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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
niE OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER ?. 1006. 9 y, CRAB AND PRODUCE MARIET S? Takes 1pm tt lUrt." but Le.i ill kin,. CLOSE IS PRACTICALLY UNCHANGED Aeldo Umm Weak dkl.i, Jfm Geo. e rally la BntUk, aWelate Belag Llgkter Tha.a Last Year and Caak Market Strong. TK. I , w ,. OM-A. Oct. 4. 190U. The local hmln.H vuMumui vuarfc win 1 1 1 - :uenceof weak cables and wheat advanced morning arter an unchanged opening-.. The - market turned dull at the "VDC. Frloes declining until they reached 1,7 "Z, . 1X1 opening. There was con siderable buying of December by ehorta at one time and Another. Aalda from the foreign weakness, the newa arerastrsLllar ii ht.iu.t. ..... North west weather waa showery, receipt were m&ch irmallitr than mmt we n ii,. raeh demand waa good. On the other hand. eeort business wan reported slow. Corn waa steady. Receipts were not aa large as the estimates and the cash de mand waa better, wltk prices a good frac tion advanced. Trade was very light, how yj. tna market had a narrow range. Predictions ef rains In the corn belt en couraged the bulls. Primary wheat receipts were 1,044,000 bushels and shipments 18,000 bushels, against receipts last; year of 1,431,000 bushels last year and shipments of 416,000 bushels. Corn receipts were 229,000 bushels and ship ments 261 000 bushels, against receipts Inst jar of 606,000 bushels and shipments of 325, oo bushels. Clearances were 466.124 bushels f Wheat, 48,892 bushels of corn, 17t bushels n4 auia t0 WL366 bushels of wheat tnd flour. F. P. Frasler of Chicago, an outspoken u II on wheat, says: "I do not believe It will be possible for the transportation com 9nlea to gst wheat to the seaboard any L"1-" ihn 11 It s hard to get ooata, freights are bp to Jo a bushel on corn and the steel companies are scrambling for boats to carry ore. The car shortage situation promises to be acute. The flour Jltuatlon alone should make one bullish. Millers generally have less orders on their books them any time In years, but are nevertheless running full to supply im mediate demands. This shows thut the dis tributer Is short of stock. What will happen when h attempts to replenish There might be such a thing also n finding himself tn competition with the foreign buyer. In any event, wheat Is worth ths money, and I believe it will more than pay Its carrying charges to a patient holder evei if .the present demandj should flatten Local range of options: mark, canes included, 154) l!c; firsts prime first 22V; extras. Hie. Ch strong at UH-o 13c He; RW YORK (iKSKRAI. MAIIKBT 4saota4los Varloas f the Dayroa Commodities. NRW TOHK, Oct. l-HX)UR-Re-celpta, 17 471 bbla.; exports. 13 bbls . ewlea, 6,5t packages; market steady but quiet; winter painitA. 4M. ivyHtCi; winuT, M.ii"ij.1.ti, winter extra. winter low grades. li.lfciU a); Minnesota patents. 14164(4.40; Mlnneaots bakers. 83.4SjS.S. Rye flour thin, fair to good, ukui.i; choice to fancy. $3.5o4.0i. Buckwheat flour quiet. ZYa2.4i, spot and to arrive. RKE Firm; No. I western, tifHc. c. I. f.. New York. CORNMEAI Steady; fine white and yel low, tl.2tl.26; coarse, tl W1.13. , . 1'AFtUk.V Uulet; feeding. 43c. c. 1. ft Buffalo. WH EAT Receipts, 42,000 bu.; exports, 1S4.000 bu.; sale, l.DuO.lOO bu., futures, tlput market Irregular; No. 2 red, 7SV, elevator: northe?: kt'S. . afloat; No. i ' P'-".' , NEW 1URK STOCKS AND BONDS Iftrkot.ii Apathetic and tn.loen , of Tradinc Approaches Btuiktin. PRiCLS DRIrT IDLY WiTrl L0WLR TREND Money raadltloas (ontlaae lo Relaa Both at Heme and Abroad- President's Speech ASeete Yalaea. NEW YORK, Oct. 4. Dealings In ot. cks became apathetic today and thw duilneas of tue trading spprtisched stagnation, litres drifted ia, anu uncertainly, with a down ward trend In tna uiineal parlous, mort irum Inanulnn tnuu truin sty active te.l- y,rticlea.f Open.j Hlgh. Low. CTose.Tes'y, Dec,., May.. Corn Dee... May.. Oats . Dec. May. I 7W 72 72H 72 ...A. ..: 87 17 - m- OT, . 28 t ' 81 ' , 814 83H 2 S2V 82H 78V 87 81 82 '' Onaaba Cask Bales. WHEAT No. 2 hard, X car, tSc; No. car. -Now.1, 2 cars. 41H& ' ' Oaaa .T-No. hard, 7S8c; No. 8 hard, Nd 4 hard. tliuia'Ao; Mo. 8 spring. OAT8 No.- I white, 1 car. 81Hc Osaaha Cask Prteee, WHEAT ORN-No. 8, 40ViJ41c: No. 8 yellow, 40i tpitc; No. 8, white, 42o. . . OATS No. 8 mixed, 80H31c; No. 8 wnite, 81 vo ozc ; Mo. 4 white, 31if3Htc, . RTB-No. 2. Mc; No. 8. 64Ho. ' jf7aIot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. ."hicaro Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha ,. Duluth .... 27 ... 82 '...404 ... n ...801 198 29 ' 81 23 17 a CHICAGO CRAIH AND PROVISIONS eatarea of tke Tradlaar aad Closing; Prlees aa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct 4. The Ohio report which ahowed the wheat crop of that state to be in the neighborhood or 40.ow.ouo bu.. waa one reason tor a weak finish today In- the local wheat market. At the cloaa wheat for December delivery was off Sc. Corp was unchanged. Oat were up V,o. Provisions wsre via wgner to &a tower. With the exception of moderate firm nss about the middle of the day acntl meat In the wheat pit was bearish the en tire, session. Trading was of small volume and. eonnned mostly to local-traders. The market was easier at the start, because of ailing by commission houses, brought out by fairly liberal receipts in the norta west. Arrivals today at Minneapolis and Duluth were 706 cars, compared with BTtt ear last week and 847 cars a year ago. Later there was a moderate rally on covering by shorts, but the Improvement tone was of short duration. Following Cue , publication or the umo report the market developed increased weakness and prices during the remainder of the day weie Inclined to sag. According to th Ohio crop statistician the total yield of wheat Is 8.500,000 bu. In excesn of the es timate .made by government officials. The market closed weak. December opened unchanged to He lower, at 76iva.ce 10 7Mifi7&.c. sold uo to ,bc and then de dined to 76c. Final quotations were at l&'J 7&Sc. .Clearances of wheat and flour ware equal to 601,300 bu. Primary receipts were 1.046,000 bu., compared with l,4og, the corresDondlna day a Year axo Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 732 cars, agalnat 61o curs laat week and 1.036 cars a year ago. Trading In corn waa quiet, with prices holding barely steady. Wet weather la canning some complaint from various sec tions, but conditions in general are ravor utile for. the new crop. jew corn la n gllinlng to move and Kansas City sdvlce stated that dealers there were expecting nma activity from Uk la noma next weea v Th nrinclDal sellers were cash houses. Tha market closed steady. December opened a shsde lower, st trifi-Oc. ad vanced to 43fcc and closed st 43c. Local receipts were 198 cars, with 88 cars of contract grade. Osts were strong on covering by local shorts. The demand waa due primarily to a reoprt from Minneapolis which claimed that owing to exceaaive moiature the, oats crop of the north weat la fully one grade lower than In 19u6. December opened unchaiwred, at S4'c. advanced to S44KHV, nd closed at S'c. Local re ce'pta were 23 ears. Provisions were quiet and steady. There was some proflt-taking In October ribs and that product showed moderate wesk liaas. At the close January pork whs off TH". at $13.40. . Lard was up a shade, at tlhi. Ribs were nc higher, at $7.20. Katlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 44 cara; com, 819 cara; oata, 247 cara; hogs, ,15.000 head. Trfe leading futures ranged aa followe: hard winter, llkr. t a. h . afloat. OPenim a snaae lower on account or easy cauies, wheat turned strona-er on sctlve bull, sup port at Chicago and higher northweat mar kets. It weakened, however, on the Ohio state report, and closed H to Ho net lower; May, l&HjrtAc. cloaed at 86Sc; December, tiWifHc, cloaed at &i4c rieceipta, w.ViQ ou.; sales, i, du.. spot. Spot market barely steady; No. 2. 