: Chance, Kling. Double plays: Phelps to Nealon to Phelps, Nealon to Phelps Meyer to Nealon, Kllng to Hofman. First base on bails: Off Lelfleld. 1; off Pfelster, 1. Struck out: By Lelfield, 2; by Pfelster, 5 Passed ball! Pelts. Left on bases: Pittsburg, ; Chi cago, 5. Time: 1:66. Umpire: O'Day.. New York Defects Philadelphia. NEW TORK. Oct. 4. The New York defeated Philadelphia today, 7 to 6, mainly owtng to Strang's batting. ' He made a home run and three safe bit tits. Score: NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O. A C. ' - AB.H.O.A.B.' Shannon. If.. I 4 1 4 Thomas, cf.. 4 I 4 0 e Bnrvso. rf... 4 1 I ft 4Sntll. 2b.. I l.t 0.S Sormaur. cf.. I 1 1 S I Brua&ald, lb I I I 1 Devlin, lb... 14 4 1 ITItos. rf tilt MrOann. lb.. 4 I 12 I 4 MlM. . If.... 4 4 2 4 Hannlnn, as. 4 14 11 Courtnaj, - lb 4 0,1.1 Ptrang. Sb... 4 4 14 t Doolln. . as.. 4 4 I , I .jt Smith, c... 4 111 ODoeln. 4 I 1,1 0 Mathewaon, p I 0 11 SSparka, - p.... 4 111 ToUls.i. ..II 10 27 24 I Totali...'.. 31 10 24 7 ( New York ,.... 0 0 0 10 ,-! Philadelphia 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0--6 First base on errors: Philadelphia, 5, Left on bases: New York. I; Philadelphia, 8. First base on balls: Off Mathewson, 6; off Sparks, 3. Struck out: By Mathewson, 1: by Sparks. 2. Home runs: Strang, Tlt'is, Three-baae hit: Bransfleld. Two-base bits: Thomas, Titus. Stolen bases:. . Seymour, Thomas. Time: 1:16. Umpires: KK-m and Carpenter. Brooklya Takes a Pair. BOSTON, Oct. 4. A double-header today brought the local National league . season to a close, Brooklyn taking both games and securing fifth place in the league stand ing. Score, first game: "BROOKLYN. BOSTON. . , AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O. AH. Caarr. lb.... 110 4 ODolan, rf.... 4 2 4 14 Malonar, rt.,4 1 1 4Tnnty, lb.. I ! I 1 1 Lumlar, rf... 4 1 0 4 . Brain, lb.... I 2 17 4 Jonl.n. lb... I 1 II I OBatca. cf 1 4 14 4 McCarthr. If. 4 1 St 4 Howard. 2b.. 4 112 2 Lewis, aa 1 4 4 4 4'onna'n. aa.. 4 0 4 1 0 Humraal. 2b. 2 4 I 4 1 Cameron, 4 0 2 1 v Alp n. 2b, aa 4 1 I I 4 Brown, c I 2 4 3 u Hitter, c 4 2 4 2 4Lln4aman, pi 1 4 1 1 Strirklett. p. 4144 . Totala SI 11 27 IS 4 Totala 13 I 27 21 1 Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 03 Boston 0110000002 Two-base hits: Dolan, Howard Home run: Alpermiin. Sacrifice hits:. Tenney, Maloney. Stolen base: Hitter.. Double piny: DOCTORS for RflEffl atTr"--'' tf J-JC m-n? i- ' 1 aW III II all K Jaw.- t-J - . V;.k,: 1 Vf m ! :d That Makes All the Difference in the World The." LUX US " Label. Is a.Guaranty of Purity Wholesomeness Genuine Refreshment Satisfaction. It is delicious to the palate and strengthening f 6 the stomach. It is the kind of beer that doctors tell their patients to drink because it whets the appetite, promotes digestion and nourishes the entire body. The Nourishing Qualities of " LUXUS" come from the barley-malt and the choice rice we use in brewing it. Our malt is made by our improved process from the best barley grown and we go clear to India in order to get the best riqe. . , "LUXUS" Tones the Stomach and Neives because of the Superior Bohemian hops we use the lupulin in these carefully selected hops is a wonderful digestant. And besides it gives to "LUXUS" a delicious, rich flavor, a rare bouquet that makes the mouth water. These are some of the reasons why you should ask for "LUXUS" Beer. It won't cost you any more than some other beers and yet you'll enjoy it more than any other . And it will produce permanent healthful results. LUXUS V Agrees With Everybody because of its ABSOLUTE PURITY, the perfect AGEING it receives, the best ingredierkts of the choicest quality, our superior YEAST PLANT and because it's brewed RIGHT ana to suit YOUR taste. . , . . It's An Improved Beer .developed by fifty years of experience and close study of what is best for your health and most pleasing to your palate. Ask for "LUXUS M Next Time Order. Case Sent Home Today FRED KRUG BREWING CO. OMAHA, NEB. Y0P HlWSV fmWM mm ; Bt Si 1 mmm Urn y llafii Mm. Brain to Tenney to Brown. ' First base on balls: Oft Undaman, 4: off Strtckk'tt, 3. Struck out: By Strirklett, 3; by Undaniari. t. Time: 3:00. t'mplre: Conway. Bcore. second same: ' BBOOKI.TrJ, BOSTON. AB.MlO.A.B. ' AB.H.O. A El Caaar. 