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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1906)
TOE OMAIIA DAILY BEEi MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1006. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl MINOR MKXTIO. tav1, nrui-a. . ' ,- Clark's, lodu. Stockert Bella carpets. Flna snsravlna- at Lsffsrt's. , Ed Rotsrs' Tony Vaunt bear. Oct thosa risw photo at Schmldt'a. riumblnc and hanUni Blaby Son. Lswla Cutlnr, funeral dlraetor, phons iT. Woodrtn Undertaklos company. Tel tit. School supplies. Atoaanasr'a. S3 H'way. DIAMONDS AB AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO .LErrERT ABOUT IT. Buy your phonographs and records from Williamson, 17. South Main street. Buperflous hairs removed permanently by electrolytes at Graves', 106 Pearl St. George Hoag-lantl haa the Kansaa Shall brick. All hard brick. Get hla prloea. Sea Stephen Bros, for Are brick and fire Clay, sewer pipe, fitting and garden hose. FREE AT TCCKER-g, LARGE COIy ORED PHOTO WITH EACH DOZEN CABINETS. Star chapter. Royal Arch Masons, will meet this evening for' wink in the past masters' degree. We take contracta for paper hanging. S aiming and Interior decorating. Borwlck, 11 South Main. ' CVT rLOWEJW FROM HERMAN f GREEN HOUSES ,.KOR SALE AT k SWAIN E MAC Erf. Day and night school at Western Iowa college. Students aasisted to positions. Bend for catalog. 'Phone for information. , Both ,'pbonea. I bay 111 per ion for cast Iron; mixed, tlO; atove, te; raga, Wa per lb.; rubber, like; copper, 14c per lb. J. Katslman, SO - Main, both 'pnonea C50. We wholesale ice cream. Shipped to any part of ths aute. Special prices to the ' retail trade, I Mucci, 211 Weat Broadway, Council Bluffs, la Tel. 1(4. We have the finest line of aample monu ments to select from In the west. Sheeley A Lane Marble and Granite works, 117 , East Broadway, Council Bluff, la. Don't fall to look through Petersen - Schoening'a Una of furniture, ruge, mat tings . and lace curtains. Sold on easy payments Liberal discount for caah. Mrs. Prlscllla McVlcker. wife of R, J. McVloker of Vermilion, 8. D., died yester day at Mercy hospital, aged C yeara Mr. McVlcker aocon-panled the body to Ver milion last night. . Council Blurts aerie of Eagles will hold . Its annual cattish bake at the Union Xrlvlog park next Sunday afternoon. la addition to the hahbiuce there will be a program Of races and other sports, Includ ing a ball game between tne Council Blurts and Bouth Omaha aeriea for the allver cup which waa captured by the Bluffs team last year. A platform will also be erected for . dancing. the following drinks will be served at clark's soda fountain this week:. madja, 10c; frozen phosphate 10c: happy thought. 160: jLldarado Sundae, uc; trop ical SUNDAE, 16a; MAS1SCHINQ EGG FLIP, Wc: SOUTHERN BBAUTT, 14c; AMERICAN , SUNDAE. l&c; MAPLE LEAF, 10c ' Mrs. Sarah Isabel Clevlnger died yester day at her borne In McClelland, la, aged so years. Besides her husband she leavea two daughters and three sons. The funeral will be held Tuesday from either the resi dence or St. Peter's Catholic church In this city, but which was not determined Jesterday. Interment will be In Walnut Ull cemetery. . t Bertha, Bm?ad, the' young girl from SheU don, la., and George Demmltt. the young man from' Hamburg, la.. In whose com pany aha waa found. In a boa car m the Burlington yards a week ago, bay been releaaed from the eity Jail. . The girl's parents seemingly declined to be respon sible for her, o Chief Richmond decided to turn ber loose. , Walt for the big demonstration, Oct. 1 to Oct. 6. Hot Blast Heater burning hard coal,, soft coal, cobs, all In operation dur ing this week. - Cole'a new High Oven Rang and Cole's Colelsed Hot Blast Steel Rang also In operation. They broil, boll, bake, toast, roast and cook ' all at the aam time. Don't miss It-, Oct. 1 to Oct. . Paddock Handschsy Hdw.. 41 8. Main. " William. Kalght ,! JMtoked. 