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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1906)
TI1E OMAHA - DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER lQOfi. i ft 9 ? NEWS:. OF . INTEREST FROM IOWA -COUNCIL Office, 10 pearl . , t , . -i i ' ' . Davie, drugs. r ..... Clark's. sodss. " , v - . , StocttettieellS carp1e. - ' Fine engraving at Leffert's. Efl Roger Tony. Fnt beer? ' Get those hew photos at Schmidt's., Plumbing and heating, Blaby Son ' Lewis Cutler, funeral director.' phonrf L Woodrlng Undertaking -company. Tel 139. School supplies. Alexander'. 13 'B'wer". Starti4rtc"-N'' 4". Royal Arch; Mason, will :rrfel'thHI .eyenmg. ' rV-n io Mi'end Mr. f P. Cerent of GlerJ aTtnJie'. yesterday, eon. Ma, A-nd tr.- Nonr. Mattingly left yester day for trip Denver. Culo. . PtASIDB AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK- TO LEFTERT ABOUT IT. BuyVollr flboAorfrHphji and VH11amarTp, 17 Boulh Main nd records from In street. " O-ors lloaalitnd hss-4he Kansas Shall brick. ... Q hard.brlck.iv Wet hla prices. Ltii- eampi 4ftyal Neighbors of America, wiil jnm lp .Tegmiir-eeeeion ms evening. frit aT.tfni Win Brltlalv Columbia. f Mr a n rr nira i I j MPTrn I lire r n , , i ia b . Re leuu'iew Jiroe. for Are brick and fire ClAey.r pipe,. String and garden hone. He take- -contract lor paper nan-:..M, painting and Interior decorating. Borwlck, ill saimt Main. . - - Mrs L. J. .Fhubert was reported last evening to'bl-at'Houety 111 at her -home an Boutn lret su-eei. The sMtHar jiieftlna of Council Bluffs : Court of Honor will be held Wednesdny j When the contract waa read by tlie clerk venlng In Danish ball. Councilman Maloney moved that It be ap- Nlght school opens Monday evening. 8' p- mnA K. tember 17. College office open eveninga , Pved and that the mayor be instructed ihis week. Western Ixwa College. to sign It. The motion was teconded by i-WANTK D FI FT Y GRAPH PICKERS, Councilman Fleming. The discussion waa MiDAVEk M:pfer 1533 "?0uwnc:rmtt a:; 0 o vt miw - . . . ntd to know If the lighting company Rev. B. N. Olrm will go to Stanton, Ja., . . . , L , . trtmoTWr Ud participate In the Jn.talla- would be responsible for the maintenance tloa Rv. .p. J.,.' Lawrence as pastor; of the electric light towera and responsl- thr I ble In t?ase any one of them coi!ansed. WANTED TWO GOOD CARRIERS. c,.y Solicitor Kimball cave It aa his BOYS DISCHARGED FROM OTHER fA- "7." ,ho, ,,j.. ... . .. PBRS NEED NOT-APPLY. OMAHA BEK, , opinion that under the contract the com 10 PEAKL.,XHEE7. , ; pany waa required to "maintain" the 1 pay 111 per ton. for cast Iron; mixed, towers, but he did not believe It could be i(liSVJriift& Ih" KVb.i:mabgoi i hM ""P0"'"1 t th" collapse through MboXphinalt V K'llman I "- - .et of providence. .Councilman TheLadles" AW 'Socletv of the - First . OIon ' thought this was one mat-BaptUt- 5hairch .will meet .Thursday after- ter which ought to be fully determined noon af the residence of Mrs. H. W. before the contract was entered Into. Binder, 6S Fburth avenue. , ; rannHim.n w.n.. .. nr. V.1 t. 1 .... m Ck nnarf tn'anv part of tbe, fctata. , Special prices to the retail Irade. I Mucci, ?ll West Broadway, Council li luffs, Ja.; Tel. 114. i Hermann Mendel, a former banker of Neolft,' In., now resident of Chicago, was In. the-ciiy yesterday looking after his property Interests In this county. - Wo nave the finest Una Of sample monu- tnents tJ' select from In the west. Sheeley & Lane'-Marble, aad' Granite works, 217 v . h... .rm.nnii m. iff i. ' -'rr- - ' ., . , An'.lratvorianl nretina of the Toadies' oc.tety qt Ihe First .Cftrlstlan church will n neio' ax tne nmie of mm onu(a to V U Olmstead, aged SO, of Lincoln, Neb... would veto the contract by refusing end L. J. Munyon. aged 2R, of Viroqua, to attach his official algnature unleta he Wis. They were married by Rev. Henry conW fc- covlhol otherwise in the next Do Long at hls-offlce In the. court house. t - . , ..... The Wtter monthly meeting of the i fw f' . ' . Board W Education alated for this evening . th contract Is for ths best interests of hu been postponed to an evening later in tha city and I aball have to give the mat thoweak -on aeeonn of the democrntlo ter much Investigation before I make Captain J. H. Uoofatttler of Sterling, III., " council, ne aaia. commenced a eeriee of temperance lec-1 The contract calls for a, rate of III.5B tures last evening athe tent at the cornerman are light on the Philadelphia modified of. VWMHy-fiftlr atreeV and Avenue, A. - It I .Pw.rt.ii .i n nihf u.h,,. Is pronrMied to conilivue the services until 1 f neauia and 1 95 for an all night schedule, the end of the trtonth. 1 company agrees to pay a two per cent During" The riot-m" Sunday afternoon light- royalty on rebate on Its gross earnings on 1n gmrcinhe residence of William Whit- aip other electric business in the city, i ica-it i. estimated tu reduce the xd.t bers or Vhe-tiouho1d escaped Ifijury, al-! of the liht on the moonllghr schedule thnaglfbidrr TrtgKtened.- ' I to i5. 1 The eompany furUier. agjea to THe 'Womsnls'Aia soelrty or the First ' extend Its gas mains. when ordered by tha Presbyterian otiorah. will- hold the first committee on fire and light. Provided aerMihoa.orfhafall. on Friday arm.. noon in th church parlors. Mra. 