3b.... I I'l ODolan, rf .i t - - 9 0 Tanney. lb... 3 Brain, Sb. ... X IHiitML rf 2 e Howard. 3b.. 1 ' 1 ' OCcmna'n, ai.. I 0 I -B Samrron.: IT.. 1 9 Brown," Cv. 1 0 Youdk.' p 1 -Pta(r, I Total Mwloncjr, cf.. t Lumley. rf... 3 Jordan, lb... 1 MrCarthr. Lawla, aa. Alperman. Hitter, a.. Eaton, p.. to 1 0 9 i If t ' .10 3 bit 1 t 1 J 0 I 0. 0 01 o 0 S ! too .too , 11-111 I ..:.- . . Totsla 15 1 IS 1.0 'Batted for Cameron In the fifth. Brooklyn ...( 0 0 2 ft-2 Boston 0 0 ft 1 0-t 1 Two-base hit: Dolan. Sacrifice hits: Jordan. Howard.. Struck out: By Youiik, 2; by Eason, 3. Double pluys: Katum to Iwls, Alperman to Lewis to Jordan. Time: :B0. . Umpire: Conway. Standing of - the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P-t ... Wi , un ... 1M ... If..' ... isa ... 15li ... lBit ...160 ... 16( n 71 4H as : m w New 77'.) .6. .0116 .M.l ' .131 .41'." ' .347 . .320 York, THE RELIABLE SPECIALISTS RtLi ABILITY. This Institution has lonf been established In Omaha for the .benefit -,,t sufferiua men. for the purpose or curin the terrible diseases and talirhi. In. weaknesses that destroy men's mental and physical pV.wer. T making hS.n and .,'lea.W?eri:,.rr,llf n" Tmf- "'d prlvluV them of'smuU and pleasures vt life and marital happiness.- Men. don't delay If you want to be saved and restored to health and strenirth. with mental and Physical SmV ".'h1';. ' ih' m"" true "- "d learn you? t?ue co"! w: J'.,,'LtI'""ment ani be oured f'1r n thoroughly. " Ws will mahrt a thorouifh, searching and scientific examination uf your allluents, an eanitnat on that will your true phy.lcal "ond Uion wnh- :,.,.',.r.H?;!l1.ei"f0I.WhiUh re.B ro',1" ,n raSd without ? hortuih idarstandiiig of which no phy.i. lnn or specialist should treat yuu. We Vaut .11 ailing m-11 to reel that they can rom, lo ,hs Institution free v for an -am lis Inn and explanation of their condition without being bound by any obligation hateier to take treatment unles. they .o desire. - X MEN WHO NEEO SKILLFUL MEDICAL AID .1 .traling' wUh the Btate Medical Institute as with any State or National Bank Wi yure safely and thoroughly: "hi mur. stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poiaon (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesse of men due to evil habits, excesses self-abuaa or the result of specific or private diseases. FREF COBIUITAIIOW and 1 Offlca hours: I a. to to I o m lui.a... f"Klt EUkUltlOl. I M to 1 only. If you canSk cal wr,ti STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Frmam St, Between 13th and 14th U, Omaha, Neb. Chicago New York . Pittsburg .. Philadelphia Brooklyn .. Cincinnati , . St. Louis .. Boston Games today: Boston- at Philadelphia .at Brooklyn. HARNESS , RACIn IX I.EXIXGT05 K,entoeky Todd Wins Two,-Year-OIt Dlrlaloa of Kesturky Fatnrlty. IBXINGTON. Ky.. Oct. 4. The easy vic tory of Kentucky Todd In tin- 2-year-old division of the Kentucky futurity mid the defeat of Mulnsheet In the lOb' trot wre the features of an Interesting prop-ram it the Kentucky Trotting Horee association today. Kentucky Todd demonstrated that he Is the best 2-yeur-old trotter of the y,.r by defeating the crack New Rnglr.nd colt, Blue Hill, Cuclle Marlowe and others with as much Lee as If they had not ben wfn ning races. Kentucky Todd is owned by Miss Kath erlne K Wilkes of Gait. Ontario, who bears the distinction of brlnit the mily woman to win a trotting futurity and the only foreigner to