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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1906)
HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 190flt 1 1 ft FALL OPENING EXHIBIT Brand eis Atfihriry THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 20th and 2 'Ut, s Isn't Much 4 tniperb showing of the rarest French Pattern Jfats selected by our own buyers in Europe. rnren nf exauiaite orininal models rem the hands of greatest Parisian designers 1 Exclusive designs from the famous millinery artists of Fijth Avtnue, Neib York. Lovely hats of every fash ionable character from the , elaborate horse shoto design to the iteat French turban. No special invitations to this opening are issued We want every woman in Omaha to be our guest Advance Announcement! A Remarkable Sale of Lac yrtaios Monday Next Sept 24. 5) WE HAVE NEVER BEFORE OFFERED SUCH EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS AS THESE AND WE MAY NEVER AGAIN BE ABLE TO GIVE SUCH WONDER. 1 FUL VALUES IN A SALE This sale remarkable because it offers a fine grade of lace curtain, actually worth from $2.00 to $25 a pair, ; which we, sell from $5 a pair down to, each It gives you a chance to buy lace cur tains just at the time you want them. Next Monday will be the big lace curtain day 1 THE BIG SALE OF 'FANCY CfiilM PLATE AND CUPS and SAUCERS SATURDAY, Sept. 22 . Dave You Seen the Window Display of China? : Never was such dainty decorated ware shown at such wonderful bargain prices. Such a chance to buy china comes only once Jn many years. We may never able to offer vou anv such' bar. 2 gains as these. Ve specially mention our , elegant assortment of decorated plates in hundreds' of fine designs f F . ftF easily worth from 28c JlP- 1 up to $2.60,each, at....;'1 Remember Saturday is the big China Sale if - '- .EXCURSIOn RATES EAST CXE FARE plus $2.00 for 15 day tickets USE FARE plus $4.00 for 30-day tickets , On sale daily until September 30th to many points in eastern Canada, and on sale Sep tember 5th and 19th to many New England ' points, ' ' ' via the Chicago, Milwaukee & viVSt -Paul Railway - '. Tfare fast trains to Chicago every day 'leave Union Station Omaha at 7:55 a. m., 0:45 - p. m. and 8:35 p. m., making close connections , with eastern lines. For further information 'and folders, call at City Ticket Office, 1524 Faroam street, or write to F. A. NASH, Omaha, Neb. ' General Western Agent. Yet It's a great deal when you pay it out for a pair of men's shoe that are worth no more, and for all you know until you've worn them a week, a great deal less. Our customers never take inch chances when they buy a pair of Our $3.50 Specials for Men Every pair has more than (3.50 value to them, and our guarantee Is: Your money back If you are not satisfied. Patent Colt Velour and Box Calf Vlcl Kid. All the new and latest lasts. IDREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam St. LARGE BUYERS NICOLE'S buyers are located in the principal cloth marts of the world and contract often for the entire out put of a mill that means low prices. A perfect organization of skilled cut ters and competent tailors to look After your order. That means perfect garments. Trousers 55 to 512, Salts 520 to $50 WILLIAM J ERR EMS SON S. 800-11 Bo. 15th Be 1fln Hoffman House Cn Ub cigars "I or $2.50 per box of 50 all this week. Myers-Dillon . Drug Co,, CUT RATE CIGAR DEALERS. 16th & FARNAM STS. Originators of selling 10c cigars for 5c HOTELS. HOTEL KUPPER. fUMoarl Kansas City, raty TWa fltajmlfloant feotal ku M aaaa tlful room, and la located at 11th ana McGea atreata la th. ahopplna; aiatrloL Only half a block (rum th. Emory. Bird, Thayar ary goada atora; naar ail tba tbaatcra. 100 Prlvata Batba. Talapfcoaae la All Baoma. aTot aa4 ' Cold Bnanlaa Vtttr lm Mtwtj Boooa. UaaxcaUaa Cafa. Varfaot Oalataa. Club Braakfaata am Tabla B'Kota Slaaar Barrad la Caia. a.a $ a Bay aaa Upward. Svropaaa man Raaarvatlona may ba mada Vy tata araph at our axpaoaa. KVPPER-BE X&OS HOTEli CO. (TWhen in Chicago Stop at The StfSlord Hotel European Plan Refined. Elegant, Quirt. Located cor ner of city', two fijie.t boulevard., convenient to entire ba.ine.. center. Clone to best theatre, and .hopplna diitrict. 