'W. A. Oronewe Is' '-chairman- of the committee hawtMg'thataffartra.ahasger.'t f-K-. '-t ' C.'A.rHkrt,' ciarVed With abort changing a clerk. In hesiltert -Jewelry store,., who had been .bound. , over to await the action of the' grand Jury,' was released from the eowWy iall ' yesterday: 'The grand Jury falid t flndia trua bill aalnst himv.- 'The. Clark Drug- oompaay -will serve the following drinks, -.this week: American SundaeT 15c: Madja, 10c: Southern Beauty. lScWdorado Buhdae; 15c; Tropical Sundae, lftor'Happr-Thoght. lRo; -Carmacleta. Kiss, lOo; HorUck'a AIalt,ed, .Egg-Punch, 15o; Maplfaf. ipe. Ths Lincoln UWe knd Fur company of 1 ,1 ri I ' 1 1 II, iwil., " " ' - " ' ' ' - "- In 'thiveMy abdut- November 1. The com pany hae secured the building at the cor ner of Ninth street and Tenth avenue, formerly occupied by the TJepubllc Oil company; - W.. W.: Cadwallader will be local vtvanager, ; , - Tkre,1s no argutpeat about having your rarpeta and. rug. cleaned by machinery. It Is not an experiment.- Chargea are very moderate. Proiupt aervlr -The Council rtlHff Carpet 0(ep4iiK and Rug Mfg. Co. TelT 111, S4 N'Mlaln St. We moke beauti ful ruga out of old worn-out carpets. Are you going-, to build?. It la no trouble to get Hafer price at Council. Bluffs, la. Rey. Marcus P. McClura and 3. P. Hes. from the FUt.PrsbyterlRn church, and J M. Dortoii, from .the Second church, will go to Carson, la., today to attend the annual fneeting ef the Council Bluffs pre bytery.of the Presbyterian church.. Rev. I'arvey Hostetler. Until recently pastor of ths Second church 'Of this city, will sttend In iWa.-cfflctal 'capacity of stated -clerk of the presbytery.. , . ... 10 or Bone- hrnnffht here ytestaraay. Deceased was 4 years of age and la survived by one daughter. Mrs. Maa Condon, with whom aha made h. Kami fcanri hiM' Hon..' E. E. Bfstt. both of oaeateel. The .funeral will be held thla afternoon at I. o'clock from Cutler's undertaking, roorta and Interment will ba In Kali-view cemetery: . '- WAKEFIELD'S Biils am .,-.t- taad baa ten for 10 yaars a l 4 rellabU ear tor Diarrhoea, proinpf Drseoy itary,' Flux. Cholera Infantum, ate. As I UM4) dfseae ' often OQnie In tha night, rary horn should ba prayared to ehecs ttham without delay by baying a supply ax uua xciient ramaOJ OS. baad. , Ail jfintilsU sail SAP OI-IO V ftUl.TOlLET' AUD BATH . It makes the'iollet somethlnf t a. Jayad. It remotes all stains aad roughness, werants .prickly hat and ebalng, and iarres Uq kln white, sofw healthy. Ja the bath It brings glow and exhilaration which sacoenman soap eaa aqual. laiparting jhe rlgca- and III lensauon af a 4ntid Turkiab uUt. All Gsocsas Aua Dsuooirr " " T ... r aCHOMLS AND COH.KOKS. DELLCVUE COLLEGE 4LLKua,yViar..acjaatjA), phi . ahical course. . .. . ACADH.M T'-AB accredited High School Prepare for'blUvu Or ' aay ether vr lea os university- NORMAL SCHOOL Elementary aad ad vajicrd cuiirtm. Ceitiacavia granted. CONSSBVATORY-Tbeury ot niuate, p Sou, v4u vluUo. .alucuttoa aad art. - CONLtTIOS . with yniu: EiKtrie ttue and Burlington Kallw&y. -' Fall MUMtV uprtnS aWptunbar TA ' ' Adoi-ea frasUaal Wadaworta, Malawa, Mr. MaryrE. Bratt, who until a year aj tisA haen a resident of Council Bluffs f Vnara died Sunday at BIoLcIcbcrry BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. Yp FOR LIGHT CONTRACT Couroil Farsei It, Ent If a-or Indicates Hi Will Hot Sign Dooomtnt VOttONTHl QUtS7.CN IS FCURTOTWO Dr. Miller, Food laspeetor, Fllea Ilia Report aad Is Reappointed to Serve for Another Month Sidewalk Coatraet Let. "If I have got to stick It Into anybody, I would rather stick It Into the gas com pany than the people," was the character-' let lc remark of Mayor Macrae last night at the meeting of the city . council, when .-. T " f?.'n? u . a . . , . . with the Cltlsens' One and Klectrlc con- pany.. The contract, which has been pend- Ing before the city fonrtcll for sevornl months, was passed by a vote of to 2, Councllnlen Fleming. Hendrlx, Knudsen, Maloney, Smith. and Toubkerman -voting for Its approval and Counillmen. Olson and Wallace voting against It " .... v- test against tha contracts contending that Council Bluffs should not ba required to pay more for Us electric lighting than Omaha, considering that the current waa .,,,,,.11, from .h v. wr.- '''PPU'd from on and the earn pTant. He moved to amend by changing tha rao to be charged for arc lights from 5 for a, moonlight schedule to III and III for ,. h. h A , , 17. in. ..j an an nignt ecneauie to 7l. Ills amend- man . ' I4teat Veto. Ufaa Vtt Maii.a sick A W m. u Jt 1 4 tu. ihtn Bre not tn. . to every- 00 feet of extension. Ths pries of a after January I. l0T-1s Jo' be re duced from' $1.45 to 11.25, provided' the bills are paid on or before the ISth of the succeeding, month and 11.11 If paid after that date. These are the main points of ths new -contract, which extends for five years from July of this year. ' -' Sidewalk Contract Let." Tha J"rl. for a large amount of four-foot br'k sidewalks were opened. John Shin ki secured the contract on his bid of Si i ents a lineal foot, with 80 cents a cubic lard for grading. E. A. Wlckham's bid ss 36 cents, with 10 cents for grading. Vn an adverse report from the committee on claims the claim of former Fire Chief NtchAlson for the Sd reward for cauatng the arrest of a youth nan-ed Deveney for turning In false