'for. .a bearing before Jdatic Field tomorrow on complaint of Mrs. Bertha Koaer, wlio ohargaa Knight with using language such aa la not per mitted by the etty ordinances and state laws. Mrs.' Koaer residea on Twentieth avenue near Tenth street, where ah culti vates a beet patch. Bhe discovered Knight, so she allegee. In her garden and thla started the trouble. It la said. Knight gave bonds for his appearance. The Ladles' Aid society of St.' John's Bngllsh Lutheran church will have an all day "quilting" In the church parlor Thursday. The chorua choir will meet for rehearsal under direction of Carl F. Btough, Wednesday evening after the ser vice and Friday evening. Midweek ear vices will be held Wednesdsy evening at 1:V) o'clock. Preparatory and communion , services will bat held next Sunday at 11 a. m. ' James Collier, who waa releaaed from the county Jail a few days ago, when the grand Jury failed to return an Indictment against him on the charge of breaking Into and robbing the Beth May saloon on Broad way and Bryant at rest, waa arrested by the police Late Saturday night on a charge of vagrancy. It la said to be the Intention 'of the authorities to make Collier seek ome other abiding place besides Council Bluffs. " Chsrles MUler and H. ' Dougherty, two f the men arrested in the room at the Ogden hotel, t. here the police found a com plete opUun Joint layout, were releaaed yes terday on $30 caah bonda each. Frank O'Nell, arrested st ths asms time. Is still in Jail, having been unable to secure balL The three -women are out on ball. Arthur Bitter.' claiming to b a bartender In Omaha, who waa arrested. It being al leged that hs was "owner of part of"tho plum layout, seettred hla release Bat lu nar night on a (60 caah bond Used D Millions 03. VESTMAUS SEIUIA LIVER PILLS amrk a Bio and easy. Ma aratmptng. Ona at MUim,. and next aaomlasT yea 11 feat fine. fto, Pvatpald. EUEEiaa & kcccxhll- exua to. . Mth a4 Danara, M. SCHOOLS AID COLLEGES. CELLEVUE COLLEGE C01LaAa Ciasawi, auouuOu. phliuso- pnicai com ACADfcMY-An accredited High School, 'reparea Tor Bsllevue or aay utosr awi ( or university- ' NORMAL SCHOOL Elementary and - ,WIU S7WW"-.- ' . - j . . . . i M.wiAa r- r t CONSERVATORY Theory of musie. pit no, voloe, vK.lln. elocutioa sad art. OMAHA CONNECTIONS Electric line and Burlington Railway. Four Modern Dormltortea Addreaa Preaideat wadsworth. Bails I, Neb. t - YOUR- BOY'S FUTURE ejr4 Israel as ta tiaiaiag a loilm ' Ik as e( U aa M. Mevaara eaa as rmlte toiler ualaiaf for the ana seanatutlas ataa toes ikaa at the KtiailCI MILITAHl ACAUKMY, PywHaanal st ate ea4 tot, silf netiaial aa taauura at ka aMilwaa eacj. rawjlta eaiUes sraiira'wr waaitl mis, lis eiinurT taeuah , laMraaUea ee s " 'flit theraaah. theu aet AUtWtMa, Sara ah) as eMetteat aaltuv eeMiUeta Sua tmt OaU hnta .mats auUtuty i n html, Eaecaef heh, Baking I - ' BLUFFS Be Tel. 43. SALOON SAFE IS CRACIED Bobbers Eeoir About On Hundred Dollars for Their Trouble, kany' PEOPLE HEAR THE EXPLOSION Considerable Ttsa Elapses Befere Pellc Are Not I Sea aad Tbey Are Caable to ria a Trace of the Rebbers. The safe In the aaloon of Martin Morten sen at YU Sixteenth avenue was blown about S o'clock yesterday morning by cracksmen, who secured about $HM In cash. Nitroglycerin waa used to open the safe and the force of the explosion did consid erable damage to the Interior of the sa loon, breaking the glass, showcases and much of th glassware on the back bar. . The explosion was beard by several people residing In the locality, but was supposed by them to have need In the railroad yards nearby and R was soma -little time before It was learned that It had been in the Morten sen saloon. As soon as It waa learned that the safe In the aaloon had been blown the police were notified by telephone, but by the time an officer arrived on the arena there wae not the stlghteat trace of the cracksmen, although there waa plenty of evidence of their work. It Is believed the burglars entered the saloon by the back door, which had evi dently been forced open with a Jimmy. It waa found open and the robbers are sup posed to have made their 'escape the same way. Th time for the robbry had evidently been well planned and It Is believed that the robbera were well acquainted with Morteneen's movements and chose a time when they were aware he would be away from the place. Morten sen wm attending a dance at the Danish hall with hla family. The dance lasted until I o'clock and It was shortly before this hoar that be