22S room. 150 private bath; luxnrioaa writing and receptloa room.; woodwork mahogany throuffhont; brasa bed. and all modern comfort.; talephone In every room: beautiful dining room. th ba.t of everything at moderate price. Michigan and Jackaon Blvd.. Chicago , IF' YOU E N J O V cooL deUcloua. aatUfylnx amoks -one that will banish yoijr rares and maka life worth living, be aare and rail for the old reliable 1 i" " l "y- i i ... jlebraskaPrintery COUNTY SliAT REPUBLICAN. BRICK BUILDING. HAS OWN HEAT. 1NO and ELKCTRIC LIGHT PLANT, i CASH RECEIPTS PAST li MONTHS S7.SK-U0. WILL INVOICE WITHOUT REAL '. ' ESTATE is.m PRICB 112.0.10. HALK CASH. OR WILL TRADE rXR NEflRASKA FARM. PROPOSITION NO. 366. C. R. VILKIIISOIi, New. pa per Broker. EiNDICOTT BLDQ. trr. PAUU MINN. JiP. trvoi weak. uei.e wtiu n tu U pieaaures of Uf. ahauld Vaa. J uvea Pill One box wwl teu a ater Uarvelou reaulia. Tkla aiedlcla haa nor rejuvna(ia. vitaliiia foroe than baa ever 3 ?S 1 OMAHA WRATITKn FOIIECART Thnradaf , Fair ' T7 TT T1T TTT TFVTrPV: i!ilJl BEM TOCIS3 STOPS DEET THE MAMA'S MW MY GOODS Our Own Departments RI0W PEN YOU ARE OFFERED The widest range of choice y the biggest stock to pur chase front, the greatest money-saving values and the quickest service.. Prices that'll make people talk about us. Linens and White 'Goods We are offering the biggest line of Household and Decorative Lin ens ever shown In the west, out side a special Thanksgiving effort at Prices That'll Make People Talk Afcout Us. Location Southeast cor ner main floor (just where Photo Supply Section used' to be.) See the lovely lace and Spangled Robes From France The Charming Princess Robe, Exquisite and Perfect, or the beautiful Arabian Robe with Baby Irish Lace and Irish Point Lace Com bined. A most exquisite gar mentdelicate as a zephyr, and beautiful as innocence itself. , It's oa-Main Floor. Already our sales each day make sales of corresponding days a year ago look very sick. If we can accomplish this under present circumstances, what will we not accomplish when we are in thorough shape? Prices that make people talk about us! CHINA SPECIALS Now 50-piece Dinner Set, a beauty, pretty, neat trans fer, gold traced, special sets of 50 pieces 'To at BEAUTIFUL NEW JAPANESE CHINA, JUST OPENED Chips and aucers, Plates, Pin Trays, Nut Bowls, Etc. 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, Etc. Special Lot Japanese Pieces, pretty violet decora- TO tion, your choice, at. .OC Second Floor y Changes ii Department Locations: Candies bare brti moved to baaroicnt, adjoining Froita. Sporting Goods also to basement, foot of Harney a (airway. Kodak and Photo ' SoppUca to old Cigar ataad, close to east elevator. Cigars moved to vestibule, main entrance. Books and Stationery moved to space formerly occupied by Sporting Goods on main flioor, northeast corner. Greater space, more accessible for salespeople and customers. Wach ear ads for a sensational Book Sale! This extraordinary and wholly unex pected plunge into a huge sensatfon in Omaha's retail life The going out of the lessees and our coming into our own is being gotten over; in other words fast as energy and opportunity can be utilized, Bennett's new dry goods depart ments , Entire sotith half of main floor and southeast section of second floor are being filled up with CHOICEST GOODS AND R.AHEST FABRICS I Our Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00 The Very Best Ever Shown af the Price TMI RBUMLK STARK V 1 Elegant in Ma- V. teriat and Fin tsh. Over 20 distinct designs 35c to 50c Corset Cover Embroideries, 23c Thursday morning re will place on Pale KM) pieces of full width Corset Cover Embroideries, worth regularly 3."o ...... tnJM to 50c yd., all go in one lot at choice, per yard $1.00 Silk Chemlacttes, 2(c A