alarms was rejected. -Dr. 8. T- Miller, the city food Inspector, fl)ed a report in which he Stated that be had. paid periodical visits to all dealers In meat, fruit,- vegeubles, eta. During - the hot' weather much fruit and vegetables had been spoiled. In most Instances the dealers threw 'the stuff out themselves, while oth era kept It and offered It for sale until or dered by him to destroy It. He said that peddlers from across the river were tnthe habit of peddling "Omaha garbage," auch as decayed bananaa and other fruits. In this city,- and ha had been obliged to have several wagon ' loads confiscated and de stroyed. As the period for which Dr. Mil ler had been appointed expired he waa re appointed for another month. The. pay roll for the work on Indian Creek for ths two weeka ending September 14, amounting to S89& was allowed. BEWARE OF CAR (SHORTAGES. Coal will be hard to get In October. Order now and get good service. Brldensteta at BmUbvltOl South Sixth street. 'Phono. 111. t.sOO acres good farm ".and In eastern Colo rado, It par acre and up; no Irrigation re quired. ' Cap raise all kinds of smsll grain and com. A few good homesteads Join our lands. Send for printed, matter. V. C. Louge. 124 Alain street. Council Bluffs, Ia. MALONET'S PEARL. .ST. NEW LOCATION. BOr CRUSHED TO DEATH BY CARS i Ho aad Cent past a AtteaaptlasT ta i steal Rid at Ttaa. Ira Philip of Newton, Ia aged 16, was ' killed In th Rock Island yards her yes ter day. morning. In company with William Nell of Newton, he ran away from horns Saturday and started . to Chadron, Neb., where he had friends and expected to get work- Sunday night the boya slept In a box car and this morning attempted to board a freight train. They succeeded in getting On a sand car, but Philips fsll oft and twelve cars peesed over his body. - Relatives at Newton were notified and a brother cam for the body Monday after noon Willie Nell; th U-year-old companion ot the lad who .was killed, aald they .were riding the front bumpers of a sand car when the accident happened. ' They had ridden but a few blocks when young Philips called out: "Com on, Billy; let's get off." "No. 1 don't want to get off." replied your" Nel1' A second later young Nell felt the car on rhlh ha waa rfanAH,. aa it 4 ... - - - "rvalue or tneir iana. ine,sun was orig' He called out t tha lad o answer, turned around, and. receiving no to look for htm. but he waa nowhere te be seen. At once young wen realised that hla companion had fallen beneath . the engine and notified the' crew. Aa he reicheA the engine the train stopped and two- of-tr crev who had noticed the cara Jolt; e if passing over home-thing, went back along j aa application of the Des Molaes Street the -track and discovered the, ' badly Railway company for an, Injunction to mangled body of young Phillip. . . . ! prevent the tearing up of its trackfc tn ae Corener Trey nor.- after making an Invest- oordaac with th terms of aa ordinance gatlon of tha ease, decided than an Inquest " tu unnecessary- Klght school opened Monday evening, September 17. College office open evening thla week. Western Iowa College. All persona knowing themselves ta be Indebted to Duncan Dean or tb Duncaa Cboa company are requested ta call and ettl at one. Owaer Ft red e Meay. Must oell.-room dwelling: rents f or per i monta. TeL CL Chaa. T. Offlcar, all Broad- j way. CASES . STRIC KEN fltOM DOCKET Jade Take Aetlon Caaea .tot of age, but looks considerably younger, la Proseeated. ' being held by. the police until her par- In district court yesterday Judge Mscy ents are heard from. The girl. In com applied the pruning knife to a large hum- pany with Oeorge Demmett, a youth who ber of cases which have encumbered the claims Hamburg, ta.. as hit hom", were docket for over .one year without, belnf taken by the police Sunday evehlng from brought to -trial and had them atrlcken a boxcar tn tb.e local yards of the B-ir-from the calendar. i lington. They said they were hoping to H. C. Shaffer waa given a divorce from j beat : their way to Hamburg. ' 1 Kate. B. Shaffer . on statutory grounds. At polh-e headquarters the ;Vlrl said she Mary A. Kline was granted a divorce had. left home wUh, a horae Jockey whom from Daniel Kline together with the bouse- accompanied to the county, fair at hold furniture; the title to the property In Oliver countv. North Dakota and ISO) cash.' while the defendant was permitted to re- tain nsaoMlon of the nranertv In Alta. la., and South Sioux City. . Pearl M. Bakr brought suit yesterday ..,,... , 1. . n.w.. . h. she.., married In this rl.r. Mav i,l. I fih. h.r hnshnnrf rte.erfed her with. ! In nff. Am-m r,t their mtrriiin.-" . M. Hind of Neosho Falls, Kan.. January 21. IMS, mate. I her petition for divorce ! tnat ner nustrana trestea ner in a.; cruei . and inhuman manner and finally deserted her atout January J. 1. , , ... j The Aetna Indemnity company which ' I UI Illllli.