started for home. The robbers had evidently mad careful preparations for blowing the aafe and their work Indicated they were no amateurs. The dock In the saloon stopped, at 1:67, Indi cating the time of tbe explosion. Several holes were drilled In the safe door near the lock while soep was uned to close up all cracks and openings..' To deaden the sound of tbe explosion a big horse blanket was placed over the safe. The blanket, one corner of which was burned and blown oft, was left behind by the robbers and Is practically the only clue the police have to tbe robbera. The door of the aafe was Mown off Its hinges and plecea of the lining and lock scattered about the room. Much of tbe glassware back of the bar was blown off the shelf and broken, while the glass In the cigar and other showcases waa broken to plecea There were three slot machines In the saloon and these had been broken open and robbed of their contents, but how much Mortensen could not tell. Mortensen closed hla saloon at midnight and shortly after placing hla money In tbe safe and locking up the place went to the dance la the Danish hall. His departure, it Ig believed, must have beep Watched by the robbera. who.,. most hav "shortly after broke Into the aaloon In order to have ac complished the drilling and blowing of the safe by the time Indicated by the stopping of the dock.. ,.- Mr. Mortensen stated he left ths dance at the Danish hall with his wife about 1:30 and whan they paaaed the saloon on their way home the lights were burning and everything apparently was all right. The robbers, It Is supposed, were hid behind the ban The safe must have" been blown a few minutes after he passed. The force of the explosion, while not only playing havoc with the Inside of ths saloon, blew out the front window. Pieces of the door of the safe were found imbedded In the plaster of th celling. One show case near where the safe stood waa blown to fragments. Matins te Ciiumh. COAL IS BCARCB IN. COUNCIL BLUFFS. WE BOUGHT EARLT AND ADVISE TOU TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF OUR PRESENT SUPPLT OF COAL WHILE IT LASTS. BRIDEN8TEIN SMITH. SIXTH ST. AND FOURTEENTH AVE. TEL. 111. .V SEE Omt SPECIAL DISPLAY IN OUR NEW BUILDING of th Monarch malleable Iron and steel ranges. The only perfect range ea the market that lasts and gives satisfaction. Keiler-Far-Bswortb Furniture company, tn-U-ls West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. won aw Amjsa a holdcp im Iastaad ef tmaail the Kleke Bta sad Raas. As Mia ' Ivy Button was on ber way borne at 100 Seventh avenue Isst night she waa stopped at the corner of Tenth treat and First avenue by a negro, who stepped front behind a big tree and ordered her to hold up ber hands. "If you holler I'll" tbe negro continued, after ordering the young woman to hold up her hands, but he had not time to com plete what he intended saying, as Miss Button landed a well directed kick at tbe negro, striking him In a tender spot and causing him to drop to ths ground. Miss Sutton, as the negro (ell, rsn to Tenth street, where there Is an eleetrio are light, where she turned la time to see her assail, ant pick himself up and start east on First arenue. Mlaa Button was able to give th police a fslr description of the negro, who wss tall and dressed In black. A search waa at one Instituted for the fellow, but with out success. It Is supposed hs made di rectly for Broadway and took th motor to Omaha, Ths best of violin strings, three different brands at the Rourlctue Piano House, IS Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ia., where the organ stands upon ths building. For Imported wines. liquor and Bud welser beer go to L- Rosen raid, wholeeele liquor dealer, tl South Mala street. . At Learert'a Ft rat class watch work and Jewelry repairing only. Mattera ta rederal Oeart. . Judge Smith McPhersea has set for hear ing in the federal court the three case of the Omaha Bridge and Tsrmtnsl com pany, Radlok and th Whitney Realty eom. pany against Chsrles R. Hsnnsn. the former Council Bluffs banker, and others. Thee suits arise out of the attempt of I Hannaa to purchase from the state of Iowa about LOW acres lying en th weat aide of the Missouri liver claimed