special 1Id4 of pure white, hand-made, fancy embroidered cllk chemisettes or waist yokes, regular $1.00 values, OCI a-W on sale Thursday, each.. Draperies Curtains On sale now. The greatest line of cur tains in America for the money. We are sole agents for the celebrated Zlon City Lace Curtains in Omaha. We sell them at pair $7.60. $6.60, $6.00. $4.00. $3.00, $2.60. AO $1.60, $1.26 and I.JO Brussels Net Point de Ireland Swiss and all other grades of curtains at popular prices. Curtains, at from $20 pair to each a3C SPECIAL SALE ON TOWELS High grade towels at 19c, 15c, 12ttc. 10c and Worth double these prices. 10c to l.V Kmhroiclrrira and Inarrtln In strips of from 2 to 4 yard great stock Just received, will go on sale Thursday In five lots at per yard, 25c. 15c, 12H 10c n and C 7!c wool Dress Goods Sale From 2 to 4 V. M. We will sell 46-inch Broadcloth, black only, regular $1.00 value, only one pattern to a customer, y jj at, a yard DC From 8:80 to 4:SO P. M. We will sell 52-Inch fine bright mo hairs, made by Pacific Mills, In black, navy and brown, only one pattern to . a customer, at. a yard 34c 26 different styles of bearskins and mo hair curls on sale now. Special Drives in Bargain Room 12c Silkollne, 86-lnch wide, good patterns, at yard 5c 7 H c Outing Flannels, In light and dark patterns, 10 to 20 yard jf.3 lengths, at yard fC Battle Dyed Percales special Thursday at yard. 2ic 15c Imported Madrat Shirtings, 36-ta wide, light and dark patterns, 73 at yard 4C 10c Bleached Muslin, fine soft Anion, In long remnants, at A3 yard 44 C Remnants of all kinds of table linens at Half Price. Reducing Grocery Stock to Make Room For Big Alterations in Basement 24-lb. sacks whole wheat Flour. . . .Me 24 lb. sacks Rye Graham Flour, i . .AOc 24 lb. sacks Rye Flour .OAc 10 lb. sacks best Oranulated Corn meal at 12c 7 lbs. best hand picked Nary Beans SOo 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 25c Potted Meats, per can 2Uo 1 lb. can assorted soups Be 1 lb. package Corn Starch 4c New Honey, per rack 12 H c Pure Fruit Jelly, per glass. ...... .4c Condensed Cream, per can 7 H e Oil Sardines, per can ' 8c Bromangelon or Jell-O, per pkg. .7 He The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per nonnrt a. est Mixed Pickling Spices, per lb. ,20c Peanut Butter, per Jar ..Po Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 15o Fancy Porto Rico Blend, a fine drlak. per lb goo Fancy B. F. or Sun Dried Japan Tea, lb , 25o The Greatest Fresh Fruit Dept. in Omaha Fancy Colorado Peaches, per crate 85o Fancy Italian blue plums, per crate Q5o 1-3 bu. basket cooking Apples. ... 15o 1-3 bu. basket fancy Sweet Potatoes 35o Bushel Baskets fancy Flemish Beauty . Tears $1.75 Large ripe Bananas, per dos joc 2 measures fresh roasted Peanuts.. 5o Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart. .7H Large heads Cabbage, each 8o HAYDB9 BROS. TO COLORADO Return Account the Pike's Peak Centennial Celebration at Colo rado Springs, the Union Pacific has put Into effect , this remarkably low round trip rate to Denver. Colorado Gprlngs and Pueblo Tickets on sale daUy to September 22. Final return limit October 16. ALSO $17.50 To Same Points. Tickets on sale dally to September SO. Final return limit October 81, 1906. VIA UNION PACIFIC THE POPULAR ROUTE TO COLORADO. ' ' Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1824 FARNAM STRKET. ' 'Phone Douglas 834. SPECIAL Homeseeker's Excursion TO Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Territory Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Republic of Mexico Tuesdays September 1MH. October 2d and loth, November tub ant 20th 1901 Via UISS0U&1 PACIFIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE TOM HtttHES. T. P. A. T. F. GODFREY, P. T. A. CiiiAHA, NEB. H. C. TOWIS'SEND, Gen. Paaa. and Ticket Agent ST. LOUIS, M0. A Bee Want Ads Produce Result? VT lore oeen mi mrvwu w viua KafkHurMiWKWjlijdf.u4lL f Mm brjta ertyiatura gi. Bead $9. Xa)C JT. B. Bkm IraaUl Cigar C, Unas, tHU Xietila.