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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
THE OMAHA PAILT--HKE? THtKSDAY, OCTOBER 4, llXX,. TMefiiiMierM-tjriia t ; Unusual Display of Fashion's Newest Hats. -;: Thompson, Belden & Company (he leading style store (or Select Millinery. ."'i Swvi;il effort I in been put forth to nssomble for this great festival weekan assortment :of hat that wilt please the most critical eye. Visitors in the city should make it a' point to 'I hoe this ginnil department, 'just now overflowing with the most beautiful hats ever placed on .view hi' Omaha. ' Shapes run riot this reason, most any style that you should desire will be 'Torrent, whether it iff real large, medium or small, iirowns and blue are winning favor in the ;jfol(r line. ..Our hats are priced to suit all. ... T ',. Coni' and see the new models, if only for a look, the visit is worth your while. Second :';floof. . ;v ' . jTMuslir Underwear Specials. S';j fOR AK-flAR-BEN WEEK. fcoerlsls that will rsy jou tq take ad vantage of. Th garment are well made from (rood material and the savings from. '.;" third to uae-half In price. Come! Thursday and share In the savings. t y '' , VIEWERS. . ;;l)rswers mails of tine 'nainsook, with pretty embroidery edging and tucks;' reg ular prlre 8ftf-. .PF.rlAL FOR AK-3AR-BF.N WEEK :,' , joe EACH.. UOWKS. Women's-gowne made of good cambric, liigh nec(c and long rteeves.. other styles with V nock and trimming of Insertion and tucks, grtai value V FOR AK-SAR-BKN WEEK. c BACH C ORSETS COVKRS. ' A special lot of odd corsets covers made off good grade of nainsook with lace edging, a great rpecial , FOR , AK-SAR-BKN WEEK V ' , 19c EACH. Aeconii floor. . 't Shawls and Fascinators. vie have Just 'received a. laige line of Knitted Wool Fascinator, In black, white, blue -and pink, now on display at this popalar'i Basement Department. Out-of-town customers should be s Interested In these, goods; the' prices are 3oCj 50c, 60c, twc,' 76e 5c. H.OO and 11.23 each. . Indies' Black Wool Shawls at 11.36 and rJ.eo'chi ' Ladle Wool Cardigan Jackets, 1.25 and fi.tft Vertu"' . v. xiakA out store rour headquarter and meeting place.' Your traps nder you are not obliged to buy; a.k H words make yourself at home. so Vfl ifMiM see It. 'a:, Urge banner pro claimed tha title of tha aleclrlcal pageant, and a profusion of flowers gathered from tha ifour corners of-'tho earth and from tha highways and byway completed the float. --' - Th Nalloiie Balers.' . An Immense creation' holding all the rulers of all the .nations of . the earth formed In one band.. ..Tour -own .Uncle Samuel was holding the baton and direct ing , tha music . When" Vncie Bam told -play, ' the, nations of Jlie earth , played. The front of tha ftoat wia-avmmblnatlon of a illroa4 . engirt . automobile; with eU Father Tlmawerfng' an automo bile cap doing- the steering. The hot paoe .'was clearly expressed.-; The rear . waa a large cage, over which this American, flags waved and In which nestled quietly the dove of peace, a bird now In the keeping of Vnele Samuel, who- stood directly. In front Tho wheels of the float, resplendent with eleetrlo bulbs, were, of automobile pattern, while the body was covered with emblems) of the nations. The occupants ' of the float were D. II. Peck, captain; Dr. Gaantner. -. Great Britain. ,-The front waa the portion of a ship filled with Bailors. Indicative of the great SAa powers of the mother country. In the prow stood the mythical Mercury, messenger of the gods. In the center was the monster - Frlllsh lion. indlcatlni strength and endurance, while the white ,.,'...:. , :. : .... , . : .': ' .' ; 1 3eimCpmSim j etOTHING Here Are Three Special Priced Suits and Overcoats $1252, $1022 and $752 They'll convince you of their true value if you are them. S elling Kohii v Bros. and Brokaw , "Bros. I Sporty Togs for Sporty Boys. Play suits and dress suits as quiet or as loud as you please. Each one bears the guarantee label- "PERFEGTION" which means what It .ays perfect fit, materials, finish or your money baok on Just complaint. . , Come in today and look 'em over. and . Overcoats Our Buster Brown Suits and Overcoats 3 to 8 . y Q C years, have no equal; up from. . .v : tJo Norfolk Double Breasted Suits and Overcoats A C ln1"Perfection, are the best ever; up from. , . .a-ttTJ Young Men's 