to be por tions of the abandoned river bed by the would-be purrhaeero. ; The thirteenth general assembly ef Iowa passed a law providing . that the stats auditor be empowered to have surveyed and to sell all abaudoaed river beds, lakes and talsnd In the waters of ths state, together with accretions to such Isws. The act further provided that such Isnds should be sold to the flrst persons who applied to purchase. The stilts, which were started In ltr, sre to enjoin the state auditor from selling and Hsnnan from acquiring title to the lands la dlsputs. At Igerfs The fit ef glasses Is guaranteed. THE BEAT EVER THAT LARGal PHOTO GIVEN AWAY BY TUCKER. rr Sale. A GOOD PAYING SHOE STORE, DOIICO tl.MO A MONTH. WILL INVOICE U.000. BPLENDID OPENING; DUNCAN DEAN, 9 MAIN ST., COUNCIL BLUFFS. ,W0 acres good farm land In aestera Colo rado, K per acre and up; no Irrigation re quired. Can raise all kinds ef small grain and corn. A fsw good homesteads Join our lands. Bend for printed mstter. F. C. Lougee, 124 Main street. Council "Bluffs, la. MRS. HARRIS FATALLY BrRIED Gasoline Explodes While She te Cook ing Meal. Miss George Harris, living In the rooms over the pool hall at 711 West Brosdwsy, wss terribly burned about the upper part of her body yesterday by the explosion of gasoline while cooking. She was removed to the General hospital, where last night It waa stated that while she wss resting as easily as possible under the circumstances, the chances for her recovery were slight. Mrs. Harris Is the mother of several chil dren and her husband la employed In the Saltaman coal yard across ths street from where they live. ' The fire department wss called and soon had the blase resulting from the explosion of the gasoline extinguished. But little damage waa done to the apartmenta. GOOD WEIGHT, GOOD MEASURE AND GOOD QUALITY ARE MATTERS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO THE GROCERY BUYER; they are of much Importance to us; by having all three of the right stand ard ws have gained and continued to hold the trade of a largo and discriminating class of customers. Can't we have yours T Orders are filled promptly and carefully and prices are as low as ths prevslling market rates will permit. John Olsen, 738 -U Wsst Broadway. CENTRAL FLOITR-H.U. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'phone M. At Leffert's Ths season's newest and finest designs In Jewel, y. sportlaar Events at Drlvlaa- Park. The sporting eventa which were potPmed Sunday sfternoon a week sgo on account of the heavy rsln were pulled off yesterday afternoet the Union driving park before a crowd numbering several hundred. The ball game between the Transfers and the Neumayere was won by the former by a score of I to 4. The three-mile motor cycle handicap race waa won by Fleecher, with Dewey second and Maus third. The two-mile motor cycle race was won by Dewey, with Maus second and Green berg third. The mile and a half bicycle races were both won by Roy Mitchell of thla city, with Hodgee and Glllnskl second and third, respectively. In both events. . . During the morning there were team and Individual shoots, with an exhibition of fancy, shooting by Captain. Hardy of Lin coln, Neb. , i . "M ; - 1 - Democrats Nosalaato Dickson. . SIOUX CITY, la.. Sept, a. Charles A. Dickson of Sioux City was nominated for congress by the Eleventh district demo cratic convention at LeMar today. There waa no opposition. MALO NET'S PEARL 8T. NEW LOCATION, K Exceptional piano bargains this week at A. Hoepe Co.. SS South Main street. Coun cil Bluffs. Easy payment. an day School Convention. There was a good attendance at the Sun day school convention held . yesterday st Dumfries under the auspices of the three Sabbath schools of that district The ses sions were held In the edifice of the Inde pendent Chnroh of Christ and a basket lunch waa served at noon. ' At the morning session the prayer service was conducted by Rev. Henry DeLong and addressee were made by Rev. Joaeph Stiles and Rev. M. Martin and H. W. Haselton of thla city. At the afternoon session ad dresses were made by Rev. O. P. CaweJtU Dr. J. P. Montgomery of this city. Stats Senator C. G. Saunders. Rev. James O'May, pastor of the Broadway Methodist church, and other. A. M. Hutchinson of this city acted as chairman of the meeting. A. Metaa-av Jt Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, fl Mynater Street. Co. Bluffs, la. Homo-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome, DON'T WAIT. BUT HAVE THE CHIL DREN'S' PHOTO TAKEN NOW WHILE THE WEATHER IS FINE. TUCKER MAKES THE BEST A LARGE ONE FREE. Trass Killed nt Atlantic. ATLANTIC, la.. Sept. .