66c, elevator, and 66Vc, f. o. b, afloat; No. 8 yellow, 67c; No. 2 white. 57Hc. Option market waa without transaction, oloatng He to So riet higher; Jsnuary closed at boso; May closed at 50Uc: December closed at OATS Rece Dt. 121000 bu.: soot market steady: mixed oats, 2 to 82 lbs., rytc; natural white. 20 to 23 lbe.. UU'QOSo; clipped white. 88 to 40 lbs.. tMHic. niuau-nrm; spring brsn, IJD.V), uctODer, hlpment: city, MMh 26.60. HAY Steady: ahlnnlna. kbfi70c: good to cholca, tlfat6o. HOi'B bteadv: common to choice Uo, 2la4c: lo6. 11170; Psdflu ooast, lw, HIDES-sieady; Qalveston, to a pounds, 20c ) California, 21 to 26 pounds, Ha, ory, n io mi pounas, t;bATHGR-steady; acid, 867Hc. PROVISIONS-Beef. firm; family, 81160 12. 00: mesa. ItOuuiuiO' k-f hamM. tlnwa iH.SO; packet, 8lOOuJ10.6O; city extra India tntmn, $l.00ffl.60. Cut meata, steady; Pickled belllea. 110 25fr10.Bft! nlckled hams. H1.&0W1100. Lard. Arm; western prime, $9.10 0.16. Refined, steady; continent, $9.45; . A., $10.26: comDound. 27 UM i.SiV. Pork firm; family, $18 5011.00; short clesr, $1.6p18.60; mesa. $18.a61.76. l ALLOW steady ; city ($2.00 per pack age), br; country (packages free), 6SrV'. BUTTER firm ; street price, extra creamery, 26c; official prlcea: Creamery , common to extra, 18a26Hc; held second to extra, 21 fi 264c; stats dairy, common to fancy, WQl4c. t-1-tfc.t.tSii; Klrm; state, run cream, small fancy, 134c; fair to good, largo fancy, 13c; fair to good, 12 'a 13c; inferior, 10A,ti11c. E008 Firm; state Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy aelrcted, white; 32g33c; choice, 3Va31c; mixed, extra, weatern flrsta, Sig'a,c; official price, 24V482&C; sec onds, :3fi.'4c. POL LTR Y Alive. nominal: weatern chickens, fowls and turkeys, 14c. Dressed, irregular; western chickens, lliigisc; spring turkeys, l22c; fowls, 12315c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 4.-FLOUR-Flrst Patents. H.2O&4.30: second patents. $4,069 4.16; first clears, 83.26tf8.36; second clears, $2. 4063.80. iJRAN In bulk, $14.00914.26. (Superior Board of Trade Quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). Tha range of price, aa reported by F. D. Day aV Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: Articles. Open. Htgh. Law. Close. jYes'y. Wheat- Dec... May.. July.. Flax- Oct... Nov.. Dec... May-.. I "741 7SM, 1 12X 1 U 1 10 1 1U4 74V, 78S TV4 1 U urn 114HI 7ST 74 78 78 78 7 1 11' 1 11H1 i ii i us 1 10 1 10V 1 14 1 14 Minneapolis Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. TSVic-; No. 1 northern, 75Se; No. 2 northern, 73c; No. 8. 71'72Hc; No. 1 durum. 3ic: to arrive, tcc; no.,i aurum, hic; to ar rive. 80Ac. Corn: No. 8 yellow. 44VAc: No. 8. 48Vc. Oats: No. 8 white, 31c: No. 3, 29H30Sc. Barley: 35548c, Rye: 5674o. nax: Ji.u . . , Krtaaaa Clry Grata sal Provisions. KANSAS C1TT. Mo.. Oct; 1-WHEATh One-half cent lower; December, USc; May 724o- Caart: zvo. 2 nard, WhiVix; no. U 63j-nHc: No. 8 red, 72o; No. 8 870o. . CORN December, 27c; May, 3So. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 43c; No. 2 white, tttyo. OATS ko. 2 white, 84il36c: No. 2 mixed. S2o. . hay oteaay : cnoice timotny. xu.Yraaioo: choice prairie, 89.0069.60. EOQS-Firm: extras, 2ic; nrsta, cases in cluded. 20c; seconds, 14HO. RYB Steady; 674JOo. BUTTER Creamery, t6c; packing, 160. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat btt 127,000 108.000 Corn, bu 23,000 11,000 Oats, bu. 14.000 6,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 4. BUTTER Firm, good demand; extra western cream ery, official pi Ice, 2c: street price, 26yc; extra nearby prints. 28c EGGS Firm, good demand) nearby fresh and western fresh, 26c at mark. CHEESE Firm, good demand; New York full creams, fancy, 13Vkc; New York full creama, choice, 124a; New York full creama, fair to good, U4ri3c- Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., Oct 4.-CORN-Flrm; No. I yellow and No. 2, 46Vic; No. 4, 4&yc; no grade. 44t44Hc. OATS Steady; No. 2 white. 33e; No, 8 white, 23Vi(SSH4c; No. 4 white, S2Sfl32 RYE Steady to strong; No. 2, tac. WH18KY-On the. basis of $1.29, for fin ished goods. " ihe demand was feeble and Indlfff-rrnt and there was no response to Oevelbpments. except In ludivlouai aurks imiiied.aaly concerned. One such tock was i nuej Rubber, which suffered acutely from onubiS thrown out regarding peraiatent leporta lor a long time past that ulvtdfnan on a wale were to be Inaugurated on the sioca. There was an opinion on the markkt whicn held that the paralysis of interest waa larsely due to revised views of the general prospect for dividend Increaets as exem pllfiexl In the caae of L'nlted Stales Rubbee, and more notably In the conservative dur Idend action of the Atchison directors yes terday in putting that stock on a 6 per c?iit baala Inatead of 8 per cent, as was widely expected. Ever since the I'nlon Pacllic dividend Increaaed speculative sentiment ha looked for aensatlonal developments along those lines. The assumption made that the Union Paclflc action repre sented a policy fixed upon by extensive agreement among controlling powers ,n the railroad world for tha payments of div idends more nearly commensurate kith cur rent earnings. It was supposed that a dec s lon was thus come to that work of better ment had proceeded far enough to war rant smaller expenditures out of earnings for that account and leas Insistence on the accumulation of treasury wurplusva. Ths Atchison decision hss had material effect In dlaturblng this amumptlon and has weakened surmises of differences of opinion amongst powerful capitalists over choosing the method of large dividend in creases to stimulate an active tnsrket for Fecurlties. Speculative sentiment was disturbed also by the rumors of a hitch in the "ore deal and by the countenance which was riven to these rumors In some quarters regardel as authoritative. There Is a great dlff-r-ence of opinion as to what market effect would be produced by tne actual announce ment of the terms of the ore deal In view of the disposition Istely shown to sell stocks on favorable news. But there la no dispute of the supposition that an actual rupture of this Important negotiation