'Perfection" Suits and Overcoats r f fV Special prices, at $10.00, Only Three More Days WiLL THE EXPERT CORSETIER . .FOR THK REDFERN MODEIJI . EE WITH VS. Those who have not yet had their filling!" of this famous corset should make It a point to be her Thursday or Fill) ay, "as the last day will be a buy one. "Miss McCauley leaves here Saturday. It ynu want td enjoy this unusual opportunity of being properly fitted, come this week. Redfern Corsets. REDFERN STYLE. Bespeak of figure style -that suits prevallng fashions. No matter what kind of atyle whether the Louis XV 'ostume, the dressy or severe tailor made a Redfern style builds (he necessary contour. The little thing in corset construc tion are Important; chief of all Is t exact matching of the seams, In ord ler I that there may ba- Do variation from the size lntcndud. ; Jn every .detail Redfern ' styles, under the closet scrutiny, reveal only careful work. Second floor. Fashion's Favorite Dress Goods. This is the a-fc atore from every possi ble view point. 1'his store's name on piece of Dress Goods or Silks Is a guaran-i tee of quality. .Among. the Dress Goods favorites Is the New Chiffon Spot-Proof , . i .. 1 ... 1. TkU tianrtanma fithrin alands oruHui-iuiii. int. - ------ 1, on Its own merit: beautiful lustioua finli-li, f il requires no sponging: will not spot with I water; all colors and black-lioO. j j . . Open Saturday Evenings. Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. and red roses over the coat of arms of the nation, covered with brilliant white and . red lights and mingled with flowers, completed the pleasing . pictuiiSi; 0" float No. t were William Kennedy, captain; E. Paul Shaw, M. BJornson, H. H, Campbell, H. C. Marsh,, Frank Bchope, W. L. Mardls. Germaay. ' The land of poets showed the modern Oermanla. in front, with the allegorical figure with, the palm In hand resting upon th -busts- of Goethe and Schiller. Piles of books,, tl)e harp wltri decoration of flrtwem, brilliantly Illuminated, cartled 'but thfe sug. gestion of the home of the , poet. , Those aocempanying . Germania , were. . ,.0. . C. Kuetine. captain: Orscar Kuenne, C. H. Royles, William Raapke.. . ' ' -, Franc,! .. . Art and science were depicted in every feature of the representation. The French arch, expressive of the-trlumph of Paris, constituted the greater portion of the beau tiful creation, while French guards stood on either side with the figures' representing art and science In the front.' The French guards were George Gillespie, captain; J. P. Kepler. Hal Fink. Will Hosier, H. Dear mont, Verne Miller. A scene of peace and beauty, with noth ing indicating any war-like spirit, repre sented this progressive little nation. In the center of the brilliantly lighted float was the Japanese tea house, with Its geisha girls, while In the front was the tori, the Men's and Boys'. Outfitters, Hats and Gaps and Fur nishing Goods $7.50 and. .....waUtf Bee, 'October i, 10. Tour new dress Is" surely among these. Coma and we will make the finding of it a pleasure. New Bilk Warps, Poplins, new Ombre Novelties, new rialds, new Batistes,' ferslan 'Novelties, hew' Serge, new Panamas, etc. A Great Sale of Remnants in Our Basement Dress Goods Department. (. - No, matter, how bury your day Thurs day, If will pay you to visit the Basement Dresa Goods Department. Remnanta of Plaids. Novelties, Suitings; also many broken lines of Dress Goods by the yard, here and there a color missing, all go at a great sweeping reduction In prices. Take time to look. them over. The prices represent a great saving in price. A Great Bargain Opportunity. - In Basement. The money-saving visitor will do well to lay In a -supply from these, for rarely ever will you have a chance of buying reliable merchandise at such big reductions in prices. Remnants of Outing Flannels. Pretty styles In light-colored Stripes and Checks, regular 10c quality, at 8c per yard. Remnants of the best American stand- ard points navy Blue, Cadet Blue and Gray In most desirable pattern, regular , fPic grade, at Sc per yard, t Remnants of standard Blue and White J Apron Ginghams, regular Tc quality, on . Bare si oc J)ir yaiu. c Pr ts y o Remnants of Flannelettes, in choice styles, regular 10c quality. 