-U lllW I CVJUiBllQ 1114 uur Lruillf iu mo sum Of 13.000 for R. A. Filter, saloon keeper , of this city, hss brought suit, to recover (198.16. Mrs. Al vena Nelsoa brought - suit against Kilter for selling her husband liquor and the Aetna Indemnity company was named fas party defendant. - It -alleges It was put to an expense 'of llM.ll fn connection with the suit and thinks that Filter should pay tha same. Th, .n,i ...imif il I The following flrot assignment of law I BlinV'Manufacturlni ?' Company. County I Treasurer acalnst Ouren. Tuesday, October . Alexander, againat Mcuoy, uounty Treasurer sgainst camp- HnberBos,,r?Jn"t CUft0n" IIaf"er 'Jn"t. Wednesday, October I. -Saltsmailn against Grain Shippers' Fire Association, Rlboid ; inst..Bloomr. Manufacturing Company, B.idgett a-alnst Town Mutual Insurance Comoanv Eitmann aaalnst Bsumann. . N: Thursday, October 4. Estate of Charles C as eon, probate of will (conditional); Wil liams sgainst Gets, Morse against Pender gsst, Ferguson, administrator, against' Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul t(speclal). Friday, October I. Jefferiea ad minis, tratrlx, against Duncan; Everett, executor, against Miller; Vlen. administrator, against Illinois Central Railroad. Saturday, October . Hawkins against Omaha A Council Bluffs Street - Railway Company, Cooper - againat Street, Weaver agaltist Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company. GOOD WEIGHT, GOOD MEASURE AND GOOD QUALITY ARE MATTERS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO THE GROCERY BUYER; they are of:. milch importance vtq us; by having all three pt the right stand ard we have gained and continued, to hold the trade: of 4 large ana . discriminating class of customer. Can't we have yoursf Orders are filled promptly 'aad carefully and" prices '. are as low ; as th prevailing market ratea will permit. John Olson, 70-41 West Broadway. ' sicv.-:- - BEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY Iff OUR KEW BUILDING ot tho Monarch malleable Iron or ateel ranges.' ' The"cmly perfect range on the market, that lasts and gives satisfaction. Keller-Farnaworth Furniture company, 811-1J-15 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. , .-, . Real Cata-t Traaisfer. These transfers were reported to Th Bee September 17 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Julius Hansen and wife to Roy Blge low, lot Land part of iot 2 In Walt -nut. Ia.. and Dart of lot 5 In official - plat f w H. ii 1-77-38. w d. t 1.550 Elsie E. Brookhouser and husband to James J. Brookhouser, lot 23 In Love--land, Ia., w d Executors of Etta P. Chapman estate to Rettle Thomas, lot 23, In block , Backet t's addition to Council Bluffs, Ia., w d Executors of A. Cochran- estate to A. Q. Brtimage. lots and 10, In block 12, In Cochran's addition to Council Bluffs, Ia., w d I. Beera Rohrer to Nels C. Pederson,. lot 2. In block 14, In Crawford's addition to Council Bluffs, Ia., w d.. Lawrence Chittenden to Charles O. Williams, lot 1, In block 4. In Mullln'S Subdivlalon in Council Bluffs, Ia., -w d ., Nellie Wllklns and husband to H. L. Robertson, 1-1 Interest In 1 i n 875 ta 100 2i0 200 5-77-44. w d ISO State Land and Improvement company ' to. Iowa Mortgage ana Trust com pany, lot IX In block 50; lot , In block SO; lot 26, In block 44; lot ft, In block 46; lots 18 and 21, In block 48. in Brown's Subdivision; lot 12, In block -1; lot 1, In block I; lots 8,' and 10. in block 5; lot 11, In block 10; lots 7, 10 and It. In block 12; lots 1 to 7. In block 16; lot 14. In block II: lots . 7 and 8, In "block 22, In Omaha addition; lot 5, In block 26, Everett'a addition; lot 23, In block 81, In Railroad addition; s of lot 16. In'Olendale extension; lot I. In block I, In Howard addition lot 2. In block 11. In Beers' subdivision; - lota 26. 26. 27, 10 and 30, la block 15, In Wright'a addition to Council Bluffs. Ia.. w d . .A . , . . , -: - r ;r: Eight tranafers. total ........ 13,77 If you think, of painting your houae let ne give you an estimate now.- We guar antee ths "paint to be made of pure ma terials, mixed and put up by skilled me chanics, so whea we pslnt It stays painted. We also have eome odd loa of artletle wall paper that we are closing out at low prices ta make way for pew stock. .If you want good paper at little cost com see us now. Jensen Nicolaesen, ZU Broadway. - If you need a sewing machine or went to rent a machine or want your machine repaired, call on Williamson, at IT South Main atreet, he haa machine to rent from Sc up. MALONET'S PEARL ST. . NEW LOCATION. IS Fasaar Object to Chases.' Although the regular term, of United States court will not open until this morning Judge Smith McPherson was her yesterday and held a short session. Ths special session waa fqr th purpose of hearing the application of interested land owners for an Injunction to restrain th Milwaukee railroad from making , a number of cuts In Its new right-of-way through Marshall county. .The railroad le I ..Ml.hl.nlH Its Ir.b IhMu.h V.r.h.ll ! ,,, anlS . number of farmer, iihlut, I to the proposed changea. claiming they unnecessary and would lower tha ' ..... . nally brought In Des Moines. Nothing WKa done In he matter yesterday, as a ' telegram waa received by th court ea- nounclng that overtures looking to a set tleroent between the protesting parties and th railroad were In progreas. - The firat matter. It la aald, which will ; be heard today by Judge McPherson Is passed by the city council of Dm Moines last spring. CENTRAL rLOUH-fl.ll, - leery saek warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar. ket. Both 'phones M, " N. T. tfumblng "Cw. TM. 1 10. Klght Lilt for Imported wine. tlqtwre ' and Bud wetser beer go to L. Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor dealer. Ill South Main street. oi;o OIRL take from BOX CAR Are Heard ' From. Bertha Smead, whose home Is In Shel don. Ia., and who eays ehe 'Is II yeara Avoca. jocney, sne saia, promisea to marry her. but failed to carry out hla promise. While . stranded at Avoca she met young Demmtt,.wiio waa also on his uppers,, and together they succeeded In reaching Council Bluffs last Saturday. In police court rester.lay Judgu Scott two ten 'dayB each on-a charge of vagrancy, but Chfef Richmond has writ- ion ,m in r.rciii. -.i.u w.i. v,w ' "pr,n" m " .. " . . . , 1 . , ... . daughter away from Council Bluff. . The girl was found at Pacific she refused to testify i TYam Ksm mroa flnallv rnUs mA " . . . THE MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAUR' ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS.' GOOD SBt. VICE AND HOME COOKING. The Calu met restaurant, lit Broadway. Swanson Music company, . 407 Wear Broadway tha place where you will And a splendid assortment of planoa to select from. Conovers, Cables, Schubert and w..... .a. ". rood houae to deal with. No Site for Creche Selected No action looking to .the selection of a ,,t Tor ,he n'W bu,,a,n ' f6r th creche ' t11 at tne monthly meeting of the Associated Charities yesterday afternoon' beyond authorising the committee of which ... ,,,. ... ,v. Mrs F. W. Millar la chairman, having the matter In charge, to purchase such i(te,sa may be approved by Mr. Shugart, who Is contributing the money for the building. The committee ha one or more sites unr der consideration, but as Mr. Shugart is sick, they - had not been referred to him as yst. It Is likely, however, that a site selected 'this week , and the work of building be commenced as early as pos sible. , ' ' ., Far Sal. - A GOOD PAYING SHOE STORE. DOING A MONTH. WILL INVOICE 13,000. SPLENDID OPENING. DUNCAN DEANE. a MAIN ST., COUNCIL BLUFFS. A. Metsenar Ca. New -Location of. iWbolesal Bakery, ... Ill Minister Streett Co. Bluffs, Is, -Home-made Bread a Specialty. 1 ".", "Visitors, TrJUjome. . .. Franchise for Interorhaa. WEBSTER CITY," IIL.-;eept.-l. (Special TWegramv)A a "apecfpJfeJeotlon "held ia, thla city today the Boone, -Webster City. & Interurban Railroad oaanpany waa granted the right, to operate carl on the srreets here .... ' 1 , . - . and to maintain sns In tentrban service be tween Boone and Webster City. A five yesr remission of taxes' was also granted There , was no opposition to tha franchise detiplteTth fact tpat , Webster City is a strong municipal ownership town. Your old wort) out carpets and rugs are valuable. Don't throw, tjiem away, ,We manufacture handsome - reversible rugs from old carpets. .Thousands of them In uae In th best homes. Phone 516. our man will call and tell you all about It, Send for booklet. The Council Bluffs Car pet Cleaning. and Rug Manufacturing com pany, 14 North Main1 atreet. Acquitted of Garabllajsr Chars;. LOGAN, Ia.. Sept. 17 (Special.) At the Harrison County district court the matter of th atate of Iowa against David Bender of Logan, charged with running a nuisance In the ahape of a gambling joint In his paint shop, was decided' by finding the defendant not guilty. The matter of the assessment of benefits on land In the Har rlaon and Pottawattbm,l drainage district No.,1, H. J. Farlow, appellant, la on trial today. '.''".' Charsjea Aarataat Batcher. - City Food Inspector B. T. Miller filed an Information In the superior court yesterday charging Louis Joffe, who ooaducta a gro eery and meat market at 1225 West Broad way, with having fn.' hlg possession and for aale , tainted 1 and - unwholesome beef. Joffe gave "bond for his appearance - In court this morning.. . . Consul' lajaraa la Iowa. MARSHALLTOWN, Ia., Sept. 1T.-S. C. McFarland, United States consul at Rench enberg,Austria, who -lr her on a vacation ,Hp ,nJure). wh huntlnf and w, not be able to- return-, to, hie post for two or three months. - '" No horn la complete without an Instru ment. Every 'home - that has - on Is brighter and happier. , Let A.. Jlospe Com pany, . 31 South Main street, '. sell you an organ or piano. Easy paynrenta. ' Our stock of music and small Instru ments Is. one of the Urgent west of Chi cago." Ask for our 10q catalogs. : Bour Iclns Piano House,- 115 Broadway, Coun cil Bluff a la. Breakla Caaap la Kentaeky. MOUNT GRETNA. Ky., Sept. 1T.-Th de parture of th United States ' regulars, who hsve been here for' two montho under going military Instructions along with mili tiamen from several of the eastern states, began today and by night Camp Roose velt, with th exception of a email com mand of -cavalry will be practically de. aerted. . ' Major General Grant will leave on Wednesday. The general aald today, the camp, so far as It related to the in struction pt the troops, had been very successful. "We took up advanc drills," hs said, "going beyond what troops In gar risons are supposed to learn." I'tah Maa Succeeds Vaet Dya. " WASHINGTON. Sept. , 17.-J. Reuben Clark ot Utah has been appointed as as sistant solicitor' of the Department of State, succeeding Frederick Van Dyne of New York. . Mr. Clark .is a graduate of Columbia university aad comes to the de partment' with a line reputation. Mr. Van Dyn retire on account of 111 health. Wahasb Werksaea Strike. SPRING FIELJJ, 111., Sept. 17.