would have an unsettling effect on the mark"t. owing to the long and effective use made of It as ammunition for firing the specula tive Imagination. What nart political con siderations played In the halt of the mar ket was not so clear, hut some Influence was allowed to this factor by common ccn sent. The presentation of the Issues bv the opposing candidates In the state or New York threw the subject Into promi nence, snd the large attention given by both sides to questions of corporation abuses and means for their control sirnca the attention of Wall street anew. The Impression was emphasised by the publica tion during the session of the presidents address at Hnrrlsbu'g. Holders of shares In corporations feel some trepidation when the power and profits of those organlaatlons are presented as a mensce to the puhllo welfare and the action of today's stock msrket was not without reference to mis subject. ... The money market continued to re's. Knk kr and shrnad. Discounts yleld'd In Iindon and Pa'ls. In snlte cf the weak returns of the government banks, ow'ng to the Strain of the October settlement'. Earlv return of resources thus dl-bureed Is expected there as ever. The flnsnc'sl community was favorably lmpresed by the plan of currency reform presented by the committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Intimations that additional portions of the $26 000.000 of government deposita would be available to the New York batiks were pc, cepted as an additional safeguard for the money altuatlon here. Neither the early strength nor the midday weakness per sisted and the market closed Irregular. There waa an Improvement in demsnd here and there in the bond market and the tone was Arm. Total sales, par value, $2.052,000.. United States bonds were un changed on call. , Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock Exchange: ' Bales. H1h. A4an Szsraa eressed l.fvaov nntra reserve, drcressed 2.'Vi.i"0; government securities, de rieas'd :.. The proportion of the banks reserve to liability this week Is 3950 per cut, s compared with. 4!.82 per cent Isst week. ' Sew York Meeiey Market. NEW YORK. Ot 4. MONET -On cslt firm. 3Hfi, pf cent: niilng Mte. I per cent; rinsing bid. I per cent; offered st 4 per rent. Time loans, easier; sixty days, nlrety daya and six month, per cent. PRIME M KHliANTl LB PATER 0V(ff7 rent.. STERLINd EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankera' bills at $ f3 4 K.70 for demand nn.l at $4 79Tt47 for sixty-day bills; conimarcla bills. $4.79'ft 4.7S: posted rales. 84.eH(i4.fl snd $4 Mfc. 8ILV KR Bsr, 88c; Mexican dollars. Mc. BONDS Government, stesdy; railroad, flr:n. Quotations on bonds todsv were as follows: .t'l fcaen nN do coupon r 8. I. res.... do roapoa t. 8. old 4a, res do coupon v V. g. now 4a,- res do coupon , ..1o ..lot . im ..10!t ..mi ..Ml : "1 oeH'O. iJtpaa . Id Jpn 4Ss eof.. do Id aerlea 1, N. sal. 4t MirhilUl r. . Mstlrta Control do let tne VI At L 4s. Amerlron Tobaoea 4a 77 St.. K. oV T. 4s. to 4a I K do I4 Atchison sn. 4o lWk'V. It. R ot M. .... to ....!n 4a. nvs la . M , .... t! .... ' ...ins HAUA LIVE bTOC!. MARKET CatUt ii Kodo.-a1. Baea'ptt tad Ir eoi Gattrgllt ftromef. HOGS SELL STtADY TO STRONGER Aaether Urse Rasj of Sbeeg) and Lambs, bnl tnder lalaa ef larwe Uemsad Prices Are Mostly Steady. to. M W. T reetrat g "4 J Centra I g. I m Northorn r.iii 4.IMv in m.. 7!, N. W. cos. 4i;...; o. a. U rfd. 4a. ..... ' PnnTtnla . H.:on4 Rcadint Oonaraf 4. at. L. I. M. e. to I1JH SL L; i. r. Is 4a Mia a. t - A- TO ..... l"H'Ol. f pmm. . , , - a .;! .aboard A. L 4a . M , P. 4s.. 7southam Psatdr 4s.. M , c, ...! i ao in 4a cor ..'.tot ... MV 4a rs ...ill ... (1 "... 8V4 ... H 71 da ad. 4t Atlantic C. L. 4a. B. O. 4a do ISl Brooklyn g. T. a. Central of Oa. ft dn lat tna do t lac. ..A.. do 14 lac...... C. O. 4a.:. C. A A.' IHa.f.. h. a u c . n i. do rot to. C..C..C. A Ht Lt a.I1H Soothora HaHwar lH Colo. -tnd. la, Drtal. tll Tfiu raclflc lata. lit Tola. Midltad 4o J T., St. U W 4a.. 14 ioio. m aoatnorn 4a tl ivnion racinc 41 Cuba la lJi't 8 Stcol M I D. A R. O. 4a Iu iWanaah lata.... Dtatlllara' s, a....7Hl do rwb. I Brio prior Hoe 4a...1tS Wastorn Md. 4a do tea. 4a vw L B. 4a Hocklns VHI.7 4 107H :wia. Central 4a 'son ia .....lwv-ijapaa 4a cor... Offered. SOt'TH OMAHA. Oct tlecrlpts we. t; Obiclal .Monuav 1.47 Uihcial Tuesday i,4 4,. 3a Viuciai Weou-.-sday .! Thuixlay l.AU 4.MM 4. Won. tiua'. eiivt'ti. oV.Mi. 17,B LA 1N lU.kli li.bU It, 11 91. to io,VU u.4k 7k.lV4 114V, tn., 1. It to Boitos atoeks aad Bonds. BOSTON. Oct. 4 Call 607 per cant; time loans, 01J7 per cent. The dosing quota, tlons on stocks and bonds were ss follows; 4a. Atchlena ad). ao as Mctlcan Contra I At. hlaon dn pfd Boston Aloanr. Boston A Mains.. Boston KloTstcd ... Mexican Central.. N. T., N H. H Psro Marquatts .. union Pacifle . M IBInshaia . .I00S ('slumst aV Hoc la . ft Centennial .lostajrnppsr Raags .... .0t4iralr Wast (rranklla .14 loranhr .in sialo Borslo . tl4 Mass Mlnlnf .11 iMIrhlaan . It iMuhavk 14 Montana ('. aV C. Amar. Arc. Chemical KH OId Dominion do pfd II Amer. Pnsn. Tubo.'.. It Amor. Sugar ra do pfd 131 Amer. Tol. it T.I... Ill Amar. Woolen !64 eo pra Dominion t. s ... 71 Rdlana Else. Ilium.. Ill Maaa. Slsctrlo do pfd , Mass. Oaa United milt t'nlted Shoo stach.. do pfd V. 8. Steel ....... do pfd... Adrenturo Allouea Amalgamated Atlantic Asked. "Bid. 'Oscoola Parrot Uulney Shannon Tamarack Trlnltjr . .ltuv, United Copper V. R. Mlnlni .. v. a. on t'tah Victoria MS Winona lot . Wolvor1no ..... TtuOr"on Con ... ?v North Butts ... ... 7w, Hutla Coalition ...lM4a Narada ... taiMltrksll ... Calumat and Arlaona HSvt ...UII4Tacumsah Hv 1H, AMiOna commercial. 0 It TO 170 .. I3H .. 17 .. M .. 14 .. JS .. .. 15H .. 41 4 .. :4 .. It'4 ..! .. ft .. 17H .. lli .. tl .. ll4 .. 4 .. a .. ion .. II .. t . t ..1I04j .. 971, .. 41i4 .. ll4 4H Pour days this week... 17, 6X2 flame daa Hast wee.... i, 44 taine daya 8 weeks ago..i,4.a bhme ouya 4 wceas ag . .il.3 caiiie aa 4 wveaa a-j..ft.l Muite uays lajtt year. .. .at.too llic loiioainc laoie snows of catue, nogs and sueep at South Umauiu lor tue yr to dale, conipareu nnu r:,. !. Cattle 7W.197 TKMl Mpkia 8.014.4S4 l.o-K.aW Hnutp' l.Mt.iw l.J.i- "CAiTLh; Wt.OI Al lU.N. Good to choice coru-ied ste;ra.....T3l f air tu goud corn-led aieeis e.wjjjs.n Common to fair corn-Io aieera.. 4.vj.tsj Uood to Choice range Fair to good tangs steers ..... v-uii.niun iv lair isuiga aiara Uuod grdsa cows aid aeiiers r'air tw good cows and heifers.. Common to fair cowa and helfeia.. Good to choice stackers and fdrs.. fair to g.xid stockers and leadara. Common to fair Blockers Huns, stsgs, ate Veal calves 'ine following table allows the the receipts lllu. 2,iti l,is;4 4 auu ( 4.WWa4.kl 1 ao4.Ai 9.w0w4ia 8.4tS4.W .U4i. 4.tAeHy4.W i.&mM oo 1.7i4.7l 4.ooyw.(i average price of hogs at South Omaha for tha last several days, with comparisons Date. I90g. 1M.1904.!1M.1908.I11. 