5c per yard. Remnants of 12Hc Dresa Ginghams, neat checks and stripes, at SUc a yard. R-.mnanta of finest grade 36-lnch Per cales, regular lc qualities, on saie ai ic per yard.' . . will be checked free of charge; the questions you like; In other t religious gateway. The abundance of chrysanthemums and green leaves carried out the Idea o a flowery kingdom. ' In this" flowery bower rode Dr. Foster, captain; A. W. Johnson! I. W. Soukop, J. Kruger, R. M. Jones. . , .'...' Nrandlnavla. A float designed no doubt when Denmark. Norway and Swedenwere pulling together, as each had an'oor In pulling th-ehp of state, the huge Viking.' The red Are 4ssu1ig from the noatrlls of the flejre . looking business gave 8caidlnav. a.very. war.rllko' aspect,; The taw'niv IVl"""." 'W A. 8ter, captain;- Henrr?. Hieing M W-otier.- C. ,R. .Hutfcoii Fre4 'tenn!n$, -Rtc1 Martin. G.' V. She patd.' '.' . , f . V'. '; ' Aastrla. The Hungarian and Bohemian soldlerf, the bust of Emperor Francis Joseph ? In front of his throne room, upon which was the coat of arms of this nation. The old fashioned lamps, not unlike the hour-glnns,' told of the flight of time, while allegorical figures told of the progress of yi nation as time is passfng. C. Foster, captain; Dan Butler, I Henderson, J.; W. Novnk, Henry E. Thomsen, R. W. Hodder,. W. Btryker and Dr. E. H. Bruentng were the men oh the float. Italy. A representation of Venice was por trayed, true to life, while In the rear was constructed the cottage amid the palms and sunshine, and magic, with people of tho sunny clime to give . life to the picture. Representing the olive-skinned , people of the south were: E. Uhiiiaa, captain; Charlea V. Goodall, Charles fihuniway, P. a. Moeller, N. II. Nelson. Herman Mete. Misses Jennie Qtone and Bertha Kansblde. Resale, . The old Russian bear with one foot tleil up In a rag showing the effects of Ida re cent and present troubles was a good representation of a country in the con dition in which Russia finds Itself. Guard ing the bear were Russian soldiers, while in tha rear whs the home of the Douma. At Intervals, only too frequent for the peace of mind of the soldiers and the bear, explosions were heard and flnmea leaped up mound the bear an Index of the shape of Russian governmental affairs at this time. The guards of the sore-foot bear were: E. 1 Potter, captain; W. A. Case, 8. J. Potter, Frank Colvln. Henry Rowley, C. DeWaal. ast., ) The sphynx, the palms, llie pyramid, did service for this ancient country, while upon the sides of the pyramids a diamond star and crescent biased. These sons of Pharaoh reclined In the midst of thin trop ical scene: T. I.. Combs, captain; Newcomb, Carl Kase, C. C. Phelps. Swttsrriaaa1. Kvithout a name It would have been recognised. Standing out in a biaso of glory waa tne typical Swiss cottage, in I the rear of which were formed the moun I tains upon the sides of which were aen I the .chamois. The Swiss guide and the mllk- j the float were: Ed Thompson, captain; E. I K. Crane. R. W. Koenlg, J. W. Uradehopt, J. T. Cunningham. 8paln. A float that appealed to the romantic and the dare-devils. The nation was rrp ; resented by the Spanish bull tight, the na j tlonal sport of the Spaniard. While the - bull fighter and the beaat came together In their death atruggle, the high moguls. In a beautiful grandstand In the rear of the float, applauded. Impersonating picadors, toreadors and spectators were: Robert Man ley. captain; O. A. Helqulst. Frank Janda. J. R. Wells. C. W. Ortmaii. The Netherlands. The Industries of the Netherlands were aptly portrayed on this float. The girl making the famous Holland chlnaware, the girl mending the net, and the old-fashioned wind mill, swinging in the breeae, spelled the Netherlands all over. The Jolly Dutch mrii and women In this scene were: Frank Simpson, captain; P. Peterson, A. B. Cook. H. E. Bell. Fred Kuhn. J. R. Stephene and Ed Wilcox. Greenland. Any one who ever heard of Greenland, recognised this float a mile away. A stiff breese preceded it and a turnlaaf up of overcoats Indicated It approach. On It was I I tha reindeer hitched to the sled, the polar ; bear -that had Juat caught a seal and! , birds which Inhabit no other country all ' in a soho mass or ice. wiiiiam Btoetaei ua this float suggested to spectators that Quenlsad la Inhabited. Iliii. The longest float In the parade and the most fereclone looking- The tlme-hnnnrvU dragon was brought Into sen-Ice while In lis center, was the temple