-Mor than holler makers and machinists at the Wabash railroad shops here struck toMy for aa Increase In wsgea. .They are getting M to to oept aa hour and want Is. cent aa noun RESTON CETS-r SCORING aaaaaaanawj-v ' Municipal Examiner Mites Severs Com- . . men. Inline! Methods. METHODISTS , CENSURE THEATRICALS Desaandl Law Stopplnar gaaday Tbea tera and Saaday Rase Rail Appalntaacata far (he Vear Are Aartewaeed. " (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Bert. lT.-(Speclnl.)-The first report made Under the law requiring an examination of pity accounts by in spector from the office of the state auditor covers sn examination of the affairs of the city of Creaton and Is now on file with the auditor of atate. It shows- -anions: other hlngs that (the debts of the city of Creaton far exceed the legal limitation and the Inspector recommends that a halt be made'; that" the mayor and city marshal! ave a sort of partnership and that the city marshal! makes tht' arreata, sts what' money he ean from the eulpYfts and at the end of the month turns the money over to the mayor and that few of the prisoners re arraigned and the docket seldom. signed; , that the city treasurer 'pays out money of the bond fund without warrant from the council and that he pays put money on warrants drawn by the mayor and city clerk without authority from the council;, that (he 'council hfcB recently appointed A 'city electrician" at a salary of 110 a month whose only duty Is to Inspect tho electric wiring that he .himself doe..''"., As required -by law,- the report of the Inspector shows the financial condition of he city and accompanying la comments by the inspector with recommendations.' ,The Inspector waa George Pennell, who has been a bsnk examiner In the auditor's depart ment. He shows that the city haa a ta-xable property valued at I74I.8SI and that Its ndebtedness amounts to a total of K7,- 196.27. The Indebtedness Is classified as follows: s- Refunding bonds of lW7...fl7,nno.08 - Kerunaing bonds of iw, 12.000. 00 Refunding bonds of 1WW... 2.000 00 Intersection paving bonds 10.000.00141.000.00 Outstanding warrants 14.03. 6 . Outstanding accounts:....' 2,358.61 16.JS5 27 Total t67.l95.2T The report shows that accounts to the amount of 13,042.82 have been paid by the city treasurer on warrants drawn by the mayor and city clerk and never authorized by the city council. The report Is made for the period from April 1, 1903. "to March. SU 108. . ,6ne Irregular transaction Is cited by the report In the Issuing of "building fund bonds" to the amount of 14.644.78 in 1002 for the purpose "of erecting a building In which to store the fire apparatus. The , report says that no provision .has been J made for the payment 'of. these - bonds, which are held by the ' local banks and ) bear per cent Interest: though 11,000 was ! recently taken from the cemetery fund without color of right" and that amount of the bonds retired. The city of Atlantic has asked for an Inspection and a report ta expected to be filed soon oa the Inspection at Marshall town. Sheets t Assist. The commission "appointed by the Btate I auaiior to oevise a system of uniform ac counting for cities of Iowa will meet t morrow In the offices' of the state audit and with them will meet- A. D. Sheet o the united States census department. Mr. Sheets will furnish the, Information as to the municipal: statistics -gathered by ' the" government- an the- form in which 11' Is gathered. It Is the Intention, to adopt an accountinr ysten-.rht :wlll! fnfprm- wlth'h the government -census wbrk.r'L 1 ' Oaawr Theatricals.. . ,At'.the, Moines .thodlet: conference today a resolution -offered. Jast. Saturday putting the stamp of disapproval on "class theatricals at Methodist aiciools,- and col legea was adopted... The same, resolutfon declares, sgainst Sunday Chautauquas or camp meetings or any other1 fdrm of Sun day' activity for gain, and declares in ravor or a law by the next legislature minimizing all Sunday labor as far aa pos- ' sible and prohibiting Sunday bass ball and Sunday theatricals. The financial report! - filed today, shows that the number nf full membera has Increased during the past year from 60,755 to 61.174; the number of Sunday , school scholars . has, decreased from 44.857 to 43,065; the. value' of church property increased from 11,633,950 to 11,710, 260, and of. parsonage from 1343,500 to 1362,01b; lndebtednesa on church property decreased from 164.691 to 161,666. Church 1 politicians who pull wires to get the good appointments were severely condemned In ' speeches made today, and, bishop.' and . cabinets were censured for not standing by the able men of the conference who re- : fused to join in the scramble for the good places:. Dr. Emory, Miller of Des, Moines, Rev. Mr. Shlpman of Guthrie Center and others joined In the condemnation. ' The appointments of ministers' to the va rious chargea waa made -today, and is as follow: ... i Des Molnea City Aabury, Emory Miller; Capital Park, A. P. Beail; City Mission, J. O. Smith; Easton, to be supplied; First, E. T. Hagerman; Fort Des Moines, Walter Moraan: Grace. O. W. Flfar: Hlvhlan 1 A. Ross; JN oil h, O. A. Luce; Wesley, C. L. Nye. Des Moines Circuit R. W. Thomas:- Eaat Peru, Charles Knoll. De Molnea District Altoona. A. B. Ad ams; Ankeny. M. J. Rarlck; Brown