win a Kentucky futurity. The bftrgeHt surprise of the day was the defeat of MaJiiKheet by Norman B. In the 2: trot. The ia-c was between Norman B. and Snyder McOrea-or, and the lat two heats, which were won by Norninn P., ic sulted In the most . exciting finishes ever seen here. There was too stroiur n breese blowing down the hack strct-n for Sweet Mario to attempt to break the world's record for trotters, but If conditions are favorable she will attempt It tomorrow. Summary: Kentucky futurity, purse $5,0OJ, for 2-yeur-olds: Kentucky Todd. b. c, by nella (Stinson) The Native, b. c. (Benson .'. Blue Hill, b. c. (Titer)....'. Albingrii. br. c. (Hogan).: Bon Ami. br. f. (Maivin) Lucille Marlowe, h. f. (ChiMsl. . . Time: 2:114. S:!1;. Pacing, 2:12 class, purse tl.eeO, .thrci hept In Ave: Captain iv-rby. b. g.. by Charles nertiv-Kconomy-tfininoge).,... r i Hal R.. br. h. (Hendricksi ...... .i . 'J Daphne Direct, b. ni. (Walker) S Bvstander. b. s- (llalli Richard Orattan. Ii. g. (Putnam) 4 Dr. D.. b. g. (MI.'iushlln) :. Iong John, ch. g. (Hay.len. Hasel B. . ch. m. ((lordon)...... Ubrino. b. h. (Porlcrf Arnold Patchen. b. h. (Itnckcr).. Time: ::( 2:v, 2 ',. Trotting. t:l class, purse $1.5n0, t'o heats In three: Norman R., nm. .. uy rnauas Jennie (w. j. xin artnyi Snyder McGregor, ch. a. (Hohan)... Malnsheet. blk. b. (McHenry) Gold Dust Maid. b. in. (Occik) AnKlola. br. m. (Amesi Time: 3:HJ. 2:6"i. 3:ci'. Trotting. 1:16 class, purse Sl.onj'. bests In nve: Belle Isle. br. m . by Axtcll- Klyrla tR 1 Guv Axworthy, b. b. (Murphy) S How Catcher, b. . McCarthy).... I Talna, h. m. iMcDonsJdi 10 Pulsus, b. h. (Geers)., 9 Charlie Atwood. b. g. (Valentine) 2 Tod-P.i ro- 1 1 :.. 4 2 I i 6 1 .5 4 .'. ?tis i 2 .1 a 4 6 7 ..7 4 .. S 1 ..10 H '. ( B d 1 1 . S . 1 11 4 2 .i s 4 da - . thref Dr. Bodkin, b. g. (Owinrsi 5 li Heliograph, b. h. (Herntv). T S Admiral Schley, b. r (Phaffer).... Jd Redemption, ch. g. (Curry) 6 ds Time: MS. t.W,. 211, 3:11V,. Very Lw nates ta the Wet. The Chicago Oreat Vestern railway will sell tickets to points In Alberta, British Co. lumbla, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Wash ington at about one-half the uu 1 far". Tickets oa sale dally August 27 to Oo-tolwr 81. Inclusive. Oet full Information from H. II. Churchill. Oeaeral Agent, 1512 Farnam oah. Kah, PRACTICE XOES ; IN SECRET h " ?.- no ir i. Cornhneken Cut" TbMr Fast Ball Antic - Bhin4.ima Doors. . COACH FOSTER- ti'fji hilS METTLE NOW Has Serlans Problem . ta ' Solve . and Hopes to Develop Speedy , ' Tea in la Lien of the ' , . Heavy One. " LINCOLN. Neb., 'I "Oct. . : iBpeclal.)- Coach Foster, continues to introduce In novations In the foot ball camp at Ne braska university,. During the Booth re gime secret practice .was unheard of until the closing week of October, but. with the season scarcely started, Foster has already locked fhe gates ant), the antics of tha Cornhuskers in . practice have not been before prying eyes since the opening of the present week. ,:,The' Nebraska coach has ugreed to lei, trie "rail birds" enter for a brief period one day of the week, but It will be of slight duration and the new coach will tako-care that possible scouts shall see nothing giving a line on any of his tactics. .... There is a strong suspicion that Foster anticipates a stilt battle next Saturday with South Dakota university. Whltte more. the Dakota., coach, stole quietly into Lincoln last week -and- witnessed the Cotn huskers In their Initial conflict Of tha season with, HaatlngB college. His pres ence was unknown and unheralded, but. before he hied his wy back, to the north he left word that unless the Cornhuskers displayed a different line of goods against the Coyotes than against Hastings, there might be some surprises when the Dakota eleven comes to Lincoln. Foster has as. uredly been driving his pupils at a fast pace during the week's practice, evidently determined to pull oft a few surprises on his own account. Meanwhile the news has leaked through the fence nt Nebraska held that Foster Is drilling his men in a variety of now plays devised by himself and especially ntted to the new rules. Some of. these are to be sprung on the Coyotes' next Saturday, ,.. Lightweights, la I. Inc. It Is already settled .that Nebraska root ers c.nnot hope for a heavy foot ball team this year.