with Its guards looking to tha safety of the Chines god. The peacock feathers and the pagoda In (he rear were emblematic of the celestials. These plg-talled celestials rode beside the dr.gon: Harry Steel, captain; A. W. Miller. F. A, Beaton. Frank Holl.rook. -t . ... ... "TsirkeF. The land of the Turk was represented by the harem and tha dancing girls. The workmanship was of Moorish design, and the star and crescent flashed forth from Hie sides, peter Thind. captain; Ieo pen fold. Henry HU and J. Jackson rode on this float. India. The land of mystery was recognlaed In the big elephant which formed the fore part of the float. Upon his back rode the ajahand the big guns of the Country, who would rather ride than walk, whllt the rear was covered with all kinds of tropical plains. Tee 'Hindus In' this Jungle scene were; George- Duncan, csptain; Robert Wilcox. Louis Bllckenderfer, 'J. J. Cnnflek, F. R. Bishop, W. i. Shallcross and J. V. Kerr. . .. 1 America. Every heart thrttled when tllli float came Into sight. It 1-arried a story from the day of the Declaration of- Independence to the time of the big stick and the big policeman Of the. World. In the fore ground were two immense torches biasing the way of, civilisation, then came the Indians, immediately behind which was Columbus, standing upon the great- Ameri can bird. Then the ' signed Declaration of Independence, ,the 'colonial soldiers ahd the old liberty beir will) the niudern soldier beneath the folds of the flag 1n the rear, and the national eniMeiu on the' sides. The king's subjects honored by a part of this float were: C. Karbach, taptatn; F. D. Parmer, Henry . Wood. C. W. Peters, Wil liam Dorrunce. C. A. Yot, William Welch, F. H. Turnej and A. T. Petrle. , The Kins. His Mnjt-t, King Ak-Sar-Ben' Xlll Long live the king. A herald standing in a profusion of flowers Announced his coming. Two guards stood 'before his throne to protect him from the strenuous attempts of hlSvloyal subjects to get near him. .The kliifj was seated on his magnificent gold while flowers were everywhere. He bowed gracefully and smiled often at those who love him. 'These "royal favorites rode In corr.rany' with tha king: ' William El bourn, captaln;'F. J. Ellison, H. Fitch and William Karbach.' AD TUB MOOV HOK O'ER lltl' ' -i Nature's Malt Combines with the t. Brill la Mt fi-Maile Glorf. Out of the hills across the river the moon rose at' the foof'Of Farnam street last night, dim through the Intervening hate, but round and rich red. looking wonder fully like a glowing ball suspended across rhe street by the1 hand of man in honor of the king, tt hastened to climb upward, for through the lower atmosphere t could not begin to outshine the electrical splendor which illuminated the highways ' of the chief of the' Seven "Cities of Cibola. The. whole' city was ablaze : along the sides of th' treetrand the poles of "the street lamp,' '-festooned over windows and on signs. an(f: h'lihtf 'in every conceivable tilace wrier :st Hub's ' of llK-hts cnulri hi j hung; made 'tire' whole range of vision bne sea. of glory-. ; t ' ' ' ., . "'By "'far the most" beautiful "'place ' Was fti'hill"1n tHenfddle of the cltv. Where the' peiiplW; ;'e'ach Veer" to view the noble 'paweajitbr 'fhelf klng, op his .Irl umpha? e'titrf' Wd''fhe city. Resplendent above all the buildings of his capital were the city hatt-ar.trTmrrt house, between wfmVltffli-'Xfl-ftttlfefn p'aseed' lA ;e;lory. A tftgJ'flery -'horseshoe "crowned the hlah iMoirje bf 'the court ; iho'useI"'whiIe, down the erne or ine nome ana. tower and along the;Aive8 of the "upper story bung Hie lights In; myriads. ' On 'each of three sides of the tower was' a huge' star, .while on the side where passed the . kJug and, his re tinue was a bright shield .in red. . white and blue. From each of the four corners of the court house brilliant Chinese lanterns hung on wires stretched across the street. The city iialL was beautlfu with lighta pn every parapet and tower and pn every arch from;top to 1ottoin of the big build ing. Surmounting all the statue Tif Lib erty witn a torch of electric bulbs In her hand, bowed to Justice on-the court, house the wav. Looking east from 'Eighteenth street one saw Farnam street flanked on Both, sides with rivers of hght, the red, blue and gr.