11900. rept. Pept. 14.. Sept. 25.. dept. Bept. 7 . Hept. id . Sept. 9. . Hept. 30.. Oct. 1.... Oct. .... Oct. 8.... Oct. 4.... I t 891 I 711 I T9I 17 7 7 74 17WI 8 Si Id llWi 6 Ml I V 8 iu: 18 i 9 lxi A 741 6 49 21 1 19! J 46; 6 " t 131 b W 71 7 r s 1 671 Ml 7 66 l 7 In .6 7 84 T9 I M 7 81 7 54! I ( 1 n ) a 'joml K 1 87 I S H TJi t Ml 7 ; o8i I W I 6 W 6 74 7 81! 8 741 U1 1 141 7AI t 19 11 JtFBRASK A. 9 calvea... ?n 8 7 4 feeders. .17 8 5 8 feeders.. TsA 9 70 8s feders.. 9l( 9 no 8 Steers. ...12fs 4 X Ht his Trsins were very late In arriving st the ysrds, and as no correct report could be secured ss to the number Of cars back, everyone was at sea as to the proh aMe run IHirert In consequence were In clined to hold hack and await developments, which means that the market was slow and Iste In opening. Home of the best liont sold esrly st prices that looked a 1'ttle stronger, but the genersl msrket could n" be quoted any more than steady and not very active at that. At high aa ' was paid for a choice light load, which waa 5c higher than anything brought yesterday. n noteo. yesterony. tne nog niRraet nns been gradually (liming up this wek, though there haa not been enough Improvement I any one day lo really Justify quoting the j market higher. The mirket Is now on sn avernge a big no higher than It was at the close of last week. Representative sales: steady; selling at 8 ttfl.W; bulk et No. As lit .Ml . Ml ..VI . rt .,! .174 .HI ..:: ..HI . ft .171 So, ... . .. 7... 14... 11 .. It .. I .. .. ... II .. 71... 17... 1... A. ..m . t ..10 . Jl .174 ..111 . tJJ .III ...141 ,. ?4l ..141 ss. p. 4 It I M is I M I It) I II I II I I I .- I lit 4 I7v 4 4 Cundajr. London Closing; Rtneks. LONDON. Oct. 4-Closlng quotations on the Stock exchange were: Consols, (or money.. Ma M.. K. T... 174, do for account 1(44 Now Ynrk Central... 145H Anaconda Its Norfolk Western.. Atchison 10714, do pfd 14 do pfd 106V Ontario 4 Western.. 414a Omaha, CIlU'UaTO Kansas City ... Ht. IauIs Hloux City ine oillolal RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. l.aiio.. l.twLUU l.iosi.ot 2 WHott OU MiV.a number ui cais Hugs. taAu.4 .(iltl.uia S.xuo-i' tt.lj.o.4 1 i 2u V. .. 1 .. 11 U 8 .. t 1 8 IS 7 . i i 5 se i lstW. Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat Deo. May Corn Oct. tec. May May k July rork- Jan. Lard Oct. Nov. Jan. Ribs Oct. Jan. 75 T9 4M4 . 46T, 4riiSI 43 '4 84' 9&Si . MVsl IS 4a1 8 95 80- 7 17! 844ff, 4N 94 76 iA' 13 13 SlW 75Jt6H-S 797,TWiji:i 45H oVt 41 41 I ...I ... 34-l . ' alas 'at 95 I 8 67HI ,7 90 7 m M 7 90 9 0741 T IS 1 84 18 40 Mllwaakee Grain Market. No. I northern 79iWilo; No. 8 northern 74p W; December 75c. RYK Firm; No. 1. Kle. BARLET Dull; No. 8, 65c; sample CORN Firm; No. caali toftXH.c; De cember 43c ' Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 4--WHEAT-Spot. firm: No. t red western winter, Se IVid Fu tures, quiet;. December, AsSd; March, s SHrl. ' CORN Boot, steady; American mixed. 4s lid. Futures, dull; Octotr. 4sSd; De cember. 4sSd; January, 4s Ifd. rtnlath Grain Market. ' DULUTH. Oct. 4. WHEAT No. 1 hard, on track, 78!c; No. 1 northern TBTkc; No. 8 northern 74c; October- 16Vc; Ixtcember 74Sc; May 7We. OATS To arrive and October S3c. ' ' Holiday at t. Loots. ' ST. liOt'IS. Oct. 4 No grain or produce markets today; municipal holiday. Ill 444, is It 44 II lit 1M 1111 IMS at lltH M 1011 111 112 ii 17t . 114 W 17414 8 92,T 8 16 7 Toledo teed Market. -' TOLEDO. Oct. 4. -SE EDS Clover, cash and October, 88.60; December. .; timothy 81.90. Alslke 87. . . .. . Melkl Market. . NEW YORK. Oct. 4 M ETALS There was a atroag sdvance In the London (in in.rk.L lorfl bv the atlot rjoalttnn. whlrh 1 closed at dim 2a d, .while futurea were ouoted at a-Uet. Iocally the market waa 9 97U I steady, with spot nuoted st 82.40t2I4:.60. 8i7'Afpper was higher in the lxiidon market, I I J' will spot quoted 'at tKJ and futurea at ) JCaJ 15s. Locally the market was strong 8 2 1 and a shade higherv with lake quoted at T 17U1 t-'oSttiOo": eleciruiytic. 19.;&4r30 .26; caat tag. 819-6tsfj, Lead waa 2s d higher )at U lu In I,ond-n. Locally-the mar ket waa -dull at to i4j".00. Spelter was It ltd kwer at 4,77 6s in London. Locally ne mar 18 42 sjfo. 1 Caah quotations were aa follows: rii. w." ;'"M .im-rket was stendv. wllh snot hel.l w - V - " Tl' ".r" ! . . 1 tMVrfn nr . a ahurie hla-hrr nn ) sverage. Iron was higher in the English 840; 3 spring. ,788ac; No.' X 9'ti b. . TialMbc; P.O. a rru. iaiUiou. CORN-NO. 2. 4WMc No. i yeUow. 46', OAl-S-N. 8, Hpr No. J white,. 8. i kc; NO vr s-ti- RYE No. 2, 4Uc. ,2 BARLEV ood feedlnn, i3Jc; fslr to choice manui. "y kW.KDS N. w-tern. 81 I Haa. 910t No. Prune timothy. 1 nortb- H.fitV.y8.i. Clover, contract grade, 8U:'a. iv . V le.lti.4icj obot I fides - U0..0,. U 7Ki9i Mesa pork, per bbl gig 50. ' Lard. iuu luo.. r . s - xed. 8wB-ttw; .; rollowing ware-tha receipt and ship- R?-lra Slilpnift't Flour, bois .... i Wheat. , n. ou ........ ta. u f 'Rye. bu Uarlcy Wh 4S bu 84. M 44i . 81 .isO ... 5"."' .., .' ...Ud.atv market, witn stannara lounnry quoted at H Id and Cleveland warrants at 56a. Lo cally the market was firm, with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at 8!lw:20; No." S foundry northern. 9ft) 50"!; No. 1 Jounrtry southern.'fill.o.i; No. 8 frSundry southern. Jh.aufi J1.0V Amalgamated Copper. 44.M0 iua Amsrlcsn C. snd T 4.000 46 do pfd r American Cotton Oil. .4.... l,tM M do pfd American Biprssa Amsrlcsn H. 4V U f . 1J W American Ico sso l.VO so American Llnasod Oil " do pfd American IxieomotlYS 1,104 744 do pfd 1 American 8. A R V 4 da old H6H Americas Sugar Tunning... 1,100 1JIA Amerloan Tobaeeo. pfd. s. tt Anaconda Mlnlni Co 4.100 141 Atchison 4 too 104-4 do pfd 1 Atlantic Coast Una ' 1H) Baltlmora Ohio 9.704 13 do pfd ' Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... I.ood 774 Canadian Paclflc 1.H I to Central ef Nasi Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio 100 I2'6 Chisago Groat Western 4.700 11V, Chicago A Northwsstsra.... too 10744 C. M. A St. B.. 4.100 17l'4 Chicago T. T do pfd C, C, C. A It. h Colorado Pool and Iroa.... 4.704 . M M Coiorado A Southern 4.100 40'4 414 do 1st pfd MO MS, II do Id pfd l.tno I44 It'4 Consolidated Oaa 100 111 1M Corn Products rfg loo lo4 do pfd 100 1144 1144 Delasrars A Hud eon Delaware. LAW too 6M-4 U4 IwiTST A Rio dranda loo 41 424, do pfd 100 44 U44 Dlatlllsrs' goourltlsa 4.700 1014 Brio 44, 41 do lat pfd 100 7144 744, do d pfd General Eleelrie 400 117 ltd Hocking Valloy Illlnola Central 100 Vt 17414 International Paper do pfd Intsrnsttonal Pump 400 4T44 41 do pfd Iowa ( antral soO 1144 1144 do pfd 00 414 4I4 j Kansas Cits Southern ..... 1 IK 7144 do pfd euv ' ea-e as IxiuIbtIIIs A NaakTlllo 1oo 147 144 Mrilran Csntral 1.100 tl n Minneapolis A 9t. Loula... loo II II II., St. P. A ts. St.... 100 1114b 1144 do pfd Mlaeourl Pacifle 4 v M Missouri. Kansas A Teiaa.. 1 4i 1444 do pfd 900 7044 IO1 Natloasl Lead 1.400 1 7744 N H R of M pfd 10 4I4( 44 New York Central !.0 1SV4, 1J N. T.. O. A W mo 44i 4744 Norfclk A Wsstsrs I.0M N44 M do pfd North American 400 II . f Paclflc Msll 1. 