-' Ther is arf almost complete lack "of lvft- candidates for. positions In the 'varsity Jlnc-tip.. .: Neither Is there ft. single man of unusual bulk on the scrub eleven, for Foster has pressed every man of avolrdijxls . into service on the flrMt. team. CoqdiHons have been entered up against three or four heavyweights, while two or three more- are so ImpelesKly .hy on credit that they ure out of the reck oning .completely. "Bob" T.ylor,, the big tifgru guard, Ut. the only 2tO pounder In sight and even In his case there Is grave doubt of bis shinty to: square his deficien cies in timf for tbc big games with Mlnne- I sutu,. Kanran and Chicago. With 'all hope abandoned for the mar shalling of a heavy team. Foftfr's efforts are now directed toward the development of one that U shirty and fast. This-Is his only chance to maintain Nebraska's pres tige acquired under Booth when the former rrinceionian waa able to call forth a I bunch of huskier of bulk almost equal to ! any Institution in the west. The dope of tha year Is that a team of average, weight, but upeedy, should prove able to make a much heavier team extend ltslf to win, even with . rather wide disparity In the weights. If (his dope '. substantiated by the season's record, then the Cornhuskeri re r.ot out of the running, but If It proves faulty, Foster will be compelled to charge his failures up to a lack of materli! and trust te better luck the following year. Certain It Is that Nebraska rooters aie ( viewing with decided alarm the approach , of the Minnesota and Chicago games, for 'At seems certain that tbt Gofihtrs a4 Ha-, ' roons will be In line with teams fully as heavy as In past seasons, while that at Minnesota Is expected even to be heftier, ' Switches In the Squad. Foster , made his promised switch - of "Pip" Cooke from end to quarter" at the beginning of the-week, McDonald going in at end., Harvey, a scrub of two years' Xr l4ertence, has fixed up his credits by a two weeks', session of study and has reported for practice, ' Foster at once shoving him into the tackle squad, where he promised to be of decided .value, with a good ertance. to land a regular position. Matters, an other ex-scrub, now has the call for. the other tackle.-. Rice Is trying for tackle and the race rests between this trio. Ewlng and-Chaloupka are being used regularly at guard, while Wllkie Is an apparent fixture at center. There Is not a player In the list that tips the beam at 200 pounds. Denslow and McDonald ate anchored on the ends ' and Cooke Is making good at his new pofi ' tlon. quarter, with Drain as the most fot ' mldable candidate as substitute. little and Schmidt, both veterans, are filling the hair back positions quite satisfactorily, while 1 Captain Mason's form at fullback Is berfsr than In any previous year. Schmidt is do i lug the bulk of the punting and, while un- certain at times, Is booting the oval thirty to sixty yards on every effort, j Foster admits frankly that the 'varsity : lias been showing fine speed during th1? week. He expects Nebraska to outweigh ! South Dakota and he looks for a victory, I but If such Is the result he Is planning to bring it by virtue of a preponderance of speed, not In beef. C'lob to Feed Team. Tlie training table question has been solved by the authorisation of the estab- . lishment of a club at. one of the local ho tels. The athletic board has ugreed to pay one-third of the expense, the players foot ing the balance. Manager Baser has pledged ' that the expense shall not exceed $iw0 for the full season. In past years the. training table expense to the hoard lias ' regularly exceeded IC.oOO. The club was opened with tho two coaches, Foster and Stunrt, and live players. Mason. Little, Schmidt, Denslow and Rice, on the roll. . Five more m':i are to be added immedi ately after the South Dakota game, while I It will be incrtused eventually to eighteen ! players. 