and Medora. to be supplied; Carlisle. C. B. ' Gueat; Centennial and Rising Sun, to be supplied; Colfax, E. H. Fleister; Commerce and Orllla to be supplied; Dallas. J. H. Prill; Indlanola, O. W. I Brown; Jamison, D. M. Bultper; Mingo, to ie . supplied; 4 Mltchelvllle, A. Thornbrue; Monroe, J. C. I Pike; .New Virginia, L. B. Carpenter: Nor- 1 walk. Fred Harris; Pleaaantville, O. W, I laia(;'Pleasantvllle circuit, to be supplied Polk rfty. W. F. Harned; tairie CltV c W. Proctor; Somerset, to be supplied i Spring Hill,- W. C. Smith; St. Charles William Mercer; Valley Junction, C. w' Brewer; Waukee, Burton Sheppard; Wln terset, B. W. Regrea; Wlnteraet circuit, to be supplied. , . . , Council Bluffs DlstrlctBlanchard. f!' T . Kelley; Broadway, Council BlufTa, James O. May: Enworth. to be supplied; Fifth, E C. Newland; Trinity. Charlie Mayne; Coin! M. P. Mitchell; Rrflance. M A. Gaff: DenU eon. T. E. Thuressoa; Dow City, A. L. Cur tis; Dunlap, I. F. Shaw; Essex and Co. burg, John Harned: Farragut and Madi son. J. E. Matheny; Glenwood. C M Ward; Hamburg, A. E. Buiiff; Hastings! M. R. Tally; Imogene and Climax, John Arnold; Little Sioux, to be supplied; Locus.' Grove. C F. Smith; Logan. W. N. Groves Loveland. Cresener and Hasel Delh- I,. e" Baldwin; Magnolia, to be supplied; Mal vern, W. W. Ballinaer; Manilla. M. M Cable: Missouri Valley, J. M Williams; Modale. to be supplied; Neols and Mc Clelland, E. B. Scroggan; Northboro, C. A Carlson; Pacific Junction, E. E. Goodrich' Panama, to be supplied. ' j Boone District Adel, A. E. Slothoner Amea. A. M. Shea; Bagley, J. p. Morley Bayard, Andrew Hancox; Boone. First ! church, A. H. Collins; Marlon. G. L. Can-1 non: Cambridge. Vltor West; Carroll, J w ', Taylor; Churdan. George E. Reader; Colo J. S. Boreman; Cooper. C. W. Hohanehelt- , Coon Rapids. A. W. Harned; Dana J E ' Nlchol; Dallas Center, C. J. Harned; Le I maid, to be supplied; Glldden, T. McK Stuart: Grand Junction. M. O. Ramboj Jamaica. George Westrauch; Jefferson. R. W. Matheny; Lanceboro. J. J. . Varley-' Luther. C. E. Bennett; Madrid. J. D. Cain' Maxwell, A. M. Lott; Mlnburn, E.. S. Me- ,' Cartrfey; Nevada. R. E. Shaw: OKden, E 1 A. Thomas; Panora. -D. M. Hoirhtelen: ! Paton, C. G. Smith; Perry. J. H. aVnaeney;! Perry circuit, to. b supplied: Pilot Mound. I to be supplied; Redfield. D. J. McKay; Rippey, G. W. Koser; Scrsnton. II H Barton: Woodward, R. E. Harvey; Yale, E O. Douglass. Creaton Diet rVt Bedford. W.- B. Thomp son: Breddyvllle. O. H. Craft; R'tdee. viler. J. E. Putnam: Rrooka. V Vonrhwn I Carrion . J. R.'Beverldge: Cayl. to be Sup plied: tlarlnna. J. w. Aoel; tlearneid e. M Hoff ; College Springs. J. M. Stokes, berry: Conway. JrksrnOIden: Cornlnx. Jay Klrkendafli Crcetoa, H. P. Dudley; Cromwell.- J. T.' Tirniutman:. Cumberland, A. J. Coe; FUlott. J. N. McCurdv; Emer son. O. W. Molne; Fontarele. V. II. Dovle; Orent. J. O. Prllin; Oravltv, J. H, Freed llne; Oreenllfld. . II. Cable; Hebron, to be supplied; lnox. A. F. t'ourev; I.rltner, O V . Palmer; Macksbiiig. to be snppllr.i; Massena. J. R. Rmnsey; Nerenvtlle. i'. E. Trliil-Hid; New Market. E. C. MrDnde; Nodaway, J. K foe; Ihlent, M. II. Booth; Hrescott. K.' A. Moore: Hed Oak. E W. McDade; Hed Oak clictilt. I. A. Mear; Sliambaugh, to be supplied: Utaunton. ti be supplied; Villlsco, l. n. D. Veiider; YorktnwnA R. ' R. Mifcbell. t'heiiton-' District Afton. E. 8. Menober; Allerton, W. II. l.srrlck; Arlspe, A. C. Ilnckatheran: Metheleti. Jiisiier Webrr: kRIockton. Alfred Knoll; Cambrtn. Ed 1.. Vloan; Chariton, Nathan Evans; Columbia, . 1.. tiHtes, iwynon, w. J. et rat ion; Dow City, to le supplied; IVcatur Cltv. to be supplied; Derby. A. W. Armstrong; Diagonal, Oeorge W. Wood; Ellston. to be stipplled; Oorden drove, J. V. Ooodsell; Grand River, to be supplied; Humeston. John Edwards; Kellerton. R. J. Tennant; Laoonl. A. D. .Davis; lyeon. J. L. Rovd: Mrevllle, 0. 1 Howar.l; Milo. J. I.. John son: Mount Ayr, A. B. Whltmer; Mount yr circuit, v. si. Ik-iser: Murray, A. A Thompsont 'Oekley, to be supplied ; Osceoln. A. A. Wabbrn: Promise t'liv. T. 1.. Ste venson; Redding. O. T. Roberts: Russell, A. H. Rusk: Seymour. V. p. ILirdenav; Shannon City, Lewis Bradford; Tlnglr'y. W. L. Holly; Van Wert, to I Supplied; Weldon, J, G. Bourne: Woodburn, M. D. Wlckard. Atlanta; District Adair. : F. Caldwell; Anjta. Nick . Stahl; Atlantic, L. K. Dll- SPECIAL HOMESEEKERS: EXCURSIONS To Ellsworth, Nebraska v " n Srptrmber 18, lyOO, Leaving Umalia 4:10 1. M. To Mullen, Nebraska October 2, Leaving Omalw 11:10 IV M. ( - To Hyannis, Nebraska' : " October 16, 1006, Leaving Onuilia 4:10 1. I. " I will personally conduct the above Homeseokers' Excur sions, at which times I will have with rue township plats - showing the homestead land In these localities. .' . . ,.. ,"'.' SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES Lands that are now being cancelled on reports of the Special Agents of the Government - are generally deatrable homesteads. I keep track ot .aU of, . the cancelled lands for the benefit of the patrons ot this bureau. '. . RATttN 'AND TICKETS Very low round! trip Horned ' seekers' Excursion rates will be In effect on above dates io these destinations, and to any oher points In the homestead counties of Nebraska. Those holding excursion tickets. deslr- - Ing to visit other points will be furnished township plats show . Ing the homestead land In any section they desire to visit. NEW FOLDER FREE Write today for our new folder with map of Nebraska, telling all about the ,640-acre free, home steads, and how to acquire title. . : ! mu . , ft ir -I H b. i. EWE-CURE RflEW-FCi ML aTawT.yji A SBARTJCH. ltUb im j01e,"',Li 1 Broadway, Filth Ave. and 27th SL, New York le a modern, first -class hotel. In the oen- -ter of the shopping district. Complete la -all' Its appolntmenta and abeolutely fire .... - proof. Furnishings and decorations en- ' ,,. lirely new - throughout. Aocommodatlone for 600 guests; 1W suites with bath. Hot - '-'-,. : and cola water and telephone la every ., . ... , room. European plan. Cuisine unx- , . , celled. Rooms 11.60 a day up, with beta t , . 