100 1744 1114 Psosarlvanla II. lot 14144 144 Psools'a Oo P., C. C. A It. L. Pre seed Steel Car do pli Pullman Palaoo Car .... Heading da lat pfd do id pfd Republic Sisal do pfd Rock laland Ca do pfd at u a - r. m pfd... St Loots Southseeiern do pfd Soul hern paclfls 44. It It 44 4444 do ptd gnulh-m Railway do pfd Ttnneaeeo Coal and Iron. Teiaa A Paclflc T . at U A w do pfd I'nloa Pedis do pfd l'nlted States gipreas tailed Slates Realty .... lulled States Rubber .... do pfd t sited State Stsel do pfd A O Canadian Pacifle C. A O Chicane O. W... c , M. A ft. P, Da Bears D. A R. O do ptd Brio do 1st pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Csntral 1 ei c . . ..ltl4 Psanarlvanla ...IU44 Rand Mines .... ... 144 Reading ... 1144 Boathem Rallwai ...110441 do pfd 114 Southern Paclflc ... 4444 I'nlon Pacific .. ... lHl do pfd ... 4t4 (' s. stsel ... 0 J rM pfd .... it 4Wssaan 11 i'4 111 17 101 tH II144 17 4144 IIO44 II 44V4 f4 404 1314 M .ilXJM 16144 1M loo 11 44 u 11 too 640 Y . CoaTee Mnv! et. ' NEW "YORK. Oct. l -COrTEB-rMar-ket for Tuturej opened steady at an ad vance of 6 polnta.and nnjlckly improved en reports thai the Brazilian government had started buying on. toe valorisation Plan and that the rate of Braalllan ex change ass higher. There seemed to be quite a good detl of coffee wanted by variuua jr. .ers. bu- offwrings were very nht and this restricted bualncaa until SJ.foj J rtnr the close, wh-n tlure was more'ac- ' s . ti-ttv aad urices ruiea nrm on reporta mat orft-rs (rum Br-iall were being withdrawn. The chisve was steady at a net advance of 16 to 3U Ixtln.o Sales were reported of 3.t4) bata. Including Decenuapr- at 6 6tioj , .he fHlra' tb hit- 4c;'. March. S.'lra.c5o; Majr. .9vS4ic; MblUt MMrsss rm 82. It ; Sieady; No. I hlo, rMo. Chemical 1.400 10 4.100 400 too 44.100 100 .. B.too MO ion l.ioo 14 M44 4144 M44 M44 lt'44 1444 U44 UK 44 1144 It 44 II M M 4444 11444 1144 no its II !( 4144 10744 904, 444, Tlrgluia-Carallna do pre Wabash do pfd Wello-Pargo Eipross ... W-ailngbouee Electrle .. Western I nloi , Wheeling A lks trie W a-onptn Control do pfd Northern Pacifle 1 Csntral iMlhsr do pfd Bloss-Sheflleid Graal Northern pfd Intsrurbaa Metropelliaa. do ptd severed. Total aalea tor th sar. M4.444 aksraa. 4144 t 444. 10444 It 44 11 4444 Clossv rt 11144 44V4 101 u M ta 91 tt II It 71 1U44 16J14 11144 114 l'4 914 44 10114 10144 lit 44 17144 I 111 17144 IU 3 lt'4 904 174V4 II SI T 6144 40 M44 H4, 1M 7144 Mi 44 641 4144 Si4l US 4444 71 '4 IVi 111 sir4 174 " U 47 I II 11 It 141 t 14 U.244 11544 48 10 77 4044 13H 4I44 to SO J 14144 M4 1144 1744 M 1 S tl 1714 4 47 444 W 1 14 "4 11144 144. 1H H.44 1444 64 IX44 .144 IS 7. 4444 lot 44 41 10144 ' lf4l to 4444 1 do pfd ' ...ine ripaniNn ... .......... . SILVER Bar! quiet, 81d per ounce Biuo r, i oti o4j par -cent. DISCOUNTS The rste of discount In the open market for short bills Is 444H Pr cent; for three months' bills, 4H per cent, Boston Copper Market. (Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logri V Bryan, 8 Board ef Trade buildlnjr, Omaha: Adventure 'sssolia7n' 41 Allooos 14 '4 NsTsda Conoolldatsd. It Atlantle llKorth Butte 111 Bingham W Old Dominion M44 Black Mountain.!...... Ooeeola ; 4. .11144 Bostoa Consolidated.. 11 Pnou. Ssrslc TJ Batta Coalltloo 41 Pnou. Barrio, pfd... 1144 leiunn at anions. .m wutney ...... sr Calamat A Hcla....tl0 Shannon Contenalal Copper Raaga Dally Wast ., Raat Butt . . Franklin Oresns Coppsr .... Oranby H el ret la Ial Royal U S. A Plttaburg Massachusstta .... Michigan 14 I TTamarack Ij 11 Tenn. Coppsr 41 19 Trinity 11 .... 11 t-nlted Pro It 107 ..... I l'nlted Btataa, com.. 41 .... rf United States, pfd... 44 1444 I'tah consolidated ... 44 4 t'tah Copper II tl Victoria 7 25 Winona 144 144 Wolrsrtns ISO 1 brouerht In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. C, M. ft St. P 4 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacinc 1J Lnlon Pacific system If C. & N. W., east...... .. C. A N. W., west 0 C, St. P.. M. A 0 8 C, B. A U east C. B. A Q., west 68 C, K. I. A P., east.. .. C, R. I. A P.. west.. .. Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western .. Total receipts 142 The disposition of ths days receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of bead Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 628 TJ2 Swift and Company 416 1.06".' Cudahy Packing Co 1,03 H42 Armour A Co 649 l.JSJ Cudahy, from K. C 116 Armour, from St. Louis. 62 .... Carey ft Benton 2W Lohman A Co 42 .... McCreary A Carey 192 ..... Hill A Son 86 P. P. Lewis Huston A Co U Hamilton ft Rothschild. 62 St. Louis D. B. Co 192 Wolf Mike Haggerty 127 J. B. Boot A Co 74 .... T. B. Inghrara-.T 16 ..... Sullivan Bros . AO , Lehmer Bros...... 14 - .... Held over 23 .... 8.96S .Hi Foreign Financial. ixindon,' Oct. 4. Money was In re stricted supply In the msrket today, owing to repayments to tne tie rue or Kngiand, which more than offset the dividend dis tributions. Discounts were a shade easier. Prices on the stork exchange continued steady, with moderats Investment pur chases of British securities. Consols hard ened on the fact that there was no Changs In the Bank of England's rate of discount, but they eased later on poor bank returns. Foreigners benefited , by Paris sunport. Turkish bonds were weak. Americans, after an irregular opening, hardened to over parity on good local supnort. Atchi son. Topelta A Santa Fe picked up well after the dividend disappointment, but Canadian Pacifle was weak In srlte of the bonus declaration. The msrket became steadier sfter the receipt of tha N-w T"rk opening prices but eaed a era In rnd c'o-ed Irrearular. witn the eneentlon cf l'nlted States Steel. Imperial Japanese 4s closed at 1WH PETtLTN, Oct. 4 Pomestle securities on the Bourse todsv were frsctlonally lower. Russian were finder. PARIS. Oct. 4. Prices on the Bourse to day were verv unsteady snd Turks became haw on account of the movement of ( tronea on the puisrartan rronner N't- srithstnnding tne nwvr ions or woia acn he renort resterdov ths te rate --ouM he Increased, the T4nk or F'Snre rl'd not raise It" discount r"t today. Russtsn Im perial 4 c'l-.d at 7136 and Runs' an bonds of 1904 at 4M. , W K w ' Bask Frnnee Btateme-t. PARIS. Oct. 4. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the follow ing changes: Notes in circulation, in- cressed 23l.725.fsXf; tressury deposits, de creased 74,nM.OiOf; general deposits, de creased Sl.ioo.ooor; oid in nana, aecreaaea MSTSonnfr silver In hand, decresaed 8.476.- Onfif; gold discounted, decreased 2,46O.0OOf ; advancea tncrrssea H.eoo.uw. sfl4 44 974, H M H4, .... S; 4 M44 ltd 11.400 1.U00 I too 404 ItiO 1U 1444 V 44 til II n M 7i 14 3 54 44 111 II 101 71 . Ill H44 Bank ef Kaglaad Italeaieat. LONDON. Oct. 4-The weekly statement or tne nan 01 England ahowa (ha fol lowing changes: Total reserve, decresaed ;.0.uw; circulation. Increaaed oiJ.4) bullion, decreased. M't v.l.tlX; other securi ties, mere 111 fcl,"Vi.Hi: ot:ier deposits dosrtascd. iS,tX; jubllo deosiis, d.