-(Special Tele gram.) W. EL 8mlth of Roeedale, Mo., fell under the wheels of a faat freight at the depot this morning and was Instantly killed. Hs had an arm severed, his chest crushed and his body was literally torn to pieces. He I supposed to be a tramp beating hla way and fell under the train while at. tempting to board It., The coroner haa charge of the body. Peterson A Schoenlng Co. are receiving new goods dally and Invite visitors. Good sold on easy payments. Liberal discount for caah. If you need a sewing machine or want to rent a machine or want your machine repaired, call on Williamson, at IT Bouth Main street. He haa machines to rent from So up. Priest Attacks Textbook. BIOUX CITT. Ia.. Sept. a.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Rsv. Bernard Hurt, at the Ca thedral of the Epiphany this morning, mads an attack from the pulpit on Myenr' Ancient History, which for years haa been a textbook In the Sioux City High echool. He alleged that It teaches materialistic ev olution, denying the Creator a place in the development of the human race. He called on Catholic to make objection to the book. At Lert'a New fall and holiday jewelry arriving. We wtll shew the largest and best stock ever In the city. All person knowing themselves to be Indebted to Duncan A Dean or th Duncau Shoe company are requested to call and settle at once. MALO NAY'S PEARL ST. NEW LOCATION. M At UleH'i Special prises a watsbes during thi week, SENATORS BY DIRECT VOTE Dog Ifeiiea Preparing te EateiUin lele ntee from If any State. TWENTY-EIGHT STATES REPRESENTED Governor Cnasalna Gets Off nt Wroaar Handoar to Meet Appoint-meet. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, Sept. 2J. (8neclal.)-The fact that there has been so much political activity in the state of Jowa this year has seemingly completely overshadowed the fact that there I to ba one of tbe greatest and most noteworthy gatherings In the country here this ..year, a convention of delegates from esch state In the union ap pointed by the governors of the statss for the purpose 6f discussing and formulating eom plan for, securing a constitutional amendment for a direct vote of th people for United States .senators. Ths conven tion will be held at the statehouse Decem ber C, a trine over two monthe from now. The flrst move Jor th convention was In a resolution . psased at the last session of the legislature authorising Governor Cum min to call such a convention. At this time there are twenty-eight state, or a little more than .half, that have made the necessary appointment, of five delegates to attend the convention. Twenty-four stales are, on record a favoring the elevtln or senators by the people and seventeen of these are on record aa petitioning congress to submit the matte, tp the people. Seven others are on record as making application for a convention r for . proposing such an amendment. These seven are Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, . Nebraska, Oregon, Iowa. Montana, . Ths seventeen petitioning congress are New Hampshire, Kentucky, Illinois. Wyoming. Ohio, Utah, Florida, Washington,, NorthDakota. North Carolina, Idaho, Pennsylvania,. Indiana, Colorado, South Dakota, Kansaa. The states that have thus far answered the Invitation of Governor Cummins to make the appoint ment of delegates tp the convention In Dea Moines next November are California, Colo rado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kannss, Ken tucky, Louisiana,,, Michigan, Minnesota. Montana. Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, . West Virginia, Wy oming, Georgia, .North Dakota, Pennsyl vania, Tennessee. Utah, Virginia, Wiscon sin and New York. . The governors of Maine and Massachusetts have answered the invitation to the effect that the Isws of those states do not. give them authority to make the appointment of delegatea and hence they have necessarily declined. Under the provisions of the federal law. If two thirds of the legislatures of ths states pe tition congress tp submit the matter-to a constitutional convention the matter must be so submitted. . This means thirty states. It Is partly for. the' purpose of Inducing enough other make the petition to bring It up to thirty, that tbe convention here Is to be held. ,,- Mlealnar . Man Feaad, The body of Carl Klumb of thla city waa found near the Golf y and ., Country club grounds, last night ti with a bullet hole through the heart. He had been missing since August 9. .-?' . Governor Works Handcar. Put off by mistake at a little wayatatlon and "wlth-n mearia o'frchinr their desti nation, Governor, Cummins and . Senator Oarst worked handcars In order to reach a peaking date. . They ihad appeared at Svea City and addressed. , a political gathering. They took .a Rock Island train and Intended to meet the Northwestern .fit, Grldley, but by mistake got off at Maple. Hill. There la nothing to Mapls ,H111 but a name and a couple of tollhouses for th section men. With no other means Governor Cummins and Senator Garst, who Is a candidate for lieutenant governor, with a number of oth ers who had gotten off by mistake with them, boarded two haadcar and made their way to Grldley. ' . arlners Dedicate Temple. The building formerly uaed for the First Methodist church has been remodeled and will be reded lea ted Thursday as a temple of the Za-Ga-Ztg tempi of the Mystic Shriner. Shrlners from Omaha, Minne apolis, Kansas City. St, Joaeph, Sioux City and other place hav been invited and will assist In the dedication, which will be an. elaborate ceremony. Repreeentntlvee Nominated. Republican county conventions Saturday made the following nominationa of repre sentatives: ' Wsshington, J. W. Ingham; Allsraskee, C. A. Beeson; Dee Moines, Chsrles O'Mally snd Robert Eland for the houae and Frank Canney for the senate; Senator Hogue ws renominated by the Harrison-Monona-Crawford' convention. ' Benedict Wot far Clerk Rush Benedict of Shajby county Is not candidate for re-election as clerk of the house of the thirty-second general assem bly. Hs Is a candidate for the republican nomination aa representative from Shelby county, but even If be should fall of that nomination It Is understood hs will not be a candidate for chief clerk of the houae. As a reeult It ia expected there will be quite 'a scramble for the position, which paya M a day. There ia alao a ome talk that a number of candidates will be In the field In the course of time for the position of secretary of the eenate. Democratic Confereneea. Four democratic conferences will be held this week. Monday, September 24, the Tenth district conference will be held at Fort Dodge, Tueaday th Third district at Waterloo, Wednesday the Fourth district at New Hampton and Thursday the Fifth district at Cedar Rapid. Fifty-Sixth is Honored. ' The fifty-sixth regiment of the Iowa Na tional. Guard, which was sent to Fort Riley tA nit In the maneuvers there, Is bsck and swelled with pride. On of ths news ...... there o.i the Ffty-slxth was as follows: The regiment msde a fin appearance ss It marched from the train to the grounds. Many of the regulars were down to look them over end among themselves they had much to say In a complimentary way con cerning th manner in which the Iowa bov did things. Everything they did Sunday, after arriving, ahowed at least that thev have well mastered the elementary thing's In which a soldier is instructed. It Is the most soldierly National Guard that has been at the encampment thla year. The com paniea are made p of a clean. Intelligent looking lot of young men. In detraining their men and taking them Into camp, the officers ahowed knowledge of auch thlnga that cornea only from experience. The work of pltchln tenta and going Into camp waa done without a hitch and there were no chaotic mlxup aa has been seen there 0 many tlmea during the peat few month a. . Special aal on etchings framed 11x39, oak frame. fl.M up. Picture framing a specialty. A good tims to paper your home. See our new line of well paper. Oct our figures for