13.60 up. The only hotel tn Manhattan , . , fronting both oa Broadway and Fifth Ave . CEORQE W. SWEENEY -- Proprietop LflFftYETTE HOTEL KUPPER. tUasaa C4ty, rUssoeui -"sT 'wfi)IKBlSsjVj mamiSiillli "This wagnlflorat Wetei hae M ttful rooms and 1 located at Uth aod MoOe streets ta the shopping d UioU Only half a block f rem the kaaory. Bu-d, Tbayr dry good store; near all tb theaters. ' 100 Frlvat Bataa. Telspheae La AU mooas. Mot aad Cold aVoaaJar Water La Bvety Baoaaw TJaeaoelaed Oaf. Perfect Onisla. Olab Break! ini aad Table) 'Kt Maaers erred la Cat. XVatM $1 a Bay aad Ogwa.. Beiepeea riaa Reeervatlun may be juad by tal graph at ur mpns. KUPPER-BENMON HOTEL OO. . V, A. BBBBOB, Wnen You Write to ' Advertisers rmnber It only takea'aa extra stroke r two f the pen to mention the fact that Vtt saw ta ad. la Th B a "M linesler: Andnbnn. A R. Ilnnnl: AadulVMi circuit, to he supplied; Av'ien, R. C I.. Chambers; Carson, l. A. AU-n: t'!in-y, W. T. Rlrlk; Dedham. W. K. f'iuaa, l'e 8"to. f . I.. watKlns; iH-xtcr. . . imrncti; Karlham, W. E. Il.irvey; Extra, to be sup nlled: llrlswold. J T 1'nrlw: Griaw .Id circuit. John Brn'nson', Outbrle Center, W. M. Khlpmtn; HanciK-k. M A YrlSht; Harlan. W, M. ' lmtleyl Klrkmen end train. John Gibson; I-rwls, A. E. Timtch: Macedonia. C. H.- Miller;- Manning, A. L Golden; Mams. J. F. Hunter: Menlo, Carl Rmwn: North Uranch. T. G Aten; tak Innd. O. V. Llpplnrltt: JOielby. I. N. Woodward; Stuart. A R. Miller; titatt rlrotllt, to be supplied' Vn Meter,' J. W. Harwood; Walnut, to be supprteit: ' Wlota. II. H. liiiKhes. ' Wlnnlpea; RnlMluat Trades atrlke. ST. TAl'I., Minn . Sept. 16 A dlspstch from Winnipeg. M n.. aavs: Winnipeg to morrow will be In the itrip of one of the most extensive buildlMt Strikes vrr ex perienced In the wevl. At n mass merlins of building trades tills afternoon It m unanltnouslv derided U go out In sympathy with the plumbers. In the- hope Of fovclng the emplovers of the ratter to acced" to their demands. The strike will stop work on a large number of bullrilna-s. Last Meetina' ni nn:- ?" This evening at the Ak-Sar-llcrt den the Inst Initiation of this season will be hell. Pamson wants all Hie fnHbtul to tiun ov' nd take a laot look at-the Fountain c.f Youth before tins Hense moves rt t on side for the completion of-the flonHO 1 For further Information call of write " D. CLEM DEAVER, Agent, -Homeseekers' Information Bureau,"1. 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska si immwm ft rtTn tf Ml I tlMe aMi By the Old Reliable Dr. Searle$ & Seorles. Established' in Omaha for W'yee''Ttfe' mah'y -thousands of ease cured by us make us rWe most expefMnced Speo lallsts In the West. In all' diseases sna" ailmeirts of mesa We know Juet what will cure you and Cure quickly. WE CURE YOU. THEN YOU PAY US OUR FEB. We make no misleading or false atatemante, or offer yon cheap, worthleaa treatment - -Oar reputation' and nam are too favorably known, every case we treat, our repute tlon 1 at stake. Your health, iifa and happiness Is to serious a matter to place in the-hands of a "NAME L.E89" DOCTOR. Honest doctors of ability use thel OWN NAME IN THEIR BUSINESS. We c effect Jo everyone a life-long CURB for Weak,- Nervous MaSJ Varloooele troubles, Nervous - Debility. Blood Poison, Proetatlo troubles. Kidney, Bladder, WASTING WEAK NESS, Hydrocele, Chronlo Dlseaae. Contraoted Disease. Stomach and Skin Disease. Pn pn examination and consultation.'" Writ fog e S Symptom Blank for home treatment. - aad DongLs Htreeta. QnaabA, pUmmk HOTELS. oil ict iiOTBL rWhcn in Chicago' Stop at The a.. .. . wmmm StfaUord Hotel European Plan 1 Reflow, Elegant. Quiet. Located cor ner ol city s two gnesf boulevards,' convenient to entire business canter. Close to best theatres and shopping district, tii rooms, litt private baths; luxurious writing and receptloa roorat; woodwork mahosaay throughout; brans beds snd all modern comiorts; ulepboa in every room beautiful dining rooms' Lb best oi everything at modet ate prices. The attTBBaaB ' ET I 0 M HJI r4-Al ' Last V CI 1 1 9 - luiyi Hot Springs. So. Dak. Beautifully aituated In the vale ot Mis. nekablav. ' ' i i ne Ltealtb and pleaaare tesort "of th tuiriliwest. Only a night e ride from Omaka. . Uolf, tennis, swimming, coaching, none-' back and burro rule and othur aiuue- SieiUa. Excellent oroheatra ta attandaoo. - Visit wonderful wind cave. Exceptionally low raise pn both, C. A N, , W. and Burlldgtoa. 1 - for ratt-s and Information, addraasi iiiv at k:, -4 ,'i--r u..... ' avw a a w.w , wiawan,,