- Totals CATTLE There was a very light run ot cattle here for a Thursday, but the trade was hampered to some extent by the late arrival of trains. -' Beef ateers were In moderate supply and veiy good demand, and the offerings for tha most part changed hands early In tha morn ing. There was nothing choice to put a top on the market, but such stuff as there waa here sold at prices generally a little stronger than yesterday. Cowa and neirera were also in moderate supply and very good demand, with the result that the market was not only ac tive, but generally 10c higher than yester day on all desirable kinds. The early re ceipts changed hands In very good season In the morning. Stockers and feedera were also In active demand and the good kinds were generally a little stronger thar yesterday. Every thing answering lo that description sold very reaally In the morning. The Common to medium kinds were rathor hard to move, but that la the ease practically every day. The large attendance of country buyera haa stimulated the feeder trade this week and the market as a whole is In a very good, healthy condition. Representative sales: SEEK STEERS. No. I.. 90.. 41.. As. Ill 11M Ill Ns. It., Pr. 4 00 4 71 40.... Ill IS.,.. :owb. AT. ..104.1 .1211 .1101 rr. 4 14 I I 44 II .... 94 f 1 .1 1 I 1 , 1 4 , Treaiary ifatesnesi, WARRINGTON. Oct. 4 Todays state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the 8160.000,000 gold reserve snows. Avauaoie caan onus nee, t?i sold co n ana ouiuon. IUi.- 17J.5M; gold certificates. 847.SS9.9tlO. tVaaat Clearings. OMAHA. Oct. 4. Rank clearings for to day were 81.784.991. H ana mr tne corre sponding date last year i,b-i,vii.i. Cottow Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 4 COTTON Spot closrd quiet and steady, ten points ad vance. Middling upianaa. iivw; nuaaung gull'.; sales, t.uv uulea. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 4 COTTON 8pot moderate buslnesa done; prlcea 18 polnta lower; American middling, fair, 4 11; good middling, 6.7d.; good ordinary, 8.42d.; middling 8. Tod.; good ordinary 8.4Kd.; ordinary, S.lhd. The aales of the day were 10,000 balea of which 600 were for a pecula tion and export and included 7,810 Ameri can. Receipts 19.100 bales, sit American. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 4 COTTON Spot closed flrro. Sales 4,bWj cdis. Uow ordinsry 7c, nominal; ordinary. ?Hc; nominal, good ordinary. 8 18-ldr; low middling 9Sc; middling, ICA4C; good middling, 10c; middling fair. imc; nominal; (air, Ii',; nominal. Recelpta. ,907; stock, S3,:4. ST. LOCIS. Oct. . COTTON Quiet. Middling, Hc. Sales none; receipts bales; shipments aul hales; sttck 10,200 bales. 8 2 8 90 4U IS cows 764 Harmony 48 cows bet 40 steers.... Ml J. W . 14 oows 748 'Ju steers.... ax N. B. 82 steers.... 9rt U cowa 1024 A. U. I cowa 104 8 cows.. Ersptrstel Apples aad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK, Oct. 4. EVAPORATED APPLES Market ta barely ataidy, with new crop supplies offering at 4Sc. ac cording to grade, prime fruit fur prompt shipment In carlota being quoted at SVc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITB-Prunca are firm, with California grades ranging from fc1! Vc. and tne larger slses of Ore gon at 9Vr910c. Apricots are firm, with choice quoted at 16c: extra choice, 17c; fnncv. lkiCc. Peachea are firm and are quoted at 10ttUc; , extra cholca. liJUV- Sen C. H. 14 feeders.. iW 9 cows 977 11 feeders., ibi IU cows. 4 bulls 1W7 19 rows I i 77 cows I 44 feeders., m 10 steers. 964 aa Pr ... 4 04 ISO I K 10 4 to 40 I 14 40 I 10 I It ... I 311 ... 4 Is I 110 I IT 4, 120 ... I n It I to too I to BOAR. 1 44 ... I 71 SHEEP Recelpta of sheep this morning were shout the same aa yesterday so far freah cars being reported In. This makes the total for the week to dste UO.nm, ss against 9I.0O0 for the same days last week. When the market closed yesterday prac tically everything was sold, barring only some trashy stock which wss not In very good request. While II was poaalhle yes (erday (o point out sales that looked lower the general market was not much dif ferent from what It was the day before. In fact very little change has been noted In prlcea this week, notwithstanding the excessively large receipts. Aa noted yesterday there is, however, a tendency toward an accumulation of trashy old ewes. Buyers of ewes have been looking mostly for fair to good kinds and have neglected the common and inferior gradea. There are quite a few of thea scattered about the barn and they are selling considerably lower than a week ago, that Is, around 8325SUdO. Parties figuring on feeding thet kind of stuff would do well to get In their orders at once. The market opened out this morning In very satisfactory condition, the attend ance of country buyera, If anything, be ing larger than yesterday. The market opened In very fair season and was as ac tive as could le expected under the cir cumstances. Prices on both killers and feeder were not materially different from yesterday. Quotations on killers: Good to choice lambs, 84.80&7.00: fair to good lambs, St.OOti l.HO; good to choice yearlings, IO.r.1 46.7&; good to choice wethers, l&.OOO 4.25; good to choice ewes. 84.600 4. S. Quotations on feeders: Lambs, 85. B0 tt 4 7u; yearlings, $6.26 tl .'1 60; wethers, 84. i ttb.10; ewes, 18.806 4.60; breeding ewss, 85.00 V 885. At the time of closing this report there were still s gcod many lambs unsold and the proxpects teemed to be good for the market cloa.n- a little easier. In fact, some of the stiles already mutre looked a little lower than yesterday. The fact that over seventy jars of the elghty-flve re ported In proved to be lambs made too many of one kind. Representative aalea: No. 120 Nevada yearling feeders zw Nevada yearlings lCs Nevada lambs, feeders 249 Nevada yearling feeders 17 Nevada yearling feeders 804 Wyoming lambs, fteders.... 97 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 2S6 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 114 Wyoming cull lamba, feeders 1 Wyoming lambs, feeders 361 Wyoming - lambs, feeders.... 130 Wyoming lambs 49 Wyoming lamba 42$ Wyoming lambs 861 Idaho lamba, feeders feodrrs 8 80 X tt 880 too 9 40 1 90 8 80 1 4J t :t '2 80 8 28 8 46 930 8 00 9 SO 1 90 OMAHA WHOI.KI4LK M4RKtt Maple aad Fancy rredacav. EUOS-Per 00a. D,19c. LIVK l-Ol l.IRY-lirns. 9e; roosters, tc, tuiseys, vjc; ducks. VylOc; spring iMCkrns, 94,c. Mj'Tl'fclt-i'atklrg stock. I4c; choice t fancv dairy, IKu't-. creamery, JTiji'. HAY-t rices quoted by Omaha rcSd com any: t'lmicd upland. 4Si4'. medium, . coatee, 8flivtiS9o. He straw,'.OO. U KA N Per Ion, $ib W VEGETABLES. SWEET POTATOES Per bid , 82.50 TOMATOES-Home grown, per basket of : U.S., ittiJ-'C. WAX BEANS Per msrket basket ot about 15 U.S., 'jiic. TI RMP8, BEETS AND CARROTS Paf bu.. 71c. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per doA heads, .4pc. CELERT-Psr do. 24tT4o. CLCl AlHERS-liome grown, per do., !Sc. ONIONS Home grown, ISO r'r bl Span'sh. $1.78 per crste. tl ft E E N ONloNS-Pe-r dot. bunches, 15. RAI'ISHES Per doa. bunches, 16T!Oc. NAVY HEAN8 Per bu $1 ; No. !. 81 Ta, LIMA BEANS-Ter lb, 6V4C ORE EN I'EPPERS-I'er msrket baskst. SSc. PARSLEY Hothouse, per Boa, huivohen, Kc. CABBAGE Home grown, per lb.. I1,!). EOH PLANT per basket. 