3H LOOAN. ( relarhtoa Reata Logan. LOGAN, la.. Oct. 4. (Special.) By u sen sational slxty-llve-yerd run. during the last minute of play, Cullen. for t'reighton. won the game between Cnlgntnn's second team and the Logan High school team nt I.ogan, la. It was a splentimiy piayei game - throughout, - both teams showing good form and playing fast tall. During the entire first half no time was taken I out by elth.r team, no penalty was re- reived by either team and but one. fumble I was made. Creighton owed several of Its gains to the new rule which puts the I player outside Immediately after the ball ! touches ground on a punt, as It succeeded : lit regaining the ball on all but one punt. I In the same manner Logan, during the ' earlv oarl of the same, gained possession of Uie bail .1 t re:gnion s iwo-aru unc. It could not penetrate Crelghton's line and lost the ball ufter three line bucks. Lineup: ( KKIOHTOX. Muiiser K. r. R. K guiir K. T n. T Conler R- O H. O. ... K. Donatio C. r L. (1. I.. (1 U T. L. T.... L- K U T. , Q. B I.. I).... V. B. F. B ... U. H. It. U H. a ... n. H- u. k. h. b Base Ball at Vinton ftreet Park. Saturday afternoon the Real Kstate ex change team will play the Armours the final game of the season. Both teams have been playing fast ball and a good game is assured. Game called promptly at 3 o'clock. 1UA li-.nn. 1 !' lllir-ll' . position. .Catch ... . Short . Tblrd Second .., .First , Pitch .Pitch .... .Center ... Left .Right .... Barrett .. . byr i.. CArrlfSS Cullan ... bonahns Uooafoa O'.Nall .. Harrlck La Vallaj Hunt , Norman . . -Slfrana Si-lit . . . . Rogera St-arna Tlr Owona Lo.ali Armours. Bohn'-r ... Shanahan McMaiin Carey . H. Williams Donohue L'.nl.i.iil'. Reed-We liter Wills. Kedlck. Hoover Kdmonds McKiilop Winslow Nordstrom... Neale I.iiunr Prin.-Stemm A. B. Ifubermann. only direct western Importer of diamonds, which are rMell-d at hlesals prices. Utb and Douglas, ..a. Buresh Williams English u ,1' t- .- '' o Somewhere 1 Round trip Rates From Omaha HOME VISITORS' EXCURSION To many points in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, . Ontario, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, October 19th. RATE: Fare and one-third for round trip. LIMIT: Thirty' days. , v Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Oct. 13 to 16, incluske .$18.15 Kansas City, Oot. 5 to Oct. 13 '.....$ 7.75 Kansas City, Oct. 15 to 20. :....$ 7.75 Dallas, Texas, Oct. 6-7... $21.20 Buffalo, X. Y Oct. 10-11-12. $26.75 New Orleans, La., October 11 to 14..... $23.60 Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 14-15-16. $28.00 Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 15-16-17-18.. $19.60 f Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 8-9. .$32.10 4 i One-Way Colonist Rates Daily. Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, etc $25.00 tJ San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc. $25.00 Spokane and Eastern Washington $22.50 Butte,.IIelena, Salt Lake, etc $20.00 Better call or write and let me plan your trip for you. I can give you all the latest information and free descriptive literature. ai j' ' J J I ll s mm J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 1502 Farnim St . Omaha, Kel Va,BaaaiTi I'"")'!1,"?"";' toy t. ' ',! Inn,. Ii ith.ii-.S t a '-of i. ?u i t: f: ' ft H 5- 1