-en of the street signs renevlng with pretty effect her a-nd there the white bla-i of the lncandesoentji. . " The New York Life building was dec orated on Its first two stories and at Its Very top. Oil df respect to the memory of Edward Rosewater the Bee building, one of the most beautifully lighted In pust years, was tindecorated. .' Sixteenth street was almost as brilliant aa Farnam. Lights hung over the curb ing In thousands, and electrical effecta Were seen on the- fronts of the big retail buildings In .the four blocks between Howard and Dodge streets. Harney Doug las. Fifteenth and all the streets In th central parr of : In city were similarly lighted. Aotrs el Ak-Ker-Beu. The knights of Ak-Rar-Ben have caused to be brought to Omaha 23.0U1) serpentine rolls, which bo)s will sell on the streets Thef-e aw little rolls of paper, which, when thrown, make n long 'serpentine effect and spring out for about -Tni ty fM. The Idea Is to have them thrown at the occupants of the flower parades aa they pass, thus adding to the lire of the parade. There ts no necessity for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors to sleep in the hallways of hotela and public buildings, as some are reported to have done Tuesday night. The Infor mation bureau of the Commercial club has a list of several hundred rooms, and will direct any person applying to a aultable place to stay. The bureau also has a list of boarding places. The information bu reau In located In the office of the Com mercial club, on the fifth floor of the Board of Trade building at Sixteenth and Farnam streets, . . , , Ohio Prisoners Break Jail. NEWARK. O., Oct. !-Elght prisoners broke out of the Licking county Jail today, after making a vicious assault upon the turnkey, Christopher Galvln. and locking him In a cell.- The Jailer had unlocked the front door leading to the corridor for the purpose of locking two men In their ceils of tor the prisoners had scrubbed the Jail. As soon jtM h entered the -door he was saulted and locked In a cell, after his keys and revolver had been taken away. Dsnafr ts Cotton and Corn. NASHVILLE. Tenn. Oc.t. 3.-For eight days rain has been falling throughout the Mississippi valley and reports coming in from isolated districts confirm earlier statements of heavy ,damuge to cotton and corn. Brains Repaired Grape-Nuts r . -,. . . ... t - ThefVe a neason." BgMBBBBSBjgBJSJSjjj BEVERIDGE IN DES Indiana Banatof 0pn Cimpaita at tha Bawkfja Oipiul. i CWANGtS NECDE0 IN TARIFF SCHEDULE Isesker fays They Shoald Be Made at Hlk Tide ef Preserr, Wki -Baslaess C'aa Raally Adjest Itself DES MOINES. la.. Oct. t.-l'nled States 8enatnr Beverldge opened the republican campaign In Dee Moines today with a speech that waa heard by a large audi ence. Senator . Beverldge entered Into a general defense of, the republican admin istration and republican congress, but tin also discussed the present Cuban altuntUiu. t'pon the question of tariff revision, Mr. Beverldge declared that there must be some changes In srhedulns. not a general revision, but for the adjustment of cei tain schedules. "Some of these should be revised.", he said, "and they should be changed In the high tide of our prosperity when .business can easily adjust itself to the change." i Teal -of the eech. Mr. Beverldge said In part: Events are determining the destiny of Cuba. We have, already Intervened. But we did not Intervene until every ITurWhad been exhausted to help the CUUhn thetn ioIvob to restore th. hrdcr thev had shattered and th government thev had lm prllled. And now that we have aitervened we will try irgaln to make the Cuban gov ernment onee more a success. From Santiago to Havana the. Cuban flag still tilts, visible proof to the world of our Intention not to raise the American flag nnd establish American government there until the Cuban people themselves compelleo us to Uo so; until events winch are the comrr)Hnds of God order us to do so; until the cause of elvllitatton and the cry of despairing liberty force us to do so. Fur when the American flag Is raised over Cuba again It never must, be lowered. Our record must lie as clear as our In tentions are pure.: But epeuktng for myxelf Hlnne, and for no one else, I believe t hut In re-estnbll.slilng the Cuban governmni I nil (he world knows that we are doing the i wran ni rusypnus roiling tne stone to the top of the hill only to soe it roll tiaik again. When another Cuban