home decorating. W. B. Hewet son, Broadway and Fourth street.. Council Bluffs. It is no tssk for ns to make you figures, and If w are not tbe lowest we do not expect tbe business. Boy Coavtotea ml Mardev. ALBIA. Ia.. Sept. 8,-asear Kapler, aged I yeare, was today found guilty of tbe M order of a playmate. The Iowa Juvenile law does not cover murder esse, and the boy will be sentenced Just the same aa If he were of more mature age. The mur der occurred several months ago, when Napier In a fit of psssloa took a shotgun snd deliberately shot th boy, with whom he was playing. Tour old worn out carpets and ruga are valuable. Don't throw them away. We manufacture handsome, reversible rug from old carpets. Thousands of them In use In the beat homes. Thone SIS. Our man wtll call and tell you all about It. Send for booklet. The Council Bluffs Carpet Clean ing Manufacturing Co., 14 North Main street. Hafer makes Tanka to order. We have a good factory. Do not buy until you give Hafer, the lumberman, a chance at your bill. Council Bluffs, Ia. Swanson Music company, 407 West Broadway the place where you will find a splendid assortment of pianos to select from. Conovers. Cables Schubert and Klngabury's. All clean, new goods. Prices and terms to suit every person. We think It a good house to deal with. Serves you right. What does the Fa mous Radiant Home Hard Coal Stnv and Sterling, ' Lexington Steel Range do? The only real coal aaver In the ,weit. Petersen A Schoenlng Co., sole agents. THE ' MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. GOOD SER VICE AND HOME COOKING. .The Calu met restaurant, 20 Broadway.. Owner Needs Money. Must sell modern six-room dwelling near high school. Tel. SL Charles T. Officer, 41 Broadway. If you think of painting your house let as give you an estimate now. We guar antee the patpt to be made of pure ma terials, mixed and put up by skilled me chanics, so when we paint It stays painted. We also have some odd lots of artistic wall paper that we are cloalng out at low prices to make way for new stock. If you .want good paper at little cost come see us now. Jensen Nlcolaesen, 238 Broadway. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 280. Night, L89t Two DUmoid Medal Contest. PARKER, 8. D., Sept. 23. (Special Tele gram.) In the double diamond oratorical contest, under the auspices of the State Women's Christian Temperance union con vention in this city last evening, Fred Caah man of Sioux Falls 'won in the Junior contest, his oration being entitled "Pic tures from Life," and Phillip Moulton from Wessington won the senior medal, his ora tion being entitled "Abe Barrows', De fense." There were eleven contestants. The State Women's Christian Temperance union closes Its eighteenth annual i session here tomorrow morning. This It the most successful convention in the history of the State Women's Christian Temperance union. Fonnd Dead in His Home. YANKTON. 8. D., Sept. .-(Bpeclal Tel egram.) James McKeacble, a prominent farmer residing near Walabtown, thla county, met death In an unknown manner Saturday night. He retired as usual in good health. Hla lifeless remains were' dis covered by one of his children at the foot of the stairs Sunday morning. A coroner's inquest will be held Monday at 10 o'clock. He leaves three grown children. He was 6! yeara of age. FORECAST 0FTHE WEATHER Fair and Warmer Monday ant Showers . Taesday ? in , ' Nebraska, ' WASHINGTON. Sept. 23.-The forecast. Nebraska- and Kansas Fair Monday, warmer In east portion;' Tuesday showers and cooler In west, fair In east portldn. For Iowa and Missouri Fair and warmer Monday and Tuesday. , For Illinois Fair Monday and Tueaday; fresh northeast, shifting to southeast winds. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Sept. 23. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1908. 1906. 1904. 1903. Maximum temperature.... 74 79 84 70 Minimum temperature.... 83 67 R3 60 Mean temperature 84 6S 74 IK) Precipitation 00 .00 T .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from ths normal at Omaha since March 1 and comparison with the last two yearsi Normal temperature 64 Deficiency for the day 0 Total deficiency alnce March 1 14 Normal precipitation -.. .09 Inch Ie(1clency for the day 09 Inch Precipitation since March 1 22 94 inches Deficiency since March 1 2.10 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1906..., 4. 