60c. POTATOKS-Per bu.. ic. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES -Valniclas, according to Site, 84 tifOO. LEMON8 Mmonlers. extra fancy. ?4 alse. $660; site. $X60; IfiO S'le, 89.50; other trends. 81 less. BANANAS Per m'dlum-slsed bunch, fl.7r?.'A; Jumbos, $irti-J.0u. DATES Per lb., 6H4V.S. FRUITS. PEACHES Colorado. .V881.oO; Missouri, per basket crate, Sl.fJUtf l.; California bWlwayn. per box, 81 00. PLUMS Oregon Italian prunes, 81.10. PEAhS Kartlett, per box. f 3K. OR APES Home giovin, per -lb baskst. 17c; Tokay, 81.75. APPLEtf-Per bbl., 8::.4et50. CRANBERRIES-Per bbl., $4 50. MELONS. WATERM ELONit per lb., ln0, or about :u'uji each. CANTEI.OCPES Poor quality and not priced. CUT MEAT PBICKS. No. 1 rlli.', lie; No. 8 ribs, Hc; No. 8 ribs, 6c; No. 1 loins, 16c; No. 8 loins, 13c: No. 3 loins, I'c; Nu. 1 chucks, 6c; No. I chucks, 4c; No, 9 chucks, Sc No. 1 rounds, 9c; Nc '1 rounds. 7c; No. 8 rounds, tic; No. 1 plate, Sc; No. 2 plate, 2i4jc; No. 8 plate, 2c Ml St i.Ll,A.tOL'8. SL'OAR Uianulaled cane, in sacks, 85.41; grauuluted beet, in sucks, 8531. CHEESE bwiss, new, lc; Wisconsin btl.'K, H--; Wisconsin llmburger, 13c; (wins, 14'iC, young Americans, 15ftc. COKFElfi Roasted, No. 36, iinu par lb; No. 30, ;u'4c'per lb.; No. S5, IH440 pur lb.; No. 20. 16 ptr lb.; Nu. 21, KV40 per lb. SYKUP In bhls., 27c per gai.; In cases, 10-11). cans, $1 70; cases, 11 t-lb. cans, 81. W; cases, II ',-ib. cans, 91.00. HONEY Per 24 Iraines. 83.50. CANNED OOOD8 t.'orn, standard rrest em, 5o4iioc; Maine, 81.16. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cutis, 1. 'Ki; -ib.. 'ull.CKI. Pineapples, grated, Mb., $-'.n.Vp;i aiiccd, el.fvu-'O; gallon apples, fancy, 4.66; California apri cots, 81.90(11--25, pears, $1.76yJ.W; peaches. eacnes, -'.tnf J.w. ncy Chinook, m 1 40 1 m u , 140 1 St) 1 1040 I 41 tM 1 1 11 loot 8 74 IN I 0s I till I 1 , Hi 1 It t 14SU 4 0 lit 4 10 HEIFERS. IK 8 to 1 110 t n BUL1.H. 1140 t U 1 1150 9 71 100 I II 1 M0 I T 1130 I 10 1 710 I 04 1440 t 71 1 lmo I 4 CALVES. 174 4 40 1 Ill I I I10 I to i'lut'K CALVES. 140 I 00 111 Ill I M STOC'lvERa ANo FEEDEKS. 110 9 0 WESTERNS. P. Alllaon. .Nebraska. 177 steers. ..1104 4 lo lo steers. ...1104 ti steers... .L37 9 60 A., leaerllo, Wyoming. 4 cows 177 2 40 16 cows 9(4 8 cow bad 2 90 f feeders.. 664 28 feedera.. t.o 9 40 Puwjll A Blair, Colorado. It cowa W2 2 50 cows 908 9 60 ISO U steers.... 930 SM L. A B. Co.. Coloraao. 2 ta 40 cowa as 9 86 9 v It cowa 64 8 W namaey, uoioraao. 2 tw 9 cowa 957 8 90 btoner. Ncbraaka. 8 ot 11 heifera... 837 8 tO MoCoy, Nebraska. 2 i It steers.. 877 L. Hodgs, Nebraska. cowa lutjS l is 2 cows... 4 steers.. . Km 1 so J. L. Gemlng, Nebraska. 9 heifers... 562 2 40 17 heifers.,. CM 17 cows... . 9J2 t 00 22 cows 796 17 calves... 177 4 7t Brliton Bros.. Nebraska. 17 heifera... 722 2 40 13 cowa 962 I cows 10U 9 uo 9 feeders.. 9i5 A B.. Nebraska. 83 mixed ! ' " It cowa 1010 Mrs. Minnie UU1, Idaho. IS ferdcrs.. not 8 so 11 cows 9tiS 3 w Conwell. Colorado. 8 80 17 cowa 10(4 8 60 '10 heifera... Atii 8 90 Frank Wald. I'tah. 44 feeders.. 4 IM 6 feeders. 7 feeders., oat s iv Reed A Davidson, Idaho. It feeders.. 937 8 23 feeders . 948 a ensi llt' 8 25 10 cows 94 dwan i,ani c isms lo., Wyoming. ..941 I 00 C. A. Peseh. Colorado. 49 cows &A4 S 50 Smith A I., Wyoming. 28 cows N 13' Petersen A Snoddy, Nebraska. 84 feeders.. I'M 4 05 14 cows 9:0 8 50 24 cows 890 8 10 George Rauer, Suuth Dakota T3 steers. ...1147 4 a IUAHO. US Idaho lamhr, 147 Idaho lambs 000 Idsho lambs, feeders 647 Idaho lamba, feeders 182 Idaho lambs, feeders., Wa Idaho lambs, feeders 24 South Dakota wethers 23H Wyoming yearlings 269 Wyoming yearlings 75 South Dakota lambs (62 Utah lambs, feeders 1050 I'tah lambs, feeders 278 Idaho lambs, feeders 70 Wyoming lambs IM Wyoming Ismbs Jlst Montana ewes feeder 968 Wyoming lamb feeders.... Av. . sn . l . 56 . 92 . 50 . 58 . 82 . (7 41 (4 67 M 67 6 56 (4 69 SO 59 60 74 91 91 61 M (9 3 m Aft . 74 , 83 Pr. i (0 t 50 00 i 45 00 t 25, 8 25' 25 5 00 26 ' 26 I 6 6 - ( 85 00 00 60 40 6 40 40 10 4 SO I 26 6 26 5 50 26 25 40 85 fl AK 4 Tfl- 40 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Tea Cents Higher Hogs Strong; to Steady. CHICAGO. Oct. 4. CATTLE-Receipts 000 head; market steady to 10c higher; common to prime 83.7j4S7.0O; cows 82 70 4.75: heifers 8260fi.36; bulls 82.4044.60; calvea 83.0Oi&.O0; stockers and feedera 82.25 CM. 40. HOGS Receipts 14,000 head: market etrone- at start, but eased off later, closed about steady: choice to prime heavy 8B.70 t4).90; medium to good hesvy $o.noa6j; butcher weight 8S.70f.i4 5; good to choice mixed $6.&0tteV70; medium mixed packing S6.5ni36.60; rough heavy parking 861ivri4.8ft; straight heavy packing W.3.V(i6.0O; pigs So.MKfjel.en. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 22.000 hesd: market weak and 10c lower. Sheen 85.00irj6.25; yearlings 96.60tifi.75; lambs 85.60 7.26. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Oct 4-BEEVES-Recelpts 93 head; markel feeling steady for good and choice beeves; weak for others; about 70 csrs for Friday's market. Liverpool and London rattle market steady. CALVES Receipts, 2X4! head; veals, quiet, but steady; graasers and western dull snd neglected; veals 86 0012.9.0C; (hruwouts, 84 50; good grassers, 8V4.25; dressed calves, slow; city dressed veals. SVc13'4c per pound; country dressed, 84H2c. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts 8.934 head. Sheep almost nominal; lambs dull snd easier except for strictly prime stock. Sheep S4.lOfr6 50: culls, 83.00; Iambi, common (o good. 96.nfetr7.00;- prime Block quoted at 8? 00: rulls 84.6tsft.50. HOGS Receipts 1.810 head. Market steady; good heavy to light state and Pennsylvania hogs, 86.R5fi7.00. fancy. ll.7Mi2.40; H Alaska salmon, red K., 92.10; fancy aockeye, C. peat hi , 81.25: fan ye. F., 81. Kaasaa City '-Live Stork Markel. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 4. CATTLE Re ceipts., 8,0iO head. Including 1,M0 southerns; market steady to strong; top quarantine, $385: choice export and dressed beef steers, 85.5isii6.bO; fair to good. 84.05.40; western 1 96: sardine. Vi oil, 82.56; mustard, 83.00. Sweet pota toes, $1 1'; sauerkraut, 8100; pump kins. 40c44100: wsx beans, 2-lb., 66fi0c; lima beans, 2-lb., 75C45I1 35; spinach, Il.SS; cheap peas, 2-lb., 40c; extra, 76t('jOc; fancy, $1.3& CURED FISH-Fnmlly whlteflsh, per quarter bbl., 100 lbs., 84.00; Norway mack eral, No. 1, 828 00; No. 2, 821.00; No. 8, 820.00; Irish, No. 2, 816.00; herring, in bhls., 200 Iba each, Norway, 4k. 812.00; Norway. 3k, tlS.OO; Holland, mixed, $11.00; Holland herring, lu kegs, milkers. 80c: kegs, mixed, 70c. FISH Buffalo, large dresaed, 8c; trout, medium or large, dressed, 12c; pike, dressed, 11c; halibut, fine stock, 11c; catfish, dressed 16c; bullheads, dressed and skinned, 12c, white perch, dressed, 6c; crapples, large. 12c; sunflsh, pan sue, 6c; white bsss, extra choice, 12c; pickerel, 9c; salmon, Chinook, lie; white fish (froien). 