president Is e.ected by Culmn votes, how long will It be before another Cuban Insurrection over throws him? When we again set another Cuban government on Its feet, how long will It be before foolish tactions will again lay It prostrate? When we have steadied the falling Cuban flng by the arm of American aoldiers and sailors, and then have again withdrawn the America u power that saved it, how long will It be until once more anarchy will make It the vain emblem of the powerless government. Destiny Will Have la Way. Jn the end destiny will have Its way. We may lay down the task civilisation bids tis do, but tomorrow that tusk will reap pear and the Inevitable will command us to do our. deferred duty. But we must not act In haste. Let us exhaust evury resource so 'that 'the world, history, and our1 own conscience will sey that we hsve not trifled with our won! on the one hand; ahd then having exhausted every resource arid failed, let us act so that history, the world and our conscience will say that we have not trifled with liberty and civilisation on the other hand. Let us keep the Cuban flag floating while we may, so that when we raire the American flag only when we must. that- flag will oe unruried never to be furled again. Hereafter when the American . flag is fnleed It must never be hauled down. That e,a WAB n ,", r fatmeni hn i.i (i n m-ua never hauled down but In mistake and disgrace. It waa a mistake when we the troops were transferred from the hauled It down in Cuba; It was a disgrace Northwestern railway to the Illinois Cen when we hau!d It down In Hawaii; am ; . , . .. ., . now let the clrcumetancea be such that ' tral- The. 1-ourteenlh artillery carries a whenever It Is raised hereafter, it will, be full complement of 133 men and four offl sri Infamy It is raised hereafter, it will be cert gun. w-apons and horses. again. i . Cuba needs 'tu more than we need Cuba. I . . . ' M, , . What Culia wants is important: whst e Headaehee and enraUla Irom tolda. want Is important; but what liberty re - nulrrs Is more important. What civilisation dcmandH is the supreme consideration. The Cuban situation will need devoted statoinanshlR before we are through with U. IegihlHttons will be required," appropriations iu;nviry-DRre-' we Hak rttr. this t tr- an 'opTxts'Mlnii house which would blnd.j-by.-lta obef ruction, "the ndniinfstratlon ' hands? Iyt patriotism and not -partisanship deposit your, ballot for congressman. AGOOS GOESTO CUBA It.'ontinued from r'ifst Page.) m'n 'rry flghtlng cocks tied to their a,,dl,- It Is reported that some of General Castillo's forces were reluctant to dis arm, but all the brigade rommandcrs have informed- Major Ladd that their man will disarm and disband when ordered to do o by General Dl Castillo.. This afternoon General Del Castillo rave Major Ladd an order directed to all his . subordinate commanders and telling them to comply with every request mode by the American officer. Major . Ladd will, work tonight to. carry out the dis banding arrangements. ,. The disarming commission which was sent to Santa Clara province entered the Clen fuegos district this afternoon. A dispatch received from the Associated Press corre-' spondent who is with the comrhlxsion, fllrvl at Cruoea,- reports that the commission received an ovation On the way from Santa Clara. . - The revolutionists encamped at various points along the line were all willing to disarm and disband, believing thoroughly In the honorable Intention of Presldtit Roosevelt and Governor Taft. The speech delivered by Governor Taft before the University of Hsvann has ben received with great aatlsfactlrn by both the revolutionists and the government pn-ty In funta Clara province. .1 1 Since the cessation Of hostilities maraud ing bands have stolen or fleet roved more or less property In Panta Clara province. This week a bund attacked the San Nich olas plantation, owned by a captain of the rural guarda, and butchered ilflo head of cattle. The motive for -this destruction is said to have been personal spite. . Dlatrtaallen of Marines! In addition to the American marines sta tioned at Clenfuegos, there are detachments In other Santa Clara towns Ha follows: Cruces, 60; Esperansa, 26; Santo Domlnga, JS; Sagua la Grande, 50; PiUmp-a, IS, and the Normlgueru plantation' 12. Other de tachments are guarding Americe.n proper ties