88 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1904.... 1.77 Inches Reports front Stations nt T P. M. Station and State Temp. Max. Raln of Weather. 1p.m. Temp. fall. Bismarck, clear 76 86 .00 Cheyenne, clear C8 7 .00 Chicago, part cloudy 62 70 .00 Davenport, clear 8 76 .00 Denver, clear 74 80 ' .00 Hsvre, cloudy 76 82 - .00 Helena, cloudy 78 82 .00 Huron, clesr 8 78 .00 Kansaa City, clear 70 74 .00 North Platte, cloudy 70 80 .00 Omaha, clear "68 74 .00 Rapid City, clear 74 82 .00 St. Lou la, clear 74 82 .00 St. Paul, cloudy 00 64 .00 Salt Lake City, clear .... 80 84 .00 Valentine, clear 74 82 .00 T Indlcatea trace of precipitation L. A. WELSH, Local P Forecaster. READY TO-DAY AT ALL BOOKSELLERS Randall Parrish's new romance BOB HAMPTON OF PLACER THS sceaea are laid In Wyoming and Montana at the time of the Bioux uprising la 1S70, and the story ' culminate in a dramatic deecription of the Custer Massacre. Into the breathleee narrativ has been woven a e harming love story of the absorb ing kind in wbtca Mr. Pannes excels, with a myatary for the reader to onrevcL Illustrated In color by AnburX Keller A. C. MaCLUXO A CO., Chicago Tetl INDIA AND Tea ' There is no kuprs work in buying Tet ley's Tra. Kvery housewife who haa tried It knows that it la superior to all other packet teas. McCOEO-BRAOY CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha. ROCK ISLAND BARGAINS... S25.00 S25.00 $24.00 S22.50 $20.00 S20.00 On Sale Daily to October 31st 1 -. . . The Rock Island operates through .daily Tour ist Sleeping Car Service between Missouri rivor points and California, via Colorado and via El Paso, Texas. " ' ". For further information, call or write Fast ' . - Via - ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD ' See our echcedules to, some- of the principal eastern cities: ' ' v " . ' '' ' i": '" ', ' Chicago . . ... . 1 13Va hours Detroit ......21 hours Buffalo 27 hours Syracuse 30 hours Albany 33 hours New York ...37 hours Boston 44 hours The fast "Chicago Limited" train leaves Omaha at 6 P. M., fast day train at 8 A. M. Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all principal points. Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points. Cafe car service. ' Tickets and information at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1402 FARNAM ST.r OMAHA. Chicago Great WW aa, -w DAY TRAIN TO CHICAGQ Leaves Union Station, Omaha, 7:45 .'jn, - ; Arrives Chicago, 10KX) p. m. the same day. Observation End pVlor Car with Dining Room anil Fjrst-clajs' Coaches. Breakfast, Dinner and Supper served ' in the Dining Koom or Parlor Car a la carte. CITT TICKET OFFICE, i8tt tamam Btrt,. Omaha. Prepare for ' the fall and winter by obtaining the use of an office in Tip lee iiilili ' Where one may be comfortable during, the cold, - brainy days of fall and extreme cold da js of winter. Wft hnVA a VPrV dpsimKlA fiiiita rt rnnma nn 1w civil. ttss. - j w nMa.B,w va wua V-a PfA I Am- 1 V 1 facini? Farnam. and Saventepnth fitiwta- thrA ia a vanUtil 0 f W M W UU( lUlli plenty of light $75.00. -..,': Take your pick among these: Booms C07, 509' and 5,20 for $15.00. . Room 546 has 287 square feet of floor space, a vault and good east light.' ;We can rent you this for $28.00. ' . .. ' , . . This is the finest office buildinir in the eitv. F.vfirvth?n,r convenient, with heat, electric - ' " See R. V, CEYLON San Francisco, San Diego. Horn brook, Los Angeles, Phoenix, No gales, Quaymaa.r. , -. Portland, Tacoma, Seattle,' ; Van-' courer, Victoria, Ashland, Astoria. Mexico City, El Paso, Deming. Spokane, Ellensbufg, Amantllla, Wenatchee. ' Helena. Butte, Anaconda,' Mis soula, Kaltspell. Ogden, Salt Lake, Pocatello. . . . -'. f.P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 Farnam Street, '' Omaha, Neb. Time to Chicago . . r ' and the East Indianapolis . . .21 hours Cincinnati .24 hours Pittsburg .,....'26 hburs Philadelphia . . .35 hours Baltimore ..... .36 hours' Washington ....38 hours Toronto 35 hours ;. s J. ,. w aannmnaw - - mmmMM. .1 light and janitor service. - - Biker, SudL