12c; mackerel (Bpanlstv). lfc; Nadve, per fish. lRr";26e; codfish, fresh, frosen. l'c; flounders, fresh, frozen, 11c; blueflsh, fresh frosen, 16c; haddock, fresh frosen, 10c; red snapper, dressed, 12c; smelts. No. 1, per lb., 12c; lobsters (boiled), per lb., 40ei green, 87c: eel, per lb.. lKc; frog legs, per doa., 26c; roe shad, 81 each; shad roe, pair, 4Kn. H. B. Davia of Sterling, Colo., W. A. Nl'TB Pecans, large, per lu., lfc; smnll, per lb.. 11c. Almond, soft shells, per lb., 16c; hsrd shells, per lb., 13Q14c. Cocoa nuts. 84.00 per sack of 100. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1. 13c; No. f, 12c; bull hldeo, I04c; green hides. No. 1, 12lie: No. 3. HV4c; horse, $1.6ij8.76; sheen pelts, tOc4126. Tal low, No. 1, 4 Ho: No. 1. 8Hc , WOOL-Per lb.. 18326c. Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. 4. WOOI, Msrket was firm, active In some 'directions and dull In others. No large blocks of territory wool have been received; territories or moving freely. Pulled wools are steady. In foreign wools the purchase of t.000 bales of New Zealand rross-hreds, run ning from 46a to 66c by a New England mill was the feature of the week. Prices rsnged from 41c to 44 He leading quo tations follow: Mlauourl combing, three eighths blood. S8&S6c; quarter blood, 334 34c Texas, scoured basis, fine 12-months', 7278c; 8 to S-mnnths, 4769c; fine fall clean, 68fr)60c. California, scoured baali, northern choice, 6870c; northern good, 6SCtf 70c; middle county, 45j 86c; southern, 6263c; fall free, 5667c. Oregon, scoured basis, eastern No. 1 staple, 72 44 74c; No. 1 clothing. 4711.690; valley No. I, 60462c. Territory staple, scoured basis, fine, 73 75c; fine medium. 68 4J'70& Territory, ordinary, scoured basis, fine. 70iL72c; line mcaium, os'iomc: mnuiuin, 66(4 68c. Colorado and New Mexico spring, scoured basis, X, 68&70c; No. 1, 64 O 600. Pulled wool, scoured basis, extra, 7l74c; fine, 6569c; A superfine, 60&64c; , B supers, 60oJ55c. LONDON, Oct. 4. WOOL Ths fifth series of the 1906 wool auction sales closed today. A miscellaneous selection of 6,227 bales was taken quickly at full rates. Following are the sales in, detail New South Wales, 200 balea: scoured, 101 61s 7Vd; greasy, Vid. Queenxland, 200 bales; scoured, Is ldtfls d. Victoria, 100 bales; scoured, 1s 7Hd; greruy, 6d4 lid. South Australia, 100 bules; greasy, 8d!Hd. West Australia, 400 bales: acoured. 74 lid. New Zealand, 4,60(1 bales; scoured, lOdOls 11 Hd; greasy, 4dt Is Id. - Cape of Oood Hope and Natal, 600 bsles; scoured. 10(142 Is Met ; gretwy. 6 3d. When the series opened prlcea declined, but later competition strengthened and merinoes recovered the loss and finished a-, a sn. .tn-..r. v .uaa a wi ui i IT A ' ..r.rV.en '.TlTr. 15 El 1 sa- l7,v!., I today unchanged from the July avurage. ?owa 42 tfIi0- nttfie ctvs SCOffii 8? Fine gradea showed a hardening tendency. heife ' Si 6fta4 90- b iTui It u,l 5.' Cross-breds were maintained at the open. D.V.Y.! WlyZlJImiiW bUll W'0'-26 Ing level except coarse, which waa ocoa- 1 ..V..-,'o .r..- r.'. ennn 1 1 j. alonallv easier. Cape of Oood Hone an steady; top. 8i.56; bulk of aalea. 9R.40titl.5ft heavy, 86.4tii6 45; packers,. $6 40tr6.56 ; pigs and light. 85.75ft 6.S6. SHEEP AMD LAMRS Receipts. 9.600 head; market Meady to weak: 7.85: ewos and yearlings, 84.7116.50; western ieaxllnga, 85.0fsU5.75: weatern sheep, 84.25 6.26; stockers and feedera, J3.5trjj6.50. t. trftsila Live Stock Markel. ST. LOCIS. Mo., Oct. 4. CATTLE Re celpta, 8.500 head, Including 1. ,60 head Texans; market higher; native shlptliu and export steers. 84.8u4jttO; dressed beef and butcher steers, MOft ii; strers undt-r 1,000 pounds, 8S-5U(i4.50; stockers and f ed era $2.0014 50: cows and helfeia. t2.M-i.J; canners. 81 Kit26: bulls. HOO-tH-dO; civs, S3 tft47 60: Texas and Indian steers, :.iOu 5.10: cows and heifera. 92 0(408 50. HOGS Receipts, s.ftvf) head: insrktt si end v: pip and lights. 84.l64p6.70; puckers, 8640436.75; butchers snd best heavy, S8.ttr 6.78. SHEEP AND t.AMBS Rece pts. 100! head: market seedy; nstlve mu'nii". 81.0)1 5 50: lambs, H'.FiTIG: 'i l snd bucks, I a, c.-s tA- .'ru-lrura to L61 1 1 d Natal were good, especially greasy was In good demand throughout the aeries with sn occasional sale at a decline of 6 per cent. During the sales Americana bought. 2,000 bales, home traders 84,00 bales and continental buyera, 38,000 bales. ST. LOU I U, Mo., Oct. 4. WOOL Steady; medium grades combing and clothing. 23-27V4c; light fine, ijfljlcj heavy fine, 14 17c; tub washed, 32 d 81a Olla aad Itoaln. OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. 4.OIL Credtt balances 81.68; runs 114.934 bbla.; average 111,816; shipments. 133.653. average 143.0OO. SAVANNAH. Oa., Oct. 4. OIL-Turpen-tlne. firm; sales, 1,751 bhls.; shipments, 734.'. ROSIN Firm; sale". l.dfiS bhls. Quote: A. R. C. 84.05; D . 84-10: K.. 84 15; F.. 84.20; O . Hi H . 84 30: I . 84.40: K.. S4 4X); M., $4 o5; N., 86.30; W. O.. $6 40: W. W.. S 60, REAL KITATK TIlAMilKUI. Investment company 10 Cora P. Lan-.oreax, lot 4. block 1, First riibuiv., U rlitln A Smith's. ... 1,(08 C era B. rhacaleior.i et al. lo Hust ings A Heyden, taxlut t, section a. Joseph Live gtock Market. 4-i-13 8.500 ST JOSEPH, Mo.. Oct. 4. CATTLE P.e-' Fanny L. Farmer to Bartholomew 1 ceipts 1626 head; market 'trong; ratlve. i ec..neil. lot ii. ulork 3. Leioni s.... J6t) 94 60436 26; cows, and h'i'e s, 41 6j4i4 75; ' Fr:tnk Thompson to chrlts Le.ild stockers snd freders. 88.ftaJi4.J1, I Tnomss. lot 7 block 1. Orchard HOB-Rolrli. 4.M5 re-d: market :ci 'Hut a,0 I ...r. Irs 18:6: rule. 'HPSn i. r ial'" nitsiu-r -j iimnn wmi IHKKP 1MI l.JS 1 Lej tsc-ip;s, . 1 11: iniiiw-. - - . mm ..rt markrt strong: lamhrA. 87.35. let t o( Place .... . . I M.ciiael J. Roche anl v.-lfe to Josr-ph glseek It. Sight. K ie ind wife, part of lot 16. Receipts ef live stock st the six rrtn ptl 1 Kountie 2d acd !.6t4) nM l.intoln msrlttts yrstertlnv: Cs. U South Oishn.. 3toux City ; Kansas City ... rit. joaepn .... St. Louis Chicago 10 steers. . 6 steers.. 19 cows... 88 f4 I o rows 9" 9 00 8 00 7 cows 978 8 7t 8 00 3 cows 101! 2 40 8 70 it feeders.. 944 9 9n 9 90 4 users. ... 957 8 ft COIaORADO. 8 65 4 steers . 967 8 "I 3 M I cows 1018 J 90 .1007 : 3 I" ' 8"1 l.fl'.A !.r) .( -o Va v err to Carl Ciivnlln et nl.. Sheep : iota 7 and S. block 12. Rose H II ! I.UllD'a Nor vail and htushand lo Joseph F. Peidlnx. H of lot 7, Mock 6, 46 Krur.txe's 4th sdd 8.711 Ho-tin- ni.d wife to Minna lA)i M.'iiain. lot 7. blick i Map.e Ornve. 2-.'Ol) South OtcIis :..:..., i Jo'-.r, W. McPonrld to Christen St.":? I Trls'rup. lot 11, block '1, Omahit , View -. i Jose -ir-" Probe-' and wife - to J iraea FaiSfleld. !nt 81. block I.- McOavock jerir.l Tele.; e. o fee"- s. ajiuth O head: FMra B. Patrick to market steady: hemvr. S4.18i6.2l; cows ami i 'i-tls. tots 6 and 4. heifers. 82 Ua4:5; str-kers snd fdrs, ' lat '5. block :, A.. 8. S3 tess 4. i; calves an" r -vsr'uige-, 43.7Mt.3.7;i. ' - ... - .. . HOUS-Retelyta, 1.C00 head; Total 111,219 Total .2I.'.2 ITcg.. 4. I 6" ." 4.615 4.f'1 14.01i 85.04' , lloai fjly Live leet SIOl'X CITY. la.. Oct 4 gram.) t. a r 1 i.r- itece.pts. tsirket I William O. block 9, and Patrlrjt'a 3H6 K4 1 4