In the district. The dis arming commission proceeded for C'lenfue. goa this afternoon, accompanied by the former rebel leader, General Gusmaii. ' Officials of the Cuban Central railroad estimate that the Insurgents damaged the road to the extent of $19Q,0t. Governor Tat has received a dispatch that the threatened disturbances in (len fuegos hae been .obviated by the with drawal of the Insurgents from Unit city. Oovernor Taft now occupies trie office in which the affairs of Cuba have been ail minl?'ered successively by the Spanish gov ernors of the Island. General Leonard Wood and President Palma. He established him self In these quarters this afternoon. He will take up his residence In the palace in a few days. Colonel. E. H. Crowder, Judge advocate, aid today that the continuance of the status .of the Cuban -republic without change obviates practically every difficulty which might otherwise have lien caus d by the establishment of a provisional gov ernment. , Henlth onteinle at Work. . Dr. Bardot. chief executive oflictr of Ihe Cuban health department, said today: Governor Taft haa told us to u.t any : amount of nionry needed for putting Cubw Into a nrt-clans stnltsry condition and f. r ' limninc ntit I a.-na d ,,,....(ii. n... ' ' we are todav installing sanitarv brigades at Pinar del Rio. Gunna.iay, Matanzas. I'n- ' eCS.0i. ,X?a.aT - ,e..",Jt - 4 apirttua, Camagusy, Uuanianamo. BanUago, v 1 r r j ' TheFood to Dank On Boath. It ia gold hi two-ponnd a package, easily prepared, will white food, aerer ttlck- or lumpy. Twelve ponod of tha ordlaary ! 10 cast raadrto-aerra food atrcally costs you about Bat PHUbury't. Tha delicious, nourishing, white heart of tha wheat berry hal'e all. Na secret process, and tbaa baa tha diflareoca -i :(1.17). Sensible people are not willing to trifle with the quality of their food. Yoa are sore ef its quality when it ia pittSBireors Boot Breakfast' Food Ask VITOS Yoar . Grocer Mansanilln, Rcmedloa and Gibara. All these towns w-lll have ample oiling and fcls infecting brigades. We have not uhuiitieJ to Mr. Tift any estimate of tne fxp;Bp. He consider- that the work must bo done and It will be done. In Havana now there are three cap s of yellow fever, one of which came from Guanabacoa. There aie no capes elsewhere In the Island and there Is no special epidemic threatened, but pre cautions are necessary. The (Uninfecting force in Havana already has been Increased from seventv to 1WS men and the oiling bri gade In Havana IP being increased to 1 0 men. There are ?ti nin now at w rk at Camp Columbia ene" d In a quick but thorough job of disinfection and innsiiulto extermination In preparation for lti occu pancy by American troops. Card well Called fer fobs. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl.. Oct. 2. M. W. Cardwell, chief clerk at the army head nuarters here, has been summoned to Washington for duty In the office of thi commanding general of the forces in Cuba. Dr. Ferrer Holds Place. PARIS. Oct. 3. Dr. Ferrer, the Cuban representative here, has withdrawn his resignation at the request of Governor Taft.. Brooklyn En route. DELAWARE BREAKWATER. Del.. Oct. I J. The I'nited cruiser Brooklyn, which sailed from the League Island Navy yard for Cuba yesterday with C0 niarlnee and a laige quantity of ammunition and supplies, passed out to sea at 2:10 p. m., today. Coal for Ships. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 3.-The British stcpmt-hlp John Bright, from Cape erdi Islands, In ballast, arrived here today to load coal tor Clenfu-'gr.s, Cuba. The ful Is to be used by the I'nited States naval vessels In Cirban waters. Artillery Goes lit ( unit. CHICAGO. Oct. 3 The Fourteenth artil lery. In command of Captain G. G. Galley, left Fort Sheridan via Tampa for Cuba today on two special trains At Chicago i Laxative' Bromo Quinine, the world wide i old ana wrip remedy, remove cauee. vn for full name. Iook for signature E. W. Grove. 36c. KELLEY PLEADS NOT GUILTY liafrard "'. Staident . .iSaVa", , He Didn't Knoek Down Polleesisa on . Boston Common. BOSTON. Mass., Oct. . fihaun Kelley of FltchbUrg, the roommate of Theodore j (iuui.rvritr ji., bi ii.ii.iv, ... ... municipal -court today and pleaded not guilty to a charge of assault upon a police officer. At the request of his counsel the case was continued until October 10. The-charge against Kelley Is based upon an incident, which occurred on Boston com mon laet Thursday night, when Patrolman Freyer Vai knocked . down by young men said, to he Harvard students. Roose velt and another student, Meredith Blag den, have. been summoned to appear as wit nesses In ' connection with the same case, which will be Investigated tomorrow by the Suffolk county grand Jury. POSTMASTERS AT ST. LOUIS Aaont Qae Handrrd Ileadg of First Class Offirn' Confer la '-. " MUaoarl. - . ST. LOUIS.'.. Mo.. Oct. t About 109 poet masters of the first-class met In annual convention here" today and will consider subjects of interest to the rrrall service dur ing the three days' of sessions. United States District Attorney D. P. Dyer made an addres f welcome and Mayor Wells extended the hospitality of St. Louis. ''' - ' 4 A. W. Wills, postmaster of -Nashville, Tenn., presided over the convention. Congressman Itartholdt of St. Louis made a short speech In which he asked the re operation of the Trmeury and Postofllce Clupeeo Shrunk, ttnartsr Blae COLLARS CLl KTT, PEA BOO V CO. It km of BhlrU sod Collan. A Skin of Beauty u u loy r.,over. T. Fella Ooureud'a Orlentel Cream or Megloel Beeutlfler. Itmwa Tu, flmptaa, liKklM, Moik P.irlii uk, fta4 bkia DiHwet OS bcatilf . aa4 lif flat flflct:nl. ft ka ttuaS lu In! ( 7 trtra. mi It M harmlM) taatHl IftbttUrall ! yroprlf sial Acct sgcouoler ef a.U.Ua.' Sam. Dr. L. A 6avrs mA U UAf ! ttt ktut tos IS SalWDll. At yau IMln will at tkm '(.rasa's rmn' tt tu 1-ttl ktrmrul 01 t.i im klk BraparalMflt." f't Mis by all druaxitu n4 I MCf Ouodt IKaltra la th Suim, Osaaus sad Iutue FLalT.HOflllS. frua 17 Gra! J S'rart. Ira Tal DR. WESTMAL'S SENNA LIVER PHIS ratrouSiS; at bedtime, and next . fine. c. Postpaid '. SHCRMAM & NcCOXXEU DRUG co. , ft aa Uede, at. II Cms EeoX 2aa Celu II Arrow 11 D Tit Story of ihtnhltt 'illsburf i Bast Breakfast food an ablet you to ft money la tha bank, and at tha aam tin a delidoni food Into ytnr packages, hoaett weight, and make roe. II pouoda of cream-, department- in working our plans for gov ernment building, v "Ample grounds, plenty of light and -good ventilation,1 he sale were the three- essentiala. ... Topics discussed, were "Dead Itterfl" "Postofllce Inspection."- "Improvements to Free Delivery Service" and "Supplies and PurchaseR" Tonight the postmasters. In a body, at tended the jierfofmance of "Ben Hur" at the Olympic theater. '' ;ld from Han Franelseo. NEW YORK. Oct. 3. The Cnltcd Statei sublrenrury today received ll.MJi by tele, graph from San Francisco. AMt HKWKTg. , U 57 IT THEATRE V KJ V k.2$c.$Oc75d .Tonight.. ITAIB XATZ.IV rreaeat Xlncola . 3. Carter's Master I Vleoe of Baalism . 200 Nights In New York Bee the (treat Auto-Train Kaoe. Sunday TheVoIunteer Organist BOYD'S ? IVIgrs. TONIGHT ALL WEEK MATINEE SATfRDAT Nim ial Curnival Attraction, 'atlaw At Erlangsr Preaenta Oserre . f i. Cohan's Musio Ptay n' " ' ' 45 Minutes from 'Broadway With TAT TXMri.BTOir. FOl'R NIGHTS, Commencing Sunday Matinee Wednesday THE LAND OF NOD BUR WOOD CAnAbmttl TONIGHT ALL WEEK Matinees Friday and Salurdny TXS WOODWABD STOCK CO. In IVBHBS VT. rrlces Nights. Pun. Mats,. 10c, ISc. Afstlnees, lOr, tor. ' Next Week TBB . Wira. Same Ctpa- ity business. CIKIOHTs)N 'Phone Douglas W. MODERN VAUDEVILLE VOTX Curtain aTeM VaUl rarade raasea f oa tke Matinee Today iKX:: 25c CHILDREN 100 . TONIGHT, i:l. , Prices 10c, 26c, B0crf CHAMBERS' DANCING ACADEMY MOW Oi'HS 2424 ARVAM. ADULT BKGINNEna, Mondaya and Wedneadaya. CHILDKE.V. Wednesdays and Saturdaya. Juvenile Advanced Saturdaya and Private Leaaona. ' Terma reasonable, .'commanauratt with advantages and beneOty derived In our school. ; . ' ', . ' . ' Telephone Douglaa 8Ti. Mi', and Mrs. Morand'a claaeee tot BEDFORD'S HOPE s a A 0 Dancing and Physical Cvlture' will re open In their new Academy, 2108 18th St., near Farnani, for children, oa Saturday, October 6th. Beginners. 10 a. m.; advance, a p. rrj mattue ciaaa, 8:30 p. in. Parenta are cor- l dlally Invited to visit thia school and examine the advantagea offered to our pupils. You will 4nd it to' your In terest to do so. Ijocatlon, riirnlel anil arhool chamber unexcelled, For particular telephone Douglaa 1041. WE Make iSpcdacIcsand , Eycfllasscs SSSS $iM Up 1 Columbian Optical Co. 211 South 16 ti Street She CALUMET . RESTAURANT - i jhe LARGEST' IN THE IH fcrlllULUI 111 Mil, Ull 'A r-